EDUCATOR USING TWO NAMES WEDS Two Ceremonies Performed; Bride in Each Case Is Same Person. REASON IS KEPT SECRET Man Who Wins Flint at John Hop kin a Dr. Le Marries AUo aa John II . Ajer-Lately IlTrel as Ar, Known aa Le. PHILADELPHIA. Feb. i- (Special.) Mystery, tangled Into a skein which the principals absolutely refuse to lend any aid In the unraTelllna;. aurrounda the marriage on January JT of Dr. liiklrgarde Lanicsdorf. well known aa a physician ami member of a prominent fsmlly In Carlisle, Pa. Dr. Ln-dorf took aa a husband Dr. Guy Carleton Lee, historian, critic and lecturer of Johns Hopkins VnlTerslty. the ceremony belns; performed at I'hlladelphla, while, on the ssme day. January 27. It now appears. Dr. Langsdorf was also mar ried to John H. Ayrr In Media. Al though the two ceremonies were en tirely distinct and though there were, two licenses It appears that Dr. tangs dorf la not Involved In bigamy, even though she haa two married names. The solution of the mystery, or at leaat the explanation of the lack of crime, la that Dr. Leo. the famous educator. Is one and the same person aa Ayer. But neither Dr. Lee lor Ayer) nor Dr. HUdegarde Langsdorf-Lee-Ayer will offer any explanation as to why there were two ceremonlea. why the two names were used or make any comment upon the recent divorce of Dr. Lee-Ayer on January 10. Masse of Ayer Forgotten. What Is known, however. Is that oa January It an Ayer license waa taken out at Media, where Dr. Lee Is well known. It represented the prospective bridegroom aa having been born there in list. That waa too long ago for persons now active In Media to remem ber such a family and the old aettlera have been scratching their memories since In a vain effort to locate Ayere. For all that any one In Media haa yet recalled, the Ajrers dropped Into town fur the birth of this boy and then slipped away. Whoever the Ayer may have been that name vu all the boy had up to the time of his flret marriage. The wo man he then took from a New Eng land home stood up at a simple cere mony and became Mrs. Ayer. People who met her la her home In Balti more In recent years called her Lee, but when aha chose to go back to New England and refused to return to her husband aha waa aued for divorce aa Mrs. Ayer. That salt, with which no one con nected the famous Dr. Lee, waa tried quietly In Upper Marlboro, the aeat of Prince George'a County, Maryland. Dr. Langsdorf appeared aa a witness In It. Ehe said she had been for 1 yeara Ayer's family physician and friend. Arers Isems Too BsaalL Her testimony told of efforts by her to reconcile the differences between the husband and wife. In spite of all ber entreaties, she testified, the wife had quit home three yeara ago for no ap parent reaaoa than that Ayer waa not making enough income to please ber. Ayer testified that at the time of the desertion he had a regular Income of 7 a. week, all of which he gave to his wife. She complained that she Deeded more for servanta and clothing. Before they parted aha ran up bills amounting to IJl.&OQ on his account. The testimony showed that In addi tion to being hla physician and friend. Dr. Langsdorf was secretary-treasurer of the National Society for Broader Education, for which Ayer waa lecture manager. Mlsa Agnea Pollock, a couala of Ayer and a teacher In the Washing ton public schools, and Miss Agnes and Harry Poor testified thst they had Joined to the purchase of 10 acrea at Hlghbrldge, In Prince Georges County, for the educational acheme. Leo Aloae la a-asseaa. The testlmoney contained no Intima tion that Ayer waa evsr. known as Lee. although as Lee alone he had won the reputation that producea honorary de grees from Institutions of learning and that yielded him very substantial re turns from magaslnea. books and lec ture wort. Having obtained a divorce Ayer-Lee pressed his new courtship with all the ardor of youth. The divorce waa signed January 10. In 17 daya the fresh marlagea occurred. LA GRANDE GETS BUSINESS Allen A Lewis Will Open "Wholesale I loose. LA GRANDE. Or, Feb. 1. (Special.) Allen at Lewis. Portland wholesale grocers, will equip and maintain a large wholsesale-bouae In La Grande. Definite decision to do this waa reached when L. A. Lewis, Junior member of the firm, went over the grounds per sonally and cloaed the final details necessary to the bringing of the big Institution to thla city. Larry Larrlson. field representative for the Portland company, will leave hla field headquartera at Baker and come to La Grande to take active and personal management of the big Institution here. The wholesalers have leased the Fawler building and will Install the huge stock of goods there. JONES URGESFOUR BILLS Senator Wants $200,000 Federal Building for Vancouver, Wash. OREGOVIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington. Feb. t Senator Jones today Introduced the following bills: Ap propriating $200,000 for a public build ing at Vancouver: appropriating S2S0. OUO for new revenue cutter for service on the Pacific Coast; creating the of fice of appraiser of customs for Pot Bound at a salary $1000; bill to further regulate the admission of Chinees which provides that Orientals shall not enter the United States except at such ports as may be designated by the Secretary of Commerce and Labor. A'l who get In except at these porta, when caught, will be returned to the country from which they came. HOQUIAM CLUB GROWING Activity of Merchants Adds Many- to Membership Lists. HOQUIAM. Feb!"" I. (Special.) The greatest activity of any time alnca Ita organisation la being displayed by the Hoquiam uoroxnerciai uuu au . club la now considered by the officers and membera to be on the best foot ing It has ever been. The condition haa been .largely developed by hard peratstent work during the past five months. The membership of the Commercial Club la now 111. the present growth having dated from the first week of last September, when the memberahtp rolls had lit names, a number of whom were not in good standing at that time. One of the factors aiding in develop ing the club to Ita hich efficiency la the weekly luncheon Wedneaday at the Hotel Orayport, at which practically all of the business of the organisation la tranaacted. Theae luncheon, which had been carried on last Spring, were dis continued during the Summer, but were resumed In September. Comparatively little Interest waa shown In the first few meetings or the Kali and only about ti members could be expected to attend. As an evidence of the Interest now being shown In the club's work. XAT1VE DAIGHTKR OF ORE- , GOX DIES AT IIILLBORO 0 HOME, i. ' - i i j- - ' ' " ' V A . Mrs. Claris Harris Masters. HILLSBORO. Or, Feb. S. (Special.) Mrs. Clarlnda Harrla Masters, wife of John W. Masters, who died February 1. waa the daughter of the lata Thomas and H ul da Harrla. of Yamhill County, and waa born at North Yamhill. March 11. 151. She was wedded to Mr. Masters October . 187. at Rcedsvllle. Or. She and her husband made their home near Reedsvllle. on the Isaac Smith donation until 188$, when they sold out and bought the Fair Acrea property, adjoining the city limits of Hlllsboro. Mrs. Masters waa a member of the United Evangelical Church, and waa noted for her klndneaa and charitable acta. Of her Im mediate family she leaves broth ers and sisters as follows: Jaa per Harris. Algons, Wash.; New . ton Harris, Kaleme, Wash.; Mrs. Ellen Volhard. Auburn. Wash.; Mra. Maria Davis. Ellensborg, Wuh, and Mra Virginia Espy, of Taooma. the luncheon thla week was attended by members and visitors. A great amount of work la to be taken up thla year by the club, much of It of the utmost Importance to the organisation and city. Methods of bringing In new factorlea and of se curing dsvelopment of the logged-off land areaa In thla vicinity are occupy ing the attention of tba officers. These will be taken up on plans, which It Is believed, can ba successfully worked out. Corral I is Grange Opposes Move. CORVALLIS. Or, Feb. . (Special.) The Mountain View Orange. No. 429, haa gone on record as oppoaing the re ported uae of oleomargarine In place of butter by the State Insane Asylum, fearing that It will work great harm to the large and growing dairy Indus try of the atata The grange considers that the farmers, "who contribute largely to the taxes, should receive the support of the stste officials.' From 132 to 180 Lbs. Wonderfully Ball Up at assail Cost. The number of caaea of general de bility In which Hood'a Sarsaparllla has shown Ita great Intrinsic, medicinal worth fcs very large. Mr. E. S. Fry. Ivanhoe, Va, describee hla case and tells what thla medicine did for him. In the following testimonial: I waa all run down and weighed only 183 pounds. I took Hood's Sarsaparllla. and before the first bottle waa finished began to Improve, and when I bad taken six bottles was wonderfully built up and weighed 180 pounds." Hood's Sarsaparllla achlevea Ita great victories, not simply because It con tains sarsaparllla. but becauae It com bines the utmost remedial values of more than twenty different ingredients. Do not be led to accept any prepara tion aald to be "Just as good. There la no real substitute. Get It today la usual liquid form or chocolated tablets called Ssraatabs. DEAF U sou are deaf as INSTANT RELIEF xSi ACCEPT OUR OFFER TODAY hard of hearts. 4e ol fan to call er write today ess get eur Elecwopetme oe 30 Day. It Is a uny but ,x erf ul electrical a ar Ing device, a tru: wonderful little la strumaat, perfected to such a oesree thai maay deaf people caa new bear tse faintest sound aad enjoy ail pleasure ef church. psblle ' speaking er ordinary rooi era. Ilea. It aaacninee s e a a d. g-raaoallr restores the sat oral hearing, carried la the doth. Ing and leaves eats nanas rree. Stolx Electrophone Co. Dept. A tse I mm k4ais fpt A. feci Is a. Oe. sV.VK mm The electrophone la ess almost Invisible STOPS Toothache Instantly. Docs not dry up. Ore n see the cavity. Destroys bad odor. I Dent's Toothache Gum Al law Mail Orders Carefully and Promptly Tilled-Samples Mailed on Request-Express JPrepaid on Par chases Amounting to $5 or Over Within 100 Mites of Portland-Profit by the Following Offerings: Our Big Embroidery Sale Continues Price3 Are Lower Than Ever Regular 7c Embroideries, special. 4$ Regular 10c Embroideries, ppl....7 Regular 15c Embroideries, spi 9 Regular 25c Embroideries, spl. .15 Regular 35c Embroideries, spl. .23 Regular 75c Embroideries, spl. .33 Regular $1.25 Embroideries, spl.48 , ' The Most in v aue, The Best in Quality Our Big Embroidery Sale Continues Prices Are Lower Than Ever Regular $1.50 Embroideries, spl.79 Regular $1.75 Embroideries, spl.89? Regular $2.50 Embroideries, spl.98 7 TTT. tr- TitV t Six Days Final Price Reductions on Odd Lots, Incomplete Assortments and Broken Lines Do not misconstrue the meaning of the words "February Bargains," for every garment or piece of merchandise that enters this final clearing is desirable and the standard of quality is entirely m keeping with the recognized and fixed high standard of this store. Despite all that, everything will be priced at a fraction of its real worth. In addition to "odd lots and broken lines, all counter soiled or "mussed" goods will be marked at far less than cost of production. In a nutshell, the i eb ruary Bargains represent the greatest values of the year. EXTRA (49 Fine Veiour Flannels 10c 15candl8o Qualities A special underpriced offering of our entire lines of Veiour Flan nels. The assortment includes a large variety of styles and color ings suitable for kimonos, house dresses and children's garments. Our regular 15c and 18c quali ties, February Sale "I Or Price, yard J-WU About 800 Remnants One Half Regular Rem9nt Prices Veiour Flannels, Ginghams and Curtain Goods All lengths in all styles and colorings, all this sea son's goods and all on sale tomor row while they last at One-Half Regular Remnant Prices. An E xtraordinary $1 Shoe Sale Our annual February clean-up sale of all broken lines of Women's and Children's Shoes at one dollar a pair, Women's Shoes in values to $4.00 a pair; Boys' Shoes in values to $2.50 a pair; Girls' Shoes in val ues to $2.00 a pair. All in one lot and marked for this sale at $1.00 A PAIR Women's and Children's Fine Shoes, in Values From ff.OOTJpto 4.00 Monday and Tuesday only you have choice of 5000 pairs of Women's and Chil dren's Shoes at this ridiculously low price. The asortment includes all broken lines of this season's styles, and you have choice of vici kid, gunmetal and box calf leath ers. Both lace and button Shoes with light, medium and heavy soles and low or high heels. All sizes and widths in the lot, but not all sizes in each style. Regu lar lines in $2 to $4 grades, Cf on sale at, a pair pXV $100 in 11 Pair -EXTRA. Guaranteed Razors at 75c The Best $1.5 0 Grade Great Half -Price Sale Tomorrow we place on sale about 200 fine, guaranteed Razors at one-half the regular retail price. These are made with 4-8 and 5-8 steel blades and finished with plain or fancy handles. The kind sold regularly at $1.50, February Sale Price 75c Three Blade Pocket Knives $1.25 Grades at 75c A special bargain sale of Three Blade Pocket, Knives. These are made with razor steel blades and come with fine pearl or stag han dles. The kind always rr sold at $1.50 on sale at. . . Attractive Offerings Women's Skirts and Gowns Made of excellent quality muslin and selling regularly 49 C at 65c and 75c each. Tomorrow The Skirts are of good quality cambric with flounce trimmed with rows of lace insertion with edges to match. Other styles made with plain tucked flounce. Very neatly finished. They sell regularly at 65c and 75c each. The Gowns come in the low-neck, slip-over style and are very neatly trimmed with lace and embroidery. Come good full width and length and sell regularly 4.Q2 at 75c each. Priced for tomorrow at Muslin Skirts, $2-$2.25 Kinds, $1.49 Muslin Skirts, $1.50-$1.75 Vals, $1.00 A great assortment of Fine Muslin Skirts, made of excellent quality mate rial and very neatly trimmed with em broidery or lace. Come good full size and very neatly finished. Best $1.50 and $1.75 values, priced 4l" fifi this sale at , pA.VJVJ Muslin Skirts, Values to $4, at $1.98 At this low price we are offering some extraordinary bargains both in lace and embroidery styles. All well made and neatly finished. Regular values to $4.00, special for this tl-j QO sale at only pX.aO A beautiful line of Muslin Skirts with tops made of extra good quality cam bric and wide flounce of fine embroid ery or lace. Well-finished garments that sell regularly at $2.00 and $2.25. Priced for tomorrow tl Q at only $.mU Muslin Skirts, Values to $1.25, at 85t This special line of Skirts is made of very good quality cambric with deep embroideries or lace flounce, All made very full and finished with cambric dust ruffle and underpiece. Regular values to $1.25. Sale 8f price only 0J A Great Sale of Marquisette or Voile Dress Patterns Elaborately embroidered in all wanted colors. Regular values do QO to $10.00, priced tomorrow at, each p3JD For tomorrow a great special offering of Mercerized Cotton, Marquisette or Voile Dress Patterns that contain 34 yards of elaborately embroidered flounc ing with bands to match. The flouncing comes 45 inches wide and bands 5 to 6 inches wide. Many beautiful designs embroidered in white, pink, lavender, light blue, Alice blue, Old Rose, American Beauty and black. ' 0 QO These patterns sell regularly at $10.00. Priced for this sale. ..... PJSIJ Hat Drapes, $1.00 and $1.25 Values, 59 Tomorrow at the Lace Counter a spe cial offering of Shetland Veils or Hat Drapes at less than factory cost . They are of all pure silk and come V2 yards long and 18 inches wide. Shown in black and white only and sell regularly at $1.00 and $1.25 each. Qf Specially priced for this sale at only , JJK Embroidered Stiff Collars in all sizes. Hundreds of choice patterns, perfect fit ting Collars that sell regularly at 25 cents each. Tomorrow at 11? First Spring: Showing of Tlie Stylish Spring Suits $17.50. $19.50. $25.00 Our Spring Suits are beauties. As usual, we are in the lead, not "only with advanced Spring styles, but with prices that are simply astonishing. They come m a large variety of serges and whipcords in all the new Spring shades, also a line of midnight blues. Coats are plainly tailored in the one-sided effect and lined throughout with good quality satin. Skirts have panel back and front. Get one of these and be a leader of Fashion. White and Colored Wool Dresses at $8.50, $10.50, $12.50, $15.00 Just received, direct from cne of the best manufactur ers in New York, a shipment of over one hundred hand some Wool Dresses shown in all the new Spring styles. They come in cream, cream with hairline stripe, navy, brown, tan, black and gray. They are plainly tailored with trimmings of silk on collar and cuff. Are really the best values ever shown on the Coast. Tailored Waists Values to $1.50, your choice ; .99g Values to $1.95, your choice $1.35 At these low prices you have choice of Handsome Tailored Waists that are new, stylish and perfect-fitting. They are made of good quality linene and fin ished with tucks, pleats and jnonogram pocket. Some are neatly embroidered down the front. All Furs at Cost, $1.15 to $19.45 Our entire stock of Fur Neckpieces, Muffs and Sets on sale at cost and even a little under. Those who are acquainted with our regularly low prices will be quick to take advantage of this i eduction. River Mink and Marten Muffs and Neckpieces, Fox, Seal and Japanese Mink Sets, Lynx, Mink, Coney, and many other kinds, all to go at COST. Women'sFineUnionSuits Form-fitting styles in all sizes; regular $1.25 CtQc garments now on sale at VJZJks One of the most important offerings in our Knit Un derwear Section. A sale of Women's Fine-Ribbed, Fleece-Lined Union Suits, shown in form-fitting styles and in all sizes. They come in cream and white and are made of the best grade combed peeler cotton. Gar ments that were bought to sell regularly fCln at $1.25, February Sale Price XJZfK,