The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 04, 1912, SECTION TWO, Page 17, Image 33

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roH HL T.
Atwrf enta.
Bu ciair and Wutninwn sta
Three, four ani five-room apartments,
fnrnlsned tad unfurnished, now reudy fur
la einc of appointment, furnishing
and serv.ce unrqtu.rU m me Nortowrt.
Every ipirimval baa sleeping porch,
hardwood I. ours, tiled batnrooiua. p.enty
of cioset ai:e, mirror door a. A large
beauiifu.iy appointed room for the w of
leoanta lor emer.leining. Also a, fevv
becheior room, smg.e or nawl.
Keterenree required.
ja and uMsa sis.
Tha best turn. shed aud appointed apart
menta lu Portland.
Fuaa-tMinc every convenience and com
fort. La audition to the excellence of location-
one Jour and ona live-room apart
ment sow vacant, holla beautifully fur
nished. Moderate rental.
Iteiereuceai required.
730 liOVT.
HBMSHKD APAKT.Mi.Mj with are
ola! siwplug portuva ana all modern con-vtUurt-a,
KKKfcila.Vl'fj KK-jL'IKEiJ.
n h.w.
top i.i:zkrn'F.
261 Ha:l st.. cor. !. now open, all 2
roora furnished apartment wilb Ho!m
disappearing and we. I b-!s and large
outside kitchens, absolutely first-cur's,
these are the beet arrur.g.-d 2-room apre.
in Portland, make reservation now. J -4
up: no chi.dren.
,SiH ,1 KNI.-11KD NOW KUD1.
Tne l pehur. 2'lth and Upshur sta. fur
nished 2-room apt.. -: a.o $2 J W; J
room apt., $27. 50 " Thl melud-a
steam heat, hot water., private phones,
bath. el'Ctrio Uthts. gAa range, laundry
room, a I free. lae . iod or V cars
rirtrT. .No doge aiiowetL
FuR HE.NT 77 Irving si.. ner 2lti. tar:e
elegant 7-room apirirn-nt. four be.lroonia.
steam heal, hot and cold water ntcht ar.a
day Janitor service, telephone, large porch
oo first f.oir. private entrance, same as
residence, a. so Urge garage If you wlsu.
Call there or phone alain ad.
Elegantly furnished and unfurnished
apartments. In new brick building, sleara; private phma and bth; all modern
conveniences; clie 111. West bide. eUa
Mmrk-t s:.. near rath
Corner SJ and Montgomery, new, modern
brick. 2-room apartmeuta furnished com
p.etaiy: aievator. 6-mlnute waik W bul
ne.s center; rules very reasonable. Main
Corner l:th and Harrison Sta.
Beautiful new brick, every modern con
venience; it-room curni-r unfurnished and
2-room corner, furmaned; beat service;
reasonable; rvferencea
OKANiVEr-TA furnished apartments. Grand
ave. and East Stark; new brick bul.uing.
room splendidly turalshed apta; electrio
elevator, modern conveniences; clue la
location, best of service; reasonable rant.
New modern bulMtng. new furniture,
walking distance, desirable apartments.
rr.l reasonable. .
Tfll v asn.nglon. Mod-rn prick building.
S rooms, ground floor tKlng-t entrance).
$.'1: u;per f.oirs. ;i rooms $Ji; a
roms. tw. references reUired.
BEArTIFlJE -room, apartment, all Co ri
ven. encea buBt-ln be Is, pied
moat district, rent iis. H- Michlsaa.
ate., near Kiliin-sworth. fit. Johna or
L" car.
TWO dcsiran.e unfurn.siied flats, upper and
lower, at 14LO st.. Jeflers-tn; rent
j j and ol. filo Commercial b.d. Main
EI.rl'J.VNT 4 - roomed furnished flat, with
p.ano. sewing machine, steel rutiga and
u.l modern conveniences; rent reasonable.
37 1 Wi.narr.s ave.
Nr-VV Irvlnglon fiats, modern. 5 and 6
rooms. K. Wlh and liancoca. 2 b.ocka
tiroadersy car. wa.klng uistanca, aoX
F nona K 6&7Q.
1 VV o large five-room unfurn.shed flata. cor
ner E- slila ar.d Davis. I o.
I'HAl'lN A sir.Rl..W,
632-lkis Chamber uf Commerca. -
rillGANT rin flat, gurage privilege;
Slat and Hawthorne. Mr. Lee- Mam
eu.o. .
GOOD 4-room flat, brand new. East Bide,
e tie. A. li. Hlrrell Co.. 2u- McKay bids;..
ad and Mark sia I Main
LOvvEi. liii roc ma Boa uri su
tea Mr. Ma.aon. Jsnltor. c Fiaacla Apart
niecf 21st and Hoyt ata
YJH RENT d-room lower fist. Overton
St.; good BeigUliorhood; Jo; respouaibls
Peop.s only.
MOI'FKN 7 .room flat. Weal Side, 774 v
Jolnaon SL. between 23d and Jiia. Ma-n
1K RENT Modern 7 -room f at. 444 ra
ac; Brepiaca and furrace. ! 50; as cnll
dren. Phone Tstior 7 -i.l or Kaet 14JL
.-e HOLLAKA Y Addition. 8-room upper
f;.. a aiding dlalaiice. near 2 car,il.ea.
4 1. v, Wasco at. East Smvo.
A soDfKi upper r.-room flit, close In,
rent reueonah.e. 495 E. ltn and Divt
sion. M. 64-..
KODERN. 4-room. steam-healed, hot water,
Janitor service, walulng d.alauca. 6C7 lid
aaa st. phone Marsna.l -ou.
Nktv"mirm 7-room flat, iur.e. basement.
. furnace. .'J; 4 rooms, IJii. ao2 Lpanur
TEAM heateil i-room upper fiat, hot and
cool aa'er. flrepl-ice sieoping porch, a is
I'none Xljtn 344-v
toJS MARKET 4 rooms ad outside, gas.
eiect-lciiy. bath and furnace. IJU per mo.
Key below.
ja, NICE ft-room modern lower flat, cicely
located, cloee In, wa.kir distance, phoue
East 4J32.
e-Kooll l.ul. furnished or unfurnished, fire
pace, gas range and heater, linoleum on
kitchen. Id E. -'4ih N ojrt
4-ROOM fl-it. Trinity Place, near Waahlng
ton t.. Jlo. A- !L Hlrrell Co. (Main 2o(.
McKay bidg, 3d and btarau
TOLi;T F'.at of a rooms la beet location
city affords, also furniture for aaia. Cad
bunday of tar IX. 141 lltn at.
FOR RENT Modern flat, E. 13th aL. cor
ner Oak. nee lent car service. K. J.
Condon ax Co.. Q4 Teoa bidg.
17 4-RoM f at
.,.M,e rmwr all tnfwtura
Phone East 6124.
4-ROOMED furnished or unfurnished,
private bath, porch, central. HI Hall.
MODERN 4-room fiste, 1-0. also 3-roorn
eoltsge. lie. E-ist 47oi
NEW a-room flata.
7oi?l and blO lie.monL.
U 'ur. K.N 6-ro jin 11
Wet f oe. ! m'n.
it. Ola near Jackao
walk. Main or A 1-".
-hoou u aaier heui-r gvng
cnd.iion. ti Norilirup. Main S.'-V
4ROvM fiat, 7)s Sandy boulevard, range and
linoleum. Rose City car.
NEW medem 4 -room corn.Ti fltt, furnace,
re-t lv Phone East i, H 14-4. upper
t'luo. at o'
near e
1 Main
ew Multnomnh
St.. or A 4;ie.
s. H"M"M flat, modern conveniences,
ls-h and Ash. B 2'V
26el AN r 2v Stout si., one 4-room daC lis;
one a-liv. Key ;;' Stoul.
4-ROOM upper corner flat, modern. I7tv
tlreea ave.. near 2.W1 and Wastx. Main sals.
FOR-RENT A I-roora flat; no dogs or chil
dren. J7 able at. .
T-ROUM upper flat. 211 and Everett, rent
l.. Phone Tabor ST1'. .
M. moilern. 'ower fler. spien
renl reasonable. Main -4
d car
MODERN S - room flat, walking
:., McM llan C :lli.
M'll'rlKN 3-room upp.-r Mrcp.ace, fur
nace. 713 Kearney. East "H-JL
NlrELT furnished five-room fiat on car'.lne.
4til th st. Call afteruoona.
SWELL, mrwlern -room upper flat; airults,
7ev, East Vamfilli. Phone East SiMv
lROOM lower fiat. 416 Marshall. Fur-na-e,
gas range, water heater, rent $27 64.
ONE partly fiinitsn-d. I unfurnished 3
rom fat. Apply 11 a 1 1 st.
HOTi'E 4-room
Main 440.
fiat, SoJ Montgomery.
BKAL'Tin'L m"dern 'iat,
$! Phone Fast 4HI4.
TWO modern four-room (lata 412-444 12th.
Beautiful, new, atrictly modern 4-room
fist. s East (i(h at. North. Broadaaj
ear; nne building, mahogany entrance,
private front porches, alecping-porch. fire
place, hardwood f;oore. tile bath, gaa
range. l:noum on kitchn floors; large
basement for atorare; rent $ lo.
i2d and Hraz-e. East K.U. C 2' 22.
bathroom, fla's.
em: one of the
owner, four rooms and
all new and strictly mod
best locations In the city.
ave.. just across Alberta
et. from Walnu
t Park, two blocka irom
I nlon ave car
llama ave. car;
lawn 16V6.
three Mocka rrom v n
113 month. Phone Wood-
NEW 5 -room flats,
ern and cp-to-da
Just compl'-ted;
walking distance.
Main and Madia'
Owner. Tabor 2
Henry bid;.
the awellest. most mM
te fiats on the East Pule,
upper and lower vacant:
243 E. 17tb between
vn. Take Hawthorne car.
,21, or k A. K. Hill. 419
ONE 6-room and bath; hardwood floors,
f. replace, separate basement and furnace,
beam celllug. Dutch kitchen, built-in mir
rors, seats and bookcase, beautiful fix
tures and large prtvata porch. 2"9 East
I'.'h. near Hawthorne. Key at 271 East
25 1 h st.
226 NO. 1STH 6-room upper flat, sleeping
porch, fireplace, furnace. Km and elec
tric lights; very desirable; $37.5u per HlO.
Key next door north.
ad and Oak. ,
NEW 6-room lower flat, corner E. 10th and
Halsey; large verandas, open-air bedroom,
Ibrnii disappearing bed. furnace, fire
place, ras run, linoleum. W. L Swank,
Alula lGoS, East 143.
800 MARKET ST 3-ronm. all
lower flat, wa'klng distance,
month: key at 60.' H.
3d and Oak.
tM per
Jli) Vor eieelrsble Bat if 5 rooms, with
bullt-ln conveniences and fireplace, on tlle
marck and Milwaukl e:s. Cull on prem
ises at 11 o'clock wsekdaya or phone East
lbfo. Seowood car.
IJldTROOM upper flat. 2i'l N. l'th. near
Lovejoy; attic, sleeping poTch. yard, gua
range, waier healer, modem, very nice.
Key nest d-vor. or phone East IMUt
NI""ELT ""furnTshed fiat one block from Eun
nraide 71 Helmont St.: 2.".
.".2-3 Chamber of Commerce,
MODERN upper B-mom flat: fireplace, fur
nace. aieepinR-porch. lawn, tne neighbor
hood: convenient to etoree and earilnes;
N b Hllll adults. Apply "72 Kearney.
.ROOM modern, unfurnished, ateam-heated
l.ul for rent on Uth. near Columbia. A p
piy to Poulaen. JOI 11th at. Marauail eii.
ELEr7 ANT 8-room flat, with sewing-room,
large a l tie and basement, nice neighbor
hood and walking distance. :S Rodney
ISi Oood corner atora In new brick build
ing, cor. lilsmarck and Mllwaukl". Call on
premtaes at 11 o'clock dally or phone East
lloawekeeping Baoma.
Tlia I pshur. ih and Upshur ats.. fur
nished a-room apu JO. also 12.20: S
r,xm apt.. IJ7 5o to tsO. Thla Includes
steam heat, bot water, private phones,
bath, alectrla lights, gaa ranga. laundry
room, ail free. Taka u, 2Jd or W curs
north. NO dogg allowed.
Jul BtAVfcH. lth and Marshall Fur
ntahed for housekeeping; gaa range, elec
tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, free;
flS per mouth up; a clean pia.-e. best in
the city for the money; short distance
from I nlon Depot Take "S or loto-st
cars north, get off at Marshall St. No dogs.
KI.L. furnished bous-s. flats, rooms 4
room cottaKe, I ' month; 7 rooms, f'7.60;
housekeeping suites. 2 rooms. tv. $lu, 112
month; . 15: 3 unfurnished, 110. Ap
ply 3te North 2oth: "W" car west on Mor
rison to 1'iith, block north.
$l.ei TO per week, clean furnished
housekeeping rooms, free beat, phone,
bath, laundry. ard. 4m4 Vancouver ava
and 20S dtunlon; "U car. Phona E. gu39.
TVio or four rooiua, completely furnished
for housekeeping. gua nuia'e, electrio
lighla, hot silcr radiatora and uaa of
balu. 1101 Keruy at, phone C 20ti7,
an.?irtAiLE anfurnished two-room ba
window suites within S blocks of Post
efl ice. absolutely respectable. 304 Jet
ferson. corner Fifth.
THE CLSXIWRA 19th and Couch. Just off
from WeshinKton; furnished housekeep.
lug rouma, single or en suito; rem rva-S'-nqble.
TVO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms,
paalry. large closet,, bt;h. ruuge. two
cur.iues. esy wulktng distance. 772 E.
lay. or. phor.o E. S-nu.
TWO" nicely furnished housekeeping rooms.
- gua range, bath, pnone. 4SK Washing
ton. ,
CAMidHiDil. Bl.DO. Furnlahed housekeep
ing rooms: central; cheap. Room Is ed
and si orriaon.
THE LANDORE, 2S8 loth. 8omethlng fine In
11. K. rooms, about ljlh, for business wo
men. sue MiiO'T, liJV's Morrison at., furnished or
unfuruisned housekeeping rooms, attain
hcac eiev'lor, ail conveuieoces. best Iocs i a.
THE IDAHO Cheapest close-In housekeep
ing m.lea and sleepiug-rooma In city. 1st
till. Ma.n &:. A ?4e.
lioiMiahr.flMt rooms in new concrete
bidg. Phone Wood.uwn 117a. or lis?.
2 FL'K.NL-iTkd housekeeping rooms, 12 per
mouth. h29 Market.
FL R N I S H E P housekeeping rooms, tiO and
up. 7 l-lh. Marsha. 1 Sur
llouuekeeplng Kooaus la 1'rlvale Family
bL 1TE of two well-furnished housekeeping
rooms, brat, cooklr.g gas, bot and coid
water, lights and bath, all Included; 3
j .or wees. Call before 2 o'clock. 213
Orapd ava, N-
CLE AN. pleasant housekeeping apartments.
3 to 4 roving, g us. eiectneily, bot and cold
water, batti. private entrance, deairable
location, nlca location, central, referencea.
3-1 Couch.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, stpur
ute entrance, baaemsnu Sll 14th at,,
n-'ar ralmnn.
TWO modern housekeeping rooms, bath,
wafer, puona. ale. West 8lda. Pnona A
atEATED rooms, housekeeping and alcgle,
) hone and lutth; also nltlc rooms, cheap.
n 17 Everett St.
IXr'iA.Nr suile for rellned people, eiosa In.
reasonab.e. everything new and clean. Also room. I'.'ione oJJd.
FOt'K ur.rurnlslied housekeeping room!
Main 2o2- 4'.'7 Columbia at.
TWO pleasant 2-room housekeeping aultes;
also single room. 4-1 7th.
TWO furnished housuuceolng rooms, phone,
walking distance. 4th at.
NICE clean air.ale housekeeping rooms,
phone, bath. 14J N". 14th st,
TWO nice large rooms, running water and
conven.eaccs. third floor. 11 14th st.
3-RoM suite, bath. sink, laundry, phona:
? : u-roem suite, 314. E. Murk.
ONE. two or three rooms, completely fur
nished for housekeeping. 43 North 20th.
Fl'HVISHKD housekeeping room, first floor,
yard tath. phone. 4V Yamhill.
61NOLE housekeeping room, suitable for
two 340 2d St.. cor. Market.
14 NICELT furnished 4-room flat,
phona and bath. 407 3d.
NEWLY furmlsled housekeeping and gleep.
Ing-roorua 472 East Oak.
fTr.nTsHED housekeeping suite; light
phone and bain. 313 Yamhill at, M 414.
a I'EIRABLE rooms completely furnished
for housekeeping 341 bill.
Three well - furnished housekeeping
rooms. 3S3 Llncc .n Phone M tia 4
NL'EI-Y furnished housekeeping-rooms. 67
N. 14th St.. Dsvls to Everett sts.
lilt) furnlahed houiekecplng-rooms : bath,
light. i. Tabor l'.4.V ll70 fcl. Adr.
Nli 'ELY fu-r.lshid front housekeeping,
rooms. 54t Yamhill St.
TWO newly furnished housekeeping rooma.
4 46 East Rumania st,
TWO-ltoOM furnlahed apartment for house
keep, r.g. $.4. Phone Mursliall 2740.
Til IvE E-ROOM suit, furnished for house
keeping; fireplace, close in. e9 E. 6th N.
TWO n'eelv furnished housekeeplng-rooma
104 E. 1Mb su Eaat 2M1J.
NICF.I.Y furnished housekeeping rooms, rea
s 0 na b e. 514 C lay. M ain 4-
1 II it EE furnished housekeplnc rooma, 2
Orund ave. N. phone Frist 4.".i8.
Ci,'. 1 hALl.Y located, comp.etely furnished,
convenient. $2. '.'." und up. 42V Main st,
ONE well-furmslied front housekeeping
room. 810 per month. 3u7 Harriaon s
ONE large housekeeping room for r.lit, 4 'JO
, llurnslde. West Side.
TWO unfurnished rooms for housekeeping;
$10 moujn. Inquire 1 N 21st.
NICELY furnished 2-room suite, furnaca
heat; 200 14th at,, cor. of Taylor.
t ROOM3 fr light housekeeping. 21 N.
11'h. 2 blocka from Washington.
HOU.-EKEFPINO. close-in. rooms, 1, 3 or
3. beat, light, bath. 11$ 14th.
THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms.
lo N. 14 th. Phone Main 1J.
$lt ONE room, clean, nicely furnished for
housekeeping. ::4.raik.
housekeeping; Rooms In I'rlvala Ismlly.
FCiit RENT 3 furnished or partly fur
nished housekeeping roorai in private
family of two, gaa. phone. etc.; eaay
walking; distance. 2.V Hancock at. East
laid. Call or phona 10 A. M. to 4 P. it.
NICELY furnished large front room trith
alcove and aleeplng porch, with light
housekeeping privileges. If desired; hot
and cid water, bath, free phone, fur
nace beat: $-M a month. 40Ug Jackson
st. Thone Main 4331.
WILL rent completely furnished dining
room and kitchen to lady who would
aerve tablo board to roomera. good loca
Hon. good ot.prtunlty and reaannble. Call
SVJ 11th at. or Marshall 43U1. Weat Side.
LARGE, alngle" front rooma, heat, light, rare
v.ewpoint. W car from duP"t, wnlklng
distance to city proper. Hi 318. 3-0 per
month; single rooms, 36 to t per month.
67i Couch, N. E. cor 18:h at.
btlTE of newly furnlshe houaekeeping
rooma, private bath and "utch kitchen;
I-room flat for rent, furniture for gale,
3t'.o Chapman at.
le 1.1TH Four pleasant rooma. entire flrat
floor, completely furnished, modern,
splendid location. walking distance to
business center. . Main 44iH
TWO connecting front rooms, first floor,
housekeeping, accommodations for three
or tour persons: also single housekeeping
room on 21 floor. a.KI Taylor. f
TWO large front rooms, use of kitchen:
walklni: distance: all conveniences, cheap
tent, modern Bat. Call 2J2 Lincoln, cor
ner fiooond.
TWO connecting front rooma, newly fur
nished for housekeeping: modern conven
iences, close In, reasonable. Phona East
..lib, larraosr.
HOUSEKEEPING front rooms, 2 or 3-room
suite, bath, telephone, heat. IlKhU. water.
g.v. reasonable to refined people. Sunny-
W ANTED 2 Norwegian boya to board and
room. 20 mlnutea' ride from city; .i8 per
month; American family. Phono Woodlawn
TWO large front rooma overlooking park.
In n spiendid location, running water, gaa
range, phone, light and clean; It mlnutea
waik to P. O. 3 Park at.
LIVING-ROOMS, bedrooms, kitchen, pantry,
corner houae. newly papered. Aamlnster
carvel, linoleum, new furniture, every
thing form, lied. I22.40. 7MJ E. Yamhill
FRi'NT room and kitchenette, large closet,
corner house, clean nnd cosy, everything
furnished. 111. 7'tl'East Yamhill.
Co.m l'LE TELY furnished 3-room flat, fur
niture rnr sale, flat for rent. 351 Oth at.
Main dud.
lillltK nealy furnished housekeeping
rooms: wood, lights and phona lurulshed.
. Davis at.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms.
West Side; reasonable. Phona A S211 Sun
a LARGE connecting rooms, with balb,
electricity and (aa; walking distance;
newly furnished. A 2746. 440 Park st.
NICELY furnished front bousekeeplng-room,
clean, desirable and comfortable. 112.40
month. 2sS 14th at.
THREE nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms; gaa. bath. rd; reaaouabie. tjJ2
NICELY furnlahed houaekeeplng rooma. pri
vate porch. K. 3 or L car. 044 Hortn
wlck. TWO pleasant front rooma; heat, light;
walking distance; reasonable. 600 Eaat
T W 1 rooma with bath, pantry and lights,
for housekeeping, .i n week. W-'i E. Aider
St., near lioin.
TWO furnished or unfurnished rooms, light,
heat, bath and phone, or can buy furnish
Inga cheap. 474 Market at,
& C.N NY. large front H.-K. room, well fur
nished; bath, porch, phone; 10 mlnutea
walk of P. O. 44U tfth st.
COMPLETELY furnlahed 2-room housekeep
ing suite, 3 blocks south of Postofflca. 239
Hn at.
LAKiiE connecting; housekeeping rooms,
bath, light and phone. f2 N. IJd. 41 a r
ahall 37J3.
14 ELEGANT furnlahed housekeeping rooms,
. furnace heat; muet have 000 cash. 34
Hall St.
LIGHT housekeeping room, suitable for two
. ladica or bachelor, furnace, heat. 317
Hall it.
3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooma, 310;
free light, heat, bath and phone. 674 Gil at.
440 PARK 6T. 3 large newly furnlahed
connecting rooms and bath, 2 beds, gua
and electricity. Phone A 274d
COMP1.ETELY furnished, clean, pleasant
housekeeping rooms; gaa, bath, phone,
sink. 312. 243 N. lath at,
TWO nicely furnished houeeke-eping rooms,
private family, modern, utt Eaat 30th st.
North. Phone East 4oo.
FOlR unfurnished rooms, modern, steel
rent;e, 314 a month: also furnished front
sleeping room. 24w Harrison near 8(L
NICE housekeeping-rooms at 449 6th at.;
walking distance. Phona Marshall S430.
Cull Monday.
NICELY furnlahed housekeeping rooms;
modern: close In; reasonable rent, Phona
East 2?.
GOOD bouaekeeplng room In basement for
working' man. 34, Including hot water.
Gas, bath and electricity, bii N. 15th st.
NICELY furnished 4-room house with pi
ano. 32. or will aell furniture on temit,
I1J.Y 423 X. 2d st.
ONE and 2 housekeeping rooms, furnished:
4-room suite unfurnlnned ; hot and cold
w ater. 313 Mill St. Phona Main 3110.
NEWLY furnished housekeeping suite, large
bay window, clean, pleasant, 33.73 week.
411 4th.
2 I'L'KMSHEO housekeeping rooms, eleo
trlc lirhta. gaa nnd bath. 114. Phona
East 3io9. ; E. 16th It. N.
ENTIP.E upstairs for housekeeping: run
nlng water, lljtbt, heat; also 2 rooms on
main floor very reasonable. 4Q3 10th.
SI.4 oj MILL HT., near West Park; modern
front aunnlr.g housekeeping suite, view,
also comfortable, cosy sleeping rooms.
LIGHT, aclear housekeeping suit, phone,
bath, gas range. 314. 447 6th.
LAilGE modern room, auttabla for two; fin
est location. 87 N. 2)th at.
FOR RENT Furnished
rooms. 101 North 14th St.
2 OR 3 furnlahed rooms, housekeeping.
If desired. 44 Helmont. B 8114.
2o3 4TH Two outside housekeeping rooms,
$1.30; $17 n month; other rooms.
348 YAMHILL Suite, first floor. bath7ga.
close In. Phone A 7i34-
LAHGE room and alcove, running water,
batli, phone, furnace, oyd Johnson at.
VERY dealrsble suite of rooma cheap, basement-
204 11th. near Taylor.
AT 31t Main St., homelike housekeeping
suite. Cloee in.
$1 A month" clean, ooay housekeeping
rooms, close In. 411 4th.
THREE housekeeping rooms, completely fur
nished. 114 per month. 432 Tin at.
L.NFl'HMSHED rooma. sink, bath, walk
Ing distance. lHl Union ave. .
3-ROOM unfurnished house. 33 North llid
at-; waikicg distance. Phona Mar ah all
6-R00M house, 617 Overton at, electrio
lignta. pain. lieu. Jvey. room j 1. aiuikey
bidg, 2d and Morrison. A 4 144.
EXCEPTIONALLY pleasant 4-rooroe1 house,
yard. bath, waah trays, central. Maraliuli
444 .
and 3d at-; walking distance, $30.
8'12 SAVIER st, modern 5-room cottage,
hnth. gas and wash trays.
ROOMS, $-'. 046 Upshur aL Inquire 648
Upshur. Phone A 7t'.4.
0-R00M house, big yard, rosea; furnlahed
if desired. bf E. Ash. B 10 jo. 325.
MODERN B-roop cottage, newly renovated.
770 E. Couch. Key at 774 E. Couch.
DESIRABLE 6-room houae, 869 San Rafael
near Union ave., $25. cloae In. Eaat 16o3.
FIVE rooma on carllne, P52 Williams ava
comer 1'reacotf, Phone Woodlawn 4l'9.
MOOERN 6-room housa near car, walking
distance. East 5734.
6-R0OM house. E. Fine, near 13th. C 2240,
i.aut 6004.
1RVINOTON. $13. bungalow, g rooma, largo
yard. Main liii Eaat 4334.
3T1 TILLAMOOK, residence of 8 roomi
kitchen and bath. Apply at lama place.
CLOE In on Weat Side, a 3-room house.
$1 per month. Call 414 Spalding bidg.
6-ROOM house. 1 block from car. $10 n
month. Cull Tabor t.'u.
MODERN, new 7-room bouse, furnace, E.
24th. cor. Ash. B 24'J3. Key In.
FoK RENT 5-room bungalow, 31st and E.
Morrison st, modern. Phono B 16o4.
6 KOnMS. good location, near cara and
school: paved afreets. Woodiawn 1403.
MOOERN 4-room bottsa. West Side. Inquire)
7oo Qulmhy at, between 21st and 22d.
FOR RENT cottage, 633 Gllaan at Key at
8 Norlh 16th at.
FOR Rl-N'T 4-room cottage, close In. 325
Schuyler st. TeL East 3446. v
MODERN 4-room bnnealow, either furnlahed
or unfurnished. Phone Main 1173,
rooms. 77H Kearney at.. J33.
rooma S:i0 Front at.. J2o.
rooms. &H2 Front at., 2.1.
fl rooms. 547 First st, 325.
7 rooms. 3"7 N. 21M at., 33S.
5 rooms, 227 N. l-1th St.. 320.
rooms, SiH Front at-. 324.
8 rooms, ml Shaver St.. 121.
li rooms. 077 Enst 10th St. N. SIS.
7 rooms. 127 N. 22d st. 340.
(V rooms. 8i Portliwlck st, $18
8 rooms. 78 Maryland ave.. $13.
6 rooms. 248 Nartllla at, 20.
6 rooms. 115 Enst P-ilmon, $17.
8 rooms, SO East loth N., 3M.
T rooms. 1?1 East 24th N.. 35.
f rooms, fi.'fi Upshur at.. 310.
S rooma, 849 Montana ave.. $20.
S rooma, 472 Hancock at, no.
0 rooma. 472H Hnncnck st , $30.
T rooma 444 Park St.. $37.50.
i B rooma, 400 Harrison at., 335.
5 rooma, East Dnvla at, $28.
A rooma. 520V, Clinton St.. $-40.
B rooma, (175 hi E. Waahlnirton, S27.BO.
5 rooma. 425 Halaey st, $25.
S rooms. 4464 I.arrnbee at, $25.
2.10 Alder Street.
5- room Bouse. Portland Hta., 315.
6- room hotiso, 840 Front St., $20.
o-ronm house. 207 Pennoyer St.. $22.50.
7- room houso. 861 Front at.. 325.
B-room flat. 877 Front at., 317.
5-room flat, 847 Front at,. 2i.
5-room flit, 714 Kearney at., 32T.SO.
B-room fiat, 801 Fi. Clay at.. fSO.
B-room Oat, 801 14 E. Clay at.. 325.
Houaea nnd flata all part of city:.
Main 85 102 Foil h fit. A 8500
Ground Floor.
. Home hunters, visit our up-to-date ren
ts! anil trf irmatlon department. 4th floor,
main building, and see the-vacancies w
have listed of desirable houses and flats
You'll snva time In getting properly and
comfortably located. We keep In touch
with all vncnnt houses, flats and apart
ments m the city. We also keep n list of
rw bulHinga In course of construction.
The combined lisfe of all real estate deal-e-s.
Thia Information Is absolutely free.
B-room house on fit. Johns carllno, soma
modern covenlencea. $13.
6-room honse, good condition, 318.
Very desirable 6-room modern bungalow
on Alberta carllne. $1-
5-room house, electric lights nnd gaa.
In Alhlna. $1S.
133 Vj First Street,
WEST filD:, 6-room House on corner 21st
and Kearney, furnace, fireplace, rent 33
per month.
IRVIXOTON'. 8-room house on B. 2th
at,, near Tillamook: 12 per month.
404 WUcot hide.
Phones Main 8609, A 2053.
FOR RENT Fine, modern T-room house.
24th and Wasco. $30 per month: will lease
from 1 to 5 years. Good 8-room house,
nuarter Mock, good garden, lota of fruit.
East 2th onrl Alder, 325 per month.
Charleson aV. Co, 411 Commercial bidg.
Phone East 1841.
FOR RENT Modern home of eight rooma
and eamge, never rented before and iust
like new: rinse to three earilnes. eesy
wilklng distance to business center. Price
3-10 per month. S. E. corner 24th and
Wssco. Furniture for sale.
TO RENT 167 Enst 7rh at. North: 7-room
house, almost new-; sleeping-porch: mod
ern In every detail, furnace, etc: accessi
ble to aeveral caellnea and cloae In. Phona
otvner. Tabor 1S0O, or call at houae. Rent
4-ROOM houae. 905 Clinton at.: electrio
llirht. bath, hot and cold water; BOxino
lot. corner: WR car: $1.1. Key room 11
Mulkey bidg, 2d and Morrison. Main
804 EAST 1ST PT. N. T-room modern
house, good nelghborhod, good repair, $30
per month.
3d and Oak.
OXH furnished, one unfurnished flat. 15
mlnutea' wnlk from center of city; corner
Ross and Dixon: $24 and 335.
it32-"3S Chamber of Commerce.
FOR RENT Duplex houses. Portland
Heights. 087-599 Terrace road: magnifi
cent view of eltv: all modern conveniences;
2 sleeninr porches. 'For Information ad
dress P. O. Box 346.
FOR PENT Large seven-room house, lot
75x150 feet; fruit trees, roses and other
shrubs In yard: rent $20 a month. Call at
house. KS East 50th St., near Starlc
FROM $15 to $25 PER MONTH.
606 Commercial Block.
FOR RENT 6-room cottage, bath, nlca
yard, 24S Nartllla at, bet. MMn and Mad
ison; $20. Inquire 235 Nartllla or Main
MODERN! 7-room house in Highland, large
garden, email fruits, rosea, etc. Convenient
to three carllne. 9S9 E. 11th at. N. Phona
Woodlawn 861. -
BEAUTIFUL- 7-room house In Rosa City
Park: rents for $50: worth more.
832 Chamber of Commerce.
5 ROOMS. $216 rooms $23; gas. bath, ce
ment basement, wash tubs, lertse (riving.
7H4-786 Thurmnn, near 24th at. Inquire
M. Barell, 52 3d, near Pine.
COTTAGE Three large rooms, large pantry
and eloaet, porches, hasement, fruit, chicken-house.
Mrs. Moxlev. 6710 50th ave. S.
E, Tremont Station. Mount Scott car.
8 ROOMS, house, partly furnished, electrio
llrrht, big garden and yard, would liko
to board few people, 25 West Church at,,
near Patton ave.
FOR RENT West half of modern double
house, 7 rooms. 510 East Main at., cor
lath. Hawthorne Park: rent $30. Tele
phone Enat 4061.
B45 FRONT ST. 5-room houae, walking;
distance: $12.50 per month.
Sd and Onk.
6 NTCE rooma. with bnthroorrl, furnace and
electric lirhta. Inquire 4S1 Chapman, cor.
Clifton, Portland Helghta.
EIGHT rooms, garage, strictly modern, Ir
vlngton; $40 per month. Smith-Wagoner
t o, Hll-OTJ iewis Ding.
PORTLAND Hclchts, modern alx-room
houae. Phone Marshall 3oS6 Monday and
- , i , e t vr
MODERN 6-room bouse, 720 Union ave. N,
$.'2 50. Whitney, 340 Morrison. Phone Main
6 ROOMS and alcove, newly renovated; $35.
603 OUaan, on 21st carllne. Inquire 6'jO
Glisan. Sj
MODERN 8-room house oh corner, walking
distance, furnace, large porch, plenty of
roses. 819 Belmont. M. 4267; A 1153.
FOR RENT $3J.ll-room hous, at the end
of tld-st- carllne. 3L4 Nlcolal. Phono E.
MODERN d-ROOM cottage, Sellwood line
$20. A. H. Blrrell Co. (M. 232), 202
McKay bidg, 8d nnd Starat.
sTx-ROOM houae. large garden. East 18th
and Franklin ata. Take Brooklyn car. Call
Main 4523.
FOR RENT B-room modern bungalow, full
baaement and attic, at 983 E. 16th ax.
North, Key at office. 15th and Alberta.
FOR RENT Coxy 3-room cottage. H block
from car. 3 hlocka from Union ave, phone
Woodlawn 1577.
FOoTrEN'T S-room house. Juat completed,
a'l modern. . 260 North 26th, near North
mp. STKICTLY modern 6-room house. 904
Broadway. Call 918 Broadway or phono
C 2318.
B-ROOM house, 979 F, Alder st, Sunnyslde,
two blocka to car. Phona Main 7704v A
NICELY 6-room furnished, house; yard,
piano. 1 gas. In good neighborhood. 617
Powell, near 16th. Frooklyn car.
269 CHERRY ST. 7 rooms and bath, hot
and cold water; rant $20. Phona Main
MODERX-room corner flat, centrally lo
ca t e d;PhrieMja;Mnor2'
HOUSE. 60S 4th st, rooms, furnace, gas.
complete. Main 7317. 803 14th st.
6-ROOMED cottage for rent, nicely fur
nlahed; close In. B19 Rodney ave.
B-ROOM bungalow, modern. Montana, ava,
Get key at 853.
FOR RENT or aa!e. new '6-room houae, all
modern, nicely furnlahed. Phone A 4569.
-ROOM house; desirable neighborhood.
295 Cook ave. Phone Eaat 2001.
6IX-ROOM modern; email yard, good view;
rent reasonable. Main is6i.
FIVE-ROOM cottage: rent $10, small fami
ly; Call 881 Thurman at,, cor. 26th.
6 ROOMS and bath. 61 Eaat 19th st. North,
$18. Phone East 1351.
FOR RENT 5-room modern house, $14. In
quire 335 Mason st,
B-ROOM house with yard and gome fruit,
also 3-room flat. 41M) E. 27th at. W-R car.
NEW modern 6-room houae. 306 Monroe;
adulta. Phone E. 5242.
TO RENT A 7-room house. 787 Hawthorne.
HAVE YOU $1000
If you can pay $1000 or mom in cash
down will sell at a reasonable reduction
from the regular price of $3200, a nice
modern 6-room and oath bungalow on 60
X100 lot a few feet from carllne, near
36th and Clinton; money will talk strong
ly In thia case. See Poulaen, 41$ Railway
Exchange. Marshall 4553.
749EAST 13TH ST, beautiful grounds 100
xlOO feet, with fruit treea, lawn and flow
er garden and large area for vegetablea;
houae haa flva rooma, not very large nor
modern but warm, dry and clean; will
make comfortable home for couple or small
family; will rent to reaponaiblo tenant-lor
$12 a month; 20 mlnutea to center of
city. Apply on premisea between 1 and 4.
Sellwood earn to Biamarlc St., out short
block eaat.
HOUSES and flata for rent on tha
J. J. Ofiuisn,
Cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny.
FOR RENT 8-room honae with gas and
bath, newly painted and papered, $20;
good location for roomera. Inquire. Phono
Main 2346.
FINE aix-room unfurnished houae; magni
ficent view of river and mountains; atrict
ly modern, 973 Corbett at. $30.
8ROOM houae, hot air furnace, rent $30.
l'jl N. 15th at. Call 434 Market L Phono
Main 2840.
8-ROOM houae, hot air furnace, rent $40. 668
Hoyt st, Call 434 Market st. Phone Main
2i4'J. ;
B-ROOM modern bungalow, every conven
ience, to reliable party, reasonable rent.
412 E. BSth. Phona Main 2soo.
Burnished Houaea.
OWNER leaving city wants to rent her
home; a well-furniahed, modern fiat, for
several months; piano, ' silverware, cut
glass, llnena. everything complete. Thla la
close In, In a good neighborhood, and a
very comfortable place. Phone C 2793.
COTTAGES, well furnlahed, west aide river,
4 rooma, $20 month; 7 rooms $27.50; 2
rootn housekeeping suites. $8, $10, $13
mouth; 3, $15. Apply 804 North 26th:
"W" car from depot, 5th, weat on Morri
son to 26th, block north.
Strictly modern 7-roora house, com
pletely furnished,' with small furniture;
rent $40. 22a E. 80th st, near Salmon.
Key at 818 Board of Trade bidg. '
-ROOM house, corner Eaat 13th and Schuy
ler sts, Irvlngton, lot 100x100, fine shrub
bery, 2 earilnes; will rent for $90 per
month for 8 months. Wkltmer-Keily Co.,
70 4th st-
FURNISHED 6-room bungalow in Rose City
Park, close to car, $30. 1477 Sacramento
st. Take Rosa City Park car to 62d at,
FOR four months, beginning May 11, 9-room
modern residence on 24th at. N. ; choice
location; large grounda earn for t ownefa
expense. 1 7b0, Oregonlan, '
4-ROOM modern home, 808 Broadway, well
furnished throughout, nice yard, rent $35
per month. Call 414 Spalding bidg. Phono
' Main 4128.
TO respectable people, furnished house, suit
able for roomers or boarders, block from
S. S. car; walking distance: very reason
able. 165 E. 17th near Belmont.
6-ROOM house, city water, gaa range, china
eloaet, furnished and good piano. Very
reasonable. Inquire 1088 E. Alder. Tabor
FURNISHED house. 7 rooma, all atrictly
modern, near Portland Academy, 16th and
Montgomery; $50 per month. W. H. Lang,
1509 Yeon bidg. Phone Main 2353.
MODERN, 7 rooma. nicely furnished: 3 lota,
fruit trees, chickon-yard ; 25 mlnutea out,
1 block from car. Call Tabor 2114 Sunday,
Monday Marahall 29S, A 8799. "
FrNE flat In Irvlngton. completely furnlahed;
thla la exceptional: $55.
332-338 Chamber uf Commerce,
CLEAN, newly furnished 4-roora modern
cottage, finished attic, two blocks from
Arleta Station. Mt. Scott Una. 786 East
10-KooM housa, new and modern, fur
nished or unfurnished: excellent neigh
borhood, walking distance south on Waah
lngton. Marshall 1012.
NICE, new 6-room bungalow, furnished;
would have to be aeen to b appreciated.
E. 74th. Take Monutvilla car. Phono
Tabor 34.
NICELY and completely furnished five-room
modern bungalow In Sunnyslde, $26. Phone
Sellwood 635.
FOR RENT Furnished house. 5 rooms
nicely furnlahed. Hawthorne district; $23
per month. Jordan. 610 Lumbermens bidg.
ajo 6-room houae, furnished, or will aell
very reaaonabie. 877 Oberlln st, Ports
mouth. M Ki.l furnished six-room house; good
furnace, full lot, best of locations. West
Side; $50. 223 Board Trada oldg.
TEN furnlahed rooma, house, modern Im
provements, west central location, very
reasonable rent. 745 Northrup at.
FURNISHED home, auitable for couple; rea
sonable to right party; 603 bavler at;
phone M 2064.
B-ROOM houae. furnished .or unfurnlahed,
bath, electrio lights. 682 South ave.
Sellwood car. Eaat 3995.
FOR RENT Furnished houae. cheap, 15
mlnutea' rldo on W-W. car. Gat off at E.
20th and Kelly at. No. 617.
FOUR-ROOM furnished flat, porch, fireplace,
yard, close in, rent reaaonabie. 88 E. 6th
N. Phono East 1865.
FOR RENT 6-room furnished cottage at
7ul Davie, near Waah.; rent $36. Phono
CLEAN, neatly-furnished 5-room bungalow;
bath, toilet, electricity, flowers and trees;
rent reaaonabie. Phuna Woodlawn so.
COMPLETELY and comfortably furnlsned
7-room house, on Council Crest, Call Pa
cific Coast Biscuit uo, utn uno uiu.
FURNISHED five-room sunny flat; private
bath, water free; four blocks from Steel
DriUge. aui nunauaj a
6-ROOM furnlahed lower flat. 406 7th at.
Close in, reasonable. Call Sunday 11 to st,
or pnone r.nni "pu-
MODERN 6-room flat, furnished. Holladay
Add, walking distance, 2d Clackamas. C
MODERN furnished 6-room cottage; also
coxy three or four-room flat; private
buth. 514 East 21st. WR car.
WELL-FURNISHED cottage, piano, married
couple. 15 mlnutea to.P, O. 230 Lincoln,
A 100:
$30 6-ROOM modern furnlahed houae; fur
nace, fireplace, lawn. Apply Crockett.
room a vv aaniugvwu viua
8-ROOM furnlahed cottnge, gaa and bath,
good neighborhood. 787 E. Main. Phona
f-SBt 3U4-
FOR RENT Irvlngton. 744 Clackamas, oor
ner, d. modern, 6-room furnlahed com-
pinia; rent bow rmoq , , .... . .
HOUSE 4 rooma, bath, clean and comfort
able for 4 adulta; 16 minutes' walk to
Post'offlce. Call 406 18th at.
$1 FURNISHED cottage. $ rooms, bath.
near Golf Llnka. 1 block to car. Phone
Sellwood 1978.
FURNISHED 4-room houae, modern and
nicely furnlahed. fine lawn. Phone Wood
lawn 16o3. Call at 902 Mlaalaalppl ave.
ajl 3-ROOM flat, bsth, completely fur
nished. Main 8176. 659 Petty grove.
6-ROOM, completely furnished modern cot
tage, rent $30. Phone Main 1961. A 7628.
ROSE City Park bungalow, furnished, $25,
close to car. Phone Tabor 2204 or C 2314.
FOR RENT Modern furnished 4-room flat.
E 60th and Burnslde. Tabor 1S71.
FOR RENT Furnished 7-room house (close
ln, very cneap. mursunu 01x1.
6-HOOM furnished oottage, $30 per month
Wooa lawn 507.
6-ROOM furnished cottage on East Taylor
st, rent $25. Call 807 Wilcox bidg.
MODERN 4-room bungalow, either furnished
or unfurnished, phone Main 1176.
6-ROOM furnished house, piano, close In.
589 Kearney, near 19ttK Main 503,
MODERN 6-room upper flat, furnished.
7S0H Esst Yamhill. Phone East 5948.
A 6-ROOM cottage, furnished complete,
cheap. 802 Eastllth. corner Clay st-
3TROOM house, partly furnished, $13 a
month. Call 999 E. Alder.
House for Rent Furniture for Sale.
FOR SALE Furniture of 9-room houae,
finest Weat Side location, anap If taken
Immediately Call M. 2239. Leaae.
4-P1OOM neatly furnlahed flat, everything
good cheap rent, modern; after Sunday.
403 10th, flat P.
HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale, cheap.
473 E. Everett,
1125 GOOD furniture. 4-room house, terms;
rent $12. 422 N. 22d.
CRCKERJACK bargain In furniture at 796
Vancouver ave. Call Sunday.
fROOM house reaaonabie. at 210 Mill at.
Call after Sunday.
FURNITURE of 5-room cottage cheap; leav
ing city. Phone Main 9323
NICELY-furnished 7-room flat, furniture for
sale; modern. 265 13th st-
$-ROOM flat for rent, furniture for sale at
a bargain. 436 Taylor.
FURNITURE of 6-room house for sale, rent
$24; 8 rooms are rented. 143 Grand ave. N,.
Houses for Rent. Furniture for Bale.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished 4-room flat, mis
sion furniture, Havlland china, aiumlnum
kitchen ware, etc, all practically new,
very reasonable. Warranta investigation,
12U3 Hawthorne ave.. upstair.
FURNITURE for aalo and n good buy: 7
eoom hnoao wii furnished, clean, rnod-
I ern. nicely arranged, rent $35; nice lo
cation, close In. Call at 363 Harrison, cor.
I Park. See manager.
A BARGAIN, furniture of a 5-room flat in
excellent condition, with all modern
conveniences, located In select residence
section. 664 Couch, flat 5. Phono Main
FOR SALE Furniture of 8-roomed house,
mahegany and oak furniture, good carpets,
must sell by the 10th. Inquire at 374
Williams ave.
NEWLY furnlahed 9-room flat, furnace and
olden oak, brass beda. floss mattressea,
mlnutea' walk to P. O. Call afternoons.
427 Clay at.
FURNITURE of 8-room houso for aale,
house for rent, $20 per month: 3 rooms
rented, $30 per month. 860 Eaat 6th at-;
good location. East 2920.
NEW furniture 6 rooms, new piano, total In
voice $725, all for $276. Call quick if you
want it, 2 rooms up stalra pays the rent,
$10. 843 E. 17th St. S.
A CHANCE of a life time, $475 new furni
ture for $300; $33.50 cash, balance month
ly; must cloao deal today. 1032 E. 22d N.
Alberta car.
COMPLETE furnishings of 6-room flat for
sale; very desirable; ail outside rooms:
splendid location. Phone Main 90O2, A
PART furniture of 12-room houso on Nob
Hill for aale; balance furniture rented
with houae. Everything in good shape
and rooms rented. Phone Marshall 1520.
COMPLETELY furnished 6-room flat, ono
block off of Washington at., for sale cheap.
Inquire after 3 P. M, 5i! Couch.
COMPLETELY furnished S-room flat, fur
niture for aale, flat for rent. 381 5th st.
Main 6610.
FURNITURE of 6 rooma for aale cheap,
cottage for rent; ace owner at 187 Haisey.
2 blocks from Steel bridge.
FOR SALE or trade, furniture of 5 rooms;
best bargain In city; flat to let. Call after
12 Sunday. 141V 11th st.
FURNITURE of 8 rooms for Bale, house
for rent; 5 rooms rented. 550 Taylor.
Phono Marshall 793.
FOR SALE Furniture of 8 rooms. Includ
ing $55 sewing machine; $135. Call after
4 P. M 321 Marguerite ave.
1SS 12TH. lare, modern 6-room flat, com
plete, for rent, and furniture for sale, rea
sonable: very central.
NEW fumed oak furniture; rooms for rent.
Call after 5 P. M. dally, all day Sunday,
800 Vi East- 1st at. N.
MODERN 5-room flat, West Side, walking
distance, furniture, sacrifice. Marahall
COMPLETE furniture 5-room bungalow, two
blocks Sunnyslde school, for equity in
acre, lot or cash. $300. AB 774. Oregonlan.
Ground floor store. 25x100 feet and
apace on second and third floors of Ballou
& Wright bidg.. 7th and Oak sts.
25xl00-foot store at 86 Sixth at., across
from Wella-Fargo bidg.
20x95-foot atora on Hawthorne ave., near
404 Wilcox bidg.
$50 per mo. 163 Grand ava, near ID.
$25 per mo, at 170 Union ave, near
above; 3 living rooms Included.
Main 208, A 2050.
FOR RENT 2 stores on the corner Mont
gomery and 4th st, for grocery and dell
cat o.ssen; no competition; rent cheap. In
quire at the
916 Chamber of Commerce bidg.
BUILDING, SOxlOO feet, 1 story and buse
ment at corner E. Water and E. Madison
eis, on trackage; good locailon for whole
sale business or jrarage.
404 Wilcox bidg.
FOR RENT Nice large corner storeroom on
Grand ave, fitted up complete for a res
taurant; good opportunity for experienced
restaurant man. Apply Lewis Barnett,
care Wadhams & Kerr Bros, 4th and Hoyt
GOOD 2-story frame building, cor. E. 7th
and Hawthorne; suitable grocery, light
manufacturing or any good business;
prominent location.
WEBB & TERRY, 1209 Yeon Bldg."
$0x100 FOR lease for 10 yeara on second
floor, corner 1st and Morrison ats.; would
be fine for doctor, photographer or restau
rant. G. H. Oammeler, U21 Board of
Trade bidg.
140 SHAVER ST. New up-to-date corner
atoreroom, 30x50 With half basement, fine
display windows; will lease for three
years cheap. Portland Trust Co, 3d and
SPLENDID store on Morrison, bet. 7th and
10th ata., 18x100 and basement; very rea
aonabie rent; fine for millinery, clothing
or retail bualness. Main 5387.
WEBB 4t TERRY, 1!09 Yeon Bidg.
FOR RENT Large building, west side river,
8200 feet floor space, suitable tor garage,
laundry, machine shop, planing mill, man
ufacturing, storage, hard Burface streets.
AO 788, Oregonlan.
HAVE splendid .deakroom office or room,
telephone aervlce, use of stenographer;
lawyer or real estate man preferred; rent
reasonable. Apply 608 Lumbermens bidg.
MONT A VILLA Base Line road. Just west of
car terminus, concrete store, 15x60, fine
basement, splendid location. Inquire E. D.
Levy'a drug atore. adjoining. Tabor 978.
STORE on Morrison, near First Bt, rent
$150, three-year lease.
250 Al d er St.
SEVERAL stores at east end Madlson-st.
bridge. $20 to $40, according to else, in
quire 271 Hawthorne ave.
6TORE on Waahlngton Bt.; good lease; no
bonus; this is an Al place for any retail
business. AN 758, Oregonlan.
STORE and 5 living-rooms, rood location for
any business. 83 Russel bldg.
ALL OF 804 Oak and part of 306. Oak at.
Opp. Com. Club bidg.
MODERN atore. well located, brick bulld
Ing; $35. Phonea Main "157. East 4390.
THREE small stores for rent, new Pantagea
Theater bidg. Apply at tneater ornce.
LOFT space 24x24; good light; for rent
Phone Main 816; centrally located.
GROUND floor room on Stark at 2d. Apply
231 Stark.
HALF of storeroom for rent at ,60 2d st.
VERY CHOICE front private office and
reception room, also choice front desk
room, to responsible parties only. 904
Wilcox bidg.
All-night elevator service. 80S Swetland
bidg, 5th and Washington
PUBLIC stenographer desired In attorneys'
office. Services taken in part payment.
TV 777, Oregonlan.
OFFICE or desk room for rent either fur
nished or unfurnished. Appiy at room 40$
Filers bidg, S. E. cor. 7th and Alder sts.
WILL rent two well -furnished offices, cen
trally located: party niaktnp; mortgage
loans preferred. G 781, Oregonian.
WILL share handsomely furnished suite in
Yeon bidg, with desirable party. Phone
MarahaU 630.
OFFICE for rent, either unfurnished or
partly furnished, new building, centrally
located. Phone Mar. 8613. No agents.
SEVERAL rooms, furnished or unfurnished
eulte. doctor, dentist or photographer.
6.15 Washington.
Good room for mfg. purposes. 24x28
for rent. Phone M. 810. Centrally located.
DESKROOM or more on ground floor. 30$
Oak at, opp. Com. Club bidg.
LARGE offlce-rOom, separate entnince, for
rent March 1. Call 703 Lewla bldg
DESK apace nnd stenographic aervlce. very
reasonable. 512 Swetland bidg.
DESK room for rent, desirable tenant, 1204
Y'eon bidg. Or Yeon management.
OUTSIDE office for rent. 430 Worcester
DENTIST to share office with physician,
central office bidg. AF 762. Oregonian.
OFFICES for rent, new Print ages Theater
bidg. Apply at theater office.
OFFICE or deskroom on ground floor, at
248 Alder, near 3d St.
DESKROOM, $6.50 per mo, free use of
nhone. 511 Buchanan bidg.
FOR KENT Desk room. 531 I.amilton bidg.
ATTENTION, BROKERS We have office,
apace in our bank building, suitable for
Jobbers or wholesalers. Will arrange to
suit tenants; reasonable rent; very desir
' 3d and Oak.
6th. and Washincton sts.; very beat lo
cation In the cuty. Reaaonabie rents. In.
quire in bank.
Fine front office, hardwood floors, both
' phones, use of reception room, and other
services, $30. Apply 716 Chamber of Com
merce bidg. h
RAILWAY Exchange bidg. Choice outsida
private office or desk room with use reception-room,
opposite elevator; attorney
preferred. Addre3s G 787, Oregonlan.
OFFICE In Wilcox bidg, for rent by month;
4th floor, 6th-st. Bide; light, roomy, next
to elevator; reception room. Abbott
Co, room 402. .
space In our bank building, auitable for
Jobbers or wholesales. Will arrange to suit
tenants: reasonable rent; very desirable.
3d and Oak.
TRACT of 3 lots on Commercial st, with
larire bearing fruit trees, to rent for gar
dening or chicken ranch. Call owner,
Sellwood 81.
0x100 Risht down town, 35 years; fine for
Btores. office building and hotel.
HIGLEY & BISHOP, 133 Third St.
TO lease. 50x100 lot. Unlon ave, 4 blocka
south of Hawthorne. Inquire J. 8. Foss,
3S 4 is Haw thorne.
CORNER storeroom on Stark st,. with base
ment and vault; room 50x100. Apply Ruth
Trust Co, 235 Stark.
' 'I
1000 Auto. Call & Advt. Clock. ..$ .26"4
22 United States Cashier 10.50
5000 Metaline Con 04 'i
1000 Alaska Pet. & Coal 04Ms
60 Poulsen Wireless Corp....... 12-50
100 United Wireless, pfd 6.v
30 Port. Concrete Pile 8.50
See the other fellows first and THEN
SEE US. It will pay you. The above are
just a few of many stocks we have for
sale. We have unfilled orders for and
Marconi Wireless Telegraph
Omaha Independent Tel. bonds
Tacoma Independent Tel bonds fr
Northwestern L. D. Tel. bonds
Highland Gold Mines
Washougal G. & Copper
First .National Bank stock
Port. Concrete Pile
And many others. Communicate with na
before buying or selling any MINING, OIL
experience at your service. Correspondence
216-217 Lewis Bidg.
on salary, for Portland and other Ore
gon and Wash, territory, with $500 to
$1000 cash to carry stock and take charge
of sales, advertising, deliveries and sub
agents, for a large Eastern manufacturer's
products for which there Is a great de
mand. Salary $100 to $150 per month
and commission to the parties who can
qualify and fill above requirements. Ad
dress by letter, J. E. Madre, Hotel Alder,
an honest, experienced man 25 to 30 years
of age, who is not afraid to work and
will sell, clean up and do anything that
Is necessary around the store; one who
has had experience In groceries and hard
ware preferred; permanent position to
right man. If you answer by letter, give
experience and salary expected. Bell eV
Owena Co, Gaston, Or.
We want a man with practical experi
ence in poultry raising to join us in es
tablishing model poultry ranch close to
Portland. Must have $500 to invest. We
will furnish the land, build dwelling and
completely equip the plant.
606 Commercial Block.
money; t oloan.
$25,000 at 6 per cent.
$20,000 at 7 per cent.
$10,000 at 7 per cent.
$ 2.500 at 8 per cent.
4547. 407 Spalding Bidg.
MILK ROUTE One of the best In the city,
clearing over and above expenses $5 a
day. Don't take my word for it, take
a week's trial, then decide for yourself.
PRICE $525. Jordan, 610 Lumberman bidg.
120 modern rooms, will give special ratei
to clubs of young men of two or four
to occupy rooms, with private bath, rates,
50c to $1.50 per day, $2 to $7 per week.
East 59-111, B 1275.
IF YOU have $500.00 to Invest at 20 per
cent on reliable securities, absolutely
guaranteed by one of the largest mercan
tile houses In the city, call during busi
ness hours at 90 Grand ave, near East
Washington at, or phone East 3002.
WANT a partner for a well-paying cleaning
and dyeing plants have fine location, .two
wagons, and am doing good business; can
not attend to business myself. G 7S2, Ore
gonlan. .
for a man to get a one-half Interest In
a cash business with a real estate offlca
G. A. Nichols Inv. Co, 907 Wilcox bidg.
MEAT MARKET Doing big business, renl
only $10 per month. PRICE $250 if
taken Monday. Jordan, 610 Lumbermans
For a nice little caah buBlneaa aultablt
for man and wife, see me at No. 660 Wll
lams ave.
SNAP for cash, grocery stock and fixtures,
cheap rent, long lease, dandy location,
good business. 401 Eaat 50 th. Phona
Tabor 3740.
AUTOMOBILE garage, repair shop and
school wants partner: business will show
earnings of $750 month. 823 Lumber Ex
change. -
MEAT MARKET Doing a fine business,
over $200 per month profit. Good lease
and cheap rent. Will sell reasonable.
Jordan, 610 Lumberman bidg.
ADVERTISING man with a few thousand
dollars can have opportunity to Join well
established Portland printing-house. Ad
dress A J 778, Oregonian.
I HAVE a men's furnishing goods stock
worth $1500. Would like a partner with
about $000 to help me. 303 Lumber Ex.
FINE new brick apartment for lease for
term of years to responsible tenant; West
Side. AM 780. Oregonlan.
SNAP Cigar, confectionery, bakery: fine lo
cation; rent. Including water, $10; part
'trade. 71144 Williams ave. U car.
MILLINERY partner wanted, experience not
necessary. Particulara box E 778, Ore
gonian. MOVIN'Q picture theater, clearing $50
weekly: trv It before buying. $500 cash.
balance as you make. 417 Rothchlld bidg.
West Side hotel. A SNAP. Nuf said.
Call 618 Yeon bidg.
WANT trade equity 40 acres for good rooming-house,
grocery, house or Iota. What
have you N 773, Oregonlan.
POOLROOM and cigar atore for aale, very
cheap, doing good business. Inquire 524
Washington st. -
CAPABLE physician associate wanted; un
usual opportunity; investment unnecessary.
Dr. King. M. 5354;
RESTAURANT, cheap, lease, cheap rent.
good trade; llving-roome; terms. 204
4th st. "
CIGAR STORE This is one of the best 1 11
the city, paying $400 month net- . 323
Lumber Exchange.
FOR SALE First-class restaurant; thriving
business; failing health cause of sale. 21tl
Fenton bidg.
CONFECTIONERY, Ice cream parlor, lisrht
lunches, cigarB, tobacco, clean, good lo.
cation, cheap for cash. 1090 Belmont-
$500 WILL put you- In the BEST paying
business In Portland. Ask us. Jordan,
610 Lumberman bidg.
PARTNER for concrete business. $2000 co:i
"tracts signed guarantees double the in
vestment. 303 Lumber Exchange.
MONEY to loan. 5 to 7 per cent. 507 Spald,
ing oldg.
RESTAURANT Nice fixtures, rent $25
Price $450. 303 Lumber Exchange.
SALOON for sale; good location; must be
cash. AC 781. Oregonian,
WILL sell cleaning, pressing business
cheap. Call Sunday, 133 East 6th St.
STEAM laundry for sale very cheap, leaving
city. AN 7S9, Oregonlan.
J1350 BUYS a produce business clearing
$3110 per month. 209 Railway Exchange.
DESIRE you to Investigate one of the best
Investments in Portland. Marshall 89.
GOOD location for dentist In new town.
Y 814, Oregonian.
RESTAURANT FOR SALE, up-to-date, good
location, for sale cheap. E 774, Oregonian.
6MALL cash grocery, rent $10, clears $5
day. Price $275. 303 Lumber Exchange.