niE SrXDAT OHEGOXIAX, rORTLAXD, FEBRUARY 4, 1912. 20 PAY HIGH FOR WHEAT Buyers Send Up Prices in Walla Walla Country. MARKETS ARE EXCITED Sjw1tors Operate on a Lrjc Scale. Forty Thoojand Buhel tot of Clnb Changes ninds Oata Arc Very Firm. r.xtenslre korln f wheat, said ! chiefly by speculators, at sharpO alTanreo prim tu excited the eonntry rnarketa. The knnnt competition yesterday waa In the Walla WaJla country, bat the excitement spread to other districts. transartlona wra reported from Walla Walla, tha larxest sale teln a 4'VOOO buehel lot of club. blch ehaned hands at price equal to IS cents here. Bluestem old In tba aanva market on tha baala centa. la Umatilla County these were estes of rltib at the sams prlca aa at Walla ".Vails- Moat of tha buylna appeared to be hr country speculators, but Coast millers were a:o In the market and msettna the Mdi of the other buyer. In the local market pneee were quoted, but not equal to tnnee. paid In tha country. Flour prlcee arere not altered yeeterday. but the market waa eery Strom. In vlsw of the higher wheat price. The oata market eraa firm, erlth holders klnc and aalea made at that price. There eraa a food demand from California points. Local receipts. In car, were reported by tha Merchants' Rxchante aa follows: V neat uariej r ;our wais xi7 Monde? ... TuesHlar ... Wednesday . Tnurauay .. Friday .... Saturday ... aso . . Total tftls w Y ear no . . . 14 , 10 11 a 4 .... n 7 .... ha . ... 13 a 1 4S 1 S S as .... S 3 .11 I 2 10 SAT a 47 41 10 . llil tt 4i 10 101 B.1T7 ISM l 10 1J lW 4111 Si 13-1 M) FOR SPOT HOPS. Rasters Brewers Kfidmtly Have F.aeuca te Carry Tbeoa. ft la evident from the Indifference ahown r American brewera that tba season for lull hops ta practically at aa end. There. are no doubt some wanta yet to be sup plied, but consumers show no anxiety ever the situation. Deaiere holding; hope are on the sellm side and thla la gradually carry 'n prices down from the hlra level touched In the height of the season. The contract market appears firm ta spite of the softness of spot hope. The new crop, however, ta a long way off and what cenditlone will be la the Hummer caa only be gu eased. According to advlcea from California, received yeeterday. Wolf e Net. ter bare paid 37 centa for a cram en toe and 37S centa for Yoloa of the new crop. Twen ty cents Is being affered la California for three years. Hop market conditions In England are reported by the Kentish Observer of Jaa uary 1 1 aa followa: There Is nothing now to report la respect ta the trade la hope In the borough. Al thouxh the demand Is generally quiet, prices continue to show a hardening tendency for all descriptions, both new and old. tha sup ply being exceptionally short. On tha con tinental marketa the prlcea are a little easier, but are still in advance of all other countries of production. laclfio Coast ad. tiers state values are aaam advancing. "on tha Worceater market on Saturday there waa more Inquiry, but trade la llm tted by the very small quaatltlea on offer. Holdera are very firm and express them e!vea quite conf'deat aa to getting higher prlcee later on." lnrtoa hop factors trade circulars aay: "Wild. Nearae A Co. The demand during the week has bea quite up to the average for thla period of the year. There are very parcels of the Isst crop on offer at sresent prices. Values remain firm." "Manger A Henley The demand Is of a eulet nature snd for present requirements ealr- Prlcea remala firm and unchanged.' W. H. and H. UUar There baa been considerable trade done in old bops dufng the past week, prlcea for which are harder. nd several parcels of lll'a bare also :hanged banda at full current rates. 4.I.L MOUAIB HVRKKT9 ARE DULL Marks la tha Kai Are Light and IVmand Is Inactive. The outlook for a rvpetltloa of last year's high mohair market Is not good. Judging from tbs present conditions In ths East ern aad foreign marksts. Tha carry-over la very light, however, and this will be a factor In the situation. The Boston Com mercial Bulletin savs: The situation localty so far aa the mar ket for mohair la la absolutely without change., stocks being extremely limited and demand being practically nil. The mlils have covered their present re quirements and Indeed have purchased ahead for some lime to come. In England mohair yarn sptnnsrs state that they caa find no particular business oa ths consuming end of the trade snd so are aot anxmue to buy raw material, notwtthatamltng the fart that they could undoubtedly get It much cheaper at the moment than they could some time back. The Cape mmrket is reported cleaned up. and the stock In Constantinople has been iltmlntshed somewhat, about 30O bags being reponei sold during the month of Iwcember besides more or less off sort a America haa taken a fair amount of ths finer offerings lnrlute1 In the anctrt begs reported Buy ing thera. however. Is said to be confined to one or two firms and la by no means gen- hEUXSC. PRICE Or OXIOXS RAISED (.rowerr Qootatloa for the Coming Week la Ths selling Hrlce of onions was advanced te $2.25 a sack at country points yesterday. At the Confederated Onion Growers Asso ciation meeting It wss reported that 1$ cars were shipped oat In the past week, all at $2. except one which brought $2.10. No mire were offered at those prices, but five cars were put on sals at $3.25. and that was announced as tha price for tha com ing week. Advtcee from lampoc. CaL. were that eern cars were so:d ta go Fast during ths meek at $:.:5. leaving 12 cars there. LA ROE SIZE ORANCtS ARE COMCNG MUpssM-at ef Florida Oraagee aad Graperf rait Alas Dts. Irge else oranges will be more plentiful In the coming week. A car Is doe Monday. They wljl sell at $t for Aa and luoa. A snixed csr of Florida oranges and grapefruit la also doe the flrat of the week. These a 111 be the first Florida orangea ever brought to thla market. They will be offered at $4-29 a bog and the grapefruit at I A JO. Six cars of bananas are due Monday. They are reported green out of Los Angsies. A car of sweet potatoes waa received yeatsrday. Baak Clearing a. Bank cleerlrgs of the Northwestern cities yesterday were aa follows Cl.'srlnre Ttstsnces. Portland rleatt ie T acorn a FDOkane ..... .... .i,:':.iii 11440.M . l.O.'.T. fa 14H .': .'2 ! 2d Mt.44d 1 7 I til 7 ('lesrlnss or Portland, rattie ana x acoma for trie past week and corresponding wsek tn former years were: Portlan.l. featt!e Tacorra. lots r-llJ4S $.1TI3!M $3T0l4 1l H.1M.MI ,7,.,.i,n 4.172.J''' l lrt I.' .ta l 47J .:n 5.610 17-1 l ki o.4i''. t o7.77l 4.3 I..!i 1H..4 4.144.:.T7 C'I M SHI 1.7.17 i ki7 s.rtu.M'i 7 i i .".- 4 2:ii.:e i'ii 4 '' -' 5 -i'7. .'. a:.TH. p..1 SfTtlf 4 .372 ;wl 2 121. MO 1lkv - 4-! tL'.-l 2.4U.1 V 1 H;. ;74 lieu 2.W-2 i2 3.42a.i:.i l.v.j.avo teevat I lata Braa flocks. Tha stock a or lima beans on hand In Cali fornia warehouses on January 1. according to corrected Lgurse. showed a total of ,- 000 baas. Tbera were In addition SO.OOO bacs In farmers' barns, meklcf a total of MO.OOO baara. Out of this stock from S0.0OO to BO.0OO bacs most be reserred for seed. Of the balance up to the last report about 10 cars had been shipped since the beginning of January. Poultry Does) Net Cleaa rp. Poultry did not clean up yesterday, al though the days receipts were, not heavy. Former prices were quoted. Tha egg market waa steady without change In price. There were aa new developments la tha butter or cheeaa marketa Portland marks' ra. " Grain. Flour. Feed. Eta. WHEAT Track prlcee: Bloestem. 99 9c; club. aj7c: red Russian. Sc; alley, enc: 40-fold, 6 87c MI'-i-STl Fa rraa. 2S per ton; "". I2S- middlings. 30; rolled barley. ISO IS. II A HI. til' Whole. $i0 per ton. CORN New. whole. ; cracksd, 3J per ton. OATH No. 1 white. Sia32.B0 per ton. FLOCK Psteots. 4.o per "? straights. 4-0; exports. 1 70; Valley. $-0; granana. H.M. whole wheat. f4.ea. HAY No. 1 Eastern Oregon timothy. JIT OlS: No. 1 Valley. $lsil: alfalfa, 1119 14; clover. (12; grain, tllQll. and Fruits. TTCAL. FRUITS Oranges. aavela. 12 S9i.2i: Japanese. II 40 per bundle: Cali fornia srapelruiu grave fruit. J.iu: bananas. pet pound; lemona. 14. .0 4 . per box. FRESH FRUITS Aljneria grapes. XO per barral. craabsrrles. (lug 11.40 per bax- "'pOTATOEo' Buying prleew: Burbankm, artcftfi.20 per hundred; sweet potatoes. 93 per crate. VEGETAELK9 Artlchokee. tl 8 per des en: beaux lojl7ic; cabbage. 1 6 ' Vc par ...... .t i....wAr " .i 1 ' '. ier crate: cel- I ery. ISS.5o per crate; cucumbers. II. 7S per dosen; eggplant. 110 per poand; I garlic. SijlOe per pound: lettuce. per crate: hothouse lettuce. box; peppers. lJSo per pound; pump kins, mam per pound; radishes 15o per dosen: spinach. 1C1 per box: aprouls i k. squash. 14 20 par pound: tomatoes. 12.25 per box. OXIOXS Association price. U.M per HACK VEOFTABIJ1:' Turnips. rer sack: rutabagas, caTTOts. i al.10; parsnips. Ilfll 10: beets. 1.25. APPLES Fancy Rome Beauty. 12.40 per box; choice Rome Beauty. 2: fancy Tellow Newtown. $2 60; fancy Spltsenbergs. II 7S; Delaware Red. $1.75; Wlnesap. $1: Northern Spy. $10; Baldwin. II SOW: Ben Devla. $1.25; Red Cheek Pippins, extra fancy. 12.50. Dairy aad Country Trod ace. BUTTER Oregon ereamery batter, eolle pack. S3ve: prints, extra: butter fat. aver age buying price. 54 Ho Portland. EOt,s r'raan Oregon ranch, aandleo. 80r3lc per doxen. CHiesh-jrsgon. nominal; Wisconsin daisies. 2uc POKK Fairy, TH trine per pound. VEAL. Fancy. llUiC per pound. POLLTRT Hens. 14c: Springs. IS 9iaSsc; ducks, young. 22c: geese, l-Vo. turkeys, live. lc; dreaeed. 2022a. f A LH Or Columbia River. 1-poond taHA IZ.Z5 per dosen; a-pouoti e - pound fUta. $A0; Aiaaaa pink. 1-pouaa tana $115. .. COFFEE Roasted, ta drums. N.lm per pound. KVTH Walnuts. KfKHa per pound; Brasll aats. 14lc: arnerta. 1415o; al moada. 1721e. peeana. lSc; eocoaauta. oe II per dossa; cheetnuta. IS,o per poaadi hickory nuta. (loo per potiad. HONEY Choice. $4.15 per case; atralaea honey. 10c per pound. - ALT Granulated. $11 per toul half ground, loos. $S.5o per toa: 60a, $ per BEANS bmaU white. 4 wo; large white. r; Lima. Ho; plaa. td MssUcaas. tsl bayou, to. . RICE No. I Japan. $ac: cheaper grades, trie: Southern head. 5'o. StliAR Dry granulated. $.16: fruit and berry. $4.15; Honolulu plantauoo. $5.10; beet. $J.16; extra C, $1.4: powdered, barreia, $-4i; rubes, barreia. $C55. DRIED FRUITS apples. 14o pes? pound; apricots. laeylgisc; peaches. 12S)14e; ieacaed Thompeon. lite; unoieacoeu taaas. 4e: aeeded. THSe; dates. Fer Slaa. 5 Ike per lb.; Fard. $L er sea. HAMS lO to 12 pounds, 15 0 15c: 12 to It pounds. Utfiec; 14 to 14 pounds.. 16C 15a; 1 to IS pounds. UHtJliSc; skinnsd. lo, picnics. 11c. co t la e roll, lJc LARD Ksttls rendered. tierces, 12He; tubs. 12o. standard tierces. USao; tuba. 11 c; sbortsning, uerces, sic; tuos. 51aa. BACON Famcy. etc; standard. 2ve; choice, lasc: Lnglish. liHOlrJc DKY SALT CUrlKD Regular abort clears, dry salt. 11 Vic, smoked, 14c; snort clear, backs. 12 to 15 Iba. dry salt, 12nc; smoksd. 14c; short clear backs, 15 to ZO lbs., dry sail. 11 c: smoked. 13c: Oregon exports, uiy sail, lie; smoked. ISO. Furs FURS Portland prices for prime, well hanilled ekins. according to sixe: Mink. $4ue.:-o: raccoon. IrOculliv: sxunk mar row strips', II u2; skunk, (broad stripe). 7:.coli &o. muskrat, :ui.'; gray fox. 7 Jo OI1-J0; red fax. ISub.'U: marten, . beater. I608.RO. flatter, 112 a 2U; badger, evcull: lynx cat. IJ1: wildcat. 75c$; otter, flo j 14. lynx. -iJ0. ringtail cats. 25wOc; clvsl est. 10:ic; bouss est. 5aJ 2uc; mountain lion, 10 a 10; bear, I.W12. Ilssatil OU aad rarpeatlne. LINSEED OIL Pure raw ,1a barreia $2e boiled. In barrels, tveu; raw. im cease, tie. oiled. In cseea. 50c . . TLHrL.MlMi Cases. TOe; wood barrsls. $7Wc- FUAXSEED OIL MEAL Paw toa, l4 Bops. Weed asvd Hides. HOPS 1P11 crop. 4l43e; odds, nomi nal. 1012 contracts. 2tt2.-c; three years, lsc; five years. loC MOHAIK Choice. $5e psr pound. WOOL Katsra Oregon, sttlw pet pound according to sarlnkage; Vallsy. 19 lc per pound. PEI.TH Dry. lie: lambs, salted. TStJOOc; short-wool pelts. butcher pelts. Jsn. take-off. Ir&cw$l-0u; Fsb. take-olt. $1,100 $1 15. HIDES Falted hides. lOVktJIOVao per pound: salted calf. 16017c: aalled kip. 11 1 12c: green hides. tc; dry calf. 21c; dry bides. llgllK; salted stags. 77'aci green stsga U c. CAJCABA-Per pound. 84 V oc t'effew add Sugar. NEW YORK, Fsb. 3. Coffee closed bare ly stesdy st a net decline of 4 to 10 points, hales. 5S.OM) bars. February. 12.ftc; klarch, lii.ilc April. IXOSc; Way. ld.04c; June, lg.ooc: July. IS Oac: August. IS lie; Septem ber 15.16c: Ootobsr. 13.11c: November. 11.07c: December. 13.04o; January, 13.02c. Spot coffee stesdy. No. T Rio. 14c; No. 4 Santos. 13Vtc: mild coffss quiet; Cordova, IS, 17 So nominal. Raw sugar steady: afusrovado, S.POc: cen trifugal, pa test. 4.40c; molasses sugar, t test, a.tiic. Refined sugar quisu Naval Stem. SAVANNAH. Feb. 3. Turpentine, firm. 4Tc. sales. 427 barrels; receipts. 228 bar rsls. shipments. 12 barrels; stocks. 2S.3K2 barreia Rosin, firm: sales. 152. receipts. 1560; shipments. 531; stocks. 10W.26L Quote: B. I In iOv-W; K. ll.J3vL7o; F, a. H. 14.47'e; H. 11.70: L : K. $7.00; U. I7.2U; N. $7.30; WO. $7.35; WW. $7.6. Hope. Etc- at Near York. NEW YOIlK. Feb. 3 Hope, dull; state common to choice, lull. 47o'ie: V.H0. torn. . . . . . ' . 1111 A.', .illir- laill nnm- ina L ractnc . v - . inau Hid lea Firm. Central America. 224c; Bogota. 2a 23tc. 1'stroieuro. steaur. r .- avwm. barrels. 5 10c; do. bulk. 4 "c; Philadelphia, barreia. .loe; do. bulk. 4 OOc Wool Firm. Domestle fleece. XX Ohio, 2c Wool at St. TLoala. ST. LOCIR. Feb. 1 Wool Steady; Ter ritory and Western mediums, ltiilbc; One. mediums, lib 17c; fins, low 13c. Dnluth Flax Market DULUTH, Fen. 5. Close: Flax la snore, en track to arrive. $2.14; February, May, 12-11 w. New Terk Cattoa Market. JEIT TORK. Feb. S. Cotton futures closed as follows: January. 9 !5c; March. I ;v; May. f.4c; July. lO.OTc; AuKUet, 1O.0W-; ricptember. 0.12c; October, lu l?cs lecember. 1" 24c The wild horses of Arabia will not suffer a tsms horse among them. But. It Is said. Die wild horvee of pouth America will decoy tame herees. seeming eager ta weloome taem. e' iwifH, ivssivtvi ... - -. . - , - - -white aad black. gisjw'Hc; eurranta. 10 lis; raiama loose. stuacateU aia; LEHIGH SELLS DDI High Dividend Payer Goes Be low Reading. GENERAL LIST IS DULL St. Paul Shows Strength as Result of Favorable) Earnings Report for I)ec"niber Selling of Steel Continues. ' NEW TORK. Feb. 2. Trading In the stock markst today waa altogethsr of a superficial and unimportant character. The volume of business wss light and more than ordinarily restricted to ths operations of the professional element. Net changes, except In the cass of coalers, which were subjected to some pressure, wsre slight. For the first time since the Introduction of Lehigh Valley shares In this market that stork, a 1 per cent dividend payer, sold under Reading, which prices only t per cent There was no known develop ment to account for this condition, but board room gossip bsd It that Lehigh Val ley la selling "ex-mystery," while Read ing has yet to make Its much discussed dividend distribution. Union Pacific and United States Stsel were moderately active, but frequently re flected selling of a character that has msrked these particular Issues for tha past fortnight. EL Paul showed some strength as a re sult of Its rather favorable earnings for December, the net showing an Increass of about $460,000. The Puget Sound division of that system reported a gross Increase of $31,000. which was reversed Into a net decrease of 162.000 by reason of a heavy Increase In operating expenses. The Burlington system reported a heavy grosa loss for December, which was pulled down to a vsry trifling net loss because of economise In operation. The bank statement was notable chiefly because of the slight difference shown In the "average" and "actual" tables. There was an actual cash loss of over $3,000,000. Instead of an eatlraated gain of $10,000,000. while loans Incressed over $24,000,000. excess rssh reserves fell about $8,000,000 to $40. 7&0.000. Today's statement was the first of ths year to show an actual cash loss. Bonds were steady with no special feature. Total sales, par value. $2. 02$. 000. Govern ment bonde were unchanged on call through out the week. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Open Hlgh Low 'Close Am el. Copper Co... Am, Car A K. com. Am. Can. cum. ... do preferred .... bl W 11S i fcu-v oV 4bI 00 4 US u Vs Wl 4S4 5'V US 61 11 lih til 1.1 111 Am. Cotton oil, com. Am. Sutar. com 1 ISH .1154k 1 lta. 11" S Am. Smelt., cois) fiUW K" do preferred 103 V ,103 V !l(J l".l Am. Woolen, com.... Anaconda Mining Co. Atchison, -coin. ..... do preferred ...... 2il 84 H 34 SI 84 Si lo3 is 104 S .103 Ts ; 104 l I ilo:S ci. w: v.. tviiu. . ..... ...v. n .yj n .vi Beet Sugar 1 53 Brooklyn Rapid Tr. . 77S! T7S ''74 rs. st u., com. ions loas ion,,ioj Canadian Paclho, c MM S .210 K2BS :S Central Leather, c . . do preferred ...... C A: ft. W com..... do preferred ...... C. M. St- P C A N. W, com Chesapeaks Ohio.. Colo. Fuel ac Iron, o. . Colo. Pouth., com.... do Sd preferred.... do 1st preferred... Consolidated Gas .... Corn products, o..... do preferred Tlelswars A Hudson.. Denver A Klo (j., c. . do preferred ...... Erte, common ....... do 2d preferred.... do lat preferred. . General Electric ot. North, ore lands.. OU North., pfd. Ice Securttlro ....... Illinois Central ...... Int. Harvester loterurban Met-, c... l! lS'i iss KS 3 17H .15 85 85 3.1 lo6S lotiS lotiS KniS 140 V est, ii" esTt 4' eS es 43 43 O.T. 7r 139 VI 13!lS .... 10 78 I." 78 78 it 21 43 80S .101, 4 60S 'if i 128 SOU, 4U 60 4 SOS 40 III 60S MS ir,s 87 ' 37 S S7S 12S S 127 S, 127 S 135S 10B S , 105 S , 1." S , 15 S 17ti 1'S 17S 8u 6(1 VI 6.1 6.'S no preferred ..... Lehlirh Valley Kansas City South.. Allls-Chslmers. c .. do preferred ..... Chicago A Alton, e. tfo preferred Distillers Kay Consol Miami Copper Louis. A Naan Mrx Nat., second.. .;li8-'IS 0 IS 1 IS 1 7 11 35 301, 1S 23 S 1 - 33 S 11 27 0O 81'S 63 S sis us 28 S l.M)S 81 S 1'iS a! isos 31 S 1S 23 S 1.10 S S3 S 12 33 X 83 VI.. Ft. P A 8. 8. M,12S11US si.. K. A T.. com... do preferred ..... Missouri Pacific ... National Lead ..... Nevada Cod ...... N. Y. Central N. T.. Onu AW... Nor. A West., com . North American .. N. P., common . . . Pac. Mall 631, 63S 63S 1S ISS 1SS 1HS lios'lios llos.lios sral 3.a 3i 107 S .107 S ;i07 S 17 s 77S ni lins'iiis iiS 33 33S 8S 33S 1'.'4 U 'l'-'l u. 'l "4 Pennsylvania People's ual .. l"Silos loos lt'S Pressed Steel Car, o. .....I 80 S do preferred ...... Reeding, common .. do -d preferred.... do 1st preferred... Rep. 1. A S.. com... do preferred ...... Bock Island, com.. do Preferred 100 1.11 97 IK 22 S 71 23 S 4lS 89 e.i 2S 110 157S 168S 166S 22 S 3 2-'S 711 " 23 S S a 7?S 7!S 23 S 4KS sa v 'sis' infii 2(1 s ess 2.1 41 8S '2S Bt. L. A 8. F., 2d pfd do lat prerrrea. . . Bt. L. A K. W.. com. do preferred ...... South. Pac, com.... South. Ry.. com do preferred ...... Texas A Pacific Tol.. ft. L. W.. c do preferred Union Pac. com.... do preferred U. H. Rubber, com.. do preferred TJ. 8. titeel. com.... do preferred Utah Copper Virginia Chemical . W'abasli. common ... do preferred ...... Western Union .... Wis. on., common.. Big Four Rallwsy Springs ... do preferred Oold Field Con Third Avenue Tnn. Copper Cblno Copper 107S lOflS 101 -'B-i ess 26! 2S on 81 is"' iis 13 S 13S 13 IMS 12 MIS 01 Ti 45 S ... 4)1 "aos lio 66 4 46 . . ln fto 66 80141 AOS 11S MS 110 64 S 63 S es 17S C2S 4S 67 2SS 100 48 24 S S5S 17S f2S ITS 2 17S 82 S 1. . 4S 48 S 4S 40S 4S 48 28 2SS Total sales for the day, 107,600 shares. BONDS. Furnished by Overbeck Cooke Co.. of Portland. Bid. Asked. Amer Tel A Tel conv 4s HO 111 - American Tobacco 4a 03S IMS American Tobacco os 11 J Atchison seneral 4a ........... "J 1(11 XL . .1(15 S lu7S Atchison adj 4a stamper! V 1 v . w Atcni5on conv om jih ..101 los-w Atlantic coaat una cons s.... -s im At. Coast Line "L A N coll" 4s. fi.Hs Baltimore A Ohio 8Ss K2', 3 . . . . V I (1.1 1.U p raitimore at vino - .......... ... i 1. , . K.nM Transit 4a . . Nrt nnramjn refr.u .is.... . ..lolS K'1T4 tin oouioeiu .ii.. ...... . 1 nesapeaae ex uiuv , , - C H A Q Joint 4S C B A Q Ilia 4s C B A Q l'enver 4s Central Psclflc first 4s Chicago A blast Ills 4a Chlcaso K 1 A P ref 4s Chlcaxi n I A P col trust 4s Coiorsdo A Southern first 4s. Hsnver A Klo Grande 4a .11(1 Vs 1('Z . l7Vi 07 S .1M lKOiS HtlS . 0(1 1, M7 Si s M H , UOs ' , 7.1 73 S , 1H 17 . MU's l4 mS ti . biv, MH b2H F7S HSs W.I", I4 02 '-, 03 PlS '.S 1 07 73", 7414 t7 Vi S7 S S4 h.1 K2 S 113 S K'7I, los l1 im lii7ix Tol l4 A. 0.1 l"(iS 10S 70 70Va 94 S 06 on no s Japaneae 4a ' . .w A . L Oregon cihort Line 4s...... Oregon ity m .v PentiS Ky 4a 01 iwo -s Philippine Hallway 4s MH C7S Kea.iing I."".' ' - - 71 Republic c' I Ula -a .M'.l'v J"J routnern n 1:1c ,i., ... .... .... l- ... . v. ... 1 1 1 - col 4s 92 id' ll'' V. Southern llsllasy 4s lil- L St L. A r ci . , 1 n I f I first 4-.... .. US !S .l((Ols lOOTs ..lo- 1H2V Union Psclfic conv 4s.... Union Pscllic rei 4s ui n United Ststes Steel 8 F 6s 13S 10-" United Staes 2s registered 10O 100V, United States 2s coupon... 10O 1004 United States 3a registered 101 S lv2 OiS 7 S .101 s .118 .113 . (19 . 77 S . . 53 S 133H H3S 9S 68 09 i 10 04 1 lo 89 90 03 ,.. 92 S ...100 1O0 H Stocks at Boston. BOSTON. Feb. 3. Closing quotations: Alloues 8iS'Mlaml Copper... 33S Am Cop ex-dlv. no Mohswk 61 S A A I. A 8m... 24SI Nevada Con 10S Arliona com .. sS'Nlplssin Mines. TS B A C C A 8 M. SNorth Butte..... 21S Butte Coalition. 21V."nrth Lake 6S cai a Arliona.. Old Dominion... 44 Cal A Hecla 405 Osceola 107 Qulncy 74 Shannon ....... 9 Suoerlor 24S Centennial 18S Con Ran Con Co 61 K Butte Cop. M. 12S r-raniuin . 12SiSup A Bos Mln.. 4S Glroux Con 4 TamaracK ii riranhv Cnn S3 IT S ft R A M 84 Greens Cananea. 8 do preferred... 47S I Koyalle (Cop) 21 S 'Utah Con 15S Kerr Lake 2SiUtah Copper Co. 64 S Lake Copper.... 83 Winona J. 6S La Salle Copper 441 Wolverine SSS Money, Exchange, Eta. KBW TORK. Feb. I. Money on call, nom inal. Time loans steady; 40 days. IS02S per cent: $0 days. 18I per cent; six months. $9314 percent Prime mercantile paper. IS to 4 per cent Sterling exchange steady, with actual buslnees In bankers' bills at $4.$4&0 tor to day bills and at $4. $745 for demand. Commercial bills, S. Bar silver. 63 Sc. Mexican dollars. 47c Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds, stesdy. . LONDON. Feb. 8. Bar silver, steady. 2Sd. Money. 8S63S per cent. The rata of discount In the open market for short bills Is 3S; for three-month bills. 8S. BAN ' FRANCISCO. Feb. S. Sterling on London. 80 days. I4.84S: do. sight. I4.8TS. Drafts, sight, par; telegraph, 2 Se cond! Hon of the Treasury. WASHINGTON. Feb. 8. At the beginning nf business today the condition of the United states Treasury was: Working balance In Treasury of fices T $ 83.497.492 In banks and Philippine treasury 84. 643.603 Total balance In general fund... 123.433.374 Ordinary receipts yesterday 2.027.053 Orllnarv disbursements 2.811.192 . The deficit to dats this fiscal year Is $23. 125.210, as against $3,208,481 at this time last year. These figures exclude Panama Canal and publlo debt transactions. BANK LOANS ARE LARGE INCREASE FOR WEEK TWENTY FOUR MILLION" DOLLARS. Expansion Since First of Year Duo to Foreign Operations and Trust Company Reorganizations. NEW TORK. Feb. 8. The statement of clearing-house banks for the week shows that the banks hold $46,015,000 reserve In excess of legal requirements. This Is an In crease of $317,000 In the proportionate cash reserve aa compared with last week. The statement follows: Dally avsrage Increase. Loune $1.9O.4O7.OO0 . f20.4H0.OOO Specie 391. 303.000 8.837.000 Legal tenders.... Hs.K38.0OO Net deposits 1.90l.n4.0O0 17.3l4.noO Ctrctllatlon 60.U41.000 'lal.OOO e Decrease. Banks', cash reserve In vaults, f 418,632.000. Trust companies cash reserve In vaults. $83, 8H7.OO0. Aggregste cash reserve, $410,829, 000. Exrees lawful reserve. $48,016,000; In crease, $317,000. Trust companies reserve with clearing-house members carrying 25 per cent reserve, $77,208,000. Actual condition: Increase. Loans I2.O07.731.000 $ Specie -8hli.liH4.lHiO 41(6.01)0 Legal tenders.... 1i.136.0o0 3.81b.0O0 Net deposits 1.906.423.HOO 11 630.0() Circulation 50.749.000 . '177.000 Decrease. Banks' cash reserve In vaults, $414,870. 0O0. Trust compsnles' cash reeerve In vaults. IH2.180.0OO. Aggregate cash reserve. $478. 83O.O00. Kxceas lawful reservs, $40,775,8o0; decrease. $7.9b7.200. Trust companion re serve with clearing-house members carrying 25 per cent cash reserve. $78,273,000. Summery of state banks and trust com panies In Creater New York, not reporting to the New York Clearlng-House: Decrease. van, f51S.S18.100 $3.752.10 ......... 82.717.500 1,337.000 1-ea-iil tenders 10.915.0n0 43.700 ToSl d.poslU.....: 701,844.200 2,570.200 Increase. The Financier will say: For the first tlms In a number of weeks, the New York clearing-house banke reported a decrease . . -,a,.mnr nf art ii:l! in surplus 1 e.i . tj. ui. -. - conditions for the week hsvlng shown a contraction of $7.SB7.2o0 In that Item.. Th statement of avernges. however. Indicated an expansion of 1317,000 in reeerve. the ex cess, according to the average system, standing st $40,016,000 and on report of actual conditions at 4u,io.oov. Ths loan Item continued to show rapid ex pansion, the increase for the week end ng Saturday having been $24,145,000. bringing the total to very near the record mark. The bank statement for some weeks nas been affected by very heavy financial oper ations, dealing particularly with lnterna . . 1 ...nmnnlfi in reor- tlonal loans m " . . ganlxatton. etc. and this accounts for the . M 111 . ...AA.iniin in In.n. since rise of nearly iuw.nvv . the opening '",,,, ,. toT Thcrs nai - - - commercial and line, -mount- Ing to more man . . . Increase. MS FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET. Prices quoted at tha Bay City for Vege tables. Fruits. Etc. PAN FTtANCISCO. Feb- 3. The follow ing produce prices were current here to- ""vegetables Cucumber. $1.0001. 60; garlic. 84,4c; green peas. 7T15c; string beans, nominal; eggplant, 12S.20c: tomatoes. 8oc (a $1.2$. Butter Fancy creamery. 85c. Store. 2c; fancy ranch, 80c. Onions $1.901 $2.00. irruit Apples, choice. $1: common. 85c. Mexican limes. f56; California lemons, choice. $4.50; common. $2; naval oranges. $2U4.50: pineapples. $2Sf S.B0. MIllstuHs Bran. $24.60 26.60; middlings. Potatoes Oregon Burbanks. $1.651.80: a. itsl K. Kallnaa Burbanks. fl. 86412; liver Burbanks. fl.S5Sl.60; s wests. HayWheat, fl5(?20: wheat and oata. flSto 18.50: alfalfa, f 11 9(15.50. Receipts Flour, 8176 quarter sacks; wheat. 7405 centals; barley. 695 centals:1 oats 380 centals: potatoes, 8510 sacks; bran. lf.O 'sacks; middlings. 120 aacks; hay, 190 tons; wool 63 bales. Dried Fruits at New York. -. n . i) .' r.h fl.R.nAr.l.jt .nnlM E.n Vt.C. " '" ' r , . aulet; spot, fancy. loSlOSc; choice, Prunes, steady; quotations range from 4e to 1.1c for Callforniaa up to 30-40S. and 8SC to 12c for Oregons. Apricots, unchanged; choice. 15415Sc: extra choice. 1.1.13 4c: fancy. 17lsc w . 1,. .i..a llttlli.1.- evtra Choice. USW12C; fancy. l-'wl2Sc Ittlsins, quiet; loose muscatels. 5HW7e; choice to fancy seeded. es&TSc; seedless, o7u. London layers, $1.40 ' 1.4S. Metal Markets. VEW TORK, Feb. 8. The metal mar kets were quirt and practically nominal In the absence of exchsngea Copper Lake. 14 S r 14SC electrolytic, 14 s 14 SC. and casting. 13S6HSC. Tin 42.75 43.25c Lead .2om 4.30c Spelter 6.35'dro-BSc. ' Antimony Cookeon's. 6-7SC Iron Unchanged. Chicago Produce Market, CHICAGO. Feb. 8. Butter Steady: creameries. 2eS4c; dairies. 25 81c Eggs Firm; receipts. 2044 cases, at mark, esses Included. Sltt36c; ordinary firsts. 840 87c; firsts. 8U40c Cheese Stesdy; Palsies. 17lTHc; Twins. 16HlSe: Toung Americas, 17 S 9 17$c; Long Horns. 17SilTSc. London Wool Hairs. LONDON. Feb. S. The first series of ths wool auction salee of the year cloeed today with offerings of 7585 bales. The selec tion waa In fair condition and It sold spirit edly to the home trade and tha eoaUaent at steady prlcea United St.ttes is coupon..... United States 4S registered.. United States 4B coupon. .... United Kalltray P F 4s United Kntlwsy st L 4s Wabash first 4a Western Union 4SS ........ Westlnghouse conv 5s ...... Western Pacific 6s Wisconsin Central 4s ....... West Shore 4s PRICE LEVEL RISES Wheat Market at Chicago Shows Small Gain. BEST FiGURES OF THE YEAR Profit Taking and Fluctuations In Coarse Grains Prevent Repeti tion of Previous Day's Wide Advances. CHICAGO. Feb. t. Poise, rather than ac tion, distinguished todsy the market for wheat. Nevertheless the price level was raised Just enough to surpass any previous figures touched during the present bulge Latest trading left wheat quotations ateady. unchanged to So up. Corn finished at S Sc advance, oats unchanged to Sc higher and hog products up to 10c. . . . . k Although whest mounted a little higher at the outset today, prices later showed some decline. Profit-taking and the easier tone of coarse grain were chiefly responsible for the reaction. Way wheat fluctuated from fl.03S to $1.04S. "1th last salea a sixteenth net higher at $l.04S. , . , May corn ranged between 68S068SC and 9aae9Sc, closing firm at 69c. a gain of Sc nst. Cash grades were In moderate demand. No. 2 yellow was quoted at 88SW 67c for car lots. " Outside limits for May oats were 62 62 40 and 62 c with the close So up. at 'Absence of selling pressure allowed hog products to begin to climb. In the end pork was THc to lOo dearer, but the rest or the list not to exceed 5 cents. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. May fl.0SS fl.OIS $1.08S $14S July -7S -7S -7S -JJS Sept. 95 .6S CORN. May 8i -6S -SJS .fS July 68S -8S -6$ -f'S Sept. $ .68 S OATS. May $IH -62T, .MS July 48 S .48 .49S .8S Sept. 42 S -2 S .42 -42 S MESS PORK. May 1635 18S5 18.27S !$ July 18.52S 16-55 16.45 16.55 LARD. May .$7H $.40 S.S5 $.49 July .52S $-55 $.6 !: Sept- .7S .67S $-6. .6iS SHORT RIBS. May $.80 $.80 f.7S ,, July 8.8S 8.85 8.80 8.81 Sept. 8.8714 $ 7S 8.$tt $ Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Firm. Winter patents, $4.105: straights, $3.804.80; Spring patents, $64 $.20; straights, $4.5043 4.70; bakers, $3.70 $.10. Rye No. 2. $34c Barley Feed or mixing. 70c rg $1.01; fair to choice malting. $1.161.J6. Timothy seed $13j15. Clover eeed $18 0 23.25. Pork Mess. old. $16.62 S; new, fl$.87H. Lard In tierces, $9.15 Short ribs Loose. $8.62 S. Grain statistics: Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 28.000 bushels. Primary receipts were 455.000 bushels, compared with 435.000 bushels the corresponding day a year ago. Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat, 11 cars; corn. 342 cars; oats, 84 cars; hogs, 47.000 head. Grata at firaa Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. S. Wheat Steady. Barley Easy. Spot quotations Wheat, shipping, $1,609 1.55 per cental. Barley Feed, f 1.87 H 9 1.80 per cental; brewing, nominal. Oats Red. $1.6091.90 per cental; white. fl.70tfl.75: black, $1.65J-1.80. Call board sales: , Wheat No trading. Barley October, $1.44 per cental; May, f 1.79 per cental. European Grata Markets. LONDON. Feb. t. Cargoes firmer. Walla Walla for shipment, 3d higher. 87s fd. Lngllsh country marketa nrra. French country markets fir in. LIVERPOOL, Feb. 8. Wheat March, 7s 9Sd; May, 7a 6Sd; July, Ta 8Sd. Weather, clear. Paget Sound Grain Markets. SEATTLE, Wash., Feb. S. Wheat Blue stem, 6Sc; fortyfold. 85SC; club, 85o; Ofe, 85c; red Russian. 83 Sc Yesterday's car receipts Wheat, 23; oats, 8; hay, V. TACOM A. Wash.. Feb. S. Wheat Blue stem, b5ttf4tlc; fortyfold. S4c; club. 84c; red Russian, 81c Car receipts Wheat, 7B; bar ley, 2; oats, 2; hay, 11. Minneapolis Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Feb. $. Close: Wheat, May, $1.07Si July, f 1.08 S L08 ; cash. No 1 hard. 1.03 1,; No. 1 Northern. fl.07S; No .2 Northern, $1.05 S; No. I wheat, $1-0$ S- CATTLE CLOSE LOWER MARKET EASY BECAUSE OF LARGE RECEIPTS, LIGHT CALLi. Hogs Firm at the End of the Week. Inquiry for Mutton Con tinues Good. There was no trading at the stockyards yesterday, business for the week having closed on the preceding day. Recelpta yes terday were 65 feeder cattle, shipped by W. L. Dlshman. from Rosevllle. Cal.. and 101 hogs, shipped by C. K. Lucks, of Canby. Recelpta for the past week have been: Cattle 1780. calves 118, hogs 1093, sheep 2b39. horses and mules 20. The cattle market continues weak with more offering than the buy ere care to han dle. This depression Is no doubt due to the fact that trade In dressed beef Is very light as compared to former seasons, as well as the heavy runs for the last month. Although the quality of cattle waa excep tionally good the market was badly demor alized during the week and prices fell off st least 15c from last week's quotations. Best steers are selling around $5.90 to $5.95, cows from $4.75 to $5.00 for the very best grades. Bulls and stags are weak at $4.00 to $4.-5 for the best. A very dragey mar ket In the cattle division has characterised the past week's trade. The hog market haa stiffened up some what. The run for the week was compara tively light and buyers showed a disposi tion to take hold of what was offered. Market closed strong tor the week at $6.70, an advance over last week's quotatlona. The demand for mutton continues good and all sheep arriving on the. market In the week found ready sale at prlcea previ ously quoted. The week closed steady to strong with lambs selling around 5c, weth ers $4.75 to $4.85, best ewes, $4.00 to f4.25. The following sales are representative of tha past week's trading: Weight. Price. 99 steers "'6 $8.00 250 steers 1200 5.95 74 steers $ 126 steers .... .1106 a. 00 62 cows .....................;;o 5.00 1st cows 1018 4.73 46 cows 35 cows lo calves 6 calves 6 bulls 1 stag ISS hogs ir.4 hogs 2b0 hogs 7 hogs 15 lambs 242 yearlings 216 wethers ....'... 961) 4.25 , 165 8.00 lao 7.50 1010 4.35 , 1 .'..(( 4.50 , 205 6.70 198 6.65 , 195 6.60 ...... 866 6.75 , 89 6.00 , 94 4.85 ..... 92 4.50 108 8.85 a2l ewes Ths rsngs of prices at the yards was as follows: - ChoTc" "sTeer $5. 76 S $8. 95 Good to choice steers 8.60 6.75 Choice cows 4.7.V.S 6.00 Good to cholcs cows 4.25 J 4.50 Choice spayed heifers 5 ?f 5 52 Good to choice heifers -!:i 5 Choice bulls 4 ?5 f 52 Good ta oheloe balls . . ... . 4.000 4.25 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM (Double-Track Route.) FOUR THROUGH TRAINS DAILY NO KXCKSS FARE Between Chicago aDThrougnnpCLLMAN STANDARD AND TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. J. H. B I KG IS, General A stent. Parwrnser Dept., Seattle, 'Washlnsrton, First Avenue and Vealer ay. Choice calves Good to choice calves Hogs Choice light hogs Smooth heavy hogs Rough heavy Sheep Choice yearling wethers Choice killing ewes .... Choice lambs Good to choice lambs .. Culla T.50 8.00 6.750 7.00 6.2519 6.70 6.75 6.00 6.500 6.75 4.75 4.85 4.00 0 4.25 4.75 0 5.00 4.506 4 75 3.75 4.00 Omaha IJvestock Market. OMAHA. Feb. 8. Cattle Receipts. 300r mraket steady. Native steers, $5.25(97.80; cows and heifers. $3.30(0 5.80; Western steers, f3.8066.VO; Texas steers, $3.60 j? 5.80; range cows and heifers, $3.00(4.85: can ners. f2.503r2.60: stockors and feeders. $3.40 &6.75; calves. $3.757.75; bulls, stags, etc, $3. 80(86. 50. Hogs Receipts, 6000; market steady. Heavy, $8.106 6.26: mixed, $5.95 6.10; light, $5. 00 if 6. 15; pigs, 4.60S.50; bulk of sales, $5.90 6.19. Sheep Receipts. 200: market steady. Yearlings. $4.755.50: wethers. $3.904.60; ewes, $3.00 4. 00; lambs, $5.25 !g 6.50. Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO. Feb. 8. Cattle Receipts. SO0: market steady. Beeves. $4.80$t8.50; Texas steers, $4.805.80; Western steers, $4. 8(1 4? 7.16; stockers and feeders. $3.85$ 6.00; cows and heifers, $2.2096.75; calves, $6.00 8.50. Hogs Receipts 12.000; market steady to a shade higher. Light, $5.85 6.75: mixed, $6.006.37Vs 1 heavy, $8.0506.40; rough, $0.05&6.15; pigs, $4.16 5.60; bulk of sales, f6.20ige.35. Sheep Receipts 2000; market steady. Na tive.' f3.15(&4.65; Western, f3.504.40; year lings, $4.7005.50: Iambs, native, $4.40 8 6.75; Western, $4.(10 jj' 6.75. FAIR DIRECTORS CHOSEN CXtACKAMAS OWNERS PIjAX TO EXTEND ACTIVITIES. Beautifying of Grounds Undertaken by Citizens Who Show Keen In terest In Enterprise. OREGON CITT, Or.. Feb. S. fSpecial.) The stockholders of the Clackamas County Fair Association, at a meeting here today, elected the following direc tors: James Smith, Canby; O. E. Frey tag. Gladstone; O. D. Eby, Oregon City; Walter Kirtchem. Logan; Mrs. C. M. Wait, Canby; W. W. Jesse, Barlow, and Judge R. B. Beatie, N. Blair and W. H. Mattoon, who are members of the County Court. The directors will meet next Saturday and elect officers. The retiring directors are George Lazelle, Twilight; R. S. Coe, Canby, and W. W. Everhardt, Molalla. The present offi cers, who probably will be re-elected, are: James Smith, president; O. E. Freytag, vice-president; O. D. Eby, treasurer, and M. J. Lazelle, secretary. A vote of thanks was extended the retiring directors, who have worked hard In the interest of the fair. Citi zens of Canby and various other parts of the county met at the fair grounds recently to beautify the place. The grounds were plowed, rolled and plant ed to seed. M. J. Lee, who has taken an active Interest in the work, said today that the grounds would be as attractive as any fair grounds in the state when the next fair is opened. The Canby Canal Company has agreed to donate water for use on the grounds. The County Court recently paid the interest on the mortgage on the fair grounds, and the reports of the officera at the meeting Saturday were satisfac tory. With the Interest paid by the county, the association will be able to Day tlOOO annually on the indebtedness. The grounds and building are valued at $12,000. Mrs. Walt, one of the new directors, has had charge of the domestic science department for several years. Mr. Jesse has been engaged In farming and gar denlng for many years, and Mr. Klrt chem Is prominent In the Grange work In the state. MAJOR CABELL PROMOTED To Rank of Lieutenant-Colonel Is Army Man Appointed. VANCOUVER BARRACKS, . 'Wash., Feb. 8. (Special.) Major Henry C. Cabell, of the First Infantry, now Jn Washington. D. C, it was learned here today, haa been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Mr. Cabell was for years at this post, and Is well-known in Portland and the Northwest. He was chief of staff of the Department of the Columbia until about last August, when he was sent to Washington, D. C. Albany Men to Bore for Oil. ALBANY, Or, Feb. 3. (Special.) Final steps were taken at a meeting held In the rooms of the Albany Com mercial Club last evening to form a company to bore for oil in Linn County. It Is purposed to conduct thorough ex periments to see if oil can be found in this part of the state. The name "Willamette Oil Company" was chosen and the committee on organization waa directed to prepare and file articles of Incorporation at once. This committee consists otL A. Wood, George Dorr. W. H. Marvin, E. V. Bloomfield and George H. Crowell. The company will elect directors at a meeting next Fri day evening. Poultry Farm to Be Big. MONTESANO, Wash.. Feb. 3. (Spe- xr c rid and W fl Powell. who recently purchased the Curry place, nortn or mis cny. are prepm iii ... ...nklt.l, (ha most ATlpndiVR nDllltrV plant in Chehalis County. The plant . I... f aKm. lll'i i win nave a cnjiai;! w. " uu j chicks at one time, and it is the inten tion of the owners, when the plant is In full working order, to have 4000 lay ing hens. Mr. Dole says he looked over .1 ....... c nf nraenn nnrl Wash. trie Ric"5( 1'"' - . . lngton before deciding to locate here. He considers mis tne mun iueai ijui . .1-- .i-a fir- thp nnllrw rtuni- ness. The utility bird will be the White Leghorn. Albany Expects Rail Lnylng Soon. ALBANY, Or.. Feb. 3. (Special.) The work of laying the rails for the Fifth-street line of the Oregon Electric through this city will begin in a few days. This will be the passenger line, the freight line traversing Water street. These two lines diverge from the main line Just before it enters this city, and they are joined again south of the city. Lebanon Phone Firm Incorporates. ALBANY, Or. Feb. 3. Articles of Incorporation (Special.) were filed EFFECTIVE OBTOUER 20th, 1911. STEAMSHIP PRINCE RUPERT Leaves Seattle, Wash, Every Sunday at 12:00 o'clock, Mlilnlabt, FOR VICTORIA, TAX OI VKR AXD PR1XCE RU ' PERT, H. C. Conner-tin at Prince Rupert. B. C. with 1 "S. S. PRINCE JOHN" Wednesday at 1:00 P. M. for Stewart B. C., Thursday February. 1st. loth. 29th. March 14th and 28th for Queen Charlotte Islands. Thursday, I-ebru-ary 8th, 2L'd, March 7th and 2ist for Massett and N'a'den Harbor. here ,vesterday for the Lebanon Mutual Telephone Company. The Incorporators are William D: Brown, Harry C. Whit man and Hayes Temple, all of Lebanon, and the capital stock is $5000. The new company will operate a telephone system in Lebanon, and it is reported it will take over the business of the Independent company now operating there. EGGS DECAYED. IS CHARGE Armour Firm Prosecuted for Ship ment Made to Seattle. CHICAGO, Feb. 8. Armour & Co. were made defendants In a suit filed here today by United States District Attorney Wilkerson, charging violation of tho pure food and drug act. It is alleged the packing firm shipped decayed eggs to Its Seattle branch house from here. Suit was filed against the Country Club Egg Company and charges ot using certain chemicals prohibited by law were entered against a number ol Chicago concerns. Telephone JLlnes Repaired. GRESHAM. Or.. Feb. 8. (Special.) Restoration of the telephone system throughout Eastern Multnomah County is practically complete. The farmers' line was so badly demoralized by the "silver thaw" that It has required 20 men four weeks to' place the circuits in commission again. The cost has been about $2000. The lines of the Mount Hood Railway Company, the Portland Railway, Light & Power Com pany, the Pacific Telephone Company and the Portland City Water Board have been all repaired. Light Pole Dynamited. VICTORIA." Feb. 3. A deliberate at tempt to wreck the British Columbia electric power system waa unearthed by the Burns detectives and police yes terday, according to a report here. Dy namite was placed in one of the poles bearing the high-tension wires, carry ing power from Lake Buntzen to Van couver, and the charge fired. Although the pole was split from top to bottom, it remained standing. There is no clew. American shoes seem to be very popular In Southern France. Show window displays In the stores are full of French-made shoes bearing such labels as "American shape" and "American style," to atfract buyers. Thorough investi gation of all oth er pavements al- j ways means in ; the end Eitnlith- ! ic, because it will stand the test. I OVERBECK & COOKE CO. Brokers, Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, . Grain, Etc. 216-217 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. MEMBERS CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE. Correspondents of Logan. A Bryan, Chicago and Stn York. MEMBERS IVeer York Stock Exchange, Chicago Mock Exchange, Boston Stock Exrhanae, Chicago Board of Trade, New York Cotton Exchange, tt Orleans Cotton Exchange, IVevr York Coffee Exchange, w York Prodnce Exchange, Liverpool Cotton Asa'n. J. C. WILSON & CO. STOCKS. BONDS. GRAIN AND COTTON MEMBERS JTEW YORK. STOCK EX CHAN OR, HEW YOKK COTTON EXCHANOK, CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE, THE oIOCK AND BOND tXCRANOK, civ FKtviisrn Main Office Mills Bids-, San Francisco. 2$raucn ui iiune uuiuvvr, owiii., fcrtland. Los Angeles, baa Diego, Cor- onatlo Beach. PORTLAND OFFICE! Main Floor JLumbermens Bank Building, 6th and Stark. Phones Marshall 4UD, A-418T. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY Constructs Asphalt and Other Bitu minous Pavements. (05-608 Electric Bldg, Portland, Or. Oskar Hnber, Manager. TRAVELERS' GtJIOTJ. NEW YORK-PORTLAND REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE. Low Rates. Schedule Time. AMERICAN -HAWAIIAN S. S. CO. 215 Railway Exchange Bids Portland, Or. Main 8378. A 3923. COOS BAY LINE 6TEAMEK BKEAKIVAIKit. Calls from Alnsworth Docks, PortlsnO. 1 f a erery Tuesday. Freignt received at AiBwTk Dock dally un to 0 r. -1. pas- seer fare, first-class, (10: second-class, H. tnclumnc mesis aiiu uano, tiwoww. Alnsworth DoeltA Puonas slain iMts au 110 a 123- COOS BAY AND EVBEKA STEAMER, ALLIANCE SAILS MONDAY, FEB. 5th, 6 P. Sf. NORTH PACIFIC S. S. CO. 132 Third St.