- I . . FOB BENT. w----- I orvT ff " grrrATioN waxtei rrMAiA lleukrepr. I'MMXMBEKED middle-aged widow ex perienced aad competent, wants position a housekeeper In hotel, apartment-nous or i,ikir'l horn or Invalid nurs. i. U. 1. Marshall :;os 'laDT. experienced In all kinds of J7 c. rooming-house, desires poelt on where trustworthiness and clop attention - t, bixlKM wl.l be appreciated; "Ml.tol housekeeper. Address I t.1 at. A8 houj'k'fiwr. "middle-aged 0rmn wo man, neat and orderly: would prefer su burbs or couatry. Call Tabor 114 bt " 11 and $ today. . CAPMII.E. experienced business woman wishes position as manager or assistant In apartment house; best city references A Tli. uronlu. or telephone Tabor .lie. tM'KKit.VEU woman wants position as min.er .f r.minc or apartment boos, in cil. or hotel In sma.l l"wn; refer- !l 7,Mt. orego . 1 1 -. under lo. tt girl o; .. wishes po- n as housekeeper f r widower; no ob jection to 1 or 2 cntl 1r-n or small family. refer-r.- V 77 J. oregoman. war HAVTED nu-e. not old. to car for Invalid man. on that can ! massage and oil rub. this is a ood plae for th. right j.riy; two montns and longer if -r ce cottage r-ar In suv.rb good board. ;i wek waces- :- Portnnd blvd West. m Johr.s car to Arior Liit station, on b : o-k wst. Must tlv tood reference NCK'WKADI'ATS wlehes ras. any kind; some housework consl.lere.l ; hjdrothe rphy and rrassaae. reasonable; refsrencs ORAPI ATK nurs desires position In phy s.nans office where there ar S or mor .lo. ton. or with privat party. "hon alar sna.l 4--l or A l".'l. OO" D practical nurs want oonflnement rase for Keoruary or other nursloc. wae reasonable. Mam 701. TOL'NO woman. eperneel. wish Pol t -.tt as eompanloa to woman or Invalid. Phone Euili;i or t. tT. ureonlan. TRAINED nurs wishes ensaremcnts; terraa r-aenb!; utile housaaark; reference. t m .''. EXPt.RlE.NCKD nurs would I'k maternity rases or would car for lnlant. l'hon Marshall fti. BrbssiiaKIXo: children elothea a spe cialty. Kaat 412. . irTxPEKIEN'Kn prnctical nurse, best of ref-e-en'. Main VVM. lmetsra. CIKL wants houswork In private lt0"0 fsmlly where second lrl Is kept; West b..le preferred. O TO. Oregojnlan- alIl.I.r.-A.;KD. re.pectab'. cook warts po- sllion. houi. restaurant or camp. 3SJ li St.. room li. TO I" NO irlrl wlihe housework, small fam- lly. Thon Main tl'.l. ComTete X T womaa wants senarai houa- w. rk. AO T4. ortonlan. OIRI. wants to do housework. Phon Mar- shall r.ii. WANTED Py work, cookln or hoa- work. ITS K. st-N. Tabor II TT. jAPANESErtrl wanta situation at houae- work. AS T'i.l. Oregon lan. i:.rKKIN,'KI woman dr:ri situation as f.tnl'.y rook; $10. VlP A 4TT.V MtsrellaMotsa. GKAPI'ATE nurse, thoroughly competent to aKt with operations. dressings, etc.. snrrie experience In b.mkkoepin. desire position in doctor's offlc. Salary reason able. Keferenc:a. Phon E 603. 4a k l"th st- X. A THOROUGHLY competent and respect able woman wishes position as house keeper for a club of 1 or mor bachelor; can lv city reference. J si. Orefo- FROTICAL nurs. Is years' experience. whes work by hour or day. nuratne. housework or plain sewing. Phon mora. Inrs. Marshall 40et. E P flil K.Ni'ED cook and housworkr. col ored would Ilk nousekeepinr or cooking for two ailults. f lrstc.aas refer ncea. loi N 1'Jlll St. Ki'HU'llillAV girl wants housework In a family wber sh can gt on or two bout of each day for studying; good bom. Phone Woodlawn 3'-".'. fKIVATil les-n given In grammar grad studies. Engllsb. to foreigner. Marshall :to.e. WAMtU To car for 4. t or 6-year-old child, afternoon. reeponelM persona. rf-eren-ee. Phon Est 343. WANTF.l) Position as housekeeper In quiet place or rhamber work la roomlng houe. H TT1. oregontan. MOTilEli warns children under 12. bet rare, near acnooL Keaaooabl terma Tabor ill. ' "LA UT wishes to car for children, hour, day ir night; can glv reference. Phon ar aleh o43. "" lUlLIABI.S Swedish lady want laundry work. Wednesdays. Thursdaja, full day. C lf ATT want day work. laundress. Dn Iron Irc. hou cleaning; references. Marshall ,.4. . ..SITI'ATION wanted. Chamber i ld or day" work, colored. Phon Main 110 L Mrs. - Cherry. ' LACE CT RTA1N3. beautifully laundered. - . sun-dr ed and bleached; work guaranteed. , Main T;?T. A NEAT colored alxl would Ilk a position as chambermaid or maid In dncena.L prtoti Main klv 1 IN VALID lady desire addressing or other lurt work at bom; good penman. Phon " M I7. EXPERIENCED colored girl wsnta cham berwork or donveatio day wora; refer ence. East osoa. TWO ladtewuh to car for ohlld In tblr bom, gsod horn, beat of car, fiellwood t'.'L LACE curtains hand-laundered, railed for. r!e. leered; work uaranleed. oc a pair. Marshall "137. WANTED Ux young woman, situation In Christina hom: no objection to children. P. O. but 3d.ArIeta.yr COMPETENT young lady wishes day work. ail kinds: also take care of young children. t all. 1 East IStn and Ankeny. YOl'NJ lady wanle work for aftemooa; good sewing. Iron. as or car of chlldrwa. Itioa Mar snail tit. WANTED Situation a cook by colored lady, in or out of town. Call gtt 1st at. Yoi'N'1 Japanese girl wants position; good famiy. at housework, cooking, help. Jo A Ate. eS N. loth St. kl.i'IMID girl wishes potltua a companion to widow la exchange fer hom and plan lessons. B TT. Oregoalao- AN educated, experienced and caraM wom an desire aom dignified employment; h -urv a to 1i P. yi. J '.". Oregonlan. Vv ll.l, sua to plea you at my boua. a . St .V ili. CclivwAN woman, good cook, want work part of day. Wood. awn '1S. CAPABLE woman want day work. Phon Main 4J4. UaiiT from London and Part g.vea leaaon in muslo and Trench. Main 474. EXPERIENCED aalslady wishes position. cloaks and sulta AT Tig. Oregonlan. i"'IliT-.'LAS3 laundr wanta work Mon day. Tuesday: reference. W'oodiawa loll. CAPABLK woman want laundry work for .VI on .1 a y and Tady. Main SoT. X i'KRiF.NCtl" Uundrea wanta work by cay Phon C 2o!3. NORWEGIAN wemaa want day work, phone Mam 41K4X WANTED To car far children evenings by re.pon.'ble person: references. Fsst 0943. Yol NG woman want Ironing and cleaning; no half da; reference. Tabor 101. oTltL wanta to assist with houaeerork. had us piano- Phon Marshall 17S. .. Uf'I'ICB girl desire position; ti per week. B ! UEKMAN lady wanta day work, washing. cleaning and Ironing. Phon East 4? l.elUAHl.E colored glrla want houaeclaanlng or officea Phon Mala sitST. WANTED Wsshlng and Ironing; calld for Bill n.,lT.rei. . . ' . , - i ...... ...... e.t--r- -ve -. ewk UM.f ant. ca teter.a. .au cooa. asm nw, N. ItWEGIAN lady wliba aom day work, l'hon Marshall ITS.. I.Ai'K curtalna washed lo up. Tabor 1443. .e. ScOlt. l.ntllAS wemaa want washing at hom. .'.Ira. kotassa. 4&4 Larrab SL jJaCE-curtains laundered. Xie up; qulokly -1 .-e. csieed for and deiteered. Tabor 817. CIRTA1N3 wanted, hand laundry. Wood lawn 14. N mangling. ,ORK by the day: good Main 31 410 T St. re fere ncea phono tut will prepar dlnnra or luncheon. "Mrs W. Main M.1L il AN wsnts sny kind of. work by th 1 r. Vain lTOL LAKY wants work by day or hour. Phon Et :v4- KltESCM taog'rt by lady, ciaassa or pri vate. Phon lTS. H A-NIO-A cook : Mala Baa. MTTATIOXS WAXTH1 FKMAUt. Miscellaneous. LACE curtains washed; call for and deliver. Phone East 01 4. . WANTED Washing to take hom by x- perlenced laundress. Main n- CAPABLE woman wants day work. Jdain ci. room ij. LACK curtalna hand laundered. fhon Jsaln 140. WASHINi) or sweeping. 25 ce"' per hour. nil woociiawn iv or ie WANTED Day work. Phone Main 6509. . Call Woodlawn T5 or v i-u- WANTED AGESTS. HAKE $21 next Saturday: sell startling new invention: marvel vaporizer bla any com mon coal oil lamp; brl.llant '": ... ... .. i T- nn I break chlmne. imuin unbreakable steel mantel; low !.: ..mole burner. postpaid. Special offer to beginners 14. rwtKlla JJ". Hurry. Sidney Kairchlld Co, 442 Naaby blilg Toledo. Ohio. VON tjKK opport unity; act quick; sell -Am-brew" -concent rat. d beer estracts; makes rejl. rcnuino Inloxlcstlrg beer: at horn, br adding water: save l'.O per rent brew ers' price; not near beer; not ubstltute. real lacer beer; no liquor license required; small package; carry week s suppl ; de Imer aa you sell. 'AmbreW Is concentrat ed Ingreo.enia real imger . iXTRAOKDINART opportunity for foun tain pen dealer, demonstrator, mall sr. !-r hou-ies. novelty jooDers. oner a i-j PEEHI-Ka3 KOC.NTAIN PEN CO.. eli l.roadwav. N. Y. Largest roanof actureia of a I gradea of fountain pens. Including gold-platod Oerman silver, and pearl moun'.ed fountain pens. rprentlng In slie axtd appearanc th highest grad or Vena At same tlm can be retailed for small amount with enormous profits. Cat alogue on request W E W ANT to start on good merchant or salesmsn each town In merrhant tal or Ing huslneea. Wo furnish big complet sample outnt free, no cheap folder or cat alogue, but 6v large-alie samples: elabor ate fasl.lon portfolio, every accessory : no experience necessary, prof.ts 1 to 15 a day. l nllmltel po"nl'll!tln- one for enluslv selling agency. Dept. 4T. MrCall, sale manager, lock box 433. Chicago. . GREATEST order-getter on market. New low-prtr Invention. Watklcs averaging i. sale weekly. Only machine mart that scientifically sharpens any rasor (old styl or safety blsjel. holding blade on an. and giving barber's stroke; guaranteed: every man buys on algnt; secure territory now; exceptional , opportunity for agents and manager. Th Victor Company. 815 Vl-tor bltlg.. Canton. Ohio. TEXAS Is the plaa to make money; new towns springing up. ranches being cut Into farma settlers pouring In; splendid open ings for farmers, fru.t and truck grower. Investors, manufacturers, business and pro fessions! men; gel all this reilabl develop ment Information by sending 10c for three months' trial subscription to Texas Realty Journal. Houston. Texas. W ax publish ers, not land dealers. LAHGE profits. No competition. Not sold by stores. Kwlcksharu, only automatic knife sharpener ami scuisor grinder made. A child can operate IL Advertised ex tensively. Field for sal unlimited. Best Mgn-grad specialty ever offered. Writ for proposition covering exclusive terri tory. A. spender. JT . 2itb Stret, New York. AOK.NTS wanted; th onlv perfect gas light er: quick seller, big profits: platinum prin ciple, not friction; simply hold over gas: cannot get out of order; nothing to renew; oid with an alsolul guarantee; write foe pneea and territory; sample postpaid. 23 cents. Gas Lighter Co.. 2V Bank au. Phil adelphia. Pa. AGENTS on salary or commission, Th ,rAtj,i event's seller ever produced: very " user of pen and Ink buys It on sight; 2i0 to oCH per cent profit: one agent's sales amounted to s'.ie in six uajv, hiulht e. In two hour. Alonro Mfg. Co. X.. 44. La ro sse. Wis.- MONEY proposition; do you want to own msll order business be Independent own boss? Would you manage agency for me tour Tlclnltv or elsewhere? All printed matter furnlahed for one-half profit. Write for particulars. Hasen A. liorlon, desk 1. Tekonsha. Mich. INVENTIONS of merit should be manufac tured promptly. Our equipment la mod ern and complete, backed up by ability and good service. Estimate and full In formation cheerfully given. Th Metal Specialty Co., . Department "H. Cincin nati. Ohio. NEHiKT10 agent make 2J to $.5 weekl selling American aluminum cooking ware, we nianutacture complet line, therefor save middleman's profit: big profits; easy sales; permanent business. American Aluminum Mfg. Co.. Dept. T7. Leniont. III. MANUFACTURER of new. erxclustv Hnen heel and to guaranteed hosiery wants acent in every county: sale enormous; reorder Insure permanent. Increasing In come' exclusive territory; credit. parkr Co.. Chestnut St.. I'hlla. . pa. wV; want a few more agents In open terri tory to sell th new Improved 1912 Aladdin Vapor Lamp. Exceptional opportunity to hustler. Samples free to our agenta. Th Mantle Lamp Company of America. 41 A.adrtin bid-.. Port.and. Or. LOW priced band machine, mskea (1 worth of article for 4 cents; sells quick, city or country: a real tlm and money aver; no competition: big money; writ at one for free sample M. Milton. (Ill d su, Dayten. O. MANAGER wanted. vry city and county, hand. best paving business known, legiti mate, new. exclusive control, no Insurance or book canvassing. ( bsa Halstead. 41 West Stth St.. New Tork. OUR good ar used In a million homes; every housekeeper buys and keeps buy ing; sells loc: costs you 4c: aampl and particular free. C. I Spencer. Kranklln st. Buffalo. N. Y. OUT particulara of on of best paying prop ositions ever put on market: something no on sis sells; caa make f4CK0 yearly. American Product Co, 0J b caul or a, Cincinnati. O. AN tTsP LA 8 TTk H 3. patented 1011: aamples. particulars re: average man or woman working few hours dally can clear $i profit: 1st us prove lu L. Seed Mfg. 'Co.. i Red. New York. Hit, profit for you: manufaetur barley crisp; new confection; R package costs you lc: machln T.So prepaid, samples live. 8haflr Co., lu Howard su, San Kra ncleco. GENERAL agents fer new World's Fair pub Mcatloa. subecriptlon and advertising, ex clusive territory; bond required. Interna tional Fair Publishing Co-, Paciflo bldg., San Francisco. CaL OUR aim Is to help you to success If ar reliable, will call on merchants your ter ritory; alegant sl.lelln. good commissions, prompt remittances. Montel Mfg. Cow Cincinnati. O. tlO DAILY, more, can t-e earned by every body undertaking a--y agency a extra; expert hnowled-4 unneceaasry. Writ (preferably In Oerman language) to A. Bteenken, Amsterdsm. HOLLAND. OUR goods ar used In million homes; every housekeeper bu and keepa buying: aella at 10c; oata you 4c: ampl and particu lar free. Address C L. Spencer, 2-1 FTankllns-.. Buffalo. N. T. AGENTS ink big mony selling oar metallic letter for offlc windows, store front and glass signs: anyone caa put tnem on; aamplaa free. MetaUw Slga Co-, 4 ST N. Clark St.. Chicago. AGENTS to handle biggest money-making Ar extinguishers; special starting offer; exclusive territory; T5 to $300 per month, l edger Chemical Mfg. Co-,. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. AGENTS, slrnlsts. 10oO per cent profit; beautiful window letters: ry low prices; asy proposition; something nw; KREB mounted ssmpi gt order. Embossed Co.. lf4. Milwaukee Chicago. WANTED Agent, cither sex. sell guaran teed hosiery; 70 per cent profit; goods replaced free If hoi appears; experience unnecessary. Addraaa 'Wear" Proof." West Phlla-. Pa. WEEKLY soiling collection cabinet to merchants; no competition: oxclusiv ter ' rltory: write fre aamjiles descrlptlv mat .ter. Sayr Co., Lacled bldg., at. Loula , Mo. HI who has prosperous N'sw Year 1 Davis agent; join happy throng; postal put you next. Davta boap Works, 611 Lavla bldg., Chicago. -THE SI-1DK-EASY" dsvlc for making necktl slid sy la collar. Samp, 5c Agent wanted. Pnex Mfg. co-. Minneapolis. Minn. Wl- PAY Sod week and xpen t mea with rig to Introduc poultry compound. Year contract. Imperial Mfg. Co.. Dept. T4. Parsons. Kan. 25il PER CENT profit; wondarful llttls rtlcle. ii Ilk wlldftr; can b carried In pocket. Write at once for free aampl. H. Mathews. 61. Third. Dayton. Ohio. EVERY WHERE for easy selling; IS proposi tion. S.e dally easily made. Particulars free. H. W. Knapp Co.. Anderson. CaL EA11N -0 weekly taking orders for Cut Hate Orocerle. OUTFIT FHKB. Stand ard (Trocery Co., 8f3 Arckde. Cleveland. O. LK'.ITIU ATE substitute for sl"t machines. rstente.1; sells on sight for $1. ParUou lara. isha Co Anderson. Ind. prire; sell tnree or lour ee r " . .TV money for asents. Listen Glasscock. Ark-. Mes $i54 few days Kretaer Wo., made $2kon Saturday. Cook. N. Y.. made J1 on week. No experience required. Write . . - ........ r n.i.i ii or run telial used by ail I.reer im u. i -- beer: big seller: enormous demard: large profits: Just send postal; we'll show you how to make money qrk. American Products Co., IM L r"T. Cincinnati, o. THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY WANTFl) M.ENTS. tvtt r..-x. I . . I I : .. I l u In Prints Family. LEARN about iro.'us made supplying per fume to families. Address Lcffler A Co, Indianapolis. Ind. 8THOM! proposition for fir Insurance man. a Iti Worcester bldg. WANTF.I TO RENT. Hon RESPONSIBLE parties want neat, clean furnished bungalow, hnus or flats about flv roorr.s. good neighborhood, reasonable rent. Phon Main 4lou. Call o Wor cester. WANTED To rent furnished 6-rooin cot tage, within ten minutea walk and on Sunnvside or Mount Tabor car; must b reasonable. O TM. Oregonlan. WANTED By reliable party, best refer ence, four or flv-room bungalow, com pletely furnished: must b reasonable. Marshall 3Doj Monday. SMALL cottag or flat, furnished. South Portland, not too far out; state rent and location In first letter. Tbo, Ore gonlan. WANTED to rent with th privilege of buy ing. Seven or eight-room, modern house. Family or two: best of referono. Ad dree AM 77 Oregonlan. WANTED By rasponsibl tenants, fS or -room bungalow, completely furnished. A M. Oregonlan T-KooM furnished house or bungalow. West Sid, for a few months, responsible peo ple. K T4S. Oregonlan. WANTEDToleaso 10-room new strictly modern bom, on West Side. C 793. Ore gonlan. WANTED Unfurnished house, 7 or 8 rooms, between Couch and Stark and Union eve. and Tth St. AB T63. Oregonlan. WANTED Modern S-ruom bungalow, fur- nace heat, good locality. Phone C 1993. YOUNG coupi wants to rent J -room house; stat price. AO 7.. Oregonlan. 8-ROOM house, chicken yards. Be carllna, reasonable- iox 42, Woodstock, Or. Apart s tits. TWO sisters wish to rent desirable 2-roora apartment ruitabie light housekeeping; reference!. Full particulara. AT 7o7, Ore gonlari WANTED By young woman. employed, home In private family: sleeping porch If postnt!, for $ per month. All 7sd, Ore gor. Ian. WANTED In close proximity to th river, furnished apartments, for .1 young men. sleeping porch, cooking faellitlea. Partlo ulars. AS 7"4. Orekouian. Rooms. UNFURNISHED housekeeping moms, pri vat hom with beat and range, walking distance North Hank Depot, West Side; reasonable; refined couple: st.ite pries and convenience fully. II 704. Oregonlan. ONE large unrurnHhed or partly furnished modern room, with large closet or kitchen tt end running hot and cold watr, rea sonable. N 774. Oregonlnn. FOB RENT. Rooms. FURNISHED, also unfurnished rooms, very suitable for gentlemen. Kamm bldg., 1st and Pine. Furnished Rooms. just Open: just open! hotel. dentlt 5044 4th., opp. City Hall. Right In town; splendidly furnished new brick, electrlo lights, steam heat, baths, both phones; hot and cold water In each room,. Rates $u.o0 to c4. Transient trad solicited. Main 17tJ. A 4629. CORDOVA UoteL 11th and Jefferson sts.; brsnd new brick; splendidly furnished; all rooms with teiephone. steam hear, hot and cold water, niany with baths: every effort im made for the comfort and convenience of Its guests; th rent ar most rsason able; rooms by th week, monla or day. "J" car direct from depot. ANGELA HOTEL. C25 Washington St.. opposa Multnomah Athletlo Field New brick building; all modern conveniences;; well regulated resi dential and family hotel; splendid accom modations for transients; convenient to the business center and the rates are mod derate t plenty steam heat l. Marshall ltfu. HOTEL ALMA. 1STH AND STAlvK STS. Beautifully furnlnhed rooms, single or en auito. with private bath, hot and cold water, steam heat and private phon in very room; levator and ground floor office; no court rooms; rates $5 per week and up; under new management "STONEWALLS." SMALL NEW APARTMENT. WEST 6IDE. walking distance, uicely furnished suites, beautiful outlook and pleasant sur roundings: rooms, heuted. electric llftht and hh, bath and piano. X10; everything ne. Main ,630. Sol Hnh. corner Mill. bAKiii.NI HOT U corner Urana and Haw thorn aves. Beautifully furnished rooms, sing. or en suit, with privat bath, hot and co.d water, steam heat and privat phone la every room; mouerat week.. or monthly rates; gnU In coaaoctloni tran sients solicited. HOI EL FORD. 7V3 Washington, cornsr Lu cre, u au New brlca bu.idlnif. Just com pleted; fin larg oulald roooia wltn tl pnone aurvlc. with or without privat batha; new and splenaidly furnished; hot and cold water, steam beat; oast ol srv ice; very reasonabl rales. HOTEL LA SALLE. 10th and Burnsld sts. Absolutely fireproof; new and elegantly furnished rooms; ptival batha, ateain beat, hot and cold water, prl.ut phones In each room; special rates by the month; phone service free. phono Maraueil 4Q1I. HOTEL SAVON. 131 Eleventh Street. !feir. modern brick building, steam healed, private baths, hot and culd water In rooms, beautuuily furnlahed. cosy, com fortable; lent ressonsbl. Call and as vs; regular snd transient trade solicited. THE HEX, SIN Washington Transient rooms, ooo and up: ty week, ft up. Are rou getting rooms like ours for tbe money ? f not, charge. steam heat, hot and cold water In each room; all eutalde rows Also housekeeping-rooms. HAlNlalK HOTEL. One block from Union Lepot; 140 out side rooms, with hot and cold water and aieem heat; offers special rale to perma nent guests; rates Croc to a day; i.M and up por week. Pnone Main oil J. THE CLARNO HOTEL. ' 14Stt UulXAuA V ar., Phon C SIBIk -tsam heal, but and cold water. Elec tric light in all room. First-class ac commodations at bU per woek., L, U or I car direct to door. " BTEAH-HEATED ROOMS." Homaltk. clean, well furmsnsd aleep lngs rooms, from l3.ou a week up; sea tbes and vou will look no furlhsr. Gsueleve. 44o Columbia, near 1-th. AKRANOED for beat class patrons; on double, on slngl vacancy, privat bath rooms; dining-room in connection. WEAVER. 2.d and Waahlngloa Bta. VAN GOHDEK HUTEl 1031 Twelfth St. Marshall Z790, In heart of business district: steam heat, hot and coid water, fre phon In vry room; si day and up: 4 wsek and up. HOTEL KEN WICK An Ideal bom for bu laaaa people; contrary located; eiegaat rooms; ail modern conveniences; 7tn aad laylor sta. 1 block from Porttan- Hotel, opposit Hellig Tliealer. puone af-aln sla, LIGHT, airy rooms, modern, suites or sing., steam heat, yj and ftli week; 6 minutes' wa.a to ttieaier and stores: free pea U N i-it-LL HOTEL, Js 4TH. WE3STER COURT now ready for th re ception of guesla; make your selection of a room, at oncu. Grand at, and Paclho street. HOTEL GARLAND, cor, Washington and Triuity plac Modern corner brick; out aid rooms, private phones; reaaonable rates; transients, fi per gay. MADRAS HOTEL, lth and W-shlngioo. Rooms 11 a day. fto week; nothing ex tra for two In room; thoroughly modern. THE KING. UU Jefferson, nicely furnished rooms; heat, electric light, close to busi ness center; ralea. Including bath, 30 . per week mi. L-LKGS front room, suitable for several young men; can clve an attractive figure. Call and see it. 17 Stout St., near Waah Ington. KL I'LACE. 414 Yamhill si., cor. 11th; rooms So-50 per week up; also suites; hot and cold water, ateam heat, private bath. NICE-largo warm double front rooms sult able lor 1 to 4 persons ; also other nice rooms reasonable. Ik 7 Taylor. NEWLY furnished new building, steam heat, electrlo lights, bath, phones, walking dis tance. $i0 and up. .74 Holiaday ave. HOTEIj ELWELL, Tth and Alder; steam beat, hot and cold water, electrlo ligata In all rooms, permanent and transient. AKUIN1U8 HOTEL 410 Morrison, opp. Baker Theater, nicely furnished rooms; c.rmsnent. transient; low rate Main mt HOTEL MORRIS. lTth and Alder sta. Mod ern rooms, suitable 3 to 4 persona, Pri vate baths. P.ates $3.60 up. GRAND UNION HOTEL. SbT1 East Hurnslde Su s.R'Kl.7 furnished rooms In .choioe neigh borhood. Phone Main B43. MODERN. nice. large. newly furnished rooms, .real cheap, call up A 7S04. A NICE location for rooms; steam heat. 471 Morrlaon. FOR RENT room with privat bath. Mad ison park Apia., 142 Park at. I'e-i,.lie ftooni. I "' Z HOTEL CAPLES. 8SO Taylor St.. bet, Tth and Park. dVntla! and transient: absolutely central, two minutes from Postoftice, stores, thea ters and restaurants; Just off business streets and canines; quietest and best lo cation: now brick; ample steam heat ana hot running water; phones. elevatoJ From $1 dally. 5 weekly. Any car from Union Depot: from North Bank Depot, b car to Taylor st. Phone Marshall -uu. HOTEL BYRON. Seventh and Taylor Sts. This handsom brick structure, all mod ern conveniences, opens shortly In connec tion wlto the favorably known Hotel ca pita, as above. NOW OPEN I NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! Those thra beautiful furnUhed ho'el HOTEL HOTEL 5?TSH MINOOK. PARSONS. R?,LA.Dsr -riMi 4--h St. S11H ilk SL i!07Va 4th St. On Fourth St.. running lrom Taylor to Salmon il; brand new brick, elegantly furnished; steam heat, privat bath, hot and cold water In all rooms; strictly up to data in all respects, and at PPa'?I prices. If you want something out of the ordinary. In the heart of the city, at rea sonable prices, give us a call, as we know you will llks It. Rooms by th day. wee a or month. Tourist trad solicited. . FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. also transient, by day or week. S70V East Mor rison. Phone B 10. Furnished Rooms in rrivate Family. LAIlGE well-furnlshed. steara-heatod parlor bedroom, with alcove and closet, for two or three, with or without privilege of kltch- . . ,.i , ., rin it '.',1 floor. NICELY furnished front room, modern suit aoie lor two lauies, aiau.u v - ten minutes' walk from P. O. 1S8 Lowns dale st. A 4731. WANTED 1 or 1 gentlemen to room In pri vate home; all conveniences; 15 minutes: West Side. Call Main 4S6 A. M.. or Main 6967 on Monday GOOD rooms, all conveniences, abundance hot water. 12 to 3 weekly:" attic l.r0. This Is a deslrabl. quiet location. Short Ik. SOS l.th st. LARGE front room, comfortably furnished. In a beautiful private home; electric heat and phone; suitable for two persons. 71 Trinity Place. CLEAN, nicely furnished front room, .ad joining bath, in modern home; use .of piano; home privilege; walking distance. HI North ltlth. NEWLY furnished room In new upper flat; excellent bed. modern conveniences; easy walking distance. 64s .EveretL 424 tj TH ST. Look at these; close In. de sirable, modern and reasonable, front, sin gle or double. 12S N. -3D Large beautiful front room, newly furnished. electrlo light, heat, phone; very reasonable. LARGE front room, newly furnished, with . extra large closets. 3.50 per week; gas, electricity and bath. SOU 6lh St. 4b0 JEFFERSON" Pleasant furnished rooms, modern conveniences, 11.50 and $2 per week. WARM, sunny, nicely furnished front room; also smaller room; strictly private home; modern; central; reasonable. 621 Couch. ELEGANTLY, furnished room In private fainily; modern: close in; rfrnces re quired. Main 61. 350 SALMON st. Front room, suitable 1. 2 or 3; hot and cold water, heat, phone and bath. NEWLY furnished room In new upper Tat; excellent bed, modern conveniences; easy w alking distance. 6H4 4 Everett. Il PARLOR room, fireplace, furnace heat, electric lights, bath and phone. 8-4 10th. Marshall -j4d. - ATTRACTIVE parlor, cooking privileges; other rooms very reasonable; Nob HliL US Flanders. BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms in Irving ton. T1S East Multnomah su; also garage. East T CLEAN, furnished room, bath and home conveniences. No. 620 E. Ankeny, cor 11th. ROOMMATE wanted, a neat Jolly girl, fond or music; have nice room, cross In. Call Marshall so, nooni -pa. PLEASANT front room, facing Park, phone, electric lights, bath, walking , distance, otto", Park. NICELY furnished rooms, with or without board, walking distance, nice location. 421 12th st. WELL furnlahed room, electric light, bath and phone, $10; one well furnlahed room, IS. 311 Main. bet. 6th and 6th. NEATLY furnished rooms, modern conveni ences, $1.60 and 2 per week. 182 Lowns dale. near Taylor. Call after 10:30. NEAT "young man wants room mate, large front room, walking distance. 46ft East Davis st. Phone East 653. NICELY furnished room, suitable for young man or l.idy. bath, gas and electrlo lights, both phone, reasonable. 470 Columbia St. ONE or two nicely furnished rooms, mod ern, good location, walking distance. 1S7 East 14tn. WELL furnished room In modern home $10 month. 2611 Park st.. near Madison. 7 MONTHLY, small neat front room. gas. bath, home privileges. 446 6th. M. 416S. NICELY furnished rooms, running waten heat. bath, suitable for 1 or i. 16 N. 17th. NICELY furnished room, close In, $3 a week and up. 473 Alder. CHIiAP Nice, warm furnished room, fur naco heat, bath. 770 Irving st. $2.50 WEEK Nice room; bath; good loca tion: walking distance. 4.12 Bth. ONE or two front rooms. West Sid; rea sonable. Phone A 0211 Sunday NICELY furnished front parlor for one or two gentlemen. 414 Salmon St. NK'KLY furnished room for one or two gentlemen. 4Ue aiain st. HOT-WATER heal. new. richly furnished front rooms: also housekeeping. 853 11th. NICELY furnished front room In private family. 254 Page; take "U" car. WILL give a young lady a nice home very reasonable. 47 2 Taylor. COZY front room, modern, reasonable. iO N. 16th, near Washington. NICE furnished rooms, modern conven iences, for one or two. 213 13th at. FURNISHED rooms for rent. Inquire 820 Tillamook or phuBeCJl FRONT room In modern flat. 26 K. 10th st. Phone Main 4tll"l. NICELY furnished room, with or without board; bath and phone. 824 14th. BEAUTIFUL front room In modern home, walking distance. 670 E. Madison. B 28TL FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room; wslking distance. 03 East 12th st. N. FURNISIItTd basement room for bachelor. Sort Hancock su LARGE furnished room, good home for 1 . op References. Tlll Johnson. ROOM, suitable 1 or 2 gentlemen. In pri vate Portland Heights home. A 4I3. LARGE, nicely furnished front room IS per w eek 412 10th st. NFAT front room7 12.50 per week for one; 13 fortwo. 2 Op 12th St. CurdE. clean room. $2 per wek for one; XJ.OO fOr two. 216 12TH ST. Well-heated, nicely furnished, reasonable, close In. Phone A 66K2. TWO newly-furnished single rooms, reason able. Main W50. 401 H 12th st. ONrt nicely furnished front room, suitable for two. 32T West Park. TWO nicely furnished front rooms for rent. 521 Lovetoy. cor. 15th. vt-KY desirable room, suitable for 1 or 2; 1 - " , . )' Wea. rnelr .11 convenient--- - C-k-WLY furnished front room, for 2 or 3. 10 m. walk P. P.. In German family. 640 6th. VTr-lc iNT rooms, reasonable, S minutes from P. Q-: balh and phone. 2H6 12th at. jrrrr, v flTHED rooms: heat, phone and bath; FLJ-1,n" distance. 221 13th.- OOOD rooms, i niocas in x-osioiucs, ch-ap. SoM Salmon. in.-aiitifUL front room In quiet home: B modern conveniences. TOO Flanders. , CTi-e'I Y furnished rooms, private family, N walking distance. 2tftl 12th St. VERY nicely furnished room In private fam- lly. wltn an wu""'"-"- ... .. ..... I. TWO housekeeping rooms, quiet place, i il W Perk goou iwauu- -- -"LIGHT, airy nicely furnished rooms, sult- al.le two people. li)2 13th st. FRONT room for rent: breakfast If neces sary. 723 E. Couch. KM ALL room, suitable for a gentleman; walking distance, m 14th at. ROOM ERsI with or without board, rates reasonable; modern. 841 11th st. . NICELY furnished room, quiet home; bath, heat, phone: reasonable. 272 Park st. KIt'FLY furnished rooms, all modern con veniences. $12 per month. 647 Yam MIL 86n 7TH Front room, large closet, two beds, one smaller, H weekly. PLEASANT front room, with or without board. 163 M 10th st. TWO furnished living rooms, one porch room, all connected. 211 12tfe st. FOR RENT Nice south room suitable for two, rent reasonable. 35 North ISth st. ROOMS for two, $1.50 each. &$8 Salmon at. CLEAN", pleasant furnished rooms for 1 o. I persons to the room, with or without board, hot and cold water, furnace heat; Just off lath st. carllne. 624 Flanders. Main T815. ; NEWLY furnished front room, suitable for one or two, 12; also nice sunny back room $10: furnace heat, modern conveni ences, walking distance, between two car lines. 610 Northrup St. Phone Main 8790. FURNISHED room, electric llchts. bath, phone, automatic elevator, steam heat, all modern conveniences; gentlemen only. Carmelita Apts- 13th and Jefferson. Phone Main 473. Apartment 304. FURNISHED room for gentleman on West Side convenient to two carllnes. walking dlstanoe to postoftice, private home and has ail the modern conveniences. Phone Marshall 1107. ONE double and one single room, strictly' private home, close in. East Side, no other roomers: reasonable: references ex changed; gentlemen preferred. Ail 784, Oregonlan. NICELY furnished front room In modern home close in, very reasonable, suitable for 2 or 3 man or man and wife; every thing first-class. 89 N. 15th st. LARGE, light front room: central; phone, bath: strictly private xamlly: one or two gentlemen; reasonable; references. F 763, Oregonlan. . FOR RENT Nicely furnlfhed warm, sunny rooms, bath, telephone and only 10 min utes' walk to P. O. 389 11th st. or phone Marshall 43'JO. West Side. 3 LARGE front rooms for 1 or 2, one room for $3.50 per week, also the other for 12.50 per week, bath, heat- 126 Vs N. 16th St. NEWLY furnished room, private family, modern In every respect. Just like home, breakfast If desired; male. 325 13th st. LARGE furnished bedroom, walking dis tance, only 2 a week. 813 Hancock street E. . SCOTCH family have icomfortable fur nished rooms. 201 Cherry, corner of Lar rabee st. . ROOM, suitable for 1 or 2; walking distance, 2 blocks from Stoel bridge. 207 Larrabee $2 LARGE room and clothes press, fur nished, gas, bath, phone, stove and wood. Main 1141. NEATLY furnished front room, $2 week; larger room. $3: heat, gas plate, bath, short walk, quiet. -2 Tenth. LARGE, clean, light front room with alcove. Reasonable for two employed women. 554 1- YHmhlll. ELDERLY lady will give room to Christian woman for companionship In evening. E 78S. Oregonlan. $7 MONTH, furnished room, phone, bath, electrlo light, walking dlstancs. 427 Har rison. TWO fine rooms, home cooking, fine loca tion, good walking distance. 617 Kearney, The Magnolias. NICK, alrv room, furnace heat. In strictly private family. $4 per week; one gentle man. 324 ft lOtu st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms In fine location, single or en suite, heat, light and phone. 173 N. 17th St. NICE room for two or four young men; also suite of housekeeping rooms. 604 East UUK svreeL- $3.50 LARGE front housekeeplnR or sleep ing rooms. 67 Vi Third opposite Mult nomah Hotel. Transient a specialty. PLEASANT front room for one or two. pri vate family, walking distance. East Side; reasonable rent. East 61121). FURNISHED front room, gentleman, in modern home, walking distance, $12. Main NEAT room, with breakfast, bath and phone, in private family; no other roomers; $10 per nioino. x-om, n ll'j pleasant furnished room In modern steam-heated apartment, second floor. it lai et,rf o cue. ,... NICELY furnished room modern conven iences, centrally located, reasonable. 404 Clay, rear 10th. NEATLY furnished room, all modern conven iences: gentleman preferred. lbT is 10th st.. near Yamhill. $10 FOR a dandy room, all modern: best of location: light and airy. 42S Mill. Phone Main 4573. ' Rooms With Board. 2 FINE 6-room apartments; steam heat, hot and cold water, line building, in Nob Hill district; $00. CHAPIN A HERLOW. 832-S38 Chamber of Commerce. THE Hsxel dining room reopened, table board, strictly first-class; also furnished rooms, steam heat, running water; prices moderate 385 3d St., cor. Montgomery. DOES a home appeal to your THE WHITE HAL, cor. 6th and Madison; large rooms, bath, broad veranda, quiet, close in, near car. 4 blocks from P. O. American plan. LAMBERSON. 654 Couch sL. cor. 17th Very desirable, clean rooms with steam heat and running water; good board; fine location for teachers or business men. MANITOU. 261 13TH ST. Attractive, clean rooms. steam, heat, good I oard, close in. reasonable. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION; 23d year. Rooms with board, use of scwlng-room. library. 610 Flanders. F. N. Heata. supt. THE CALVARD, 452 Morrison, corner 13th, well-furnished rooms with board. ROOMS with board. Call 880 Taylor; pri vate hoarding-house. HOoM and board. Casa Rosa. 300 Jefferson St.. cor. 6th. FURNISHED rooms with board. 1G7 11th st. Rooms W ith Board in Private Family. SPLENDID room for one or two. choice hoard, congenial home, piano, excellent neighborhood. 761 Marshall. A 4U20. FINE, large room, suitable for two. with board, hpme cooking, all conveniences. 4T2 Salmon St. Phone Marshall 42T3. WANTED To rent room with board to re fined man. in an elegant home. Address 46 Clay st- WIDOW-having a cosy flat would like two young girl boarders. 147 11th sL Mrs. Lea vim ROOM and board In private family; two in a room; close in, on East Side. Call 64 E. 12th st. N. ; ROOM and board In refined home with all conveniences. 3'j5 E. Ash, corner 13th. Phone East 1S43. NICELY furnished room with board for two, modern conveniences, home i-ooklns. close In, ressonahle. G 7b5. oret;oiiiail. WANTED A couple, or two or three young men. to occupy a large ulcove room wlih balcony: ood home cooking. Main 2U41. WANTklD Girls to room and board with girls in modern apartment; close In; $20 a month. Marshall 2051. , WANTED One or two children to room and board: will give best of care. Phone Woodlawn 1746. ; TWO nlcelv furnished rooms and excellent board, suitable for 3 or 4 youas men. rea sonable. 714 Davls .Main 7UT0. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room with board, new private residence. Nob Hill; refer ences. X T5, Qregotilan. sWHEK up, tine rooms, with or without flisl-tUtea board, in private family; swell location. ITS Ella st PRIVATE room and board. 812 Salmon t Photie Main 2135J FIRST-cLASS room and bowid for 8 gentle men. $25 per month. Main 4751. BOARD and room, parlor, front room, with piano, gooo o".' - . . ROOM and board for lady, $4.50 week. B 23T. i 447 6TH Vacant today, cozy front single room, with or without board. THREE cosy rooms, sunny and warm, board If desired: excellent location. 741 Ollsan HOME i Ivlleges, strictly home cooking; prices reasonamc. i.n on - FURNISHED rooms with or without board; phone and bath. 262 12th St. PLEASANT sunny front room, private fam ilyi modern house, close in. 431 Market. FUTINIPHED room and board, gentleman. r,70 Couch and 18th st. Apt. 42. WELL furnis'Iied rooms modern, furnace. 34Q H assalo, U car. FIRST-CLASS room and poard, private family. 545 Yamhin. FURNISHED rooms, with board, 320 11th sL Phone A 1636. Main 7573. i""PLEASANT rooms all conveniences; board. AT20. 204 N. 23d., t PLEASANT rooms, single or en suite, excel lent bosrd: also table board. 656 Gllsan. WEST SIDE Large room with alcove; .ex cellent tableboard. Main -07L ROOMS, with or without board, in modern bouse; reasonaoie. nu i-t- CHOICE place near Multnomah Club: new house; 2 meals; reasonable. Main 2219. NICELY' furnished rooms with board. 6M Everett t- A NICE place to room and board for 2; all conveniences. B 2472. BOARD and room, 332 10th st. Phone Main 6079. FURNISHED room with or without board, all modern.553 K.Couch. F"lRST-CLASS rooms and hoard. 70S EVer e It St. Marshall 8302. NICELY furnished room, suitable for two gentlemen; with board. 195 16th at. Booms With Hoard la Private aml!y SELECT BUAKU, nuJii VVV , Just opened a newly furnished select homelike place, and can take a lew more boarders; our prices are right and we aie sure you will like our cooking: try It ana be convinced. The Asher, No. boo Everett St.. cor. 2oth. NICE room and good board for two In refined home. excellent neighborhood, southern exposure, gentlemen preferred, $23 each; to appreciate this proposUloit you must see us and our home. Sol East Taylor. S.S. cars. . SMALL, pleasant front room with two larse windows, with board 'for lady or gentle man. Price reasonable; walking distance, all modern conveniences. 28 E. 9th at. N. Phone East 6U18. WELL furnished front room, all modern con veniences, with or without board, for one or two people. In refined private family: easy walking distance; reasonable. Call ' Marshall 1019. NEW. private home with two suites of rooms, with or without meals, also sleep ing porch, one block from W car, between 21st and 22d sts. 6DS Overton IL Mar shall 3388. ROOMS with board in private family, two sleeping porches, one block from W car. between 21st and 22d SU 60S Overton St. Marshall 3388. BEAUTIFUL front room, with alcove; also single room for two or three, with or with out board; all conveniences. 275 .24th st. North, cor. Overton. Phone Marshall 3056. ROOM and board In comfortable modern flat. Rooms single and double, twin beds, best home cooking, reasonable. A 3752. 54is 6th st. FOR RENT 4 large sunny rooms with board In a private family; everything new and clean; good home cooking. Apply 344 Wasco st., between 2d and 3d. LARGE room, modern, clean and light, suit able for young men, 6 minutes to Post office; good home cooking. 363 6th, cor. Mlll. ROOM and board in private family for 1 or 2 gentlemen; 1 block south of Sit. Tabor carllne, address No. 200 E. 52d SL Phone Tabor 207. VERY desirable large front parlor room In strictly private family with first-class homo cooking, within 10 minutes' walk from business center. Address 3S9 Main st. PRIVATE home, have one boarder with us 3 years, wish one more: home privileges. None but best need call. C 1003. Home phone , IF you want good room and board or table board In private family where you can fo-1 at home, call at 2ti0t Larrabee s, east end of SMtel bridge. NICE sunny room for two In private family, modefh home, every convenience, every home prtvilece extended. Call. 624 North rup. Phone Main 4427. . NICE large room. large closet; all modern conveniences; plenty of home-cooked food In private home. 62 Lucretla at., bet. 22d and 28d, near Washington. NICELY furnished room with excellent board, ladios or gentlemen; house newly renovated and tinted. 105 E. 11th sL Phone East 4703. LARGE, weli-furnlshed room, good board, very reasonable, employed people; also 2 3d-floor sleeping rooms, with breakfast, $3 a week. 120 N. ISth. ROOM and board, suitable for two gentle men in private family. 192 12th st. Pnone Main 1461. NEWLY furnished strictly modern rooms, home cookingt 7 minutes' walk to P. O. 42T Clay St. Marshall 8059. CHEERFUL front room, with board, sult u'ulo for 2 or 3; all home privileges. 20S N. 2od. Main 5270. LARGE room, two beds, one single room, private family, modern, flrst-ciasa. 188 East 12th south. ROOM and board 6 per week, i In room $5 each: heat, phone, bath. 560 Rodney ave.; tage - u car. SINGLE room with board; running water, modern conveniences: gentleman only; close In. 291 West Park: WANTED A llttieglrl from 3 to 7 years, to board. 1020 Grand ave. N. Woodlawn 83S6. ; . ROOMS with board, furnace heat, bath, etc Quiet corner, 5 minutes' walk postoftice. 820 7th St.. corner Clay. VERY pleasant, nicely furnished front room, with board; close in; pieasant surround ings; best of home cooking. Sain .,280. NICELY furnished room with board, furnace heat, working people preferred. 49i Mont gomery St. Reasonable. PLEASANT rooms, good board, modern con veniences, references. 209 E. 6th N.,-near Holiaday ave. C 149. B04RD and room in private family, 574 Ladd ave.. 1 block from 12th and Haw t h o rne. Phone East 5145. YOUNG man wishes roommate: home privi leges, home cooking, close In, $3 week. East 4216. . ROOM and beard In strictly modern flat, good home cooking, walking distance. 432 Mill st A 5632. WANTED Two persons to take breakfast and. dinner in private family ; home cook ing. 668 E. Salmon at. or E. G023. JUST" opened, new, modern, board and rooming-house, steam heat, all rooms. o60 Gillian. Marshall 41S3! NICELY furnished room, with all conven iences, for 1 or 2: first-class board; ten minutes' walk from P. O. 891 loth. A PLEASANT front room for 1 or 2 near Multnomah Club. Marshall 4112. Apartments. 670 KEARNEY ST. 3-room basement apartment at the Roosevelt; nice and light; $25 per month. PORTLAND TRUST CO., 3d and Oak. ST CROIX New, modern building, three rjom apartments, furniBhed or unfur nished, low rate, best of service. 170 St. Clair, between 22d and 23d, near Wash ington. Main 626. THE AMERICAN. Most up-to-date apartment In North west: Slst and Joh:.son sta,; all outside rooms. Apply on premises, or call Mar shal 8300. WINSTON Apartments. 841 14th st:, at Market; new corner brick; all bright, out side rooms; 2 and 8-room suites com pletely furnished lor housekeeping; $23 to $37 50. For Information call Main 1739. THE FLORENCE. B and 4-room furnished apartments; modern, new and absolutely first class: walking distance; from $35 up. 3S3 Ilea street. THE MAHR APARTMENTS Under new management, new, modern, 3 and 4-room furnished and unfurnished apartments. Apply manager. Marshall 2028, BUCK-HARTFORD APTS., 21st and Flan dors' 2 and 3-room beautifully furnished apts.': 4 unfurnished, strictly modern. cheap. HARRISON COURT. 394 6th St.; 2 and -room apts., unfurnished, modern conveni ences; cheapest rent in city. Main 514S, A 7368. cheap. THE WESTFALL, 410 6th St., very close In, reasonable, strict ly modern, furnished or unfurnished apart ments. CLAYPOOLE ANNEX, 325 Eleventh St., two room furnished apartments, private bath, all conveniences, good service; walking d stance. Now under new management. THE furniture of a 4-room apartment for sale at a bargain. The apartment will be for rent o-i or before Feb. li. Apply to Janitor. The Irving, 689 Irving St. BJELLAND, 10th and Lovejoy Unfurnished apartment tfront): strictly modern, new brick, 4 rooms; must bo seen to be ap preciated. Owner, Main 186T. A 1807. GARDNER APT., cor. 13 East Ash, nicely furnished 2-room, with bath, heat, water and tight; very clean; basement apart.; - reasonable to desirable tenants. THE CHELTENHAM. 2-room furnished apartment; private bath and phone. 255 N. 19th. Marshall 3uoa- GRAND- OAK APTS. Newly furnished, 2 and 8-room apis., private baths and phones, all outside. 66 Grand ave. THE WINDSOR APARTMENTS, cor. E. 14th and Yamhill. 2 and 3-room, very de sirable and homelike. XWO-KOOM apartment for rent and furni ture for sale, walking distance. Phone Main 3306, apartment T. GRACE Apartments. 24th and Northrup sts.; 6-room apt-, front veranda and sleeping porch, private phone, hot water heat. THE DRICKSTON, 448 11th; two 2-room apartments, $30 each; all modern con veniences THE ONEONTA. 187 17th St., 2 and 3-room housekeeping apartments. $2u to $30, steam heat, close In. Phone Main 4697. THREE daintily furnished housekeeping rooms. In beautiful new Nob Hill resi dence; fine view. Phone A 1782. TWO, 8 and 4-room suites, furnished .and all modern: very reasonable. 15th and Everett. ila'JLi-4: BEAUTIFULLY and completely furnished 8 room apartment, with piano and bolh phones; must take lease. Phone A 2075. NEW and strictly modern 3-room apart ments. 234 East 18th. corner Main. THE DAYTON Nice 4-room lower apt., heat, wacr, etc.. $20 6.".8 Flanders st. UNFURNISHED apts., steam heat, private bath, walking distance. 117 N. 18th. JAEGER APTS. Phone Marshall '413$ for Mrs. Thrasher about vacancies. Apartments. NOB HILL APARTMENTS. Corner of 19th and Marshall. One 3 and one 4-room apartment, large rooms, reception halls and baths, new and modern, splendidly furnished. Phones Marsh all 1012. THE WHEELDOV. Cor. Park and Tayior sta, THE WHEELDON ANNEX, Cor. Tenth and Salruoa sic Walking distance. Furnished complete. 2. 3 and 4-roora apartments: buildings new end strictly modern; servic first-class. FORDHAM APARTMENTS COMPLETED. At 170-172 Ford st.. Just south ol Wash ington, aro the most complete, highest class apartments ever built In Portland: finished In hardwood throughout, giving tenants choice of oak. Circassian walnut or mahogany; elegant wall coverings, tiled baths with superb fi-tures; highest class service; each with private balcony ana bath; 4 rooms with most convenient ar rangement. $42.50 to $50; 5 rooma. $30 to $eo. This building is different. Let Mrs. Burleigh show you through. THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving sta: this new 4-story brick now open; fur nished and unfurnished in 2. 3 and 4-room suites; reception hall, electric automatlo elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built in buffet and writing desk, gas rungs. Ice box, plenty of closet room, both phones, vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you want something nice, come to the Barker. Phones A 1744. Marshall 2901. NEW APARTMENT HOUSE. The Meredith Apartment-House will opened the first of February under new management, and will be furnished with the best of furnishings entirely different from the most of them, and will class A in every respect; all two and three rooms, completely furnished; two four-room and one five-room suit unfurnished. 712 Wash lngton St. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS, brick and stone palace of luxurious homes. Trinity Place between 19th and 20th streets. Just off Washington; magnificent exclusive apartments. In heart of apartment-house district; rentals reasonable; every modern convenience; sleeping porches, high-class service; refined clientele; reference re qulrd In all cases. Superintendent's phone. Marshall 502. THE VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Just completed, most magnificently fur nished apartments In the Northwest; loca tion perfect; rentals reasonable; every modern convenience. Including banquet hall and roof garden: both phones In ail apartments; high-class service; reference required. Main 2270 and A 7057. HEINZ APARTMENTS 14th and Colum bia. 4 blocks south from Morrison St.; new brick building, completely flrst-clasa. furnished In . 3 and 4-room family apart meats ; private bath, steam heat, hot wa ter, elevator, free phone, vacuum cleaner. Janitor service; rent per month, $26, 130. $40 and ud; must be seeu to b appre ciated " UTSHUR APARTMENTS, 26TH AND UPSHUR STREETS. Thoroughly modern 3-room unfurnished apartments, $20; 4 rooms, $25; this in cludes shades, steam heat, hot and cold water, gas ranges, private Pacific tele phones and Janitor seyvice. Apply prem ises. LUCRETIA COURT, unfurnished: a clasi by themselves; see them; Lucretla st., near 23d and Wash.; 2 to 6 rooms, all large, light and outside; large closets and baths; hardwood floors, free phones in each apt. Phone prop, and mgr., Mar shall lain. Janitor, Marshall 1600. IONIAN COURT. 670 Couch. 1 block from Washington st. en 18th St.; tel. Main 1192; 3 and 4-room modern apartments, steam heat, electrlo elevator, not and cold water, telephone and Janitor service. Apply of manager, reference required. ORLANDO APTS., 20th and Wash, sts.; two and three-room furnished apts.; every convenience; very large rooms; steam heat and private baths and phones; auto matic elevator; easy walking disiance, ref erences required. Marshail lb4. KINO HILL APARTMENTS, 171 King at. 4. 6, 6-room apartments; select tenancy. Apply on premises. THE DEZENDORF. 208 10th, Near Taylor. One exceptionally nice 6-room unfur nished apartment, top door, front; one nice 4-rooin unfurnished apartment, sec ond Hour, front. Apply ou premises for reservations. 61 FRANCIS APARTMENTS, -Tat and Hoyt; 4 rooms and bath, private balcony; new brick building, eioctrlc elevator, su perb location, in walking distance; most convenient arrangement, low rent and best of service. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. Ford St.. near Wakhinglou; select resi dence district; a 3-rooai, with balcony overlooking private gardens; all conve niences of the best class ap t'tmenta. 1ai3 ilesa. A 7448. CECILIA APARTMENTS. 22d and Ollsan sts.; best of service; desirable location, with unexcelled car service; also easy wulking distance; 3-room apt., with bath, modern conveniences, very reasonable rent, THtai SHEFFIELD, 7th and Jefferson sta, 3 rooms wlih bath, furnished or unfur nished; superb lucation, close to dowu town district. All outside rooms, best ol service, modern ; reasonaoie rent. " FIFTH AND COLLEG E. Splendid furniture, quiet home place one 4-rooin aparunent, $40, worth $60, also a 3-room. $35; every modem con venience. Come and see the Aitamonl. HAN THORN APARTMENTS. 251 12t si., near Main. Close in location. Elegant 3 rooin apartment with bath and prlvati balcony, $35. .Every convenience, good service.- THE LOIS. 704 Hoyt St. One 2-room and one 3-room for rent sleeping porches, electric cookers and gai stoves, private phones and baths, up tc date In every respect; first-class, WEST SIDE, walking distance; choice 1(T cation; three rooms and sleeping porch; nicely furnished, $20, or will sell furnl ture and reuuee rent to $15. Inquire 51. bwetland bldg. CuLLiiilAN Furnlahed and unfurnished apartments. 11th and Columbia; very ue siraule; modern conveniences; easy walk ing distance; low rates; best of service. THE CHETOFA, ISth and Flanders 2Th and 4-room modern, furnished and unfur nished; new furniture, new building. Ap ply to Janitor. " THE M'KiNLEY. 429 East Morrison, corner 7th, 2, 8 and 4-room aparimeis, furnished up to dais, private bums, moderate price, new m'fU KEELER APARTMENTS. 14m and Clay sis. Unfurnished suites, 3 rooms with pri vate bath and phone, $30 and $38. HADDON HALL, 414 11th. cor. Hall; 3 and 4-room newly furnished apts. ; private, batn. phone, baicony porches; $do up. Phone Marshall 1171. LINCOLN APTS., cor. 4th and Lincoln sis. Modern brick building; 2-room apartments $22.50 to $3o; private phones; no children, no pets. Pnone Main lo77, A 3472. PAKK APARTMENTS, 353 Harrison; beau ilfui 3 and 4-room furnished apartment; walking distance; best of service; prices $40 to $00. Pnone Marshall 8oju. bUNNY 2-room furnished apt., with private bath, balcony and phone, reasonable renL Cedar Hill Apts. Marshall 3161, A T623. THE ARCADIA. One 8-room modern apt.; newly fur nished ; rent very reasonable. 706 Everett. 2 AND 3-room modern, furnished, apart ments. 1162 Union ave. Woodlawn 237 9. SAN MARCO apartments, E 8th and Couch. New brick, modern, 3-rooms, private bath and phoue; rates reasonable. Cail Ji, 270L THE AVALON One 3-room apartment. prT vate bath, phone, steam heat, phone East 3i72. clacKamas and Ross. THE LAUHETTE One furnished 3-rooin apartment; private bath and phone. 22a lltU st. 1K1S APARTMENTS. Third ana Mill; 4 and 5 rooms, unfurnished; steam heat, hot aad cold water; 332 and $40. iOH RENT Nicely furnished, modeTi 3-room apartmenL Jackson Bungalow, 407 '11th. khAlN'XKEE Elegant 5-room apartment. West Side, walking distance; rent reasoa , able. Main 7741. 2K5 13th at. itOSK FRIEND APARTMENTS 1 rooms on first floor, very desirable; rent $45. Phon Marshall 371. ' BERYL APARTMENTS; Furnished and unfurmsned apartments. SOS Lovejoy t- Take "W" car. BKULAH APTS.. new, modern, heatod, rca sonable. i27 Union ave. Woodlawn 5IU. THE ELMS 2 and 3-room apts., furnished, heat. pon and batU. 191 Ht gt. A A