The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 28, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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I )i Ik stor
The two top stories of our building, which have been used as Ware
rooms and Shipping Department, will be converted into sample floor!
at once, in order to give us increased space for a rapidly growing business
d the Shipping and Warehousing will be done in the future in our old
), First and Taylor Streets. The two floors which are to be remodeled
must be emptied immediately to make room for the contractors within the
The Carpet Section Comes
Forward With Three Great
Values in Floor Coverings
$1.25 Tapestry Brussels Carpet
of excellent wearing quality and in a fine choice of Oriental and
floral patterns, and every -wanted color. Can be had with or
without border; special price including sewing, la"QO 1-,
ing and lining 70
$1.65 Best Velvet Carpet
Here is an opportunity for yoa to cover your floor with a high
quality "of Velvet Carpet at a big saving. Comes with or without
border, in many choice designs; sewed, laid and ft OQ
lined during sale for ". ..D X Oi
$1.75 Axminster Carpet
A complete line of Oriental and floral designs and also small
Persian effects, with either 22-inch or 27-inch border; woven with
heavy, deep pile and in choicest colorings; during OA
this sale D 1 OU
You Save One-Third on
This $21.00
Quartered Oak
Dresser, Now
Solid quartered oak,
golden finish; large size
ease and heavy French
plate mirror.
2V2-Inch Continuous
Post Brass Bed Worth
$38.50 SCDI50
To Sell While
They Last at
& To Sefl Whfle H
in n
Very handsome pattern of highest quality brass, satin finished,
and guaranteed not to tarnish. lie ad measures 61 inches high,
foot 41 inches, each having five filler rods.
Every Jewel Steel Range
in the Stock Reduced
for This Sale
p: fe Ji
The Jewel Is a Guar
anteed Range of
High Quality
70 of Them to Be Closed
Out at Prices Much Less
Than Regular
Oar rwrular' $."3.00 Leader Jewel Range, body of highest quality tern
pered blaa ateel, nickel trimmed, 14x20-inch oven. YourlOQ
ebanee to cava over $13 by paying remodeling sale price J)3 J O
Oar regular $57.50 Leader Jewel Range, same quality and construction as
the aboTe, with 16-in. oven instead of 14-inch. Your yQ r r
ehanee to save $15.00; remodeling sale price is iIm j OU
Our rrgular $05.00 Leader Jewel Range, quality and construction as above
described, but with 20x20-inch oven; a saving of tf l Q
is offered in remodeling sale price of O
The Usual Price Is $24.00.
The Remodel
ing Sale Cuts to
Very attractive
Colonial design of
quartered oak, fin
ished golden; large
oblong' mirror.
Splendid Birds-Eye Maple
Pattern, the Former Price
Was $42.00
Highest quality birds
eye maple Dresser, ex
actly like cut, with
roomy case and four
drawers. Large plate
You Save $10.65 on This
Quartered Oak
Dresser, Now
Usual Priomsa.00 pPM!j !
Swell-front design
solid quartered oaft
1 3 ' 1 .
shaped drawer fronts jTtPl'i'S1
and standards. I
Good Bedding Priced
Much Lower for the
Big Remodeling Sale
The Comforters listed below at great reductions
are all good quality eottou filled, with silkoline
$1.75 Cotton-filled Comforters.... $1.29
$2.25 Cotton-filled Comforters. S1.57
$2.40 Cotton-filled Comforters $1.87
$2.85 Cotton-filled Comforters $1.05
$3.75 Cotton-filled Comforters -.....$2.55
$4.00 Cotton-filled Comforters $2.85
$4.50 Cotton-filled Comforters $3.35
Solid Mahogany
Library Tables
Feel the Price Knife
Compare prices with the same grades else
where. 125.60 Mahogany Library Table, a beauti
ful French le design, 26x42- ofi
Inch top, reduced . wlOtaw
S30.00 Mahogany Library Table, with 30
Inch round top and pedestal (1Q QC
base, sale price 513i30
$34.50 Mahogany Library Table, with oval
top measuring 2x42, cut $23 75
S39.00 Mahoa-any Library Tabl William
and Mary pattern, 30x60-lnch tfoi ("A
top, reduced , 9fa4iJU
141.00 Mahogany Library Table, square
post pattern, with 30x48-lnch fl?07 Krt
top. cut to 0t I iOU
47.50 Mahogany Library, massive 4frOO
post pattern, top 28x48, rut to wJu
165 Mahogany Library Table !f J Crk
with 40-inch round tp, price.. wfOtBu
$115 Mahogany Library Table, tfTJ Cl
Colonial design, 60-lnch top. O f DOU
Pay this special price for as good a
regular $5.75 Mattress ' as -was ever
made. Soft sanitary, weight 50 lbs.,
art tick, roll edge.
A regular $16.50 Mattress, filled with
layers of purest sanitary felt, and
pure silk floss. Best grade of art twill
covering. Buy this during remodeling
sale for
Massive Fumed or Golde
Wax, With 48-Inch To
This handsome Library Table, of quartered oak, is i
equal of any $30.00 table ever sold. Top measures
48 inches. Roomy tray underneath.
Thirty Bed Davenports Take on Ne
Prices for This Great Remodeling Sa!
We have about 40 patterns of Bed Davenports on our sixth floor which must be moved at once,
and the difference between the regular and remodeling sale price is so great as to command
your immediate action.
$27.50 Oak Davenport Bed, velour cover, cnt to.'...".l $21.25
S36.75 Oak Davenport Bed, golden xlniso, reduced qZo.oU
$39.50 Oak Davenport Bed, golden finish, Chase leather covering $23.75
$39.75 quartered oak Davenport Bed, tutted leatner covering ..$2t.
$50.00 quartered oak Davenport Bed, Chase leather covering.
$65.00 quartered oak Davenport, tufted velour "cover....... .. ..".$39.00
$79.50 famous Unifold Davenport Bed, mah'y frame,' velour covr $57.50
Both Automatic and Unifold Styles Ar? Included
$17.50 Solid
Oak Pedestal
Dining Table
Worth $39
$39.50 trf 0
A New $3 0.00
Fumed Design.
Cut to Only
A solid quartered oak Dining Table
with massive pedestal base; golden
wax finish. Seats ten.
Quarter-sawed oak Dining Table,
golden wax finish, massive base
and claw feet. Seats ten.
i Solid oak Dining Table, with best
fumed finish, very attractive new.
design. .Seats. ten. ,
Save $7.15 on as Good a Box
Spring Mattress as You Would
Care to Own $25.00 Style for
A first-quality Box Spring Mattress, built in our own
workshops of high-tempered coil springs, all cross tied,
padded with moss and purest layer felt filling and covered
with best striped ticking. .
These Wardrobe Couches Have
Always Sold for $15; We $A 95
nave or l nem to uo at
IIW'JlHMi llli WWm T'llillll'lMiii'W!i''
Substantially made Box Couch, with ample room for
storage of bedding and clothes. lias pa'tent spring lifter,
which permits it to be opened up witnout removing irom
wall. Best spring feeat and cover of cretonne or denim.
' 1
Rather Than Move
Any Part of the Buffet Stod
We Have Mad
Some Radi
cal Reduction
Note the Special
Prices and Learn WW
You Save
Solid quartered oak Buffet, fumed finish, having 42-inch ease with t
rds and two drawers, ornamental glass doors ; price y "t
i to nt 1 4
$22.00 Golden Oak Buffet, having case 42 inches wide, ornamental panel fj
and art glass door in cupboard; large mirror Pij F j- w-
cut to ;iu.
$33.50 Golden Oak Buffet; a very attractive pattern, on plain lines; casl
inches wide, three deep drawers, wood knobs, square posts sup- tQ O
porting mirror
SR0.00 Rnffflt. of solid oak. fumed finish. A very unique design with le
glass cupboard, glass, and ornamental paneling in front; price (15.
reduced to PO jT I
$65.00 Golden Oak Buffet ; a handsome Colonial design, having a 60-inch
containing three cupboards, two small a n d o n e full-length tf O Q
drawer; special at........ Jf i, t
$98.00 Golden Oak Buffet, -.with massive claw feet and heavy posts in rou
column effect; extra heavy mirror, with mantel shelf ; this is
cut to
$72. ;.. .