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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1912)
TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAy. PORTLAXD, FEBRUARY 11. 1913. 17 t t T 1 l Brsixxss orronTTxrrres . - - ii i IBVIN'iTO.V. Beautiful, a... t:ncuy -rm f-1 4-J aj.l 'ih si. Norin. ilro.lar car n.-i. b-li'Ur.s .ioan;ir. rriat from ,o.. por, r. l-r-hrdv-l Boor. u. t;n. ran... i,i.'ituiii oa aiichaa r.jr. ra" twmcni X-Jr s'oras. rt.: !-. F. K. liol AN --. T24 3l BrilK. 1. N E -V isniini l-ro..m .as wa:lnc u rjr pntala. nr.. b-lO. .ul .-.U"r an.1 Chlo c.oa-t. Ur Jal. .a .in-lj.a,, cjr,ln .. lino iu:u. ranj. Isut-aatrr ba:r. Ir na.. Uundr. A hia-c.a.a p.c. Adult NEW 1 room tti w.i'-i. mt moU i:n tnd Li-tUA!fl f.ats on in HmMX s.i, ii. comi.tni. ur;r ar.d lor lacani: a.l!:s. cta-. J E. lTt!i bwn Ha. 3 .-! a:..,r.. Ta lUlrM r. A at. i . W J NKW J orn tnr flat. er. Et lth nd i j . iar. cpn-air Ii',im-a l,-pp.arut t.J. turnaca. fuo p a,.. M rmr.fc. .ino.auiu. VV. 1. araa - JICIU 1 . , , - 'Oil flat. tao fa-r 3-rooro suit. "" at ue. for not. b.;h-c.aa furnltu lur a or trad, for caapr H. H. or App.y a.; ill.l at. moo. Mam -ii. - a.iuuii uppr N. Uth. lvJoy; atttc. a..;tnsa porta, yard, gas ran it a. wa;r aaalar. luodarn. vary ale Ky next door, ol phon. tisA I M'hCaU.X d.alrabla diikImh losrar flaU ft larga. tghu airjr rona and batb: 7 mlnutr1 a k frum P. o. T JJoolam . curnar 7ta. ry raaooabia. MARKET, i-roora loar Bat: (aa. :a-trH-tty ar 1 furnaca. oaanr rT ra.: ti Pr mouth. Key at &0-la. I'ortiasd TrutCo..d and Oak. ioK REXT rina corner flat. wl:h 4 larga rooma and ta:n. porcnea acl yard: inct :v roo.Krn: nnl (la, Hi KirDy at., bat. Kuaaa.l and Knutt- LoWER -r.m flat, a.i mojorn conva n,D.''i; d:apparin bad. tlrl.c. ciuaa in. i-- North l-:ti ar. Main 1. J.OaK t-X rooma, " Hay at. kaa air. U .on. janitor. 0U riaacia aparu aaat. lift and Hrt ta. uJEdRX 1-room flat. Waat Bid. Hi1 Ji-uil aU. aataraas 114 and IttA. At A. a tall ' I OR Kt.NT Modara I-Noia I K Pw a. ttrl'iaca aid fnrraca. Jj;.i9; i u C?n. I riuca Ve.;r T-iJ or :al HA, iot'F.KX -roooi cornar upatalra con trary kocmtad. I'bon MarahaU Mala I ) i ; IPl'ER flat, ft roonif. ailh additional fin ing. tad rortm. In att.e. cwJ'rn, lAXfia. Hbt rrt.-ma. ad'llta. ft E. Main. SlnLtK.N 5-room f;au newly varnmhei and tinted: : b:ok north bfl Brion, frunt lr rlvar. liJ.SK. :0 Margin 2.-I Ir! rT Xonlii i-roo:n ui'pr all modrni natty Bni-'-.d. a.--'Hii porcn. $ :7.iif par month. 1'ortlaod Ttuai t rOKK EXT March 1: complaf!y furniahcd l.l-ro-m motlaro couanncaa, ttic diatanc. rtiona JUiaJlll &.1 LovjoY i-rooia lower fiat. and bata: o:ia bloca to cat; a- par month. I'Tt.and Trujt Co. A-HOOM fiat, unfurnlahad. hot and cold watar; aiao 1 aud - farnlahd housalcaop tr. rooma HI Mill at. Main ilia X'ZS7 3LD&. modern, alx-room flat, atoara haatatl. unfurntahcl. on 11th nr Co rumoia: a;p.y to Fonlwa. a.'7 11th at. o't MAKKliT ;.-ro-ia lower ail m-.l-rn: -o p-r month. Kay at b'JSi Markat, Portland Truat Co. fOR RENT Lowar f at. ft rooma eliolca r-lrio.Thood. food yard. 7 vi ovarton at. Mam :. , 4.BRIGUT rooma, lar porch, bath, ahadea., Ilaoiaum. l-a aacond. naar liar-ri'n- i-K-ull FLAT for a. nicely furnlh.l. driratla location. W mlliStea' wa.k from Hoatofica M. 151ft. bit Ail HEAT, hot watar. Janitor aervlca; ft rooms, walking d-atun.-a 6I CUaan at. i'hona Maraaail 6&. trTEAll heatad 6-room uppar; not and cold water, flrepiaoa, (aa ranaa. aiaapui. prch. Fhona Main 84-. r'orl RENT Xaw, modera 6 or ft-room up per; furnace, flreplai. lJUtch kitchen, tc. ..v t i Eaat lath North. EW i-roum Cat. tt'tat ciono In: nra piaca and aUepinft: porch, rent ft3& lkhona Eaat 4-.T4. uK REXT i-roora Bat. completeiy fur ntahed. 'all Sunday altar 'A V. Al. ' Oltaan. M 4701. i-ROOM .furnUhad fiat, ground fioor. alec. tr:c llKht. hot and cold water. 4ft Al bina avenue . - SIOPERX-8-room flat. K1V Kaat Morrlaon, Dfir a-nh. Tabor 17V. Fl'KXl'lir-D Bit rooms, Weat blda. c.oae; J rooma Marahail 1-C7. ROOM, modern, lower Hat. apiendld car t rv k-a : rent reaaonaulc. Main 2-i'.ft. a ft I.ARi. airy rwmi, furnished complete, I.. war floor. T4 Johnson at., cor. 2Ai. MoDEKN thre-room lower flat, waikins diFtance; aid. S' Ctiapman at. M'lUEHN 4-room fiat, over store, 12 iO. 11 William ava. Woodlawn i.v.. An'UErl.N 6-room fiat, oth near Jackson. West mc?: l' mlq. walk. Main or A lJl. XEW 4-ruoin flt; furnace. -Mo. aud . lrv- Irc. Phone East 6. tl 14"4. FOl'H-KOOM nlceiy furnished flat. gaa. N :i . pnooe, SO, WJ. . , . FOR REXT Nice. new. large flat. Sei) Far go st. FlRNISiiEW flat 137.50. unfurnished flat 1-7 'x 74 G'.isan. References. 1'1'RMSHtD and unfurnished Cat for renu Referencea Eaat ft-ROOM modern Bit. Call 2ft North 10th at. Eaat 51"i". 1IOPE11S 5-room fiat, sleeping porch. Ap- p y IU1 Fverett. between 1'lst and l'2d. SWELL modern -room upper Oat; adu.ta. uu, Kast Vamhl.l. Phoue Eaat 6W FOr'rEXT 2 4 -room furnishad flat, ftls-50 each. i'i.i Iks li' lmoiit. s-HiXIM furnlaliel Bat. reference required. After S P. M.. 5- Couch St.. near l'Hh. FLAT a Furnlsusd flat for rent, 454 11th s'reet. ft-ROOM nicely fuxnlshfd flat; ail conve-nenc--a: walkin- diMsnta 4t3 ftth u M'I'ERN (-room upper flat. Weal Bide. East NEW ft ar.d ft-rr-ira corner Lata. ltav Last lrh .-0I7; NEW FLAT. 730 'j and S0 B-lmont. ft:5. IS Modern up-wr fiau Phor.e Kast House keeping Rooms. THE -BEAVER. 1-th and Marshall Fur a.shsd for bouseaeeptcg; gas range, elec tric llghta, hot water, bath, laundry, free; 915 per month up; a clean place, best la the city for the money; short distance from Union tepot. Take " or loth-et car north, get off at Marshall t. No doga. NfcWLY Fl'KXIiHSU NOW READY. .fcWI,Y HKMUHll). NOW KtiAIiT. The lpenur. :ita ard 1'pshur sta. fur Fished J-toora ape ftj. 12:1.50: I room ape. ft.7.60 to HO. Thla Include vteara neat, iiot water, prlvat phone, rath, eieetrie llghta gaa rang, laundry room, all tree. Take s. Sad or V car north. No doge allowed. "WELL furnlahed houaee, flata, rooms 4- room cottaaa, 1 20 month; 7 rooms, s;.50 housekseping suites. 3 rooms, 16. ft 10, ftl3 month; ft. 115: 3 unfurnished, 110. Ap ply 4 North 2th: "W" car weat oa Mor rison to ith. block north. FT RnT-CT.ASg stnsie or ea suite, all outside, heat, IlKat, larire lawn, rare view point, S14, S1H. 1 1:0 per month; aingla rooma 91, tt Sll par month. 575 Coucu. X. K. cor. llh. ft40 TO per week, clean furnlahed houaekeeplng rooms, free heat, phone, bath, laundry, yard. 4G4 Vancouver ava and f"l Stanton; "V car. Phone E. !!. ifMKAtlLE unfurnished two-room be window suite within ft block of Poat ePTice. abeolutely respectable. aOfti. Jet teron. corner Fifth. The Mliner. ISOt M irrlaon St.. furnUhed or unfurnished housekeeping rooms, steam beat, eievtor. a.l conv-niencea. beat locat e. FOR REXT Furnished housekeeping iwimsT single and en suite; steam heat. ftl I nlon svt. CAMBH1DOJ1 BLUO. Furnished housekeep ing rooms: central; cheap. Room ftft ftd ar .i Morrison. aiol'eCalEEPlNO rooma In new enocrele kldg. Pbone Wood awa I37. or 17. fETS of 1 or ft houaekeeplng rooma 4CJ 1st. flat J and K Housekeeping Koemte In Private lasnliy l- 1STH Four pleasant rooms, entire first Boor. compiereljr f-irnished. modem, sp.endld location. walking distance to business center. Main 44:,. TWO housekeeping rooms on ground floor, with ! entrance; rent by week or month, down town. 1& 12 St. l'hone Main 4M. MITE of 3 or 4 extra well furnished housekeeping-rooms, on jrround floor, with aa nd -barrt. two eariinea 772 Kast Taylor. Phone Eaat fliiap i.L-.OANT bouseaeeplr.g aA;ite. porch, run rirg water heat. Ksth. pone; also ainKle r-vc.rn, seiect. central lovs Lion. 5 F'iao-d-re. Nl'rl 1-room aultea eorrpletaiy furnUhed for housekeeping. 27 ljtn sk Heawkanilaa Kaw ""Howaefcee-plaft- Roam la Vrivate Tana II y Mrs room, complete for houaekeepang. elec tric l.ahla. gaa, bath, phone, easy walking distance; lu weekly, ons with kltch r.e:te. 14. Ctt X. ilst.. It biotas from V a.-rtinglon E.v TIKE upper floor. unfurnished, new home. Laod Addition, near Klh and Haw thorne; bath, a.eepinf porch, heat and water furnishad. ait Mapla si. Fhoaa Eat 11.1. TWO-pleaaant front rooms, coay and con venient; l:ht. heat furnished. lift per montii. Walking diatania. Co Eaat Taior: 4S 8TH 6T. If ou ar looking for a com fortau.a aSeolutely clraa it. K. auita. ca.l her; qutrl, reapoctab'.a. central: no fanry price; gaa. bath. c .Main 44'A Nlr-'E, c.ean aieeptng room for man and houaekeeping privilege for lady, modern. 4 month. Cail buuday. S2t l4lh au, up alakra Kl'RM61iEl housekeeping room. large, c.ean. aunny: furnaca heat. bath. iltnt water, gaa. phone, allvar. Ilnan. W Alel mont; sunnyltla car. Tabor I5 ID or three, clean, comfortably fur nished houekeplng-rooms: good eook i .i In kitchen, haft Beimonu Fhona B mix ' bUITE of 1 rooma with kitchenette, newly furnwhed. modern. walking distance, phone, bath, electric light, furnao. 3o ill St. bi-ITE of tw or three nawiy furnished hous- ke- ping rooms: gas. eiectrio and phone free. Dutch kitchen and prlata Dn'n. Bfl tnipmin au COMPLETE furnished housekeeping rooma luneonable. 4 Market u, naar 11th. Hoth p hon ea. CLE AX housekeeping- suit, largs bay win dow, ground floor, only i.4o week. 411 ftth u jKICELT furnishad front room: hot and cold water n.l furnaca heat; atngla or an tuna 11 17th. cor. YamhllL 1 OR 2 housekeeping rooma. aultabl for to or three peop.e. (No aign.) AHit 14th atraat. , S NICELY furnlahad houa'keeping rooma: lirht and tieat. for i:i Vt X. Js:!. Main ii.-i. Xil'IiLV furnlahed a-room housekeeping suite, heat and light aupplied. ioO X. l'nh t. VERY dealrabia front room, houaekeeplng privilege, reaaonab.e; walking dlatanca. 47J Uin. CLEAN. 3 eonn-c:lnj housekeeping front riomi and slagie. also warm sleeping rooms. rafl!em, rasonabl. 775 Gllaan. TilKES furnished housekeeping rooms for rent, cheap: will sell furniture, par like rnt. Tel. East 5V East 1st N. TWO partly furnished housekeeping rooms; waikmg distance, good location. rloyt street THREE or four nicely furnished rooms, first floor, fine yard, good ceignborhood. Phone K 17'!. . LAK'iK. we.I-furnUhed single housekeeping rooms. ft!4 per month. Including tath. el -trie l:cht and cooking gsa 40 ft'h. CLEAN, convenient 3-room suite, reasonable; also one llgat housekeeping room. Fhoue Main ": ova Lovejoy at. ftirt PARK ST. Three large, newly fur nished connecting room and bath, two be.le. gas and eiectnci:y, pnono. a'LRNISiiED housekeeping room for rent: phone, iit-ht. gaa, ftll a month. 1J17 rtsmotii n EXTREMELY attractive suite, modern, clean and reasonable; alng.e room also. I'hon Kast FIKMSIIKD housekseplng. also transient rooms, close In, r.aonabla rent. 370 Kast Morrison. t . TVVo furnished and two unfurniahed house keeptug rooma private family, ell Cher ry St. Phone E. D-ol. I'NVL'RXISHED rooms, cheap; beat resi dence locality. 73d Irving. Phone Marshall 4 . PRIVATE FAMILY 1 large, clean houee keeping rooms, first floor; reasonable, ft. Clay." Weat bide. HAVE 3 housekeeping room and 1 sleeping-room, free heat and phone; rent very Tvasonabia i: Uth at. Xorttv 115 :l FniMsHEl) housekeeping rooms, sink, bathroom, gaa. fall 0.M East Morri son ni 'ahle for children. Kast 01174. Tit hUG new, completely furnished rooms, l.atu. sink, laundry, phone; no objection to children: ftW. East Stark. bPKINO coming, lower floor. 3 room, pan try, piano. ard. March 1: also single room. 4'iS loth sc GENERAL, housekeeping for two adult by Iniluslf loua colored woman: experienced t-eok: g'-d referencea 1:1 North loth at. ftt'O modern rooma for housekeeping with light and water, ft .4 a week. E. Alder, near KIHh. CLEAN, sunny, beeutlfuliy furnished front housekeeping sulto: walking distance; rea- lonable. 4t coiumoia su I a PLEASANT housekeeping-rooms, with al cove. Jo Last lltn su ,onn. Mowe Kast I'll?. COMPLETELY FTRNISHEP housekeeping rooms, clean and pless-nt. Phone, sink, gas. bath. 13. :ij North lath t. jROOM furnished flat, rent t-0. Including lights and water; also other housekeeping rooms. Tod Cliaan st. FOR KKXT Furnished housekeeping rooms, or tf-room suites; modern; rent reason able. 42H Hall st. F'ol'R claun. plainly furnished. light room, side entrance. bee after Monday; ftl5 month. 350 14th at. HOVSEKEEPINO room In modern flat, rent reaaonable. tilioSe Oliaan. near 21L TWO nicely furnlhed rooma trlctly mod ern. 114 N. lith St. Phone Main b!35. EXTRA large and well furnished housekeep ing ulte for rent. 2U Montgomery IU LAKiiB back room with gaa plate, 98 per month. 5o5 Johnson L FRONT basnment suite houaekeeplng: pri vate entrance. Rood yard. 21 14th it. ONE or two pTtesant front rooma, Vt'eat bide, cheap. T boo, OreKonian. y-u o.KO(, Uite jn flat, furnace heat, electricity. 8:14 Jackson, comer 7th. TV sunny.' light housekeeping rooms, pri ests family. K.iotb, near Morrison. FL'RXISHEDfor housekeeping, a homelike (-ottaiie suite. C10 Main aC Hl'l'SKK EEl'IN'i rooma, Morrlon and Alder. 14U l-illi, bcu 3-ROOM Bat. completely furnished, furniture for sale, flat for renu 3S1 5lh at 3-itoilM auite. t-umpietely furnished for hoiisekeepink. centrsl. art Main st. Foil RF.NT Furnishad. one large house keeping room. 601 Harrison sc OXE room, nicely furnished for houaekcep Irir: 91. Park st. Hol'SF.KEEPINO room fur men. In One lo cation. 471 Morrison. e A MONTH One furnished housekeeping room. loth St.. rear house. . CHEAP modern, furnlahed and unfurnlahed rooms. 'J4U Harrison, near SL COME tinE before deciding rooma 3 North 11th. -Housekeeping' FL'RNl-'HEf housekeeping rooma 161 X. 14th sc TWO neatly furnished housekeeping rooms; bath, phone To K. Ilth North. TWO modern housekeeping room, phone. bath, water; "West Side. Phone A 9963. 3 i:NFl'HMSllF.r front room to party em ploed. 5i2 I nlon ave. North. NICELY furnlahed frout liousekeeplng rooma Mrt Yamhill t. FlRNliHF.l housekeeping aulte; prlvat bth; wa.klng d:atance. 34 Eaat lath X. 3 tilt 3 furnished houaekeeplng rooma 4d Fast Purnslde '. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooma 6T N. 14th st. lavl to F.voretc 3 AND 3-r'Mjm mod.rn furnished arartmenta lliiH I'nlon ave. Woodlawn l?o7a. TWO fine unfurniahed rooms: heat, light, bath and phone. 474 Market ac a-KOoM housekeeping suite, light, phone end bath. Ml YamhllL M 4H34. XW unfurnished housekeeping rooms, with sink and large pantry. Inquire US X. 21st. TWO desirable unfurnished front housekeep ing rooms, walking distance. Ift2u otD THl'.EB nicely furnished houaekeeplng' rooms, very reasonable. 71 Keamey. ft NICELY furnished housekeeping rooma Inquire :."7 Ruasell St. E. S75. THHKB furnished houskeeplrg-rooms. No. llrard ave. North, phone East 43i 9;0 WEEK, front suites. II. K.. 532 Wll- Iiams a e. c IB-.1. TWO or tbre furnished housekeeping rooms, close In. Call un R 1706. Fast bH2. TWO furnished housekeeping rooma 2d0 Fast eth st. North. Walking distance. 1 FURXIriHED housekeeping rooms; gas. natn. sink, yard: sie montn. m-j rront. M'iOM housceeptnr suite, 910 a month. 721 1st at. Main 9"3.t. 34 YAMIHT.L. r. w 1 y papered aulte. cloae In. gas. bain. Phone A 7fo4. Tv'O furnishel houaekeeplng rooma rea son a U NICELY furnished apartment, 3 to rooms, clean, modern, reaeonabla 621 Couch. rno wm'XT ti)K tt r. i . i v' - i ... - Housekeeping Keoaua la Private) Family EXTRA large, newly-finished, nicely fur nished housekeeping-room, modern and complete; free best, phone, bath, hot and Cold water: hear In. one block to 3 ear iinea 443 Rodney ave.. corner Tillamook s-. Pbo0 Last a221. NICELY furnished large front room with alcove and sleeping porch. with light houaekeeplng privileges. If desired; hot and cold water, bath, free phone, fur ' race heat; $-0 a month. ftOVfe Jackson sc Phone Mam 4331. FOR REXT 4 furnished housekeeping rooms lu prlvat home, 9-S per month, stlth wood. light, water and ga Included; no children preferred. Phone Woodlawn 10. 144 Alberta at., near Alblna ave. UDT wishing to sew with dressmaker; will snare per modern apartment for very small rent; everything furnished com plete for housekeeping. AF 7-7, Ore gonlan. liooeee. FoK RENT 5-room house, both, eiectrio lights. 017 Overton sc. s.0 per mo,: aisa 4-room house, PUO Clinton ac eiectrio llghta bath, baeemcne IJ per mo. In quire room 11. Mulkey bldg.. -d and Jlor riso sc. A 4144; Main 00 -'1. Monday. FoR RENT bl. MONTH ri OR YEAR TO RESPONSIBLE PARTIES. WELL-FTR-M8HED MOPKRX U-ROOM HOUSIS. ALSO GAltAOK. 4S GRAND AVE. NORTH. NEAR BROADWAY. - 912 PER month: a four-room cottage with attic, good well, largo grounda At Ryan station. IT tuln. ride on balem electric Will be vacated March 1. Inquire oa premleee or phone Main 1001. A ft-ROOM HOL'bE In fine order. -91 per mouui; good place for chicken arid gar den, l'hone Marshall litis, bundaa and after ft P. M. 10-ROOM HOL'SB, heart of Sunnyaida suit able for boarding-bouse or two families. Rent 9-5. bland ftt DAWtelL corner J-d and Delmonl. FOR R ENTFlne. large, 12-room home In a desirable, locality on Weat Bide; modern and sirhlly: per month; or will lease. AN fioo. Oregoiilan. - $17. t Five-room fiat; gaa. electricity, suit tray, ehadea, basemen C bath, yard: flne view; also 6-room house. Front and pennoyer. Marshall 4440. 9J5 FOR a fine modern, up-to-date, 7 room with fireplace, hardwood fVoora, built-in buffet, bookcaeea Dutch kitchen and fur nace. Plane-hard a. Clemson. 6 6th St. Hot bE AXU FLATS FOR REXT OX THB EAST SlPr J. J. OEDER. Cor. Grand ave., and K. Ankeny ft-ROOM HOUSE near Mt, Tabor car. on East 27ih; good steel range and kitchen e.i re; 91J- Hankie a. Harrison, Oerllnger bldg. Foil RENT Long Beach. 6eavlew, Wash., -room furnlahed cultage. one block from beech, three blocks from stores and sta tion; until June 1, 125. Pnone A 4H52. FOR RENT. At Durham, on Oregon Electric; house. 1 or more acres wood, water, reaaonable. Phone East 4751. FOR RENT. Bungalow In Irvlncmn. new, modern, 9 ronis. large atttc. Enst 4761. FOR RENT 8-room house 181 15th t; hot air furnace; rent 930. Call 43 Market t. Phone Main 2640. IlOl'bE S rooms, 60S 4th near Sherman; convenient, clean; furnaca 393 14th sc Fhoc-.e Main 7-17. FTDR REXT 8-room house 68 Hoy. St.; hot aid furnace; rent Hi. Call 43ft Mar- ket st. Phone Main 2S4Q. TO LET 6-room cottage. 925. 610 F.aet Ankeny. Call 545 East Davla East lsli. Mrs. M. A. Fettiemler. FOR REXT Elgbt-room house, corner 23d and Cllssn; good nelnhborbood, low rent. lease to responsible party. Maln e'lOT. 8-ROOM modem house. Multnomah street, Irvlngton; big lot, sleeping porch, garage, 940. 811-312 Lewi bidgj ft-l:OoM cottage, modern, on Lincoln, t., bet. 3tth and Marguerite. 7 fruit tree and ov.r lop rosebushes. R 813. Oregonian. MODERX t-room houso, T East 80th sc. South. Apply at 3 Eaat JOih.. North. l'hone B 2S7T- MODERN 7-room house; two lots, garden, fruit, rosea su . Uth tM north. Wood lawn 601. HOUSE, rl large room, modern, flne loca tion. I.'il Holllday avenue, walking dl tsnce; rent 93. 8 LARC.K room house, partly furnished, suitable for housekeeping; 820' month. Inquire 80 Front SC $17 5-ROOM cottage one block eaat of Union ave., walking distance, 40a San Ra. f.' I st. Marshall 4280. NEW, modern, 8 rooma, lot lOOxino. garage, southeast corner 40th and Tillamook ala' Rent 940. Fred C. Kig. Main 38f.2. 801 E. 1ST ST. NORTH 7-rotnn moderw house, walking distance. $30 per montn. Portland Trust Co. ' 647 FRONT ST. 5-room house, walking dis tance; $12.50 per month. Portland Trust Co. MODERX six-room house, 72l Union ave. North; 922.50. Whitney, 340 Morrlaon. l'hone Main 6530 STRICTLY modem 8-room house, 904 II road way. Call 638 Broadway. Phone C 231 3 RooMri; city water; good chicken-house; on a quarter of an acre; 5-cent tare; 95 p-r month. Phone A 7330. WEST half of modern double house. 7 rooms. 0 East Main at., cor. 13lh, Hawthorne Pnrk Phone East 40til. F'Oht RENT 6-room cottage. Grand ave., near Harrison. N. F. Xoren. Su5 Orand MODERN 4-room house, good order, yard. foiu 3d street. Inquire 24o Lincoln, near Third. TO LEASE Furnished or unfurnished, 100 room apartment-house; irood security re quired; low renC A3 717, Oregonian. FOR RENT 6-roora house with modem con veniences at $20 a month. 63 Corbett st. Phone Main 2348. $12 4-ROOM cottage and bath, near Ma son: two blocks off Union ave. Owner, 418 Corhett bll(r. 7-ROOM HOUSE. Light, bath, 2 blocks car, 4 school, 3 stores. Owner, Tabor 427. KOH RENT Modern 6-room bungalow, 31st and E. Morrison ta Cheap. Phone B 34. . GOOD 7-room house, corner Commercial and Falling; "RS" car; $20. For Information call t grocery store, near corner. 925 IRVINOTON: -rooni houa. fine loc near car. 439 E. 13th North. Phone Eiuit IKJO. FOR RENT New 8-room house, strictly modern. 2(S North 2th. MODERN T-room house. Sunnyslde. 923. Minor. J"8 BelmouC See MODERN bungalow, near Piedmont, on Alnsworth av. Pbone Woodlawn 808. MODERN 6-room house, near car, walking dlstttnce. Phone East 6735. fclX-HOOM modern; small yard, good view; rent reasonable. Main 1669. blX ROOMS, close In. big yrd. with rosea :S1 Kast Ash. B lo.'.n. 123. t FOR RENT A modern six-room house. 710 Johnson st., near 22d. 10-ROOM modern dwelling, suitable for two famine. Hawthorn district. A 7.1ft. DESIRABLE ft-room house, 9s San Rafael near Union ava, 93S, close In. F'aet 16S5. F'OR RENT Cottage. 658 Gllaan near 17th st. Key at f8 16ih st. North. FOR RENT t-room house, 1159 26th C, near Alberta. 9-0, with bed. b'KVKN rooms. 359 Ross st., corner Broad way, walking distance, 92a East 4377. MODERN 7-room house, plate-glaas win dow's, hardwood floors. 90. 672 Wasco, 6-ROOM HOUSE, bath, electric lights, large yard. 935 East 3d. W-W car. $15. $36 IRVINOTOX bunsalow, fine yard, ft rooma East 4SS4, Main 33s&. RENT or sale New 6-room cottage, acre fruit land. Woodlawn Te. $20 6-ROOM new and modern bungalow. Fa-st 30th st. Large loc Tabor 253. SIX-ROOM cottage at 843 Sherman c Tag gart. 416 Chamber of Commerce. ft-ROOM modern house. 844 "E. 17th, N., cor. Weldler. Enquire fUT Weldler. MODERX 4-room bungalow, cither furnlahed or unfurnished. Ca.l 5o3 Y'eon bldg. MODERN, new 7-room house, furnace, H. .HQ. cor. Ain, a-n. IS .--tlM. $11 6-room cottage. K. 26th and Ca ruth era J. J. Oeder. Grand ave. and Ankeny. FOR RENT ft-room house, (60 East Alder. VhnnM Fast "K7A FOR RENT 6-room cottane. fo0 ,K ;ar. tlilm. Inquire 2.15 Nartllla, Main 4171. FINE. 7-room: 30-4 rtTth and Hawthorn: 1 block from car. . B 1909. NEW. modern cor. 6-room hungalow, tjr; referenca 954 E. 31st X. Woodlasrn 2714. ROOMS and bath. cor. 19th and East Davis. 916. Phone Kast 1351. 922.61 7-ROOM house; furnace, porcelain plumbing, gas, electricity. Seilwood 897. NEW. modern 6-room house, 806 Monroe' adulfa. Phone E.. 5143. MODERN 6-room house, large yard and fruit trees. iriSO Hancock. Rose City. NEW collage. 45th and Lincoln. Main 9133. Uooses. HOUSES FOR RENT. 7 rooma. 24 Hamilton ave., $13. 6 rooma, h 10 Front ac, f25. d rooms, b 2 Front sc. 925. 6 rooma 175 Meade sc, S rooms. P77 Kast loth North, $18. tf rooms, 2.V1 Haiuillon ave.. 91S. '3 rooma, 775 bavler sc. ftloO. 0 rooms, owl Front SC, 9-5. 7 rooms, 213 23d at. North, $45. 7 rooms. 1 c tiapman sc. sou. ft rooma 101 Shaver st.. 921. 8 rooma t-.'j Eaat Yamhill, $35. 7 rooma 7oS East Taylor at., $30. A rooms. o3 Clinton sc, $25. 10 rooma 32 Kast First SC X-t $27.50. 8 rooma, 4tt 22d sc North, $2. 5 rooms, 3 27 22d sc North. $-10. 7 rooms, 712 Michigan ave.. 925. tt rooma r-VJ Uorthwick at., ftls. 6 rooma Nsrtilla ac, $20. d rooms, 313 Eaal balmon SC, 917. 5 rooms, "27 15th sc North, $20. 7 rooms, liil Kast 24lh SC North, $33. 6 rooms. .'. drover SC, 923. r rooms, b.vj Montana ave., $20. 7 rooms. 3o7 2-d sc Xorth, $35. 6 rooms, 047 First St., $25. 4 rooma. ltts Ivy sc, 913. 5 rooms. 155T Easl Taylor St., 918. 6 rooms, 71 Thurman sc, 92iw 7 rooma 7m Thurman sc, 2j. FLATS FOR REXT. S rooms. 371 Pacitto st., J23. 5 rooms. 472 Hancock sc, 930. 6 rooms, 472 Vs Hancock St., 9 o. 5 rooma 474 b Hancock St., $.10. 6 rooms, 4lit Harrison St., $33. 6 rooma 3052 Cleveland ave., $25. 6 rooms, 301 Artierta St.. 25. 5 rooma 070 h E. Washington, 927.50. 7 rooma 444 Park c. 937.50. 6 rooma 771i, Mllwaukl sc, 917.50. 5 rooms, 6m& Kast Davis at., 925. 5 rooms, tiud Belmont sc, $110. r rooma 52tj Clifton at., 9'". 50. 6 rooms, Horit, Madison C, 930. o rooma 60SV, Madison SC, $ l. 6 rooms, 44tlu Larrabee ac, $2.. 0 rooma k0 East 10th SC X., $33. 8 rooms, C'.w balmon C, $3. rooms, "-SH Kearney St., $30. 5 rooms. 427 Halrey t., 9-'7.50. APARTMENTS FX)R RENT. 7 rooma 715 Johnson sc, 947. 5o. a rooms. 715 Johnson sc. $45.00. PAKRlbH. WATKINS A CO., 2 .VI Alder SC THE GREATER MEIER FRANK 8TORH RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU. Home hunters, visit our up-to-date ren tal aud information department, 4th floor, main bulldlne. and see the vacancies we have listed of desirable houses and flats. You'll save time In getting properly and comfortably located. We keep In touch with all vacant houses, flats and apart ment In the city. We also keep a list of new buildings in course of construction. The combined lists of all real estate deal ers. This information Is absolutely free. "WHEN YOU WANT TO REXT A HOUSE SEE US. THB MEIER at FRANK COMPANY. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity; owner must leave town at once; desire to lease hil residence, located In the beautiful Hol taday'a Addition. 7S0 Wasco, corner of East 24th; two carllnes within 4 blocks: tl large, light, airy room and bath, fur nace, hot and cold water, electric light, oak floors downstairs; auto garage; lot 50x10; will rent to desirable party fpr $30 per month; even less on leas for year or more. Call. Owner live in house. 6MALL-house on MC Scott carllne. 95. 6-room house on SC Johns carllne, elec tric light, $13. 6-room house, soma modern conven iences, in Albino, $ln. 5-room house on Kerby sC, $15. Lovely 6-room modern bungalow, almost new, 1 block from car, $1S. OTTO A HAKKSO.V REALTY CO.. 133 Va First sc FOR RENT. D-room modern house on Vaughn St.. Willamette Heights. $50. 8-room modern house, 7i8 E. Taylor ''t-room, modern house, 978 E. Yamhill, $22.50. . 10-room house In Montavllla, plenty of, ''THE LAWRENCE CO.. 248 Alder t. o-ROOM furnlahed house. 5303 42d ave.. 'i'-room house, 820 Capitol ave.. $30. 30-roorn house, 443 Hassalo sc. $"o. 8-room bouse, Thompson and K. 2ith No., 940. H. N. TITFORD or CO.. Mar. 454". 4Q7 Spalding Bldg. LARGE. nine-room. unfurnished, corner houso, beautiful shrubbery, on larfre lot and only one block from carllne; $30. CHAPIN A: HERLOW. 3"2-.'!3S Chamber of Commerce. IO REXT .",-roora modern house, with 2 Vs acres of ground and chicken-houses; lota of berries. Take Mount bcott car to Fir land station. 4104 70th st. S. E., near 40t h ave.. or call up Tabor 197. W E-sr SIDE o-room house, on corner 21st and Kearney, furuace, fireplace, rent $33 per month. " H. P. PALMER-JONES CO . 404 Wilcox Bldg. IRVINOTOX S-room house on B. 20th C, near Tillamook; 92.1 per month. 11. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox bldg. NIC IS clean 8-room house. 257 Nartllla. 1 block south of new Multnomah Clubhouse; beautiful 6-room flac 027 E. balmon. Main M. FoR RENT. 3i acres with email house, at terminus of Fulton Park line. Creek run. ninpr through place. Inquire at Herman Metrger. 22ti-22H Front St. ft-ROOM HOUSE, with 1 acre or more land; 43 thoroughbred Barred Kocka Investi gate thla Second houce east Boardman Station, or phone Oak Grove Black 697. FIVE-ROOM unfiirnuihtd modern bungalow at Wl'i East 2oth St. North. 918. CHAPIN ac HERLOW. 3"2-3:;8 Chamber of Commerce. 6-ROOM house, country home, 20 minute out. nickel fare; cow table. hen house. 5 acre land. 917.50 per month. J. E. Par son. V mile south Multnomah Station. ftTnoOM modern bungalow. 436 East 45th sc. North. Rose City Park. Key 435 East 4bth sc North. All modern. Ward dc Youngor. 424 Y'eon bldg. Furnished House. A WELL and completely furnished flac reasonable. Thl la out of the ordinary, and worth Investigating-. Phone C 2783, or O 2242. NICELY furnlahed 6-room flac walking dia tance. good location. 443 Rodney ave. East 4SS. 9-ROOM modern house, well furnished, for four months, beginning May 11. 971 Over ton C A 8US2. MODERN 4-room, furnished, $21, with water. 639 Commercial Court, bet. Com mercial, Kerby, Knott and Russell ets. WANTED 5or 6-room bungalow to respon sible party, 2 in family; must b nicely furnished. O 7l0, Oregonian. FURNISHED COTTAGE, C room, on East Taylor St.. near 42d; rent 925. Call bOi Vlk-ox bldg. MODERN 6-room furnished house. 242 East 44th sc. 3 block north of Hawthorne ave. Phone B 3024. NICELY furnished and nicely located 8- room house for sale, by owner. L 812, Oregonian. FURNISHED 5-room house; owner at house Monday. 11 to .4 P. M.: 930. 391 Eacra- mento or phone East 8Q09. 6-ROOM furnished house; piano, gas. yard; good neighborhood. 617 Powell sc, near 16th. Brooklyn car. COMPLET"El7Y and comfortably, furnished new 7-room bouse on Council Cresc Call Pacific Coast Biscuit Co., 12th and Davla FURNISHED 6-room bungalow in Rose City Park, 147.7 Sacramento and 64th at,, 935. Inquire Sunday. 6-ROOM modern house, bath, gas range, good furniture, piano, low renc Inquire loss E. Alder.Tabor 8310. FURNISTTED cottage for rent cheap: 15 minutes' ride on W-W car, got off at East 2tlth and Kelly sta No. 617. 5-ROOM furnished bungalow. 920; or youna; man's room and board. 103s E. 11th N. $20 6-room house, furnished, or will sell very reasonable. b77 Oherlln sc. Portsm'th. FOR RENT 6-room house, furnished, gar den; 915. 1348 East Main. NICELY furnlahed 3-room flat cheap; mod srn. 1048 Gantenbeln. cor. Alberta. 6 ROOMS, furnished, piano. C 1660. East 373. Q. H. Herdman. NEAT 6-room house 588 East 10th. Call Sell wood 326 between 1 and 6. NICK furnished 6-room house. E. 24th St., near Burnslde; long term. Phoue E. 6070. HOUSE! 4 furnished rooma 634 E. 19th and Taggarc WR. WW car. FURNISHED flat: large, llarht rooms: porch, central. West Side. 233ij Hall. Marshall 62. ft-ROOM flaC yard, fireplace. 202 Stout SC $30. Call 260 btouc Marshall 4220. 8 ROOMS, furnished, close in, $17.50. 917 Bosrd of Trade. M. S025. COMPLETELY furnished 3-room flat; bath, phone evening M;iin 3176. 659 Pettygrove. 10 3-ROOM furnished bouse In Rose City Psrk. D 781 OreKonlan. MODERN 6-room upper flat. furnished. 7S0S East Ysmhlli. Phone Kast 5i'4S. 4-KOOM furnished cottage, gaa, electr. light. $30. Inquire 407 7th. MODERN 4-room bungalow, either furnished or unlurnlsncd. Call 503 Yeon bids. FURNISHED eottaco In renr. 912: wood, phono and hath furnished. f09 Davis st. $20 NICELY furnished flac 8 rooms and alcove. 853 Lincoln. Main 6S15. FURNISHED 6-room flac private bath. 301 Uolladay ave. Furnished House. 5-ROOM modern furnished bungalow. No. fc:!Tl E. 25th sc S. : rent $18. New. modern 6-room furnished house. No. b3 E. 25th sc; rent $25; good place for roomers. t E. A. M'GRATH. 331 Chamber of Commerce. FURNISHED HOUSE for rent. rooms, nlcly furnished. Including flne piano, lin ens, silverware, dlshea and everything complete; rent J30 per month; to be va cated the 15th of thl month. Jordan. Glo Lumbermens bids. FURNISHED FLAT of 4 rooms, with pri vate porch, steam heat, hot and cold wri ter, private bath, including phone and Junitor service, for $32.0 per month. 402 North Cih sc Ask landlady, Upshur Apts. COTTAGES, well furnished, west side river, 4 rooms. 920 month; 7 rooms, 927.60; room housekeeping suites, ii. 910, 912 month: 3. 915- Apply 364 North 26th; "W" car from depoc 5th. west on Morrl- , son to 26th. block north. HOUSK of seven rooms, furnished, all strict ly modern, tine location, walking distance. West bide. $50 per month. W. H. LA NO. ' 1509 Yeon Bldg. ELEGANTLY furnished 6-room house on carllne; spotless; it will pay you to see this first; references; rent $30. Phone Woodlawn 1602. FOR RENT,Aprll 1 to Sept. 1. elegantly furnished 9-room modem home in choicest Nob Hill residence district. For particu lars write owner. E 771. OreEonian. FURNISHED HOUSE. Comfortably furnished 7-room house, $17. OTTO & HARKSOX REALTY CO.. 13KV, First St. 6-liOOM furnished house, 5 acres, all under cultivation: good family orchard; 2 fresh , cow 40 Lechorn hens; Shi miles from eltv limits; $40 per month. A 7330. COMPLETELY furnished 6-room modern cottage, Sunnyslde; rent $25. Phone Sell- wood 5 u a. FOR RENT 6-room furnished cottage at 701 Davis sc. near Washington; $35 per month. Phone Main 764. $50. 8 rooms, modern. corner, splend'd neighborhood, well furnished: will rent for 3 months. Tabor 1768; B 1634. HOMELIKE furnished modern 6-room house, nice lawn, good neighborhood, paved dls-trk-C 13 minutes' ride. 930, Marshall 1910. FURNISHED house, walking distance. 411 P.rpndway. East 1523. House- for Rent Furniture for Sale. COmVlETE FURNISHINGS in a 6-room flut for sale, consisting ruga tables, piano, chairs, stove, range, refrigerator, beds, a-as-plate. library table, bookcases, couch, loa-.her rockers, Morris chair. buffeC lino leum, etc; all modern and In A-No. 1 con dition, at a bargain. Parties leaving town. Call between lu A. M. and i P. M. at 4u7 Benton st. Phone East 2124. 6 ROOMS offine furniture, consisting of fine gas range, solid oak dining set and parlor furniture, fine bed, springs, and mattress: solid oak dresser, folding steel couch and pad, rugs, dishes and cooking utensils; everything as good as new. Will sacrifice for cash for 9123. Call Monday after 10 A. M.. 135H Hall St. FOR SALE Furniture 3 elegant fitted apartment rooms at the Ionian .Court, Ape ft, corner 18th and Couch;-all walnut antique bedroom sec extension table- and chairs, bric-a-brac, cablneC steel engrav ing, hallrack, etc.; Inspection permitted from 10 A. .M. to 2 P. M., up to the 20th. 27 ROOMS with large Income, good lease, owner leaving town. Rent paid to March 1. also deposits for water, light and ga included In purchase price, if taken be fore the 15th. 91200 cash, balance terms. Main 77KS. GOOD home for two or family. 940 over rent, one block from high school; furni ture new a year ago; close In; bargain for cash or term to ault. Owner; no agents. 825 7th st. . TWELVE-ROOM, house on Nob Hill for rent and pan of furniture for sale; bal ance furniture rented with house; very cheap for quick sale. Phone Marshall 1320. FURNITURE of 4 rooms. e.ll complete for housekeeping, gas range and all for 9135 or any part of 1C 269 North 21st sc, ''near Xorthrup. A HXAP Furniture of 5-room flat; best location; 5 minutes from business center; $500. $2o0 cash, balance easy payments. Call mornings. 252 11th st. : A 7-ROOM house with 2 large store rooms for rent and furniture for sale; very con venient for a large family or for roomers. 029 East Ankeny st. Phone East 3877. BY OWNER. Elegant furniture of 7-room home, long- lease; can rent rooms ana ay all expenses; nne xor boarders, can Jackson. FCRXITURE of 7-room house for $200, 3 rooms rented mora than clear expenses; leaving city, must sell at once. 315 Market st. WIL.r. sacrifice my 11-room boarding and rooming-house If sold Monday. Have oth er business. This a bargain, clears $10 month without boarders. A 7030. 163 3th ST. Modern 6room flat for rent and furniture for sale, everything: com pitue, very central. FOK SAIh- 4 rooms of household furniture. In use only three months; will rent apart ment. .'Urn Highland Court, -d and Glisan sts. Marshall aitH. FUKXITURB of 8 rooma for sale, house for rent; 5 room rented. 500 Taylor. Pbone Marsh all 703. GOOD furniture of 7 rooms for sale, house for rent. $300. Inquire l5 N. bth, after noon. FOH AIE Two rooms, newly furnished complete for housekeeping. Apply -.11 4 st., room V2. FUKXITURB of 6-room house, rent $24, 4 gentlemen occupy 2 sleeping rooms; am anxious to sell, 143 Grand ave.. IN. .-ROOM newly furnished flat, centrally lo cated, excellent car service; reasonable. 76 Irving st. MarshiMl 3383. EXCELLBNT opportunity to furnish a home at a bargain. See announcement, on pas J, section 1. Furniture for 8-room house. FOR SALE Furniture of 3-room apart ment cheap for cash. Rent $13. En quire 8J Park st. FURNITURE, 6-room cottaae for $225. House Xor rent $22,150. Phone Maiu SO, A 1211. ChII at 25 N. 14th st, 6 ROOMS, completely furnished; up-to-date furniture; ready for housekeeping; price $2-5. 420 Cambridge ave. FURNITURE of &-room house for sale; a bargain: house for rent; 2 rooms pay rnt. 67 Grand ave. N. FOJl SALE Furniture of 7-Coom flat, close In; flat for rent. Call GVi 10th st. North, near Burnslde st. flTROOMS. good furniture. West Side; rooms all full, worth $uX; will sell for $475, terms. Phone Main 2230. FURNITURE of a It-room cottage for sale; house rents for $14v. Inquire 591 E. 17th street. 6-ROOM flat to rent, furniture for sale, rooms arranged to subrent. 264ft 14th st., near Jefferson. LIGHT housekeeping rooms, nice for 1 or 3 ladles or gent, furnace heat. 347 Hall st. FIRST-CLARS furniture of 9-room house for sale cheap. 481 West Park. FURNITURE 5-room cottage; a snap; must sell. l'Q2 Alblna ave. FURNITURE of 7 rooms cheap; olose In. 210 Mill st., pear 1st. SNAP, furniture 6-room flat; something nice; leaving city. 5 E. 11th. FURNITURE of ft-room fiat, rent $22; take S15Q. Call at 322 Falling bldg. FURNITURE 4-room cottage; house for ri 1 1. 331 East 39th st. Hawthorne car. 3-ROOM flat, completely furnished, furni ture for sale, flat for rent. 3B1 5th st. NEW mission and blrdseye furniture, rugs and gas ranges. Phone Marshall 3370. Summer Resorts. BARGAIN In one 6 and one 2-room cottages at geaslde. Or. Tabor 8107 Store. STORE on Washington St.; good lease; no bonus; this Is an Al place for any retail business. AN 758, Oregonian. 143 KHAVER ST. New corner store, 30x50. with half basement; will lease for three years; a bargain. Portland Trust Co. 8 STORES, brick building, with Ilvlog-rooms, modern. First and Caru there. D 611, Ore gonian, TWO-STORT building, cor. 1Mb and Alder; en tr an co from both streets: automobile, etc. , Webb & Terry. 12U9 Yeon bldg. 6TORE and 6 living-rooms, good location for any business. 83 Russel bldg. ALL OF 804 Oak and part of 806 Oak st. Opp. Com. Club bldg. STORE for rent, good location. Apply 121 1st st., corner Washington. STORE for rent; Inquire Pacific Tent & Awning Co., 27 North 1st st. EXCELLENT location, painter, kalsomlner, tailor, etc. $35. Main 7157. East 430. STORE for rent, good location. Inquire at IQ'J North 6th st. RENT $ri5. fine location for small barber shop. Call 41 North 6th st. STORE for rent, most suitable for small business. Cr 4th fit. .SMALL srre. counters and shelves, $15. 3 1 a Front st. FOR RE N'T store at 243 lth st.. corner Marshall. $20 a month. F. Yt Fletciaer. Sitote STORES FOR LEASE. Ground-floor store. 25HOO ft., and space on second and third floors of Ballou & Wrlsht bldg., 7th and Oak sta. I 25xl"0-foot store at S Sixth St., across from Wells-Fargo bldg. 20x5-font store on Hawthorne ava, near Union. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox bldg. STORES TO REXT. $50 per mo. 163 Gra-d ave, near E. Morrison. and $25 per mo., at 170 Union ava.. near above; 3 living rooms included. HARTMAN THOMPSON. Main 203. A 2030. BUILDING, SOxlOO feet. 1-story and base ment at corner E. Water and E. Madison sta, on trackage; good location for whole sale business or garasre. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox bldg. i - SEVE RAL fine stores at Stark. 13th and very iow renu Webb & Terry, 1201) Yeon bldg. FOR SALE 9 -year lease on store on Wash lngton st, between 5th and 6th at. Ad- cress oregonian. btate business, is. .01, Oregonian. STORE IVtr rent, 3d, near Jefferson. $:i0; partitions, counter, showcases, etc., for Sfile cheap; part store for $10. 206 McKay bldg. BASEMENT at 1st and Salmon; good loca tton for barber shop or pool hall, or both; cheap rent. Call Main 3S55, Sullivan, lii'.-i 1st sL SEVERAL stores at east end Madison-st. bridge, $20 to $40, according to slse. la quire 271 Hawthorne ave. TWO -STORY building. cor. East Seventh and Hawthorne; loug lease; cheap. Webb A- Terry, 1200 Yeon bldg. Offices. OFFICES FOR RENT. MERCHANTS TRUST BLDO. 6th. and Washington sis.; very best lo cation In the cuty. Reasonable rents. In quire In bank. OFFICES In our bank bultdln?, single or en suite; will arrange to null ; very de sirable for brokers and manufacturers' aitenta; rent reasonable. Portland Trust Co. OFFICE In Wilcox bldg., for rent by month; 4th floor, 6th-et. side; light, roomy, next to elevator; reception-room. Abbott & Co., room 402. WANTED Desk room In Board of Trade bldg., office with telephone service and one prepared to receive messages. D 609, Oregonian. ONE-HALF of S. E. corner Chamber of Commerce, 10th floor. Including waiting room and phono; price right to right party. Main 3510. RAILWAY EXCHANGE BUILDING, room 416. opposite elevator; desirable space for desk room or private office. ONE-HALF well-furnished outside office in best location, with use of desk, chairs and phone. $12.60 per mo. 610 Swetland bldg. MOST CENTRALLY LOCATED OFFICES. All-night elevator service. 803 SweUaai bldg., Cth and Washington. . OFFICE or desk room for rent either far clshed or unfurnished. Apply at room 401 Ellers bldg.. S. E. cor. 7th and Alder sta DENTIST, with physician; new building; best location ; low rent. AM 790, Ore gonian. WI LL share handsomely furnished suite In Yeon bldg. with desirable party. Phone Marshall t30. DESKROOM or more on ground floor. 30$ Oak St.. opp. Com. Club bldg. CHOICE offices. Tilford bldg.. Tenth and Morrison. Phone Main 564. OFFICE or deskroom on ground floor at 24S Aider, near 3d st GROUND floor room, on 2d at Stark; only $40. Pee 2,'H Stark. OFFICE room with desk and both phones. 517 Board of Trade. Miscellaneous. ATTRACTIVE music studio for rent, days & week. X 804, Oregonian. two STALLS for rent. 129 North 11th st. TO LKASK. REXT or lea-se Lartre ha.ll. suitable for light nianufacturing business; business section. Vancouver, wash. Phone c iiii. 10Ox94 ft., new. one-story concrete building. Alblna ave. and Killingsworth. Phone East 11S7. 85-YEAR lease on one of the best business corners in city, 50x100. HIGLEY & BISHOP, 132 Third St. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HOTEL in best manufacturing town In Washington state, hotel Is fireproof, has 90 sleeping rooms, hot and cold water and telephones, bar averages $75 per day, dining-room and grill will feed 300 persons; It averages at present 75 per day; eight light elegant sample-rooms, ten years' lease ; this Is best hotel proposition on Coast; half cash, balance easy terms. Call or write J. P. Harvey, 817 Yeon bldg., Portland. A FEW thousand dollars will make you In dependent, 160 acres all under cultiva tion, platted and half sold at a good margin of profit; booklets and other lit erature covering the tract; will sell' on account of other business: the entire sub division can make $10,000 profit on the tract. AE 796, Oregonian. MONE Y-MAKINt-i restaurant", well equipped, one of the better sort, lease 3H years, rent $75; furnishes meals to outside institu tion that pays net income of $10 a day; price $S50; some terms. Astill, 1009 Board of Trade bldg. POOLROOM bargain; 3 good tables, good fixtures and about $200 stock; fixtures aione worth more than the price asked, which Is $S50; $500 will handle, 1009 Board of Trade bldg. CIGAR, confectionery and ice cream parlors; this place is paying $250 month over and above all expenses, which owner will guarantee and let you try the business be fore buying. 323 Lumber Exchange. WANTED Party with $200 and $400 to In vest in taking contracts In clearing land; new process; can make from $;t0O to $500 per month. 410 Lumber Exchange, cor ner 2d and Stark. FURNISHED restaurant for rent; will lease to reliable party; is doing good business; owner has two and can only handle one satisfactorily. Inquire at .512 Buchanan Jdg. FIRST-CLASS restaurant, splendid location, on Washington St., rent $75. 3 years lease; can be had for 50 cents on the dollar; best bargain in the city. Jordan. 610 Lumber mens hldg. SUBURBAN grocery, no competition and doing business of $100 daily, with living rooms, at Invoice, $4500. 823 Lumber Krchange. NOT a fortune in it but a neat corner grocery and confectionery store, living rooms, good school, trade. Owner, 175 E. 35th AUTO.MOBILE repair shop and school wants partner to do office work ; this business is making $760 month. 323 Lumber Ex change. BARBER shop, 3 chairs, best location In a town of 8000; doing good business and a long lease; cash. Address R. Kay, Monte sano. Wash. . SMALL, clean stock of groceries, good loca tion, cheap rent; a bargain, $550; also one at $1660, which does a big business. 801-2 Lumber Exchange. REPAIR shop, has over $i'o0 worth of con tracts 011 hand; price $soo, $500 cash, bal. easy. 303 Lumber Exchange- BUTCHER shop, extra good location. West Side, long, valuable lease, cheap rent. Par ticulars. 303 Lumber Exchange IF you have anything to sell or trade, or want to Duy, see us. ayi jumoer ex change CONFECTIOENRY, light grocery. Ice cream parlor, light lunches, clean, attractive, good location. See owner, 100 Belmont. POOLROOM and cigar store, owner wants Interested partner. This Tl&"'e pays $3o0 m o nth . 3 2 3 Lu m b er E x ; cha n g e. GOOD location, brand now general stock, at Invoice, about $2500; good reason for selling. Write at once. AV 9HQ, Oregonian. CLEANING and pressing business; this Is one best locations in the city. 323 Lum ber Exchange. ONE-FIFTH interest incorporated business for sale. Good position to competent man. H 812, Oregonian. GROCERY, confectionery, cigars, etc.. West Side, only $500. 301-3 Lumber Exchange blo . OWL PRINTING CO. Be wise and let us do vour lobwork; 10o0 business cards $1.5f. Phone East 901. $100 WILL put you in possession small es tablished business that will pay you $18 to $25 week. 323 Lumber Exchange. GROCERY store, doing pood business, rent $20 per month; only $700; terms. Jordan. 610 Lumbermens bldg. MEAT market, doing business of $70 dally, can be Increased to $100; $$30. 323 Lum ber Exchange. JAPANESE agn-y handles rooming-houses and business rlianre. f2 N. 5th st. A 3106, OLD-KSTABLISHKD busine-si wants col lector as partner. 323 Lumber Exchange. 85v Best general blncksmith shop on the Weat Side. Phone M. 6271. ' LAUNDRY business, has fewer risks and more advantages than any other business; no changing of styles with the seasons: the work turned oui always commands readv cash; no umleslrable remnants or waste. if you seek a sound, safe, sub stantial, big paying business that's easily learned and manage, iu a prosperous city near Portland. answer quick. AddrebS Wm. Ewig, Portland, Or. A LIFETIME INCOME. A large mining company wants more capital to build smelter. Property in Black Hills, S. D., is developed, is rich. will pay many thousand per cent ivi dends; enough ore on dumps to run months. Investigating party going in about 30 da vs. Join us. You deal di rectly with company. K 74S. Oregonian. NOW IS THE TIME. Get ready now for Spring and Summer business; start a traveling moving picture business. J10 to $100 made daily. tas; nice, clean business; small capital will make you a fortune; full particulars cheerfully given. New York Film Ex change. 5201 Washington, near 17th. BOXD Issues, .$100,000 upwards negotiated; railroad, streetcar, power, electrical, irri gation, mining, construction, realty, bank ing, trust and general corporations organ ized and directed: franchises and trust deeds drawn. Kosenbaum, Davis & Michel eon, Lawyers and Financial Agents, 214- .22 Height bldg., Seattle, wasn. YOU can make money by investing S to $30 a month in first mortgage certificates, secured by double their value In improved real estate; safe as a Government bond; pays 6 per cent from date of every pay ment; investment increases In value every yar. Northwestern First Mortgage Trust, 402 Wilcox bldg. A BONA FIDE OPPORTUNITY! Wanted; live man. with $2000 to $2500 to invest with personal attention in a mercantile business that has increased $14.0U0 during the paBt year: can easily be tripled In 1912; books will bear strict scrutiny. G 800, Oregonian. FOR SALE A well-located grocery, new stock, long lease, corner building, doinc better than $100 a day. A bargain if taken at once; will require $250O cash to handle It. For particulars, inquire at 22S Aeh st. 10 to 12 A. M., 2 to 4 P. M. GRAND money-making opportunity for a "gresslve man or woman; California mnfe. corporation establishing executive agen cies wants salesmanager: salesmen. Lako Specialty Co., S33 Market, San Francisco, Cal. SEE MB FOR BARGAINS. Business Investments of all kinds, cigar and confectionery stores, restaurants, pool rooms, rooming-houses; have some cheap money-makers today. It's Michael, 20 Commercial Club bldg. Main 6S37. WANTED. Partner to take half interest in a light manufacturing plant; a man who . can take charge of an office and manage men; salary $125 per month. Kinney c Stam pher, C31-3 Lumber Exchange bldg. MUrl Jjuui-i naAu; Wanted Party with capital to pay for patents and promote my automatic coin machine. Fine proposition; write for par ticulars at once, Leo. E. Bur, Corvallis, Oregon. - MEAT MARKET WANTED In fast-growing town, close to Portland; must be sanitary and up to date, with refrigerating plant; good opening. If you have enough money and experience ad dress A V l 3 5 . Oreponia HIGH-CLASS French pastry establishment, - up-to-date bakery dept., high-class hotel trade, auto del.; also $40 day retail trade; full investigation Invited. Williams. 207 Oregonian bldg FORSALE Gravel pit containing 16 lots, formerly owned by county ; also 5 A -I teams, wagons and harness. ' J. H. Mc Mahon, 1264 Division sl Phone Tabor 1433. TWO CIGAR STANDS. Both on Washington, rent $25; trade $15 to $20; one at $750. the other at in voice. WHEELER it PI ALL, 511 Lumbermens bid. WE have many inquiries from the East for business opportunities In all lines; register your business with us; it may be Just what our Eastern clients are looking for. Ahttott & Co., Wilcox bldg. SMALL INVESTOR'S OPPORTUNTIY to invest In a first-class mercantile busi ness; will bear closest Investigation. See Edgar A. steinau, 6 Railway Exc. bldg. SALOON Big first-class trade, good lease, best location In Portland; owner has other business; $6000, terms; no agents. It 781. Oregonian. GROCERY store, doing good business, in Rose Cltv Park, new, clean stock, fix tures, long lease, cheap. For particulars call 610 McKay bldg. - FOR SALE 1 standard soft-mud brick ma chine and all necessary equipments for up-to-date brickyard. J. H. McMahon, 1264 Division st. Phone Tabor H53. HARDWARE and Implement stock, annual business $200: stock $7000; good, live town. Worth investigating. AV 969, Ore gonian. ' CONFECTIONERY AND CIGARS. s East Side, 3 living-rooms, trado $12, n competition, $650. WHEELER & HALL, Ml Lumbermens blct WANTED Lady or gentleman as secre tary for corporation; must have cash; se curity for your money. 1112 Hawthorns ave. WANT to buy moving picture show in Wash ington or Oregon; full particulars and details In first letter or no attention given. T 777, Oregonian. - SMALL POOLROOM. Suburban location, 2 tables, trade $1 to $10; rent $1S; no competition; $750. WH-OELER & HALL, 511 Lumbermens bid. WANTED A physician, one who is cap able of doing surgery. A splendid sana torium in the town. Write box No. 3, Gaston. Oregon. . I MUST HAVE PARTNER, on account ol sickness, to assist in office and showing property; good inducements to right party. 206 Lumber Exchange bldg. DO YOU wish to Invest your money in some good paying business and be safe? That is the kind we handle. Nuf sed. Wil liams, 207 Oregonian bldg. DANDY GOOD RESTAURANT. West Side, scats 32, doing $50 a day, worth $1000; will sell for $750. WHEELER fc HALL. 511 Lumbermens bid. $S00 CONFECTIONERY. light groceries, etc.; 3-year lase; clears $!.' month; has 2 living-rooms. Call 248 Stark t. , A BARGAIN". Sawmill for aale. capacity 12 M. J. D. Loucks. Port Orford, Or. $200 BUYS interest in good-paying resl es tate and business chance offices. Owner bus other business. C 814, Oregonian. CASH GROCERY. " Nice, clean stock, good business, lease, corner, must sell. Call 520 Wash, st. FOR SALE Country grocery store, 4Vs acres of land; sold cheap for cash. G. Benson. Oregon City. R. No. 2. b o x4j. FOR SALE Confectionery and cigar and book stand ; fine location ; West Side ; terms. K 775. Oregonian. , RESTAURANT Want steady partner to be cashier, etc.; guarantee salary, also prof its. $350 required. Call 248 V. Btark st. DOCTOR, good location for one who will buy my lots and buildings. Dr. Everest. Cornelius. Or. MOVING -PICTURE theater for sale, close in, downtown, district. Inquire H. C Ste vens. 66 7th st CIGAR, confectionery. Ire cream and pool hall for sale. $1500. will take part In trade. AO 764, Oregonian. A CHANCE for someone to make $5000 on an Investment of $350. 431 Mohawk bldg. 3d and Morrison. DO YOU want to get a good-paying cream cry in best location in city? Seo Williams, 207 Oregonian bldg. WANTED Planing mill man to take charge; must have cssh. security for your money. 1112 Hawthorne ave. $50K TO Invest mercantile business; refer ences; give full particulars. E 800. Ore gonian. WA XTED Shows and concessions for Pa cific Carnival company. Aaaress j.umer Stahl. Hotel Washington. Aberdeen, Wash. FOR SALE or exchange, Boise. Idaho, res idence, for city or country property. a 753. Oregonian. ' CONFECTIONERY", cigar store. location ideal, long lease, rent reasonable. Pbone Columbia 38.. No agents. SOLID grocery, clean, new stock: best loca tion In Portland; actual invoice about $1500. Call 248 Vs Stark st FOR SALE Restaurant and poolroom. 6'1 North 7th, opposite Custom-House. $7.-r0 Grocery; part cash; four living rooms overhead. 405 East 6thst. SALOON for sale. Independent license and fixtures; line location. 1 regon;an. 600 BUSINESS CARDS. $1.00; bring this ad. 1 jTtOSe 1 STl im-a X4T- 7 4J-. W a J tvi. MOVING-PICTURE theater; partner wani ed. AM 787. Oregonian. 3-CHAIR barber shop. vry central, doing g o od b uainess. A SI 4. Oregonian. HOTEL br, fine West Side location, 4-year leare. 305 Couch bldg. MEf "market . doing a nice business ; all . .1.,11,-orv '".0 To Knr i. GROC5RV, doUitf a food hu-inebs. Phono WANTED Party wth from $100 to $500 ready cash to investigate one of the best money-making propositions on the Pacific Coast. This is a ailt-edge proposition of the highest merit, and investigation guar anteed to arouse your enthusiasm. A 45, Oregonian. 4