The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 11, 1912, SECTION FOUR, Page 9, Image 55

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Seven of Measures Initiative,
Eighth Is Amendment to
an as as -...... . -. . - - - r 1
TropcMMd Enactment Create High
way Pepartmf nl With Urad Paid
S&OAO Annas. ty and Vamrd by
GorrrnorHoKC Kund Plan.
Bru- of th tte-wid InterMt
In th food roada bllla which wra
prpar4 by a commlilon appointed
hy Governor st and which will be
uhmltted to th 1ctor of tho atata
undr th InltfatUa In th a:nrl
tnn nt November, The Oreironlan
fA.imy prints herewith tho txt of th
rich, measure. Of the eight measures,
seTen are InltlaMre bills and one Is a
constitutional amendment.
Briefly summarised the provisions of
th seren Inltlstlve measures follow:
Creates a 5tate Iftchwsy Depart
ment, provides for the eppolntmenl by
the Governor of a State Hlajhwsy Com
mtsstoner at liOO per annum and ap
propriates IIS.000 to defray the ex
pense of th department: : creates
a htste lliahwav fund snd prescribes
a method for Us distribution amons;
the several counties; 3) prescrlba
method of procedure by which- any
rountr nisy secure the services of the
Stete Hiahway Commissioner In bulld
Inc permanent roads; M provides for
the Issuance by the state of JO-year S
per cent bonds to the amount of $2,000.
009 annually for 10 years: () author
izes counties to Issue bonds, warrants
or other evidences of Indebtednesa for
permanent road bulldln. prohibits
state from contracting services of con
victs to any person, firm or corpora
tion: " provides for employment of
convicts In build Ins: roads In any coun
ty In the state.
The constitutional amendment per
mits any county to Issue bonds for per
manent road bulldlna when Ita lia
bilities have reached $50,000. the max
imum limit of indebtednesa for all
purposes fixed, by the state constitu
tion. The text of each of the elf ht meas
ures follows:
MtM. -tton 1. Thr Is hrbr created and
eetabllehed a Hiaie Hljrhwajr Dpartmnt.
w,iam chlf officer shall b called the t-tat
lltchwajr 'ommlMioDr. Said Stale High
mar Commissioner shall bo appointed by
the Governor, and shall hold office for four
yar. unlea aooner r moved (or cause. Said
ommlMfntr shall bo ihorouchly akillod
in anient tnc road cooatructlnn.
. 2. The jiccrctarjr of State Is hero
be directed to furnish the Stat Highway
emmlMtnner with a suitable offtco in the
t a pi mi buildlnc. whera hts records shall
preserved, and said nffico shatr be kept
ftpn at attcb times aa tho business of the
1 ommUsloner shall require. Tho said Hlh
aj Commiwsionor shall keep a record of
all proceedlnss and ordara pertaining to
the matters under hts direction, and copies
of ail plana, specifications and estimates
submitted to him.
All Work Voder Com m las lower.
Se. 3. No mad. hlshwar. public way or
bridge, paid for wholly or In part out of
the moseys of this state, howsoever ap
propriated, shall bo survejrod. planned, pro
jected, constructed, maintained or erected
until and only aftt-r approval by the citato
Highway Commltoner.
f-c. 4. Tho State Highway Commissioner
shall compile statistics relative to tho pub
!! highways throughout tho state, and
hall collect all necessary Information In ro
gard thoreto which ho may deem Important.
Ha shall Investigate and datertnlno upon va
rious methods of road construction adapted
te different sections of the state.
sc A. The Stato Highway Commission
er shall mako a report lo tho Leaiiiaturo
of this state at earn aession thereof, which
fully set forth all that ha been done
bv htm during tho period covered bv tho re
port, all money eipandod by him. or under
bis d!r-tin. and a. I roads that have boon
constructed under tho direction of tho Com
miee toner. gWIng In each Instance tho num
ber of miles constructed In each county and
tho coot por mtlo of construction.
See. a At the end of each month tho
veto Highway Commissioner shall pre para
a detailed account of his traveling eapeases
for that month, and the cost ef stationery
end supplteg purchased during tho month,
whtch shall b submitted to tho Secretary
of State, audited by him and passed te tho
Treasurer for payment.
On Mao te Act ee. All Bids.
Sec. T- It shall bo ths duty of the State
Highway Commissioner to advertise for bids
for tho coast ruction of public highways or
brtdgea for s period of three weeks, in at
least two newspaper In tho county where
h road to bo constructed is located. All
Mris received snail bo opened by th State
Highway Commissioner, snd ho may reject
any or alt bids, if In his opinion a good
rauso exists therefor, but otherwise ho will
award the contract te tho lowest rospoastMe
bidder. Other things being equal, the bids
saI be awarded to residents of tho county
In which tho rood Is to bo constructed. Bld
r must furnish bonds eo,ual to 50 per cent
of th contract price, Alt contracts for the
construction or Improvement of public high-
in must bo mado In tho nemo of the
Stato ef Oregon, approved by tho Governor,
signed by the State Htghway Commissioner,
snd approved aa to form and legs i it y by
the Attorney-Oeneral or his deputy. Each
bidder shall dpolt with hia bid a certi
fied chock In an amount equal to per cent
um of the amount of hts bid. Should the
bidder to whom th contract Is awarded
fail te enter Inte a contract and furnish the
bond herainbeforo provided within 10 dsys
after the not too of such award, the amount
of such check shsll bo forfeited to the
Sete Teaaurv. and shall become a part
ef the State Highway fund. Tho checks ef
al unsuccessful bidders shall be returned
after the contract Is awarded and a bond
given. Nothing In thi eeetion shall be
construed te prevent th employment of
eon virt labor, nor tho construction er re
pair ef sny road proecrlhod In Section 2 by
day's labor when In th Judgment ef the
Commissioner tt Is advisable.
SeJery SJee sad lUpeme.
Soe. K Th Stat Highway Commissioner
shall recelv aa annual salary of SVtoo.
payable monthly, by th state, and hie
actual accessary traveling expenses while
officially employed. Said Commlsatoirer may
appoint. If the work of th department re
itfi tt. eubct to tho approval of tho Gov
ernor, en Assistant Commissioner, who shsll
r m civil nginer and experienced In road
building. Said Assistant Commissioner
halt rrt an annual salary of not te
eareed I?ine. payablo monthly by tho stat.
end his actual necessary traveling expenses
while officially employed. The Stat High
way Commissioner may appoint, by and
with approval of the Governor, such cleri
cal assistants as are necessary tor the prop
er conduct of ths work of his offtco. to be
paid by tho state. Th Stat Highway Com
mleaioner ta hereby given authority to em
ploy by and with th approval of the Gov
ernor, such civil engineer and other aa
s'st ants aa may be nceary to carry out
th provisions of this act. to be paid by
tbe state.
Sec. s There Is hereby appropriated out
ef any money In the Treasury of this state
vt already otherwise appropriated the sum
of lis.tee, or so much thereof as may be
aecseaary for th payment of salaries and
expenses aa provided for tn this ecu
' Sec, IS. All laws, or parts ef laws, la
any way Inconsistent or in conflict with
trre provisions of this act axe hereby re
pegged. CrsaUac a Mate Hlhwy read.
section 1. Tber la hereby created a
fund to be known as th state highway fund.
Sec. 3. Th proceeds of all bonds sold by
the 4ate of Oregon annually shall be paid
end covered rnto the Stat Treasury of
the State " of Oregon for the purpose of
That 5nowr Bakr. Australian rfer who officiated th,r
in In the Fam Mcvey-injiora dqiiih jm-..-..
handed over the drlilon to WcVey. Is th declaration of the great
ih r. fi.i.t .xDrt. W. F. Corbett Corbetfa dop haa Juat
Thl. coupled with Tommy Barnn- aanrrtlon in Victoria, would ap
pear to vindicate Joe Woodman a ahrleks of pain at th. lojia of th bat
tle for hta protege. Corbett view, expressed under hl nom de
plum The Amateur." follow: . .
-The pity of It la that ao areat and reneroualy waged a contest
should have been marred by auch a alarlnirly wrong- decision ai it he
verdict in Sam McVey a favor. I cannot rerall more than "w fVfJ
where a ring ruling has ao little Justification. Sam Langford fl nlsbed
with a hatful of points to tho good. Only In two or three rounds did
McVey hold an advantage, and then the margin was by
wide. I cannot understand what Snowy Baker was thinking about. 1 11
be bound there was no other group of people right through 'tne
whole enclosure more surprised by the verdict than McVey and his
building, maintaining and repairing the
roads, hlihwaye and brldses of said state.
sec. 1 Thst 7o I- pr rent of all of
the ll-ne tun paid throaieh tho 8kt
isry of State and covered into the Htalo
Treasury on motor vehicles operated In said
stale be and the same are hereby created
a part of ald iate hlshwar fund and sub
ject to the uses and dlitrihutlon In the
hands of the State Treasurer herein pro
vided for. .
Sec 4. That S per cent of the money ot
he etate blshwsy fund hereby created,
available on the flret day of June of each
ear. shall bo dlvirird euallr amons the
cvrral countl and paid lo the County
Treasurer of each county of said elate when
and at the time eald county haa svailrd It
self of the proTlelons of this act as herein
Area Baela ef Apportionment.
Sec. . Thai the remalnlns 2i per cent of
said state hlshwar fund available on the
first day of June of each year shsll be and
is hereby spportloneu among the several
counties of the Blste of Oregon according
te the area of each county In squsre miles.
Sc. . That before any moneys are ap
portioned hereunder aa above provided, each
of the several counties must first espnd
an equal amount of money In ths ron.trur
tion of public highways In that county la
said stste. the whole of the work so done
by said county to be done tinder the super
vision of the Stste Highway Commissioner,
but each county shall receive only from said
state hlghtway fund a sum of money equsl
to the amount of money each year actually
expended by said county In the construction
of public highways In that county In eald
state, be and with the approval of the said
etate Highway Commissioner, and the aggre
gate of all sums so drawn by said county
shsll not exceed the amount apportioned by
eald county under this set: snd In the event
that any county of said state doe not ex
pend during the flecsi year of th State of
trreaon any sum of meney open th public
roads of eald stsle in eald county, then all
the moneve apportioned hereunder to any
such coumv shsll be covered Into the said
stste hlghwsy fund to be apportioned among
the several counties nest yesr. It being th
ixpress Intention of this act that no county
shsll recelv In any event mor than Its
part of the said sums apportioned here
under regardless of the emount of expendi
ture in said county, snd then only such
psrt of the eum so apportioned lo It as said
county shsll ave expended.
Cert iflcs) lea I Keejulred.
gee. T Thst the County Court of esch
county availing Itself of the provisions of
this set shall make Ita findings snd certif
icate to th Stat Highway commissioner
thai said county has undertskep the con
struction or repair of a public highway la
this stste snd performed work thereon and
expended therefor the sums of money thst
hav entered Into the accomplishment of
eald work, and Immediately upon receiving
the same the said Stat Highway Commis
sioner shsll examine Inte Its eorsectneas as
to th amount of work, th expenditure of
th money therefor and whether the work
don la in accordance with the plans and
specjflestlons as previously prescribed by
him. and upon so finding he shsll forthwith
certify to the Secretary of mat of th
Stat ef Oregon the amount of ssld expen
diture as the proper sum to be repsld to
said county out of the amount of its appor
tionment, and thereupon th Secretary of
Stat shsll Issue hi warrant on ths Tress
urer of th Stst cf Oregon, who upon re
ceiving said warrant ahall pay out of th
aid stat highway fund to th County
Treasurer of said county the amount of
money to b received by It as a part ot
Its spporttonment hereunder.
Section 1. A road or highway In any
countv In this stste th construction, main
tenance. Improvement or repair of which
Is paid for wholly or In part out ot th
tat hlshway fund of this state, shsll be
known and designated aa a stat aid road.
Sec 2. Any county in thle etal may
avail Itself ot It ahar of th apportion
ment under an act entitled "An act creating
a fund to be known as the stste hlghwsy
fund of the Btst of Oregon, and making
a distribution of th license tsxes derived
from motor vehicles therefor, and provid
ing for the distribution and apportionment of
said fund among th counties of th atat
for th construction, malnlsnsnc snd re
pair of the roods, highways snd bridges ot
said stste. In accordance with th procedure
herein prescribed.
Cemmlsslaeer Has Authority.
Sec a. Whenever In the opinion of th
County Court of any county in this stst
sny road or public hlghwsy In this stat
neds construction. Improvement, mainte
nance or repair. It may by a resolution duly
signed by said County Court notify the Stst
Highway commissioner thereof, and upon
receiving- said resolution so signed ssld
Stale Highway Cvromtsslonrr shall exsmlne
Into the use. location and situstlon of said
road or Mghway. and. If said 6tste Hlghwsy
Commissioner shsll approve th same., he
shsll prepare th nossary plana esti
mates and specifications for the construction,
msintenanc. Improvement er repair of said
road or highway, as th rase may be. and
certify the asms to the said County Court,
and thereupon eald County Court may. by
resolution, determine that eald construction,
mslntensnce. Improvement or repair shsll bs
accomplished In accordance with the certifi
cate of said State Highway Commissioner,
and certify Its action to him. and thereupon
ssid Stat Hlghwsy Commissioner shsll pro
ceed In scroManc wtth th directions of
the act entitled "An act to create and estab
lish a state highway department and au
thorise th appointment of a Stat Highway
Commissioner therefor, prescrlbicg his du
ties, his powers, his compensation, ths meth
od of work, the appointment of assistants
and appropriating money therefor."
Section 1. That the Stat of Oregon hy
pothec!, pledge and loan Its credit for
the building and maintenance of permanent
roads In this state to the limit, and not in
oxcess of H0.OO0.000 In gold bonds for th
term of SO yrsrs. csrrylng Interest St 5 per
rent, psyable semi-annually, and Issued at
the rate of J2.ou0.oti0 earh year for the
perlrd of ten years, said bonds to run for
the full term of 30 years from the data of
their Ittsusnce. respectively.
Sec. 't. Thst the Governor. Secretary of
Stste snd Stats Treasurer be and they are
hereby empowered, authorised and directed,
ss the bonding commute of th State ot
Oregon, to arrange for and provide th terms
of said bonds, preparation, iesuance and mar
keting of the same to the highest bidder In
lots ss msy be offered, but always at a
price not lens thsn par snd at such premium
In sddltlon thereto ss msy b offered.
Sec. a. That tbe proceeds of said bonds
to ths extent of each IJ.000,000 as Issued
annually hereunder shsll as required be
psld to snd Immediately covered Into
tho stste hlshway fund for the building snd
mslntensnce of permsnent msds, ss pro
vided for under the Isws of this stst.
Section 1. That sny county In this stst
desiring to Incur a debt for permanent roads
within said county may, by an election called
by the County Court upon the petition ot
10 per cent of the legal voters, computed
upon the Isst registration lists compiled in
said county, by a majority of those voting
on the question, create and issue bonds, vir.
rants or other evidences of Indebtedness or
debts for permsnent roads or for ths con
struction, mslntensnce. Improvement or re
pair of the sams within said county.
The Legislative Assembly shall not loaa
the credit of th state, nor In any manner
create any debta or liabilities which ahall.
singly -or In the sggregste. with previous
debts or liabilities, exceed th sum ot
00. xcpt In ess of war. or to repel Inva.
sion or suppress Insurrection, or for th
building and maintenance of permanent
roads: and every contract of Indebtedness
entered Into or sssumed by or on .behalf of
the atate. when all Ita llahlltlee and debta
amount to said sum. wxcpt for th building
and maintenance of permanent roads, shsll
be void and of no effect. And the people of
this state may Initiate and enact, and the
legislative Assembly of this stste may en
act such Isws as msy be necessary to carry
this provision Into full purpose and effect.
Bill Would Prevent firms Employ
ing; State Prisoners.
Th text of the bill prohibiting the
state from contracting; the services of
convlcta to any person, firm or cor
poratlon. and providing; for the em
ployment of prisoners In road building,
la brief and aa follows:
Section 1. It shall be unlawful for the
stat to enter Into any agreement or con
tract with any privet person. Arm or cor
poration for th employment of convicts of
the State Penitentiary.
Section 3. Upon the ' written request of
the County Court of any county In the Stat
of Oregon or of any superintendent of any
stats institution, the Governor may dstsll
from the State Penitentiary such convlcta ss
In bis Judgment may seem proper for us
on the public highways, or In or about any
stst Institution. Said convicts shall be de
livered to any County Court, or to tbe super
intendent of any stat institution on such
trms and conditions as shall b prescribed
by th Parol Board and approved by the
Section S- All acts or parte of acts la
connict herewith are hereby repealed.
Tbe other proposed convict bill la
an enlargement of the above and pro
vides for tbe transferring of convicts
from one county to another, authorlsea
County Courts to prescribe rulea and
regulations governing: their employ
ment, and provides a plan of giving;
prisoners credit for good behavior. The
provisions of this bill are as follows:
. Section 1. It shsll be unlawful for any
county, city or Incorporated town to enter
Into any agree m est or contract with any
private person, firm or corporation for the
employment of any convict.
section 3. All convicts sentenced by any
court or legsl authority, whether In default
of the payment of a fins, or commited for aL
deftnlt number of days to serv sentence tn
a county Jail or prison, during th period
of auch sentence, for the purpos of this
act, shall bs under the exclusive and abso
lute control of th County Court of th
county In which th crime was committee:
tor which any such convict wsa sentenced.
Tbe said County Court shall hav full
power to place uch convicts unds ths control
of any road supervisor or other person or
persons sppolnted to tsks chsrgs of such
convicts, and to cause such convicts to work
upon the public rosds of such county, or
such other work of a public nature as said
court may direct. All such convicts shsll
b delivered to such supervisor or other per.
soa appointed to tsk chsrgs of them, upon
the written request of ths County Court.
Th Sheriff shsll tske receipt from the per
son to whom such convicts srs delivered
for each of such convicts and thereupon all
liability of ssid Sheriff shsll cesse. Th
County Court may at any time return any
convict taken under the provisions of this
section to th Kherlff. who shall thereupon
again tsk charge of such convict. Th
County court sr hereby authorised and
directed to provide seen rules and regula
tion In regard to ths employment of ssld
convicts, and for th allowanc of credits
In time and compensation for good behavior
to any such convlcta so employed as are
not inconsistent with th provisions of this
set: provided, however, thst no credit in
excess of ten days In time shsll be allowed
for each calendar month, and In th default
of the payment of a fine such convict shall
he msde to labor at tbs rats of VI per day
until such fine Is fully paid.
Court Olvea Control.
Section 8. All convicts sentenced by any
court or legal authority In any city or.ln
rorporsted town, whether In default of the
payment of a fine or committed for a defi
nite number of days to serv sentence In
sny city or county JslI er prison during the
period of such sentence shall, with the con
sent of th proper city or town authorities,
snd for ths purpose of this act, bs under
th abeolut and exclusive control of th
County Court in which said city or town
Is lorsted. Such city er town convicts shsll
b delivered to tbe County Court by any of
flcer having custody thereof In the seme
TV Orio.ay
trrort ej.i
.I Faff
Mty PeUw. at ml
tJrfc. uaM
RECEIVED AT 76 Third St, Cor. Oak, Portland, Or.
a323Ch Ot 34 N. L.
Cleveland, 0. Feb-5-12.
H. L. Keats Auto Co.,
Portland, Or.
We have Just received second report, order American Express
more .trucks, making sixteen in all. This is further
endorsement of Peerless superiority by people who have used
makes in the. past.
Peerless Motor Car Co.
H. L. Keats Auto Co., Burnside, 7th and Couch Sts.
Peerless Trucks En Route to Us Now, Our Allotment Is Limited
: :
Did you read our ad. that appeared in last week's edition of this paper
a facsimile of a telegram we received from the factory advising of a number of
carloads of the Michigan being shipped and more to follow? Well, eight of these
carloads are here and will be unloaded Monday and Tuesday.
The first 24 machines unloaded will be Michigan "333.". Don't fail to see
this little wonder. We say "little" because it is compared with our Mighty
"40," but yet it's not so small. It's a foredoor, torpedo-body touring car with
four-cylinder en bloc motor, 4 1-16 by 4 1-2"; wheel base 112 inches; 34-inch
wheels with 3 1-2 inch Q. D. tires; three-quarter floating axle; silk mohair top
with full set side curtains and envelope; wind-shield; speedometer; foot and robe
rails; prest-o-lite tank; self-starter; pump, jack, tools, tire repair kit and other
dope. And the price of this little beauty all complete and f . o. b. Portland is but
$1500. .
We want to show you one of these cars and will be tickled "to death to do so
after we get them all unloaded and reship several of them. Then, after we wash
our hands and faces and change our clothes (everybody but the stenographer
helps unload), we are at your service for a few days. We have already received
and delivered three carloads of the Michigan "40" and there are more following
the "33s" at the rate of two and three carloads a week. Come on and help us
unload. '
Northwest Branch, W. A. WiHrick, Manager
East 1421 B 1345 369-371 Hawthorne Avenue
manner as county prisoners, and may be re
turned to the officer from whom they are
received In the sams manner, and shall b
subject to the same rules snd regulstlons ss
provided In section 2 of this act for county
Section 4. Any County Court may trans
fer to the County Court of any other county
anw of the convicts committed to Its con
trol, by the provisions of this act, and the
County Court to which such convicts ar o
transferred shall have th asm power and
authority respecting such convicts as If
they had been sentenced to serve In thst
county. Ths transfer of convicts from one
county to another shall bs msde upon such
terms and conditions ss msy be sgreed upon
by the County Courts concerned In such
Section 8. Any convict held to Isbor un
der the provisions of this act who. being
physirslly able, shall refuse to perform
the labor required of him, may be denied
all food except bread and water, until he
signifies his willingness to perform such
labor, and the time of such refusal to labor
shall not be counted as service of his
sentence, but be shsll bs held to lsoor until
all such time shall have been mado up snd
the sentence of the court shall have been
fully compiled with.
Peel ton 6. If, in any county, there shsll
VW . wa-
oUMrvtM tl4Nl -ow. -UUs eve" haa bew
be crested a board of county commissioners,
or other board or tribunal which shall have
charge and management of the public roada
of auch county, auch county commissioners,
board or other tribunal shsll have the same
power and authority under this set ss is
herein conferred upon the County Court.
Section 7. This set shall apply to every
county in this state irrespective of Its pop
ulstion. and all laws and parts of Isws In
consistent with the provisions of this act are
hereby repealed.
Seattle Man Writes to Krlr-nds of
Slaying of Officials.
SEATTLE. Wash.. Feb. 10. (Special.)
The detailed story of the narrow es
cape of a Seattle railroad man and his
wife from the hands of the Ecuadorean
revolutionists, who last month mur
dered two ex-Presidents and several
Oenerals of the country. Is told in a
letter from M. Keith Jones, ex-division
.... a. ,ka e..AM
"'' 4Woa. named sbov...
superintendent of the Great Northern
Hallroad and one time superintendent
of the old Seattle, Lake Shore & Eastr
ern Railroad to relatives in Seattle...
As Superintendent of Railroads for
the government of Ecuador, the former
Seattle railroad man held a position
close to the President and left Guaya
quil in haste on December 28, when
the President's private secretary
brought word to him that a revolution
was imminent.
Since Mr. Jones' letter was written
his personal friend. President Eloy AI
faro, has been assassinated by a mob
In Quito and the country has been in
volved In riotous outbreaks.
As head of the government railroad
Mr. Jones ad the services of a large
bodyguard of soldiers, who also pa
troled the town.
One of the results of ths revivsls in the
Boer prison csmps during the Fouth African
vir vti the foundation of th Boer mlselon
srv Institute St Worcester, South Africa.
One hundred snd fifty-five young people
have been grsduated thus fsr from this In
stitution. WORLD
af ikat tf AlbvtJVtM I. harts I MaO
' deMaVV I ft
' rittfr beriHtfl tb mi m
Company ten