The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 21, 1912, SECTION TWO, Page 6, Image 22

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Writer Telia of Experience. Whila Beta Treated and Declares Of ficiala Are to Be Commended for Their Excellent
Conduct of Hospital and for Care W hich Is Bestowed Upon All Patients.
IN the Issue of The Oregonlan of De
cember 1 last there appeared an
article by Addison Bennett from the
viewpoint of a visitor recording Im
pressions cleaned during a one day's
Inspection of the Oregon Stale Hospi
tal for the Insane.
Mr. Bennett has received the ap
pended letter from a former Inmate,
gtvin? his impression from the "In
side." The letter, which follows. Is au
thentic: "My Dear Mr. Bennett: Haying Tia
Ited the State Hospital for the Insane.
I presume you are sufficiently Inter
ested In the institution to read, with
out being overly bored, my Impres
sions, being those of a former Inmate.
The detail, however, may cause you to
express the opinion that the 'former
ebould be cut out and that I should
be returned to the "Foolish House." to
a ward where I could not again Inflict
myself upon a confiding public even
through the medium of the malls.
Family Made aer.
I had been on a prolonRed drunk.
That's the word not debauch for I
confined myself strictly to the task: of
drinking whisky. During the weeks
and months I would occasionally sober
Tip sufficiently to realise what I was
doing what damage to myself and
what misery to my family, whom I
dearly love, although my actions belle
It. With that realisation and the aw
f il mental punishment which comes
as aide-de-camp to General Remorse. I
would again 'butt up' against the bot
tle for relief. In order to forget. Each
time the resul's were worse than the
preceding, until my condition was that
of a near nervous and mental wreck.
I was a nuisance. If not a menace F
society; of no use to myself or my
family, and in a brief moment of men
tal decency made up my mind that If I
continued much longer as 1 had been
doins I'd have a whole swarm of 'bees
In my belfry ss Georse Ade puts it.
"I debated the subject with my wife.
ho favored a private sanitarium, but
I realized that In order to be absolute
ly cured I must needs go to some In
stitution where they bad legal author
ity to detain me until such time as in
tie opinion of the physicians I was
a!n Tit." I did not wish to return
home simply 'shaved and sober." await
ing the rlrst temptation to asaln fall
and wallow In the maelstrom of de
Prd. "I communicated with those In
charge of the Insane hospital In alera
and found that they did not encourage
the entry and care of alcoholic patients
at the expense of the state unless their
condition was such as to make their
confinement a question for the good of
"Complying wtth the legal require
ments. I secured a commitment from
the courfof the county In which I re
side, my evident condition corrob
orating my assertion that I needed the
care and treatment.
Aaylasa la Overtaxed.
"I had met one or two of the offi
cials socially or in business and pre
sumed to natter myself upon having
the honor of their acquaintance. If not
their friendship. If I had expected
any consideration at their hands not
accorded the humblest citizen sent to
the Institution. I would have been un
deceived by their reply to my nrst let
ter. Bemember. this "City of the Vn
fortunate.' call It 'Bug House' or 'Silly
House.' T'lppy Dump' or what not, has
a population of upwards of 2000 per
sons and that the facilities accorded
by the state at this ttme are so in
adequate to care for all the state's in
sare that the Ingenuity and executive
ability of the official Is heavily taxed.
That they have been and will be until
relief comes with the completion of the
new hospital In the eastern part of the
state, able to cope with the situation
reflect great credit upon the state.
"I waspt live weeks, and now that
the experience Is over. I am glad I
was accepted glad on my own ac
count and thrice glad that I am In a
condition mentally and physically to
be of benefit to those who trust and
love me.
"After leaving home I took a "last
drink. This 'last' drink was multi
plied so many times that before I
reached Salem 1 had accumulated a
J.ig of such magnitude that I passed
the distance flag and had nearly
reached the finish wire from which
hung that undeslred but Inevitable
prise marked T. T." In monogram, the
letters being cleverly lined by the
twisting and braiding together of
many repulsive snakes and punctuated
with little blue monks with bulldog
-Upon entering and being registered
J was searched, being permitted to
take nothing of value Into the receiv
ing ward. I learned later that the
superintendent had made a rule that
no order a patient mlsht Issue on
funds deposited In the office would be
honored If made payable to an attend
ant. It stands to reason that if any
attendant were willing to permit a p
fent to "slip him a plee of coin for
extra favors, he wouldn't accept the
promises of one who had been "sent
up for being wrong In he nut." as
they hear so many tales of Imaginary
All Treated Alike.
"Thus the former man of standing
lnoks to the attendant Just like the
loorest of them all and all are ac
corded the same treatment. Orders on
ccposited funds, however, are recosr
nued for the purchase of fruit or lit
tle delicacies for which the patient
his friends are willing to pay.
"Once In the ward I was Immediately
plunged Into a hot bath, enrobed In a
clean nightdresa and given a comforta
ble bed upon a cot. The drunken stu
por or slumber left me before day
licht and. as I awakaned, an attend
ant entered and gave me a drink of
water. I talked as eloquently, as
diplomatically and advanced as many
reasons ss any man In my condition
could why I should have, as a matter
or life and death, a drink of whisky,
af was told gently, but painfully direct.
tiat I was there to be cured and that
there wss no boose to be had at any
price. Before the second day of tor
ture by the dying out or removal of
the whisky from my system. I realised
that the attendant had told the truth.
"After three daya In bed I was given
my clothes snd permitted tlTe freedom
of the corridor and then was forcibly
thrust npon me the most effective
temeeranca lesson ever presented to
-It wss not the oft-heard story of
alcohol destroying the mind and trans
forming the cleanly, manly, masterful
man Into a gibberlne Idiot. It was
txere In actuality. Not one. but more
than Si lessons in this one ward. In
the hopeless, demoniacal, paresis and
other wards were more than 1300 ex
amplications of the great truth of the
awtulness of an over-indulgence In al
cohol so often preached Into our ears,
but so seldom heeded.
"la this ward one cases re first
brought for observation, the physi
cians well skilled In the diagnosis of
snental dlseasea assigning Individuals
to various wards after studying the
case or discharging them In due time
when cured..
All ('lasers Are Treated.
"Here I found a former well-known
physician. an attorney respected
throughout the state not so very long
ago for Ms profound knowledge of
the law and bis eloquence In the cotirt
svom. oa the rostrum and in legisla
tive halls: a commercial man who
'made' every town In the Northwest for
the Portland wholesale firm be repre
sented so successfully that he was re
puted to have been paid a salary of
110.000 a year and expenses. There
were mental dereitets from all walks of
life, the downfall of u per cent oi
whom being Irrefutably attributable to
booze. & per cent from depraved prac
t'ces and the other 6 per cent caused
by various reasons, chiefly hereditary.
I give these percentabes not taking
the asylum as a whole, but ward one.
"Christmas day I thought of these
former lolly good fellows' and won
dered If even one of their former roy
etertng companions had proved friend
enough or remembered them sufficient
ly well toall and say a cheering word.
"This ward, in fact all the institu
tion, all parts of which I visited sev
eral times before leaving. Is kept
scrupulously neat and clean. Good,
wholesome food Is provided In plenty
and the 'mad house' stories of bru
talltv so often heard and read of are
al-soiutely refuted as far as this asylum
Is concerned.
"The superintendent has surrounded
himself from the highest sub-offtcial
to the most menial employe with men
and women attendants and helpers who
are absolutelv sober at all times and
places, on duty or off. These officials
and helpers are upholding me nsnas
of their chief In his already proved
theory that gentleness, kindness and
humoring Is the correct method of
handling those whose brains are woe
fully clouded. I found by close ob
servation, and In the latter days of
my stay I made a study of this - ues
tlon and I believe with unprejudiced
and clear mind, that all patients are
attended with the same care and gen
tleness, as If they were cash customers
of a well organized hospital.
Atteadaata JLr Fattest.
"1 have observed very aged and to
tally helpless patients attended and
their beds kept fresh and cleanly win
a patience on the part of the attend
ants hardly to be credited certainly
not exceeded by one's own high sal
aried trained nurse. All this after so
many stories conjuring up the bru
talities of 'mad houses throughout the
country was Indeed a revelation to me.
"There can certainly be no diversity
of opinion regarding the beneficence of
this feature of the "Oregon system' in
caring for the state's unfortunate
"Patients get "brain storm' and be
come violent. These must be strapped
down or cared for In order to protect
them from themselves or Injuring
others. Discipline is rigidly enforced.
Exercise Is accorded all patients able
to leave their beds, but an Intelligent
wateh Is maintained to prevent over
fatigue, and it certainly employs In
telligence to segregate the slilrker
from the patient who has had enough.
Some of the tales of the crafty cun
ning of the Insane are mighty Interest
ing, but If told must form the subject
for another letter.
"During my five weeks' stsy In the
Institution with so many different per
sonalities it would be strange If I did
cot learn much and unlearn a great
many things which I formerly believed.
The newspapers told me several years
ago that a renegade named Ford trai
torously killed Jesse James. This wss
evidently an error, as I met Jesse In
one of the wards. At least he told
me he was that famed outlaw aa he
bade me "bands up."
"I had never hoped for the remark
able opportunity which would bring
me fac to face with the great char
actors of -the world's biblical and polit
ical history. A - o girte-r-bred Indian
claims th title of Saviour and this
particular Christ Is usually accom
panied about the . corridor of thelr
ward by Moses and Solomon In the
persons of an Irishman and a Swede.
"How this Hibernian chose the name
of Moses passes all understanding,
"traage Ilallacloat loaa Fix 1st.
Napoleon hobnobs with and Is a
room-mate- of the Duke of Wellington
and this is not the most peculiar of
the many strange freaks and fancies
which take, possession of a disordered
brain. An ax-saloonkeeper believes
that ho Is Nero and during my stsy I
met and conversed with or. rather,
listened sympathetically to the stories
of Galileo. George Washington (there
are three of him), Richard Mansfield.
I'nrle Joe Cannon. Orovor Cleveland,
Marriage LJcrasee.
Lawrence, city. 2S. and Almlnute Osle
thorp. lrraL
BOOFIKI.D-PRICE Roy O. Sooflald. city.
J J. and Mary A. Price. It-
SCHREIDER-STERZL. Frank Sehralder.
city 1 and Theresa Sterxl. 24
COX-Rtl'KMAN Sdsxd W. Cox, city. IT,
and tHjvH Hickman, 20.
LIND-ftOHNEI.I Henry Uod. elty. 11.
and La!. 24.
GA.ZIRO-BOITANO Joe Gazztro. LsnU.
IT. and J-nrile Lbu. 11.
riL.KE- ALTIVAS.-'KR Christ Ftlske.
cltv. XT. and JuMs Alttvar. Ji.
HAOSTROJi-PE ARSON David Hagstrom.
City. and Anna Victoria Pearaoa. :7.
CHKCK-HF13 Ol'ndon Charles Check.
Vancouver. Wash-, 10, and Varsaret Welsh
Hal city
lty. 13. and Oraca P. tfebwab. II.
t'RAIO-HAI-V Myron fraisV Springfield.
Or. J. an.1 Clin Hsln. .
sen citr. is. and Johanna MaMlnger. lsst
M INTO.M-HKNIHN David Mcintosh,
city. 33. and I.JIjr Hen.irn. 31.
bosh, ntr. 27. and Nanny Carlson. 11
KVARa-PARKKR w. F. Evara. city. Is.
and Sin Emma Ps-ssr. I.
rREEUAN'-rUHKE Thomas T. Free-
T-sn -"v. trs-,' r1 V!a V . t Cs-vs. J7.
1SU W. o. W.. will give m
annual masked bail Tuss.
day evening. Jan. Is. 112,
East Side Woodman's Ball.
E. fta and X. Aider; clo
sest prtsae. Weinberger's
orchestra. Admlsaloa. geats
Wc ladles It.
Fortland Tsnt. . 1. K. O. T. M . and
Portland HI, No. t. L. O. T. M . will hold
lolnt installation Thursday. January a.
li r. U. at K of P. Hall. 11th and Al
der sta. Excellent programme and dance
attar aarvlcaa. Came end ianta your
tvajthow Lorxjm. Ha l
rvevy Tuesday Bight la CasUe Balk
Ilia aad Aider eta .
B. M. LANCt. K. R. S.
OOl-mr FtULB HIVK. No IT. Ladles of
the Macabeaa. maats l ha first aad intra
Thursday evealna at eacB moath la aaUia.
til raw a bait
Will slve a whist and dancing party la the
W. a W Temp o. 12 J 1th st. Jan. IS. Ad
mission lie tnloa music.
will sire a abut and !n-o Tnorsdny arven
n! J.i 3S, W. O. W. HJI, 12 lit St.
W'lntrrtl Art lustra. K-trenmenta
iir.n. '
UHTMAN At thearaily residence. 40
Tillamook ntft. January 10. Hannah
Hartman. asd 7 yeara Funeral an
nouncement later.
DARLING In thls-citv. January 50. llt
K.-lwIn Furane Parllnf. aed 67 yeais S
munthe 1 day. Notice of Xunerai later.
Theodore Roosevelt and others of more
or less lame.
"With these lessons and observa
tions there, before onos eyes and un
deniable; irrefutable that booze will
get the. bettor of and wreck the strong
est intellect, is It strange, that I, with
no such pretentions of mental vigor,
assert determlnslly, Tm done with al
coholics forever." "
County Poor Farm Fire IOM $5000.
EUGENE. Or.. Jan. 20. The main
building of the Lane County poor farm,
erected only last Fall, which was de
stroyed by fire between 9:30 and 12
o'clock, last night. Is supposed to have
caught fire from a defeotlve fireplace,
as the blaze was first discovered In
that vicinity by one of the inmates.
The alarm was at once sounded by B.
F. Russell, keeper of the home, tele
phoned to a number of neighbors who
came and assisted In keeping the flames
from spreading to adjoining buildings.
This building was used as a dormitory
for the Inmates of the institution, sbout
20 In number, and the question of hous
ing them Is a serious one. as all of
them are feeble and In poor health.
The building was Insured for $jOOQ
which about covers the loss.
Yacht Club to Dance Again.
Encouraged by the success of the re
cent ball it gave, the Oregon Yacht
Club will give, another dance at Chris
tenson s Hall the night of February 23.
More than S00 couples were on tho
floor the right of the dance a fortnight
ago. amiil Is thought that more will
attend the next function. The annual
election of officers of the organization
will take place February 27 at the
meeting to be held at the clubhouse.
Palonee Project Advocated.
ington. Jan. 20. B. S. Wadsworth and
W. H. Miller, of Connell. Wash., ar
rived here today and will appear before
the Irrigation committee of Congress
and before the Interior Department to
urge the adoption of the Palouse irri
gation project, which contemplates the
irrigation of 160.000 acres of land In
Franklin County, Washington.
Trade Called Peace Guarantee.
YOKOHAMA. Jan. 20. A banquet In
honor of Charles Page Bryan, United
States Ambassador to Japan, was given
here today by the American Asiatic As
sociation. Mr. Bryan In a speech em
phasized the Importance of the inter
change of trade, the most "practical
guarantee of peace.."
ENGBF.RCJ. st his Into residence, SS Ivy
st . Jon. 20, Olof Enjbers. beloved hus
band of Mary Ensttrn. aso 45 years. Re
mains at Pearson's pnrlois, 8,-il Russ.-ll
St. Kunerol aorvlces will ha held Wsdnes
day. Jan. 24. at 1 P. M.. from above resi
dence, and 1:30 at the Auxuntana Luther
an Church, corner Rodney avo. and Stan
ton st.
BAKER In this city. January 1. at the
family residence. eo Lodd avenue. Isa
bella Baker, wire of John H. Haker and
mother of W. F. Eaker and Lottie Ward,
axed 77 years and 10 months. Funeral
services will bo held at th Christian
Church. The Dailea, Or at 2 P. M. today
(Sunday). Interment Tho Dalies Ceme
tery. CLARK B The funeral of Mrs. Pauline
Clarke, late of 80 Buasell street, who
died In Balero. Or., will be held today
(Sunday). Interment at 2:30 P. M. at
Mount Scott Pork. Portland's lante, new
cemetery. Reached by either Mt. 6.-ott
or Csiaredo cars. Free automobile serv
ice, between Lanta and tho oemetery.
SCOTT At 141 East Stark street. Jan. IS.
Julia Chatam f cott. acad taacs. be
loved wife of Alexander Scott. Funeral
will take place from the parlors ot tne
East Side Funeral Directors. 414 East Al
der strert today (Sunday), Jan. 21. 1 P.
M. Frlenda respectfully invited. Inter
ment Mount Scott Cemetery .
CLARKE The funeral of Mrs. Pauline
Clarke, late of SU4 Ruasell street, who
died at balem. Or., will be held today
(Sunday). Interment at 10:80 A. M. at
Mount ."cott Park. Portland's larse, new
cemetery. Reached by either Mt. Scott
or Casadore ears. Free automobile serv
ice between Lents and the cemetery.
LINBEROER At 174 Edgar street. Ger
trude Ltndberger, aged 41 years. Funeral
will take plaoo from the parlors of the
East Plrte Funeral Directors. 414 East
Alder street today (Sunday), Jan II, I
P. M. Cremation.
3COTT The funeral services of the late
Mrs. Julia Cletham Fcott will be held to
day (Sunday) at 2 P. M. from the parlors
of tho East Fide Funeral Dlrectora In
terment at 3:110 P. M. at Mount Scott
Park Cemetery.
DINGWALL The funeral services of the
lata James M. Dlnswall will be held to
day (Sunday). January 21, at 10 A. M. at
Holman's funeral parlors. Third and Sal
moo streets. Friends respectfully Invited.
Interment Rivervlew Cemetery.
KKPP1.K In thlo city at the residence. 134
E llh St.. Jan. 19, Ray Nepple, aged 19
years. Son of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Neppla
Ramalas shipped to Baker, Or., for Inter
ment. SIMPSON Robert 8. Simpson. horn in
Ruasellvtlle. Ark.. A us. II). l'.'l. died
Jan. 2D. 1K12. at Llnnton. Or. Burial from
Dunning A McEntee's funeral parlors,
today (Sunday . at 2 P. M.
SIMPSON Tho funeral services of the lata
Robert 8. Simpson will be held at Dun
nlnx A McEntee's chapel today (Sund:iy)
at 2 P. M- Friends Invited. Interment
Hose. City Cemetery.
SCHMID The funeral servlcus of Vinson
Schmll will be bold at Flnley's chapel
at 2 P. M. today (Sunday). Friends In
vited. Interment Rose City Cemetery.
NOPPLE 114 East lith street. Ray Nop-
.to. ased It years. Remains shipped to
laker. Or., last evenlnn br Kt Side
Funeral Directors. 414 feast Alder street.
llunnlns at AfKntee, Feaeral llrectora
7tb and fine. 1'bono Main 4111. Lady ae
Utant. Otnee af Coantr Coroner.
A. K. ZLIXKH CO.. &84 Wllllame avo.
Fheaw East loss. C 108. Lady atteodaat.
tl'UAHO HOLMAN CO., Funeral Direct
or, tf Sd st. Lady aaalatant. t'booe M. 7.
J. P FIN LEY A HON.. Sd and Mad
Lady attendant. Phono Male S. A law.
EAST rlllE Funeral Dlreetora. anrreae
to F. 8. Kunnlns. Inc. .. St. B titi.
LF.KCH, t nrtertaker. cor. Fast Alder aad
Willi. Kast 1st. B lass, lady attendant.
Kkewea I'ndertaklns Company, sd aad Clay.
Mala 4144. A till. Ladr Attendant.
The Cemetery Beautiful
M O I K R N. P O K T-
of ail burial plots without extra
"charge. Provided wtth a permanent
Irreducible Maintenance Fund. Lo-
ration Ideal; Just outside the city
Droits on north and west slopes ot
Mount ricolt. containing 33 acres,
equipped with every modern con
r sentence.
f.KltI(E THK HK.T.
L K T i. RKGl'UR
tKHElKHl. it ai tl
BUILDING. iLAIN 125. A 70J6,
a Uuilli PHONE. RING B SU1. TUJill
Z call Local 4201.
OFFICE CITY H.4I.L. Mala .. A 76fc
HtMANK OIUCKR. Sergeant Crate.
Kaaldenco. 24 E. X4th N. alast 4i7.
R. a. Diuunlre. ilea sad Wasco St. W. O.
Eaton, Raa. ! E. 10th. East 11 hi. Horse
Ambulance, A S101. Pr. Ex. A
Nifbta. fcundays and Uojidajr A UMj Pr,
r ' a, Xrun-:
Dally or Sunday.
Tmr Line.
Samondrwoe4nor4lvottmei!!!"I!!I tie
fcnme nd three eonaoentlvo ttraee lOe
name ad sis or seven oonaecntlse times.. See
Kemlttancea must accompany eot-of-tewa
''it ben one advertisement Is not ran In ena
aecullve Isaues tho nne-tlme rate applies.
Mm words count aa ana line on cash, ad
vertisements sad an ad counted for loos
'charge or book advertisements the
rharse will be based on the actual number
o( lineo appenrlns In the paper, regardless of
the number of words In each lino.
In New Today all advertisements are
charged by measure eniy. 14 lines to the
'"Vho eboie rates apply to advertisements
nnder -New Today" and all otnar rtnaallica
tiona esceptlns tne following!
rltuatione Wanted, Mara.
Kltuatinns Wanted. Female.
Oresonlaa will accept classified advertise
snenta ever the telephone, providing the ad
vertiser Is a subscriber to either pbone. tiw
E rices will be quoted ever tbe phone, but
III will be rendered tbe following day.
Whether subsequent advertisements will be
accepted over the pbone depends upon the
promptness of the payment of telephone ad
verrWnienta. Situations Wanted aad Per
sonal advertisements will not be accepted
over tho telephone. Orders for one Inser
tion only wtil be aceepted for "Mouses for
Kent. Furniture for Sale." "Business Oppor
tunities." "Morning-Mouses" and "Hauled
to Kent."
Specially attractive sale by public
auction at residence
"We are instructed by Mrs. H. H.
James to sell by public auction at her
853 Montana Avenue
corner of Shaver etroet (take Shaver
street or Lower Alblna crLtomorrow,
Monday, January 22, at 10 o'clock A. M.,
b11 tho very fine and recently selected
furniture and fittings of residence. In
cluding a very handsome Anglo-Persian
carpet rug. Goveran design; small
er rug of snme deslKn. solid wax fin
ished oak library table and bookcase
of fine design. A splendid Victor
graphophone. with choice records, large
ottk cabinet, as new; tabourette
and palm, comfortable Wakefield rock
er, leather-seat rockers and armchairs,
fine, latest design Morris chair In
leather; costly lace curtains, very
pretty drop reading lamp for table,
costly portieres. 9x12 dining-room rug,
very handsome, large top, solid quar
tered oak extension table; fine dining
chairs In oak and leather, with two
carving chairs: very pretty buffet, all
in rjuarter-sawed oak. en suite; child's
chair, pictures. 10 yards stair carpet,
couch and cover, bedroom carpets,
very handsome Clrcassion dresser and
chiffonier, fine solid Vernls Martin
bedstead, latest design, with the best
springs and wool mattrewses; two Clr
verv handsome Circassian dresser and
chiffonier and tinted iron bedstead,
springs and fine wool mattress; car
pet, fine blankets, bedcomforters, stair
and hall carpets, hall rack In oak,
Axmlnster mat rugs, very fine uni
versal chilled steel rne with com
bination gus plate fited with hot-water
pipes; costlv Leonard refrigerator,
kitchen furniture, garden hose, new
lawn mower, etc All the furniture of
the residence is as good as new. and
the sale affords a fine opportunity to
purchase household furniture. No re
serve. Sale Monday (tomorrow) at,
sharp. 10 A. M.
8. Jj. N. OILMAN, Auctioneer.
Special auction sale of elegant and
recently selected household furniture
and piano at residence
No. 74V2 East 12th
between East Davis and Everett,
January 24th. 10 A. M. We are instruct
ed by Mr. V. B. Johnson to sell without
reserve by public auction, at the resi
dence. No. 74 hi East Twelfth street.
North, between E. Davis and Everett,
on next Wednesday. January .t4th, at
10 o'clock sharp, all, and in detail, the
very elegant household furniture,
piano, rugs, etc. of residence, includ
ing magnificent "Christmas" cabinet
grand piano of fine tone and action,
as new. All goods of latest de
signs., fine quality, curtains, very
handsome portieres, genuine Wilton
rugs. xl2 and S.JxlO.6; costly easy
chairs and rockers In leather, very
handsome Morris chair In leather
cushioned seat and back; fine pictures,
pretty hall seat and ball mirror, small
rugs, vase, center table, exceptionally
choice oak extension table, buffet and
six dining chairs, all up to date, en
suite; fireplace Irons and fender, mat
rugs, handsome dressers, brass, bed
stead with springs and mattress, mat
ting, cot. carpet sweeper, rockers, gas
plate, kitchen furniture, very fine steel
range, complete, etc Buyers will find
this an excellent opportunity. No re
serve. Take East Ankeny or Bose City
cars to place of sale 74 East Twelfth
street between Davis and Everett
Wednesday next, January 24, at 10 A,
M. sharp.
Auction Sale
211 First Street
Four more big dray loads sent in
Saturday for this sale. You will find
furniture of all descriptions for every
body and you will be able to fill the
vacancy In your home at a very small
cost. Vou will find among other nu
merous articles: A Malleable range,
good as new. Jewel gas ranges, (botb
luw and high oven), inlaid linoleum,
kitchen quoens, tables and chairs: also
quartered oak box-seat dining chairs,
round pedestal extension table, buffet,
sideboard, combination bookcase, sani
tary steel couc h and velour couch, pret
ty rr.etal beds, and everything needed
to furnish the home complete. You
will surely be greatly pleased If you
attend this sale. We sell again
At 2 P. M,
ford Arcno?r oo.
Main (961. B 2445.
S13.500 ONLY $13,500
. West Side
Income Property
Best quarter block in the city for
the money. 100x100. First-class im
provements; two buildings, all new,
brinjrinfr good percentage on price
nsked. Can be increased. In location
of rapid development. Ten minutes'
walk of Postoffice. Owner must havs
money. Write me, Box 478, City P.
0 or see my agent, 528 Railway Ex
ihknge Building
JANUARY 21, 1913.
Corner Second and Yamhill
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Each Day at 10 A. M.
Upright Pianos, Organs, Furniture of
all descriptions, up-to-date In style and
equal to new; carpets, rugs, linoleum,
lace curtains, portieres, steel ranges,
gas ranges, heating stoves. In fact you
will find almost anything you may need
at our sales at your own price.
Goods sold at private sal at all times.
Special Auction
M'i are Instructed by tbe owners to sell
thai entire furnishings of tbe
Meredith Apartment House
712 Washington Street
(Xear 22 d arreert.)
Containing about 80 rooms of good,
up-to-date furniture, carpet a, ma a,
draperies, etc., etc., eomprtalng llbras-y
tables, stands, rockers, couches, ward
rob coaches, conch covers, portieres,
draperies, lace curtains, Axmlnster,
velvet aad Brussels carpets, 6x9, 8i3x
10rS aad ftotU nun In tbe various
snakes. Dining suites, Buffet, ex
tension tables, dining chairs with Span
ish leather and saddle aeats, dinner
sets. etc. . ,.
Brass bed a, springs, floss and felt
msr tresses, feather pillows, blankets,
comforts, sheets, spreads and slips.
Dressers, chiffoniers, bedroom chairs
and rockers and other effects.
This modern apartment-house was
recently furnished by one of the lead
ing furniture houses of tbe dry, the
goods are first class and In all tbe lat
est flnisaea, idii ssiie
-a ....-.. .It, n HrfUt fn
alsblng. Such a gigantic sale as this
seldom occurs, bate mesasy next
A. M.
J. T. 'WTLSOV, Auctioneer.
Cash paid for Furniture, stocks
merchandise, etc. Call Main 1626. A 424
At Broker's Auction .House, 153 Park
St. l have the fine furnishings of a
recently furnished private home re
moved to our salesrooms tor roirr,.
i-.m as . i rnmnrlainir mahOsrailV
settee, center tables in mahogany and
quarter-sawed oak, very costly book
case witn glass uuors, secnuust
ease iMIsalnn finished), clotures. Ax
minster and velvet rugs 9x12, leather
couch, library table, hall tree, very
costly Drass electric ana gas "'"
large mirror. The furnishings of 5
bedrooms. viz: Quarter-oak suite,
enameled beds, separate dressers and
chiffoniers, mahogany stands and ped
estals, child's iron crib, quartered-oak
dining-room furniture, combination
bookcase and desk, revolving bookcase,
several oak rockers and chairs, steel
range, gas plate, kitchen cabinet, o'l
beater, utensils, etc
Parties furnishing should not fall to
attend this sale. You are Invited to
Inspect the goods tomorrow (Monday).
Aactloa on uoeaay mi si w w-uuesv.
For this sale we have several con
signments of furniture to offer you.
These goods can be seen on Wednes
day afternoon: auction on Thursday
next at iu ociock.
Furniture Dealers and Auctioneers.
Office and salesrooms 162 Park Bt.
MONDAY, JAN. 22, 10 A. M.
295 Cook Avenue
Take "WilUams-a venue car to Cook;
see flag. I have been Instructed by
Mrs tvilev to auction her beautiful
newly furnished residence to highest
Dlaaers. inis lumuura ih souu e "vu,
no Junk: 4 Axmlnster 9x12 Rugs and
small rugs: quartered oak rockers done
in leather; library table, lady's desk,
quartered oak round extension table
with chairs to match, leather seats:
brass bed, also several Iron beds, coil
springs, best mattresses, blrdseye and
oak dressers. Jewel steel range, with
gas attachment and other things, such
as found In a well-kept residence. Any
one wanting good goods, attend this
on real estate mortgages; must be in
one loan; security must be gilt-edged.
Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
Owner, who must have money right
away, will sell his beautiful West Side
home at a sacrince. it nw iikpjkck
furnace, sleeping porch. hardwood
HOOTS, aen, OUUt-in liomry, uuiici,
end is artistically arranged inside. A
splendid home, being in exclusive dis-
Keal Estate Dept.
Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
"money to loan
We have many clients with many
amounts of money to loan. When an
application is received at this office
there are no delays in telling you
whether the loan is accepted. Call npon
our loan department and let's t&.llc it
Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
Union Avenue
t4x70 cor.. Union and Roselawn aves.
Price S3 BOO. Terms.
243 Stark St.
Union Avenue
A7rJ"l bu's full lot with good,
$4 OU modem, six - roomyi house,
raar Falling street. The three adjoin
ing lots, two of them vacant, just sold
at 115,000. This Is certainly a snap.
Easy terms.
J. D. KEXXEPY, tat Union Ave., K.
Two houses with lot 60x125, at head of
Sacramento. Good as a corner.
Price SSOOO. Make Offer.
343 Stark St.
Mortgage Loans
on Portland business and residence
property at lowest current rates.
6o:i-50H Ablngton building.
Snap Hunters, Attention
Make me an offer for one of the best
boulevard lots in Bay Ocean. Cost $1200,
Is 35x150; fully paid for and deeded.
Cash, only considered, a 748, Oregonlan.
$ 6,250
Elegant new residence,
strictly modern, two
baths, sleeping-porch,
garage: on 22d st, near
Tillamook. It Joins the
finest homes in this city.
Corner, 96x100 with good
12 - room house, com
pletely furnished, three
f rates, hot-water heat:
ine yard. East Sixth and
Ellsworth st. Easy terms
Eight-room modern
house, facing down Yam
hill street, at East Four
teenth. Fine 1 o c a t ion.
Under value and good
terms. See this snap.
$s BOxlOS lot. Union ave..
JlOUU $500 cash and only $25
per month. The best
business lot buy In Port
land. "
Sm o o E? Full l o t o n Broadway,
lOs0 near 29th st. Tour own
t 1 f ftAC- Full corner lot, 15th and
OltlvUU and Marshall, on track.
Will ground lease for a
term of years or build.
Positively the cheapest
lot south of Marshall St.
We prepare forms. Phone us for
rates. Xet us write your insurance.
Phone Main 112, A 74S6. 825 Yeon Hk..
1 $65,000. S. E. corner 4th and
Jefferson, 100x100. All assess
ments paid. Some income now.
This Spring, electric line on 4th
st. Conservative value of $75,
000. Terms. Inquire 903 Yeon
Bldg. Marshall 1456.
60x100; fine. 11-room house: $17,000.
Would accept smaller house up to $4000
in trade. $10,000 may remain on mort
gage. A good purchase in a district
where values are rapidly enhancing.
Exclusive Agents for Choice Properties'
Dorr E. Keasey & Co.
Second Floor Chamber of Commerce
idid Homes Cheap
Nice, five-room, modern bungalow:
East Flanders; lot 50x138; $2750, easy
Swell, .ight-room, modern bungalow;
East Flanders; worth $4600; $3500 takes
it, terms.
Nice Bix-room house, East Twenty
eighth, near Gllsan (lot alone worth
$3000): $3900 takes It, Including hard
surface improvement paid; terms.
Handsome, eight-room, modern home;
corner lot; hard-surface street paid for;
worth $6500; $5000 takes it; terms.
P. DUBOIS, Office 1203 Yeon Bldg.
Finest View
on Willamette
Three and one-fifth acres: fronts on
river; 10 minutes' walk to Rupert Sta
tion; 30-foot solid rock bank; lino loam
soil; under cultivation: small groves of
fir trees scattered over it. Any one
that has seen the Palisades on the
rtudson will appreciate this. Price
4500; $3200 cash, balance two years at
6 per cent interest.
613-514 Selling Bldg., Ops. Oregonlan.
Phone A 7711, Main 4S41.
Members Portland Realty Board.
Wo have 1200 feet in South Portland,
average depth about 600 feet. This
land has deep water running close to
the river bank, which. In addition to
the railroad bordering the west line,
offers unexcelled transportation. Price
$75 per front foot.
The Shaw-Fear Co.
Main 35.
102 Fourth St.
on O.-W. R. & N. track, suit
able for coal or woodyard or
for a supply warehouse. En
tire tract contains about five
acres. Will sell as whole or
subdivide to suit. Price $40 .
per front foot.
Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
Residence Sites
Cornell Road, large lot. tfCCnfl
head of Overton street fUJUU
Cedar Hill, large lot, ad- 7Cnn
Joining lot held at $10,000.. J I JJK?
Thurman-street corner for Clflflfs
sale at..
Goddard & Wiedrick
243 Stark St.
Tn1m R-ronm residence on Kast
Side, only 10 minutes! from business
section, in fine restricted district; must
be sold at once; fireplace, furnace,
sleeping porch, pass pantry, hardwood
floors and every convenience. This
is a chance to buy a fine borne at a
low price.
Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
Are you a responsible tenant?
1 will Duua a biiiuu, mwniji ft.i
ment-house for responsible tenant. Ap-
i - . Tt T r. 7 Ar(.nn I an
24th St
Dairy Farm
For Sale
We are offering one of the bes
farms in the Willamette Valley; 26t
acres, splendid level land, clover
fields, wheat fields, shade trees, river
bottom pasture, pure water and some
fine timber. A good seven-room farm
house, two fine wells, new wire fenc
ing, and 50 acres plowed ready to
plant. This farm is along the Pacitu;
' Highway and the main line of the
Southern Pacific Railroad passes the
place. A good town one mile, and
Portland only 25 miles. Every acr
is suitable for cultivation. Xo waste
land nor rocks. We offer this farm
for $125 an acre. A small payment
down and four years or more to pay
the balance. Before this time expires
this farm will be well worth double
the price, as lands with such advan
tages so close to this great city will
certainly become valuable to the
Wallace Investment Co.
Rooms 517 and 518, Oregonian Bldg.
6th and Madison Sts.
65x70, $27,500; only $6500 cash and
balance at 8 per cent. There will ije
something of great importance an
nounced for this district within 60 days.
Washington St.
between Sixteenth and Seventeenth. 60x
180 through to Couch street; Improved.
Price $70,000; $10,000 cash, balanoe
long time a.t 6 per cent.
Cor. Park and Flanders
Northwest corner Front and Hall
streets, 100x100, adjoining Harrison
j Hotel. Some income. Prloe $17,500, on
very easy terms.
D. Parker Bryon & Co., Inc.
Sole Agents,
50ff Yeon Bldg. Main BOOS.
Member Portland Realty Board.
Fine Corner
west of Fifth and south of Morrison.
Price $20,000. Will take good resi
dence np to $11,000; balance mortgage-
Income Property
West Side, 'close in, fractional lot;
two - story brick, leased five years,
$100 a month. Price $14,500; terms.
r. f."IIyan,
505-7 Chamber of Commerce.
Main 1963. A 1227.
An Excellent
West Side Buy
"We can sell you a fine double flat
building on Porter street, comparative
ly new, in excellent condition, earning
8 per cent net on the investment; with
the contemplated bridge for South Port
land being located In this district when
built, this property will double up in
value. Lot 40x100. Price $10,500 on
liberal terms.
The Shaw-Fear Co.
Main 35
10 Fourth st.
A 3500
18 Per Cent Met
$10,000 cash required" for an elegant,
almost new. Nob Hill apartment-house,
beautifully located in easy walking dis
tance; very apartment rented to per
manent tenants. Price $30,000: income
$3996 a year; balance long time 6 per
cent interest. Address
Owner, D TJQ, Oregonlan.
Apartment Sites
I3d street. 93x100 515,000
20th and Pettygrove, 100xl00..$15,OOO
Kearney st., near 22d, 40x50...$ 3.50O
22d and Pettygrove. 150x100. . S20.000
Goddard & Wiedrick
243 Stark St.
Quarter block, East Burn
side street. Close in. Lone;
term years. M 742 Orego
nian. "
Do You Want to Borrow?
rr.oo. ono, ioo, iroo, isoo, S20O0,
-.-M, gSOOO, 1M.-.IXJ, .", 10,01XI, l4,0Ofl
Real Estate Security.
Geo. H. Thomas
3I7 Oak, Koom 2, Alnsworth Bldg.
A fine business corner on the Sandy
boulevard. This is the only business
block in this restricted district and
this corner has a frontage of llu feet
on the Sandy Road. Price only $1600
this week. Terms $fi00 cash, balance
$100 every six months.
n Torxr. JOHXSOV.
514 Chamber of Commerce bldg.
J JO spalalas Bid. 0V