ell HOWARD HAS FAITH axw 'REWARD! IH AUTO'S FUTURE Winner of 1912 Glidden Tour Equipped With Top Wind Shield and Speedometer Pacific Coast Distributor Shares Optimism of Other Dealers. We will give the above amount to charity if we cannot prove the ABSOLUTE TRUTH of the following: statements: That Our First Special Trainload of This great horsepower of the new Maxwell Special is unmatched by any other car within $500 of its price. . This 36-horsepower plant Is big enough to produce all the speed and power you will ever need and then leave some or emergencies. AGENT'S RISE IS RAPID $10,000.00 q2)vQ)p frtory of Motor Car Man' Sucre In Wry I Read Like Romantic Chapter Krom Fairy Tale. rim. j. ttvlt. It anyone doubta the stability of the future of the automobile business on tho Pacific Coast, a few minutes' cbat with Charles 8. Howard will change th hue of the pessimistic proj-nosU-cater forecast. Howard haa unlim ited faith In the motor car business of the West and particularly tha North rn portion of it. 111a la a conserva tive optimum. Howard la ona or tho most powerful tgurra In tha Western aotomoblla world. Ho la tha gonial pruldlnr aplrlt of tho Howard Automobile Company of Fan Francisco, and haa tho Paclflo Coast distribution of tho Bulck and National pleasure cars. Ha la oonsld erad one of tha shrewdest men In tha motor car business. Ha virtually -roads- tho Bulrk car on the Pacific Coast. He haa accumulated upwards of fTiO.AOO during- his six yeara In tha business. Therefore ha haa a right to ba op timistic Who wouldn't ba under tho same circumstances? Ho baa made a wonderful success la his field and haa forged ahead when others, with Ilka opportunity, remained la tha groove of stagnation. -I alwara have bad faith In tha au tomobile buatnesa In the West, and I look for the present prosperous condl ttona to continue each year." said How. ard. Just before ba boarded tha train to rush back to hta headquarters In tha Exposition City yesterday. These figures probably will give the beat Idea why I bava ao much confidence In tha future." Hero the Bulck distributer produced a list showing the number of cars he has handled, year by year, since his advent Into tha business. Tha cen tury mark appeared opposite the year Hit. In his estimate of tha sea son he bad 100. ISO. 100 cars; 111. 3000. Quite a Jump. Isn't It ? -In placing the 111 estimate at J000 I don't think I am exaggerating In tha least." continued Howard "To date, wo have received and distributed to our branchea and agenta more than 100 cara. It la true that seven and a half months of tho season haa slipped by. But wo have the real selling end before us. Prior to this year, we never re ceived more than ISO cara up to this time of the year. Our biggest months, from a delivery standpoint, are April. May and June. 1 will have a trainload of 22S Bulcka an the wsy to ran rrmu- -eiaca bv February 10. and I aspect to bare them disposed of before tha Spring rush opens up." At this Juncture. Howard laid special stress npon the wonderful development of the Northwest aa an automobile field. In proof of hta contention that this particular part of the Pacific Coast Is destined to take rank with, the lead ing seetlona of the country, as far aa Bailing motor cr are concerned. How ard cited flgurei applying to the Port land branch of his company. -During the 111 searon we disposed of ISO Bulcks In the Northwest." said Howard, "and we estimate that It will take 600 to supply the demand for tha seaaon. This growth Is not confined to any particular car. either. The whole busi ness Is In a healthy.' flourishing condi tion, wltn the brightest kind of pros pects for an Indefinite continuation of existing conditions. -The demand for motor cars in the Northwest will never grow less. Each car that la sold nowadays Is doing missionary work. Each machine la paving the way for one or more sales. -There Is a wonderful territory still to be worked up here. It is the coun try districts. The organisation of the selling forces In the small towns Is something that the big distributers must pay special attention to. It la from this source that expansion must come. Handled In the right manner, the small towns of Oregon. Washing ton and Northern Idaho will produce a great number of sales." Like other successful automobile men. Howard Is an enthusiastic cham pion of the service system and attrib utes his success to a large extent to that score. He not only believes In tha theory, but puts It Into practice. Too many new men' In the automo bile buslnrft make the mistake of for getting their customers." said Howard. "The deal does not end when the sale Is completed. Or at least It should not. To be successful, the automobile dealer must keep the owners satisfied. The satisfied owner Is the greatest booster a mschlne can have. I believe there are aa many satisfied Bulck ownera on the Pacific Coast aa any other class of motorists. That Is why we do not have much trouble in selling the cars." Howard's pioneer day In the auto mobile business were fraught with stir ring events. In 10. the Bulck waa little known in the West. Howard re cites the following tale In this connec tion that aptiy Illustrates tha popular ity of the car In San Francisco at that time: One day I sought out a "prospect who already owned a car and who was thinking of buying another. I told him the car I was representing. He listened attentively "while I expounded Its superior qualities. When I finished he made this reply: -Well. I've no doubt but that your car Is a good one. but I don't believe in buying Imported stuff: an American machine Is good enough for me!'" Howard made his dehut In the auto mobile business In March. 1904. It was only a month later that San PVan cisro was literally wiped out by fire and earthquake. Strange to say. those automobile dealers who were fortunate enough to save their machines fell heir to rush-hour business. Motor car were at a premium Immediately following the conflagration. Keady money was plentiful when the Insur ance kale came rolling In and the deal, ers -received fancy prices for their warea -I managed to save all my machines." said Howard, "and could have sold three times the number If 1 had them." Howard's success with the Bulck in Northern California led the manufac turers to give him the entire California agency for the car In 107. From that time on. hls'success has been rapid and today he stands forth as one of the leaders In the automobile business on the Pacific Coast. With an expansion In territory, How ard's aatee irei.s MlltT was given Automobiles .hipped from Flint, Mich., January 25th. contained 224 BUICK AUTOMOBILES. That the value of this shipment was S295.270. That we paid the sight draft for the entire trainload on arrival. That the Buick Motor Co", will ship us SPECIAL TRAINLOAD NO. 2 on February 20th (subject to possible small delay owing to railroads' difficulty m gathering the necessary iutomobile freight cars), containing 225 BUICK AUTOMOBILES, sight draft against bill of lading. That the value of these cars f. o. b. San Francisco is $298,125. ' That these shipments are the greatest shipments of first-class freight ever made, accord ing to railroad officials. The total value of these two shipments, made within thirty days to the Howard Automo bile Company is $593,395-close to TWO-THIRDS OF A MILLION DOLLARS. We are prompted to offer this reward on account of statements which we understand are being made by some of our small and unscrupulous competitors, who can not appreciate the Vast Volume of Buick Business Howard Automobile Co. Mel G. Johnson, Manager Seventh and Couch Streets Phones Main 4S5S A25SO chance to exert itself. In ! he was ;lven the entire Pacific Coast agency for the Bulck- He now haa branch houses In Los Anireles, Oakland and Portland, supplying these districts from his warehouse in ean f rsncu. IOZIFJI COMPANY EXPANDING Tonr Branch Houses and SS Afen clea Established In Short Time. With the establishment of a Losler i a -KiMvn in rtaMmhitp. a. vear of remarkable expansion In Losler rep resentation was brought to a close. Purine; the paat sis months a greater number of now agencies were estab lished than at any corresponding period slnca Uie company began tha manu facture of motor cara. Losler branch housea now are locatea v va.w fhiim RAitaii Cleve land. San Kranelsco and Detroit. Four of them were created during 1911. Among Important cities In when the Losler Is represented are 'Baltimore. Brooklyn. Dallas. Tezaa, Denver. Des Moines. Indianapolis. Kansaa City, Los Angeles. Memphis, Milwaukee Minne apolis. Omaha, Philadelphia, Pittsburg. Kochestnr. Seattle. St. Louis. Wash ington. IX CL. and Portland. Agencies have been placed with reputable con cerns In 2i smaller cltloa In tha past few months. In Canada tha Losler company is rep resented at Montreal. Toronto and Win nipeg. Foreign cities In which tha Lo sler Is sold through local agenclea are) Buenos Ayrea. Mexico uy. Mooteviuew, San Juan, San Paulo. Brazil. Negotia tions are under way to arrange for tha sale of Loiters In tho Far East and with the present rate of progress, the car will soon be on sale In all parts of the globe. Stoddard CatalogTi cs Here. Artistically designed catalogued pro fusely Illustrated, describing tha 11J models of tha Stoddard-Dayton. were received last week by the Stoddard Dayton Auto Company. Oregon agenta for this car. The booklets show thor oughly tha different types of tha Stoddard-Dayton. from the little Savoy model to the big six-cylinder "Silent Knight" machine. A complete detailed description of each model Is given. IS OLDSMOBILE MAN SEES BRIGHT FUTURE IXtR NORTHWEST. Portland Picked aa Leading Auto mobile Center and Oregon aa Beat State. After a two months' Investigation of the Northwest aa an automobile terri tory. George 8. Morrow. Western rep resentative of the Oldsmoblle Company, of Lansing, Mich- returned to Portland last week, enthusiastic to a marked de gree over tha situation that presents itself In this section. While Investi gating conditions. Morrow placed an agency In Seattle for the Oldsmoblle and renewed contracts with dealers In Tacoma and Spokane. He will place an agency In Portland before leaving. "To get a comprehenalve Idea of the worth of the Northwest from an au tomoblla man's viewpoint. It la neces sary to visit the small towns and sea first hand the enthusiasm of tha little dealers." said Morrow yesterday. "Pros pects are much better than I expected, and I had glowing reports of tha coun. try before I came here. "From my investigations, which ex tended throughout the whole North west. I found that not only Portland and Oregon, but Western Washington. Northern Idaho and British Columbia loom up a a beacon to motorcar deal era Business Is great for this time of tha year. In this. I am not speaking alone for tha Oldsmoblle, but for tha vast majority of reputable cars repre sented here. Portland, however, seems to be away ahead of any other city In this section of the Pacific Coast, and Oregon far outranka Washington, Idaho or British Columbia as a whole." Mr. Morrow Is accompanied by Will iam Folberth. apeclal service man from the Oldsmoblle factory. Folberth haa the Paclflo Coast territory. He travels about, periodically Inspecting every Oldsmoblle In his district. PLANT to BE . ENLARGED VI SITING AUTOMOBILE MEN SEE PB0SPER0TJS FUTURE FOE NORTHWEST MOTOR CAS DEALERS. 3 V. -V 'v. AX i s - I ; , I IsO&XJ Stevens-Duryea Company Acquires 4 (-Acre Tract. Tha most significant announcement made by an automobile factory for a long while la that the Stevens-Duryea Company haa acquired) a tO-acre tract of land In East Springfield, Mass., and will build a large new plant, part of which la expected to ba In service by June. The announcement, which was made by President W. H. Whiteside, of tha Stevens-Duryea Company, haa general Interest because of what It Indicates as to the progress of the motor car Indus try In this country. Tha Stevens-Duryea waa ona of the first successful American ga0,'na cars, and. though It haa been a pioneer in the development of Its kind of vehicle, the concern has alwaya been a conservative one. It never has been a "boom" enterprise. "The expansion of the plant now an nounced la not a sudden exploitation of a factory." aays President Whiteside, "but Is the result of growth which by degrees haa compelled an enlargement of ona department after another until now there Is no room for further en largement In the present premises. Un til the now buildings are completed and the company's plans for all of the en- MAXWELL . MASCOTTE IS-passenger, equipped witfl top, wind shield and speedometer, $1200 ' MAXWELL MESSENGER Equipped with top, head lights and gener ator, S700 PRICES PORTLAND DELIVERY Big, Powerful, Stylish 36 hp. Maxwell THE) new Maxwell Special in addition to liberal power has the high -class style of expensive cars. It is truly of the aristocracy, with its new ventilated fore-door, flush -side vestibuled steel body, with inside control, the Columbia Honeycomb type radiator, new designed bon net and rich finish. Look up its record. The extraordinary price !i realized through the large manufacturing and purchas ing economies of the United States Motor Co. Compare with other cars near this price 5it. If you can not conveniently come to us, we will bring the car to you at your home or office. Write today for catalog. UNITED AUTO CO. !r41 larged facilities it has In mind are worked out. the additions in the new lo. cation will supplement the old factory, which employe 1S00 men." Curiously, the new tract Is within a very short distance of the barn In which J. Frank Duryea, now vide-presldent of tha Stevena-Durvea Company, built his first motor car. in 1891. and completed the car with which he won tne nrsi American automobile race, at Chicago in 1895. In addition to the advantages It of fera for constructing a scientifically ar ranged plant, the new location affords the company better railroad facilities, and. particularly with the growth of its foreign business, easy loading of cars crated for long-distance shipment. Is an. Important consideration. GREAT ST. BERNARD COMIXC Handsome Dog to Be Brought Into America for Kennel Shows. ' NEW YORK, Feb. 17. Another great St. Bernard Is to be brought to this country to signalize the revival of the breed at the coming Westminster Ken nel Club show and the return of Col onel J. J. Jtuppert, Jr., as an exhibitor in the "monks breed." This Is the rough-coated 6t Bernard bitch champion. Queen of Pearls, re garded easily aa the best rough or Bmooth of either sex In Great Britain. FACTS f FEATURES The Cole has stood up as good, is as economical, as easy riding, as quiet running, up-to-date and as handsome as any car made. Cole owners' have been taken care of just as good as any oth ers in the city. "Ask Them." We are not overburdened with overhead expense, that they must pay. We have the best of me chanics at their service, and they are all happy. Send for complete list Prest-O-Self-Starter, simple and efficient. Electric-Dynamo lighting, posi tively guaranteed. 122-inch wheel base; allows am ple body room; you don't want less. Nickel trimmings, refined ap pearance; eliminates polishing. Unit power plant, the acknowl edged correct construction. Timken full floating axle the recognized standard. Bosch dual ignition. 36x4 tires, easy riding. Twitchell Motor Car Company Distributors 15th and Washington Streets Phones Marshall 4266, A 326S MOTORCYCLES INDIAN AND EXCELSIOR BALLOU & WRIGHT, 80-82 Seventh Street, Cor. Oak and so valuable to the breed there that the news of the sale was received with surprise throughout the British fancy. Queen of Pearls arrived on the Cameronian. the first trip of that steamer for the Cunard line. The trU Colonel Ruppert bought three month'h ago. Young Stormer. rouprh, and the smooths, Splendidus and Princess Nan, were also on the Cameronian. No-Rim-Cut Tires (10 Per Cent Oversize) Upkeep Reduced $20 Per Tire Statistics show that 23 per cent of all ruined clincher tires are rim-cut. . Experience proves that 10 per cent oversize, under aver age conditions, adds 25 per cent to the tire mileage. ' Goodyear No-Rim-Cut tires end rim-cutting entirely. They average more than 10 per cent oversize, measured by air capacity. . , This double saving, after years of experience, is estimated by us at $20 per tire. , That means average saving. It is affected, of course, by misuse and abuse. It varies with different sizes. Whether more or less, it means millions of dollars to motorists each year. 900,000 Tested Out i.. OnO.nnO nf these tires have been sold. Their enormous advantage is settled now beyond any possible question. In two years - the demand has multiplied six times over. Last year's sales exceeded the previous 12 years put together. For this year, 127 leading motor car makers' have contracted for Goodyear tires. When a tire thus outsells every tire in existence it must be the tire for you. Same Price The curious fact is that No-Rim-Cut tires now cost the same aa other standard tires. They used to cost one-fifth more. The enormous demand has cut the cost of production. Now thesetires which can't rim cut cost the same as tires that do. These oversize tires cost the same - as smaller tires. The saving is clear. Our Patent Tire We control by patents the only way to make a practical tire of this type. . That's why the demand tor tires which can't rim-cut centers on Good year tires. Then back of these tires are 13 years spent in tire making. Every formula and fabric, method and process has been tested out by us on tire testing machines. After 13 years of this constant comparison we have brought these tires close to perfection. In all probability, tires can never be made any better. Add to such tires the No-Rim-Cut feature add the oversize fea turethen think what tires you get. And you get them, remember, at the price of the ordinary when ydu insist on Goodyear No-Rim-Cut tires. . .... How can any man question which tires he should buy? Our new Tire Book based on 13 years of experience is filled with facta you should know. Ask us to mail it to you. No-Rim-Cut Tires With or Without Double-Thick Non-Skid Treads THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO., Akron, Ohio This company has no connection whatever vrith any other rubber concern vruich uses the Goodyear name, Portland Branch, 62 Seventh Street. Phone, Main 2190, A 4046.