TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JATJAKT 14, 1912. MONEY IN POULTRY ITALIAN VILLA DESIGN FEATURE OF NEW WEST SIDE RESIDENCE Recently Completed Home of E. E. Coo vert Is Unique In Architectural Scheme Decorations Are Very Elaborate. .YIHamette Valley Is Ideal Lo cation for Industry. F ETTER STRAINS ARE NEED r James Irjden, of Oregoo AgrlcnK tnral College, fiajs Great Field Is Open for Profitable Busi ness In This Stale. - - V--' - : 1 . - . lb -r?.?2V - r' efc -1 In the opinion of Jams Dryden. a member of the faculty of the Oregon agricultural College, the Willamette Valley Is an Ideal location for poultry -alslng and will become In a few years a of the Important poultry producing ctloni of the entire country. In dlS' usslng the situation In Western Ore gon In an article published recently. Professor Dry den said: "lurlnK the past year there has been very sattnrartory development of the oultry industry In Oregon. I Judge his chiefly from the correspondence that comes to the college and expert -neat station. I think I am safe la saying- that the number of letters re- elved by the department Of poultry husbandry has been double the jurn Mr received In the previous year. Let ters come to me about every day la which the writer says 'I am going Into the poultry business, and they come rom every county In the state. Caatera Peseta latereeteeV "There has also been a large corre spondence with people In the Eastern late- who are thinking of locating In regon and going Into the business of oultry. raising to a greater or less ex ent. If every correspondent who said le Intended tr come to Oregon and en gage In poultry raising has followed ip his Intention and located here. It nould mean a considerable addition to he poultry production of the state In as near future. "But the chief Increase In produo ion comes from people already located ere. who are either starting In the susiness or increasing the size of their locka Nor should It be forgotten that he farmers are studying better meth ds of poultry. keeping. They are be ginning to realize that to get results rom the flock It must be given Intelli gent care. Just as murh as. If not more. nan any other branch of rural Indus- A large part of my correspondence owes from the city of Portland. This ndiratea that city people are either ttrmptlng to solve the shortage In rrsh earns on the back lot. or are go ng to break loose from the city and et back to the farm. Then the subur- an residents of the city, with an acre r two. are finding In a flock of poul- ry a pretty sure means of adding to heir Income, and at the same time glr- ng them' a little taste of rural pur- ulu. If anyone should doubt this, let lm take a trolley ride out 10 or 20 titles from the city, and he will very Ikely hear more talk about chickens on he car than about any other subject xcept the weather. Dlatrtrt Adapted, te ladaarry. 'After studying the situation over arefully. I believe, so far as Winter gg produqalon la concerned. It Is an aeier- proposition to get eggs In the Willamette Valley than It la In the Eastern states, where snow covers the ground for two or three months of the ear. With proper housing or shelter sd dry scratching sheds. It Is possible get a good egg yield In w Inter In Western Oregon. "Of course. It Isn't all In the climate. r In the house, or In the general care. rhe main factor, after all. Is the hen erself. Too can't get blood out of a urnlp. any more than you can get eggs nit of some hens. "Ton can't pull down the sun or the tars and Stripes, nor can you pull own the eggs. It Is a question very argely of tue hen herself, and It Is -lot the fault of the hen very often hat she does not lay. It la the fault f her parents or grandparents. In the same yard In which we secured the ecord of S. another hen of the same reed and with the same care produced another J", both good-looking bens. Is a question of breeding. "It seems to me that the only method o make rapid progress la for the farro- rs of each state to co-operate In de veloping strains or breeds of fowls of lgh productive qualities. If the farm- rs would set themselves earnestly to reeding from their best layers and dle- ardlng the poor. In a few years I be- leve there would be a tremendous In- rease In the poultry products. There s practically only one way to do It. and that Is to go after the Individual ien. It Is a question of Individuals, tnd the only way to discover the good ayers Is to keep a record of each hen :n the floe It. If the farmers would do -hla. It would add. In a few years, mll .ion of dollars to the value of poultry products in each state, and In place of laving II. ooo.ooo. 00 worth of eggs a year throughout the nation, there would be a I J. 000. OOO.OOO or Il.004.u00.- ) Industry." Residence Property Hold. Sales reported by Charlea Klngler A Co. last week were aa follows: C it- Lewthwalte to Ltr. frank V. Taylor, to by 100-foot lot on Hazelfern place, near Glleaa street. Improved with a seven-room dwelling; considera tion l100. Lot I In block I, in Laurelhurst. from J. W. Pearl to T. O. Montgomery, (or 11500. Lot IS. In block sS. from Laurelhurst Company to Rose Leland. Cor 11600. Mrs. J. E. Larned to C K. Henry, three lota In Lediitngton Court, for 13100. These lots are directly across the street from Mr. Henry's home. Falls City Land In Demand. FALLS CITT. Or, Jan. II. - Spe cial. Orchard "land in this vicinity Is in demand and sales are being made almost dally. Experts declare that the hill land here Is aa good as ths Rest In Oregon for orcharding. The soil la comparatively free frm rocks and water Is found In abundance every where. It la now more apparent that the future prosperity of this section must depend upon the development of agriculture and horticulture. Two Dwelling to Rise. Two modern residences will be built in Gleneyrle Addition, north of Irv Ingtoa, by the Colonial Construction Company. Both houses will contain hardwood floors and all modern con ventsncee. including fl replace On will coat ttiOQ and the other I6S00. The contracts have been let for the con struction of the dwellings. padding Is Leased. A 10-year lease has been taken on the two-story brick building at the southwest corner of First snd Morri son streets by O. H. IJammeier. of the DtmmstN" Investment Company. The property Is owned by Leo Fried Ac cording to the terms of the lease, Mr. Lam malar agrees to pay a rental of - W err i v. ..--.ti!W'iMeS I i-" 1 i" i w r j I ,1 H 1 "i ,t ' ' I . ' -WsL- -'L - " e. 1 I .''.T ' . . s ) -t. r - iT'j-'X "s. i. -''Ib t r.- f st iHsas. ssSxl aauaaa eh . . satv-Jl - - . 1 : -'-i .''. " J - - V -..V- - ; z tX ) f .,i-i-rwZ;7i - v v -- - 4. t "- .-s - --r ' '" .' :- - -- -"-n vr ''- 0' - v. . - v ,- . . -fj COMMANDING a fine view towards ths north and east, the Italian vil la of E. E. Coovert. recently com pleted on the high slope on Johnson street, between Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth streets, la one of the moot striking residsnces built on the West Bide during the past year. The style of architecture la similar to the type In vogue In the southern part of Europe and Is a marked Innovation In home-bulldlng In the Northwest. From the heavy concrete approaches, with gerege arrangement underneath. the plan of the entire building la unique and well adapted to the modern home owner's comfort. The exterior la of cement stucco, with wood trimming, shaded with a light cream tint. The tower and front bay roofs are of red tile and on the west side la a Urge exposed red pressed brick chimney, producing a decided contrast to the dark evergreen bills In the background. The Interior of the home la replete with attractive features. The archl- SI ZOO a month nntll the lease expires. Nearly all space in tha building has been sub-le. New Bung-alow Purchased. J. J. Reeky lsst week purchased from Love at Kennedy a new nve-room bun galow on Rodney avenue.. In Piedmont, for !l!00. The house is modern and was completed recently. Portland Man Bny Tract. The Lewis River Land Company, of V . a N haa rloaed a deal with William Krelsel, a pioneer Port land resident. lor a -acre u. u a tectural scheme of the combination mu slo and drawing-room la of the Ionio classical style, with heavy ornamental plaster beams arched each way to a plaster cornice, giving the effect of a high-dome ceiling. The cornice la supported by fluted pilasters. To the west end of ths room la a large tile fireplace), with long Roman art glass wlndowa of a beautiful rose design. Imbedded In antique copper. At the other end of the room la the pipe or gan platform, with attractive art glass wlndowa The wall decorations are tapestries, the floor Is oak and the lighting fixtures are old Roman can delabra. Leading from the drawing room through French doors to the front la a glass-enclosed conservatory. The dldlng-room la cut off from the living-room by sliding glass doors. An artistically detailed buffet Is the chief ornamental feature of this room. The walls are hung with hand-painted Jap anese grass cloth. On the main floor are also two bed rooms, butler's pantry, kitchen, maid's lsnd above Woodland, on the Lewis River. Mr. Krelsel's son will remain permanently on ths place, but Mr. Krel sel and other members of tha family will use It as a Summer home. He In tends to Improve the plaoe with a splendid log bungalow and other good buildings. Bker Clay to Be tsed. BAKER. Or.. Jan, 11. (Special.) The Baker Fire Clay Company yester day shipped ll tons of clay to Port land to mix with a Portland clay for the manufacture of fire clay producta Heretofore this clay has been Imported from England, and samples from Baker nave led Portland manufacturers to r i f. - - , " room and bath. A special feature of the bathroom Is a sunken bathing pool. This room la finished entirely in white glased tile. The entire floor Is decorated In cream white enamel and mahogany. In the basement there is a suite of rooms, consisting of a living-room, bedroom, guest's room and shower bath to be used exclusively by Mr. and Mrs. Coovert'a two sons. The main feature of the boys' living-room is a massive tapestry brick inglenook fireplace. Tapestry wall decorations are another feature of this ceom. The remainder ot the baaement is devoted to the boiler-room, laundry, wine cellar and frultroom. The roof construction contains unique features. The rear portion Is used as a pergola roof garden. The bell tower. In front. Is arranged for a spacloua den or library. The building throughout Is handsomely furnished and In keeping with the general de sign. The building was designed by Rob erts fc Roberts, Portland architects. believe that It can be procured in Baker and save the cost of bringing It across ths water. Wlllamlna. Ask Better Service. SALEM. Or, Jan. II. (Special.) A delegation of citizens from Wlllamlna appeared before the State Railroad Commission yesterday relative to ths complaint as to the Sheridan Wlllam lna road. The citizens are desirous of having a suitable station and declare that the track is In unsuitable and un safe condition and should be repaired. They also wish the regular evening train, which waa discontinued some time ago, placed back en the road as a carrier for passengers. When these fearful Elements of Filth get to gether in a bunch, you can understand what sort of at' mosphere you've been living in. These are the occupants of every building where garbaga and refuse collect. They don't pay any rent. On the contrary they collect a terrible toll. When the KEWANEE GARBAGE BURNER comes in these awful things go out. The burner leaves them no provocation to stay. It burnsi all waste vegetable matter before it can ferment and develop into garbage. It turns the waste matter into fuel and not a solitary odor arises from'the burning filth. It leaves your entire premises clean and sweet and healthfuL Don't you know in your heart that in a mighty short time every Board of Health in America will compel the use of these garbage burners in every building in the land? Don't you know that a campaign against the garbage can will beat your campaigns for pure foods and against patent medicines a whole city block i Think of tho millions of children in America who today ara at the mercy of the filthy garbage can and the rats and mice and flies it draws and holds. The KEWANEE GARBAGE BURNER is the only successful device in existence that will destroy garbage while it is wet burn it without odor turn it into fuel and make it reduce the size of your coal bills. The burner is built of the same splendid olid steel plate of which Kewanee Firebox Boilers are constructed, and will outlast any building in which it is placed. It is connected with your hot water and the burning refuse and garbage keeps the tank hot. Seasd for Rterature tefnae; all abosst Aa Kanrmaa Garbage Bernssr. Get la abessi ef tbe bealth authorities. DOUBLE TRACK URGED SEVENTH - STREET PROPERTY OWNERS SEEK RECOGXITIOX. Improvement Plans Also Call for Widening lower Part ot Avenue From 60 to 80 Feet. The development of Seventh street within the past year Indicates that it will eventually become one of the prin cipal thoroughfares running; north and south In the business district of the city There was expended last year a larg-e sum In new buildings on this street, while this year It Is believed that Seventh-street Improvements will be even much more extensive. Two propositions, each of which is considered Important to the develop ment of the street, are now before property owners. One of the projects Is to extend the width of the street from 60 to 80 feet between Burnside street and Hoyt street. It Is announced that virtually all property owners on this street are In favor of the move ment. News was received last week that the Government would not object to the plan of taking a strip ten feet wide from In front of the new Post office site and the Custom-house. With this feature of the Improvement plans settled. It Is expected that definite ac. tion will be taken soon towards widen ing the street. The other proposition desired by ths property owners is the adoption of a franchise providing for a double-track carllne up Seventh street as far south as Jefferson street. The question was before the City Council last week., By unanimous vote of the street commit tee It was decided to require the Port land Railway, Light & Power Com pany to ae-ept the franchise calling for a double-track line up Seventh te Jefferson street. BRIDGES AID DISTRICT APARTMENT-HOUSE AND BUSI NESS CENTER TO DEVELOP. About SO Blocks Between New Rail road and Broadway Spans In cluded In Activity. That the district on the East Side between the new railroad bridge and the new Broadway bridge Is destined to become an Important business and apartment-house center, is the belief of many realty brokers and property owners. The railroad bridge approaches the East 8ide at Oregon and Larrabee streets, while the Broadway bridge la In direct line with Broadway street. All of the area Included between Lar rabee street and the waterfront and be tween the two bridge streets contains about 60 full blocks. With the excep tion of some business buildings on Holladay avenue near the approach of the old Steel bridge, the present Im provements In this district consist of dwellings and flats. - There are sev eral full blocks which are vacant and never have been Improved. This district Is within the nnle cir 9ILER BRICK-SET STEEL FIREBOX BOILERS, RADIATORS, TANKS AND KEWANEE WATER HEATING GARBAGE BURNERS. Kewanee, Illinois Branches: New York, Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City and Los Angeles Portland Agent, Crane Company, Fourteenth and Irving Sts. cle and Is about the same distance from Third and Washington streets aa the carbarns on Upper Washington street! When the two bridges are completed and a large part of the car service covering the north East Side Is diverted from the Burnside streetcar route. It Is pointed out that this district will be directly benefited by the change. There are several plans under con sideration for the Improvement of the district in the way of modern business buildings, apartment-houses and flats. morrreys Claim Winters' Dee 1o Purely Shows Signs or Changes. .' Evidence thst add had been tlKWl ' te deed brought forth by WUI,B. Pvri naer head of a religions mission ' e north end. to the property jsf Jo inters, deceased, came out in theh . uub morning In - the circuit - suit la by the adrainlstratrSi Batta, against Pardy, wtw operty Hy vlr n of autCc1 -ras s ten A- :TEAR OFF ANDl MAIL THlSJoA EVIOENCEOFACID , if WANTED AT ONCE to get in touch with -persons interested in starting saw and planing mills, sash and door factories, fruit canneries, creameries, vinegar works, drugstores and business enterprises of various binds. Splendid opportunity to locate on small tracts in the Tualatin Valley country, near new town of North Plains. Three churches, school house, fine country residences and business houseB in course of construction. ELECTRIC TRANSPORTA TION, WATER AND LIGHTS. For particulars call or write, RUTH TRUST COMPANY 235 Stark Street PORTLAND, OREGON Main 5076 A 37T4 CPANT Reoently the old Holladay Hotel build-i ing was remodeled, with storerooms on the ground floor and lodging rooms on the second and third floors. One block north on Holladay avenue, O. A. Lyman Is having erected a three-story struc ture to be used for hotel purposes. The building will have a full basement and store rooms on the first floor. It will have a pressed-brlck exterior and will be one of the nicest buildings on ths East Side. This extract from the Jour nal shows one of the thou sand and more ways in which the buyer of real estate may lose. The best protection is guaranteed by our Certificate of Title. Investigate. Call for booklet. i Titlp 3) Trust vuiuuauj M T . 1 1 V roruana, Oregon Title A Trust Co., Portland. Send me your booklet, free. Name, Address. i