A t ar flo 10 PER CENT TROnT. MONDAT JO P-T rt Bl"''".,. v''!Nr lm.J Irom lnii lota ln. J.'. t fir.t Th.. rr.es.ia 10, pr ent I'lluHT on fl t FVI'm'ONT a. h HKIH T IMj PRoVLU proper In KTUM) r..u esw.r. water ' '".,?:,.. Ii..r.. art lr..ic lb. curb.- lUf ! strkkt li;h.a On J " - e.ct, lot. All parklnga pnt. to b.u "pKl'e Vv'vT on 8S-m-. T.rm. tASIMt j-f-';'' dur.m.1.1 to over eo hav. t..-n rec:.o. in month. I.'l u. tmi- bu. l. w-r J"j4,u:j:-, rem. la u4 lk th. mater o "Jl,!, pr-ler ia bJT a .m. a.r.a.l "' .r- a-ver-i of them now fii.l.y- n Mi at BOTTOM I'KK-'. ;l look them our. Deal o1"' ' . oner. ir you wiah. At any rale, d and j Take KK.vl M'NT ear on Third H A' It. Seconj-atr.-t loop. and go to in heart of t;:e tract. RKAUM NT LAND CO M P A NT Or'nJ rl"r vrl of Trade Hilt KO.VT REAP TH! UNt.KSM TuC WANT TO MAKE I1U.M.I. i lot. 30x100. locate, la Fu:ton. Pouthera Portland: prlc. i' to $10- men 1-S caax bano easy: substantial Improv.mente t:nl to b ma la this di.'.rlct Insur an Inrrea. la th. v u of th-.. !: and may not ? ao.a to d.,iver iuro at the prl. oo daya from now. THE SHAW.RAR CMPANT. Mala Si lui Fourth Sl A SoOO 4 fTRICTLY hlgh-CC-a re.ldenc. .It.. ren tr..;r located and v.ry xt:u!v.. ru. rouod.J by beautiful trt. facing a si fter, park; houKl will n.v.r b bul.t rroM th. street; cement walks, "?' water and (i. main In: building retrlc tlor. ;io); .in:, lot. la ihia di:n-t r .-:;;r. .. b!n . i..n: ' .it.. r. S'ivi t-'X, ..mot . lr . inr r ul.r .iird :ot.; this M pu.itl--ly th. on.T propnr of It. kind on th. lort..n.l: no Un. .-.-P hllla to cl'mb or h.avy xn In d'lopm. our prlc- H -,. .; w. c.d .rranrf. term (,; lurtnfr pu:icu:rf or l-t ni .how you th prop-.r-v. Phon. Mlia i:.'3 or A 1..I4. H. .r. to .k for Jlr. Lrdahl or ca.i at 6 lorbtt bide MAWTHOrtN'K AVE. W htva an .p-lAl y favorabla !ta on th. north ..d. of th. avrnuo h-r. th rrMI curvr. botWMD Tw.ntl.lh and T.-ntr-llrt tr-a Th t. it. h front... of 13 J tr-l arrt U l&J ft P It command, a vl.w dir-vt.y down Haw thorn, av.nu. to th 'it. r.Hlott avrnu. to th. uthwt and Twentieth I th. oulh. Thla I. th. m-.t d..irab.a b.n:dln .It. on th. Ka.t old. and th. pn.- U low. Prtca IliiOO. Will dlvld. to auit. PTHANO A 0. (b'.t t'onrord Bld ANVi-NE dcirinn a pi.c. or r.un.l w.tn - ap..ndid virw and on a VO-foot boulevard tn.t will hav. a 20-foot parkway thn.uch tn. c.n-r. ouiht to - th. two Iot. on th. S W. C"ror of JlUh at. and th. boul T.rd. in WaT.rlflah H-lrht cln. to hool arij car. Thia will b. an A-l V-' for a flrt-clM ouk, and will b. J" 1,1 at much mi than th. tru. Talu K TIO- Crcnlan. SOMK . UNDERPRJCED IX7T3. lor. ;3it0. faelnc on Fumnr. frj'l r.'.w.r. .u : owner nr.d. money; ct. owner to tiir in. tret improv. m.nt ukiouiiii. will buy them. THE SHAW.FKAR COMPAXT Main 3i lt2 Fourth ft. A BSOO . GET HVST NOW. It m.an. a aavinc of from tV to txoo on your lot. Th. I-aur hum Company hav. decided to dlacontmu. th. buli.Wn uia.ount and n.i mU Jr0P0.lI ti..n. ; for 11150 in on. biota to cr: b A and alcht y. I'hone m. loJ;v Kat or IB .vcnicff C Ai lor Mr. r- ahunty. LAI REI.Ht r.ST. I hara a lot IB tni. ai-lltloB that 1 an ei'.ra good buy In prlc. and location: thi. I. a choiee. .iirhtly lot. near the b.tter built honi.a. of l..t i!3 f'.t: can be bouaht oa e.y term., r". L. Clement, call at traet orf.c. SKth and Ea.t li.lan .i. or phon. Ea.t M Main "--i tAST Burnaid. atraet. lot 5oal: hlffh and a.gnt.y. pared atreet. crm-nl wa.ka. a.w.r. w:er and I'l main. .11 la: thla Is a bargain; B.r a horn. and. a beautiful park: price lau, t.rma If d- ired. Phone Main l.v or A 1SI4. H aur. to aak f 'r Air. L'rdaUl or call at tor-b-:t b".s. rrKNtS VT"ST "ACTtTrtCB. R.1o ft. Mount Tabor H.l.h:.: lm prov.meBt. pud; llx. eay terms; no acenta. AH 71 J. Ortfonlaa. BEAL'Tiri'L lar. lot. 6oil.V. wall located In a .:rlct:y hlh-c.aa r-.ldenc. dlitrtct; building restriction., pared .tre.ta. aewer. water and mm main, ail In. good car aerr Ice. genuine barg.iln: g't further pir t ulara. - Phone Mln or A IMS. II- aure to aak for Mr. Urdhl. or cail at J.' Corbett bldg. tvi . ON i'reac on at., f '" menra raid, tiwner A a'.l Improro- I or Sale BEAUTIKt L HOLLAPAY HfllE. a-room, searlr new. thorough niodera rea:dence la beat of HoUa.!ay Addition. f.x!' lot. eaat front. I block to car. I'Buaually good baaement. beat kind of furnara Br place, attractive com'jiai Hon 0ture. harvlwo.Hl f.oora. bull! of "elect material by day labor. .Thl. la on. of th. moat deirav: piece of property In tha: m-t da'lrable addition. Prl-e will b. ri.r.t. Will aell either furntahed or un furnlched. J E. Smith. Mi Chamber of Commerce. Port. and. Or. -ROOM, nearly nw. modern realilence. oc cupvlng l block and affording on. of th. flne.t views on th. F.aet Hlda, Hot water h"t. gaa and .lectri'ltv and nlr. flxturea Thla place will be sold mora than slo under Its actual value. Anyone who wants a good-!zed houa. wt:l find this a bar gain. Will ell on terms and might ac-e-t.t 1 or 2 lots a. part payment. J. K fmi'.h. .'.13 Chamber of Cumnurto, I'on Inr.d. Or HOME ON INSTALLMENT PLAN. Hullt for tvu. on. block to Roae City park car. 5 room, modern, concrete basement- Price. IKOO to "). House and lot. plans and photoa at my offl(.. Hav. on. finished to ault yourself. Thes. houses not bu.lt by contractor., but by day labor of nrsr-claa. mechanic oe. Jaa. C. Lo- gan.81S Spalding bldg. NtW A-room bungalow. sleeping-porch, nrerlai-e. Ijtr-h kitchen, cooluic cupboard. beaut:ful built-in burfnt. oak f.oora, larg. bedrooms 1 bl'ck to car. hard surfac. atreet. aJS1". furnished with all new fur niture, or $.r-SQ. unfurnished. 1 7 . cash, balanc. $-0 per month T per cent. n nitg. Thon. owner. Sell apod or Tabor 8j:io. VERT CHEAP HOME. $ W rash, ba'anc. easy: nearly new B roum house : Iloa;awa ave.. Bear K. Sth . St.; prie I?"". liODUAKD WIEDR1CK. ftark St. ri'lULAXD HEltltlTs) IXVt.-TMSNT. Modern, well-built S-roorn bouae and 2 lots. fine, unobstructed view, leased till M.v 1 at month; leas, could be re newed for - ears. when lot. alon. will be worth prlc. asked; $..Ve. T.rms. Mtln Soil. BROOKE. A HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. ;oo c.is;. 7 rooms, bullt-ln buffet, bookeas. fur race, fireplace; price S-l'O: terma. cash $J.o. balance S13 per cionth. National Kealty w Txut l.'o.. 7.'3 Chamber of Cuxu merc. Mdg. Phon. Maln SUa. NEW housed completed tn 10 daa. 5 rma, a eeping porch, bul't-la bc.'kfase. flrat c asa la ev.ry reapect: will decorat. to suit purchaser; payment, to suit pur chaser, no agenta. own.r. AP 7 -to. or- ' gTuan. rrR SALE PT OWNER. New 3-r-om modern bunsalow. doubl. const ruction, fill attic. mlerate In prlce easy terms. Clark C. Foster. 7-7 Chamber of io-nmerce. Mstn ."'.'J. A VI41 gl7 F'H a modern -r.Hrn housu. iaric. lot. sarare. Sill electric lights, on. block . to car. hard-.urfac. atreet. If sold tnls weea will 'r.row tn all f-irnlture except r-i.tno f r $lo more. Setlwooii i5t or HINOALOW & room, ail eon en ten fee. Ho minute, from center of ci'y. u rre lot; sma.l payment down and easv terms on baiance; no agenta Owner. AO -. Ore g i l.-v sa ACRE and aear!v u.w. mo.lern S-room hnusi IB line eonaition. esceiieni soil wiin- . .... I - -.- . . . . V. ' . . .a i- m r out aav gravel. - .rori one . . o 1 a . . fr.. Th.. can b had for t-2 on vary eaar terma J E. Smith. &13 Chamber of Commerce. Portland. Or. 3-ROOM hungalo furnished, two blocks om car lt,r.'.turfi. Street. I.skI raa. If; all furnished . Il'-era! term.. t'Sone Seiiwooc! 1 M or T ifra- HJ "V FOR SALE A 4 -room modern bungalow, s.ry rkup, with vary liberal t.rrna. phon E 4Jf ' FOR SALE Hjiim and lot. aay t.rma. 6o4 Linn av. rOH SALE Hoc. of .r.n roo r, ail lmPro,.m.nt. In .nd paid '"r-J1'i; lr. diaianc-: w.t of Et 1M? Jno'"; thin two block. uh of fc..t Morrln .1. Hu-. h vcrthln from fi rn.c. to .;.-ctrte liahia; fruit c.Uar. full c--ninid Liwil with botu ln.id and cuiikU .ntr- T. lot alon. would b. rhr.p at l- nd h"U. cannot b dur:i-aid for l- than JJlw. tt ...!. only fl" ca.h. ba.anc. a.y """OREOOX REALTT COMPANY. 41 fourth St. phone. M.rhall87l". A jt. .t iffiiNr.itl'VTI.Vil. W. otrer for tn. Brat tin-., a oonbl. ronstrucied .tnet y mod.rn and tip-to-dat. bungalow. Co.. to Hawthorn, av. car; there are a. room, we. I finished, all on I floor, basemen', porchce. etc : .tr.t Im prn.em.nis in. Thl l sightly property and tn One neigh horhood- Prlc. e-totJ. on very easy terma TBia I. esoecia.-y good and worth your con sideration. whitmkr-kei.lt CO.. Mala !. 70 4th HI. A 100S. PORTLAND Hi::.MT BEACTIFLX. HOM E. ConveBlertlv located near carlln.. scnooi ar.d ciuo; acrroundrd by beautiful homes, wtih un . .t. struct, d views of city ar.d tnoun-ta'ns- hou.-e of 1 large rooms, thoroughly well bu,;t handsomely finished and f't!'1 with ev-ry modern tonvenieme: ground l.r.e and attractive; .treet Improvement, completed, very easy term. Owner 0a jg-ialilng bills. Mal.i M3. Main bsan. - IRVINCtrON uojae.. New. modern -room house, facing on the Tennis Club grounds. In tha center ol Portland's mot eaelu-slva rvsidenc. dis trict; lurr.ar., ) fireplace, beaut. ful wood work, oak floors, sun-room, sleeping porch and bt.liard-room; complnta In .very de tail. Including lighting futures and shade: lot 74x10') f.et. Prtea !.0. IL P. PALMER-JONES CO. I'M i no's " a UANliSt'MK 7-room houa. In Sunnyslde. thoroughly modern ana dwowwoj ' Isheil interior; cornwr lot and beat car servtr. in city Larga living-room, dining-room. dn. kltcb.n. S slseping rooms with sle alng porch; hardwood floor, full basement and furnace; handsome fire place. Beautiful home for rt7.0. terma easy. Lueudemann at Burk.. WV1 Eloetrlo bldg. ROPE CITY PARK HOME. ACCOUNT R-HELMATLSM. I will sell mv rew home, not y.t oc cupied, pru-a !.; k S or 6 rooms and s'oepmg porch, strictly modern; NO AUFXtf; easy terms to responsible partv. Am going south. I mean buslneaa. tiwner. Tabor 30u3. wth and Hraxee. THAT VACANT LOT WHY NoT TIRN A BLK.DES INTO IN' OME PROPER TYT IK Vol,' OWN A LOT Vi E WILL r l RMMl THE MONET AND HL1L1) RESIDENCE OR FLATS. PLANS FHBE IK WE HIILD. OLR 1 EPLTATION TOlR PROTECTION. IT TL!. PAY VOC TO SKB 1,8 L. K HAILEV CO.. INC. CO NT R ACT ING ARCHITECTS. 32 ABINOTON BLD. BEAI'TIPl L -room house. In Laur.lhur.1. fireplace large .. eepln g-porch. built-la refrit.rator. dual and clothe. chjt. f Irs lesa cooker, bulit-iu wardroL.a. etc; cor tee lot 7.'x0, east frort. beautiful lew: e75oO; Soou cash, balanc. .aay monthly payment. Provident Investment V Trus tee Co- Board of Trad. bldg. I'oo.'.s Marshall 7a. AluZS. joTxa T Agl lN aT OR. 14 acre, on coast, well Improved; tioom houa.. water, aewer. running water; several acres fins celery and garden grour.d. sub-Irrigated; good fisiiitig and hunting: HI minutes depot. Fin. houi. and small ranch com bined, term. O. ilidtilckauff. Corvallis, Or. ROOM bungalow, fur&ac fireplace. buCel. bookcase. hardwood floor, gas. sec tricity. good view. Rose City Park, t b ocks from carlln. ij..n. easy terms, provident Investment Trust. Co.. 2UL 2"2. eU3 Hoard of Trad bldg. Marshall 7. A iu-X : riVE and a.x-r.om hnmea. flreplacaa. hard wood floor, furnaoes, alth all bullt-ia mod.rn convenieocea. near carlln., aj atreet liiiproveinent paid, ntontnly pay n.eut plan. provident Inveatment el Vrustrt Co.. 101. I'o;. ao.l Board of Trad. bld Phon. Marshall 47 J. A IU22. ftfNOALOW. 6- room new burcalow. n-T East 87th L North, reduced ""from IHooO to t-ti.1t) f.r quick sale, tie llil at one. R. C. car JOHNSTON. BOTH FUR at TUFFORD. le Chamber of Commerce. Main owo7. lRVlNtiTON HOME SACRIFICED. '" Her. la your chanc. for a BARGAIN. 7- ro. m 3-.tory mod.rn homa built last spring and .old for I'll-hi. Will take $.... with amall ca.h payment down. Address W. If. Mill. lis cisra el. 1 a VI omnelled to Swp4 mv 6-room horns l:osamer.: .ry modern convenlenc. If you want a hom. ready to mov in. with iig.it fixture., aliaoes and llnol.um. King up Tabor -4)4 niornlnga before 0.40 o ciock. - PIEDMONT district. ?Hxl2. 6-room mod ern cof.ag. I must sell this week. Will .ake too.) leas than value. .IUJ takes It. Term. .Box. . St. Johns 4'H3. ii. ev'H'. '0. Neat llttl. 2-room plastered bouse, con crete foundation and basement, lot lioxl'W, a I cash. Kr.d W. tliran, 3- Burn si!. M. or A 277 yort SALE on easy term., l-iso down, bal anc. earn. a. rent, beautiful modern 6 room hou., furnlsned or unfurnished, on Last gidtt. Inqulr Ca.um.t tiotei. Main 7' iv Io'h EQI'ITT In $1400 cottage at a bargain. 4 room, east front, large porch, rosea, lawn, lot &OXIOO. poultry run. Owner. 4,:l East 4Mh at. Woodstock car to tioigate. FOR SALE Good 7-room house, with large af.lc. full bailment, fireplace, full lot. 601 East Talor : : price e.Ocsji. B. 8. COOK CO, 6u3 Corbett llldg. A.T a sacrtrlce; beautiful new a-room bunga low. with all modern conveniences. In Hawthorn, district; rvasonubl payment ahd balanc on terms to suit. Owner, AO ill'J; oregonlan. -ROOM house. ll'V.u, :t) down. I1I1.U p,r month. 7 per cent Interest. 4-room house, Jixvi, 0 down, JIS.'.O per niontn. 1 per cent iniereet. t or par ticulars addreaa Y 707. Orcguniaii. t. r ASH and SIS per month, new 5-room modern bungalow with bament. 4 block. to car. 40 minultia out; uu n.igauor. hood: on.y 117Sl. HiviLKV Bl.-HQP. 1X3 Third St. OWNER will sell line 7-room house, strictly moiiorn. walking dlstanca. East side; good location; 1 block from canine; would con sider vacant lot la part payment. A 773, ITegonlan. ACCOUNT slckiiesa. ancrinc beautiful Rlch oiond bungalow. IIhI Ivon at.: select neigh borhood, cheap, unincumbered lot accepted part paymeui. inveanaaie mimcaiata.y Phon owner, Barney. Main 2ouq T-ROOM, 2-story residence, z blocks ML s.-ott carllne. I blocks Woodstock car line. origlt-Bl Pf!e la.-OO. today 12am), easy terma J. it- Aipton to., llvs bpald ing biug- ; BEST 4 -room hunts, 3 blocka from oar. all furnished. livu: lioo down, lis p-r month on oaiance. rotwr roau. Kern rark station. owner. -KoOM midern bungalow In Rose City Vsirk. iooii. i..iu casri. .10 p;r noum. WATSON ThhKKEuttN. IPX Spalding Bldg. Phon Main 7592- jhj FOR modern 9-rooin house; own.r leaving city: must aell; atreet Improve nienta all paid; lot Ouxli-'. easy terma. I'hone Woolan li'.'UP. C 14m. Fati K ELY new strictly modern 7-room res ilience In Overlook Audition can be bought at a bargain and easy terma. Aid Heury bldg. - Slof CASH and fl3 per month, new 6-room house, lot 4WX100, 2Sa blocka Mt. Scott car: prlc 13.." HftiLEi- BISHOP, 132 Third PL 1KV1NOTON New hom.. 1 room, and bath, .tricliy modern. "-". Including ail as- .-.sruenia. e.e. - c , co 1 eon bldg. MY HOME AT COST. c. (,-:- modura 7 room, full lot. .Mew high reeirlcted. 7 csrimva; would connldur plat trad. 11" Rodney. Phone C 167S. Good hou. lot aoxKHX A. W. Lambert .. 4.4 Aider SC., I leio. C. as L ''. IHVIViTOX bargain: beautiful new. mod .rn hom.: choice neighborhood, n.ar car lin. Phn avast W4. HOUSE and 4 lota In Woodburn. .nh; easy terms: or tor i-io... o. jsu dress lJ'iO Denver ae... 1'ortland. BY OWNER 4-room flat, modern, furnar. extraoraitaary sn. o-.. .w s.ijr. Is.'O: terma - 'tn si. . . . o aii corner lot. 5-room bungalow. "furnished or unfurnished. Ca.l Sunday. E. r.h and Enieraon. Alberta car. H N SWANK. gra Ahlngton bldg.. aelia new bungalowa Ter-na line rent. WILL SACRIFI-'E $vw eguity In 2wui) buiTxalow tor o-: term. Mala SSKS. I . MONTHLY buys coay 5-room bungalow; u':iijmrb,l.':": Hc'USE for sale, close In oa Weat Sid. Mam . Terms. at . FINE lot ar.d 4-roorn house; ud aaiill. InauAT 871 E. 7th at. 2. BEAUTIFUL HOME ON WAVEULV HEIGHTS Foil e-ijo". S large rooms. wih becrooma lr.xlo. pretty tlreplacV, large re ception hail, built-in water cooler and ail other tnod-rn conveniences; weii made throughout and on high, aightly lot; :ioo down and vory saay terms. Bryant, with JuSEPH GRAHAM. lOOT-OU Board of Trad Bldg. A GOOD o-room bungalow, well built; fuil cement baaera.nt. eement walks and atrpa. laundry traya. larg. bathroom.' nr.t-ciaa plumbing, aewor. water, electric I''"; larg. finl.hed attic; all room tinted, oak Ooora In living and dining-rooms; on.y li min. out on WW carlin. and In th earn ing big factory district; therw IB no mortgag. oa th:a p.ac. and you can buy It for I-ttuO. J0 caah. bai. mo. pay oventa; thla I. an easy way to awcura a good houa. E. A. McGrath, 31 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. ' . THE Southern Pacif.c la electrifying their r.ad to Forest Grove. This will g'v quick s.rvlce and low rnt tQ and from Portland. Pore.l Grov la an Ideal resl denc town. . . , I hav several up-to-date, houses, mod em, city water nnd city lights, for sale. ranging rrom siuoo to -w ... i" ---who geta In now and buys, geta in oa in first floor. WARD A YOUNGER. Suit 420. Yeon bldg.. Call for "T. J. U. MR. HOME HUNTER. W hav several experienced men wno are con.tantly scouring th. city for gen uine bargains in desirable rcsi.lenc prop arty. If you ar in the market now. or contemplate buying a hom later on. w can v you tiro, and money if you giv us an opportunity. You will Ilk our method of doing business. .. 1.'. uv.-a-r.lv uilTUmi aV TUFFORD, pi Chamber of Commerce. Main tfl'lii. BEAUTIFUL WILLAMETTE ,MUUili HOME Lot 70I1OU. inonjuuo v.7- city river and mountains. Thoroughly modem In every detalL Rooms large and splendidly arranged; large llvlng-rpom and dining-room. b.g aleepuig rooma, kitchen, torches full cement basement, fire place and furnace: reinforced concrete I garage- pin lawn and rofoiun. o. gain at 11.0O. Terma If 1. sired. Lued--mann tc Burke. V21 tiectrlc bldg. Phone Marshall 22SL MR. LOT OWNER! HERE IS YOUR CHANCB TO IM PROVE YOUR PROPERTY WITH A HOME. FLAT OR APAKTMENT. V. ILL, FINANCE if AT A LOW RATE OF IN TEREST. PLANS Ft RN1SHED FREE IT WILL PAY YOU TO COMB IN AND TALK THIS OVER. J. 8 ATKINS, ARCHITECT AND BUILDER. HENRY BLDG. BEAUTIFL'L six-room oum In Sunnyslde. Just comploled, ana mouern in ee.j tall Large living-room. dining-room, kitchen. 2 sleeping room, and alecplng porch. handsome fixtures. hardwood ei..n- roil r.m,m basement snd furnace; street' Improvements all paid. Mldwuy be tween Hawthorne ave. nuu r-unnysi.i uu llnes. Price M750; terms 7o"l cash, bal ance Ills per month nnd Interest. Luedue man A Burke. D'Jl Electric bldg. t-KoOM modern bungalow. H biock frwin Hose City rarx car; eaav iron.. ...cw laaa and garden, full baiement, beamed ceiling, paneled dining-room, Dutch kitch en. !.& range, baturoom In white enamt;1, combination, flxturea coat tlbO; fireplace, and nonrust screens to all windows and c.Kirt, A dandy home and a anap at 13 ni). Will make term. Apply to owner, 4Sa East lst IL North! $d.".t lO -.FINEST 7-room house In Irvington. 2 rireplace. narawoou iiwi. oum. o. home; must b sold. ...... ..I 1 . -a with fi-eonm noils. In Woodstock. Fruit trseia and berries of an ainus. Some cholc lota In Irvlngton from 116U0 up. HOWE THATCHER CO.. S'J4 Chamber of Commerce ONLY ISOO CASH. Good 9-room modern house, nearly new and over one-half acre of ground; Im proved streets, cement sidewalk, good lo cation, near carllne. about 35 minutes ride from 3th and Washington; fine place for chickens or gard. n; only .Vi0 cash re qulred. Address A. C. P. O. box 4o OWNER'S SACRIFICE Large 0-room bungalow. Just completed, close la on East Side. 50x100 lot. Dutch kitchen, beamed ceilings, paneled wains coting, furnace, flrep.ace. full cement basement, on hard-surfac street and all improvements paid lor. by owner. Sacri ficed for -:7o). Mut hav ioo cash. F . 7:ld Orepoiilan. . BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW, EASY TERMS. Hardwood floors, llrep.ac. and every built-in convenience:' lot &0XIK). in fine lo cation, close to Hawthorne ave.: airl offer ing aamo at a bargain, I:!:::) for a Quick a. For further particulars call Tabor 2 IRVINGTON. New. strictly modern house of 6 rooms, reception hall and den, in best part of Irvlngton. on 22d st. Furnace, fireplace. Bleeping porch and all other modern con venience. A snap at lii.'.uo. Terms. KAT'FFMANN At MOORE. .13 Lumber Exchange. LOT FREE I am only asking what It cost to build the S-room new modern bungalow, which Is .1uOo. This Is a dandy buy. All up-to-date feature.. fr.ee owner. Main litiiil. W. C. Carpenter, Itea. Tabor or 629 Henry Bldg: ' LACRELHURST HOME. 8 rooms, strictly modem In every de tail; must be een to be appreciated. Price J7000. For Information phon owner, Mar sha!) 33-ltJ. MI ST HE SOLD. Owner will sell modern 0-room house In fine location, close in, on East Side, at two-thirds actual value. If taken at once: If vou have $lou0 cash to Invest, see this place Immediately and you will look no further. Address A. P.. P. O. box4t. ;u0 CASH, balance like rent, geta you a beautiful new nome, une locaiion. 011 vai -line; all large rooms, bath. Dutch kitchen, wash trays, woodtlit, etc.: good basement; largo lot. Price only Iimmhi. See owner, , . , .. .L. O-.O Atriee l n I n RlSlt AM leaving city: will sacrifice 0-room bun galow, completely furnished for $17IK cash, small balance at 7 per cent. Voca tion best part of Alberta district; call at once If you want a real bargain. tf5 B. lrtth N BEAUTIFUL 6-room house, full SOxlOO-ft-lot. in One location on E- Couch at. A snap at I.V'.oo. Terms WATSON THKRKELSEN. 8 Spalding Bldg. Phone Main "r.02. S-ROOM BUNGALOW. ' Built for a home; owner leaving town and must aell; price Ho00. on terms. Call at 1U2M K. Harrison at. NEW 5-room modern cottage, $lo30; ."a . , i. -nnniK- r.room modern down, iw ...... 1 . , - ........ ........... bungalow, ,1930; fine lot. shade and fruit trees; 2 blocks Mount Scott car: K0 down. Christopher A. Young, Dundee, or. lino CASH 0-room bungalow; lot ol'xluo near Flrland; this house Is complete in every detail; must be sold by Kt. 1 for "HIOLET A BISHOP. Third St. " WILL exchange negotiable securities for taro 4-room modern bungalows or cot tages, lots on TMh near Gltean t. Con tractor., glv. m your lowest figures In first letter. AO 714. Oregonlan. FOR SALE New modern, u-room house, with 100x200 feet, on corner; best suburb In city; will sell MKM less than actual value: small payment down. A 7H3, Gre gorian. SNAP IN A HOME. I2S00. only l.oo cash, balance monthly for a nice full lot and modern rt-room. house, handy to the 8. P. carshopa F. FUCHS. 420 Chamber of Commerce. MODERN 6-room bungalow SO mlnutea out, on best carllne. large lawn, garden, ten nis court, fruit trees; small ensh payment, balance verv eay terms. Owner. Black 143 O. k Grove, or AH 732, Oregonlan. TWO 6-room modern bungalows In . Ross mere H block from car: fireplace, full basement, brand new. beautiful homes; llijoo each on very easy terms. Call Ta bor 12. MONROE-sT. house, 8 rooms, all Improve ment, paid, near Union ave., easily made Into flats; good location, flji renting property. 43oO. C103o. owner. WE HAVE anything you want in Irvlngton "rc-WATSON THERKELSEN. una Boaldlng Bldg. Phone Mam 7392. FtK eA'.iv Slx-rocmi bungaiow. furniahed or unfurnlahed, modern, up-to-date, bullt ln furniture, full cement baaeruer.t. wash tra- owner. Tabor 1711). f i.V-First payment, on. 7-room house, Poamere. one 5-room bungaiow. Rose City Park. Purs AY Co., bl8 Chamber of Com mere. BY owner, seven-room modern house, on half block, overlooking Reed College; cunk sile: terms. Phone Sellwood 147H. j-0o. SALE cheap A 5-room cottage; mut be moved from lot by purchaser. AD 747. Oregonlan. , lOR 8ALE by owner, new four. room house, nice lot. 1 blacks from Rose City car: M0, part cash. As' 740, Oregonlan. A PrBURPAN HOME WHERE YOU CAN RAIaK CHICKENS AXD HAVE A NICE GAR DEN. Nearly of an acre, six full lota ROxloo; nice new four-room resi dence: extra large living-room; modurn conver.lcnccs; at EvergTeeo station, on the Oregon City line prlc 2730. cash, balanc fJO and Interest monthly. THE SHAW-TEAR COMPANJ. Main 33 102 Fourth SL A 8500 AN EXCEPTIONAL, OFFERING. 8 rooms and reception hall, newly bulIL overlooking the river near Woodlawn car line: built-in china cloet. clock, Dutch kitchen, electric dom fixture coat .0. shower fixtures: a homa that wlil appeal to artlstlo temperament and only oioy, t-00 down, balance to aulu Thla U really IK0 below actual valu.. . x. - DORR E. KEASEY COMPANY, 2d Floor Chamber of Commerc. . BEAUTIFUL NEW HOMF). Beautirul new home of 8 large roonj.. rwception hall. rUeplng balcony nnd no Ished attio; thoroughly modorn In all reaped.- hardwood lloora throughout; r cepuon hall and full-length sitting-room are finished In oak. balanc. of lower floor In natural flr and upper floor In old Ivory; big closets with windows, heavy brass hardware: beautiful nreplac and furnac heat; garage; block of car. In best part of Irvlngton: must be sold, as owner Uleavlng city. Thl. la the best buy In this high-class residence district. R. F. BRYAN, Main 193. ROM Cham, of Com. A THIS plae at leas than actnal cost la worth while; lot 10.x100. in very brst airlct on East Sid. E. 53d street and East Mad ison: houa alona Is a mansion worth ths total cost: IO rooms, beamed ceilings, splendid closets, sleeping porches, art fin ish throughout; only one block Haw thorn, carllne- 700. SUO-wl cash will henflle U. DORR E. KEASEY A COMPANY. 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTOV. SPECIAL OFFER. If "you have $r.ot to 10ih) cash you can buy a nice Irvington hom worth i..' for .-,n0; has 7 rooms, sleeping porch, don fireplace, full cement basement, with furnace and laundry tubs, large attic; Is extremelv well built and has all up-to-date built-in conveniences: nice garage: Is right on carl.ne. 418 Hillwny Exchange. Marshall 27r,3 or East 31'.'?. , JUPT imagine buying a house like this on such small payments: on.y room house In ML Tabor district. n sweeping view of whole city: lot .S1n hardwood floors, oak finish, large buffet, s eeping porch, etc.; really a bargain at JT.IOrt. (See photo t our office. DORR E. KEASEY COMPANY. 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce. A REAL home In best suburban district: a beautirul corner: 3 large lots 7-room mod ern house; all kinds of bearing fruit and shrubs; every outside convenience, the beauty spot: Sli blocks to car. stores, etc.. 5 blocks to best of school: this is a genu ine deal and w want you to see It: price Is right and terms can be had. Fee Mr. Davlp- a. rnmw 1 ri A 1 1 - - or Chnmber of Commerce. IRVING ST.. near 24th. 7-room modern ktni'ae $n.o0. . Northrup st.. 60x100, 10-room modern residence, 112.000. t,.. Hawthorne av. corner. T-room house and garnge. In-'iOO. 1011x100. near Hawthorne, modern 0 room house, S750O. . ,. Hancock st.. corner, near 15th, modern 6-room h""e. '"O011 , .. OOLDSCHMTDT-S AOKNCT. 4ir, Chamber of Commerce.' 10-ROOM bungalow on ROth St.. n'ar 8al mon: finest Interior you possibly could wsnt; flrepl-ee. oak floora. plat. g.a,s windows, buffet, sunbath: a good bu . tr,nM)- only liooo rnsh required DORR E. KEASTCT COMPANY. 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce. "T VONTHLT. CAN TOU PAY ITT THEN BUY THIS HOME. Will so'! to reliable party who haa steady position a modem ny'-01" n;I hath bungalow on filst St., Just a Mora: from carllne. on monthly payments of i--7 which will be th. total payment: rrlco '"oo. 41 Rallwny Exchange. Mar shall 27 or East 8I:.2- a nnOM house, loss 16th st. North, near Albe-ta- weii-flnlshed house with ample closets. 5 toilets, full basement. etc; iinoo 12i0 rash, balance easy DORR E. KEASEY COMPANY. 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce. STRICTLY modern six-room bungalow; dou ble construction; n.8J n.ar. clnlng-room. om. tnree ueoi. .7- places, furnace, full nnsemcnt; in u relhnrst: all street Improvements In. t. t reimirsi. . rpe flWOO. Must have ha f cash. Phone. Main lriOS or A ""in! n- sure to aslt for Mr. Urdahl. or call at R'-'2 cornet! King. 1 Soon ppnprRTf. TWO larre lots, well fenced, young fruit trea. berries, good chicken yard. arden shade shnibberv. convenient to car ana school, good plnstered house, f.ne loca tion: price snd terin rensonahie. ' rH.PIN HER LOW D). ' S32-aa rhnmber of Commerce. BTO SACRIFICE. Fine new Spanish mission g-room resi dence In Irvlngton: three flr.P'ces: all bullt-ln modern conveniences one of the best In the district: must sell at once any reasonable terms: moot be seen to be ap preciated: then mnke offer , . CI.ODFFI.TF.R TIROS., 414 Couch Bldg. IRVINOTON CORNER, attractive S-room modern home, hard- wc'od floors thronrhout. handsome Illum inating fixtures, fine garage, with gso Ine tank: choice location, near nKlpn Club. $S730: street improvements all paid. O 712. Oregonlan. MTomITfOR SALE fit a-price that onn not be dunllcated In the city: 5 rooms, modern: cement walks, street Improve tT.nti nnlti hl-r room. nni!ri'n tn t ne ISTest su"te and cannot be built for the mnncr :-. I25 "sh. bal. like rent; NO AGENTS. R AJ.-.rt, Oregonian, FOR SALE or exchange, modern -r" new house on 43d st. Beaumont. large sleeping porch Inclosed In glass: oak floor, nn? home: will sell "" easy term, or exrhan-e for lots as first P":"' Call 710 Rothchlld bldg. Marshall 8S.3. Fvenln.s oihi. "rc.'o-T!t-TT.T HOME In Irvlngton': finished In oak: 10 rooms; very elaborate;, will satisfy he most : ex act Ing: realy for Insnect on: lot WW. cor ' several others. C 1i!o. E861 Owner. W. H. Herdmnn 'INVF.STTGATE. I am forced to sell my eoulty In my home in restricted district of Mt. Tabor. 7 rooms, modem. fee. lot TOxloo bearing fruit trees- Call at 239 F.. 01st or phone E. 444 Monday OWNER LFAVlVC. THE CITY III sell his ?hls'hous was built this Fall for a hom; in.l Is an exceptiona'.ly comfortable and modern home; 227.-.. easy term.; no agents. R 7B7. Oregonlan. HOUSE and lot on 72d. V- block from car, 6 rooms In first-class rendition Rents for 12 Worth J20O.I. will sl for $ir,00, 700 cash.-. SO0 mortgage. Y 786. Ore coninn. -. pa H 10 per month. 4-room celled cottage. block car. Lents: lot 40x100; price !oo; neat tent. 12x18. near Kern rark- "S0, same terms. HIC.LEY BISHOP. 1S2 Third St. new. modern 4-room iiour-.. ... .-. OWNFR hns a few lots on East Side In de sirable location upon which he will build anv style home to suit on very easy , terms: a snap for a chance to own. your own home. O 753. Oregonlan. 5-POOM bungalow and 6 larce lots for $3106: easv terms: house modem and new: near Woodmere Ptatlon. See owner, S17 Railway Exchange. Tp R Mt Scott car. 5-room house, with " bath: .-.Oxioo-ft. lot: Jtiooo. on easy month ly payments. Owner. 823 Yenn bldg. Phone Main 112. NEWLY furnished 8-roora flat, fumed and golden oak. Axmlnater rugs, rooms all rented. 7 minutes' walk to P. O. After noons. 427 Clay, near 11th. vrv-iR SALE 5-room modern bungalow. Just completed, splendidly finished, near 33d and E. Grant. Part cash; dealing with owner. L 732. Oregonlan. WILL BUILD TO SUIT YOUR PURSE and help finance house, if you own lot. A. c. Furlong. 51T Chamber of Commerce. Main H-'J. ' too -SNAP Must sell five-room cottage, 786 E. "Morrison St.; price 23J0. Phon Sell wood 637. VODFRN five-room bungalow. P47 East 23th atreet North. Phone East 839. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. $10.000 $7000 " CASH. One of the most beautiful homes In this exclusive district: one block to car and a very commanding and unobatruct- 'dAn"WunusuaIly well-built house of T rooms, with every modern convenience, fireplace In living-room and upstairs bed room, furnace, large number of windows in every room, large front porch and 'Lotnfs 75xClio and well Improved .with roses. Bummer house, berries and shrub bery It Is laid out with exquisite taste and la one of the show placea of '"The" house could not be built for less than $6(100: the lot la worth $.000 snd over $1000 has been -expended on the grounds. It Is an opportunity to buy It for $10,000 and it will please the most fastidious. ,,nr-v DORR E. KEASEY COMPANY, 2d Floor Chamber of Commerces. HAWTHO R XB DISTRICT. SMALL PAYMENT DOW?., BALANCE AS RENT. Close to car: new, doubiy constructed -room bungalow; large attic, full basement, nment floor, laundry trays, etc.; all built in conveniences. Including fireplace, book case, paneled dining-room, hardwood flocrs, beautiful buffeL Dutoh kitchen. 2 larg. bedrooms, white enamel bathroom, eoulpped with latest and best fixtures; faces east: splendid neighborhood. A gen uine bargain. Terms can be arranged to ault you. Phone Tabor 8089. IW.VTNGTON HOMT5. BEST OFFER MADE. $1200 CASH. TJnlesa you have $1200 cash you cannot handle trils bargain: It Is Property easily worth $7500; you can buy It for Just .$5000 If you act promptly: strlct.y modern 7-room residence, with Barage. right on carllne in Irvlngton; all modern from basement to attic; better construct ed than most residences. For further par ti cularsaddress XX 750. Oregonlan. NEW MODERN HOME IN IATJREL HURST. Balance of purchase price of $4o00 may be nald on term, to .on pu.c.. ------ modern convenience, including hardwood floors. Material and construction 01 y e.rT.ne This ill less than the regular w'wtTMFn-KELLY CO.. 70 Fourth St. rtRM ACREAGE SUBURBAN HOMES IRVINGTON. 6-room house on E. 20th. near Stanton. $3500. . . t..n. i hnff.l aleen- A1I improvements. 01.111-... e-kn Ing porch, street Improvements paid $.50 cash will cuy it, umio tt ............ -- - We specialize on Irvlngton properties. DORR E. KEASEY A COMPANY, 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce. " DO YOU THINK . . a.- i .nnm V11T1 PfllOW Terenrbasem;nt.las.ered. modern plumbing. . fireplace, double construction inrdUbav. $300. and will W the balanc. of S170O witnm inc mai MR. LEONABB. vv - . . . - . rr- t 1 " L" - coUt A W. Ground floor Board of Trade Bldg. a .i.Dni,M -Dutch kitchen, cement laundry tubs, trallt-n slrleboarns. line sieepo.s "Wrerfq car. hard surface pavement In fKE'3 NOW IT vou are in ine ni.s" 213 Chamber of Commerce. 7 ROOMS AND SLEEPING-PORCH. Just completed, ready for occupany. 045 Clinton St.. near 81st. Everything In this hoi.se Is first-class and up to date;-bullt-ln furniture, etc. $3000. OnlT JW1 cash, balance very easy term. DORR E. KEASEY CO.. 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce. Tirn.r tTTVftlT.OW. Cor. Fl. 35th and Ellsworth. New building, fine fireplace and flnlsn throughout, linoleum In kitchen, coiwjiina tlon fixtures. ONLY $3R0O. $300 down, balance as desired. DORR E. KEASEY CO., 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce. HA iv 1 nwrc. cj ivic. ...v.. Pmnll pavments down, balance as Tent, douhlv constructed. 6-room house, large " attic 'paneled dtnlng-room. Dutch kitchen. " full basement, cement floor, laundry trays, etc.: terms can be arranged to stilt you. Phone Woodlawn 204. or call at 219 Wor cester bldff aj-x) MOrtF.RN. brand-new 6-room house in Highland. 2 blocks from Union ave.. choice residence district, best car serv ice. Can't be beat for the money. For terms and full particulars phone Wood lawn 15lOHX D r ATTHEWfl, Office, corner 27th and Alberta. " " FORRr.NT. o-room house, completely furnished, lo cated on choice quarter block in center of Irvlngton. convenient to 2 carllnes. will rent from February 1 for 8 months to de sirable tenant. References required. Rent 00 per month. .. WHITMKK-N c.LL.1 ccr.. 10 c ou.io .t- A PANDT six-room bouse, Hawthorne dis trict, cheap at $3750. and owner will nccept a lot ns first payment. If you are looking for a house don't miss seeing Mr. Berlttell, COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Ground floor Board of Trade Bldg. jjaTroain for quick sale, new 6-room home, f'replace. furnace, bookcases, veneer pan eling, buffet, larre closets. large rooms, fine plumbing, sleeping porch, double con struction, finely finished: block from car. Must bo seen to be appreciated. Owner, East J"33. "TC eVoe CITS BirTD PPOVTlflFI. x,) r o ...... i-acre and a six-room, modern house on coo.1 carllne. Only $3500. Don't wait until Spring to buy a Summer home. Buy nW' MIX A MARSH Marshall S32S. 120S Yeon Bldg. 40 ACRES. Rogue River Valley. 4 H miles from Medford. 2 miles to Jacksonville. Unimproved. Will trade for house and lot or chicken ranch near Portland. Might assume. The 40 acres are free and clear. Cash price $4000. Y 792. Oreo- nlan. , SACRIFICE. I must sell.s I have two beautiful new bungalows. 6 and rooms each, were built to Yell for $4200 and $r.ono, but am ready to consider any reasonable offer. Owner, 430 Worcester uiqk . - .-, T-I TTTT T iO rooms, strictly modern and up to date every convenience, house In perfect condition, within walking distance from downtown and close to car; owner must sell. For appointment phone Tabor 8089. "" PIEDMONT. WALNUT PARK. If you wish to locate in either of thes desirable tracts, FEE P. B. LENT, 417 Corbett Bldg. NEW, modern 7-room house, corner; Hre place 2 toilets, bath. full basement, beamed ceiling, piped for furnace, fine nantrv A barrain. at your own terma. 414 Dckum bldg- Main 5046. Sunday, East 4C'2 STOP PAYING RENT A well-built little home in good neighborhood, handy to good 'rarline, 5-cent fare. Immediate pos session Address owner. No agents. Owner. AP 746. Oregonlan. IRVINGTON home of S. rooms; hardwood floors, sleeping porch : very deslj rable propertv; price Is low; $6300; 50x100 lot. Gowon-Ido Trust Co., room 2, Lumber- mens no.K. WEST SIDE. 6-ROOM COTTAGE. War 2o:n ami .oilihuh Two" vears old 60 feet front; Improve ments ell In and paid; price $C30; part cash, call E3 loth si. -near Stark. 10-ROOM neatly furnished house, close In. good carllne. offered at a sacrifice. Owner nuiat leave city. Phone Marshall 19o0. apartment 24: or Marshall 1-uS. ITrOOM modern house, lot 100x100, with ail convenience.. Am going to Calif., and will sacrifice. 973 Eust 10th st. North. Fhone n u.M wBuoic 8-ROOM home, new and modern, on sltely lot Fast iUd st. Is now vacant and must be sold Will take 13300 on terms to suit. Call 414. Spalding bldg. STRICTLY new modern 7-room residence; fine district. I will trade my equity for unimproved lots, acreage or farm. Price 33 '0. A D 733, Oregonlan. (Tri)OM hoose, lot 50x100, 11 E. 30th St. X.. n.ar E. Burnslde. Price $3250. It is a bargain. J. J. Oeder, cor. Grand ave. and E. ATlKeuj. i. - rt ' I V ' .Yl ni. -1 M.TI.' . ' Xew and modern, on E. E3d, bet. Madi son and Salmon. Will take good lot as first payment. Main 2573. e.3"v Modern elpht-rqpm house Overlook add. Terms to Buit buyer. H 754. Oregonian. vy.T iTTlisoose of my equity In lot and four room house on East Side at sacrifice; no agenta. A. F. McNalr. 11 E. 9th. city. 10400 MODERN 5-room bungalow. $1800: home broken; terms. Owner, 0S2 E. 21st North 6-ROOM houae. corner lot. south of Haw thorrie. on East 37th St.. $3500. Gowen Ide Trust Co., room 2, Lumbermen bldaT. THE DAYS AND "WEEKS ARB FLITTIcfG BY And so are the opportunities to get one of these tine homes that we are - selling at such prices that anyone can have his own home; and pay for it with the money he is giving the other fellow every month; and next year at this time you will be saying just what one of our clients said In our office a few days ago; he has paid about $400 out for rent In the last year. But we sold -him a nice home and he is paying for It at less per month than he paid his landlord for the privilege of living In his house: we have great bargains in houses and lots ranging in price from $'. to $4500, oa easy terms. Come In and let ua tell you about them. Phone M. 2891. J. S. TRUMBLE, Base Line Land Co., 404 Rv. Ex Bldg., Portland, Or. HOMES. $3000 New, modern O-room bungalow, close to Hawthorn avenue. $3200 -A SNAP buy on Sacramento street; lot. 60x125; 7-room house. $37541 New. modern homa In Rose City i Park; a beauty. 4500 A-l SPECULATION; 6-room cot tage and 50x150 lot close In on East Side, close to new Broadway bridge. $6200 L AURELHURST ; modern, beauti ful home; we have homes in tlif beautiful addition at all kinds of prices and terms. CHAS. RINGLER CO., 211 Lewis Bids. BEAUMONT. You will save some good, solid cash by looking at 530 and 056 East 42d st, and then dealing with me. I am closing out all my holdings in Portland and will give you the buy of your life. Nothing better designed or bet ter built In the district. Don't take my word, but come out and see for yourself. I solicit the closest in spection and the severest comparison. Must have from $S00 to $1000 cash. Take Beaumont car and get off at Bra zee. GEORGE A. BYRNE, Owner and Builder. On the grounds every afternoon. At Hotel Alton, corner 11th and Stark, forenoons and evenings after 6 P. M. MUST SELL. We have for sale a large 9-room bouse on Union ave. and Emerson St.; owner lives out of town and la forced to sell at a big sacrifice: will take part In trade, but must have gome cash.. For particulars see MALL & VON BORSTEL, 104 Second St. A CONCRETE FINISHED BUNGALOW. On a beautiful corner in Rose City Park; lot 100x100; new and up to date in every detail; built for owner, who la out of city. $1000 cash takes It, Balanc on very easy terms. Price $7000 For the best in Rose City Park. DORR E. KEASEY At COMPANY, 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce. ROSSMERE HOME. New 8-room residence of latest design; beamed ceilings, paneled dining-room, built-in bullet and china closet, built-in bookcases, axiblnet enamel kitchen, full basement, laundry, laundry trays, bed rooms and bath In three-coat enamel, bath, toilet, extra toilet, solid brass elec tric chandeliers, gas, bard-surface street, cement sidewalks, all paid; lot fioxlOO price $5000, terms. Call for C. G. Rea gan. CHAPIN & HERLOW. Members of Portland Realty Board. 332-333 Chamber of Commerce. (NO. 109.) LAURELHURST. 8-room house on good street In this popular addition; $500 down, balance on easy payments to suit; $56001 will take lot In Rose City Park or Laurelhurst as part payment. For desirable residence properties sea DORR E. KEASEY & COMPANY, 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce. NINE LARGE ROOMS. Strictly modern; large reception hall, sleeping pohch. fuil cement basement, fur nace, frultroom. attic, garage; corner, 100x100 alley; high-class add.; grade and high school, good car service; priced to aell at $S00O, terms. CHAS. RINGLER & CO., 211 Lewis Bldg. HOUSES FOR RENT. rooms, with sleeping porch. 1100 Vaughn st. ; $0. 7-room modern house; every convea nlence. 268 McMillan St.: $35. 6-room modern house; every conve nience: 2Sth and Belmont; $32.50. 5-room house. 20th and East Yamhill; $20. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 248 Alder St. ON HALL ST.. BET. 11TH AND 12TH. Fraction lot and 9-room house, rented at $35 per month and paying 8 per cent net on price asked; $2000 cash handles: balance on mortgage at 7 per cent, or might consider good lot or acreage at tha, right price In place of the mortgage. For further particulars call on my agent, C. F. Pfluger St Co., suite 12 and 14. Mulkey bldg.. corner 2d and Morrison. FORECLOSURE SNAP. Two houses on Roselawn, olose to Union avenue: both new, rooms; fur nace combination fixtures, shades, cement walks' $3000 each quick sale; must be sold at once; at least $130(1 cash. GODDARD & W1EDRICK. 243 Stark St. PENINSULA HOME. 8-room bungalow, modern, on carllne; well built, nicely finished; graded streets, cement sidewalk: price only $1000, $100 down, balance $15 per month. Call for C. G. Reagan. CHAPIN & HERLCrW, Members of Portland Realty Board. 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. BUNGALOW FOR SALE. Flv rooms, fireplace, built-in book cases china closet, paneled dlningroom, hardwood floors,' cabinet kitchen, gas rnnge. full cement basement, stationary tubs large attic, corner lot 50x100. fine neighborhood nnd price low; terms. Owner, Woodlawn 186'i. BY OWNER A good bungalow-cottage, on two lots, all modern, good barn nnd chicken-house, etc., Woodlawn district; value $3000; equity $2000. H 761, Ore gonian ForSale Acreage. FOR SALE Nice Ave acres of land, 8 In 4-vear-old orchard, fine soil; would sell ud to 10 acreB if desired: about 11 miles east of Portland on county road; fine neighborhood. G ?41. Oregonian. oTt ACP.ES Hop district. 1 miles from R. R-, West Side; all hop land; price $5 PeHIGLEY & BISHOP. 132 Third St. T""2 8 AND 6-acr tracts, close-in. suburban property; good electric car service; $100 I e.oo nee acre- easv terms. J. W. Hef- ferllr Realty Co.. 408 Corbett bldg. 5 ACRES on electric line; well, house, 3 acres cultivated; have to sell; equity. S 749. Oregonian. 40 ACRES. 14 miles sast of City Hall: 20 acres of young orchard; $3;.0 per acre. Malng003. B 723. Oregonlan. FTVE beautiful acres" 114 miles Wilson vllle, cleared. $1300: terms: a genuine bargain. Beeker, 331 14th St. Phone Marshall 30i4. MUST have $2300. 5 acres, improved, good 8-room house and barn. Vancouver car- line. A snap. ooo iiui.ib.uu H4VK sveral tracts cultivated land for sale; will trade for city property. R 700, Oregonian. ACREAGE and farms, from $12.50 per acre ud- large and small tracts. Call Kinney & Btampfer. 531-2 Lumber Exchange bldg. HWE you S00 cash? Come and get my equity In 5-acre house and well. Have to have money. S 750. Oregonian, 10 ACRES near station, Oregon Electric, One soil. 11 Vs miles out. $375 acre, fine site for country home. B 7)1... Oregonlan. 10 ACRES, best of soil, carllne and water running through It, close In, $1000. terms. 1203 Yeon Diug. I ACRE Improved, close to Electric. $500. 1 asv terms. Apple. 420 Henry bldg. 10 ACRES $300. $10 down, $10 a month, good soil, level. 225 Lumber exchange. 2-V4 ACRES. -54 mile from station: sidewa'k 2-3 the way; very rich soil, easy to clear and only $.125 for the tract, $o5 cash and only $10 per month until paid for. This is 40 minutes' car ride and has IS new houses In view. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 33 102 Fourth St. A 3300 $1100. One acre on carllne, all cleared, ay terms. $15,000. 20 acres, near city, all cleared, a cholca piece to plaL $45,000. 60 acres, adjoins city limits. 10 acres, on electric line, $10,000. 10 axrvs, on electric' line, $3000. A. W. LAMBERT 4 CO., 404 East Alder St. Phones E. 640. B 1910. $20 DOWN. Are you looking for a close-in acre tract especially adapted for garden, ber ries and chicken raising. If so, see what we have close to Mt- Scott carllne, 5c fare, in a cleared, level tract with water piped to it- Terms $20 down, $10 per month. The reasonable price and exceptional easy terms certalnlv should interest you. WHITMKR-KELLY CO., Main 100S. 70 4th St A 1008. RICH LAND. EASY TERMS. How does this strike you? 10 acres of Yamhill County best land, 40 miles from Portland. 2 miles from R, R. and town; price $75 per acre; only $10 down and $10 per month; no better land in Ore gon; no rock or gravel; you can't match this price and terms. See us at once. CHAPIN & HERLOW, Members of Portland Realty Board. 832-333 Chamber of Commerce. TWO-ACRE HOME. In city limits, between 76th and 77th. On Division street, south side of road, S blocks west of German Aid Society home. House, barn, Bull Run water, 40 assorted bearing fruit trees. Rich soil, no gravel, highly cultivated; lies beauti ful. Must be seen to be appreciated. See MRS. J. HAAS, OWNER, ON PREMISES. CHOICE ACREAGE TRACTS, Close to Portland; rich walnut, fruit and garden land; only small cash pay ment, balance paya for Itse.f In product now on the land, which we accept and ar the only people making this liberal of tar. F1RLAND TRUST COMPANY. 806-S Spalding Bldg. 400 ACRES. Between 273 and 300 cultivated, soil, black loum; 3 miles from electric, 37 miles south of Portland; good buildings; an unusual opportunity here account -settling up estate for heirs. Anyone Inter ested can make price and terms after in vestigation. C. W. Lamar, 417 Corbett bldg. Main 8931. , CA-N-NCA HE. ULritAlQV. 840 acres stunipage, enough wood to pay for land; plenty water; A-l soil; 2 miles good R. R. town, Ms mile school. hi mile sawmill, land near selling $30 to $76 per acre; clear title to this for $10 per acre; terms. BEEKER, 331 14th St. Phone Marsnall 3054. 80 ACRES. GRESHAM, $150 PER ACRE. 30 acres cultivated, 20 acres fine pastur4 account live stream, school on corner. NO LAND ADJOINING PURCHASABLE LESS THAN $300 PER ACRE. Usual farm buildings. Owner outside state. Re quires $1(K)0 cash, balance 6 per cent. C. W Lamar, 417 Corbett bldg. Main 3031. 5 ACRES. $1125. Located 200 feet from station, 30 min utes' ride from Jefferson-st. depot; fin soil, gradual slope; only four miles from city limits; $125 cash down and easy monthly payments on balance; better look this up; it's a good buy. ATCHISON & ALLEN, 218 Gerlinger Bldg., 2d and Alder Sts. COLONIZATION PROPOSITION. 4000 acres. Linn County, 3000 acres cul tivation. 3 miles from station. 3 sets good buildings, 3 orchards, 3 creeks and river. We offer- this for the next 30 days for $23 per acre. GLENHART REALTY CO.. INC.. 421-422 Chamber of Commerce. ' TmjFkoved. Acres or Va -acres, with or without house; 1 or 2 blocks to streetcar, at rea sonable prices. Can have gas, electric lights, etc. ' See us, F. M. Searle, 501 Swetland bldg., 5th and Washington sts., or A. -N". Searle, 70th and East Gllsan sts. M-V car. CHICKEN and FRUIT RANCHES near Portland: a NEW SUBDIVISION. Lowest ' prices; best soil; fine view; wood, water and roads; 6 acres. $400 per tract; 10 A.. $300; 20 A., $MH; 40 A., $1200; SO A.. S2-JU0; 1(10 A., $::o00; liberal terms. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO.. 3u9 Yeon bldg- Portland. Or. $17.50 PER ACRE. $800 to $1300 acres in Yamhill County, near McMinnville; excelent soil; especially adapted to fruit and an ideal traot for subdivision. For particulars apply to KAUFFMANN Ai MOOKE. 325 Lumber Exchange. CHICKEN RANCH. . 5 acres, close to electrio Una, fins buildings and chicken runs, clear of in cumbrance, will take payment down ot exchange for home in Portland. Ameri can Trust Co., 213 Chamber of Com merce. ACRES. Don't pay $1200 for an acre when you can get one all In cultivation for $300; $1 down. $1 per week, no interest or taxes. Only 6 minutes' walk from car. 414 Dekum llldg- Main 5048. Sunday, phons East 4tiu-. SMALL PARCELS ot A-C-R-E -A-G-E On Oregon City Electric Line, close to Orchard Park Station. GODDAKD & WIEDR1CK, 213 Stark St. BASE LINE. IS acres, mostly under cultivation, house, barn, berries, bearing fruit, etc.; ideal platting or home, on electric carllne Price same as adjoining land selling in rough F O. Northrup, 313 Couch bldg. 1W ACRES at Ryan's Station on Salem Elec tric. 19 minutes' car ride from city. 7 room house. In fact all Improvements. A gift at $3750. Easy terms. 8 WATSON & THERKELSEN. 308 Spalding Bldg. Phone Main 7592. GARDEN HOME Acre tracts, near station, land high ana siglitlv; malu county road, fronting or electric line. $350 and up. .Easy terms . STAVER & AUSSIEKER. 614 Couch Bldg. A GREAT BIG SNAP. One-half acre strawberries, cheap: easy, terms; close to carline; about 5 miles from center of city. Telephone Main o753, apartment 407, or address G 743,. Orego nian. " 2 ACRES AT COURTNEY. Three minutes' walk, east of station; beautiful fir grove; some berries and grapes- going East; no reasonable offer or terms refused. Owner. 414 Couch bldg. CAN YOU BEAT THIS? 10 fine acres, nicely improved. 11 milel postoftice. for $1 700 ; part ensh. BEEKER. 331 14th St. Phone Marshall 30..4. 3 AND 5-acre tra.-ts. 23 minutes rld from city on Salem Electric. Easy terms " "WATSON ft THERKELSEN. ' 308 Spalding BlgJ'meMan 7502. 5 ACRES just outside city limits. 30 min utes on' Mt. Scott or Grcsham carline: all clear- suitable for plattlnir: 4 blocks from carliiie. Piice $3J5i); easy terms. 503 scalding Ding- 1 ACRE with assorted varieties oi oearing fruit- S-room house, on Mt. Scott carllne, about n block from Anabol Station. Prlc $4300; terms. Leonard Bros., 317 Cham ber of .Commerce. FOR SALE Five acres on United Railway, 14 miles from Portland, 3 blocks from de pot, at sacrifice. Owner, Woodlawn 694. 910' E. 14lhst. N. B P G I N For $1350 will sell 6 1-5 acret unimproved land in Clackamas County; in minutes' walk from- Oregon City cars: can be platted: terms. AO 718. Oregonlan. t ahce tract of fruit land for sale, sultablt for platting, 1-3 set out to year-old trees, S15 to $40 per acre. Good opportunity fo Investment. E 740, Oregonian. i 5 ACRES. Just off Base Line road. $500 an acre on verv easy terms. WATSON & THERKELSEN. 300 Spalding Bldg. Phone Main 7592. 77 ACRE and 3-room tent house for sale very cheap by owner. Walden Park. Lents. Or. 5 ACRES, small bldgs.. 1 mile of Elec. Sta ir, miles of Portland. $3O0. Terms. N. M. Apple. 429 Henry bldg. 2! ACRES, 20 minutes from the Courthouse, close to good electric line, for $2200. Call 414 Spalding bldg. 10 ACRES with modern 8-room house, 3 miles from Portland, suitable for platting. Mrs. Diamond, 504 Board of Trade. g VLE 4 acres 2 miles Woodburn, 1 mile "electric station, all in cultivation; easy terms: SSaO. East 4;46. gii ACRES near Lents; sale or trade. Rob- ert A Miller. 333 Worcester bldg. $200 $20 cash, $10 per month, secures 10 acres fine land. 416 Ry Exchange. 4