The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 11, 1912, Page 16, Image 16

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    -TTf Section 4 for DetaUs of Our Great February Toilet Goods and Prog Sale-Hundreds Well-Known Articles at Savings
5gfS Luncheon Sets, Etc., F,rst Floo
, AIEIER & FRANK'S. MEIER & FRANK'S. THE MEIER & FRANK CO., 5th, 6tn, Momson ana laer Pu.
$100.000 Stock to Sell for About $68,000
Is Shown in Portland Tomorrow for the First Time!
-i'l J ....
We want vbu to realize the magnitude of this event! It brings to tne
lovers of Oriental Rug art an opportunity such as has never peen neuu ui.
f - " u A..-'Vi--. o tAncnn pvmi sitfi specimens, -person-
i: ally selected in the Orient by a man who has spent a lifetime in the business,
i&'l uttotobea conditions k Persia aad the Turkish-Itahan war forced
iVy.J . , j r. rnli rm their investments.
We Can Barely Hint Below at the Variety and Savm;
RplrtTisphistans. Moussou
L..v.- . -."V . .'11 t.-i , .
1 1 v' . - . "v . ft
of If
Disturbed Conditions in Persia and Turkey Force This Magnificent
Collection on the Market at unpreceaemeaiy joiv intw-ivcuu
lot of Oriental Rugs 'way below the market. He made arrangements to have
this huge collection arrive early in February. Now it is here and ready tor
6alAtStne big third floor, main building, has been transformed into an Oriental
basaar. Masterpieces in Oriental Rug art are draped from ceiling and , waUeAnv
floors, and carelessly flung across couches and easy chairs-come and choose -with care and
deliberation. With this collection has come an Oriental Eugr Erpert from the Eas who w Jl
assist our Tegnlar force in conducting the sale. SEE THE BIG 6TH-ST. WINDOWS FILLED
WITH THESE BEAUTIFUL BUGS TODAY. Plan to come early tomorrow !
Cmly a fraction of the pieces are ,noted below.;Every size and species of Omenta . g j hTglTM
TThivjw rnhistans Shiraz Kirmanshan, up to ine iinest eii"" ', -
Up to $27.50 Shirvan Rugs
Shirvan Rugs in soft, beautifully
blended colors of blue, tan and terra
cotta. Sizes run from 3:5x4:7 to 4 :7x
3:11 feet! Values, $22.50, $25 anl
$27.50, at $16.75.
A Few" of the Carpet
Size Oriental Rugs Here!
$48 to $60 Kazak Rugs for
Kazak Rugs, made to withstand hard
wear and at the same time in rich, ex
quisite colorings. Sizes run from 3 :llx
6:6 to 4:6x6:1 feet. Marked $48, $50,
$55 and $60, at $36.00.
$ 120.00
$ 140.00
$ 150.00
$ 145.00
$ 195.00
$ 400.00
Price. -
$ 85.00
Kermanshah .
Kermanshah .
Kermanshah .
Ispahan . . . .
,...15:2x9 :6
...10 :2x7:6
. 16 :10xl0 :6
$ 800
$ 150
$ 375
$ 525
$ 990
$ 600
$ 750
$ 800
$ 950
$ 95.00
...9:4x8:2 $ 150
.13:4x8:11 $ 450
...8:8x7:5 $ 170
......13x9 $400
Royal Mahal
Heavy Irans, 6x4 to 5x7, valued at $60
to $85, special at $40 to S55.
Silk Table Covers, square, reg. $55, $35
' Sinne Kelley Couch Covers, 6x4, regular
$50, at $30.
J Aviation Contest j ygjy VoileS AlllOIlg Wash GOOdS
Entries Extended
OWING to the scarcity of sev
eral materials used in the mak
ing1 of Model Aeroplanes, we have
received many requests for a little
m6re time in which to complete
We have decided to extend the
final entry date for our Third An
nual Aviation Contest till Thurs
day, 6 P. M.
Over $100 in prizes first prize
$30! In addition, three member
hip prizes offered by the Y. M. C.
A. for special flichts.
Practical Aeroplane builder in
charge of content. Headquarters,
fifth floor.
Bordered Poplins
THEY'RE shown today in a Fifth-
street window !
All the beauty and richness of silk,
combined with practicability of wool
in these lustrous Poplins! Every new
Sprinjr shade is here plnin, $1.50;
bordered. $2 and $2.50.
Cheney Bros. Foulards, new designs
constantly arriving. Yard, SI nl
$1.25. Bordered Foulards. S2.50
THERE have been exclamations of delight from hundreds of women who ve
seen these exquisite new Silk Embroidered Voiles. Fine, sheer, perfect
weave with daintiest of tiny silk embroidered designs in self shades. Beau- rt C
Suffer party and evening gowns. AH new P
For tomorrow's selling we. special mem ai me rcuniMuij v ,
Silk Striped Mariuisettes
Wonderfully dainty in pale blue,
pink, old rose, gray and Copen
Rich silk stripe of like
shade. Handsome for dressy
frocks. 40 inches
wide. A yard at only
Silt Tnssahs. combining the
practical and dainty. A silk and
linen combination of fine weav
ing. Light and dark colors, with
silk embroidered designs of self
shade. 27 inches wide, OC.
Offered tomorrow, a yard v,ov'
Crash linens, destined for
great popularity thi3 Spring and
Summer season. In white and
cream plain or with pin stripe
of black or blue, bpienaid qual
ity pure linen. 46 inches Cflp
More New Spring Hats, Here
UCII clever, becoming styles such chic smartness, as
displayed in the Hats for Spring! And ideal for present
and early Spring wear are the jaunty tailored models, so refreshingly
different from the millinery of the late Wmter Season.
Scores of rich Milans, Hemps and Panamas,
aa well as charming flower Hats in rare
combination of materials and colors.
Tricornes. small and large Sailors, little round shapes, pretty poke bonnets
and Dutch Hats and Paris says correct! .... . , t, j f
" . ... .i .n ... JidxMn in their stvle. Priced from
Scores or omer uiuucu wuauj - f.
High-Grade Furniture Is Featured
TOAIORROW in the February Homefurmshmg Sale, bring forward a
series of extraordinary savings on high-grade Upholstered Parlor Fur
MaLive luxurious designs, from the w-orld-famous Ketcham & Bothchild factory. Sobd
mahoy Ses upholstered in Puritan striped denim.. Three pieces, precisely as illus
trated aoove: oc t,v., . ;iitr.f.j n
right, to match Chair. Elegant
piece, with down pillows, cov
ered in ruruanuTfz- 7 c
$110 Easy Chair, illustrated
as above on left. Down, cush
ions, upholstered in Puritan
f-triped denim, ofC'TQ Cfl
fered now at on!y?'0OU
$132 Settee, as illustrated in
center. Solid mahogany frame,
upholstered in Puritan striped
denim, offered for QQ 7C
durinc this sale at -
striped denim.
lerea now &. oiuj -1- 1
Other Upholstered PiecesReduced
$23 Mahogany Upb, Chair $18.00
$30 Mahogany Uph. Chair $19.00
$67.50 Mah'y Uph. Chajr$ 12.50
$30 Mahogany Uph. Chair $45.00
$105 Mahog'y Uph. ChairS52.50
$110 Mahog'7 Uph- Chair $o5.U0
$200 Sofa, 7-foot, covered in English
Morocco leather, priced $112.50
$200 Mahogany Sofa, denim uphol
stered, priced this sale $118.50
$190 Two-piece Parlor Set panne
plush upholstery, only $110.00
Great Cleanup of $22.50 to $40.00
Suits, Tomorrow in One Lot, $ 1 2.45
FOUR big racks of splendid Suits in this phenomenal sale tomorrow
final cleanup on Winter garments, together with a special line
fSSersgChedvioSts, Tweeds, Worsteds, Velvets, Corduroys, the Spring weights are
princfpally of serges in white, navy, black, garnet; also mixtures and jstnpes All
sizes from misses' 14 to women's 52 in the lot. Regular A &
$22.50, $25, $27.50, $30 and up to $40 Suits priced for to-. g GfrnHfoJ
selling at inis reiuamouij Bu.,
200 Splendid Skirts
Tomorrow Half Price
morrow s
Reg. $15 to $35 Silk
Dresses" Now at $7.95
A quick disposal tomorrow of Afternoon
and Evening Dresses in chiffons, taffetas
and messalines, some slightly soiled. Many
trimmed with large lace collars, others with
braid and insertion. Formerly priced at
$15 to $35, offered for tomor- t7 QC
mm t thesDecial nrice of only
TtT a. A dozen charming new models m Lingerie Waists, of
NeW VVcllStS fine batiste and mull, with trimming of Val. and
l,VVf y crochet lace insertion, high or Dutch necks, long or
sleeves. Specially priced at $2.25, $2.50 and $2.75. -
Ki-;rc n-Tiij-yi liear our actual selling
.riees of $70 to $20, at precisely half ! All
otvio nnnpl haks or three-TJiece
icaumg o.jiw i .
facfanincr t side, with button trim
mings. Serges, tweeds, cheviots and velvets,
in white, black, navy and j PplG
mannish weaves. At only
Women's $ 1 Gloves, 63c
BALANCE of a big purchase of Women's splen
did 2-clasp German Lambskin Gloves, the
quality you know so well at $1 a pair !
They come in black, white, tan, gray and TO
brown good range of sizes, 5Y2 to 7 . By tak-
ine the importer's surplus we can sell them at
65c Windsor Ties, 53c
For tomorrow, women s
To 40c Ribbons, 19c
Over 3500 yards of rich all
silk Ribbons, 5 and 6 inches
wide, in all staple shades
black, white, sky, pink, Nile,
tan, brown, etc. For millinery,
sashes, etc.; 35c and 1 Qc
40c grades, yard, only
10c Linen HdKfs., 6c
It's unusual to buy all pure
linen Handkerchiefs for even
10c ! For women and children.
4-inch neat hemstitched hem.
We have 1000 dozen for to
morrow which we otter LZ
at 60o dozen; each, only
Anintv Windsor Ties with
fancy striped bordered ends.
To be worn with mannish tail
ored waists or Dutch collars.
Regularly priced at 65c. CQp
Offered special at only'-''
New Spring NecKwear
Express has brought this
showing of exquisite new real
Lace Collars, Jabots, Yokes
and Fichus! Real Duchess,
Princess, Berges, Carickma
cross and Cluny Laces from
$3 to 530.
Mme. Irene Corsets Are Supreme!
IF a woman is fitted in a Madame Irene ner
very attitude is indicative that the highest
degree of art in Corsetry the unequaled experience
of years of study is manifest in the particular model
she wears.
The Madame Irene Custom Made
Corset Parlors are constantly in
touch with creators of fashions.
Every variation of style tendencies both of New
Vnrl- nnrf Paris are faithfully and carefully considered
in the creating of Madame Irene models. And they're marvel
ous in their perfection such grace of line such flexibility and
suppleness of figure and no matter what your particular
build may be there's an "Irene" to suit your individual re-
Fashioned in every fine, firm, though light fabric boned
with the pliable high-grade walohn. T r, j
Expert Corsetieres to fit you. Ask them about Madame Irene Corsets, priced
from $6.50 to $25.
Highest Grade Eastern Hams, 15c
OR tomorrow, we've secured a lot of the finest quality Eastern
Hams! Cut from young, milk-fed pigs, sugar -cured. g
hickory smoked. Ton pay 25c a pound all around town for the same
o-rarfp WfiVe 2000 Hams for tomorrow s selling at, me puiuiu
Bulk Black and White Figs, 3 lbs. at 22
Jap Style Rice, 5 pounds, special ior .oc
Fancy Seeded Raisins, 3 packages at 25
25c Walter Baker's Cocoa, special at 19
25c Blue Label Catsup, bottle, only 18
10c Holly Milk, four cans for only 28
Citron PeeL special price, pound, only 15J
C. & B. Marmalade, special for only ZUc
Bird Seed, special, three packages at 21
Sail Soap, special, seven bars for only 25
Otter Clams, special, two cans, only 25
10c Eound-Up Cleanser, at five for 25
25c Royal Baking Powder, special at 20
Tea Room Blend Coffee, pound, only 39