Em EDITORIAL AND SOCIETY SECTION' THREE Pages 1 to lO VOL. XXXI. PORTLAND, OKEGOX, SUNDAY MORNING, JAXUARY 21, 1912. XO. 3. Manicuring and Hairdressing Parlors, Second Floor Tea Room, 4tH Floor Best Cxisire in the CityDelightful Service Agents for Ladies Home Journal Patterns Standard Sewing Machines-Richardson Linens Libbey Cut Glass, Etc., Etc. aim Portland's Largest, Best and Oldest Retail Store Established 1851 SIhi miniuml Cleairaimce EverytHina Reduced Except a Few Contract Goods Entire StocK of Women's Egresses Malf Price Evening' Gowns Not Included in This Sale $12.50 Dresses for $6.25 $85.66 Dresses $42.50 Garment Dept., Second Floor The most remarkable sale we have ever attempted. Our garment buyer wires us from New York: "Close out ever- Dress if possible; must open next season with all new (roods." And this is the way we propose to do it. Tomorrow at 8 A. 51. the big slaughter will begin. All our charming and distinctive Dresses of rich velvet, soft, gracefully swinging crepe meteors, crepe do chines and messalines. imported French serges, fine chiffon broadcloths, etc.. 5Iany are simple in design, with slightly raised waist lines, with high or round necks, pf asant sleeves and side front fastenings, lace collars, cuffs, etc. Others are richly conceived with elaborate trimmings; others are fashioned on plain tailored, neat-fitting lines. All are reduced as follows: $12.50 Dresses for only S6.25 $15.00 Dressea for only S7.50 $16.50 Dresses for only S8.25 $18.50 Dresses for only S9. 25 $20.00 Dresses at only SI 0.00 $22.50 Dresses at only S11.23 $25.00 Dresses at only S12.50 $27.50 Dresses at only S13.75 $28.50 Dresses at only SI 4.25 $35.00 Dresses at only S17.50 $38.50 Dresses at only S19.25 $42.50 Dresses at only S2 1.25 $45.00 Dresses at only S22.50 $47.50 Dresses at only S23.75 $48.50 Dresses at only S24.25 $55.00 Dresses at only S27.50 $58.50 Dresses at only S29.25 $68.50 Dresses at only S34.25 $75.00 Dresses at only S37.50 $80.00 Dresses at only S40 .00 $85.00 Dresses at only S42.50 PHP mm H mm). ' ' Women's Tailored Stilts 3 Wonderful Bargfaims Valises- to S55 for $19.98 W omen's Garment Dept. .2d Floor As this Clearance Sale draws to a close our anxiety to sell increases. The activity of our buyers spurs us 'on to greater concessions in prices to clear the racks for the next season's stocks. In this lot we assemble hundreds of high-grade Suits in those popular striped mixtures, black and white striped novelties, blue and gray, black and gray mixtures, boulle suit imrs. purple diagonals, novelty broadcloths, gray and black checked novelties, novelty brown diagonals, navy diagonals, etc. Jackets are the regulation length, with plain or velvet collars, lined with peau de. cygne, silk or satins. j1 Q QO Skirts have panel back and front, with side plaits; some have high waist lines; values to $35.00; special for pXi770 $38.50 Suit $17.65 On Sale on Second Floor. Suits like these will attract great crowds of thrifty women to the big style store. The materials employed are diago nals, black cheviots, gray and black mixtures, mannish mix tures, camelsliair suitings, black diagonals, basket weaves in gray and black, heavy mixtures, black broadcloths, etc. Jackets are medium length, plain tailored, self or velvet col lars, lined with satin or peau de cygne. OurtfJJ 7 regular stock suits worth up to $33.50, only P .Vlw $28.50 Suit $M.50 On Sale on Second Floor. Women who study economy will appreciate this most un usual otfer for a tinal cleanup. The materials are cheviots, mixtures, serges, novelty suitings in checked and striped ef fects, etc.; jackets are the regulation length, some in the jaunty Norfolk styles, plain tailored or trimmed with velvet and lined with good grade of Skinner's satin or messaline silk; skirts plain with panel fronts and backs; 1 "f Cfl or have kick plaits on side; values to $28.50 P A.OU Entire StocK of Furs 2 Price $ 85.00 Russian Pony Coats $42.50 $ 87.50 Russian Pony Coats $43.75 $175.00 Russian Pony Coats $87.50 $110.00 Near Seal Coats at $55.00 $137.50 Near Seal Coats at $68.75 $165.00 Near Seal Coats at $82.50 $25.00 Black Fox Scarfs for $12.50 $50.00 Black Fox Scarfs for $25.00 $70.00 Black Fox Scarf for $35.00 $1.50 Ilii Umbrellas For 98 c First Floor Morrison Entrance. A welcome Clearance of fine quality Pain proof Umbrellas. . A long rainy a'.ason ahead and an opportunity. to save 52c will bring an early crowd tomorrow. Tops are of best Italian cloth, fitted over 8-rib frames with a good assortment of handles, both plain and trimmed ; our regular $1.50 grades, specially priced for Q q tomorrow's selling at only, each jQC Women's O Underwear & In the Knit Underwear Dept., first floor, a sale of Women s Heavy Weight Bleached Cotton Vests and Pants, fleece lined, full sleeve, ankle length. QA Best grades we've ever shown at JjC Clearance cf Fine SilKs 91.25 Plain Messaline Silks 98c $1.25. $1.50, $1.75 Fancy Silks 98c A remarkable Clearance offering. Your choice of 50 pieces of our regular stock Silks in fancy jaequards, stripes and print warps, suitable for waists, dresses, etc. The assortment comprises nearly every color. Actual $1.25, $1.50 r q and $1.75 grades, Clearance Sale price 5OC Salz 14-K Gold . Fountain Pens to 93.00 Grades For 65c A great clearance of the celebrated Salz Fountain Pens, fully warrant ed for one year. A full assortment of patterns, mottled, chased gold or plain barrels, gold, silver or pearl This offering positively for tomorrow only. Rich Messaline Silks, comprising a full assortment of plain colors. Your choice of our entire- stock of 26-inch Messalines none reserved. The $1.25 grades, bargainized for this great Clear ance Sale, at the very low price of, yd. mountings; grades $1.50 to?C Men's Crochet and Accordion NecRwear $2.00 Ties SI. 35 S2.50 Ties $1.85 $3.50 Ties S2.50 Men's Dept., First Floor. The popular accordion and crochet effects in men's Neckwear; all the very new color combinations, two tones and solid colors, Roman hob ble effects, bias and cross weaves, etc. See Morrison-treet window. 98c Children's 50c Hose 21c 25c Hose 12ic In the hosiery section, first floor, a clearance of children's Winter weight black Hose, in wool or cash mere, lxl rib, with merino heels and toes and extra spliced soles; our regular stock, worth up01 to 50c a pair, special, only Children's black Cotton Hose, full fashioned, with extra spliced heels and toes and double knees; excel lent 2.5c grades, priced 1 OIaa for Clearance Sale at 13.00, on special sale at only Entire StocK of Underwear Reduced Our Entire StocK Hosiery Reduced Animal Clearance fiouseliLoici Needs Table Linens, Bed Linens, Towels, Muslins, Pillows Quilts, Blankets, Bedding', Beds, Curtains, Carpets Rugs, China Ware, Silverware, Kitchen Needs, Etc, $2.75 Curtains Only $1.95 Curtain Lace at V2 Price Annual Clearance Sale of Drugs, Soaps and Toilet Needs Fairy Soap, limit six cakes to a cus- O tomer, 5c grade, special price, cake 15o Talcum Powder, special at only 8$ 35c bar 2y2 lbs. Dom'c Castile Soap 23 65c bars 4 lbs. imptd. Castile Soap 35 5c Toilet Soap, special price, a cake, 3 12y2e roll Toilet Paper, 1000 Sheets, 7 10c Hand Sapolio, special, the cake, 7 Carman's Face Powder, 50c size, 40 $1.50 Oriental Cream, Gourand's, 95 Ed Pinaud's 50c Face Powders, at 29 8c Face Chamois, nice size, special, 5 25c Face and H'd Lotion, Willows, 16 50c bulk Perfumes, odd lines, oz., 25 Fitches' Hair Tonic, $1.00 size, at 89 Fitches' Hair Tonic, 50c size, only 45 Pinaud's Hair Tonic, $1 size, only 75 Emery Boards, 10c dozen, special at 6 Wood Buffers, ass'd, worth to 50c, 25 25c Nail Files, special price, each, 10 Glycerine, Colgate's, y2 pound, at 25 50c Chamberlain's Cough Cure, special during this sale for only 42 25c Squibb 's Syrup White Pine Compound, special. for this sale at 19 Lotus Nail Enamel Powder or Cake and Cuticle Softener, 25c value, 15 Regular 35c bottle Witch Hazel, 16-ounce size, on special sale for 2l 50c Jaynes' Expectorant, at 40 5c Orange Wood Sticks, 2 for 5 25c Hand Scrubs, assorted, 16 25c and 35c Tooth Brushes at 18 65c and 50c Dressing Combs, 39 50c. Mentholatum, large size, 35 25c Mentholatum, small size, 16 "0c Listerine, Lambert's, at 40i $1.00 Glyco-Thymoline, only 79 50c Lavoris, special at only 40 $1.00 Bromo Seltzer, at only 83 25c Tiz, clearance sale price, 19J 18c Blue Jay Corn Plasters, for 8 35c Absorbent Cotton, only 25 50c Sal Hepatica, special at 39 $1.00 bottle Peruna, for only 83 $1 Gude's Pepto-Mangan, at 83 25c Pabst Extract, special at 20 35c Hunyadi Water, special, 27 25c bottle Peroxide, 8-onnce, 12 5c Toothpicks, 1000 to pkg., at 3 25c Carter's Little Lvr. Pills 15 y Sale Gray Enameled Ware V? Tea Kettles. No. 8, only 50 i'w Covered Kettles, 4-uart, 32? R'V Covered Kettles. fUiuart, 45 'yir. Dish Pans, 14-quart, for 3o 50c Toffe Pot. 3-quart for 354 4.1 Tea Pots. 2-oaart. only 30 Vj Seamless Water Pail, at 59f 0c Covered Steamers, only & 12c Deep Laver Cake Pans at 9 20c Terfect Sink Strainers, 15 33e tnbed 10-inch Cake Pan, 251 15c deep Padding Pan, 3-qt., 10t 20c Lipped Saucepan, 3-qt., 15 27 e Lipped Saucepan, 5-qt., 19 23c Lip'd Sauce Kettle, 4-qt. 16? 30c deep Colanders. 934-inch, 23 13c Hat Perforated Skimmer, 9 10c Basting Spoons. 14-inch, at 8J 40c Muffin Pan, 8-hoIe, at 30 flJO Cov. Boaster. 16,i-in. $1.50 Sale Blue Enameled Ware fl.50 Blue En. Tea Kettle, 1.19 27 e LiDrxsl Siurfntn. 2-it- lfW R.c CnvfrrA San Kttle for ftOtf 90c Covered Sauce Pan, 72 Ti.j- uoubie rkiiler. J-quart, 8V Cov. Straight Saucepan, 63 lGc Basting Spoons, 12-inch, 12 $1 Dish Pans, 14-quart. for 8O4 f 1.10 Seamless Water Pails, SSO 75c 2-quart Coffee PoU for 59 27c deep Pudding Pans, 2-qt, 19 30c Milk Pan.s 3l'2-quart. at 24 20e Pie Plates. 10-inch size, 15 30c Deep Layer Cake Pans, 24 4Sc Seamless Soup Strainers, 30 SaleWHite Enameled Ware Xk Covered Seamless Sauce "70 Pans, white and blue ware flJl) I)Lhpan., 14-quart, at 8S fl.00 Seamless Tea Pots, for 80 $l-3.j Seamless Dbl Boilers Sl.lO $2.15 Seamless Tea Kettles S1.72 150 Seamless Water Pails $1.20 c Pie Plates. 9-ineh, only 17 42c Deep Pudding Pans at 33? $1.25 Covered Seamless Sauce djl Pans, white and blue, at on!yPA f)oc cov. Lipped Saucepan at 75 110 eov. Lipped Saucepan $1.20 80e covered Dresden Kettles, 64 $1 covered Dresden Kettles, 80 95c Seamless Lipped Kettles, 75 27c Jelly Cake Pans, only 20 37c Seamless Water Dippers, 27 Clearance of white Net Curtains in the best grade double thread net, with attractive 3-inch lace' insertion and edge to match; 40 ins. wide; oar $2.75 11 QC grade, special, a pair V,' 35cCreton'e Special 23c A large assortment of best grade cretonnes, in beautiful floral pat terns and most pleasing colors, for window drapes, fancy work, etc; 36 inches wide; otOO 35c quality, the yd., onlyC Factory samples, Curtain ends, in fancy net and scrim, 14 yards lonu and 40 to 45 inches wide; white and Arabian colors; suit able for small windows, OQ sash curtains, etc; each' 65c Curtain Swiss at 37c Fine quality Curtain Swiss, in small checked designs, full 50 inches wide, in white, Arabian and ivory, suitable for curtains, fancy work, etc.; our 6.5c 0 7 quality, special, the yard O f C (fi YS 1-fu)orH1 THE JJ $2 Linen Table Cloths $1.25 NapKins to Match, the Dozen $1.75 On the bargain circle, between the elevators, main floor, all-linen hemstitched Table d1 OP Cloths, size 60x62 inches, neat, desirable patterns; good values at $2 ea., for one day Pi5 Dinner Napkins, size 18x18, to match the above Table Cloths, special price, the dozen, $1.75 ffg IN THE $W BASEMENT 50c Embroidery Flouncing' for 25c 19c Embroideries, at the Yard lOc Hundreds of thrifty women will come to the basement for these beautiful Embroideries. . 5000 yards of this splendid 27-inch Embroidery Flouncing, in scores of new, dainty patterns. OC Take advantage of this one-day sale. Good 50c quality, offered special at only, a yardC Monster sale of fine Swiss Embroidery, edges and Insertions, in width 3 to 12 inches, 1 "- and endless choice of new, dainty patterns; qualities that retail regularly at 19c, the yard "C Clearance of Blankets, Sheets, $5.00 BLANKETS ONLY $3.95 $6.50 BLANKETS ONLY $4.95 $9.00 BLANKETS ONLY $7.25 These are white wool, with pink or blue borders, and are large size. $6.50 BLANKETS ONLY $4.95 $7.00 BLANKETS ONLY $5.35 Gray wool Blankets, with pink, blue or brown borders, large size. $6.00 Mattress, special clearance sale price at $4.25 50-Ib. eotton felt Mattress, stitched sides, heavy roll edge, cov'd with best ticking; $13.50 grade, $10.25 40-lb. cotton felt Mattress, covered with best art tick ing, made with heavy roll edge; $12 grade at $8.50 In the bedding store, thirj floor, a sale which offers unusual saving op portunities lor hotel and rooming-house keepers to lay in good supplies for the season. Remember the 'Elks Convention and Rose Carnival are booked for this season. Read the following special low price offerings: Pillows, Comforts, Etc. for Monday Shoppers $3.75 BLANKETS ONLY $3.10 $4.50 BLANKETS ONLY $3.65 Wool finish Blankets in white, gray or plaids; large size. See them. $1.25 COMFORTS ONLY $1.05 $1.65 COMFORTS ONLY $1.35 $2.25 COMFORTS ONLY $1.90 $2.75 COMFORTS ONLY $2.25 $3.75 COMFORTS ONLY $3.25 $7.50 Chill-less Iron Beds, all colors, special, $5.45 $5.00 Chill-less Iron Beds, special sale price, S3.75 $2.75 Yum Yum Springs, on special sale, only $1.95 ' Our entire stock of Pillows are reduced for this sale. Entire stock of Mattresses reduced during this sale. JiLAVX toiliilb, tor rooming houses, hotels, etc.; excellent qual ity, torn, hemmed and ironed ready for use, on sale at these low prices : Size 54x90 Sheets for only 45 Size 72x90 Sheets for only 54 Size' 81x90 Sheets for only 58 EXTRA QUALITY SHEETS Size 54x90-inch, best made, 60 Size 63x90-inch, best made, 65 Size 72x90-iuch, best made, 70 Size 81x90-inch, best made, 80 Size 81x99-inch, best made, 85 18c PDLLOW SLIPS FOR 12Vi 700 doz. extra heavy Pillow Cases, size 45x36 inches ; our 1 O fa regular 18c grades for SC 20c PILLOW CASES, ONLY 15 300 doz. hemstitched Pillow Cases, size 45x36 inches; good 20c 1 C grades, clearance sale price $1.00 Crochet Bedspreads at 78 $1.75 Crochet Bedspreads, $1.45 $2.00 Crochet Bedspreads, $1.65 BATH TOWELS, DOZEN, $1.75 Large size, cream color; low-priced. Thousands of Towels of all kinds and descriptions. Hand Towels at 48c doz. ; heavy Huckaback Towels, 80c, 90c, $1.20 doz. Entire stock reduced.