TIIE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND. JANUARY 21, 1912. 9 K RAL ESTATE. Vr&m I e . r reag e. O TOU CHICK EN. Nw I!tn tr this. We have o many r,;i for sin!! tract t-C, lite that would be su:ta;: f r aa Idea) poultry ranch. Well, ion w hv a limited number of Juxt inch p larva that we haT aa option on for a very short 1 1 me on. jr. If you want something ot that kind a.i4 want first coulee, you ! have to coin ear.y. lo calise wc r tIn.g thera right I'nn M. 2fI J. H. Trumble. 13.S: I INK LAM) CO.. 4VA Hy. tl. II. d".. Port n4. Or. t.tMil oNES Near-e'ectri . nt far uut: 1 -V.. no huiMIn. only $1 Vw A . buiMti:s and Improvements 9J-'m I j A.. very cho!-e $57tW CONMDKH HfTTKi: PRICES Katra o ar offers He buy to on 'of 'aunty's beat dairy ranch, oa river. CHOICE APPLE LAND Set the to fruit anil treMe your money; 4 arres l.vt: t m Co, . deal direct wtt h wnr, also, and 14 in Jueephin Co. C K u. king. f R Elt'.s 4 'q, 5i--.MO Wilfot BM. - iW IS THE TI UE. To "jt acreage. a it la cheaper now than U sver will be again, Th man on saiarr is beginning to realise I bat A or id-acre tract is a valuable aet. and in ra of hnrd time h can ! make at living and kwp hi family In com fort. The lanil will work for yon wMIa yo mrm paving for it. I ran U you the er b"t f b.acsi loam Boil, close to PorCan and elecine. raiiwar. for per acre. Titos. M'CCSK KK. l,um(wrmni UMf. nv. a-re on Cermantrwn road. 4 mile wat cf naw S'. llelen'a Ma. I ate: very rl h soil and enoucii orri wood to pay fiT land, on jr i S mii f-om Ji-cr.t rar f.nre and n--w carl trie In propei; this .tract may be bad at per aj-ra and upon monlb'.y pa.) meat plan. THE rHAW-FKAR COMPANY. Main l 1"2 Fourta fcL A 3-00 4 V ACRKS. all r!ired. very rtrh oil. on main county road. a;1ewaik to station, only mlnutV car ride, :fO new hoiurt in viw, bnllt wirh in past . months. This for 9173. payable I2tn cajh baianca month ly instailiucats. T ' THE PHAW-rEAR COMPANY. Main 10J Kourtb sc. A 0.'0. lLIAMOt K rol NTV bNAf'ft .-arra tracts, perfectly e el. all und-r cult I va tinn. g'KHJ road, riose to Tl.iamook City. Prire is rteht. ouly fMKt down and tn balance $t per year for 10 years. 1 a-.-re of this land will produce enoueh spuds to pay for the acre tract. Let us tll you more thout this exceptional opportunity to set started rlfbt in thli countr WATSON A TH ERK ELS EN. 214 Spaldirc It;ds;. I'huno Main 7..0- A WONPKRKIL BARGAIN. Ho you want to become Independent raiMtnc hops. ciovr. potatoes. onion loss, chickens, fruit, berrl-e, etc.? V have one of t h rinest bargains to b found, a bejutiful 4 arrrs c.oee to A u rora, finely Improved, fine hopyard. lara w hopaouse. inquire for mora fu'I and com plate informal ton ; prU 9: p-r acre. iieker. 31 1 ita SU 1 boot M4 Shall S'W. A ;ooI l'ROiolTIoN. Will trade or sc.i scree adjoining City of Mt-Minnvl!!e. a'l n cullUaMon. :t a.res In J-year-o;d commercial orchard, i-room homo. barn. bore. wagon, furni ture, (mp!-mcne. for Income property. 9:.0. atli double la vaiue In a fvw jear. Ml.ix-ff REALTY CO.. A!rtr 8!. i-At'ltK TRACT. Located S nuiea from Purtlar d Court -boit and about 1T mtnutea walk from both. Oregon KlwtHc and S. IV depots. The rheaist C-ai re tract on the h.tlem Pctrtc line; $1m down Will buy tb.. fca.anve nr AT'IIISOV A ALI.KN. 2 1 .1 O-m icr l::dc . --I and Alder. CHICKENS A M O A R T K N . 1.1 B'-rea. 3 bl..-ke from rati roe d station. ' S mii-s eonth. adioimna1 kI itttie town, -r-ora p:.tered huii. eoid barn, wood- aii tn cultivation. c and dn -kn: cheno I at s t part time- Ueo. W. LAlly, Minum bids-. 14 ACRES war Vancouver. With. ; best of sot', all level land, worth 9 Pr acre; t an be bought fr one-third of actual : tie if takea at once ; owner needs mor.e r. HIC.LEY BISHOP. 152 Third Pt. Bl T NOW. One t 3-acr trarta on Pase IJn road, rounry road, and on 2 ectric lines, will b put un the market tomorrow. One tenth cae.i. balance 910 por mor.th. 6l Hnry bl-l 2 ACRE.4 ON THE I'AHI INC A teautif ul 2-acre home right on the eltric line for IJ". Owner Is leaving the city and must sell at once. IE yoi n; joh.nson. 5! I Chamhrr of Commer e HIdg tH S acre beaeerdam land. under Irriga tion and r-a.fr for crop: best for onion a relr-ry. cauiif ower. potatoea etc.; river and rail transportation ; nothing better anywtera: low price and easy payments. lr vet! I rat 4- 01 2 Couc h bl!g.. l"tt 4tfi St. I At'kti-t adjoining Greeham. Fine propo sition for p.atting 1 block from ML li'xd car line. ell-:. cash, balance terms. WATSON THERKEWKX. Spaid ng Hlrta. Phone Main 7502. bl'V io to ten acres mls from tha Ciur;boite, near Oregon Electric ata tion . $ io an re : ttua will be city lots In y-ars; trm areeasy. U 731, Orv- tnfl'iin. la A"R Ed ad4nlng Wooitock near Errol Station. A snap at 111 en acre. 10 per cent Oown. h. ilar.ee per cent. WATSON A THEKKELSEN. p:d;ng ltldjf. Phone Main 7S92. 1 "ACHES adjoining eecmoretand. near Reed insr ttuie. 2 blocks from Sellwod -trhne. nu e locality. Improvements and good homes adjoining. Johnson. o-m u'h ave. ACRES lnide city line of Falrvlew. rln proposition for platting. Reason able. dw n. rrr cent on balance. WATSON THERKKLSEN. 1h8 Spalding HMg. Phone Mam 75V2. Iie ACRES, Morrow County, covered by propoa.d Government irrigation ditch; will trade, excellent terms. If taken at once: this goes cheap. 312 Chamber of Commerce. I'j ACRES. 14 miles fmm Portian-L aU in cultivation. S57-0. Terms to stilt. WATSON A THEKKEl-SEN. 6;aidtng Hlrig. phons Main 75!i IuL'R opportunity! liack to the farm! 14 ) acrea. near Wood burn. 9'f down, 92.V1 per yenr per cent; will take good ptano In trade, AP 744. Oreront.-in. LOTS and acreage at Multnomah Station, on the Oregon Electric Ry.. 20 mtnutea from downtown: some bargains for quick sale. T G. Hawley. office near station. t.N ACRES on Oregon Electric, between Portland and Hrisboro, for f'JJi per acre; cleared, level r round. Call fur parUcuiars, 4!4 Spalding bldg. t or ?ale Bualneee Property. IN V ESTMENT. Must have some caih quick. Wilt sell doubt flat and 70x1-. on Felmont St.. for tJKH leas than going price. 911.n"0- $'Xh purs you In possession. Boa 203. i-t. johns. A GOOD INVESTMENT. Fine brsiness corner. &0uo. East Side. on carllne. a;i Improvements In and paid for: present Income 94; can be raised to iw a month; 95'. 9300 cash. BLOCHREALTY CO.. Alder St FINE APARTMENT-HOrSE. WEST FTDE, BRICK BLDG.. LEASE! FOR 5 V RS., ri.K MONTH; PRICK I TO. (MM) TERMS; ;OOD Bl'V. ZIMMERMAN. 310 UUAKU OF TRADE BLIX1. NEW business block, centrally located." on East Ankeny car. for sale, or part trade lr Weal Side property. GOLDSCHMiDTS AGENCY. 41S Chamber of Commerce. 1 FLAT of 4 apartments. fumrshed. 1 un furnished. Brings $127 a month. On Clay SL. clce In. $U.O0. Terms WATSON ar THEKKELSEN. Aw Ppa,d:ng Bldg. Phone Main 7392 21 PER CENT OS AS INVESTMENT OF 97of0 AND TAKE CARE OF BALANCE; PRICE $12 tHHf FOR IMMEDIATE ACTION. ZIM MERMAN. J10 BOARD OF TRADE. H'xIOO-FT. LOT. corner ?th and" Clay. Fine apartment-house Btte. a snap. WATSON aV THE It K KlEV, 3Q Spalding Bldg. Phone Main 7PP2. i.orGE or apaktmv:nt bite NEAR l-'TH AND MAIN STS. 1 LoTS I'RICE 92orM; $rtno CAffIL Call K"i 10th St., Near btark. I HAVE two well located apt. altes. one East Side, oa West did. Mrs. I'Umonl. Z4 Board X Tra4. GO REAL ESTATE. GOOD INVESTMENTS. Corner la on Seventh t.. near Burn aid; income $7o per month. Corner on Taylor at.. Una for apart Rents. Quarter block "U Park st. Ir.side lot on West J'ark, ap.rtm't alt a. Ovr quartrr cle In on Union ave.; In- coat over $4-0 per month. vam'ltn a WAUoy, 515 Chamber Coirynarce. APARTMENT STTE. . 4T nn. clone In, on Kat Side. $3750; $75 cash, baianre easy term and low in terest. The oatr'i loss, but tba purchas er's ruin. ( a I at one. north coast coio.vization co.. a in I'AY 4 2 chamber rf Corn m rc Mdf. WEST SIDE, closes IN. tT.-o c-h buy a l ot aparttnent-alte, xl'irt. tn Jxhiuoa at. sonia income. Prire 4770; ibia ra tha beat buy In Nb lii'.l. E. J GElfVKR. 4'-0 Chamber of Commerce. 'tH SALE Lot iOxlOO. 10to and Everett. iwnr, r5 Clackarr.aa L I mr hate-rlvmeeiewtta. AIV.TA(iKS of Orison. ltM)-nac bok, jtlvra ili amount of liovemmeat land open to hu.DMtfaili In earh county in Oreron, 'ahin:on and 'aJUornia, and dacrip tin of same; arix ee hnmtead', deaert, timter. stone, coal and m.neral lama: map of trartn In coiura. ihoNini railroads la operation, andr construrtion and pro- rM.aed. lnriudtna Hastrrn and Central lre- ron ; bxk .'h". map 2c; Calif rata map !n colors. Sji3. -.-: map of Vtaahlnntoa tn oiura. 2ir. Nimmo. liuney at Co.. 424 lfatntlton b.ilr lii'MK.-TKAl. h acre. Southern Oreaon, -O fei e.cvation. nna soil. init"Ty sta tion one mile, fenced. 12 acre tin'il, ana CO tillable, new ft-room bouse and barn. etc. you nr fruit tre-. Cue horse, houeehold aoou. ma.hlnrry: improve tncr.ra rist 17' u; quick cmah price, only $14M. W . U. Hod ceo n. Aamend, Uf. II 'M K.-TtAl. near Portland. lare. ffreen timber. water. prairie. 'Md S'I. crop tUls ear. homes of value, fee right, bee Covey. Oak. room .1. l-ACKK htm, stead re;inqullnenl, on mile from station, wheal land. &tn Henry bidjc I WANT homentead rellnqulehment; stat price said location. K Oreyonlan. -trait lawaoa. 8PLENDID HOMES AND TRC1T FARMS. 10 acres H mile- from Knne- wir. Wash.; ALL IN CULTIVA TION AM ALL L'NDKH WATER. WITH WATER RIGHT KL'LL Y PAIL. Fully planted tn staa-Urd and choke varieties of applt-s. pchea. peara. c her r tea and small fruits: fine lawn and shade trcea; C-room bun gaJowr. rom?tely fur nished; barn, chlcken-houeca and all larmlnc' tools. This place 1s In fins neiKh borhood and surrounded av splrndid orchards. Price eOOO, tern. a $2hj cash. 10 grrri close In above tract, with PKItPETl'AL WATER RIGHT. Fl'LI-Y PAIP; Pl!0 4-year-old tre.-a. S'Jiorted fruits; w 111 produce about j'f in fruit and cantaloupes tbia year; new 3-room house with domes tic wifr supply under press ur. Price 9n0. terms 9-Uwi cash. A LVO R n-C A R R - H UXTE R CO.. Zlft-21 liooxd of Trade. J DEAL KRIIT RANCH. Near Vancouver, Wash., on main road from Portland to Taconia. K rods from laka. 4 acres, -d acres bear in if prunes. 4 acres bearing apple. 2 acres yrufted walnuts Just bear inc. 3 acres grafted nuts intersct With peach trece, 1 a. Uart lett perv. 3 acres younger apples. 10 bearin crap- liies. 4 acres pastur. al monds, filberts, some rh-rrles, all kinds of other small fruit ; $ prune dryer, h-room house, largo barn, U ;.xni-ral. tnrns. fine Melt of water, windmill, tank house. s;ee i;nk. This place la Ideal ith fine view uf Columbia River and 4 snow-capped mountains and located In the famous prune Ult. Terms on this ta;ance 0 per tent, will take some imde. For details call at 7i'd-l0 Roth rhiid bids. M'trsnall 3'.'5, Sunday or evenings. Main HiniZ, t HAVE YOU SEEN THIf?" If voi deelre to own a Una fruit ranch and have a good home, come and see us and will give you 1"' acres pianted to tres and take care of It for 4 years at ILMO per acre. Think of It. directly on the railroad. This Is the section where the fincM berrlea. cherries and potatoes come from. Call and get our booklet. THE DALLES LAND A ORCHARD CO.. Hoard of Trnde A SNAP. 1 acres orchard land. Whits Salmon. nart'illv rlf arrd and Set OUt to orchard, House, barn, well and tools. 9m per acre and term. owner strx and must leave. DIAMOND. GRANT CO.. Mnrhl 4171. .'h.4 Hoard f Trade. MOS1KK HAK'iAIN: Q acres of fino orcuar l land near Mo slcr: over B acres In orchard; only it) pe acre, and will accept modem Portland res idence as rirt payment. Address a. d V. o. bo 4-3. J"m PER ACRE P'iJITUND 10 mlies, mint Ion 5 blocks. Oreicon Electric line, acres, some cleared, rich, black land lav fin-, good creek. Geo. A. Rlggs. b Spalding bldg. 3 ACRES 2-year-old English walnut and Rwal Anne cherry trees. In Yamhill Coun'.y. Ftneit tl and location In th count y. 1, "4'J. Orrgnlan. 149 ACRE.H fine fruit land, ! miles from Salem: no rock: nearly ivs cores ti wMd. Price 3i0; easy terms. M1 Fp.idtng blilg. x WANTED Improved or unimproved . Irri gated or wheat land In exchange for Im proved Hood River orchard. V . 6. t arris. Ilood River. Or. FOR PALE si) acres, splendid fruit land 13 acrea planted la apples. Just coming ir.iA bearin a : II 2 onii ."i. Oregon lan. chicken farm "nn " electric line; cash or terms S.'H Lumbermens b'dg For VaJe -lnrm. 90 ACRES VERY CHOICE. 7 MILES OUT. This Is one of the b st-kept farms In the State of Oregon. It l Just . the place f r a party who desires 1 he beat c.f sll. good buildings, good location and pit-asant sur roundings, this p. ace contains ifhout all the features that an Ideal farm home should ha ve. Rad the do scriptlrn carefully, which we guar antee to be correct In every detail. There are SO acre. 40 acres in nigh state of cultivation; the en tire tract lies well and Is the Very choicest of loose mellow loam soil; splendid ft-room house, very fine I arte barn. n-a)t and convenient outbuildings; everything In perfect condition; choice bearing orchard of apples. pears. cherries. E ngltsh Vwlnuts, cnestnuts. graphs and ber rlea; nice shade trees, green lawn, well kept, and n'.cely painted build ings; clean, neat, pleasant environ ment. Personal property: One team. one colt, set doubts harness, sin- gie hai binder. harness, wagon, buggy, hack. mower, a:i implements, 2 cows, several hogs, chickens, etc. All personal property In first-class condition: price for everything Is only 910.H00, H cash. Located Just 7 miles east from the city limits of Portland: good hard-surface road all the way. HARGROVE SONS, 122 6th St. N.. rnr. Rth and Gltsan. Main 43S1, A 72o.' l.t ACRES best hop land in the Willamette Valley. mile Oregon Electric station; per acre; all cleared, no rock; every acre excellent soil; on good road ; must raise 9,;"0; terms on balance; no fake, H. N. Swank, 305 Ablngton bldg. WHEAT FARM BARGAIN. VmatiLa County reservation wheat land to lease and flrst-clftss outfit for sale; this Is a mony-maker. See party at our off fee. CHAS. RINGLER A CO., 211 Lewis Bldg. WANTED Men to become Independent farmers In Eastern North Carolina, the Nation's garden spot. Leads for large profits on small capital. Write for booklet. C Van Leuven. b-4 Southern bldg, Wil mington. N. C. BALT River VatVy. Anson a. offers best in ducement fa soil, water, climate and busi ness openings, farming year round Si9 clear dare la year; a-fair a. sugar beets, citrus fruits, all grains. Writ Qland.e I Arizona) Board of Trade. RANCH--o acres, with buildings, IS miles frum Portland, near electric line; bargain for all rh. hr owner. Morrison st. FINE 40-acre farm. 95 cash, baiance easy. Owner. 411 Ry Exchange. " D dairy ranch for sale cheap by owner. KJi aut rrurosia st. rhone ti 8557. KKAL KTATE. For hale Karma, EMPIRE INVESTMENT COMPANY. 4ul- Hoard of Trade bldg. Portland, Oregon. So acres black loam soil; situated 2 mlies from Snerldan, on good county road; 4 7 acre's cleared; 1 acres ash; all fenced; 'r(wln cottage and new bam. 4t)x 40: 1 good chlckea-housee and telephone; good well and living spring on place; crop of 47 acres goes with the place. If sold before February 1. This la an extra fine place and bas to be seen to be appre ciated. Price 9740; 94uu9 cash, balance oa terms. 1M acres. IH miles from Bheridan, on good county road; black loam and red shot soil; all fenced and cross-fenced; 130 acresln cultivation, balance pnsture. This Is I vaiiey land, but well drained; the Yamhill River forming part of the soutn boundary of place; the Wlllamlna Rail road rues directly through place, and cars can be loaded between trams. Good 1.-room house, large barn and lots of feed. A large dairy barn, hog-house, butchering plant, chlcken-housea. wagon shed. etc. There Is good well on rlnce: also telephone and rural delivery. This Is an Ideal ranch. Price f 125 per acre; terms one-third cash, balance per cent. 100 acres, t miles from Sheridan; black loam soil; acres clesred. balance pas- i ture land. Small orchard; fair house; old ' bam and outbuildings. Good well and springs on place; 1 4 mile from schooL 1 he south 4 acres. ithout buildings, can be bought for 90 an acre: this iwrt in tne-half cleared. Price on whole place l-iOj; l0u cash, balance to suit pur chaser at per cent. M acres of rich rlrer bottom land; t mile from Pherldan; half cleared; balance easily cleared; fair house and barn, good WiIL Tb is IS an excelleat trunk furm. and can be paid for In S years with the crop. race sioe an acre; terms. SO seres. 9 miles south of Sheridan: 35 acres in cultivation, balance In oak grubs; old house and barn; good rich soil: land sllghtlv rolling. This place would mke a une aairy or rrutt lurm. Price S370O;, $1700 cash, balance on time at per cent. lis" acres. S mlleg from Sheridan; 0 , acres In cultivation, balance In pasture; all tillable if cleared: soli la red-shot on the upland and a rich, black loam on the v acrra or creeg nottom. improvements: All fenced and cros-f en red ; stock; barn, and 1 acre of strawberries; also all-Hum- , mer creek and springs. This would make a une uairy rancn. Price S70 per acre; one-third cash, balance at per cent. 40 acres. I miles from Sheridan, on good I county road; 17 acres In cultivation; bal ance neavy oak grubs; deep, rich soil: land slightly rolling. The timber will bring sbout ISO per acre on the ground. am me cienrei iana in rich swale bot tom land. Partly fenced. This la a bar- gam. I'rice per acre. Terms one- tuiru cun ; oaianca at a per cent. in acres. 1 miles from fiherldan: all In cultU-aticn; 12 acres In prunes; 1 year old: good house, barn and small family orcnarn. just Beginning to bear; land al most level; good soli and running water. vwwv, uuu isnni. 4" acrea of good fruit land: 4 miles Trom town. i nis is covered with second growth fir that will pay for the place In wood. They are clearing up to the line on two sides to plant fruit- Thle Is s nap. rice aiuug; terms oue-nair cash. We have the largest listings tn tha Wil lamette Valiey. cuij mid see us for ad- tiiuor.aj mrormation. 40 ACHES 8H M ILES FROM TOWN. 4OQ.M0 ft, of fine saw timber on this 40. with good sawmill only S mile from - the land, with good flume from mill to boat landing on river; about 2tHK cords of mood, besides the saw timber; the wood alone will more than pay for the land; the price of this 40 In J'.WMI ; the first man gets here with the price Is the man that will make the money, as this must be sold for cash. raone M. 2fi9t. Trumhte A Silver. BASE LINE LAND CO.. 404 Hy. Ex. Hldg. Portland, Or. AS IDEAL LITTLE FARM. Just 19 miles from Portland, near a station on the Salem Electric line; 1 acres fine soil, all cleared and fenced : good 5-room house, barn, granary. 2 wella, good water and a stream of living wat?r runs through it: on a good county road, quarter mile to school; price 9tio40, 91000 rash. balance easy, or will ex change for Portland property at Cash value. THE 8HAW-FKAR COMPANY Main 33 103 Fourth St. A 8AO0 30 ACRES AT HALF PRICE. 30 acres, only 14 u miles south of Portland, and 1 mile from Salem elfctrie line; 25 acres under cultivation, balance good t Imbue; on main county road and In a thickly settled com munity of fine farms; no adjoin ing land can be bought for iioub?e the price; 9."k. RALPH ACKLF.Y LAND CO. 170 Fifth St., Opposite P. O. HEAVE HD AM. 22 acres fine land. & acres of which is genuine beaverdam. In cultivation, bal ance timber enough to pay for clearing: running stream to Irrigate if tou want to; place Ilea line, right -on main county road. S mile from electric station, 20 mi.es jrom -ortiano. mile from W 11 Inmette River, rght on main countv road: R. F. D.. telephone and milk route: price 9:iOo. 900 cash, balance long time at 6 per cent. Cheapest piece of land in the country. CO-VPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY. 620 Railway Exchange Bid., 4rh and Stark. WANT DESIRABLE RESIDENCE, 43 acrea 1 mile from Gervals; 23 acres In orchard, balance under cultivation; ft room brick house, barn, etc., 8 horses, cow. 2 chickens, new buggy, wagons, implements. Just what you want to retire on. Act il value 92."u per acre. 910.730. Submit good properties for Immediate Inspection. DORK E. KEASEY 4 COMPANY, 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce.. 40 ACRES, all cleared, very rich o!I only ten miles from Portland; good young orchard and an 9mm0 set of buildings; you can buy this for 912.0"U, thereby getting this fin land at 9100 per acre. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 35 102 Fourth St A S500 20-ACRE FARM. Nice 6-room house, good bam and out buildings, good well, family orchard, 8 acres under cultivation; overlooking nice country village: 10H miles to Portland. This place lies high and sightly; espex inlly adapted for fruit aryi berries. Price 905OO. This is 1 about foo per acre under surrounding prices. A. W. SMITH & CO., M. 520. 436 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. K.3-ACRE STOCK RANCH. 950 per acre buys ttiis beautiful stock ranch close to the Columbia River. Fine It-room house and large stock barn. Klne creek runs through this place and spring water piped Into tne house. Price i0 pei acre, f lu00 cash and the balance on long time. DE YOUNG & JOHNSON. M4 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. THIS IS A GOOD BUY SNAP. ' 22 acres adjoining valley town. xl2 In one-year apples. 2 chicken parks. 4 pas ture, new five-room bungalow, beautifully finished, elect r'c lighted, modern plumb, lng. barn, unlimited water. Price 94750. Part cash, terms. A. A. Courteney. 42$ Lumbermens building. 10 ACRES, 7 acres in year-old apple trees; bouse, barn, pouitry-nouse, S32(n. 20 acres, 1ft acres In cultivation, house, barn, orchard, creek, water wheel; a bar gain for a homeseeker; 27 miles Portland; 1U mlls college town. CHRISTOPHER ft YOUNG, Dundee. Oregon. GOOD Dairy and Stock ft Farms - ' For Sale. OODDARD ft WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. 14-ACRE fruit and chicken ranch; fruit of all kinds, chickens, pigs, -furniture; s II goes; will consider equity In modern resi dence up to S1OO0; will take straight mortgage for 910oo; balance cash; price 925KJ. Owner. AV R61, Oregonian. FO R SAL E One of tn best hop ran c h es In Polk County; 40 acres bearing hops, all trelllsed; 10 acres more being cleared. Price l,O00 if taken within 30 days. In quire of C L. Crlder, Dallas, Or. REU ESTATE. For Sale farms. 947.00 FROM l3-i ACRES PRUNES THIS YEAR. Thirteen acres prunes adjoining townslte of Los Mollnos paid 45oo this year. An SO-acre Bartlett pear orchard paid 931.5U0 and has averaged 93.'.Q an acre for 13 yr. Cherries and English walnuts are cu more proritaDie. unves can be sola 10 years In advance at 9100 a ton on the lr- Averag yield of full bearing Irri gated orchard. 8 to 6 tons per acre. Larg est vlneard and second largest winery In world adjoins Los Mollnos. . Oranges " weea earner tnan in southern California and so are absolutely safe from CTxe. oesiaes peing first on market. Second peach county in California. Straw berries ail Winter; also 16 varieties Winter 'caeiaoiea. A siit-joam soli 110 feet deep. rV rrlKton enough water to cover o .ncuea ueep curing year. Alfalfa, vt xeai district in caiiior- xr aairying ana hogs. Land going w cu terms. write today to LOS MOLINOS LAND COMPACT. Los Mollnos. Calif. 157 ACRES. Tualatin River forms the west and a part of the south boundary; Salem Litctrlc crosses this ranch about the center; the public rorsd. known as the N'ewberg road, crosses this tract at another point, giving a frontage of so rods on -lth-r side thereof; only 12 miles from Portland; about one-half cleared; 2 houses, a barn, hophous, a spring-fed creek, some good tim ber; an Ideal place for a dairy ranch or would sell rapidly In five-acre tracts. This Is forced to sell to close a bankrupt estate; an oppor tunity; corns quick. W. A. SHAW. Trustee. Main 55 ICa Fourth St. A 3500 DON'T WAIT 6 YEARS. BUT CALIFORNIA FULL-BE A RINO ORCHARDS. MONEY BACK IK NOT KATTSPTirrfc 910.00 cash and 930.00 per month buys five seres with full bearing fruit trees 11 me x in wen urcnarai at Chl- co, California. Payments include inter- . . ..-.-. 1 uur uiunejr oacK 1 1 not satisfied upon Investigation. Ths Bldwell vniiflrui are me most noted and pro ductive In the wonderful Sacramento Val- ry 01 aiuornia. it a our confidence in x.Tia itoa mat prompts generous offsr. We've peaches, prunes, almonds, mri. cots and Bartlett pears. Buyers railroad fares, not exceeding 924. 00. will be cred- neu on purcnase price. Lana adjoins the inrivmg town 01 cnico 14.000 pop.) (References: Any bank of Chico. Ameri can National Bank of San Francisco and First National Bank of San Leandro.) Send for valuable Information and facts m Bldwell Orchards. Inc. Chico, CaL A H PL EN DID onnortunltv. tha Clmvn Tt77 bor district, with Aberdeen and Hoqulam, two of the most progressive and fast growing cities on the Pacific Coast, with a splendid harbor and three transconti nental railroads, offers today the best op- iununny 10 me investor. we are still Bulling land at 925 to f-tO per acre only from 3 to 8 ml'es from town and from 8 j to J 1 mlies at 913 to 92.1 per acre on very eay terms. The soil Is rich with abun dance of water, no gravel, rocks or sand. Two hundred families bought land of us already and CO of them live on the land now. The market for all farm products Is j unumuea. in aaaition we nave also sev eral partly Improved farms with buildings. Remember that similar opportunity to bur land at the prices quoted will not present , Itself to you again here on tha harbor. For 1 further Information write at ones to: Washington State Colonisation Co., Aber deen, w ash. YAMHILL COUNTY. OREGON. Fertile. Beautiful. Fast Electric Service. 1912-13. Hop Farms. Fruit. Dairy and Stock. Poultry Ranches, . Summer Hoines In Scenic Country. For Information address J. A. CUNNINGHAM, ; Carlton, Oregon. DANDY BARGAIN. 20 acres, all In high state of cultiv tlon ; half In crop; 1 acre of orchard. guou o-roora house. Darn 24x30. chicken houses and outhiiililina- all ll-a heniifl- fully; 3 extra, line cows. 1 heifer, 1 "horse. 100 cn leg ens. 3i bu. wheat. ,j bu. oats. 2i tons chop, 14 tons hay, new buggy, harnesses, wagons, all Implements and tools, cream separator, 2W miles from S. P. R, R. and good town, with large milk condenccry; R. K. ., telephone and creum route; price J3H00, llOw cash, bal ance to suit. 6 per cent. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY, 620 Ralfu-ay Exchange Bldg., 4th and Stark. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A FARM? THE BEST ALL-ROUND FARM IN OREGON; IiHOAD STATEMENT. BUT 1 TRUE; CAN ALL BE IRRIGATED; YOU ARE IN DEP K N D E N T OF THE WEATHER MAN;. FINE FOR HOPS, H AY. TRUCK FAR M I N G, FO R FLO- EIST: 70 HORSE POWER DEVELOPED; ELECTRICITY CAN BE INSTALLED FOR LIGHT. HEAT AND POWER FOR ALL PURPOSES; INVESTIGATE THIS; ITS THE CHANCE OF YOUR LIFE. ZIMMERMAN, 810 BOARD OF TRADE B LOG. LAND ON YOUR OWN TERMS. 80 acres. 30 cleared, balance 50 acres has 1.500.000 first-class saw timber on It. half-mile from R. R-: old house, fair barn, milk house, old orchard ; spring water can be piped to buildings, also running stream; six miles from North Yamhill. Price, 960 an acre; 930 or 9400 cash, bal ance as you like It at 6 per cent. Can have from 10 to 15 years to pay for It. Frlst-clns soil, no waste land. JACOB HAAS, 40H YEON BLDO. TUALATIN FARM. 64 acres, 2 sets of buildings, railroad running throuph place; mile from electric station; H under cultivation, balance easi ly cleared ; on edge of nice country vil lage. 40 minutes of Portland, on county road. 92o per acre as whole, or will divide at 922.V A. W. SMITH CO.. M. 5S26. 43ft Chamber of Commerce. BEST FARM BUyT 80 acres best sandy loam, near railroad town 35 miles . Portland. 40 acres culti t(Vd, good 8-room house and barn, both painted and chicken -house. 11 acres fine orchard. 2 wells and spring, near 91'" worth of stock, implements, feed and potatoes; $7ooo with good terms. Will accept Portland residence not to exceed 25u0. Geo. W. Lilly, 600 Marqunm bldg. 20 ACRES ON THE WILLAMETTE RIVER. 15 miles from Portland and close to a good town and electric station ; 13 acrea cleared and the balance In timber. Good S-room house and barn. Th's is a beautiful place for a home or chicken ranch. Owner will sacrifice this weak. DE YOUNG & JOHNSON. 614 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FARM. 20 ACRES. 9C00 cash buys 20 acres of good land near Clackamas Station: 10 acres In cul tivation: new 6-room house, barn. 6 chick en houses, orchard, running water; a fine place to keep chickens Price, 94000. E. J. GEISER, 420 Chamber of Commerce. 935 AN ACRE 93," 80 acres, first-class land, no stone, no waste, alt tillable land; 30 acres nearly cleared. 2 springs, on county road, ad Joining railroad station, 35 miles from Portland. Washington County; only 92SOO. A bargain. . . FRED A. KNEELAND, 03 Swctland ftldg. ON OREGON CITY LINE. 14 mile of station. 13c fare. Well Im proved 2 H -acre home. 5-room house, 3 greenhouses stocked, water tower, gaso line engine, outbldgs.. young orchard, ber ries, some furniture, tools, etc. Good pay ing proposition. Price 93O00. half cash. E 743, Oregonian. FOR SALE 42-acre ranch, adjoining Grants Pass. Or., on Rogue River; 35 acres under plow, 6 acres small fruit and 2-year orchard: 2 acres bearing orchard, C-room modern bungalow, barn and out buildings; 9-WO per acre; terms; or will divide 5 and 10-acre tracts. Dr. McCabe, Sifl Alberta St.. Portland, Or. f.20 ACRES, West Side, W illamette River; 13-room house, A oarns, wen, yu in pi ua power, running water, 3'1 acres Newtown apples. ,8 acres young orchard; all tiled; electric lights, all equipped; hlh state of cultivation; clear title; price 9-50 per acre. Vi cash and terms. HIGLEY & BISJIOP. 132 Third St. MR. FARMER Do you know that Twin Falls has possibly the best water right In the United states, and that crop fail urea are Impossible? That It Is a great fruit country and the land is still low In price? Just write the secretary Real Estate Exchange, Twin Falls, Idaho. 10 ACRES, well Improved, all In cultivation, excellent "oil. 2 acres berries, on county road. 2 blocks of macadam. 4 blocks of Elec. Sta., 13 miles of Portland. You will buv this If you want a snap. 92400. Terms. N. M. Apple. 429 Her,ry bldg. lin-ArRB hay and stock rarm in Lincoln County; will sell or trade. See owner, 315 Fargo st. 80 ACRES Improved Irrigated Idaho land, part cash, balance mortgage; good land. AO 74s. Oresonlan REAL ESTATE. For Sale 1 arms. COLONIZATION PROPOSITION 2r00 acres of splendid land, Io cs ted In Eastern Oregon, on the main Una of tha O.-VV. R. &- N. R.R., just lfe miles from station and adjoining good town. This land Is all Irrigated, with perpetual free water right from 3 mountain streanwi. The irrigation system Is complete, laterals all In. etc. It is all in a high state of cul tivation and Is seeded this year' as follows: 20 acres In alialfa, 2130 acres In grain, and l- acres In pas ture. This ts all BUMPER CROP land. There Is an electric railway survey through this property. The soil Is deep and rich, all fenced and cross-fenced, and has 4 complete seta of buildings. This land subdivided will be cheap at 9150 to 92)0 per acre: the owner being anxious to make a quick sale, will sell the entire tract at 95 por acre. Will make terms. We also have 1600 acres of bench land adjoining this property, that can be Irrigated, The price of this 1 $la per acre, Thla Is a splendid proposition. In an IdeaJ location and at an except ionally low price. Investigate this. CHAS RINGLER & CO. 211 Lewis Bldg. j FARMING TO MAKE MONEY. 0." acres, nearly all In cultivation, ex cellent buildings of all kinds. The soil is unusually rich, producing 100 bushels of oats or 200 sacks of potatoes per acre, and other crops in proportion. With this place goes a nice herd of milk cows; also other stock and Is fullv enulnned with tools and Implements. Everything will be inciuaea at udou; easy terms. 4i acres, part In cultivation, set of fair Duiimntrs. very close to Columbia River. excellent soil. This place car be had for ana win give easy terms. This will Interest anyone who wants a good farm xor u. intjo money. 35 acres, highly Improved, excellent soil, good buildiners. orchard. Closo schools, churches and stores, not fur from Portland on electric line. Can be had for $o00 per acre. Anyone who wishes a high class farm ripht near the city limits should investigate this. ir5 acres, nearly all In cultivation. 'electric carllne through the center of the place. New, modern residence with hot and cold water, lights and heat all through it, and be;:ig on th banks of a small river furnishes good fishing;. This Is one of the prettiest and best farms in the State of Oregon and will bear close investigation. it is line for sub-dividln or for keeping for a home. Price J175 per acre. nere is no aeot against it. would accept part in iirst-class Portland prop cny. I make a sneclaltv of farms In the Wll lamette Valley and can offer you the best to be had. Call or write J. E. Smith, I oi.v innmDer or commerce, rortiana, or. NEWBERU SNAP, 0 ACRES. IMPROVED. M acres In cultivation. 8 acres valuable limner. i'jace an wen renccd. iew o- room house and barn. Watered bv snrlnirs ana crecK. 1 he land is all tillable &nd a deep rich oil which will raise most any thing, but is especially adapted to fruit. 1 nis rarm is located in the famous Che- hale m Valley near Newberir one of the finest fruit sections In the Willamette Valley. Some farm machinery and 3H0 du. 01 grain so with the nlace. -If you want to speculate you can more than double your money by planting this farm with fruit and 'then subdividing it. 1 Ainu no pptter neur hy has sold for sunt per acre. We are offering for a short time tins splendid 00-acre farm for only Si.ioO. Newherg is a rapidly growing and pros perous town of about HOuO population. Only 2i miles from Portland, with & passenger , trains every aay ana win soon have two e!ectrlc lines. Come and get more details sdoui tnis bargain. A. K. HILL CO., 413 Henry bldg., Portland. Or. A GOOD BUY. ACRES. NROTHEAST 160 OF P&TN- D LET ON, OR.; 80 ACRES IN FALL WHEAT; BALANCE STUBBLE; FAIR HOUSE AND SHED BARN. THE 80 ACRES IN GRAIN WILL PRODUCE 2000 BU. OF WHEAT THIS SEASON. WILL .SACRIFICE FOR 93 PER ACRE; 9S0O CASH. BALANCE T PER CENT. OWNER WILL BE IN OUR OFFICE FROM 1 TO 4 'O'CLOCK SUNDAY. WARD & YOUNGER. SUITE 429. YEON BLDG. ANOTHER BIG. BARGAIN. 70 acres of fine soil, about 40 acres In cultivation and crop, balance pasture and timber; good 7-room house, good barn 30x 40 feet, and outbuildings, all about 5 years old: family orchard, running stream; all fenced and cross-fenced; ft cows. 2 horses, 2 colts, 5 calves, 75 goats, 2 hogs. 10 sheep, 5 dozen chickens; all farming I machinery. wagons. harnesses. buggy. tools; In fact everything to run the place. It lies on main county good road. K. F. D. telephone and milk route; 40 miles from Portland. 2 miles from S. P. and good town with one of the best milk con- donserles In Oregon ; Just think, for all. price 90'.H)0; 92000 cash, balance 6 per cent, long time. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY. 620 Hallway Lxchfinue Bldff., 4th and Stark. BIG BARGAIN. . 80 acres fine sandy loam soil; 65 acres 1 In hit?h state of cultivation ; all fenced I and cross-fenced ; lies Just like a gar den spot ; 7-room house, large barn, hop- house, hopdryer, family orchard, fine water; place lies on main county road. 20 miles from Portland, mile from Ore gon Electric station. In fine open- country, closo to Willamette Rtv-r and good town; price for quick sale 9131 per acre; 92-K) cash, balance 5 years or more, at 6 per j cent. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY -.COMPANY. 020 Railway Exchange Bldg-., 4th and Stark. ' BARGAIN AT OSWEGO. 14 acres. 8 miles to Portland. 1 mile to Oswego. 9-room plastered house, 2 fire places, 2 wells, on ewwnty road, all in cul tivation, free from rock and gravel ; this place lays fine and has a beautiful view; 14 miles- to school; family orchard, grapes, all kinds of berries, all stock and fnrm Implements go with the place; 95300; 9;;ooo cash, balance $S0O per year. 6 per cent. A. W. Smith & Co., 4ri6 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 5S20. BEST IN COUNTY. 6 miles southeast Portland, 35 acres; H cultivated, house, 2 barns, potato house, 200 bearing fruit trees, all fenced. 40 acres, best Improved farm in county; 1 acre bearing orchfl rd, 7-room modern, house, new barn, bath, etc., brick potato and machinery house. These two farms are Ideal and will trade one or both for income property or. sell on terms. Call at 70!-10 Rotu- cMId bldg. Marshall 3825, Sundays, Main 30O2. 133 ACRES Vi mile R. R-, on river; good bui hi in um. tine well, small lake, never dry: pnft bottom land; finest of soil: 30 acres timber, balance cultivated; all krnds ot berries. 6V. acres orchard, 4 hi acres peachea, bal. commercial apples; sell or trade for business property in valley town; price 9I3.0oO, S2t Board of Trade bldg. . 1 120 ACRES, 23 cleared, 6-room houeoi, 2 barns, small orcnaru, part piace level, balance slopes to south, well watered, good dairy or stock farm or apple land, 5 miles from boat and railroad station on Columbia River, school hk mile, Portland 40 mlies; must sell soon; $3500. Address Wm. Williamson. Carroll ton. Wash. FINE farm, 147 acres. i0 under plow. . 12 acres of prunes, targe iscnneiaer prune drler, some timber, fine soil. 3 miles from good town' and boat landing in Clark Co., Wash. ; farm and all equipments go for 70 per acre, some terms. Particulars address A. Demlng. Battleground, Wash. 100 ACRES. 30 mfles out, SO acres in cul tivation, fair house, big barn. 3 acres In bearing fruit, nuts and grapes. 20 acres of pasture, balance fine timber, good team and tools all goes for $U00. Address owner, K 711, OregonfaiK 8NAP 10 acres wheat land, ready for plow. In Wallowa County, Oregon, 9 miles from railroad station ; homestead ajoln Ing; will sell for half Value if taken goon. Address owner. AL 740. Oregonian. 40 ACRES mile from Crawford or United Railways, 15 cleared, all fenced, running water, good barn, 93000, 91000 cash, no trade. AT 750. Oregonian. HOP LAND 216 acres Tn the prize-winning district. 6O miles . from Portland; price $135 per acre; come quick if you want it. HIGLEY ft BISHOP. 132 Third St. TH REE FARMS FOR SALE. 16. 60, 300. two fronting on river. 18 miles from Portland ; also acres and lots in Portland. Phone Sellwood 1510. TO lease; orchard, house and barn ; cash or shares. Inquire of Fred Elwert, Sher wood. Or. REAL ESTATE, For BaleFarms. OWNER MUST SACRIFICE. 113 ACRES; 25 IN ALFALFA; 40 READY TO SEED; 7 ACRES COMMER CIAL ORCHARD; BALANCE GOOD LAND CAN BE PUT IN ALFALFA AND GlbAIN; PLENTY OF WATER FOR IR RIGATION. THIS IS A SNAP. FOR A MAN WITH A FAMILY. PRICE ONLY 9G5 AN ACRE. ABOVE IS ONLY 9 MILES FROM PENDLETON, ON M'KAY CREEK; 2 MILES FROM RAILROAD. 1 FROM GOOD SCHOOL AND CHURCH. . OWNER WILL BE IN OUR OFFICE FROM 1 TO 4 SUNDAY. 1 WARD YOUNGER. SUITE 420, YEON BLDG. - "DIXIE LAND." a home among the orange groves and flowers, where health, happi ness and prosperity await you In the district of the beautiful city of Hermo slllo, Mexico. Grows cotton, wheat and all cereals, alfalfa and grasses, garden truck and all fruits known to the mar kets; 2 to. 5 crops varied products year ly; yields 9100 to 9100O acre annually. 950 acre, with water right, A cash, bal ance from crop if desired. A. M. High house. 9t6 Wilcor bldg. Ml we ila neons, HAZLETON. B. C, most promising young cny in western tanaaa, on main line Grand Trunk Pacific, surrounded bv pro ductive farm lands; excellent cslmate; distributing and receiving point for coun try larger than New England; center Can ada's richest mineral district; has 2100 square miles anthracite coal, silver lead mines producing now, head steamer navi gation, now has 24 stores, banks and two newspapers, railroad but SO miles to build into Hazelton; arrival of first train in Spring will boost prices; time to buv for greatest profits now; central lots 9100 to 930O; terms 10 down. $5 monthly: liberal cash discount, no interest or taxes, free deed In case of death before completing payments; $10' sent now will hold your lot subject to our selection being satis factory to you or money refunded; send lor iree illustrated booklet of Hazelton and all center British Columbia; refer ences. Traders Bank of Canada. Cana dian National Investors, Ltd. (Capital 9100.000). 310 E. Hastings St.. West Van couver, B. C. VANCOUVER, Our Vancouver office has several bar gains In Vancouver city property and in Clark County acreage; if you are in the market for Vancouver bargains.. DORR E. KEASEY & CO., Chamber of Commerce. Vancouver Office Grand Theater Block, $23.000r 923,000 923.000 Flats on 12th st. Lot worth 920,000. Flats cost 912.000. Income 92000. That tells the tale. J. O. ROUNTREw, Railway Exchange Bldff. OL R Tillamook representative will be in ine city this week. Any information you wisn regaraing 'jmamook county, city property, acreage and timber lands, will be plensed to give you if you will call at our office. WATSON &. THERKELSEN, 306 Spalding Bldg. Phone Main 7593. WE HAVE anything you want in city prop y or acreage. WATSON A THERKELSEN, 0O6 Spalding Bldg. Phone Main 7592. AND CITY RESIDENCES. We have anything that you can want in tnis line. Lome and see us. WHITMER-KELLY CO., 70 Fourth St SIX RAILROADS now oulldlng to Eugene. jr. ror run particulars ana Eugene real estate, write vieo. ueivin Miller, real tale. Eugene. Oi. Established 1832. FOR RENT FA KM SI A MODEL DAIRY FARM.. 11 miles from Portland on the Columbia River, 80O acres, of which 300 Is in hay and 500 in pasture. We can lease you .this farm for o years and soil you 140 head of milch cows, 3 bulls, 6 heifers, 12 head of horses, jo head 01 hoffs, all r arming im plements, including & 9400 M-H. P. gas en glne for pumping water, 600 tons of hay, buildings, 14-room house, barn to house 100 head cows, milk-house and other im proveonents; the present Income for milk is about 91100 per month. GRUSSI & HOLDS, 318 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. POTATO LAND. 120 A., Sandy River bottom potato land, 40 A. tt present In wheat and timothy nay, z miles to good town; good nous and outbuildings; telephone and R. F. D. chicken, hog and cow buildings; all kinds Truit, running water, horses, machinery leeu, stock tor saic. casn. iuu a. in an cash rent. Don't answer unless you have cash to handle first-class proposl tion. Box 259, Woodburn, Or.; care Marsh, 8 ACRES, all cleared, S-room house, water system, gooa outDunaings, id min. wane to car, on West Side, good orchard. 915 mo.; team, fine cow, one heifer, 150 chick ens, two shoats, harness, wagon. Incuba tors, brooders, plow and other implements 9450 if taken at once. Phone Marshall 324, A 3s, or can at r. Zoa. JO ACRES ON SHARES. This farm is a big money-maker for party who understands onions, potatoes and hogs: 5- nigs and hogs. Cows. team. Implements, seed and house furniture; 90U0 to 51000 casn requirea; gooa aeai- to rigni party; land Is close to city, freeze, room 3JS. 320H Washington st. POULTRY ranch for rent, with two acres of land, including necessary fixtures ana improvements for the running of the busi ness on a large scale, lhk miles from end of Montavilla carline; go east on Base Line road, known as Mt, riood Poultry farm. FOR RENT acres, good house, barn, 2 acres rrutt, near Miver opring station; take Oregon City car. inquire East Port land, at 4-,l E. Pine st., cor. bin, arter 6:30 P. M. Ask for Mr. Tolke. FOR RENT Five acre, Multnomah, Oregon Electric. 20 minutes jenrerson St., new bunealow. barn. chicken-house. Allen Shattuck, Portland. Or. 1 ACRE chicken ranch, cheap; a few things for sale: terms If wanted. Alt. Ncott car get off Myrtle Point, south 50th st. and 4sth ave. ,No. 0420. FOR KENT Good bearing orchard with good bldffs. Address Fred Elwert, Sher wood, Or. 2 ACRES improved land, house, barn, close to car; fruit. 615 Milwauklo ave. 4 ACRES, house and barn, for rent; will sell furniture. N 742, Oregonian. FINE 40-acre farm; or sell. 9500 cash, bal ance easy. 416 Ry. Exchange. FOR RENT 60 acres, 7 miles from Port land, on e'ectrle line. 924 E. Flanders st. FOB SALE TIMBER LANDS. A MOST ATTRACTIVE INVESTMENT. 280 acres fine soil with 11,000,000 A-l tim ber worth $1 on the stump, 2 miles R. R. station, 2 sawmills near by, land valu able when timber removed; price $600.0 for quick sale. 120 acres, close to R. R., 3.500,000 feet fine timber, for 918"0; this -Is very cheap. BEEKER. 331 14th St. Phone Marshall 3054. TIMBER LANDS. BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN. 804 McKay Bldg. FOR SALE Valuable pine timber claim. Eastern Oregon; none better located. Ad dress Owner. P 713, Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. WANTED to rent Small acreage near Ore gon City or G res ham lines; must have house with at least seven rooms; modern Improvements preferred; responsible party. Y ear's rent in advance. AP 743. Oregonian. WANT to rent small place, 2 or 3 acres, with new buagalow. with privilege of buy ing. Dr. Swain, 601 Northwest bldg., 6th and Wash. WANTED TO RENT Small acreage near Portland and carline. good buildings, bear ing fruit, chickens. Phone Woodlawn 1S38. WANTED To rent 50 acres or more for dairy purpose, near railroad. Write to E. Takido, box 15, Hillsdale, Or. SMALL furnished farm, either cash or crop rent. rrank o. fernery, route 2, iwigo nler. Pa. WANTED To rent, 23-acre ranch; good potato iana; near for nan a. X4 734. Ore gonian. FOR CASH or on shares, from one to five acres, suitable for chicken-raising, close to Portland. AG 741, Oregonian. SMALL place, house and barn, or have $700 lot as first payment. AL 743, Ore gonian FARM with stock and implements. Ad dress Farmer. 810 Crosby at., Portland, Or. FARMS WANTED. FARMS WANTED. We have many buyers for Improved farms. Send a description of your place and note the results. DE YOUNG & JOHNSON. G14 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WANTED Farm, not too far from Port land and close to electric une ana scnooi; must be clear of encumbrance; price not to exceed 9t;00O; will pay in 7 per cent contracts, secured by good real estate. W low, uregoiiidii. WANTED 100 to IGO-acre farm, about 4 acres in cultivation. Have equity of 91500 in modern bungalow and some money as first payment. Give full particulars. No agents. F 741, Oregoniatu BUYER for 20 to 40 acres for cash; must b a snap. R 734. oregoman. WANT 150-acre farm, lower CoL cash deal. O 737, Qregonlan. WILL pay cash or buy equity in small farm; must be cheap. can J4& r-iarn st. WANTED To rent a farm, gonian. AF 729, Ore- FOR SALE TUirBER LANDS. 00,000.000 FEET standing timber, famous Oregon yellow pine, with well-equipped sawmill, 3 miles from ready martlet, j. n. Garret, Klamath Falls, Or. SO ACRES timber land from owner at snap. AV 85o, Oregonian. WANTED REAL ESTATE. T MUST SELL. Southwest corner. East 21th and Davis sts., good modern 8-room house, hard sur face streets on both sides; everything paid up to date, and you may buy this beautiful home for the value of the lot if taken this week. Price 93S0O, and but $1800 cash. Inquire Uu3. Yeon bldg. FLATS WANTED EAST SIDE. I am In the market for a corner. 50x100. with four or six FLATS, and want them between Btirnsida and north to Multnomah sts.; must show good Income; I mean business; what have you to offor? F 712, Oregonian. - WANTED- Choice lots In Mount Tabor and vicinity; we have customers for that sec tion but prices must be reasonable. HART MAN & THOMPSON, Real Estate Dept., Chamber of Commerce bldg. I HAVE customers for small farms, also Portland property; what have, you for sale or exchange? List your property with me if you want to sell. H. H. Fam ham, 623 Henry bldg., cor. 4th and Oak sts. WE HAVE several customers for 5 and 6 room modern bungalows or houses, not too far out. OREGON REALTY CO., 43 Fourth St. Marshall 37t0, A 3324. HOUSE of 0 or 7 rooms, must be new and modern and in restricted district. Do not intend to pay any fancy profits. If you have a house that will stand close Inspec tion by a builder, answer this ad. T 740, Oregonian. " WE HAVE BUYERS Through our LOAN DEPARTMENT with money for houses, farms and business chances. Call or write 503-4 Lumbermens bldg. C. FRANK NICHOLS CO. WANTED To buy modern unincumbered 7 room residence in good location, from party who will take $1000 cash and bal ance In young orchard In Hood River dis trict; owners only. Address B. D., P. O. box 495. MR, FARMER, I want to buy 10 acres of cleared land, reasonable, and pay at tha rate of $25.00 per month. 6 per cent; must be within Ihb miles Oswego or any sui- tion on that line. Alex pringle, 1111 E. Sherman. I WANT either improved or unimproved property, near east approach of tha Broadway or Steel bridge. Give full par ticulars in answer, including price and terms or will not consider; no agents. AM 733, Oregonian. WANTED Farm suitable for stock ranch, 150 to 300 acres, about half of It tillable land; place ,must have good buildings and running water; must be fairly close to transportation and $50 per acre or less; owners only. AJ 731, Oregonian. WANTED Farm of about 40 acres, close to Salem Electric or the S. P. line to Newberg; must be suitable for truck gar dening and practically all cleared; owners only. AH 736, Oregonian. WANTED to buy Small bungalow In sub urbs; would like near car; small payment down and balance installments; give price, terms and location. S 744. Oregonian. I WANT to buy a residence lot, close in, on East Side, worth about $2000. and will trade my equity in modern 6-room house for same. Address C. G.. P. O. box 495. WANTED Well-rented West Side flats or apartments, from owners or agents. GOLDPCHMIDT'S AGENCY, 415 Chamber of Commerce. WE WANT' a West Side house, not over $9000. MIX ft MARSH Marshall 33-8. l-'OS Yeon Bldff. WANTED To buy to buMd on lots on im proved st. of party wno win tatte -;u mortgage on same, payable monthly. H 759, Oregonian. DO you want to sell your real estate? We pay cash ana cnarge no commission. RUTHFIKLD INVESTMENT CO.. 917 Board of Trade Bldg., M.9415. I WANT a modern 6 or 7-room house In good neighDornooa ; win appiy my cuny in Seattle home as first payment, balance monthly. AH 733, Oregonian. WANTED To buy one or two lots in sub urbs, corner prererrea; email payment, dui ance Installments; give price, terms and location. T 746, Oregonian. WILL trade stock in Portland business with guaranteed 10 per cent income, ior mou ern 5 or 6-room bungalow if price is right. AD 738, Oregonian. PROPERTY WANTED. Ranches, fruit and timber lands to ex change for property In or near city. Ad dress AV S;i2. Oregonian. LAURELHURST. Will pay cash for equity in lot; owners only. S 765. Oregonian. OR 6-room cottage; price must be right; owner only. Marshall 3273. AO 719, Ore gon I an. . IRVINGTON lot, between 15th and 24th, Tillamook and Stanton streets; win pay cash for a bargain. P 743, Oregonian. HAVE 92000 to Invest in some good city property. What have you? C 753, Ore gonian. . TO 8-room house, with garage. West Side or Irvington preferred ; must ba strictly modern. G 73S. Oregonlan! WANTED To lease or huy a top or tent. 50 by 100; would ouy some toiumwn or chard bonds. Box 201, Woodburn. Or. WILL pay cash for a few Peninsular Addi tion lots ir rigniiy prices, uivo mu ticulars. Address AS 739, Oregonian. WANT to buy or rent small dwelling on West Side; give price uuu mot letter. P 733, Oregonian. ANTED to buy or lease, lot near 23d and Quimby st., not more than 8 blocks away. A 790 Oregonian. ILL pay cash or buy equity in a 6 to 7 room house ; must be cheap. Call 248 Stark st. ANTED Furnished house, not over $2000. terms not to exceed $25 per month. AO 717, Oregonian WANTED 1000 acres of logged-off land. near railroad; good son, r iv, jregmua. SELLING agency for large tract logged -ofC 1 a n as. Jtr gu mu. ACRE with small house, 15c fare. B 733. Oregonian. ACRE with fruit trees and berrlus, 10c fare. A 7S4, Oregonian. AN UNENCUMBERED city house or bun galow; not over $;.uo. hi ti, uregoyiau. SMALL or fractional lot In Gear hart. near the ocean. G 752, Oregonian. ANTED Good income business property. M. S. Cobb, 918 Yeon bldg. TO EXCHANGE. WILL exchange fine improved farm for gen eral merchandise stock, from $20,000 to $30,000. Will give good trade for right proposition. X 765 Oregonian. WILL trade residence lot in most exclusive part of Los Angeles for Portland prop erty. W. C. Kavanaugh, Wilcox bldg. Main 6304. A 3464. ACREAGE and farms In tracts of five acres and up for sale or exchange, close to Ore gon Electric. E. Morris, 225 Henry bldg. FOR SALE or trade equity in 50x100 lot, Irvington. What have you? J, W. Blaney, Raipler Hotel, city. WILL trade good unincumbered timber land for lots, or acreage. 603 Marquam bldg. Main 1949. . 7-ROOM modern house, corner lot, trade for lots or acreage. H. E. Thayer ft Co., 2v6 Gerllnger bldg. Main 7842. WE can trade your property, either city or farm. H. E. Thayer ft Co., 206 Gerllnger bldg.. Main 7812. I WILL trade my equity in a new, modern 7-room house, for equivalent value of $1500. Price $5500. AB 741, Oregonian. 10 ACRES Mosier land to trade for aulo or grocery. 317 Railway Exchange, WANTED to trade fine lot for lots, for jttano nd furniture. B 180u, 1