The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 07, 1912, SECTION FIVE, Page 2, Image 52

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Big Percentage of Students Pas3 Summer Vacations in Working in Mines or for Power Companies Classroom Studies Devote Part of Courses to Non-Technical Branches.
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LhliE. Corral Ila. Jan. . (Spe
cial.) It ln't only within the
conflnca of th collrce that U.a engt
nwrlnj atudrnta at Or con ArrlcuU
tural Cullree g-rt their tralninc. Each
Summer aces a general exoUua of the
englnrrr to work In different part of
the country. Laat Summer a party of
the mining enirlneera. who had one
mora year to get their degree, took
the ateamer from Seattle aa soon aa
arhool closed and apent the Summer In
Alaska exploring: the gold field near
the Arctic Circle and learning tha
methoda of mining; and handling; the
products of mine In tha practlcai work
which they did while on the trip.
Tht type of trip la not undertaken
for pleasure, but t In tbo nature ot
preparation for the work which will
com after th achooldaya are oyer.
Maar Kara Kdaeatlsav
Many of th young; men In tha dif
ferent branche of engineering ar
working their way through college,
and It Is necessary for them not only
to earn their own livelihood during th
vacation, but also to set aa:d enough
to allow them to carry on their work
i"7T"ND famuel took a ston and
J railed th nam of It Ehenejer,
saying. "Hitherto th Lord hath
klpd us." Ftnutl I., rll: is.
First of all In that test, notice the
acknowledgment that we hare been
helped by God. We have been helped.
There 1 no possible contradiction con
cerning that. Thar har com Into
our lives such adjustments: such un
expected opportunities; such supplies
of wisdom, strength, forbearance and
fortitude, that we knew w wer being
helped. And we knew w ware being
helped by someone. Chanr did not
account for It; coincidence was the
wrong word to be used a explanation
of the help w received: ther was such
manifest Intention to help us In the
oocor, that w knew someone helped
Aye. and wonderful someone, too.
For we can look and see that ever
sine th world was made, everything
was happening to bring ua the rein
forcements that wa needed at some par
ticular crista. And there have been
such marvelous providences manifest In
our deliverance that whoever made
them, if he was not God, wa a very
good substitute for Ood.
All Have Brea Helped.
W know the name of th one who
has helped us. Y know our Moses
who smote the 1'haroah of our souls
captivity; we know the Moses who di
vided the Red Sea waters of our des
pair: we know the Mosea who went op
Sinai's burning brow to bring to us
the wonderful words of God; we know
the Moses who smote the rock to give
hi th water of refreshing: we know
the Moses who led us to the Ellms
where th cooling waters were; and th
green pastures fr th soul: and w
know t.le Moss who sweetened the
bitter waters of many a Marah. We
have been belnad. And w have bean
- Jif -
during liie Winter. Kor although It la
possible for the student to help sup
port himself during the collrse year.
still the demands of hi classroom
work are so pressing that It Is only ,
by sacrificing some essential part of ,
th college training or opportunity j
that he I able to accompli:! much i
work to help support himself. j
There are four divisions of the enrl- ;
neertnr school the civil engineering
department, the electrical enlncnlng
department, the mechanical engineering ,
department anj the mining engineer- ,
Ing department. For the first two years 1
after th englneer-to-be enter the col
lege he will follow the ame paths or
learning as all the other engine!, and
It is not until he becomes a senior that
It will be possible to tell from his
rours of study in which of the pro-
tesaions he will finally be graduated, j
peelal Ware; Csbc Late
In these first two years the neophytes ',
are given courses In English, malhe- i
matlca. calculus, shop work, chemistry. .'
physics and modern language. From
th beginning of the Junior year on the '
student specialises in the work of his :
chosen profession.
There are " 1 rrsrular students en- j
rolled in th Civil Engineering depart- I
ment this year. These men are given
Taking Ebenezer as Text, Appear Is Made to Give Return for Benefits Showered by Leading Christian Lives.
helped br on Infinite In wisdom, pow.
er and love; and he who has so glo
riously befriended us is named Jehovah.
Jesus. Ebeneier.t
It might be pardonable on thla spe
cial day to talk of personal matters in
public. I would be bold to say that
sometimes when my failure to live the
Christian life looms gloomiest before
me. I soy. "My Ood. the miracle Is
that I am trying to live It at all." And
sometimes when I look over a congre
gation and think I am going to en
deavor by the grace of God to show
these people some of the glories of
Jesus Christ. I laugh In my heart to
think that I the most unlikely In all
the world should be a preacher of the
gospel. And equally strange It may
seem that you should be In the sanc
tuary this morning! Do you remember
when you lived In Egypt? How little
yon ever thought you would live In
Canaan! Do you remember n-hen you
were a (lave to the devil, and carried
captive by him at his will? How little
you ever thought that today you would
be Christ's free man. He has helped us.
Arkavwledarnarat la t'rged.
And when this morning we look back
over a year's work done together, as
we remember how Into this particular
fold be has brought nearly 00 mem
bers, how he lias given this church an
opportunity to exert an Influence all J
through this slate and this isortnwest,
why, brethren, we must as a people
erect an Ebeneser. and gratefully ac
knowledge that all our help came from
Then, secondly. I find In thla text
an argument. My Lord Jesus one day
said a most suggestive word. He was
looking at a foundation, and he said.
"A foolish person has been working
there, because a wise man before be
builds sits down and thinks it over:
and If he has not sufficient means, and
strength,, and m-tsdom to finish the
buildinar. he wisely desists from com
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shop work of the most practical kind,
1. 1 or
I de
- ' w
which trains them not only In the
ability to know and pick out the prop'
er tools for the work In hand, but
also teaches them exactly how to use
these tools. Practical courses In black
smithing, woodwork, foundry practice
and machine-shop practice turns these
men out with the ability to success
fully wrestle with the problem of their
calling. Work In surveying and the
use of Instruments Is given to the
men and there are enough railroad sur
veys radiating from the college campus
In every direction to make Corvallls
the chief railroad center In the world
If all the linea were built.
Stnaeata Repair Plaat.
The electrical engineering depart
ment has an enrollment this year of
70. being the second largest department
In the engineering schools. Much of
the upper class work In this depart
ment consists of laboratory practice
and Instruction during- which the stu
dents become thoroughly familiar with
the different types of machines. A large
part of the upkeep of the college light
ing aystem Is carried on by the stu
dents. At the present time Individual
motors are being Installed on some of
the machines In the woodworking shop
and all the Installation as well as the
mencing It. And humbly venturing
out on to thy condecenslon. my Lord,
out of thine own mouth will I Judge
thee! Thou hast commenced a build
ing; thou hast continued the building;
wilt thou become as an unwise builder,
and be Inadequate to complete the
erection of the edifice? Friends, do
you see the argument? Hitherto the
Lord hatb helped us: therefore b will
contlnu to help us to th end.
Thou hast helped In vr seed,
Th.s emboldens Tnm to plead;
After so much mrcy past.
Canst thou let me sink at lastT
Let me re-state the argument:
His love In time past forbids in to think
Ha ll lv m at Umi In trouble to sink;
Ksch sweet Ebeneser I hav In review
Confirms hi. ood pleasure to bslp m quit
Ebeneser! To create Is to lore: and
to love is to prorlde; and to prorld la
to redeem: and to redeem Is to keep;
and to keep Is to crown! Hitherto th
Lord hath helped us, la an argument.
Promise Are Told.
I don't think the one who did for
me Is going to fall In hi effort to
get me to heaven. When I look up at
the pierced hands of Jesus Christ, and
recall how he went into th grare for
my salvation I cannot compel myself
to think the day will ever come when
he will say, "I have lost Interest in
you." And besides having given ua
Jesus Christ, did not God, with him.
freely give us all things? We pos
sess his promise.
He has said, "1 will never leave
thee, I will never forsake thee." Then
I will be bold enough to say. if I get
into danger be will go with me and
safeguard me therein or bring me out;
and If I go Into darkness he will stay
with me in my affliction: and If I go
out to the "poor farm" where many
a better man has gone n will go to i
the "poor farm" with me; and were I
to walk the wards of an asylum he
would walk them with me; and if I. j
his obedient, trusting child, should go I
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original designs is being done by the
department. Many of the students
hen they get their bachelor's degrees
enter the employ of the General Elec
tric Company or the IVestlnghouse
Electric and Manufacturing Company
at Schenectady or at Pittsburg, where
they become student apprentices In the
shops of these companies and in due
course of time graduate Into the en
gineering force. During the Summer
these students get their positions In
every different part of electrical Job,
partly for the money which they can
earn, but largely for the experience
which they get.
Look closely at any gang of linemen
stringing the transmission wires from
one end of the state to the other during-
the Summer months and you are
pretty sure to see some Oregon Agri
cultural College electrical undergrad
uate with a safety belt around him do
ing as much work as any other man
on the Job and learning not only bow
to string wires, but how to handle men
as well.
A good mechanical engineer nowa
days must have a pretty good knowl
edge of all the different branches of
engineering In order that he can use the
methods and appliances of the civil
engineer and the electrical engineer.
to hell he would go with me! Tes, I
will be bold enough to take him at his
He says, "I will never leave thee."
Then must he ever be with me. For
am I not to related to h!m that he is
of necessity bound to complete the
work he commenced? He says he is
my 8avlour. Well, if he is my Saviour
It follows that he must save me. He
la my father. And I thought only last
week, as I was walking down the
street holding the hand of my child I
thought If I suddenly saw some danger
come this way how willingly would I
sacrlflo my life to save that of my
boy. And God must be as good, must
be infinitely better, than I am. For
Jesus Christ said, "If ye being evil,
know how to do good to your chil
dren, how much more shall, your
Father In heaven bless, and cheer, and
safeguard you."
Ckarch Iacfdeat Related.
I remember an old man In my former
church standing up one night and in
a voice that trembled with emotion
ho said. "I tell you God has had too
much trouble with me to" let met go."
I hold that to be true. If he meant to
slay me, he would not have shown me
the things that he has: nor said to me
the things that he has; nor done for me
the things that he has. Ebenezer. It
is an argument
And thirdly I see In the text an as
surance. I don't know what tomor
row will bring to me. It may bring
swift death; It may bring the contin
ued activities of life. ' Nor do I care
to know; for I am persuaded that the
grace which brought me through yes
terday, is sufficient for tomorrow. All
I ask of the God of infinite resources
is to do for me In the future as be
has done for me In the past; and I
am satisfied. And even when I tak
that step out Into what Is darkness
because of Its exceeslve light If be
will be to me on tha other aide erf
t r. '
but that also he is able to help these
two to carry out their purpose. The
railway system, without bridges or
union depots, would be very different
from what the railroad system Is to
day, and the electrical power plant,
stripped of the benefit which it has
derived from the mechanical engineer,
would be far less efficient than the
present-day central station. There are
56 students In the mechanical engineer
ing course at the Oregon Agricultural
Practlaal Branches Taught.
The Interest in mining engineering;
Is Increasing very rapidly and a cor
responding increase both in the num
bers and In the equipment is noticed
In the Oregon Agricultural College
mining department. This year there
are 20 students taking mining engi
neering. 'Men, upon completing this
course, are able to do assay work, and
all branches of practical mining knowl
edge have been covered. Dunag the
Summer months the students In this
branch of engineering work spend
their time In getting the actual expe
rience of mining conditions.
Many of them enter the employ of
mining companies and spend their hol
that line what he has been on this
side, I have no fear. And I know he
I will never change
! So I do not see how he can be any
other In the future than he has been
In the past. I may find myself in some
deep, dark flood, but did henotmakean
ark tor Noah? And he lores me as
much as he loved Noah. I may be flung
into some burning fiery furnace, but
did he not take care of the three He
brews? And he loves me as much as
he loved them. I may have to say,
"My soul dwells among the lions;" but
was he not with Daniel in the lions'
den? And the God of Daniel is my
God. We know what kind of help he
gives his people. Yes, and we know
what kind of help he has given us.
For I, with you. can look back over
this life that has gone, and I can see
epochs, and crises, and exigencies, and
as I look at them I can say, "If it had
not been the Lord who was on my side,
if It had not been for the Lord, my ene
mies would have eaten me up." And
I know I shall not get into any keener
crisis, nor any more terrible exigency
than he has brought me through al
ready. So I go on, unafraid. For I
know there are heights of attainment
In this evolution of the divine nature
of which we have been made partak
ers that mean glory beyond imagina
tion, as well as beyond description.
And I know there are summits that we
shall attain this year In Portland that
are taller than any we have reached
in the past. Upward is the road, not
downward; toward the sunrise, not the
sunset. I And a solace here.
Material Thlnga Held Imcoaaeqneatlal.
For brother, many things may go.
Money may go, reputation may go,
memory may go. Judgment may go,
friends may go but he has said. "I
am with you always, even to the end
of the world." Nothing much has gone,
so loni? as God stays. A great deal
may happen this next year. It may
not ba tha kind of a year the last I
5 I
idays working in the shafts and stopes
of commercially operated mines. At
times. Jots of a little higher nature are
attained, tunnel surveying, timbering
inspector and weight checker have all
been filled by mining undergraduates.
Besides the regular students, there
are 61 secondaries taking the work
which will ultimately lead to their be
ing regularly enrolled as engineering
students. These boys are given the
elementary work with the other sec
ondary students, but their interest In
the engineering pursuit is kept op by
giving them shop work and elementary
mechanics. There are four graduates
enrolled in the school this year tak
ing work which will ultimately lead to
their engineering degree. The college
grants a B. S. degree at the end of the
four years' satisfactory work, but in
order to get the engineering degree
It is necessary for the students to
take one course of graduate work at
the college and to do one year of prac
tical office engineering work as an
employe satisfactorily to the college
authorities. Upon completion of this
work the student is entitled to an en
gineering degree.
Large Increase Marked.
There are 20 members in the engi
neering school faculty, and besides this
number the engineering students have
instruction under the teachers in the
outside departments, such as chemis
try, physics, mathematics, English,
public speaking, etc.
Increase in per cent this year of the
present freshman class over, any pre
vious class has been 24 per cent. This
Indicates the new Interest which Is
being taken In engineering education
year was, the kind of year we would
have if be. But who cares? We shall
have the same Christ; the same mercy
seat; the same Bible; the same Holy
Spirit: the same hope of heaven, and
probably some of us shall have heaven
Itself before the year is out. So even
death of which so many are afraid
and that beyond of which we know
nothing solacing apart from Jesus
Christ, shall not disturb us, so long
as we have Jesus with us.
so Ions thy power hatb blest me, sure It still
Will lead me on:
O'er moor and fen, o'er crag and torrent, till
The nlftht is done;
And with tha morn those angel faces smile.
Which I hav loved long since, and lost
Ebenezer It Is an asurance.
And lastly, I see in the text an ap
peal. If God has been so good to me,
I must be good to God. That Is what
brought the tears to my eyes yester
day as I studied this sermon. O, the
God of Sinai I could treat with in
differnece. A God who flings light
nings at me, and maddens me with his
shuddering thunders, has an inferior
claim on me, to the God of Calvary.
Father used to give me the strap as
an admonition; but when one night I
went In from a fight, and mother
washed the cuts and bruises, and
dropped her tears on them. I said. "I
won't fight any more." If he has done
all this for me. it is time I did some
thing for him. And if he has so
blessed us. my people, during this past
year, what sort of persons ought we
to be In living, loving loyalty? I have
read how once when new colors were
being presented to a regiment, as the
banner was received, the whole line
stepped forward and paused, and then
lifting the hand, those men said
Through fire, or sword, mid wesl or woe.
Unwavering, and In faith, j
Where'er thee sacred colors go.
We'll follow to the death. j
And I read this morning with more i
Interest. I think, than ever before, how. ,
cojvj re eye p-jozv7
.sX.- r..
by the young-men themselves through
out the state. With a large amount
of development work now being car
ried on or contemplated In Oregon, it
is Increasingly apparent that the de
mand for well-trained young engineers
will increase accordingly. Nor Is this
Increased demand for trained engineers
limited to one branch of the profes
sion. The construction of many hun
dreds of miles of railroads in this state
within the next three years will re
quire hundreds of young civil and me
chanical engineers.
Many Engineers Needed.
The development of the country with
the rapidly increasing population, the
building of towns and cities and the
general requirements of electricity, all
tnnlre it certain that there will be
! Dlentv of work for the young elec
trical engineer to take up when he is
through with his preparatory training.
There is a constantly Increasing Inter
est In mining throughout this state and
neighboring states. Not only are the
precious metals sought after, but also
coal and lime and clay and various
sorts of building material. These are
being dug out of the ground as fast
as men and money become available.
The record of the O. A. C. Engineer
ing School has been good from tha
first. Its graduates have had no dif
ficulty In getting employment, and
once having gotten It have rapidly
shown themselves to be worthy of pro
motion. With the completion of the
new mining bul'ding, for which con
tracts shortly will be let, the whole en
gineering school will be In the best
possible position to graduate thorough
ly Instructed young engineers.
Ruth, the youthful, looked up Into the
face of Naomi, the aged, and when the
elder said to the younger, "Leave me,
for your life Is separate from mine,"
the young woman replied, "Whlthr
thou goest I will go; where thou
lodgest I will lodge, and where thou
diest I will die, and there will I be
Obedience Is Asked.
O, there is an appeal In ths. Eben
ezer. And so I call on you this morn
ing to ask the question, "What shall
I render unto the Lord for all bis
benefits toward me?" Some of you
ought to render your obedience. You
have gone all these years without ever
acknowledging the Christian name.
You are among God's people here, and
you hope to be among them hereafter,
and yet. Jesus Christ looking down
Into the waters of baptism has not
yet seen you there. He has said,
, "Suffer it to be so now, for thus It
becometh us to fulfill all righteous
ness." And when you accepted him
' he turned and looked at you and said,
' "If ye love me. ye will keep my com
, mandments." There is the baptistry.
I what doth hinder you? I am speak
' ing of the fact of baptism In this seri
ous way, because I believe it Is a com
mand of Christ; and all of us ought to
be subject to Jesus. O, friends, we
must be Christ's in all things. Let
i us. be Christian. Let our very think
i ing become transparent; our words
! sincere and without guile; and all our
: actions the deeds of the children of
. light. Jesus Christ said. "Let your
i yea be yea, and your nay be nay."
He meant do not let your yea and your
I nay get mixed up. So we must always
: be sincere and straightforward in all
our talking, and In all our dealings.
Let us be of the day, and not of the
night. For everyone that loveth the
truth cometh to the light. So let us
learn to look at our lives as we shall
when they are scanned by Jehovah, by
angels, and br men