TtTLATTO, FETVRTATtY 4, 1912. - : , t.x. ti nnct pjTttcI riAUv i io tn 2 Final Entries in Bovs' Aviation Contest Close Feb. 1 2 oervice ana dcsi menu in w-nuui ivcaiamaiu viwm .a j - - f . , SjrttgegjeLamps. '1847' Roger's Silverware, ClarkCutGJoIm Lmens-Furniture Re-UpholstermgLow Tom Feb 7 17 ry m aperies andW ist Bought by Mall 1st "Wednesday, has found our Drapery buyer marking and nters Marching the big Lace Curtain and Drapery mills of Penn--.ase has arrived during the last ten days, until the beginning: of this -da of beautiful, new, Spring Drapery Fabrics and 9000 pain of fresh, alf regular prices. SEE TI1E BIO WINDOW DISPLAYS TODAY Cretonnes 29c domestie Cretonnes a irreatest bargains I- been able to offer 1 hew, artistic designs $1 Cretonnes at 29c. 50 Curtains rith cluny or Renais- liqued designs. All hd 2(, co or? ale, pr. J)0J bh Covers ngs medallion een- l-ns. ice popuiar Full 60 t. on $2.15 500 Pairs $8.50-S 12.50 Scrim Cur- tains, Pair An importer's accumulation bought at half aud less! Wonderfully dainty Curtains of fine scrims and marquisettes with linen cluny, filet and Arabian insertions. Beau tiful $3.50 to $12.50 grades at $l.S5. Lace Curtain Specials New patterns in Nottinghanis, Cable Nets, Madras Weaves and Saxony Lace Curtains of white, ecru and cream. All brand new. All full size. $2.C0 Curtains in 10 patterns, only S1.35 $2.50 Curtains in 20 patterns, only S1.85 $3.00 Curtains in 10 patterns, only S2.15 $3.50 Curtains ill 5 patterns, only 2.35 $4.60 Curtains in 10 patterns, only S3.15 L. s c i - frneets, pillow leases, opreaus tp.tttct iTioiifTr and Absolute dependability of Bed linens combined with the price-reductions, make this sale of commanding importance to every homekeeper. Extra Heavy Sheets I Crocheted Bed Spreads I ... a. a ) a. t 0c Sheets, 81x99, for 70 5c Sheets, 81x90, for 65c Oc Sheet, 72x90, for 60? 12j,'c Pillow Cases 10c Good quality Pillow Cases, of fine, rm muslin, nieelv hemmed. Size LxHtJ. 122e grad-s, for the 1 komefurnishing Sale, at only luv' All made fall size, in hemmed style. $1.75 Spreads, special, only 31.50 $2.75 Spreads, special, only $2.25 The Satin Spreads Made with fringe and cut corners. All full size. $1.00 Spreads, special, only S3. 25 $4.50 Spreads, special, only 83.75 $5.00 Spreads, special, only $3.98 aale of Blankets and Comforts bOKTLAND women are i-. . i r l "I.1 1 - i quality oi .ueier a. x-iuu. ortant isthi3 February Sale White Wool BlanKets Soft and downy, of all wool, white , i!h neat eolored bonier. I.CJ White Blankets, only $3.23 1.50 White Wool Blankets, S3.G5 3.50 White Wool Blankets, S i. 45 3.00 White Wool Blankets, S6.G5 familiar with the high-grade Bedding so all the more im of Comforters and Blankets 1 Comforts Reduced Hijrh-prade silkoline-covered Com forter. Tilled with white sheet cotton. $2.00 Comforters, special for 91.65 $2.25 Comforters, special for SI. S3 $3X0 Comforters, special for $2.40 Comforters, special for $3.25 Gnarar",efrf Emmerich 'Pillows, priced at $1.75 to $3.75. February Sale Useful Kitchenware Great February Sale of Dinnerware A Great February Sale of Bedding February Homefurnishing Sale Stoves February Sewing Machine Club es of powerful February Homefurn- emember for a long time to cornel leeran lavinc their olans for this pur- r and Tanuarv found various depart- rching; every mill, every factory, every sell underpnee in the February aie. the last few weeks, rounding: out the Jand Rugs, Draperies, Curtains, Blan- tically every purchase in this sale nd in some cases halt on the regular erful double - page announcement. morrow! 'e Sent Immediately IPS 3 FIRST FLOOR MAIN BUILD KVO ORDER BT MAI! A RARE opportunity to save on one of these splendid, useful Coffee Jrercoiators, unaiing jjisnes or o u ciucii. ic uuu TELEPHONES PACIFIC, PRIVATE EXCHANGE 4; HOME, A 6101 Nickel-Plated Percolators 212-pt $ 9.00, at $ 7.20 SVi-ptn $11-60. $ 9S0 3Va-pt., $12.50, at $10.00 3-Pt. Chafing Dishes $5.00 Chafing Dishes $3.98 $8.50 Chafing Dishes $5.20 $9.00 Chafing Dishes $7.20 5 o'Clock Tea Kettles $3.00 Tea Kettles at $2.40 $2.75 Tea Kettles at $2.20 $1.75 Silver Trays, 12-inch, offered special for $1.40 Never Such Big Carpet aind 9 Huge Mill Purchases Just for This Sale -About Under Reg. Prices WITH a determination to secure lots of standard Rugs, Carpets and Floor Coverings, bound to set a new high record of value-giving for this great February Homefurnishing Sale, our "chief" spent the entire month of October in Eastern mill districts! v The evidence of his success is here tomorrow in the thousands of splendid, new, worthy Rugs, roU alter roll of beautiful Spring Carpets and Linoleums, to sell at an average of 1-3 below the recognized prices America over. Read every item Deiow. &u prices on iaicw "wu" "i"s "J & a 1400 Durable Axminster Rugs $18 Grade, 8-3xl0-6-foot size, at only $13.95 $20 and $22 Grades, 9xl2-foot, at only $14.65 Stop and think what sensational savings these are on staple, room-size Axminster Rugs! Heavy, long-wearing grades, in scores of beautiful, new floral, Oriental and small figure designs. $ 1 .25 Velvet Carpets for 93c Sturdy "Wool Velvet Carpets in wide range of pretty designs in light ecru, tans and browns, for halls, dining-rooms, apartments, etc. Our best $1.25 QQ rrade sewed, laid and lined February Sale tOC $27 Brussels Rugs, $19.85. Handsome, long-wearing Body Brus sels Rngs, in rich designs and color ings, for most any room. Full 9112 foot sixe. Best $27 grade, M Q QC Feb. Homef ornis'g Sale S i'O-J $27 Sandford Rugs, $19.00. Celebrated S. Sanford & Son's Ax minster Rags, 0xl2-foot size, in a large selection of pretty Oriental reproduc tions, florals, medallions, etc. Q Standard $27 Rugs, for onlyV7 70c Printed Linoleums, 45c An immense shipment of brand-new, Printed linoleums, 6 feet wide, in tile, block and parquetry designs. None laid at this price. Staple 70c ICp and 73c grades, square yard"" HilmarnocK Scotch Rugs. . Light bedroom patterns in these fa mous Kilmarnock Scotch, Rugs, at ex traordinary prices: $20 grades, 6x9 feet, only $13.50 S27 grades, 8.3x10.6, at only $19.65 $30 grades, 9x12 feet, only $21.50 $12 Ingrain Rug's, $7.95. Heavy Ingrain Rugs, noted for their durability. Colors of brown, tan, green, etc.; size 10.6xl2-foot. Splen did $12.00 grade, Febru- djy QC ary Sale price, each, only P ' jKf 200 Cashmere Rug's Reduced Excellent wearing Rugs, in neat de signs for bedrooms, living-rooms, etc.: $10 Cashmere Rngs, 7.6x10.6, $7.35 $12 Cashmere Rngs, 9x10.6 ft. $8.65 1200 H'ndsomeTapestry Rugs $13.50 Grade, 8-3x1 0-6-foot size, at $9.85 $18 Grade, 9xl2-foot size, at only $11.50 The largest showing of Tapestry Rugs we've ever made ! Brand new, Spring designs in florals, Orientals, medallions, etc., suitable for any room. Only the im mense quantity forced prices down to this level. $1.62 Brussels Carpets $1.29 Heavy Body Brussels Carpets in beautiful chintz patterns of brown and tan, especially suited for bedroms. A limited Tinmhpi" nf rolls of our best $1.62 errades. Feb- d 1 OA ruarr Sale, sewed, laid and lined, the yard only tD A J To $10 Wilton Rug's, $5.65. Pretty, small Wilton Rngs, doxOJ- inch size, worth $6.50 to fljC CXL $10. February Sale price PJJ $2 and $2.50 Rug's at $1.49 Always nse for small Rugs in the home. A group of 27x54-inch Axmin ster Rugs specialed for the Homefur nishing Sale at $1.49. Good heavy weaves, in neat designs l AQk and colorings. Tomorrow S,,fcf $2.50 Bissell's Sweeper $1.93 The name that's synonymous with high quality in Carpet Sweepers. Splendidly made, ball-bearing and easy running. Actual $2.50 Bissell's Carpet Sweepers, special t1 QQ for tomorrow's sale, only The New Bundhar Wilton Rugs The most durable Wilton Rugs' in the world are now sold exclusively in Portland at Meier & Frank's! Bund har Wilton Rngs have stood the test of years and have been laid in thou sands of hotels, Pullman' cars, stores, offices and private homes. All new Spring patterns are ready for your selection tomorrow. Sizes and prices : 18x36-lnch Bundhar Rugs, at $2.50 27x5 4-inch Bundhar Rngs, at $4.95 S6x63-iuch Bundhar Rugs, at $7.65 4.6x7.6 Bundhar Rngs, only $16.20 6x9-foot Bundhar Rugs, at $27.00 8.3xl0-foot Bundhar Rugs, $40'.50 9xl2-foot Bundhar Rugs, at $45.00 10.6xl2-foot Bundhar Rugs, $60.75 Bundhar Wilton Carpet, flJO O C sewed, laid and lined, yard P New Saxony Axminster Carpets Beautiful Spring patterns 1 Q and colorings. Special, yd. P v New Velvet Carpets Spring pat terns, in rich tans, browns and greens. Sewed, laid and lined, at 1 1C this price, the yard, only P A x Famous Kiser Pictures Framed Free ' " ". . , , r -rr ; WHAT an offer this ! .Free training or tne iamous jl Hand-Colored Photos, known the country over for the vivid, natural coloring of scenes depicting the grandeur of our glorious Northwest. , . . . An immense $5000 stock, and no matter what the price of the sub ject you choose, 50c or $25, well frame it free of charge in the mould ing that you yourself select. See many of them on display in Fittii street window today. It's an offer no one should pass unheeded. Some of Subjects Mount Hood, Mount Maker, Crater Lake, "Willamette River, Columbia River, Bridge Creek, Lake McDonald, The Mill Race, Eugene; Esther Falls, Mount Jef ferson; Alaskan Views and hun dreds of others. Styles of Frames Gilts of all kinds, plain, fancy carved dull, satin and antique finish walnuts, ebony, rosewood, oaks golden and weathered. Any Kiser Picture framed absolutely free, even if cost, of framing is equal to price of picture. ASTONISHING FEBRUARY BARGAINS IN FRAMED PICTURES 30O 1HAMKD PICTURES,! PI . n m a A m 1m dtfk (rimei. 7xllH- . f Old- Masters 10x12. In I brown and black frames.' Se PICTCRES, 34. 1 Landneapea, blze 1 1 Colorrd sroh Size 12x14, In fancy Kilt framea. u . 1 - An4 1. 1 era. Keioucnea. unieu, i H"11. In 8-Ht frame. J fl FRAMED PICTITIES IS alxe In -lnch f ramen. 129c 34c Scene, Martaes, Etc. Hx A V 21 H panel In pretty frames. 'J tlJK AND 1.M PICTCRES1 9C . , Did nanen ; a r o onues, 16xlH In 2-ln. brown frames. 1. mall li4i:2H in. size, in ma hogany finish frames. J 3 TO S3 PICTrBES, 994 Heprotlnetloaa of Palatines I 20x24, In old gold! irames. C tared Renrodaetloaa - I Size 33x27.4 Inch, gold frames. J SAMPLE LINE "HIRT" PICTURES. They're actually less than value of the glass: 2ic Pictures. 5e: 60c Pictures. 15C; 75c and 1 Pictures, 25; ll S to $2.50 Pictures, 50ei $3 to $5 Pic tures, SI. 19; S to $10 Pictures, 2.49. 69c 99c Acorn Ranges In February Sale $40 Acorn Sanitary Gas Range One of the most convenient styles made. Oven, 18x18 in., heat ed by two long bar burners. Broils, bakes and warms at same time. $40 Ranges, actly as illustrated, at $32 mm 7H - ACORN $18.50 Acorn Cast Steel Ranges Exactly as illus trated. P o 1 i shed top, 16xl8-in. oven burns either wood or coal. Con venient, d u r a ble and easy to keep clean. Special for F e b r uary Home furnishing Sale- $3990 A Big Sale and Demonstration of 'Wearever' Aluminumware 91 EI Ell A FRANK'S BASEMENT. ORDER BY MAIL. 65c "Wearever Saucepans V ar i.Wf FOR the February Sale, we've secured a special demon stration of the famous "Wearever" Aluminumware, with 4 big lots to sell at special prices. It's the greatest cookingware known. Cannot rust, crack or blister. 95c "Wear ever" Kettles Fine, deep, 2V2- qu art Preserv ing Kettles, as illustrated. Can not form poison o u s compounds with fruit acids or foods. For the February CZA r Homefurnishing Sale at, each $1.25 "Wearever Covered Sauce Pans Large 3-quart Pans, exactly as illustrated. Without joints, seams or s o 1 defed parts. Febru ary Home fur nishers' Sale, Only 69c Stronff, light and easy to clean, with tinned steel handles, which do not get hot. Ex actly as illustrated. For Feb- q ruary Homefurnishing Sale, ea. 65c "Wearever" Stew Pans C:- ' . I They last a genera tion. Made of pure aluminum, thick enough to prevent denting easily. For February Home furnishing Sale, 3-pint Stew q at I S f Pans, as illustrated, special Above Set of 4 Pieces, worth $3.40, complete at only $1.84 English Porcelain Dinner Sets 60-Piece $11.25 Sets at $8.75 100-Piece $16.50 Sets, $12.75 MEIER A FRANK'S BASEMENT. BOUGHT on our buyer's last trip abroad, direct from the English manufacturer that's what en ables us to quote prices unequaled the city oyer. Handsome Semi - Porcelain Dinner Sets, just as illustrated, in dark blue and gold border pattern. Austrian China Dinner Sets I Semi-Porcelain Dinner Sets in artistic border design. Re markably low priced for the Homefurnishing Sale. . 60-piece Dinner Sets, 12.99 ,100-piece Dinner Sets, 19.99 beautiful English ware. in hand some border design. Specialed for the Homefurnishing Sale: 60-piece Dinner Sets at 8.99 100-piece Dinner Sets, 12.49 10 J0 White Wool Blankets, 3S.25 nanwnnnnna