THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. PORTLAND, JANUARY 21, 1912. - MW TODAY. YOU CANT DO ' IT V',jr-Vr-4I Cose ") Isvy jr Tou can't beat N ATI" RAT.. REPOCRCES for producing wraith. You can't deny FOSfTIVB FACTS. You can't top Im migration. You can't find another town In the WHOLE I'NITKD -STATE3 that has as many NATURAL, KESOL'RCKS aa Pf.Mt, OrrKon. l on can t make MONEY faster man by buying FIRST- t LvAs CLuaL-LN property, when vou can get It DIRET from the OWNERS at first prl'n. 1 ou can t find a town In the world that has I.irt.OOO acres trrt rated land". :n.V(u.ii00 000 foet of yel low pine timber. hydro-electrlo water) power. (OO.OVO irrri of best cerl and grazing lands, that did not MAKE A LAKtiK CITY. BEND. Ore- Icon, has ALL the above and MORE. It has larire quantities of FINK B1II.D JNO STONE. It has an UNLIMITED supply of PUREST MOUNTAIN "ATER. It has a CLIMATE where EXTREMES are unknown. HEND has TWO lUILRDAI'H (Hill and Harrl- man). that commenced to operate their riKr 1KA1.N3 November 1st- 1911 BEND now has SEVEN LAROE STONE BUSINESS BLOCKS being erected by mem who Investigated E . ERY TOWN In Oregon before deciding on BEND. ion can AFFORD to WAIT until all tne Bt?T HlYS are cone. We are selllnc HIGH-CLASS CLOSE-IN resi dence and business lots, to x 140. with 29-foot aiteya and to and f 0-foot streets. $250 S? $250 Terms $10 Per Month Too cnt wait until VEXT WEEK and fret aa GOOD LOCATIONS as you can NOW. You can't afford to miss a LIFETIME On-ORTUNITT where th chances are so sure as ther are at PEND. Our property Is within TWO BLOCKS OF THE UNION DEPOT. Write or call today for free maps and photo of BUND and Central Oregon. THE KEWLON-KOLLER CO., Inc. Ml Baeaaaaa flldjc, Portland, Ores FIGHTING THE TREE TRUST Oh. no. Merely Jtist for an Induce ment we have decided to put 20.000 yearling apple, trees (all commercial varieties) on the market at a very re duced rate. Our lease expires the first of April on this certain block, and after these axe sold we win go back to our former prices. K!ne. choice, stocky trees, free from disease, well sprayed and positively true to name. Act quick; first come, first served: 3 to 4 feet. c: 4 to $ feet. 8c Prices on 1000 lota given on application, walnuts. eOc. 2 years old. visit our nursery. NURSERY BOX 38 Lafayette. Or. Finest Yiew on the Willamette Thr and one-fifth acres; fronts the river: 10 minutes wa.k to Itupert sta tion: 30-foot solid rock back: fine loara atili; under cultivation; awaii groves of fir um scatterv-J over It. Any one that til ac the IIIlM.los on tne Hud son wi4 appreciate tfcls. Price. 14600. ::0 cash, bajance Uo years at ( per cent uiuu-Mt. O. FRED FISH 1S-U SsUHxic BlUsV. opn. Oregonian. A nil; lain.4L Mexober Realty Board. Corner 50x100 0F BLOCK FBOH ll.WTHORt; THKF.fe bL(M K IKOV (.KOI) AVE. Conung business property; fine for apaj-uuuit-house NOW, Income enough to carry It. iHint It look pretty good at S4S09? If It dnesv. Lira come and learn more about It ior. if taken now. we can de liver It at l&tru, aa cash. 0. C R. Hlis & Co. WUm Bids. On Your Own Terms Monthly payments, ytm can buy a mod ern s-room house, with sleeping; porch and tall lot; house has furnace, built-in bookcases alongside fireplace. Call )J Weldler. near .East Ith il. or phone Main $14 or A 132 weekday and C $101 Sundays. MORTGAGE LOANS On Bnin 5. Business and Rtdnis Property. .. . E t.Ht. IT, c, D. smovnv 7 'dlS Jioaxa .1 tail Bdx. jrrw TODAY. D0WM TOWN Less than a stone's throw from the Chamber of Com merce; right on the stage of the next boom section of Portland; across the street from the Multnomah Hotel virtually 129 feet frontage READ THIS AGAIN Only $65,000 $35,000 Cash THINK OF IT! Then come right to our of fice, tie the bargain up be fore another price is put on it i Oregon Realty Co. 43 Fourth St rhones, Marshall 3790, A 3324. MILWAUKIE 5c FARE The only real suburban service out of Portland. We offer 103 acres near Milwaukle and Oak Grove, with finest subdivision or investment possibilities on fhe line. Adjacent acreage selling from $750 to $1500 per acre. Short time only at $300 PER ACRE $5000 cash, balance long time; mort gage-release privileges, live real estate firms w WAKE UP Staver & Aussieker 614 Couch Building. Investment! A few lots left in the 1905 Fair grounds for $3000 per lot. Pay $1600 down and balance in monthly pay ments, ion can't go wrong. HUMASON Main 3718. 1004 Yeon. v A 44S4. 4 SNAPS4 Quarter block. 1 1th and OHsan sts.: fine retail location. Quarter block. 14th and Clay sts, for apartments. Choice piece on 'Washington St.; choice business. Corner, $0x100 ft. Stark at, 100 ft. from Washington St. These four parcels are money makers lor you. ie sure ana investigate. Goldsmith & Co. 103 Sherlock Bldg.. Third and Oak sts. Stores for Lease Ground floor store. 16x100 ft., and space on second and third floors of , Ballou 4 Wright building-. 7th and Oak sts. 2Ssl00-fot store at IS 6th st," across from Wells-Farg-o bldgr. :ox5-root store on Hawthorne ave. near Union. , IL P. PALMER-TONES CO. 404 Wilcox Bldg-. 90x222- On novate street, 100 feet east of Woodstock car. Unsurpassed view of the city. An ideal building site, or a pood, safe investment for business property. Price $3000. For terms see The Lawrence Co. 243 Alder Street. Irvington Snap! . N.-r. mxlni. elrtit-room .ouse with attic, four berirootna. two aleeplns- porchea. brakiaftt-room and den: lot A'ziUi): hard-'urfaced street. Worth 7Sin. now 400: 11000 down and H0 per month. A reai snap. See It. Make an offer. I am learln; the cltr. 601 E. 3Sth t near Thompson. Fnon. bast i4. L Yamhill Street Snap Floe lot. sear East 23d North; I1S7S, now lljSO. lu I am leavlnc cltjr. J 171 East ill. Phone East e4V CLOSE-IN CORNER 10xin0 for sal. IH.0P0. 4.11 Kast Ankeny st. Apply Nowner. WANTED I Best Income Investment that $4500 caah will haoiie. A-N liX, OraaoJva. KIW TODAY. ..j.IjASljS 99-Year Leases a Specialty, i "Which cbrnera in Portland are passed by the greatest number of peo ple each dayt HERE are a few locations where the people are : Stores Morrison St. Two of the choicest on the street for any business. Fifth St The only one where a lease can be had and located right. Sixth St. A choice location for anything; might be had for moving pictures. Some others yon ought to know about. Saloon locations in the central dis trict where they are hard io get. We have three. One lease for sale carries independent liquor license. Warehouse Almost completed; four-story and basement, reinforced concrete build ing, with private house switch track, close to bridge and business center; freight'elevator, 6000 capacity, 80,000 feet floor space. Wight divide. All information by personal inter view only. If you have space for rent or are looking for a location, let us call and see you. GILES &LOTZ Leases Exclusively 329 Henry Building. Main .1917. Southeast Corner 20th and Marshall Sts. TWO TWO - STORY FLAT BUILDINGS Lot 50x100 Feet Corner one-third of lot vacant Wakefield, Fries & Co. 85 Fourth St. Corner E. Third and Oregon. Two blocks from now Steel bridge, 00X100 I Present improvements bring in $70 montn. $25,000 One of the best buvs now open on the East Side. Will double in value within 3 years. Dorr E. Keasey & Co. Second Floor, Chamber of Commerce. 35 NET On an Investment of $5400 Terms can be arranged In sart. Also free rent of splendid suite of rooms In one of the best apartment-houses In tne Nob Hill district, west side. This will bear the closest investiga tion. A fine flfteen-apartment-house, finely furnished, always full, choice lo cation, first-class peoplo. Owner has to leave the city, write or pnone for in terview. 211 Lewawiale Street. Mala 1013. HofEaday's Addition Th. en. BEST ntara In Portland ta feB. OEOGKAPH1CAI, CENTKR MM ku&t .JbsixvAoi-ai r.siaaaca yrvpari .1 in. city. fEKIM) IS BEURVIXO FFlTTKil fe and aa tb. maar CMOICB raat. .nc.a and.r con.truetl.a asd U). Iia. (.rev.m.aia f olof oa, r18 2 Real Ett avr. axd m citxomau sti PordiS.eishts Tha most brautirul building: alte. i Vlma are. and Terrace road. Corn with nrarlv 4 lots. 18.700 our ft The most beautiful bulldlne alte. on vista are. and Terrace road. Corner, with nearly 4 lots, 18. ,00 square feet: unobstructed view and no restrictions. Actual valuo of this site Is 130,000. Can tin-bouitht for a few davs for 120.000. Including; all street Improvements. No snap like this anywhere In the city. GRl'SSI HOLDS SIS Board of Trade Bids;.. 4th and Oak INCOME PROPERTY New 4-anartment flats: walkinr dis tance. Ho) la Jay Addition; fine building. ' modern convenience: present rent, 11440: Increase to flsSO when Broad war bridge Is flu I slied. Price, 1 14.500. Bargain- Terms. Principals only. Ail iZJ. uresjoniaa. COUJS. BEHRIUGE 4k THOMPSON. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, SS U ereeatar HiacK. l'aoe slala o07 NEW TODAY. REFEREE'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY The west 88 feet of frac tional block 66 in Couch's Addition to the City of Portland, Or., and a tract of land 15 feet wide and 98 feet deep lying immediately ad joining said fractional block 66 in Couch's Addition to the City of .Portland, Or., said property being on the southeast corner of Tenth and Burnside streets, in this city, will 'be sold by the un dersigned at public auction at the front door of the Courthouse in this city on Wednesday, January 24, 1912, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of Baid day. This property is sold sub ject to the rights of the City of Portland in the extension and opening of Oak street through said real property. JOHN H. STEVENSON, Sole Referee. - A Guaranteed . Bargain 38J, acres, all in cultivation one-half of this is genuine onion land, balance fine black loose loam. Old house and barn. This place is only seven miles from Momson-street bridge, on the West Side, and the price is only $4UU per acre, lerms. Mr. Becktell, Columbia Trust Co. Ground Floor, Board of Trade Buildinp:. South Portland We offer a number of specially rood buys in South Portland, on easy terms. If you afe in the market for any prop erties or merit in bouth Portland, see us. Dorr . Keasey & Co. . Chamber of Commerce. South Portland Office 667V2 South First Street. THIRD ST. Near HALL Corner, 100x100. Rentals $102. Splendid apartment site. Easy terms. $32,500 Address M 745, Oregonian. Block in East Side Warehouse District Now bringing in good income. A. W. LAMBERT & COMPANY 404 East Alder Street. E 640 Phones B 1910 Warehouse With Trackage FOR LEASES. Ground floor 60x100, second floor 70x 100, with elevator Shasta Water. Co. Eighteenth and V'p.har Street.. Belmont-St. Snap Fine alx-room house: three bedrooms, furnace, fireplaces buffet, cement floor, laundry trays, hard-surface street In and paid: lot 40x100; walking distance; a bargain: I400O, $500 down and $25 per month. 7i& Belmont, near 23d. Phone East &948. Mortgage Loans Oa city property at reasonable rates, CLARK-CANNON COMPANY, 6 Board of Trade Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN CITr MORTGAGESf FARM MORTGAGES, LOWEST KATKS. '1'fc.HHS TO SUIT. A. H. BIRRELL CO., S02 M'KAll BLILbl.NQ, Third mm Stark. 1 9 13 Grand Trunk Pacific R. B. will b om- Lleted. Bur now. Brlil.h Columbia farm inda. Prices are rolQff up. We are selling lend In the Bulkier Valler. Fort Oeorge, Kraser Valler countrr and the Nechaco Val ley. Write for booklet on tbls last and best West. Address North Coast Land Company. Ltd. 1017 Chamber of Commerce bids".. Port land. . Phone Main 267. Mala offlcs. Van couver. F. C. Paid-up capital. Sl.oOO.000 2 to ACRES. Rlverdalo district: fine view of river ana mmunains; una place ior coun try, bume; ituo acra, A 763. Orefonlao. KIW TODAY. Sycamore Acres 40 minutes from the city, on the O. W. P. electric line. - Best acre buys in the finest part of Multnomah County. ' ' No waiting for a car line to be built. No tract over five minutes' walk from depot. We -will sell you aero tracts facing the electric line, Johnson Creek or Foster road, for the price of a city lot. Call or write for plats and prices of Sycamore Acres Easy terms builders. to home- Take the Gresham or ' Cazadero cars from First and Alder. Cars leave 15 minutes to the hour. Get ' off at Sycamore Station. ' W. H. GEINDSTATF ' 1125 Yeon Building. " Main 875. . A 7842. GEO. D. SCHALK 228 Stark St . Main 892. A 2392. $6500 Your Opportunity! 100x100, S. E. corner E. 19th and Tillamook sts. Close to 2 carlines; surrounded by beauti ful homes; hard-surface pave ments; all assessments paid. This is one of the choicest Irv ington quarter blocks. Owner, non-resident, says sell. When Broadway bridge completed, its value $8500. Inquire 903 Yeon Bids. Marshall 1456. Hawthorne Home East 25th street, half block south of Hawthorne ave.; oak floors through out, mahogany finish, steam heat, beautiful fixtures. This is the finest home offered for sale on the East Side. Some trade will be accepted. W. H. ROSS, 516 Spalding Bldg. $10,000 a Year Income t'eiv Brick Business Elosk On Grand avenue, stores on ground floor, apartments above. Leased for term of years on basis of increasing rental. Property in this district is ure to enhance rapidly in value. Price Allent consider kooq ilrst mortgage as part payment. Alvord-Carr-Hanter Co. S1P-21 Board of Trade. East 31st St. Near Hawthorne Ave. 7-roora modern house, lot 45x117: hard surface streets, sidewalks, sewer, etc.. all improvements paid; rooms are all larre and convenient, shades, fixtures, good furnace, plenty of room on back of lot for. a garage. Price $4400. For terms see The Lawrence Co. 248 Alder Street. Last Chance! f 7500 on good terms for a nice business lot near new Steel brldse. Do you realize what Is goln on there? If not, investigate and satisfy yourself that you can double your money In less than 3 years. As option runs out Monday at 6 o'clock, the price will be $10,000 by Tuesday next. Members- of the Realty Board or direct buyers Investi gate. F. FL'CHS, 429 Chamber ox Commerce. SEW TODAY. NOB HILL APARTM'NTS Rent $355. Price $32,500; $10,000, cash, balance, 6. Park Street between Morrison and Yam hill streets. Adjoining new 5-story, Class A, Sullivan & Considine Theater. $5(000 Seventh Street Corner Near Jefferson, 50x100. In come $67. Choice hotel or apartment site. $20,000 E. J. DALY 222-223-224 Failing Bldg. BEST APARTMENT SITE ON Hawthore Ave lOOxlOO, COR. 311 MOHAWK BI,DG. BEAT, ESTATE DEALERS. Beck. William Q.. 815-816 Fall In bids. BRUBAKER St BKNKUICT. iu2 McKo Chapin & Herlow, 332 Chamber Commerce cook. is. a. A jo., ous Corbett bldg. Jennings A Co. Mala lbS. 206 OreonlaJL PALMER-JONES CO.. H, P.. 404-406-40 Wilcox bid jr. The Oregon Heal Estate Co., Grand aw ud Multnomah st. (Holladay Addition). REAL ESTATE. t or Sale LotH. IRVIN'GWOOD, adjoining Irvington. beau- tlful wooded lots, with cement walks and graded streets; building restrictions for only $725. Think of the price! Only 10 per cent cash and $10 per month. Take Broadway car, get off at Klickitat street and walk east. Agent on the ground. Western Securities Co., 414 Spalding bldg. A 511!S, Main INCOME $130 A MONTH. Only $lbuo, business corner. West Side; 60x100 flats and stores here at cost of about $5500 will produce $130 month In come; money now ready for loan if de sired. See James C. Logan, 815 Spalding bldg. r.SxlOO. DANDY LOT. 110 feet from carl tne; price $500; terms $25 down and $5 a month; interest 6 per cent. See P. B. LENT, 417 Corbett Bldg. $i50 FOR & beautiful view lot, 4 blocks from Clinton car; cement walks an in, hard-surface street within 3 blocks; this lot Is worth $lox0, but owner must have $300 cash, balance terms. Phone Seltwood 1544. Tabor 330. THIS Canadian pacific Railway's Installation of new pacific Coast terminals at Coqutt lam represents In the New City your op port unity. Our lots 500 feet from the sta tion, urice Sriuu. v rite xor circular, asc P hereon & Fullerton Bros., Vancouver, British Columbia. BUY a lot In Laurelhurst and build; I will furnish HO per cent or the total amount, you furnish the other 10 per cent; you receive benefit or all the discounts, u. W. Marshall, 522 Corbett bldg. Main 1503. $1960 BUYS THIS CORNER. Size 50x112: the most sightly in Lau helhurst: grand view of mountains: tiea C. K. Henrv'i home: If you want some thing cnoice, pnone me too ay. iast vs'j or C 2535. Ask for Mr. Delahunty. 75 BUYS fine, sightly corner. 100x100, on fcjaat autn street Aortn: street graaea, cement sidewalk and curb. Bull Hun water; everything paid; this must be cash no trades, o n2, uregonlan. $J20O 6 Irvington Park lots. 30th St., on canine, near iviuingswortn ; ounaing re strictions; Improvements In and mostly paid: must sell at once, terms. Ownei tan ueKura Diag. $500 WILL buy my fine lot, BDxlOO. with water pipea ana ciose to goo a canine only 20 minutes from the center of town will take $50 cash and $10 per month. See owner, 414 Spalding bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, 64 Iota, lies well. beautiful trees, line view, Dlock car, neighborhood of beautiful homes; $7000; terms. Main 3551. BROOKE. A 3839, UNENCUMBERED lot in Rose City Park for sale. $700. DIAMOND. GRANT 4 CO.. Marshall 4173. 504 Board of Trade. FINE corner lot $10 first payment, $10 per month; restricted district, streets graded, cement sidewalks, water, all improve ments paid. Owner, AN 754, Oregonian. BUILDERS. ATTENTION. Have $1000 lot on west slope Mt. Tabor, will take your contract or sell on terms. R 761, Oregonian. LOT, Rose City Park, two blocks from store ana car; streets ana siuewaiKs nina $700. J. E. Parsons, owner, 901 Wells frargo bldg IRVINGTON lot, 75x100, on 21st St., between Brazee and Knott St.; improvements all In and paid. Full particulars, pnone owner, C 1628 or Woodlawn 3229. FOR SALE Lot 50x105; price $250, $25 cash, balance $ per month. Take Mt. Scott car, get off Grays Crossing, ask for Beard, at corner store. CASH BARGAIN. 35x100 on E. Harrison St., hard-surface pavement and all assessments paid; price fiuu". inquire naa bienn ave. IRVINGTON LOT. 85x100. In very choice district : hard-surface street ; price S30OO. A. H. BIrrell Co.. 202 McKay bldg. Third and stark. BUNCH of 6 fine lots on Division street; hard surface to town; lots high and sightly and close to business center; price jiZ.jO. Full information 414 fc-paiomg mag. NEAR 11th and Hall. 50x100 lot, good loca tion for an apartment building, $9000. Gowen-Ide Trust Co., room 2, Lumber mens bldg. WANT to lease one or one-half acre on Sandy road between 3Cth and 50th sts. for 3 years. AM 744, Oregonian. LOT In Eastmoreland $C00; very easy terms; no Interest; other lots In district are sell ing at $1000 up. AJ 738, Oregonian. FREE tent with each 60x100 lot; 20 min utes out; $10 monthly; no Interest; wuter laid. AJ 739, Oregonian. FOR SA.LE BV OW.VER 3 lots 50x100; 1 cor, 300; 2 inside $300; terms to suit. E 73U, Oregonian. IRVINGTON snap; have fine 50x100 near Knott, on 13th St.; must eell quickly; $1400. Owner. S01 Dekum bldg. $1 SECURES HOMESITE. My beautiful level lot, fully Improved, close In. Owner, F 731', Oregonian. $1300 IRVINGTON $13o6T East front, right on 15th street; bargain. - Easy terms. 014 coucn oiag. WE HAVE a number of snaps In Irvington. WATSON & TnKRKriLoK.N, SOfl Spal d 1 n g Bldg. Phone Main 7502. LAURELHURST, 1300 genuine, cash equity. In excellent lot for sale V 730, Oregonian. original price, cheap for ensh. $10 DOWN. $5 per month, pretty lot GO minutes out on pooa canine; only ss5. H1GLE Y A BISHOP. 132 Third St. COOS BAY lots, Marshfield. Your chance to (ret in on the ground floor: will sacrifice for cash. E 746. Oregonian. 6 COOS BAY lots, as first payment on acre age. Purse, 818 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE In Rossmere, P 738. Oreironian. 100x100, $1600. WILL sell cheap 'for cash, two Rossmere lots: no affnts. K 747. Oregonian. IRVING PARK lot on 23d St., $Gl)0. C 1030. Owner. 50x100, NEAR Alberta on 15th St.; must sell, half price. C 749. Oregronian. IRVINGTON lot, east face. S.14UO, on easy terms., S 736. Oregonian, very REAL ESTATK. For Sale Lota. ALTAMEAD ADDITION. A Capital Location to Build Your Bungalow. With the beginning of 1912, resolve tft get away from the landlord's grip and, take the initiative step toward owning jour own home by purchasing a lot in Altamead Addition, which will build up faster than any residence district of Portland; these lots sell for $4l!;Kand up, and can be bought on the installment plan; $10 down and $10 a month; we will arrange for a loan to build your (Ideal home; this district will have all the city Improvements, building restrictions, and affords one of the finest views of the snowcapped peaks: it costs you noth ing to see this -property. Our autos are at your command. OUT LOTS HAVE ALLEYS. GERMAN REALTY TRUST COMPANY, L'i4 Stark st. Phones: Marshall 3632; A 6615. LADU'S ADDITION Some especially well-located Iota In this fine tract on which the prices are low and the terms reasonable. $2500 kx!2S on Ladd ave. near Haw thorne, close in, half cash. $25(10 50x118. East 2wth. near Haw thorne, fronting east, up Stephens. $2400 0xl2S on Poplar near Haw thorne; must act quickly; half cash. $2350 15x118 on Larch st. north of Harrison st. for a shor time. $2150 0xl2 on Elliot ave.. near Cen tral Park; only $215 cash needed. $2050 13x118 on Twelfth St., near Har rison, 10 per cent cash and terms. AUTHORIZED AGENTS LADD'S ADDI TION. MEMBERS PORTLAND REALTY BOARD STRONG & CO., 605 Concord Bldg. $S50 WEST SIDE HOME SITES $850. . On South Sixth St., o2 blocks from city Postoffice. Has advantages of carlines, the fine boulevard now building, and landscape and river view second to none. A new addition ready for street Improve ment; water mains, to be put In free of purchaser's expense. The near-'n situa tion of this property, makes the price as tounding. You should not purchase ft homesite until you see this addition. See owner, 528 Railway Exchange bldg. COUNCIL CREST PARK. Most beautiful building site of 4 lots, with unobstructed views of city and moun tains and of Tualatin Valley and Coast range; elevated situation with many Ons native forest trees; bttullthio paved streets, cement sidewalks. Bull Run water, gas, sewers, electric light, telephones and verj near carline; easy terms. Owner. IOuS Spalding bldg. Main 660. Main S4&8. IN a very pleasant neighborhood, on Port land Heights, within 100 feet of the car line. I have a very desirable building sito with a southern exposure, that I will sell to anyone who will build a home for $155o. To facilitate building 1 will loan to party making an Initial payment of $1000 cash, the additional money necessary to build a modern home. W 742, uregonlan. IS IT POSSIBLE ? That $1050 will buy a beautiful corner lot. . 50x100. In Piedmont, on Cleveland ave.. corner of Holman st. Tills Is a snap; see it and you will say I am right. E. J. GBISER. 420 Chamber of Commerce. - A FINE LOT FOR $700. In Rose City Park,. Portland s best resi dence section, close to the carline and street Improvements paid for. Terms - easy. DE YOUNG & JOHNSON, 514 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. TWO of the best Mt. Tabor lots on the wst slope. 5uxl25 each. These are tha pick for choice view, close to Belmont carline; will give an easy bargain. Own er. 511 Gerlinger bldg. FOR immediate sale, Koe City Park lot, within 3 blocks of carline; cement side walks and curbs. Price $575 and only $125 cash and balance $10 per month. Phone Main Sti4i or V 730. Orezonian. $10 DOWN, $10 PER MONTH. Fine- view lot; matured fruit trees; re stricted district, near car; cement walks. Bull Run water 2oj Board of Trade bldg. Phone Marhall473. A 10U2. CLOSE-IN APARTMENT SITE. I will sell my tillVixlOi) lot on East 17th St., between Morrison and Belmont; will make a bargain price for a quick sale. W. O. Wad del, 39 Lumber Exchange. . LAURELHURST LOT. BEAUTIFUL VIEW. $700; Improvements in; 50x100; 1 block to car; original price $ lfrH); must sell ; terms; no agents. X 703. Oregonian. WILLAMETTE ADDITION. Lots in this desirable locality for sale; good streetcar service; it will pay you to look, this up if you are looking for a home site, phone A 4524. A P. Owner must sacrifice lot within eight blocks of Broadway bridge and half block, to car; all Improvements pa4d; $2000. half cash. Phone Main 22i2. COOS BAY. Private party has a few Coos Bay lots for sale, easy terms; special bargain in these lots. 2t8 Ry. Exch. bldg. Marshall 2583. ask for Tyler. GRAND AVE. N. E, cor. Grand ave. and. E. Ash st. For particulars, see J. J. OEDER. Cor. .Grand and E. Ankeny. ROSE CITY PARK Beautiful view lot ou the $100 Alameda, adjoining elegant homes. (iOO, terms. Owner, phone Tabor 32.7 or 053 02d. Rose City farlt. IRVINGTON, $1300 each, 4 beautiful Iota, including corner on Hancock, paved street; these wont last long. Geo. A. Riggs, 610 Spalding bldg. "PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Beautiful homes and homcsites, all views, locations and prices; can suit you. Main 3551. BROOKE. A 3838. CORNER lot on Belmont, suitable for resi dence; apartments or other business; will sell or exchange for house and lot; - no agents. T 73S, Oregonian. UNIVERSITY PARK. $700 Choice lots, hard-surf aoe pave ments, cement walks, etc.; terms to suit. Geo. R. Flora, 470 E. Burnside st. B 148U. FOR SALE Two lots on corner, suitable for three houses; $000 cash handles both lota. One block off Hawthorne carline. Y 783 Oregonian. fcOxlSO-FT. LOT on Willamette Boulevard. $2100. On ensy terms. WATSON & THERKELSEM. 306Spalding Blg- FhuneMain 7692. . A SNAP. 100x100 near Alberta car and Killtngi-wort-i ave. 414 Dekum bldg. Main 6C46. Sunday, EaBt4052. 0x100 VIEW lot, facing on Alameda, in Rose City Park, 3 blocks from car. Must sell quickly. First reasonable offer takes, and terms can be arranged. Call Tabor 12. MALL-ST. SNAP. Nice lot near East 13th st,. worth $1000, a few days $S00; easy terms. By owner, 171 East 23d. Phone East 0948. 4 LOTS, Railway Addition, block from Barr road, eay terms; exenange ior otner prop erty; assume mortgage. AF 742; Orego nian. TWO handsome lots in St. Johns, $800; cor ner Kellogg st. ana v eyeruaeuser; easy terms. Phone Main tti4tj or V 730, Ore gonian. SANDY ROAD business lot, 7i feet frontage on Sandy Road, jjouu; terms to suit. Phone Tabor 2227. $40O FOR lot. 41xloO, ou improved St.; this must be cash. Wood It 2. water on iol; lawn B22U, C IRVINGTON The price of two years ago; high and signtty, near itnou; only $1300; small amount down. 545 East loth st. N. HALF-ACRE at Parkrose, 400 feet from the carline. price .... rnone .wain 8b4o, or V 730. Oregonian. CHOICE building lot. North Irvington, cash or terms; price oeiow vuiue; improvements paid. Qwd'-t, AO 712, Oregonian. $050 Nice lot OuxlOO, cement walk and water in, pam, lenua, rtivcraiae aisiriut. Pittenger, lultO Maryland ave. &0xll0-FT. LOT in Rose City Park. $S50. WATSON & TilEKKELSEN, 30fi Spalding Bldg. Phone Main 7592. OW.NER must sacrifice fine lot on Lar- rabee st., two blocks from entrance of Broadway bridge. 443 E. 12th North. J5 EQUITY in Eastmoreland lots $150; improvements In; payments In rears. AJ 728, Oregonian. :00 FOR lot, 00x111, on carline. This is a snap; room for 2 houses; fine location. Woodlawn ZSiJ. C 241'9. SKE I.e Noir & Co. for West Side property; exclusive dealers in West Side Realty. fs:iri-7-0'-r of t'ommerce. I HAVE a 50x110 lot on the West Side, close in. in a high-class district, for $750; street graded, sidewalks in. AE 74$, Oregonian. MT. TABOR SECTION! " Bargain In large Ifvel view lots: east front. AP 7S5. Oregonian. ' COLONIAL, HEIGHTS. ! Lot for sale by owner, very low price. X 754. Oregonian. MUST sell Rose City Park lot. on 4tith St.. 100 feet from car; make offer. dee or phone Dunlap at Merchants Nat'l Bank. SNAP Business corner 100x100, end Wood stock carline, i 1500. Terms. Owner, Ta bor 3277. ONE of cost. best Laurelhurst 74rt. Oregonian. lots for sale at 50x100 LOT, USd and Oregon; two block from car; $1100. Xabor 04i i