Tnr, SUNDAY OREGONTAX, PORTLAND, JANUARY 28, 1912. K FOUNDER OF PAPER MILLS 15 STRICKEN Ludwig Schwabacher Dies in San Francisco as Result of Heart Disease. OREGON INTERESTS LARGE Manufacturer, Formerly Manager Crown-Columbia Company in Oregon City, Succeeded In Position by Louts Bloch. Telegrams received from San Fran cisco announce the death there yester day of Ludwlg Schwabacher. former vice-president and general manager of the Crown-Columbia Pulp Paper d founder of the old Crown Paper Company mlUa at Oregon City. Heart disease, from which he had suf fered for orer a year, was the cause Mr. Schwabacher was well known In hmlnrM and social circles in -ort land, ha Tlnr been a frequent visitor K . r. while aetlvelv encaged rn tn manufacture of paper. Ill health caused him to retire from the Crown-Columbia Company the first of this year, the . nna!iian nf vlce-Dresldent and general manager going to Louis Bloch, one of the prominent officials at me neao quartcrs of the company in San Fran cisco. Paper Mills Established. Mr. Schwabacher was born In Ger many. He came to the United States tn the early 70s and made his horns tn fan FTanclnco. where he became promi nent la business circles. Ills first busi ness enterprise was an Ink and extract manufacturing establishment, which he conducted successfully for a number of years. Jn 1S he cama to Oregon on a business trip and soon afterward established the paper mills of the Crown Paper Company at Oregon City, which still stand on the bank of the Willamette River. In June. lOi. he consolidated the Oregon City mill with the Crown-Columbia mill at Camas and assumed the reneral management of the consoli dated company, which was called the Crown-Columbia Pulp Paper Com pany. He held this position until this year, when be retired In favor of Louie Bloch. who bad handled the affair of the) company during Mr. Schwabacher" trip to Europe a year ago and during periods of sickness. Trip Abread Benefit a. Mr. Schwabacber's health began to fall about two years ago and continued to grow worse until he went to Ger many and passed six months at rest. He returned somewhat Improved, but th trouble soon returned and he was forced to retire from the active man agement of the paper company and other Interests. Until a few years ago ha visited th mills at Oregon City about one a month, passing the rest of the time at the headquarters In th Commercial building la San Francisco. He in married In San Francisco to Carrie Flelschhacker. who. with two sons, survive htm. Th sons are James and Albert Schwabacher. both promi nent business men of San Francisco. Mrs. Schwabacher Is the sister of Her bert and Mortimer Flelschhacker. San Francisco bankers. Among th Portland friends of Mr. Schwabacher la Rudolph Goldsmith, who was Intimately acquainted with Mm for many years in San Francisco. "He was a man of rare ability.' said Mr. Goldsmith yesterday. "He waa the sort of person who is full of fun no matter how sick he Is. I received a letter from him Just a short time ago and It was full of joke and fun. which would hardly be expected of a person who was sick. Besides the paper mills In Oregon, he was interested In various enterprises In California, a!l of which required much work on his part. rial.) Major Arthur W. Chase, of th Coast Artillery Corps, haa submitted to the Government a new Invention for wireless telephony and telegraphy, at the Presidio of Fan Francisco. Three officers. Major Frank Greene, of the Signal Corps, Chief Signal Officer of the Division; Captain Jacob C. John son. of the Artillery Corps. Artillery Engineer of th Artillery District of Kan Francisco, and First Lieutenant Sebrlng C. Meglll. of th Signal Corps. have been detailed to go to the Pre sldlo at San Francisco and make a report upon th merits of this lnven tion. Invention to Bo Examined. VANCOUVER. Wash, Jan. J7. (6pe- CONGRESS DRAWS MANY Delegations of Irrlgatlonlsts to Be Here From All Parts of State. "The Irrigation Congress which will be held here February It. 20 and tl. will be of Interest not only from the bearing It will hav on tb general de velopment of th state," ld C. C. Chapman, publicity manager of th Commercial Club yesterday, "but also from the sidelights It will present upon tha politics of th Stat at th present time. Letters received In response to our call for the congress Indicate that prospective candidates for various of fices from every part of the state will be present and this probably will add much Interest aside from th regular work of th meetings." J. T. Chinook, superintendent of di vision ona of the Water Board, haa no tified the Commercial Club her that ha will be present and that a strong representation from the department he represents may be expected. T. B. Kay. State Treasurer and a member of the State Land Board, also announced yesterday that he would attend. East ern Oregon promise large attendance from all sections. Among tha repre sentative men of that part of th stats who have answered the call to the con gress and hav promised to secure strong delegations, a- H. P. Bodlson and Stat Senator McCullough. of th Baker Commercial Club: J. W. Brewer, of the Redmond Commercial Club, who savs that Central Oregon will send big crowds from every city, and Dan P. Smrthe. of th Pendleton Commercial Club. PRECINCT PLACES VACANT Only One Files Candidacy for Com mitteeman So Far. -PeoDle complain of party politics be ing controlled by cliques, yet hero Is th first notlc of candidacy or a precinei committeeman, and there ar 191 pre rlnrfi In the county, making 38 pre cinct committeemen to be elected by the Republican and Democratic voters," said County Clerk Fields yesterday. As ha spoke he held aloft tho notice of candidacy of R. C Wright, of 170 East Aider street, who wishes to be committeeman for th Republicans from Precinct 93. f 'Nearly everyone admits that tna Oorernnwot must be conducted through Bartlea." continued th County tlom. "yet party line are being lost sight of. It mlrht bo different If the voter would realize that they have It In their power to control absolutely the party organisations. I ney can cxeci mir pre cinct committeemen Instead or having them selected after th election. 1 sup pose the trouble la that many men think this Is too small an office to run for. but I disagree with that view. In my estimation It Is quit Important." BRIDGE LIGHTS FAVORED Mayor Would 3Iake Spans Sblne for Elks and Festival. Mayor Rushlight ha referred to tha lighting committee of the Executive Board the subject of Illumination of the bridges over the Willamette River during the Elka convention and tha Rose Festival He believes the city should act along that line for-both oc casions and has recommended that tha committee hold-a joint session with the ways and means committee of th City Council to work out a plan. "I favor having a good plan or il lumination on the bridges." said th Mayor yesterday, "and have therefor asked the lighting committee to con sider this subject. The members will meet with the ways and means com mittee or the council soma time In th near future to work out a plan. It seems to me this will be a nice way of showing th city's Interest In these events." BOYS' FRIEND GOMES Judge Willis Brown to Be Visi tor in Portland. LECTURE IS TO BE GIVEN Jurist I Leader of Movement to Chance Methods of Law In Dealing- With Children. Fame Widespread. Judge Willis Brown, founder and ad ministrator of Boy City, a Summer camp for the training or boys, at Char levoix, Mich.; founder and first Judge of tha Juvenile Court of Salt Lake City, and known for hia work In the cause of boys, will deliver a lecture In this city Tuesday night. January 30. in the r: i ; .;-,.,.;.; :: Jadge WUIla Bmn, Wh Will peak at Whit Tesaplo Toes day Marat. White Temple, under the auspice of the Oregon Congress or Mothers. Judge Brown's lecture will deal with his ex periences In dealing with boys through the Juvenile Court and In the activ ities or the Summer camp at Charle voix. Judge Brown Is the leader In the movement for civil law and educatlonsl methods to govern all dealings with children who need the Intervention of th stat In their behalf, as against the present custom, except In Utah, of applying tha criminal law In Juvenile Court cases. He is the founder of the Utah Juvenile Courts, which ar de clared to be In advance of all others. These courts ar separata from all other courts. "Boy City" Is a Summer camp where boys from 11 to 17 years of age are admitted. Each boys' club or camp be comes a part of the tent city. Ail the enterprises are managed by boys. They conduct a bank, dally newspaper. stores, postofflca and other enterprises. Th camp Is Intended to give boys an opportunity to learn aomethlng of municipal administration and to de velop character under the most favor able conditions. Judge Brown will address tha stu dents of Jefferson High School Tues day afternoon at S o'clock In the High School auditorium. Moster Orchards BouglU. Devlin & Flrebaugh. selling agents for th Hood River Orchard Land Com pany. report the following sales at Mo ater View Orchards during the past month to Eastern buyers: Ten acres to William P. Hooper, of South Lyon, Mich.: 12 acres to A. N. Tucker, of To ledo, O.; five acres to Cyrus E. Taylor, of th same place; 10 acres to T. II. Field, of Prairie Depot, O. Both Mr. Tucker and Mr. Taylor expect to move with their families to Ortley. the new town at Mosier View Orchards, In the Spring. PORTLAND HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS WILL SELL SWEETS AT BIG MINSTREL SHOW Stndentg Boxy Rivalry and Give Support to Lincoln Theatrical, to Be Produced February 2 and 3 "Boners" and "Fussers" AH Will Be Present at Great Event. r JJLL"' ; SOME OF THE THINGS THAT MAY OB MAT NOT BE SEEN AT THE HIGH SCHOOL MINSTRELS "p: OPCORN. peanuts. chewngum. 'n'candy. Here's where yon get your chocolates, chocolate chips. fudge and creams; best bon-bons in decorated boxes, all for the great minstrel show." Six high school misses, dad In "rough neck" sweaters, bear ing the numerals of their classes and the Insignia of their schools, will be the candy boys at the minstrel show of Lincoln High School in the Bungalow ' Theater February 1 and J. The Misses Charlie Fenton (yep. Charlie Is a girl) and Kathleen Sealy from the Lincoln High School; Myrtle Gram and Ruth Cushlng from the Jefferson High School, and Lola Ladd and Uase! Bus sell from the Washington High School, will be the fair dispensers of sugary delights. A candy booth decorated In th colors of the three schools two of which ar co-operating with Lincoln High School In tbe annual ahow will be maintained by girls from the schools. A specially designed box for the candles sold has been made as a souvenir of th per formance. John Frank, late leading man of th "Golden Girl" company, has taken the coaching of the high school produc tion. Frank Is an ex-member of sev eral minstrel companies In th East and will Introduce several new Ideas In the art of "Say, Rastus." The support of both Jefferson and Washington High Schools has been promised to th show and th Lincoln youths In charge have almost sold out the bouse for the first night. The ticket selling for the second night and the reservations will be begun January 29. Football heroes of the past season In tha Lincoln School will be promi nent In the show, which Is the one event of the school season which brings out the "grinds" aa well as the "sloughers." Nell Tyson, football man ager of the 1311 team has been billed to sing a comedy negro love song, "Ma Dusky Rose." Clifton Irwin, whose yell leading and "Eee-yah" tactics on tbe gridiron led the Lincoln stands lu the football games of last year. Is manager of the show. Edgar Piper, president of tha Athletic Association of Lincoln High School, will shine as the hero of tbe colored extravagansa, "Dellcat Dinah." Out of Town Folks Mail Us Your Orders. We Guarantee Satisfaction Perfume Special Roger & Gallet, beautiful odor, Splendor, aold every where at 75c. Monday Special, ounce 58c Foot Arches Tired feet relieved at once by the use of our Flat Foot Arch supports. If your arches are broken down you should by all means wear our Foot Arch. Price $2.00 to $3.00 the pair. Bristle Goods Do the Lristles come out of of your brushes especially your tooth brush ? Very an noying isn't it? You'll not have any reason to kick if you try our guaranteed brushes. Tomorrow we will sell a guaranteed brush, reg ularly priced at 40c and 50c, bristles won't come out '. 31c 15c and 20c tooth brush. 10c. Adams Brushes The name of Adams on any brush stamps it at once with a Mark of Quality. We have about five numbers, Adams' hair brushes which we will close out on Monday. $2.00 and $2.50 Adams Hair Brush, at $1.89 "Woodlark" Playing Cards Gilt edges and scenic backs; regular price 25c One week, pack. 19c Pure Olive Oil Is the kind any one should use. This is oftimes hard to find. The surest way of buying Olive Oil is to get a standard, well known brand such as our own "WOODLARK." It's the kind 7 once used you will insist on "Woodlark" always. Our guarantee with every bottle. Price 25c, 85c, $1, $1.75 and $3.50. Ill: ill Trunks Reduced lk If you would feel that all was well with that trunk in the hands of the baggage man, be sure it is a Likely or Murphy Trunk. All trunks priced $8.00 to $75.00 reduced one-fourth. . $5.00 SUIT CASE, $2.98. Waterproof Pegimond Suit Case, 24-inch, double ac tion lock and bolts. Regular $5.00. Special $2.98 $10.00 HAND BAGS, $2.98. Odd lot of swell Hand Bags, fancy and plain. Values to $10.00. While they last, your choice $2.98 Sterling Silver Jewelry Fashion says wear silver that is why our jewelry buyer has a line of the prettiest silver pins and brooches to -be found in Portland, and the prices are indeed small. Sterling Silver Collar Pins, with brooches to match, our own exclusive line. Priced at, each 75c to $1.50 King George Stick Pin, in Sterling silver; to see it is to buy -it. Price $1-75 Just arrived another shipment of new Sterling Hat Pins, all styles. You'll find yours among the lot. Prices range from 75c to .$2.00 Large assortment of handsome long Bar Pins, in new platinum finish. Priced at $2.00, $3.50, $3.75 to. . .$5.00 Powder Pencil, $2.50 and $3.00 Long Silver Neck Chain, with Sterling powder pencil. Priced chain, $5.00, $7.50 to $10.00 Sterling Silver Filigree (depositware), Perfume Bot tles, beautiful designs. Price 75c, $2.00, $2.50 to. .$7.50 Why Not Have Gold Fish? We have all styles of Aquariums and fesjfggzp' 1 castle ornaments, including an immense ' S.. quantity of the finest and liveliest gold fish ySy J&k you ever saw. All bowls, Aquarium orna- Egi-jM) ments and large-size fish reduced Vi Fish Food, 10c package, 3 for 25c SS, SPECIAL GOLD FISH OFFER. y ( Large square Aquarium, value $4.00 J Two large, handsome gold fish, value vfeiiS) each $100 One pretty castle ornament, value 50c Total value $6.50 Special, assortment complete .$3.98 Wear a "Woodlark" Truss 111 uv If You Are Ruptured Snd for our Free booklet. Tells all about Trusses, or better Come in and let us show you the sort of Truss you should wear. Expert lady and gentle men fitters. Aids for the Deaf We have every known device to assist the deaf. Acousticons, Audiphones, Hear ing Horns, Conversation Tubes and Arti ficial Ear Drums. A complete illustrated booklet sent to any address on request. Let us tell you about them. Douche Cans, Urinals, Bed Pans and a complete line of all white and gray enamel and glass hospital IRRIGATING CANS OF WHITE ENAMEL. 1 - quart can. $ .75 2- quart can $1.00 3-quart can. ..... .$1.25 4- quart can $1.50 BED PANS CLINIC STYLE. White enamel, ea. $2.00 1 l-v a. wares in our surgical ue pari mem. Aseptic white en amel, each. ..- .$1.75 Aseptic gray en amel, each $1.50 PERFECTION BED AND DOUCHE PANS. White enamel pans $5.00 Perfect'n gray pans $3.50 Perfect ion Porce v lain pans $2.50 PEERLESS COMBINA TION BED AND DOUCHE PANS. White enamel pans regular $3.50 Special $2.50 DOUCHE PANS. White enamel pans at $2.00 and $3.00 Gray enamel pans $1.50 Heavy tin pans. . . .$1.00 "Woodlark" Lawn The standard of excel lency in Writing Papers. Box of 96 sheets 25c Package envelopes free with each box of paper. Electricity Is Life "Woodlark" Electric Battery For the home treatment of head ache, back ache, nerve trou bles, neural- gia, paraly sis, rheumatism and numer ous other painful ailments. Inexpensive and simple to operate. Let us demonstrate our "Woodlark" Battery. Price only $6.00 Have You a Radioptican in Your Home? Besides being a great help to instructors of all kinds, it is one of the finest mediums for creating all manner of entertainment for both old and young in home, church and clubroom. Let us demonstrate the merits of the Radioptican for use of electric light only. Priced at $5.00, $7.50, $15. POMPEIAN CREAM regular 50c, jar .29c RIKER'S SUPERFINE RICE POWDER in flesh and white; regu lar 25c, at .....15c MAUBERT'S VIOLETTE CHANLILLY Poudre De Riz; regular 25c at 16c SWANSDOWN FACE POWDER, regular 25c special at.... 7c Are Your Ankles Weak? Wear a pair of our ankle braces slip on and lace up in side the shoe, Price, the pair $1.50 PREVENT CONTAGION by using your own drinking cup. We have them in all styles, sizes and prices. Pa per aluminum nickel. Priced 1c to $5.00 Crutches of All Styles at Moderate Prices Plain Maple, pair $1.50 Maple, with patent tips and leather swing trine n A if" . . $5.00 Maple with patent tips $3.00 Rosewood, with patent A je tips, swing tops . . . . go.uu Open a Monthly Account We Weave Elastic Hosiery WoodardL Clarke & Co0 ACTION AT ONGE NEEDED WATER RIGHT PAYMENTS DUE BEFORE MARCH 1. Report to Be Blade on Each Uma tilla Project Entry as to Those Delinquent on Date. T a npivnp rtr- T. n 27. fSneclal-l The prayer for graduated payments of water right charge upon the Uma tilla project aeema to have availed noth ing. Inasmuch aa the Commissioner of tha General Land Office baa directed tha La Grande land office to notify every water user within the project shown by the record of that office to be still owing any part of their water right charges up to and includ ing that of December 1, 1910. that pay ment must be made of such charges at the local land office before March 1, 1912, or appropriate action looking to the 'collection . of the charges under the water right contract. If the land Is not Included in an entry subject to the reclamation act, or tha entry. If ....-. tn waiA art. will be DromDtlT canceled without further notice. Jn obedience to aucn direction, notices signed by Register Bramwell and Re ceiver Eberhard, have been Bent by registered mall to all such persons. There were over 350 registered letters, and the amount shown on all the no tices sent aggregated; a total of 61, 764.32. In former years the publio notices have been conditioned so that water right claimants were not delinquent until March SI, and payments made at Hermlston on or before that date have been recognized even if received at the land office after the date. While it Is not announced that a different rule will be followed this year, yet the officials of the land office desire to attract the attention of all water users having payments to make, that the dates used in connection with pav ments refer to the time the payments should be made at the local land office, and not to the date mailed or other wise. Therefore, promptly after March 1, 1912. a report will be made on each entry shown by the land office books to be delinquent on that date. Equestrians Have Musical Ride. Many persons were present at the Kramer Riding Academy last Thursday night to take part in a musical ride, when the various quadrilles and sec tion displays were admirably carried out under the command of 8. E. Kramer. The rides are held at least once a week. Among those present were Mrs. W. BIddle, Mrs. Grelle, Mrs. G. & Whiteside. Mrs. Harry I4tt, Miss M. Hart, Miss Lillian O'Brien. Miss Glle, Miss K. MacMaster. Miss C Cook. Miss Geld, A. Gllsan, Captain W. BIddle, F. H. Strong, C. E. Grelle, Chester G. Murphy, Dr. J. N. Coghlan, F. W. Stew art, William Brewster, William Walter, Arnold a Rothwell. A. J. Foullhoux, R. L. Mason. Hamilton Corbett, W. F. Burrell and Stanley Jewett. Eat and Get Thin. This is turning an old phras face about, but modern methods of reducing fat have made this revision possible. If you are overfat and also averse to physical exertion during this warm weather, and likewise fond of the table and still want to reduce your ex cess flesh several pounds, do this: Go to your druggist (or write the Mar mola Co., 668 Farmer Bldg., Detroit. Mich.) and give him (or send them) 76 cents. For this modest amount of money the druggist will put you In the wav of KstlsfvfnK- your ambition for a nice, trim, slim figure; without fear of harm even on tne nottest summer days. He will hand you a large case of Marmola Prescription Tablets (com- Sounded in accordance with the famous iarmola Prescription), one of which you must take after each meal and at bedtime until you Degin to lose your fat at the rate of 12 to 16 ounces a day. That is all. Just go on eating what you like, leave exercising to the athletes, but take your little tablet faithfully and without a doubt that flabby flesh will quickly take unto it self wings, leaving behind it your nat ural self, neatly clothed in firm flesh and trim muscles. OREGON MAD UMBRELLAS The largest stock in the city every descriDtlon from the cheannst to th highest-priced ones all fine values also all the staple lines including our noted Rustproof Umbrellas The best umbrellas in town at S1.0U, 11.25, 11.50, $2.00 and upwards. Recovering in all grades of silk and lorla also repairing at lowest prices, et us put a new umbrella on your old handle or a new handle on your old umbrella. MEREDITH'S SSKS 329 Washington St, Bet. 6th and 7th, Imperial Hotel Building.