TTTT2 SUNDAY OKEOOXIAX. rORTtAm FEBRUARY 4, 1912. 10 II - II 1 1) 4 a H 1 d O 99-Year Leases A Specialty IX KAXVI' CTTT lM.Oo pass th cor ner of l'lfi and Main t. every ! hour. Whfh Is lh busiest comer In Portland? A OF.tll I.EE. W have had pla.e.l with us for ! for Tears a choice corner In the center of the business district. STORE. MnHRKOt KTBKF.T Two storvw. tn trie rieht side of the street, where the ahoppera are. Toi know th lo cation. SIXTH STRFFT. near Whlnton. Can KIt you lontf leaee. The bent day and vnlna- location In Portland. FIFTH STREET Opposite the bla; de partment stores. Choice storeroom, with the only one left that can be leased and there will be no more. ST ft K ITRRKT, rw-ar Ith. two atoree toirether or separate, on ln lease, at a price that Is cheap now. LF. B FOR IF In the new shoi- Fitna; cisirirt. . t im,. " oration for hlrh-cias milliner or ladles tnl.or. Ornund floor store In one of toe bent-Known bulldm Irt . lortland. A plaoe where all toe U dles CO. Ml.nfll LOCTIO We have tw stores for lease not restricted aalnt saloons, that are rertalnlT anion tha best In the city for hish-clasa trade or foe liquor store. Al t, HFOHWATIO by personal Inter view only. If you have spsice for rent or are looVlna; for a location, let tie call and see you. GILES & LOTZ t.F.AE: EXCLttVFf.T. Male SPIT. 3-' llrarjrnirta. E. 11th St Bargain Comer, 50i50, East 11th and Ash ts aniuble for apartments or flats, $4000. Overton Street 50x100, good 5-room house, rented $25 per month, pood site for apart ments, only $(5000. Lovejoy Street 60x100, with old hone; jut rizbt to build apartment. Very eay terms. Lease for Term of Years 50x100 on Main street, between 6th and Tth. Very liberal terms. Goddard & Wiedrick 243 Stark Street. INCOME Investments 100x100 on Thnnnan street, three stones and rooming-house upstairs. INCOME S3000 PEICE 31,500 One-half cash. 50x103 on Thurman street, 4 flats, new and modern. INCOME $1GS0 PRICE 313.00O t $S500 cash. These are good buys at right prices. Dorr E. Keasey & Co. Exclusive agents, 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce. A lorely 7-room home in Ladd's Ad dition, with fireplace, hardwood floors, cement basement, furnace. pood plumbing, Dutch kitchen; elec-j trie fixtures are in, aUo shades. Own er says sell at actual cot. $1330 rash, balance terms. A. H. EIRRELL CO. 202 McKay Bid?., 3d and Stark St.-, East Burnslde St. Close-in Business Lot ' 50x100 Feet Price $12,500 H. P. Palmer-Jones Co. 404 Wilcox Bid-. $1200--ONEACRE Fine rlew. all In cultivation, at Ryan f'iace, IS minutes out: 6c commutation fare. Let ua ahow you this beautiful home alte. B. . COOK Jk CO, 043 Cerbett Hid. Fine Income 90x100 Eight flats, nearly new; Income flCl per month. PRICE S11.O0O TERMS. Always Rented. tiyMt liMl, III Beard ef Trade. jrr.w todat . - t Va2 f r i ..u k : r , ROSE CTTT PARK HOTWE or EIGHT ROOMS. OF ATTRACTIVE gXTE RlOft DESIG ASD SCTKRIOK conrsTRi"CTio-. From the spactona jvorrh aa you entef fhe llvlnn-rovm l&xlv with t ample firepi.tce on vour rlht and music room xll on your left, and the dlnln room IJilVi directly In front of you. you are ronfrontd with a very I pieaslns perspective. These rooms are . separated from ea-h ether by buttress es and massive pillars and have line commodious bookcases and buffet bull in In aurh position a ! l-e most con venient and attractive. l,ivln-rocm an i mustf-room have heavy cove noiaro . cei.rncs. rinln-room has heavy I beamed celllnsr. three-ply veneer panel ! In af.d pl.-Me rail. Ioors In these room ' are three-ply veneer sinsrle panel and floors are 'tnrn oik over - - n-- The liKhtln flitures are high class and especially appropriate and pleaain. On the first floor In addition fd tn forecolna: are a fine colonial kitchen H'xli. one eleep!na;-room 13l and an other TTlth woodwork In white enamel and polished floors: also bath anX toilet and numerous closeta. These rooms are all entered Independently from an Internal hull, thus affording complete privacy and Isolation. On the second floor arc a lara-e hallway, two nice aleoplnar-rooma done In white en am L bos:ile an tinflnlshed room (ex cept fioor) 1S4 and other Btorase space. The basement ! n4S. elpht fJ Mali, eoncrete walla and floor. Ilarhtand airy. Has laundry trays and hot air furnace with hot water coll. The house U new. having been completed only three months. I.ot SOtIOO. close to beautiful Alt me.!a boulevard, and commands a fine view of portions of the city and the snow-cepped mountains. Abundance of choice roaea and shrubs. Of feed for the rery reasonable prloe of lii'O". ha!f cash, as owner really wishes to sell quickly. F F. FKRKIs, OWXER. Phone Tabor 3521. F.t eftai ft. Jf. Bickerton Choice view lots, with cement walks in, for $2000 each. This property is at East 27th and East Harrison. A dis . eonnt of 10 per cent is of fered for two home builders and a ehoiee of lots in the district. Get one of these Tine lots for $1800 A. H. EIRRELL CO. 202 McKav Bide, Third and Stark St 9. FOR 1 u tiiDdivision "We are offering the best closc-in tract of land, suitable for subdivision Eurposes that is to be ad in Portland today. It is located on a 5c carfare line, commands an unexcelled view of ' all the mountains and only $100.00 PER ACRE Chapin & Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce R. N. TUFF0RD is now located at 407 Spalding Build ing, lie -wishes to thank his many customers for their confidence in the past and will pladly welcome them in the new location. The company will conduct a gen eral real estate and mortgage loan business. Legal fees only. B. N. TUTFORD & CO, 407 Spalding Building. . Marshall 4547. SO'X 222 On ITolgate street, 100 feet east of Woodstock car. Unsurpassed view of the city. An ideal building site, or a good, safe investment for business property. Price $3000. For terms see The Lawrence Co. 243 Alder Street Apartment Sites $5000 71x100, choice flat or apartment alte. $8000 100x100, choice flat or apartment alte. Cleee la ea East Sloe. A. W. LAMBERT at COMPACT, B 191A. 404 K" Alder St. Kaat 8-40. COI.LIS. BKnRIDGG THOMPSON. PIjELIG ACCOUfirAfirS, AUDITORS, SSd V erceatav Week, rkeae Mala &7 Heights Sycamore Acres 40 miDntes from the chy, on the O. W. P. etectrie line. Best acre buys in the finest part of Multnomah County. No waiting for a ear line to be built. JCo tract orer five minutes' walk from depot. We will sen yon acre tracts facing the electric line,' Johnson Creek or Foster road, for the price of a city lot. Call or write for plats and prices of Sycamore Acres Easy terms to home builders. Take the Oresham or Cafcadero cars from First and Alder, Cars leave 15 minutes to the hour. Get off at Sycamore Station. W. H. GBHTDSTATP 1125 Yean Building. Main 875. A 7342. GEO. D. S CHALK 223 Stark St. Main 892. A 2392. O. K. Jeff ery Yeon Bldg. Of ferine: a snap. The best corner on Upper Washing ton street. Over two lots. A 50-foot lot, one and one half blocks this side, the owner refused $40,000 These two lots must bo a bargain at the same price. O. K. Jeffery 1004 Yeon Bldg. A 4484 Mar. 3718 Choice Buys in Residence Property tf p PJ f f 7-room modern house (pdjUUon Corbett st; hard surface pavement. $1000 cash will handle. A Q f f One 6-room and one PXOvl 7-room modern house near Jefferson High School; rent for $36 per month. $1000 will han dle then. Otto-Harkson Realty Co. 133Vs First Street. GOOD INVESTMENTS rssfor a business corner, lOOz OOlUUlOO. on Killlngsworth .and Montana, Including; hard-surface pave ment.. CJ1 Onnfor 1?S100. on Kllpatrlck O LiJJJ three blocks west of Ken ton Bank; street graded and cement walk. 1Qf"for 50x100 on- Rodney avo OlOOUntin near Maegrley, Includ ing; hard-surface street. (Qnn,r 50x100 on 18th street, 1H daUU blocks to Alberta car; street graded and cement walk. F. W. HEILS, 98 Williams Ave. Five and Ten-Acre Tracts "Five and tn-acrs tracts In ths celebrated Tualatin Vallsy. close to North Plains, Washing-ton County, Oregon, within three quarters of a mils of United Hallways, all within a mils of station. Part of this tract cleared an 1 part In timber and brush. Rich soil Suitable for small farming or orchards. Price $15T. to $17ft pr acre. Ten per cent down, small payments for balance. 7 per cent Interest. For further Information write or call on Thos. Connell, Hlllboro, Or., route I or at residence, one mils south of I. lnooln Btatlon. I nlted Railways. Telephone II. Olencoe. Pacific Statea, Mortgage Loans en Portland business and residence) property at lowest current rates. HOKU.V.V, FI.IKDMJH BOYCE, ftoa-Ooe Ablagtoa BuUdias, TW TODAY FOR SALE BY Mali & Voa Borstel E. Bornside Street PRICE S16.00O INCOME 9150 PER MONTH That fine corner 63x100 and bit four-room flats, all modern, including fireplaces and furnace, situated S. H corner of E; 26th and E. Burnside streets. This is a great bargain. See it. E. Morrison Street TVe have a number of properties on this street west of Grand avenue. If yon are interested in this locality, tei us. Warehouse Properties See us for warehouse properties on the East Side. Factory Site E. 11TH AND E. FLANDERS PRICE S750O 100x100, situated at the northwest corner of E. 11th and Eaf Flanders streets. Can arrange terms. E Bumside Street 916,000 100x100 on S. E. corner E. 11th and E. Burnside. Has small income; apart ment or business corner. Can make pood terms. E. 7th and Burnside That fine dorner, 100x100, situated on the northwest corner of East Tth and East Burnside streets. We have immediate tenants for the property if you will build on same. For price, terms and other particulars see us. East Ankeny Street PRICE $2500 EACH Let ns show you the lots we are selling for the above price. All An-keny-street cars pass this property. Easy terms. Clackamas Street PRICE $1250 Lot 50x100, cement walks, situated on Clackamas street, between E. 28th and E. 2Jth. Halsey Street "PRICE $1350 EACH We have some nice lots on this street for the above price. Let ns show them to you. Mall & Von Borstel 104 Second St, Lumber Exchange Bids;. CALIFORNIA LANDS WHOLESALE! AD RETAIL. Live In California's Dellajhtfal Climate. On a Money-Making California Firm and Kojoy it. Buy our choice irrigated alfalfa, dairy and fruit farms. Leading dairy center of state. Any alze tract. Adapted to orariKos. lemons, grapefruit, olives, figs, peaches, apricots, almonds, walnuts, apples pears, etc. All pay from (100 to f 500 Der acre. We have th best land In state for sweet potatoes. First crop pays for land. Ask for proof. Prices. 175 to $160 per acre. Small cash pay ment, long" time on balance. Stock Ranches and Subdivision Proposi tions From 1000 to 100,000 Acres. Call or Write for Literature. SMITH & SWEET, Inc. Mala Office, Medesto. California. Portland Branch, 810 Board of Trade Bide, C. II. Zimmerman, Mar. Acreage $20,000 T-acre tract, lyinsr on O.-W. R. & N. trackers and crossed by streetcar line; west of K. 0th st. This property la particularly well adapted for a factory alte or ahup. IL p. PALMER-JOES CO, 404 Wilcox BldK. $6000 9tt acres, on Johnson Creek, west of Lents Junction. Will trade for city bouse and lot. $7500 9 acres, in high state of cultivation; 4-room house and good outbuildings; So carfare. A. W. LAMHEUT A COMPANY, B lDtO. 404 Kaat Alder St. East MO. IRVINGTON SNAP Cjf5in"i New. modern, eight -room ODIUU house; attic four bedrooms, two sleeping-porches: lot 60x100; worth $7500, now $6100; $1000 down and $40 per month. Hurry! See it! A chance of a lifetime. I am leaving the city. 601 E. 20th street, near Thompson. Phone East 6948. . DIRECT FROM OWNER Completely Furnished siT-rooni hunt-alow, corner lot. paved street, paid; built-in bookcases, china closet, linen closet, fireplace, large bath, Dutch kitchen, sleeping-porch, cement basement, wash trays, furnace, furniture includes sliver, bedding, piano. I4S00. Dart cash, easy payments. Hose City or 28tb-at, car, H66 Waaaa. NKW TODAY. YOU mt-mm mm tut Tou can't beat NATT-RTj RESOURCES Mr producing wealth. Tou can't deny POSITIVE KACTS. Tout can't stop im mlerration. Tou cwn't firrt another town In the WHOLE UNITEI STATES that has as many NATURAli RESOURCES as BEND, Oretron. Tew can't make MONKV faster than bv '.Vuyine FIRST- CLASS CLOSE-IN prope pty, when you can get it IIRECT fromi the OWNERS at first price. You car, find a town In the world that has' 250,000 acres irrigated lands. 20.000,(H0.000 feet of yellow pine timber, 150, M0 hydro-electric (water) power, SOO.OOO acres of best cereal and grazing Jands, that did not MAKE A LARUE 4IITT. BEND, Oregon, haa ALL-the abtir and MORE. It has lartre quantities ot FINE BUILD ING STONE. It has an UNLIMITED supply of PUREST' MOUNTAIN WATER. It has tt ClffMATE where EXTREMES are unknufm. BEND has TWO RAILROADS (Hill and Harri manl. that commenced to operate their KIKST TRAINS Novemlte r 1st, 1911. BEND now has SEVEN I.jkRGE STONE BUSINESS BLOCKS bei.Bi: erected by men who investigated LTV ERY TOWN in Oregon before decidinir on BEND. You can t AFFORD to Vl JaT until all the BEST BUYS are gone. We are selling HIGH-CLASS CLOHE-IN resi dence and business lotsfl 160x140, with 20-foot alleys and 80 .tend 60-foot streets, at $250 lot $250 Terms $10 Per iVlonth Tou can't wait until NEXT WEEK and get as GOOD LOCATION'S as you can NOW. You can't afford to miss a LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY where the chances are so sure as tfhey are at BEND. Our property is vr ithin TWO BLOCKS OF THE UNIOI V DEPOT. Write or call today for frex i maps and photos of BEND and Centra I Oregon. The Newlon-Koller Co., Inc. SOI Buchanan Bldit., Portland, Oregon BARGAINS! EASY TERMS! S5000 CASH 50x100 on 6th street, south of Mor rison, close in. Mortgage of $lt,000 for 5 years. Pays 10 percent net. S500O CASH 50x180 on Washington f;t., between 16th and 17th. Lot runs through to Couch street. Total puiashase price $70,000. Remaining payments long time. Income carries expsises. $5500 CASH 55 feet on Madison stredt, between 5th and 6th. Total price, $:37,500. Val ues increasing fast in this idistrict. $2500 CASH Southwest corner 13th anil Everett, 100x100. Some income. Right on ter minal switch. Balance of purchase price long time. Have a corner at Union arnd Pres- cott where we will build to auit tenant. D.Parker-Bry on Co.,Inc. 506 Yeon Bnildingv ' LARGE ONE-HALF ACPSE MOUNT TABOR CAR THE ONE BEST BUT This tract is 90x260, is levcjl and all cleared, fine soil. I can uikke a price of about fi60 for a full city foL or $1175 for the tract. Rtigulres only $100 CASH Phenea Main 61)90, A 41&b 73 SIXTH ST, NEAR OATC 269 22d Street Near Northrup, easy walking dis tance. Good 7-room house, 2 fireplaces, furnace, well arranged; wortM at least $9000. To sell at once we can make price $7750. Terms. GODDARD & WIEDEICK, 213 Stark St. Tract for Subdividing 224 aores on O. W. P. Electrx line. Rich bottom land, suitable for chitting Into small tracts. 400 acres, 65 per acre. A. W. LAMBERT A COMPANY, B 1010, 40a Kaat Aider St, JSnJit WO, DO IT NEW TODAY. argaini ON nisiae "We have a number of lots on EAST BURNSIDE STREET which we are selling for 52750 Per Lot This price includes Hard-Surface Pavement . in front of each lot. & Von Borstel 104 Second St. Lumber Exchange Building. MAGNIFICENT VIEW Road on two sides; Bull Run water and electric lights ; equal to five city lots. Price $6000 $2000 Cash Balance terms to suit; 6 per cent interest. Oregon Realty Co. 43 Fourth Street HERE IS ONE Owner Anxious to Sell West Side Corner Lot Some improvements. Less than 5 minutes from Post- office. M 783, Oregonian. Fine Investments t7Cnn for a 'ne lot close to new J f OUil Steel bridge, good terms. c 1 1 nnn for a ful1 ,ot 1 tiocks ! 1 L UUvl from Grand avenue and East Morrison; brings u a monia; $6500 cash will handle. Ann ffn fr nearly C acres right dZUlUUl at Southern Pacific tracks in Sellwood; unexcelled for manufacturing; easy terms. F. FTJCHS, 420 Chamber of Commerce. WILL TRADE nice eight-room house and 60x200 lot In the nicest part of Forest Grove for Portland property clear of encum brance. FOR SALE nice ten-acre tract close to Forest Grove; four-room bouse, and barn; all kinds of .fruit on place. Price J2S50. Address. F. TERHOEVEX, Forest Grove, Or. Sacrifice! "Warehouse site on railroad and paved street Will take less for it than offered two years ago. as I need the money. No better location or safer investment in Portland. T 790, Oregonian. The Best Investment on the West Side in the choice resi dence district. 74x100; new butldtnsrs. strictly modern. Present income iJ50 per year, can be increased. Price $20.000 One-half Cash. W. H. LANG, ir,09 Yeon Bills. FOR SALE OR TRADE. I have an up - to - date seven - room house on lot 100x100, two blocks from carline. Will sell for small cash pay ment, or will take five-passenger car, farm land or any good collateral se curity as part payment, assume bal ance For full particulars phone Tabor 3514. Don't phone unless you mean business and -have the goods at the right price. Owner only. SNAP! To Settle aa Estate Ten-room house, three lots, splendid stable, make small dwelling or garage; lots of roses, fruit trees, chicken house, corner Vanhouten and Harvard streets, Portsmouth. If sold at once i 12500. A 88, uregonlan. Eas mm NEW TODAY Homestake Gardens A new subdivision, safe and con servative, priced for sale on easy terms. -On East Morrison, Stark, Washington, Taylor, Yamhill -snd Sal mon streets, at ilOth street. Close in, near a large school, close to carline of Mt. Hood Railway, which will be the rapid transit line of that district as soon as it is electrified, making a 20 niinute service on its own right of way into the city, and with the new extension of the Beltnont-avenue car line coming practically through the center of the tract. These carlines and consequent rapid building are bound to increase the prices very rapidly in the next year. Our prices are 50 per cent lower than property further out on these same streets that we can show you. Highly developed fruit and berry patches sur round Homestake Gardens. It's a beautiful place to live. Tracts 54x230 for $350 and up, $35 cash, $7 per month. Let us show' you this beauti ful property. 0, T. SMITH & SON, 212 Railway Exchange. To- Lease APARTMENT SITE Northeast Corner Twenty-second and Davis Streets. 200 feet on Twenty-second St. 73 ft. on Davis St. One block from Washington Street. Will build to suit tenant or will lease ground to desirable tenant. This is one of the most desirable apartment-house sites in the city; so see us at once in regard to this. Exclusive Agents for Nob Hill Properties. Dorr E. Keasey & Co. 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce. EXCHANGE I have about 200 lots left out of 400 in Battle Creek, Mich., one of the most progressive Michigan cities and a lively real estate town. The value is about $25,000. They are absolutely clear from debt, perfect title, an ab stract for every lot. Have sold about 200. Can't spare time to go back for another lot campaign. Will exchange all or part for Portland property or for Oregon or Washington land. My price is guaranteed to be exactly what I am selling from, no fictitious value. Will assume mortgage on suitable property, A. E. P0ULSEN 418 Railway Exchanges Automobile Am compeled to sell my machine. Six-cylinder, 40-horsepower, 5-passen-ger Thomas Flyer, fully equipped; 2 extra cas ings and 4 extra tubes; in good condition. $1250 Takes It Today. OWNER, 341 East 37th North, Cor. Sandy Road. Let me demonstrate the automobile for you today. Why Worry About THE HIGH Cost of Living Buy cranberrv land and you can af ford to live high. The Clatsop Cran berry Association will show you Uie way. Investigate the development now going on. J. E. GRATKE, 633 Chamber of Commerce. JS23.000 S23.000 Corner flats on Twelfth street. Five minutes' walk from postofflce. Five years old today and never failed to rent for $2000 yearly. Lot worth I-'XXX Flats cost to buna iu,uuu Draw your own concluplons. JT. O. ROITNTREO, S34 Railway Exchange llnlldlng. $4.50 Per Acre 320 or 6-10 acres in Lincoln County, well watered. Must be sold at once to raise some cash. This is lower priced than state land. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. .ISO LOTS CLOSE IX OX DIVISION STREET Graded, Ready to Market. Terms. - J. II. SI'MAIIOX, Phone Tabor U.-.3. 124 Division St. $10,000 INVESTMENT NETS NEARLY 20 PER CENT. Nearly new, beautiful colonial apart- ment-houso In swell neitfhoornooa. close in; $30,000, easy terms, as owner needs money. Address D 739, Ore gonian. MONEY TO LOAN CITY MORTGAGES. FARM MORTGAGES, tOTVEST KATfcij., 'I fcUMS TO SPIT. A. H. BIRRELL CO., 202 M'kvAY HLILDIAG. Third and Sturk. LEASES! Will Build to Suit Tennnt. We Have Several Good Leases. LYTTON & WEINBLATT, 723 Chamber of Commerce.