THE SUNDAY OREGOXL1X, PORTIiAKD, JANUARY 21, .1912. 1G LOW WATER MAY BE EXPLOSION CAUSE Battered and Burned Crown Sheet of Boiler of Sarah Dixon Is Evidence. FUSE PLUG INSPECTED Hugh Bradj, Grappler, BHIeTf Hodirs Will ne Found In Wr-rck age Raising to Begin at Once. Great Sorrow Kipi-eastd. Found flat on the main deck and ap pearing aa If hammered Into original ahane. besides bearlna- marka of having been badly burned, the crownsheet of the boiler of the wrecked steamer reran I!xon Is taken by those who have seen It and are familiar with causes lead ing to boiler explosions. as the best evidence yet found that lack of water In the boiler waa responsible for de struction of the ressel. Captain James Fhaver unscrewed from the crownsheet the fuse plus;, a brass piece that la bored through the center and nuea with soft metal, which, when water In the boiler barely covers the crown het Is supposed to melt, but It bears no pronounced Indication of heat action. The crownsheet. which la bent In rlace over the firebox when In posl tlon and Is fastened with stay bolts placed about four Inches apart over Its entire surface, showed no trace of the bolts when found and that fact Is taken to Indicate that much of the force of the explosion was centered there. The fuse plug has been turned over to t'nlted States Inspectors Edwards and Fuller and will be examined to deter mine whether the soft metal In Its center began to melt and clogged the hole. Apparently the melting process did not begin. Flresaea Seen Watching (iiaxe. Chief Engineer Lewis says that ahort ly before the accident ha saw Fireman Knowles gaxlng at the water gauge. Some think that the fireman may have discovered that the water waa low and set about to overcome It. Another theory Is that the pipe leading to the water gauge waa so plugged that the water waa held In the tube, while In reality there was not a corresponding amount In the boiler. Knowles was the only man to tell the story If the water gauge Indicated properly and as he died at his post, explanation of the explosion may remain largely theo retical, based on the conclusions reached by experts who will piece out the tangled evidence. Inspectors Ed wards and Fuller will visit the wreck aa soon aa the hull Is raised sufflcent ly to uncover the boiler. Gloom has settled over the head nnartera of the Shaver Transportation Company and Captains James and "Del Shaver satd yesterday that In the death of Captain Stinson. Mate Mlnocal and Fireman Knowles they had lost three of the best men In their respective posi tions. The loss of the steamer, while representing 130. 000. concerns them the least. In the Shaver fleet there are men who have grown np with It. some holding the moat responsible berths having entered the service In lowly positions. Among these waa Captain Stinson. DrsrssVat 5lre Bereaved. Sympathy of the officers of the com pany goes out to the aged father of Captain Stinson. as the son had con tributed largely to bis support, and to the father of Mate Mlnocal. who yet has another eon In the fleet. Captain W. C. Mlnocal. master of the steamer No Wonder. The parents of Fireman Knowles reside at Florence. Or., and are not so well known to the owners and employes of the company, but like the others have their sincere sympathy. lnsuccessf ul efforts have been made to recover the bodies and Hugh Brady, municipal grappler for the city, has been asked to visit the scene. He says ha believes the bodies will be found In the wreckage. Aa the hogchalns leading aft from the forward hogpost were broken by the explosion and thrown back to the wheelhouse. It Is thought that Captain Stinson and Mate Minoral were virtually blown Into the air with the shattered pilothouse and texas. The Shaver Interests have taken over the steamer O. K. Wentworth for a ehort time to replace the Tlxon. and bargea and gear were started for the wreck last night. More will follow this morning and work will be begun at once to raise the wreck. Captain James Shaver will have personal charge of the operations and thinks the undertaking will not present unusual features. Every river vessel displayed flags at half mast yesterday In memory of those who died on duty and expressions of sympathv have come from every quar ter, as the men were known to mill owners, masters ami officers of ves sels that were towed from one berth to another In the harbor by the Dixon, and by others who come In contact with the rlvermen. ICE I.KAVFS THE COLTOrBIA Tall-f- City to- Start Wednesday and Gatzrrt Goes) on Dock. Ice troublea on the Middle Columbia rtiver are thought to be at an end for the Winter, and the steamer Dalles City will resume running between Portland and The Dalles Wednesday morning. Superintendent McDonald waa Informed yesterday that but a little Ice remained, and he does not think that tt will hinder navigation. The steamer Ta noma, which la on the J. X. Teal'a schedule, will leave here this morning. The steamer Bailey Gatxert. which rontlnued on the route from the time she went Into service early In 1M1 until the freeseup. will be out of com mission two months, as she has been ordered overhauled In advance of the excursion season. The steamer will be lifted on the 1'ort of Portland dry dork for cleaning and painting and minor hull repairs, and besides her machinery being gone over, there will be a thoroughshousecleanlng In the cabin. COAST Bl'OTS OVKRH.1CI.ED Out-ldc Navigation Aids Placed In I'ireirlass) Condition. Advices received yesterday by Heary I. Beck. Inspector of the 17th light house district, that the tender Heather bad placed a whistling; buoy and mld- hannel buoy at Coos Bay and a bell buov at Baltimore rock, while she was watting to replace the Jetty buoy at the entrance to the bay. mark the termina tion of two months' work that haa re sulted In nearly every buoy In outside harbors being given attention. In most cases the old buoys were re moved and substitutes placed that were freshly painted, had new sinkers and chains. Those taken np were trans ported to the Tongue Point Buoy sta tion for repairs. The same work la being carried on In the Puget- Sound district by the tender Manzanlta. The tender Columbia la on the way from Astoria, completing repairs to post lights and beacons that were started recently but were Interrupted. PERKINS PROMISES TO AID Captain Macgenn Receives Word Relative to Cooa Bay Jetty Work. MAK5HFIEL.D. Or.. Jan. 10. (Spe cial.) Captain T. J. Macgenn. master of the steamer Brekkwater. running between Coos Bay and Portland, haa been active In the general endeavor to secure an appropriation for the Im provement of the Jetty at the entrance to Coos Bay. Captain Macgenn wrote Vnlted Statea Senator George Perkins, of California, asking him to use his In fluence. Senator Perkins, who l chair man of the Senate committee on naval affairs, has written to Captain Macgenn that he will do all he can to secure the Jetty appropriation for Coos Bay. and statea that he fully realties the need of the Improvement. Senator Perkins was Interested In vessels which formerly TT Ar a CTTEIXICEXCK Dew ta Arrive. Name. From Data Klamath an Franelecoln port Alliuira Kureka In port Ortertc Manila In port Fea,ar San Pedre.... In port Breakwater. ...Cooe Par ...Jan. 21 R oaaoke ...... .tan Praoclsce J an. Ui Falcon.. ... ....Can Dlevo. ... Jan. 23 Bsr San Padre.... Jan. 73 Hue H. Elmore. Tillamook. ., Jan. US HUM dir. so I'edro. . ..Jan. J O... w. Elder. . fan Dli. ... Jan. -'V Rygja Manila Jan. l Ccbeduied e Depart, Mane. for . Dei Onenc Manila. ...... Jan. 21 Klamath ean Diego. .. Jan. 21 Fteav.r ........ Mn Pedro. ... Jan. 2i Breakwater.. ..Coos Bay Jan. 2S Alliance .. Eureka. .. ....Jan. S3 Koenoka San Diego. . . . Jan. 24 FCru Fan Fran-lsee Jan. 25 Fo H. Elmore. Tillamook. .. Jan. 2T ar ... Kan Pedro. ... Jan. 27 Geo. W Elder. .Sari Dtege.... Jan. SI Ubi. City t-an Pedro.... Feb. 1 Rygja Manila. ...j. Feb. T made this port, and Is thoroughly In formed as to the local conditions and needs. Ilia assistance Is therefore re garded aa especially valuable. The Chamber of Commerce and busi ness Interests are still keeping up their campaign for the Jetty Improvement. Every possible influence Is being brought to bear In the hopes that enough of an appropriation can be se cured to at least start the work. The Chamber of Commerce for the present wlil direct Its main efforts In this line. Colombia Clearing of Ice. THE DALLES. Or, Jan. 20. (Spe cial.) The Columbia River Is practi cally clear of Ice here now and the ferry which runs from this side of th stream to Grand Dalles, on the Wash ington shore, resumed Its regular trips today. Navigation haa been closed since January 6. Marine Xotea. Captain H. L. Chase haa been signed on aa master of the steamer G. K. Wentworth. succeeding Captain H. A. Wagner. vt ork on the steamer Alliance Is not progressing aa rapidly aa contemplated. and she will not sail for Coos Bay until Tueaday or Wednesday. Harry Campion, auperlntenednt of the Port of Portland pilotage and towage department, la at Astoria on an Inspec tion trip that will deal with the tugs and pilots la the bar service. In tow of the tug Dauntleaa the Brit ish ship Wm. Tt Lewis left San Fran cisco yesterday for Portland. She la under charter to M. II. Houser to load wheat for the Vnlted Kingdom. Leaving Peoria at S o'clock Friday afternoon the steamer Oregona reached Portland at the same hour yesterday, the run being 135 miles. It waa ber first visit to the harbor alnca the freshet reached the danger stage. Having received a report that there Is danger of the river bank waahlng away at Albany, above the county bridge spanning the Willamette. As sistant U. & Engineer K. B. Thomsen will proceed there tomorrow to Inspect the conditions. General Manager Talbot, of the Port of Portland, and Captain Groves, super intendent of dredging, went down the river yesterday on the tug McCraken to Inspect channel work being done and that prospective. The Columbia haa a week'a work at Falea. After discharging 25S7 tons of coal at Astoria, which, she brought from Newcastle. N. & W the French bark Rene arrived up yesterday and went to the bunkera of the Pacific Coast Company to unload the remainder. Her original cargo amounted to 3157 tons. The British bark Beeswing also en tered the harbor, coming from Llnnton to Irving dock, where she Is loading wheat for the United Kingdom. Under orders from the War Depart ment attaches of the office of Major J. J. Morrow. Corps of Engineers, I". K. A, will proceed to survey Oregon Slough, the Government officials betng bent on ascertaining If the waterway can be made navigable for deepwater vessels. There are a number of manu facturing plants located on or near the slough. The matter of dredging waa first taken up with the Port or Port land Commission, but the location la bevond -the Jurisdiction of that body. The survey will require about two weeka to complete. " , Movements of Vessel. POHTLAND, Jan. SO Arrived Pteamer W. 8. Bear, from Monterey; ateamer Asuncion, from San Francisco. Sailed Steamer Norwegian and ateamer Hercules, for Manila via Comox; steamer 6ue H. all more. fr Tillamook. Astoria. Or.. Jan. so. . onamon it ino mouth of the liver at 3 P. M.. moderate; wind southeast. 3 mllea: weather, cloudy. Arrived at 11U A. M. and left up at 1 p M. eteamer W. 8. Porter, from Mon terey. Sailed at T 45 A. M . steamer Ron crana, for Monterey: at 11:13 A, M-. Brit ish steamer .. s. IMiiir. lor onangnai; at ii -AO JL- M steamer Klveraida. for Balboa: steamer St. Helens, for Haa Pedro: aailad at 12:30 P. M., British bark British Yoo tnan. for Sydney. Arrived at 12 : NO and left up at 4.1' 1'- "-. steamer Asuncion, from San Francisco. San Francisco. J an. xu. Amvea at t a. M.. steamer Hose I'ity, from 1'ortland: at noon. steamer r. i 'u' Salted at 2 f. .. steamer v aiania, lor 1'ort land ; at 3 P. M.. British ship Wm- T. Lewla. nf lur Dauntless, for Portland: sailed at 11 A. al., steamer Oleum, for Fort- 'r'!i.ln Jan. J. Arrived Schooner El dorado, from Columbia River. Liverpool, jao. oii vu ivr Hamburg. Jan. IT. Balled Abyssinian, for Portland. Or. Valparaiso. Jan. la. flailed Dceano, for San Francisco. , . port naia. jd- iuh'w awhjub, from Liverpool, for Seattle. Raymond. V asn.. jm. ii. iapariea Steamer Santa riaroara. ror La Anelej schooner O. W. Watson, for Southern Cali fornia. Tides at Astasia Saaday. TTrmnrlsro. Jan. 20. Arrived ftteam- er Rose :ity. from Portland: steamer Henrlk Ibsea. rmra lacorna; steamer Fair haven, from Ludlow: steamer Nehraaka. from Tacoma: ateamer Hrades. from Hllo. Sailed Steamer President. for Seattle; steamers Falcon ana wieom. inr i-ortland: ateamer Stratbalrly. for t'omox: steamers Itaisr Mitchell and Westerner, for Wlilapa; steamer O. C. I.lndaner. for Grays Harbor; steamer Puckman. for fteattle: ateamer Catania, for Astoria: steamer Thomas L Wand, for Everett; ship William T. Lewis, for Portland: bark Andrew Welch, for Hon olulu: acnooner Forest Hume, for Everett. BAD MEN DEPORTED Mutineers From Seattle to Sail From Here. ATTACK MADE ON MATE Fop Participation Therein Two Men 3fnst Retnrn to Native Land. Deputy Marshal to Keep Them Until Sailing Time, f Ferdinand .clou, boatswain of the French bark CornlJ Bart, which ts load ing wheat on Puget Sound, and Louis Le Theusf. a sailor of the same vessel, were placed aboard the French bark Col. de VUlebots Mareuil here yester day for deportation to France. They are charged with having made an at tack on the mate of the Cornll Bart recently, which led to a fracas on board that was characterized as a mutiny, and for their participation will have to stand trial before a French naval court. The men reached Portland In charge of United States Deputy Marshal An derson, of Seattle, and were housed at the City Jail Friday night and in the police auto ware taken to the water front yesterday afternoon. C. Henri Labbe, the French consul, arranged for their deportation at the request of the consul at Seattle, as there waa no French vessel other than the Cornll Bart leaving from the Northern port. Le Theusr alleges that he waa stabbed and both men deny participation In a planned mutiny. They will be treated aboard the Col. de Vlllebols Mareuil as passengers and on her arrival in Europe will be sent to a French port. ArSTR-4,LIA ACEXCY FLAWED Spreckels Line Credited With New Move In Portland. Possibilities of greater trade be tween Portland and Australian terri tory has prompted the Spreckels In- j teresta, of San Francisco, to canvass j conditions here with a view to es tablishing an agency, according to In- formation received by transportation ' men. The plan is to ship cargo from Portland to the Golden Gate on regular lines and there transfer It to the Au- 1 strallan carriers. Cargo from Au- . stralia will be transhipped at San rranclsco to steam schooners north bound, povldlng do .arrangement Is made to route the Incoming consign ments on the regular coasters. Much the same system Is followed by the liarrlman steamship Interests In reaching Mexican and Central Ameri can ports, as business originating In thla territory Is handled on the "Btg Three" fleet as far as San Francisco and there re-shlpped. Often a steamer leaving here will have In excess of 200 tons destined for the southern sons, but as it Is cleared as coastwise cargo, being added to the manifest of the steamer carrying It from San Francisco, Portland does not get credit for the trade. HAZEL DOLLAR OOMES XORTH M. S. Dollar Leaves and Hercules and Ortertc Clear for Orient. Another tramp, the British steamer Hasel Dollar, headed for Portland has arrived at San Francisco with a part cargo from Japan, and as soon as she discharges she will proceed here to work a lumber cargo for Shanghai. The vessel called at Los Angeles on the way from the Orient and put into the Golden Gate Friday. The British steamer M. B. Dollar, of the same fleet, sailed from Llnnton Friday with a lumber cargo, a portion of which was taken on at Coos Bay, and she will discharge at Shanghai. Another lumber carrier got away yes terday, the Norwegian steamer Her cules, of the Waterhouse fleet, that goes to Manila, with 1.480,960 feet of rough merchantable lumber, valued at S24.631. and 315.000 feet of flooring, worth' 1S040. all being consigned to the United States forces for use In the Islands. The British steamer Orterlc, also of the Waterhouse line, heading for the usual Oriental ports and Manila, cleared with cargo valued at $190,174. the principal items on the manifest being 4.B21 barrels of flour, valued at $186,184 and 230.000 feet of lumber at 32900. She aails today. Captain IVilcox Dies at Xorth Bend. M ARSHFI ELD. Or, Jan. 20. (Spe cial.) Captain II. E. Wilcox, formerly keeper of the Coos Bay Lifesavlng Sta tion and who won high honors at the time the Emily waa wrecked here, died at the home of R. J. Coke, In North Bend. He was keeper of the station here for a period of four years and re signed from the service 13 years ago. He haa been living on a ranch and had come to North Bend to receive medical treatment for heart trouble. He ia sur vived by a wife and two daughters. His heroic work as a llfesaver on a number of occasions won him distinc tion. CENTRALIA SEEKS MEETING HashJnton Development Associa tion to Convene at Olympla. CENTRALIA. Wash.. Jan. 20. (Spe cial.) At a meeting of the Centralla '. Commercial Club last night plans were laid for sending a big delegation to the meeting of the Southwest Wash ington Development Association,, which will be held In Olympla on January 2a. zs ana Z7. An invitation will be extended to the association to hold Its Hummer meeting In Centralla. and It is under stood that the Chehalls delegation will also pull for Centralla as the next meeting place. The new depot will be completed in Centralis about June 1, and it is planned to entertain the de velopment association at the time of Its dedication. President Titus. Secretary Robinson, F. B. Hubbard. C. S. Gilchrist and E. E. Teachnor will represent the Cen- L. T YEE & SONS Thm old ra.lneat Chin---doctor carta a.ny diMAVM vceostifulljr. rach M wokIc aeretj. con at I pU on. Mthmt, catarrh. cncr, pilot-. usnu. rboumatum. blood polaroo, lung, liver, kid nay and stomach trouble; also ailmcnta of xnea and woman. ..- J k a J J1! Ill B HCI W U W II OVa llllvla, I '' ' I ruaranteo a euro If cur able. I have a lifetime ludT sasrta ana ti auuirU irvra Wfral aaivareulaa and look poat-vraduate course In China. I have thousands of testimonials from mf arataful patients. 1 us only the Bost harmlaaa Cbiooo barbs, ra -ramies of EST him Tprica. Bo I tin Mp you. Call r write for symptom blank and circular. I. X. VKB SONS MTCDIC1NB CO 14244 Vt. aV lb Ca- -sUdser, at-ertiaavd. Or. Cured No Detention From Occupation Family or Home V eVJB '"", , I r -."'' fk ;laiu,w.'jls i n ii--latins I DR. A. C. SMITH. The Leasing Speclallat. I am a registered and lleeaaed phyatctaa, confining ray special rractlce tm the ailments of MEN. have more noser Invented ta any establishment than all other Pert . land eneolalleta combined, and I tsriu give aoo te any charity If I cannot show thla la true. I publish my true photograph, correct name, personally conduct my offloe. I am the most success ful and reliable, aa medical cre dentials and press records prove. I make this statement so that you wlil know you consult a true spe cialist, who sees and treats pa tients personally. I possess EX PERT skill and experience, ao qulred in such a way that no other can share. - A thorough Investigation should be made by every ailing man as to the specialist he consults. Duty and destiny to self and those who depend upon you demand the best medical attention. I have the abil ity and I can give you this service. nave always charged a very rea sonable fee, so that my services may be obtained by any man who sincerely desires to be cured. I make no misleading statements or unbusinesslike propositions; neither do I desire to be particu larly independent, and I would like to have you for a patient. If you will come to me on a strlotly pro fessional basis, and the Induce ments that I offer, which are my ability and twenty years' success ful experience, time-saving treat ment and guarantee of cure of cer tain ailments. To all men who are sick and In trouble: to the men who feel they have lest the energy of youth, and that the strength they ought to nave haa been sapped from them; to those who are not sick snough to be abed but feel they must use all their will-power to fores themselves even to their every-day tasks to" all these I have a special message of hope and cheer. I can cure that lame and aching back; I can restore the lus ter to the dimmed eye; I can make rou realise that the youth of yes srday has not been burled In an age of several decades and that your pitiful condition Is now due only to damaged health. This health can be restored if you will act now. Come today, or the stage of neglect may get just past the stage that la curable. WRITTEJT GC1RAVTEE Dr. Smith's written guarantee meana a 0re or no pay for services. I guarantee to cure certain ailments or refund every dollar you have paid me for my services. My services cost you nothing unless I eure your Varicose Veins." Hernia, Piles. Fistula, Blood Disorders, or any ailment I guarantee to cure. My terms are reasonable and no more than you are able and willing to pay for benefits. Offles) hsius 9 A H, to 1 F. U Saadaya 10 A U. to 1 P. IL Dr. A. G. Smith I tralia Commercial Club at the meeting, and they have been Instructed to do everything possible to secure the re tention of J. E. Barnes aa secretary. inilsboro to Have New Plant. HILLSBORO. Or, Jan. 20. Hlllsboro is to have a plant for preserving fruits and vegetables. The Keepfrenh Com My One-Treatment Cures Honest Treatment. Don't vraate llio. -tryiua" other doctors. Gs te OKEr.ON M EOICAL INSTITUTE Specialist.. Longest Kstabllshed. TPz-n. TIHTIVT WHO ARE GLOOMY I iJ lVI-5liil DISEASED, NERVOUS THIS IS THE WAY YOU FEEL There la usually a pain across the small of your back, blue rings under your eyes specks before your eyes, your sleep does not rest you, you get up In the morning feeling tired, your mind at times wanders, your mmorj is poor, you are hollow-eyed, whites of your eyes are yellow, you are fearful, always expecting the worst to happen, very nervous, you start In your sleep and iwak" from a dream very much frightened; stinging pala In the breast, no appetite. v If you have been unfortunate In selecting a doctor to treat you. or If you have not given yourself the attention which your disease demands, you Know that every day you put the matter off you are getting worse and worss; you are mortified and ashamed of your position among your fellow men. life does not possess the pleasures for you It did. Would you not give much to possess that KOKUST HEALTH, BOUND NEKVES and a CLEAR BRAIN that we.-e yours before the ravages of disease attacked your system? " you have this desire to be strong and manly In a true sense of the word, call at mv office at once, and I will take pleasure in explaining a treatment thai has lestored hundreds of men in a much worse condition than you are. nrtUPCOTCn lCIL1? I cure this affliction without pain or knife. Soreness. LUilULdltU I tlllO swelling and congesUon of the dilated veins vanish quickly. A healthy circulation of blood i re-established, and that old-time feeling speedily returns. Avoid dangeroua operation. I can give you ma quickest and safest and surest cure known to medical science. Rl finn DfllCny lt TOU have sore throat, mucous patches, pimples, eopper DL.UUU lUioUll colored eruptions, sores and ulcers, bone pains, falling half or any symptoms of thla ailment In either primary, secondard or tertiary states, consult me and be forever cured of it. My treatment cleanses and eradicates every taint of poison and every Impurity from the blood and system. All danger of transmission or recurrence Is removed. The taking of Injurious minerals for years never cure. My treatment Is a specific, a certain antidote; you improve from the very commencement, and are aooa permanently cured, as proven by positive blood tests. I WANT to emphasize the Importance of selecting the BEST DOCTOR. COME to MB I will cure you In ONE TREATMENT by administering Tha wonderful German Remedy" Tha greatest medical discovery of the ago the results are like magic ' , I ALSO CURE to stay cured Rupture, Kidney and Bladder Ali ments, riles, Fletula and Rectal Affections. Rheumatism, Catarrh, Ecxema and all Chronic, Nervous. Blood, Skin and all Aliments of Men. UDITC u full description of your symptoms and trouble, if unable to fllll C call. All dealings are confidential. Expert Consultation Free. Delays are dangerous. Hours: A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays. 10 to 12 only. OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE riH Monmso.T st, between fourth and fifth. Portland, or. in 5 .Days NO BTTEXB OPERATION'S. KANT C A 8 B B PERMANENTLY CURED IN ONTO TREATMENT. MOST TIME-SAVINO, MOST NAT (JRAL, MOST SAFE. A RADICAL AND PERMANENT CURB I OIVE MT WORD AND WILL CITE ; lOU TO OTHER MEDICAL AU THORITISS THAT THIS IS A FACT. AM CERTAINLY PRE PARED TO CURB BT EXPERI ENCE AND EQUIPMENT, WHICH ARB THE KET STONE TO SUC CESS. I HAVE THE BEST EQUIPPED MEDICAL OFFICB ON THB COAST. I lnvlt yon to ooma to my of floe. I will explain to .you my treatment for Varicose Veins, Her nia, Nervous Debility, Blood Dis orders, Piles. Fistula. Bladder, Kid ney, and all Men's Aliments, and give you FREE a phyaioal examin ation; if necessary a mlorosooptoal and ohemlcal analysis of seore tlon to determine pathological and bacteriological conditions. Every person should take advan- tags of this opportunity to learn their true condition. A permanent oure la what you want. COKOESTED TKIHS ' Impair vitality. I dally demonstrate that varicose veins can be cured In nearly all cases by one treat ment, in such a satisfactory way that the vital parts are preserved and strengthened, pain ceases. welling subsides, a healthy circu lation is rapidly re-established, in- ' stead of the depressing conditions. I guarantee you a cure to. stay ired or reruna tn money. KIDKBT A1TD BLADDER AILMENTS. With thwse ailments you may have more complications than are presented by any other ailing or- fans. By my searching lllumlna lon of the bladder I determine ac curately the ailment, and by micro scopical examination and urinalysis I make doubly sure the condition of the kidneys, thus laying foun dations tor scientific treatment. -to" FOR BLOOD DISORDERS. I use Professor Ehrllch's wonder ful new discovery. "60s," in cases of Specific Blood Disorders. It cures, and Is the greatest marvel of medical science. This new rem edy has been successfully used In thousands of oaaea. Let me explain It to you. SERTOn DEBILITY. I have long been a close student of the condition known as Nervous Debility in men. Sufferers from this trouble are nearly always told by their family physlofan that there is no help; that It means wornout nature, and that some powerful stimulant for temporary effect Is the only help. I go deeper Into the . cause of the trouble and usually find a deranged or damaged local condition responsible. As long as a man lives he should be aa strong In every vital function as he Is physically constituted. I have a scientific, powerful and permanent treatment for you whloh Is as nat ural and direct aa It Is efficient. Why treat with irresponsible when you can seoure the expert services of a responsible specialist? See me if you have any of the following ailments: Varicose Veins. Nerve, Blood and akin Ailments, Bladder tronblea, Krnvtloaa, Ulcere, Plica or Flatmla. 234l Morrison Street or. 2nd Street . ORTLAND, OR pany has purchased a tract at Tenth and Washington streets for a site. The lot has two warehouses, built onf a switch of the Oregon Electric, and plans are being drawn for the new es tablishment, which include an exten sion connecting the two buildings. About $10,000 of stock was taken by local capital. The establishment Is to For Weak, Diseased Men Cure, to Stay Cured For 20 days I will heal and cure all We alt. Kick. Diseased and Discouraged men at a reduced fee. This Is Just one-half my usual charge. I give you the same -care and at tention as It you petd my regular fee. You could receive no better service for tlOOO. If you could but talk to the many cured patients I am dismissing daily, you would refuse to suffer longer on the promise of other doctors. Don't be a Weakling, a Failure, and your life a mUerable existence. Why pay exorbitant fees when I offer you better curative treat ment for this low charge? I am a man of In dependent means; the curing of my patients Is my rirst and only thought. In this I differ widelv from grasping doctors who think only of their fee and care little for the welfare of their fellow men. Take advantage of thla offer at once: don't wait till the last few days, when the crowded condition of my office may prevent you seeing me. A STRAIGHT TALK TO MEN By C. K. Holsman, M.D., the Leading Specialist I am an expert specialist treating ail ments of men exclusively. 1 own my earn office and equipment, publish my true photograph, and personally super vise the treatment of all patients from . the time they come to me until they are discharged aa cured. AJthoush my time la fully occupied from early morn until late at night In looking- after the wants of my patlenta and In administering my special treatment for Blood Poison. Vari cose Veins and other diseases, I always take pleasure . In consulting with new patients. , - In offering my services to the afflicted I am giving you the BEST that can be had anywhee. My experience and repu tation for the past 18 years can leave no doubt as to my ability, honesty and Integrity and should be sufficient to convince the most skeptical that I am the FOREMOST and LEADING Special ist In Portland. I possess skill and ex perience acquired In such a way that no other can share lt and should not be classed with Inexperienced doctors or specialists. A thorough ' Investigation should be made by every ailing man as to the specialist he consults. Duty and destiny a to self and those who depend upon you demand the best medical attention. I have the ability and can give you this service. I have always charged a very reasonable fee, so that my services may . be obtained by any man who sincerely O. K. HOLSMAN. M. D. desires to be cured. I make no misleading atatemente. falsa promises or un businesslike propositions. I would like to have you for a patient if you wilt come to me on a strictly professional basis, accepting Inducements that I offer, which are my ability. 13 years' successful experience, time saving treatment and cure of certain dlseasea . My Positive Cure for ' Weakness Every weak man Is eager to have his strength and vitality restored. It's man's greatest pride to BE A MAN. yet It la a scientific fact that few men need be weak. In nearly every case lost vigor can be easily and quickly overcome. There are many distinct lo cal causes undermining man's vitality and these nerve-racking ailments can not go on forever without producing serious or Irreparable damage. With strength and ambition sapped, happi ness ayd success are impossible. My accurate and successful methods CURB ABSOLUTELY and PERMANENTLY, every ease of WEAKNESS I accept for treatment. I MAKE MEN STRONG. I find that as soon as the caaae la corrected you act better, feel better, look better, and- tho rapidity with which vitality and strength are re stored under my treatment will please and surprise you. I offer you my serv ices for a reasonable fee. with an ab solute guarantee of honest treatment and permanent cure, SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON In Its various forms and complications Is a treacherous disease. Tou must conquer lt or lt will conquer you. Old forms of treatment kept down symp toms, but rarely cured. The NEW GERMAN REMEDY "SO. 6" glvea you a new lease on life. I waa tha first specialist on tha Coast to make use of this remedy and I believe I have had greater experience with It than all other specialists put together. Tha wonderful results I have obtained con vince me that it Is the ONE ABSO LUTE snd PERMANENT CURE for every stage of blood poison. I Intro I TrearAD Ailments of Men and Cure to Stay Cured I Offer Free Consultation and Advice I Invite you to come to my office. I will explain to you my treatment for Varicose Veins, Hernia. Nervoua Debility, Blood Disorders, Piles. Fistula. Blad der. Kidney and all Men's Disorders and give you FREE a physical examination. Every person ahould take advantage of this opportunity to learn their true condition. A permanent cure is what you want. If you are suffering from any of the above disorders and cannot call, writ, to me Immediately, giving me a description of your case in your own words. By return mall I will send you absolutely free a diagnosis of your ease and my bast professional advice as to how to proceed in order to correct your trouble. My office Is open all day from A. M. to S P. M-: Sundays from 10 to lt. All correspondence treated confi dently. Letters cheerfully answered. Or, C. K. 221V2 Morrison Street Corner First Street PORTLAND, OREGON be ready for handling the new crop of fruit and vegetables. - Hongkong. Jan. 20. Arrived previously Lucerlc from Portland ; Protesllaus. from Liverpool for Vancouver; Silberia. from Ban Francisco. Consulting Specialist. We positively cure acute and chronic disea.ees when others fail. We are the only specialists in Port land who combine careful and pains taking diagnosis with modern and scientific methods of treatment. Blood Diseases treated with the New German Dis covery, the scientific achievement of the century, combined with a tonic treatment which insures a per manent and lasting cure. This rem edv, the latest discovery of Pro fessor Paul Ehrllch. of Germany, ef fects a speedy cure and does away with the old-time method of doc toring for from three to five years. Rheumatism Our methods of treating this dis ease are entirely new, and we guar antee to cure any case of rheuma tism brought to our offices. Chronic Joint diseases, deformities and con tractures cured in a remarkably short time by our Modern Absorp tion Method. ' Asthma We- will refund the cost of treat ment to any patient suffering from Asthma to whom -we cannot grajit permanent relief. Our offices are open from 9 A. M. till - 8 P.- M. If you cannot call write for diagnosis chart, iiemedies sent by express to all parts of the world. Free consultation and ad vice. ' Modern Specialists First and Alder Ss Portland, Or. Loral and Long Distance Main 44S5. THE 1 DR.GREEN ADVICE TO MEN Tou do not care to read long-winded boastful adver tisements. What you want Is a cure. Come to me and get It. I cure all ailments of men. Par when satisfied Consultation, exam ination and diagno sis free and private Hours dally 9 to S. evenings 7 to 8; Sundays 10 to 1. DR. GREEN CO. 861 Washington St.. Portland. V P AND JfZb Women 1 y-! . duce lt directly Into the blood sad In a few days you are completely cured. My fee for the proper administration of this remedy Is lower than the lowest. BE SURE YOU GET THE GENUINE. VARICOSE VEINS. Many an unfortunate man Is ruined by Improper treatment of this disease. I eure varicose veins dally by a pain less and direct method without de tention from family or home. In suco. a satisfactory way that pain and awell Ing ceases, healthy circulation Is re established and vigor1 restored. I OUARANTEB YOU A RADICAL CURB. KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES. More complications and symptoms arise from dlseasea of these organs than from any other ailment of man kind. Most all kidney and bladder troubles arise either from dissipation through Injury or strain may produce the same result. The cause must first be determined and until that Is done no cure can be effected. 1 A-H-SOLUTELY and PERMANENTLY CURE these conditions In every case I accept for treatment. MY PROFESSIONAL FEES. Every ailing man would like the opinion of an experienced, capable specialist and the best medical atten tion. Many hesitate to consult a spe cialist either through modesty or fear of high fees: others have no confidence in their doctor because he demanda pay In advance, and others lose confidence through unsuccessful treatment and think there la no cure for them. TO ALL THESE I say. COME TO MB. You may depend upon It that you will be restored to health- and strelgth for a fee yow will be able and willing to pay. Health is capital at Interest, and satisfied patients pay their doctor. SIGN THIS COUPON FOR VALUA BLE INFORMATION FREE. Please send me free your self-examination blank. "For Men," aa I desire to describe my case to you for the purpose of taking treatment If I decide you can cure me and your charge la low enough to suit ma 1 Name- Addr - - naaV MODERN METHODS 1 am positively the only specialist In Portland that publishes his own photograph, personally conducts and manages his own office,, and con sults with and treats all his own patients. 1 have more qualifications and experience than any other spe cialist advertising in this city. Every man calling at my office la assured of my personal and indi vidual treatment until a cure Is ef fected. My fees are one-fourth that exacted by the various "medical companies," " Institutes " and " mu seums." Be sure to consult me be foretreating elsewhere. BLOOD POISON "!ir I FlI.FII.l, MY PROMISES. I ACCEPT NO INCURABLE CASES. I Never HOLD OUT FALSE HOPES. Why treat with Incompetents when you can secure the expert service of a competent specialist? Come to mo if you have any of tha following disorders: Varicose Veins, Pimples, Nervoua Debility, Nerve Bleod and Skin Disorders, Bladder Troubles, Blood Poisons, Eruptions, Ulcere, Special Ailments, Piles or Fistula. to B 7 to S Dally- Sunday, 10 to i. Examination Advice Free. J.J. Keefe, Ph. G.M.D. Rooms 11-14 Lafayette Bids;, S13V4 WASHITOX ST, COR, th, PORTLAND, OR. MEN DON'T BE DISCOURAGED DON'T GIVE UP HOPE THJtKE IS 1IXP FOR VOU ACT TODAY 1 will treat soma of your ailments for as low a fee as S5 and 10. I will make yoa an ex. ceptlonally low fee on any ailment you may be auffexlng from. With thla low fee and my long and successful ex- kzPs&y Pxk ,n ailments of "ZVCl W ! men you need not f I don't care who has tried to cure you. and has failed I will give you a sure cure and a small fee. Dost give up before seeing me. By the latent methods known to MKDICAL science I successfully treat VARICOf-E VK1NS. PILLS. NERVOl'8 AILMENTS, KIDNEY. BLADDER. LUNG AND BLOOD AILMENTS. RHEU MATISM. LIVER AILMENTS AND ALL CHRONIC AILMENTS OF MEN. Come In and see me. Have a confi dential talk and be examined without cost or obligation. I will cure you. DR. LINDSAY The Old Reliable Specialist. Corner Alder and Second streets. En trance 128 u Second street, Portland. Or. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 P. II 1 -Jcr Jfa W AT. I-. e "X b-V'. JaT-r f