THE SUNDAY OREflOMAX, TORTLAXD, FEBRUARY 18, 1913. 18 KANSAS CITY 10 ill Steamer to Take Place of "Big Three" Craft. PLAN FOR REPAIRS MADE Vfrl Recently on Panama Iloiite to Operate for Heaver or Jlemr Fending Overhauling. Schrdale Krpt T"p. Esrat!ves of the San Francisco eV Portland Steamship Company have or dered the steamer Kiniti City over hauled and she will bo placed on tho ran from Portland to California clttea. replevins; vessels of tho "Rlr Three" feet. b!nnln .Mfh 1. that they may fee rltinrd and painted. Tho Information has been received officially by J. V. Ransom, ireneral cent of tho lino, who says that whllo tt 1 nroirary for tho reaular vessels to receive attention before openlns; of tho 1913 tourist season, tho fart tho Kama City will bo ordered Into com nliimn means that tho schedule will not be Interrupted. Tho samo system and service will prevail In her saloon and other branches of tho stewards department as on tne permanent snips. Tho Ksnsas City has operated on tho run In tho past and Is rated as ono of tho best vessels on tho oast. Ehe was used on tho Panama run out of Ran Francisco last season and has been laid up only slnco Fall. Bids hare been opened at tho Ssn Francisco headquar ters of tho line for work on tho "Bla Three." but It has not been announced whether contracts will bo awarded In tho south or at Portland. Tho Bearer arrived at S o'clock yes terday afternoon with a lariro list of pasaena-ers for this season and a fair cargo. Captain Nelson received wire less reports Friday afternoon and evening that tho Columbia Klver bar was breaking badly and officers of the steamer fully expected to bs detained outside yesterday momlnsf. but tho Fearer crossed In at 7:i o'clock over a smooth bar on which not a breaker was seen. Tho weather outside was not desirable, as an unpleasant westerly swell prevailed. Tho Rose City did not learo tho river until 1:45 o'clock yesterday mornlnft. as Captain Mason evldrntly thought the bsr would bo rouffh. ORANGE SITIrMEXTS TVATCITED Health Officer Finds Large Con sljmmrrjts of Frozen Fmlt Ir. Wheeler. City Health Officer, la carrying bla crusade against frosen oranges from California to tho steam ship lines. Actlna- on Information re ceived that a shipment of the unde sirable fruit Is aboard tho steamer Beaver. arriving yesterday, bo will make an Inspection of the consign ments. Ir. Wheeler says that be has ad vised steamship concerns to notify their Los Angeles representatives to demand that tho unreliable individuals and firms shipping frosen oranges pro pay the freight, as ho will confiscate all found here. "We are receiving plenty of good, palatable oranges from Los Angeles that go to reliable wholesalers here, but the frosen fruit finds Its way large ly to the wagons of peddlers." said Lr. Wheeler. "A few days ago I received a complaint that a man purchasing a dosen oranges from a wagon found two good ones, and tho following day ho made a purchase of another dosen and but ono orange was fit to oat. Tho frosen oranges are pithy and dry, al most spongy." Ir. Wheeler -probably will bring tho subject to the attention of Loa An geles organisations on the ground that receipt of poor fruit la not a good ad vertisement for the Southland growers. He says ho has been Informed that the frosen oranges como from tho vicinity of Pasadena, and are shipped via Los Angeles. LIGHTS TO MARK XEW BRIDGE Ilarriman Interests to Discard Lan terns for FJeetrlcltv. Arrangements hare been perfected by the O.-W. R. A X. Interests to have tho Portland Railway. Light Power Company extend Its service wires from the East Side to the new Harrlman brides thst Incandescent globes may be strung to outline the falsework be ing erected on which to build the draw spsn and towers. The step was taken In the Interest of shipping, as pilots complained that oil lanterns used to desicnate the opening are unreliable, as they often burn out or are extin guished by wind. G. T. Forsyth, of tho C-W. R. A N. engineering department, who la super vising the construction details, says the cantilevers and truss will be lighted, and as long ss electrlo current Is on In the city It will be known that a majority of the bridge lights are burning and skippers will hare no difficulty In finding their way between the piers. The work of erecting tho two Inside trusses will bs begun this week and the falsework will bo completed as rapidly as possible. It Is thought that tho permanent span can be built In less time than that required for the false supports, and tba crossing should bo ready for service at least by May L PELAYS ARE NOT SERIOUS Milpplng Men Xot Concerned Rc raa4 Small Sailers Are Late. Portland mariners are not as wor ried us their brethren at San Pleco ap pear to be. In having requested the revenue cutter Bear to go in search of the barkentine Arago. the schooners Alvena. Balnbrldge and the Maweema. which are headed for the southern har bor from the Northwestern Coast. Tho Ralnbrldge has been on tho way from uget Sound 24 days, the Maweema 21 days from Wlllapa Harbor, anil tho Alvena IS days from the Columbia Hirer, and the Arago about 14 days from Coos Bay. . rmrtng most of the time the fleet has been at sea southerly weather has pre vailed, and while they are making alow passages. It Is pointed out that often greater time Is consumed In sailing north when the northwesters are on during the Summer months. It la re garded doubtful that the quartet has suffered sererely. thonirh ono or two might bare met with blows that caused damage. STORM IIOI.IW COAST I1.EET Oeprey Leaves Portland, bat Other Vessels Are Detained. outherly westher of the past few days has pocketed the Oregon Coast a- and toe only movement reported I yesterday hero was the sailing of the i gasoline schooner Osprey on her In 1 Itlal voyage from Portland to harbors as far south as Nestucca. 8he had a full cargo and has sufficient business under contract to keep her busy for several voyages. Bhe wss to have ! sailed early In the week, but as the fleet detained at Astoria was Increas ing her owners decided to delay the departure. Tho tug Geo. R. Vosburg and bargs Nehalem are lying at Albers dock, where the latter la discharging a lum ber cargo, and they will begin loading tomorrow for Nehalem. The steamer Bus 1(- Elmore Is held within tho en trance to Tillamook Bay owing to the weather eondltions. tho gasoline schooner Patsy Is detained at New port, bound for tho Sllets, for tho same reason, snd tho gasoline schooner Ttl lasnook Is In the lower harbor, waiting to cross out. Owners of the Osprey arc negotiating for another vessel, and the deal may he closed this week. They say that more business Is being of fered than ono carrier can transport and It Is Imperative that tho facilities bo Increased. XEITALEM CHANGES OWNERS Two-Year-Old Coater Sold by Ham mond to Hlcks-Hauptman. One mors well-known coaster has changed her flag, and thereby the Hammond Lumber Company, which re- rTKAMEK nrt-ELLIGEXCa. Dm to Antra. Name. From. Date. Bearer ....San Pedro.... In port fnrerlc Manila In port JlMtkritif. ...Onog Bar. .... Kb. 1 Fa H. Elsort. .Ttilamoos. . .. Feb. Hotnoit Sia Kraaclsce b- Alliance. ...... Kurrsa. ...... Feb. Iear San l'e.lro. .Feb. Falcon ...San Dlege.... Feb. Geo. W. Cider.. Sa It-e-o.... Feb. Boee City 6e Pedro. ... Feb. Scheduled to Depart. 1 is J I in 23 20 ST Name. For Data Tale K r for U. A.Feb. IS Sue H. Elisor. .Tillamook. ... Feb. 20 Free Iterator.... Coos iter..... Krb. -r Wearer San Pedro. ... Feb. 21 Roanoke... .... halt leco. ... Feh. 21 Harvard S- F for L. A.. Feb 31 Alliance.. Kurvka Feb. 23 Fslcoa ....San Francisco Feb. 2 ear Han Pedro. . . Feb. 2 Purerle Manila Feb. JT Ooo. W Elder.. dan r!ego.... Feb. 2 Rose City San Pedro. ... Mar. 2 cently sold the steamer Frsncls Tt, Leggett. has further diminished Its fleet, as the steamer Nehalem has been transferred to the Illcks-Hauptman Lumber Company and tho price Is re ported to be $ 100.000. The Nehalem was built two years ago and Is clsssed among tho modern steam schooners, though she carries but 750.000 feet of lumber. She loaded her last cargo at Tacoma and la on tho way to San Pedro, and It la under stood that she will bo -continued In the Puget Sound-California trade. The Nehalem has visited Portland. The Hammond Interests hare planned a big coaater to carry 1.000.000 feet, and she will be In service during the present year. It Is Intended to award the con struction contract on the Atlantic aide, ss she will be of steeL Marine, Notes. Reports from Xsw Tork are that bids for the four steel cargo and paasenger steamers to bo added to the Pacific Mall fleet will not be opened until March 1. In tow of the steamer Francis H. Leggett. the French bark St. Louis Is to leave Sen Francisco today, coming here to load wheat for tho United Kingdom under charter to M. H. Houser. Frits Ie Rock, a diver, spent another unsuccessful day yeaterday searching for a copper pipe, 30 inches In diameter and 20 feet long, which fell Into the river when being- hoisted from the steamer Carlos at Couch-street dock last week. The pips Is valued at 1160. As repairs to tho lighthouse tender Heather have been completed she shifted to the bunkers yestsrday to coal, and Is to proceed down stream Tuesday. Llghtvessel No. 92. which was recently repaired and overhauled hero and proceeded to Astoria. Is to depart Monday for Swlftsure Bank to relieve No. f J, which will go to Puget Sound for an overhauling. Negotiations have been entered Into by Seattle men having salmon cannery holdings In Alaska, for tho purchass of the gasoline schooner Anvil, which wss recently taken off the Portland-Bandon run and la berthed at the City Levee. It la said that had she been smaller a sale would have been made weeks ago, as every suitable vessel has been taken by owners of new canneries be ing opened In the north. Hugh Brady, municipal grappler, abandoned his search yesterday for the body of the 1-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Hemlrlckson. who live on a house boat at Yacht Siding, near the Oregon Yacht Club quarters, and la thought to have been drowned there Friday after noon after falling from a railing. Brady says the current Is strong and sets In toward shore. He believes the body Is beneath neighboring house boats, probably caught In drift. Owing: to work being done on the new Harrlman bridge draw the steamer T. J. Ittter did not navlgats through the bridges last night, but left from Alnsworth dock st 11 o'clock with a large crowd of Knights of Columbus, bound for Astoria to participate In Initiation ceremonies there today. The stesmer will leave the lower harbor tonight and bo here early tomorrow morning, after which she will be re turned to the boneyard to await the opening of the 111 beach season. Bringing approximately 1000 tons of cargo from Manila and the Far East, the Waterhouae liner, Suveiic arrived In the harbor at 7 o'clock yesterdsy morning, via northern ports. Her offi cers say that after the telegraph was washed from the bridge and a portion of that structure was damaged on the port side by a big sea that swept over her. orders to the engine-room were transmitted from the bridge below by passengers. She had a rough trip that started with a monsoon between Ma nila and MoJI. and was 19 days cross ing from Yokohama to Victoria. The vessel will sail with more than 4000 tons of cargo from Portland. Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND. Feb. 17. Arrived Steamer Beaver, front Fan Pedro and an Fran riaco. British steamer Surarir. from Ma nila snd war porta, steamer Catania, from r-an Kranrie'-v al.eti Gasoline schooner Osprey. for Naatucca and way porta. Aetorta. Feb. 17. onitttua at the moat!) ef the rtver at 5 P. M.. moderate: wind tnutnwMt, 14 miles; weather raining. Ar rived at 7:20 and left up at 10 A. M. fteamer Beaver, from San Pedro and ran Krmnclsco. Arrived at S:rt A. M. bteamer Iaier jadstty. from Fan Fraociaco. bailed at S:5 A. W- eitaamer Rose City, for baa Pranciaco and ban Pedro. Airlvad at V A. W. Steamer Catania, from baa Fran claco. allied at 11 A M. Steamer Geo. V. Fen lea. for Ban Pedro: at ll lo A. M. Steamer Jobin Pou'.aen. for ban Fran cieco. ateamer Yosemlt. for aa Pedro; at 11:13 A. Steamer Carlos, for Pan Fren. neco. at 1l:?o A. M steamer A'Hance, for i-tto liar and Eureka; at 11:30 A. l. -hteamer Geo. VV. Elder, for Fan Diego and war porta . steamer Waal. foe Ran Pedro; erhooeer Nokomla. for Kedondo; at 1 2 :eO P. H British steamer Hartlngton. for Ade laide, lft up at ill Y. H. bteamer Catania. sa Fraa-tero. Feb. 17. Palled last nlgbt etemer poanoke. for Portland. R-dondo. Feb. 1. Arrived Fchooner C. a Hoimea. from Columbia Hirer. i ;,u(" . Feb. 1. Arrived Steamer co- i ti.ii. frm yortland. iM Angeles. Feb. 17. Arrived bteamer , FACTS A Straight Talk by tte Leading ttLL. C K. HOLSMAN. It, XX "608 To prove that I gtvs "606," and not an Inferior article. I will PT"f It for use In the patient's presence " 606." Professor Ehrllch a new Oer msn remedy for Blood Poison. Is a blessing to mankind. -k .. . Thomas JL Edfson. the great electrical wlsard. says "606 "hould bo Placed first among the achievements of and that most of us have Blood Poison and don't know It. .. tt it , Since Its Introduction I have had much experience with it At con siderable expense I fitted up an experimental laboratory f" the remedv the most severe trials under every possible d'"dantage to It. and from the wonderful results I have obtained I do n ot ''"to to declare It the greatest discovery of the age and the neare st absolute and permanent cure for Blood Poison. In no matter what stag It may be or how far the disease may have advanced. - In the very large number of cases In which I have used tWmedF I have not had one single failure. Every symptom of the disease, from the eruption to the running sore, from the rash to tha 'on(0' !" sue and bone, was checked within twelve hours after Its administration. There Is no longer the slightest doubt about the wonderful curative power of the remedy, and In the hands of an expert specialist there Is absolutely no danger of any kind from Its use. I introduce It directly My equipment for the proper administration of this German remedy Is the finest In Oregon, and second to none In theLnlted States. Extracts from letter of Professor Ehrllch: Judging from all the reports received by me. It appears that the Intravenous injection Is to be preferred to all other modes of ad ministration, as far as permanency of effect is concerned. Although I have to admit that this method of administration will prove an obstacle to the Introduction of the remedy In general practice, on account of cer tain technical difficulties. I believe that the Interests of the patient de mand that only the most efficient form of treatment should be decided on. I should feel much obliged to you If you will as heretofore assist me In this direction, and in tho future employ as much as pos sible the Intravenoua mode for tho administration of the ttTOiy. (Signed) P. EHRIjICH. I have decided to administer this great remedy for the SCM OF S25. Now that the price Is within your reach there can be no excuse for you suf fering longer from the dreaded Blood Poison. MY DIRECT TREATMENT FOR WEAKNESS. That disorder commonly known as weaknes has for years and generations baffled the efforts of physicians, yet to this very day a majority of doctors, specialists not excepted, are attempting to over come It by methods that have been In constant use and have always failed for half a century. They dose the system with powerful stimulants and tonics calculated to restore nervous force or strength that Is nut and never has been lacking, with the result that the functions are temporarily excited, to the positive detriment of the pa tient. Weakness is only a symp tom caused by many distinct local conditions, and la curable by local treatment only. I PERMANENT LY t'L'KE every case of WEAK NESS, with my NEW SYSTEM TREATMENT, without giving a single Internal dose, which demon strates the absolute accuracy of my understanding and treatment of this disorder. In years I have not met with a single failure, and I have entire confidence In my ability to cure all cases that come to me for treatment. I am equally certain that no treatment other than that which I have perfected can completely and permanently restore strength and vigor. I TREAT ALL AILME.TS OF MEN", AND CIRH TO STAT Cl'RED. I OFFER FREE CONSULTATION AND ADVICE. I invite you to come to my office. I will explain to you my treatment for Varicose Veins, Hernia, Nervous Debility, Blood Poison. Plies. Fistula, Bladder. Kidney and all Men's Diseases and give you FREE a physical examination, if necessary a microscopical and chemical analysis of secretions to determine pathological and bacteriological conditions. Every person should take advantage of this opportunity to learn their true condition. A pnnanent cure la what you want. If yea are suffering from any of the above diseases, write to me Im mediately, givlna- me a description of your case in your own words. By return mall I will send you absolutely free a diagnosis of your case and my best professional advice as to how to proceed In order to correct your trouble My office is epea all day from A. M. 1o 8 P. M. and Sundays from 10 to 1 ealy. Ailing men out of town who cannot call should write in confidence. DR. C. K. HOLSMAN S2IH MORRISON" STREET, CORNER FIRST, PORTLAND, OREGON'. Bear from Portland; steamer Tampleo. from Balboa. I'anama. Tor bun fan r ran- rlaco: steam schooner ban jBcinw, irora Columbia River; steam schoonar Charles Nelson, from Kveretl; scnooner iouiaa, uuin Coos Bar. Palled m senooner ult. for wlllapa ri arbor; steamer .-v- halem. tor -Tacoba. Tides at Astoria Sunday. High. T-ow. M A W T.t feet'7:U A. M....1. feat 1:0 V. at.... 1.4 feet7:S P. M . 0.1 foot FRAUD ALLEGED IN SALE Transfer of South Bend-Raymond Electric Company Opposed. RAYMOND. TV ash., Feb. IT. (Special.) Alleging fraud In the sale of the prop erty and franchise of the South Bend Raymond Electrlo Company to the Twin City Electric Company, which sale was consummated last week. Frank Nixon. N'eal Stupp and Charles H. Mills have brought suit In the Superior Court of I'aotfic County against tho South Bend Raymond Electrlo Company. R. L. Fisher, president and trustee: O. W. Mumaw, secretary and treasurer; Merle Fisher. Clyde Bargelt and P. E. Hall. Jr.. all trustees, together with the Twin City Electric Company, for them to show csuse why the sale ahould not be cancelled. In the complaint tt Is alleged that the transfer of the one company to the other was to eliminate the minority stockholders from participation In what they'ussert will be a remunerative in vestment, although It Is said the stock has never paid dividends, but Instead the earnings have been used In exten sions and Improvements. It la alleged that the company was In a prosperous condition, able to pay Its debts, and It Is also slleged that, although the prop erty and franchise of the old company was sold for 150.000 and a bonded In debtedness of 150.000 wss assumed by the purchasing company, the actual value of the South Bend-Raymond Elec tric Company's holdings was 1200.000. NEW STATION IS OPENED Castle Hock Welcomes First Train to Stop at nulldlne. CASTLE ROCK. Wash- Feb. 17. (Special.) The formal opening of Cas tle Rock's new railway station wss cele brated Wednesday night- The building was opened to the public Friday morn ing. A large crowd and the Castle Rock band welcomed the first train to stop In front of the new building The opening was In charge of Assistant buperlntendent Coyle and Traveling for MEN Specialist, C K. Holsman, M. D. I publish my truo photograph, cor rect name and personally conduct my office. I make this anouncement so that you will know you consult a true Specialist, who sees and treats his patients personally. It Is Im portant that you should know the doctor who undertakes to treat you. I possess skill and experience ac quired In such a way that no other can share) them. t A thorough Investigation should bo mad by every ailing man as to the specialist ho consults. Duty and destiny to self and those who depend upon you demand tho best medical attention. I have tho ability and can give you this service. I have always charged a very reasonable fee, so that my services may be ob tained by any man who sincerely de sires to be cured. I make no mis leading statements, false promises or unbusinesslike proposl 1 1 o n s. I would like to have you for a patient If you will come to me on a strictly professional basin, accepting Induce ments that I offer, which are my ability. 18 years' successful experi ence, time-saving treatment and euro of certain diseases. 1J (SALVARSAN) BLOOD FOR POISON VARICOSE VEIN'S. I daily demonstrate that Varicose Veins can be cured In nearly all cases by one treatment. In such a satisfactory way that the vital parts are preserved and strength ened, pain ceases, swelling sub sides, a healthy circulation Is rapidly re-established. Instead of the depressing conditions. I guar antee you a cure to stay cured. KIU.XEV, BLADDER A.ND PROS TATIC DISEASES. With these diseases you may have more complications than are presented by any other diseased organ. By my searching Illumina tion of the bladder I determine ac curately the disease and by micro scopical 'examination and urinalysis I make doubly sure the condition of the kidneys, thus laying the foundations for scientific treat ment. MT EQUIPMENT. I believe that my offices are the finest and best equipped In America, and heartily Invite every one Interested to inspect them. My treatment rooms are veritable show places, and doctors are welcome to come and Inspect the most modern scientific appliances In the United States. Passenger Agent Sater, of the North ern Pacific Almost the whole population of the city attended the opening ceremonies. P. A. Parker, Mayor, Introduced C. D. Spauld-Ing-. who delivered an address of wel come. This was responded to by Vice President Nutt. F. Wn Robinson, gen eral freight agent of the O.-W. R. & N. Co.; J. I. Springer, traveling freight agent for the Great Northern; "Kit" Carson, special representative of the Northern Pacific, and W. C. Albee. di vision superintendent of the Northern Pacific also spoke. After the speaking a banquet was given at Brewer's Hall. The women of the city had this In charge. Postmaster earner was toastmaster. Mr. Nutt, Mr. Albee. Mr. Robinson. Mr. Springer. J. E Barnes, of Centralis, and others spoke. Castle Rock now has one of the finest stations In the Northwest. BIG FRUIT CROP FORESEEN Work. Going: On Rapidly in Walla Walla Valley Country. WALLA WALLA. Feb. 17. While the temperature of the past week was de cidedly too warm for fruit, no damage has been done, and unless It holds for another week or two. the crop will not be hurt. But with two or three weeks more of weather such as has Just passed, the fruit would be farther ad vanced than safe at that time of the year. Buds on the trees are swelling In all parts of the valley, but cooler weather probably will hold them back until the danger point la passed. Work In the orchards has been going on In good shape In all parts of the valley In the last week, pruning and budding being the main operations. The trees are being better pruned this year than ever before, and if all Indi cations hold, the brsnches will be In much better shape to hold a big crop. Spraying will be taken up within a fortnight, and already five carloads of sprsy have been shipped In for the operations. More will arrive as It Is needed, and the fruit Inspectors will aee that there is no slighting of this work this year. So far. everything points to a big fruit crop for 1912. and only untoward weather conditions would change this. Tno Damage Salts Filed. ECGENE. Or.. Feb. 17. (Special.), Two suits, for damages were Instituted yesterday. Thomas Browning asks that the Booth-Kelly Lumber Company be directed to pay him 67600 damages for Injuries received when a timber fell from a, truck In the Coburs; mill of the company and broke his Jaw. The other Cur m in 5 D No Detention From Occupation, Family or Home ,at A a j'tUrMtirl at li.n J DR. A. O. SMITH. The Leading Specialist. I am a registered aad lleesised physician, confining cay special practice to the aliments of MEN. I have more money Invested la my establishment than all other Port land specialists combined, aad I will give S.-'WO to any charity If I cannot show this Is true. I publish my true photograph, correct name, personally conduct my office. I am the most success ful and reliable, as medical cre dentials and press records prove. 'I make this statement so that you will know you consult a true spe cialist, who sees and treats ja tients personally. I possess EX PERT skill and experience, ac quired in such a way that no other can share. A thorough Investigation should be made by every ailing man as to the specialist he consults. Duty and destiny to self and those who depend upon you demand the best medical attention. I have the abil ity and I can give you this service. I have always charged a very rea sonable fee, so that my services may be obtained by any man who sincerely desires to be cured. I make no misleading statements or unbusinesslike propositions; neither do I desire to be particu larly Independent, and I would like to have you for a patient. If you will come to me on a strictly pro fessional basis, and the induce ments that I offer, which are my ability and twenty years' success ful experience, time-saving treat ment and guarantee of cure of cer tain ailments. To all men who are sick and In trouble, to the men who feel they have lost the energy of youth, and that the strength they ought to have has been sapped from them; to those who ate not sick enough to be abed but feel they ' must use all their will power to force themselves even to their every - day tasks to all these I have a special message of hope and cheer. I can cure that lame and aching: back; I can restore the lus ter to the dimmed eye: I can make you realize that the youth of yes terday has not been burled In an age of several decades and that your pitiful condition Is now due only to damaged health. This health can be restored If you will act now. Come today, or the stage of neglect may get Just past the stage that is curable. WRITTEN GUARANTEE Dr. Smith's written guarantee means a cure or no pay for services. I guarantee to cure certain ailments or refund every dollar you have paid me for my services. My services cost you nothing unless I cure your Varicose Veins, Hernia, piles, Fistula, Blood Disorders, or any ailment I guarantee to cure. My terms are reasonable and no more than you are able and willing to pay for benefits. Office houra U A. M. to 8 P. ST. Sundays 10 A. SI. to X P. SI. Dr. A. G. Smith My One-Treatment Cures Honest Treatment. ether doctors. Go te OREGON .MEDICAL I.VSTITlliJ Specinliata. Longeel Established. v.; y TO MEN DISEASED, NERVOUS THIS IS THE WAY YOU FEEL There le usually a pain across the small of your back, blue rings unCer your eyes specks before your eyes, your sleep does not rest you. you get up In the morning feeling tired, your mind at times wanders, your memory Is poor you are hollow-eyed, whites of your eyes are yellow, you are fearful, always expecting the worst to happen, very nervous, you start in your sleep and awake from a dream very much frightened; sunjjlna; pain in me breast, no appetite. If you have been unfortunate In selecting a doctor to treat you. or If you save not given yourself the attention which your disease demands, you know that every day you put the matter off you are getting worse and worse; you are mortified ana ashamed of your position among your fellow men. Ufa does not possess the pleasures for you It did. Would you not give much to Dossess that KOBLST HEALTH. SOUND NERVES and a CLEAR BRAIN that were yours before the ravages of disease attacked your system? If you have this desire to be strong and manly in a true sense of the word, call at my office at once, and I will take pleasure In explaining a treatment iha has restored hundreds ot men In a much worse condition than you are. r-rHuPCCTCn lCIMQ I cure this affliction without pain or knife. Soreness. wUIIUCOIlU iCIIlO swelling and congestion of the dilated veins .vanish Quickly. A healthy circulation of blood io re-established, and that old-ume teehng speedily returns. Avoid dangerous operation. 1 can give you tne quickest and safest and surest cur ainown to medical science. kl finfl PD'fM lf you have sore throat, mucous patches, pimples, copper DLuUU lUlOuii colored eruptions, sores and ulcers, bone pains, falling hair r any symptoms of this aliment In either primary, secondard or tertiary states, consult me and be forever cured of It, My treatment cleanses and eradicates every taint of poison and every Impurity from the blood and system. All danger of transmission or recurrence Is removed. The taking ef Injurious minerals for years never cures. My treatment Is a specuic certain antidote; you Improve from the very commencement, and are soon permanently cured, as proven by positive blood testa. I WANT to emphasize the Importance of selecting the BEST DOCTOR. CCME to ME I will cure you In ONE TREATMENT by administering "The wonderful German Remedy" The greatest medical discovery ot the age tea results are like magic I ALSO CURB to stay cured Rupture, Kidney and Bladder Ail ments. Plies, Fistula and Rectal Affections, Rheumatism, Catarrh. Eczema Dd all Chronic Nervous. Blood. Skin and all Ailments of Men. Lf,DTC us a full description of your symptoms and trouble. If unable to flilllCcalL All dealings are confidential. Expert Consultation Free. Delays are dangerous. Hours: A. M. to P. M. Sundays, lu to 12 only. OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE MORRISON ST. BETWEEN FOURTH AND FIFTH, PORTLAND. OR. suit' Is brought by Wlllard S. Plank against W. P. Morse. Plank asks $10. ooo for the alleged alienation of his wife's affections. Plank is suing his wife for divorce, and has already been awarded the conditional custody of his 11-year-old daughter. Matoney Enter" Race. PENDLETON, Or. Feb. - 17-CSpe- ays NO SEVERE OPERATIONS. MANY CASES PERMANENTLY CURED IN ONE TREATMENT, MOST TIME-SAVING, MOST NAT URAL MOST SAFE. A RADICAL AND PERMANENT CURE. I GIVE MY WORD AND WILL CITE TOU TO OTHER MEDICAL AU THORITIES THAT THIS IS A FACT. AM CERTAINLY PRE PARED TO CURE BY EXPERI ENCE AND EQUIPMENT, WHICH ARE THE KEYSTONE TO SUC CESS. I HAVE THE BEST EQUIPPED MEDICAL OFFICE ON THE COAST. I Invite you to come to my of fice.' I will explain to you my treatment for Varicose Veins, Her nia. Nervous Debility, Blood Dis orders, Piles. Fistula, Bladder, Kid ney, and all Men's Aliments, and give you FREE a physical examin ation; if necessary a microscopical and chemical analysis of secre tions to determine pathological and bacteriological conditions. Every person should take advan tage of this opportunity to learn their true condition. A permanent cure Is what you want. CONGESTED VEIN'S Impair vitality. I dally demonstrate that varicose veins can be cured in nearly all cases by one treat ment. In such a satisfactory way that the vital parts are preserved and strengthened, pain ceases, swelling subsides, a healthy circu lation is rapidly re-established, in stead of the depressing conditions. I guarantee you a cure to stay cured or refund the money. KIDNEY AND BLADDER AILMENTS. With these ailments you may have more complications than are presented by any other ailing or gans. By my searching Illumina tion of the bladder I determine ac curately the ailment, and by micro scopical examination and urinalysis I make doubly sure the condition of the kidneys, thus laying foun dations for scientific treatment. 60 FOR BLOOD DISORDERS. I use Professor Ehrlich's wonder ful new discovery. "606." in cases of Specific Blood Disorders. It cures, and Is the greatest marvel of medical science. This new rem edy has been successfully used In thousands of cases. Let me explain It to you. NERVOUS DEBILITY. I have long been a close student of the condition known as Nervous Debility in men. Sufferers from this trouble are nearly always told by their family physician that there Is no help; that It means wornout nature, and that some powerful stimulant for temporary effect Is the only help. I go deeper Into the cause of the trouble and usually find a deranged or damaged local condition responsible. As long as a man lives he should be as strong In every vital function as he Is physically constituted. I have a scientific, powerful and permanent treatment for you which is as nat ural and direct as it is efficient. Why treat with irresponslbles when you can secure the expert cervices of a responsible specialist? See me if you have any of the following ailments: Varicose Veins, Nerve, Blood and Skin Ailments, Bladder troubles. Eruptions, Ulcers, Piles or Fistula. 234 'a Morrison Street Cor. 2 J Street P O RT L AN D, OR. For Weak, Diseased Men Cure, to Stay Cured For SO days I will heal and cure all Weak. Elck. Diseased and Discouraged men at a reduced fee. This Is Just one-half my -usual charge. I give you the same care and at tention as if vou Dald mr resrular fee. You could receive no better service for J 1000. it fou could but talk to the many cured patients sm dismissing daily, you would refuse to suffer longer on the promise of other doctors. Don't be a Weakling-, a Failure, and your life a miserable existence. Why pay exorbitant fees when I offer you better curative treat ment for this low charge? I am a man of In dependent means; the curing of my patients Is my first and only thought. In this I differ widely from grasping doctors who think only of their tee and care little for the welfare of their fellow men. Take advantage ot this offer at once: don't watt till the last few days, when the crowded condition of my ouice may prevent you seeing roe. clal.) County Judge J. W. Maloney, of this city, has decided to enter the race to represent the Eastern district of Oregon at the National convention of the Democratic party to be held in Baltimore next July. His candidacy was announced In conjunction with the announcement of the withdrawal of Dr. C J. Smith, ex-State Senator, In favor of Maloney. i Men and Women A Confidential Chft With Your Ioctor Often Inspires Great Confidence. All that we ask la that you call at our office and talk over your condition with us. Ve will treat It confidentially, g 1 you a complete physi cal examination and our best advice. If you think our diagno sis and advice correct and our fee right, we will V.ak nlnaMfl to Conaultina; bpeciaus. treat you. YOrR CONFIDENCE In tjs and our ability to cure you will crow as we become better acquainted. We pro duce results where others fall because we are abreast of the times, our methods of treatment modern and all old routine and unsuccessful methods have no room In our establishment. WB CI" RE ACUTE AND CHRONIC DIS- EAoES OF MEN AND WOMEN regardless of how long- standing. After you have tried Patent Medicines without number and have consulted and treated with several doctors and they have failed to relieve you. we will cure you. RHEUMATISM Onr External Absorbent Method of treat ment means permanent relief from this stubborn and painful ailment. ASTHMA We will refund the cost of treatment to anyone suffering with this distressing; condi tion if we cannot grant a permanent relief. NO OPERATIONS necessary for the successful treatment ot Plies, Tumors, Cancer, Rupture and other similar conditions. CHRONIC CONSTIPATION Nervous Diseases, Kidney and Bladder Dis eases, General Weakness, Ear, Nose and Throat, Catarrh and Lunp Disease a Liver and stomach Diseases, Eczema and all Skin Diseases cured to stay cured by our methods of treatment. BLOOD POISONING We offer you a choice of three remedies for this condition. Including "606." IF yOC ARE DISCOURAGED, CONSULT US FREE TODAY If you cannot call at our office, write for free symptom and diagnosis blank. Hours 9 A. M. till 6 P. M. Sundays. 11 till 2 P. M. MODERN SPECIALISTS First and Alder Sts. Phone Main 4484. Entrance 211 Alder bt. MEN DON'T Lose Hope I Invite in particu lar all those who havn become dissatisfied with treatment else where. I will explain to you why you have not been cured, and will prove by actual benefit why I can cure STVcC."!. you Safely, Quickly Tfci ( anA toT 1 1 ' when a lx - . VlTs. owners tan. f-r TTSr X IV I ask all who are sSgideslre a cure, to hon Grestly Investigate my original and strictly modern, scientific methods of treat ment. A private consultation, a thor ough personal examination, will cost you nothing, and a perfect cure (if you decide to engage my sen-Ices) will not be more than you will be willing to pay for the benefits I will give you. I will do by you as I would want you to do by me If our cases were reversed. CON'Sn.TATION CDCC EXAMINATION TntC VARICOSE VEINS, BLOOD DIS- ORDERS, SKIN DISORDERS, BLADDER AND KIDNEY AIL MENTS, RUPTURE, PILES, FIS TULA OND OTHER AILMENTS NOT MENTIONED. Out-of-Towa People Visiting the City consult me at once upon arrival, and maybe aou can be cured before return ing home. Many cases can be cured in one, two or more visits, continuing treatment when home. MY PRESENT FEES WITHIN ANY 0E'S REACH. CONSULT ME FREE. DON'T LET MONEY MATTERS OR MODESTY KEEP YOU FROM BEING CURED. 1 do not "patch up." I cure to stay cured. No delay. Call or write today. No mistakes made. Expert medical ex amination free whether you take treat ment or not. Come to Me, No Matter Who Has Failed. I Cure Others, I Con Cure You. Dr. Lindsay The Old Reliable Specialist. Corner Alder and Second Streets. En trance 128 Second Street, Portland, Or. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. Al. Sundays 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. MODERN METHODS I am positively the only specialist in Portlund that publishes his own photograph, personally conducts and manages his own office, and con sults with and treats all his own patients. I have more qualifications and experience than any other spe cialist advertising In this city. My name and photograph Is not a cloak for a "medical company." Every man calling at my office is assured of my personal and indi vidual treatment until a cure is ef fected. Mv fees are one-fourth that exacted by the various "medical companies," "institutes" and "mu seums." Be sure to consult me be fore treating elsewhere. BLOOD POISON 111" I FlLFILL MY PROMISES. I ACCEPT NO INCURABLE CASES. I Never HOLD OCT FALSE HOPES. Why treat with Incompetents when you can secure the expert services of a competent specialist? Come to me if you have any of the following disorders: Vnrlcose Veins, Pimples, Nervous Debility, Nerve, Blood and Skin Disorders. Bladder Troubles, Blood Poisons, Eruptions, Ulcers, Special Ailments, Piles or Fistula. 9 to 5 7 to 8 Dally; Sunday, 10 to 1. Examination Advice Free. J.J.Keefe,Ph.G.M.D. Rooms 11-14 I.nfayette Bids'., S13V. WASHINGTON ST., COR. 6th, PORTLAND, Oft. L. T YEE & SONS The old eminent Chines doctor cures any disease successfully, such as weak nerves, constipation, asthma catarrh, cancer, plies nerv outness, rheumatism, blood poison, lung, liver, k'.dne and stomach trouble; all ailments of men and women TCn mn!tr who has failed x : I guarantee a cure If cur JTl., 1 J'. able. I have spent a lifetlm may of herbs and graduated trom severa unlversitlcs and took post-graduate coursei In China. I have thousanda of testimonial! from my rrateful patients. I use only th most harmless Chinese herbs, regardless oi the hlRh price. So I can help you. Call or write for symptom blanks ana circular. I T. YEE fe SONS MEDICINE CO., 142Va llrst. 6. E. Cor. Aider, Portland, Or. L