The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 04, 1912, SECTION THREE, Page 2, Image 40

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    ht-ttt' snvnAY nnrr.nVTAK. PnnTLAXD. FIvRTtTJATtY 4,
s aBaaaaaannl sa1
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FILLED to overflowing with one
vent after another are these day
preceding the Lenten season. The
-week put i replete with social af
fairs of more or lea magnitude, the
most Important of which were the tea
given by lira. Robert Lewis Tuesday and
the house dance at which Mrs. Thomas
Kerr was hostess Friday. Loom Ins;
large on the Immediate horizon of
thlnr social Is the opening- of the Mult
nomah Hotel. February . and the at
tendant festivities among which may be
calendared the dance to be given by Mr.
and Mrs. W. B. Ayer February and
the dance to be (Wen by the Catholic
Women's League and the Knights of
Columbus February It.
Surprises In the form of engagements
come thick and fast and In the next few
weeks It Is expected that many more
pleasing bits of news, other than the
two notable engagements given out
today will be made public. Of more
than passing Interest Is the news of
M:ss Lillian O'Brien's engagement to
Coe A. McKenna and the announce
ment of the engagement of Harold Nel
son Strong, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. M.
Ftrong. and Miss Hilda McElroy. of
One of the most attractive affair of
the first month of rji New Vear was
the tea glv-n TwesxTiy by Mrs. Robert
W. Lewis and Miss Martha Hoyt.
Mrs. Lewis received In a creation of
pale lavender chiffon with touches of
American Beauty velvet worn with a
necklace of pearls. Miss Hoyt favored
the black and white combination, which
has been so popular this season. Her
gown was of black chiffon over white
a tin. elaborated with lace and worn
with a corsage bouquet of orchids.
Decorations of Jonquils and violets
were effective In the drawing-room,
and the table la the dlnlng-oora was
centered with enchantress carnations
and freslaa.
Presiding at the table were: Mrs.
Charles Rcaddlng. Mrs. John C Alna
worth. Miss May Falling and Miss Bai
lie Lewis.
Mrs. Scaddlng was gowned la white
atln with bands of Persian trimming.
Mrs. Alnsworth appesre-d In crushed
et raw berry chiffon with rosea In pas
tel tones. Visa Lewis was la mauve,
satin draped, with amoke gray chif
fon with a girdle of American Beauty
Miss May Falling, who returned from
Europe recently, waa admired In a
Parisian gown of Delph blue chiffon,
worn with a handsome necklace of
pear la.
Assisting about the rooms were:
Mra. Pherman Hall. Mra. Guy Web
star Talbot. Mra. Thomas Sharp, Mrs.
Hunt Lewis. Mra Frank E. Hart. Miss
Carrie Flanders. Mlsa EaLlle Hart and
Miss Lonlse Burns.
Mrs Hall wore grer blue chiffon,
elaborated with silver lace.
Mrs. Talbot was charming In ehle
creation of cream satin cut on empire
lines and worn with a sash of mauve
Mrs. Sharp waa In dull blue chiffon,
trimmed with silver lace.
Mrs. Hart wss a handsome flrure In
black chiffon cloth over sstln heavily
embroidered In tones of yellow.
Mrs Hunt Lewis wore a gown of
mulberry-shaded marquisette.
Miss Csrrle Flanders waa attired la
gray sstln.
Miss Louise Burns wore a charming
frock of pale blue chiffon with a pink
rose at the corsage.
Miss Sallle Hart was striking In
brown velvet cut on sever lines, worn
with a collar of Irish laoe.
Mr. T. N. Pendleton was a charming
hostess Thursday when she entertained
with a bridge afternoon for Mrs. Ells
worth Mather Taylor, of New York,
who Is a much-entertained Portland
visitor. Nine tables of card were
played and a number of additional
guaata came In for tea. The fortunate
..'. . " i
' ' ' ' ' 1 ' '
ggrgg .
" it roK e.. J Vir?i-
card contestants were Mrs. Frank E.
Hart. Mra. Jay J. Morrow, Mrs. James
Canby. Mrs. Elisabeth Freeman. Mra.
Frank Warren. Jr., Mra. Robert S. How
ard. Jr. Mlsa Frances Warren. Miss
Hlrsch and Mlsa Claire Houghton.
A eorsage bouquet of violets with
Richmond roses and llllea of the valley
waa the guest of honor s favor. En
chantress carnations centered the tea ;
table, where Mrs. George 8. Whiteside,
Mrs. William L. Brewster. Mrs. James ,
Canby and Miss Sally Lewis poured.
Participating In the games were: I
Mrs. Wlnslow B. Ayer. Mrs. Lucius Al
len Lewie, Mrs. William MacMaster,
Mra. James Canby. Mrs. W. H. Nunn.
Mrs. Robert 8. Howard. Jr.. Mra. David
C Lewla, Mrs. John Eben Toung. Mr :
David T. Honeyman. Mra. James Lald
law, Mra, E. T. C. Stevens. Mrs. John A.
Shepard. Mrs. E. C Mesrs, Mrs. Jay J.
Morrow. Mra. Whitney L. Boise. Mrs.
Kenneth Beebe (Caroline Wilson). Mrs, i
Elisabeth Freeman. Mrs. Fr.nk M. , m'j "
Warren. Jr, Mr. George a Whiteside. ' )""Lh'nHM703u-.
Mra, Joaeph N. Teal. Mra Fr.nk E. 0"io, ,
Hart. Mrs. C J. Reed. Mrs. 8. M. Mears. . liy J!
Mrs. Dexter Emerson Wsdsworth. of
Boston. Mrs. Guy Webster Talbot. Miss
Russell, of London. Mrs. Rhods Failing.
Miss Isabella Oanld, Miss Frances w r-
Page. Mrs. Walter V. 6mith. Mrs. Leror
I IL Parker, Mrs. Walter F. Burr ell. Mrs.
Solomon Kirsch. Mrs. Charles Chenery.
Mra. A. L. Maxwell, Mra. William Jones,
, Mrs. William Dunckley, Mrs. J. Andre
I Foutlhoux. Mrs. & T. Hamilton. Mra. W.
, O. Grlndstaff. Mrs. George Taylor. Mrs.
' John Emerson Cronsn, Mrs. J. J. Mor
I row, Mrs. J. G. Gauld, Mrs. Roger Sin
1 note Mra, Lee Hoffman, Mra. A. Payne,
Mra, J. C Robinson. Mrs. James Mcln-
doe. Mra. David A. Shindler. Mrs. H. A.
Sargent. Mrs. Lansing Stout. Mra, Mor
ris H. Whltehouse, Mrs. Burpee, Mrs.
Margaret G. Wygant, Miss Wygant,
Mrs. Virginia Bramhall, Mlsa Ella
Ptevena. Mlsa Margaret Eastman, of
Washington. T. C,, and Mlsa Blanch
Complimenting Mrs. Dexter Emerson
Wadsworth, ot Boston, who is the
house guest of Mrs. John Eben Toung.
Mra Robert 8. Howard presided at a
The table was -cert-
and corsage bou-
marked the covers.
The gusta were Mrs. Wadsworth, Mrs.
John Eben Toung, Mrs. Tete'r Kerr,
Mrs. J. Wesley Laud. Mrs. Jay J. Mor
row. Mrs. Thomas Kerr, Mra Sherman
of her mother, Mrs. Thomas Tongue, at
Alexandra Court. Asked to meet Mrs.
Taylor were Mrs. Robert Wilson Forbee.
Mrs. John Emerson Cronan, Mrs. Wil
son ' W. Clark. Mlsa Etta, Morris. Miss
Berths Tongue. Miss Hasel Crocker and
Mlsa Barbara Crocker. Miss Barbara
Crocker won the prize a huge bunch
of flowers.
Mr. and Mr. Benage S. Josselyn en
tertained at a box party at the Helllg
Theater Thursday night and at supper
later at the Hotel Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dlerlce had as
their theator and supper guests Thurs
day night Mr. and Mrs. E. E. CooverL
Miss Rhode Falling was hostess at
an Informal bridge party Wednesday
complimenting Mrs. Elsworth Mather
Taylor, of New York! Mrs. Otis Wight
won the prize. The guests were Mrs.
C. Edward Grelle. Mrs. David T. Honey,
man, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Thomas Sharp,
Mrs. Edmund A. deSchweinitz, Mrs.
Morris H. Whltehouse and Mrs. Wight.
Miss Lillian O'Brien and Coe A. Mc
Kenna are being showered with con
gratulations on their engagement
which waa announced last week at a
dinner given by the parents of the
bride-elect. Mr. and Mrs. James P.
O'Brien. Miss O'Brien, a portrait of
whom appears on today's society page.
Is a diminutive beauty of the brunette
type and one of the most attractive
girls of the debutante set. She Is a
daring horsewoman and has been a
prominent figure every year at the
Horse Show.
Mr. McKenna Is a son of Mr. and
Mrs. Francis I. McKenna. He Is a,grad.
uate of Columbia University and was a
student In Notre Dame University for
two years, after which he waa gradu
ated from George Washington Univer
sity at Washington.
The wedding will take place before
Lent. v,
Mrs. Munger, a portrait of whom ap
pears on today's society page, is a
beauty of the brunette type. She Is
daughter of Mrs. Thomas Tongue and
a sister of Mrs. Gay Lombard, Mrs.
Ellzabetn Freeman and Miss Bertha
Mrs. Ellsworth M. Taylor, Miss Isa
bella Gauld. Miss Cornelia Cook and the
Misses Barbara and Hazel Crocker
passed the week-end at Gearh,art-by-the-Sea.
Mr. and Mra. David C. Lewis will sail
from Sun Francisco January 14 on the
I steamer -Wllhelmena" for Honolulu.
Sailing at that time will, also -be Dr.
A. F. Nichols and Miss Nichols and Mr.
and Mrs. John H. Hall and little Miss
Jean HalL
The Subscription dance which was to
have been given at the new Multnomah
Hotel February 6, has been postponed
on account of the John McCormack
concert, which will take place on that
date, until after Easter.
Congratulations are being showered
vi . .mi f Arthur Honevman. who
are the proud parents of a baby boy
born last Monday. i no naoj win u
called Parker Honeyman.
A noteworthy engagement of the
week Is that of Harold Nelson Strong,
eon of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Strong, and
Miss Hilda MeElroy, of Olympla. Miss
McElroy. who arrived In Portland Sat
urday to be the guest of her future
mother-in-law, Mrs. T. M. Strong, is the
daughter of Mr. and Mra H. B. McElroy,
of Olympla.
Mrs. Thomas Kerr entertained mem
bers of the younger contingent at a
dancing party Friday evening, compli
menting Miss Jean and Miss Barbara
Mackenzie. Decorations of daffodils
and palms were effective In the drawing-room,
and In the smoking-room
white tulips were used.
Mrs Kerr received In a charming
gown, of pink satin veiled with gray
chiffon. , , ,
Miss Jean Mackenzie waa attired In
white chiffon elaborated with heavy
silver lace. . ,
Miss Barbara Mackenzie was In blue
satin cut on empire lines and elab
orated with lace.
Miss Katherlne MacMaster wore rale
mauve chiffon trimmed with silver em
broidery and Oriental beads.
Miss Margery Hoffman wan charming
In a gown of white satin worn with a
flame-oolored chiffon siarf edged with
Miss Dorothy Morrison was a hand
some figure In a gown of pink satin
cut on severe lines and elaborated with
silver lace.
Mrs. Kenneth Beebe appeared in white
chiffon over satin.
Miss Kathleen Wilder was admired
In a chic creation of blue satin.
Miss Louise Burns was In white chir
fon elaborated with lace.
The following "is from" a San Fran
cisco paper:
"Among tho recent arrivals In San
Francisco are Mr. and Mrs Richard
Nixon, of Portland, who will be guests
this week at the Palace Hotel. Since
coming to California, which they have
made the terminus of a world tour,
they have, been visiting at the Presidio
of Monterey, where Captain Cyrus
Dolph. a brother of Mrs. Mxon, Is sta-
""The presence of the Nixons In San will be the signal for much
Informal entertainment. Already a
number of affairs have peen planned in
their honor. Among them was a tea
which was to have been given them by
Mrs Mary Thompson Deady. but owing
to the death of the hostess' sister. Mrs.
Harry Sutcllffe, the Invitations have
been recalled. .
-Before her marriage Mrs. Mxon was
Miss Agnes Dolph. one of the daugh
ter, of the late Senator J. N. Dolph. of
Portland. -and a cousin of Miss Hazel
Dolph. who recently has been a visitor
In this cltv. ...
"Mrs. Deady, whose engagement to a
prominent San Franciscan was recently
announced. Is a former Portland mat-
ron" . . .
Complimenting Mrs. Carl" Gray. Jr..
and Miss Edith Brownlee, of Spokane,
Mrs. George W. Collins entertained
w'th four tables of bridge Monday,
Mrs. Jamee D. Honeyman Miss Frances
Warren. Miss Watson, of New York,
and Miss Edith Brownlee were the for
tunate contestants. Later In the aft
ernoon several guests came JTJ
Mra. Frank M. Warren. Jr.. presided at
the table, which waa centered with dar
fodlls. . . .
The Visiting Nurse Association is
busy completing plans for Its annual
SU Valentine s tea to bo given Febru
arv 14 at the residence of Mrs. Helen
Ladd Corbett. Mrs. Wlnslow H. Ayer
Is chairman ox tne arranKei...i
mlttee and Mrs. Robert Marsh and Mrs.
. ,T n n will receive the bags.
The home-made candy booth will be In
In their natural and artistic' beauty, are now shown at the Eastern in
Ladies' and Misses' Spring Attire. . The models are so beautiful, .so har
monious that they seem to carry vim
them the fragrant scent of Spring. Spring
Suits, Tailored and Fancy Gowns,
Dresses, Coats, Waists and Millinery, in
dorsed by American and European Fash
ion authorities, at popular prices.
Wim If 1 '
New Spring Linon "Waists, smartly de
signed and tailored, neatly plaited fronts,
detached- stiff collars, attached stiff
cuffs, worth $2.50, f A
special W
Our easy payment plan gets away with
the annoyance of waiting. " You have
your purchases charged and remit in
weekly or monthly payments, which
amount to only a few cents, a day, and this
you 11 not miss.
The Big
at Tenth
J, ! UT iHll Mra William MacMaster.
OUsan. Miss Hlrscb, Miss . "'k Mrs. Geor. S.
Katherln MacMaster and Miss Clair
Mra. Pendleton received In a Parisian
grown of black lace over white satin
veiled with turquoise blue chiffon, and
elaborated with (old laoe and Jet mot
ifs. Mr. Tsylor was dlstlna-nlshed In roy
al bine velvet.
Mrs. Pendleton entertained with seven
tables of bridge again yesterday after
noon after which a number of addition
al gruests came In to tea. Mrs. Jay J.
Morrow. Mrs. James Mclndoe. Miss Ella
Hlrsch and Miss Elisabeth Cadwell pro
sided at the tea table.
The Invitation list Included: Mr.
Henry Tallin;. Mrs. C. E. Grelle, Mrs.
r. l Bsrnta Mrs. William MacRae.
Mxa. OUs Wltffct. Mrs. Frederick H.
side and Miss von Destinon.
Cards were received Monday for the
lareo dance to be given by Mr. and
Mra. Wlnslow B. Ayer. Friday, Febru
ary t, at the New Multnomah Hotel.
Mr. Frank E. Hart entertained with
a theater party at the Heillo; Thursday
night, to see 'The Dep Purple." for
the pleasure of Mrs. Ellsworth Mather
Taylor, of New York. The party enjoyed
upper after the performance at the
Hotel Portland.
Mrs. Ellsworth Mather Taylor was
the complimented guest at a small
bridge party Monday afternoon given
by Mrs. Jack Mucger. who Is the auest
charge of Mrs. Francis Bailey. More
than 2500 Invitations will be sent out
this week and each one will contain a
silken bag In which the guest Is re
quested to place her offering. The ob
ject of this tea Is to raise a fund to
enable the association to maintain an
other visiting nurse.
, . l
Mr. and Mrs. Norman R. X-ang, with
their daughter and son. Miss Sallie
and Norman, Jr.. have taken the Lewis
residence, at 599 Prospect drive, Port
land Heights, for the rest of the Win
ter. The Langs, who were originally
Callfornians, have made their home in
Oregon City for several years, where
Mr. Lang was general manager of the
Willamette Pulp & Paper Company.
Miss Edith Brownlee, who has been
visiting her cousin. Miss Margorle
Forbis, returned to Spokane on Wed
nesday. Miss Brownlee was made the
motif for much entertaining during her
visit here.
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Angus Mc
Donnell are at present In Chicago, alter
a visit in the South. i
. . ;
William D. Wheelwright returned to
Portland last Sunday from an Eastern
trip' .... i
Mrs. C. Edward Grelle returned home
Monday after having spent six weeks
with her mother in California. Mr.
. i .MAmnanloH Mrs. Grelle
South,' returned home Immediately after
the New Year.
The following is taken from the
San Francisco Post: Mr. anu -irs.
' Thomas Scott Brooke (Christine Pom
! eroy), and their small daughter are ex
' pected to arrive from their home in
I Portland within a few days and will
I be guests at the home of Mrs. Brooke's
'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Curler Pitkin
Mr. and Mrs. Athol McBean will go
to Portland the second week In Feb
ruary, to be gone several weeks. The
former Is going on a business trip.
The members of the Walking Club,
formed before Christmas, who have
been enjoying two or three long tramps
a week, met at the home of Mrs. Wal
ter F. Burrell Wednesday and walked
to the Waverly Golf Club and return.
In the party were Mrs. Burrell, Mrs.
Fred H. Green. Mrs. George S. White
side. Mrs. Robert Wilson Forbes and
Mrs. Daniel Andrew Shindler. Mrs.
John K. Kollock, who is one of the
sponsors of the club. Is still unable to
participate In the walks on account of
an injury sustained to her knee sev
eral weeks ago.
. .
For the pleasure of her house guests;
Mrs. Emerson Dexter Wadsworth, of
Boston, Mrs. John Eben Young asked
guests for five tables of bridge yester
day afternoon. Jonquils and other
Spring flowers decorated the drawing
room, where the card tables were
placed. The fortunate card contestants
were: Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd, Mrs.
Wells Gilbert, Mrs. Florence G. Mln-
Ready for Spring and Summer
Big stock of all the latest materials ; all shades of blues,
grays, tans, creams; pongees, silks, etc.
The latest styles and designs.
My stock is always bought in large quantities as a
result, I give my patrons the benefit of lower prices.
$38.SO Up
Ladies' Made-to-Order Suits for One Week Only
These low prices until the busy season. Order now, you
save money.
The name of Sail is a guarantee. Remember, low prices
for one week only.
1&L kSSLlk
If It were possible for us to convince
I one out of every 60 who read our ad
vertisements, of the superiority and
satisfaction of our work above the or-
. dinary dentist, we would have neither
time nor space to wait upon our cus
tomers. The work that we take out of
the mouths of many patients who oome
to us. as a last resort. Is a sad and de
plorable reflection upon many a high
class dentist, supposedly, in this city.
We believe .in giving the devil his due,
and we are always glad and willing to
praise first-class work when we see It.
Invariably we do so, and we have found
more than one occasion upon which to
commend professional dentists In this
city. But In another category we place
those "would be" dentists, who do not
hesitate to criticise work beyond their
domain, whose own professional serv-
i ! ore rendered In such bland Igno
rance and deceit as to make them pro
fane usurpers of Dental Professors.
A person who has never experienced
good dental work cannot really appre
ciate its value. He thinks perhaps It
Is all bad, and that he probably has
the best there Is. And, strange to say,
the average dentist does not know
strictly high-class dentistry. The op
eration of the dentist Is a delicate one
and mustbe considered seriously.
There Is no such thing as perfection
beneath the stars, but we do 6oast that
we come as near perfection In the Den
tal Art as is possible for human attainment.
Alveolar Teeth Where Brldgevrork . Ii
If only your front teeth are left, say
three or four or more, we can replace
all those that have been lost on both
sides clear back, with perfect Alveolar
teeth, whilst brldgework would be Im
possible, even If you had eight or ten
front teeth to tie to. If you have only
two back teeth on each side, say mo
lars, we can supply all the front teeth
that are missing with beautiful, serv
iceable, lifelong Alveolar teeth. This
could not possibly be done by t!ie
bridge route. And where brldgework
is possible there is no comparison be
tween the two. A very large percent
age of our work is taking out briJt;e-
work put In by supposedly high-class
dentists and replacing it with the beau
tiful and artistic Alveolar teeth. And,
unlike brldgework In another respect.
It is practically painless. No boring or
cutting into the gums, nothing to be
dreaded. Now, then, prices being equal,
which would you choose?
We have samples (counterparts of
actual cases) In our offices to show.
Come and see fhe work.
Curing Pyorrhea (loose teeth), a dis
ease given up by most dentists as in
curable, is another of our specialties.
We cure it absolutely. It is a boastful
statement to make, but we can do any
thing that is possible in dentistry, and
what we do is always of the very high
est class. Our booklets, Alveolar len
tistry, are free. Write for one if you
cannet call.
Portland Ablnirton llldg., UHi'Ae -td St.
Seattle Height llln 3d anil I'ine.
The Paris Hair Co.
Estab. 1SSS.