13 TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAy, rORTLAXP. FERRTJARY 4, 1913. ! I I a v a r. vfiT&TR. I W1TKI-EALESIT. I TO EXCHANGE. T TO KXCHANGE. REAL ESTATE. for al fnr. SPECIAL. FARM UAJSD BAROAIN8. 11!W irrM-Ona of th. finest dalrr rar..-ka. in tn. Wat; well ImrraiM, fine houa. ani tarn en.) ni,ltui.Hn; '" KM of tnia I.mJ l p.rf:tly a" acrs ha. som. t.irnr. but i ool fruit e:il brrv IadiS . C'lunty road wa thie pit: r t. la a.l d.kul anj d e deJ'raled to t'i eurty f.r a pub.ic r .i. welch thry hate a.d io roc in Ivlt: el-ae te roar ' k-t I -" worth of bui. l.ns. one of tn. Imnl darv ranch.-. In t.ie stat. an.l " of th. rnat prupos lion, for cuu ng up Into mail tract, t an be buujlil tit J1U0 per acr. on e-ay terma 15ST aeraai pre-tlra!I all In oultlratlon: acres in rall-sowa wriral. are'.l ' rrvJ. M("t act f rna-f-ncl. !' "J nl.r, two Urn h- !' brna ana onto ilM.nc"'. acrr. m cr"P last r pr.':i.-rj huahii pr air. c ! to mark't: In V. all:. Count'.'. l a nine- ton, or- of tho tv.l wheat districts there la. Can be b.uelii for f V eaay unu Can et poes.asion c San acres. In Whitman County. Waah Ir.ton. la the heart of the .""" co"B: trv. half In Fall ram. w.l , " ?,rv'?; close to market; lani In thl. rlcmlty ha. b-n a-llin frim ITS to 'W per acre lUr. ran be bo.irrht for per acre; mul caan payment Joe a. balance to suit. W. . rnvratlicit-l enrh ore of thf 'r"VJrtn.r p.rtlcal.ra. THK WARRFVTOV REALTY CTMPANT. U-.'l ChamBer of Cnnmerca ."'j'.1 Fhooa Uarahall 27oa or A A FEW GOOD UNKi 10 acrea. highly cu.nvat.a. fene.4. mod arn ft-room bouae. ! fruit tree yeara o.": rour.d rea.iy for 4 acr bop.: barn and ouibulltllnia. cowa. J horee. 1 heifer. .he-p. hof. thick . """ buitr. ham.... etc.. yar n """J. cut and rac k-d: a.l black aoii . 1 . -' board wa k from houa. to n-.reat town, vli! con.lder roomln or apartmaat-nouaa and aome cah; rrlc "(Hlv , -rr- Near Martina HiufT. W, aah. 1 -ro..m S-u.e. barn, outbuu.ilnta. TO acr-a cnUlvaied. a.re. -.T.rl.m. 5 brarlnc cherrle a-rea a a. hed and burned S' acrea tlmt.r. -.horVt.T L 17 hoaa, chi.kena. fenced and c?oV.--f.nce.i 't va.ona. bu,T. ",""" etc.. .rr.r.a and "oin water: -1.1 con-aid-V up to uw0 In trJ or CM"' road a-ood ahot clay aoll. T aera cultl VZZA. a'.anc- in P.tur. and timber: o.d orrhrd of 14.1 treea. n-room houao vlth porchr.. vood,hed and anop barn IM feet 12 " aeede.) to oata and 14 mora re..;y thl. tnontn: 4 f J eow chicken., all farm toola etc price J..!,, b.anc. ea.y. Tnia 1. ' ' many oo.l trade.. Port and Hua. ne "j hjaI, lofk-i Kothchld bid. Marahall IS.'.V Sunday. Main '- POUtTRT RANCH. Foor-room. fiev. modem cottaa-o. f new and molem chlckn-haua. earaclty ion to l;i hera eich. yarrta vll h each hooee. aa..llna pump and water .-.tern. - Inc.ibatora. aonio atock ar.d i acrea of all cleared land. aMittlna on tl.a Fourth-otreet line. Vhlch la nov blr. equipped wltlt the Terr laleet Improved alectrlo c-.ra. th.a- will make the run to 4'h anl WaahlnfTton etreeta In su ii.lnot.-a: a chance to buy a ra-d oln ru.tneea and utMn od term.. Cme In and e u. Offlco open aveninga until V l. . THR SHAWTKAR CO, 102 Fourth elreaC Mala Si ,50- RI.VOL.F.R'9 FARMS. BTH a-rea. Marlon Co. nearle all co-tlat-J. .r.lrndl.1 oll. ""J orchard, we, I. Irr.na. new T-room hou... 12 acrea hope: rT."2 to railroad and acbool. - thl. pl.c. netted tto-O U vear. tern..: wl l taka aome 1'ortland property aa part payment. 1 l- acrea. Marlon Co.. all In cultl ratlon. o..d b -. horaea. cow. eh'r'"j p.e. farmlne Implement, and o"eo"'J io.1a eo w;th place. riaa to R. R. and ichool; a anap at l.v; trrme. Wa haa olhr f.'rml and acreac. It will pay y a to aee m CHA. RIV.T.ER CO.. 211 Lewia uiue. e ih-nt t. mle from railroad etath.n. Thla property la located " thickly ae-td community and I. all un der Irrlaa-.lon. Owner of property ho.rt. u ah. re. of atock n Irrieatlon jf'th. price on a ca.h ba.l Would Ilka to exebanae aame for a lrna on a Cood roomine-hou.o or Pr,mn,-.holiM-..v. Hava tome nM wheat land, tlmnef land ar.d farm land to eachanite for city property. A-k for Mr. Hurra. Main C4R3. V V HtKWNO MlXn CO.. " 'h St. IL'EAL. PAIKT RANCH, jort arr. a c'oae In. acrr. blenly cul tivated ZS acr-a ready for plow in tfprlne. SO arrn hary Or timber, halanc orally r eared all bottom land except about -e acrra lnrra barn and outbuiMmr.. 1 aep arator hoi.e. IS h. p. enrlne. 1 t;5 cream a-parator. II cowa. 4 hor.ea. hoa. chick era and other poultry, farm and earden too!a. war. ma. bueay. barneaa. etc.: T room hou.-. mile from K. R. .tatlon: crnm eh'pped to Portland: $40M ca.h will hand e thla or will take up to $vxe n trarte. 7!-l Hothchlld bide. Marahall 8.?J. Sun-lay or evening.. Main 3'Q3. Ir ACRES, to acrea cleared. BS acrea Ir apple orcharl. 8. 4 and 5 year, o d. l' acrea can ba put In cultlvat on for IJO per acre. aeta of bull lir.ita. 3 mllea from town and ral.ro. 1. on rood county road. Thla mu.t bo aold and here la your chanea. Can etve good term a. Dun't let thia j by. J C RAND CO, S?3 Board of Trade. WU.LAMF1TE VALLEY FARM. ?7v a.-re.. si-., mllea ( d R. R. town. H mlia a- hool. A3 acrea in crop. 10 ready for plow. oO easily cleared: enough wo'd to ley for place: plenty of outrange and water: 2 fair houaea and berr.e. 6 cowa. 6 bead young atock. high-grade Jer.-ya, 1 horeo. 11 hor. farm machinery. IMw; down, taiance ft year, e par cent. Ad dre.e ewnrr. box llli. r'rownayllle. Oregon. rUTTFRl FPECTLATOR9. FARJIF.E1 Tou ll want thla cloe-ln f2 W acre, right on new electric line, li mllea of portland'a certr: fine uncompleted room hou.e; outbulldlnga: creek, aprlne; acreage right near aellinc for inoo; we only want IITS per acre. H down; take Mai city property. ORE'JON FARMS CO. 410 Lumber Eichacge. -I and glark Pta. "iToV YARD. tt acrea. beet of land, t good kllna 4 good horee. and barneaa. buahela oata 4 tuna hay. 1 wagon. 4 plowa, I dlao h.mtn 1 roller. i' baeketa. hop preaa. ai-aa. rood well with force pump. I mile j weal of Uayton. Or. bee owner at yard. T. A. rieicner. FARMEKH AND HOMEisBKERS. We have all klnde and e'aea of choice farma near Portland and throughout the Norrnwr-. from 1 acre up to 10 0"O In a bur.rh. and guarantee what ve repreeent to be. If you want good value for your money m' a aquare tlak are. F. Fl"Cir. 4 Chamber of Commerce. STOCK RANCH. eeo or 40 acree tn Lincoln CotintT. veil watereU. 30 mllea from Aleea, at 14.50 per acre. UODDARD WirDRICK. 43 Stark 81. ' r'K FALE NORTH t am hill. S9 ml'ea to Portland, 2 tralna each vay. 1S aorea. all In ctiltleatlon; S mile to town ard P O. ; 4 acrea growing crop: Rev bulMmce. house. 2 heme. alio, milk Ijo.: water piped to r.uae and barns: easy terme. A'Ur" the owner, K. tk Waierman. Walla Walla. Wash. WAXTrn Men to beeome mdependent farmer In Eaetern North Carollaa. the Nat!'ne gard-n soot. Leada for large prerita on email catMtal. Write for bookt. C Van LeuNrn. ;4 aouthera blg, Wll mlngl .n. X. C TJ ACKE.-t cloee to station. H-room hous. fine large brn and outbullillnga. fam-iy ortbar.1. I. acre. r.rg::.li walnuia 4 year, old. 3' ntl;ea from 1'ortland on K. p. $12Z t'lpiror. TRC'T CO. 1JI Henry RMg .'J ACRE. 100 aeraa wheat land. OO In Fell vheat. bai. can be put tn Hprlne grain, mllea N' W cf Pond'eton. i all or addreaa Room 43'i Imperial Hotel. i ACRK-4 In Wl'.Iamett Valley. 4 ml'.ee -iim Crrewell. on I : a-rea cultl-a-d. l.aten. e r.'-e tlmNr; $ per acre, -rms !" pv. Fi'-hanrfe. 1 o a li.-"i. near et.e-l.leo. rartly Imnroyed. ayring on piaoe. Pbone labor tUA p!.rs rron.IW and .-ona -r ....... ' ine ..re be.t buv. in frni l:.n'! k '"V" t,' They are a'.l arapa. Will be ,hd to r V. inVo. a letter d.rect to tn. owner, of the, ranrhe. an1 "'h.y mr. no found eiat-tlT aa represented, will I'.adly piy i-"ARE AUAI.FA AND FVIT RANCH. i , 5cr aeeded to alfalfa. 2-y.ar-o.l atand. and 8 acrea In n,Vln ?ood -r- hou.. l.rre . bar. s n r. I. riiirv. ....... -- i - - rwr hale l'rm. RTVER VIEW ROMS. 1 acrea. nearly all level bench land, splendid S :1. COM M ANl'l NO liEACTU'I L VIEW Of Lewis River and valicy: 9 acrea in cultivation. 5 acres more eeeily cleared. ft acrea timber: vootl sella for S3 per cord on the property. Fine water ajpplle. from creek and sprlnra; aorue fruit. Oood A -room hou.;e. nv barn, ch l.-Vn-houae. etc. Also young tvara. fine cow. 2 hog. chlrker.i and ducka Farm'ng toola of all kinds Hay. eto. This place U right at store and boat landing, cloa to acbool. on main county road, phone line and mail route. Price 1-T.oO; tr:ns, llioo caab. balance 8 yeare at e per cent. e 10 ACRES. tSJOA Eicelient fruit and berry land, all In cuitivatlon. lit-a fine. t.Vmlnute walk from Hllleboro Courthouse; V cull, balance terms. Vllk'ht consider a small ferns at caab valuation la exchange. 8ACRIFICB SALE. 3 acrea, 1 mile from email tows on Aetorla R. R-. on good grnv.1 road: acrea In cultivation; S"" corda of wood, aome good eav tim ber, good T-room Iiom., fine bam and numeroua outbuildlrga: one good team of hore.-a. 4 good cowa. 8 hogs. 40 chickens. 1 vagona. 2 bur gles, eet of harneaa, amgle harneea. mower, hayrak. 1 d ac. 1 harrov. 3 plowg. 1 glr.gle and one B-ihovel plow. 1 new cream ecparator. 1 B gal feed cooker. 1 atumppuuer: stock and Impl-menta valued at ftlVKi; land and Improvements at ITieiO There la a mortgage of 40n. now due. can be renewed by paring I10U0, Pay ua :oo. take care of the mortrage and you can take tne place. Immediate poaaeaalon. ALVORD-CARR-HrNTKR CO 210-221 Hoard ef Trade. fa:r:fick. TO THE FAllVER. I tn 80 acre of land an de cided to e:i It- ThU farm lleg 0 rodg on the main, county road and 1W rode deep: has good old house end barn: dou ble furnace bop dryer and storehouse Hint cost ll.'.oO. All fenced. u acrea under cultivation. llalance limber and pas ture. Land Is Juat gloplng enough in aa s.ire good drainage: not a foot ft rMh land; not a rock or gravel. The aoll 1. of the very beet, being a deep rich lo" Joii. wnd'erl.id vlth a heavy clay ;'' V. l.l produce a crop of anything you de alr to grow. Thla farm la located -0 mlfea eoitb of Portland: half mil. from station on Salem Blectrio and aame dis tance from Willamette luver. on K. te.ephone. cloae to fine erhool. Two tracta of land 0 roda from tins farm nave JoTd in the la.1 month for IJ50 per acre. ly price on thla U llel par acre; UM0 cash, balance 1 year, at par cent If you are a farmer and will go l,hnl farm and work yo can for your family and pay out on It long before the note become, due anl ; have money In the bank. Thl. place Ilea In the finest farming eect on In Oregon. II thla appeals to you call on my agent, t. C. Cat.Vwllh Co-Op.r.tlv. Realty Com pany, niro Hallway Eachange bid.. 4th ana rtara HATHA Uuvu .it b. B2 acrea. very beat of ell. well Im proved, good fencea. and not far from Portl.nd'Thla Place U fully completely equipped: everylhln. ready to move on to. kiverythlnft- Included at ll.".iA. Terms on part. 42 acrea. highly Improved. Juat beyond the city limit, of Portland Yh ila la ex tra flue anil. fine neighborhood and .Thtly. In fact. It la a hlgh-clae farm. Would accept a house and lot In Port l.rd for .. much a. I3"00 or 4CQ, .m. money and time on part. a a,.M. 3S acrea. highly Improved ft-ood '1d Inga. good orchard, on a fin. road and i" a few mllea out of the city limit. VI1I make the price r'ht. 1 aorea. Juat out of Portland right at .lectHc im. at.tl.n. Thl. I. a ''.b1uill: Ing site: lh. land Is In a high .tale of estivation and th. very best quality of .oil. Will accept Portland property for PIt" Invite In.pectlon and If yon want aome hmi hlgh-ela... wall ";'";' war. handy to Portland, any of the above win strongly appeal to you. For furth.r information, call or vrtte J K. Fralth. 1S Chamber of Commerce, Portlanu. or. : . .... ......-t.v riuut 20 acrea. 14 acrea" In cultivation, apl.n BM f.ml.y orchard, all kind. I of .mall fruit, aii-room house, nev I rn. abun-a.-.ce of living v.t-r. 1 rS.,0 go-d town, boat landing, ete. ?r,r 40 acrea 4 mllea from I-a S'n J ic! fine, nearly all fenced, n.w hoiue; price 'Macrea, a." Probe.tel. half of which Is fine bottom land and can be Irrlgaled. aorea cultivated and free from atumpfc aVl trm Implement.. '" "'"f ooultry. the building, are good, a fine iTrearn of water run. through the place. ,Macrvi0'3n th. Pacifl. Hlgh-ay. near Pioneer, comfortable 8-room house, large b.T .! head of cattle, all farm ln.plemer.ta. ,ve-vthln (oea on account ef 111 health for -.OO0. . . AI.FREU A. BAKER. 212 Auington o.ua. " DO TOU WANT A FARM T LOOK T1IE.B OVtK. 40 ACRES. 4 mllea from Oregon City, well Improved with fine bulldlrr.. on the main county road ani only $TtW0. Includln, ail at.ck and implemaots. 1 mla from Portland and right near the Willamette River: 45 acrea In cul tivation, good buildings. II-. ene. no rock, er gravel, good water faml.y orchard. Thla place la mile from a good town 2nd the electrlo ataUon and la a bargain at 1TS per acrj 4 ml'ea from a good town Thle place la veil improved and la a bargain. Price 84200. term. 1-S ca.h. balance to .ult. MANY OTHER GOD FARMS. DeTOI NvJ JOHNSON R14 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. BO acree good rolling land. 00 acres In cultivation, balance tasture and timber; ,v1 T-room hours, fair barn, good out buildings, running writer. I cow, 1 heifer. S horse 22 hos. 2'0 chicken.. 2 ton. hav some wheat and oata. cream .ep- arntor. "'"""""'m- V.. .; wagons, namceer. . ... . y - -- - - - from Portland. 8ti mllea from S. P. and gpo.l town, witn i.ri" think! Price for all. If sold Boon. 8&00O: l.v cash, balance lonf time at per ""Vo-OPERATTVB HKALTT CO. TOITR LIVINO 13 ASSURED. IT acre, all onder Mrh cultivation: the tulldlne are new and well painted: 8 roorn house. 24x34 kirn, wood and frult houee, 8 large chicken eoope; 1 acres or family orchard: all personal property: one horse two Jersey cowa chicken., wagon, buxny fnrm tool., household goods, every thing to .l.art with. exce;it a basket of groceries; adjoins town of OrtO; cl"-e to Portland, ateam and electric road; cannot beat title buy In the Willamette Valley, price 4750. with term. K 741. Oregonlan. ALFALFA RANCH. 10 acrea. 120 acree In alfalfa and clover. 140 Inrhea of free water, new 6-room house, barn, fenced and eroes-fenced. Thla Is one of the . finest alfalfa ranchea In thla aeo tion; price ITS per acre. J. E. RAND A CO.. 23 lloaid of Trade. THE BEST UVT TET. acre. In.ide city llmlta of Canby. 4 block, from elation, T-room house and out kui Jlnge. good water; land fenced with woven wire, garden fenced In. Land all clrared except family orchard or peach. pr. plum, prune, apple and cherry tree.; email fruit. The place for track garden and chicken ranch; will doubel In value In a cou-'le of jeara. Fifty feet from Irri gation f.ume and water can be put on land vere cheap. Price 8oOO. Box ha. t'enbv. tiregon. ftri'DS. 5 acrea rueranteed aandy loam. 40 eul-lveted like a irarden. flrst-olaae lm- provementa. beat hay and .pud land known. 2.1 trl'e. Portland, all convenience., stock, etc.. ".-'.'.0. Every word here repre sents a thousand more of merit. Call Main 4'V. or ad lres ."? l?'.h St. CHOICE PM ALL FARMS close to Portland, on railroad and food roa.ls. suitable for fruit, truck garden ing and eepeclally good for poultry raia Itig. Active community, rapidly growing. Prlcea low. terrr. v.rv liberal. DAVIS SUA P.P. 6ii Commercial Hlock FARM 10 ACRES, yincev cash buy. 10 acrea of rood land, rear Oregon City earllne; A acrea In cul tivation; a. room houa.. barn, orchard. Thl. la a ftn. place to rale, gartlaa and chickens; pric. 3gfn e- t iirt.ra 420 Chamber of commerce. A fcN'.P 140 acres, to acrea plow land. 5 room nou.e. near school, good orchard, go vd rtithulldlng. telephone. R. F. D. ....... a. - -. . I" . ,. n.pll.nl.r annreee K. Croeno. Toledo. Oregon. f Goo; lev-1 fa rm land near R. R.. 40 acres, 83I.HJ; $-0 d wn, !!' rao . no Interest. LAMAR. 810 Spalding bldg. For .Hale r arm.. 81 tr.rmr.r.n in shads FEBRUARY 1. That v.. the t.mperatur. at Loa Mo lions a bright, auaehlny, typical Cali fornia Winter day. Oraits is green, paetura fine. larmere plowing and seeding. You can plant alfalfa nov. It vlll ylel 4 or 5 ton. the first year; to IJ ton. thereafter. That'a what California cli mate, a silt-loam aoll JO feet deep and all th. vater you can use lor Irrigation, will do. . ,,, Acre supports two cows, and eowa will pay 114 a month In buttorfat. Creamery wagon viaita your door. All the cows you want furnished by the creamery, which take. Jieif your monthly cream check for payment. Land sold for small payment down. Tour crop will easily pay the rest. jfa easy to start aurceaa la sure. lug money In hogs acre alfalfa aup ports doten of thetu. On. farmer', beee paid $1 gwarm a ''Jiest fruit In 1'n'ted Ptatea You can a-row every fruit that -row anywhere. Or.ngea earlier than Pouthern California. Tremendous Bale. Choice tracta going fast. Come Immediately, or write today to LOS K0LINO3 I .AND COMPANY, Los Mollnoa, Cat. KINB PAIKT RANCH, loo acr-s. a mile from station. 20 mllea front Portland: all tillable: 61 acres In cultivation: good p-room house, goi d barn, family orchard: 21 cowa 14 enlvea. 5 horses, cream aeparator. wagon, buccy and all farm tool, price $lo.i": will take (iO.Ow In oily prop.rty. baianca mortgage. 100 acre., 1 mile from Burlington on the Vnttel R. R.; all tillable but 40 acres, eovered with good timber, will cut 14.x" cord, of wood, price 10O per acre; mort gage I41V0; trad, balance for city prop erty. ITS per acre, ST acres: 180 In cultiva tion; 10 mile, to Portland, S to electrlo line; all tillable; fair house, 2 good barns, orchard, springs and creek; m mllea to boat landing! would divide; terms. tt acrea, IS mllea ts Portland, lu to town; 20 In cultivation; good T-room house and buildings; 2 acres fruit; good team, new wagon, harness and tools, two Jersey rows, pig. and ohlck.na; 83000; asy terma W. H. PEITZ CO.. 810 Fpaldlr.g Uldg. Phone Main '.S4. COWS ON ItUTTF.R FAT PAYMENTS. AVINK PABl'URi; FREE. Every farmer at Lo. Mollno. .applied all th. cows h. wantB by creamery, which taken half monthly cream check. In pay ment. Wild pa.tur. now fin.; you can range your stock free on untold land; good cowa pay 810 a month In butter fat. Acre alfalfa yleWe 10 ton. now worth $15 ton; .lx cutting, a year. tfoll 20 feet de.'p, rich aedlmenl loam. A 2o-ee tract paya blgn.r returna than 100 acrea In Iowa or lllaeourl. You can gel possession for from $800 to $400. with DO second payment for 2 yeftrs. Revenue from dairying every year equal to cost of land. Heat fruit district In United Statea and noil abundant water euppljr gravity Ir rigation in California. Orange, month ahead of eoutn ana of tate. Tremendous aale. Land Boon all aola. Write today to LOS MOLINOS LAND COMPANY, Loa Mollnoa. Cal. Bid bargain In wheat ranch. The cror and personal property la worth one-ha.f the price of the farm. 144H) acree good wheat land, almoat level; Al aoll, all fenced and cro.a-fenc-d; new T-room houee. barn, room for 12 head of hot sea. and other out bulldlnga: 4 good welia, 8 with wind pumps; 00 acrea In fine Fall wheat, 60 acree of ground ready to aeed to barley; all hay and feed enough to run until after harvest. With the place go 20 head of muiea. all fat, ready for work and young; 10 head brood marts, all good and younw; 10 good young co, on. new combine harvester, coat llvuu, one heador, 6 wag ons. 14 .et. harness. 3 .-bottom plows 1 8-bottom piow, walking plows, U drills, 4 set. of 0-horae harroes, 1 back. 1 buggy, 1 Cammell sub-backer, 1 Walla Wnlla wee.ler. S-bar weedcr and blacksmith toola The owner has plenty and wishes to retire owing to hie age. Three crops will pay for thla ranch. Price $40,000: $13 000 caab, balance 6 per cent and your own time. J. B. ATKINSON, opposite po.tofrice, 401 Washington St.. Vancouver. Wash. BRITISH COLUMBIA la Canada', largest and richest province and la being opened up with tremendous rapidity by three trans-continental line, of rallrond. aa well as numerous other railroads. The Mrlllsb. ColU'nbla governmsnt ha. undertaken to build a north and south railroad, running from Vancouver to Fort Geurge. and from Fort George through Ilia Peace River district, a dlatance of 9i0 mllea It la es timated that three hundred million dol lars will be spent In railroad building In llrltlsh Columbia during the next five years, and this work will opsn up a virgin country of fruit and farm land., aa wait aa timber and mineral reauurcea. You can buy large or small tracta of farm land, now at WO per cent tee. than th. same land, will cost you within Ore years. Let us send you Information In regard to th. vast empire which Is being opened up. The climate la the best In Canada. Write Quick for full Information. NATIONAL ntSOIKCEs PECIRITY COMPANY. LIMITED. 413 bower Building. Vancou ver. B. C. 10O-ACRfi HAIIGAIN ALL IN CULTIVATION CLOSE TO FTATION ONLY ?S PER ACRE. All tn cultivation and the very heat of deep, rich aoll. No rock or gravel. Land has Just .nough .lope to Insure good water drainage. When you buy thla you are not paying a big price for a lot of unimproved or non-tillable land. It la well fenced. Good a-room house Barn 42xTO feet. Plenty of chlcken-hnuaes. Family orchard. When you see this apiendld farm you will agree with us that It la one of the finest forms In the Willamette Valley. The sur roundings are vtry cheerful. It ta situated In the center of a rich and highly devel oped farming section; i mile from church, school and atatlon on . P. Rail road. Not far from Portland and ft miles from a prosperous town of 3oi people. On main county road. We guarantee thlB ex actly aa represented. Remember the price la only $TJ per acre, will give terma. A. K. HILL CO.. 419 Henry bldg. HAIRY AND GENERAL FARMING. 100 acrea. 1 "4 mllea from railroad ata tlon, 8. miles from Portland- 03 acres In cultivation. 00 acrea slnshed and partly cleared off, balance oak wood. T-room house, water piped lo It. 2 goocl-sied barns, chicken and hog house, family or chard, running atream and springs, fences good. R. F. D. and telephone; $45 per acre. Including livestock. Implement, and fee.i. Oeo. W. Lilly, oofl Marquum nidg. Ait hi YOU LOOKING FOR A GOOD FARM 7 IF HO, SEE HERE. 110 acres. 1 Uj miles from Cre.w.ll. Or., 0O aores bottom land, balance fine bench land. 3oO ohlckena. 11 oows, 4 pigs, aoout $iie worth of feed and all the farm toola go with the place; price 70W: $:ioo0 caah. bal. to Bull purchaser at 4 per cent. Call on or write B. J. Moore, CreswelL, Orevn. 10 ACRES HARD TO BEAT. All planted, nice two-year-old Ring and Lambert cherries; Join, a fine youug or chard, reoently .old for $0o0 per acre, only 1 year older than thla. We ran .ell you thla on favorabl. terme for $:i00 per acre. Close to Oregon Electric. 20 mile, out. Crllar.-Murton Co., 823 yeoa bldg.. Portland. A COUNTRY HOMR. 2T.T0 acre, on O. W. P. In high state ef cultivation: 2 house., running enter, best of .oil, right at station. Price t5oo. Will consider a good house In Portland, free from Incumbrance, at value of $3300. $lbOO cash, lone time on balance. CHAl'lN At HERI.OW. 832-BH Chamber of Commerce 8IN'B farm, 147 acres. . under plow. 13 acre, of prunee, large Schneider prune dryer, aome limber, fine soil, $ mllea from good town and hoatlandlng In Clark County. Washington; farm and all equip ment go for 170 per acre: some terms. Particular., addreaa A. Darning. Battle ground, Wash. HEADQUARTERS FOR Grain, atock and fruit land; also large tracta for sub-dividing and colonisation; hO to S.t.ooo acrea In Oregon. Easy terma, aome tradea Johnston a bothfur. HS Chamber of Commerce. HONEST VALUE. 13T acrea, loo acne under plow, baianca brush, eaaily cleared, new buildings; deep black soli; half mile from station and railway Junction. Willamette Valley. Price $70 per acre, favorable terma. Apartment Bd. ISO Ford St.. Portland. FARM of 120 acrea; H In high state of cul tivation, balance of land covered with magnificent redara; two good creeke cross the land: farm la well Improved; horses, cattle and machinery all go for $13.00o; will taka a home In Portland aa part pay ment. Call 414 Epaldlng bldg. heks is a snap. ISO acres, V of a mile from Cresw.ll, Or.. .11 level and ready for the plow; don't mlae this bargain; prloe $75; V, cash. baL to purrhaaer at 6 per cent. Write HL J. Moore. Creawell, Or. CATTLE ranch ir.oo) and general store In t'hlicoten. Itrltish Columola; good ren-S'-ns for selling; no agenta Norman Lee. Hancevllle. It. C $3 ACRE Delia lend. Kino Il.iy. Mexico. A. X. Hlgbhouee, bOS Wilcox bldg. 1-or Sole Jarme. FIN U DAIRY FARM 270 acrea. near Co lumbia itler. Bo miles from Portland; well Improved and fully equipped; hat 50 acrea In cultivation. So acres in fine paalure. baianca good logged-off land; fine soil, plenty of water, convenient and com fortable 8-room house, with hot and cold water piped; convenient to school and on good macadamized road: 2.0imi.oo0 feet of tlr timber on place: IS cows, span of horee.. 2 waeons. mowing machine, cream separator and farming Implements go with place; price Slu.oOO. on reasonable terma See Lueudemann A Burke, K21 Electrlo bldg., Portland, Or. TH ER EFT FARM IN OREGON for theVrlce; 672 acre, fine goll. 400 clear. 80 acre. In young orohard. good house, t.arn. all stock and Implements: fine creek can Irrigate by gravity If necessary; beau tiful falla with power for electrlo light, etc. This 1s Ideal to subdivide Into small farms and Summer homes, price only $sO per acre, with term.. THOS. M'Ct'fKEK, 329 Lumbermen, bldg. 1."anTcRE GOOD FARM. 1IO acres." S3 acrea In cultivation, good pasture, some timber, best of .oil, five springs, water piped to house, 2 acres bearing orchard, 8 acre, young orchard, berries, fair buildings, fenced; 80 mile, from Portland. 1 4 miles from railroad station; $: an acre: terma, Fred A. Kneelnnd. 113 fiw.tiund Bldg. Mlecellaneoua. WE have many Inquirlee from Eastern In vestors for real estate Investment prop erties; register with ua You may have Jusl what our clients went. Abbott Co.. Wiloox bldg. FOR SALE or trade, four valuable mining clalma lh the Coeur d'Alenea. Idaho, sur rounded by the large producera and pro;;" up beyond a prospect. Abbott t Co., Wil ms bldg;. PARTIES leaving the city, wishing to dis pose cf their ree.1 estate or other prop ertlee. .hould see Us before leaving. Ab- bott A Co.. Wl'.cox bldg. FOR HALE TIMBER LAX Da. JOSEPHINE COUNTY SNAP. 144 acre.. 10 mll-a wot Oranta Paaa; erulses I4.noo.ooo; 6 per cant fir. 40 per cent yellow sugar pine, can sell pine and have innd elear; price $7000. KLAMATH CO. lflO acree. with 2,000, 00i feet good pine; level land; $8.50 acre, Ehlndler A Hall. 2t'5 Ablngton bldg. 100 ACRES of fine cedar and Br on the N'rhalera River near tidewater, railroad within mile; mu.t .ell at once; will take t2e0. See Attorney, 414 Spalding bldg-. WILL exchange first-cine, warehouse site of over 13. ow square foot on railroad and paved street for timber land well-located, or stump land on Columbia River or near railroad. O T7U, Oregonlan. EXCELLENT opening for party with law mill to secure tract fine timber for tlea or lumbar, with little cash, terma 81a Railway Exchange bldg. ARE you Interested in a timber claim loca tion, fee $130? For partlculara addreaa AR 770. Oregonlan. ' T1MRER LANDS. BOUGH! AND SOLD. . C. J. VCHACKEN. SO McKay Bldg. FOR SALE Hljth-grade 180 aorea timber. Linn County, 60c per M. Close to B. HI half value. A Tuft, Oregonlan. FARMS WANTED. WANTED 40 to 160-acre farm. Tillamook County, accessible to ry." traneportation, . Qtve complete details and price, and how little money will handle the sale In your first letter. I want every detail concern ing the farm. AG T63. Oregonlan. WANTED 5 or 10-acra ranch, with house on It close to Portland. I have client with $101H) cnh to pay down. Pacific Coast Brokerage Co.. M3-1H Board Trade bldg. A 103L Marshall 42b. WANTED To buy, farm: ne payment down; annual crop payments thereafter; seller secured by mortgage back on farm: practical. No. 1 farmer. V 701. Oregonlan. WANTED To rent 26-acre farm, house and barn: cash rant, a.ar Portland. A 817, Ore gonlan. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. WILL rent a good general farm. 20 acrea up, completely furnished or otherwise; will buy If suited; Western Oregon, Lane or Coos preferred; give description, location, terms. Write quick. L. Kennedy, White Salmon, Wash. . WANT to acres up for a dairy farm; must be improved, withtn 130 mile. Portland; lease for a year with privilege of buying. AJ 773. Oregonlan. WANTED Farm to work en shares; have no team, but have 2 cowa Address W. A. Bovlugdon, Gresham, Or. It. L. 1, Bex loo. WANTBD To leaae and get option, 40 acrea cleared. In vicinity of Hlllaboro, Forest Grove; must be potato land. B 778, Ore gonlan. WANTED To rent, orchard. 80 to 40 acrea, on share basis. R 802. Oregonlan. WANTED 10 to 20 acres with buildings; cash or shares. Boa 2s2 Waltsburg. Or. roti urNT-riinn. 10 ACRKB FOR RENT. Will rent 10 acres of rich .river bottom land, all In high stale of cultivation, with in one mile of good market; furnish your own seed and give Ua one-third. Renter haa first chance to buy land. Information at 8H Chamber of Commerce. POULTRY ranch for rent, with 2 aorea of land. Including 'necessary Improvements for the running of the bunlnes. on a large scale; m mile, from end of Montavtlla earllne; go east on Tlase Lin. road; known a. Mt. Hood Poultry Farm. FOR- REN'Toacr. tract, all cleared. H acrea beaverdam, email house and barn, close In. near earllne. Marahall 2764. 234 Glbba sL FARM 3'JO acrea. Willamette Valley, near county seat: owner, 918 E. Taylor. WANTED REAL F.STATK. WILL Inve.t $12,000 cash In close-in Income-bearing property; no old shacks con aldered; pr-ler to deal with owners. N 778. Oregonlan. LAURELHUR3T LOT Will buy owner", equity In desirable lot If bedrock price la given; state location and price. AS TS0, Oregonlan. WANTED Lot In Irvlngton. nreferably with eaet front, between Tillamook, Stanton. 2."th and 20th sts. I give exact location and price to J 8'd, Oregutilaii. WANTtlD Job, reliable man, contractor, figure 83 per cent profit. J will superintend your building for $4.50 per day. Owner eaves 80 per cent. Phone Woodlawn 1414. PROPERTY WANTED. Ranchea. fruit and timber landa to ex change for property tn or near city. Ad-dr-'fB AV Pn2. Oregonlan. 10 TO 20 acres wanted; price must not ex ceed $o to $13 per acre; near coast or mountain stream; coast preferred; .tate terma location, price. D ToO, Oregonlan. LiO you want to aoll your real estate? W e pay cash and chnrge no commission. JtUTUFliwLD INVESTMENT CO.. P17 Hoard of Trade Bldg. M. 6416. WANTED Cloe--ln, good Income property, $io. 000 to $7o,000. Kastlund, $u$ Wor cester bldg. LJST your property with Purse, gig cham ber of Commerce. Member Portland Ro yalty Board. WANTED to buy S-room house, a lots or half acre; .mall payment down, baianca monthly. AB TTJ, Oregonlan. WANTED To buy from owner, cottage or bungalow! state partlculara A, $1$, Ore gonlan. ' WANTED Three to alx acre, on electrlo line, 1 So limit, no improvement.; price and terms. M TS&, Oregonlan. WANTED Good lot, oOxlOO, near carllnei mu.t be bargain; term.. AK 760, Orego nlan. WANTED 4-roora hous. under $1400; can only pay $13o down, baianca In monthly payments. Li 771. Oregonlan. YOU can get soma caeh and balance the aame as cash, for modern 5 or 8-room bungalow, clear. 806 Couch bldg. WANT some cheap Clackamas County acre age; give price, term, and location, N Tho. Oregonlan. I WANT to buy or rent, fumi.hed bungalow, Hawthorne district, near car; state terma. AL 778. Oregonlan. WANi lot with auh.tantlal tent houae; .tate first payment and terma In latter. F. C J., 182 E. 47th t. LOOOED-OFF land within 1 mile of trans portation. HUton R. While, $08 Hsnry bldg. WANTED Good farm near R. R., within 23 mllea of Portland; must be a bargain. Call or write 0O4 fcpaldlng bldg iWANT to buy vacant lot near Long Beach atatlon; would prefer one on the ridge, AN T4. Oregontnan; ' WANTED Irvlngton lot; will buy your quity or coutraut If bargain. AD T0L Oregonlan. WANT cioee-ln Irvlngton or Holladay lot; will give good 1010 automobile and pay cash difference. AL Tol. Oregonlan. WILL pay ca.h and Rose City lot for good Irvlngton lot. AT TH1. Oregonlan. WANTED From owner, a bargain In Kan H.de lot or home. Call 004 Spalding bldg. WANTED Relinquishment Alaxehall $01$. in Oregon. RESIDENCE! LOT WANTED. READY FOR QUICK CASH DEAL, MUST BE A BARGAIN (UNDEK SO CALLED MARKET PKICFi: WANT DE SIRABLE LOCALITY. ABOUT $11000. PP.EFKR WEST 6IDR. ORIGINAL PORTLAND HEIGHTS OR NOB HILL. WILL US IN PORTLAND FEB. L'C.lva EXACT LOCATION TO GET ATEN TION. AJJDRESS C. A. EPPINGER, APARTMENT NO. 60S. SOS 8. 16TH ST.. PORTLAND. WE WANT farma, acreage, city property and busi ness proposition, of menu We are not able to supply the demand. We must have contract; on our part we vlll fur Mh able aa.le.men, and vlll give your otTering every attention. If It la priced right. CHAP. RTNGLER CO., 211 Lewi. Bldg. TEXAS LAND. 820 acres In Moore County and 820 acrea In Sherman County. Texaa; rich, dark loam covered with buffalo grass; splendid crop outlook In that district, owner wishes to trade all or half for Portland realdence property on low valu ation, JOHNSTON AV BOTH FIT R, 0S Chamber of Commerce. RESIDENCE LOT WANTED. Mu.t be a bargain (under so-called "market prlco"); want desirable locality; r refer Neb Hill, Irvlngton. Holladay or -Aurelhuret t give exact location and price to get attention. Address J. W. Edwarda, P. O. Box gi2. Portland. W A NTF" D Well-constructed bungalow, modern throughout; 3 bedroom., bath and alecplng porch necessities on second floor; locality, irvlngton. Inside Broadway, Sis kiyou. Fifteenth and Twenty-fourth ate.: please give price and full particulars: deal cash with owner, only; miut be bargain. AE 7S4. OreEonlan. WANTED T buy lot. en improved etreeta. reetrlcted residence district, on a payment of 10 per cent cash, balance 1 per cent per month, on Id mortgege; buyer will build at once; bond If desired. PORTLAND BUSINESS EXCHANGE. 700-10 Hothchlld Bldg. Marshall 3825. Sunday and evening.. Main 8002. LOT WANTED. B-pasaenger touring car. Will trade for lot free from Incumbrance. Prefer Beau mont or Rose City Park district. Call for A. H. Hickman, with HARTMAN ft THOMPSON. BANKERS, Chamber of Commerce Bids. WANTED Ft. George lota. We have cash buyers for town lots in Ft. George, B. C. Fend in your lowest cash price and legal description of lot quick. NATURAL RESOURCES SECURITY CO, LTD.. 412 Bower bldg., Vanconver. B. C- WANT ACREAGE. I have many calle for 3 and 10-acre tracta and desire to meet the owner, of auch property, can also sell some homes and building lota. If prices are right. T. O. MONTGOMERY, 301 Wilcox Bldg-. WANTED To buy modern unincumbered T-room residence In rood location, from party who will take $1000 cash and bal ance in young orchard in Hood River district; ownera only. Addresa B. D.t P. O Box 4f6. WE have teveral buyers for acreage tract, on .mall payments. If you have anything to sell close to earllne or H. I'... let us hear from you. Raymore Realty Co., 4U0 Wor cester bldg. EAST SIDE. I want to buy a good business lot at right price; preferrable near eaat ap proach of Steel or Broadway bridge. X e'10, Oregonlan. I DESIRE to communicate with owners of 0 to T-room houses In restricted district, who will sell at a sacrifice for cash. When answering, give particular, and price. AM "it&, OregMjnian. OLD COUPLE wanta Improved B to 10 acre home, close In, for 111100 cash, as aume .mall balance. Owner, see Oregon F.rm. Co., 410 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark ate. WANTED I or $-room house, about $3000; will give equity in 2 good lots; balance, J700, assume, or may pay some cash on Ifferenoe. Metealf, $10 Yeon. Marshall 2432, WILL pay cash for house In South Port land, lying between Grant and Montgom ery and West Third and Seventeenth sts.; must be bargain. Give phone and price. K 757, Oregonlan. WANTED G to T-room house, on lot or acre. Installment plan, modern conven iences, close to good earllne, atate ex act location, lowest price and terma. M TH2, Oreponlan. WANTED. Bungalows, houses, lota and business property direct from ownera. P. B. LENT. 41T Corbett Bldg. WANTED from owner 10 acre In Tuala tin Valley cloae to 6. P. R. R.; price must be right. John W. Cook, 432 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Small acreage (5 up to 80 acres), near Portland. See Mr. Doddridge. 8. Ch. of Com. Bldg. Mam 2n'. A 2vdO. HARTMAN ft THOMPSON. WANTED Good Income property located north of Washington and west of 10th street. Give description, location. Income end price. Addreaa AN T03, Oregonlan. TO EXCIIAXGB. TAKE PART TRADE, PORTLAND PROPERTY. 70 A. In Molalla Valley, close to nev Oregon City line now being built, 60 A. cultivated. IT A. 4-year apple orchard. 0o0 Eng. walnuts. 2ouo grape. 8 years old, fin. spring, stream, stock and feed, good buildings, all machinery, very best of soil. Price $14,000, part trade and cash, bal ance terma REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT, BEAUX ARTS BUILDING CO.. Mar. 1479. 201-202 Lumbermen. Bldg. WILL exchange $2000 equity in new Income beuring business property for modern rooming-house free of Incumbrance. See Astlll, wltll Joseph Graham, 1007-00 Board of Trade bldg. WILL TRADE FOR ROOMING-HOUSE. Client lias $2300 equity In $80u0 bouse and lOoxluO lot. R. E. BORDEN. Main 6463. W. C. HARDING LAND CO., 80 4th at. EXCHANGE SNAP. Well-located cash business; Vlll con sider auto or vacant property unincum bered. O. A. Nlchol. Inv. Co., 907 Wilcox bid r. WANT lut worth $1100 for equity In house and lot 30th and Hawthorne: sewer, wa ter, cement walks nnd curb, are In; house built 2 years. 300-510 Wilcox bid-., tlth and Washington. WHAT have you to exchange for a llva hotel that shows, a net Income of $300 per month, 03 modern rooms, cheap rent, long lease. Price $il300. equity $43o0. Jo seph Graham. 1007-09 Board of Trade bldg. 87 ACRES land, cleared and fenced, Spo kane Valley, 4 miles from Spokane: H acre, under an Irrigation ditch, carrying water rights; exchange for Portland prop erty. Root. Ti:3 Chamber of Commerce. WILL take lot, close-In acre, or acreage, for $11d0 equity bungalow; might assume or pay some difference. Metealf, 310 Yeon bldg. Marshall 2432. THREE acr.a at Garden Home statlun; stream and spring, beautiful trees; will exchange for city property or sell cheap. J. F. Dlefenbach, 820 Board of Trade. EXCHANGE BARGAIN. 6-room modern house, near earllne; vlll exchange for cash business or livestock. O. A. Nichols Inv. Co., (107 Wilcox bldg. 40 ACRES near Lake View, close to R. R. and in a nice section; will exchange for city property. J. F. Diefeabavh, 9-0 Board of Trade. GOOD acreniro worth $200: 1U miles from town of 2ow0, creek running through land; will trade tor bungalow or lot of equal value. Woodlawn 1305. WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE for a good-paying roomlnif-house. RUTH FIELD INVESTMENT CO.. 91T Board of Trade. Main 9410. TH ACRES near United Railways, 24 mllee. southwest of Burlington, to exchange for timber lard or Tacoma or Seattle resi dence. Addres. B Ti3 Oregonlnn. $2.i00. EQUITY In a atrictly modern horn, to trade for acreage on Oregon Electric; must be partly Improved; will assume. JORDAN, 010 Lumbermen. Bldg: NICE modern 6-room house, favorably lo cated, lo exchange for Vancouver, B. C, property of about the aame value. K T42, Oregonlan. EXCHANGE 4 clear lot. at Newport, Ore gon, worth $500 each, for Portland prop erty. Stat, particulars. K 730. Oregonlan. GARIBALDI BEACH lot. wanted. Elmore Park preferred, in exchange for 10 acre, orchard Innd. R 804. Oregonlan. WANTED Automobile for equity in H acre', C-roora house, close In, (rood location. What have you? S T70. Oregonlan. WHAT have you to exchange for soma choice lot. In Unlver.lty park? Geo. R, Flora. 470 E." Brnslde at. B 1480. 8 ACRES ef good .oil at Tigard to ex ohang. for good lot. Prlc. $J300. Kauff rnann ft Moore. 825 Lumber Exchange. SALE OR TRADE. 12 thoroughbred Shetland ponies, $2000. Want real eatnte. Y 831. Oregonlan. WILL taie good lot on new T-room house, Mount Tabor district. 1112 Hawthorne ave. 10 ACRES, Mosl.r, to exchange for any thins vi value. 117 Bali way Jxciajig, GENERAL mdse. stock and realty business of 13 year.' standing. In town of 4li0 pop ulation. In the famous -Skagit" Co. ; noted for dairying and farming the world over. Town has a ray roll from the saw and ahlngle mills of $10,000 per mo.: only two stores here; stock consists of dry goods, groceries, hats, mens working clothes, shoe., hdwe.. feed and flour: clean, up-to-date stock, doing $30,000 per year busi ness; mostly cah trade, at good rroflt; real estate consists of large concrete build ing 50xT5. 2 stories. 14 rooms, bath and . pantry, on 2d floor: 2 store rooms first floor, 30x75 and 20x75. with connections: one 6-room house. 2 4-roora houses, one frame 2-storv store building 30x40; out building, chicken-house and yards, barns, etc.; ail above on one acre of ground or one entire town block, in the center of town, near depot on the main St.; post office In larre building paying $100 per mo.; good territory to draw trade from; good man can double the business; have been too long In business, want to get out. Price real estate $12,000; will accept about $S000; good Income property and some cash on both the stock and realty; balance to suit purchaser; first-claaa prop osition for good man. THE WEBFOOT LUMBER CO., Clear Lake, Wash. . EXCHANGES. It makes all the difference In th. world how exchanges ere handled. Our ex change department gives Just as good service If you have a cheap house or lot to trade? a. If you had on Income-producing piece of Inside property. At present ve have a number of good farms and aerenge tract, to exchange for residence and Income properties. Sub mit vour offerings at cash value only, and m will give you prompt service. DORR E. KBAPEY & COMPANY. 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce. TO EXCHANGE. 10 acre, within two block, of the ear line, all under cultivation, a fine neigh borhood, all laid out Into city lots, ad Joining this and tnly two blocks from store, schools and churches. Price $3000. Wants city property. ... $10,000 General merchandise business, doing $.-0,000 business per yeor, for land near Vancouver or Portland up to $12,OO0. Have all kinds ot wheat land, dairy ranches and alfalfa lands for sale and trade. Let me know what you want and what you have lo offer. Can mntcr; you ip bl. F. Glijfcifc. .i i 10 Warrington 5t.. Vancouver, Wash. I'hone 1T6. Onen Sundays. TKOWPRIDOB & PTKPHENb, 301 Wilcox Bldg. acres, close to nmverton, 14 beaver dam and nil under high Btnte of cultiva tion; titce B-room nunffnlow, eVd brn and outbuilding; want West Slue lota or close East 6ide, suitable for apartment . .house. 6H lots, on corner, splendid 7-room. modern howse; urood location, on Kaat Fide; all clear: trade tor flata or other good Income property. : S A T E O R E XCHANGE 487 B.cre KffU Itlver land; 800 acres under ditch; river bottom land; 173 acrs In and ready for crops; adapted alfalfa. fruit or garden truck; water right; will produce several handled horsepower by enlarging tne present ditch on place; house of. rooms, two large barns and other buildings; miles to railroad station. Take part in trade for property in or near Portland, bnlane at 6 rr cent; price $53 per acre. Box 541, Ashland, Oregon. FOR SALE Clt TRADE. New ?faml!y house with garage built hf concrete blocks, 5 rooms with up-to-dste bath, open plumbing and furnace to each suite; ftrenlace, electric and gas fix tures, lot 60x100; paved street 1 block to carline; free from all Incumbrance; price 10.00t. terms, $1000 cash, balance lo suit or will trade for a lot worth ilO. (Hf) to $-0,000 and pay difference in c&ao. AB 4lt, Orejronian ROPE-CITY Park home, 5 rojms fireplace, nice combination gas and elrinc ttxturt-s, fireplace, basement, unusually good sur nace; price $4K; will ejecnange V.Ki equity fm vacant property. Exchange Dept., Hartman & Thompson, 4 Chamber of Commerce. HKIIE IT IS. Columbia Phonograph outfit, phonograph, also cabinet and cost $:"'0; will exchange for- High -class Consisting cf 200 records; real estate. See outut at ooa vvaonmB th. m ton, near 1 TEN acres at Electric line, land ; price equity for Hartman & Commerce. Tonquln station, on Oregon , onlv IS miles from Port f 3000; will exchange $1500 citv property. Kxch. Iept., Thompson, 4 Chamber of FOR EXCHANGE. We have large and small tracts or all descriptions to exchange for Portland and Seattle property. See Mr. Camp. GREGORY INV. CO.. 410 Corbett Bldg. 10f aCRKS wheat land, improved; Sec. 22. Twp. 15. range 30 E. W. M. Adams Counts. Wash., for hou?e, lots or land. VT. C Wilkes. 01C Railway Exchange, Portland. Or. Phone C 2-Mii after 7 P. M. YOUNG orchard ; have nearly 6 acres, 2o miles from Portland, htar electric station; price 'J."O0, $1100 equity to exchange for uncleared acre-age. Exch. ipt., Hart man & Thompson, Chamber of Commerce. WHAT have you up to $400 to exchange for my equity in iii acres first -class unim proved land, 6K miles from Portland, bal ance easy payments, at 6 per cent. B 755, Oregonlan. . WHAT have you to exchange for my 40 acres best unimproved fruit land In Wil lamette Valley; per acre; equity ifSOO, balance easy monthly payments. B 703, Oregonlan. GOOD farm, 100 acres, fl-room hou?e, half mile from excellent new schoolhouse. 21 miles from station and boat landing, f 10,000. Want good business property. Geo. Englehart, Room 2 Lumbernrens Hlg. TO EXCHANGE $UiH equity In muil-Tn u rooin bungalow for lots or acreage. Whip ple. 0Z4 C. of C. Main 1CJ2. Res. Tabor jjr27. PORTL A N t lots. BOx 100, Improved, close in, unincumbered, clear title, to exchange for mortgages and sellers' contracts. 3 02. Oregonian. WlL sell equity In a fine tt-room bunga low, Waverly Heights, at a bargain, or will exchange for a pair of horses. X 72, Oregonlan. itfO-ACRK desert claim relinquishment In Twin Falls. Idaho, district, for acreage or city property. A. T. Wright. 300 Larch St., Portland. Or. Phone E. -003. HAVE. 40 acres, partly Improved, near Bar ton. Or., price $4000, to exchange for cuy property. Give price and location. N 71 Oregonlan. WE have houses and bungalows to trade for acreage. If you wish to trade, come and see us. Diamond, Grant & Co., 004 Board of Trade bklg. HAVE some unimproved acreage near Springwater, Or., price $20 to $40 per i,cre, to exchange for city property. T TB4. Oregonian. . FOR city property 40 acres, 3 miles of Nwberg; 3 acres on Oregon City lin; 105 acres 4 miles of R, R., Lincoln County. IS'. M. Appie, 4-0 Henry Bldg. TO EXCHANGE Lot and small house In Spokane $000. for lot in Portland. Whip ple. 024 C of C. Main 1022. Hem. Tabor 3 a 37. Tu" EXCHANGE foir Portland property. 6 acres at Coeur d'Alene. Idaho. Whipple, l24 Cham, of C Main 10-. Res. Taoor a:.37. WOULD exchange 5-paGsenger, 4-cyllndr car, with broken bal. wheel, for runabout in good condition. Phone Tabor 70o for explanations. . I HAVE a client who wants to trade his half interest In a business worth $130, for vacant lot. Sea Williams, 207 Orego nian bldg. Marshall 322. HAVE 37 acres unimproved land in Clack amas County to trade for equity in bun gi'low or Wost Side rooming-house. Hall, 81 Wnter. Jualn 22nri. WHITE SALMON choice apple land for sale, or will exchange for good property near Portland or Vancouver. Homer O. Day. White Salmon. Wash. GOOD Indianapolis income property ex change for Portland property or acreage, value $2500. J. M- Dugan. Box 702 Grants Pass. Or. tso ACRES of fine wheat land, coming under irrigation ditch. Eastern Washington; p r 1 co Is right. 305 eoucn omg. WILL trade for anything; fine residence in B.Iverton, Or. Cha. K- Hicks. Forest Grov. Or. ONE block, from Alberta-st. car, 6-room house $3500; will take $500 cash and $1500 In acreage: Call 10S1 E. 15th st. N. BALE or exchange, small printing outfit, complete, value $200. What have yout AM 773, Oregonian CLOSE-IN Portland property; Income $30 ptr month; trade for property In Grand Rapids. Mich, call 010 McKay bldg. $330 equity in lot Parkhurst Add. for sale cheap or trade for equal value. Telephone Tabor 2348. Marshall 4042. tu ACRES Rhi miles louthvf st of Klamath Falls for sale or trade; $2 per acre. Tel ephone Tabor 2348. Marahall 4042. A GOOD lot for sale; will take a good mo torcycle as part payment, K 745, Ore gonlan. COLORADO lands and lots to exchange for cut-over land or other property here. Hadley. 310 Spalding Bldg-. ACRFS to exchange for house and lot. What have you got? AJ 700. Oregonlan. TO TRADE Almost new wood racge, lor l aa rang. Phone Tabor &t7. GOOD BUT 3. 60 acres, near Newberg, all !n cultiva tion. It acrvs in vrtch and onts, orchard, 6-room house, barn, other buildings, all kinds farm machinery, team, cow, 2 hellers. 30 chickens, watrnn. buggy. 11 hives bees, fine water, 00 sacks pota toes, hay and feed; everything gons at $300 per acre; will sell or trade for good Portland property. 164 acres, all under cultivation, rich soil, near Brownsville. 8-room house. 2 barns. S chicken-houses, machinery shed and hoghouse, 2 county roads, only ?90 per acre, clear of incumbrances ; trade for clear city properly up to $S000, balance time. 75 acres, Yamhill County, 70 cultivated, 3 springs. $135 per acre, trade for city property up to $5000, balance ti per cent. 80 acres, Lincoln County. 13 acres culti vated, good water, old buildings. $40 per acre, trade for farm or city property. acres, Tonquln Station, partly im proved., $4000; trade for home. 7 14 acres. Hood River orchard, and cash for Income property. 37H acres. Newberjr, partly Improved, JliSO per acr; want home In city. $2,VOeo brick block, paying per cent on $,ift.000, for pood eiock ranch; send Xu!l particulars, location and price. Hotel, Southern Oregon, newly fur nished, $4069 ; good lease, trade for resi dence. -room bungalow, new, $4500 to trade for well improved ranch not too far from Portland. RAYMOND REATiTY CO., 430 Worcester Bldg. GOOD EXCHANGES. $200 cash. 4 lots, clear, $100 each, for rooming-house, cigar store or automobile. . 10 acres, unimproved, fine frull land, for restaurant, rooming-house or auto mobile fi-room house, 1 block from, car; price $lfto0, take automobile, lot or roomlng housf first pavment. h rooms, ail rented, price $500, aa first pavment on larger house. $1000 equity In a beautiful modern bun galow; want rooming-house. Pine lot. clear, price $SO0, want restau rant or rooming-houso. Lot clear, price ?100, to trade for type writer. We buy, sell or trade anything. See ua for quick trade. H. E. James Co., 83 10th, near Stark st. tiO ACRES good fruit land In Klickitat Coun ty, for city property; Mt. Adam's Orchard Co.'s big 1000 -acre apple orchard is only few miles from this land ; electric survey roes by; new county road along sou tlx side 10 acfos In Wasco County fruit belt, about 15 aorea In cultivation, some good saw timber, south The Dalles, a lino little city on the Columbia river, where you have city and rail transportation, W 773, Oregonian. ONE of the finest 8-room homes in Laurel tutrst ; new, modern In every respect, magnificently furnished, fixtures the very be st; the now furniture and fixtures in this plac-e alone are worth $1500; full ce ment basement, large fireplace ; can be seen Sunday P. M., 202 Hazeliern Place " North, or phone week days Marshall 8117; price $7600; encumbrance $3900; equity of $3600 to trade for unincumbered Laurel hurst lots. LOCATED In heart of one of Oregon' a most beautiful little cities. Lot 60x100. 2-story brick and concrete. . 2 store rooms below, leaned. Income when all rented, $2UC per month. We want a good farm In Willamette "Valley. Farm owners let us hear what you have full descriptions. A 821, Ore gonian. ' S4 -APARTMENT. T4 2 and S-room apartments, located Wtthin easy walking distance; good lease rent less than $4 per room; steam heat and nicely furnished. Price $15,000; $2000 cash and will trade for good city property or acreage. GRUSSl & BOLDS, 31 S Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. WILL TRADE FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS, . HORSES OR DAIRY COWS. We will exchange 20 acres of fine Hood Blver land, 0 miles from Hood River, for team, wagon, horses, harness, dairy cows or farming Implements. CI1AS. R1NGLER ft CO., 211 Lewis bldg. 5 ACRES, 4-room bungalow, new, stone foundation, porcelain bath tub, hot nnd cold water, 30 choice apple ttves; other fruit trees, 3 acres in clover, spring water, 4-horse power gasoline pump, Monarch range, connected water. . AH 782, Orego nlnn. HAVE four vacant lots, value $2350; also a houses on HwxlOO corner, value $5500; will trade for close-in acreage or farm. . See us. RABB & PATTON. 322 Lumbermens Bldg., 5th and Stark. I HAVE a splendid restaurant, doing a good business, clearing $230 monthly, will trade for clear real estate, value $1S00, long leas, low rent; 1 also have A lots that I would trade with above or singly. AP 712, Oregonlan. WILL take Irvlngton or Laurelhurst lot as part payment on 65x100 corner with mod-"' ern new home and garage; price $0600 Goldschmldt's Agency, 415 Ctiamber of Commerce. WILL exchange first mortgages for houses, lots, leases, farms, orchards, stocks and bonds, diamonds, autos, pianos, rooming houses or apartment-houses. Abbott A Co., "Wilcox bldg1. TO EXCHANGE or for sale; apartment- -houe. 50 rooms, well furnished, or In cluding seven cottages, 104 rooms; low rent, West Side river; snap. Write what you have. J 845, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE For Portland real estate, 240 ncrea high-grade irrigated land, part ly improved, good water rlj;ht, fine dairy country, near R. R-, in Oregon. Addresa W.. bnx 1.84. Portland, Or. I OWN 400 acres of good land In Southern ' Oregon, mile from R. R., worth $20;000; also Portland property worth $5000; will exchange f-r flats, apartments or close-in acreage; might assume. C SO 2, Oregonlan. CORN E R, 6 Ox 9 (T Good Valley town. 2 rooms all leased. Will trade this for house and lot In Portland, or close In lota and acreage. W 779, Oregonlan. FOR SALE or trade, four valuable mining claims in the Coeur d'Alenea, Idaho, sur rounded by the large producers and proved up beyond m prospect. Abbott & Co., Wil cox bldg. 160 ACRES stump land near lower Colum bia to trade for good lots or other Port land property. Lueddematt & Burke. 821 Electrlo bldg. WILL take in exchange for my $2200 equity In new 8-room modern house In Irvlngton, vacant lots, close-in acreage or automo bile. Main 70SS. E 1155. FOR EXCHANGE My 5-room modern home in best residence district Butte. Mont., for bungalow or residence property In Portland. AR 770. Oregonian. ACREAGE, on the Peninsula and Hood River orchard lands, value $50,000, to exchange for Income property or apartment-house. 1 O 7fe0, Oregonian. $.i20 MORTGAGE 7 PER CENT to exchange for house and lot. near car line. A. W. Smith A Co., 436 Chamber of Commerce. M. 520. WANT team or horse and bugtjy for $225 mortgage, payable monthly. AK 788, Ore gon 1 a 11. BE A L'TIFUL 6-room bungalow, will take lots, acrtje or automobile up to $2000, b n 1 a nee terms. R 807, Oregonlan. $l:..500 PORTLAND and Hood River in- come property for Eastern property. X. T. Chapman, Rood River, Or. WANTED A rooming-house in exchange for a 5-room cottage; clear. Price $3u00. :t05 Couch bldg. I HAVE two new houses, value $5500, to trade for farm, aereage or vacant lots. AR 7S3. Oregoniaf WHAT have you to exchange for first mort gages or good copper stocks ? Abbott & Co., Wiicox bldgj Knn flntn In best East Side district; will, trade equity for Irvlngton or other good lots. 415 Chamber of Commerce. CHOICE Laurelhurst lot. exchange for auto mobile or player piano. AL 783, Orcgo nian. . WANT bungalow in city, will give automo bile, acreage or city lots. AL 7S0, Orego nian. HAVE fine automobile and cash for Irv lngton or Holladay lot. AD 703, Orego nlon. 10.40 ACRES of fruit land, Rlrlilnnd. Wash., under the ditch; trade for Portland prop er: y. Chas. Voegel e, R. 1, Rick r sail. Or. Wl LL give good beach lots for piano, fur niture or automobile. AD J702, Oregonian. WILL trade diamond for clear lot In good lo cation. J 840, Oregonlan. WHAT have you to trade for diamonds? Abbott A Ca, Wilcox bldg. WILL trade swell furniture of 5 rooms, com plete, for diamonds. Call Main 7095. TRADENew York lot, $100oTTf more will pay difference AR 774, Oregonlan. EQUITY In good lot. South Portland, for motorcycle or furniture. 325 First st. NEW $150 Vlctrolla and $50 records for $150 cash or equity. X 796, Oregonlam 6 PER CENT first mortgages for sale or exchange. . Abbott & Co., Wilcox bldg. WHAT have you to exchange for first mort gaces? Abbott & Co., Wilcox bldg. WILL trade real Phone East 5907. estate for automobile. $500 EQUITY in Alameda lot to exchange for auto or anytlung. AJT 759, Oregonlan..