! TnE SUNDAY ORTGONIAy. PORTLAND. TTSBRUAIIT 11, 1912. - 1 ' , . . ' " " " Cfcrtrtapbev. nv Richard Pryee. $1 3 V Hougnton. Mifflin Co- Boston. New English novelists, such as Dc Morgan. Galsworthy, Locke. Snatth. Bennett anJ a few others ("new" in the sense that IMckens and Bulwer Lytton are "old") have mad their ap peal to the American public with con siderable success. A new English lit eray star In the person of Hlchard Pryce hits beirun to shine, and from the marked excellence of his creative and fanciful work, particularly In the skill with -which he portrays feminine char acter. "Christopher" recalls the a"a tl charm but not the boisterous, ex uberant humor of Charles Pickens: more so than noticed In the novels of ITyre's contemporaries or possible rivals. Why shoal I not this bT It Is true that "the kins; 1 dead." but every seed, all tree life that Is seemingly dor mant In the around when Winter rules, experiences reincarnation In some oth er form when Spring; comes. Books are fashioned after Nature. "Christopher" has a charm that al lures, and a beckoning that hints of real enj-ryment If the reader will only peruse the novel In Intelligent fashion. Instead of devouring or sampling It In the hll-or-mlns order. "Christopher" Is also a delicious confection, to be enjoyed In the right mood. We part from the people In It with a firm grasp of the hand, and an expression of, "We have always longed to meet you. Too bad that formerly we only knew you at a distance. Flease call ajraln Mr. f-ryce was born at Boulogne, FYnnee. S"i May. 1MI. of English parents, his father being a Colonel In the British army, and his mother the daughter of General Christopher Ham ilton. Our author's uncle was Iter. Richard iTyre. a witty preacher of the Iean Hole school, who once ac cepted a challenge to preach extempore on any text that should be handed him in the pulpit. He found a piece of paper on which was written a text from I Kings xvll:4J. "And he went up and looked and said. There Is noth ing.'" It la recorded that the preacher delivered an eloquent sermon from such an apparently meaningless verse. After our author's father died young Pryce returned to England, where he was educated at Leamlnanon College. He began to write at an early age for magazines, and In 114 Issued his first book, when he was 19 years oit. a graceful story of French peasant life. Mr. I'ryce is also favorably known to readers for his recent novels -Christopher Iflbbault" and "Jean Christophe." and for his successful play. "Op o" We Thumb." so well played in the United States by Miss Maude Adams. Mr. Prvce brings Boulogne and Lon don into "Christopher." and Inserts many of the scenes with which he was familiar as a boy and young man. "Christopher" also suggests a Chinese novel, for it begins before the hero was born, introduces us to him as an Infant In swaddling clothes, and we then accompany our hero Christopher Merrick as a schoolboy, college boy, traveler and lover. Is the Chinese plan to accompany our hero to the grave to be carried out? Christopher was born on a ship In mid-ocean, as his newly widowed mother was coming from India to her former English home. Mrs. Herrlck la the sweet, gentle, womanly sunbeam that Charles Pickens loved to write about, and Trimmer, the nurse, and Mrs. Grandmother Herrlck rich and lerlble at first are others. Christopher j unxoids uae a iiower, wim yvi miuum and " Imperfections In his character freely marked. He knows intimately Boulogne at the time of the Franeo rierman war of 1871. and London. Here Is sample of one mood: It was difficult afterwards to determine the exact ordir of tne trivial event which, mad bp lit'. At Boulo( things bad hap pened before or after me war. so near London as Windsor and K.ton. things hap pened for the most pan merely to the tune f what nnii ruled the moment. Tons "Tommy. Make Room" period was fol bv periods governed in tore by such g.ms a 'The Old and the Young Oba uiah ("Said the 'MJ Oia-tlas to the Young th-.dlah. -obadlab, obadiah. I'm dry""!): "Whoa. Emma!" "If I Were Only Tall K nous it We Don't Want to Flgnv. but. lr Ji"iti. if We im; "La 1I ra" ;atr. and the Ilka. There a "Nancy !-' .... - .... the "Brle-a-Brac" polka. My Grandfather's flucH" marked time. "True a the Stare That Are shin ing ' -Silver Threads Among the Cold." 1 and "Moliy Darling" held their own. often- bach was slvtns p:ace to Leco. and I'lao- (lueuv. in 'im 1 1 " r were coming alone- The Gaiety was con tribution lo the general conflh-t or har mony There were plenty of popu:ar aire to rroe up to. and Christopher was very blur growing ! The real Christopher, the man. comes i fnlo view when he first meets kites Cora St. Jenliun, whom he loves In his fervent. caJfllke fashion. Gentle English society is skillfully pictured, also the air of elegance that hovers round a society life of a seemingly endless round of dinners, receptions and formal afternoon teas.' Here is Christopher's first view of the girl who was to be his fate: "Then it was that, having bent the knee to no particular woman, he met one. the right of whom weakened him suddenly. He was conscious of a swimming of his senses, of a weakness almost phy sical, so that for the moment the strength seemed taken from his limbs. This at the sight of a slip of a girl. tall, slender, lily-white, who with one glance of her eyes answered the ques tion he had ceased to put. and answered it. or he thought so then, finally. Is It you? Tou. at last? It Is I. Christy Cora Jemlson." The trouble with Christopher Is that he can't make real love, and doesn't know how to deal with and win women. But what man does? The men will pleaje not ail speak at once. The Vlkhig a Ilelgelaad, The rreteadee. I adv In gee ml i mt rmt. The IrM at st heeig, Leee enwir. Brand and 1'eer Oynl. by M-nrlk Ion. Illustrated. 13 per vo.nroe. CharRs Scribner'e boos. New Tork City. These four handsome-looking vol umes belong to the new Viking edi tion. Issued on the subscription plan, and edited with introductions by William Archer. The set will consist of 11 volumes, of which 11 will contain the plays; the 11th volume, entitled "From Ibsen's Workshop," the drafts, scenarios and notes of the modern plays, and the 13th volume, the "Life .f Ibsen." by CTmund Gosse. The translations of the plays are by that competent critic William Archer, whose versions were approved by Ib sen, except for "Love's Comedy," and "Brand." which were translated bv C H. Herford. and "From Ibsen's Work shop." translated by A- Q. Chater. In his writings and general editing, Mr. Archer has made good use of recent discoveries and publication of facts relating to Ibsen, while the criticisms made are brilliant. In good taste, and possess much biographical value. The Illustrations, of which there are nearly 60, Include not only ten portraits of Ibsen at various periods of his life, but also scenes from the plays pre sented by actors like Mrs. Fiske, Rich ard Mansfield, Beerbonm Tree, and a nnrolier of the creators of the roles on fie Lunlh and Norwegian stage, and of N'orwrcl.tn scenery In locall- ti-s connected with the plas and with Jl.sen's own life. Eminent Judges of literature have i Sfhn Wnr-vor tht old snvs: Cal none a man bat the, knightly rnanl So new that we have .never a kmgnt . in the land, J5ave never o maris ond where no man isvtfcere must vomer? order things . "therefore ,re- ; , V-w - V " ' ag T ' ii .f. - i r.f f . said (and others equally learned have disagreed with them that Ibsen is now accepted by the world as the greatest dramatist of the 19lh century, and that his plays, like the dramas of Shakes peare and Moliere, are even more wide ly read than played. They are cer tainly masterpieces. It will interest booklovers to know that this set of Ibsen will be printed from new and carefully selected type and on fine paper, made for the edi tion and bearing the initials of the au thor as a watermark, and that the vol umes are attractively bound In sateen cloth. It Is not necessary now to criticise the fine literary workmanship of these plays, as the world has already settled that question years ago. It Is proper and seasonable to call public attention 1 - t r II j - Mlsss Aaaa eat herford. M'hs T Wrote rasab ef lea fort aaa 4 (Misrl." I Mt.l to the many excellencies of this edi tion of Ibaeu's works. Take the moat striking passage In "The Vikings at Ilelgeland." the play In which that fierce woman. Hlordla, becomes the wife of the tame cat. Gun ner, because she thinks that the lat ter, sword in hand, stormed her sleep ing bower, and killed the bear that stood aa guard. In reality, the raider was Sigurd, and the Incident, aa re lated on pages 64, 68 and SO. Is present ed in adequate literary setting. Tha dialog-ue is between Sigurd and his wife. Dsgny: siocnn. Thou kajwest there had been a feast: tho didst seek thy chamber betimes; bnt Hlordls still sut among I ho men In the feast hall. The horn went busily around, and many a great vow waa sworn. 1 awors to bear awav a f.itr maid with me from Ice land: Gunaar swore the same aa I. and passed the cup t Hlordla ohe grasped It and stood up. and Vowed thla vow. that no warrior should have her to wife, save him who should go to her bower, s;ay the white bear that stood bound at tha door, and carry hr away In bia arms. DAGNT. Tea, yes: all this I know. SIGUKD. Alt men deemed that It should sot be. for the bear waa the fiercest of beasts: none but Hlordla sulght come near it and It had tha strength of -0 men. DAGNT. But Gunnar slew It. sod by that deed won fame throughout all lands. SIGURD. (In a low voice). Ha won the fame but I did the deed! DAGNT. (With a cry) Thou I 8IGCRD. When the men left the feast-hall. Guo nar prayed me to come to him alone to our sleeping place. Then aald he: "Hlordls Is dearer to me than all women; without her I cannot live." I answered htm: "Then go to her bower: thou knoweet tK- vosr she bath sworn." But he said: "Life Is dear to him that loves; if 1 suould . 1 the bear, tha end w-re doubtful, and 1 am loath to loss my life, (or then should I low Hlordls too." Long did wa talk, and the end waa that Gunnar made ready his ship, while I drew my sword, took Oun nsr's harness upon me. and went to the bow sr. DAGNT. (With pride and Joy And thou thou didst slay the bear! SIGURD. I slew him. In the bowr. It was dark as under a raven's wing; Hlordls de-med It was tlunnar that sat by her she waa heat ed with toe mead she draw a ring from ' 4 . 1 . t . t. d-'f -I J V at ev.-: . J : r--. 1 . i I ' t ; 1 ' 1 ' e- '-a l' s. 'i -3 her arm and gave It to m It is that thou weareat now. DAONV. (Heslr.tlng) And thou wast alnns that ntahl with Hlordls In her bower? RlGUKD. Mr gword lay drawn between us. (A short pauael. Kre the Un. I Dure Hlordtg'to Ounnars ahlp; she dreamad nut of our gulls, and he aalied away with her. Then went I to thy sleeping place and found thei' there among thy women what followed thou knnvcft; 1 aniled from Ireland with a fair mnH .is T hid sw-otn. :md f-on ThM nv .4 1 Services in City Churches BAPTIST. 1 First. White Temple. Twelfth and Taylor streets Kev. W. B. Hlnson. pastor. w.M. Bible school, classes for all ages; 11, preach ing by the pastor; theme. "Ieltv of Christ.' first sermon In aerie; 0:1.1. B. T. I'. V. serv : Ice; t lie me. -For the Love of Another." led I by H. E. Morgan: T::i'. preaching hy the pastor; tneine, v ncu tim ce.i , baptism. Easi Side. East Ankeny and Twentletn streets Rev. Albert Khrgott. minister. 10. Sunday sc hool; 11, "Why Be Good 7"; 6:30. young peopie-g meeting; 7:ao. "The Man win. k- un."- R- r.ecial service In the old I ehnreh Fast Seventh and Ankeny streets; fhlef of pulica Plover will mako an ad dress. Arleta. Klsty-fourth street snd Fortr elghlh svenue Southeast Kev. Duncan Sic-v.k-n 10 flundir school: 11. "The Authority for christian Truth"; :13. B. T. P. V.: 7?80. 'The Proper Attitude Toward Temptation." Grace, Montavllla Kev. Albert E. Patch, pastor. Punday school. 0:4.1; II, sermon; topic. "How Much Responsibility?. :30. young people's meeting; 7:30, topic, "A Father Seeking Hla Son." Tabernacle. East Forty-second street and Hnlgate avenue Rev. Robert Gray, pastor. Sermon toplca: 11. "Work Out Your Own Salvation"; 7:30. "Taste and See"; Sunday school. IO; TomilC people's S.tcletr, :3'. East Forty-nftU street, corner Main Rev. A. B. Walts, pastor. Sunday school. 9:4: worship. 11: topic. "Teaching the Voung Idea How to Speak": T:30. "A Solemn Prom ise Forgotten"; . Y. P. t-'.. B:30. Calvary. East ingbth and Grant streets Rev. I. K. Monroe, pastor. Services. 11; topic. "Dhe Present Glory of the Children of Ood": 7:30, -The Yokes": Sunday school, lo: H. Y. P. l. :". Third. Knott street and Vancouver ave rue Rev. Webly J. Beaven. pastor. II. "Training for Soul-Wlnnlng " : 7::io. "Seems Jesns": Bible school. 10: B. T. P. U.. , prayer servu-e. Thursday at 8. ett. Johns Rev. it. K. Cheney, paator. Srrvlres. 11 and 7:S0. Leate Rev. J. M. Nelson, paator. Serv trea. 11 and 7:0; Sunday school. 10: B. Y. P. 17.. :"- . Highland. Alberta and East Sixth streets Xorth Rev. Charles Button Elliott, pastor. Preaching services. 11 and ":: Kundsy school. .4S; B. T. P. U.. :30; prayer west ing Thursday. T:. Mount O'lvet. Seventh and Everett atresia Kev. R. IL Thomas, pastor. Service II; eov.nant meeting: . preaching and com munion : Buor.ay school. 12 to. Immaauel. Second and Meade streets Rev H. Blsek. pastor. Preaching. 10:30 and 7 'SO; Sunday school. 1J; teaobers train ing class, prayer meeting, Thursday, " ifuaaellvtlle Bchoolhousa. under auspices of Grace church. Montavilla Uunday school. 2:11; preaching by Rev. Albert Patch. 3. Unlveralty park Rev. A. C. Sastnn. act ing nastor. Preaching. II and 7:30; Bun day school. 10: B. Y. P. U :30. Swedish Rev. Frederlo Linden, pastor. Morning service. 10:45; Sunday school. 12; B. y p. L. :13; evening service. 7:45. Chinese Mission, 53 Burnslde street Bun day school. 7; J. Q. Malone. superintendent. Italian Mission, 614 Front street P. E. Saltorelll. missionary. Preaching, 1; Bun day school. 8. Sellwood. Eleventh street and Taeoma ave- Dtta Kev. F. H. Hayes, pastor. Preaching. 11 and T:30: 8undsy school, 10; B. Y. P. SO. Second German, Morris street and Rodney avenue Rev. Kredertck Buerrman, pastor. Sunday school. 8:45; preaching. 11 and 7:30: B. Y. P. V.. :43. Sunnyalde (Oermant, Forty-Brat street end Hawthorne avenue Sunday school, 9:45; Conrsd Wyss, superintendent. First German, Fourth and Mill streets Rev. J. Kratt. pastor. Services. 11 and 7:30; Sunday school. :43. CONG REOATIONAL. First, Park and Madison streets Rev. Luther R. Dyott. D. D.. minuter. :45, Bible school: IL minister's theme. "How to Make Our Religion of Greater Value in Everyday Lire"; 7:4. -ministers theme, "The Beat Thing In a Human Heart." Haasalo Rev. John M. Lowden, D. D., pas tor. 11. "A Bight That Warmed tha Mas ter's Heart"; 7:30, "The King at a Hovel Door"; Bible school. 10. University Park. Haven street, near Lom bard Rev. W. C Kantner. pastor. Serv ices. 11 and 7:0; Sunday school. 10; Y. P. 8. C. K- :80. Highland. East Sixth snd Prescott streets Kev. K- S. Bollinger, paator. IO. Sunday school: 11 and 7:3. worship; 4. Intermediate Endeavor: :30, Y. P. 8. C. E. : themes. Ruffled Men." "A God That Fits the Facts of Life." Atkinson Memorial Rev. Herbert Q. hast thou stood faithfully at my side whith ersoever I have wandered. Enough has been quoted to show the literary excellence of the translation. Crumbs of Comfort and Counsel, hy Anna Weatherford. 30 cents, published at 317 Chicago avenue, Feralto Heights, Oakland, Cal. Twenty-five epigrams or thought messages, beautifully expressed, teach ing how to make life better and worth living. Th perms of thesa optimistic thoughts are as old as the race, and com to us In tablets from age-marked Babylonia and Egypt, ages before Moses was born. Away from the more misty past come similar thoughts of comfort and wlse counsel from the country now known as India, and from China, and before that but what's the use? We inisht go on Indefinitely. In our day, words of comfort to the race have- com from Mary Baker Eddy, and Miss Vetherford seems In her "Crumbs of Comfort and Counsel" to coincide) with the teachings of Chris tian Science. The latter has an Im mense following today. The messages now given by Miss Weatherford are well expressed, worth reading and helpful. They are of th lflnd-a-hand order. Four of the mes sages selected at random: Be glad, evening, morning and at noon: knowing that neither breadth, height nor depth can separate you from the love that causes your heart to beat. Be glad because you are In thla beautiful world, but not of the world. Be glad each day. knowing that you are growing Into the knowledge of your Ooc- given freedom. Earn day w must come face to face with ourselves, and know that the flock we must tend Is our mental peace. Wrong thoughts sre the wolves which com to steal away our harmony; we must be keeper of our own flock. If x cake of yeast will change our meal, the divine leaven will change our world. Man is the father of thn "can't" family: the '"can't" family has many children, and they all work hard for man. Their first work ia a big crop of complaints, mixed with eelf-plty. bitterness and Ingratitude. When this crop Is ripe, man reaps fear and affliction. In private life our author Is Mrs. BlRfrlod Pimm, of Oakland. CaL he was born In Virginia, and her literary work shows that she Is a writer of merit. The Arctic fralrlea. by Krnest Thompson Keton. SI.SO. Illustrated. Charles t-crlb-ner's Son. New York City. No. thlH is not a book for the amuse ment of young children. It Is an en tertaining record of a six months' canoe Journey the author Took, nt his own expense, of L'000 miles In search of caribou, to the Canadian Northwest region beyond Aylnier Lake. He began his trip in the early Summer bf the year 107, and the record is one of much Information and observation, both as to Interesting people met with and animal life In the Far North. Of spe cial Interest are the accounts of sick people whom Mr. Seton and his medi cine healed, and incidents relating to plant life. The illustrations are many and worth while. The Man With the Black Feather, by Gas ton Leroux. Illustrated. Sl.i.'S. Small, Maynard Co.. Boston. Surely a French Edgar Allan Poe. The author has cleverly drawn Theo phrastus Longuet, a retired manufac turer of rubber stamps, and in mak ing him the hero of a "mystery" novel, fashions a weird and Interesting tale full of strange, whimsical humor. Often the story Is what the Scotch would call "uncanny." A Personal Record, by Joseph Conrsd. $1.25. Warper A Brothers. New York City. A frank record of the personal ex periences of a natural author and sea man, who has been blessed with two great, pure longings for the sea and literature. He tells of strange out-of-the-way places the Congo, Borneo, the Ukrains. The book is a marvel of condensation. Illuminating the deeds of a worthy life. JOSEPH M. QUF.XTTN. Crocker, pastor. Bible school. 10:4.1: morn ing worship. 11; Christian Endeavor. B:4.1 evening worship. 7 :3'X Sunnyslde. East Taylor snd Thirty-second streets Rev. J. J. Staub. I. .. pastor. Services. 11 and 7:S0; Sunday school. 10: Christian Endeavor. n:l4; sermon topics. "A Superior Righteousness" and "The Man and His Church." The evening service is the second In a series on "Tba Man and His Vital Relations in Life." CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. First. Everett street, between Eighteenth snd Nineteenth Services. II and 8; subject of lesson-Sermon. "Spirit": Sunday school after morning service; Wednesday evening meeting, s o'clock. Second, Woodmen's Hall. East Sixth and Alder streets Services, 11 and 8; subject of leeeon-s rmon. "Spirit"; Sunday achool. 11; Wednesday testimonial service, 8 P. M. Third. Ellcrs Recital Hall. Seventh snd Alder streets 11. lesson sermon. "Spirit": Sunday school after morning service; Wed nesday evening meeting. 8. . CHRISTIAN. Woodlawn. Seventh and Liberty Rev. Edward Wright, preacher. Blblo school, 10; 11. "The New Name"; 7:30. "A Second Pro bation; Does the Bible Teach It." First. Park and Columbia Rev. W. F. Rengnr, minister. 11. "That Which Makes a Man Christian": 7:30. "Religion, Our Real Llf.i"; Sunday school. 9:5o; C. K.. 6:30. Central. East Twentieth and Salmon Rev. J. P. Ghormley, paator. 11. "The Trium phant Faith"; 7:45. song service. EPISCOPAL. Ft. Matthew's. First and Caruthars streets Rev. W. A. M. Breck. in charge. Holy communion. 7:.TO: Sunday achool, in; service and e-rmon. 11. Evening service at St. Hel ens, on the Columbia River, at 7::lt. and at Uoble at Trinity. Nineteenth and Everett Rev. lr. A. A. Morrlaon. rvclor. Svrvli:a e, 11 and 7:3o; Sunday school. :ti. R. K. Remington, rector. Sundey school. :4.1: holy communion and sermon, 11; neighborhood service. H. St. John's. Mllwaukie Rev. T. F. Bowen In charge. Service and sermon. S. Good Shepherd. Grnham and Vancouver avenues Rev. John Dawson, rector. Sun day achool. V:4.1; morning service, 11; even ing svrvlc 7:8. St. Marks', Twenty-first and Marshal! Rev. J. E. H. Simpson, rector. 7:3t. holy cu charlsr; 10:10, matins; 11. matins; Till), evensong. Grace Memorial. Weldler and East Sev enteenth North Holy communion, 8; morn ing prayer and sermon, 11; evening prayer and sermon, 7:30; Sunday school, 10. Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen the Martyr, Thirteenth and Clay Rev. H. M. Ramsey, vicar. Holy communion. 7:30; Sunday school. 10: morning service, 11; service for colored people, 3; evening prayer. 7:0. St. David's. East Twelfth and Belmont Rev. H. R. Talbott, lector. Holy encharist. 7:30; Sunday school. 9:46; morning prayer, 11; celebration of holy eucharist the first Sunday of the month; evening prayer, 8. St. Michael's and All Angels', East Thirty-eighth and Broadway Kev. J. C Potts, rector. Holy eucharist. 7:30; morning serv ice and sermon, 11 (first and third Sundays, morning prayer; second and fourth Sun days, holy eucharist); Sunday school. 2:a0; evensong. 7:30. St. John's Memorial, East Fifteenth and Harney Kev. T. F. Bowen. rector. Holy communion, 8: Sunday school. 10; morning service, 11; evening service. 7:30. St, Andrew's. Portsmouth Rev. Archdea sort Chambers. In charge, Sunday school. 10; evening service, 7:30. Church of Our Savior. Woodstock avenne and Forty-first Southeast Rev. E. H. Clark in cnarge, Kegular aervicee o ana u. Bishop Morris Memorial Chapel. Good Sa maritan Hospital Kev. W. H. Powell, chap lain. Services, 3. LUTHERAN. St. James English. West Park and Jef ferson streets Bar. Allen Leas, pastor. Serv ices. 11 and 8; Sunday school. 10; Luther League. 7. Betania Danish, 640 Union avenues p.ev. X. J. 8cott. pastor. Services, 11 and 8: Sunday school. 10; fellowship meeting. 4: young people's meeting, Tuesday, 8: Ladles Aid, Wednesday. 3, at Mrs. Jenseu's, 117214 Going street, Themes of sermons: "The Strength of the Word Is. Don't Murmur." St. Psul's German. East Twelfth and Clin ton streets Rev. A. K reuse, pastor. - Sun day school. :30; services. 10:30 and 7:30. St. John's. Peninsula avenue and Kil Pat rick street Sunday school, !; German serv ices. 3. Our Savior'a Norwegian Synod Church. Eaat Tenth and Grant streets Services, 11 vnTTKrr, woman SOCIALIST ENCOURAGING LAWRENCE STRIKERS Mr. John A. Jones, Though bnt 22 Years Old, Is One of Official Organizers of Industrial Workers of World. Gertie Millar, Wife, of English Composer, Expected to Figure in Divorce Court. iwL owl i B, , . af, r. L v'.CIi? y f) lien S fYrj. .A..io7 es?) v SY3.ry 3rysS ir-snarr asi. wc.r.ts NEW TORK. Feb. 10. (Special.) Mrs. John A. Jones has been known as Elizabeth Flynn, an agi tator, for a good many years. And yet she is only 22 years old today. As Elisabeth Flynn she became a Socialist speaker on the streets of New York when she was a schoolgirl. She was arrested once. Tht was for speaking on the streets without a permit. Four years ago Miss Flynn married John A. Jones of Minnesota, who was an agitator like herself. She did not want to be married she wanted to live with. Jones in defiance of law and the conventions. But the authorities were on Jones' track and he was afraid that they would get him on a technical charge unless he and she were mar ried. While they were on their honey moon Jones was arrested and thrown into Jail. Now Mrs. Jones Is at Law rence encouraging the strikers. She is one of the official organizers of the In dustrial Workers of the World, which is conducting the Lawrence strike, e The report comes from London that and 7:4.1, by Rev. L. C. Foss; Sunday achool. lo. Zlon Norwegian Synod Church, Alhlna and Mason streets Services. 11, by Rev. R. O. Thorpe; Sunday school. 10. , German Evangelical Zlon Church (Mis souri Synod). Salmon and Chapman streets H. H. Koppelmann. pastor. Services, 10:15 and 7:45; Sunday school, 0:1.1. Grace English (Missouri Synod), Kerby and Fargo streets Carl M Hassold, pastor. Services, 10:30 and 7:30; Sunday school, :30. METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Grace, Twelfth and Taylor Rev. J. H. Cudllpp. D. t., minister. BlshopC. Vt . Smith, morning; evening. R. W. Raymond. Woodstock Rev. A. K. Avers, pastor. 11. "A Nailoii.-.l Survey of the Tvmpcrance Sit uation." by Dr. Clarence Truo Wilson. Sunnyslde. East Thlrty-tlflh and Yamhill Kev. W. H. Fry. D. !.. puaior. Sunday school. p:.vi: 11. "Looking for n. location, or the City of Cain and the city or unrui ; ;o "A Patriotic Service in Commemoration of Lincoln's Birthday." Kp worth. Twenty-sixth and Savler Rev. Frank James, pastor. Sunday school. :4; 11. "Kindling a Fire": 6:30, Epworth League; 7:30. "Absolute Surrender." German, Rodney avenue and Stanton Rev V. A. Schumann, paator. Sunday achool, I:4.r; Services 11 and S; Epworth League, 7:30. Centenary, Eaat Ninth and Pine Rev. IX H Trimble. D. D-, pastor. 11. "Will the Bible Stand?": 7:80, sacred concert: Sunday school. 9:45: Epworth League. 6:30. Clinton Kelly Memorial. Fortieth and Pow ell Valley Knad Kev. C. O. McCulloch, paa tor. 11. "Possibilities of Grace"; :3I. "The House of Desolation." Norwegian Danish. Vancouver avenue and Skldmore Rev. C. J. Larsen. paator. Preach ing 11 and 8: Sunday school 12. Taylor Street Rev. Benjamin Young, pas tor. 9:30, classes; 10:80. morning sermon; 12-1S, Sunday school; 6:30, Epworth League; 7:30, evening sermon. Mount Tabor, Eaat Slxty-flrst and Stark Rev. C. C Rarlck, paator. Morning, "The Man In Black": evening, "What Is the DcvllT": Sunday achool, 9:45; Epworth League, 6:S0; mid-week service, Thursday. 7:43. Lenta Rev. W. B. Moore, pastor. 11, "Render Unto-Caesar the Thlnga That Are Caesar's"; evening. "Hand Strengthened by Faith and Obedience." Trinity, 88 Humboldt Rev. C. T. Mo Pherson, paator. Services 11 and 7:30; Sun day achool. IO; Epworth League, :80. University Park W. J. Douglass, paator. Communion. 11: union service, addressed by Dr Clarence True Wilson. 7:30: Sunday School. 10; Epworth League, 6:15. METHODIST EPISCOPAL SOUTH. First, Union avenue and Multnomah street Rov James Hardy Bennett, pastor. Preaching. 11 and 7:80: morning subject. The Witness of the Spirit"; evening sub ject. "8ln WhyT" a revival meeting Is in progress, and will continue through this week. Sunday school, 9:45; Epworth League. 6:30; special music NAZARENE. First. East Seventh and Couch streets Rev. C. Howard Davis, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45; morning service, 11; Young Peo ple's Holiness League, 6; evening service, 7:30; prayer meeting, Wednesday evening, 7:30. Sellwood. Fifteenth street 4tnd Taeoma avenue Rev. Fillmore Tanner, paator. Bun day achool. 10: services, 11 and 7:30. Brentwood. Sixty-fifth avenue and Sixty seventh street Rev. Aaron Wells, pastor. Sunday achool. 10: morning service, 11; young people's meeting, 7; evening service. frz. 3z21sl Donna ? Gertie Millar, one of the "Gaiety Girls." will soon figure in a divorce suit, and that the Duke of Westminster will fig ure as a co-respondent. Miss Millar Is the wife of Lionel Monckton. composer and musical critic. . The Duke of West minster is wealthy. He is a man about 33, who was educated at Eton and served as aide to Lord Hoberts in South Africa. He is well known on the turf and as a man about town. He married. In 1901, Constance Cornwallls West. see Mrs. Mary Armor, of Georgia, is an advocate of temperance but not in the matter of speech, as the members of the judiciary committee of the House of Representatives will testify. Mrs. Armor addressed a sub-committee on the subject of shipping whisky Into "dry" states. When she was through the committee had a dazed expression and the stenographers were under the table. Mrs. Armor ssys that she can i say more in 10 minutes than all her friends in Georgia put together. She can prove this statement by any mem ber of the House committee. ' Miss Ellse Ladew is the daughter of S: prayer meeting. Wednesday, 7:30; Bible class. Friday evening, 7:30. Scandinavian, Woodmen Hall. 334 Rus sell street Rev. Carl Ericksen, pastor. No service in the morning. ReV. J. G. Peter son, of Los Angeles, will preach at 8 P. M. PRESBYTERIAN. First, Twelfth and Aldei: Rev. J. H. Boyd. D. , D., pnstor. 10:30. "Some Largo Aspects of Christian Activity"; Bible school. 12:10; 7:30, "Tha Rational Basis and Significance of the Phenomena of Healing." Hawthorne Park. East Twelfth and Tay lor Rev. E. N. Allen. D. D., minister. 10:30, "The Fifth Commandment"; 12, Sunday school: 6ilso. T. P. S. C. E. : 7:30, stereop tlcun lecture, "From Sinai to Ka'desh-bar- UCA." Piedmont. Cleveland and Jurrctt Rev. .T. E. Snyder, pnstor. 10:3o. "The Patriarch J.tcob : evenliiir. First Things First ; Sun. rl.y school, JU noon; Christian Endeavor, ti:30. i Calvary, Eleventh and Clay Rev. T. H. Walker, minister. Morning, "A Modern Mee sago From an Ancient Messenger": evening. Kev. Robert N". McLean; .Bible school, 12; Christian Endeavor,- 6:45. Mount Tabor, East Fifty-fifth and Bel mont Rev. W. G. Moore, pastor. Sunday school, lo; 11, "Power of a Ruling Mo tive"; Junlora' meeting, 3: Christian En deavor, 6:3(: 7:30, "Why Bo a Christian?" SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST. (Note Regular service of this denomi nation are held on Saturday.) Central, East Eleventh and East Everett streets Pastor, Milton H. St. John; resi dence, 119 East Fifty-seventh street North. Sabbath school. 10; preaching, 11; prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:30: young people's meeting. Friday, 7:15; Sunday night preach ing. 7:30. Montavilla, East Eightieth and East Ev erett streets Pastor, A. M. Dart; residence, 84 East Sixteenth street. Sabbath school, 10; preaching. 11; prayer meeting, Wednes day night. 7:30. Mount Tabor Church, chapel. Portland Sanitarium. East Sixtieth and Belmont streets Pastor, A. M. Dart. Sabbath school. 8; preaching. 4; prayer meeting, Wednes day night. 7:45. Albina (German), Skldmore street and Mallory avenue Pastor, J. H. Dlrkson; lo cal elder. G. F. Rusch. Sabbath school. 10; preaching. 11; prayer meeting, Wedneaday night. 7:30. Scandinavian, Arleta, East Sixty-second street and Thirty-ninth avenue Pastor, Adolph Johnson, residence, Arleta. Sabbath school, 10; preaching, 11; prayer meeting, Wednesday night, 7:30; Sunday night preaching, 7:30. Lenta, one block east of Grange Hall Paator, C. J. Cummlngs. Sabbath school, 10; preaching, 11; prayer meeting. Wednes day night 7:30; missionary meeting, Sunday night 6:30; Sunday night preaching, 7:30. St. Johns, Jersey street and St. Johns avenue Pastor. C. L. Ldngenfelter. Sab bath school, 10; preaching, 11; prayer meet Ins, Wednesday 7:30. UNITED BRETHREN. First, East Fifteenth and Morrison streets Rev. Russell S. Showers, pastor. Services, 11 and 7:30; Sunday school, 10: Y. P. S. C. E., 6:30; topics, "Bringing Back the King," "God's Love (or a Lost World." Alberta, East Twenty-seventh and Sum ner streets Rev. John W. Spencer, pastor. Servicer, 11 and 7:30; Sunday school, 10; Y. P. S. C. E.. 6:30; topics, "The Man of Sorrows" (communion service), "Revival Service." South ML Tabor. East Sixty-seventh street Rev. C. P. Blanchard, pastor. Serv ices, 11 and 8; Sunday school. 10; Y. P. S. C. E.. 7; topics, "The Tares and the Wheat." "The Indian Boys I Have Met," by Mr. 1 ADVOCATE the late Mrs. E. R. Ladew. She to neice of Berry Wall, who was one of the famous dudes of another genera tion. Miss Ladew has gone abroad with the Berry Walls and will travel with them in Egypt this Winter. -..She is regarded as one of the most beau tiful and attractive of New York so ciety girls. see The beautiful Lady Eden of Wlndle stone is mother-in-law to Lord Brooke, who will one day be the Earl of War wick. Hence she Is Interested in the plan of the beautiful Countess of War wick to come to America and lecture on communism. Lady Eden was the daughter of tha late Sir William Grey. She married Sir William Eden in 1888. e e Mrs. Patrick Campbell has made a great success In a dramatization of Robert Hichen's novel. "Bella Donna," It is many years since Mrs. Campbell had so good a'part as that of the heart less wife in this drama. It is being given to crowded houses at the St, James Theater, London, and will un doubtedly be seen in New York another season. Ormn. Musio In morning by Chinese ladles' quartet. Tremont, Sixty-second avenue and Sixty ninth street Rev. Morris Goodrich, pastor. Services, 11 and 8; Sunday school, 10. UNITARIAN. Church of Our Father, Seventh and Yam hill streets Thomas L. Eliot, D. D., min ister emeritus: Rev. William G. Eliot, Jr., minister. Services, 11 and 7:45: morning. "Dead Issues and Living Issues Between Trinitarians and Unitarians"; evening. Pro fessor Arthur E. Wood, of Reed College, will preach. Sunday school, 9:45; Young Peo ple's Fraternity. 6:30. UNIVERSALIS!. Church of tho Good Tidlnss, East Twenty fourth and Broadway Rev. J. D. Corby, pastor. 10:4.1. "God's Greatest Work. Build ing a Man After tho Divine Pattern"; 7:4.1, Pasrlon 1'lav, Illustrated; Sunday school, 12; Y. P. C. C, 6:30. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN. First, Sixth and Montgomery Rev. F. D. Flndley, minister. 10:3u, "Church Member ship"; Bible school, 12; 7:30, "The Great Emancipator." Y. M. C. A. City association. Sixth and Taylor, n. Tt. Perkins, religious work director Meeting for men at 3 o'clock will be addressed by K. M. Willis, manager of association men. Vocal solos by Mitchell Carter. MISCELLANEOUS. United Evangelical. Ockley Green, corner Gay street and Willamette Boulevard Rev. J. Bcwersox. pastor. 11 and 7:30, "The Greater and Higher Vision"; Sunday school. 10; K. L. C E., 6:30. Theosophlcal Society. 608 Ellers bullding Primary class 8. study class Friday, at 8. Temple of Truth, Ellers building Lecture . by Henry Victor Morgan, at 8 P. M.. on "The . Higher Spiritualism, or Man Spirit Here and Now." Christian Yoga Rev. Ralph M. do Bit. pastor, 435 Yamhill Services 11, subject. "Prayer"; 8. "Christian Vosa and New Thought"; Wedneaday, 8; Friday, 8, meta physical class. International Bible Students Services In the Oddfellows' Hall, East Sixth and Al der Bible lesson. 1:30: discourse, 3, by Will- iam A. Baker, "Earth's Great Jubilee." St. Johns services, f23 Leonard street. Berean . Bible lesson, subject, "The Divine Plan," at 7:-5. Christian and Missionary Alliance. East Ninth and Clay Rev. C. H. Chrisman, pas tor. Sunday school, 10; Rev. G. N. Bldredge will speak at 11; Missionary address, 2:30; Young People's service, 6:30; closing serv ice of convention. 7:30. . For full information regard-ng Any Book Old or New Write, Call or Phone Meier & Frank's Basement BooK Store Private Ex. 4 A 6101