Main 7200 Out of Town Orders will be given care ful and prompt at tention. Send for our Catalogue. OurDeliveryService West EM a. Tour Times Difly. Zrt Side, to 35th. Twlc Dally. Mount Tabor. 10:20 Dally. Ixrlncton, Twict Daily. Portland Height. Daily. SJyerdale. Tuesday and Friday. I 2SS-290-292 Stark St- Oregon's v Foremost Grocers 2S8-290-292 Stark St. Get o Accra Sa J We want to become acquainted with everybody in Portland and vicinity. It will pay you to get to know us and become acaintedP svith thl most up to date Grocery House in Oregon. Our prices are low and the quality of our merchandise LetussLvyou wheS it will be to your advantage to trade with us. Read the following specials Get Acquainted With Our Delicatessen Dept. used. Our salads are equal to home-made and our roast meats are done to a turn. "We offer: Shrimp or Crab Salads, lb 3 Chicken Salad, made from Fancy Chickens, lb .4 Oc Whole Roast Chickens, each VJl Baked Hams, from milk-fed pips, lb - 50C Fresh Poultry Friday and Saturday. Get Acquainted With Weinhard's Columbia Beer Noted for Its Purity and Excellent Flavor Brewed from the fin est of s e 1 e c t e d malt and Bohemian hops Physicians recom mend it as a Spring tonic, and just the thing for that tired, run-down feeling. In cases of 2 doz. pints $1 doz. Or 1 dox. quarts $1.75 doz. Get Acquainted With SPERRY PRODUCTS We Recommend Them. The highest grade of cer eals obtainable. 28 vari eties in red cartons. The prices are cheap, too. For instance, we offer: Sperry Rolled Oats, 2 packages for 25J Sperry Encore Pancake Flour, 2 packages for I25 Sperry Flaked Peas, fine for soup, only, package 15 Sperry Flaked Hominy, only, package 10t Get Acquainted With Premium Creamery Butter Oregon's Finest Product Special at 80c Roll Premium Butter is made under the most sanitary conditions, from pure cream, and is as near perfection as it is possible to attain in the art of butter-making. If you are not satisfied we will refund your money. Get Acquainted With HISLOP'S Coffees, Spices, Vanilla and Lemon Flavoring Extracts The highest standard of excellence that's Ilislop's. Hislop'3 Best Coffee, 1 lb. 45c, 2 lbs ....85 SALE LASTS ONE WEEK Hood River Winesaps 200 boxes of these Extra Fancy Apples from our fa mous Brinkhaven orchard. Every apple -a ' fl im perfect; 225 to the box; very special; boxP A j NOTE THESE Get-Acquainted Specials Minced Clams Full Weight, No Sand. Otter Brand, 12Vfc size, three for... 25d Quinsult Brand, 15c size, each lOd1 Quinault Brand, 25c size, three for v50c Shrimps Best Barataria. 15c size, special 10,. dozen S1.15 25c size, special 20S dozen S2.30 French Sardines Royans. Fine fish, best olive oil, reg. 25c, special 3 for 50d Asparagus Griffon Brand. Best quality, white and tender, regular 25o, spe cial, 20c; dozen S2.30 Petit Prunes New Crop Oregon. Small and sweet, special, the pound 7VaJ Table Peaches. Yellow Crawfords or Sliced Lemon Clings, 25c grade, three cans for 50d California Fruit and Granulated Sugar. Preferred Stock Lemon Cling Peaches Rejrular 35e, special . 20d Pineapple, sliced, No. 1 tins, 3 for. 25 Laundry Soap. North Star Savon, box 20 bars, reg. $1, spl 85d Libby Milk Three cans for 25S dozen... 90 Table Raisins Mrs. Mowats. 60o box, for 35c 25o box for 15 NECTAR BRAND. New York State Vegetables. We consider this the best line of Canned Vegetables packed in the United States. We do not think that they can be equaled. In the interest of economy buy vegetables by the dozen or case. The saving is worth while. Each Doz. Peas, Extra Sifted.......... ;.$ Peas, Telephone '. Peas, Early Garden........... ....... Peas, Tender Sweet Beans, Selected Kef..., Beans, Cut Ref .......... Beans, Golden "Wax, Lima Beans, green...., Lima Beans, tiny green Kidney Beans Succotash Tomatoes, Thistle Brand, No. 3, cans, fancy selected Pumpkin, Golden Extra Spinach, No. 3 cans Beets, No. 3 cans Beets, Rosebud, No. 3 cans. You can make up assorted cases to suit at the case price. .25 .20 .15 .15 .25 .15 .20 .20 .25 .15 .20 .20 .15 .25 .25 .25 $2.75 2.25 1.65 1.65 2.50 1.60 2.25 2.00 2.50 1.60 2.00 2.25 1.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 Oranges From Mr. Ward's ranch at Sierra Madre, thin skinned, sweet and juicy, dozen 25 & Box $2.95 GET ACQUAINTED WITH Breakfast Bacon ' HAMS, BACON AND LARD They are unexcelled in quality and flavor, and the money you spend for these goods remains in Portland remember this. Columbia Hams, lb I6Y26 Columbia Bacon, lb 2Gd Columbia Lard, medium size ...80d M mSr BRAND m Delicious Ham M piay Hl B ifcM ram mm M pr Hpa M4rniMluiinM W f A hMnioMllN Lm. ffllwHMtO. hUMt.OMi jLW Get f SUuf nnhTnrig 1 Acquainted With OlympicFlomr The highest grade flour made in the Northwest; used by all cooks who demand the best. 25-pound sacks, 75& 50-pound sacks, $1.35 OLYMPIC PANCAKE FLOUR. s ri.iiCr if The best seller on the market. Whyf Because it's good. Four- pound package only.... ...r 25( OLYMPIC WHEAT HEARTS. OLYMPIC CAKE AND PASTRY. A breakfast cereal made from the sweetest and Specially prepared for making the whitest, lightest strongest part of the wheat. 4-lb package. . .25J cakes and pie crust. 4-pound package only 25 Get Acquainted With Italian-Swiss Colony Wines Dry, ''sweet and natural sparkling wines; their Tipo (Red or White) is California's finest table wine and their Ports and Sher ries are recommended as tonic wines on account of their age and purity. The colony's wines were the only American wines awarded the "Grand Prix" at the Turin Exposition in Italy, Oc tober, 1911. Tipo, White or Red, pints, 40 each; dozen. . . . . .$4.00 Tipo, White or Bed, quarts, 75, each; dozen 7.00 Port or Sherry, regular gallon, $1.50, special $1.00 Claret, fine old wine, regulari gallon, $1.00, special 75$ w ft 'iff . Get Acquainted With Our Bakery Departm't We produce absolutely the best Bread; Cakes, Pies and French Pastry in the city. Our bakers axe at the head of their profession. We use only the best materials and exercise the utmost care. Our Home-made Bread is unequaled. Try one of our large loaves, 10 French Pastry, per dozen 60 Bolas 75 Layer Cakes, all kinds 50 Krantz 40 Nut Loaf Cake... ......... 25 Jelly Rolls, home-made jelly XU? And Countless Other Good Things. . Get Acquainted With I , srmSjr'cuT Steel Cut COFFEE Superior in quality to any on the market remem- ber, steel cut. One-pound cans, only 45t 2-pound cans, only 85 DIAMOND FANCY CANNED GOODS. The Best Obtainable. Quality That's Kecommended and Guaranteed by Us to Our Customers. Ill Get Acquainted With mm CROWN FLOUR Latest and Best We absolutely guarantee this flour to satisfy you or your money will be refunded. , . . Let Us Send You a Sack. 25-lb. sack 75 50-lb. sack $1.35 tffWfs BST-PAT0! Get Acquainted With ZAN'S FINE BROOMS . For Spring Housecleaning All Gold, regular 65c, sp'l 60 Gold Medal, reg. 75c, sp'l 65 Special, regular 55c, sp'l 50 Select, regular 60c, spec'l 50 "We guarantee these Brooms to be made of best green corn. Well sewed and not manufactured by prison labor. Get Acquainted With We recommend the use of Royal White Laundry Soap. It is made of pure vege table oils, contains no rosin and makes your linens pure and white. MADE IN PORTLAND BY Luckel, King & Cake J