The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 21, 1912, SECTION TWO, Page 17, Image 33

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Selling Price Is Lifted Another
infirm Car Sold by A.aocltlon In
Iat 1Vr-rk and More Could Ha,
Hr-rn I)lro-rd Of YakU
ins Slocks Light.
T- selller prlee of Oregon onlona
lifte4 another quarter yeerteruay. At tlia
Confederated Onton Growers' Aasociatioa
meeting It waa decided thai 12 a aack wi
th. pro par quotation, in "Maw of the
tranatb of tha merksts orarywbara.
Darin: tha past weak IS car war sold
by th aaaoclatloa at $1.T& and mora cauld
have been disposed of bad I hay k 1 of
A. J. Fan no. president of tha ssssillaflaei,
viatted tlia Bound dartag tb waak aad fooad
th aurku thar very strong. Stocks
war nni.l, aa dealers have sot been laying;
la supplies. According to W. T. "srr-
aan. af Seattle, tbar era not vr 20 rara
let at Korta Yakima.
Th potato markat during th waak has
baaa ataady. Tha shipping demand waa
fair aad elTarlnr from valley point wr
sufficient t moat all reqatremsnts.
Twenty-four carloads of haad-sorted
lected potatoa growa In th Elgin tarrl-
tory will b ahtppad to Eastern markat
nait Monday. Th man bablnd th shtp-
ntol ara L. Stoop, IX A. Barnes. Mr.
vreatherspooa and others, and growers la
th tmmadlat vicinity of E:g1a ara snp
piylac th potato for th shlpraeat. Thla
daal will bring th mtn at lt $100.
Markat I Ft
Than at Opaoins f th
Th auaar markat la mack fir mar than at
th opaaina of th yaar. Th trada a tb
Coaat la bow vanarally ea th raflnary bala.
At Ban Francisco apaculatlT atocks ara
prartlrai:y all claanad up aad la a waak or
10 dara all th Jobbara win b an tb ra
flnary baa's.
la th East th atraacth I la th raw
sucar markat, whara prtca hav raaotad.
following th alump la th cloning moatha
of laal yaar. Tb local trada bal larea that
March 1 will aaa blghar prlcoa thaa oi
Th lataat trada adatcaa from Naw Tork
pay of aurar:
"Tha markat for raw augar haa baaa
araady thmughout th woak. Th fact that
oftT.Ta bar dacraaaad. notwlthatandlng th
rontlnued Indlffaraac ahowa by raflnara, la
a strong fatnra. aad another waak of small
ofTarlnra might raault la aa actlv markat
at a!lrh:ly hlghar yaloca.
"Whlla th praaant margin hat w aan raw
and rrflnad auaar looks full. It moat not b
lost s.aht of that It will b th and of Jan-
usry bafora th raflnar ara racahrlng Cabaa
bought at todaya quotatlona and that tb
suaar that ar bow baing mailed coat aay
whara from Ho to I -1 oc abov today's mar
kat. .ahtch mean that th actual ra fining
margin la comparatlaaly amall. Th trad
rontloa to bay on a hand-to-moath baala,
hot thar la a fair daily domand."
Buy ara
It IMfriealt
Th waak cloaad with th wheat market
firm at nnehangad price Thar was a good
general demand, but borers found It aod-
Ingly difficult to Interest seller
Oa.Es and barley war firm, with small of
Thar waa bo Changs la th floor sttua-
Local receipts, la car wer reported by
th Merchants' Eachang as follows:
Whaat Barley Floor Oats Hay
Monday 1 1 10 S II
Tuesday SI I 17 S 8
Wednesday .... SO S 4 21
Thursday ..... S3 .. S 3
Friday 3 .. S 7
Saturday 24 6 I B
Tear ags .1.1 S 1 1.1
Total this waak JT'i 2 W 21 U
Tear ago ts 44 11 72
Feaaoa to date ' 11 1.1!! 10"?
Tear ago 4370 12 1WT os 1033
I mj-'l EE TO sin.L
Pwaltry Trad
I Doll But tar
Maraa4 la
v I'aartllaaL
Preaaar to sail aggs la the local markat
against a poor demaad, eoupled with much
bear talk. kap th markat la a vary waak
condition. Candied ggs war offered at SO
cants yesterday aad a cant. aad. la
Inatanc I cnta andar thla waa qootd oa
caa count.
The poultry markat waa slow. Racalple
war light, bat chickens were carried ovr
last Bight. Thar was a char. re la th
draaaed meat market.
Th local bottr markat haa baaa onat
tied for som time past, Thar la sharp
campatltloa among th creamer! ee to gat
craam shippers and a material pram! on
being paid for battar fat. At the
ttm eatsld creameries ar offering their
product on th market at ooaceasloaa from
th current local prlc
Cheese continue vary firm, owing te light
la Markka.
A car ef Mexleaa tomatoes was put oa
sal yesterday at $2J2-21 a erat Aside
from thl th receipt were small. There
has baaa a 11 -cent advance In caoltf1owr la
California and th beat stock I now quoted
at $3 SO a erat her Most ether vegetable
a ere firm.
Apples and citrus fruits moved eat well at
good prtca
Baak Clearings,
Bank eaiinge of tha Northwester cities
veetaruar war aa follows
Clearlnr. Balance
Portland sl.Til.Tl'S $4:..I2T
l-eatt:e l. T eSO 204.121
Tacoma iTS.Jll 42.141
Mxikana SOi.41'2 lll.SWl
l.'learlnra of Portland. Seattle and Tacoma
for the paat week and correepoading wea
in tormer years sr
9.0W7.18 7
7 H2.1.271
6 ;7iiO
4.421. 314
1 I
1 let-,
...$lu.2'.3 l'.'l
. .. V S'JC.OM
... .2ti.:io
. .. .ia.t;
. .. 4 .122.1'HI
. .. 8. 2.1i. 512
. .. 4 t"t.4T7
. .. 3.7SI.02T
. . . s a.7.
... 8.347.28
4.C--0. 51
4 2.S4.820
2.743.61 T
Grala. rioar. Feed. Kta.
A'HSAT Track price : Blueatem. S4
ub. lie; rvd Kuasiaa, 80c; Valley, lio;
wri'-T it., s-c.
rLClK latent $4.SO par barrel,
straight $4.03; export $3.00; Valler, $4.00;
granem. $i3. wnola wheat. 14.43.
MlS-LSTl'FFS Uran, 123 per ton; short
II,. middling Uu;, rolled tarlay. $37 0
w 9.
OAT3 Na, 1 white. $31031.60 per toa.
HAT No. 1 Kastem Oreson timothy. 1
Ola. No. 1 Va.iey. $13 0 14: allaUa. $189
14; clover. $12: grain. $1213.
BAI.LtT Feed. 110 per ton.
COK.v New. whole. j; cracked, 834;
eld. a hole. J4; cracked. 137.
Tecnablea aad rndta.
12.73 01: Japanee. II 40 per bandl: C a li
tem La grapefrulu I3.3O04: Flortda grape
fruit. 13.73 J 9: banana 10 IH Bar pound;
iemor.e. 14.23 if 4 ..V) per bo
FRESH i KL'lTd Almrrla grape IS OS
par barrel; craaberrl $lu lx&u par bar
rel POTATOES Buying prlaaa: Knrbank
a0$1.13 par hundred; aat potato
$3-2-1 par crate
VAViXAjttJLiS JLrtichoka 11.11 par dj.
beana ISStTHa: cabbage, 1H91 per
pound: rtollflovtr, tl 2Stf s-AO per crate; cej-
loitn: mpliiil, US par pound:
11c. tSlflc per pound: lettuce. 1280
pr crate; peppera, 12So pr pound; pump
klna ltlWo por pound; radishes. St. per
4oio; sprouts. Sc; squash. lMtflHo par
pound: tnmatoaa. $20 2.22 par nox.
ONIONS Association prlcex It par sack.
SACK VEGETAHLES Turn I pa, 11 2S par
aack; rut abac as, $1.25: carrots. $1.2&; par
enlu.. 11.23; beets, $1 50.
APPLES Fancy Roma Fanty. JIM par
box; cholc. Ram Beauty. $2: fancy Tallow
Newtown. $2 50; fancr Spttsenberga. 'Z.ltP.
iM'.aware Xrd II 11; Wlneeep. $2: Northern
Fpt. $10; Baldwin. ILM3; Baa Devla.
Dairy aad Cassntry riadiK.
FITTER Oregon raamry battar. Ud
pack. sse: prima, aztra; batterfat. S9O40S
L . b. Portland.
roiLTRI liana. ISc: Springs. ISHe:
ducks, jroiinc. XOc; geeee. 12fee; turkeys,
live. I?; draaaad. cholca. 23c.
KG;d rraak Oregon ranch, candled.
50c par dnaan.
CKtCsi: Fresh Tillamook flat Te;
lour.c Americas. lHo.
PORK Fancr. to" I Via par poejnd.
VtAL Fancy. 12vl4s par pound.
fnapla Ci
LM ON Columbia River. 1-potrnd tail.
$2.21 par doaaa; (-pound tail. $J8: 1-
pouad flata. eieO; Alaaka pink, l-poaad
alia. $1 13.
COFFEE; Roaatd. la drama. Ma Oa
par pr-und.
KVTa Walnata. ISa-iau. par pooaa.
Braxll r.ula, ladlao: nlbarta. )44)lSc; al
mond a IT 21c. pacana. ISaj coaoanuta, o
II par doaaa: chaatauta. 12o par pn.
hickory ruta 910c par pound.
HUNt T Cholca. U.II por caal wmuaav
BMitT. lOa aaa b-mfiA.
SALT nrantilitcd. lis aar toa: bbii-
troor.1 loo. s.o par toa: SO. pr toa.
UEAMI raau wblt. e; iaxa wi..
r: Lima. Ike: sink, ilkc: Max I can A lei
klTou Aa
RICK No. I Japan. $ei ehoapar trad.
ulc; Southara haad. 6-CTc
SL'dAR Dry aranulalad. IH.13: fruit and
baf f IA4t- Unnnini., nlanfatlon. Ia.20: b1
l.oi; axtra C. la Tl: poa-darad. barrala.
$l .": rnbaa. barrala. I 5.
DRIED rRUITS -Apciaa. 1 par POaaa
aorlrota ia9iauc: aaachaa. 11 lac
pruaaa Italian. loHfflolkc; allrar. ISc; Bra
whit and black. milWo: currants. 10
lie: raisin A looaa. atnscalal. 64 0THa
blaarbad Thompson. HVc: onblaacbad Kul
taaaa, lac: aaadad. I4IIH: dalaa. Pr
a:aa. Sao par lb.: Faro, $10 par boa.
HAMS 10 to 12 Bouada. HV4llHa: 1
t 14 pounds lSHlc: I to IS pooaaa.
JJHOiaSac: IS to IS pound HHOHa'l
aklnsad. lie; plcnlca. Iliac; cot lag a raU
LARD Kattl ran darad. llarca 1IH1
tuba. llUc: standard. Uarcoa. 11 e: tub.
12c: ahartanlna. Uarcaa. Sa: tub. So.
BACON Paacy. 2!Vo: standard, lie)
cholca. 20C-: Engltaft. 1IOI7C
DRY SALT CURED Regular abort clear.
dry aajt, amokad. 14o; short clear,
backa. IS to IS rba.. dry salt. ISc; amokad,
14S; abort clear backs. IS to 20 lb, dry
all. I2Ho: smoked !4o; Oxagoa export
dry aa.t. 14 Mc: amokad. loc.
3opa, Wl aad 111 da
HOPS 1111 ens. 41US44Ho: old aoml-
nal. 1U12 contract 21c; yar.lo;
n year lie.
MOHAIR Choir B30STO par pooaa.
WOOL Eaatara Oregon, SO IS I
pound according to shrinkage; Valley. 1
ire par pound.
PELTS Dry. lie: Iamb e sited. 83 0 ol
short-wool pelt 63076c: botcher pelt Nay.
tae-orr. soggoc: pee. taka-off. eocOll.
HIDKS Salted hide HkOlOU par
pound salted calf. lOSlTot salted kip. 100
lie: green hide S0SSfce: dry calf. 2uo: dry
hide IT 10c: aaltad stags. Sw0Ta: gre
stag I H 0 Sc.
CA8CARA Pr pvaad. !).
XJaaaod CHI aa4 Tarpaatto
LINSEED OIL Par raw .la barrel I'
boiled, la barrel 14c; raw. la case 17c;
boiled, la raaa goc
TURPENTINE Case TSo: wood arrat
T2H .
FLAXSEED Oil. VEAL Par tea, $4.
Small Lot of Steers Is Sold at $.20.
Xo Change In General
Quiet oondltlon customary oa Saturday,
prevailed at the stockyards yesterday. Only
two loads af hogs aad a few cattle wer re
ceived. Trading was practically at a standstill.
th oaly transact Ions bains; the sal of
three ateara averaging 1212 pound t Sa.ll.
Tha day's arrtvala -war II cattle aad 11$
Shippers war J M. Mlachler. Hubbard.
on car of hogs; Ed Knorr. Orangevlll on
car of hogs: Sberiitt Broa, who drov la
tan cattle, and W. L Dlshman, who drove
la elx cattle
Receipts for th wak hav baaa 2111
ittla, 22 calves. 14l bog 1412 aheap.
The aceomulatloa of larg supplies of
ittl Incident to tha storm, gave huyars
an opportunity of securing aa adequate
supply, and there was a tandenoy to ham
mer prlcee wherever poaalbl The damaad
was active and aa Increased number of
buyera took the offering At the end of
the waak prices had gona off 10c to lie
front the close of last weak. Thla reduc
tion applied to tha average offering but
good quality cattle brought price eqaaa t
l nose or last wees,
Th hog market showed a decline of
about 25e at the end of the week- Thar
a few offerings that bela aa toward
the top, but the average aalea wer at a
lower point.
Tb sheep markat waa a little bit alow
and draggy. That was little life or activ
ity to tb demand for sheep and buyer
sooa filled Uislr wants at slightly lower
Tha range of n rices at tha yards eras
Cholca steers IS.OO0te.fl
Good to cholca at ears a 7.1 a no
Choice cows 4.R0t sllO
Good I cholc cow..........,, 4.40 4 0
Choice spayed heifers .......... & 31 5 30
Good to cholc heifers ..... soos i ?a
Cholc bolls 4 23 0? 4. BO I
uooo. IS cnoicv pun 4.00 u 4 23
Cholc calves T.300 S.00
Good to choice calves. .......... s.73t T.W0
Cholc to tight hogs B.BO0 0.T5
Oood to cholc hogs ..... S.fftta? 6.60
Smooth heavy hogs ............ S.7A0 S.&0
Cholc yearling wethers ....... 4.ftA0 4..TS
Choir killing ewea 4.00 0 4.H
Cholc lamb 0.009 S.
Good to cholc Iambs ......... 4.ftoa 47s
Culls . 3.730 40a
Omaha Ureatark Market.
OMAHA. Jan. 20. Cattle nrlni. BnA
Market. ateady. Native ateara. 1.1 at .4
7 BO: cows and heifer 1.3.30 6 4 00: West
ern eteer 3 IO0 61K: Taxaa steers, $3 70 0
itiwt 1 an k cuws iau neiier Id.unwa.lo:
canner I2.SOo3.6S: stockers and feeder
I3.60V6 00; calve $4.000 3.00; bull stag
etc.. 13.50 Q I 50.
Hogs Receipt V300, Markat Be lower
Heavy. I loo 6.25: mixed. 13 uAaitnA-
lirhu ll.6oQ6.13; pig 14 3003.73; bulk of
1S. li.KOu8.13.
Hheep Receipt 100. Market, eteadv:
yrarllna I4 73n5.50: wethers, 14.2304.60:
ewe $3. 40 0 4.23: Iamb 1J.OC30.
rhlcag Ilvratock Market.
CHICAGO. Jan. 20. Cattle Recelnta
irO0. Market, weak; beeve $4.6308 60;
Texaa steer $4.Svt$-a; Weatera steer
I4.o07..'3: stockers and feeders. 13.734
600; cows and heifer 12.23 u 4,73: calve
16 SO fr 73.
Hoaa Heceipt X3.vno. Market, dull:
Be lower: light. 13.73 tf 6 20; mixed. $3.0'a
4 33: heavy. I3.WOB a jjj u. ; rouxh. 13 83 a)
610: pig $4.40 C 5.70; hulk of sale I6.1&
0 6 30.
rineep rtecaipi uei. narxtt. steady:
native. $3 23tr4.70: Weatera. 18.60 0 4 73:
yearling I4 9O0S.K.1: lamb naUv $4,600
S-ev; - Weatera.
Hear York Metal Market
NEW TORK, Jan. 2a Ths metal mar
kets ware quiet and nominal, unchanged
In the absence of exchange
Lake copper, imimt; electrolytic
14S.tjl4He. and casting. 14014
1 in. liii' w 4i..-.o. 4.40B4C
speller. 6.43 0 6.630.
Antimony, t ooneou e, i-trw.
Iroa. ancbanged.
MlaaeapoUa Wheat Market,
May. $1.04: July. !Lt 0 !-4 H ; cash. No.
1 hard. 11.14 H: .No. 1 Northers. Il u; K
1 Karinexa. $1 44; Sio. $ wheat, $1.02,
Buying Movement at Rising
Prices Is Resumed.
Rio Grande AcUfr), Owln to Rumors
ConnccUnff Western Pacific With
HI 1 1 Lines Bonds Taken
at Better Prices.
KW TORK. Jan. JO For
and taking th recant dullness Int 0"t
todays brief session was rather """r"
for Its activity and strength. Ths 7i
movement, which began yesterday In the
Hill leeu later spreading to the more ao
tlv stock wss resumed In a moderate oa
,re general advaaosa marking th epsra
tlons of ths first hour. .h.
c.i. mmm or th situation ara a-
vloueiv of a manlpulatlv character, par
ticularly the movement la the ooel ""
Reading was again th leader today, re
aumlng Ita activity of th previous day and
selling op ta ISO. Baying of that stock was
trseeable to a group of operators prominent
In former movements and to this was added
buying which was credited to th out-of-town
account. .
Th list as a whol tild strong, with sa
vanna In certain epecJaltlee and the mor
obscure Issue St. Paul was steady, although
Wall etreet la bow of the opinion that the
dividend will be cut to a given per cent in
ths coming waak. There was soms activity
In Denver A Rio Grande preferred, arising
from tba current rumors connecting the
Western Pacific with the Hill line All the
mors popular and active Issues movs sym
pathetically. Beat prices of ths day ware
registered In the last hour, hot realizing for
profita then ensued and recessions war
quit general. The tone at the close, how
ever, waa active and etrong.
Tha bank statement furnished something
of a surprise In that actual loans expanded
over $28,000,000. The actual cash gain, how
aver, waa almost $17,000,000. with an In
crease In reserve of over $7,000,000. Ac
tual excess cash reserves now ara over
The bond markat was active, with further
price Improvement. Total sale par value.
$2,100,000. Panama Is advancsd on call
during tbe week.
OpenHlgh Low CIs.
AmaL Copper C....
Am. Car A F, som...
Am. Can, som. . , . . ,
do preferred
Am. Cotton Oil, aom.
Am. Loco., com, ....
Am. Smelt., 00m.....
do preferred
Am. Woolen, com....
T2H T814I 71H
Anaconda Mining Co.
85 H 85T4
Atcnison, com. .....
do preferred . .. . .
B. A O., com
Beet Sugsr
Brooklyn. Rapid Tr.
Csnsdlan Paclflo, & .
Central Leather, c ..
do prof erred .....
C G. W.. com.....
do preferred
C, M. A St. P
106 H 106 H
281 i
18H 184 18H
108 in. Vina
C A N. W com
141H.H1 5..H1H
l neeapeake unia,
72H 72T
Colo. South., com...;,
44 44
do 2d preferred....
do 1st preferred...
Consolidated Gas ....
Corn Product 00m. .
iiiH'iiztt' iia
do nreferred
Delaware A Hudson. .
iMnver A Rio G., a.,
do preferred
Erie, common
do 2d preferred...
do 1st Dreferred..
General Elactrlo ....
Gt. North, ore land
Ut. North., pfd.
Ice Securities ......
Illlnsls Central
Int. Harvester
Interurban Met, a,.,'
140 141
do nreferred
Lehlsh Vallav
166 i
Kansas City Sooth...
Allia-Cbalmer ..
28 V,
27 H
do Drciarred .....
Chicago A Alton, .
17. IT 17.
do nrererrea .....
Distillers .
Ray ConsoL ........
Miami Copper
24 H
Louisville A Nashville
154 V,
86 H
Mexican NatL, 2d...
M., SL P. A S. 8. M.
133 S
M.. K. A T-, com ..
dd preferred
Missouri Pacific ....
National Lead
Nevada Consolidated .
New sork Central
N. Y.. Ont. A West
Nor. A Western. 00m
109 V.
North American -
Nor. Pact tic com
118 118
Pacific Mall a. a. CO.
Pennsylvania Railway
12SS 128 a
f. u.. l. m cone co
Pressed Steel Car, a.
do preterrea .....
Reading, com
ao va prei. .....
do 1st prof.
24 Hi
Rep. Iron A Steel. 0
do preferred
Rock Island, com...
do preferred
BL L S B. F.. 2d pf
Ao 1st pref.
BL U I 8. W own
2$4 29 I 28
do preferred ....
Southera Paclfl com
Southern Railway, a
22 is
.13 14
do Preferred .....
Texaa A Paclflo, . . .
Tot.. St. L. A W e
do preferred .....
Union Parlflo. com.
do preferred
V. 8. Rubber, com .
do preferred .....
TJ. S. Kteel Co., corn
67 'iiL
do preferred .....
III 111
T"tah Copper
Virginia Chemical .
Wabash, coin
do nreferred .....
Waetarn Union Tel. .
Weatlnghouae Eleo
Wlaconstn Central. 0
Big Four
it" lib'
Hallway Springs ....
do preferred ..
Goldfleld Cob, ......
Wheel. A Lake Erie.
Third Avsnne
Tenneaaee Copper ...
Chine Copper
F-uralahed by Over back A Cook Co.,
Bid. Asked.
Amer Tel and Tel eonv a.
Amerlcaa Topacoo 4s ...a,,,.. ie "4
American Tobacco Ss 120.
Atchison general 4s 89
Atchison conv 4s
Atchison adj 4s stamped 91 H
Atchison conv 6s 107
Atlantio Coaat Lin eons 4s.... 98 H
At Coaat Una "LAN coll" 4a. . 94 H
Baltimore A Ohio 3Hs 92
Haltlmors A Ohio 4a 98
Brooklyn Rapid Transit 4a,.... 85
Canada Southern first 6a 101 H
Chesapeake A Ohio 4H 101 H
C B A J Joint 4s 98
O B A Q Ills 4a 100
8 B A u Denver 4a 964
Central Paclflo first 4a 96
Chicago A East Ilia 4s 804
Chicago R I A P ref 4a 90H
Chicago R I A P Col trust 4s.. 71 '
Do Ivor A Rio Grande 4s 89 H
Delaware A Hudson conv 4a... 98 H flrat cona P L 4a fH
Int Met 4H 83
Japanese 4a 84
Japanese first 4HS 92 H
Japanese second 4H 91 H
Loulsvllls A Nashville oni s... 98 H
Mo Kans A Tex H ot
Missouri Paclflo 4a 72 H
New York Central SSI 87 H
New York Central L S ! 62 H
New Tork City 4s ... 9314.
New York City 4Hs of 198T 107 H
Norfolk A Western as 88 H
Norfolk A Western eonv 4s IO6H
N T ont A W 4s 94 H
Northern psclflo PLii 100 H
Northern Paclflo 8s 19 H
Oregon Short Lin 4 944
Oregon Railway A NaT 4a ..... 95
Penna Ry 4s of 194S 108
Philippine Railway 4S 84 H
Readtng general 4a 89 H
Kepubllo of Cuba 6a 102 H
Southern Paclflo first ref 4s .. 97s
Southern Paclflo ool 4S 82
Southern Railway 4a 7S
St L A S P ref 4a 80
Union Pacific flrat ws 1004
Union Paclflo conv 4s 12H
Union psclflc ref 4s 97 H
United States Pieal S F 6s.i...l0SH
United Statee 2s registered 100
United Piatea 2a coupon 1O0
United States 8a registered 101 H
United Stataa 3a coupon 101 ,
United Staea 4a registered 113
Unl:ed States 4a coupon. ...... .1 13 H
United Railway S F 4 69
United R.illway St L 4s 73
Wabash first ee .ja.ssl' xjus Ai",
94 H
02 v.
100 Vs
... M
... S2V.
Stocks at Boat on.
BOSTON;. Jan. 50. Closing quotations:
Alloues 42 'Mohawk ex-dtv.. 66
Amalg Copper.. S Nevada Con .... 191,
A Z L A 6m... 25 V I Nlplsslng Mines. fte
B A C C A S M. North Butt.... 26
Butte Coalition. 22H North Lake b
Cal A Arlxona.. nlii;oid Dominion... 4tlJ
Cal A Hecla 4:;o lOsceola ex-tllr. .111.1
Centennial 2li;Qulncy
Cop Ran Cob Co G4 .shannon 10
K Butte Cop M. 134,'Superlor 28
Franklin 12 Sup A Boa Mln.. 4
Gtroox Con .... 4 'Tamarack 80
Granny Con ... 87;u 8 B R A M . . V
Greene Caaane 8S do preferred... 47(4
I Royalle (Cop) 21A.,rtah Con 16'.
Kerr Lake. 2 Utah Copper Co. 66i
Lake Copper.... 36 IWlnona 3 54
I., salle copper 6 4 (Wolverine 99
Miami Copper... 24 I
Money, Exchange, Etc
NEW TORK. Jan. 20. Money oa call
nominal. Tim loans very soft and active;
to day i'nii-'n per cant; days. 10
six month lttl4..
Prime mercantile pauar. IV04W per cent.
Sterling exchange firm, wltn actual busi
ness In bankers' bills at 14.84 for 10-day
bill and at $4.IT2u for demaad.
Commercial bills $4.81 tfc.
Bar silver 57ljc.
Mexican dollara 7o.
Government beads steady; railroad strong.
IX)NDOM, Jan, 20. Bar silver, stsady,
Money 80 3H per cent.
Tbe rate of discount In open market for
short bills la f: for throe month Z.
SAX FRAXCISCO. Jan. 10. Storting ea
London. II day 14.84: sight, $4.17.
Drafts Sight. 6c; telegraph, 7 Ho.
Conditio f tha Treasury-
WASHINGTON, Jan. 20. At ths begin
ning of business today the conditio of the
t'nlted Stataa Treasury was: 1
Working balance la Treasury of
fices I ll.56S.10S
In banks and Philippine Treasury 14.182.471
Total balance In general fund 120.6S3.7S4
Ordinary reoelpta yesterday 2.247.180
Ordinary disbursements 2.124.112
The deficit to date thla fiscal year la 117.
272.411. as against a deficit of $1,111,111 at
this time last year.
These figure Include Panama Canal and
publlo debt transaction
Banks Increase Their Surplus 6eren
Millions In tbe Week Despite
Loan Expansion.
NEW TORK. Jan. 20. The statement of
clearlng-houae banks for the week shows
that tha banks hold t:in.Po2.000 reserve In
excess of the legal requirements. This Is
an Increase of $7,843,750 In the proportion
ate cash reserve as compared with last
wsek. The statement follows:
Dallv averacs. Increase.
Loans $l,833.01.00O $ 85.624.000
Specie 8oS.63H.0O0 16.ll34.OOil
Legal tenders .. P2.H11.000 1.836.000
Net deposits .... 1,836.010,000 61,353.000
Circulation 60.837.000 1.000
Banka oaah reserve In vaults, $399,230.
000; trust companies' cash reaerve In vault.
161,664,000; aggregate cash reserve, $400.
714.000; excess lawful reserve, I36.802.0OO,
Increase. 17.848.750. Trust companies reserve
with clearing-house members carrying 25
per cent cash reaerve, 183,868,000.
Actual conaition:
18,423.01 10
42.372. 00
161, 0V0
Loans $1.9B9.!)S0.OO0
Specie 876.809.000
Legal tenders ... 02,030.000
Net deposits 1,869. 004. 000
Circulation 61, 005,000
Banks' cash rerervs In vaults. $407,62.1,
000; trust companies' ensh reserve in vault.
Ifll.164.000: excess lawful reserve mz.ui.
700. lnarease, $7,124,400. Trust companies'
reserve with clearlng-houae members carry'
lng 23 per cant cash reserve, lso.199.000.
Summary of atate banks and
pan lea not reporting to th
Legal tenders.
Total deposts
. 66.871.400
. 11,118.000
. 697.3S,900
aid, 300
ln erases.
The Flnsncler will say:
Despite the continuous expansion in ths
loan and deposit Item of ths New Tork
Clearlng-House bank which have tended
largely to Increase cash reserve requlre-
-vaent ths flow of money to this center Is
so largely in excess or ourrent needs tnat
the surplus reserves continue to rise, tnat
Item atandlng on Saturday. January 20, at
142.074.700. an Increase of $7,124,400 for
th week.
Th expansion In loans sine th pre
vious statement, taking aotual conditions
as a basis, waa $28,138,000, and this with a
gain of $16,944,000 In cash, brought about
an increase of Me.BTZ.uoo in net deposit
Some small sums of gold are going out
ward on export operationa, but the amounts
Involved, la view of the trend of money to
this center, are negligible In their affect on
the ourrent situation. ttemittances irom
ths Interior to New Tork at this season of
the year are normel and. If past experience
affords a present criterion, tnere is no ten
Ing how large an exceas surplus the New
York banka will have accumulated before
the opening of the Spring seaaon. In view
of the present clroumstanoe the softness
In th money market requires no explana
Price 4notedl a the Bay City for Vege
table. Fruit Eta,
SAN FRANC IS OO, Jan. SO. Th follow
ing produce price were current here to
day: vegetables unonmoer 7 0041. iu; garu
S33Ho; green peas. 6016c; string bean
102vo; sggplant, 90 17 He; tomatoes, 63o
It utter Fancy creamery, sen
Eggs Store, 2c: fancy ranch, 29s.
Onions $1.6001.10.
Cheese Young A merle 17 018 Ho.
Fruit Apple choice, $1; common, 880;
Mexican lime 13.00 8; California lemon
choice. $3.60; common. $1 23; navel orange
$1.50 0 2.50; pineapple 12 a 2. 60.
Potaloea Oregon Burbank nominal;
Salinas Burbank $1.7591.90; liver Bur
bank $1.2601.60; sweet 12.10 0 2.65.
Mlllstufts Bran. 125.500 26.60; middling
$90 0 83.
Hay Wheat. $16021: wbeat and oat
$181I.H5; alfalf $12015.60.
Receipts - Flour. 469 quarter sacks;
wheat. 698 centals; barley, 8410 centals; po
tatoes. 0330 sacka; bran. 270 aacks; mid
dlings. 185 saaks; bay, 62T tons; wool, 640
Ooffea and Sugar.
NEW TORK, Jan. 20. Coffee closed
steady at a net gain of T0 IS point Sale
26.730 bag January, 12.65c; February,
12.60c; Sdarah. 12.64c; April. 12.63c; May,
12.62c; Juu July and August. 12.63c; Sep
tember, 12 64c; October, 12.62c; November.
12.68c; December, 12.64a.
Spot coffee Quiet. No. T Rio, 14c; San
tos No. 4, 134o. Mild coffs quiet. Cor
dov 15H017HO. nominal.
Raw sugex Firm, Muscovado 89 test,
8.95c; centrifugal 96 test. 4.45c; molasaes
sugar 89 test, $.70c Refined sugar, steady.
Cut loaf, 8.80c: crushed. 6 20c; mold A, 6.850;
cube 0.75c; XXXX powdered, 6.65c; pow
dered. 6.00c; fine granulated. 6.50c; diamond
A. 6.6O0; confectioners A. 6.85c; No. 1. 5.85o;
No. 2. 6.80c; No. 8, 5.25c; No. 4. 6.20c: No.
8, 6.15o; No. 6. 6.10c: No. 7. 6.OB0; No. 8. 60;
No 9. 4.95c: No. 10, 4.90c; No. 11. 4.85c;
No. 12. 80c; No. 18, 4-73o withdrawn;
No. 14. T3o withdrawn.
Chlraaro Produce Market,
CHICAGO, Jan. 20. Butter Easy;
creameries. 80088c; dairies. 26t?34o.
Eggs Firm: receipts. 1417 at mark, cases
Included, 19028c; ordinary first 27029a;
first 81 H 032c ,
Cheese Steady; Daisies. 161 017o: Twin
16016HO; Young America ltt. 017o; Long
Horn 16 017c
London Wool Sale
LONDON, Jan. 20. The offerings at ths
wool auction sales today consisted of a
varied selection, amounting to 1191 bales.
Competition waa active and the wool waa
readily absorbed at firm price New South
Wales greasy brought 13s 8Hd and Increased
American buying often made fine medium
oross-brods five points higher thaa the De
cember average.
Dried Fruit at New Tork.
NEW YORK, Jan. 20. Evaporated applea
Quiet. Spot fancy, 10 11 He; choice,
H094c; prime. 840IHc
prunes Irregular, with a little more pres
sors to sell some grade Quotations range
from 5313HC for California up to 50-40
and 10 H 012c for Oregon.
Peaches Firm, with a fair demand.
Cholc 11 011 He: extra eh inn llH0l2e;
fancy. 12 a.X2jaa,
Western Union 4 Ha ..
Westlnghouse conv 6a
Wisconsin Central 4a
West chore 4a
Wheat Markets Affected by
Conditions There.
Exports Prom That Country May
Ron Light for Months to Come.
Chicago' Values Respond
With an Advance.
CHICAGO. Jan. It. Wheat traders
showed themselves responsive to confirmed
reports of famine prices prevailing through
out large districts In Russia and making
virtually certain that exporte from Russia
will run light for months to come. Ac
cordingly, the market closed at an advance
of H to So over last night. Corn fin
ished V. to lea us. oats unchanged to 4o
higher and hog products at a decline of 1H
tn t fin
eigne of a large decrease In the United
States visible eupply and reduced eatlmates
of tha Australian ci-od helped the wheat
markat today to make an upturn. May
wheat rana-ed from $1 to $1.004, with last
aalea 11.O0V. a net rain of He.
- May corn fluctuated between lie and
Kin rloalne ataadv. to net higher, at
4 Ho. Cash houses were large buyers In the
eamole market. No. z jreuow wa not
May upper and lower levels on oats were
4IT40 and 41H 04940. with last sales imo,
a gain of 4e over last week.
In the provision crowd It began to look
as If the friends of the six and a halt hog
had been overconfident and there wore good
stocks of onhedged product waiting for
favorable market. Pork closed down I to
160 and the rest of the list 2H 05c.
Tbe leading futures ranged as follows:
Open. High.
..$ .16 $ .3H
.. LOOH l.tfo.
.. .16 .13V.
'.I '." ".164
.. .66.
.. .44 H -66 H
.. .45H .45H
.. .40H .40
Low. Clou.
$ .95 I .H
1.00 H 1.004
.14 T4 .H
.18 .6SH
.11 .6t
.46H .6H
.49H -4ivs
.45H .454
.40H -0H
"l5.47H 15.80
16.05 11.10
16.2s 11.25
I.I7H- 1.0TH
I.81H S.J2H
8.45 1.47H
..15.50 15 10
..14 17H 120
..11.35 16.35
. . t.ll 1.10
. . 8.35 1.40
.. 1.47 ft 1.50
1-41 H
.. I.67H ST5H l,6
. . 1.75 8.7S 8.70
Cash ouotatlona were as follows:
Flour Barely steady. Winter patent 14
04.13; straight 13.1004.70; Spring pat-
enta. 6.106; straight. $4.4004.40, bakers.
Rye No. 2. ISc
Barley Feed or mixing. 85c0$LOI; fair
to choloe malting. I1.2O0LI4.
Timothy aeed $12 015.
Clover seed $1523.
Pork Mea per barrel. 116.50015.11.
Lard In tierce $9.07 H.
Short ribs Loos $1.42 H.
Grain statistics:
Total clearances of wheat and floor were
equal to 274,000 bushel Primary reoelpta
were 480,000 bushel The visible supply of
wheat In the United States was 651.000
bushel Estimated reoelpta for Monday:
Wheat, I cars; corn. 108 care; eats, II
cars; hog 60,000 head.
Grain mt San Francisoo.
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan, 20. Wheat-
Barley Firm.
Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping, 11.B0
01.67H per cental. Barley Feed, 11.90 per
cental; Drewing, nominal, uaii Kea, Sl.uo
'u 1.110 per cental; wnue, ll.VO01.iO; black.
41. U3
Call board sales: Wheat No trading,
Barley December. 11.41H bid, I1.42H asked
per oemaj; atay. gi.vo.
European Grain Market
LONDON, Jan. 20. Cargoes idarket tinn
er. Wall Walla for shipment, 8d higher, at
English oountry markets,
country market steady.
easier; French
LIVERPOOL. Jan. 20. Wheat March. Ts
4d; May, Ta B4d; July. Ts 5d. Weather
Fnret Sonnd Grain Market.
TACOMA. Jan. 20. Wheat Blueatem, sSo;
forty-fold, 81o; club. 81a; red Russian, 78a.
Car receipts Wheal, 24; hay, 6.
SEATTLE, Jan. 20. Wheat Bluestem,
84Ho; fortyfold, 62c: club. 81Hc; Ufa, 81 Ho.
red Russian, 80c. yesterday's car receipts
Wheat, 8; hay. 12; oat 1.
Gold Production in Same Period Has
Fallen Off Deep Mines Tield
SUlllng; Grades.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 20. Oregon's
sliver output for the year 1911 ex
ceeded that of 1910. according; to a re
port Issued here today by Charles O.
Tala. of the United States Geological
Survey, while fold production was less
than that of tbe preceding; year. The
Washington figures show a deorease In
both gold and silver production but tha
totals do not Include all the ore i
ported and ths report says th final
estimates may yet show that the state
made a sjaln over the record silver
production of 1910.
Oregon's total gold production . for
the year was $599,236, against $681,400
for 1910; the silver output was $38,014
In 1911 and $23,800 In 1910. In refer
ence to Oregon the report says:
"The total number of active mines
shows little change, but some of the
larrar ones have become less produc
tive. The hydraulic mines are the
most productive placers and their num
ber is the greatest. The deep mines
of the state are yielding large quanti
ties of milling ore, but the grade of
ore worked has declined nearly one
half. Baker County la still the largest
producer of gold. It has about 50 or
60 producing mines, about half of
which are plaoers."
Washington produced. In 1911. $504,
537 In gold and $78,209 In silver; tbe
output in 1910 was $806,000 In gold and
$110,600 in silver.
"Most of the output was derived
from the siliceous ore of Ferry Coun
ty," says the report, "Th Republic
district remained the most productive
locality and much was done in the way
of mill building and development,'
Kara! Store
SAVANNAH. G. Jan. 20. Turpentine
49o bid and refused. Sale none; receipt
491; shipment 2200; stock 82.500.
Rosin Firm. Sale 4300; recelrta, 28900;
shipment 7000; stocks. 128.400. Quote: B.
S9 47H: D. 16.67H: E, 16.57 H 0 6.70; F. O.
H.' I. I6.C2H 06.72H: K. 17 20; M. 17.40;
N, $7.50; WQ. $7.60; WW. $7.10.
Wool at St. Lotus.
ST. LOUIR, Jan- 20. Wool Steady; ter
rltory and Western medium?, 161So; fine
medium 19017a: fin 1O016-
(Incorporated under the laws of the State of Oregon.)
Coupons papable April I and October 1 at the Bankers' Trust
Company, New York City. Security Savings and Trust
Company, Portland, Oregon, Trustee and Registrar.
(In denomination of $500 each) .
(Privilege of registration as to Principal)
United States National Bank Portland, Oregon
Portland Trust Company Portland, Oregon
Denver National Bank Denver, Colorado
Edward P. Field- & Co New York City
Ten Billion Feet of Merchant
able Timber Standing in
National Reserve.
ftflnn-r nr TDriTO MnTI.DC
MOST Ur I Kfcho MAIUttt
Only 1 y Per Cent of Vast Tract Bar
row or Brush Land; Cut Delayed
by Inaccessibility and by
Private Ownership.
Jan. 20. There stands today.
In the Crater National Forest In South
ern. Oregon and Northern California,
awaiting the lumberman's ax, approx
imately 10,197.000,000 board feet of
merchantable timber, made up largely
of Douglas fir, yellow, white and sugar
pine. But the Inaccessibility of most
of this timber at present, and the large
private holdings In the same general
locality, are likely to prevent the cut
ting of this vast lumber supply for
some time to come. The foregoing
statements are taken from a report.
Just Issued by the Department of Agri
culture, on the Crater National Forest.
This National Forest, It Is reported,
Is capable of yielding annually 90,000,
000 board feet of lumber. Some of it
Is tributary to the Sacramento Valley
and to San Francisco, while other
parts, at present inaccessible, will, with
the completion of railroads now build-itio-
or nlanned. become available for
supplying several outside markets, par
ticularly In the Rogue River Valley and
the Klamath region, me -tional
Forest lies west and south of
Crater Lake Park.
The Investigation made last Summer
In the Crater National Forest showed
thu'i virtually the whole area Is tim
bered; 70 per cent Is covered with mer
chantable trees, 20 per cent bears
.t.nd. At unmerchantable umoer.
largely young growth, and 10 per cent
only Is brush land or barren. . Four
fifths of the entire drainage area goes
to the Rogue River Valley.
Concerning water power possiDimrera
In the Forest, the report says:
Practically the entire lengths of Rogue
River and its tributaries oner bk.s i.
cower development. On the Rogue River the
. i . . , t?.v,i River can-
enier newer sues '
von, Rogne River Falls. Mill Creek Fans.
Red Blanket Falls, and at the Oorge and
Natural Bridge, all in the vicinity of Pros
pect. Or. The Siskiyou Electric Power ft
Mght Company, successor to the Rogue
River Electric Company, already has a
large plant an Rogue rtiver ai
and la constructing another on me vvv
Rogue, near Prospect. This company, wWcn
furnishes most of the Rogue River Va ey
with light and power. P'au.
an electrio tramwe ; J
Prosneot. a distance ef 60 miles, for wnlcn
:J" m .in furnish nower. Power
sites are also found on Butte Creek, on the
Middle Fork of Morue niver, u-
WHtsksa Creek. t
According to tne dbi .r v :
ths 10 19T.O00.O00 feet or umwr on ma
Is made np of yellow pine. 1.77,000,00 board
feet; Douglas nr. "'
sugar pine. 195.000 board feet; white fir,
04.000.000 board raex; ana
..797.ftOO.OO0 board feet, or tne trees in
cluded under ("other species.- dodis nr.
lodrepole pins, Kngehnann sprues. Incense
cedar and Western whits pine are the most
lmA?n.l!-nnsr!ribinaT the localities where
the various species most abound the re
port says:
n .-.. hn1a forest about 0O per cent
r tha timber Is mature, while much is
fire scarred and dying. Barkbeetlea are at
work in the yellsw pine throughout the
forest, and in the past 25 years have done
. j the atandlna timber of
that species. On ths area now included
within the forest boundariea the Insects nave.
In that tiro, killed approximately 48.8SO.
600 feet beard measure, of timber. Many cf
the older Douglas firs ara affected
dry rot. which appears as white flakes
or short streaks throughout the grain. As
a rule this starts from the roots or a wound
at the base of the tree, and extends up
wards, so that while the first two or three
logs may bs affected, the remainder of the
tree is sound. This rot is especially com
mon in ths Klamath Lake Region. White
fir is especially susceptible to decay, and
many trees above 40 Inches In diameter
on the forest are so rotten aa io u.
less even for card wood. In tbe cedar a
funrus disease known aav pencil rot Is very
common. Sugar pins on the forest Is pe
culiarly free from Insects, though it is often
Injured by wlndshake.
The largest body of timber on the forest
at present accessible IS that growing on ths
Klamath Lake watershed on the east slope
of tbe Cascades. Hers are arms of the
laks In which logs can be rafted and taken
to the railway at Klamath Falls, a branch
Una of ths Southern Pacific, which furnishes
an outlet for lumber not needed for local
use. Logs for local consumption are rafted
to other ootnta on the lake.
Much of the timber in the east slops of
the Cascades and in the Sisklyous is at
present largely Inaccessible. The streams
are not drlvable without rather expensive
Improvement work, and to reach the only
railroad, the Southern Pacific, means a haul
of from ten to 80 miles. Large private
holdings, more accessible than the forest
Umber, will soon be logged by the lumber
companies In the valleys and supply prac
tically all the present local demand. The
new line of the Paclflo Eastern Railway
from Medford to Butte Falls, already In op
eration, will, however, make accessible a
considerable amount of the forest timber.
It Is planned further to extend the road up
Willow Creek over the Fish Lake Divide to
Pelican Bay. which will take It directly
through the forest and will make possible
the logging of a large area. Butte Falls,
.Ki.h lie hut a mile from tha forest
boundary. Is even now a lumber camp of
aome importance with a well-equipped saw
mill. Tom a sllrtoultuial standpoint It wsuld be
desirable to get rid of the mvtTjre timber
on the Crater Forest, an enormous amount
In the ftRffres&te, as fast aa It coald b out.
The ureses t lnaeeesslbllltr of moat of it.
however, would preclude tbe possibility of
this, even were there not other factors to
be taken Into account. Of these factors,
the large amount of privately owned timber
In the region Is one of the most Important.
The lumbermen can not be expected to
hold his timber for any great length of
time. He must pay taxes on It. most get
some return from his Investment within s.
reasonable period, and the longer he holdn
the timber the gT ester ts the chance that
it will he destroyed by fire. Be has tim
ber enough to meet a large part of the
present demand, and will do so. Hut be
cause in most cases be must market his
timber now, he will not be able to supply
the future demand, which. In the Paclflo
Northwest at least bids fair to be much
greater than the present. If the develep
ment of the country Is to fro forward with
the same strides as In the past, there must
be a. permanent source of supply available
when the timber from private lands has been
a!Pa National forests such aa tne
Crater were created for just this purpose.
11 11 S 1 O U Luruw Kit Ul
its merchantable timber on tbe markat now.
no good and much harm would result, sines
tbe market would be overstocked without
reason, the lumber trade demoralized, and
the amount of standing timber available in
the future, when the need for It will be
real, greatly lessened.
It should not bs Implied from this that
the timber on the Crater Forest will not be
disposed of, even at present, where there is
need for It. One targe sale for 100,000.000
feet la now In progress in the yellow pine
type on the east side of tbe forest, in the
Klamath Lake country. An informal ap
plication' tor another aale of approximately
100,000,000 feet on tha west aide of the
Cascades, contingent upon the extension of
the Medford-Butte Falls Railroad, has been
received, and the sale will prdbably be
made wben the road la opened.
In the management of the timber on the
forest, manifestly the first step will be to
remove as much as possible of the dead,
diseased, and overmature timber which
forms a considerable portion of the stand. .
All timber sales, for the present at least,
will have this snd in vlsw.
The report shows that 30 per cent
of the area of the forest has been
burned over at one time or another.
prospectors being; responsible for most
of the fires. In 1910 there were 37 se
vere fires In this National forest that
killed 250.00,000 feet b. m. of merchant,
able timber.
" Reforestation to Be Policy.
It is to be the policy to reforest the
burned acreas, and aid In the reforesta
tion of such areas as may be cut over,
giving preference to yellow pine, sugar
pine and Douglas fir, which are the
most valuable species native to this
The character of country in this for
est Is said to be unsuitable to farming,
but 35 homesteads, covering 3325 acres,
have been established, principally in
the lower valleys. Hay Is the principal
crop. Last season, 4133 head of cattle
and 9525 head of sheep were grazed in
the reserve.
There Is" some prospecting for copper
and gold in the Cascade part of the
forest, but no mines, other than that, at
Elk Creek, in operation. The Siskiyou
portion, on the other hand, la described
as a typical mining country. The re
port says:
In the '60s and 'TOs much placer mining;
was done, and even today there is gooil
placer mining along Sterling Creek and Lit
tle Applegate River, but as a rule it has
given way to quarts mining. Just south of
this portion of tbe forest, in California, ara
the famoua Blue Ledge copper mines, which,
though yielding only a moderate amount
of ore at present, promise to become among
the richest copper mines m the West.
Prior to the recent revolution. Mexloo pur
chased about 600 pianos svery year from
the factories In Chirsao.
The man
behind the
promotion of
a lot, or section
of real estate
needs bitulithic
Broker, e,t0(.u, Bonds, Cotton,
Grain, Etc.
CorreafMtndenta of loKan A Bryan,
Chicago and Mew York.
Kew Tork Stock Exchange,
Chicago Stock Exchange,
Boston Stock Exchange,
Chicago Board of Trade,
New York Cotton KxchaoKr,
Mew Orleans Cotton Exchange,
New York Coffee Exchange,
IV ew York Produce Exchange,
Liverpool Cotton Aas'n.
Main Offlre Mills Bide;., Ban franclsco.
Branch Offices Vancouver, beattle,
Portland, Ixs Angeles, ban Diego, Cor-
onado Beach.
Main Floor Lnmbermens Bank Building,
5(h and Stark.
phonee Marshall 4 120. A-4187.