12 R'AL INSTATE. HOMES ON EAST TERMS. Modern bungalow. 4 roomi and bat. fl-r:c. booaraaee. platerall. Dutch ki!rum. lot iiiuu. .'.100. mail eaah pay uient. balance to suit. 4- room bungalow, etrlctly modem, fur nice. nreplac. buffet, bookcase, hard wood floors, gaa, a.ectrlclly: good view, r.cs City Park, close to car; all niMl Improvements paid: $3334 and tap. OLMSTEAD PARK. ... 5- room bungalow. ioxSfc. on lot 60x112; dnub.e constructed and built for a borne: llving-rocra. lx3u. with tin fireplace: 3 large, airy bedroom on riral floor; large dining-room and Dutch kitchen: elegant .eclrlc fixture ana entire hous lasl fmly tinted: full cement baaement aod vary larg furnac. $5JOO. aay paymenta. W hav. several -room horn, with all modem convenience a: furnace. Brep.ace. biMwood fioora. bookcases, buffet. Dutco ki-chen. Tbeee ara urat-claaa in every d tail. $3750 and up. OLMSTEAD PARK, a. roomi and s:pln-porch: full two atory; bll.iard-room can b flnla.iad In at tic; very large llvlna-roora and dining room, beamed and pane.ed: bullt-ln bi.oi 'lee. buffet, fireplace: Dutch kitchen. T.e flnlaa li aura good and abov. the or. d'nary. Full crmrnl basement and nna larca furnace. 8 block to Broadway ear. ;ovO; sma.l pay man I and aay terma. Lam -room horr.a at Mt. Tabor: .xel lent iew of tfca whol city; modern i con venlencee: lot aJilal; large mature Royal Ann cherry irrei; beautiful lawn, rosea, etc $''"0; 8.V10 cah. balance trrmi PHO'lDENT TKUST I'OMPANV, "OL 202 2u3 Board of Trad Bids. . . ' ' . 111" ' LA fit ELHURST H OHE. BEAUTIFUL 8-ROOM RESIDENCE WITH EVERT MODERN CONVENI ENCE. STEAM HEAT. ALL HARDWOOD FINISH ON FIRST FLOOR: TWO TOI LETS. CEMENT BASEMENT. ALL BUILT-IN CONVENIENCES. A RARE BAROAIN AT IS300. ONLT $800 CASH NECESSART TO HANDLE. SEE? THIS. WE HAVE MONET TO LOAN ON SE LECT PORTLAND PROPERTT. $3000 TO $33. 000 WARD TOUNGER. "UTTE 428 TEON BLPq MT. SCOTT AND WOODSTOCK DISTRICT. In this district oor Hat comprises a rum. ber of ale home In tn vicinity of Reed College: al a large line of Inexpensive c-:a(a and feuns-ilows on email per inea'. You can t a big lot here for ! than a fractional tot Is other dlstrtcta. If you want a house or lot In tola dis trict, at the right prlc and terms, w can erve you and save yon time and money. DORK E. KEAKEI A COMPANY. 'loor Chamber of Commaro. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. W tve the beet etrutly mod em, up-to-date ail -room bungalow that l.iTJO will buy any piece In the city. 11 minutes out on Haw thorne rariine. and owner wUl ac cept tome trade. Mr. BecktelL COLCMPIA TKl.T COMPANT. Ground FLOOR Hoard of Trada Building. tiAl-TlrTL WIOAHnTB HEIGHT! II JMS Lot T5xlto. unobstructed view or city fiver and mountain, thoroughly m.lem In eery detail: roome lar and .-.lend.tlly arransed. larje livlns-room and d. nlns-room. a b't sleei'lns-rooms. hllchen. view porches, fu.l cement baaement. Hre-pta.-o and furnace, reinforced concrete a rae. one lawa and roe bushes; a bargain at Ill'ivO; term If desired. Lueddemann A fiurke. :l rectro bid. I'hona Mar- e. iall " -ROOM BfNOALOW. . Good condition, nearly new. bath and toilet. lare cloaeta. full baaement, eleo trlc Ushts. Ie at the eorntr; can have It If you want It. Lot &"xlOO. reetrlcted el:rtct. fine location: I67J caah takca this, balanca liniS In monthly Install ments of i:J and Interest at T per cent; or pay -' caah. .t years on balance, no payra-nl at pr cent This mu.t b sold quick. E. th at. NMonlavllla. FllOOM. new. modern horn, with every ......- that ran ba thouaht of. oc- cupylnc quarter block, and one s.Khlllrst homes to ba found. Tha one vi . " owner I aell- In ( but farm, bene haa no personal need of It. I went you to sea It and let m know how much It la wonn to you. t. .m to be atld. J. ib. timlth. ola Charr.bcr of t'ommerca. K.V)0. BROADWAY HTREET. 1KVINOTON. Flna (-roem home; firaplaca. buffst. fumac. etc; cannot b duplicated at aoov. prlc-. p b I(,NT 41T Cornell Bid:. 1 also have food buys In Pladmont Wi!nu( Park and Hlhland ,.lviEAST SALMON STREET .1.S0rt. ery neal O-rooru house on Salmon. Juet wet of Stb. modem In every reepect. In riudlnk all klnJa of bullt-ln conveniences, bookcaaea. clothea and dust chutes. Dutch kitchen, etc.; full cement baaement with tuba, woodllft, food piumbln. piped for furnace and aa and wired fur 'rlJtjr. he owner nest door. Pbon Tabor lit. TOf CAN MAKE 11000. yif strictly modern bom. 1 rooms and slcplnc porch, bullt-ln f-alures. flns baee mnt. (as and e:e.-trlclty. beautiful lot, fcoitvO. paved atrei. all polee In alleys, hiicrt restricted district, near 1 carlinea. If not sold In l laya will rent to dealr aole tenant. 110 Rodney are, HERE IT IS. Two-thlrdi of an acre. B room house, running water piped In th bouse; 3 k'ocke from station: within IS mlnutea of center of the city, on the Wast side. l-"-.x Easy terma Provident Trust lompasy. iul. 20i. 203 Hoard of Trad a b.! Jlanhall 473. A 10-A CLOE IN: WEST SIDE. .1.-J. 4-xloo lot: cosy cottars of 4 room and bain. 3 blocka from car and only 15 mln utea from bustneee ct-nter: In eery beet r-ei.Uoce dlalrlct. col .iandln' ood lew of the city, nmall payment down. Bai inre like rent. C TT4. Oregon lan. 1RVINGTON SACRIFICE. Lars, modorn. 10-room boua Ot liln ,1 . Thompson. Price Maka ua aa offer, owner baa left city. fcey ia'ERATrVE REALTT COMPANT. 5:u Ka.iway Exchange. 4:h and Mara. v; iv a-room colonial home with two sleep ing porchea. hardwood floors, two toilet anJ all modern eonvenleaee. In choloert section of Hawthorn tit. district; corner l..t 7Us7 ccmmanulng beautltuJ view of west 81 da. 31 taet ioth. cor. Stephens. Phone B 111 Price I13.O00; t.KOOM new. entirely modam homa. very c'oea In on th East Side. This la orni thine enoeuallr good and attraetlv. and conei Jer.og Ita location. It la tha beat bar gain to be found. Prlca 4-VJ- J. t. omllh, Bil rhamber of Commerce. " fcEE OW N ER. FOR THIS s-KOt'M HCNOALOW. In ll.aumont. Juet nniehed. everything com plete and rrodem: Just what you ars loon i. c for; W. . Carpenlsr. Tabor 1-jZ- b-ittMM m'joern house, cemented bseement. isundry traya. furnac: lot ItOmloO. with 14 bearing fruit trees and amall bam: In a One rej d-nt district on East Mde: owner lexvtr.g city, wv.l sacriOc for quick sale. w H Lar.g. I VY inbldg. lull sale slioo Multr In house and lot -'vlx beat resMenc dletrlct on Fast close In. will sacrifice for quick r!; aeil furnltur. If wanted. AH Tt. Oregonten. $J0 down 11(1 pr month for my new a-room modern hungtlow. near Hawthorne av.. ..l etvlo; atreet Improvements all paid; price ITOO AN T:. Oregonlan. ZM DOWN. Palanrs Ilk rent: new sis-room house. V th and Franklin sta : prlca IJ4W. F. 1 rei Co.. -J Lawls bldg. Modern T-room home, price replaced for eimck ele from f-i".Hi to H7. terms. J. t'tn. Kvi Hroadway. E. hua. rii-'NE Tahor" .! If Ton want a dsndy 3 rooTtt mo.lem bongalow. Hawthorne rlle-l-'r't I Mock to car. lot Sir, inn. ee.T t-rma 1 am tha owner, pbone Tabor ol. .OM house. 3 lot. In R. R. town, rrart f -r auto, worth about 11000. Owner. Worcewter bllg- vTo-TTT 4 -room bouse, with acre. 80 min utes out. nice view, part terma Hmlth- n n .urr Co.. 111-312 Lewla bliig; T 7-ROOM HOrPK llv cash, balence easy, llosamer homa. fhre i o.r - iTi-V Ijh Voir C. for Weet Sl.l homea Kclusl e dealers In Wet Hid. homes j.r.a Chamber oX Oommeroe REAL rTATK. rar Kevle HeuM-e. FIVE FIVE-ROOM PCNQAI.OW IN HAWTHOKNK PltlOK JJT'H). "ONLY tZZ IxjWN AND 3i A MO.NTIL Her Is a acap In a new bond low, cloae In and on terma which you cannot turn town. it he 2 large bedrocma. two clothe closets. large reception hall, porcelain bath, washhowl. living and dining-rooms Ireehly tint.!, butlt-tn window seats, china closet, plate rail In dining-room. Dutch kitchen. woodlirt, porcelain a:nk with back. ga. electricity and com bination fixtures, front and rm porches. Pull cement basement snd cement floor, street Improvements In and paid. Tou don't have to have money saved np to handle this. 4u0 down. Price ISIrtti. RALPH ACKLET, tvi Corbclt iiidg. .0 CASH. B. COUCH ST, NEAR 3D. S ROOMS AND SPACB IN ATTIC FOR S MORE P.OOMS; CEMENT BASEMENT. FUR NACE. FIREPLACE. OAS AND ELEC TRIC FTXTTJRE3. LOT BOX100. A VERT GOOD BUT AT 13300. WARD TOUNOER. STTTE 4I TEON ELDQ. SOUTH PORTLAND. Her on th West Sid of th river rs renewed activity. Wa special! on South Portland property. If you want a busi ness lot. sn industrial sit or a residence lot or house for occupsncy or Investment, our expert knowledge of this district will guide you right- Now Is tha best tlms to rt:y So'ilb. Portlrnd property. DORR E. KEASEY A COMPANT. 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce. IRVINOTON HOMS. Beautiful new home of eight rooms, re ception hs!L sleeping ba.cony and fin ished attic, fully equipped with large, light eloe-ta and every convenience and mod.-rn aid to ey houn-keep'ng: hard wood floors throughout: oak finish In re ception hall aid full length sitting room; ptnelerl sr.d beamed dining-room in nr; upper floors In old Ivory; gsrage; h'oek of ear. In best part of Irvlngton. For further partlcu'ars see fL P. URIAX, Main 19X BoS Cham, of Com. A 1127. IRVINOTON. New strictly modem homa of rooms, reception hail and den. In best part of Irvlngton. on 121 St. Full cement base ment, wash trava. furnace, fireplace, hard wood floors. sep!ng-porch and attic-Kv-erythlng nrst-clt and very well arranged. A bargain at fu3. 2.'K) cash, balance terms KAUFFMANN MOORE. 323 Lumber Exchange. GOOD INVESTMENT. 4.o. S3 "haver St.. corner Oantenbeln: 8-roo.-n houee. lottxloi; fruit, roses, csment walks, macadam atresia; 8300 oaeh. tlm on balance. C. H. Jorea. WE3TERN ORK'JON Tl'.UST CO., S72 Stark St. I3T3 DOWN. lota, with 4-room modern bungalow. 80 mlnutea rid on Mt. Scott line. Hons new and coxy, 8 lota fenced with ehlcken wlr. Also new chicken-house. Bull Hun water. Hous piped for gss and wired for elctrtclty. Very easy terma Prtc 8..".a Owner. 311 Rsllwsy Kxchang. 3:5CO. An Ideal home. Overlook Addition: modern: rooms, sleeping porch, furriece, fireplace, rlxturea. aha'lea. nice lot. 2 blocks car: Improvements aU In and paid; ex cellent view; Investigate this If you want A horn at a reesonable price. L. S. Met- ca!f :ilO Yeon this- Marshall 21.12. 7-KuvjM house In Irvlngton: substantial and attractive cottage; ail Improvements In and patd for: no better offered for the price. J-i'-OO; $.W1 cash and ery easy terms, fan accept a lot or good mort gug part payment. BO WEN-IDE TRUST CO., I loom 2 Lumbermena Bidg. 11 T HOME FOR SALE. New, modern. 6 -room bungalow, Sn-foot living-room and reception halt, beamed celling, ulnlng-eoom fmiehed In leather panelling, fl'eptace. bullt-ln hookcise. sats. etc. '.rmr.nl cel!r. f?.1o. Easy terms. No agents. J M'l. Oregonlan. 8.17.) I RVIX0TON I3T.V). 8 rooms on Thompson au; modern homa on beautiful corner; line lawn, gna and electricity; hard-surface street; lo cated weet of East 13th. 81330 cash, bal ance monthly. STAVEll at AUSPIEKER. 814 Couch Bldg. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 2'K CASH. T rooms, bullt-ln buffet, bookcase, fur race, fireplace: price :lSTiO; terms, cash I2io. balance 813 per month. National Realty A Trust Co.. 78 Chamber of Com merce bldg. Phone Main M -'Hi BUY IT. 8-roora hoose. mouern, except furnace, east-front lot. near two carilnee. In Haw thorn district: $2.-n; 3ioM rah. OOWF.N'-IDE TRUST CO., Room 2 Lumbermena Bldg. SUBURBAN HOME ON OREC.QN CTTT ELECTRIC: BEAUTIFUL S1TK ON RIV F.ll BANK: NEW HOi'sn. 7 ROOMS. ALL MODERN CONVENIENCES; CHEAP FOR QUICK DEAL A HEAL BARGAIN. L 7:.. OR E IONIAN. HOl i-E and lot for IH.'.O. Nearly new bun galow, a xe 24x24. Three yenr large rooms, pantry and closets; fruit trees and rosea, fenced, near Tremont Station. Owner, 247 V, 8th St. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, by owner. 8 rooms; hardwood floors, fireplaces, large slcpmg porch, hot water heat: easy walking dls tinrr; owner wilt aaciiflc if gold at once. t T7S. Oregonlan. WILL BUIIJJ TO SUIT YOUR PURSE. tin your lot, , On your plans. On eaey terms. Main 1 429 FURLONG. 61? Chamber of Commerce. ROSE CITT PARK. B-room houe. attraetlv design. nw, all modern Improvements, convenient to car. See this before buying; terma 4R2 East 80th North, corner &'Jlh and Thompson. NEW. MODERN HOl'fS. 4 rooms, all conveniences. modern plumbing: a bsrgaln for a quick sale. $1173. Terms, no agenta. AC 700. Ora sonlan. iiL.-if suliurhan proj erty. near Portlnnd, at ..crlfloe If taken Monday, the 6th. Mrs. M. A. Brown, pin Station. Oregon City car. IN Weatmoreland. nar Reed Lnstltut and fast doub)-trmck carltn; modern 7 -room 2-alory homa. Owner. 1203 E. 18th. cor. Toman. k-Hti' 'M. good, well-built horn on full lot. owner gJlng to California, will sell for t:rv0 This I a barxaln. J. E. Smith. MS Chamber of r-omnierc. Ikj you aant to aril your roomlng-hou ? W pay ra.h and chcrce no cumniKslon. ItUTHKIELD INVESTMENT CO., 17 BOArlD OF TRADE lil.I'. M 8418. NEW 8-roora bungaow. a besuty. holding at .: well wurtn It. Take it at 8420U. terma. Owner V) Worcester bldg. M. . Sunday E. 130i. 8-RooM. modern bungalow, beautifully fin. Ished. large fireplace, two carilnee; 82vH down an'l S28 per month. Owner. AL 7i. Oregonlan. jj.ii HAWTHORNE DISTniCT 830oO. liy owner, new ft-room bungalow; 8-t'10 casa. balance I'ke rent. 400 Commercial biug.. 2d and Washington. . 1 MUST have some money at once and will absolutely sacrifice my new. modem home, reetrtcte.1 district. Owner. Adilress F 771. Oregunlsn. 6-ItoOM modern new houee. Irvlngton Park, 8 H" cash. 812.TO. mo. Smith-Wagoner Co.. 311-312 Irewla bMg. b'Ti'.ICTLY" mo-Iern 3-room house, 2 blocks from car. prlc only 11830. Call Tabor on Mra-lav. ON'ri block trtm Albrta-t. car. s-room hov.se. 133o. will teke 8.KV) cish and '..'no tn acreage Call li E. 13th at. N. tUl.ovV cost, by owner. J27el; 8 rooms, rnod-rn. lot 87,1.2. gas sewer. Improved streets. Call I1S0 Francis. 1VR pAI.U New house, strictly modern, best part of Nob Hill; part caah, O 7 si. Oregontan. t.M THP.EE-HoOM house, part being fln lahed. at 134 East Ttfin St. Montavllla, I t 23x100, 20 feet north of car line. E 7l. Ortrr.nl.vn. BEAUMONT New; 9 rooms: hardwood rl'tors. fireplace, sleeping porch; owner must sell at one; will sacrifice. O 779, Oregonlan. ROSE CITY PAIiK. Sew T-room house, at a bargain, today. R40 4'th. near Hraxee NEW B-ROOM BUNGALOW with fin fumac and (wall fixture and shsrles Included t;,Mhfr TV O pinlrrn f'.ve-r'im flata, frac tional lot, easy walking distance, on West S .le. K it'.', oresonier,. H'K SALE by owner. 4-room house anil lot ....xl.i.i Call kt house. 1".4 E. 34th SL North. J. V. Grace. FOR SALE .t-room rouse. J1S0O, term to gulk U H. 34ia Souin- THE SUNDAY REAL ESTATE. s'or Swie 4toaaaes PETERSON'S CALENDAR FOR FEB. . 2 b-room house at abth and Broadway. Rosa City Park car. Soma 6-I-M--l-room houses at 83d and Shaver. Broad way car to Rryee, then 8 blocka east to 8 Id. These houeea are all about complet ed; strictly modern, with all convenlencea. lectrlcal cookers, bookcases, plastered basements, fruit cellsrs, attlca. slseplng porches, eta They will stand on their merits for honest construction, at prices and terms that will defy competition. Open tfunday for Inspection. a PETERSON. 921 Board of Trade. Phones : Office, llain 2S-i, Horn, Wood lawn :!27tL PORTLAND HEIGHTS PERFECT HOMAV level lota, 100 feet car, view abso lutely unsurpassed and nnobstrurtlhle; sarge living-room, with fireplace, beautiful Railed windows, woodwork, and cornices, larse dining-room, Dutch kitchen, pass pantry and other pantry. All hardwood f.oors. even kitchen. Beautiful electrlo fixtures, mostly cut glsss; six bedrooms, bathroom, toilet and eiorngo room, full ce ment baaement, flrst-cUss furnac. laun dry tubs, coal bunker, fruit room, toilet. The house was built for a home and has every poaulble convenience. Must sell. Sea It and make offer. H sfll. Oregonlan. POKTLA.ND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW 8 rooms, very conveniently arranged; large living room with massive stone fireplace and by window, beautiful bullt-ln buffet and bookcase: arrangement of rooms snd many conveniences out of the ordinary: full basement, cement floor, nice porches, large grounds: near car. Tbla la on of the most beautifully wooded and secluded and sheltered spots on the heights. For sale by owner, 112.000; terma Can give po!.ei!on April 1. H 71. Oregonian. BUNGALOW SACRIFICE. This modern 6-roora bungalow with full basement and atllo with S lots 3tixl00 each: must ba sold at one on Improved street, cement sldenalka and steps, 100 feet of concrete wall In front of lot; re etrlcted district: 8 blocks from car. Thla bungalow was built for a home and not to sell. You won't sun any time by Inves tigstlng this barpaln. liOOU; l.'rOO cash, talnnc easy terms. phone Woodlawn Sill or w T1 Oregonlan. ONLT r,iM CASH. Polished hardwood floors, swell flre plnce and bookcase, nifty buffet, paneled dlnlns-room. cooler, linen closet, elegant bith. wall switch In every room, fine at tic and full basement with laundry treys: evervthlnrc the best throughout: beautiful sightly location, overlooking the city: on paved street, one block to car: one of th cl-T.nest-cut bunKalows In Portland; price :l40o; 8300 down, balanca rent. Ta bor - s .' inoierii "-room house, corner, fire place. 2 toilets, bath, full basement, foamed celling, piped for furnace: flna ismry: easy terms; will tak vacant lot or good auto an first payment. 414 Dekum llil . Mnln Milt!. Sunday East 4it."'2. I or Sale .Yrremte. SPEf-ULATORS. ATTENTION. Six acre, all hig'ily cultivated. In city limits: ripe for small platting proposition: can offer this for les than properly ona mile farther out la selling for at tha pres ent time; line view of Columbia River. If I had the necesssry cash this advertise ment would not sppesr here; yon would not hao a look-In. Easy terma. Owner, non-resident, evljeully lost track of val Uea. JAOB HAAS. 40S, Teon Bldg. A BIO BARGAIN. For days only we are offering a flna JO-acre farm, 13 mil from Portland and within a ton'a throw of th WIL LAMETTE HI V ER. for 813O0. 8 acres 1 Oared and tha balance la timber. No rocks or gravi. Lies perfectly leveL Thla la A bargain for aomon. J-VOUNO JOHNSON, 814 cTiamber of Commerce Btr5g. eil'KINO WILL BOON HE HERE. And It Is time you wer securing that piece of land. I can sell you 5 or 10 acres fine black soil, all In cultivation, near Portland and electric ry.. for f:too I per ac re wun terma v in jmimi ' ' ttoes and auaran'.ee you 40 per cent on money Invested- This gusmntee la OOOD. TIIO.1 M'C'USKFR, Sill Lumbermena bldg. i ACRES. 81125. Treated iioo feot from station. BO mln utea" ride frum Jef feraon-st. depot; fine soil, gradual slop; only four miles from city limit: 8125 cash down and easy monthly pavmeuta on balano. Better look this u;. Nit's a good buy. AITCH1SON at ALLEN. 213 O-rllnger bldg.. 2d and Alder. POTATO LAND. FOR SALE OR RENT. 1 miles from station on Fourth-street line, soon to be eleotrlfled. Sale price '-"0 per acre on terma or will rent land for 1-8 of crop. Renter to furnish seed and uulpment, HUFF A KLEINSOROE. 418 Board of Trade lilOf, 2 ACRES CLEARED Close to station, no stumps, rocks or brush: fin soil; on West Side, within 7 mlle circle; $lOJ cssh down will buy this, balance easy monthly payments. tlr loog thla up. AITCHI.'ON ALLEN. 218 Oerllni'r bids.. 2d snd Alittr. CHICKEN AND FRUIT RANCHES near Portland- a NEW SUBDIVISION. Lowest prices, best soil, fine view. wood, wator and roaoa; 8 acres. 8400 per trsct; 10 A.. 81; 20 A.. i-0: 40 A.. 812O0; 80 A-. 8-'H: 10 A.. 81"00; liberal terma FRANK M FAULAND REALTY CO.. 8o Teon bldg.. Portland. Or. GREATEST BARGAIN OR INVESTMENT IN THE COUNTRT. 7 mlies Courthouse. 8 minutes 2 eleotrlc tstlons; 30 beautiful acres, greater por tion rich beaverdam; running water: 44 cleared; lHiO land on 3 aides; a mar veioua bsrgaln: 30O per acre, terms; worth 8il0 to 8S"0 today. Becker, nil 14th st. Phone Marahall 8034. ON arcountof 111 health ara closing out my land boldlnga In ona of rhe beat recog nized fruit districts In th Northwest, close to rail and water transportation; raw land 878 per acr In 4-year-old bearing fruit tree 8230 to 1300 per acre on easy t-rma or will trade for city property. AP 7&i. Oregonlan. HALF-ACRE HOME. Ixt 75x2'l. 2-story. 0 larKo room house, full' basement, electric lignts, city water, well, small barn, henhouso. 7 bcsrlng fruit trees and three kinds berries; good soil: no gravel, streets graded and sidewalks: 38th ana rraniuin; v -rt y. ami. A Jtl-n I II 1 ."J rwo If you have $1200 cash, you can get hold of 40 acres, beautiful Irrigated alfal fa, clover, oats, etc; land on main ditch: 2 ml lea H. H, station; choice land and lo cation. Marshall 8-1S4. Becker. 3SI 14tn St. . , . i . : . . . i. . ii',.. C ' . . ' I r 1 , 1 Al l.r.o on ' " ' ' " : road 8 mlnutea from station, all In cul tivation, 3 acrea of fine orchard, good T-room modern houee. brick fireplace, la 12 mllea out. Price 8ou0. H cash. W. . , . . . . .O V n 1.1.1 , ONE to ten-acr traota to ell or to rent, very cheap; very rich, level land: on hour's ride on electric, earllna; station and ator adjoining the tracts DEAN LAND OFFICE, P.oem 622. Chamber of Commerc bldg. $10 CASH. 110 monthly, no Interest, no taxes, aecurea 10 acres of best land In tha world, ready for th plow; transportation facilities unexcelled. RAHB PATTON. 822 Lumbermena bldg.. 6th and Btark. ACP.E3. Don't pay tl2vrv tor 'an acr whn yon can get on all In cultivation for M0; 81 down. II par week; no Interest or take; only 8 minute- walk from oar. 414 De kum bide. Main 5IW4. Sunday East 46Mt, u ACRES. I14O0C W har a On tract of Sacrea. right at the station, clos In to Portland. lor only 814. on easy terma DeTOUNO JOHNSON, 514 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. HAVE .-acre tract that I must sell; will take 820 cash and $1 monthly: cleared, cultivated, good location, close to car. T rent far.; don't mis thla. Owner. Maui BTfiA. room 407. 2S ACP.ES lp dutrlct. ll mllea fro-n K R.. West Side: all hop land; prlc a3 per acre. Worth $1.'. HIG1.EY BISHOP. 182 THIRD 8T. 10 ACRES, splendid land, only 16 mllea from Portland. 1 mile from etallon. all cleared and In cultivation; prlc only $225 per acr. terma. AP TV3. Oregonlan. BETTER come out to Beaverton and see 8 acres I have for eal. All cleared; 1 mil from Ore. Electric and 8. P. stations. F. W. Allen, owner. a AND 10-acra orchard or farm lands; $2 per acre cash. 12 per acr per month, at ... ... . i rt , L-wotianee r.U g e MP. .vn . - 14 u ACHES, near vvoortnura; .e-ri uowo. 8230 per year, a par ceuu AG 733. Ore gon 1 s n. FIVE acre. Roee City Park district, eult abla for platting; anap. AG 7S8, Oarego- nlan. Ai' It E AG R to plat, large or small tract. Komebulrders ar Investment CO., 431 Chsmber of Commerce bldg. rirRE tract, by owner; Just beyond Lnt: prre right: no agenta need reply. L TBS. lregonian. SACRIFICE 3 acres on Oregon City Hue. at station, fine speculation: your own price srrt Irrmi. AG "07, Oregonlan. y:.o acres!" $4."V0O, some cash, som trade. rest mortgage. 2" y. r-xenange. I tV.o rn-iTr In 3 acres. United Railways. for J2V. V 70. Oregonlsn. 10 ACRES one oU.200. 320 cash." $10 pr riujiih, Sus ily. Exohanga, OREGOXTAX, rORTT.AXD. REAL ESTATE. For hair? Acreage, WE hav th following automobiles listed to trade for Portland real estate and tim ber lands: Stoddard-Dayton, 1011 model, 7-paaaen-ger. 1911 Wlnton, 0-cyllnder, 4-passenger. Franklin. 8-cyllnder, T-psssengar. Bulck, 40 H. P. model 17. Stern, 7-paasenger. 85 H. P. Smith. B-psssenger. 80 H. P. Orient, 6-passenger. Interstate, o-passenger, 40 H. P. 60 H. P.. T-passenger Matheson. White Steamer, detachable rumbla sent. or 4-passenger. Thomas, 6-cyllnder, T-passenger, 90 H. P. lull Whit gas. 5-passenger. Studebaker, 7-pasaenger. -cylinder Wlnton, 7-passenger, for rooming-house. Oldamobils, 40 H. P., roadster. Studebaker, 6-psssenger, 30 H. P. White Steamer. 6-passenger. Wlnton. o-cyllnder. T-passenger. Thomas. 0-cyllnder, 40 H. P.. T-paasen-ger. Whit gae, 1-ton truck. 40 H. P.. 1011. Bulck. 1811, 1-ton truck, PACIFIC COAST BROKERAGE CO.. BH Board of Trade Bldg. Phones A 1051, Marshall 4209. ACREAGE SNAPS, 8-acr tracts near Multnomah Station, Oregon Eleotrlo; from 8330 per acre and up; terms. B-acre on But Lln road, six mllea from city limits, near Mt. Hood Rail road; 12250; terms. 43 acres, brush Isnd, near Groeham: A-l soil; (4300, terma. BU acrea, near Bonlta, Oregon Elec tric; M acres cleared; 63 fruit treea. 4 roum house: good well; 82500, terms. 8. T. DOVE, INC., 420-422 Board of Trade. 6 ACRES In the Valley. Just west of the city. Fourth-street line Bow being electrified, passes within 50 feet of this, roads all made and 20 home In view, th very bst of soil and sold on monthly payments. Tour opportunity to taka advantage of this Improvement. Office open every evening until P. M. THE SHAW-FEAR CO., 102 Fourth St. Main 35. A 8300. TO OUR CUSTOMERS WHO ARE LOOK ING FOR BARGAIN'S. Each week w will try and save one or more good propositions that can be han dled with a little money for th benefit of our future customers. Read thla one, 138 v acrea, 24 miles from McCoy: "4 ml. from 4th-sL (to b electrified) Rye. 70 a. clear: 8 springs. 7-rm. house, barn: 1 a, orchard all fencedl 02 miles from Port land Total price. I12.OO0. r.'iHiO down. See Mr. Doddridge. Si, Chamber of Com mrc. -W--HARTMAN THOMPSON. t ACRES. 80 minutes out on Fourth-street electric, best of soiL , mile to station and 8250 per acr upon monthly paymenta. Office open every evening until 9 P. M. IBB SHAW-FEAR CO.. 102 Fourth BC Main 80. 8500. HOUSE AND ONT? ACRES, ALL FOR 81300. On Oregon City Electric at Oak prove,, three blocks from stores, station and post er!. oe: fine for chickens. WALLACE INVESTMENT CO.. Oregonlan Bldg. 6 ACRES, on Oermantown road, on west side of Willamette River, oppo site St. Johns and 2 Hi miles back, heavy timber, fine soil and well lo cated. This for 2oo per acra and upon monthly payments. Open every evening until 8 P. M. THE PHAW-FEAR CO., 102 Fourth St. Main 85. 30- HIGHLY CULTIVATED LAND. Southwest slope. In the Tualatin Val lev: fine soil, no rock, gravel or stumps. Five-acre tract. f"5 cash. 15 per month, or other easy payments. Just 23 acres left Examln plata and th till to property. PACIFIC N.-W DEVELOPMENT CO.. INC. " 405 Couch Bldg. FOR SALE Choice property on Oregon City carllne. 2Hi-acre tracts, best of soli, no rock hlghW cultivated and sightly, graded streets, iles'lrabl neighborhood, no hack'i graded school and telephone. R F. D. and ' grocery delivery, desirable terms. Beautiful river frontage, choice B and lO-acre tracta. city property and farma. Easv terms. , City property, acreage and farma for "jt'j. LIDDELL, Commercial b'oc. 242 Washington st. Room 212. will buy 7.0S acres, adjoining the right of way of the Estacada carllne. also the country road on one side: It Is " bottom land, the choicest ground frhP: tatoea of other vegetables: also choice fruit land. There are no buildings. This csn be handled with a 300 cash payment, balance Installments, If ileslred OTTO A HARK SON REALTY CO.. ' .... - FaCRFS BLACK SWALE. This Is the best and cheapest land with in 10 mllea of Portland. At Metier Sta.. Ore. Elec. 1 blk. from station. This land will produce over 1200 per acre son In onlrma: 3 houses on place. $-00. Terms See Mr. Doddridge. 8, Chamber of Commerce bH- THOMPSON. 2U ACRES, facing a good county road: all 2 Vare". with a flttle "llru""lnfThLro one end. frlnjed with willows. This Is "S minutes from the heart of Portland, on The or" ron Electric llallsay. "--faro 5 cetts. -Present owner compelled to sell. Price $2300: easy terms, bee Trustee, i spaluing pms. WANTED Within 80 miles of Portlsnd. Who has ItT I want to buy or exchange for som acrea and make a ahow place. Do you see how this will help th. . of the land you retain. No dealing with agenta Phon from 1 to 4 P. L. or evenings. Enst 4264 or address AB 77S. Oregonlan. WITH A BI3 D Doddridge. Gt that right Not Bridge, out Dod-rldg. Then come and see me In regard to farms and acreage for sale. Let me tell you about a few bargains. Csll at RVj Chamber of Commerce bldg. Remember ft..m. w-th ?'Pi6 $300 DOWN. Balance at 6 per cent during 1018. 14. 18 and 14. Eight acre, at West Stay ton. Irrigation Insures your crop. See Dodd ridge st 8 V, Chamber of Commerce bldg. (R.m.mb.rHth.RTn.m. wthoP. BUT NOW. 1 to B-acr tracts on Base Lin road, county road and on two electric line, will be put on th market tomorrow; one tenth cash balance $15 per month. OWNER. aiHKNftV BLPQ. ft-LAT of 4 apartments. S furnished. 1 1 furbished: bring. 8127 a it close In. 814.00"; terma Watson AV Th'srae 'senT 80 Spalding bldg. Phon. Main 7691. : 10AND 20-ACRS tracts or larger on Tllla mook branch S. P r.y near Timber or Strassel station. Charles 1L Pratt. 421 Hamilton bldg. e .3 ACRE) cleared bottom land, main county road, near Portland, on lc'rici building all and running water. 800; y terms! N. M. Appla. 429 Henry Big. iTaCRES. close to Gladstone Psrk. Clack amiT County, price $226 Per acre: nearly level, on good county road, on terms. T 7"i. uregonisn. rTTu SALE 20 acres. Improved. Tualatin Valley, ten miles from city, house, barn, fine orchard: reasonable terms, be. Own er. 231 W'orceter bldg. 5 ACRES. B-cent fare. Oregon Electric. B room house, chicken house stable, view property. 81T.B0 per month. J. K. Parsons. V, mile South Multnomah station. iACRES o7 good Sandy River bottom land. 1 ...y to clear the wood and sow Potatoes to th man who wants to clear It. W .80. Oregonlan GOING EAST. WILL SACRIFICE. 20 acrea choice garden land. 3 rre" orchard, balance truck; close to carllne. 723 Chamber or ,omoiciw. I, !. 8 AND 8-arr tracts. clo-in. auburaaa property: gooa ici 't. to 8400 per acre; easy terms. j. W. Mel-ti-Uv Realty Co.. 408 Corbett bldg. 10 ACRES on the O. W. P.. half c1"!""1' p? hK b.u war, FEBRUARY 4, 1913. REAL ESTATE. 1-or Sale Acreage. ACREAGE ON FOURTH-STREET ELECTRIC. 1. 2. B and 10-acr tracts In th. Tualatin Valley, Just west of Coun cil Crest, the very richest of soil, road along every tract and with th electrifying of Fourth-street line, which passes through the very cen ter of our platting, you are certain of rapid Increase, both In values and development. Sold on monthly Instnllracnts. Office open until P. M. THE SHAW-FEAR CO.. 102 Fourth St, Main 83. A 3300. STOP LOOK LISTEN! Stop paying rent, raise your own living. Invest your money In acreage, not In city lots that do not bring you an .Income. Be Independent and not have to afik anyone for work. Just think! I have a fine 2 acre tract for $t;."i0; 8100 cash anil the balance In 4 years, oloee to the streetcar line and within 44 mile from the city limits of Vancouver. The soil Is Ideal, fine for fruit and garden truck; none bet ter. Also have some 10-acre tracts that you can handle for $200 cash. Come and let me ahow you. I will make you money. Spring will soon be here, and you will want to be ready to put In your garden. Now I. the time to look. E. F. GILBERT. 106 Washington St.. Vancouver. Wash. Phone 178. Open Sundays. WITH A BIG D DofJdrldgc. Get that rightT Not Bridge, but Dod-dridge. Then come and see m In regard to farma and acreage for sale. Tou don't HAVE to buy. but It is to your Interest to let me tell you about a few bargains. Ask for Mr. Doddridge st 84 Chamber of Commerc. bldg, corner 4th and Stark. Remember the nam. with a big D. HARTMAN & THOMPSON. STEAM HEAT 8-room house, finished in hard wood; hot and cold water in every bedroom; full cement basement, all modern conveniences. Price $5500, $r00 down, balance to suit. Call Marshall-3840, Mr. blnklor. or Tabor 3531 evenings. ELECTRIC AND PTBAM ROADS. 13 ACRES. This place will be worth 813.000 In 5 ?ears. Black swale land, all clear and under cultivation; 0 acres 2-y. apple and pear orchard. $300 In hay cut from this place last year. $9100; J4000 cash, bal ance to suit. See Mr. Doddridge, Shi Chamber of Commerce bldg. HARTMAN & THOMPSON. SUBURBAN HOME. 13 acres, one mile from station, ten mlies from center of Portland: high state of cultivation, good house with water, bath, etc.; barn with water piped to barn and feedvard; good orchard and small fruits, w'lll ell at a bargain- If you want a model country borne, thla will sursly suit you. TROWBRIDGE A STEPHENS. 301 Wilcox Bldg. S ACRES. WASHINGTON COUNTY. Half mile from Metzger Station. Ore, Eleo. All cleared and under cultivation. Small family orchard, 25 trees, bearing: B-rm. hous, barn, 2 ch. houses; good con dition. Lsst crop potatoes and oats. Good welL 1 horse, wagon, harness. 150 chick ens and farming Impls. $4000; terms. See Mr. Doddridge, 8 Chamber of Com merce bid.-. HARTMAN THOMPSON. CHOICE ACREAGE TRACTS. Close to Portland: rich walnut, fruit and garden land: only small cash pay ment, balance pays for Itself In products now on the land, which we accept and are tha onlv people making this liberal offer. FIKLAND TRUST COMPANY. 800 SpaldlfcrS Bldg. ONIONS, ONIONS Fortunea hav. been made growing onions In Oregon and the demand for good onions cannot be supplied at present. I have IS acres of best onion land In Oregon and will sell 10 acres at a reasonable price, as I cannot be on the ground to look after It. 19 mllea south of Portland; good terms. Rice, owner, R. 80S, S26i Wash ington st, 6" ACRE3 OF GENUINE BEAVERDAM LAND. Near Portland, electric lines, and on two county roads, school across the road. Nearly all cleared; $13.50 monthly, or other easy terms. PACIFIC N.-W. DEVELOPMENT CO.. INC. 4uS Couch Bldff. 10 AC RES. I'eep rich sol!, covered with ,.,.,,). .imi.e o tm v for it. Located two miles from railroad and good lowu, 40 miles south of Portland; $73 par acre, small payment down, balance $10 per month; dandy chicken ranch; abun dance of pure spring water. I, HArl.i OC nciiimi", "32-3:;s Chamber of Commerce. 10 ACRES $12tX); $400 cash, balance $100 , A r.ee .n t Intrrt'Rf ' tim ber enough to make two or three pay ments; about 2 acres rich bottom land clear- splendid chicken ranch; small creek and som outbuildings; 1 ml!, east of Oer vals on county road. Owner, Main 6507. L. il. Thompson. 824 Worcester bldg. CHICKEN and FRUIT RANCHES near P ortland: a NEW SUBDIVISION. Lowest prices: test soil; fine view; wood, water end ronds; 8 acre,. $100 per tract; 10 A-. $3u0; 20 A.. $S0O: 40 A.. S12ir0; SO A-, $2010; lt;o A.. $1000; liberal terms. FRANK M ' FA It LAN L REALTY CO.. a u-j teon uiii... ... ......... .. SIX ACRES. BEST AND RICHEST LAND plowed; well drained and Irrigated; V, mile from railroad station; 2 hours from Portland; best for onions, celery, cabbage, berries, etc.; will forfeit .100 if misrepre sented: part cash. 512 COUCH IJIOS.. i'-ii? twijn. I HAVE some fine Vi acres, with water. Just put on tho market, at Multnomah Station Sn the Oregon Electric Hy.. 20 minutes from down town; also some larger tracts, two with houses on. Seo theso now and get first selection; prices will advance with Spring. T. G. Hawley, office near station. 10 ACRES. ALL CLEAR. $430 down balance your own terms at only 6 per cent. At West Stayton. Irri gated. See Doddricge, at Si, Chamber of Commerce bMg. tltemembtr the nam. with a big D. . ilAKI i A.i ec . i - ... i -. lO ACRES, all In cultivation. 2 miles from railroad and town of 500 people, 40 miles south of Portland, price $100 per acre; I1U0 cash. $10 per month. Take this and n-.a'te the land pay Its .way. See the owner. Mr. Soorchrest, 33S Chamber of Commerce. $200 DOWN. Balance at a per cent on B acres at West Stayton. Irrigated, for poultry. Let the hens lay for you." See Doddridge at 8', Chamber of Commerce bldg. (Re member th. with Qso FOP SALE A close In piece of ground. -ioxl. desirable building sit. young trees rioh soli, water pipes in. 1 block from car on Mt. Scott line. Price $3S90. Si. Will .ell in lots 60xl. AD 787. Oregonlan , 8100 PER ACRE All cleared, level, deep, rich soil; ready for th. plow; can't be beat for fruit, garden and grain; near station; big market; 3 and 10-acre tracts: adjoin ing acreage under cultivation; terma. Owner. 102 Second st. iuTaCRES at Ryans Station on Salem Eleo trlc 19 minutes' car ride from city: 7 roo'm house. In fact all Improvements: a eift at SS'60: easy terma Watson & Ther keisen. 80S Spalding bldg. Phono Main 7i9 a ACKKS all in cultivation, aet to two-year, old orchard, best of eoll. BO miles south of Portland. If you want a snap buy thla for 7"o: $20 cash. $10 per month, tms lorcliAplN & HERLOW. 832-331 Chamber of Commerce. rr .... . - V : I n i.-i i i in"' , rv lifc,rtn 1 ...... . .. . . . Large tract 30 miles south of Portland; Oregon Electric runs through tract; finest eiirtrttvlsion proposition on market: be qukT om-AdaiSs Co.. 640 Hamilton bldg., Portland. TEN- acres beaverdam land, under Irriga tion and ren.ly for crop; best for onions, celery, cauliflower, potatoes, etc.; river end rail transportation; nothing better anvwhere: low price and easy payments. anywncre. ,,, v, v,l,l lllU 4th ar Investigate. r : . .ti ra v; x vtn A I V. Vear Russellvllle road and th. O. R. N R. R-. mile from Poatofflc. Forced J" HARTMAN THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce bidg. - ONE ACRE- Between two carilnee. oc fare, only $1010. easy terms: remember. If. time to make rirden See Mr. Camp. GREGORY INV. CO.. 418 Corbett Bldg. e ACRES on Base Lin. road, near Rock wood all cleared and fenced; this acre are can be bought cheap and on easy te'-ms. Watson & Therkalsen. 806 Spald-ie- h'lrtir. Phone Slain 7i92. 10O ACRES stump ir.nu. near lower i-oiura- lila to irnne lor toon una w unim ...... land property. Lueddemann At Burke. 021 Electric Diui,. 20 ACRES on Willamette. 8 miles out. Ad- drags . Muiaruiu, Aiuwauoue, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. HOMES In Tualatin Valley, on the 'trl line, where you can live and work in Portland with the new arrangement for carrying passengers between Portland and Snerwood. 13 mi.es out. We own and have for sale on easy monthly payments choice garden tracts, all in cultivation, electric light and plenty of good water and the best soil in the state; from one to acres or more, all cleared, adjoining town at iMU to 40 per acre. -w One 7 1 -acre place, with 3 acres 7T. elegant orchard, extra good buildings, only 300 feet from electric station; price $4000, good terms. . W. H. LANG, 1300 Teon Bldg. Phone Main 2oi-3. HOOD RIVER. 5 acres of good orchard land, situated about 4 miles southwest of Hood River, on county road, all planted to young or chard. In prime condition, mostly 2 and 8 years old; sufficient water for raising strawberries or small garden. If you are looking for a nice homesite. In the beau tiful Hood River Valley, this Is your op portunity. Price f3000. $2000 mortgage to be assumed: will sell under contract for J750 cash and the balance In 2 equal annual payments, or will trade equity for an unincubbercd city lot In Portland which must be worth not less than $1300 on a cash basis. A 830, Oregonian. SEIZE THIS OPPORTUNITY. 1-acre home. In a class by itself. 2 blocks west of Meldrum station. 7-room bun galow; has all built-in conveniences, elec tric lights, water under pressure; fine out buildings: also fronts on Portland and Oreiron City auto road; surrounded by par ticular people and high-class homes; no better-built bungalow in Portland. See this before looking further; must be sold; terms on part. See Mrs. J. Frank Powers, on premises, or phone Oregon City. Main 8322. or call at 408 Teon bldg. Jacob Haas. METZGER. on Salem Electric, less than 10 miles out. We offer close to this station 6 acres of excellent soil, all fenced and In high state of cultivation, for $700 per acre, terma There are about 140 young fruit trees on this tract, trees being principally apples and about 4 years old. Small 1-room shack in good condition on one corner of land. An ideal place for suburban home. Might consider good lot as part payment. KAUFFMANN & MOORE, 325 Lumber Exchange. ACREAGE and farms, large and small tracts. Call Kinney A Stampfor, 531-J Lumber-Exchange bldg: ONE acre. B-room house, barn, chicken house, fruit trees, all kinds of berries: no agenta. 1648 East 25th st. BUY" NOW Fine 2-acre tract on Salem Electric, close In. rich soil. $400 acre. Easy terms. W 772, Oregonlan. 1 AND 2-acre tracts planted to orchard 4 years old, $500 and 8000 an acre. Call 421 Hamilton bldg. SNAP 10 acres; car and water through It; $ 1 000: terms. 1203 Yeon bldg. 812U0 hi ACRE near Firland station. Call Tabor 13l. or write 5112 E. "2d St. For gale Business Property. LADD'S ADDITION. Her. Is a fine piece of future business property which will pay you well to hold until the restrictions are out. It Is the southeast corner of East 12th and Har rison sts.. 86x118. It can be bought to day for $4S50. Terms, $500 cash, balance at 6 per cent. Movements on foot make this a fine buy. See us at once for par ticulars. STRONG & CO. (Inc.). 605 Concord Bldg. Authorized Agents for Ladd's Addition. WEST SIDE $3000. 18000. half cash, buys a fine apartment site, 60x100, oa Johnson st. ; some Income. This property Is $2600 below the mar ket price. E. J. GEISER. 420 Chamber of Commerce, Phone Main B256. APARTMENT SITE. 85x100 feet, corner, close In oniEast 8th St. Rental $47 per month. Prjce $SOO0. THIS IS ONE OF THE VEKY BEST East Side bargains. Owner, AP 78T, Ore gonlan. $12,000 IN.COME PROPERTY $5000 will handle this; It has a net Income of more than 10 per cent and additional revenue can be (ierlved. A good, safe investment. BOZORTH-WILLS CO.. Spalding Building. WAREHOUSE SULLIVAN'S GULCH. 200 feet on switch by 160 feet deep, west of 21st st. Will sell this FAR below any adjoining property and on the most fa vorable terms. AN 701. Oregonlan. BUSINESS CORNER. Very close In on Belmont; some Income; $11,500 can secure lOOxlOO corner for $22. 500. GO WEN-IDE TRUST CO., Room 2 Lumbermens Bldg. BUSINESS corner for lease. Broadway and Grand ave. J. K. Dolln, 5U0 Broadway. K. bli6. . FRACTIONAL lot, Jefferson st.. between Front and First. Owner. AS 779. Orego nian. for Sale Homesteads. ADVANTAGES of Oregon, 100-page book, gives the amount of Government land open to homesteads in each county In Oregon, Washingtonwind California, and descrip tion of same; gives homestead, desert, timber, stone, coal and mineral laws; map of Oregon In colors, showing railroads In operation, under construction and pro posed. Including Eastern and Central Ore gon; book 2o'c, map 25c; California map In colors, 32x37, 2ic; map of Washington In colors. 20c Nimmo, Kuney & Co.. 424 Hamilton bldg. TWO homesteads in Douglas Co., close to town, school and neighbors, 2,000,000 to 8.000,000 ft. of fir and cedar on each, springs and creeks, 75 to 100 acres of farming land when cleared. Nlmmo, Kuney Co.. 424 Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE Two homestead relinquishments In Cowlitz Co., Wash.; one cruises three million feet fir and cedar timber, other one In burned district. A. W. Estes, Kalama. Washington. . HOMESTEAD relinquishment, two miles out. Hens. cows. Income $40 month: furniture, tools, horse. Incubators. Box 205, Myrtle Creek. Or. t HOMESTEADS Twenty good claims in a bouy; tall tim'oer. good soil, fine climate. Also relinquishments. Covey, 207 Oak, Room 21. HOMESTEAD with 7,000.000 feet of timber; a few good relinquishments and timber claims. 823 Chamber of Commerce. iHAVE a few fine 16o" and 320-acre home Fteada In Lake Co.; will locate you on one of them for $30. C. Lanan. 105 N. 6th st. RELINQUISHMENT to 100 acres. b mile from station, on R. R., good soil; a snap. 4110 Worcester bldg. lor Sale Fruit Lnda, DON'T WAIT 5 YEARS. BUY CALIFORNIA FULL-BEARING ORCHARDS. MONEY BACK IF NOT SATISFIED. 800.00 cash and $30.00 per month buys five acres with full bearing fruit trees In the famous Bldwell Orcharda at Chlco, Cal. l'ayments Include Interest and taxes. Your mouey back If not satlsiled upon in vestigation, Th Bldwell Orchards are the most noted and productive In the wonderful Sacramento Valley of California, lt'a our confidence In this land that prompte thla generous offer. We have peaches, prunes, almonds, apricots and Bartlett pears. Buyers' railroad fares, not exceeding 826. will be oredlted on purchase price. Land adjoins the thriv ing town of Chlco 114.000 pop.). (Refer ences: Any bank of Chico, American Na tional Bank of San Francisco and First National Bank of San Leandro.) Send for valuable luformation and facts to Bldwell Orchards. Inc. Chlco. Cal. OWN YOUR OWN HOME. Ten acres planted out to trees and tak en care of for four years. $200 per acre. Raw. cleared land $100 per acre; right on railroad, school and store. Thla Is In the section of earliest and best, cherries, ber ries and potatoes. We will give deed on purchase of th. land. You can make more than a living right from the start. Com. and get our booklet. THE DALLES LAND ORCHARD, CO., 504 Board of Trade Bldg. OWNER has consumption and absolutely must sacrifice One 10-acre tract, less than a mile from Mosler, 3 acres In bearing cherries, 7 acres tn standard apples com ing 3 years old; adjoining land not so good, selling for $500 an acre; price for this only $3300. reasonable terms. D. D. Hall. M osier, Or. No trouble to answer questions. 1700 ACRES of excellent fruit land In Yam hill County, near McMinnvillc, at $22.50 per acre, terms. An Ideal tract for sub division, and soil and location especially adapted to fruit growing. A snap at the prlc. offered. For particulars apply to Kauffmann A Mooro, 325 Lumber Ex change, FRUIT farm, nine miles out. four acres bearing all varieties, three In young trees, three in heavy timber. Good buildlntrs, tools, stock. Irrlsatlns plant, trout stream. Will produce J2O00 per year. Price JSOOO, Sart cash, balance time. 555 Sherlock ulldlng. Main 8335. MOSIER BARGAIN. 100 acres of fine orchard land near Mo sler' over 30 acres in orchard; only $73 per acre and will accept modern Port land residence as part payment. Address A. B.. P. O box 495. MONEY-MAKINO apple orchards In Cali fornia. Write for "Whys" of Pajaro Val ley orchard "Buys.'' Farm A Forest Realty Co., YVatsonvllle, Cal. FOR SALE! 80 acres, splendid fruit land, 83 acres planted to apples. Just coming into bearing; $12,000. O 724, Oregomaa. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Fruit Lands. 10 ACRES. All cultivated; has county road on two sides; station of uaklann rlght on tne property; located In tiie heart ot the most highly developed section In Oregon, ail Joining the largest bearing apple orchard in the state; among all high-class homes, has a i-room house and a well. 1 he property Is all set to Yellow Newtown ap ples, now 2 years old; has some bearing orchard, Tho soil Is a heavy black loam. 30 feet deep: has a gentle slope; enough for good drainage; berries or potatoes can be grown in the young orchard for several vears yet, Th. place to be sacrificed for J251K1. cash, bal. to suit. SO 4th st. CallforH. W. Oil Irrigated Laods NEAR Bend. Al quarter, deeded, on main canal, easy terms. $45 per acre. Hilton r. w line, ovo j n a For Sale Farms. YOU HOMESEEKER, LISTEN. We will sell you a good little farm of five acres of fertile upland soil for $::o per acre, on terms of J5 cHSh and ?2.5t per month: WITHOUT interest and WE pay tho taxes until the land is paid for. These tracts are about 1 mile from a live ti-wn of 1300 people, with good stores, schools and churches, on the main line of 4 railroads, with over 30 passenger trains dally, surrounded with sawmills, mines and other Industries, with plenty of work for a large number of men the year round. We also can sell you a nice piece of gar den and fruit land, all cleared and ready for the plow and planting, is as level as a floor. Is A-l black prairie loam soli. Is half mile from steam and electric rail ways, and on the Pacific Highway, in a well settled community, on cream route. R. F. D. and telephone line, within half mile of stores, sohool and postoffice and railroad station. There are yet some 30 of these 5-acre tracts that we are selling on terms of $25 cash and balance $5 per month. If any of these do not suit you come to our office and we will show you some of the best small farms, all improved and in cultivation, the very best valley land soil In the state, within one to seven miles of the fastest-growing city In the northwest of some 10,000 people. v ith over 30 mills, mines, factories, with 4 main Hues and 6 branch lines of railroad, and an interurban streetcar line. Tho prices range from $100 per acre up. W. can sell you a dairy farm, either large or small, in the same locality, with all modern Improvements, close to the same city, that are among the best In the state, and all valley land, for from $0000 to $45,000, for one-fourth to one half cash and balance on long time and easy terms. GOLDENDALE, CLICKITAT COUNTY. 160 acres 40 acres mostly 2-year-old Winter apples, balance easily cleared, amall house, barn, and three springs, soil volcanic ash. It Is a real bargain. Must be sold to close up a partnership. Price $16 000. $3500 cash. And modern bunga low up to $0000. Balance In 1 and 2 years. 115 acres 7 miles from Goldendale. 500 apple trees, part In bearing; 10 acres mor. cleared, small house and barn, creek and spring. Should produce 1500 boxes apples this year. Price $100 per acre. $2500 cash, balance very easy. Also 20 acres. A No. 1 apple land Will take 2 or 3 good farm teams as first pay ment and balance In one year. Price l SOUTHWEST' WASHINGTON LAND CO.. 1C 424 Chamber of Commerce. Portland. Oregon. 39 ACRES. 8 miles N. B. Vancouver, Wash.. 2V, miles st.-car, 1 ti miles steam line. 80 acres cult.. 9 acres pasture 7 room house. 8-year-old barn. .10x40, 4 chicken-houses, wood and wagon shed, family orchard, berries, etc $2000 will hasodIscres. V, mile from station. 2 sets of buildings. 55 acres in cult.. 2. family orchards and small fruits, 2o miles from Portland. Price $140 an acre. 130 acres. 2H miles from Forest Ge. 100 acres rich Tualatin River bottom land; 15 acres Is fine upland for clover or or chard. 15 acres wood and pasture land. 9-room house, electric lighted, telephone, hot and cold water, barn, etc., 6 horses. 24 cows and 100 tons hay; 4 large granaries, carriage and machinery, barn, hoghouse with running water; milkhouse. all barns lighted with electricity. Come In and get particulars. c.i. o, 240 acres. 13 miles S. E. Salem. -Vj miles to station; 10-room house and barn In good condition, running water: fins black loam. 160 acres d.,aIfalfaladJ $6,100 worth of piling and timber on the place. Cheop at the price, $S0; good terms. BARTHOLOMEW, 2 LulUDernitua uius. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY! If you are looking for good land to lo cate on or for Investment, you will avail , yourself of this opportunity without hesi tation, as we are still selling our land from $15 to JH0 per acre on easy terms. Most of the land is located In the Wlshkah and Hoqulam River Valleys five to li miles from Aberdeen and Hoqulam. two of the fastest growing cities on the Pacific Coast. wYth "three "transcontinental railroads, a splendid deep-water harbor and the great est lumber industry in the world. sine many Contented families live on the land now. we have convincing proofs of Its fei tilitv being free from rocks, and sanny so llVs enW?elJ unknown here on the har bor. The land can be reached by navl a bie rivers and good county road. Numer ous small streams run through th. land Owing to the fact that the land Is selling very fast you will exercise good Judgment by writing for further Information at once to Washington State Colonization Com pany. Aberdeen, Wash. ARE" YOU LOOKING FOR A FARM? THE BEST ALL-ROUND r ARM l OREGON: BROAD STATEMENT. BUT TRUE' CAN ALL BE IRRIGATED: YOU Ire INDEPENDENT OF THE WEATH h MAN' FINE FOR HOPS. HAY. TRUCK FARMING. FOR FLORIST: 70 HORSEPOWER DEVELOPED: ELEC SlTT CAS BE INSTALLED FOR L?GHT HEAT AND POWER FOR ALL PURPOSES: INVESTIGATE THIS; IT'S THE CHANCE OF YOUR LIFE. ZIM MERMAN 310 BOARD OF TRADE BLD0 LANDOXYOUB OWN TERMS. R ACPES NEAR ELECTRIC LINE. This U a line location; only a few blocks from , atToS and less than 20 mile, from Portland; all In cultivation; small house and baVn; deep black loam -",(,rnac", am.zed road along the south sd. also county road on west. A little work ana money will make this 8 acres look j hk, StiOOO You can take It now for $.H4u. one-half cash, balance in 1 and 2 years. 7 per cent. S25 Yeon bldg. Main 11- A I -l.'U. 160 acres, Yamhill' County.'l4 miles west of Carlton.-S. P.. 4th-st. line i (to be , elec trifled). All red-shot soil, 15 a. slasnea ana burned: good buildings county road, plenty good water, etc.; 40 a. fine soli, very easily cleared. Land lies level, free from rocks. Our first customer will get Sodd'rrdg'e0 .V CT-EbM1- Copter 7-room house, other good Improvements; $1300, $1500 cash, easy Parmt'nt'- ... V'e also have dairies for rent and for sale large and small tracts for genial farming and frultralslng; reasonable PL1CNDSAY & SUTTON. Scappoose, Or, 1B0 acres, near White Salmon. $80 pet acre partially cleared and set out to orchard-furnished house, well, barn and tarm tool, fro with the p ace; owner sick and forced to make a quick sale. Ula tonrl Grant A Co.. 304 Board of Trade. TTTTTt ranch lower Columbia River; 50 t nu'e3' from Portland; So acres: lo cleared balance .unimproved land; house, barn. ..0 auole trees; 1000 cords wood on place: V minutes'- walk to good town. A snap "it 'o"30 easy terms. Lueddemann Burk-21Eie?irl5biE: - FOR SALE 30 acres, good buildings. $5000: 0 acres. 30 acres finest beaverdam. $lu0 ner acre. I. also havo ranches rangms ? acres to 4I-.5. In this, the best see t' oTof oCrre"on today Write your wants. C. M- Crittenden, HubbardQr. v0ACRES. 30 in cultivation, new S-rnm house new barn. 15 acres beaver dam land running water, water piped to house. 16 mls from Portland, near Sherwood. 10 K.rQLNEY. Sherwood. Oregon. 10 ACRES well-located, level laivi. 1 'i miles C of electric between Portland and Hlils boro aM in cultivation; $21.00. Only $250 Jjash Payments small or in work. Is. M. Apple 429 HcnryBldg. FINE farm, well located. V, mile frotr, carllne 153 acres, house, barn, orchard, running water: K0 acres In cultivation. A real snap. Charleson & Co.. 411 Commer- clal bldg. . TFv .cres near Portland, spring water. $110 per acre; similar land selling at $150. Jacob O. K. Kelman. route No. 1, box 2j, Gresham. Or. TUALATIN VALLEY FARMS and acreace, near Portlnnd. a specialty. A W. Smith & Co.. 43t Chamber of Coin- m'erce. Phone Main 3s2'i. 40 BUSHELS to the acre next Fall. For wheat land write M. Fitzmaurlce, Condon, Imp. creek ranch, nr. town $1000; small pay ment; SO a. for Portland property. O. Middlekauif. Fisher block. Corvallls. Or. RANCH o acre., with buildings. 18 miles from Portland, near electric line: bsrgala for all cash, by owner. 1S3 MorruJu ss A