14 TTTr: srXDAT OTSireOXIAX. rORTTiAXPFEBIlUAIlY 4, 1912. - I ! vwvif SATE I FOB SALE. , -- - 5 I I 1 ivin BUR. I FOB HALE. . I TO I CHANGE. WHEAT AND ALFALFA. 1IU aeree In Gilliam Co, 4 mile from tru.rud atetio. .l f.eced en CfkM-l4 'in brfcd -ire a -.J f. 'a orM lo lrea. tin lyiot graaa peaiure. 4-room laiTnafa. e.i la oodllloa. bpru,, ... P :vm to hou.. and barn. braod mar. a. 1 f co. i. Is brood so. a. ,tJ p.oW. 1 W..' P". ,nirJ ; l dje. price uaing stock ucn avr $- f" c' l.rsi. mUA accept trad "P ONLY $20 PER ACRE. 11 S3 urn close to CreswelL Or. Piruallr fenced with barbed wire and f;..d le:.c About : "crV.f i.i. very fineet erea bottom e2 or wo:c& is now lo cultivation, remainder cu be cletred nt trt f.lng eapen. BiJUlM fir l.raeer cru.em, 12 million ft, ' "''"'i land but about IOO .cr xoom houm. good bra end other bui.ding. KhuoiiiDtiM on the place. Cioly avallao.e mi.l elle imr veet body of anjacent limber la en Inla ranch. Pi.my of running water, luo head or fin Angora goata. Land gurlii la eeulng (or $2i per acre. Hear terma. Mignt accept eon Portland property trad. IDAHO IRBIOATE3 ALFALFA LAND. 40 acrea aagabrush land adjoin ing townsite ot Hoiiister. a In rwl.road town Juat south or Twin Fe.la, Thla tract u at Salmon Fiver drawing. Price $:0OO. Will trad equity of 11400 lor city properly or acreage, ALVOftO-CARR-innrrR CO, iioa-rd ot Trade, RIMOLER TRADES. f ,000 clS aero wheat tmmA AammuCo Wash, ml ee north Rllsvllle. 100 rx atubbla. 100 acra bam mar ra:iow. ba.aaca iraln land, land lla rio; all fencrd and croaa-fencod; thla land arlll moon mm lrrla:.l and will bo lncra.ad al.ia. Prico $11,000. morlurt tioo-i. Will trada iwo0 acuity lor Portland proparty. tia90O 5 a-ra. 8 m'laa oaat Oraabara. !,) baarlnc fruit trav good bulidinga. $3O0 par acra. S1S.0O0 100 aera m mllaa north of Cna ' initt 0 ml.aa to salam; 20 mermm fina baarardam. la aoraa In -yr.- o,d orcbard. 04 Krai doarad. balanca paaturaa. amall bouaa barn, fancad. od walar. f.haap al I50 pr acra. Lnn-1 ad)olnm t-aa ban ao'.d for :.' par acra. Will trada lor modara bunaiow. Eaay torma oa baiaaca. Il0O 1SH aeraa auborbaa propart. i.aw hh rmproT1. fruit, barrlra. rap-, d bldra.. wntar. oto. l-inall Incombranca. Slll chinfi ror ranch handy to rail road. 110 000 to aeraa 4 rr.llaa aoath Oreaham. all In eultnratlo; co buhamra, tnodarn T-rooro hoiao: watar pipd all cTar plara: lara bam. brie collar, maiafiooaa. aTary thlna oomp.ata. Claar of Incum branca. Wlil trado for Inoomo pro party. Wa ran a!ao 1to yoa trad -a on hooaaa. buncalowa. lota ud automobliaa. CHA. r.IXOt-ER CO, all Laarta HldC! L ACKK.3 whaat lard. I0O acraa Fall whant In "od condition: f0 acraa fancad hoc tlrht. 20 acraa paatoraa. houaa. barn, blackmith ahop ar.d toola. ail nacaaaary macblnary. ate AM fincod and ora fncKl; mottro ivo: 10O0 ort will hand. a thla. crop piymant 'or balanoa. or rill tako houaa and lot In trada, or Al berta land. . S20 arraa at amp land paatora. loea ana Umbo all burnad. a.acanl timothy land, fina atraAra for f!h run a throuah thla placa: houaa. barn S'40. ani out buKdlnja. a:! ood. 10) eaa.1 wlU hmni.m thla or will talia houaa and lot. W. A. PARTHOT.OMOT. 2 I.umbarmana roR ha: R EXCHANGE. compoaad of racattton tiall ll!n-rooin. eUnin-room. ltltahaa. badrooma. alaaplng porch. Inc.oaod In a'.aaa; oak Boora down a'alra; fuM baaa mant. furaaca: lot &010O. an 3d at.. Haaomant. an adJItlon of Bno homaa: p-!a tS'): wt!l taka aa Orat paymant a .O tlml'ar land, aeraaga or vacant lota, ba.anca fur paymanta. A lara llat of PORTLAND PfBINBSS rTCHAOIC T0 10 P.othctUld B.dt. 'rhiL i' Sunday and ayanlnaa. Main WIT. WANT AUTO Good, dotlblv-canatructad. IJ-fra taooaa. alao bath, attlo. Suromar kltchao, baaa tnaat ; lrml on ba'.anca. WANT SMALL GROCTRT. Or eonfactlonary and clgara a flrat paytnant on naw fina roam buncalow. all modam. Iara anlranca hall abcrra and balow. camaat baaamant. cor. lot. torxua oa baianca. . T'arlnf. O. C. R- PLLIS o.. f-S10 Wl.tol bide- FOR EXC1IAXCE. 10 acraa at Whtto Palmon. 14 aoraa In 4.yaar commarclal applaa, modam 6-roora honaa. Fummar hltchn. barn. onlna houaa. laird fane ad and all In aaltlvatlon. Win irnn for Portland proparty. Prloa JIO.'um. a anp. J. E. RAND CO.. 523 Poard of Trada. 41 CLEAR LOTS FOR HCH'SB. FYao and claar of Incumbranco. only thrwa blocka from dapot and bualnaaa la ono of tha bualaat llttlo towna of Croc County Lota will doubla In valua Insula of a yaar. Will trada all or any part for a hauia or homo In Portland. Valuo lota at liOO. Will aaauma mortcaca up to II. W l'r-fer cloaa-ln houa. P0RTLAVO ROOMING-HoUEB CO, M?-B1 Henry Pldf. ACKRAGE FOR GOOD AUTO. Flrat-olasa raataurait for lota or land. 10 aoraa all In cultivation. rmo4 hooaa and barn. lla fina. fina aoll. naar depot, amall town, will eichaoa far lota, houaa. t im bar or farm. A part men t-houaa for acraaea. Houaa and I lota for farm cloao In. Many othar food propoaltlona. GARLAND BAR8NEH. 1C1 4th at. EXCHANGER. Good Improved 23H-acra Valley ranch. f?.uoO. to axrhanaa for apartmant-houaa. will pay difference. GOOD OR'I'EKr FOB KXCHANOR. General mdae.. IIO.OO'X ood Valley town, axchanca for rood lnfim property. Al.TlERT WELCH 4 rON. 703 Board of Trade bid. JyO ACKK8 choica land near ML Hood Rail way for aala or xchintt: nep, rich aoll. wall watareU, beautlil aeenlo aurround Inya: a fina aub-dialalon pri-poaltlon for Summer homaa; would oonnder mortrawea and oontracta In oachaaae; ftiM city prup orty. or aood R-piwengtr auto. Wo am owrera. ?C t-Tegonlan. MORTGAGE. $7000 mrt(a(a for atla ar ouch an ra for real aetata. Pacured by real aetata, prefer ta trada for proporty In or naar Portland. CHA. KTNOI.Ert ft CO, III Lawta b'.dCj EXCHANGE! Wt haa daalrabia proparty to exohange. houaea and lota for acreage, and acreage for houe-e and lota If you want to ex change on a caah baala. aea ua GLEN ART REALTY CO. IXC.) 411'4!1 Chamber of Commerce. S ALB OR TRADE. 17100 auulty ra large naw ateaerooin wttn 0-room modem flat In feat growing community. Eaat lle. thickly aattlad ana no atoree near: fina buineaa location; price 43i0. Owner. AB TO J. Oregonlan. 20 ACRE.4 af good lead, aaay to claar. 11 mllea from Portland. 1 mllee from cir Una. aa county road. Prlc U); wvil taka a houaa and lot worth 12000 for flrat payment. E. J. CalSBR. 420 Chamber of Commerce. 4noo EQUITT In naw modem brik hotel tbat ahowa handaoma praflt ta exchange for aalaoumbared Oregon real aala t a bea Hryari. with Joaeph Graham. 1O07-0 J Board of Trada bid. OARABALDI BEACH lota and caah for ama.l auharbaa arreag-e plaoo or for equity therein; lota valuable ror development tnia Spring Call Dr Swain. 401 NorUiwaet b:J- lib and Waab, WXIAT hara you to exchange for a live hotel that abowo a net Income af S300 C month. modern room a. cheap rant, g leaaa. Prla I'ilOO. equity 4oO. Jo aeph Graham. loyr.n9 Hoard of Trada bldg. FINE player plana and 100 records, will trada for lot or acreage. 1173 Hawthorne ava. im acraa good fritt land near Roeaburg to exchange for eome'hing nearer Portland. Had T. 810 Spa.dlng bldg. 71 H ACRES 14 mlnntca from Portland to trade for houaa and lot. baa Cue Emlth. 317 Board of Trao. tLKGANT 11-room home. modern. with two arre. tre'ie for aacant lota or Port la ndhotna;rIioarjlofjrraj1 WI!U trada hot'' and annex In email town for acreage. Hoard of Traje. fl.XD Umber claim or lot for fi-pAjaccger auto. AF TOO. Oregonlan. to Fxriitvcr. Aiv CA.-U I lota t.OO eacb; one lot. Koea City t'ark. 11KW. For poolroom, con fetttonery. riHjnin-houa or grocery atom. Good -room houaa thoroughly modern. $uO c.aar. 'or acreaga 1 7-mom rcoming-houa. nna location and doing good buaiiiaaa. IOO. t-room hooaa. modem, prlca 11100 tlear. for aniail acreage. 320 acree goo-I fruit and dairy farm, cl.ae to Portland. lio par acre, for city proparty. Fina farm. Joining city llralll of New berg and eJttenda to WU;anoette River boat land.ng. gllt.wuO Clear, for Portland prop arty. F-ctilty 1150 In flrat-rlaaa. op-to-data T-room buctfalow, for farm. 5 roomlng-houaea. JO0 to $10,000 each, for any kind you want. 40 acrea. Joina McMlnnvtlla. oloaa to eoli.ga. $lj.9oo. for Portland proparty. A anan. Thla la only a few of tha many food trauee wa have. Give ua a calL it. !. IltlD CO, 417 Board of Trade. Main 475. TO EXCHANGE. 10 aoraa. belr.g tha N. W. quartar of aaction 11. townanlp IS J, range weat of the Willamette meridian, near Eugene. Price I2J par acre. , . lUdv-lo acrea. W0 acraa cleared. 40 to BO mora eeelly cleared: l.Oow.OoO feet of fine aaw timber. Tha placa la eplendldly watered; the flalda are wall fenced and croee-fenceu: a good 0-room houaa. hard flnlahed. I barne and all othar outbulid Inga; telephone. rural delivery. county road running through tha farm, church and nchool of a mile from tha homo. Price. Including tba crop and atook. JO per acra. Thia la ono of tna boat farma la Waahlngton County. ALFRED A- BAKKR. 212 Ablngton bid EXCHANGE WORTH l.VVtlSflGATIOJf. I have a l"0-acre farm near Peneleton, Or, about lav under cultivation. 121 aet to alfalfa. 4&0 aeeded to Fail whaat and about to Summer fallow thia bprlns, good bul dlnga. no Incainbranca. Alao 4SO acrea of choice land naar New berg. Or., at HO"; will exchange either for Income proporty In Portland. T. G. JaoNTlSOMEKT. S01 W ilcox Bldg. WEST SIDE HOME. Ftne new home of roome. reception hall and alaeplng balcony; full concrete beeement. hot watar heat and ftrep.ace; hardwood fioora. beautiful woodwork, ar. tlatlc fixturea; on beat carilne on eat bide: unooetructed lew; bitullthlc atreet. Owner will coneltler well-built houaa up to IToOvi. well-located acreage or good farm and mortgage for baiance. Price 10.ooo. R. F. BRYAN. Main 1963. boo Cham, of Com. A HJT. TO TRADE. 180 acrea. Eaetern Oregon, to apply on b4 AORE'JrON OREGON ELECTRIC for Portland property, etation on place. 45-FOOT LAUNCH. One of the beat on tna nrer, for real P. B LENT. 417 Corbett HUr. FOR EXCHANGE A good money-making harneea and aaddlery bualneaa In county a'at of evoo; owner old and wlahea to re- "Dellvery and bulMing material buglnex with groyjid and bulldinga In guburb. value gluivO for vacant lota; alao good farma, city property and buelneee cpportunluae to exrr.anae one for the other. y Ft'CilS. 4-0 Chamber of Commerce. 1 HAVE a 5-room cottac in n good aeo tlon of the Eaat Sid. block from atreetcar. la Inalde of oth atriat. new plumbing and connected with city newer, rente fr 111 per month: lot 60x100: caah Jrlce IJOOo; mortgage IliK'O. 4 yeara at per cant: will trade eo,uity for a rood standard late model automobile: no Junk wanted. Addreea H Tod. uregonlan. IIOOD RIVER BAROAIN. 20 arrea, all planted to commercial vanetlea of applea. roeatly Nawtowna and Fpltienberga, part In bearing: fine eprlng. good houaa. beautiful Tlew. near town or liood Kivar, on main county road: good In-oma next year: moving to Portland and will taka modem 7 -room houaa aa part payment. Addreea B. C, P- O. Box 41- 1J0 ACIiF-d at K'.amath Faila ery good aoll. 101 acraa in crop now. Good -room houae. very good bam and other outbulldlnga Place under Government ditch. Price IdioO. Take Portland prop erty In exchange, or aell on terma Kauff mxnn A Moara. C.x Lumber F.xchange. WANTED Good lull T-paaa car. oome caah. aoma Intnl. for tha beat 0-room houae on Broa.lway at the price: near 17th. r'ght an the Kmg Row. Will taKe beet offer Hilda Am leav!n city. AF itl. Oregon lan. CoVTS 40 acrea of the beat land In Central Crayon; mile to P. O. and K. R. There la $1000 againat It: IS acra are In po tatoaa: want to aril my liuoo equity, or will trade for a amall Portland home, not to exceed vu"V. N 771. Qreaonlan. WE have a black, at andard-bred trotting mare, too faat for farm work; will trade for a 1400 or Ir00-1B work horae. It muat be tree and aound. Inquire at Holding Jiroa, Jewalora, 41 d at. In Multnomah Hotel. Phone Main 11S2. WILL trade my Iota, all free and clear, aa $1000 flrat payment on modern 0-room bungatow: balance In monthly paymenta. Fee liryant. with Joaeph Graham. 1007-tn) Hoard of Trade bldg. NOT TO BE OVERLOOKED. Stock of hardware and machinery. I'L 00; building ITOOO: good town In S. Da kota. For It 1 want a ranch In Willam ette Valley. J 841. Oregonlan. jjoriTT $1250 In 8-acre commercial apple orchard. S-year treea. 4 mllea eaat of Woodburn. to exchange for equity In new T-room modem houae. Hoot. 723 Cham- bor of Commerce. J-OfS FARM FOR CITT PROPERTY. A highly Improved farm. I mllea of Portland. 1 mlie of town; good bulldlnga. Including atock and Implementa METCALK, 110 Teon. Marahall l31. FOR EX CHANGS. We hare large and amall tracta of all deacrtptlons to exchange for Portland and Seattle property. See Mr. Camp. GHEGORT INV. CO.. Corbett Bid. RELrNQUIPJIM ENT 80 acrea. 40 mllea from Portland, never falling water, wlil exchange lore, acreage, house and lota or roomlng-houae. Marahall 4340. 2o Lum ber Exchange. BEACH lota, unincumbered, wanted on Gari baldi Beach for T lota Klamath Fall a. un incumbered. R 04. Oregunlan. FOR SALE. Hoveee Vetiaelea. gta. FOR SALE 4 head of farm or delivery horaea. from 1000 to 1160 loa.; aereral aeta of double or gingle harnesa. at lk8 S. trttt at., corner o . LiAVI.NG city, muat aell xood 2100-pound team and rubbar-tlre two-oeateu aurrey. 2Hla molil at. 6outheaaC end of Hawthorne earlier, 1 block weal and two aoutn. BLACK-team, mare with foal, and gelding, wa.rfht 24V4'. aound and true, guaranteed, with new harneae. $3uu. No. 4 L. aotn at, Montavula. FOR SALE One eoaj black mare, age 7, chunky built, weight li7o. gentle to work alng.e or Gouoie or r;ue. m ior aaA Goertxen'a mare. 3o3 Front. Hli,. V-0 lba.. $11. or trade for potatoea or clilckena, Motiregor. bid at, flrat houaa to" rUUt aouth plvla.on. HAVE good automobile and caah for lot in Irvington or Hoiiaday. AT 7U0. Orego nlan. WANT team or horae and buggy for $31$ mortgage, payable monthly. AL Tit, Ore gonlan. xrT.-k! riellverv aaldlng 0 yeara old. city broke, aultable for nny kl nny aina ox worn; prloed reaaonaDie. gl4 ront at. FOR 6ALB Cheap, one fine black team, t and T aara old. weighing SvuO lba; aound and true. 276 Rimoell at. ONE colt. $10 caah; 1 Chlneae gaeae $3. Roth. 271 Argye at, paninaula ata. 6k Johne car. FcfR SALE 2 fine heavy teanie. 2S00 and sooo lba., $ yeara old. 6tar btablaa. &u$ Front at. W"ANTril By reej.onaible farmer, team, wagon, .harneea. SO or V0 daya, for feed. I'hone ft 2174. bfc. Vr. HAL marea and hor.e, light and hnvy; ran aee them all Hawthorne ava, Travla Broa FOR SALE Double-bad expreaa wagon. Call 3.'3 N. 2 2d at. FOR FALE 4 head of horaea, 1 mare yeara o d. heavy In foal. 221 North 14th. Got.'D Dili wagon for aaie cheap, almoet new. 107 E. h.ighth at. $ H14AD of cheap horaea, $25 up. 14 Union ave. . corner A ah at. 2V-Lii. team of muiea will exchange for horaea- 14 Union ava., comer Aah at. FOR FALE or exehanre for heavy horae, amall team. Phone Kat 2450. lood, atrong mare for farm or Phone Laat Mfd. WANTED Team n1 hamraa. not Hghter than 30O0 lba Telepnona Tabor 2a.ll. CHEAP lloo-lb. horae and my alngie ex preaa wagon. 8&1 Second at. iToPPE aaddla and bridle for aala, $4. Call M Front at, after J P. M. A UARGA1N t-'A buya 12oo-Ih. horae; t?S buya llOO-lb. horae. Call Sailwood 174a. Uoraae. V euiclea. Lto. FARM TEAMS." Mam and raiding, weigh 3700 lba, broken bot.V alngie and double, and ao ooiuteiy rrue anywhore you put them. Price $171. Team of gelding chunk, weigh 2.100 lba, absolutely aound la every way. well broke m nf.m and double: thla pair ahlpped In from Wlllamotie Valley, are ready to go Into hard work. Price $2u0. Span of marea, 2400 lba. both bayg and wail matched, good true alngie and dou ble worker, aound l every way. They are a bargain at $200. Ten other head of mulea and horaea. "We have a ahlpaient of 15 horaea from Eaatern Oregon that will arrive Feb. &. In the lot are inarve teoon In), and well matchrd leafa of horaea They wlil raiino In price from 12(h) to $000 per ay in. and from 4 to 7 yeara old. Thla atock la all eoid with our writ ten guarantee to be aa repreaeoted or your money refunded. We furnlah proapectlve cuitomera with both bank and bualneaa re.'ervno a, ao you are aaaured of dealing with a ruputaMe firm. K. W. HAVUAKD AND R. U EVANS, Propa Portland ritablea. 13th ft Couch ata 40 HEAD of marea .and geldlnga, right In from the cotntry. all young and well broke and all aold with our guarantee aa represented or your money back. In thla laat ahlpment wa have brown getrtlng 0 yeara old, heavy boned, weight 140; tiM dark in; horae. 5 yeara old. weigha 1378; pair of brown geldlnga, weight 2tlo0 and the beat hitching pair on earth, bay mare. eara old. heavy with foal by Ton Percheron atalllon. one low-eel gray mare. 8 eara old. withe 1300. pair of black 4-year-old geldlnga, matched right up and pair you would be glad to own. Come and aee thia atock and get our prloea. TODD'S HORSE MARKET. S34 Front Slraet. JUST ARRIVED. SO head maxea and geidioga, ranging la weight from 10"0 to 1400 lba. Age I II I yeara. Several w.l-matched teeme. alao nor ere gultable for delivery work. Five eela of uoubie harneae and two light farm wag oua; evervtlung guaranteed aa repreeentedj no reaaonaDie Oder rejected. Come and try them for your own aattafactlon, t-aat 12th at, one blork north of Hawthorne ave. Little barn In park. ROSE CITT STABLES, lith and AldT. Another carlo. ,1 of Willamette Valley marea and geidinne hava arrived at the I:oe City Stnblea; agee B to 10 yenra, weighta 1000 to ld'.'O poundg, rrlcea from $10 to $210 each. Come and lee thla lot, aa we have 40 head to pl-!k from and know you will like our way of doing bual neaa. aa every horae aold by ua will be guaranteed and one week'e free trial al lowed. AUCTION! AUCTION I Monday. February 6. 1DL2. Pale of 20 head work horaea and marea, welgnt looo lba to 15O0 lba, 8 dump wag na, 2 lumber wagone, acrapera. i piowa. 8 aota double harneae, S aprlng wagona, 8 aeta alngie harneea and other atock; will- be aoid to hlghcet bidder on Monday. February B. at 2 P. M, aharp. Bale will take place at B. Tth nnd Madl aon ata. Telephone B 147. Eaat Bide Ex change Ptablea. . HOKSiiti. MULES, WAGONS. FOR SALE. Two care of horara and mulea arrived Monday, January 21fc and will be aold un der our gunralttee. There are all claeaee of horaea In thla lot. and think any one looking for atack cou.d find what he wanta at our barn. HAWTHORN hi-AVH3 STABLES. 42U Hawthorne Ave. ONE apan of very fine geldlnga. 4 and S r.ara. kind and aa aound aa a dollar every way; weight 30o0 lba; low and blocky. with heavy bone; the moat perfect apan of draft heraea In the atate; aiao a apan of cboloe young bay marea, perfectly aound and gentle, to work to anything by any body; number one brood marea; weight 2Wi0 lba. P. L. Kenady. Woodburn. Or. KOsti CITT hTABLd, U1 Alder. t have Juat nut one more auto truck on and have one pair marea, 2100 lba, fat and true workera: alao one team of geld lnga, 20O0 lba, fat and ready for work; will make a line farm teami $175. Oliver Tranaler Co. Horaea can be aeen at 005 Altier. Roae City btaBle. OlUT mare and gray gelding. T-8, weight 21.. good to work, $200; good work team. g-lO. welfc-ht 2i1l, $221; apan of geldlnga, weight 2:-oo, $llf; one farm team with new harneae. $101: bay mare, little thin, but good to work. $85. Thla atock muat be aold at once; going aaay. 118 Eaat Tth, near aiornev,. PAIR of bay marea, well matched, 8 and 8 wolght 2300, are aound and true, good aet breeching harneea, all for $225. biaok mare, aultable for ranch work, weiglia 1200 171: brawn mare, weigha laOO, heavy In foal by Clyde ataillon. $125. oa4 Front etreot. ONE apan of marea, ana8 and 7, weight 2100 pounda, price $105: one apan, mare and horae, agea 4 and . weight 21O0. Price Il; one apan of geldlnga, weight 2lo0. price $1S5. Thaae horaea are a.l genua, aound and good workera. Come and aee them work, at 8 Front. AS I have quit farming. I haee for aale lO Head of young horaea from 4 to 8 yeara old. welching from 10OO up; harneae, wag ona buggiea. cowe and implementa At itoblneou a farm. 1 mile weat of Oregon City, on top oi niu. AT HALF value Pair Er.gllah cobba; no finer on Coant, well matched, fearleaa and reliable; drive alngie anil double and broken to aaddla. Kramer'a Academy, LiKhtecnth and Jefferaon. Owner-a phone Main 3.11. GOOD young horaea and marea, all wetgnta. at reaaonable prlcea. and guaranteed aa rereeented. at the Roae City Park Balee Btablaa. Take Roae City Park car to lid at Adama A Campbell, propa CYLINDER. 7- paaaenger Premier, nearly new In firat-claaa condition, price reaaonable- arlll taka doelrnble property or a entailer ear for part payment. Addreea x 812, cregonltn. ONE team aorrel ponlee. walKht 15;K lba. One prlxewlnner yearling atalllon. half brother to Sunny Jim. Harry D. Burrowa. Vancouver. Waah, route 4. WILL aell equity In a fine 6-room bungalow, Waverly Height at a bargain, or wilt exchange for a pair of horaea. X 72. Oreonian. EKVEN heavy draft teama from 1400 to lSuO pound, well matched, guaranteed aound and true. No. 4 X. 80th L Monta- vlllo. WANTED Camelback wagon, 8-ton. 404 N. 6th at. Main W43T. Automol'llee. DON'T OVEP.LOOK THESH P"ACT3. xcra axe exclusive dee 1 era In automobliaa. Wa are the oldest establlahed In Fort, land. We occupy the aeoond largaet building In Portland devoted to the automobile buatneee excloalvely. We gunrantaw every oar we aeU. We alwaya have a large gtoek of har galna. Wo are gtlU growing rapidly. THERB MTJBT BB A REASON. THERB 13. PORTLAND AUTOMOBILE CLBAKDrO UOUBE Arthur H. Herta. Manager, ' EAST FIRST STREKT AND HAW THORNS AVENXR Eaat 8230. B 815L Fbones. FORBLANTX OR, ON account of lllneea phyaiclan will aoll fntrr-oaaaanger Overland car In good ooti '!7on?$ii caah. B Tabor 178. 212 8th at. ONE 5-pa. .anger Regal. 1010. nickel trlm Trlnaa $T00; 1010 lartlliao, newly paint ed and nickel trtmmlnge. In good order, $soa Call 421 Kamlllonjbldg. WANTED-A five or aeren-paaaenger ear; glv dee-rlptlon and beat terma Addreaa li 773, Oreitor.iao CASH for firat-claaa runabout If price right. Marahall evoo. aunday 11 ta 4 P. I. FOR SALE Palck runabout, good condition. cheap. 2. a au. .i-- 1-jr' sale Reading Stantlard motorcyola, almoat naw. a aacrif lc. Phone B 1044. WANTED inio or 11 automobile fog good city property. M TvO, Oregonlan. Automobtlee. ATTENTION. PROSPECTIVE AUTOMOBILE PUU- CHASERS. In buying an automobile it la good bualneaa on your part to buy where your money will go the fartheat. and buy the beat ear It ta poaalbie to obtain for the amount Inveated. In baying one of our ellghtly ueed cam you have the pleaaure and eatlsfactlori of owning a high-grade automobile, which will only coat you half or leaa than the price of a cheap new one. Do not compare our high-grade oarg that have been thoroughly overhauled, re flntahed and put In A-l oondlllon and guaranteed by ua. with the average uaed car that la offered for aula to the pubilo whloh oarrlaa no guarantee. Our large atook of over TB care will enable you to aalect juat the ear you want. We aubmlt a few makea for your approval: Cadillaea, Cartercara: Plerce Arrowa. Bulcka. Chalmara. Auburn. Reoa, Iludaona. Pratnlera. Sludabaker-GarforUa, White Stenmera. Whate gae, Oldamobllea. Waynea, Milchalla and many othar. Remember we carry tha largegt atook of naed oara on the Paolflo Coaat. We leach you to drlva and care for your ear free. OFIOOS ATTTO EXCHANGE, Slat and Waahlngton ata. Main 6244. A 8218. ONE 1810 alx-cyllnder, 48 K.-P. Pierce Ar row, painted and In good condition, 12800. One 1010 alx-cyllnder, 48 H.-P. Pleroe Arrow, good condition, with extra eloaed body. (30UO. One 190S. fonr-eyllnder. 4S H.-P. Plarce Arrow, painted and in good condition, (1500. On 1910 Paokard "18" painted and In good condition, $1S00. One 1009 Packard "80" Runabout, painted and Urea In flrt-0ln ehepo, $2200. . One 1011 Btudebaker Garford. painted and overhauled. Urea good. $2000. On lfia White Ga "40," nw- only driven 180 mUea, full equipment, $2000. On 1010 Oakland, two-paaeenger, $075. One 1011. flve-paaienger Pope-Hartford, '""NEATH ft M-CARTHX INC.. 61)4 Waahlnirton St, Cor. King. Phones aiain oo , a . i q WB HAVE the following houae and lot to trade for automobiles: 0-room modem atory and one-half houae, price $3100. . 5-roora bungalow, price 13""". 8-room bungalow, price ;50- . 10-room 2-atory houaa. price 8450O. lO-room brick realdence. $1000. Those hou. are atrlctly modem and will trad for an automobile up to J1S0O and will trade for automobile up to $350V for the fcrlck residence. PACIFIC COAST BROKERAGE CO, ,.a .A T3na a TvmA Ttloa. Phones A 1051. Marshall 4299. -! V T7- n.A) Id' T 1 1 1 1 It One 1W0O Cadillac One 1610 Pullman. Ftoddard-Dayton delivery wagon. Hudson roadster. Two even-pasaengr cars aultable for rent or stage line. Five-ton truck, nenrly new. All of the above have been thoroughly overhauled and are In nret-clasg condition. W are offering the above at exceptionally low prlcea and can glv come torma to reaponsible people. ALTO ACCESSORIES CO, M Tenth St. Phone Marahall 40S2. " TWO-ACRE HOME. Spring planting will soon be In order. Thla tract Ilea beautifully. Between T6th and T7th eta., on south side of ectlon line rood: In city limit: comfortable 6 roora house, new kirn, Bull r.un water. 40 bearing aaaorted fruit tree, fineet cher rr trees In this district; all cultivated, fine black loam soll no gravel. If yon am looking for hlnnT-claaa acreage, thla would appeal to you. Priced for quick sole. Commlxalon to agent. Phone Tabor 813T, or call on Mr. J. Haas, owner, on premise. SACRIFICE. 1011 Cartercar. 8- pass, owner leaving for Eaat Thuraday; muat aell car: It la fully equipped and In perfect condition. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE, 21at and Waahlngton sta. Main C244. A 11218. PACKARD SD. 7-pasa. touring car. fully equipped. $1830. lulO Oakland runabout, like new. flrst Olaaa condition, coat 11210: price $573. CUSTOM-HOUSE AUTO CO, E. 13th and Hawthorne ave. Phone E li'tt or n i-u B-PASSENGER Knox auto, detachable ton neau; fine machine for light delivery al well aa pleaaure; new tire, ga generator. light na sajacing ""."';' J r. i or will uade for realty. T. J. Glele, aa vBelmont SNAP 5-paseengnr Elmore automobile. 11)11 model, fully equipped. In One condition, uaed k month; cost $1500. Answer quick or give phone number; leaving town. Ar 7i0, Oregonlan. ili-ST aell at once my two autoa. 1010 modele; both fine cur 40-horao; one 7 paxaenrer. one 2-passegner: no reasonable cosh offer refused; nothing but caah talks. Answer B 787. Oregonlan. I WANT to lease a 5-paes. auto ef good ap pearance, any make, to be used a rent car in garage for abort haula at night: will pay you on the mileage baala; I have the buaineHg. yj mo, . POPE HARTFORD 1911 7-paaenger. 60 horaepoaer. Thla car la as good aa new. take a look at It aud make me an offer, muat sell at once. N T79. Oregonlan. FOR" bargains In automobiles, see us firt; w are eure to have the car you want. CUSTOM-HOUSE AUTO. CO, 5C1 Hawthorne. WANTED To buy second-hand automobile, reasonable, for caah: must be In good con dition for commercial purposes. Addres P. O. box 810. city. kiiAUiTElt or convertible touring car, can be aold for caah. If bargain. Full partic ular muat b given. Addreaa AR .87. in-egoniau. A DANDIEST 8-room new bungalow, eplen dld location, worth $4500: quick aale. $3700 terma. Owner, 430 Worceatar bldg. li. 1940. AUTOS stored, delivered to residence; re pair work guaranteed: oil. ga and aup flle cheapeat on East Side, Belmont Garage. E. 23d and Belmont. WANTED -Automobile In exohange for $700 equity In lot: mLphl add some caah dif ference. Particuiara, Al iiq, vvev...,, AUTOMOLIILE wanted to exchange for lot aituated In South Portland; must be 8 -- Mum 31114. 1 HAVE suitable ground and location for a gaialo. close In, on Eaat Side; will build for tenant. M 767. Oregonlan. t HAVE a few new touring care and run about, which 1 will aell at loa. than fac tory coat. W. C. Green. 14 North 16th. BT OWNER 2-ton Kelly truck In flret-claea condition for demonatratlon. Phone M. 34L or call JJt ti THREE acrea. In O'.nflstone. value $1600, for aale: would trade for good 6 -pax, auto. A-l MAXWELL auto at a bargain: will con- . phnn, , f ft 1 7 1 BKier fivi' . - " 1-TON Pulck delivery, fully equipped, good buy. P 7S, Orefonlan. Piee. nrcaoa ol Mnalcel lntrnm-nta. A SNAP Fine upright Kimball piano, ma hogany caae. fine condition, aacrlflce 1150 Cash, for particular auwaae mm tea, uiv" gonlan. klMBALI. uaed uprlKht. largeat ease. $120, nnvmente. Soule Broa. 127 11th at. WANTED Second-hand Vlotor Victrola; will pay cash. D 7j, Oregonlan. FOR RENT A fin 100 and A -1621. plane. Phone Main Piano. Oman and Mualral Inatrnmeala. On account of death I will sacrifice my almost new Waber piano player, with 43 records: coat $1000; will take $4'W, on payment; muat aell thia week. AF iW, Oregoulan. , BEAUTIFUL up-to-date, piano, only one of lta atvle and kind In city: uaed 8 months; bargain; am leaving city and have to sell; ee It, then make an offer. Phone Main 4427. 824 Northrup at. $800 PLATER" PIANO, finest, moat at!a factory on market; uaed very little: new .1 . i . I n nA-ru. nnniltrlnli: luiw inuuuta v, u, . . an opportunity to buy tha best at a oar galn. F 770. Oregonlan. Bargain Good banjo for $1, Call 0 118. 80S Front at. FOR aale or trade, the flneat electrlo piano in Portland, nearly new. coat $1210; muat be aold. Addreaa P. O. box 634. city. SwL'AKS piano, atandard make, good con dition, price very reasonable. Owner, Ta bor 2618. WANTED for atorage or rental, good piano, beat reference. Mr. H. J. Murray, 214 Beech at. WILL pay caah for good aecond-hand piano; must be bargain. Phone Marahall 2740, room 409. Dog. Blrda. Pet Block. PORTLAND Bird Co, 91 Union ave. Just received; a few fine imported Japanese spaniels, fancy goldhsh. ail colors; English and German canaries, fancy birds; a few second-hand breeding cages. Wanted at once, male klttena. one malteae, one com mon, all black, and one angora; must be cheap; also two female peafowl; state price I lO. ,H BOCOHT, SOLD. BOARDED. English bulldog. Boston terrier, grand youna; bulldog bitch. "Chesterfield Mary," In whelp to Eastern winner, Leone Doctor, several high-claa Boston terrier and French bulldog. Boyd, the Dog Man. A 8004. SCOTCH COLIJIE3. 2 male. $10: 4 female. $7.00 each; dam from Shadaland kenneia; Doth dam and sire regiatered; aa good blood aa in Northweat; perfectly marked, orange and white; whelped Jan. 10. Tree Pino Orchard. Lyle. Waah. 8. C BROWN Leghorn a. beat laying strain In N. W.: eftge, any quantity, any time, no delay. Special price by hundred. Few cockerel for aale. Phone Main 4128 or call 414 Spalding bldg. Jamei Ireland, Portland, Or. STANDARD-BRED poultry and egga, baby chlcka. Incubalora, brooder and poultry uppllea The Poultry Supply Houae, 200 Salmon. Llat your poultry and egga win ue. FOR SALE Eggi or day-old chicks from alngie comb Buff or White Leghorn prize winning stock. Win. Shanda, Risley sta tion. Tlregon City Una, Phone Oak Grove, Red 682. FO T"s A LE Dandy pair of Boston terrier. Newsboy and KndcIllTe Selena, 18 lba each: trade for diamonds, motorcycle. Frisco Boy at stud, 15 lbs. Frisco Kennel. Phone liaat 130T. FOR SALE! Thoroughbred White Leghorn cockerels or the celebrated Wyckoff atraln. The pick from a flock of 500; price $250 to $5. Satisfaction guaranteed. Sherwood a Poultry Ranch. Newberg. Or. wttn ua BIRDS Singer, for breeding: cheap. 905 Division. W-K car. 29th. BROWN LEGHORN hens and cockerels, mixed chickens. Pekln ducks and eggs. Phone Woodlawn 7T. 1461 Vancouver ave. . IF YOU want the beet pedigreed bull pup In Portland oall up Col. 834, or take St. Johne car to Stewart St. and go east to 803 Portland boulevard. FINE flock ot poultry R. I. Reds, Barred Rocks. Wyandottes, White Leghorn all laying; reaaonable if taken at once. 621 Eaat 13th st. Take Brooklyn car. FIVE good young milch cows; also one reg istered Holstein bull, three year old and perfectly gentle. C. Vandermost, Beaver ton Or, Route 8. FOR SALE! Light and dark Brahmas and Houdans In trios of single cock or cocker els. J. F. Rioharda. 81 Modelo Place. MU- waukie, ur. mono xveu vue. BARRED ROCK EGGS. prize winning stock. Bradley atraln. $3 for 15. Call at 1191 Woodstock ave, or addres box 3a, Woodstock, Or. CONXEY'S roup remedy I easily given and positive in its results. Can be pur chased at and Is guaranteed by Routledge Seed A Floral Co,iaa 2d L FOR SALE White Wj'andottes. the pure white, stay whits, travel In any company, kind. Buff Cochin Bantam cockerels. tV. l Philip. 380 Benten at. Phone East 35H5. FOR SALE 5 White Leghorn pulleta, 1 cockerel, two of Rhode Island Reds and 2 Buff Orpington cockerel, or trade. Woodiawn 1793. WHITE OP.PINGTON cockerels, "Keller straurs strain," for sale or exchange. O 775, Oregonlan. MALE Irish setter, full grown, beautiful specimen, trained, cheap. AN 740, Ore- ronian. BEAUTIFUL St. Bernard, 2 year old; will rive lnformtlon and picture by request. Podereen. 205 11th. A 32.10. IRISH Terrier puppies, both parent prlze-winner- are of the famoua Crowglll took. 245 E. 88th U South. Tabor 3B33. FOR SALE Three " Al Buff Orpington cockerela Phone E 481$ or call 44J East 8 th st. North. FOR SALE cheap If taken at once, 18 thor oughbred White Wyandotte chickens, 9 months old. Tabor 2174. ANDALUSIAN and Light Brahmas; stock, egB of Andaluslan alao. Mrs. Brown, Pine station. Oregon City car. BARRED Plymouth Rocks, 10 fine cock erel. Bradilley ft Bright strain. Come and see them. 641 Gotng. Tel Wood lSbS THOROUGHBRED." White Wyandotte Eggs, $1.50 per 15. Guaranteed Winter layer. K. C. ullphant. Cleone. Or. Tihor 2333. FLOCK of Imported Carmeaux plg-ons cheap if taken at once. Call 1031 E. Car ruthers st, or phone B 2223. A FINE, laiga young dog, a flrst-claa pro tector for man, woman or child; a good breed. Apply 12 E. luth st. SILVERLACED WTANDOTT eggs for sale $150 setting. 1041 East 10th t. North. Alberta car. rnaos , . . RINGLET Barred Rock egga for hatching; . . 1 - Ul.nn. Sailwood 133t. COCKerci lur wic . v...g . . TWO fine White Rock cockerel cheap. Tele phone Tabor 1&78. $0 PULLETS for sale. 1197 Vancouver ave. Phone C 2187. AIREDALES Imported tud Laddlx Mon arch. Laddlx Kennels. Estacada. Or. WHITE KOCK esx. $1 Pr setting of 15. Tower, 733 Glrard. University Park. TbUNOSt. Bernard dog for sale. Phone C lfc-72. or 218 Monroe. F0XTEKRIER puppies, perfectly marked. 64 N. t3d. Phone A 8271. THOROUGHBRED Buff Leghorn Cockerels, $2 each. H. Blue. 10D9 Concord St. RHODE ISLAND RED, Leghorns, ege for sotting. 571 south ave.Sellwood car. FOFt SALE Two Airedale Terriers. Harry D. Burrows. Vancouver. Wash, route 4. " " Miscellaneous. $40 "GOLDEN oak roll-top desk, $17.80; of flse table, 6 ft. long. $5; arm and revolv ing chairs. $2.50 to $6; flat-top typewriter desk mission finish, $5.5o; black walnut bookcase with drawer. $10; reliable gas water heater. $0 (the $16 kind): gaa range, beat makes. $7.50 to $15: lower or unpor ovens, heating stoves, $1.23 and up; cast and steel ranges. $10 and up: sani tary couches, with pad, $4.75: leather davenport bed. coat $o. for $13; dressers. $4 75 and up; black walnut sideboard and extension - - - lonr) Oining cneira, loo ano ui, -,,.a,ifFA SI. 75: dron-leaf dining kitchen table. hardwood, $1.50: room-alza rugs. . ..... o,io npiiMel, Pud eood ej.ou u uv, - - . - $3.60 ones, iiv law uun iusi ...... folding beds. $5 to $8.50: $10 leather re clining chair, black walnut frame, for $V $t;5 solid oak bedroom suite, in fine condition. $25; iron beds that cost IS to $10 for $4: others as low as $1.50; all brai beds, $7.50 to $10; center tables, $1 to $3.60, We are overstocked with all kinds of new and fine second-hand furni ture that yon can buy at half the price tuat now tnat you would have to pay at any other time. We guarantee ail our good and deliver free to any part of the city. Wo ell on the Installment plan also; our term. 4 down and small month, ly pavments. Western Salvage Co, 545 647 Washington, bet. 16th and 17th ets. Both phonos. All kind of exchanging al lowed yu h BALE Diamond; one shirt stud, 2H karat: one ring. and 1-16-karat; coat $121-); will sell for $1000. I 815, Ore gonlan. MONARCH visible typewriter, cost $100 4 months ago; sacrifice for $35. D 72, Ore gonlan. CASH register, electrlo fan, coffee urn. res taurant dlshee and cooking utensils. . Room 18 The Collins. 503 Alder st. iA,-rY gaa bak oven for sale. 3o6 Mor- rlson C Gu'JD seoond-hand aafe, 80x26, cheap. 283 Worcester bldg. FOR SALS Cookstove evith coll. mattress and sprlnga407 10th at. Apt. L 40.000SECOND-HAND brick, or any part, delivered. 40 N. 8th. Main 943T. NKW rough fir lumber. 100,000 ft, $5 and $6 per thousand. 40tt N. 6th at. Main 9437. SMITH-PREMIER typewriter for sale. Wright ok Clark. 40V4 N. 6th. Main 9437. I Miscellaneous. I . FLtTMBINO SUPPLIES, WH SELL TO ALL AT WHOLESALE PRICES. HELP US FIGHT THE TRUST. We are positively the only Independent plumblner supply house In Portland. we Jan furnish you either union or non-union plumbers iy the d- or contract or ou can do your own work. A few specials for thl week only: Path tubs. $8.00 each. Toilets. $10.00 each. -Sinks. $1.75 each. Lavaroriea. $3.50 each. 80 gal. boilera, $5.00 each. Laundry trays. $9.35 each. V, -Inch galvanized pipe. $3.50 per 100 ft. -ln aralv. pipe. $4.05 per inn feet. . lilnch galv. pipe. S5.SMI per 1"0 feet. lH-ln. galv. pipe. $8.00 per 100 feet lV4-ln galv. pipe, $0.80 per 100 feat. 2-lnch ralv. pipe, $12 per 100 feet. We positively guarantee all the above rood absolutely new. If you buy anything from ue and It Is not aa represented, w refund your money. Remember. If yon buy from us. you are helping to break up the largest of all trusts In the country. Send for catalogue, which elves all our price and compare them with the trust prices and then we are sure of your business, as we positively can save you 60 per cent on all your plumbing. J. SIMON PRO, Independent Plumbing Supply Dealer. We sell to all at wholesale price. Front and Grant sta. Take S car going gouth. PIPE! PIPEI . ,PIPE! If you am looking for bargain In pipe, any amount, black or galvanized, new and second-hand, we carry from 1-ln. Wl2-"1: We have a great stock of second-hand pipe. All pipe guaranteed to be In nrst ciaaa condition, new threads and new couplings ready to Join together. We also carry a first-class line of plumbing sup plies. We buy all kind of pipe and pay good prices. It will pay you to call and Sec us. Portland Pipe Shop. 269 Front, het Madison and Jefferson. Phone Main 6325. pipe: PIPE PIPE We have the largest stock west of Chicago in thla line and can fit you out with any kind at an Immense saving. LATHS, DRILLS. ETC. 6EE US FOR ANYTHING IF TOU CAN'T 7ET IT AT ALL "PARDE" HAS IT. M. BAR DE & SONS. "THE HOUSE OF A MILLION BAR GAINS." 140-242 Front t.. cor. Main. I12!ifFln7st and most reliable motorboat on the Coast: cost over $2000 last year, 32x5 ft, mahogany hull, ribbon carvll construction, Scrlpps motor, double Igni tion, reverse gear, sliding hood, auto windshield and up to date: guaranteed speed 20 miles per hour: 12-year-old boy can operate. Box 85. Rainier. Or. SEE US IN OUR SPECIALTY. SAVING MONEY FOR OTHERS. THE TRUST BUSTERS. X SIMON ft PRO.. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. Front ft Grant Sts. Take S car going gontn. POLAND China boar, thoroughbred, 8 yr. old and a sure pig-getter; also some suck ling pigs and a few young sow with pigs; all good stock. Inauire 128 Front at-. corner of Washington. CONTRACTOR'S equipment, rent or sell motor, electric and steam hoists, concrete mixers, derricks, engines, boilers, pumps, saws, etc, etc. Standard Machinery Co, 40 Second st. WILL have two fresh cows with calves, big milkers, and team of delivery horses with strong wagon and harnesa for sale at Hawthorne Stables, Hawthnrne-ave. Can be seen Tuesday. February 6. at 10 A. M. THE NORTHWEST TVPE WRITER CO IS NOW LOCATED AT 282 STARK STREET. Rebuilt typewriters of all make: price lowest In the city Main 5528. A 14.8 SPECIAL sale on sewing machines; sllKhtly used Singer. Wheeler & Wilson. White. Domestic and New Home; some other new $40 machine now $27.60. while they last Slge!, Aiaer IV FURNITURE five-room bungalow; fruit, chickens, Windsor folding bed. mirror front ga range, hot water heater; ac rlflce complete or separate. 106 Jarrett, near rveruy. WHAT have you to trade for 20-acre im proved ranch near Vancouver, ready to move on 7 Kennard & Adams. 639 Wil liams ave. FOR SALE 2 tailor-made navy blue suit and one plum colored, only worn few time and one lingerie dress, size 3B. 404 Clay st, near linn SLIGHTLY used cash registers, credit reg istcr. computing scales, etc, bought and sold The Pacific Store Sarvice Co, 227 Stark st. .Main m SAFES Genuine Hall safes, new and second hand low prices, easy terms. Safes opened and repaired. Purcel Safe Co and Port land SafeCo, 85 Bth t.Maln 63U9. ALL klndslilTiumber from wrecked building and plumbing supplies. International Bldg & Wrecking Co, yard 4th and Clay. Eaat 2d and Irving. MarshaljlS34, East 010 FOR SLE A nine-bank latest model Bur roughs adding machine. In first-class con dition. For price and terms addres AF 774. Oregonlan. ORGAN, desk and lot of arm chairs, ga range with hot water coll combination, Victor phonograph, nearly new sewing machine. 12Unlon ave. TO SEE cash register, scales, coffee mill, cheese cutter, credit register, meat cer, etc The Portland Store Supply Co, 2jO 2d st Marshall aoao. WHO want choice cuttings Druschkl rose, imported? 25 cent a dozen. 709 E. Sal mon. FOR SALE cheap, for removal, several bouses in northwest part of city. K 7oU. Oregonlan ORGAN" sale, or will trade for typewriter in good condition. L. C. C, 1147 E. Lin coln st. , LAUNCH for sale or trade, motorcycle pre ferred: 2D by 5, i H. P. Mason' Boat- yard, foot of E. Wash. ANNUAL SALE of unredeemed pledges at Uncle Myers'. 71 6th st, near Oak. 40 year.1 In portianq. WILL exchange some nice diamonds for horses or buggies. 14 Union ave, corner Ash st. BEAUTIFUL silk dresses from $3 to $16; tailored suits from $3 to $12. 618 Flanders st. Main 8211. FOR SALE cheap 21 egg Incubator, run twice, good as new. 19a E. 74th at. N, Montavllla car. THREE young, fresh cows, Jersey. Jersey Holsteln and Durham, ell wllh young calves, 95 East 30th st. S-S car. PHONOGRAPH and records, good as new, latest style, half. A. Lowery, 1024 Borth- wick. . CLIMBING Caroline Testout, Galnsboro and other roses, 10 and 15 cents. Woodlawn 2098. ENGLISH raincoat of high grade, almost new. size 42. light weight; will sell cheap. Marshall 4273. - FURNITURE for light housekeeping, must be sold by Feb. 10; going away. Call at 2d st, room 12. FINE large fireproof safe, heavy walls, nearly new. cost $100; got"? away, will sell for $150. IjUS swetiana oiag. SELL or trade 27 Star drilling machine, cash or Portland proporty. Geo. Austin, Oral City, Or. FOR SALE Movlng-plcture outfit; motor, etc.: or will trade for diamond. V 776, Oregon ian OLIVER typewriter $05; cost $110; positive ly new. riellwood 002. ONE dining-room table. 6 chairs, china closet: weathered oak. Tabor 2050. li C. SMITH typewriter and desk, chair and press, new. 400 Dekum bldg. REMINGTON typewriter, in good condition, sacrifice for $2". 603 Swetiand Bldg. MANDOLIN for sale. Including case; a bar gain. M 784, Oregonlan. HARVARD gynecological chair, a good aa new, u,-.tjj. .j ..p........ LATE style, drop-head Standard- sewing ma chine, cheap:310J4MjrHsonroom 42 GOOD 2-year-old heifer for sale. 14 Union ave.. corner Ash st. CEDAR posts for aale. carload lota J. W. Root. Boring, Or. NEW Arnold vibrator and hair dryer for $12.60 cash; com $50. East 3718. A FOLDING-BED for aale cheap at 780 Water st. GOOD Wilton rug and chair cheap. Phone C 1263. B 774, Oregonlan. If" BUSINESS cards 75c; a bargain. Roae City Prlntery. 192 3d. cor. Taylor. REVELATION china klin for sale. Phone Main 1137. FOR sale One steel oil tank, 4 ft. 10 In. by 14 ft. Inquire 481 Johnson. SEWING machine for sale cheap. 1008 Garfield ave. Union ave. car. FOR SALE Household furniture and over coats. Call mornings. 870 Kerby st, ROLL-TOP desk, bookkeeper desk and safe. AB 749. Oregonlan. MACHINERY MACHINERY. 200 tons 30-Ib. relaying rails. 10 tons 90-pound re.ayiug rail. 300 tons miscellaneous rails, loo H. P. siae-valve engine. 60 H. P. automatic engine. 40 1L P. unprignt automatic engine. , 21 11. P. engine. 8 64x16 boilers. 1 10 11. P. upright boiler. 1 6 H. P. boiler. 3 31-K. W. dynamo. 1 Felton waterwheel, 1 Victor watertt UeeL 1 sinking pump. 1 large tank, 600 feet b-ln pipe. RUBBER ROOFING , RUBBER ROOFING. 90c per aquare, guaranteed positively new. with naiis and cement. PIPE. . PIPE. PIPE. H-incn. black, 2c foot, a-inch, black, 2!c foot. 1- lnch, black. 3c foot. 14-lnch, black. 4"6c foot, m-luch, black, 6c foot. 2- lnch, black. 6c loot Above pipe Is second-hand, but In first class condition, ail having new thread and couplings. We also carry new pipe and can aell at the following prices: H-lnch, gal, $3.50 per 100 feet. -lnch, gal, $4.05 per 100 feet. 1- lnch. gal, $5.90 per 100 feet. Hi -Inch, gal, 18.00 per 100 feet. IV? -Inch, gal, $9.80 per 100 feet. 2- lnch, gal, $12 per 100 feet. Large lot radiators. Eyebeams, channel. Dry-kiln trucks. Pulleys, belting. Cable, shafting, Boxes, hanger. Bolts, nuts. Picks, mattocks. Crowbars, wedges, Sledges, vises. Electric machinery, ; Sawmill machinery. Plumbing supplies. Lot flatcars. We positively carry tne largest and most complete line of all kinds of sawmill, mining and electric machinery in the city. We can positively defy competition. We are out of the high-rent district, own our place of business, which enables us to sell cheaper than any of our competitor. Mail inquiries promptly attended to. It wo have not advertised what you want, write us and we will do our best to fill your wants and save you money. Every piece of machinery sold by us we guar antee and If not satisfactory, we will refund your money. J. SIMON ft BRO, The only second-hand machinery atora that ha the "money back" If you ari not satisfied. Take S car going south. B A R D B STANDS FOR ANYTHING 7 IN NEW OR SECOND-HAND. B O I L E R' S .. ENGINES PLANERS PULLETS BELTING CABLE I PIPE. RAILS ETC. Also buyers of old metal and rabbet M. BARDE o: SONS, "The House of a Million Bargain." Anything made of Iron. 240-242 Front st cor. Main. Portland, Oregon. Write us for your wants in anything. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. Savo money by getting our prlcea oa BATH TUBS, WATER OLOSETS, LAVATORIES, SINKS, RANGE BOILERS, ( SOIL PIPE AND FITTINGS, LEAD GOODS, BRASS GOODS, ETC. A CALL WILL CONVINCE. WB SELL TO ALL. M. BARDE ft SONS. 240-242 Front St, Cor. Main. A TRAPSHOOTER'S GUN. An English 12-gauge, Damascus barrel. Greener cross bolt ejector shotgun; oost $121; will sell, Including shooting ooat, leather case shell box, for $50. K T40, Oregonlan. SEE US IN OUR SPECIALTY, SAVING MONEY FOR OTHERS. THE TRUST BUSTERS. J. SIMON & BRO, PLUMBING SUPPLIES. Front & Grant tits. Take S car going south. FOR SALE. One return tubular and one firebox boiler, both first-class condition, at rea sonable price; one firebox - boiler, very cheap. Portland Artificial Ice Co, 18th. and Upshur. ' SEE US IN OUR SPECIALTY. SAVING MONEY FOR OTHERS. THE TRUST BUSTERS. J. SIMON ft WHO, PLUMBING SUPPLIES. Front ft Grant Sts. Take 8 car going south. TYPEWRITER FOR SALE. Late model machine. In first-class con dition, we have two machines and use for only one. will sell at a bargain. 301 Buchanan bldg. " ELEVATOR TT, PRICE DOWN. I -meet and beat the strongest compe tition In the city on men's suits and cravenetted overcoats. Jimmy Dunn, room 315 Oregonlan bldg. SEWING machines, 20 second-hand ma chines, $3 and up: will buy your old ma chine or rebuild It and guarantee the work. Sowing Machine Exchange, 292 3d st. . DINING-ROOM SET. $45. Solid oak. handsome buffet table, 6 chairs; am leaving clt. 893 Halsey st. E. 233. USED sewing machines, box tops. $3: drop heads $10, all guaranteed perfect stitchers. New Home Agency, 350 Morrison St. Main 1845, A 1818. MEN'S PANTS SALE. $4 trousers at $2.25: $5 values, $8.25. Take elevator and secure a bargain. Jim my Dunn, room 815 Oregonlan bldg. UNDERWOOD typewriter. latest model, used 9 months; $65 cash. AN 795, Ore gonlat FOR SALE or trade Small stock of dry goods, notions and shoes at Invoice, Phono B 15H3: A 1902. JERSEY-GRESHAM cowf or sale. 5DS Mar tin ave. Sellwood car. Phone Sellwood 14-14. , PLEASURE launch, 81 ft. long, fully equipped. Sellwood 205. OLTFstampT 144 Second t between Al- der and Morrison. ALL kinds postcard racks. 144 Second St., between Alder and Morrison. 6HOWCASES cheap. 144 Second t, between Aider and Morrison. FOR SALE Work table for tailor, writing tables, showcases. 495 Wash. St. SQUARE piano In good condition, reasonable. 5-H.P. INDIAN motorcycle, a bargain. 228 11th at. Main 635,. NEW Hon rug original cost $100: will sell for naif. Call at 205 11th. A 8J30. FOR SALE cheap. 2 wall cases, 4 show case. 1 aafa. Call at 293 Morrison at. A