The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 11, 1912, SECTION THREE, Page 2, Image 40

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THKSK Kfrki preceding- th Lenten
on mr well ko down In tha
octal hlatory the mot brilliant
ever known In Portland. Affairs of
primal Importance hav crowded each
other durlnr the months of January
and February and the paat week haa
'aally been the nayrat of the eaaon.
The opening of the Multnomah Hotel,
with Ita attendant featlvltles and th
brilliant Arer danre hare given the
Portland aortety folk an opportunity to
widen the erope of their loclal ac
tlritle. The auffrare meetlnx at the home of
Mn J. U. tiauld lent a mow aerlou
pet to the Important event! of the
week. For the week now entered, the
many affair planning for brlde-olect.
Mtaa Leslie tVrtdler and kit ma Lillian
O'Brien, and the fetlne; of out-of-town
IHMU are the moat important events
thss far luted.
The Multnomah Hotel was the scene
of the supreme festival of the season
when Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ayer entsr
tainad with a danre. Mr. and Mrs. Ayer
received their sjuests In the handsome
whits and rold drawing room on the
meuanlns floor. Decorations of Amer
ican Beauty rowi In tall vases were
effective with the hangings of wine
red velvet elaborated with heavy gold
mo Ufa- The rareat flowers combined
with trailing greens used throughout
th rooms transformed them Into ver
itable conservatories and In this en
vironment of flowers, musle and gay
ety a panorama of fashion was seen.
Many beautiful gowns war worn and
th amblag presented a dassllng
Mrs. Ayer received In a gown of
king's bine satin draped with lace, worn
wtth a necklace of pearla and diamond.
Eke earned an arm bouquet of orchlda
Receiving with th hosteas was a
bevy of the debutantes of th season
Ml Louts Burns. Miss Barbara Mac
kensie. Mls9 Margaret Ilewett and Mlas
Katharine MacMaater.
MIm Borne wore a gown of blue
chiffon elaborated with lac and worn
with a corsage bouQUet of mauve or
chids. Miss Mackenzie appeared In a Paris-
Ian frock of whit chiffon over satin,
sod carried lilies of th valley.
Miss Margaret Ilewett was attired la
Ireaden chirfon In pastel tone. She
wore violets snd lilies of the valley.
Miss Katharine MacMaater waa strik
ing In a frock of palest gray spangled
chiffon over white satin snd carried
Mrs Helen Ladd Corbett waa a dis
tinguished figure in black satin with
an overdress of old silver metallic
net. A diamond pendant completed this
Mrs. Henry W. Corbett's gown was
of black chantllly lace draped over
black aatln and worn with a necklace
of diamonds snd aapphlrea.
M ra J Allen Lewis waa striking In
flame chiffon embroidered In gold.
ilrs. Thomss Kerr wore a gown of
emerald green chiffon over white satin
elaborated with ailver sequins.
Mrs. Theodors B. Wllcos wore a gown
of crushed strrberry chiffon over
whit satin with a necklace of dia
monds. Mra. Marlon P. Mann, of Vancouver
Harracks. was In a gown ef clinging
mauve satin draped with black chif
fon. She carried a harm bouquet of
orchids. '
Mrs. Holt C. Wilson wor whit chif
fon and carried lilies of the valley and
pink rosea
Mrs. Charles Fcsddlng wss In blsck
lace over pale pink aatln with touches
of torquolae blue satin.
Mrs. 'W illiam MacMaater wa distin
guished In gold embroidered Oct. draped
over whit satin worn with a pendant
of diamonds.
Mra Polomon Hlrsch waa In black
lace over satin worn with a diamond
Mrs. Walter J. Bums wor a dress of
whit satin with an overdreis of black
chirfon trimmed with gold.
Mra. John Alnaworth was In pink
satin embroidered In small sd pearls.
Mra William 8. Btddle wss In vivid
green chiffon over white satin with
cut steel beads ornamenting th chif
fon. Miss Hannah Robertson wa In whit
lac with a necklace of dlamonda and
Mrs. Walter F. Burrell wor a gown
ef violet panne velvet, cut on sever
lines and trlmmsd with chiffon of the
sam harmonious ton.
Mis Etta Falling, who has recently
returned from Europe, was attired In
dull blue chiffon with touches of vel
vet In a deeper tone.
Miss earns Lewis' gown was of black
chiffon over whit satin with a glrdl
of flam colored satin.
Mra. J. D. Farrell wor a Parisian
gown of smoke grsy chiffon ovsr pink
Mis May Falling was In king's blus
chiffon embroidered In gold.
Mrs. Elliot R. Corbett was In mauve
chiffon trimmed with French rosea of
a harmonising tone.
Mra David Taylor Honeyman wore a
gown of American beauty shaded chif-
- v
.1 e-X
Mrs. J. A. VreMer
-5well, Wa Was
Baker Last Week.
(ae Basel
Married at
fon with a tunic of brocade In a slight
ly deeper shsde and Oriental embroi
dery on the coraage.
Mra Thomas Sharp wore s gown of
Dresden silk cut on empire lines snd
elaborated with lace.
Mrs. George Klrkham Smith (Lisa
Wood wore her wedding gown and
carried an arm bouquet of pink rove
Mrs. Thomss. wife of Captain Thomas,
of Vancouver Barracks, wa In white
satin draped with dew-drop net.
Mrs. J, Andre Fouilhoux wore a chic
creation of apricot chiffon built on
Greek lines and a black bird of para
dise In her hair.
Mra N. E. Ayer was In white satin
laborated with silver sequins and
worn with a corsage bouquet of orchids.
Mrs. Robert Seers, of Vsncouver
Barracks, was In white satin elabo
rated with lace and pearl motifs.
Mrs. Frank Gilchrist Owen was ad
mired In a clinging gown of white sat
in cut on empire llnea with garnitures
of heavy silver and emeralds on the
coraage. She wore a pendant of dia
monds. Mrs. Robert Wilson Forbes waa In
delft blue chiffon elaborated with gold
Mra J. Erneat Laldlaw wore black
chiffon with a border of rose In tone
of yellow and pink.
Mra Ssndereon Reed wit In white
crepe meteor, draped with gold dotted
net and further enhanced with gold
Mrs. Frederick Psge wss In white
satin heavily embroidered In tones of
Miss Anita Burns wss In white chif
fon, outlined with fur and with touchea
of American beauty velvet at th cor
ssge. Miss Isabel McGunnegle. of Vancou
ver Barracks, wss In white sstln. worn
with a bouquet of pink rose buds.
Miss Genevieve Thompson, who re
turned a few days ago from California,
was In a gown of white aatln. heavily
embroidered In gold. She carried an
arm bouquet of Richmond roses and
wor a necklaoe of pearls.
Miss Marjery Hoffman was In mauve
chiffon, elaborated with pearl motifs.
Society turned out en jnesse for the
opening of the Multnomah Hotel on
Thursday evening. The scene was
graced by Portland's most representa
tive people, and was In every sense a
brilliant assemblsge. Among those
m ho entertained guests at dinner were:
Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett. whoae party
Included Mr. and Mra Elliot R. Cor
bett. William D. Wheelwright's guests
wsre: Mr. and Mrs. Theodore B. Wll
cos. Mr. and Mi's. Holt C Wilson and
Miss Martha Hoyt. Mr. and Mra David
Taylor Honeyman. Mr. and Mrs. David
C. Lewla and Mr. andMra Quy Web
ster Talbot, made up another party.
At another table Mr. and Mra. J. Wea
ley Ladd. Mr. and Mra Walter F. Bur
rell, Dr. and Mra E. A. Baldwin, and
Mr. and Mrs. Whitney L. Boise, Mr. and
Mra F. 8. Stanley had aa their guests
Mr. and Mra J. P. O'Brien. Mr. and
Mra Robert Bmlth. Miss Lillian
O'Brien. Mlaa Cornelia Stanley. Coe A.
McKenna and George Hitchcock. Din
ing with Mr. and Mra Charles T. Whit
ney were: Mrs. C. Banks, Miss Elisa
beth Stewart, of New York, and John
Mr. and Mra E. B. Piper were hosts
to Mr. and Mra Oskar Huber, Mr. and
Mrs. I. N. Flelschner and Mr. and Mra
Daniel J. Malarkey.
Mra Solomon Htrach with her daugh
ters and son occupied a table.
Mr. and Mra J. G. Gauld entertained
a email party, aa did Mr. and Mra
Charlea Gauld.
Complimenting Miss Eleanor Vincent,
of Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. Jack
son presided at a dinner. Seated about
th table were: Mrs. Moser. Mies Isa
bella Oauld. Roy Fields and Leland
With Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bauer were:
Mr. and Mrs. I. L. White snd Lieu
tenant Leo Samuelson, of Vancouver
Colonel and Mrs. John McCraken and
Mr. and Mra. George C. Mason dined
together. Robert McCraken. who Is
here from San Francisco, also enter
tained a party.
At the H. C. Bowers table were: Mr.
and Mrs. G. Wslter Gstes and Mr. and
Mra Harry Lift.
Mr. August Berg's guests were Mr.
and Mra Frank Ranaom.
General and Mrs. Msrlon P. Maus
were among the guests from Van
couver Barracks.
At a small tsble were: Mr. snd
Mrs. Roger Slnnott and Mr. and Mrs.
I. I- ratterson.
Mr. and Mrs. George Boschke enter
tained Mr. and Mrs. J. Horace T.uckett.
Ml" Eula Howard and O. R. Menefee.
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Fllaf.tinar. Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Metiger and Herman
Metzger dined together.
In spite of the rush of social affairs
this week society women have had time
for serious pursuits. The large propor
tion who believe that the society woman
is frivolous are decried at every turn
by the charitable Instltutlone which are
supported by the "frivolous ones" and
still further by the intense Interest
which society women are giving to the
cause of equal suffrage. If we pause to
consider we will ee that the ballot
can be of little use to the women of
the tipper classes, and can only add re
spond hi I ity to their lives. In their
work for suffrage, therefore, we must
concede that they are giving their time
and Interest entirely to benefit the less
forfnnate members of their-sex.
Mra J. . Gauld Invited about 150
guests on Tuesday evening to hear ad
dresses by Mrs. Helen Hoy-Greeley. of
New Tork. and Miss Anita Whitney, of
San Francisco, both of whom are ardent
suffragists. Wishing to give the au
dience both sides of the question, the
Equal Suffrage League asked Dr. W. T.
Foster to give his views against suf
frage. William D. Wheelwright was
chairman of the evening. Later In the
evening the guests were Introduced to
the speakers by Mrs. Gauld, Mra J.
Andre Fouilhoux. and Mrs. Solomon
Hlrsch. who Is president of the Portland
Equnl Suffrage League.
White tulips centered the table in the
dining-room at which Mrs. Thomas
Robertson. Mrs. J. N. Teal. 'Mra Solo
mon Hlrsch and Mrs. Antolne G. Labbe
! presided.
The following clipping from New
Tork Town Topics will be of interest
to the many friends and relativea of
Miss Marlon Allison In Portland:
"Amidst the historic surroundings of
Governor's Island the wedding of Lieu
tenant Jacob Earl Flckel and Miss
Marlon Allison will take place -at the
Church of St. Cornelius the Centurion
on the afternoon of February 15. Miss
Allison Is th daughter of Colonel and
Mrs. James N. Allison, and a grand
daughter of the late Judge J. W. Whal-
ley. of Portland. Or., a member of the
family of Clark Hill. Whalley Abbey.
Lancashire. England. Lieutenant Fickel
was formerly a midshipman in the
revenue cutter service, but resigned to
enter the army. He has made a num
ber of aeroplane flights as a passenger
at the Bridgeport and Nassau boulevard
meets for the purpose of experimenting
In the firing of a rifle at a ground tar
get. At the wedding Miss Evelyn Jack
son, of Wellesley College and Mont
clair, a cousin of the groom, will be
maid of honor, and the bridesmaids will
be Katherine Andrews, Dorothy Simp
son, Carita Spencer and Marjorle Alli
son, the last named a daughter of the
Hon H. W. Allison, of Allentown. Lieu
tenant Henry Hartley Arnold, one of
the army aviators. Is to be best man,
snd the ushers will be Lieutenant John
Reglater Emory. Lieutenant Jacob Her
mann Rudolph. Lieutenant John J.
Reddy and Philip Whaley Allison. After
the wedding there will be a reception
at Corbin Hall.
Mr. and Mra Frank Gilchrist Owen
were hosts at the first of a series of
Informal dances on Wednesday even
ing st their residence on Willamette
Heights. Decorations of yellow tulips
and pussy willows were effective In
the drawing-room, and In the dining
room white and pink tulips In huge
bowls were used. The guests were Mr.
and Mrs. David Taylor Honeyman, Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Kobertson, Mr. and
Mrs. C. K. Grelle, Mr. and Mrs. Guy W.
Talbot. Miss Cornelia Cook. Miss Mar
jory Hoffman, Miss Maida Hart, Ches
ter Murphy. Kurt Koehler, Lester Hod
son, Harold Wells, Frank Stewart and
Frank Dekum.
Mrs. Wsltr J. Burns was hostess at
a tea on Tuesday afternoon compli
menting Mrs. J. 1). Farrell, formerly of
Seattle, who la a recent addition to
Portland society. Decorations of eerly
Spring flowers were usei throughout
the rooms. Presiding at the table, were
Mrs. Richard Koehler, Mrs. George
Good. Mrs. Marion P. Maus. of Van
couver Barracks, and Miss Failing.
Miss Genevieve Thompson has been
. v. in.i.iratlnn 1 ir m ii ti i n tnrt n In I n r
during her visit in San Francisco. Miss
Helen Van Winkle entertained the So-
rosls Club last weonesaay in nonor 01
ui Th.imninn inil nn Thurndav Miss
Georgia Wlntrlngham. who has been
the guest of Miss Thompson In Port
land several times, preeiaea i a targe
.. v. n Ur. Pirt. Tltlcln Pnmnrnv
mother of Mrs. Thomas Scott Brooke,
complimented Miss Thompson with a
luncheon at the Town and Country
Club on Tuesday. .
Yellow Jonquils centered the table
at which Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd presided
at luncheon on Thursday. Covers were
laid for Mrs.-L. Alien Lewis, Mrs.
Richard Koehler. Mrs. Richard Nunn,
Mrs. David Taylor Honeyman. Mrs.
John Emerson Cronan, Mrs. Florence
O. Mtnott. Miss Hlrsch and Mrs. Ladd.
Later the afternoon was devoted to
bridge. The fortunate contesants were
Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. Cronan.
Mrs. Walter J. Burns has sent out
cards for a bridge party on Tuesday,
e e
Many Portland society folk are seek
ing the sunny Southlsnd at thla sea
son of the year. Leaving on the Shas
ta Limited on Saturday evening were
Mr. and Mra David Taylor Honeyman,
Mr. and Mra David C. Lewis and Mrs.
N E Ayer. The Honeymans will pass
about two weeka In San Francisco.
Del Monte and Coronado. and Mrs.
Lewis will leave San Francisco on the
Wllhelmlna for Honolulu.
Complimenting- Frank Dekum, a
former resident of this city who ap
peared last week at the Orpheum. Clar
ence 6ewall entertained with a theater
psj-tv and supper at the Portland Hotel
on Monday evening. Mr. Sewall's guests
were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Robertson,
Mr. and Mra J. Ernest Laldlaw. Mrs.
David Taylor Honeyman and Mr. De
kum. Miss Leslie Weldler. whose marriage
to Stanley Jewett will be an event of
February 14. has been the motif for
Cupid's Day
Valentine Day is Wednes
day. Send your Sweetheart,
"Wife or Mother a box of
Splendid Box at $1.00
Violets. Carnations, Tulip
or Ilyaeinths.
Phone Your Order Today
We deliver when ordered
and to all parts of the city.
Open Sundays
Tonseth Floral Co.
325 Morrison
Main. 5102 A 1102
JNLt !.': ..".. 1-1,1
9 .v m
of style, workmanship and fabric
abounds in the Suits, Coats, Dresses,
Gowns, "Waists and Millinery now
displayed at the Eastern. This
Spring's showing eclipses all pre
vious records for beauty, attractive
ness all moderateness of prices.
l -o . to
J t r-1
in the new, dainty materials, modeled
in st3-lcs indorsed by Fashion's best
authorities. The color combinations
are harmoniously pleasing and the
prices are moderate. "
An extensive collection of the best
Parisian and American creations, ar
tistically trimmed and blended, thus
making every model truly charming
and attractive. Moderate prices.
Charge Accounts
Utilize our easy payment plan have your' purchases charged and remit in weekly
or monthly payments, which will amount to only a few cents a day, and this you
will surely not miss. No charge for credit, simply a courtesy.
much entertaining: during" the past
Miss Marjorv Hoffman presided at a
luncheon for Miss Weldler last Friday.
The table was decorated with a center
piece of American Beauty roses and
Klng-Ie buds of the same flower marked
the covers. The pueyts were Miss Weld
ler, Mrs. Gilbert Durham, Mrs. Krskine
Wood, Miss Tolly Hewett, Miss Jean
Vackenaie and Miss Malda Hart.
On the afternoon of the same day,
Mrs. Lester Stokes was hostess at a
tea complimenting the bride-elect. Mrs.
Oeorpe Sailor presided at the tea table
and Miss Harriet Harlow served ices.
The puests "were: Miss Weldler, Mrs.
Krskine Wood, Mrs. Kenneth Beebe,
Mrs. Gilbert Durham, Mrs. Sailor, Mrs.
E. A. de Schweinltz, Mrs. Gerald Beebe,
Miss Jean Mackenzie, Miss Malda Hart,
Miss Dorothy Josselyn. Miss Barbara
Mackenzie, Miss Jean Brownlle. Miss
Muriel Williams. Miss Elizabeth Beno
of Council Bluffs. Iowa: Miss Mildred
Jusselyn and Miss Hazelton Williams.
Mrs. E. T. C. Stevens was hostess at
a bridge party Tuesday. The guests
were: Mrs. Gerald Beebe, Mrs. Ed-
mund A. de Schweinltz, Mrs. Sanderson
Reed. Mrs. J. C. Robinson. Mrs. J. K.
Gamble, Miss Jean Mackenzie, Miss
Barbara Mackenzie. Miss Katherine
MacMaster, Mrs. Kathleen Wildnr, Miss
Hillyer, Miss Mary Hillyer, Miss Polly
Hewett, Miss Leslie Weldler, Miss Mary
Blossom, Miss Marjorle Hoffman and
Miss Sally Hart. Mrs. Beebe and Mrs.
de Schweinitz won card honors.
Mrs. Elsworth Mather Taylor who
will leave for New York today, has
been the motif for a round of paietlos
durinfr her visit in Portland. On Weil-
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Photo bv studios De Luxe, Portland. Or.
At the Heilig Theater
This Afternoon, Promptly at 2:30
Eilers Music House, having purchased every seat in
the theater, has arranged so that the public may have
$2.50 seats for $1.00. $2.00 seats for 7.jc, $1;50 and $1.00
seats for 30c, and a few gallery seats for 35c.
BACH-l.IST-Fantasie and Fugue in C minor.
BRAHMS Scherzo in K minor, Op. 4.
CHOPIN Sonata in B flat minor. Op. S3.
LISZT Rieordanza.
LISZT Etude, in D Flat.
SOU LZ - EVLKIt Blue Danube Waltz