THE SUXDAT OREGOXIAN. PORTLAND, JANUARY 14, 1912. SHOW SEASON NOW SELT-STARTDTQ MACHINES THAT ABE VYING FOB POPULARITY WITH KOBTHWEST MOTORISTS. BIG GAIN IS IDE HOLDS AUTO STAGE MIND A BLANK? Electric Automobiles Rapidly WE HAVE THEM FOR STATE AUTO LICENSE Forging to Front. Manufacturers Will Be Kept ARCHER & WIGGINS CO. N, W. Corner Sixth and Oak Streets GOOD AUTO AND SPORTING GOODS Busy During Next Three Months by Exhibits. WIDER FIELD GIVEN CARS 4 TRIO or f '- - --snT jT t j. va.w.aj.e--, g -d MANY DISPLAYS SCHEDULED World' Greatest Exhibit of Motor Cam, Now In Progress in New York Proves Most Sue cessfnl Ier Ileld. Autoraoblls shews will continue to monopolise the spotlight throughout tha Winter and early Spring. With the number of motor car manufacturers in creased considerably since lsst rear, 1111 exhibits will be more stupendous than ever before and the number of displays recognised by the makes has grown In proportion. The show season was opened with the Buffalo exhibit, under the ausptcei of the automobile club of that city, the largest organisation of Its kind In the world. The Buffalo ex hibit proved the most successful, both from a financial standpoint and the number of sales made as a consequence, that the New Tork Club has ever held. Before the Buffalo show closed, the display of foreign machines, now an annual event, was opened In the Hotel Astor. New Tork City. It was held by the Importers Automobile Salon. The foreign cars were exhibited from Jan uary a to 10. New Tork City has seen the coming and passing of another motor car ex hibit this year, that held under the auspices of the National Association of Automobile Manufacturer. That ex hibit opened January ( and closed yes terday. Novelties Featare Shew. The most Important show thst will be held this year, of course. Is the one now In progress at Madison Square Garden. New Tork. under the auspices of the Automobile Board of Trade, formerly the Association of Licensed Automobile Manufacturers. Every motor car manu facturer of note the world over has one I or more models on exhibition there. This exhibition hss produced more freak designs and novelties In motor car construction than has ever been gathered together. Manufacturers gen erally have used their utmost efforts to attract attention to their products and to do this many have gone to the extreme in building something that is new. There are over 300 different mod els of motor cars on exhibition there. Scores of dealers from all parts of the United States and Canada flock to the big city during show month. It Is there that tbey meet the big men of the automobile Industry. They have an opportunity of viewing at close run all the latest things on the mar kst and many go there to contract for new agenciea . Probably the most Important motor vehicle display, from a tmslness view point, will be held In Chicago. This show, which will open January J7 and close February 10, will be the 11th an nual exhibit of the National Association of Automobile Manufacturers In the Illinois metropolis. It Is said that the New Tork show Is more In the nature of a society affair than a business one. Many automobile men contend that more business Is done as a direct re sult of the Chicago show than any other. While the prominent automobile en gineers of the L'nlted States are gath ered In New Tork this week the annual meeting; of the Society of Automobile Engineers will be called. This session will last three days, opening Thursday. -S eat Panned I Shews. la glancing over the list of automo bile shows that will be held this yesr. It Is noticeable that the West evidently has lost Interest In shows. Neither Sn Francisco or Los Anaeles. the distrib uting points for California: rallas, the motor car hub of Texas: Portland and Seattle, distributing points for the Northwest, have planned any shows. With show time here, the Portland dealers are beginning to mourn the fart that there will not be any exhibit held here this year, and In all probability none during 113. unless the proposed Auditorium l erected. Efforts were made by the Portland Automobile Club to promote a show but It was found that the distributers larked Interest. Practically every Portland dealer Is In hearty favor of an automobile show, but all declare that there Is no place sufficiently larxe to hold one. It costs no Insignificant amount to get ready for an automobile show, even on the comparatively small ecale one would be conducted In a city the s:se cf Portland. Yet the dealers, as a whole, are In favor of the expense, for they believe that their money would come back In the Increase In sales pro moted by the show. "An automobile show In Portland would be to the Northwest dealers what the big Eastern shows are to the East ern distributers." says J. E. Msxon. Ores; on distributer for the Warren. "The numerous subdeaiers of the terrl. tory would gather here, learn much and gain more enthusiasm. It would tend to make them work all the harder and the country sales undoubtedly would have a marked Increase. Shows have proven a great boom to the auto mobile business In the past and I know If we could have one here this Winter It would help the trade wonderfully." Dealers raver Ki a I kits. This sentiment is expressed largely by every automobile dealer In the city. All are alive to the benefits to be de rived from a show snd It there was any place spacious enough to accom modate the demands of the dealers there would be one held. Following Is a list of some of the Important shows that will be held dur ing the comlne three months: January Eleventh annual au tomobile show, under the auspices of fetrott Automobile Peelers' Associa tion. Wsyne Pavilion. IVtrolt. January 2 to February 10 Eleventh annual shew In the Coliseum and First Kegtment Armory, Chicago, under the auspices of the National Association of Automobile Manufacturers. Jsnusry 13-2? Annual Philsdelphla automobile show. First snd Third Kegt ment Armories, under the auspices of the Philadelphia Automobile Dealers' Association. January li-i Twelfth annual show. commercial division. Automobile Board of Trade. Madison-Square Garden. New Tork. January IS-Ti Fourth annual Mil waukee automobile show, under the ausptces of the Milwaukee Automobile lealers' Association. January S3-: Annual show, under the auspices of the ilnoo. Island Li censed Automobile Healers' Associa tion. Providence. January Eleventh annual auto show, Detroit, under the auspice of the lttxrolt Automobile Iv-alers' Associa tion. February II Annual automobile ht5 - K - iir v s . - r-v l 2 rwr- t-. - z-f J? ft 'Trmr f:. v O S.. 'i::. ' - c j wi.v. --o. ;-55 iT -' ' "3--. r ; - "Jvat, 'l-lCtf'w ' " j-r-v. - VA- . Pfk'r ..7 i lis is si S"s4tSBw ttXWx 1 izi r - ir.' .:"! t ssse-.-.,---v .; i i . . VI . -- s ' Each of the autmobllrs shown above are equipped with widely different self-starting devices. The Chalmers "36" has the compressed air type, the Cadillac the electric system and the Reo theacetylene gas. All three are said to have withstood remarkable tests. The stripped chassis of the Cadillac has at-tractd a great deal of attention. The entire workings of the automobile are plainly seen. at at at at show, under the auspices of the Auto mobile Ielers' Association of Albany, N. Y. February U-lT-Annual auto show at Troy. N. Y. February 6-10 Annual show, pleas ure csr exhibit. St. Louis. February 13-17 Annual show, com mercial car division. St. Louis February 13-17 Annual show Kansas City. Mo. February 14-17 Annual show Grand Rapids. Mich. February 17-14 Annual show Newark. N. J. February 17-11 Annual show Minneapolis. Minn, under the susplces of the Minneapolis Automobile Dealers Association. Fe-bruary Annual show of the Automobile Club of Maryland and Bal timore Auto Dealers Association. Bal timore. February 19-33 Cincinnati show, undor the auspices of the Cincinnati Automobile Dealers' Association and the Automobile Club of Cincinnati. March 2-9 Pleasure car show, under the auspice of the Boston Automobile Dealers' Association. March i-9 Annual show at Denver, under the auspices of the Denver Auto Dealers' Association. March 13-20 Commercial vehicle show. Boston, under the management of the Boston Commercial Motor Ve hicle Dealers- Association. PATHFINDER ADOPTS STARTER Electric lAgUl System Also Included In Cr New Features. The next Tatflnder that arrives In Portland will be equipped with an elee-trlc-llght system and an electric start ing device- The system used Is said to be similar to that employed on the Cadillac Word of the new features combined In the Psthftnder wss received Friday by Edward Gerllnger. of the Stoddard Dayton Auto Company, who has the Oreson distribution of the car. The Pathfinder has not been In this terri tory verv Ions:, but since Its recent arrival has made a decidedly favorable Impression. TRUGKTRADE LOOMS BIG iivge saxes dttrixg coming 90 davs predicted. Salesman Finds Great Demand for Commercial Vehicles After Long Business Trip. On hia return from a 12,000-mile trip, which extended over a period of two months, George L. Sullivan. Also sales representative of the American Locomotive Company, tells of the spread of the motor truck Into the smaller cities. According to Sullivan the leaders in business all over the country are mo torizing their hauling system. "The time has gone by to say that the motor truck la 'coming,'" says Sul livan. "Anyone who doubts thst it has actually arrived and has made a permanent place for Itself In business, as secure aa the telephone or type writer, needs only a trip of a few weeks through the bigegst cities In the country to make him realize the large proportions of the motor truck Indus try. "All over the country men at the heads of big businesses will buy motor trucks In the Spring. They have in vestlxated and have Inevitably arrived at the conclusion that the motor truck Is a saving In time and money. I be lieve that more motor trucka will be sold In the next 90 days than In any oher like period since trucks became a commercial factor. "I know of one city of 92,000 people In which eight trucks will be sold be fore the first of February. Five of these will go to one house, a big- de partment store with branch stores over considerable territory. "They will use three types of trucks. probably two-ton. five-ton and six and one-half-ton capacities. Another truck In this same city will haul meat from a town 1 miles away and the packing house which will buy It expects to dou ble Its carrying capacity. "In another Western city a moving and transfer concern with a great deal of heavy, long-distance hauling to nearby towns, will add motor trucks to take care of this end of its business alone. One man In an Eastern city Is figuring on ten trucks to be fitted with streetcar bodies, to compete with streetcar lines. "In one city, which has not more than 76.000 people, 4he hauls are all comparatively short, but a bright truck dealer worked out a plan by which five business houses, all of different types, could purchose six trucks. These are to be used on a community basis, thereby saving each member of the combination a considerable amount of money and a great deal of time. "The thing that Is most Impressive in the truck business today is the great demand and the fact that the broadest-minded business men of the entire country have recognlxed the superior ity of the truck and have decided to adopt it." VOX-STOP TEST BOOSTS TRUCK Gruelling GTlnd Puts Power Wagon In High Favor. After one week of night and day service for the Adams Express Com pany. Philadelphia, the Alco truck ended a run that haa emphasized viv idly the superiority of the motor truck in the hauling of merchandise. Many tons of goods valued at hun dreds of thousands of dollars were transported In the course of the truck's continuous duty. An official of the express company declared that the motor truck in this run was "better than any six two horse teams we have." During the day the service consisted of trips between express company of fices, large business houses and resi dences, in the evening the work waa between express company and rail roads or docks. This run Is the first in which a mo tor truck hss been in actual service night and day without the atopping of I the motor. j Carrying Capacity and Mileage of Electrics Greatly Advanced Dur ing Tear of Vast Im provement Work. NEW TORK. Jan. It. (Special. Eighteen different makes of electric vehicles will be exhibited at the New Tork and Chicago automobile shows this Winter. Eight of these will be displayed at the Madison-Square Gar den Show, from January to 10, six others at the Grand Central Palace show from January 10 to 17, and It makes at the Chicago show in the Coli seum and First Regiment Armory from January 17 to February II. The appended list shows where each company will exhibit its product and the class of vehicles that will be dis played. Several makes that are new to the public will be seen this year. These are the Argo passenger and com' merclal cars, the Bronx commercial ve hicles, the Flanders electric passenger cars, the General Motors electric trucks, the Standard electric passenger cars and the Ward delivery wagons. Silent transmission and direct drive by shaft and enclosed gear are notable developments In electric cars which contribute to quiet operation, clean liness and reduction of wear. In bodies the Colonial coupe, with in side control. Is one of the striking in novations of the season. In the com mercial cars the carrying capacity ranges from 800 pounds to five tons. By the reduction of weight and fric tion and the use of improved batteries, the speed and mileage capacity have been greatly Increased. Business ve hicles are now well suited for use in suburban service for trips of 40 to 60 miles, while passenger cars can be used over good country rosds. In fact, nearly all of the leading electric car makers are now producing new run about and cross-country models -n the lines of gasoline cars that have a speed of 30 miles an hour and mileage capacity of 100 miles or more. Anderson Electric Car Company, Anderson, Ind. Passenger and com merclal cars, Madison Square Garden and Chicago. Following are the names of exhibit ing concerns and places of exhibition: Argo Electric Vehicle Company, Sag inaw Mich. Passenger and commer cial cars. Grand Centre! Palace. Baker Motor Vehicle Company, Cleveland. O. Passenger and commer cial cars, Madison Square Garden and Chicago. Broc Electric Car Company, Toledo, O. Passenger cars, Chicago. Bronx Electric Vehicle Company, New Tork City Commercial cars. Madison Square Garden. Columbus Buggy Company, Colum bus. O. Passenger cars. Grand Cen tral Palace and Chicago. Flanders Manufacturing Company, Pontlac Mich. Passenger cars, Madi son Square Garden and Chicago. General Motors Truck Company, De troit, Mich. Commercial cars, Madison Square Garden and Chicago. General Vehicle Company, New York City Commercial cars, Madison Square Garden and Chicago. Hupp Corporation, Detroit Passen ger cars. Grand Central Palace and Chicago. Ohio Electric Car Company, Toledo, O. Passenger cars. Grand Central Pal ace and Chicago. Rauch & Lang Carriage Company, Cleveland. O. Passenger cars, Chi cago. Standard Electric Car Company, Jackson, Mich. Passenger cars. Grand Central Palace and Chicago. Studebaker Automobile Company, South Bend, Ind. Commercial cars, Madison Square Garden. Walker Vehicle Company, Chicago Commercial cars. Grand Central Palace and Chicago. Ward Motor Vehicle Company. New Tork City Commercial cars, Madison Square Garden. The Waverley company, Indianap olis. Ind. Passenger and commercial cars, Madison Square Garden and Chi cago. Woods Motor vehicle Company, Chi- casro Passenprer cars, Chicago. The New WARREN "12-30" A Development Not An Experiment The 1912 Warren "12-30" comes to you aa a car that is old and yet new. Old, . in the sense that every detail of its construction has been thoroughly tried out and proven best. New, in the sense that in every feature it is strictly up to date. Thus at one and the same time you get an up-to-the-minute car and a car of which every detail has been demonstrated a car of absolute certainty. Portland-Detroit Auto Co. J. K. MAXON', Maaaa-er. Fourteenth and Couch Streets. Phones: Marshall 1566, A 2103. AUBURN Aabarn Motor Car Co. EOBT. SIMPSON, Mgr. 505.7 Burnside Street A 7339, Main 2674. BALLOU 8 WRIGHT Largest Stock Automobile Accessories M. & W, G. & J. and Hartford Tires, Monogram Oils 80-82 Seventh St, Cor. Oak. Portland, Or. Atterbury Truck Columbia Carriage & Auto Works, Agts, 209-211 Front Street. Phone Main 2892. General Anto Repairing. Bodies and Wheels Built to Order. BOWSER GASOLINE and OIL TANKS STORAGE SYSTEMS FOB Pl'BUO 4SD PRI VATE! OARAGES, I. D. Stoddard. Act. SOS Colom Bla Bids. Mala 1T Braly-Du Bois Auto Co. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Phones A 3881, Main 4880 31-33 N. 19th, Near Washington Crowe Auto Co. Sixteenth and Alder Streets RAMBLER STUTZ MARION K-R-I-T MAIS TRUCK (Gear Driven) The Best American-Made Track r Distributers for Oregon and Southern Washington. CoLg Unit Power Plants Patterson 25 1 S 85. ait c. p- i 4 J51250. TWITCHELL MOTOR CAR CO., 1 5th and Washington Phones Main S46S, A 328. JOHN DEERE PLOW CO. Northwest Distributors, EAST MORRISON AND SECOND STB. Phones: E. 3887, B 1625. FORD The car that comes fully equipped Best for the Money Ford Motor Car Agency A. J. Edwards. See. and Mar. ES. 8th sad Hawthorne Anne. Ftaoae East MS. ? TIRES V ulcanlslns- A Retreading. B. E. BLODO BTT, 2S-31 IT. 14th. Mala 7005. J.W.LEAVTTT&CO. Tom A. Deerina. Mgr. 529-681 Washlnstoa St. Dlstrlbntor (or Oregon, Washlaa-toa. California and Nevada. THE AMERICAN 1812 TJIVDERSLinvG. A Car for the Dlnerlmtnatlnc Few The Safest Car on Earth. GARAGE- STORAGE WEPAIRING. Nob Hill Garage & Auto Co., Inc. 90-90 Kearney- St, Between Twenty-first and TwentT-seeosid. IS APPEESON STEARNS REO NORTHWEST AUTO CO. DISTRIBUTORS F. W. VOGLER, President Fifteenth and Alder Sts. Phones Main 7179, A 4959. PREER CUTLERY & TOOL CO. Headquarters for Shop Supplies and Automobile Tools 74 SIXTH AND 311 OAK STREETS Schacht Motor Car Co. COMMERCIAL AND PLEASURE CARS COR. FIFTH AND HOYT STS. Oar Motto: "Quality and a Square Deal" Western Hardware & Auto Supply Co. SEVENTH AND PINE STREETS Vulcanizing, Hardware and Auto Supplies. Phones: Main 8828. Home A 2016.