TIIE SUNDAY OIJECJOXTAN. PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 4, 1912. 12 SELLING INDORSED BY MANY CITIZENS Reoublicans From All Over State Urge Him to Be Can didate for Senator. REPLIES MORE THAN 1500 ttiwm Slmw Great PoDuUrltT of the Portland Man and Disclose III Eligibility for Suc cessful Campaign. Mora 'than ISO letter, principally from point out Ida Multnomah County, nay been received by Ben Selling-, President of the Stats Senate, bearing expression f to ring bis entering the race for the United State Senate on the Republican ticket. The replies are In response to letter sent out by Mr. 6elllng to many part or in state ask ing for expressions of opinion as to Las advisability of his announcing his candidacy. Of the number sent out. 3000 were to Democrats and 7000 to Republicans. The replies received are nearly all favorable, urging Mr. Belling to be come a candidate and expressing con fldence of bis success. Mr. Selling said last night that he baa not fully decided ret whether to enter the race. it being his Intention to Investigate even further before making any an nouncemenL The letters represent all classei Many Interesting replies have been re cetved. Letters Reflect Feellag. Following are extracts from some of the letters showlna- the trend of pinion In some of the districts of the state rttirClol tne inuea States Senatorsblp: Sheridan Ton should have the sup port of every honest, honorable Ure gonlan who wishes the best Interests of Oregon looked after by man who Is qualified to do so. lou nave nu; friends In this locality. Creswell Am only glad to have, you enter the race for Senator and will eurelr alve vou mr support. a It eema to me we need a ebanir. and someone test really knows tne state of affairs of tins state ana noi me Fast. I can truthfully say that I know of no one else that I couid support any better than Ben Selling. Reer4 A lose Encash. Araltjr Let your record as a proares iv. Hmuhllcan for !0 years stand back of you. and enter the race for In tied states Senator, it any one man can get there, you have the beat show. La Grande It will be a pleasure to evtenri to vou mv heart v co-operation and support. A man who ha made a success of his own business ha the ability to succeed for others. Clatskante Enter the race by all means. Vou have made a very cred itable state Senator and I hope tqhatl you as Unite, states Senator for Ore - Ron. Columbia County, a you know. Is strong for Statement No. 1. and also a true, and consistent Republican County. I think you would receive fine support from hero. Basra Held Be Failure. Gresham Business matters have taken me over quite a portion of Yam Hill Washington. Marlon and Benton Counties, and I feel safe in saying that no man now prominent before the Re- fubllcan party stands a better show or the Senatorial toga than yourself. Most of us feel that Mr. Bourne has been a raiiure in nis position ana wisu him to retire. Yamhill 1 can truthfully assure you that I would rather see you elected to the United States Senate than any other Republican in Oregon, and I am honest In saying that in case you get the nomination I believe you will be elected, and as I am an older man than you. I want to ssy not to lose lgnt OI tne xaci cnai ine progressive man Is the only man that will satisfy the people. Keep this fact before you. and I feel sure you will be successful, for the time Is not comlnic. but already here, that the man who stands for the people is the man. . McMlnnvllle it Oreron Is to be rep resented by a Republican In the United States Senate after March 4. 113. noth ing would give me more pleasure than t see you eieciea. as a pioneer, i successful business man and broad gauced and philanthropic cltlsen. I en tertain the highest respect for you. Astoria Glad to hear from you. Good lurk! Will support you every way pos. sJble. Bweeewa Is Predicted. Eurene I shall take crest ploasur in supporting you for this office. Judo;. Ing from the candidates already in tne field. 1 believe you will succeed. I am sure that if elected tou will do Ore gon rood service In the United Stale Hillsboro I see no reason why you shoul.t not sto into It and secure the election. I know the Republican party is badly divided on Mr. Bourne, but know no reason why you should not get the united support or our party. IrrlsTon You will ret my support. and I think you can poll every vote in tins district. Gresham I am of the opinion that there is no doubt that there Is no stronrer man In Oreson than Ben Sell ing, nor no man in Oregon more loyal to his state than he. and If Ben Soll tnc runs for that office I will give him my support. Portland Am verv mnch -pleased that you have entered the race for Unlle.i States Senator. Tour Interests are all here in the City of Portland and the State of Oreron. I can give you my hearty support. Grants Pass While T have been a resident of Oregon only four years, and only, according to the knowledne I have learned In that time. I see no reason why a man of your caliber shall not succeed In obtaining this Important position. Party Could Ualte. Portland From personal knowledge and from close observation for the past eight years. I am of the opinion that you will receive the hearty Indorse ment of the prorresslve Republicans and that you will appeal strongly to the standpatters. . Prinevlile I want to see you win, and I believe you can. I do hope that nutters mav not be complicated by too many Republican candidates. It Is too serious a matter at this time for the Republicans to blunder. I have taken the matter up with a few leading Re- rubllcans and find them enthusiastio or you. Saiem Tour Interests, your experi ence as a legislator, your knowledge of the resources of the state, your suc cess as a business man. all lead me to believe that there is no man who could or would represent the state as well as yourself. Siielburn We would advise you to enter the race. We believe you can succeed. Lyons Tou will have all my support and lot more. Hosae Man Preferred. Grants Pass Tour of recent date received and tn reply must say that I think Oreron Is ona of the most neglected states In the Union. Accord ing to my opinion. It has a set of very poor Senators, and I can see no reason why a rood business man that know what Oreron needs, and will see that she rets her shsre. shall not run for this important position. wlldervllle I would prefer an Ore gon man to an Eastern man. The Dalles I am for any one that can best Senator J. Bourne. I have no use for him. Eurene I fully agree with you that Senator Jonathan Bourne. Jr., Is not a resident of Oregon, and nothing In hi career in the United States Senate oul4 indicate that it was endeavor- , Inr to represent the constituency in tins state. It Is certainly a matter to be much deplored that Oreron should have at this time such a poor repre sentation In the United States Senate, lieyond all question of doubt we have the poorest representation there now that oreron has ever had since It be came a state. Wilson vllle Do not know much about politics In this vicinity, but we think you would stand a better show than Senator Bourne, and personally we should favor you. Newberr I do not see any reason why you shouM not enter the race for Senator. I believe that we should have Senator who takes more interest in his stst than some other state. Wl, lamina I believe you are tne one that can save this state from Bourneism. and hope you will see your way clear to enter the race. What we want is rood, conservative men to rep resent us. Men who have made a suc cess In their own affairs should be the ones to represent the state. Rainier It is high time that we have a Senator from this state that will rep resent the cltlxens of Oreron, and In order to get that representation It Is r.ecewsary, in my opinion, to elect a man that has some Interests here. Mllwaukie I am of the opinion that the office should be held by one whose Interests are centered in Oreron, and naturally you would know more about cur needs than a man that has prac tically no Interests here. Bovrae Is Opposed. Pallas I am opposed to Bourne first, last and ail the time, as I do not con sider him a Republican. There has been several other names mentioned In connection with this hiirh office, but you are the onlv one so far, tn my can did opinion, that would stand any chArw-e of defeatlnr him. Dufur I ber to say that as between you and Senator Jonathan Bourne 1 HYLAND RETIRES, CLYDE JOINS RACE Latest Developments Leave -Three In Contest for Laf ferty's Place. MADDEN IS NOT TO RUN Dan McAllen, Announce Candidacy for Nomination as County Com missionerMany Flle for Other Places. The withdrawal of George M. Hy- land from and the entrance of Ralph C. Clvde Into the race for the Repub lican nomination for Representative In MEN- WHO ARE SEEKING REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS. 1 :. r i. .. Xt 4 Dan MeAllea, Who Weald Be Conaty Commtealoaer. H. Fltr.rerald, Aspirant Office of Sheriff. fer am strongly in your favor and hop you will conclude to enter tne race. Ontario I have always been a Re- Bublican. yet I do not think that Mr. ourne has been of any great value to our state, and nt Oregon's rep resentation in the Senate should be a man of our times ana one wno is thoroughly 'conversant with the needs of our state. The Da lea I can see no reason wny you could not win over Bourne. Bourn is no lonrer an Oregonian. Hood Klver I am frank to say m an, rirmlv convinced that Jonathan Bourne is not truly a representative of the State of Oregon, and feel that wo need a cbanre. Baker We would be pleasea to sup port you: in fact, will support any gooa. straigni, live cbhuiu.iv .cv Jonathan Bourne. We do not consider that he Is representative. In fact, he Is not the true of a man wa would like to see hold the office. Astoria Go to it. Anypoay is oei- ter than Bourne. Independence I am a siauncn rte- nithlirin And woolrt stlODOTt IDT man other than Jonathan Bourne, Jr. tor United States Senator. I know of you and your work and will do all In my fower ior your nomination im viw- iornt am ready for anyone but T)mira mnA want to luDDort the can didate that Oregon puts In the field. Any candidate that come out n the Republican ticket will carry the county unst tjoume. ilckreall Any Republican will do me except Senator Bourne. um.horn I asTTea with vou In re card to Mr. Bourne. He eems to hav more business interests in than In Oregon, hence his working more for that Interest man ior Ore gon. Ashland I am in favor of Oregon be-Ina- represented by an Oregon citizen. nd one wno is in toucn wnn ine com-. mon mod eu ratner man iram Street. New York City. It seems to be tn custom to elect rich men to the L nlted Stales Senate, who take up their residence In tne J-.asi. ana seem m m larrelv controlled by Eastern senti ment, and this I count very wrong. Astoria I am In ravor or you or any other rood Republican that can ret in and neat Mr. Bourne. I believe it win be the safest way to rel one gooa man C H. Carry, Candidate for Re pablleaa Delegate to Matleaal OeaveatloB. against him. rather than to put too manv in the rieia. as no i a very ioxy politician and can fool a rreat many t the voters witn nis literature wnicn spreads broadcast over the state. RoJeburg- I would prefer to support yourself as a true Oreronian rather than a foreigner, so to speak. Need of Oregoalaa See a. Portland Oreron undoubtedly need In the United States Senate a man whose Interests are here and who com mands the respect and confidence of he cltlxens of this state for what he is and what he has done. We certainly ave not such a man in Jonathan Bourne. Hood River I have the utmost con- Idence In your sincerity regarding Statement No. 1, notwithstanding; the act that we did not aKree upon that nt I wish our state constitution could be chanred with a provision that nlted States senators could be elected Irectly by the people, the same as Governor. Cnrvailis A lour as you believe in Statement No. 1. and will do what you can for the best interests of the peo- le, I will ao wnat i can to neip you in. Astoria If tou can beat Senator ourne for goodness sake run. All of torlA will vnfM for the man fhv hink will stand any kind of a chancel ,,. .1 " -" A" "It to do thia. J prisoners iu me uiuui u m wiuu Congress from the newly-created Third Oregon District, comprising Multnomah County, and the filing by Dan McAllen of notice that he will be a candidate for the Republican nomination for County Commissioner to succeed W. L. Lightner were the principal political developments of yesterday. Mr. McAllen has been a resident of Portland for 13 years and until recently conducted a dry goods store at Third and Morrison streets. He was forced to retire from business by poor health and finally left Portland for the East to recuperate. Upon bis return he had entirely recovered and Intends to go back into business here again. This Is my first venture Into poli tics." said Mr. McAllen yesterday, "but I Intend to make a hard fight for the nomination. I have been asked to en ter the race by a number of business men and will have their support In my campaign. If I am nominated and elected I will, during my term of office, administer the affairs of that office in the same manner that I have conducted my private business. I refer to my well-known record covering a quarter century." Mr. McAllen played an important part In the Industrial affairs of the city until he retired from business. Among other things he was Instrumental In bringing about the Lewis and Clark fair. He ha adopted the slogan, "A strict business administration." Clyde Files Biotic. Mr. Clyde yesterday forwarded to the Secretary of State at Salem a for mal announcement of his candidacy for the Republican nomination for Repre senatlve In Congress. Mr. Clyde was a member of the 111 Legislature, being elected a member of the House from tti.j county. In hi race for Congress he Is relying on the same sources of strength that made for his election to the Legislature to elevate him to the National legislative body. It Is not the Intention of Mr. Clyde, he said yesterday, to conduct a particularly active campaign. He says he will be conteht to leave his candi dacy to his friends. He announce hlmsl. as a "progressive" and reaf firms Lis allegiance to the Oregon system. Entrance of Mr. Clyde and the re tirement of George M. Hyland, George W. Hasen and C. N. McArthur as prob able candidates, leaves three actual candidates in the field for the nomina tion. They are Circuit Judge Oanten beln. A. W. Lafferty and Mr. Clyde. Mr. Clyde Is authority for the statement that Andy J. Madsen, proposed as a can didate for the same office by the Work Ingmen's Political Club, representing organised labor, will not qualify and enter the contest. Both Mr. Clyde and Mr. Lafferty are figuring on the sup port of the trades unionists, but to date this following ha not Indorsed any of the candidate in the field. Ilylaad Drop Oat. "With due appreciation for (ha kind ness and encouragement of many friends. I beg to withdraw my name from further consideration as a candi date for Congress In the coming pri mary, said Mr. Hyland in a statement directed yesterday to the voter of Multnomah County. Having become Interested In devel opment work on a somewhat extensive scale and more recently made the offi cial head of the Mount Hood Railway Development Company, I do not feel that I could afford to devote the neces sary time to the duties of Representa tive should I win, as that of Itself 1 an occupation. Notice of candidacy filed yesterday with County Clerk Fields Include those of W. C. North, a Deputy County As sessor; J. T. Wilson, an auctioneer, and W. H. Fitzgerald, a cigar-maker and member of Mayor Rushlight's Executive Board, for the Republican nomination for Sheriff: W. S. Hufford and James E. Cralb. attorneys, who are seeklna- Re publican nominations for Justice of the Peace, Portland district, adn Fred Frischkorn, who wants the Republican nomination for Constable. Korta for Combined Force. Mr. North declare that be will favor an arrangement with the County As sessor and the County Clerk by which the same force of deputies would com pile assessments, extend the tax roll and collect the taxes. He believes that this would result In a great saving. His slogan Is: "Strict enforcement of the law and collection of all taxes." W. H. Fltxgerald promises rigid reg ulation of the roadhouses and says he Is tn favor of a measure which would place the care and feeding of county Court, to the end that roadbuildlng may continue unhampered. After his name on the ballot Mr. Fitzgerald wants printed: "Flat salary, no fees or emolu ments." Michael J. Murnane, another member of the Executive Board, who filed for the Republican nomination for Sheriff, will withdraw, it is understood. In favor of Fitzgerald. Both are members of organized labor, and It Is from that source that Fitzgerald expects to draw his strength. Law Enforcement Promised. Mr. Wilson sees In the office of Sheriff an opportunity to "assist the upbuilding of the best interests of the community. He promises to enforce all laws with out fear or favor, and that the office "will not be made subservient to self ish Interests or partisan politics, but, so far as In my power, will be operated for the good of the whole people." His slogan Is: "A business administration of the law. wiihout fear or favor." If elected as a Justice of the Peace, W. S. Hufford declares that he will ad' minister Justice to all alike and see that no rights are defeated by techni calities. After his name he wants printed: "Equal Justice and courteous treatment to ail. "I will perform the duties faithfully and honestly and to the best of my ability, without fear or favor," declares Mr. Cralb, whose slogan is: "Progres sive administration, advocate recall and enforcement of corrupt practices act." Fred A. Frischkorn. of 408 Main street, has filed for the Republican nom ination for Constable. He promises to conduct the office honestly and declares that papers will be served without graft. As a slogan 'he has adopted: "Progressive enforcement of law; fear less administration without graft; Jus tice to all." G. H. CAREY IS ASPIRANT LAWYER CANDIDATE AS DELE GATE FROM OREGOX. Portland Man File Nomination for Republican K representative at National Convention. Expressing his personal preference for the renomlnatlon of President Taft, but declaring that he will consider it hi sacred duty to vote and work for the nomination of the candidates for President and Vice-President whom the Republican electors of Oregon shall In dorse at the April primary, C. H. Carey, a member of the law firm of Carey & Kerr, has announced his candidacy for delegate to the . Republican National convention to be held at Chicago June IS. Judge Carey ha resided in Oregon since 1881, coming here when 26 year of age, and has practiced law continu ously In Portland since that time. In a statement accompanying his an nouncement of candidacy, he said yes terday: If the Republicans of Oregon see fit to elect me a delegate to the National convention I will accept the duty with a full sense of the obligation to sup port and work for the nomination of the ceoDle's choice for President and V ice-President, Under the plan adopted In Oregon In 1910, the party win not only elect the delegates to the con vention, but will express a preference for the National ticket, and I shall look upon the election as enjoining upon me a sacred duty, which I will neither shirk nor seek to evade. I am a sincere and earnest believer In the principles for which the Repub lican party stands, and while I do not assert that all the virtue and all the patriotism of the country are among the Republicans. I think the welfare of the Nation will be best secured by the election of a Republican President in 191. I will rrankiy say mat as mailers now stand my personal prererence is for the re-election of President Taft. I think there can be no denial of the SYNOPSIS OF THE AJWTJAL. STATE MENT OF TBS Maryland Casualty Co. of Baltimore, In the State of Maryland, on the 81t day of December, 1911. mads to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: Capital. Amount of capital paid up gl.000,000.00 Income. Premiums received d urine the year $5,031,810.03 Interest, dividends and rents re ceived during- tha year 229,470.44 Gross profit on sale of securities. 10,472.50 Gross Increase la book value of securities 42,562.80 Total Income J5.8 10,321.77 Disbursements. Losses paid durlnr the year, ln- cludnlr adjustment expenses, etc $2,810,040.10 Dividends paid during the year on capital stock 178,000.00 Commissions and salaries paid durlnr the year 1.752.8072 Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year 147,821.97 Amount of all other expenditures 295.845.R5 Gross loss on sales of securities 42.50 Gross decrease in book value of securities 18,709.43 Total expenditures (4.694.966.07 Assets. Value of real estate owned $ 8S7.S99.42 Value of stocks and bonds owned 4.478.40O.76 Loans an mortgage and collat eral, etc, 8.000.00 Cash In banka and on hand llo.220.0O Reinsured losses due from other companies . 1,856.88 Premlumi In course of collec tion and in transmission..... 848.820.24 Salvage 3,170.29 Interest and rents due and ac crued 29.680.TX Total assets (6,819,758.80 Total asseta admitted in- Ore son ,81.783.80 Liabilities. Gross claims for losaes unpaid. .(L262846.96 Contingent reserve for unadjust- . ed claims 100.000.00 Amount of unearned premiums on all outstanding risks 2,858.782.22 Due for commission and broker age 229,048.46 All other liabilities, bills, ac counts, etc, accrued S.Os.2.77 Taxes due or accrued 85,821.14 Reinsurance premlumi due other companies - 2.116.25 Total liabilities (4.043,115.80 Total premlumi in force Decem ber 31. 1911 4.626.001.0T Business la Oregon for the x'ear. Total risks written during the year Grosa premiums received daring the year 51.470.74 Losses paid during the year 19.549.69 Losses incurred during the year 18,720.42 MARYLAND CASUALTY CO. By J AS. T. MITCHELL, Secy. Statutory resident general agent and at torney for service: GEORGE 8. RODGERS. RODGKRS, HART GIBSON CO.. Gen. Agts. 810-813 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., fortlaad, Oregon. fact that he has been guided in the discharge of the duties of his great of fice by a conscientious desire to do what Is right. Equipped with a broad experience and a training such as few men have had. his Administration has achieved great and Important results. I see no Just ground for experimenting with a new man, and I believe In fol lowing what has grown to be a cus tom by a-lvlnjr him a second term, i will always honor him, especially for the great effort he is making to pro mote the world's peace by means of his arbitration treaties. As I have said. However, i snail ieei bound, if elected, to vote in the con vention for Oregon's candidate, regard ing the expression of the preference of the voters in the primaries as an In struction to the delegates. I was a delegate to tne convention that nominated President Roosevelt, and was a member of the Republican National committee at the convention that nominated President Taft. I have attended other National conventions. Including those that nominated Presi dents Hayes, Garfield and Harrison. If I am chosen I will do my best to cred itably represent the State of Oregon, where I have lived for 30 years. Slothers' Congress to Meet. The Oregon Congress of Mother will hold its regular meeting Tuesday after noon at 2 o'clock. The club urges mem bers and officers from parents-teacher circles to attend. A programme will be given at 3 o'clock, to which the public Is Invited. Frederic H. Cowles will lec ture on "Fire Prevention. Coal, dry wood. Edlefsen Fuel Co. COL. HAMILTON TTi Experience in the Army as Well as in His. Home. I ' ',-',. N - " J r -- ,-' '- " - 3 V ' ' ' xyijc-'-." :'.-.v) jCOL, HAMILTON.f r ' in nai -nhri A Ob U. a VOLUNTEER : o ,V5 IMFANTRY Vl Gallant Spanish-American Soldier Gives Praise to Pe-ru-na Colonel Arthur L. Hamilton, of the Seventh Ohio Volunteers, writes as follows: "I have used Permia myself and in my family for the last seven years. I have already written you about the good results I experienced with your remedy during the Spanish-American War. "My command used your Perona during our service in the Spanish American War, and I will say this, that if the War Department records are consulted, it will be found that the casualties in my regiment were less than in any other regiment of the Army Corps while at Camps Alger, Meade and BushnelL The total deaths in my regiment during the seven months' service were seven out of a total number of 1400. I, of course, cannot help but think that Peruna certainly was a great benefit to my command." Cold Settled on Lungs. Mr. Samuel McKlnley, 1215 Grand Ave.. Kansas City, Mo, writes: "I can honestly say I owe my life to Peruna. "Traveling from town to town, hav ing to go Into all SVBJECT TO FREatTElfT COLDS. kinds of badly heat ed stores and build ings, sometime standing up for hours at a time while plying my trade as auctioneer, it Is only natural that 2 bad colds frequently. "Last December I contracted a se vere case, which, through neglect on my part, settled on my lungs. When al most too late I began doctoring, but without avail, until I heard of Peruna. It cured me, so I cannot praise it too highly. Head and Noae. Mr. TV. J. Harper, Lehigh, Cleveland Co, Arkansas, writes: "I do not know how to express my thanks to you for the good you have dona me In treating me for catarrh. "I was a great suf- CONTIXTJALXT ferer from the effect UAWKIJfO A.D of chronlo catarrh of SPITTTJfG. the head and nose. I was continually hawking and spit ting, and I had entirely lost my sense of smelL I had tried various remedies, I but nothing did me any good. "At last I tried Peruna as a last re sort, and I am thankful to say that after using ten bottle of Peruna I am once more well of catarrh of the head and nose. Under New Management THC HOUSE TAILORS FOR MEN AND WOMEN We beg to announce that the Portland branch of the "House of Bair" is now under the able manage ment of Mr. T. F. Gallagher, late of New York City. Mr. Gallagher has just arrived and brought with him THE LARGEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE LINE OF WOOLENS FOR SPRING EVER SHOWN ON THIS COAST in fact, as large a stock as carried by ALL THE TAILORS IN PORTLAND COM BINED. We mean and can prove this assertion. TO INTRODUCE OUR HIGH -CLASS WORK, FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY WE WILL GIVE YOU YOUR CHOICE OF OVER 100 PATTERNS LADIES' MAN -TAILORED SUITS TO MEAS URE, LINED WITH BEST QUALITY SKINNER'S SATIN SPECIAL VALUES AT $35.00 AND $40.00, YOUR CHOICE We are not giving anything' away FREE not even trousers but we positively assert and we can prove that we can produce a man's suit for $20.00 that is the equal if not better5 than any other tailor in Portland can pro duce for $35.00. Our men's department is under the management of Mr. G. A, Lindberg, late of the firm of Neilsen & Lindberg, one of the best cutters and fitters in America. Call and see our enormous stock of woolens. HIGH-GRADE TAILORED SUITS FOR MEN, " TO MEASURE, SPECIAL VALUES AT $30.00 AND $35.00, YOUR CHOICE 20 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED NORTHWEST BUILDING, THIRD FLOOR, COR. SIXTH AND WASHINGTON STS. Take Elevator Open Monday and Saturday Nights TV T TT There's Zest and Sparkle in ire i$eer The Family Beverage J This beer, particularly brewed for home consumption, is made from the best imported Bohe- -mian hops, Canadian barley and our own artesian well water. (J Only in the best imported beers can you find such satisfy ing flavor and mildness. I New Life has that tonic qual ity strongly recommended by . physicians. J Your refrigerator should hold a case of New Life, the beer for all occasions. ORDER A CASE TOMORROW If Your Deader Can't Supply You, Phone Mt. Hood Brewing Co. East 139 Sellwood 904 B 1319