The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 04, 1912, SECTION TWO, Image 17

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Smart and becoming model may be chosen easily, pleasantly and not
expensively in our millinery section. ,
Models of soft, pliable straws in many colors, as well as black and white,
with soft bows and loops of ribbons or little brush stickups.'
Hats with flower crowns of all the early popular blossoms in roses, violets,
pansirs and fuchias. Combined with ribbons and faced in bright colors.
Milan hats in dark and light colors in severely plain-tailored styles.
This season the hats are unusually becoming, and it is certain that you will
not have the usual trouble in finding one to suit your particular style.
SPECIAL MENTION u made of 'The Pride of Portland,"
to called by the trimming of an immense rose on one tide. Am
to tee this clever and attractive hat.
The fabric of the hour we have it here for sale in our wash goods
In blue white and ivory white also with black stripe about one inch
apart and half-inch apart then, again, in an all-white ratine with
black border. '
Imported Pongees Have Arrived
77te importance of Oriental silks is recognized in Paris to the
extent that every big designer and dressmaker launches these beau
tiful fabrics each season. . mi
For one-piece dresses and simple tailored suits, as HeU. as envelop
ing Vraps. there is nothing so popular and practical as the imported
pongees. . .
Today ve are shoving the first Spring shipment of natural col
ored pongees. In a great variety of qualities from the light chiffon
Toeight to the extra heavy coating.
These silks are very modestly priced from $1.00 to $2.75 yard.
Spring Home Furnishings
The new fashions are not alone confined to dress, but to the home as well
in our furnishing section you will find beautiful new Wilton rugs in hand
some patterns new portieres, couch covers and fancy scrim curtains in the
prettiest and newest of designs.
Women's Blue Serge Long Coats
Make Their First Spring Appearance
Long before the trees blossom women are thinking about
these coats. Just right for the first chilly days of Spring and
the warm days of Summer. Whilst the styles are the usual
plain-tailored sorts they have many new modish touches.
These coats are made in loose and semi-fitting straight models,
giving the desired silhouette effect One particularly attractive
model shows a deep pleat running from the right shoulder to the
hem of the coat, which is held in place by three large fancy
buttons. The deep revers and deep half-cuffs are of creamy
white cloth stitched in black. In fact, all these models are
trimmed with the white clolh stitched in black and large fancy
pearl buttons trimmed in blade
0m ()jarmuts JJbea
Are Represented in the New Spring
Cellar atloreb Joints
The Spring Pellard Suits superb in quality designs, work
manship and the unusual touches of original exquisite taste are
now ready for your inspection and appreciation.
In all sincerity we can assure you that the Pellard creations of this Spring season
are master models of the best tailors.
Charming Notes
In the New Wash Fabrics
' They are not like those shown in former seasons, but most distinctive and
original in conception. Dame Fashion has decreed sheer materials for Spring
and Summer of 1912. Our new wash goods offer very special inducements
to early purchasers who wish exclusive materials and styles.
Dress patterns, only one of a kind, of imported French fabrics so you
will never fear of meeting some other woman wearing a frock like yours.
Bordered voiles, marquisettes and ratine effects in white embroidered with
colored and black borders in new and original designs also white with self
embroidered borders.
Paris muslins, all-over embroidered effects plain and striped voiles
French crepe in white and colors sheer French linens in white and colors.
Silk mixed foulards in neat patterns, with and without borders.
Irish linens in choice printed effects, with and without borders.
Self jacquard dots and figures in silk and cotton embroideries.
nAnd so on through all this early wonder display of beautiful materials,
that will delight the heart of every woman.
i They range in prices from 15c to $7.00 the yard.
The selection of your nen shirts may be made to best advan
tage norv. The Lipman, Wolfe Spring assortment of Man
hattan shirts is the most complete and elaborate in the city
C J . Ill
. iJeto Spring Cfjalltes
Beautiful bordered challies in some of the most effective patterns
that the designers have ever made. A wide range, also, of dainty,
simple effects in polka dots of all sizes and many new stripe effects
Many tinted Persians and Jacquard designs are in this tempting
Prices range from 50c to 65c. f
trtpeiJ lelour eimittngs
The smartest fabric we have seen there is a dash and style to
this fabric that places it in a class by itself. Striped velours are
shown in a magnificent combination of gray and white black and
gray tans lavenders and many other colorings.
Sturdy cloths in those clean, clear, fresh colorings. The weaves
are new and are adapted tor the modish early Spring tailored suns
Pretty Valentines With Pretty Sentiment
Are here in abundance in large, small and medium sizes. Some are
very elaborate and others are simple yet beautiful. Every one is marked
at cleanup prices.
All Valentines from 75c to $5.00 are now 25c: Valen
tines from 20c to 75c tell now at 10c. Beautiful, little,
dainty, odd Valentines for 5c each.
This, the Month of a Store's Greatest
Thousands Upon Thousands of Dollars' Worth
Test-For It Is Measured
of Winter Goods Below Cost in
by the Greatest Sacrifices
These February Cleanup Sales
Furnishings in Odd Lots for Cleanup
Blankets at About HALF PRICE
Former prices from $5.00 to $15.00 pair.
A goodly assortment of slightly soiled fine wool blankets. These blankets
are of unusually good qualities and come with pretty borders of pink
and blue.
These blankets are all offered at final cleanup prices, and present an
unusual opportunity to supply your needs, as the soiled parts are but slight
and do not affect the worth of the blankets the slightest
Square Yard of Linoleum, Cleanup, 39c
The kind that tells regularly at 75c yard.
Printed linoleum in light and dark shades, from 1 to 15 square yards to
the piece. Bring your measurements. Many patterns and very effective
40c Imported Matting for 17c Yard
Lengths of matting measuring from 3 to 1 0 yards a 1 80warp quality.
36 inches wide. In tan. green or light colors in plain or figured effects.
Odd Pairs Lace Curtains HALF PRICE
Curtaint that retail from $1.50 to $20.00 per pair.
Curtains in white, ecru or Arabian colors. All kinds of curtains are
included in this cleanup sale at one-half price. Plain Swiss, cluny. Marie
Antoinette. Renaissance and many other patterns with plain or fancy
centers. Only one of a kind.
Remnants of Drapery Materials HALF PRICE
Remnant of silkoline, cretonne. Swiss, scrim and tapestry in many at
tractive and effective patterns. Some are plain fabrics and others are
figured in the floral or conventional designs.
Cleanup Odds and Ends Leather Goods
50c Patent Leather Belts, in red. white or black, for ; . .35c
Buster Brown Belts, dip front and double buckles 21c
75c Coin Purses, in all styles, cleanup price 64c
Belt Lengths, in elastic and fancy beltings, length for 15c
Slightly damaged Music Rolls. Collar Bags. Letter Files and odds and
ends of leather novelties. Cleanup 5c to V2a
$3.00 handsome Beaded Bags, in many beautjful colorings
5.00 Beaded Bags in many attractive styles, cleanup ; . . . W.u
Odd Lots of Undermuslins
Liberally Lowered From Former Prices
Night Gowns at Half Price
Gowns of longdoth or mull in slip-over styles with hemstitched, lace or
embroidery trimmings. Made with yokes and some Empire styles. All
full cut Best workmanship.
Regular 75c, 85c, $1.25, $4.00, $6.00 to $12.00
Half price 38c, 43c, 63c, $2.00, $3.00 to $ 6.00
$1.50 and $1.75 Night Gowns Now 98c
Slip-over style of night gowns with torchon or val lace trimmings, em
broidery or insertion, headings and ribbons. Some with tucked fronts,
others with yokes.
White Skirts Half Price
Skirts of Iongcloth. nainsook and lawn. Trimmed with embroidery
flounces, some with insertion and ribbon. Also fine lace skirts with rows
of insertions and lace edge or lace flounces, beading and ribbon, or hem
stitched skirts.
Regular $1.50, $2.00, $2.75, $3.50 to $16.00
Half price .... 75c, $1.00, $1.38, $1.75 to $ 8.00
Short Flannelette Kimonos
Cleanup Price 49c
That told formerly at 75c and $1.00.
Ladies short flannelette kimonos with round neck or collar finish. Some
with kimono sleeves, others with three-quarter. ' Trimmed with fancy borders
or scallop finish. Belted at waist.
Short Flannelette Skirts
Cleanup Price 25c
Regular telling price 35c.
Ladies' short flannelette skirts with hemmed or scalloped ruffle finish.
In pink and white or blue and white striped.
Cleanup 10c Yard
Regular 50c to $1.00 yard.
Veiling of chiffon cloth and of crepe
chiffon with a heavy border satin finished
one inch wide. This veiling can be had
in all colors, including many different
changeable effects and plain shades, such
as brown, green, blue and green pink, and
light pastel effects.
Needlecraft Dept.
Clean-up Pricet
at 29c
Corset covers stamped for eyelet.
French and combination embroideries, all
stamped on fine quality of nainsook.
at 50c
Stamped voile waists in the kimono
style in beautiful patterns to be worked in
white or fast colored cottons.
Late Books
Regular Editions, Usually Sold
At $1.18, $1.25, $135, $1.60.
Cleanup 69c
Over 300 Titles.
Including such writers as McCutch
eon Mrs. Humphry Ward Gilbert
Parker Marion Crawford Gals
worthy Von Hutton Mary Seward
and many others.
These books are not to be confused
with the titles usually sold at 50c, but
are the more expensive editions.
A Collection of Women's Knit Wear That Must
Be Cleaned Out at Once
65c Knit Under Garments Now 43c
Heavy cotton fine ribbed gray fleeced vests with high neck and long
sleeves. The drawers' have French band drawn to match.
75c Union Suits, Cleanup 50c Each
Women's union suits of white or silver gray cotton, made with high neck
and long sleeves and ankle length. These suits are extra well made and
cling softly to the figure.
$1.00 to$1.50 Vests Now 68c Each
Vwts for women of white heavy weight mixed wool. Drawers are of
medium or heavy, weight ribbed wool, or heavy weight plain mixed wool.
$1.50 to $2.00 Underwear Now 98c Each
Vests of white ribbed mercerized cotton and drawers of mercerized cot
ton or merino. Also union suits of light weight white ribbed mixed wool.
In Basket Making
Classes Start Wednesday
From 2 to 4:30 P. M.
Cleanup for the Man
Wool Underwear, Special 95c Garment
Underwear that told formerly at $1.50 garment.
Men's ribbed natural wool shirts with white fancy stiching and ribbed
cuffs. The drawers are trimmed with white sateen bands. This is a
broken line- and is to be had mostly in large sizes.
Silk and Wool Underwear, Special $2.48 Garment
" Underwear that was $2.75 and $3.00 each.
Men's pure silk and wool ribbed shirts in natural color, trimmed with
silk band and ribbed cuffs. The drawers are trimmed with cream sateen
band and silk ribbed cuffs. These garments are non-shrinkable.
JL Merchandise or Zftenl nix-
Join the Book Lovers' Club
$1.00 Down - - - $1.00 Week