TIIE SUNDAY ORECOXIAX, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 18, 1913. BARONESS RECOVERS FOR LOSS OF BROOCH FROM INSURANCE COMPANY Hint That Embming UghU on Prt Life Mijht Be Brought Out if Suit Were Pressed Does Not Deter Titled American From Demanding Th at Claim Be Settled. Come Out of It Into a Home of Your Own There's a way, old man, to do it and that way is through the aid of The Morgan-Atchley Furniture Store f '. t - V 1 - NEW TORJC. Fb. IT (9pcUl.) Th Bironrir ! r.Umndt I an Amerlcin woman who ot a d orc from hr titled huban1 1.0 jrar Since that tlm ahe haa 5lTd much In London. Sha la th ownr of a fln collection of Jewel, which h Inaured for ITS.OO". At the Shakepere ball, fceld In the toureeof th coronation featlrltle. ah loat pear broorh. which ahe rallied at fit. 000. Th lnuranc company, which rclTd more than 11009 from her In premium, refuaed to par her clam. and Ita lawyer threatened that If th caa waa brounht to trial aom embar raxalnar qntlone would he a.'ked about th Baron hltory. But h turk to her autt and th Insurance company haa now ttld th claim out of court. Th Ptwipir Puche ef Mancheater. wo died tn London In November. 10. bequeathed t th Puk of Mancheater a llf Intereet In $4.I4 of her eatate. In her will ah epecifle that her Jewela are to b hld In truat with th under atandlnr that th Pucheaa of Manchea ter. who waa Ml Zimmerman, of Cin cinnati, may wear them If ah compile with certain strict condition. 8h muat protect them from Are and burglary by Iniuranc at all time If ah elects to wear them. Mia Zimmerman la the daurhter of Euaene Zimmerman, a mil lionaire of Cincinnati. She married the Tuke In 1 '. At th marrlaae of Ijtdr PASTOR SPEAKS ON THEME "IF THERE WERE NO CHRIST" " Beliefs in Things That Count, He Says,' Would Be Shattered and There Would Be Little Left for Which to Live. ' BT W. B. HlNcN. "I r IT wer. not so," John xl:S. I can Imagine no s-reater shock to mind and heart and Ufa than to find out that Chrtat played n false. From core to clrcnmferenc. th. whole world would b. convulsed. For h. told us fc. waa th. truth; and w. believed him. and w. settled down with th. con fldeno. that waa th. surprise of the .srea. on hla bar. unsupported word. Women crooned over their children and sang In th. ears of the tired ones: rifitl Jaaa. mk and mild. Look uvea a ItttU cbild. And there was no faltering; about th. mothers' voices aa they aang. And when the little one went out to be placed under th. clover or under th. snow. th. mother stood and said to herself: "Suffer littl. children to com. unto me. and forbid them not." and s solaced with th. consciousness that th. child had Itone to Jesus. And your old mother than whom ther. never lived a purer soul when he died triumphant, beoause of her faith In Jesua. why you put upon th. ton. above her. her favorite sentence: I know that my Redeemer llveth." And your father, when he. th. strong; man, bail you aoodby. h. said: "I am a-oins-to heaven, meet me there later." And Simon Peter laid himself down to dl. tn this faith. And John supported him self by It on Patmos" lone Isle. And James, when the executioner's sword was lifted above his neck, thought loy ally of Jesus. And a whole sky full of rrartvrs went slnalnc to their death, herause tftey believed In Christ. And we are her. upon th earth today con tratlnar mnnar, time, talent and llf. to tre Son of Cod. because we he!iv. Mm to e the truth. And I can lmi In. no such awful shock to th. Intellect. c . t'''' 1 ?-f ""v 1 of th Puke, or when eh reaches the s;e of 18. he I to receive the famous necklace of S3 Oriental pearls. Plr Frederick Treves, accompanied by Ms wife, departed today on the Celtic for England. Fir Frederick haa been In specting th Panama Canal and la loud In hie prali of Colonel Gorfras. who haa been responalble for the sanitation of the Isthmue. Sir Frederick la per hapa beat known a" the distinguished suprgeon who performed the operation on King Edward VII on January 14. 10S. when a serious malady pontponed the coronation and threatened the llf of th King. He had some war experi ence when he waa with the Idysmith relief column In the Boer Warn He la stl'.l Sergeant Surgeon to th King." a member of th advisory hoard of the Army Medical Service and also T.renident of the Radium Institute. Lady Trevea was Annie, daughter of 8. Maaon. of Porcheeter. She married Sir Fred erick In'lMT. Another woman haa been appointed superintendent of achoola of a great city. J'h la Harriet L. Keeler and ahe haa been connected with th public schools of Cleveland for about 40 yeara. She la a gradual of Oberlin College, and la (4 yeara old. After graduation ah taught In th Central HlKh School of Cleveland for a year and waa then made superintendent of primary echoola. In li she was to th. emotions, to th. life, as to have it proved to us that Jesua Christ had deluded us and was himself a delu sion. UodB Hmm4 Sera ETerywker.. "If It war. not ao" why then w. hav. no Heavenly. Father aa 'Christ taught us to believe. Oh, I can find a God out In the pin. trees, in th. stars. In the Springtime. In th. vagrant wind. In the tumultuous sea. In tha little flower. I can find power In the moun tains. In the sun. and In th. round earth. I can see wisdom In these mil lion orbits of stars, never suffering from confusion or undue haste. Rut I cannot And a father od outside Christ. And I will honor Christ forever, be cause he said "God is your father." For I had a father for long years, and thought there was nobody Ilk. him. and am proud of him yet. Tet h. was atern. for h. belonged to a generation that stood for stoicism and severity: but O how glad I should b. to. see the old man walk Into this house today. H. waa not cultured, but he waa abl. to look tb. whole world In th. fac. unafraid, and I Ilk. to think that God haa all th. excellencies of my father, plus Infini tude. And I am a father myself, and I know what It Is to lov. my child, and I know there la not a thing In th. world I ever wanted for myself as I want blesslnars for my child. As a man aid. displaying hla rreat fatherly heart In my study tb. other day: "It does not matter about me. I have lived soma yeara. I ran afford to go out and die; what Is hunger to me. what are rags to ma. But It la for my child I plead." And when Jesus told oa to pray in common. "Our Father." h. banded us togtther In a brotherhood of love. C'hale Cadlttom. Deeertbed. Now suppose this Is not so. and sup pos. there Is no God of love up there, and suppone It he fiction that all men live and move tn the affections of the eternal. What then? From Abel down. 0 t J7rzs.C?7&s. JVcichsr: achool and held that position till pro moted recently. Mr. Charlea Netcher Is the best in sured woman In the world. Mrs. Netch er has Just taken out a policy for $200. 000, which makee her total Insurance ll.J00.00O. Mrs. Netcher owns one of the greatest department stores In Chi cago, and Is one of the wealthiest wo men In th. city. The engagement of Eleanor Elklns Wldener to FrlU Eugene Dlnon la an nounced. She Is a daughter of Mr. arid Mrs. George "ldener. of Prlladelphla. and popular In the younger aoclal set. PRINCE ARTHUR MECHANIC Royal F.ngUfhman Likes Brt of All to Mend Broken Autos. LONDON'. Feb. 17. (Special.) rrlnre Arthur, of Connaught. on of Ihe com mtaslonera responsible for affairs of state during King George- absence from England, will not b allowed to recede Into the seclusion he prefers, although th British sovereign la once mor at the helm. Ha will leave Lon don shortly for Vienna, to represent th King at th marriage of Prince George, a relative of the Austrian Emperor, with the Archduchess Isabella. If Prlnr Arthur had been born Into an ordinary station lie would have fig- th. heroes of th. faith have fallen into a grave from which thera Is no resur rection. They were true, those count less millions, to a God who Is a Ac tion. A condition of, mind and soul unthinkable to me! And yet if It were not so, we must accustom ourselves to that despairing kind of thought. And tha mansions of heaven! Wher. ara they? Vanished: Man tier last work, who looked so fair. Such splendid purpose in his eyes. Who rolled the psalm to wintry skies. And built him forma of fruitless prayer, Wbo lived, who suffered countless ills, flTtio battled for the true, the Just. Be blown about the desert dust. Or sealed within the iron bills. For you see th. mansions have gone "Well." aaya a man in his materialistic way. "It it be ao. why then one life is enough, tha earth glvea all we need desire." Tea, It Is enough for an ox, needing only sufficient grass, enough sleep, and an occasional drink: for that is all the ox ever wants, and God haa discharged .very obligation toward th. ox when he haa provided these things. The atone, unconscious of the existence of other stones, complete tn itself, encircled In self-sufficiency, the earth is enough for that. But th. man who has thought, and who hopes, and who trusts th. spark h. calls his soul will never go out In th. Wintry blackness of death; th. man who has loved and trusts some wher. th. loved on. who vaniahed, waits for his coming, you tell him this world is all w. want and earth la enough, and h. will hav. his opinion of you. and It will not be flattering. And beside all that I will wade through all these llttl. flimsy things that beset me Ilk. th. web of spiders, and march right up to th. heart of th. attack, and say, God had no right to make me as he has mad. me. If there Is nothing beyond. For when I planted the seed, and watched for that seed to germinate, and sprout, and grow, and appear In my sight, he dldn t cheat ni. But all th. mwm eight right through the store. How can we thus midersell? Easily answered, that question is! We can under sell any and all competitors because it costs us less to do business. It costs us at least $25,000 less because of our East Hide location a store equally spacious on the West Side would cost us $25,000 extra annually in taxes and interest. - ' ; The $25,000 Saved Annually in Taxes and Interest Because We Built on the East Side Are Divided Among Our Customers In a' broad sense, then, this store may be well called a "saTng-sharing" concern co-operating with its custom ers to their advantage in a financial way. Exceptional Values-in Portieres, Couch Covers and Drapery Goods WWM WMWM SIP MM wm v'iltf Mi " HiP I mm mm ilil 11 1 mm iiifil MM ill mM Mm skilled mechanician. Ills Interests are rentered in the machinery of cogs and wheels rather than in delicately ad Justed relationships of society. His friends say that he would rather go on a rid. in a faulty automobile than in the most perfect car ever built, be cause of the opportunity it offers him to test his skill. A well authenticated story is told about Prince Arthur in the role of frlend-ln-need to a stranded autoist. It happened that a fussy storekeeper with a hroken-down car received the Prince's offer to help with grave sus picion, but the high-born mechanic in sisted on crawling under the car to in vestigate. While he was there, the Prince's chauffeur bound the store keeper to secrecy, and then revealed hla master's identity. Disregarding his promise, tha storekeeper rushed to Prince Arthur, and catching him by the heels, cried. "Come out. Tour Royal Highness, I can't bear to ice you there." Prince Arthur got to his feet and chirtetl his chauffeur: What! Have you been telling that I time I was thinking that though I dls appear, I shall reappear; I may enter the dark, but I shall emerge from the dark again. And he had no right to make me thus think, if it were not so. Batterfly Comparison Made. I put tha chrysalis sin my window once, where tha warm sun of the Spring shone; and I delightedly saw movement in that chrysalis on. morning; and all my expectation that from It there would emerge the butterfly was fulfilled. For In Its marvelous brilliancy, that butter fly laid hold of the window frame, and flapped its beautiful wings in the warmth, and then at the fitting time, soared Into the heavens, and went upon lta way. And an instinct within my soul said: "And for you, as for the chry salis, there shall emerge the other life, the larger life, the higher life." And If It were not so, what a cheat! He so constructed me that I have said to the mountain: "When you are gone I shall b. alive"; to the star, "When you have fallen, I ahall stand erect"; to the sun, "When you are forgotten. I shall be In evidence, unhurt amid the war of ele ments, the crash of matter and th. wreck of worlds: unhurt amid th. con fusion of th. final dissolution of all things." And why did he make me be lieve this. If It Is not so? And L with David, have stood by tha grave, and have said, "I shall go to him, though h. will not return to me." And I have said that out of my heart, in which God had put eter nity, and he had no right to put eter nity Into my heart, if It were not sov And while you. my people, are well clothed, well-houaed and well-provided for. I want to tell you that on this round earth of God's there are today hundreds of thousands of people who Just manage to endure the day because they fondly think tomorrow will bring them releaie from the poverty and the pain and the loneliness and the love lessness. And if it is not so. O my If you're envying that mail his home, cut it out turn the tables on him. We will furnish one for you on your own terms that will make him envy you. What will it cost me? is the question that; no doubt, is uppermost in your mind. Much less than you think, for we are in a position to save vou at least one dollar in $5.50 Portieres $3.95 Two-tone red and greens, Orientals, etc. . $3.50 Portieres $2.00 Two-tone reds. $1.75 Couch Covers os Roman stripes. Burlap f I2y2 36-in., red, brown, green. $10.00 Couch Covers . $6.83 Oriental and ver dure designs. . $10.00 Curtains $6.95 Corded Arabian, heavy net, 34 yd. by 50 inches. $8.00 ' Curtains $5.95 Corded Arabian, heavy net, 3y2 yd. by 50 ins. $5.00 Early English Library now only $8.00 Early now only $10.00 Early now only .. . . $15.00 Early now only $6.00 Early English Library Tables $9.00 Early English Library Tables $11.00 Early English Library Tables Most Cars Pass This Store The Rest All Transfer Op en Saturday Evenings itlnj Grand Ave. tale again. Brown? Too bad! Too bad!" "Then you are not Prince Arthur?" demanded the owner of the car. angrily. "I travel In motor oil," waa tha curt answer. "Then I'll give you an order for your civility," said the storekeeper. RECTOR IN GYPSY CAMPS English Parson Learning Folk Lore of Disappearing Xomads. LONDON, Feb. IT. (Special.) In a little-known corner of the Lincoln shire woods .lives tha Rev. O. Hall, rector of Ruckland, known as the Ro many Rashal, or Oypsy Parson. He has become quite an apostle to the Jfypsy tribe, and few men have so thoroughly won the confidence of these nomads. In whose manners and cus they are wronged I How they have been Imposed on! And In bitterness I would say, "Where they die let me die; and in their hopelessness let me be buried." Stranger Aids Emprcai. For If It were not so, there is no home outside the horizon rim. Of the last Empress of France 1 read, that crippled and seeking to enter a church, as the door inconvenienced her in her crippled condition a stranger helped her. unknowing who she was, and she handed him a card, and on the card was the name of the Empress of France, and underneath there was written, "Eugenie and homeless." Are they homeless forever? I am Interested In this. For I have sent some out there. Are they homeless forever? They pushed their frail crafts out Into that sea whose borders I know so little about. So long as they could they sent back over the water their words of confidence and assurance and hope, and then there was silence. Did they never And a port? Have they cast anchor nowhere? Are they home less souls? Is it true that along the river of time they went out gliding, out to a sea where destruction awaited hope and purpose and life? And shall we go out, out on tha same sea of eternity, to drift and drift? If it were not so, we shall. Oh, he lay in the moonlight dying the sweetest singer of the century gone but he had sung his "swan song" for you know the swan sings once and that Just before death, . ao it Is fabled. And In his "swan song" that he said, should al ways be printed last In the bound volume of his poetry he said this: Sunset and evenlns star. And one clear rail for me! And may there be no moaning of the bar Whan I put out to sea. But such a tide as moving seems asleep, Tqo full for sound and foam. Great Sale of Surplus Stock Early English Oak Library Tables Altogether too many Library Tables In stock. They must give way in order to make room for the Spring goods now en route. Our regular lowest-in-the-city prices reduced like this: Tah::s:$3.45 English English English Library Table: $5.75 Library Library .:':$6.85 Tables, tQ Q C 3.85 6.25 7.85 $20.00 Early Eng 13.75 15.75 19.75 lish Library Tables. . $24.00 Early Eng lish Library Tables. . $27.60 Early Eng lish Library Tables. . All of Them Built of Solid Oak and. The BEST Costs No More So why not get the benefit of . the roller bearings, which mean such easy running? the anti- tipping device, which prevents spilling the dirt? the bnuh that PkIm up every (crap, speck, string and raveling ? and all the other improvements bund is th and East Stark toms he is a past master. He speaks the old Romany tongue, and on his visits to fairs and encampments al most adopts g-ypsy attire, so that more than once his unconventional appear ance has cauBod him to be mistaken for the real thing: and treated accord ingly. An enthusiastic member of the Gypsy Lore Society, he is to be seen squatting In a ring- of swarthy Romany folk around their fire on Epsom Downs or on the breezy fella of Yorkshire sam pling; the mysterious contents of their black stockpot, to gather fragments of the fast-disappearing lore and tradi tional tales of the Romany folk. How Language Began. Judson King- In People and Language. Language began this way. She gave him a new vision. She was a creative prism through which flashed a new ray of light from the unknown upon his spirit. He undertook to express in less deep Turns again home. Twilight and evening bell. And after that the dark! And may there be no sadness of farewell When I embark. For though from out our bourne of Time and place. The flood may bear me far. I hope to see my Pilot face to face When I have crossed the bar. Is there truth in that? Or was there no Pilot? And Is there no home? Material Signs Seen. Suppose there ia no God. Did you ever think of what would happen? Be gin down there, under my feet. What ia that? A piece of gold. What is stamped on It? "In God we trust." Erase it; there is no God. What did you write on your letterhead? "1912." What did you mean? There were years before that first one of your calendar, weren't there? Yes, but it Is 1912 In the year of our Lord (Anno Domini). Well, but there Is no God; so change the time table. What was the day when the children looked at the Christmas tree? Christmas day. What is that? Christ's birthday. Well, there never was any Christ; so, poor child, you've lost even your Christmas tree by the losing of God. What shall we cele brate 1 na few weeks in Joyous conse cration and song? Easter. What is that? The resurrection day. Whose? Christ's. Well, but there is no Christ, so away with your Easter day! Do you see how it comes up and in, until It surges against our poor, tired, weary lives and sounds like the break ing of a hopeless surf on a barren beach of black despair. Oh, let me say a per sonal word ere I close. If it were not so, I am sorry I ever was born. I am sorry I ever saw the sun. I am sorry I ever drew a breath. For what am I? Do you know, people, I have not worn , $32.60 Early Eng- 0 lish Library Tables. . 1 .75 .85 .75 $42.50 Early Eng lish Library Tables. . 28 $50.00 Early Eng lish Library Tables. . O 1 Perfect in Construction "We Sell and Highly Recommend These Sweepers, Priced $2.75 TO $5.75 National Roller Bearing Carpet Sweeper We want our custom era ' i . .i id aiwiyi get ioe mon for their money. That M why we want to i yon tots fwaeper. speech the glory she had read in his eyes and understood. But all the old signs failed. So he fashioned new ones out of the cries of ecstacy he had ut tered In his happiness. He charged s them with the endurance of her love, the majesty of her faith, the beauty of her eyes and taught them to his sons as they ranged .the forest and to his daughters as- he held them at nightfall and kissed the sweetness of their lips. And one day, lost In rapture, holding1 in one arm his new-born babe, the head of his mate lying on his naked breast, as he poured out his heart to her, other men came to1 his hut upon the moun tain side. The music of his voice en chanted them and they stood apart, lis tening. When the music of his speech died away and silence fell they ap proached and demanded to know th. meaning of those marvelous sounds. r N He told them and they told others. Some speedily forgot but all lovers re membered because they understood. So beauty took on new meanings and civ ilization moved up a notch. coat. He has not been to me a mere name. I've worshiped him with all tha passion of my souL I've kept hack nothing to give to God that I have not given to Jesus Christ. I have loved him, honored him. Lived in his mild and magnificent eye. Learned his great language, caught his clear accents. Took him as pattern to live and to die. Mockery Seen in Disbelief. And if he has gone, what am I? And do you know one other thing I have done? We value life. We value years. We value any little talent that may have been intrusted to us. If there is no Christ, what am I? I am a man who has thrown his life away on a ' lie. For, seven days after he saved me he made me preach and I have been preaching ever since. These hands have welcomed thousands of people into the church. I have stood by scores of dying people and assured them that Christ waited for them Just round the bend in the road. I have not made an effort to do anything in life but preach his gospel. And If there Is no Christ . if there is no Christ ah, "But if it were not so I would have told you." Bless him forever and ever! I know, he would. If the sky were but an empty vault, he loved me enough to tell me so. If there' were no Father to pray to, he would never have told . me to pray. But I wanted you people this morning to see a little of what you would lose if it were not so; that you might put your hand up into the hand of the adorable Lord and feel a little more thankful than you ever did before that Jesus lives Jesus who is the truth and that you might know God is, a fact, and heaven ia sure, and '' hell cannot wreck us, and nothing can harm us, because he said. '! am with ' you alway. even unto the end of tha world.