rnr: sujtoay oregoxiax. tortlaxd. jaxuart 21, 1912. SOCIAL EVENTS OF PAST WEEK OOTTTOTOXD riLOM PJLQE S. secretary. Xn, Baiter: conductor. Mra. Ilnoui; iiurd. Mrt. Zimmerman; dele gates. Mra. Scherer and Mra. Mathews; alternataa. lira. Baxter and Mrs. Llth trlant Thla clrrla will meet lor aw Ing Tues4ar at 1 o'clock A. M. with tin president. Mra. Abraham. 110S Bel mont street, corner or Tnirty-seventn Street. Take the "S. S." car. The Tuendav Afternoon Club was an tertalned bv Mra. O. A. Johnson Jan uary 1. Th study of Whltttar was concluded with the following pro sramme: ReaaVnc "Among- tha Hills. hr Mra. O. I. fetahl; "Th Leitenda of ,w England." br Mra. A. .J. utiles readlna-. "In School fmys." by Mra. G. XV. Tabler: critic a eatlraate. by Mrs. Harry L. Vorse. Quotations for ilia day wera from "Amosf tha Hills.- Miss Baker was a aruest of tha club. At the. close of the programme refreshments wr served. Tha club will meet at the residence of Mrs. W. I- Marshall, ZH Stout street, January 21. e Mrs. Harry E. VCrlirhtson. of MO Itroadway, care a delightful birthday party for ber son Hermes on Wednes day. " Tha early erenlnir waa devoted to rirdi. and later supper waa served, Mr. WrlfhtMn, who la a flint Gamma PI man, expects to enter Stanford next Fall. The guests were Misses Mar caret Moore. Lillian Kennedy. Klla Hell. F.llth Tork. Marjory Baton. M. Htnrham. Grace Bins-ham. Arxllla Heckwlth. J Sheldon Jones. Allen Joy Wlllard Herron. Oskar Welst. EMon Kin. Leonard and Earl Woodland and I'avlJ Lethe. e The employea of the Oliver Type writer Company surprlned Manager "Welcli. of the Portland office. Friday evening, the occasion being Mr. Welch's birthday, and In honor of the arrival of Mrs. Welch from Kansas City. Those present were lls Teresa Blackwood. Miss Lena Morris. Mr. and Mrs. J. C Young. George C. Crago. N. S. Bor land. Fred Beneon. Albert DeFranco, and Charles Wel.-h. Mr. and Mra. Welch Intend making Portland their perma nent residence and are at home to their friends at the Beryl Apartments. St Lovcjoj street. e One of the most Interesting events of the past week, waa the public In stallation of officers of Astra Circle. Women of Woodcraft, and Irospect Camp. Women of Woodcraft. Mrs. C. Kdmunds was Installing officer for tie Circle. Past Guardian Neighbor M. Briggs was presented with a hand some pin. and Elmer Cook, installing officer for Prospect Cmmp and Past Consul J. E. Walling were presented with emblems of tha order. Later In the evening a fancy drill waa given and dancing enjoyed. e Mra. R. H. Blglow was hostess at a dancing party Friday evening at her home, complimenting her niece. Miss Winifred Marsh, of Med ford. Or. The guests were Misses Margaret Young. :thyl Jackson. Josephine Bradley. Kllsabeth Kbeehe. Florence Aiken. Msyme Heed. Winifred Marsh. Mra. K, Blglow, J. T. Moore. F. P. Jackson. K. H. Ferns. Charles Lang. G. Fowler. K. Blglow. It Murray. I. Ec kelson and B. Young. The ladles of the Hawthorne Park Presbyterian Church were entertained at their monthly tea Wednesday after noon at the horn of Mra. R. F. Barnes, 555 East Taylor street. The hostesses were Mrs. Barnes. Mrs. W. H. Moser, Mrs. W. F. Stewart and Mra. Westanna Macrum. In the afternon a Short pro- gramma was given by Mrs. K. F. Feemster. soprano soloist, and readings era given by Mrs. Dodge and Miss Florenc Qradon. see At tha last meeting of Orphia Tem ple. No. II. Pythian Platers, tha fol lowing officers were Installed: Past chief. Ida Warren: most excellent chief. Marsaret Hill: excellent senior. Almlr Jenkins; excellent Junior. Anna Baker: manager Etna Martin: mistress of rec ords and correspondence, Helen Lamar; mistress of finance, Hattle Morse; pro tector. MathiMe Harold: outer guard. Emma Roberta. The second of a series of entertain ments given by Mrs. F. D. Chamberlln and her daughter. Miss Kthel. took tha form of a muslrale. The vocal soloists re: Mrs. Van Pyke. Miss Aileen Brnng. H. L. Frank. OeGorma. Bowles ind Chamberlin. The pianists were Harry Van Dyke and C. K. MacCuIloch. The memory musical contest was won by Mr. Mcculloch and Mr. Van Dyke. Complimenting Mrs. Robert K. 8tra- hom. of Spokane, who has been much feted during her visit In Portland. Mrs. P. A. Devers entertained with a bridge luncheon Wednesday. The .guest of honor was presented with a corsage bouquet of violets. Mrs. Devers was assisted by Mrs. K. L. Lowell and Mrs. C B. Paddock. Miss Lucille Dunn won tha first prize. Miss Louise Hutton and Jark Mutton had as their guests at the Heillg on Wednesday Misses Averiel Woolnton. of I.oa Angeles. Clair Sherman. Kathleen Klngsley. Gertrude O'Brien. Maxlne Stanton. Bruce Thornton. Jack Livings ton. Gerald King, of Berkeley, Donald Porter and Bert Wadsworth. Supper followed at the Portland, chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Hutton. The third annual ball given by the Oregon Yacht Club at Chrlstensen's Hall last week was a brilliant affair, over 100 couples attending. Decora tions of bunting were effectively used. The offlcera of the club are planning to give a colonial dance In February at Christensen'a Hall. Members of the February, 1912. graduating class of Washington High School had an enjoyable class day at the Oaka skating rink last week. Mr. Jones, manager of the Oaks, served an elaborate luncheon to the class at tbe Oregon Yacht Club. e The Corrlente Club met with Mrs. Grace Do Penning Tuesday. January l. After luncheon the following pro gramme waa given: A reading from Longfellow. -Technique of Poe's Poet ry" and a reading, the poem, "Anabel Lee." Miss Blanche Jeffreys, of 8S9 Overton street, entertainer last week with a uncheon and card party In honor of her guest. Miss Esther Johnson, of Coqullle, or. Twenty guests were present. and I. lord Davlea. Miss Wakeman. Mlsa Pattee. Miss Bateson. Miss Bar ber and Mlsa Adama will act as pa tronesses. The Woodlarks will give a leap year dance In the Moose Hall, in the Tull Clbbs building. Friday night. The patronesses are Mrs. W. F. Woodward. Mrs. K. O. Clarke. Mra. H. C. Holmes and Mra. C. M. Mealy. The commltte la composed of Miss Rose E. Welster. Miss Nina Leader. Miss Edna Fulton. Miss Klla Thompklns. Miss Anita C. Trenchard. Roy Trine. Francla Brod erlck. Robert Stevens and Harold C. Minor. e The St. Lawrence Court of the Cath olic Order of Foresters will give Ita opening dancing party at the 8t Law rence Mall. Third and Sherman streets. Thursday evening. Februsry 1. Tha committee Is composed of W. P. Llllls. F. O. Tllllman. R. A. Twlss. L. J. Wright nard, of Portland. The bridesmaid waa Miss Mabel Mclnturff and tha bride- rroom waa attended by W. H. Maben. The ring service waa read under An arch of white flowers and foliage. The brlda was gowned in gray chiffon over gray satin. Her veil fell from o neath a Juliet cap and her only orna ment was a string of pearls, tho gift of tha bridegroom. After the cere mony a wedding breakfaat was served. Mr. and Mrs. Mclnturff expect to fnaka Portland their home, as Mr. Mclnturff haa businesa Interests here. Bowlby.Colller. Lawrence H. Bowlby, of Somervllle. Masa, and Miss Grace Collier were mar ried at the homa of the bride's mother. Mrs. Hannah L. Collier. Tuesday at P. M. The brlda Is a member of the younger set and Is the daughter of Mra. Hannah L, Collier and the lata Robert Collier, of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Bowlby left after th PORTLAND GIEL AND TILLAMOOK BUSINESS MAN WHOSE BRIDE SHE BECAME LAST WEEK. sKA jvvs J WZZZ,ZA?r William P. Bock, a Tillamook business man, and Miss Frances Hornung were married Wednesday at 5 P. M.. Reverend G. Hafner officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Bock left Portland Immediately after tha ceremony for their future home In Tillamook. Or. and J. C. Smith. Trie patronesses are Mrs. M. J. Smith. Mrs. C. G. Murphy. Mra W. P. Llllls. Mrs. R. A. Twlss and Mrs. Frank Tillman. e The Amicus Club has completed ar rangements for an Informal dancing party to be held next Wednesday even ing In their hall. East Eleventh and Oak streets. The committee In charge Includes Miss Nell Dorney, Mlsa June Kenneflck. Miss Kalherlne Gaffney. Frank Slnnott and Campbell Thurkel- son. The La Hoa Club has Issued a limited number of Invitations for a leap year party to be given next FYlday even ing In Christiansen's HalL Miss Marie Chambers. Miss Margaret Smith. Mlsa Katherlne Gaffney. Miss Henrietta Troeger and Miss Anna Kearns are the directing committee. e Company K. Oregon National Guard, will give a masquerade dancing party at the Armory Saturday evening. Jan nary 27. Four prises will be offered, elaborate arrangements are being made for an enjoyable evening. Chapter A. P. E. O. will meet Mon day at 1 P. M . at the home of Mrs. W. Hull. 79J Clackamas street. It will be Initiation day. The programme la In charge of Mrs. M. M. Anderson. e e The Woodstock Women's Christ! Temperance Union will bold a sliver medal contest In the Woodstock M. K. Church next Friday evening. Seven girls will appear In the contest. The Coterie will meet Wednesday, January 24. at EUers Hall at 4:20. There will be a literary programme, after which the club "will adjourn to the Hazelwood for lunch. e Camelia Social Club will give a -500' card party In the Masonic Temple. Mon day evening. January 22. All O. E. 8. members and friends are cordially In VI ted. The Knlghta Templars Club will give Its next dancing and card party Thurs day evening. January 25. In tha Ma aonic Temple. WEDDINGS. COMING EVENTS. Mount Hood Circle Women of Wood- -raft have completed arrangements for i hair fifth annual grand mask ball, to .ve given In the East Side Woodmen Hall. East Sixth and Alder streets. January 21. This ball will be one of lheVarcest events of the season. The committee In charge of arrangements are: Mrs. M. E. Wheeler, chairman; Mrs. R. Ten Kyck. Mrs. B. Peffer. Mrs. A. Bowers. Mrs. C. Jordan. Mrs. Mc- Grath. S. E. Cornell and M. McGregor. The floor committee consists of Miss Ltssia Evans, Miss May Overland, Miss A W arit and Mlsa Etta Wheeler. Tha Qulllers' Club, of Waahlngton High School, and some of their friends. have chartered tha Oaks -rink for a private skating party, Monday after noon. January 12. After an afternoon of akatlng. refreshments will he served In the little reception-room. The com mittee In charge of tbe party Is: Fred JVWie, ilarx iMvlej. l'tiii ilcDufree.JBiwci. iUi4 Px. ilia glanxfea BJit Vol Haaea-Freerkaea. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Freerksen. In Albany, last Sunday, their daughter, Margaret, .was united In msrrlage to Harry J. Von Husen, of San Francisco, by the Rev. Dr. F. H. Geselbracht. of the First Presbyterian Church. The wedding was attended by some 40 guests. Including friends and relatives. The bride was attended by Misa Freerkaen, of Portland, sister of the bride, as brldeamald. and the bride groom by Fred P. Leuttera, of Port land, as best man. Mendelssohn's wed ding march was played by Mlsa Clarl- bel Seeley, of Portland, a niece of the bride. The ceromony was performed under a green and flowery canopy In the bay window of the parlor. The bride wore a gown of white crepe de chine and carried bride roses. Misa Jennie Kreerksen wore apricot messa- line, veiled with pale blue chiffon cloth, and carried orchids. Following me ceremony dainty refreshments were served by the bride's girlhood compan ions, arter which Mr. and Mrs. Von Husen departed on the evenlns; train for Portland, to spend a few days, af ter which they win go to San Francisco to make their future home. Mont-Demlng. One of the prettiest weddings of tha week was that of Miss Mary L. Deming and Ernest D. Stout, which took place at the home of the bride on Wednesday evening. Rev. J. Goode. of the Evangeli cal Church, officiating. The bride waa charming In a gown of white messa ltne. cut on severe lines. She carried an armful of bride's roses. Tbe brides maid. Miss Cecils Itobnett, wore a chic costume of white serge and carried a bouquet of shell pink carnations. The bridegroom's brother, Waldo Stout, acted aa groomsman. The bouse waa artistically decorated with Ivy and white streamers. Immediately after the ceremony a wedding supper was served In tha new home of the bride and bridegroom. Their home was decorated with holly, myrtle and red ribbon, and red shaded candles used on the table threw a glow over the ensemble. Mr. and Mra. Stout will be at home to their friends at 251 East Forty-ninth street. Melatarff-Boad. A pretty wedding of the week was that of Mlsa Virginia Bond and W. Carlton Mclnturff. which took place at tbe home of tha brlde'a parenta. Mr. and Mrs. McEIhaney, of Yamhill. Or, Wednesday at high noon. Professor O. V. White, of Albany College, uncle The bridal party entered to the strains of Mendelssohn's wedding ceremony for Gearhart, where they will pass their honeymoon. They will be at home to their friends after February IS at 68 Seventeenth street. Smlth-Jeffreya. Frank L. Smith, of Rochester. N. Y.. and Miss Mabel Jeffreys, of this city, wera married Monday evening at the home of the bride's aunt. Mrs. H. K. Letcher, 2g East Seventeenth street North. About 60 guests were present. Mr. and Mrs. Smith will visit Cali fornia, New Orleans and Chattanooga, Tenn., en route to their home In Roch ester. Hodges-Veatreaa. G. M. Hodges and Miss Bertha Ven tress, both of this city, were married Wednesday evening at the home of the bride's parents. Only Intimate friends and relatives were present at the wed ding. Mr. and Mrs. Hodges will ba at home to their friends after Tuesday at 704 Everett street. True-tialllksoa. Herbert R. True and Miss Bertha M. Gulllkson were married at the parson age of tha Sunnyslde Methodist Epis copal Church. 10C4 East Yamhill street. Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev, William H. Fry. of the Sunnyslde Church, performed the ceremony. Mr. and Mra. True will make their home a Portland. Shaad-Lala. W. Frederick Shand. of Bay City, and Miss Lydla L. Lais were married at the home of George Watt January 17. Rev. J. H. Irvine, of tha Bay City Methodist Episcopal Church, offlclat Ing. Llttle-Taempaoa. Frank Little and Miss Lela Thomp son, both of this city, were married at the St. George Hotel on January 13, Rev. Saint Martin and Rev. Mary Mar tin officiating together. Fo w lerTaylor. George W. Fowler, of Portland, was married to Miss Rose Edna Taylor, of Grants Pass, at the home of Mr. Fow ler's parenta last Friday. Cehlert-Wrlahr. P. Kurt Gehlert and Mlsa Sarah E. Wright were married January 10 at the home of the bride's father, 622 Kearney street. Locke-Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kelly announce tha marriage of their daughter, Gene vieve Helen, to W. II. Locke, of Bir mingham. Ala. . Wheeler-Scalotku Charles A. Wheeler and Mlsa Frieda Schloth wera married Wednesday even ing at tha home of the bride's mother. Ing for a two months' visit at Los An galea. Horace A. Dryer, returned Friday from a pleasant two weeks' visit at his former homa In Iowa. Mrs. Fred C. Dlven has passed a fort night as the guest of her sister, Mrs. Francis C. Til ley, at C16 Elliott avenue. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Cole arrived in Portland from New York last week. They will remain In Portland for some time. Miss Hasel Russell left Portland Monday for Seavlew, Wash., where she will be the guest of her aunt, Mrs. S. v. Harmon. Mrs. I. E. Solomon and Mrs. Henry Solomon left Portland Friday for two months' tour of Southern Callfor nla and Mexico. Mrs. A. E. La bo witch and son, Ed ward, returned Wednesday from Los Angeles and Coronado, where they passed tho holidays with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Manley. Mrs. Margaret F. Kelly and Mra. V. E. Man ley left Portland Friday for a two months' visit In Southern California. Mra. P. J. Flynn. of 151 North Twenty-first street, and Mrs. J. M. Hughes, of S83 Hoyt street, returned recently irom a six weeks trip through South ern canrornia. Mrs. P. E. Brlgham left Friday night on tha Shasta Limited for Los Angeles, where she was summoned by telegraph. ner motner, who resides In Los An geles, being seriously 111. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Gorflnkle (Miss Lillian Samuels) have returned to I'ortland from the bride's former home. Oakland. Cat. They passed their honeymoon In Southern California. Mrs. Edward H. Anthony, who has been visiting friends In San Francisco and Monterey, Is expected home today accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Frank Dunn, who will remain here several weeks. Mrs. Dorsey B. Smith returned yes terday from a two-months' visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. von Behren. In Evansvllle, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Smith will live at the Bowers Hotel for the Winter. The Daughters of the Confederacy will meet Thursday at 2:10 o'clock at the home of Mrs. William Turner, 64 East Eighteenth street North. There will be an Interesting programme fol lowed by a social half-hour. All South erners are invited. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Edwards, who have interests In Portland, but reside near Vancouver, Wash., expect to leave tomorrow for a trip through California. Mr. and Mrs. Edwards anticipate going as far south aa San Diego and being away about two months. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Tilley will leave Portland soon for an extended tour of the East and South. En route they will visit New York, Virginia Hot Springs, Palm Beach. Merlda. Yucatan and New Orleans. The Tilleys will return in tha Spring via Texas and California. Miss E. F. Greene, who formerly had charge of the Young Women's Christ ian Association lunchroom and cafe teria In this city, paid her Portland friends a flying visit early In the week. Miss Greene now resides In Ta- coms, where she manages the tearoom of one of the large stores In that city. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. Miss Buckenmeyer announces nev dancing classes. A 1193. Main 7765. Dancing classes. Mrs. Young can ac commodate a few more young ladles in classes now forming. Call East 3119 Swiss novelties "in exclusive dress patterns and materials. Wide choice by ordering now. Llssa E. Buckingham, Flledner bldg. OREGOK GO SOUTH MORE THAJf 70 REGISTERED AT SAN FRANCISCO HOTELS. Portland People Total 6S and Many Other Towns In State Are Rep resented In List. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 20. (Special.) More than 70 Oregon residents have been In Ban Francisco within tha past ten days, and most of them are from Portland. In the Portland party at tho Hotel Stewart are Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Stow, on their way back from a - visit to relatives In Santa Barbara. Mr. Stow was formerly a football player at tha University of California. Traveling northwest with him Is his younger brother, Edgar Stow, another football player of tbe "old day" at California's State University. The other Oregonlans are: From Medford Mr. and Mrs. E. M. McKeany and child, at the Stewart;' J. f. Reddy, at the Palace; Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Clark, at the Bellevue; Cal M. Hunter, at the 6t. Francis; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Petch, E. M." McKeany, Mr. and Mra. P. S. Stevenstrup, at the Stewart. From Marshfleld C. K. Perry, T. M. Gulonseen, at the Stewart. From South Bend E. L. Gaudette, at the Bellevue. From Salem C. D. Gabrielson, at tha Stewart. From Portland Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bowles, F. C. Kells. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Stater, Fred R. Smith, James T. Gray. P. E. Spalding, A. W. Gless, Charles M. Scott, Royland T. Scott, Miss Maude V. Scott, W. H. Bllyer, F. Breske. Mrs. F. Breeke. Miss Laura Breske, Mr. and Mrs. 8. M. Stone, T. C. Shankland, Mrs. H. L. Hamblet, Miss Laura Hamblet, Miss Eliza Nevln. W. A. Swanston, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Kippen. Mrs. George t. Schott. Jr., A. Belger, E. C. Morgan, Mrs. M. A. Overton, Mrs. B. Gllkey, Mra F. Embody, H. H. Pronty, J. R. Wolf. Mrs. B. G. Baker, Mrs. Mary Dutton, Albert T. Baldwin, Mr and Mrs. F; T. McBride, Mrs. Julia Marquam. J. R. Rasmussen. Mrs. R. S. Rasmussen, Ralph Rasmussen, R. J. Peterson, R. E. Byron, at the Stewart; George S. Shepherd, F. W. Leadbetter, Dr. O. C. Hollister, J. R. Snook, at the Palace; Miss C. A. O'Reilly. Mr. and Mrs. II. Hume. R. P. Kearns, Mrs. L. W. Therkelsen and family, at the Belle vue; T. A. Harding, Stanford Hlrsch, G. Rosenblatt, at the St. Francis. And at the springs at Paso Robles. 200 miles from San Francisco, are Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Rothchlld, Miss. Amy Rothchlld and Mr. and Mrs. Blalsdol. of Portland. J. MERLE DAVIS SPEAKER Secretary in Foreign Work Will Give Address at Y. Mj. C. A. 'Revolution and Evolution in tha Sunrise Kingdom" will be the subject of the weekly address to men in the auditorium of the Portland Young Men's Christian Association this af ternoon at S o'clock. The speaker will ba J. Merle Davis, who for the past six years has been engaged In Y. M. C. A. work In Japan. Mr. Davis Is well-known In Portland, Rlngler's Hall may be rented f or 1 "'m"l"JM. private parties and entertainments. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Mrs. F. Kenworthy announces the engagement of her daughter. Luclle, to John W. Ferguson. Jr. The wedtllng will take place in February. SOCIETY PERSONALS. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Gevurts are receiving congratulations on the birth of a son. Miss Mayme Brown left Portland last week for a visit to her aunt, Mrs. W. R. Cody, of Seattle. Miss Ruth R. Lee left Portland on the Shasta Limited Wednesday even- FAT FOLKS FAVOR Home Mlxtare That Takes Off the Fat Rapidly, la Harmless In Hot or Cold Weather Cauaea No Wiiakles. No Stomach Ilia and Requires Neither Dieting Nor Exercise. Too much fat Is both uncomfortable and dangerous, especially In summer. but usually fleshy people prefer to put un with its Inconvenience rather than punish themselves with the tiresome exercising usually prescribed, or en danger their health by taking the so called "cures" and patent fat "re ducers" that depress or overtax the heart. This solf-sacrf flee of comfort health to overabundant fat Is entirely Mnnecesxary. however, aa Mrs. Luella nigger tells us there Is a home recipe that is far superior In everv wav to anything money will buy for reducing eiiperuuuus uenn. n is s&ia tnis simple mixture will take the fat off of man or woman at the rate of at leaat couple of pounds a week without even causing wrinkles. Moreover It does not disturb the stomach, but Is a a-ood thing for the system, clearing away pimples, and. best of all. It does not nterrere with tne a let. You cn It and at the same time eat whatever you like. This recipe is as follows: 44 ounce Marmola; H ounce Fluid Ex- ract Caacara Aromatlo and 3U oinim of Peppermint Water. Get these In gredients at any drug store, mix them together at home and take una spoonful after each meal and at bedtime. Mrs. Rls-ffer. as Is well knnvn famous beauty expert, and whatever she recommends Is sure to ba found Phone. - Professor Rlngler Is forming new dancing classes. Special rates to ladles. The Vlctrola will furnish more enter tainment than any other Instrument. Sherman, Clay A Co., on Morrison, at Sixth, have all the records'. elgn work. While abroad his budget has been met by the Portland associa tion and this arrangement will con tinue. Mr. Davis is returning to Japan to become general secretary of the To klo Y. M. C. A., having been promoted from tha Y. M. C. A. at Nagasaki. . Bible discussion groups, open to all men, will convene at the close of to day's meeting. Following these dis cussions the weekly fellowship supper will be held. FAT VANISHES ONE POUND A DAY BY NEW DRUGLESS METHOD TRUE SUCCESS AT LAST DOUBLE CHIN GOES QUICK Two Hundred Thoussnd Women Made Happy With This New Knowledge Through a Copy of This Remarkable Book, "WEIGHT REDUCTION WITHOUT DRUGS." Isn't This Convincing Evidence as to Its Value? See Me Here! I Looked as Fat as an Ox Before I Reduced My Fat. TUB JOY OF LIVING IS THE HERIT AGES OF THE LEAN, I WAS KTOLT AND I KNOW. Mv friends were charitable and they called It obesltyt others referred to me belno- STOUT, but I know, it waa just plain bulky weight. I was miser able you, too, are equally miserable if you are too stout. to reauce your weigni you musi una the cause, you must get at the very reason. I FOUND THE CA1SE THE REST WAS EAI, Before I succeeded. I tried every- thlngs within reason and some things beyond reason. It was maddening, disgusting. All I had to do was to remove the cause, and I swear under oath, that by my simple method, without drugs, medi cine, harmful exercises, or starvation diet. I reduced my weight 37 pounds in five weeks, and (guarantee that I can do the same for you. I do not use medi cine of any Rind or worthless stuff to ub on tne body, hut a simple noma treatment; even a child can use it with out harm. Through this marvelous com bination home treatment, I succeeded because I had found the right way. I can now climb to the summit of Pike's Peak with ease. I could not do that until I had taken off 37 pounds of my ponderous weight. If ou are Interested In your own happiness and health and figure, you in permit me to ten you now to re duce your weight Nature's Way, It is astonishing the thousands or grateful letters 1 am receiving. J. E. Boiselle. Box 422. Great Bend. Kansas. writes that he lost fifty nounds with mv harmless treatment. W. L. Schmltz. Mon- tvldeo. Minnesota, lost thirty pounds n thirty days. Mamie McNelly. Desloge. Missouri, write that she lost sixty-five pounds with this new method, and I can sena you inousanas oi names oi satis fled customers who have given me per mission to use their names. I never publish any name without written permission. Here I Am After Reducing ST Lbs. In Five weeks, witn My Harmless noma Treatment. I have printed a book for you entitled. "Weight Reduction Without Drugs.'1 which I am giving away without charge, prepaid to you, so that you may know of my successful method and be able to permanently reduce your weight any amount up to seventy pounds, without harmful exercise or starvation diet, drugs or medicines. Send for Free Copy Today. b i ' - 1 - ' i. .' i I r-jA5i"P I WILL SEND THIS BOOK TO YOU AT MY EXPKNSK. Send for my book. "Weight Reduction Without Drugs." It is yours for the asking, and I will be glad to send it to you, postage prepaid. I have found that the best way to know happiness is to give it. Sincerely your friend, M A RJORIE HAMILTON, Suite SOD7 Central Hank Building, Denver, Colo. F-vrry reader of this paper, who baa the .slightest Interest In Mlaa Hamilton's remarkable new treatment, ahonld write her promptly for nil she aarrees to ae-nd free, for na she hns Bald, her book, "Wela-ht Reduction Without KriiBX," la en tirely freei you have everything to gain and nothing to loeet but the hook la Tittraslva Mudjvi. raaj, if, cm nlAbacad a twa-cnt a tamo to keif nay Jrostaxevi. r flVat JLr 1 77'gte-,in s.1 .n.Tsmi.i ipll rr; B'l - SJJ- attraction in Knowing that you have bought a worthy article, one that gives you full value for the money you have invested in it. And it is our purpose that every buyer of our pianos shall feel that he has the best instrument that could be given him for the price. We g'o beyond the consideration of profit-maKing for ourselves, because we recog'nize that a per manent business is best estab lished by having' due regard for the customer's interests. No patron of ours is more anx ious to have a satisfactory instru ment than we are to give it to him. No purchaser is more con cerned in economical buying than we are in helping' him to select the best piano obtainable within the price he wishes to pay. than the Hardman, Hobart M. Price a No better r pianos Mason & Hamlin,. PacKard, KraKauer, Cable, Harring'ton, Teeple, Milton, Hensel and Rem brandt are purchasable any where in this country. Our list of player pianos repre sents, all told, about 35 styles, and another such matchless line cannot be found in the whole United States. These instruments are offered you at the very lowest prices that you could purchase them either in our retail warerooms, or in Chicago, New YorK, or elsewhere. Convenient payments arranged to suit every purchaser. Write us for catalogues and prices and we will be pleased to submit you information about pianos that will enable you to select, com pare and save considerable money on the purchase of an instrument. Victor Talking- Machines and Records. New Location Morrison at 7th. European Resorts. SWITZERLAND HOW TO SEE SWITZERLAND SECURE OIR TRAVEL LETTER So. 125 with handsomely Illustrated literature and thw Hotel Guide. It will pay you. No SWISS FEDERAL RAILROAD . 4t Fifth Avenue ew York City Button and Pleating Shop MOVED TO S09 ROYAL BLDG. 7th and Morrison Sts. JU9 NORA WHITES . tW MaiA 1315, TRAVELERS' GUIDE. NEW YORK-PORTLAND REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE. Low Rates. Schedule Time. AMERICAN -HAWAIIAN S. S. CO. 215 Railway Eirhian Bide Portland, Or. Mala 6378. A 3822. COOS BAY LINE 6IEAMER BREAKWATlCjt. Sails from Alnsworth Docks. Portland, P. 1L vry Tuesday. Freight recalvad at Alstwrth Dock dally up to S P. M. Pas acar far., firat-clus. $10: sscond-elass. IT. Including m.als and berth. Ticket offloa Alnsworth Dock, faoaes Mala stint. Ma