SUNDAY dRECONIA rORTLAXD, FEBRUARY 4, 1912. i mil V ZiE ! 1 1 SfeSSS- -I "".il !- JS 1 A Guaranteed Bargain 35' acres, all in cultivation; one half of this i genuine onion land, bal ance fine blark loose luam. Old house and barn. This place is only seven miles from Morrison-street bridge, on the Wet Side. Mr. Bcektell, Columbia Trust Company Ground Floor, Board of Trade Eldg. MORTGAGE LOANS On Husintsa and Kfldn Property. r"Crf KUKTTB rjcf , KJ (J 4X4 M r mt Tnt HJg. BRVBAKEr" BENEDICT, 601 McKay - W:...auu Ik. lo-tl Fall la hid CtLio imrutt. ihamwr tomatna tcok. H. fc. A CO.. 6a Corbett ld. J.tntc.s Co. ataia ! or.tfoalaa. rALUtR-JO.NU -u U tUi -OS S- Wi.coi b.vlf. . Tt Urffoa Haal Estate Co.. Oraod aa, as Ku.ioaii st iHo..adav AadlllMl. EE.1L K9TAT-C- frale Lota. BEAt'TirtX 100x100 CORNER AT 16TH A.ND CLIFTON 8T3. AflauLL'TELt THE MO-T SIGHTLsT CORNER ON THE HEIGHTS. $1&00 UNDER THE MAR KET. SEE MR. THACUER. WE HAVE MONET TO LOAN ON SE LECT PORTLAND FROPERTT. 13000 TO WARD A TOUNOER. SUITE 424 TEON BLDO, MAIN TSiSw A 437A "Trvinoton bargain. 11 tX nar Bra. lmprottinMU all paid. ira-a. 1Mb. -ar llre. lmprmnu all paid. $4w-. irma, tfih. near Thompson. Inside 10x1 4. l-lut), icrmJi Sid. near Brasea. S In el da lota, a 100 eacn; tenua. Uta, tear Knott. Improra .eats all paid, liio. itrmi. llth. naar Klickitat. 11; tarma. 4i 1-3x100, Inside, south front, hear Sid ixbpi-oTunia a-i paid; fllv. BTAVKR A ALSSIK.tR. 14 Couch Bid. LAtitftLiiL'Wf CHulCE O iRN .Will.? la h:neai part of this addition, nntfiina nicr. acs a-st and vuia. oth-r a.m. r coraera ac.d fur 1 cab el this una for flWO on eaey tarma, W bur wdIim wUl loan money at 1 par cent Interval to bul.d bom on uma; nothing io tbis part o Laumihurtt baa bn fur -.$ lor last two y-rs. you can raa.l.e at one waal a ooi bay this la and wri.l Dot ba In the markal Ions'. r r.. fI.KMK.NT, I'none East . Ilfc-fcU INSTITUTE PROPERTT. S 1-4 acrwe arithio aaikoic d.atanea of fted IiiJi.tuta.- an and c Car: station aujotctoji: 20 miouiM frura Id and AMt; prait.est noma ana in tha city ; e.a Kant v.rar; bounded by ..e stream, caritna mini CJuniy road. A-l soil; ready fur laud 'apinc; prlca fsoOtj. tarma oo park L Tl. utunlajL CHEAf l.OTi Lota 30100 on K. 20th and E. 3?th. ona b:x fturib oC Kos City Park carting and ona west of E. Anktny and 8aniy caritna. Cornar lota $1; tnaida Una, 91wo. J. J. OEDER. Cor. Orand art. and tC Aakany. bL'OLKBAN HOMESITE ONE ACRE, ncn alL flna vlaw, aoma mail ftrs. J btucita to atrtcar. gradrd trt. aidawalWa. water Included In pnra. Tn ntOM attract iv buy on tba l-mil r:rla. Ky twrina. J MT. Ornntan. NOTICE TO BUILDERS. 3 eh-tl.- iota. WaTariy. luo ft. from car; only for tha thra; ay trrau; a rval ana p. Tby ara cioaa In. S. T. IHJVE. INC.. 4-0-2 Board oC Trada Bld. . CLOSE-IN APARTMENT BITE, t w..i my :S'"y lot on East 17th trvet. btwan Mnrriaun and Bimint; win nuka a bantam prtra for a qnu at .a. Vk . o. WaUUcI 1 v Lum bar L chanr. H"KILAM) HEIGHTS IAF;aIN. 7lxlli pratty cra. bautifui flaw whit-n can nrvar ba obatructfd : a!mt Irvrt. 4 bio' tea to cir; mutt acll; ry trma Call t'Hiay. Mam l.M. PHouKE, A S1". r1 'H qa ty In (JO, curnar lot. i'U'. at Wowl rU'-re. 4 bl'' ki frum car. 2 blocka (mm arnixii. Iniutiin danilv. nira. clean tnt hia. bvardrd and tiurtap;'d. ready t. mova in; water all pi pad. I'bona belt m ' i or Tabor Ui-c. A. you want to own a ds.rabta corner (.ktort in tha Ml Talnr d.stnct No e tra c&arga for flna Ylaw. AH 76i Uro- n ' n. corner lot. $lO down. 10 r.f-r month, 2 h!nviis to car. atresia arraded; cement wa;a. water in; tm;rnteruuia all paid. wnT. T M f rcr in." 7r77TrT7edTrTnwlnt.n. wttl build to suit small payment down, balanra la mnnth y lnt n : . mnt s. T "It. Orea;rnlan. i: bui;1'rar lot In Overlok. ail Impmva. mm. 4lo-: tarma. Owner; no aaanta, M ara hall i-4. A"PKAUTIFTL Ta.!ey flaw tot. ftOvtV Dear raritna. Council t'rest I'arlt ; a baraala 00 n.ii-a n!e. Alt Cra'ntan. CASH and f T 71 on terma buya ona of beat I. aura. hurst Iota front owner. AL 774, irn.B. Tri H KE Iota at a arreat bl aarrlflca; about h lf prica takers them: term. Fmlth Wirtrtr Cv. 111-111 Lwla bldaj. lHVIMtTuN HARK HNAP. Muat ail choKa lot. $$iK U 7W. Orv- fnnlAB. ELM KT'RT. RaaTrityrVra district, de sirab; lot for aaia hr owner, wants to city. AP " Oreconlan. IS1VKHSITT PARK Cbolce lota on nka a... eaav term. leo. H. fora, 470 Laat Flora. 470 E- Hurna:da at. B 14 p Ft TTIFt'T. I"a by owner, near Wood eTrwsi and Real arhv.. beat terma iforn reed nt reply. L 75M. Oreajonlan. IKVIX'ITV lot on 12th. near Bras, b'rh and siahtly: harra'n for cash, must aril, i wner. A -W. reofnan. pORTI. A VT leltha lot. Idth a . naiv on e b '. a: fro m $ 7w lot a. 1X0. kut, 14 Chamber of Commerce SNA H $ 1344 el u. t r f.r 1 1 S Th la tot la rter Hdmii au. in Lowtr Alblna. Ownar. .".11 Nortnweat bldar fTne" comer. S !ora. .Vth and Pacific eta., trrma. hr owner. Tt C Watkloa, Homo pnone. Monday. A 524H. T v i.OT. 4rh and ardy road. tmproTw mnta In and paid, pnea 00. 4'J1 Ham- b:lc L -T in Beaumont at aacrlftre; prlr-w $TO; I.10 down balance terma Wood lawn &4. win r i4h t. N. 3 SI'WYSIDE lota on corner Eaat Front. V 11 'X ea.-h. I'hont E.m 1 ri.f.!i lt. 1 block Hawtnorne. 47in at. Mrnr. Maraha:i 17. IRVINOTOV barci tn. tt on Lid at near K r t . ei t f'-' l'hine TlrH. LOT in P." t'lty F.rk. 7.V; a anap. Sea o tnirj of Trade. J RV i NOTt N rhotre orn r tot. O. M. Fium mrr. 4"1 Kj l.'.th North. i.K lot. wii lrate.l. l"n!verlty Para. iTift: A Fl 7H t re '!. I :m. A v. At' Two Improved lota, MoBtavllla. phono A EQUITY In J ch1co Joneamnra Io?a. $ and 14. block S4; aacrifU-o. E.tat S;L lr.VIN'i.TtiN PAPK tota on "th at.; mut sll. i.iwnfr. -l Iekum hi. If. pT OWNTH. cheap, double p"rrr. i3U and ri'imo-'k a a t'hona Eat 33. LAURELHUR?T equity In fur lota; a bar- I.ADD"i ADDITION". Soma efpc'.ai;' weil-located lota In thlg fin trart on whirh tha pnrs ara low aftd Urnii very rf iiunai'le, ttl'j:, A irUdKuiar p'ece on 20th t. n-:ir Hathorn a-. Kai l-3 feet aireat front. niv. Ve-y eiifht y ;u:Sn. a, .-. letach-d :ece. Has 243 feet of ipha t atrcei pavma: and concrvta wi'.ki -U paid for and H"' f 1 1 boraerinc on 14 fn alley. Flna bulMinjt atte. Triancu nr plce with 12 ft on l-'th at. and 170 fet on Muiberry. Vary , vaiuatj.a for future ue. S.ii vi ,vl on lioily at reel, juat ona blt-r off Hawthorn avo. lia.f catu i:40 Full lot on Pop'.ar at. near Haw thorne ava. Ttiia Is tha choicest part of the trac: : few lots for saa here and no othe- at tlila prico. Jiru Fuil lot on I.add ., all 1m prov. menta pnM. )n:r $-13 cash needed. ITlcea on oth-T lots quoted on application. No portion of tha city oftra aa much for your mont-y aa Ladd's Audition. See ua before prices are raiaed. PThi i.N'G A CO. (Inc. I. 003 Concord B'.d. Authorised Agents for Ladd's Addition. TUEFINKSf" HoStB SITES IN PORTLAND. Those beautiful VIEW stta on th Ml! In BEAUMONT. fry 1 no AND LAKOEK. :Xxi BL'll.DINO KtSTUK'TlONH. Roaa buahea. shade treea. I'AVED STREETS, water and gas connctlons inaida tho curb. CLUSTER LIGHTS . ox 10". fariuar the rlty on THE ALA ME DA i-KuuT H' ULEYARI. ON L io pr cent cash. balance aaay. Special propoaitton to builders. Lot us help you flnanco a home. Better o out and lok them over. TAKE BEAUMONT CAR on 3d. Alder, 2d -st loop. Oo to and of Una BEAUMONT LAND COMPANY. Ground Floor Board of Trade Bulldina. Phones ; M aln SIHQ; Allt . CAH R Esi flRE D. Ralaa poultry; have fine nardn; set oot fruit trees and within city lirtllta of Port land la MontavlUa. convenient to two trolleys, school, stores, etc; Bull Run water already on tap. a splendid noma buildlnc site POx-'oo f-t; Juat think of It. as local aa a el'y b:ock for 10; Juat what It coat owntr who la In California; terms raah, balance easy monthly payments. This baata iuyin( lota to a 'frai.a., J. W. CROSS!. EY. MO Corh-tt It '"C HAWTIIORVE AVEVUE. Vote this car-fui ! Over J feet front ii on East 1-m aL. f.'inar directly down Laat Clay at.; l'"3 fet rrintaite on Ladd ai-i., c m'.r.s to a potnt on Hw t horne av and l-" lect deep on Inauiw end, li.5vd si. f.-t of tnt in th!a couiinc business distr.ct for '"..'f. and on tr::ia ndtcu lou:y eaar. Fe ua at on- for partlt u'ura. bIKi'N'l i CO. tine , 0"3 Concord B.d. Author:i'd Afenta for Ladd's A-iditlon. COUNCIL. CHFST PARK Moat heautlfal buudinw site of 4 lots, with ajnofcstrurtr J views f city and moun tains ard of Tualitin Vailey and Cosat ran it; elevated eituaiion with many fine Baliva forest tres. bltuilthlc paved streets, caroent aMewalk. liull Run water, fii. sew era. electric lijt t, tticp honea and vary rear carllna. easy frmi, owner. ItMa) bpaldinc bliie Main Main a4Sd. IRVING WOD la the choicest addttlon In tha Irvinajton -latrut offered on te mar ket today on aaay trrma; prices per L t and up. Tnese are all beautiful lot. I J 1 1(H). with natural s..ruba and small treea. W. P. Cainpseli la oaiant on taa ground, ha wt!l ihuvr you otsr tha land. Call frundav If you ran. Taaa Broadway - car. jet off at Kiirkitat St. LAt KELItL'lUT. I hav a lot that is as hl(th and s!a:ht ly as any in tract i;.at I will sail for li-O. This lot was bouarht In ltlu and buyer must sell; no ba. k Interest to pay. be ar phone rue at ome. V. K. CLEMENTS. Sth and tat liilaan. JEast Main S237. AN" ABSOLUTE SACRIFICE. -Beautiful htjth lot. 6o;i4, plenty of fine fruit, b -rown home, on E. Davis St.. B blocks to rar; apioudid totality: prl-a S'.'iit'O. It is one of tnw beat. binall cash payment, Hve Mr. Lavt.-e. CHAPIN A li Jilt LOW, Clambar of 'onimerce. MT. TAHwK tiNAP. Iixlo0. On W f.V down; price $2"0O; on E I. th St.. between E. itark an Belmont Sts. ; all Improvements in; pavar. aewer. ate Call for Milkman or PalmHora:. with HARTMA.N A THuMI'SuV, Chamber vf Commons Bids;. HOSE CITY PARK LOT. Raat 4ith. betwean Tillamook and Han cock; lot 1.1. blork 47. location; Una view of city; 1 blocks to caritna; Im- fTovementa and taxca all paid. Juat tha ol for viur bun 1" w Pru-e Stud. Ittfr A KLEINSOKGE, 41S Hoard of Trade Bide;. 14 CHOICE LOTS CHEAP. Wa can tc-e lota so you can build small busei and s-11 tnem low and quick; only few blo'ke to car, nice and athtly. $l0O per lot will handle them; balance eaay terma Now is yo-ir chaitca. Yeon Bide. Main U-'. A 74.M. THE Canadian pacific Railway s 1nataUat:-a af &ew pacific Coaat terminate at Coo,ait i repreaents In th New City your op portttnlt". Our lota too feet from the sta tion, prlca S4H). Write fur circulars, a PbersoB A Fullertoa Brca. Vancouvar. Rrttish Columbia. A REAL. LOT. 4 Mocks from car. eohoo'.s and In flna location; a lot hu--7 for only llloo. foma Ljetty treea and on arrada, soma cash, balance terma H'-e Mr. Pvl-a, CHAPIN A HKKliOW. 832-:i-h Chamber of Com mere a EAST MORRISON FNAP. Corner. 3ihtlN) feet, ona blocs; from Mt. Tabor car. fa-es southeast; Bull Run water, etreete grided, sulewaika, etc. This la a bargain at I'ljy; terms to sulu Address H 7tfJ. urea;i)ntsn. MT. TABOR CARI.LNE SNAP. T hare a -foot lot on the new Mt. Tahor carlina that I will sell for 9-oO. This Is murh cheaper than surroundltm lots. Can have your own terma Addrcaa O 7X Oregon is n Portland height?. :; 73 . ft., beauti ful k it'.i I. ma:.y trees, S'i.ih0 house on ono ?d. on the other; ona block rar. beaut :r ul view. For anort time only 17-a-O. '11 toiay. Main S'M. HPOOKB. A 39. E LM HI tiSI l-'T A SACR 1 FICE. jUt b aold ttili w-ek; on 53d. near Hancock at. S-e Mr. Hart at branch eft ice. Zvih and Sandy mad. JOHN W. flK.K, 4-2 Ch'tml'-r of Commerce Btdar. MAKE YOUR OWN PRICE. 9 lota at slat and at. on car. com ing bua.risa. 1 i mortcaga iJo and sea thm and make cah otfer. Positively aro Inc to bet offer. Owner. 414 Couch bUlg. FOR SALE New 1-room cott.ijte, bathrorn and pantry alt read v for plaster: lot 6'X loo Prica ST;t !f aold at one. Take Mu 9cott car get off at Gray's Croaalog. ask for Beard at Ho was store. CEARHART BEACH. KVOxlOO on the ocean fr nt for 11200; aaay terma Al 3'xl'0 for $-', hfrt distance from the hotel. AC 7d, Ore gon tan. Clio ICE horn location on Market Drive ; vonte improvement a ; 4',H); aa than 91 per square foot; teautifu view over city; three blocks' w n!k to car. Oowen-i le Truat Co . Rom 3 Lumhermens Bide. NEXT TO CORNER LOT CH E A P. One M"MTk from carllna; else feet; prlca 9-V Th's Is located on East Mor rison street, nest to a corner; easy terma. Addreas 41 70. Oregmlan. lo-K 'OT frontage on Eu it 11th St., Iosa to Hawthorn are.; Income better titan IO per cent. BRATS A ROpTNSOV. Fast IHh Bt. phone Kast 3023. APARTMENT house tot rt-ar llth andHnlU This district win not it isap point you for locating a good be.: ling- 9 .(. Howon Ide Trust Co., room Lumbermen's b.dg. " MIST HAV K I'AS 1 1. Roasmere lot, 3oxl-). nemr Sandy road, will sa-nM'-a to ae.l immediate. y. R fco. Orearon'Kn Fa T th at.. Ir1nr'on corner, for llvX). easy terms. bt cl ae-ln corner on tha East Hide. V 7T4, uregonlan. 1430 OAFH buys fine view lot In Terraca Park. Yon can make 9 -'Hi on this In a few tnontha. X 7. Oregon lan. vTe'w" lot In Terrace P.trk for $700 on trnni. TMs la a fine bang.hw situ. AD 7t. Orwgonun. t, p4 1 . lot in laurelh urt, n arGlisAn at entiance, 91boo. 4 cash. Veon Mdg. IAT MUCH BELOW VALUE. M'let be aold. 3uxl, Fast 7th and Broadway. O .S. Oregon iait. FOR PALE by owner at a bargain, cholca lot in South P-lie Creat. Address Box 133. Vntor.a. B. C. G K AG E ait. Cim in, on hard -surf ara M-t fne lot. which I will aacririco fur i ?.-.." Ste me St 4U Pia:ding bMg. lu liVN. 13 P-r mri, pretty lot 60 nilnut-a out on yopd carime; ,mly 9-3- c-v in.iiuP 11" THItltt S.T ELMrlCKfT lot. 933d cash. 90 on time. Addr-sa box 23s or phono durlnk week M KJ4J BARGAIN Lot frxctng rt. high, sightly, netr flna homes. Kut 32d and Alanieda, K-J3 Yeon bid g.M al n 11 i. A 74 3 FoK SALE Two lota Portland Heights. near ctrlina; aaay terms. Owner 231 or- rtr bl-ltf. Iftihi N l'K lot. fiat or apartments near Washington High ochooU L-st 401A KNOTT-STREET CORNERS. BARGAINS. KNOTT the principal gtreet In Inr lngton. It Is now belne; opened up through to BEAUMONT. e have 60-B0-foot corners on Knott street, within 13 MINUTES WALK of Irvinffion; 10Ox loO-foot corners, which ara selling lor 90300, at the bargain prlca of 91036. 10 par cent cash. Small monthly pay ments. Special proposition to builders. EVERY MODERN IMPRONEMtNT Paved streets. CLUSTER EIGHTS, water and gaa connections carried Inside the curb. Parkings seeded 10 lw- A ROPE BUPH PLANTED to aach 4 eet and a shade tree planted to each .3 feet of parking. All vacant lots Kfc'p,I 'vj ORDER. 22-mlnuta car Uma from -d and WasUington sts, OVER 70 HOMES PTARTED WITHIN SIX MONTHS. Better investigate today. Take BWATJ MONT car on ad and Alder and 2d-sL loop and get off on Knott . BEAUMONT ND COMPANY -round Floor Board of Trade Building. XT .In ClWVI A llOJ. WE offer to partlea who deslra to bund a home an exceptional opportunity on land Heights property. U ith an payment of 91000 cash on certain Proper ties thst we have to sell we will furnish the additional money necessary to build a modern homo. Parties building to negotiate all matter colnctclemt with building. Investigation will prove 1 that the property at prices from 91330 to I3O0O per lot is the lowest priced prop-art- In tha neighborhood. This property ' is all situated within 100 feat of tha car- Litti ."NLnn ac v v 83S-T-0 Chamber of Commerce. If you bulla on thl .0x112 oorn.r lot located In Iiurt'lhur.t. on. bltvk from car: mnnlflcni view of mountains: on. block from C K. H.nry'. bom. If you want .om.thln itra ood. plume m. to day. Eat ; .venln. C 2ii. Mr. I1- "Un,rl30 ROSSMERE 1BM. IOOtIOO. on. block to carllne. Jotin L. Kamnpp. Railway Exchange bldg. NKW n-room bunr'ow on Richmond Hill. ..e.plnt porch. llri;ae Dutch kitchen, cooilnc cunbn.rd. b-rtinlful bullt-ln buf f.t and boukcaaea, oak Il"or. large bed room., 1 block to cr. hard-.urfac. atreet. l;,'ii furnh-hed with all new furniture, or $2frt) unftirnHheU; T50 ca.h. balance HO pr month and " p-r cent Interest, no iiiortaite. I-hone owuer. Sellwood 1W or Tnlw.r U:t m. help you In th. .election of th. ;te for that new home; a district th. equal of Irvine-ton. with the added at traction of .levatlon overlooking the city. Lara, corner at half the rrlce of Irvlngton mi-nrty; aleo have tnsia. siw i. 3-nii. rirc-le. lv. block, from canine. l:etrlcted. Improvement. In. wner. X Oretonian. ItKACTlFUL. view lota on aouthern elope, near rouncll freat. 0."O and up. Includln c-ment .idewalka. curte. itraded etreete and wet-r; building reatrlctlona; on r,iy term. J-rovldent Truet Company, I-il 202 :'13 Hoard of Tradev Marahall .73. A 102il. HAWTHORNE AVENLE. An unreetrlcted piece. lsaxllS. on tn. north elde of the aenue between 20th ami lift ate. Take. In th. cure In the .treet. Will ecll ail or part. Price IW.S'W. HKOXO A CO. line). f3 Concord W.g. Authorized Agente for Larld e Addition. I.OT BARGAINS. HAWTHORN B DISTRICT. r hae a few dandy building lota we mutt sell: price, only $Suo to oo: 16 down, balanie I0 per month. Call e.rly, a. theee will not laet. Phone Tabor :n5 or call l'JM Hawthorne ' ROPE CITT PARK. A tine TSxl'iO corner In thle beautiful reeldence eectlon for only IIOOO; eaey terma. Thle lot haa aome eplendld shade treea on It and Is el"ee to the carllna. DeVOING A JOHNSON. B14 chamber of Commerc. Uld 1-oUTL.A.ND HK1GHTS PERFECT BITE. Level, eunny elte. containing 7740 aq. tu. fully Improved district, close In. on lower height. 112 feet frontage, H-foot alley to rear, fine trees, magnificent city view, choice neighborhood. Vnln S.-..11. UHOOKE. A SVia. IRVISGTON DISTRICT. Two or four fine lota on paved .treets; Including corner, worth .1600 each; prlc. t.'tkjO for two or 132"H for four; they r. worth while. e. Jamea C. Logan. .IS bpaldlng bldg. 110 DOWN 10 PER MONTH. Fine view lot. matured fruit treee. r trlcted district, near car; cement walk and ourb; null Run water. Provident Truet Company. 201. 2112. 20S Board of Trade. Mar.ball 473. A 1022. A VIEW lot containing approximately 14. 0O0 aq. ft., situated on Portland Helghta. two blocks from cirllne. It lies level and haa many flno fir tree. Price 300. Terms. Le Nolr Co 835-7-U Chamber of Commerce. 1J. v kj. Portland Helnhta. Iwo blocke from car- lie. well, beautiful trees, sewerage, water, gas all In and paid. A positive bargain, being on middle heights, with most doatr.ible surroundings. Price 4O0i. Owner. AN 7U2. Oregonlan. in.10LAI-RELHVRST SNAP. BOxloo lot. one block to Sandy roaa car- high and s'ghtly. The Laurelhurst Company have decided to discontinue their contracts, so hurry. Phone me to ri n v. Kast I'll'; evenings C 2.-.3V .;& KUYS fine, sightly 100x100 corner on fniicott St.; graded streets, cement side walks and Bull Run water In and paid: ail casu, no trades. 1:0 Chamber of Com merce. WE offer a MixlOO lot In a dcilrable resi dence dlstrlrt. on the West Side, excep tbmMlv eh'" In, considering the price, for 10"0. Terms I. Nolr Co., M5-7-8 Chamber of Commerce. ISxK'O ON M-foot street, all Improvements In and paid, one location, between Hra- g. e and Knott, one block to car. Phone owner. C 1D-8, or Woodlawn B--. PORTLAND HEIGHT9-EXCLUSIVELT, lleautlful homes and homesltea. all views, location, and prices; can suit you. Main 3iil. BROOKE. A 3S39. ia.oe BtT9 "srghTly-100xlOO corner on Skid more; all Improvements. Including h. ril-snrfa.-e. In and paid; part cash. -il t'hamb-r of Commerce. FOP. SALE or lease. 70x139 feet, running throuith from Pelmont to Morrison about Kast st. Idesl iocntlun fur laundry or fnctory. Phone East HD71. UAK'JK lot. 2oO fu from 8rt-foot boulevard, ruil.'d; all Improvement.; $ TOO cash or terma. worth tltfoO. Own.r, H .02, Orego nlan. HALL-HI. SNAP. Nice lot. near East ISlh su. worth $1000. a few din 7."'J. easy terma: by owner. 171 K.nst 211. Phone E-st tJi. 14- HUTS KixlOO with graded street, ce ment sidewalk and Bull Run water paid for: all caah. na u-adea, s.t) Chamber of Commerce. UooD buliduig lot In reetrloted district. 110 down. $11) per month, or will build to suit purchaser. 414 Dekum bldg. -Jain fttMd, Mind ay phone East 40S3. Ohi-t-NWAY PORTLAND H EIGHTS, 9O0. No view, sheltered location, levei. a big snsp cash. Kred W. German, Burn.lde. M or A- 2778. FOll'sALE By owner, an Al apartment site. pHixioo on Marshall st. between lxth and 20th; beat locality In the city. T 73. TWO beautiful lots on C0lb and Broadway; will s.:l way bslow value If taken at one. J. F. Dlelenbach, 20Board of Trade. SEE L. Nolr at Co. for West Sid. property. r:-luslv. Oilers In West Sid. realty. K.I4-7-U Chamber of Comm.rc.. l or Sale -Hon. BEAUTIFUL MODERN RESIDENCE, AT A HACKIFICH. 7 nice lartra rooms with every modem convenience, lighting fixtures In and fur nace This la rloH In on Ui. F.ast lds and Is really walking distance. This pisce Is worth .'IM'. but owner has authorised i:s to sacrifice It for t".H. See Bryant, with Joseph Graham, 10U7-OW Board of Trade bldg. 1 HAVE the newest, most convenient, best des:gucd and situated A-room horn. In .well rsaldenc. district at the lowest prlc. It I. wbat yon want. If you will come to ee. It. auto will show you place. 10 minutes from center of city; G00 feet est of I'nton av.. Phon. at ones, Wood- lewn 1.101 T C 24S7. K. 3"TH. NEAR TtCRNSIDK ST. 6-rooin hoi:se. lot ooxloo. 11 E. :toth St. N. Prlc. t-l-oO. This is a good buy. J. J. OEDER, C.-r. Grand Av.. and E. Ankflny. HEjtT HOME. IRVIVOTON. 10 rooms, finished oak. will satisfy most .x.rtlng. conirr. 00x100. cholc. location, C lo'-l. Knt 273. OWNER. H. H. HERPMAN. fj- lit'YS a modern 7-room hou.e, 3 blinks from carllne, 20 minutes' ride to 5th and Washington, email pament down, biMu-e monthly. Ciill Wootllawn 907. NEW house. 7 rooms and sleeping porch. In R onimcre. t:i0. East 8301. r-H()0 bung:ttow in Sunnyslde, 2 block, from car. 2uS E. 30th su ROSE 0TTT PARK AND M ONT A VILLA. We offer a large number of new bunga lows In the very best part of these pop ular districts on exceptionally easy terms. On some we can accept very amall month ly pavments, other, are sacrificed In or der to obtain ready cash. If you are looking for a house or lot In this dls- trlct, do not fall to look over our exten sive lift of exclusive offerings. DORR E. KEAPET 4 COMPANY. 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce. A PROPOSITION TO SALARIED MEN. We hav. three new, ready to move into now, modern In every way, with fixtures and shades In; the entire district is restricted and well built up with good homes; on excellent car serv ice, 2.1 minutes from center of city. Two at $'J.ron, another at S31O0. If you are permanently employed ana able to pay 25 to 3t por month. Includ ing Interest, we will waive customary nrst payment and you may move right In. C. W DAVIS ec COMPANY, 606 Commercial Block. A SACRIFICE BY OWNER. lH-etory, 7-room. thoroughly modern Sunnyslde home, located Inside of 83d street and between the S-S and Haw thorne ave. carllnes; furnace, set tubs, two toilet, and bath, combination light fixtures, byllt-ln bullet, good pantry and large closets In the bedrooms; has Just been retimed throughout and la In fine shape; rose buahea, fruit and walnut treea and strawberry bed on lot; will In clude shades, linoleum, gas ranee and pas water heater and sell for f.100 le.s than place has cost me. Good reason for selling No agenta. AK 783. Oregonlan. WEST SIDE LOT. $00 1120 CASH. The best bargain offered on the West Bide this year; near Portland Heights car line; magntticont view. 60x170, practically level, lurge enough for two houwr Street graded and city water Included In price. Takes quirk action; must sell thla week. A 806. Oregonlan. IRVINGTON HOME. N -w, modern 9-room house facing on the Tennl. Club grounds. In the center of Portland's most exclusive residence dis trict: furnace, 3 fireplaces. beautiful woodwork, oak floors, sun room, sleeping porrb and billiard room; complete In every detail. Including lighting fixtures and shades; lot 7.1x100 ft.; prK-e $lo.Mo. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 ' Wilcox mug. Phones Main eB9. A 20iS. MR. LOT OWNER! HERB Id YOUR CHANCE TO IM PROVE YOUR PROPERTY WITH A HOME. FLAT OH APAHTMENT. WILL FINANCE IT AT A LOW RATE OF IN TEREST. PLANS FURNISHED FRER IT WILL PAY YOU TO COMal IN A.ND TALK THIS OVER. J. 8 ATKINS. ARCHITECT AXIl HCrLDBft. HENRY BLDu. COZY BUNGALOW, fllOO. DEED FOR I.'.OO CASH. B rooms, modern, concrete basement, tile finish In bathroom and kitchen, bullt-ln conveniences, plastered, wired, tinted to suit, large porches, double floors, 1 block to Rose City Park car. large view lot, fine for garden and chickens; payments $12.60 monthly; lot adjoining If desired. Hee owner. 813 Spaulding bldg., or 6unday phone Tabor 2040. WHAT HAVE TOUT I will exchange my corner 100100. with one comparatively new modern residence and three older house, bringing tn a reital of $75 per month, for two mod ern unincumbered house, and lots. Call for C. G. Reagan. CHAPIN HERLOW, 832-33H Chamber of commerce. A NICE 8-ROOM HOME. Comer lot. beautiful view of city, close to two carllnes, hard-surface streets: price S.I'luO. any reasonable term, will be given on thla home. Let u. show you thl. pry'"rty. Mr. Davlea. CHAPIN & HER LOW. 832-333 Cbamb.r of Commerce. 1 KVINCTON. BRAZEE ADDITION. Eight-room house, full cement basement, furnace, fireplace, bullt-ln buf fet, bookesses. den and hardwood floors. Will sell at a sacrifice on easy terms If sold within a few day. Main "US8 and East 11. '.6. 2S DOWN. 13 PER MONTH. For a six-room modorn house, full basement, laundry, cabinet kitchen, bath and toilet, bullt-ln buffet; lot .10x100: only 4 blocks to good car. In splendid section of city; price i'-'."00. Call for C. G. Reagan. CHAPIN & HERLOW. 832-33S Chamber of Commerce. LAURKLHCRST SACRIFICE. I will take S473 for my equity In one of the finest .-room houses In Laurel hurst: only me block to car; opportuni ties like this won't stand long; bal. of $:0.10 on easy terms. Owner. R 7D7, Ore gon la fu CALL East 4428 and buy of owner, Haw thorne district, close In. 2 S-room bunga lows. No, 1 In every respect; hardwood floors, all modern conveniences; $3030, $400 cash, bnlitnce like rent; also 8 lots with store lux2S, $1400, terma LAURELHURST HOUSES. We are agent, for all the good house. In this district. See us for lowest prices. Office en ground. Phone F.ast 9S9. DEL A HUNT Y CLEMENTS, Slh and East Gllsan Su. I-ROOM house and bath complete, carpets, shades and fixtures throughout, gns range, 15 cords of wood In basement, i0xl50-ft, lot on Tlllnmook. close in; this la a won derful bargain at $300; terms. Watson A Therkelsen, 106 Spalding bldg. Phone Main 749!; FOR SALE 5-room house, liOxlOO lot, with or v-lthout furniture, terms to suit; also acre, new wire fence, new house. 4 rooms. near O. Electric station and school, church, etc.: terms. Phono East 1210. owner; or V. M., 2S7 Williams. 76xlOO-FT. I.OT on 25th at., ust off Love Joy, In Portland', swellest residence dis trict; this is one of a very few oppor tunities of this klr.d. Watson ft Ther-kel.-n. 304 Spalding bldg. Phone Main 769:1. NEAR PACKINO HOUSES. $16o0. l-room. brand r.ew, modorn cottage. 3 blocks from car: $200 down. $1S monthly. Fred W. German, 329 Burnslde. M- or A 2778. J $300 CASH fi-room mod. cottage, full base ment, lot fiftxf'S: line neighborhood ; 3 block, car. 23 mlnutca out. Tills dirt cheap $:'-,1o. Come quick. H1GI.EY BISHOP.' 132 THIRD ST. BE Al'TI FUL -room houss. I.add Add., modern In every respect and at a very reasonable figure. PEALS A ROBINSOV. sol E. llth et. E. 6028. A PNAP. For s.1. for $400 2 -room hous. and lot nOxloo. Slentono Add. Call and get particulars. Bl'rt1. Washington, near 17th. I"haVE some very attractive homes In fine loca'lone at figures that will sell: terms If desired; some of these must be sold In a few days. F. E. Millar, 923 Yeon bldg. Marsha, 1 A30. 60 CASH and $13 per month, new 5-room house, lot 40x100, 2Vi blocks Mt. Scott car; price $13.V). HIGLEY BlSHOP132 TKTRDPT. 7-ROOM modern house In Rose City Park. $3.&0: easy payments. Watson & Ther ke:sen. $04 Spalding: bldg. Phone Main 7592. $80 CASH. $30 per month. Including Inter est : new, fi-room bungalow, lot oOxlOO; Albert A HIGLET BISHOP. 132 THIRD ST. FINE 0-room house on lot, 71x100. In Hol lnday Park Addition, for sale by owner; will give terma. Call up C after 6 P. M. ' A SNAP. X2R00. modern K-room bungalow, on. corner lot. 2 block, from Alberta carllne;' f-s.v terma See owner, 090 Emerson, cor. imh. FOR SALE by own.r, beautiful new, mod ern 7-room borne In Laurelhurst; price $'.000, terma Phon. Main 1403 or Tabor 12S1. 6-RXM m -story bungalow. furnished, new, attractive. In High. and; price for all for quirk wle. $2700; soma terras. Height. 19 Union ave. N. Mt'I'ERN. 8-room residence on East Bum side st. close In. walking distance, an attractive home; snap for cash. N 7D2, Oregonlan. IRVINGTON Beautiful home, extra well built. Ideal location. Pbon. Eaat 894. No agents. FOR ALE Fqulty In 6-room modern house. 8 blocks from carline. Inquire 21 E 7th st. N. Take MV car. FOR SALE $1S0 equity In new, modern 5-rooin bungalow; price $.1000. Whlpnle, l-4 C of C. Main 10-2. Res. Tabor 3337. rOU want a bargain of a new 3-room house. One location; modern, for $1530; term, to suit. Call Main 01 iw. air. emun. S33o FOR modern 9-room bouse; will con elder lot and easy terma. Phon. C 2429 or woodlawn 3229 ' H. N SWANK. 08 Ablngtoa bldg.. sells new bungalow. Terms like rent. IRVINGTON New. modern home for sal. Cheap. U.HPr. ruiim i.o- i oo... $a:00 cor. bungalow, fit for king, $3'VKl; bom. broken; term. Owner, WoodL 2714. LAURELHURST. tfiOOO notch colonlaL 9-room. modern. artlstlo residence; this Is the most attractive and best-arrangea nome In Laurelhurst: nothing overlooked, nothing overdone. See It and you will Ilk. It. $7500 New. modern bungalow; one you will want when you so. It; located on a lot commanding a beautiful view of the city: large living-room in white enamel, with massive fireplace, den. paneled dlnlng-roora In Ivory. French doora. heavy plate glass windows, pass pantry. Dutch kitchen breakfast-room and two bedrooms, large bath downstairs; upper floor has sleeping porch and two bedrooms; large cement base ment, furnace, laundry tray., fruit room ; beat arranged bungalow In Portland. $7000 New, modern 7-room home; square, artistic architecture; reception hall, large living-room, fireplace, paneled dining-room, French doors leading from living-room. lorge breakfaat-room, large, light, mod ern kitchen, 4 large sleeping rooms, bullt-ln ladles' dressing table, triple glass mirrors; a beautiful 'horn, for this price. $6200 Beautiful 7-room Laurelhurst home: It contains all the modern arrangements that can be desired In an up-to-date resldenoe. All of the above are finished In hard wood. If you are looking for a home or a beautiful home, let us assist yon. CHAS. RINGLER 211 Lewi. Bldg. CO.. TRVINOTON. Our list of Inspected and approves house. In this exclusive and fashionable district comprises toe best thore Is for sale. On many homes very easy terms can be secured to suit purchaser.. If you contemplate locating In Irvington, Laurel hurst or Holladay Addition, do not fail to look over our extenaive list of ex clusive offerings. DORR E. KEASEY COMPANY. 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce. $9730 TERMS. A modern attractive home for sale, very choicest part of Irvington. surrounded by costly residences: absolutely complete, iiardwood floors and staircase, large plate glass windows throughout, dressing-room, two flreploces, sleeping porch, bullt-ln fire less cooker and other conveniences, handsome fixtures, garage, lawn, roses, etc. A beautiful home Inside and out; oc cupied ail for sale hy owner. 412 East 21st st. North, near Tillamook, phone East PROSPECTIVE BUILDERS READ. The meat In the cooanut. We save you time and money. Why? We are expert homebulldera. We don't guess at It. we know how We give you a year guaran tee. Come In and talk over that new , home with us. and be convinced that we .av. you tlm. and money. You're safe with us. We can plan and build it abso- lutely right. We assist In financing It, too. Bt'TTKRWORTH-PTEPHENSON CO.. INC. ARCHTS. & BLDRS.. 707 COUCH BLDG. BEAUTIFUL 8-room house in Sunnyslde. Just completed and modern In every de tail; large living-room, dlnlng-roora, kitch en. 8 sleeping-rooms and sleeping porch, handsome fixtures, hardwood floors: full cement baaement and furnace; street Im provements all paid; midway between linwthorne av. and Sunnys'de carllnes. Price J4T.V); terma $750 cash, balance $25 per month and Interest. Lueddemann & Burke, 921 Electric bldg. PORTLAND HiilS UTS BEAUTIFUL HOME. Conveniently located near carllne. school and club; surrounded by beautiful home, with unobstructed vlewa of city and moun ta'ns; house of 7 large rooms, thoroughly well built: handsomely finished and fitted with every modern convenience; grounds large and attractive: street Improvements completed: very easy terms, owner. 1008 FpaMIng bldg. Main 8tio. Main 8488. LOOK AT THIS FOR $;!.-,00. A big b-room house In first-class con dition, on East 24ih street. Just off Burn aide. Easy walking distance. $1000 lesa than actual value. Close to two canines. Room, can be rented here. $10u0 will handle. (2310) HARTMA.N St THOMPSON, Real Estate Department. "' ALBINA. 8-roora house, with stable on lot, 50x100 ft., close to Russell st. and Williams ave.; rents for $23 per month. The completion of the Broadway bridgo will Increase the value of this property very materially. Price $3000 cash. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wlicox Bldg. Phones Main SU99. A 2058. THAT VACANT LOT. WHT NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME PROPERTY? IF YOU OWN A LOT WE WILL FURNISH THB MONEY AND BUILD RESIDENCE OR FLATS. PLANS FREE IF WE BUILD. OUR REPUTATION TOUR PROTECTION. IT WILL PAY rOU TO SEE US. L. R BAILEY CO.. INC. CONTRACT INO ARCHITECTS. 324 ABINGTON BLD. IIOLLADA Y PARK. 7-room modern house, full cement base ment. furnace, 2 flreplaced. 4 bedrooms, attic, li'oxioo ft., faces south on paved . street: price $0750: terms; this Is an op portunity to buy a good home consider ably under the market price. H. I. PALM iiit-JONES CO 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phones Main bG99. A 2653. SIX-ROOM modem bungalow, t block from Rose City Park car; east front, nice lawn and garden; full baeement, beamed cell ing, paneled dining-room, Dutch kitchen, $15 range, bathroom In white enamel; com, bination fixtures, cash $130; fireplace, non rust screen, to all windows; Juat ready to move Into; a dandy home and a snap at $3760. Apply to owner. 4:5 12. 51st St. N. Come out Sunday; will make terms. THE BEST BUY. " ACRES. CLOSE TO CAR. Close In. will subdivide readily, 9 acre, set to commercial orchard, part In full bearing: on good macadam road, splendid soli, fine water, no rock or gravel. Price Is right, term, can be had. Call for C. G. Reagan. CHAPIN HERLOW, 832-338 Chamher of Commerce. CLOSE-IN WEST SIDE HOME. 7-room modern house, on corner 14th t.. near Portland Academy: has 8 bed rooms, sleeping porch and servant, room; future apartmeut-house property; price liO.500. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phones Main MOO. A 2658. HOME IN HAWTHORNE. Five-room furnished bungalow renting for $23 a month; lot Is 4xl00 and house 1. well end strongly built: at $2S00 this Is a good buy and on. that ha. a great .p.culatlv. value. TERM?. FLAHERTY & CONNOLLY, 713 Yeon Bldg. WILL sell very reasonable my new, modern fl-room bungalow, on 40th and Main. The dining-room has paneled walls, beamed celling, bullt-ln buffet, living-room haa fireplace: the hall bullt-ln seat, Dutch kitchen, sleeping porch, al rooms tinted, full cement basement, worth $3.1o0; will sell $3000, tfrma Phone East 600. NEW 6-room home, large rooms, fireplace, furnace, bookcases, veneer paneling, buf fet, numerous large closets, fine plumbing, sleeping porch, double construction, flneiy finished. Mock from car, must be seen to be appreciated, bargain. Owner, East 8S39. $.100 CASH. 2-story, 6-room house, with all mode conveniences, corner lot, good location; price ?7.". ensv terms on balance. TKOWBRIDOF, & STEPHENS. 3oi Wilcox Bldg. FOR cut. detailed description and price of most beautiful view home OX PORTLAND HEIGHTS SEE real estate section of this paper. MUST sell our $4,100 home by March 1; will take $3.lO; 7 rooms, strictly modern, fur nace and fireplace, etc.; near car. Take A car. 979 E. 22d N. Phone Woodlawn I 2714 Ca;l for Kay. OAK GROVE Property for sale cheap: 8 large lots, cosy cottage, two blocks from Oregon City car. $1,100. terms. Reduction for cash. K 747. Oregonlan: ELEGANT 8-room house on Broadway, neap 19th. The best buy In Irvington at $4700; terms. Watson ft Therkelsen, 308 Spald Ing bldg. Phone Mai n7 592. $1000 CASH, balance $1000. any terms, for $2500 new modern bungalow. Union ave. district; no agenta Arf 775. Oregonlan. $975 CASH buys my equity In almost new five-room modern bungalow. one block from carllne. C 7S9, Oregonlan. FOR PALE 8-room house, modem, very ( reasonable, by owner. Rose City Park. Y . 707. Oregonlam MUST sell 7-room house close In, one block streetcar: all modern conveniences. Mar- shall 274.1. FOR PALE $125 cash and balance easy: 5-room modern bungalow. Whlpnle, 924 C. of C. Main 1K22. Res. Tabor 3337. WILL SACRIFICE $R00 equity In $2900 bungalow for $030; terms. Main 8835. H AWT-HORNE DIST. Price $3S00, $300 cash. This ad is only for those who desire something classv. Strictly modern 6-room house, with hardwood floors and sleeping porch. It haa wide porch extending clear across front, nice reception ball, beautiful living-room with fireplace and built-in bookcases on each aide, paneled dining room, beamed ceiling, plate rail and mag nificent buffet, complete Dutch kitchen, three beautiful bedrooms upstairs with large airy clothes closets, white enamel bathroom with medicine cabinet and in laid linoleum on floor, full cement base ment with cement floor and laundry trays, electric fixtures throughout. Al furnace. This place Is only two short blocks from Hawthorne ave., facing east on a high and sightly lot and commanding an unsur passed view of the city and mountains, and if you have $300 cosh 'and want a home that you can always feel proud of, one that you can't duplicate for the money we are asking, come out to 1234 Hawthorne ave. or phone Tabor 2942 and we will take pleasure In showing you the place. MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS. Of pavment'for a 2-story modern resi dence, with f.OxloO-ft. lot. House has full basement, furnace and all conveniences. Reception hall, living-room with built-in bookcases and fireplace, dining-room, pass pantry, kitchen and back hail. There are three bedrooms, besides very large sleep ing porch and bathroom. Situate on Weldler St., bet. East 2'Jth and 30th sts. Can be Inspected at any time. Call at 933 Weldler St.. on the premises, for key, or phone Main 8349 or C 3101 for further Information. Take Broadway car. IRVINGTON. Owner gone to Cal.. wife having good, packed; swell little 6-room bungalow deeded to me; If you want a home I can deliver the goods. It must be sold. OR LOOK HERE. If you like my Laurelhurst home bet ter, one of the choicest locations. I will move to Irvington. COGITATE THIS. A builder fell down and broke bis financial neck; you can got a fine big house, most exclusive neighborhood, at cost of labor and material; get particu lars of E. B. DARING. O C. R. ELLIS ft CO., 809-510 Wilcox Bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. For many years we have been recognized authorities on Portland Heights values. We handle only the choicest offerings and have on our lists the best vacant and Im proved properties close to the carline at the right price and terms advertised de scriptions mean but little. Let us show you the properties and let the properties talk for themselves. DORR E. KEASEY & COMPANY. 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce. YOU CAN Look down over West Portland from this 8-room modern residence on Mount Ta bor: everv modern convenience, full base, ment and laundry, furnace, electric chan deliers, gas. large, airy rooms, beautiful Inside finish, less than one block from ear; benutlful high lot: 100x125; priced at a bargain and verv ensv terms. Owner naa moved away. Call C. G. Reagan. CHAPIN & HERLOW. 8S2-3"S Chamber of Commerce BEAUTIFUL 0-room house in Sunnyslde, Just completed and modern In every de tail; large living-room, dining-room and kitchen. 3 sleening-rooms and sleeping porch: handsome fixtures, hardwood floors, full cement basement and furnace; street Improvements all paid: midway between Hawthorne-ave and Sunnyslde carllnes; price $4750: terms $730 cash, balance $25 per month and Interest. Lueddemann & Burke. 21 Electric bldg IF YOU HAVE SOME CAFH YOU MAKE YOUR OWN PRICE New house. No. S2S E. 29th corner Weld ler, 6 rooms. Dutch kitchen. modern throughout, cement floor In basement, .ce ment walks. You can assume $1500 for 2i years. Go and see It and make cash offer for equity. .10x100 lot. Absolutely going to best offer. Owner, 414 Couch bldg. ; HANDSOME 7-room house In Sunnyslde; thoroughly modern and very handsomely finished interior; corner lot; best car serv ice In city: largo living-room, dining room, den. kitchen. 3 sleenlng-roomB, with sleeping-porch: hardwood floors; full base ment and furnace, handsome fireplace. Beautiful home for $11750: terma easy. Lueddemann ft Burke, 921 Electric bldg. A B A RG A IN For sale, 7-room house, gas, bath, good basement, roses, nice lawn. Lot 35 by 73 feet, 20 minutes' walk to 3d and Washing ton sts.: all street improvements in and psld $2600: part cash. Inquire owner. 435 East 7th st. north, cor. Tillamook. BEAUTIFUL 7-room house In Ladd's Addi tion; new. modern and very attractive; large living-room and dining-room, hard wood floors; all modern built-in features: easy walking distance to city: for sale cheap- good terms. For particulars see Lueddemann ft Burke, 021 Electric bldg. FOR SALE Must sell at a sacrifice, at a loss. 2 new modern 8 and 6-room houses, each Insured for $2000 and carry same amount of mortgage 3 years. Pay some thing and make reasonable terms with owner, phone East 4264, 1 to 4 P. M., or evenlnga PIEDMONT. Near high school, 7-room house, 'nearly new, lOOxlOO, beautiful grounds: am mov ing away, and If you are looking for a real home this la a snap nt $54(1); terms can to arranged. Owner, 1200 Commercial street. m HOLLADAY ADDITION. 8-room modern house and garage, on corner, oak floors down stairs, polished fir up, furnace, full basement, art stair way den, two toilets and attic; a home In every respect, price $7300. easy terma S. El corner 24th and Wasco sts. LADD'S ADDITION Little gem in a strict ly modern cottage. If you are interested In securing a neat, nifty home, where It would be difficult to suggest Improve ment. Investigate. $5900. GOWEN-IDE TRUST CO., Room 2 Lumbermens Bldg. HAVE YOTJ $1000? If you are looking for an attractive, well-built, 6-room bungalow. In Hawthorne district, I can gtve you a bargain. Call 1029 E. Harrison st. Phone B 2329. Owner. NICE 8-room houBe on 450xl00-ft, lot, facing entrance of Mt Tabor's new city park; thle In reality Is a park In Itself and can be had for $7500. terms. Watson ft Therkelsen. 30$ Spalding bldg. Phone Main 7692. FOR SALE Good 2-story house, beautiful lawn, corner lot. on best portion of East Clinton st. Owner will sell $500 below cash paid a few months ago. Price $3tt3o. Look at this on Monday. GOWEN-IDE TRUST CO.. Room 2 Lumbermans Bldg. BY OWNER, a new modern four-part flat. Income $04 a month; price $6200; will give terms: might consider a good lot as part pay. Phone Woodlawn 1696. Address 1088 E. 19th st. X. BEAUTIFUL l-room house, full 60xlOO-ft. lot. In fine location on E. Couch st.; a snap at $5500; easy terma Watson & Therkelsen. 308 Spalding bldg. Phone Main 7692. BEAUTIFUL 7-room house, full 50xl00-ft-lot. close In on W'eidler st.; this is a fine location; $6000: easy terms. Watson ft Therkelsen, 308 Spalding bldg. Phone Main 7592. FOR SALE 914 unimproved acres. 15 miles from Portland, 3" miles from Park Place, on Clackamas River and good road; J9O0, terma. Fine fruit land. Address C. W. Lee. Falls City. Or. SACRIFICE. LAURELHURST EQUITY. $S50 equity for $500. This Is a beau tiful new 6-room bungalow, exceptionally well finished. AH 773, Oregonlan. 6- ROOM modern bungalow; three lots; Ris Icy 6tatlon. Oregon City line. Good water piped through house, nice lawn, garden, tennis court and fruit trees, $33i0. terms. Oak Grove. Black 145. T 786. Oregonlan. ROSE CITY PARK New house, 7 rooms, on East 4Hth st. This attractive property will plense you for a home; good terms: $4200. GOWEN-IDE TRUST CO., Room 2 Lumbermens Bldg. 7- ROOM house on East 33d st,; square colonial stvle. on fine view lot; will sell this for $.'(.iiK), on terms to suit. Call 414 Spalding bids. $20 DOWN. $10 per month; 2-room plastered house, lot 50x100, near M-V car; price $0O0. HIGLEY ft BISHOP. 132 THIRD ST. FOR SALE Bungalow, Irvington. near 27th, completely furnished, beautifully deco rated; a snap, $3:w0; terms. Phone week days only. Main B3S9, A 4277. $VoO Lot and small house with fruit trees, close to car, at Arleta station. Call Tabor 159. write 0112 E;72dst. FIVE rooms and good barn, lot 50x100, $500 cash, balance $000. Owner. A. M 4842 C4thst. S.B. SNAP Swell 8-room modern bungalow. East Flanders. $3500; terms. l-'"3 Yeon bldg, LOT for sale, Hancock-Street Addition; cheap for cash. AF 776, Oregonlan. RIGHT ON HAWTHORNE AVE. PRICE $1000. New, modern 7-room bungalow, double constructed throughout, very beautifully designed, and nice lot 43x100. with beau tiful shrubbery that has taken years to grow; full cement basement with cement floor and laundry trays; large porch ex tending clear across front; nice reception hall, parlor with very tine fireplace, larsre bookcases with leaded glass door, on each sid"; elegant dining-room with nice buffet built In: full Dutch kitchen with plenty of cupboard room; two large bedrooms, with hath between: two bedrooms on sec ond floor; very expensive combination electric fixtures and window shades throughout this home; heating plant com prises a new furnace, with registers In each room. Why not buy a home Ilka this on one of the main streets of the city when you can get It for the same as you youid have to pay elsewhere? T. A. SUTHERLAND. Office, Cor. 36th and Hawthorne Ave. Phone Tnbor 2017. LAURELHURST HOUSE. 215 HAZEI.FHRN PLACE. $500 CASH. New 2-storv. 7-room house as follows. Large reception hall, living-room with fireplace and bullt-ln bookcases, dining room with bullt-ln buffet, paneled walls and beamed celling; Dutch kitchen, white enameled, with plenty of cabinet space: three large bedrooms, each having a closet with window, large sleeping porch, bathroom, linen closet, attic full size of house, floored and plastered, hardwood floors downstairs, full cement basement with furnace, woodlift and laundry trays. The house faces east on a 50-100 lot; all Improvements nre in. Including sewer, gas. electricity, cement walks and paved streets. 1 tt blocks north of Gllsan car. Balance $5000 payable to stilt. For fur ther Information call Mnln 937 or A 2693. J. V. Guthrie. 272 Stark st. PIEDMONT AND WOODLAWN. In Piedmont we have a number of vers fine residences for sale tn many cases below cost. One Is particularly reduced $1000 for quick sale. Also some very In expensive bungalows and new cottages direct from the builders, on very easy terms to responsible buyers. If you are looking for a home or lot In this district, do not fall to look over our extensive list of exclusive offerings. DORR E. KEASEY & COMPANY. 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce. HAWTHORNE. MT, TABOR AND SUNNYSIDE. Tn this close-In and very accessible dis trict where values are increasing rapidly we have the cream of all offerings. We have bungalows we can sell on small payments, some as low as $150 down. On the slopes of Mt. Tabor we have several fine homes on easv terms. If you want a house or lot In this district at the light price and terms, we can serve you and save vou time and money. DORR E. KEASET & COMPANY, 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce. LOOKING FOR A HOME ? Better go out and look over "BEAU MONT TODAY. A score of finished bouses of many designs to pick from. Deal directlv with the owners. If you wish. Whv not live In the HIGHEST IM PROVED tract In all of PORTLAND? If you do not see anything which suits, let its help you build one yourself with very little capital. Over 70 homes In 6 months. Take BEAUMONT care on 8d, Alder, 21 st loon. BEAUMONT LAND COMPANY. Ground Floor Board of Trade Building. Main 8900: A 1103. WEST PIDK 8-ROOM RESIDENCE. New and thoroughly modern and up-to- date in every respect. S-room residence, located In splendid residence section, stir rounded by beautiful homes. I will sell on very reasonable terms to responsible person who will make prompt monthly payments and a sufficient cash payment to show good faith. Speculators need not answer: must be responsible party of good reputation. $7500. AB 776. Oregonlan. FOR SALE House of 7 rooms and sleep ing porch, modern and nearly new. all Improvements In and paid for; walking distance, west of .East ISth St., less than 2 blocks from Morrison St.. house has everything from furnace to electric lights. In fact, this Is a very complete and well kept home, easily worth $0000; vours for $5000 with only $1000 cash, balance easy terms. ORKGON RTCALTY CO., 43 Fourth Street. Marshall 8790, A 3324. BEAUTIFUL Irvington home 7-room hous on East 19th. near Stanton; practically new and modern In every detail; very at tractive; large living-room, with fireplace, hardwood floors. paneled dining-room. Dutch kitchen, den. 3 sleeping-rooms and sleeping porch, full basement and fur nace. This Is a bargain at $ooo, e-ipy terms. Lueddemann & Burke, 921 Elec tric Bldg, $2T00. Pwell fi-room modern bungalow, full basement; high and sightly location, on Division street, near East 31st street; easy terms. GODPARD ft WIEDRICK, 243 Stark Street. IRVTN'GTON RESIDENCE If interested In securing a beautiful home, with the requisites fn attraction and convenience that are desired, and thereby avoid the annoyance of building for yourself, we will nrrange nppolntment for Investigation. House Includes soma beautiful furnishlnes. lOftvloo corner lot. Price $17,000. GOWEN-IDE TRUST CO., Room 2 Lumbermens Bldg. DTOSERTED family must sacrifice modern home, built less than one year ago; n'o sell everv article of furniture; lot 40x127: also 14-foot allev; paved street, cement walks. 14 block off Sellwood. W-R or W-'.V carllnes: direct line to Reed College. Mt. View: price $S00o, terms; Immediate possession. No agenta. Phone Sellwood 1606. 8-ROOM SNAP. New, modern, cement basement, fur nace with water coll. gas. 2 full stories, 50x100-foot lot. On E. 49th st. N., near Broadwav. Rose City Park car. t Only $2.1 per month. Year lease, if desired. Phone Sunday. Tabor 2334. -,00 10-room house, near Williams ave. and Morris st. The right location for a boarding-house, and has a good future for Increase In value. Not often that you get a house and location like this for tha price. GOWFN-IDE TRUST CO., Room 2 Lumbermens Bldg. ACCOUNT sickness Beautiful bungalow, 1181 Ivon street, Richmond, select neigh borhood, paved district, cheap unincum bered lot accepted part payment: Investi gate Immediately. Owner, 1030 Grand ava. North. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Klght-room home in choice residence district of Denver. Col. Owner Is In busi ness In Portland. Valuation $7500. Will accept good property In trade. T. J. Ford ing. 830 Lumbermens Bldg. $5500 UNION AVENUE $5500 50x120 and good 6-room house, not far north of Russell St. A good buy for fu ture business. , STRONG ft CO. (Inc.). 605 Concord Bldg. COTTAGE, 8 large rooms, modern: pantry, porches, basement: chicken-house: lot 40k 10- some fruit, roses. Will sell for cash or on terms. Mrs. Moxley. 6710 59th ave. S. E, Tremont. Mt. Scott car. FOR RALE, cheap, a 5-room. $50l complete layout of furniture and household goods, slightlv used. A bargain If taken at wee. Tabor "2174. $0 MONTHLY Including Interest for 7-room "house block to carllne. near In. Price vory low, $2000; cash $400. Inquire 030 Worcester block. FOR PALE My six-room bungalow, situated in Irvington. two blocks from 15th-st. car llne; snap. Phone Main 2756. House 833 East 17th st. Nortl 5-ROOM bungalow. Just completed, all mod ern conveniences. In Irvington: terms. Diamond, Grant ft Co., 504 Board of Trade IRVINGTON" New bungalow, 6 rooms and large attic, strictly modern. $4700. includ ing all assessments, easy terms. 825 Yeon bldg. Phone Main 112. A 745H. TIMBER relinquishment, i. 500,000 feet. 80 acres. 40 miles from Portland, for subur ban lots or acreage- A 823, Oregonlan. SXAP -t;-room poue. Fast 2Sth, Including hard-surface Btreet; S:JS50; terms. Lot aiore worth $3''0. 1203 Yeon bldg. MODERN 5-rooni bungalow. Just completed, choice residence d istrlct. Portland Heights, $2200. Terms. N 7S4. Oregonlan. $1400 4-ROOM house, with bath, pantry and small cement cellar, barn and chick en park; close to car. Phone Tabor 151. $5750 9-ROOM house on Broadway, between Union ave. and 15th St.: easy terms. Mil ler, 416 Chamber of Commerce. MUST sell 6-room modern house, close In, 1 block to car. 540 East S6th st. SNAP 3-room house. Sunnyslde, $2000; easy terms. 1203 Yeon bldg. $30O0 WILL handle a close-In West Side home and good farm for sale. Main 9008, ain. TcL ii 10.7. 4 ft