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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1912)
TIIE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 4, 1912. ' tr - ' V WRECK BLAME PUT OH CHIEF ENGINEER Inspectors Prefer Charges Against Chester Lewis, of Sarah Dixon. , NEGLIGENCE IS ALLEGED Prath of Three In Explosion Kollcr Laid to Officer Who ! Accawd of Creleneji While on Watch. -KUrno wUU aotlnr as chief engineer of the itnm Sarah Dlaon and on watch." I the accusation In lrtef filed against Cheater Lewis, head f the engine department of the wrecked vessel of the e haver fleet, by TTnlted States Inspectora Edwards and Fuller, and on which Lewis will be tried before them Wednesday. TM c barge la the outcome of an lnvesti aUon that began January 1. tha day suffer the boiler explosion. The accident occurred four mllee above Kalair.a the night of January II and resulted In the death of Captain Ftlneon. Mate Monlcal and Fireman Knowlea. The body of Knowlea la tha only one recovered. The tljree vlctima. Engineer Lewla and Watchman Owsley were the only persona awake at the time Lewis, by virtue of being chler engineer and particularly as be was on duty, la held responsible. It Is held to have been h!a business to know at mi tlmea that there waa an abundance of water In the boiler and though the gauge glaaa might not have been rerlaterln properly, there are three cooka at different heights on the boiler which, when any Wj opened, should show whether there la water above a certain level. N ESLglaeer Hlx Rapidly. Following the wreck Lewla said that he had no knowledge of the causa of the explosion and as to tha fireman be. Ins; at his post at the time, Lewis eald he saw him watching the glass only an Instant before the accident. Lewis is held In high esteem by or flclats of the Piiaver Transportation Company, and while a young- man. haa, like many othera In the fleet, risen steadily In the aervtce. The Inspectora have given out no details of their In vestigation, that being prohibited under the department rules, but as they visit ed the wreck personally for a day and hare Interrogated practically every tur- vlvor who might know of circumstances leading to the explosion, ine imna rhargea Indicates that the Inspectora have concluded that Chief Engineer Lewis did not exercise due diligence In Hatching the boiler. Only Cfewsiketl Fessd. As the boiler was presumably blown into the air It is thought to be at the bottom of the Columbia, as only the crownsheet waa found when the steam er waa raised. The wrecked condition of the cabin, the fact tha texaa and pilothouse were literally blown to splinters and tha heavy forward hog chalr.a cut aa though with a sharp In strument, Is taken to Indicate that tha boiler carried everything above with It. An effort will be made to find tha boiler by dragging aa soon aa work on the wreck reaches a point that will permit men to be spared for that task. SALES OF COASTEHS MADE Well-Known Sailing Vessel Figure In Recent Deals. Changes In ownership, affecting sev eral coasters of the windjammer type, are reported to have taken place at San Francisco during the past week, and In the list Is tba barkentlne Coro nado. t'9 tons, which waa eold by tha Bpreckela Interests to the Barnson Hib bard Company. She waa formerly the German ship J. C Pfluger. and years ago changed her flag when ahe put Into Ban Francisco badly damaged and waa sold. Tha Mat son Navigation Company haa sold tha schooner W. H. Mareton. Of 1110 tone, to the Charles Nelson Com pany. She haa been laid up for several months because of having sustained serloua damage. Tba schooner Queen. 240 tons, waa sold by D. J. lianlon & t'o. to Mexican Interests. The schooner If ..1 C A . . a. .,, a. , , a a: a A, Thayer. 10 tone, waa disposed of by . ... 1 Tlkkltfa HT Vi am. U aahlulaa. Llxxle Piien. of 1 tone, haa been trans ferred by Cornelius Anderson to the Compagnle Do Boleo. Tha schooner Salvator. J5 tons, has been purchased by Lib by. McNeil St Lib by from It O. Seaborn, of Port Townsend. It la re ported that Captain Nelson, of Puget Sound, Is negotiating for tha C. A. Thayer. CLARK AST) PARMALEE FLY Mariner Has Been on Sea Bed and in Fleecy Clouds. Kent W. Clark, purser of the steamer Braver, la being classed as an extrem ist by his shipmates, because he has been In the depths of the sea and as cended to an altitude of too feet above the earth's surface on another occasion. Clark says that his stunts are the out growth of downright lnqutsltlvenesa. A few months ago. while tha vessel waa in port, he waa given an opportun ity to descend to the air chamber of a caisson when the Broadway bridge piers were being built. Previous to that he had explored the depths of tha Hong kong harbor In a diver's suit. When the Beaver was at San Pedro Sunday he meandered to Pomlngues Field, near I-oa Angeles, whera the annual aviation meet was In progress, and after watch ing the flight of the man birds, decided that he would like to view the aerial skippers at closer range, so took pass age with Aviator Parmalae. He waa In the air 29 minutes and reached an alti tude of 0 feet. He saya the sensa tion Is nothing out of the ordinary. He hopes next to get a more extended view of the ocean's depths in a submarine and that will complete h!a list, unless the Ingenuity of man fashions some other diversion that might appeal to Ms adventuroua demeanor. IllOr PERMITS TO BE ISSUED After Many Tears Bound Cities Must Obey Law. After having been In position for years, seven mooring buoys owned1 by the City of Seattle and two others at a. the property ef the latter mu nicipality, must be authorised by the Bureau of Lighthouses. The establish ing of buoys In any navigable water way without permission from tha de partment la punishable by a fine of Sios for every day It remains In posi tion, but Inspector Heory L. Berk haa arranged that tha proper aancuon will i he given without punishment being added. On Puget Sound buoys also are main tained by private firms, they being Intended, as are thoae anchored ny tha cities, for the use of vessels wait ing for a berth of those that have been loaded. The municipal buoya are revenue producera for all but Govern ment shins. The case has been re ferred to the harbor offlclala at both ports, and as soon as a report Is for warded to Washington the authorisa tion for continuing them In the same positions will be obtained. Inspector Beck saya that the rule applies in port land aa well as In the outside harbors, and If buoys are placed In tha fair way they must ba removed or the own ers prosecuted. MARIES SKIPPER ARRESTED Sailor Discharged Hero Was Xol Subject of Cncle Sam. When the German ship Maria ar rived January S from Callao a sailor named Jacob Plehler. who was signed at the Peruvian port for the voyage here, was raid off. but Captain Unslnger. master of the ship, neglected to Inform the Immigration authorities that an alien had left the vessel, so he was formally charged In the United States District Court yesterday with having permitted an alien to land. He waa released on bonds in the sum of 2100 and thoTh he can ba fined as high aa 11000. it la expected that tha punishment will be nominal. The Marie cleared at the Custom House in the afternoon with a wheat cargo for Queenstown. Falmouth of Plymouth for orders and will leave tha harbor at 1:20 o'clock thla morn ing. She carries 122.760 bushels valued at flot.OSO that was loaded by the Portland Flooring Milla Company. Tha French bark Charles Gounod also finished loading wheat yesterday at Columbia dock No. t and went to the stream. She will clear tomorrow and probably depart Tuesday. The British ship Wm. T. Lewis will be the next to get away, as she Is to take on tha last of her cargo Tuesday. Marine Notes. With lumber for California ports tha steamer Daisy Oadsby sailed yester day from Ranter and the steamer Coaster Is to leave Westport today. After loading consignments at tha dock of tha Portland Flouring Mills Company for China, the Oriental liner Rygja shifted yesterday to tha Crown mill. When the ateamer Beaver returns to Sen Francisco considerable new work will be dona In the way of replaolng panelling on the forward part of her cabtn that waa damaged on her last run south. Collector of Customs Malcolm haa filed a complaint against the County of Multnomah for operating a gasoline ferry across Willamette Slough, be tween Burlington and Sauvlea Island, without lights. It la also alleged that the vessel waa not officially measured. aa required by law. Captain Frank 3. Wagner has been enrolled aa master of the steamer Weown. aucceedlng Captain H. A. Wagner. The Weown will leave to morrow for Hood River carrying cable for a telephone corporation, which will be laid across the Columbia. The steamer wlil be used In the work of stretching It. It has been learned from San Fran cisco that the steamer Washington, which caused deep apprehension on tha Coast last Fall when she was disabled while crossing out of the Columbia River and was In peril for more than a day, broke down oil Northern Califor nia on ber first trip from the Golden Gate to Cees Bay. on which run she succeeded the steamer Homer, and was tewed to San Francisco by the tug Defiance, arriving Friday. . Hugh Brady, municipal grappler. waa sent to Oregon City yesterday by Harbormaster Speler on request of O. F. Piatt, whose yeung eon was drowned a week age above the Willamette Falls, and further efforts will be made to re cover tha body, brady thinks It Is held beneath drift that accumulated some distance below the scene of the drown ing and that ta to be removed to per mit a complete search to be made. It baa been learned at the Custom House that the Secretary of the Treas ury has Imposed a fine of M0 against the Columbia Contract Companv for having failed to ahow lights at night on four barges moored on the East Elds of the harbor, between the Haw-thorne-avenoe and Morrison-street bridges recently. Collector of Customs My One-Treatment Cures Honest Treatment. For Lmj m I vtaato lime "lr i. tber Sorlora ba te VHEGON Ml'.PIbAL l.NSTITLTki Specialists. Longest hjttabllshed. TO MEN THIS IS THE WAY YOU FEEL There la usually a pain aerosa the small of your back, blue rings under voir specks 'before your eyes, your sleep does not rest you. you get up r KaTn'rTaTi reeiin tired your mind at liraea wanders, your memory la poeJ yZ fiollow-fyid. whe. of your eye. are yellow, you are fearful. iiMctlnV the worst to happen, very nervous, you start In your tlpynd &akVom T much frightened; sOnl. pain In the breaet. no appetite. If you have been unfortunate In selecting a doctor to treat you. or If vm cave not riven youreolf the attention which your dlseaae demands, you know that every day you put the matter off you are getting worse and worse; you are mortified an iahamed of your posltloo among your telio7 men. life lol. not Doaaeaa the Dleesures for you It did. Would you not give much to p oas c t hit I to B L6T H EAiTt H , I'M) N K K V E 3 and a CLEAR BRAIN that weVrjoura before the ravages of dlseaae attacked your system? If you have thla desire to be strong and manly in a true aense of the word, call at mV office at once? and 1 will lake pleasure In explaining a treatment that kaa restored hundreds of men in a tnucn worse condition thaa you are. firvncOTrn UCI'J I cure thla affliction without pain or knife. Soreness. lUlbfcOltU VtiilO swelling and congestion of the dilated veins vanish, aulckiy. A healthy circulation of blood la re-establlsheu. and that old-Urne leelin apeedi.y riturna. Avoid dangeroua operation. I can give you ue tiuickest and safsst and surest cure kaown to medical science. Bl Pfin DD'CITJ H nave sore throat, mucoua patches, pimples, copper CLUUU rUlOLiil colored eruptions, sores and ulcers, bons pains, falling half er any aymptoms ol inw aumenl in either primary, aecondard or tertiary atmtea. consult me and be forever cured of It. My treatment cleansoa and eradicates every taint of poison and every Impurity from the blood and system. All danger of transmission or recurrence Is removed, im laamg ef injurious minerals for yeara never cures. My treatment is a specuio. a certain antidote; you Improve from the very commencement, and are soon permanently cured, as proven by positive blood testa. I WANT to emphaelxe the Importance of selecting the BEST DOCTOR, COMK to ME I will cure you In UXB TREAT11E.M by administering "The wonderful German Keraedy" The greatest medical discovery of the age toe leauita are like magic. I ALSO CURB to atay cured Rupture. Kidney and Bladder Ali ments. Pilea, Fistula and Rectal Affections. Rheumatism. Catarrh, h-cxama and all Chronic. Mervoua. iilood. Skin and all Ailments of Men. UL'DITT us a full description of your symptoms and' trouble. If unable to MilllC call. All dealings are confidential. Expert Consultation Free. Delays are dangerous. Hours: A. H. to P. M. Sundays. 10 to It only. OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE tSIH MORBKO.v ST. BETWEEN FOIRTU AND FIFTH. PORTLAND, OR. Men and Women WE TIIKAT 1D CURE CHRONIO KEHYOC9 AND COMPLICATED DISEASES OF MEN AND WOMEN We have superior advantagea and facilities for treat ing these diseases, as we are equipped with all the modern Inventions In eleo- .J ; incai ana lurBicsi -'f Instruments, appu- ; 1 - 'J ancea. pliarmaceutl- ' ' C cal preparations . tT- and drugs. And we guarantee to cure any case that is curable. Khsumatlsm, Asthma. Brlght's Dis ease, Geut and all chronic constitu tional diseases given permanent relief when other treatments have failed. Particular Attention Given to Special Diseues of Men and 7omen. rlsees of the Nervous System, Ca tarrh, Throat and Lung Diseases. Eye. Ear and None, Kidney and Liver. Scro fula and Iilood Diseases (choice of three trentmeiye for this condition); Pile and Rectal Diseases. Cancer, Tumor, uem anl All Skin Diseases. Skin Cancers. Varicose Veins, Tumors and Piles removed without any cutting operations or detention from work. If Ton are Discouraged rail and Investigate our methods of treatment. They are new and modern, different from the old routine and will appeal to you. We are dally curing clironlo disoases that were long ago given up by other doctors. Consult Us Free Today. If yon cannot call at our offloe, writ for free symptom and diagnosis blank. Honrs t A. M. TUI 8.30 P. M. Snadaya 11 Till 2. MODERN SPECIALISTS " Flrat aad Alder Sta. Phase Mala 4483. Entrance 211 Alder St. Malcolm bad fined the corporation 1200 for each barge, but It was reduced to 10. Movements ef Teasels. PORTLAND, Feb. S. Arrlvsd Steamer Falcon, from San Francisco; steamer A1U ance, from Kurekts and Coos Bay. Sailed Stearosr Daisy tor Baa Francisco. atorla. Fab. I. Condition at the mouth ef the river at 6 P. M-. moderate; wind. south. SO miles; weathar. cloudy. Arrival and Isft up at s A. m- o.eamer iwn, from e an Fraaalaco. Ballad at :0 A. U. STKataiEB nrrBixioExcs. Doe ta Arrlva. -Kama. From. Data. In port In port In port In port Feb. 4 Feb. 4 Fob. 4 Fsb. T F.b. 12 Fob. li RrsJa Manila. B.aver. ...a...JSaa Pedro. ... Falcon .San Diego.... Alliance Eureka Sue H. Elmore. .Tillamook. ... Koanoko ..ban Francises Jlrakwatsr....Coos Bay Bear f aa P..lro.... Ceo. W. Elder. . San Diego. ... Rose City Eaa Pedro.... Scheduled te Depart. Name. For Data. Falcoa Baa Francisco Feb. S Alllanoo. ...... .Eureka Feb. Yala 8. F. for X A.. Feb. Braver San Pedro. ... Feb. Hreakwater. ... Coos Bay Feb. Sue H. Elmore. -Tillamook. ...Feb. Roanoke San Diego.... Fob. R sja .Manila Feb. Harvard S. F. for L. A.. Fob. Bear ..Kan Pedro. ... Feb. Ooo. W. Elder.. Saa Dlogo. ... Feb. Rose City -baa Pedre .... Fob. 14 I Bteamsr Shasta, tor Baa Pedre. Arnvea at i n ond loft ud at 10:50 A. Mi steamer Alliance, from Eureka and Cooe Bay. San earo. eo. i. Miiiu Bitwiwr Aat , tor Portland. 8an Franelaoo. FOB. s. jt.rr.vsa Bisam- Jim Rut lor. from Everett : J. B. Stot- soa. Svea. Taraalpata, Temple B. Door, from Grays Harbor; Atlas, towlns baro No. 05. from Seattlo; schooner Glendala, from Coos Bar. Sailed Steamers President, for Se attle: San Juan, for Ancon; Hooulam, for Astoria: Thor, for Nanalmo. Yokohama. Feb. 1. Arrived Staamer Protoelaua. from .Liverpool for Vancouver. Tldee a Astoria Bandar. High Water. Low Watar. S:OS A. M....S.1 faat'T:BS A. M.... 2.1 foot 1:45 P. M...-S tooll:2S P. M....-1.1 foot Long Sentence Given Robber. Hn.I-gBORO, Or, Feb. t. fSpaclal.) Weak, Diseased Men Cure, to Stay Cured For 9 days I will heal and cure all Weak. Pick. Diseased and Discouraged men at a reduced fee. This Is just one-balf my usual charge. I give you the same care and at tention as If you paid my regular fee. Tea co urd receive no better service, for f 1000. It rou could but talk to the many cured patients am dismissing dally, you would refuse to suffer longer on the promise ef other doctors. Don't be a Weakling, a Failure, and your life a miserable existence. Why pay exorbitant fees when I offer you better curative treat ment for this low charge? I am a man of In dependent mean: the curing of my patients Is my first end.only thought. In Uila I differ widely from grasping doctors who think only of their fee and care little for the welfare of their fellow men. Take advantage of thla ofler at once: don't wait till the last few days, when the crowded condition el my mice may prevent you seeing ma. Cored in No Detention From Occupation Family or Home. DR. A. O. SMITH, Tha Leading Specialist. I am a resrlaterad and llcenaed phvalfHan, eonrinln my special practice? te the ailments of MEN. I have mora money Invested la ay establishment than all other Port land specialists combined, and I will give SOO to airy charity If I cannot show thla la trae. I publish my true photograph, correct name, iseraoaally conduct my office. I am th most success ful and reliable, as medical cre dentials and press records prove. I make this statement so that you will know you consult a true spe cialist, who sees and treats pa tients personally. I possess EX PERT skill and experience, ao quired In such a way that no other ,can share. A thorough investigation should be made by every ailing man as to the specialist he consults. Duty snd destiny to self and those who depend upon you demand the best medical attention. I have the abil ity and I can give you this service. I have always charged a very rea sonable fee. so that my services may be obtained by any man who sincerely desires to be cured. I make no misleading statements or unbusinesslike propositions; neither do I desire to be particu larly Independent, and I would like to have you for a patient. If you will coma to me on a strictly pro fessional basis, and the Induce ments that I offer, which are my ability and twenty yeears' success ful experience, time-saving treat ment and guarantee of cure of cer tain ailments. To all men who are sick and In trouble, to the men who feel they have lost the energy of youth, and that the strength they ought to have has been sapped from them; to those who are not sick enough to be abed but feel they must use all their will power to force themselves even to their every - day tasks to all these I have a special messasre of hope and cheer. I can cure thatlame and aching hack; I can restore the lus ter to the dimmed eye; I can make you realize that the youth of yes terday has not been buried in an age of several decades and that your pitiful condition is now due only to damaged health. This health can be restored if you will act now. Come today, or the stage of neglect may get just past the stage that Is curable. WRITTEN GUARANTEE Dr. Smith's written guarantee means a cure or no pay for services. I guarantee to cure certain ailments or refund every dollar you have paid me for my services. My services cost you nothing unless I cure your Varloose Veins, Hernia. Piles, Fistula. Blood Dlsorusrs. or any ailment I guarantee to cure. My terms are reasonable and no more than you are able and willing to pay for benerits. Offloe hours 0 A. M. ta 8 F. XL. Snadaya 10 A. M. to 1 P. 91. Dr. A. G. Smith Mat to Marlnovltch was sentenced yesterday to the penitentiary for 15 years, after conviction on a chafge of holding up four fellow countrymen near Sherwood, December S. Two of the man who were robbed identified the Cures Create Confidence Choose the Right Specialist ' ' ' ,.V SIC - , nt s-, n pany." Bo sure to consult me be- DR. J. J. KeefC, rh.(-L,lYl.L. fore treating elsewhere. Rare Indeed Is the specialist who has made a complete study of all the AILMENTS OF MEN. Though a Kreat many claim this distinction, ONE TRIAL of their treatment will convince you of their false claims. After receiving a liberal classical and professional education, I devoted my life to the investigation and cure of MEN'S AILMEXTS. I have spared no expense in the scientific equipment of my office, and I am now placing within the reach of every ailing man all of the world's latest and most wonderful cures. ANIMAL SERUM FOR NERVOUS DEBILITY It Is the Great Dlscoverv for NERVE WEAKNESS! It is extracted from animals and is "ATIRE'S OWN FOOD FOR THE NERVES." No matter how chronic your caae nor what other treatments you have tried I will soon bring the results you so earnestly desire. Are you the man you ought to be and would like to be? Are you despondent, nervous, unsteady, lack confidence and concentration? Are you aware thii condition cannot go on from day to day without robbing you of this world's greatest happiness? By all means act at once and regain your energy. Don't procrastinate until It is too late. Come now and have this celebrated treatment. e0" NEW GERMAN DISCOVERY FOR Blood Poison Fee $25 Professor Ehrlich's Great Discovery is now considered a well-established remedy. It Is declared by Edison to be the world's greatest achievement of the tear mil. It la used in all stages of Blood Poison, and Its action Is truly marvelous. My method of administration- is ab solutely safe and my fee is only $25 for THE ONE TREATMENT. NEISSER BACTERIN FOR SPECIAL AILMENTS Professor Nelsser's Baeterin Vaccine accomplishes for these ailments what the Great German Remedy does for Blood Poison, no matter how chronic or complicated the ailment may be. If you have a chronic, long standing case come to me at once and I will positively cure you. I FULFILL MY PROMISE. I ACCEPT NO INCURABLE CASES. I NE EH HOLD OUT FALSE HOPES. Come to me If you have any of the following disorders: VAniCOSE VEINS PIMPLES, NF.RVOr DEBILITY. NERVE, BLOOD AND SKIS DISORDERS, BLADDHIt TROl'HI.E, BLOOD POISON, EHl'PTIO.VS, ILCEKS, SPECIAL AILMENTS, PILES OR FISTULA. Hours to E; 7 to 8 daily. Sunday 10 to 1. Consultation Examination Advice Free. DR.J.J.KEEFE ROOMS 11-14 LAFAYETTE ELDG. 31 3Y2 Washington St, Cor. 6th, Portland, Or. 5 Days NO SEVERE OPERATIONS. MANY CASES PERMANENTLY CURED IN ONE TREATMENT. MOST TIME-SAVING, MOST NAT URAL, MOST SAFE. A RADICAL AND PERMANENT CURE. I GIVE MY WORD AND WILL CITE TOU TO OTHER MEDICAL AU THORITIES THAT THIS IS A FACT. AM CERTAINLY PRE PARED TO CURE BY EXPERI ENCE AND EQUIPMENT. WHICH ARE THE KEYSTONE TO SUC CESS. I HAVE THE BEST EQUIPPED MEDICAL OFFICE ON THE COAST. I Invite you to come to my of fice. I will explain to you my treatment for Varicose Veins. Her nia. Nervous Debility. Blood Dis orders. Plies, Fistula, Bladder, Kid ney, and all Men's Ailments, and give you FREE a physical examin ation; If necessary a microscopical and chemical analysis of secre tions to determine pathological and bacteriological conditions. Every person should take advan tage of this opportunity to learn their true condition. A permanent cure la what you want. CONGESTED VEINS Impair vitality. I dally demonstrate that varicose veins can be cured In nearly all cases by one treat ment. In such a satisfactory way that the vital parte are preserved and strengthened, pain ceases, swelling subsides, a healthy circu lation is rapidly re-established, in stead of the depressing conditions. I guarantee you a cure to stay oured or refund the money. KIDNEY AND BLADDER AILMENTS. With these ailments you may have more complications than are presented by any other ailing or gans. Bv my searching Illumina tion of the bladder I determine ac curately the ailment, and by micro scopical examination and urinalysis I make doublv sure the- condition of the kidneys, thus laying toun datlone for scientific treatment. 000 " FOR BLOOD DISORDERS. I use Professor Ehrlteh's wonder ful new discovery, "606," in cases of 6peclflo Blood Disorders. It cures, and Is the greatest marvel of medical science. This new rem edv has been successfully used in thousands of cases. Let me explain it to you. NERVOUS DEBILITY. I have Ions been a close student of the condition known as Nervous Debility In men. Sufferers from this trouble are nearly always told by their family physician that there is no help; that It means wornout nature, and that some powerful stimulant for temporary effeot Is the only help. I go deeper into the cause of the trouble and usually find a deranged or damaged local condition responsible. As long aa a man Uvea he should be as strong In every vital function as he is physically constituted. I have a scientific, powerful and permanent treatment for you which is as nat ural and direct as it is efficient. Why treat with Irresponsible when you can secure the expert services of a responsible specialist? See me If you have any of the following aliments: Varicose Veins, Nerve, Blood and Skin Aliments, Bladder troubles. Eruptions, Ulcer a, Piles er Fistula. 234V2 Morrison Street Cor. 2 J Street PORTLAND. OR. defendant. Ha secured a watch and ring and some coin, and the missing Jewelry was found on his person when arrested. John Poropot and another countryman, both of whom were robbed, trailed the holdup to Portland, refus- Modern Methods OF CCRIXG MEN'S MALADIES I am positively the only.speciallst in Portland that publishes his own photograph, personally conducts and manages his own office and consults with and treats all his own patients. I have more qualifications and ex perience than any other specialist advertising in this city. Every man calling at my office is assured of my personal and indi vidual treatment until a cure Is ef fected. My fees are one-fourth that exacted by the various "medical companies." "institutes" and "mu seums." My name and photograph is not a cloak for a "medical com- A STRAIGHT By C. K. Holsman, M.D., the Leading Specialist I am aa expert specialist treating ail ments of men exclusively. I own my own office and equipment, publish my true photorrapti, and personally super vise the treatment of all patients from the time they come to m until they ars dijeharged as cured. Although my time Is fully occupied from early mora until late at night In looking after the wants f my patients and to administering my special treatment for Blood Poison. Vari cose Veins and other diseases. I always take pleasure in consulting with new patients. In offering my services to the afflicted I am giving you the BEST that can be had anywhere. My experience and repu. tation for the past 18 years can leave no doubt as to my ability, honesty and Integrity and should be sufficient to convince the most skeptical that I am the FOREMOST and LEADING Special ist in Portland. I possess skill and ex perience acquired In inch a way that no other can share It and should not be classed with inexperienced doctors r specialists. A thorough Investigation should be made by every ailing man as to the specialist he consults. Duty and destiny to self and those who depend upon you demand the beat TnndlCAl attention- I have the ability and can give you this service, i nave always cnargea a very reaeonanis lee, so that my servloes may be obtained by any man who sincerely desires to be cured. I make no misleading statements, raise promieee r nyi buslnesxllke propositions. I would like to have you for a patient If you will com to me on a strictly professional basis, accepting Inducements that I offer, which ars my ability. 18 years' successful experience, time saving treatment and cur of certain diseases. My Positive Cure for Weakness Evsry wesk man is eager to have his strength and vitality restored. It's man's greatest pride to BB A MAN. yet it Is a sclentifle faot that few men need be weak. In nearly every case lost vigor can be easily and quickly overcome. There are many distinct lo cal causes undermining man s vitality and these nerve-racking ailments can not go on forever without producing serious or Irreparable damage. With strength and ambition sapped, happi ness and success are Impossible. My accurate and successful methods CfRB ABSOLUTELY snd PERMANENTLY every case of 'WEAKNESS I accept for treatment. I MAKE MEN STRONG. I find that sa soon ss the cause Is corrected you act better, feel better, look brtter, and the rapidity with which vitality and strength are re stored under my treatment will please and surprise you. I offer you my serv ices for a reasonable foe. with an ab solute guarantee of honest treatment and permanent cure. SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON In Its various forms and complications Is a treacherous disease. You must eonqusr it or It will conquer you. Old forms of treatment kept down symp toms, but rarely cured. The NEW GERMAN REMEDY "608" gives you a new lease on life. I was the first specialist on the Coast to make use of. this remedy and I believe I have had greater experience with' It than all other specialists put together. The wonderful results I have obtained con vince me that It is the ONE ABSO LUTE and PERMANENT CURE for every stage of blood poison. I Intro I Treat All Ailments of Men and Cure to Stay Cured I Offer Frea Consultation and Advice I fnvtts you to come te my office. Varloose veins. Hernia, Nervous D fler. Kidney and all Men i Disorders Every prson should take ad rants condition. A Dermanent cur Is w If you are suffering from any o to me immediately, giving me a de By return mail I will send you abso best proxeaaioaai advice as to now My office Is open all day from t A. Id. to t P. M-: Sundays from 10 to It. AU correspondence treated confi dently. Letters cheerfully answered. Dr. G. K. HOLSMAN 22V2 Morrison Street Corner First Street PORTLAND, OREGON Ins to allow him to leave the car. When they reached tha city they had Marlnovltch taken to the police sta tion. While the nse of electrle lights In light houses has some disadvantages, experiments are being made that bid fair to remove present obstacles . I CURE MEN 10 FEE PAY WHEN CURED MEDICIXES FIRSISHED FREE Beware of doctors who charge ex orbitant prices for medicine. I charge for cures only. I am an expert speclaHst, have had 30 years' practice in the treat ment of disorders of men. My of fices are the best equipped In Port land. My methods are modern and up-to-date. My cures are quick and positive. I do not treat symptoms and patch up. I thoroughly examine each case, find the cause, remove It and thus cure the disorder. BLOOD POISON S Come to me If you have any of the following disorders: Varicose Velna, Pimplea, Nervous Debility, IS'erve, Blood and Skin Disorders, Bladder Troubles, nloort I'olsons, Eruptions, 1 leers, Special Ailments, Piles or Flstnla. I occupy the entire second floor on cor. of 1st and Washington ets., consisting of 12 rooms. FREE ROOMS FOR MY PATIENTS Office Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only. PACIFIC COAST MEDICAL CO. 224 V4 WASHINGTON STREET, Corner Flrat, Portland, Oregon. L. T YEE & SONS r- L, '4111.- ILti The old eminent Chinese r1". doctor cures any disease . -J successfully, such as weak i-Jr-a. aw,' - A nerves, constipation, asthma. v.t catarrh, cancer, plies nerv- ht . r v.JM ousness. rheumatism, blood f Kfc poison, lung, liver, kidney f - i and stomach trouble; also t : No matter who has failed. i-,'?i:ql guarantee a cure If cur - --1 - -----l able. I have spent a lifetime study of herbs and graduated from several universities and took post-graduate courses In China. I have thousands of testimonials from my grateful patients. I use only the most harmless Chinese herbs, regardless of ths high price. So I can help you. Call or write for symptom blanks and circular. L. T. YEE SONS MEDICINE CO., 11SV4 l int, b. . Car. Aider. .Portland. Or. c TALK TO MEN ' ".J,- - . -J- - ' - - - n a.-.- ' "... : ' "XJ r t " v , , ' . I iff ' : C. K. HOLSMAN, U. Da duce It directly Into the blood and tj a few days you sre completely cureo. My fee for the proper administration of this remedy Is lower ?a'ht! lowest. BE SURE YOU GET THH GENUINE. VAFICOSE VErNS. Many an unfortunate man U ruined by improper treatment of this disease. I cure varicose veins dally by a pain less and direct method without de tention from family or home. In snoB. a satufactory way that pain and swell Ing ceases, healthy circulation Is re established and vigor ""'r?- . J GUARANTEE YOU A RADICAL CURE. KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASIW. 'More complications and symptoms arise from diseases of these orsns than from any other ailment of man kind. Most all kidney and butdfer troubles arise either from dissipation through Injury or strain may produce the same result Tha u must first b determined and until that Is done no cure can be effected. I AB SOLUTELY and PERMANENTLY CURE these conditions in every case i accept for treatment. MY PROFESSIONAL FEES. Every ailing man would irks the opinion of en experienced, capable specialist and the best medical atten tion Many hesitate to consult a spe clsint either through modesty or fear cf high fees; others have no confidence In their doctor because he demands pay In advance, and others low confidence through unsuccessful treatment and think there Is no cure for them. TO ALL THESE I say, COME TO MB. You may depend upon It that you will be restored to health and strelgth for a fee you will be able and willing to psy. Health Is capital at Interest, and satisfied patients pay thslr dootor. I will explain to you my treatment for Ity, Blood Disorder, Piles. Fistula. Blad- Mlttv. and eive you FREE a physical examination. t of this opportunity to learn their true hat you f the above disorders and cannot call, writs scrlptlon of your case In your own words. free a diagnosis of your case and my to proceed in order to correct your trouble. SIGN TOTS rOfPON FOR VALUA BLE IXFORMATIOX FREE. Please send ms free your self-examination blank. "For Men," as I desire to describe my case to you for the purpose of taking treatment If I decide you can cure me and your charge Is low enough to suit me. Kama address . I Am Known as the Man of Last Resort A man whom I had cured took iny hand and said: "Doctor, I don't know: what I can say to show you how thank ful I am for your courtesy and good ness. You have done for me wnat X didn't believe could be done. I am aj strong and powerful now as when I worked on the old farm. And it seema only a few days ago when I was down, almost in the gutter, you might say. I'd given up all hope, for two other doctors I had spent a good deal of money with seemed to be able to da nothing for me. 1 saw your aa one oay and I thought, 'Well, it won't do any harm to see him, anyway, because 10 doesn't cost anything." And you cured me. Now I understand why you ara known as the Man of Last Kesort." I did not ask that man for an ex pression of his sentiments. He spoke, what he thought and felt. I mention his words here only to show you thas I am known as the Man of Last Resort because of my deeds In benefiting mankind. Discouraged Persons Don't Give Up I invite in partiou- lar all those who have become dissatisfied, with treatment else where. I will explain to you why you have not been cured, and will prove by actual benefit why I can cure you Safely, Quickly and for life, when otners fall. VSk I ask all who are ? afflicted, who really f5r- P?VS'j"ltfl? desire a cure, to hon Vte.kWiiUtas estly Investigate my original ana strictly modern, scientific methods of treat i ment. A private consultation, a thor ough personal examination, will cost you nothing, and a perfect cure (l you decide to engage my services) will not be more than you will be willing to pay for the benefits I will give you. I will do by you as I would want you to do by ma if our cases were reversed. CONSULTATION CDCC EXAMINATION IfiLL VARICOSE VEINS, BLOOD DIS ORDERS, SKIN DISORDERS, BLADDER AND KIDNEY AIL MENTS, RUPTURE, PILES, FIS TULA OND OTHER AILMENTS NOT MENTIONED. Ont-of-Town People Visitlne the City consult me at once upon arrival, and mayhe you can be cured before return ing home. Many cases can be cured in one, two or more visits, continuing treatment when home. MY PRESENT FEES WITHIN ANY ONE'S REACH. CONSULT ME FREE. DON'T LET MONEY MATTERS OR MODESTY KEEP YOU FROM BEING CURED. I do not "patch up." I cure to stay cured. No delay. Call or write today. No mistakes made. Expert medical ex amination free whether you take treat, ment or not. Come to Me, No Matter Who lias Failed. I Cure Others, I Cam Cure You. Dr. Lindsay The Old Reliable Specialist. Corner" Alder and Second Streets. En trance l2Shi Second Street, Portland, Or. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. II. Sundays 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. i A A A