15 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 4, 1912. rR SALE. $-.-K WORTH rtturtot fixtures lT r. a: b;g sacrifice account th-r business. "T in 51 Kothcatld bldg. ruK SALE N.e drpphead linger sewing machine ch--p .i Tatr t34 FOR SALE Fresh coi. all tested. A Hol B4a. is m;i east of Lenta Junction. w vrrn m ir r. i.u n wri. HA V tot, ANYTUIN'i To SLLT CALL US LP PoK ANYTH1NQ TOO care to dispose or, M RAKDb SONS. The House of a lt ion l.ajgoino, Froot and Uin at. stain ICS pay the MfhV prtres far wo" hand crpaitra, mecnanlcs. lossars, woodrbopprs plumbers and blacksmiths fK.a. LavlA Uerdaare Co 221 Front tU Mal.-t T-i. WE PLY CLorrflNO. fxunitu.-e. TOOL. HiiDMr prt- paid for mans and ladles eaat--ff cloth lag. sioa. furnume, too a, mechanic loc Call aiaa 2ws4. lt at-. Thi O'oN If rn want te sell your pjnk. tool or Jaa Icta. Jut ca,l the Capital Jiuia Co Mar Shall a39. gT-eJ N itt at. t pay lb bia&eJt ewtt prif toe second band furniture, featr A Marti a. Pbeee ft. a i 11:4 Hwtr.ome WANTED iiovl reaper ta-l.e fa:i' y eka g'rl 11 yaers o.d to rata, Faooa Main HAF.GtR AUCTION UOl'it tTO Morrison. Phont K. loll. Pay highest eaaa prtcs for furniture. WAN1 Co buy a. bl'llaxd table; must be la good condi'ion end chsap for cash. Ad dr pox B2. S.ppooav or. TO BVT cah rttr. irai. coffee vnllL rh cutter, credit register and meat e.icer. Fhon Marshall 4-14'.. WANTED Incubator. Praorie State or Cy phers. 159-eeg or mora: flrsi-claas condi tion. Address Us u.Q ea. B 147. HIGHEST prtcee paid for ladlee and f-nta raat-off c I ''thin. We respond promptly. Minha;i INX . . WANTED Piano and bauKhoM furniture; will eichange lota In Baker City. Phone WANTED Prairie State or Petaluroa incu bators and Mandy Lea brooders. J f rejtonlan. DIAMOND wanted. to 1 k. Must ba a barcain. AO ThJ Qragoplan. W ANTED Complot movin-plctur ouUlt, What bav youT fl 70. jjregonlan. fOHD Auettoo Co Paya niot caab for aa kind .. furnltura. Mala A 24-45. MAHOGAT nniPb counter or railing, aoout lo ft. AdrM Ki OT-egonlan WASTED A butchar r-frijrrator. CaU Grand a. 1'hona K 3 17. WANTED K. K. ticket Eat. maia. Afi TT1, Oracoman. W A NT ED Sir.ail can rc later; muit ba chap. l,v KiiUniraworth ave. TO buy or rnt; a two or thr-rtxm tnt houi tn city A P 7 nu. QrfCnlan. WANT lot or equity la bouie for good ft-pisM-ngrr autoinot iia- Aj Orggoniaq. Vai buy raToTvaxa la anjr CoiidlUoo. Taylor at. BELT W AN TXI MA LX. HE AX F.nTATb SALE."MAN: W irt parlecting our 1W1J aeltlag or gAnlxauoa. Naw propcrtlra aoon go;ng on tn mark at and Juat bo bava an xcai.ant opportunity for a faw A-1 men. If yoa art a good man you can ell real atata; or If you ara a ral aatata ala maa and not aaliriad wan your praaant connection, coma in nd a Mr. liaxgia. 'KED A. JAl'uBa COMPANY. Laxgaat Kaaity opratora oa tna paclfla oaat. 144 Fifth 'ortiand. Or. ATTENTION. SALESMEN! If you ara em p. oyU. niaWing good aa a aaiaamaa. but would like 10 cnange and taka up a clean propoauioo whuh anoud pay you mora tban moat general man agara ara getting, you may rp.y to tnla Wa want man capai of earning tlO. OOu tbia year. If you ca uee the money, wa can uaa you. AO Ta7. Oreaontan. bAUKSUEN Terminal of two railroad dpa sbippmg point of third. 30. ituo,uuv,i0 trmt uf ti in bar tributary. ina dinr country. Harbor Improvement. l(ad of de-p watr niv!caiwn. Tbia la City. 00 Tiliaraoo liay. If you with to know mora aout It. call 1:30 P- M. Monday. Bay City Land Co., "V2 fcpaid ing b 'lg. . OPPORTVMTT OF TOK LIFETIME. Tn "Littl Wonder tiaa Makr." moat marvaloua invention of the K. baa aoivcd the fuel prub.au. Iaft m-,;-c on market; big money-mer; on.y ainalt amount of cpliat re4Jirl to atari buaineaa (or your a.f. ia il-mooi! rat ton bittn If) and 1J A. M. and 1 and P. M.. at 34 Morrl crt at. SAl.KsiM EN wanted to draonatrata and taka or d ara for Mgh-ciaaa apeclalty la I or t: and, abe-lute'y new f tid. no com-p-utita; rbanca for ad vanomant. Call undy. t lo a, or Monday befora 10. M anurecturar'a A aunt. 3-'? Corbel t bid g. ANTFD A man well acquainted witb tha ! rreara trade. bo unfleratanda thor ousbly biw to deliver tbe cream aqd taka proper care of ur cuiorner; gra ex perience and where worked laeC M 7i, urnomtn. THE American Buamea Men a Aee n. 2-4 Marquam bulg.. haa aome npeninsa fr tbe right men who can qualify for tbe heada of depart mente; alo good, thor vucD atrnographer and bookkeeper (lady. M ITS. oreaontan, ftAl'EdMEN WANTED Can you a4 Ufa In aurance atock T Only company eai.lng atocb at par. It. Are you opa for hi.i ciaae poaition with tup comraiaaioneT Write at on re, tell ua who you axe. Addreaa AV IT. t,iregonan. BHI'iHT young man atnograrhar and gen eral office cirric. age 22 to 2 hlahaat re frncce required; atate esparin aalary dea: red and phone number. 787. Ore go man. WANTED Flrat-claaa aaleaman. untier S com m leal on baata. city work. Fatabliahed. lefUlmate prnpoaition. Not real aetata or stock a. C ol. oriot4n. WANTED Toung man oer 21. of good character and appearance, who la ambi tious and Indueirioua. t;iva phone No. in letter. Addrrsa A F 7h. Oretnian. WANTED Hlrb acho.l boy or elderly man of good habita to chr for board and rnm. Phone Tabor 73. Addreaa 6 K. ?&tn SOLICITOK WANTED. I want a man tor a Orvt-cia-a propo sition. C&U room S15 Lumber Kxchanga building. COotk He caahier and accountant wanted by large concern, good aaary. alva atate ment of experience and referencea. O 764 Crag on lan. WANTFD A young rr.an to lern tha un dertaking baslneaa. Phorie Re U wood 71 or R 1122. TO communicate witb man experienced In "boa ralJiinic.'- Ecepti.nai opportunity to offer. Tsyior. tT4 i'lininn at., port. and. MAN to build two bun r alow a or four con crete baaexnenta, f umnh materials, take pay la good lota., K Tea. Oregonian. BOT wanted to learn architecture, no wiri first monttia. Apply, atatlng age. O 777, rvon!io. WANTED Experienced ladlea tat lore, only llrst-olaaa ahould apply. 8. Welaa. 147 loth it WANTED Flrat-claaa aktrtmnker. only ex perienced need apply. 8. Weias. 147 lOtb n treat. APPRENTICE for print aliop; one with pre v!oua experience preferred. 20a Madl aon at. WANTED Good iedfer keeper. Wr'.t. atate are. axperlenra. salary expected. Give reference. a 1 777. Oreaonlea. MAN and wi( to work on berry farm at 4-4 and E. Going ara Phone Woodlawn 1 T I. R- Ste-.gewa.d. WANT baaa and tenora for quartet. Call Sundava after 12. Tuday 10 to 2. rea In ga after h. rV 3 EKera b:dg. W ANTE D Good salesman to hand 'a defi nite ear-nine bond tu with eolld back ing AG 7. Oreg inlanu WANTED A printer to work in a country office. 30 mi'i from Portland. Apply at one-, room MM Electric bid. WANTED Man with 3 or 6 heavy teams for work in w el her contract or day w nrk. Ca'l Mtn S'-V. Sunday. $: iioNTHLV expenses to travel, diatrlb uie aamnlea for big manufacturer; steady rk r. S.hefer. I. aw. Mdg.. fhlrno. VaI.K.-UKN If yoa ran or ever aolJ match f"- w hit beit proj oir t n ever of fered. New;on ff(t. Co.. Newt.m. Iowa. ApVKhTI; c'a.s ma NG solicitor, rxferlenced. first 1 wanted. 311 Lewis birt. WANTED Tracer to work on aome plana at once. ! Rotbrhlld bl-lg. WANTED lea cream maker. nun. 4, Orago- I'KINTING firm wants aKnarlnceJ aoiicltor; commlaaioa start. .'. 1 1 Ituchanan bldg. RFI.t API-E solicitor new co-operative pi an. ;.2 Mr-juam bilg. ta 11 A- WANTED A !ectlt f r suburban location. I bone B 10Vi or V.-Z. WANTED Tj t a clearing contract. Ai. Wa' ton. HIS Cham Her of ( 'm m "-re. WANTED exjUoUor for dye worka. -r-i 2d at. HJXP WA?nTD-MALB. WANTED Manager for provlalon branch bouse; muat be man of good executive ability and one who knows bow to sell good at a profit; must have had packing house experience; only toirh-claaa men need apply. Giva aae. experience and ref erencea. others lea answer will receive so attention. J 832. Oregon lan. AK5 VOL lha man T Here Is your oppor tunty. No matter where you live If you want to make big money and estab liab yourself In an Independent business requiring no capital, wa will laacn you by ma.L all the secrets of the real estate business, incl jding thorough commercial law course, list with you readily aalabte properties, co-operate with and aaalet rou to permanent success; our C4-par;e free boek fully explains our methods and tells what It means to be the local representa tive of oldeet and Uryeat co-operative realty and brokei age corporation in the world. Wrila today. Intrrr.atlonal Realty Corporation, 1-7 Maobattaa bldg. Chi c a 4 o, I ! I. . T. M C A. V.M PLOT M ENT DEPARTMENT Special employment membership. $5 pr annum . eua racier a member wt.l secure employment or refund of mernbershlp fe fives 2 months full membership prlv lgea In the association and undertakes to keep party employed during the full term of membership without further cr.arge. Wa have constant demand for n.h gr a da. experienced men. Are you fitted lor a better poaition T Pea secretary, employment department. Record f r year I Jilt Calle for men, S2:l: positions filled. 1SV WANTED One-half dxen real live acraaa-e ard subdivision salesmen lo come to sunny 8an Joaquin Valley. California, to tell the truth 12 hours a day for the largest real estate con earn In tbia vicinity. Do not auswer this unleee you are able 10 pay your own fare and finance yourself until you ret on your own feet In a new ter ritory. Thla is aa opportunity which ro Suirea Immediate action. Correspond with . J. Murray, tha real estate man of eao. cal. ORCHARDIST AND GENERAL MANAGER A high-grade, thoroughly qualified, com petent orchard 1st. and a man able to man a so farm lands In connection, who poa seseee general managerial ability to take charge if a l3t-acr tract in F'Uer Root Valley, Montana; atate age, experience and furn-sh references. MACKINTOSH MANOR, BOX T, Misffoula, Mont. PTOTK PALESMEN. Men of ability, personality and good ap pearance for a hiarh-grade financial propo sition; a new. clean-cut Portland company that will show dividend earnings that will appeal to conservative Investors. FRANK M. HROWN. Inc.. I020 Chamber of Commerce 131 dg. b f A KT tn business, be Independent; X start ed as aK'-nt; now bi manufacturer, mak ing household speclaltlea; have bund rati of a item wurkinr: I'll start you: won't let you falL Agenta ability wanted to oen branch orT.ccs. empioy sub-agent a. No monev ree-led. Write me fully, frank ly. Do it today. C E- fiaartxbaugb Co., box . Toledo. O. WANTED An experienced clothing sales man for the Slat of Washington. Oregon and taris of Idaho; men with an estab lished trade only need apply. We manu facture a popular priced line of men's and children's clothing. Atl applications mutt be accompanied by first-class refer ences. Felix liothchlld at Co.. Vuo West Monroe at.. Chicago. WE WANT a wide-an ike hustler who Is well acquainted with the employes la the larite factories) In Portland, to Inter est them In buying small firms. To each buyer wa will furnish steady employ ment at goo J wgea. To the right man w will make most liberal toducementa. 33 S Chamber of Commerce, WANTED for V- S. Army, able-bodied, un married man. between ages of 18 and S3, cltiseoa of I'nlted States, of good char acter and tern oerate habits. wbo can speak, r ad and writ the English lan guage. For Information apply to Keoruit Jr. offlrer. Worcester b.ock Third aad Cak streets. Portland. Or WANTEi A high-clasa. experienced spe cialty salesman, lo reprcaeut a large East ern manufacturer, sailing goods to retail trade in California on commiaaloa; per manent territory and poaition to right man; must hate good rfrencea. Apply Htark su. room ?-'. I WANT live reprean tat lees In each com munity vf Ore eon and Washington for hlffft-claa sperialtlas; goods sold 00 money k guarantee: no competition. 11 Y L. HM1T1I. Manufacturers Agent. 327 Cortett bldg.. Portland. Or. CAPABLB specialty sa teaman, pacific Coast, to begin work at ones; comralaalon con tract, s'aple line for general mercantile trade ; Liberal weekiy advancea made for expense purposes; references requlred. MHea F. Rixler Co.. Cleveland. O. WANTED A good real eat ate salesman; a new proposliton; has tnres limes the number f strong -talk Irg points of any other proposition oa tha market today. See Mr. Jones any forenoon. Fred A. Jacobs Co.. I4d oth at. 6ALKfM EN wanted by manufacturer to ell leather advertising novel ilea. Good Itne. popular price, commlaaion baala Ad vert 1st n a novelty men only need apply. Advvrtialng Leather Specialty Co, 3o3 Mercer. New Vork. AN I LD 'Aa extertenceii a toe a sat earn a a with good credentials; company helps airent w In success; good leads; perma nent poaition and promotion In the as company. Addres R ?u2. ortconlaa WE hava a permanent poaition with a good aalary and cettimlsalua added for aome capabla uuelnces ma n who can Invest soma money with hta services; references Mi. hanged. A B 7T'. Oregon lan. UEKE"S opportunity to make $2i0 monthly, spare time, no matter where you live; no canvaaeing ; guarantee to show you; free particulars. li. J Rogers, desk AK, lioston. Maaa. SALESMEN' Quick, near check protector; doea work $-4 machine; men using checks buy oh s.xht; sample 2c. Particulars free. Terry Mfg. Co.. 321 Colton bldg Toledo, Oh 10. 8ALESMUN of ability, beat appearance, to rail on all merchanta their territory. Ele gant side line, convenient to carry; good commissions, prompt remlttancea. JJal raont Mfg. Co.. Cincinnati. O- THREE energetic salesmen for permanent positions worth $&io or better monthly to producers; heavily advertised trad boost ing plan for retail era. Leads furnished. Rrferncea AS. Rox 418, Iowa City, la. BII wanted cutting 200 cords wood and delivering eame at United Railways or Llnntoa road. 8. T. DOVE. INC.. 430-3 Board of Trade Bldg. SALESMAN, experienced any line, to aeTl general trade on Pacific Cuaet ; unex celled specialty proposition; commiaaloa contract. $3& weekly for expenses. Tha Continental Jewelry Co.. Cleveland, O. CAPABLE salesman to cover Oregon, staple line, high com missions. $100 monthly ad vance, permanent position to rta:ut ma a, Jess H. Smith Co.. Detroit, Mich. , WANT ED Cumpetrnt gasfltter tolnstall acetylene generators; must have full set toots; statn experience, a ca. single or mar. rled. Add ress J p 3. Oregonian. WANTED Good Industrial life and acci dent man. to taka charge of an established bus neaa aa district manager. E 771. Ora- xonian. ' WANTED1 Flrei -class eaddlemakera; good wagea and steady employment. Great West Saddlery Company, Calgary, Al berta, Canada. WANTED Married man oa farm; must be reliable, experienced and a good Land. AV f"Ji. Oresoniun. UKN $-0 weekly taking order a for Cul Rate Groceries. OUTFIT FREE. 8tand ard Grocery Co.. 3.'i3 Arcade. Cleveland. O. HO Yd WANTED BO Yd. Over Id years of age, with blcyolae. Z1 Stark. MAN of good appearance to solicit for large corporation; aalary and commission. Apply after P A. M.. 721 Yeon Mdg. WANTED Carpenter to figure oa labor on 1 houses. Call at 710 RothchUd bidg be tween M and IO Monday. WANTED Oood railroad Installment solid tor for health and accident Insurance: x railroad man preferred. F77 2. Oregonian. STOCK salesman wanted ; only reliable, honest psrtiea need appy. Call for fur ther Information. 414 Lumber mena bldg. WANTED 2 good collectors; muat furnish horse and wagon; bond required. 403 aahlngton. TWO g3od aol Ul tore with clean records and good references: work is pleasant and pay good. 41" El 1 era b.d g.. 8-10 A. M. F1HHT-CLASS Turkish bath man; must be 'sober. Call 7 P. M., CorOett bldg. basement. AoE.NTs to sell photo coupons. aomethiag new. Host on Mud 10. v as a. PHOTO coupon: best ever of fared; anap for scents. Cutfrth Studto. Dekurn bldg. PERMANENT Income for aaiaamaa. Ask "for V. Itur'on. lllf Yeon bldg. liUlCK.LAYEH.-i. nonunion. Apply Com mercial Ciub B'.tg. WAUbK. who can take charge nights, must hava references. Call evenings, VI C:h. WANTED Gilder or painter to buy brusbea cheap, xlarbolt, S40 College, HELP W A?ffTED M AJJB. IF any young men haa decided not to enter the United Btates Navy because of soma wrong Impression about the work of man- 0- warsmen. it shows that he Is not fully ' Informed regarding the variety of Navy occupations. YOU may not know that a man can find work at bis TRADE; that men are employed not only as seaman, but aa electricians, atenographera, bookkeepers, machinists, firemen, cierka, blacksmiths, musicians, shlpflttars, plum bars, atewards, cooks, carpenters, bakers, coppersmiths, and In the hospital corps. Experience la any trad brines better pay from the start. Kut even more important la the HSALTHFULNESS of Navy life, also Its thorough physical and mental training, companionship of fine, ambitious fellow. ehancs to learn by study and travel, and 01- portunlMea for promotion and saving money. The Navy Department wants serious-minded nvn between 17 and 36 to KNOW the opportunities offered them. No other kind of man Is wanted or accepted. Call at Navy Recruiting Station. Railway Exchange bdg.. Portland. Or. The officer In churge will answer all questions, tell you whether or not you are suited for tha Navy, and will give you helpful advice. md for 'The Making of a Man-o-Wars-man." a FREE Interesting. Illustrated book, telilng everything about Navy work, pU. pa. promotion. c Address Bureau of Navigation, box 320. Navy Department, WashinKton, P. C. 15 MEN of family, for permanent employ ment with a large company, and an op portunity to secura a 5 or 10-aora homo piece, adjacent to the work, oa install ment. Good schools, eta. Minimum wages $9 a day. and from that to 43. Fur ther particulars here. 10 men to out brush, etc. $1.75 a day. 10 wood choppers, gl a cord, everything furnished, lund-cleating contracts. cM cords of wood to cut. Letcat xnieceilaneoua now orders, coming In deiiy, for dty work, and hotels and raatauranta. HELP FURNISHED FR-EBX C. R- HANfEV AV CO.. N. M it. IF TOU ARB AMBITIOT7S for better returns on you brain and time capital, and have tha faculty of buckling down to tha Job, we can give you aa opening that will make It possible for you to net the BIG REhULTb It la your r(kht to expect under tt.ose conditions, tee Mr. McFarlane Monday morning between &:'M and 11:30, at b2 Fourth street. SALESMAN aa general selling and distribut ing axent for the automatic combination tool; a high-class article for contractors, farmers, teamsters, fence builders, thresh ers, factories, mines, etc. Wire stretcher, post puller, hoist, lifting and pulling ma chine, vise and daaens of other uses; ca pacity 3 tons, weight 24 pounds; no experi ence necessary; position tays commissions of to S4tnH) annually. Catalogue prices and proposition free, upon request. AUTOMATIC JACK COMPANY, bog J, R! 00m field. Indiana. CONNECT yoursalf with firm whose goods are recognised as best In their Una; we make gasoline lights for all purposes ; beat and chenpeat medium known; everybody needs light: opportunity to get Into per manent, profitable business: experience un necessary. Doud Lighting Co., loO N. Sangamon St.. Chicago. III. WANTED. Special and general a rente. Tha right contract to tha rlgtU. man. If you caa aeli good Insurance thla la your oppor tunity; references required. Call Monday. AM ERICA N LJFU Ac ACCIDENT INSUR ANCE CO.. Beck bid. Ask for Mr. Klrkwood. WANTED Thoroughly experienced adver tising solicitor for special edition of an es tablished publication ; commissions ad vanced; splendid opportunity for big money for the next two months; rsfsr ences required. Addreaa AJ 774, Orego nian. a CAN use a live stock salesman on a new Portland corporation forming for tha pur pose of manufacturing auto truck a. A splendid opportunity to get Into the big monev. Liberal commission and a chance to make good In other Hues. W 77u Oregonian. WANTED Energetic young man not over 25. must be capabla bookkeeper and sten ographer, accurate and faat, fine chance for advancement if willing to work con tinuously; answer In owa handwriting. AO 73. Oregonian. WANTED Engineer. A certain office dis posing lots of laborers and having am all capital, desires to have a railroad con struction engineer or a man of such abil ity to become a member of tha firm, P 7o. Oregonian. WANTED A hlgh-claas salesman of posi tive ability to close advertising contracts for a special edition of an eatabliahed pub lication; a forcible man can mt ke 100 per week for the next month; reference required. Address A J 773, Oregonian. I HAVE a well-paid poaition open for a clean-cut. hard-working salesman; appli cant must have had experience In sell ing some line of goods. I want only men who know they can make good, bee Mr. Hodson. 14 Fifth st. BRIGHT and active young man aa stenog rapher and bill clerk In wholesale house. Answer In own handwriting, atatlng fully experience, re fe retires and salary expected, otherwise no attention given, 8 7bo, Ore gonian. WANTED Experienced stenographer for lumber manufacturing plant. Northern Cal ifornia; permanent position to right party and chance fur advancement. Apply 70 1st st . between 11 and I'd X M. today. Ia.Ci 'M E representative : poaition perma nent; double present income: others doing It making 10 to 8-0 dally: experience un necessary; write today. Davia Toilet Co., 1477 Carroll ave.. Chicago. WANTED Man to work oa private place; muat understand the care of cow a. flowers and vegetables; references required. In quire Portland Artificial Ice Co., lath and tyihur. BiG profits, repeat orders, aell graphite elastic cement, barn, bridge, roof paints, l,l:uh tti roofing, houe paints. etc Graphite Elastic Cement Roofing Co., Cleveland, Ohio. N E W. aplendld. just ouL Sunshine gasoline table lamp; full-proof; rapid seller every where. 11; send S.Y.M) sample. 15 das trial: write quick. Funshine Safety Lamp Co.. 2""- Factory bldg., Kansas City. Mo. SALESMEN Splendid side line. Lustre fur niture, piano and auto polish; backed up by strong advertising; liberal commissions. Lustre Manufacturing Co., 108 South La Sallo, Chicago WANTED at once, two custom shirt sales men, must be experienced. Ask for Mr. hheaL Jacobs fa'hlrt Co., 83 5th at., cor. Dale. WANTED High-class roan to handle exclu aive, line In North wrat; first clasa staple and btg bualncaa to tha right man. P 778, Oregonian. HIGH -GRADE specialty men to sell Foss stamp vending machine; commission; cler gloo to 8:l'.H weekly. Foes A Curtis, llltj KvpuMIc bldg.. Chicago. SALESMEN, regular trade, find our largo 12-sheet poster calendars paying sideline; good commission: bet prices; reference a. J. W. Hood win, f.25 Harrison. Chicago. WANTED Bright boy, about 19. for work in wholesale house; must ba well recom mended; state aaary desired. J b38, Ora gonlan. WANTED Married man, good teamxter, with farming experience to work -on Hood River Ranch. Phone A 7'.u7 or call apart mcnt 3. Wheoldon. 202 Park. MAN to clean land la city; $1 per day; tools furnished; answer at once, AN 7U8, Ore gonian. WANT ED Window trimmer to buy aet oi trimming books and air-brush, very cheap. Harbo it. 340 College. WANTED Salesman and solicitor In busi ness chance office. Sea Williams, 201 Oregonian bldg. LAUNDRY drivers with good rout wanted, highest commission paid. M 763, Orego nian. EASTERN firm, good salary to solicitor, Monday. Ask for Mr. McGulre, Arlington Uni.i At Vi inH Plunders. LLl m ..- - Jl DENTIST, licensed to practice In Oregon, to take office In Portland on salary and .fnmlHlnn W 7S4 OreiTOnljtn. MAN of good appearance to aoliclt for large corporation. Good commission; 9 to 12. 721 Yeon bldg. HR1.P WANTFrv FTMALE. WANTED Good girl for general housework; small family. Apply at 402 East 12th st. North. WANTED Lady stenographer. Apply Mon day to Mr. Merrill. 439 Chamber of Com- merce. . CLEAN competent girl for general li o use work. 434 K. 17th N. C 244. STENOGRAPHER State age. experience and salary expected. AO 76L Oregonian, BCHo"oTgIRL to work for room and board. Telephone East 1807 mornings. WANTED A girl to do light housework. 2-4 N. lth. HOUSEMAID for reneral bouaework. 447 16th st. Main S316. ; WANTED A girl for dining-room work. 163 12th and Morrison. WANTED Mlddla-aged woman to do gen eral housework. Phone Tabor 8388. HTTXP WA VTFTI FEMALE. WANTED TOWO 1AXIES FOR TBLBV PHONH OP EH ATI NO, WITH OR WITH OTJT EXPERIENCE. APPLT THE PA CIFIC TELEPHONE TELEGRAPH CX, . EAST OTH AoN'D ANKEKT ST WANTED Several young ladlea between the ages of IS and 25 for permanent posltlon. Apply tha P. T. a T. Co.. B74 Alder it,, or 410 Saat Ankeny el RRIGHT young woman with business ex perience who is not afraid to call on school teachers, doctors, dentists, etc; will pay saJ xry and commission or straight salary, must ho neat In appearance and have gool referoncex. AB 709, Oregonian. YOUNG lady of pleasing personality, pref erably with good social or business con nections, wanted In Portland to represent large Eaaiem house; high remuneration to right party. Apply Monday, J. F. Phillips. 210 Marquam bids. SALESLADJE8 at once for 3"12. 3 bright, capable Tadiee over 21 to travel, demon strate and sell dealers, $-5 to $50 per week; R. R. faro paid. Goodrich Drug Co.. 1309-10 Harney St.. Omaha. Neb. OOOD general bouaework girl ; small fam ily In Irvtngton; must know how to do plain cooking well and be neat and clean; good home for right applicant. Call up East 4344- LADY of good address to aoliclt advertising for a special edition of an established weekly; commissions advanced; splendid opportunity for woman of ability. AH 77V. Oregonian. WANTED Young widow with child, house keeper for two men in country. Pleas ant, respectable place. Give full particu lars and a dress for interview. J 628 Ore gonian. atl Mi IrAu Department of Public Safety for Young Women. Advice or aasUtanc gladly given to all young women. Mra Lola O. Baldwin, supt.. room S7 T. W. C. A. bldg.. 7th and Taylor eta. WANTED Ladies with aome experience, to sell suburban lots in new addition, just ready for market; small monthly pay ments. easy selling. Apply 614 Henry bldg. WANTED Young lady planiat to demon strate pianos; state aalary, qualifications and telephone number. Address K 760, Oregonian. WANTED Lady demonstrators, good salary paid right parties, Monday. Auk for Mr. MrGuIre, Arlington Hotel. 6tii and Flanders. WANTED Widow lady, middle age, or couplu (no children) to care for little girl, 8 years old, going to school. Ad dress 203 E. 6th sL. F. R. J.Ou PER day paid lady each town to dis tribute frae circulars for concentrated fla voring in tubes ; permanent position, F. E. Rarr Co., Chicago. WANTED Experienced lady high school rtdar, or one willing to learn for a horse act. Call bet. 11 and 12. Portland Riding Academy. 21st and Johnson sis. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen eral housework, no washing; references. 462 Harrison iu, cor. 14th. Phone Main or A 2370. FIRST-CLASS seamstress, with shop experi ence; also first-class millinery maker ap prentice for dressmaking and millinery. 36.5 Washington St., rooms 1 and 2, YOUNG rady boo keeper would like to find a congenial young lady who would like to rent an apartment with her. Phone Marshall 3034. EXPERIENCED second maid, willing to as sist In care of child of 3, German or Eng lish preferred. Apply mornings, b-2 Marshall. YOUNG lady to pose for photograph to ha used for adv. purposes. Must be good looking and have good figure. Give full particulars In answer. D 790, Oregonian, WANTED An elderly woman to assist with old couple; good home; small wages. Mrs. Pope, uoo W. ISth au, Vancouver. Wash. Phons 443 J. . WANTED Young girl to help with house work In family of two adults. Call East 41st st, Bouth. YOUNG lady of neat appearance to do a special line of work in city. Salary. Apply 720 Teon bldg. WANTED Old Indy or gentleman, or man and wife, on farm; good home; state wages. AE 76. Oregonian. COMPETENT nurse between 24 and 80. to care for child of two and assist with sec ond work. Phone morning. Main 139. t WOMAN or girl to assist two hours par day with light housework In Sunnyslde. W 72. OregoDlan. WANTED 2 experienced chocolate dippers at once. Call at 6U0 Missouri ave., cor. of Shaver St., today. W A N'T ED Experienced walrt maker, only first-class need apply: permanent posl tlon. S. Weiss, 147 10th st. WAIST finisher, only experienced, no oth ers; apprentice wanted. 132 10th, room 20. VERY neat, competent girl, work compara tively light. Apply this morning at WC4 Broadway. TWO young gfiis wanted for filling mall orders In our salesroom. Routledge Seed 4 Floral Co. AN experienced girl for general housework, small family; references. 3b E. Taylor at., near E. 14th. NEAT young colored girl to assist with housework and care of two voting children; . wages f 'S a week. Apply 4.".j E. 14th t. N. MRS. HOWES LADIES' AGENCY. Washington bldg . 4th and Was a. sta Main 8SH6 or A 3266. SPLENDID opportunity for young lady to learn the hair business; wig and toupee making taught. 8Va Washington st. WANT good contraltos and .sopranos for quartet. Call Sundays after 12. Tuesday 10 to 2. evenings after 8. 53 Ellers bids. GiRL to answer telephone; chance to learn typewriting; state lowest wages you-would start with. AS 7S2. Oregonian. WANTED Girl to cook and do general housework for family of 3. Apply morn ings. 203 Highland Court Apt a. COM PETE NT hair dresser, manlcurer and hair worker. Rosenthal Sisters, 110 -7th st. Main 8711. WANTED Young girl to care for baby dur ing the day. Call at 1111 Pat ton ave., or phone Main 6oT3 Sunday morning. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. tiihk Washington st.. cor. 7th. upstairs, Phone Main 2602. WANTED Girl for general housework: must he good cook; reference. 346 North 82d. Willamette Heights. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavi Co.. 609 Roth child bldg.. 4th and Washington. WANTED School girl to help with house work, small family. 7 SO Irvlug. Mar shall 175A. WANTED A middle age girl or widow as housekeeper for small place In tha coun try. X 795, Oregonian. ' BUSINESS firm needs woman over 25. who Is practical and faithful; experience not required. AD 784, Oregonian. WANTED S licensed lady barbers. Apply 4116 Morrison St.. between 6 and T A. M. WANTED Girl to cook and soma house work. 115 N. 22d. A YOUNG girl to assist In housework. N 77. Oregonian. WANTED Girl to asttlnt In general house work. Phone Main 5HS5. IIF.LP WANTED MISCELLAXEOrS. MAKE money writing short stories, or for papers; big pay; free booklet tells how. United Prest Syndicate. San Francisco. BE a detective, earn 150 to 30O monthly! travel. Write Superintendent Lndwlg, 1402 Scarrltt bldg.. Kansas City, Mo. BE a traveling salesman, earn while you learn. Write for particulars of our sys tem. Brailntreet System, Rochewter, N. Y. SHORTHAND. bookkeeping, etc.. personal instructions, secure position. 60O Worces ter block, WANTED Picture play writers; big payi wa' 11 teach you Picture Play Associa tion. San Francisco WHY hot try sign painting? Experience un necessary; no fraud; r a rap lea. Instructions, etc., 10 cents. City Sign Co., Toledo. O. FISK TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION 610 Bwetlsnd b-dg. PRIVATE school SHORTHAND and TYPE WRITING. $5 mo. 209 14th st. Main 38D3. WANTED 1000 men: lo haircuttlng. Ed. Dennlson's barber shop. 189 Morrison at. WANTED Piano or vocal teacher for stu dio. aat 3&4. HELP WANTE D M I .HCELLANE PUS. WANTED MOVrNO-PICTURE operators In all cities throughout tha WORLD. Groat Spring and Summer demand FOR COMPETENT MEN. Wa have tha only reliable and finest equipped school IN PORTLAND. Guarantee to teach you right. Lessons half price this week. NEW YORK SCHOOL OF OPERATTXO 026V Washington, near ITth. WANTED. , AUTOMOBILE MECHANICS AND DRIVERS. ALSO GASOLINE TRACTION ENGINEER. -5 to 40 per week. We teach you to repair and drive any make of auto; in addition, all gasoline en glneerln g, covering motorboats and traction engines. OREGON AUTO SCHOOL, itfe-scs nth st. AMATEURS! AMATEURS! AMATEURS! XHU ROBERTSON SCHOOL OF DRA MATIC ART. We prepare you for the stage. the drama, musical comedy and vaudeville, elocution, acting, oratory, voice culture, stage dancing. Vaudeville acts written, rehearsed and booked. The largest Insti tution of Its kind in the state. 5th floor Eilera bldg., 7th and Alder ata. TO GET and hold m good position you must understand your business. We can teach you MOVING-PICTURE OPERATING. Your trplning Is everything. BE CARE FUL WHERE YOU GET IT. Operators earn $20 to fo0 weekly. LAEMMLE, 853 Oak St. MEN and women to learn the barber trade lo eight weeks; special Inducements; per centage pad while learning; tools free; expert instructors; 17 years In the busi ness; 37 schools; a lifetime membership f;iveT to each student Moler Barber Coi oge 86 N. Fo urth st.. Portland. Or. MEN and boys "to learn automobile repair ing, driving on up-to-date cars; electrical, civil engineering, surveying; methods most practical; room and board while learning; positions secured; satisfaction guaranteed; catalogue free. National School of Engin eering, 2110 W. 7th. Los Angeles. BAUGSMEN No experience required; earn good wages while learning; hundred pood positions now open paying $tUU0 to j000 year; write today for particulars, list open ings testimonials. Address nearest office. Dept. 4."3. National Salesmen's Training Association. Chicago, New York. Kansas City. Seattle. New Orleans, Toronto. WANTED Men at Los Angeles; can learn trade; fair wages efter second month; au tomobiles, electricity, plumbing, bricklay ing: practical work on actual Jobs; 1200 students laat five years; only few months required. United Irade School, Los An geles. FREE illustrated book tells about over 3h0,-Oi-O protected positions U. S. service. More than 4O.O0O vacancies every year. There Is big chance for you, sure, generous pa,, lifetime employment; easy to get; Just ask. for booklet C 30U. No obligation. Earl Hopkins, Washington, D. C. FREE Illustrated book- tells about over 030.000 protected positions U. S. service; more than 40.000 vacancies every year; there are big chances for you, sure, generous pay, Uftetirne employment; easy to get; Juct ak for booklet C309. No obligation. t,ari iiopKins. nmummuu, is- v. 10 MEN wanted to work in brick plant, we can give you steady employment at a town In the Willamette Valley if you will buy 5 acres end bo a permanent citizen. Terms to suit you, SS8 Chamber of Com merc. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS wanted; 300 first year, promotion to $1800. Examina tions May 4 every state. Common educa tion sufficient with my coaching; Informa tion free. Write for booklet. J 36J, Earl Hopkins, Washington, D. C. p GOVERNMENT railway mail clerk, book keeper examinations everywhere soon; get prepared, former United States civil seiv ice examiner: write for free booklet. Pat terson Civil Service School, box 1210, Roch ester. N. Y. RAILWAY mall cltrka' exam. Feb. 7; pre pare now, excellent salaries and promo tions; no lay-offs; sure pay; free book. Call today. Paclllo Stataa School, McKay bldg., dry. WILL start you earning 34 daily home spare time slivering mirrors; no capital; freo In structive booklet, giving plans of opera tion. G. F. Redmond, Dept. 50, Boston, M ass. MAN capable of managing solicitors and business, both to take charge of office In Portland. Must be able to Invest $30u0 In business which Is well established. Good salary. D 795, Oregonian. WANTED Railway mall clerks, customs clerks; Spring examinations in Portland; sample questions free. Franklin , Insti tute. dept 840L;ftocheete WANTED At once, four good, reliable, sober men to learn to drive and repair autos. Belmont Auto School, iv. 23d and Morrison. LEARN to operate; complete course taught In theater: position secured : price reas onable, terms. 417 Rothchild, 4th and Washington. LADIES make shields at home, $10 100; work sent prepaid to reliable women. Par ticulars stamped addressed envelope. Eu reka Co.. Dept. 84. Kalamaxoo, Mich. AN YBoDY can earn $20 weekly, raising mushrooms, all Winter, In cellars, sheds, boxes, etc.; markets waiting; free booklet. Hiram Rarton. 2i West 48th St., New York, HONEST home work, copying addresses, etc. ; good pay; particulars 6c stamps. Horlcon Moiling Agency, Dept. ZO'J, Chl cago. 111. b LADIES, make supporters, $12 hundred; no canvassing; material furnished; stamped envelope particulars. Wabash Supply Co., Dept. T 103, Chicago. NURE for physician's office; must be able to Invest some money, which will be cured. Good siilary. State age and ex perience in answer. D 717, Oregonian. HONEST home work copying addresses, etc.; tooa pay; particulars tic stamps. Hor lcon Mailing Agency, Dept. loa, Chicago, 111. BEc'uM E a moving-picture operator. You can net ACTUAL TH EATER EXPERI ENCE. Complete course half price, V 770. Oregonian. LADIES to learn the business of the Sanl t H ry Reauty Parlors, 400 Dekurn bldg. PRIVATE SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING, bookkeeping. 012 Hamilton. Marshall 4-0$. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMAJLB. 2 wl.l guarantee your qualifications to fill positions In 30 days; private inatruotiea by public accountant; 'position secured. J 4aC. Oregonian. WANTED Any lady or gentleman wishing work at soliciting, experience not neces sary. This Is a i;Llr proposition, no fake. Call and get particulars. 322 Allsky bldg. Inquire for Mr. Love. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE Bookkeepers nod Claras. ACCOUNTANT, young married man, resi dent of Portland, capable of taking charge of office, credit dept. or cashier's position; employed; wishes change. X 7 so. uregonian, WILL AUDIT, OPEN. CLOSE OR WRITE tin books, prepare balances and state ments Install systems. GilUngham. au ditor 411 Lewis bldaMarshalWlT WANTED Situation by man who has held position of traffic manager for large East ern corporation; proficient in all clerical work. AM 771, Oregonian, WANTED Position aa bookkeeper, operate typewriter; reliable, experienced, best ref erences; no objection to leaving city.. K 752, Oregonian. A PERT accountant desires position with reliable firm or corporation; can give best of local references and bond, any amount, phone Tabor SUbS, or J bo2, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER. 33, wants position; experi enced; can furnish bond and excellent ref erences; competent stenographer. AG 7bl, Oregonian. . F I IiSTC LA H S bookkeeper, married. who has had considerable experience assisting accountants, wishes night work. C 74, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, stenographer, 1 years business experience, banking, lumber and other lines; references. C 717. Oregonian. EXPERT stenographer will fill your vacan cies or do your extra work. That's my business. Sellwood 902. NEAT energetic young man will work 8 to 4 hours in evening for room and board; good bookkeeper. AD 785, Oregonian, WANTED Position In gen. mdse, store by young man. 8 years' experience. Address AV U33. Oregonian. YOVXO man A-l bookkeeper. 10 years ex perience, can furnish satisfactory refer ences. AF 77S, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, typewriter, experienced de sires position; bet references. Phone Mar shall 4023. AT 7S4. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer, knowledge bookkeeping, good speller, desires posi tion. Marshall 4100. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers) and Clerks. EXPERIENCED GROCERYMAN (Married) ABOUT 11 YEARS' EXPERIENCE A3 MANAGER AND CLERK AND OUTSIDE SALESMAN. RETAIL AND WHOLE SALE. DESIRES POSITION; WOULD START REASONABLE IF CHANCE FOR ADVANCEMENT; REFERENCES AND BOND IF DESIRED; CITY OR COUN TRY. AH 778. OREGON IAN. HAVE had general experience buying and selling merchandise, know values in buy ing and selling end; know how to keep expenses down; not afraid to work; can give best references as to responsibility, character, etc; no objections to country. X 797. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED New York attorney. Har vaid College and Law School graduate, or proved ability, integrity and capacity for hard work, wants professional or business opening. Promising opportunity primary object. V 702. Oregonian YOUNG collection specialist and business correspondent with selling ability, knowl edge of bookkeeping and a competent stenographer, will accept position In or out of city. C 790, Oregonian. Phone Ta bor 2SS5. EXPERT accountant and auditor, rapid and accurate, thoroughly capable taking entire charge and systematizing large office; last position for years; S2 years old. married ; desires change; location optional. Address H. C. G.. 1U22 17tb st.. Sacramento, Cal. FIRST-CLASS double-entry bookkeeper, em ployed, capable of revising freight bills, wishes to make change; considerable ex perience In lumber business; will deave city. A 822, Oregonian. M iscell aneotis. FIRST-CLASS wood carver, good designer, wants work; large experience, antique fur niture, bar, store fixtures, carving. 232 Lincoln at. EXPERT and drilling cook and helper, man and wife, she Is first-class, want place to gether In city hotel or boarding-house. Main 5643. ENGINEER, with technical training and 8 years' experience as draftsman, wants a position with a construction company or architect. D 7SS. Oregonian. YOUNG ma.n wishes position as chauffeur; experience and references ; or would ac cept shop or garage position; have garage to rent. H. W., Marshall 1978. FIFTEEN years' experience in general mer chandise, all-around man; out of city pre ferred. Good references. B 772, Orego nian. FIRST-CLASS general merchandise sales-, man, now employed, wants position in small town; good references; married, steadv. AF 770. Oregonian. WANTED Experienced middle-aged man, handy in cigar store or saloon, speaking several languages, would like a position. W 771, Oregonian YOUNG man seeks care orchard; practical pruning, preparation of sprays and uses, commercial packing. H. Wheeler, Lents, Oregon. PAPERH ANGER and painter, stranger, de sires work In or our of the city; married, sober; references furnished. AF 772, Ore gonian. YOUNG nran. 20, high school graduate, good habits, desires position with corporation or wholesale house, where there is chance for advancement. O 703. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED engineer, fireman and elec trician wants position as handy man around building or apartments. AG 777, Oregonian. MIDDLE aged man. thoroughly understands general merchandise business, wants po sition; salary no object; references. AO 752. Oregonian. A STEADY, reliable man wants work as janitor, office, house and window cleaner, by hour or month. E. H., 687 Kearney st. Main 7S33. WANTED A place in a private family for a Japanese boy to work for his board and room and go to school; 16 years old. Main Pbtil or A 430O. POSITION wanted by first-class bartender; married man; wages no object; must have work.' AM 7&2, Oregonian. GOOD carpenter wants work by day; con tract, repairing, or new building; reason able. 3S7 2d st. C. Hansen. POSITION by competent hardware man, 5 years' experience, retail store, best refer ence. AK 7B4, Oregonian. BAKER, good experienced man, bread and cakes, wants position; steady, sober, re name; references. ti 7bi, oregonian. CHAUFFEUR, married, wants position driv ing truck or delivery preferred, best of reference. H 7U3, Oregonian. HIGH school student tn senior year would like employment after school and on Sat urdays, f tit, oregonian. BY young man to work seven hours dally, references exchanged. AP 788, Orego- man. ENGLISHMAN wants position as salesman or helper in city or country store, good references. 201 1 1 th st. FIRST-CLASS sober chauffeur wants posi tion witb private family; wages reason able. R 601, oregonian. WANTED A position by a young man, banking or clerical; good city references. Y 826. Oregonian. HOTEL manager, assistant or auditor, good recommendations; Coast experience. Ad dress Postoffice box 715, Portland. Or. MAN witb. team and any kind of wagon desired; 1125 per month. F 770, Orego nian: BRIGHT, honest, willing boy, 10, wants po sition, chance for advancement. Phone Main 1137. - YOUNG man of 18, high school education, wants office work afternoons from 1 to 6. AM 779, Oregonian. PRINTER Familiar with any job or news paper work. Handles any department of country shop. AC 777, Oregonian. PRIVATE party wants mailing of circu lars, notices, etc. Will do It cheaper. P 779. Oregonian. HOUSE, window cleaner,, floors, furniture repollshed; hour or contract. Main 8030. Martin. POSITNON by hardware salesman; 15 years' experience; will leave city; best of ref erence. K 744, Oregonian. BY an expert orchardist. experienced in Wash, and Or., good reference. Address Box 24, Monroe, Or. I MOVING-PICTURE operator wants position; thoroughly experienced ; will invest small amount in business. F 705, Oregonian. JAPANESE couple wants position, man as cook, wife wait on taMe, housework; speaks English. F 774. Oregonian. GERMAN man wishes place for fireman, day or night. In factory. 053 East 20th St., Portland, Or. FIRST-CLASS auto driver, 11 years' expe rience; can give references. Marshall 201L CONTRACTORS, builders and construction men may find an experienced, efficient and reliable man in AF 775, Oregonian. REAL estate man wishes to connect with a first-class house, looking for a hard work er, with ability. AR 7&1, Oregonian. RELIABLE miller with long experience In large and small Hour mills wants posi tion at once, B 777. Oregonian. MOVING-PICTURE operator wants position in country town near Portland or Spo kane. AlC 787, Oregonian. JAPANESE cook, good experience, wants a position as cook in private family, city or country. C 795, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED chauffeur with references wants work; private preferred. D 710, Oregonian. YOUNG man 19, collector, stock clerk, win dow trimmer, clerical or office work. F 780, Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR, reliable, experienced, careful driver, will go anywhere. Address A. Rus sell. 863 6th su Telephone Main 3274. JAAPNESE cook wants work, camp, coun try town. Main 3074 (care Drake), 9 N. 2d st. YOUNG married man wants work on farm; wants house alone; must be good; no kids. AO 7ti0. Oregonian. MARRIED young man wants steady work In town, Norwegian. AO 757. Oregonian. JAPANESE cook wants to do general housework. A 5032. 250 First st. RELIABLE chauffeur for Sunday engage ment. Phone E. 4130. MAN and wife want work on farm; experl- enced. AE 780, Oregonian. PRINTER'S apprentice wants position In city shop. AE 785, Oregonian. GENERAL house-cleaning and janitor work, day and hour. East 060. Mr. Thompson. CORNETIS T wants position. Columbia 2o4T Box 510 St. Johns. Or. JAPANESE wishes position In family, cook. X 787. Oregonian. WINDOW TRIMMER and card writer open for position. Trimmer, Main 5709. MAN and wife want work on farm; can fur nish references. AM 772, Oregonian. JAPANESE wants position In hotel, apartment-house. , Phone Main 6521; A 3921. COLORED porter or janitor; references. Phone M. 7820. MAN and wife wants position on ranch, d :i lry preferred. 1 248 Concord, city. GARDENER wants a private place; knows about auUTB. Phone East 44 X JANITOR wants position, especially a hall. T 781, Oregonian BIGGS for window cleaning. East 472L SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. TRAINED newspaper man wants a posi tion where there is an opportunity for advancement or to acquire an Interest through hard work. QUALIFIED to run paper for owner or stockholders, or to take over editorial end and build it up. EXPERIENCED telegraph editor, city editor, copy reader, political reporter, con versant with Northwest and National af fairs. AGE 28, sober, unmarried, hard worker. NOW employed on S. F. morning paper. ADDRESS H. K. S., care Secretary Press ClubSan Francisco. DELICATESSEN MAN First-class Friacc man. German, can prepare his own deli catessies; good carver. No. 1 counter salesman; can take charge of whole de partment; close buyer; years of experi ence: best of references, wants position in Portland or out of town. S 77U, Ore gonian. MUNICIPAL FREE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, 15 Second, corner Salmon. Wcmen's department, 245 Salmon. All classes of .unskilled, skilled, professional and clerical, maie and female help fur nished on short notice. No fee charged. Phone Main 3555: A 5024. CAPABLE young man, married, living in valley, 154 years' business experience, would like good line to work in valley tarritory; not interested unless proposi tion tvould justify man capable of earn ing good salary ; bond and references If desired. AV 030, Oregonian. WANTED Position by man aged 33 who has had several years experience In gen eral office work and credit department of one of the largest wholesale and retail houses in the city; references. M 7S9, Oregonian. WINDOW TRIMMER, thoroughly experi enced and artistic, also write cards; would like to make change; at present employed In department store In city of lO.OoO, 13 years' experience. Address Window Trim mer. 02221 Cincinnati sc. Spokane, Wash. . EXPERIENCED orchardist who has handled large orchards wants position; -Just fin ished short course in horticulture at O. A. C. ; well recommended. W 785, Orego nUn. A YOUNG man of high school education who has made good, wishes position with some reliable firm where he can work up and get on road travel; best of bank references. Y 824, Oregonian. RAILROAD construction foreman wants to get with a logging company, build road or take caro of old track; can give good Portland references. John Win go, Su Johns, Or. SUPERINTENDENT of construction, build ings, bridges, wharfs, sea walls, pipe lines, conduits, sewers, etc. ; concrete ex pert. B 784, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS carpenter foreman Is open for a position; nustler; young man; will taka contract. William Percy, 20ti& Hawthorne ave. A POSITION wanted by an Industrious young man who has had experience, both . in road, yard und as welghmaeter In rai'. road service. H 788, Oregonian. SAVE THIS Young men and women at tending school, desire places to work for room and board, address the National Telegraph Institute, or pliona Main 8222. CAPABLE married man with office ability, collector, agent, solicitor, good penman, quick at figures; have wheel. Phone Tabor obt. Address L 773, Oregonian MARRIED man wants position on ranch. rruit ranch preterrea, experiencea, cap able of taking charge. 2S0 E. Goth. Tabor imp. ELDERLY single American wishes any kind of light employment, city or country; ia handy, intelligent and trustworthy. L 702, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Boo kk eepers and Stenograph era, POSITION wanted as assistant bookkeeper and general office clerk; six years' expe rience; some experience as a stenographer. E 7U7, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHIC position, young woman. 8 years' experience; can do bookkoepins and general office work. F 779, Orego nian. INEXPERIENCED stenographer and book keeper wishes to got practical experience-, will work for moderate salary. Phone Woodlawn 2S43- WANTED Position by experienced lumber stenographer; will accept f position out of city. F 781, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER desires position; have had some experience; references. B 77H, oregonian. . STENOGRAPHER desires position, law or real estate ottice preferred; references. U 780, Oregonian. YOUNG lady would like work evenings; stenographic, cashier, telephone exchanyfl or care of children. Monday M. 582i. EXPERIENCED young lady stenographer wishes permanent position; best of refer ences. A L 772, Oregonian. THOROUGHLY competent telephone opera tor wishes position on private exchange. Call East 43J3. THOROUGHLY competent bookkeeper, sten ographer, desires pos!Tion, 7 years' ex perience. L 782. Oregonian. AN experienced bookkeeper desires general office work. M. 2451; A 2090. Catholic Women's League. EXPERIENCED young lady stenographer, best of references, desires position. jVIar shall 3153, A 5221. YOUNG lady stenographer and bookkeeper wants poaition; moderate salary. Main 1243. EXPERT stenographer wants law position or public space for public work. R 7lt, Oregonian, W AXTED By lady stenographer, position ending dally 3 o'clock. Phone A 5468. YOUNG lady desires position as steno grapher; moderate salary. Marshall lOtiO. WANTED To do typewriter copying. AU 778, oregonian. YOUNG lady wishes position as billing clerk or collecting. AO 759, Oregonian. ASSISTANT bookkeeper and general office, clerk ; 3 years' experience. B 2229. STENOGRAPHER, 5 years experience, rap id, accurate, desires position. Main 2l!Sti. YOUNG ladv wants to do stenography and general office work. R 80S. Oregonian. YOUNG lady stenographer, thoroughly ex perienced, desires good position. Main 1 lo. Dressmaker. PARISIAN high-class dressmaker, lately re turned from abroad ; expert cutter, fitter and artistic designer, will make your gowns equal to high-priced imported mod els; $5 per day. First-class local refer ences. Telephone Main 8043. EASTERN dressmaker and ladies tatlot wishes high-class work by the day; nv Years' ex perienoe ; good Portland ref er-c-nces. C 1174. DRESSMAKING and Indies' tailoring; sulu $10 and up, waists $1.75 up, dresses at rea sonable prices: first-class work guaranteed. Main 1002. 280 Hi 10th. WANTED Position as housekeeper by a middle-aged woman; respectable and relia ble; no objection to leaviug city. Phons A 5 12. Call 153 13th St. EASTERN designer will teach you to cut, lit and make your own clothes at reason able price. 300 Central bldg., 10th and Alder. Marshall 3013. EXPERIENCED Chicago dressmaker wlshe sewing by the day or at home, reasonable. Phono Main 0945. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER and tailor ed wishes work by day or at home. M. 8594. FASHIONABLE dressmaking and ladies' tailoring, perfect fit, done at reasonable prices. Main 1018. 537 Montgomery st. STYLISH gowns made at very reasonable prices. A. DUGGAN, The Roycrcst, 12th and Yamhill. EXPERIENCED dressmaker and tailored wishes engagements by day; excellent ni ter. Phone C 2480 DRESSMAKER, house dresses and children'! clothes a specialty; prices reasonable. Ta-b-fr S3. . EXPERIENCED dressmaker and talloress will make engagements in families. East 302. B 1500. DRESSMAKER, from New York, good fit ter, out by day; references. Main 78S9. ALL kinds of piain sewing, quilting, com forts made. 235 6th st. Phone Main S059. DRESSMAKING, remodeling, cut prices for February. Marshall 1795. ONE-PIECE dresses, plain sewing, chil dren s garments; reasonable, aiarsuan DRESSMAKING by the day. A 7358. Mouse-keepcra. REFINED, reliable young woman with small daughter, desires housekeeping position. AV i23. Oregonian. WOMAN of refinement desires position m housekeeper lor aged couple or widower. AV 927, Oregonian. COMPETENT young lady wishes situation as housekeeper; rererences. fnone Avood lawn 3161. 762 Cleveland ave. A POSITION by unincumbered experienced house Keeper. j 54 2, oregonian. TO COOK for men or boys or care of child. 3 to 9. obu vt ater fit. YOUNG widow, neat and respectable, wishes position as housekeeper, "tis 12th. WIDOW wishes position as housekeeper, OltjT or country, jv v u, vregumau