SUNDAY OTtEGOyiAy. TORTXAXP. FEBRUARY 1912 TITE PITIFUL ARE TALES LATEST PORTRAIT 0 WOMAN ACCUSED OF FORGING WILLS, BUT ACQUlATli-LJ -ox risiyixAv - v OF BLASTED HOPES Too Busy to Untold Fortunes, Lifetime Savings, Wrecked by Invest ment in Bad Bonds. ite Ads PROMOTERS STILL MISSING Wr: i .... art-. Rmlttr for Fake Or chard Com pan j- Is Appointed 40 Acres of I-and at Walla Vall Are Transferred for Paper. SEATTLE. Wash.. Teh. W. H- D Urm. of Seattle, and Allen J. BlehVof 1-1 Ha firm of LI rortiana. c"mpn.... - i,m Blehl. Bonds." mlsiln and not a dollar of asset. In slant, the holdera of the 13.000.000 bond Issue of the to- lumblt Orchard Company - . l. .1 ma I Inn tOdAT. rar or nop in - Illirui iinrm t..uvi.... . of imiil mana Investine; ererythlnc they possessed In the 1 par Late Thursday afternoon, after a re- celver tad been ipp""" rr. .. Washtnaton Orchard. Irrigation A Fruit Company. J. R- Wllaon and wife ae . .mA to .rrfi of land In vvau Walla Connty. Washington, in -chan-re for 15000 bonda of the Colombia Rter Orchard Company: the bonda be ln then utterly worthless. Coast Realty Cora pa" y Toro Deal. The exchana we conducted throna-h. the Coaat Kealty Company. Hson and wife beaan suit yesterday In th a Fupertor Court to cancel the deed. hlcn was made out In blank. Tha defendant, are Carl M. Anson. P. C. Ferrl. .and John Do, doing bualne.a aa the Coaat Realty Company: George F. Roers and J. W. Todd. ,, Accordlr.IT to Wilson's attorney, all the Irresponsible real eetate flrma In tha North went had "orchard bonds" for sal. They evidently not them from head quarters and ld them for what they would brln. takln money, land, or any other property that could ba turned Into money. Of lata tha advertisement. 'Wanted, bouse In exrhan: for orchard bonda. has been a familiar one In tha news re per a. A pereon wishing to dlapoee of bis houaa would find the ad-ertlaer wtlllne to b-Ito him 7 per cent guaran teed bonda and to let tha houaa owner aet hi own price on tha houaa. Thla woo Terr tempting". Yeans; Mil loeeo AIL A younr man. who tried to find tha Columbia River Orchard Company's of fice today and who would not gle hla name, aald that ha bad exchanged 1.5. eoo worth of property In Montana for bonda. and waa ruined. Tha attorney for a bondholder aaya that a favorite ruea of tha bond-aelter was to hint to someone that a certain man In Spokane was buying tha bonds at par. Tha man who received the hint would aend a bond to tha Spokane In vestor and. eora enough. 11000 would be forthcoming. The lucky man would spread tha newa. and there would ba a atampede to boy bonda below par to resell to the Spokane enthusiast, but he never made mora than the one purchase. The num- erlshed oy Duyin un-uai u . said to be beyond belief. la WATER TO RESCUE WASTC. Completion of $160,000 Dam Marks Era In Reclaimtns; Vast Tract. KLAM ATH FALLS. Or, Feb. 3. (Spe elal.) Water la now flowing over tha Lost River diversion dam. constructed to reclaim particularly tha bed land under Tula Lake, and to send Lost River's pour Into th Klamath River, elrht miles distant. The acheme worked waa bv building a dam which would back the water In the low Loat River until It flowed over the dam Into a hlKh-level canal, which would carry It about ten miles distance to tha higher level of the Klamath River, thua keep ing the water from spreading eff to ward the Tule Lake country. While the water Is being thua di verted Tule Lake will have a chance to evaporate. The water la now going tha dam tn tha extent of about two Inches In drrth. or about 300 miners Inches per second, and the canal dug to carry It Is running about a foot deep with water. Tha reclamation enthusi asts In tha Klamath baaln are exultant over the completion of the $150,000 dam. velopment In tha work of bettering the isna conmoua 1 11 iu .. th start of a. solution of making till able 40.000 acres now waste. "DR. DAY" SB0UND OVER Man Accused of Swindling Woman to Be Tried In Los Angelea. LOS A"OELES. Feb. X. (Special.) I tail . o 1 111 n. . - . - ratl bars on complaint of Mrs. Nel lie BelL who accuses him of felony embesxlement. was yesterday bound over to the Superior Court by Presid ing Judge Frederlckaon In $1000 bonds. Fmlth did not make any defenae ex eept to try to show by cross-examination of tha state s witnesses that ha - a I lltilA fin. Um Tl r r nau " ' B1L The check which Mrs. Bell gave Smith, who was to act as her confi dential agent while she was making a tour of tha world, and Indorsed by Smith, was produced In court. Centralla Babe Finds Home. CENTRAL! A. Wash, Feb. I- (8pe i Aa the result of the recommen dation of Governor Hay. a, letter waa - - J K . K. ...... I ra .9 the Board of Associated Charities from rrom a. ourut. m ""uuu at Medical Lake, atatlng that 2-year-old Ijunstnn would be received at the Institution. Tha charity board has . 1. I . h. r - . - fnr lima past. Mrs. Iunton being unable to care for the child. Joe Dunston. the father, was recently placed under 11000 bond by Ju.lxe lioaa. after be bad threatened t. e IKe of his wife, and waa ordered to slay away from Centraiia. Man Accused of Larceny Found. GRANTS PASS. Or, Feb. I. Spe- Cll. Word waa received here from . at rrtifitnt Cltv v. t nr H a V Ir.aL A.uerl r Ulliv, H n icu a . Aaaoiew upon charge of larceny, has been dis covered TO miles sooth of Crescent In Humboldt County. California. Jamea S. Wakefield, of Sliver Lake, aaserts that laat Kail be sold to Fonso a stallion with title to remain In Wakefield until be bad been paid for and that Fonso baa not paid anything upon the pur chase price, lie now charges Fonso with th theft of th horse. :: r - ... :; .-"V.'e . j 1 H.-' 1 ' "7 V t t - -xi , : I ) . dr?: t x,. V- :: I ' .. ' - v ' ; I . i ' ' ' ' ' V . x-tr-iA-A I I ; . . ' n i - a . ,. ' I h.-v: :; .- - - " : jy ; . . . h r' i it , h j MRS. H""'1- VOl.tO WAB5EB. JURY FREES WOMAN Mabel Young Warner Found Not Guilty at Pendleton. VERDICT IN AT MIDNIGHT Witnesses Testify to Reputations of Others Y7k Give Evidence In Ac tion In Which Trnth and Ve racity Play Important Role. (Osnttaned from yirst Tage. ) waa a serious break when the girl left school to get married, abandoned htm In bla old age and went upon the vaude ville atage. This happened U yeara be fore hie death, and tney lnaiai-u bad never been a reconciliation. BUS LINE IS ADVOCATED Solution of Car SerT.ce to South Mount Tabor Proposed. m-ntTAU si. r..K t Tr tha Rd- Ul.iia.h, t . T v... wnn.r.H Clt latA When I have read of the etultlned efforts of the South Mount Tabor people 10 in duce railway magnatea to listen to well-meant appeala for car aervice along the line east of the reservoir whether these tan eager people can not employ a mora elmplo way to - wit. . f.Am Port. iranipori lam puunu v - - - - - land proper by taking thla money that naa been pieogea oj dents and city owners of suburban property to Install a motor aervice on tha road. m i w.. . mn.i Itrnp rltv when the olJ Halstead-street line of omnl- bussea traveled Its lengm nuni " Vfc IVU 1 1 ' ant. That waa before tne tuiomoom waa dreamed of and the 'hue teama were the best-known features along th thoroughfare. As an old resident of the Section KLAMATH FALLS LAD PROVES CAPABLH ORATOR I HE. CK.VT UKBATbi. i Edvtla F. KLAMATH FALLS, Or, Feb. S. (Special.) Edwin . P. Cox. of thla city, a nephew of Poatmaater Clyde Brandenburg, here. Is a member of the Klamath County High School debating team which won the recent contest with th Jackson County High School de bating team of Ashland. The sub ject was: "Resolved. That our legislation should ba shaped to a gradual abandonment of tha pro tective tariff." The Klamath County epeakera had the nega tive aide and the Aahland men the affirmative aid In the argu ment. Toung Cox Is the stepson of Mrs. Maud B. Cox. r 1.. - -, , r- . ... i 1 ,-t ' -AY ! j - .t-ei- . V'l i ! ' t '. '1 r . .j . Cn. Line road I am very much Interested In this one-sided struggle to hav this road extension to Eighty-second street. Why not a coxy covered equipage with a aeatlna- capacity of 10 or more? Have It ao that the future home-maker who will settle on the many choice building sites thrown open In the past few yeara can go and com to their work In com fort and pleasure. No tracks to lay. no monthly guar antee to a company that doea not care to tak the thing aa a "gift." I would suggest that a few "devil" coaches be put on the road as an experiment to show the stretecar people that It can ba mad to pay. Possibly by running It out still further east the farmers along the line may be Induced to take stock In the enterprise and make the South Mount Tabor bus line a success from the day of Its Inception. It would be a dense prophet. Indeed, who could not se that, day by day. th Idea would grow, people would die card old "Dobbin" to take a aeat In the new 'bus and the people who will buy a home on the old Kelly place and other large holdings will bless the hour that th service was Installed. It may o I rue mat ine uui rip for a successful street railway project, but this way oi mine win u- len in 1 1 wuvu in . . v . age of motor servlca will bring us i .....k i . w .ftv nalirhbora nurfl m iuuih win. . . b and where from the trip of the first car there will be a return tor tne capi tal Invested. No more pleading to deaf ears, but a plunge for an Independent mod of transportation along a amooth, level roadway now traveled by myriad i . ...niMAkii.B nl.. na a nubile one with a fare that la fair and we will do our part. Fnel Dealer Dine. An alabnrata rjrosrramma marked th ......i Kannnat nf tha Portland Fuel t..i.... ...notation at tha Seward Ho- A-. . u .i i..t tiitrht Mualrt waa Drovlded by an orchestra, and songs wera sung by F. T. Crowthr and otnera. cpmoimi A.iivarad bv th following: Ad dress of welcome. George Estes. toast- master; "The Sunny Side. J. . auen- ler; "The Folly of Paying Kent, E. Hendershott; "Mysterious Dlsap of tha Little Red Cart, or Freight In Installments, C R- Ayls- worth; wnen mere Are i- -"" In nollare." C. Kalk: "More Money in $3.50 Recipe Free Send Name and Address Today You Can Have It Free ana us Strong and Vigorous. X hav. m my possession a prescription for mmu d.hllliv. fatllnc memory ana imraa back, that has cured so many ana nervous men nirni in ""r - without any additional help or medicine that I think every man who wishes to re cala bis halth quickly and qul.lly should bava a copy. So I have determined to send a copy or ma prvacriiiwun ' " . . ... a plain, ordinary sealed envelope to any man This prescription comes from a physician ho has made a spaclal study of men and I am convinced It Is th. surest-acting combi nation ever BUI lomrar. I tnlnk I owe It lo my fellow-man to sna tnem a oopy in . anywhere who Is dlscourssed may stop drus- ' . . . . i.l. h-mtnl m.dlclnta. L.Jrt what I believe Is the qulckest-nctlna re.tor.tlv upbulldlna. BPOT-TOl CHISU remedy ever wiau. " " li w home quietly and quickly. Just drop me a line like this: Dr. A. B. Robinson. S0 Luck Build ins Detroit. Mich., and 1 will send you a copy of this splendid recipe In a plain or dinary envelope, free of charge. A .rest many doctors would ehsnre II to 15 for merely writing out a prescription use inn but 1 send It entirely free. ECZEMA Ala railed Tetter. Salt Bheam. Pruritus. uiibJiwt U'aMln. hk In. ECZEMA CAM BE C f RED TO STAY, and when I say cured. I mean Just whst I say C-L'-R-E-t. and not merely patched up tor awhile, to return worse than before. Re member I make this broad statement after outline ten. years of my time on this ons and. handling In the meantime a Quarter of a million eases of this dreadful disease. Now. I do not car what all you bavs used, nor bow many doctors have told you that you eoold. not be cured all I ask Is lust a chance to show you that I know what I am talking; about. If you will writ me TODAT. I will send you a rKGE TRIAL of my mild, soothlnx. uaranteed cur that will convince you more In a day than 1 or anvone else could lo a months time. If voi are disrusted and dlscouraed. I dara you to rive me a chsnoa to proys my claims, fcy wrltlna me today you will enjoy more real comfort than you bad ever thought this world holds for you. Just try It and you will sea I ae telling you the truth. j I, Canaaday. 8 St Park Square, w' extalla. Ma. Reference: Third National Bank. Bedells, Sol Couid yoo do a better aet than to send Lhis notice to some poor sufferer of Ecasmal Town Than In the Country," O. A Palmer; "The Fuel Dealer's Helpmate. A. Barendrlck; "Portland Fuel Deal ers' Association." A. rl. .aieisen. "Value and Disadvantage or soliciting. M. McGraw; "Running Them Down," F. D Wnrrlnv "Ta tha POWBT TrUCk the Coming Means of DellveryT' by H. Barr endrlck; "Th Future of Portland's Fuel Business," R. Burtenshaw. Pendleton Academy to Be Sold. ALBANY. Or- Feb. I. (Special.) The grounds and buildings of th Pen dleton Academy, at Pendleton, are to be sold and the proceeds of the sale added to the endowment fund of Albany iwno 10 BE, ABBOTT I want erver-y man or woman reader ef thla wanyer who aof fera to writ xo and get this wooderfol TEN-DAY TREATMENT of xoiae FREE. It Is not an experimental distribu tion of medicine, such as have been made before, that I am offering you. It la not a sample of a medicine or a proof, but a bona fide ten-day treat ment that has eared a great many people and should cur you. And tt la absolutely free to yoo. There la no money to pay. I even pay postage and all charges. I loot wsst to rellev thooaaada f enfferers In return for the success that my thirty-two years of labor In the medical profession hav brought me. If you have rheumatism, back-ache, kidney or bladder troubles, chronic ca tarrh, or any of th other Uric-Acid complaints, such as often ar female weakness and so-called male nervous debility, write to me. filling out th littles coupon herewith attached, and I will send you mt ssie a full Tern-Day Treatment, as thousands of earnest testimonials I hav In my possession will prove to you. There Is too much sickness In th world aad tt la mostly doe to nraleet. Long treatments, expensive courses of medicine, with their consequent ex pense, are ao lomger .eoeaaary. I can and do cur with these Tea-Day Treat' ..rata and 1 want to give thousands of sufferers a chance to profit by my discovery at soy expeoae. It roata yoo .ntkias bow nor at say time. Don't Send Me Any Money ot eve a postage I will pay all ex. aBaeo. Bat If yon ralne happiness, saeeess, a healthy mind la a healthy body, test waste any time hot fill out thla coo bob aad aaaU It to sae. Heoseas her. It la FREE. Tost will owe sae Berthing bow aor later. skz&r RELIEVE THE SUFFERINGS IV Sav-aw'vaaw Address DR. G. B. ABBOTT. 230 Balboa Bidding; San Francisco, Cal. this week, so all I can do is to invite you to go up to WESTOVER TERRAGES today and take a look. it's worth while--it's the grandest view on earth and we are making it into the finest residence section in Portland. the sites are selling like hot cakes. take Twenty-third-street car, get off at Lovejoy street and walk-west to the property; or ' W car, get off at Twenty fifth and Northrup and walk up the hill F. N. CLARK, 818-23 Spalding Building SELLING AGENT FOR WESTOVER TERRACES AND EASTMORELAND College.. Pendleton Academy, whlcn was a Presbyterian Institution, was closed a year ago and the college board of the Presbyterian Church has decided to give Albany College, the only Pres byterian college In th state, whatever may be .realized from the, sal of th Pendleton property. Thla property Is estimated to be worth 120.000. Sennits to Manage Albany Team. ALBANY, Or., Feb. S. At a meeting of baseball players and fans last night, I. R. Schultx, who managed the Albany team last year, was elected manager of the team for thla season. The team has decided to play Independent ball end will not affiliate with the Wlllam- - 1 5anjV " svsSlWTSSMiV "Tnf-T'lTPf'Wr'V S2&2.SX&S5S FREE Positively Cures -BACKACHE Are you racked "with paint J A. . . .n. Do vou suffer so that your daily work Is a torture Instead of being a pleasure? Have you lost ambition, xest, enter prise, the desire to better yourself be cause of pains, aches, dullness? Has rheumatism set its clutches on your muscles and palsied your limbs so that life Is hardly worth living, your days a horror and your nights a terror? I caa relieve yonr Bufferings and I want to do It bow. Write to me. Fill out the coupon and mail It to me. That Is all you need to do. I will do the reat and It will eoat too absolutely nothing. Rheumatism, backache, kidney trou bles, bladder troubles, chronic catarrh, female weakness and the so-called weakness of men are generally due to on cause urlo acid poisoning. My irmtmnni which is different from all others, will dispel your pains! It wlll- make life worth living. Take It and . of an experience of thirty-two years, during you will get up In the morning after a which I have specialized in uric acid corn sound night's sleep, refreshed and In- plaints. It contains also a few of the tens . . ' i - in T . v nr teat montal letters from vilcorateu. w 1 1 ' . inwio yvui 1 1, u i . " . respond to your will and do so readily and you will bless me and thank, me as have done thousands of others. This treatment Is not an experiment. It does not contain drugs that Injure you while giving temporary relief. We have vouched for It according to law. COUPON. TEN DAYS' TREATMENT FREE Dr. O. B. Abbott, 230 Balboa BId, Saa Francisco, Cal. Have yoo pain la the hack Have Yoo Rheumatism Kidney Troohlet Do To Get TJp Klghta to UrInateT Are Too Constipated Where la the most paint Have yoo Catorrht Yoor aaret Married or Singlet... Name . . " Ad dry-as ette Valley League. Preparations to . . i-- , , n in .hone for practice will begin soon and Manager Schultz will begin the work of arranging a schedule of games at once. The Albany team hopes to secure games with all of the amateur teams of the Willamette Valley. Springfield Cook Found Guilty. SPRINGFIELD, Or., Feb. S. (Spe cial.) Robert Tate, a former res taurant cook of this city. Is now serv ing a 30-day Jail sentence. Judge Bry son, of Eugene, having sentenced him on the charge of larceny by bailee of an automatic revolver belonging to J. C Cosgrove, of this city. Young Tate bUt ""tun feVdaya' meat with full Inati-ur I am BOt offerlnar to send yon a aam- aya' rosru oi irrni- raeat with full InatruetionB aa to to use It and all of it la abaolutely free to yoo. ' I want to convince yoo that It la yonr dnty to youraelf and to tboae who love yoo and are dependent oo yoo to try thla free 10-day treatment of mine. No man tortured with urlo acid complaints Is St for the battle of life. He cannot bring his brain nor his hands to work, properly when his body Is racked wlthpaln. No woman can care for her home, bring up her children right or work if she is cross, mis erable, distracted by suffering. The struggle Is too keen, competition too merciless, the fight for success too strenuous to be handi capped by physical . Ills. To the man or woman 'who suffers I want to bring relief, comfort, happiness, success. Fill .out the coupon attached and mall to me. Don t wait nntll tomorrow, tomorrow never comes, do It at once. - With my Ten-Day Treatment, t mlmn a.nrt mv hnok Oil UriC Acid DlB- eases. It la a pamphlet full of the results vl - , preachers, lawyers, men and women of af- DR. G. B. ABBOTT. P. S. Perhaps you have a friend who Is a sufferer. Don't hesitate to have him or her till out this coupon or write me a letter, or you du It for your friend. They will call you blessed. ran away with the revolver, which he had borrowed, and was arrested at Al bany. He was brought back here and given a trial. Judge Bryson declared him guilty. Tate claimed that he ob tained the revolver as security for a sum of money lent to Cosprove's son. A Store Where Ladies Can Trade. National VV.neCo. FAMILY LIQUOR STORE FINE OLD WHISKY rich and mellow; Brandy that is absolutely pure and especially adapted for medicinal purposes. WINES AND LIQUORS of every description. Our stock is unquestionably fine, our prices are very moderate. 1000 bottles Virginia Dare, spe cial for one week. Regular 75c, per bottle ..60 Canadian Club "Whisky, per bot tle S1.25 Old Crow Whisky, bottle $1.25 Hermitage Whisky, bottle $1.25 Moonshine Whisky, full Qt., $1 Very choice Claret, gallon, 50 Very choice Port, Sherry, Angel ica, Muscatel, Tokay and Ma deira Wine, guaranteed abso lutely 5-year-old, gallon $1.00 Our auto delivery carries no signs, insuring no publicity on de livery. Out-of-town orders receive our prompt and careful attention. Ex press prepaid on orders of $4.00 or over. National Wine Co. Fifth and Stark Streets, Portland, Oregon. Phones : Main 6499, A 4499. I Itfp 4P