- 1 SUNDAY OREGOMAX, PORTLAXD, FEBRUARY -1. 1912. ; TTTI . " I ' ROOMINO-HOC8ES. THE 13 BIMM:M QlfOTtMTItt J. BYRNE. Financier. And at London and Fens. Bi". Mon. tre. Toronto. lwr. Seattle. Port. and. ., a.l.lresa Byrne. Portland. Ccl-a uari: MVutri Union. A. B- A-lj-r. McNeill. Marconi, Private Cypher. K eclrle ra.iaaye. Buullc utilities, water, timber. Industrial and mining enterpris a promoted. Approved bond and a'.ot k le sues placed with American and fcur..p. an bankars and brokers and tlie.r underwrll lne prK-urd (or corporallona. Inter views by appointment only. Corbett HI'! 1'ort.and. Oregon. I. S. A. Br c--p.rauon with a mnilwr of f:rst rlasa underwriters and European bankers I am In a position to pUct bonds on the fore.gn market without delay. I lnIte nly sound propositions wh.ca will Ini'Hiiati'in and allien I can wmm4 taall'twre to my rlients. My c.rn mlMinn on th Inlrotluclwn ot capital paaole by results only! varl. a from per rent to per cent. Inclusive, nctord ins to tha tnurgf tha jrop.; t Ion. i may add that 1 do a considerable amount of corporation work uuJer tha laws of tha different stxtes. and prepara all documents lor registration with ma assistance. rarlrrl lawyers. My charges la thia cue - ill be found very ieas"naD.. and tb work quickly dene. Snouid you desire to form a f win'tl il'to a Joint stock company under Enalisn law 1 can be of ...ma assistance, aa 1 am the author of Mwrtl b.ka on Lng.isl "Limited lia bility' eom;nlee. I haa found It neceesary to discontinue agencies and at preaent have no agents or representa'.nes of any kind In thia rountrv. aa I find that my client do not Ilk. to disclose their projects to I.IH 1 people, and. naturally, prefer to deal Willi aia direct. Certain Irresponsible people who adver tlaa "European Capital" and prufeaa t be able to Introduce It. cava been using my nama and the nama of my house, pur porting to represent me in the t nitrd Slates. 1 wish, to disclaim any connection with them or their mtthoJl of doing buetnes. To save tlma It la therefore adlable to communicate with ma DIRECT St Cor bett bl.'g.. Portland. Oregon. HKTNF.K WANTW. t have a well established n. ichlra man ufacturing bualneaa which I understand In all in feature, designing, drafting, manu facturing and Bellu a. My ah-.p equipment la Brat-. laaa. I am now building a li-im-h-jr of -peclalltlea which are o..d sellers a i proftab.e prices. JIava another for which there will ba good demand. big r. irotlta and practically no comp-m...... ck working capital. Want competent mao to take naif interest an.. chars of offW and llnancea. Thia win b-r cloaeat Investigation. AN Ttl. Orego- Biaa. only u-" NESnrn. OFT i PER CENT O.N YOUR MONET. i-roon hotel on oraon a flneat teach; naht an tbe railroad, which will carry mora than it." vlaitora to thia beach lh:i Hummer. We can abaolutely prove a a per cent profit on jour lnvetin-nt or better every yer A f.ne opportunity f .r aafe and conaerratiya Invcaiora. P Ttl. treconlan. FOR S II It O It tium: lwtd ctrar atore. centrally located: le l ai.ap. p. o. Bo :. rity. liKNKFtI- JIERrHA.tDl.SE. Town of 2:vi population, near Portland, nal!"- aaa !. rent help s p-r mo iih. delivery aervl.-e .l per mouth, at.-k conalata moatlr of dryaootla and ro ceelea -nca 13 vv" or Intol-a: V cah. balance raey. Kor detaKa call at TOl-'lv Itothchlld bl.I. Marat.all Uli. Evan Int. or Mundaya. Main tevi. A TRAVEMXO movln-plctura ahow com plete, a good money-maker. elioO worth of stock. '. A snap. - waaona. 1 equipped for bouackeeoinf and 1 carries n paraphernalia. If you want bual neaa. call at once. Muat aidl on account of my husbanda death. Mra. Jemce Nel son. T3 I nlin ave. N. I'hone B tl. XV UV KB AS CRIX'EBI, liO. Bquipped to run butcher ahop In con. nettinn. clean nuw stock, borso and waason included In above prua. rent SlO. in riuJinS fiv modern llvlnff rooms. Sea Astl I. with Jos-ph Uraham, 100I-t' Board of Trade blrtc- . II.rL"RE ahow. doing good business, clear ing per day. long leaae, will aeil for .. cash, balance monthly or would take a lot for part and aome cash: price $1'.I. Portland Bualneee Kxcbange. JuS-Tld. Roth chtld bldg Marsliail io.i. bunds? and ayenlnga Jfaia lull A, RrstNES? man of mature years and ex tensive experience, as a promoter la open to examine any lecltlmate bu1neaa propoal tlon needing organisation nd financing; beat of references. Portland and Eastern. Address giving fu' particulars. K ii. 'reg .n.an. LOuK! A SNAP! For Immediate Bale we offer a n!ra meat market, average dally business $75. commanding exceptionally htgh-clas trade. Excellent opportunity for fl.'.0 cash. O. A. .Nichols Inr. Co.. No. tHT Wil ms bldg. IXIoX-AVK UIUiCERV. Will Invoi-e ll.xi; doing .'." par day: rent only -. which Includes living imi: small place, but win niaka you a good llin: let us show you. Joseph Or. i ham. lo7-43 Board of Trade bldg. MOVINU-PICTT-RFi EPISO.N'8 COMPLETE T5. Complete traveling oitflt. Edison ma 'cMne. gaa out'it. graph.me $1-1".. stere optlcon and slides ad. Laemmle, :i-t.-. Qek at. KKSTAl KA.NT A.Nl C ON iV. 'TI O N'EKV-j llmxl lease, 1:1". rent. :l living-rooms and atorerootn. IS ell equipped, carr.es n're stock of confectioneries and cigars. I.eKI tikes tins snd Includes tloo up on lease. IS Veo:i bldg .-. H. IV. STORE for sale for cash. In fast-growing railroad . town, with large saatnllls. coal mlnea and farming: good location, reasonable rent and a paving business. Write owner, Frank H. Mayer. CenlraHa. Wash. MEAT MARKET In one of the best valley towns. liois a big business. Docs own slaughtering. Everything A-1. Electric chopper and Bluffer, iariie cooler. k g.i'. beetle. 1 tem and wnon- Kent t- lese. See thia "la Vein bldg. HOT K I, AND SL'BtilVISION PROPOSITION. acrre. Improved. near Eugone. Price right. flu.iMe cash, baisncs In Im proved Portland property. -ih Railway Fi change. tl.L established furniture and hardwara business. In best sirourb In Portland : will - Invilce snout S.'ieel: locstloti. v.hlch Is wortlv more than lat. fre-: first-class r-....n r..r sel'lnx. AM ! ' wegnl in. r.Rr.iHis corooration requires assMvnt treasurer. Must travel and give Jl.VK cash bond Ampla security and good In terest. Salary. week and transpor- tatlon. P 7-1. Oregonlan. LOi-AL. MANUFACTURING BUtflNESS If you waut to step Into an eatabllshed bual nesa and have .no. thia la worth looking into. If vou mean business, see thia al Yeon bldg. " (.11 W.L M AX I rAlT URINO BUS I N E.-vS. Old estsbllshed concern: sfapie goot'.s: Targa pronta low expenses, cs.l and sea its about It. Only g.iod live) man warted. Whee;er A Hall, ill I.um hermone Hldg. TRANSFER AND STORACE BUSINESS Eatabllabed 13 years, enjoys a large busl Qesa. baa optowa office, 10 head of horses, T wagons. tHOO worth of feed. Cash or THAI'S, 1 Teoa bldg. CIOAR 8TAND. West "Ida: rent -: trade ; clean stock aad good fixtures; Invoice about w.e'er HsII. HI I.umbermens PH. WANTED Partner In cash grocery: thia p.sre will pay yno no lees than $-'s) month. References exchanged. 3. I Lum ber Fychange FOR SALE OR TRACK. Beet of Block of merchandleo In Stats of oreron. Call or addresa room sj9. Im- perlal Hotel. V 1 I I. sacrifi.e my TS-. r.ianufact urlr.g b.i.lresa on account of slcknes. any rea e.naM offer wilt be accepted. M i ireon isn. . :.u AND CONFECTIONER! "est ,.!. s years' le..se. IH1 rent. Doing a big business. Will trade for bouse and lot. el sen bi.lg. liJAR STORE -U0. c.gjra. confer). .uery and lunch. Vh-et. loca'tLoa: rent ou.y '. 10a Board of Trsde bldg- " RESTAURANT $17". We't toiat-d: r-nt '.n; only tli down. Investigate. Astill. Board of Trade bi-lg. . '. .HSALE V. bnlneaa. no competition. ty r-avtns lo customers and paving STd wees v and wid double In Summer: lllooo e.iuired -T LliniPfr r.vrnanae T .1: 1 "OsTcy R E. West Side. own town, long I,ae. cheap rent. l-""". terms: or would take automobile aa part payment. J .. ir.-x'.niar.. .i iT MARKET In a fl residential sec. 'ion En...s a larte busmesa l.onc ease. I"- rent. 7 -i IS a NAP. Partlc- u.ars l Yeon bldg. .. . . RETURAN'T doing good business: fine o c.ti. o. - heap rent; price oaiv- .-". si. k-n.-.s cause of selling. InquV .4.' th. l INTEREST In a sawmill; this Is a ,,,. maker. See. Nunmo-Kuney Co.. 4:4 Hamilton bl'.'g. PAR RE R SHOP West "nils ts lee on-r " P-r aeek. a A' b: 1 i.virr g-ocerlee. eon f eet lonerv. etc.; store for . Call 14 la btarlx ax. BIMNI1SS OPPtKTr'ITr. I.OCATOI1S. BI SI.M1S CliAM E HiAWlAMERS. CI;ai:S. cor.fc.tionerv, fru.t. etc. comer, very central: one flxtur.a; f. tcrma. C.ROCEP.T l.-k and fixtures. torv around l".ai. rent only -. with o living-rooms and barn; horse and " clean slock. OWOCEP.Y liooej --atlon: stock about !...: Bxtures lHi. Includ.nc horso snt as..n; rent I :'.. with 4 mod-rn llvlng roviiiis. For quick sale onij ioit. l.l'M'n rnrxTEH-"fl: about t'-0 casn; good lo.atlon and doing o bul bcss. IITiT IXM'H and RESTAURANT Finely c.iUl;.l'd place: scata Ji.. a big snsp at 14.".o and soma terms. POOI.KODM crgsrs. confectionery, etc E esantlv ntted up ..lace, very central location: :; new B. l. poo! tables: fine r'nr natures and nice stock on hand, lieu cash to start, email balancs to sun. COUNTRY NEWSPAPER and job plant i: .od t..n: completely equipped: price $U'.'..al. about el'isi cali. or will exchange for real ealale: owner sick- M EAT MARKET 'f: rah sales ::0 dall . One chance for butcher. i;pN!1RIL CTORE Oood country' 'own; old establ'ished. call for full particulars. If von want to buy or sell any k,r.'J rf a luilnejs. TALK WITH Ul IT WILL PAY YOU. TUB orE'lON LOCATORS. BHITISH COLUMBIA la Canada Pac.fle rovlnra and Is larger and richer than i nt a:ats of Oregon. Wsshlngton and Idaho rcmMned Three Canadian tranacontlnen tai railways snd tumrrocl other railway lines are building through the province, openlnr op an Immenae area of virgin agricultural, mineral, coal and tl moer lands. Tills Is the last great opportunity en the North Amer'-sn conllnei.i to gi In at the start." British Columbia a cli mate ts the best In Canada. Let us send vou. free of cost, our publication. rtf",; ih Coiumt.ia Hulletln of Information, giving isiest news of development. Invest ment opportunities, oi tings for uusinssi of all Urds. et Write today. tend us a postsl card with your nama ana address Natural Resources Sscurlty Co.. Ltd. .. U Howsr bui.dmc. Vancoavar. B. C. SEVRETART WANTED. Able, v'orrpetcr.l Correspondent. E:iK-lne-r. mine owner and operator wan:s an hl... ...mpetent secretary; mar ried man preferred. App. leant niurt be able to take charge of an extensive office correspondence and ge; resu.is. must he h-nest. squsre and of good character and he in a position to Invest not lss th...i $lo.uio in owner's enterprise, live st the nnnes. hsva cbargs of pyro.ls. purchasing il c part men t. etc. Sa.ary according to ability, from J2H0O a esr up. liun't waste a busy man's tlma unless you tsn qualify. ... ;ivo st Ivasl J good references wltg. first letter. Ad lreas Jline Owner. AV PH. Oregonlsn. l O V I N U - P I CT t ' R K T H E A T E L Wanted VoVINC.-FICTl. RE THEATER '-s What havo you In At ANT t.K.jfND su.tal.le for IIOVIN'S-PJCTL RE THEATi.'lI.' -i HEATERS PiUT.Hl. "''Jlp and EX'-IiANUED. THEATERS FjUlP I'ED C.iMII.FTE on EASY TERMS. NEWMAN FILM EXCHANGE. Hiflv, Wssh. St.. near 7:h.. Portlsnd. Or. WANT few parties with JlMO to $HO0 each, with or without services, to Invest In pat ented noxelaes and specialty furniture; fsc lory. Onlv factory of Us kind on this Coast. Splendid opportunity for parties who mean business to double their money first year. Ail Investments secured. H-dln. 74 Slsrk st. JloND Issues, jinontio upwards negotiated; railroad, atreetcar. power, eiecincai. gallon, mining, construction, realty, bank ing, trust and general corporations organ lied and directed, franenlses and trust deeds drawn. Rosenhaum. Pav-ts Mlchal son. latwvers and Financial Agents, a'la Haleht bldg.. Seattle. vash. LOCAL LUMBER niSINESS Parties with capital, desl lng to engaga In manufacture and sale of lumber In vi cinity of Portland, ran arrange to secure mill s!t with good local trade In lumber, cy-nroduci and shingles; principals only. l 711. tiregor.lan. FOR tSALE lirocery store, doing l-o a dsv. lo.ated in a good residence dis trict corner building, long l.-ase cheap rent: will require ilJOO cash to handle, unless vou have above amount do not ask for partlculara Call at '.ilill Ash St., 10 to 12 A- M.. 2 to 4 P. M. PROFITABLE business for you: manufac ture wheat coko. crisp: new confection. So psikage cost you Sc: samples 10c: ma ch ne. Including formula. 7..'e9 prepaid. Welch. Slltenli-.-ld Mfg. Co.. Dept. 4. WO hth st.. sscramento. A al. FoK SALE Clean, up-to-data '"':, " shoes, clothing and men'a furnishings. Invoice about II'LOUO; located In good valley town of 3iKN. We Intend to sell. If you havs tha rash address AA Oregonlan WANTED -Man with small mill to cut about S.tsMi.tioo feet fir. about half young, balance old growth. Good local demand; r.o mill under 8 miles; other timber near. Fred Johnson. Alrlle. Or. Mutual phone il-loi WANTED-'party with $15 000 to take active Interest in sawmill, operating at good profit; would consider a silent partner; in terest ran be retained and satisfactory ar rangements for reimbursement made. L. oregonlan. AN old established business house In tha city will extend Its operations, and needs more capital, open f..r neKotiatlons with ei.ie oe allent partner. Contl- d-ntial Information furnirhed after ex change of references S "So. 0-ea;onlan. BI,M"KSMITH SHOP needed at a thriving suburb of Portland; tine opening. I have nothing to sell you. but will put you In t.u.h with a money-maker. Call 414 Scalding I. Id;. SOFT mud and brick machine. SO.DOd pallets. 7-u H P. motor: everything complete for .rlckvard. all In good order. J. H. Mc Maho'n. 12U-4 Division st- 1'hons Tabor 14.". , ' PARTNER to take half Intereat In estab lished wholesale business. Will clear e'.oO p-r month. tut rvqdired. AM 777, Ore gonlan. FKUlT-PACEIMi house and vinegar plant In F-stem Wsshlngton for fn.e, $jJ"U. would consider psrt trade. X 7tM. Orego r.taa. bAV'KL.L restaurant. hop and oyster house, l-i nne Vsllcy town: guaranteed trade from lt1 to .u s day: low rent, long lease: fi -oo. lerms. io . i eon piui. CI'lAR confectionery Btore. close In. for e.Wd'cash; rent .10. Reason for selling, liuy from owner, aavs agant'a eommteslon. G 7i. Oregonlan. GRAVEL busmesa, pit containing about two seres. 10 head horses, wsgona and har ness Mrsanon Bros.. 12o4 Division st, phone Tabor 1 4.". THE best newiy equipped restaurant on Washington st. for .aoo; worth 9I10; good r-avon for selling; long lease. Address o 7'i. Oreronian. ELECTRICAL BUSINESS. In manufacturing center, good location for retail trade. Established for years. Will 'aell cheap. L TOli. Oregonlan. DO YOU want to sell your buslneasT I can -glvs yon results; also some good tradea Se Williams. 207 Oregonlan bldg. Mars nail 22. LOCAL corporation 5 years oM. havs open Ing for party having from liOP" to $.10"0 to Invest. Active or silent. G 7i2. Orego. wlnn. PARTY with "e"0 to take half Interest In 'lumber manufacturing proposition : hsndv vour own mopev; referencis required and furnished. L 7S'.. oregonlan. 7oVn NEWSPAPER and Job plant, doing good buslnesa. ft-colutnn quarto; wife sick, must Bell. Sl't.VI cash, balance up to five years. A V !!!. Oregonlan. ' PARTNER, wno csn Invest ."". with serv ices; we can clear f.i.vi per month: ietlgl niata busUlis; references. AP 711. Ore gonlan. PARTVER: fade nnlncumbered. who can invest l.iod to $oH and services, can niuke Jl.'ai month: legiumato business; re'erenees. AP 7IM1. Oregonlan. IVANTilll A partner to help promote my n--w automobile accessory. simp's eon Btructlon and unlimited marliet makes It a inn.-r. AV !'-'. Oregonlan. li A R I '. 1 H s'l'.p. S chairs, best location In town of o'hki; doing gooil business and a long lcr.se: cash. Address R. Kay. Monte sano. Wash. Grii'i EHIES, ranned gools. tobacco, scales all othrr od.'.ments. JtV". the lot; bring jour money with you: go.. Is ars worth fl'Mi. Phone Oliver. Main .'.i.VI. sAIO'N ilieali. part ceah. balance pay ments. P. M.-Donougli. 3o So. G. St.. Aberi. een. Wasb. DO YOU war.t a mcr.ey-niaker In a lurich rvm or restaurant? If you do. see W II llaina. '.07 Oresonlan blilg. NEW picture tlieat. r. ,- mrlete. 40U chairs, rea Iv to open; price : .. terms J'DOO rt-wn Owner. AI. 7T!. Oregonlan. L'iDir cUss r-s'aurant. long lease: good rea?.m ror se.i.ns. ini"" st ; terms If desired. has. Pappa WANT partner with tVW to buy half In terest In n.eat and grocery business. AM 7h oreronian. jrOR s A I.E Fine sn'oon lca:!'-n: licenss and iks la rigbL 10 i Couch beg. BUMNrsa OI'IT.IUIMTIUS A SACRIFIOK. Here la a chanco for a man who wishes to step lulo an ol.l -estabilhe.1 business, ronsietlng of musical Instruments and um brellas It Is locaud on one of the prin cipal streets on the West Side: J ) ears' lease on building at (luD per month. It can be bousut for ::oo. This would be about cents on the dollar of tha actual Invoice. Reason for selling, party wishes to retire from business. Yhls is no trad ing stock: It Is n good, legltlmalo proio altlon .and the best bargain ever otfured on the market of Its kir.d. OTTO at HAHKSON REALTY Co.. 133 1 Kirn Street. FOR SALE or l-ade for XIM.MIO. one of the best, steam laundries In tho Northwest, do-Ina- a business cf Jlw" lr we.-k: bricK and frame building I0ill2; will give lerms; only one other laundry In a town of "".noil; mupt : e sold at once. t.REt.ON HOMR BUILDING CON STRICTION CO.. 1(I chamber of commerce bldg. MEAT MARKET. Good opening for sanitary meat market, man with experience and some money can have a good trade In a new building In a good town. Ice machine In connection will pay: irftist act promptly. Address AV CIS. Oregonlan. . FOR SALE Aii-ocery and crockery store in a live Wlllumette. Valley town, aolns a good business, cheap rents, bean In busi ness 23 years: good reasons for selling, takes t.VH'O to handle this proposition. AV . . ...7.; .. . ,AnV ST THIS. New ocean tliy. no laundry, splendid opening for small modern steam plant, controls all hotel work: a'jo lots of clean ing and pressing. Particulars, Art .si. I'lTSflniun, LADY PAKI.Nr.lv a. vie. v. A young man of good character "' a suitable young lady partner In a Ilrst claxs mercantile business. About I"' require.l. References exchanged. Ad dices Hot AM 77H. oregonlan. FACTORY making staple Broods. v''ythlng ready; good supplies on band, establisned trad- with .jobbers and denlers; forced to s.ll on account of other Interests; lu0 required: will consider part rash from re sponslble parties. U 71. Oregonlan. GENERAL merchandise Hi.W stock In thriving Eastern Oregon town; 4..""t cash buslne,, yearly: Lie store, low rents, short credits, railroad this ear: at Invoice pUc.a to first caller. Ask R. H. Jonas. John Day. Cregon. UiXOI OWNER "'ANTED. There Is a splendid opening for a speedy, high-clars launch la' be u..-d In rent serv ice at best resort in Northwest: also ex cellent opportunity for sail, rowboat livery In connection. Address A K 782. Oregonlan. SALE or exchange, one-fifth Interest In jliKN-j fully ' paid up corporation wltn good contracts on hand. Competent of fice man or field man can get good sal aried position. AO 7.1.". Orettnnlan. WANTED One live man In every cot munllv to siart-a pleasant, profitable busi ness of their o n. He your own boss t will show vou how. Particulars :1c stamp. C. W. Uric. 4tll5 bo. KaLTacoma, Wash. 8urtURBANc-n:g store for sals "at Invoice, about ss.kki. for cash only: dally sales about 0. rent S3S. best location In fsst growlra part of lown. Owner has other ti.ter.st;. D 77a Oregonlsn. OLD established, solid business, paya 40 per cert on f.'.Potl lnvestmsnt; closest tn ve.tlratlon Invited: owner has other busi ness that takes bis time. Address K 704, Oregon. an. l it y- retail store of a wholesale trunk man ufacturer for sale: good lease at right rent; good-established trade and well ad vertlred; good reasons for selling. AO . . . .... - n . L'tiv CTnRh ' f AMlbl v. . . . ' - " -" Lot and building and good, clean gtoca at Invoice; living-rooms; dally cash sales ISJ price S00: $li0 rash will hardla Room 7l Chamber of Commerce bldg. nanocn 1 ' ' ' Basement In heart of shopping district; reasonable rent and large space. FLAHERTY CONNOLLY. lis yeon rung. DRUGtJISTS. ATTENTION! Fins corner atore -In fast-growing dis trict, close in. on Rose City carline. gro cery and market In aame building: low rent. long lease. i"Q raooj "... I WANT part space and roam for window display for a neat Jewelry and optical business. I have an. established trade and large acquaintance. What have you. J 8.14. Oregonlan. s . IF you need capital, have stock or bonds f.rr sale or wish to Increase net business profits, address Business Development Company of America. 111 Nassau mu. New York. CLEANING AND PRESSINO Partner wanted; owner will t-ach you the work and auarantee you can make better than wagea: l..o required. Call 2it blarlC st. FOR SALE CHEAP Established grocery store and pool hall, flue location, bua.ness nood. owner leaving 'U.v. Alnen's Pool Hall. 217 17th St., near Depot. Oregon City. BUSINESS CHANCES. Ranches, fruit and timber lands to ex change for good bualnesi or property In or near city. Address AV 829. Oregonlan. CIGAR and confectionery store, centrally located: must be sold at once. Inquire at Hochfeld Bros.' cigar v-o. ill Morrison ft. SOLID business for steady man able to In vest a very little money with services; psv $100 month now; can bo Increased to 2i'0. Call 24!U Stark at. FOR SALE Moving-picture theater; c ing from 40 to $M per wk.; will cheap: must leave city. No oppoal clear II aell opposition. . - . .- a iin iireeonian. vo aseoie. ' - " OROCERT Btore. East Side, good location, on Sandy boulevard; buatnesa good cheap rent: price reasonable. Inquire k3 Lum bermens bldg. GOOD Income property on Northrup St., 11 . . mA .tore: JS.100: 'terms. Watson Therkelsen. S0 Spalding bldg. Phone Main 759 2; -eT-. vTrnPannr" In well-established Portland wholesale house; present owner wishes to ret. re irom ousoieee, ef... . nulred 2 . C 0. A e2d. Oregonian. v V-.-.TH rtt little store for 2j0: sell cigars. cand. light groceries, bakery goods, etc. Has "good living room and very cheap rent, partlculara iti - IN-the heart ..t the city, on best street, cigar, fruit and news stand ; rent only ; will sell rishL tea owner. 414 Vj Wash ington at. . B ATHHOI'SB Ladles' and gents' separata "department: ahower. tub. steam and awlm m.ng tanks; also 27 rooma furnished In connect!.. n. 3:1 Russel bids OrPORTl'NITY to secure Interest In solid real estate business; established S years; snoos b.g profits; references exchanged. Partlculara 248 Starkjt- GENTLEMAN with 3'io6 to set ss treasurer ft paying established business; must glva Tefercnces, furnish bonds; good salary and profits. N 777. Oregonlan CEMENT CONTRACTING Partner wanted; dutlea easily learned; profits are good; money required will ba aocurrd. Call 21SS Stark St. FOR SALE Barber outfit. A-1 12iO. 4 rhalr outfit for 30. Addreaa E- J. Odeli. Central Point. Or. " " S N A P. 1100 will buy model cafe. 181 '. 3d at.. If taken today. . Owner. PARTNER wanted In aid established busi ness, manufacturing line, with from fOOvO to elO.OOO. Apply D 777. Oregonlan. MOVTNO-PICTURE theater for sale, close in downtown district. Inquire H. C. Ste vens. Tth St. MEAT market for sals In a live Washington town a 6000. P. O. Box 81. Centtalla. Wasn. allNINO AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. Ts.apnone ai vi ".'' said. rieichsr Inv. Co.. Ablngti as uv bakerv for sale. In good town; will give lime on part of purchaae. S 7S3. Ore gonlan. . , AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS Owner wants re liable partner to tend office, etc.; 50 required; secured. Call 24 Stark at. WANTE1" A partner to take naif Interest lit good raying nusm ness. Ses owner, 4'& Morrison : no agents. V. - ANTED Good shoemaker to rant shop with tools; rent 1S. 61 14th. cor. 8a vler. m " PARTNER in Goodyear repair shoe shop, 'sober industrious sh.iemaker. Fine oppor tnnitv. owner. AD 71. On-gonlan. RESTAURANT West Side, seat 25 people, 2"il rash, terms on JlMjn. IlIGT.EY 1USHOP. 132 THIRD ST. CASH GROCERY Clean new stock; very choice location; growing trade: for sals at actual Invoice, call 24 Vt Stark st. TRADE "paper wants party to Invest and take active Intereat: good field. AJ 772, Oregonlan. 1 ELECTRICAL BUSINESS Have rare chance for steadv man: guarantee you over $2u month clear. Particulars 34SS Slark St. $" to Invest In lecltlmate business, city or country. V I-22. Oresonlsn. rwo-CHAIR barber shop for sale. Address p. U Mercer. Beaverton. x p Swell barber shop, fine location. low rent, long lease. I2.1.". Yeon bldg. ion BUSINESS CARDS." $100; bring this ad. Rose CliyPrlntery.ll3Ai Si. cor. Taylor. "7srcASHlER stock. $200 buys 14 shares. "-f 7 Oresonlan. " sn.1 BUSINESS CARDS $1.00. HI jti-hatian Blrlg.. '.'-ft'. Wash. C1CAR sisrd for sale, reasonable. 7 4th at., i'nli Chamber ot Commerce. arsiNriss orTtiSTr.viiiM. i x .-. r. " l lll.NIN.; AND INDUSTRIAL. STOCKS AND H P. WILL SELL SO t". S. Caahler l; '- loo Cooa Bay Tract, bonds o..' ..b!l Portland Cement bonds old 1 tl U. S. Cashier tpooledl .old luiio Government Stand, powders... .Ills I WANT: Almeda Consolidated. United States Cashier. Marconi Wireless. Portlund Concrete Pile. Omaha and Tacoma Telephone eonas. O. H. M CLELLAND. '.'OS Railway Exchange. Correspondence Invited i0O WILL buy you f'2.100 worth of atock in a new manufacturing company, to ba organised soon for the purpose of manu f. .v,e n.-at essential ap- pllamcs for schoo's and colleges. Thl" proposition Is absolutely legitimate ana ml. I satisfy the most skeptical when a thorough Investigation Is made. only those who mean business need call at our office for thorough explanation. Abova offer la limited to Jliloo. as nil further subscriptions of stock will be at par va.ua Call at 414 Lumbermens bldg. FOR SALE The largest packing and pro vision company in the fctaie oi o... wholesale and retail, and modern slaughter-houses and yards and rastures, etc.: will sell half Interest or whole: capital stock. J.vj.ouii; assets over :o,oiii: last years business over 3100.000. will btHs terms. OREGON HOME BUILDING CON-fclTI.-l'CTTON' CO.. 010 Chamber of Commerce bldg. GROCERY, confectionery and cigar store; . . . . ... - ii.-in oe tome In rear: newly equipped ftxturea and furniture new and finest class; fine soda fountain, attached: price floiiO; or will sell half Interest; owner has other business takes his time; como and see for yourself; rare PP"r" tunitv. 6(12 Thurman St.. between otn and 21at ate. Take 16th-at. car. get off 20th. LEA SB and furnishings of one finest hotels in Northern Idaho; now and strictly mod ern, steam heat, electric lights, hot and cold water in each room: private baths: exceptionally good, long-time lease; doing lucrative business; highest class trade: re luctantly, obliged to sll account health; personal Inspection ot proposition best of proof. AV kill, oregonian FOR SALE By the administrator, a fine brick plant In a town of WOO. all modern machinery, capacity 40.000 per day: mar ket for l.Ouo.Ouo per year on an average pries of $K per thousand cost; finest local and outside markets In the state; terms If OREGON HOME BUILDING CON STRUCTION CO.. 91 Chamber of Commerce bldg. A 1-if t'-l uir. i . v . ... . A largo mining company wants mora capital to build smelter. Property in li.ack Hills, S. D.. is developed. Is rich, will ray many thousand per cent divi dends: enough ore on dumps to run months Investigating party go""" about Xd ila-B. Join us. You deal di rectly with company. X 74. oregoniau. FOil SALE! California mountain pleasure . lo venra' modem resori; mibuiiiupu ... j equipment; cottage plan: six cottages; ju tent houses: attractive bunitalow for main building: orchard, vineyard, gardens etc. Price 415.0HO, terms; pays over io per cent on nine months' business. Address Cooper Advertising Co.. 20 Momgoaie.y Btreei. can run, ic... v ..- MONEY-MAKING CORPORATION IN CREASING THEIR CAPITAU THUS EN ABLING THEM TO DO JjARG-K HLI; NES3. HAS A FEW SHARES Or STO. K FOR SALE AT PAR, 100 PE R SHARE: HOOK VALUE NOW 115". W ILL ,fTAN.P THE MOST RIGID INVESTIGATION: PRINCIPALS ONLY. ADDRESS X 02, OREGONIAN. I HAVE 3 years' leasa on corner 0xl0O on Kuasoll Bt and Vancouver ave. and owtj buildings on same, used for pianlng roll . will sell, trade or rent This Is a business center on Last hide and would be excellent place, for wood, coal and feed business, lumber yard or any kind ot pusmess. vom YOU can make money by Investing to ?o0 a month by Investing in first mortgage certificates, secured by double their value In Improved real estate; safe ss a Govern ment bond: pays per cent from data of every pavment: Investment Increases in value every year. Abbott & Co.. Wilcox bldg. . ADDITION A.L capital procured for corpora t'ons; stocks, bonds solo, commission ba sis; mining, railroad. Industrial proposi tions of merit considered; prompt action all Issues- corporations organized financed. Fln'.ey-Cook Co., Rockefeller blil.. Cleve land, onio. OD, all-round printer can get half iuter st In f-'HnO newspaper and Joo plant in Vllllamette Valley town of 2.KH) popula tion for J4..0 c.isn. balance easy. '" der pr-ss. 2 Jobbers. lots of new type, or v. Ill sell all for 14.10 cash, balance up to fivo years, av v-i. urfi.nu.... nv ACCOUNT OF THE RAPID GROWTH OP PORTLAND. WE ARE COMPELLED TO EN AKC.E OUR BUSINESS; WOULD LIKE TO GET INTO T COM MUNICATION WITH SOME OBNTl.HAXITHigl TO $111000. INVESTMENT SEl. HED. ' I..... eiz.. ou.-il.iVIl FflK SALE Tho finest prill in a town of gu.ooo; price 47..0; half of ths oost of same: doing fine business; party muat sell, will r i ve good t p rms. OKEGON HOME BUILDING COS- Pi till UV.i 910 Chamber of Commerce bldg. - WANTED. Partner to take half Interest In a light manufacturing plant; a man who can take chargj of an office and manage men. salary S125 per month. Kinney i Stam pher. 531-2 Lumber Exchange bldg. BEST LIVERY. SALE. FEED and bik stables in the liveliest town In AA" H s h ' 24 hors?s. 1!) rigs, two stages, etc.. lots, barn I0ox1i!. clears 250 per mo.; J2000 handles this. bal. to suit .See L. H. C :,02 Lumber Ex.. Portland, Or. Tjuvcir-x iv.nnrfir.isT. Opening for young, capable physician to open only drug store In ocean all-year re sort. Carries company's business on guar anty. AK 7S0. Oregonlan. lion PA KT cash, buys half interest In fii'st-ciass letsltiinate commercial business will clear at a very low estimate $1;0 each per month; suitable for man and wife. V 77!. Oregonlan. NEW Invention Automatic coin machine, four big features; want partner with capital to take part Interest; can be made cheap: write for full particulars. Leo E. Bier, corvaiiis. vr. WE have many Inquiries from the East for business opportunities In all lines: register vour business with us: It may he Just what our Eastern clients are looking for. Abt.ott ft Co., Wilcox bidg. FOR SALE A snap, restaurant and light groceries. In tne rapidly-growing Haw thorne district; clean new stock, fixtures and building; rent reasonable: living rooms in connectlonlo6rt Hawthorne ave. BUSINESS WANTED. Cash and good property for good busi ness of any kind. " Address AV 833. Ore gonlan. yjt-TTER eggs etc.: solid business clearing ow-ner $200 montha!! cash trade and good lease. Call 24SA Stark at. MOTEL, weli established and weil located: hllf interest for Bale for cash only. So3 Fenton bldg. " saloon Out of town, in good valley town, doFng a big business; will consider T IlA DE. Call 1S Yeon bldg. FOR sale by owner, manufacturing Jewelry and lapidary shop, doing a good business; will teach the buyer, a 780. Oregonlan. CIGAR STAND West Side. 4 ysara" lease rent $125. A-1 proposition, call tola 1 eon Diug. DOCTOR good location for one who will buy ray lota and buildings. Dr. Everest, Cornelius. Or. UOTOR1WAT. only used two months, auto control. 1H ft. 0 H. P.. 10 miles, L .J7. Oregonlan. WANTED Grocery stock: must be well lo cated? ViTh stock of $UO0 to $2000; owner only. D 7S6. Oregonlan. BAKERY 1-year leaae. rent $33: 'n . .. c : 1 1 . rlav. ivo iif;i.. j - lu - , - (I loo. 01 H Yeon bldg. SH INGLE MILL Want partner able to In vest $600; profits big; experience not necea- sary. call !: FOR SALE Post-card gallery with fxl4 outfit good business. $350 cash. Calvert s"u"'..: 41o Main arron City. Or. " CIGAR STORE WANTED. If you have cigar store doing good business tell me. D 787. Oregonlan $225 BUYS a cigar atand doing IS to $10 a day business. Rent $lo a mo. You 11 have to hurry to beat this. 018 Aeon bldg. iilooOpportunlty to secure solid business thst will pay you $250 month after all expenses are paid: Call 24s Asfctark st. $3000 WILL purchase, furniture and lease " . . t v. .,..! tii.-lnrifn horses. eslaDUsncu oewcii -:-- cows, chickens, boats, etc. AAoodiawn BARBER shop. 8 chairs: best location In cltv; doing good business, and m long lease; cash. R 7.5, Oregonlan; . COLLECTIONS. Attorney will handle on monthly or per cent nasi?, j oi. wi -s.. WANTED Partner with $100O for pool nail, heart of city; 10 years' lease. AG ., Oregonlan . FOR SALE Restaurant and poolroom, bar gain. ;4 .x.rm li" .i.".. LUNCH COUNTER for $300; located on busy strict. all 24SAs Stark st. DENTIST needed. prospects excellent. Uockes Broa. lids.. Amny. Oregon. c . j- irlTH VI FTrHER. All California oil stocks Bargain , l.noo Alaska Pet. a coal S.750 Aimeda Con. trans 5 Am. Life Acc Bargain 2t Am. Telegraphone Loo 40 Armstrong Mfs , .Bid fe"0 Automatic Call Very cheap 1 Bonvllle ..Cheap 2.-.0 Call Switch Bargain Id Coin Machine (Potter) ...Special BOO Comstock Golden Gate -OS l.fHI Coos Bav Traction bonds. .Sacrlrtce 10 Favarv tire Bargain l.noo Fidelity c'opper Very cheap 100 Gibson Mfg , 500 Govt. Stand. Powder Special 10 Laurelhurst Snap 8.O00- Meader-Cochrane Press Bid 2..'"() .Metallne Con Must sell 2.-,.) Necarney City Hyrocarbon. . .Snap 10 Orchard Land A Timber Bid 12..100 Oregon Gold Hill ....Bid 210 H. O. Peck Auto Wheel.Blg bargain 2 Pert. Con. Pile A"' . S.ooo R-alty Associates Bargain 350 Slmonson Fix-It .Bargain 75 lT. S. Cashier Special loo United Wireless pfd So cheap 5.000 wAt Coast Inv. bonds Cheap All oth.T stocks and bonds; see me be fore buying; may be able to do better. I WANT: Almeda Consol. Pac. States Fire Automuttc Call Portland Concrete Am. Lifeograph Realty Asso. Coos Bay Traction Rose City H. O. Peck Wheel V. 3. Cashier Marconi Wireless Universal W rench Omaha Tel. bonds Washougal G. 4 C. 225 Abington Blue. GOOD BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Restaurant clearing over 300 per montb. 7.10 cash puts you in possession. A week's trial allowed. Price Slouo. Delivery and building material busi ness, ground, buildings and stock. Prlca :tooO. good terms, or might take city lots or acreage. Good trad. Harness and saddlery in county seat, does a very profitable business. Owner Is too old and wishes to retire. Very easy terms. Country stores which will stand the closest Investigation for sale. Also other ' good opportunities In all kinds of legiti mate tnterprises. F. FUCHS. 4'J0 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Good paying business, retail and wholesale, good location, cneap reui. uu.i ness well established, stock and fixtures about 10.0o0; can reduce stock to 15000 or 00o; have other business that re quires my attention; will consider real estate at cash value: give full descrip tion and partlculara of what you have to offer In first letter; will sell on pasmcnts to responsible party. If you ars looking for a good paving business, better in vestigate. O 778. Oregonlati; FOR SALE Gciod 'clean stock of general merchandise in Western Washington: this Is a live wire proposition for anyone wanting an established business that is a money-maker from the word go; will bear rigid Investigation; stock will in voice about H2.0GU. Also have a new and up-to-date store room In concrete block In a live Western Washington town for rent, suitable for and hardware stock needed. Address AV S2a, Oregonlan. A SNAP. For sale or lease, in Lake County, on the East West Railroad, now building from Vale to Crescent. Fremont Cash Store and Postofflce. general merchandise, S3000; also hotel and feed barn and up to 400 acres of fine wheat land; A now In grain and ail fenced; owner Is sick and com pelled to sell. "Address J. B. Fox. Fre mont. Or. PARTNER wanted who understands running and repairing- automobiles: must have $1000 cash; will give interest in good 1K11 27H car: also garage and pay J50 per month salary aside from half the receipts; business will clear I&00 per month; must lie sober and good hustler; don't repiv unless you mean business and have the inoney. V775, Oregonlan. A NEW financial corporation now in process ot organization will consider Investments from $loO and up, payable In Installments, the investment to be secured by real es tuto. It will pay fjjgrn 20 per cent and up. with constantly. .Increasing earnings. Bank references. Correspondent nlvited. V 777, Oregonlan. FOUND! A BUSINESS. Board and rooming-house running at Astoria. 3 blocks depot, 1 block mill; lot, house, furniture. 4.10(l: 1000 or Portland property will handle. Owner, P 783. Ore gonlan. EXCLUSIVE MILLINERY. This is one of the swellest little places In Portland: nice fixtures and a fair stock: last 15 months' .business amounted to J4000; rent only $22 a month. We have a pries on this that will surprise you. Call at 618 Yeon bidg. ESTABLISHED COMMISSION business for sale: Incorporated company, with mem bership In Produce Merchants Association. Central Front-st. location, good lease; fine opportunity, but requires quick action. For pa r t Iculars call at 8. 7 Wilcox bldg. I OWN a lot In the business center of Ray mond. Wash. We are in the filled in district: Just the place for bottling or soda works or apartment-house; will sell for $2600 with terms or will build to suit tenant. T. N. Prlngle, Raymond, AV asn. FOR SALE Confectionery In the Palouse division point, pay roll $20,000 per month; strictly cash business; 1311 receipts $8500; 8-foot fountain, candy kitchen, power freezer; will Invoice about $1500. Irwin Bros., Tekoa, W ash. GENERAL merchandise store, good town, near Portland: owing to Illness and ad vanced aire to be disposed of: will ex rtuniA for Portland oroDortv to the value of $10,000 or over, Goldschm!dt's Agency, 4111 Chamber of Commerce. " POOL ROOMS. On East Side; making $150 per mo.: $ldT.0. terms: another In good outside town; low renL long lease and a money maker: $2000, terms. Wheeler & Hall, all Lumbermens Bldg. INVESTIGATE. Corner grocery and school store, con fectionery, cigars and tobacco; fine opening for lunchroom; candy-making outfit, liv ing room. Call 175 East 35th st. GROCERY AND MARKET. Corner: trade J-IO to $10 a day: will In voice about S30iXl; will make terma and take some trade. W heeler & Hall. .111 Lumbermens Bldg. EXTRA good opening. DO rooms, new build ing, corner Grand and Belmont, for rent. See Gevurtz & Sons or on premises from 2 to 3 P. M. weekdays. WANTED in old. established collecting agency, a man to do collecting as part- ner; will pay you $200 month. 323 Luru ber Exchange. AUTO REPAIR AND MACHINE SHOP Doing a large business. This is worth look'ng Into. $100 worth of work ahead. $1oo handles this. HI Yeon bldg. gsr.u CLEARS $300 monthly: good restau rant, low rent, long lease, established busi ness. Rabb & Patton. 322 Lumbermens bids., Bin and Stark. MILK route, well established, clearing above all expenses $136 per month; $350 cash, including equipment; horse and wagon: 1 man can da work. AN 796. Oregonian. A COMPLETELY furnished dlnins-room. very cheap, seats about 4' people. In , quire Commercial Hotel. Newberg, Or., or phone Black IPS. WANT to go in business with good trial lawyer who has library and some money and not over-burdened with business. N 783, Oregonian. SMALL cash store business wants partuer to drive delivery wagon; will pay you $"5 week now and $50 during Summer; $200 required. 823 Lumber Exchange. pIctCRE THEATER Everything A-1: do ing a good buslneBB: location can't be beat. To see thia Is to buy. 81S Yeon bldg. I HAVE a solid business that will pay you $4o0 month as psrtner; this business will stand the most rigid investigation that anv buyer can ask. 321) Lumber Exchange. Vn Ideally located cigar, confectionery and ice cream business with building en be bought for $2500 cash. 819 Henry bldg. WANTED Lady or gentleman as secre tary for corporation: must have cash; se curity for our money. 1112 Hawthorne ave. LIST WITH ME CAN SELL YOUR BUSI NESS REGARDLESS OF LOCATION. IT S MICHAEL. 202 CHAMBER OF COM MERCE. PHO.NK MAIN IBli. i . i r. r r. i ..-.- .... " " 1 ,", . 2 furnished living rooms: rent $22.30; trade $12 to $15: fine location: $7.10. Wheeler at Hall. 511 Lumbermens Bldg. FOR SALE Good country newspaper In i-owliiK town; 70 miles from Portland: $i"O0- fine opportunity for printer-editor. Address H 7U2Ojegonlan. DELICATESSEN AND" LUNCH 5-year leaae, $50 rent. Located on West Side In best apartment-house district. 618 Yeon - .-nou . x-r etc. A nc mag. ,-rv ec".d A k'tTrHSlV icier, n. t- . - - - - e,, Doing $5 a day; cleaning up over $150 a mo ' lldOO. part terms or part trade. Wheeler & Hall. 511 Lumbermens Bldg. GROCERY STORE Rent $40; gets $10 back 3 living-rooms, candy kitchen, l-'o to $30 a dav cash: no delivery. A big SNAP at $I00 Call HI" Yeon bldg. WANTED Man with $100 and traveling experience, one-fourth interest In good. r,avlngbuslness. Call 13Aj. 2ith St. WANTED Planing mill man to take charge- must have cash, security for your money. 1112 Hawthorne ave. MOTION PICTURE BUSINESS Partner wanted: small capital required. 723 Cham ber of Commerce. Mr. Pepp. CONFECTIONERY AND WAITING-ROOM Vi e have 2 dandy buys. Look these over. 613 Yeon bldaV .-..-..-c, r . . . . r. , ... - - - . . en.-f,..p.-t. ...ii,l? i. - e. l . 50 PER CENT PROFIT. ABSOL.L lbl.1 OArc. I own three full-sized lots in restrict ed district, many nice houses In aame neighborhood. These lots are excellent value at 25O0. 1 want party with same amount to Join me In building three up-to-date houses thereon. I will guarantee to borrow 11000 on each house If we want It. There is Just S250O protlt In deal In four months. I have just sold three houses In same neighborhood and I Know. A. N. SEARLE. E. Tflth and Gllsan Sis. (M.V car.) PUBLICE service safety appliance corpora tion offers for subscription a limited amount -of treasury stock, .secured by val uable patent rights and large Portland contract now In hand and others pending. Additional capital necessary to extend business Into other cities. Positively tho verv best opportunity for large or small Investors, with" returns equalling 2000 per cent on their Investment. Write at once for particulars, as stock now over half subscribed. H 7S4, Oresonlan. BCSrVESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. WANT to lease, between now and Septem ber 1. a close-in. modern apartment house, by a responsible party. In answer state terms and location or no attention paid. Y 23. Oregonian. WANTED To buy hardware, furniture or general merchandise business, or any com bination; must be first-class: we have the monev. what have you? Principals only? AV B2S. Oregonlan. WANT to buy moving-picture theater In "Western Oregon or Washington. Full particulars and details In tirat letter, or no attention paid. F 773. Oregonian. WANTED Good transient house clearing above all expenses $200 to $joo per montn. No agents, deal with owner only. A S24, Oregonian. ROOMING HOUSES. A 1275. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO.. Main 4773. 5C8-01O Wilcox Bldg. S. E. Cor. Sixth and Washington Sts. EUROPEAN HOTEL. . 71) rooms: one of the best of the NEW MODERN BRICK buildings, FURNISHED with the EEST of EVERYTHING; PRI VATE BATHS, located right In the heart of the city, where the BUSINESS is DONE; long lease, very CHEAP rent: clears $.100 over ALL EXPENSES. $.1000 cash required; would take some real es tate as part; serious illness In family compels a change. ONE OF THE NEW. MODERN HOUSES. 45 ROOMS, furnished to perfection: NOTHING WANTING ; In the center of the West Side. ONLY" $1500 CASH required; might take some property; you will want this If you see It. " BEST 5-YEAR LEASE. ' AND THE BUSINESS IS THERE. 110 rooms, brick building, modern, well built; furnishings A-1 and all good as new; first-class, established business and In one of the most desirable locations: lease 5 years: rent less than $4.50 a room. This has paid net OVER ALL EXPENSES $.100 the past year; It can be bought at the rlgnt price ana terma ask us. A SNAP 37 ROOMS. Brick building, one floor: rent less than $3 a room, with lease; here is a chance to fix it up and sell for more; price only $1200, cash $D00, or will take a place of 10 to 12 rooms as parL A BARGAIN CENTRAL. 32 rooms, all on one floor; only few blocks from th a office: we 1 furnished: all in fine condition: rent a SNAP: only $3 a room: clears $200 a month over ALL EXPENSES; price $3000; time on part. RIGHT IN THE HUB is this 20-ROOM place: steam heat. RUN NING HOT AND COLD water in every room, 'furnished with massive BRASS BEDS and EVERYTHING to correspond; good lease for a years; rent very reason Hbie: ONLY $1500 required; you can pay lor this nouse out or tne pronts tnis bum mer, for the location is such that you can nil It every night with tourists. 12 ROOMS. $10.10. 6 HOUSEKEEPING suites; this is the easiest house to care for In the city: : nice bathrooms, carpets Axm. and Brus sels. furniture oak; near the Ladd School you can keep the best rooms and clear $5U ovc-r all expenses. WHAT $300 WILL DO. 10 rooms. 2 blocks of Carlton Hotel: well furnished: make you a good homo and pay ail expenses and the balance of $200 in easy payments. KENT ONLY $30 COME UciT IT HU.AUA1, S ROOMS NEAT PLACE. Near Tth and JefTerson sts.; new and clean; takes in 5I4 besides two good rooms: clean as a pin; nice, clase-in homo with income; $400 cash, balance of $400 monthly. A 1275. O. C. R. ELLIS CO. M. 4775. 000-r.lO Wilcox Bids. S. E. corner Sixth and Washington sts. RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO., 170 5th St. Main 7141 H5 rooms, brick bldfr., rent $100. 4 years' lease, located very close In, AA'est Side. Clearing $2o0 to $500 month. Price $3oU0, terms. 70 rooms, rent $300. 3 years lease, good West Side local ion, nicely furnished. This is a gift at Xli.oo. 40 rooms, rent $2.10. 3 years' lease, lo cated near lOrh and Washington, steam heat. Clears $200 month. Price $4000. Will take acreage for part, balance $50 month. NO MONEY REQUIRED. 27 rooms, brick, rent $125. 2-year lease. Clears $100 month. Will take lots or acreage In excttanire. lJrice felbuu. NO MONEY REQUIRED. 16 rooms, rent $75, 3-year lease, fur nace heat, well furnished, good West Side location. Clears X'M month. Price $1000. Will trade for city lots or mortgage. 15 rooms, rent M5, 2-year lease, located near 10th and jerterson. we'i furnished. Clears $j5 month. Only $130 cash re quired. 10 rooms, rent $35. located near 32th and Alder, nicely furnished. Clears $.10 month. Price $o7o. 10 rooms, f'.io. Will take equity in lot. 13 rooms, fv.0. AVant lot In trade. 15 rooms. $S.10. Want lot on trade. RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO., 170 5th St. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO. HOTEL BROKERS, on YEARS IN THIS BUSINESS. 018 Yeon Bldg. Oth and Alder. If you are looking for tho BEST in a HOTEL or APARTMENT-HOUSE and one that is PAYING PROPOSITION, ask to see our list, as we handle nothing but these kinds. Here are a lew " tit.Au LINERS": 75-ROOM APARTMENT. 0-year lesse at $400, which lnciua.es neat h-iio. water, rtoamnteed clearing over $200 a month. 11 you have $1,100 in cash and a nice home here, we can iubiw a iiaue. 130-KOOM APARTMENTS Never been listed before. Fine west Mae location, v.-.rv anartment is now occupied and ul- wava has' a big waiting list. Clearing NOW over $300 month. If you have about $3000 In cash, ask to see this, as It's a "Uiass A House. too h,.HI. !ta-room house, located near the Heilig Theater. Balance payable out of profits. ..aa f ' 1 1 T I V. . . . - .he f.i.nih.ra nf a room house, located near Portland Hotel. Balance payable to a moniu. 20 ROOMS. West Side locution. low rent and good lease. If you hare a good piece of property or acreage, we can put you in nere wiliiuui oj SEE US FOR BARGAINS. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO.. aiS Yeon Bldg. ,1th and Alder. FT. its' CONVENTION AND 10 OTHERS. HOTEL 72 rooms, brick, hlch-class. pro fitable, downton. cash, or trade lor cordwood timber reasonably close to Portland. Will assume any oinouni. Rent $.100. $7 per room. H-.vear lease, .. have Inn iter. $17,000. APARTMENT-HOUSE 20 apts.. 4Ai-jear lease. Nob Hill liisirici. iruoe or iwi. Rent $1100. Investigation will prove nmllt ipiPTMEXT-HOI'SS 2S apts, 4-year 'lense. near Washington St., Income $1100, rent $iloO. Security, cash or trade to the extent of $nooo. APARTMENT-HOUSE BEST BUT EVER OFFERED. NEVER BEFORE ON MARKET. 21 apts.. new brick, $400 monthly clear prorlt. $2,100 will handle. R E. BORDEN. Main 3405. W. C. HARDING LAND CO.. SO 4TH ST.. BOAP.P OF TRADE BLDG. 6.1-ROOM West Side apartment-house. Rent s $V0 7A vears' lease. Modern In every Tresuect. Clears better than $300 monthly. Price $7D0U casn. or eoi-oo on uuic. .in Railway Exchange. WILL trade fi lots, house, barn and other buildings, with $S000 cash, for good room - Ing-house or apt. bldg. Pacific Coast Brokerage Co., 51S-1D Board of Trade. A MM, Marshall 4201). 21-ROOM modern dwelling, elegantly fur nished, new and clean; best location: blir Income and always full: long lease; terms: cheap. By owner. 0.1.1 Flanders. 18 ROOMS, clears over $100 a month, lor sale by owner. Alain; 5U04. R. H. GOODKIND CO.. INC. 1005-6 AVIlcox Bius., Cor. (th and Washington Sts. 72-ROOM HOTEL TO TRADE. . . Strictly modern, steam heat, electric elevator, hot and cold water and tele phone In every room: brick cor. bldg.. on lith St.. clearing $600 a month; Pef $12,000; owner's equity Is $S300 balance payable $150 month, 7 per cent Int.; will trade equity for home or farm close to Portland; would assume a little; tnis house furnished 1 year: 4-year lease; here Is an elegant opportunity to get into a. good paying business without any cash. Exclusively handled with R. H. GOODKIND CO.. INC. 50-ROOM APARTME INT-HOUSE. ' Cor. brick, 2 and 3-room apartments: rent $250; 24-year lease: price $3SOO: take lots or home clear of incumbrance valued $3100. balance $700 payable $.5 month; the best houses are always listed W"h R H. GOODKIND CO.. INC. SWELL TRANSIENT HOUSE. First time on the market; S3 rooms, strictiy modern cor. brick bldg., near Portland Hotel; steam heat, hot and cold water In every room; private and publlo bath's, nne transient location; guarantee clearing $250 a month: finest of carpets and furniture: rent right; good long lease; If you have $2,100 cash and two market value lots worth $1500, clear of incumbrance, the balance can be paid In easv monthly payments. SPECIAL NOTICE The owner of this house will allow you to run It for 30 days and If not as represented will pay you $1.10 for your time. Can you beat that. Handled exclusively with. R H. GOODKIND CO.. INC. 24 ROOMS. STEAM HEAT. Easy for a woman to run. as yon have no heat to furnish: it Is furnished free, also the water, and the rent is only S150. with a long lease, and the price Is right, requires $1200 cash. bal. easy monthly payments: the furniture and carpets are of the very best and as clean a house as vou would want to step Into: would trade for a larger house. When looking for good barganis-always see R. H. GOODKIND CO., INC. 27 ROOMS FOR TRADE. Located near Baker Theater: well fur nished and clean, clearing $160 a month; will take a home or lots In Portland valued $2604). or would go higher and as sume difference. See R. H. GOODKIND CO.. INC. 3 FINE SMALL' HOUSES. One 12-room. one 14-room and one lrl rnom house, all located, around 20th and Washington, all three of these places are new and elegantly furnished and doing a nice business; can bo bought right and on terms; If you are tired of looking at old. run-down places, see these and you will look no further. Listed exclusively wltn R. H. GOODKIND CO.. INC. MODERN APARTMENT-HOUSES We have 4 strictly modern places which we can trade for property; some require a little cash, others no cash; we would ad vise you to tell us what kind of property you have for trade. We will take It up with our people and give you an answer in 6ne day's time if we can make a deal for you. gpECIAL NOTICE. Our soecialty Is handling nothing else but high-class rooming and apartment houses and hotels: If. years In .this line is enough to convince you that we know our business. ,.a. R. H. GOODKIND CO.. INC. . 10O5-6 Wilcox Bldg., Cor. 6th and Washington Sts. THE OREGON LOCATORS, 310 ROTH CHILD BLDG. MARSHALL 31)31. We make a specialty of rooming-houses and hotels. Below ara a few which, we can recommend : 70 ROOMS Close-in corner location: modern, well furnished, cheap rent, long lease: a big money-maker: $3500 casn is enough, smull balance monthly. 87 ROOMS Modern hotel, downstairs of fice; line location; new brtck building; rent $000- lease 5 years. The price is $10,000. about half cash will do. Thia Is good. 72 ROOMS Price $4200: about $250$ cash; 5 years' lease; corner location; can sell to Japanese. 54 ROOMS $2000 cash, small bajanct easy: line, close-in corner; rent $250, lease, a snap at the price. ' 33 ROOMS Corner; rent $150: steam heat; well furnished and clean; $4O0O; halt cash Is enough. A profitable house. 2 ROOMS A bargain at $2000, and some terms can be had: rent $1.3. with 5 years' leaae; prominent corner location, 27 ROOMS Only $B00: half cash: low rent, good lease. Fine for Japanese. r: . 14 ROOMS Fine location: new and ex pensive furniture and carpets; rent only $40: furnace heat; price $1200; about $650 cash. Very swell little place. 8 ROOMS $350; half cash; very oloas In; nice, clean little place. For nearly all the above places will consider good real estate in exchange. TALK W ITH US IT WILL PAY YOU. THE OREGON LOCATORS. 90-ROOM APARTMENT, $1000. Rent $.1.50 per room, well furnished, modern brick bldg. Profits exceed $400. Sickness; act quick. NEW BRICK HOTEL AND FURNI- 1 u xvc. "Must go: Investigate and make an orreri net monthly profits exceed $500; near postofflce. Terms or trade. 14-room hotel, brick, $G50; furniture 1 year old, cost $1500. Rooming-house with $S00 worth ot new furniture for $3rt0. Investigate. 20 rooms, transient bldg.; $1500, terms. hotel, near Teon O. J. BROOKS. 1016 Chamber of Cnmmeroa. Marsnau aw-. TRADE YOUR ROOMING-HOUSE FOR PROPERTY Fine lots in RESTRICTED RESIDENCK lQr c'lAm 40 ROOMS. For which you can get the above and then some, if your Place - O. C. R. ELLIs & CO.. r.oo-.iio wucox puis. NOB HILL APARTMENT. Furniture In 19 3-room apartments, well located and has an Income of over $600 per month: rent reasonable and long time lease; $1750 cash will handle thia FESLER. . SOI Swetland Bldg. Marshall 4568. FOR RENT 18-room house, all outside rooms; hot water heat, hot and co d water nearly every room, best location in the city, on carline. West Side. O. FRED FISH, 513-514 Selling bldg.. pnp. Oregonian. Phone A 7711, Main 4841. SACRIFICE. ' 110 rooms, 34 furnished, rent less than $5 a room lease, brick building, steam heated, bath, electric and gas. light, room, all full: price $2000. Tourny bldg., 207A4 2d at. ; . FOR SALE or" trade. Hotel Burlington, working mens hotel; 1 block from t. Johns saw mill. 2 blocks from woolen mi is foundry and factories; on account or poor health. Hotel Burlington, bt. Johns, Or. NORTH PORTLAND HOTEL, consisting oj SW rooms, dining-room, kitchen, bar. and large office. Located at foot of N. 28d strlet In the factory district. Rent 17S per monV Lease If desired. Inquire at Lou " Salomon & Co.. 229 Stark st. 20 ROOMS, clean, nicely furnished, good lease walking distance. In the best loca tlon of the Vest Side, cheap for cash of will take part trade. Netting a good In. come An Ideal private boarding-house, AJ 77LOregonlan. 2T-BOOM hotel and block of land, fully furnished hot and cold water, doing good bus"" ss. for sale on terms, or will leasa to right party. A. A. Waymlre. Amity. Or. , JAPANESE!. ATTENTION. 38 rooms. 3-year lease, central location C'eHIGLEY5 r BISHOP. 132 Third St. A SNAP :l3-room apartment. In 2 and 3 room suites; well furnished; always full, long lease: clears $150 per month; $3300; terms. 1203 Yeon bldg. , 7K ROOM West Side, clears $300 per month, 3 years' lease, quick sale. $1500; leaM alone is worth $2000. HIGLEY & BISHOP. 132 Third St. WILL take 12 to 14-room rooming-houns for equity in good house and lot near Hawthorne ave., new and nice. oOO-olO Wilcox Bldg. 14 ROOMS, elegantly furnished, with run. nitig water 'n each apt., best money-maker in city for size; lease. AA est Slue. At 70d. Oregonian. . $0 HANDLES a 12-room flat $450 handles K. rooms, all housekeeping. ltWVs ront street. . Xsl " AND .'.-room suites, furnished nicely, close 'in Nob Hill district, cheap rent. Price $11400. AG "S4. Ores-onian. DOUBLE house of 23 hoUBekeepinir rooms. 10 furnished, rest unfurnished lease $s terma. Owner, A 32i6. ot.S N. -4th st. ino"CASH West Side, good furniture, fur nace heat, line location; price $350 HIGLEY & BlhtlOr-. imru ot. WANTED From owner. 8 to 14-room room ing or boarding-house, well furnished and well located. E 775. Orennnian. GOOD boarding-house, doing good busi ness, will sell reasonable. 153 . 16th st. WANTED Modern roomins-honse. 2o or 25 rooms, for casn. . AG 763, Oregonlan. A i