The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 31, 1911, SECTION THREE, Page 5, Image 37

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f1rt!ti i-fn ..........
Cur eimlat oa .........
Minif if E ltr
fejn'ftr Editor . . .....
Coapmcirocta . .
asr4Ataaat aaLdla.
...Mam T"T A T" A
. .. Mia TTT4 A
...c10 T"Tl A J
...Mais TTO A '
...lia Jul A
nri tr'-t: -n. I'sul fcrtnn la
Tn 0frb!r. ' To- , M. o r.ock.
ni.M Ta, r.ATKR . and T"
V 'tria-nt me'.ne-. l-rijht at 11
'rA a. T II A. br.:it.
BKi:n THKATKH rc:rnih ami storrt-n.-(rn
K r aa.l f'mpinr In Th
rtinwn."" MtNfl't at 3 li. lonlcnl at
t li.
CfPStm THB ATM Vn1n.
an3 hvaim Vaufivvliia. Tie aX
Ivtbsoq at and toaiaht at
AXTAne" THEATM nt aad A I.
dr vau4iri:t this aflaraoea. at 3:1a;
a!ht at I Ao and a.
tPSr THEATER ltrk aad Washfnt-
ten I Vaa. !vr.;. Thie r:raooa at 3:1A
aad ivnlftkt at TJo aad ft.
LTKIi" THEATKR rmrra aad Btar
M 'IK-kI corner. Tha jlrh-xil Olrl " This
ar-raoon at 2 4- aad tonight at T ,0 aad
H rVai-rna pictures. 11 A. U.ll P. M-
for raplea at rha Hew Taaw
OrearoaJaa. which will W himd Jam
nary 1. II II. ta ha aaail frteada. ah. a la
ha aM ta Tha Orrcwalaa at lift
PwMaaw fat 111 Called1 Ktaiaa a
anifiluwa. faaada ar Mrxfcna, caala
Fereian paataaa. eriU.
Address. Tha Oressalam. I-wrUaad. Or.
XIax Km- t Orrn krji. officers of
Vahmt'.m Council. No. 3. K and i. M.,
elerlrl ami lnill-l officers at tha
, Muonli- Hall, at Kichth and Ej-t
.urnile strrct.. Wednesday night, as
f'.llw: Thrlc illii.-in.ius nmslrr. John
K. Wood. deputy it!u.trtiu!i master,
(ienrae ". liotfcford. irtm-tial ron
aluctor of work. Frank M. Patterson;
treasurer. Hoy Qiurkcntiiuh: recorder.
J H. Ktchmoml: captain of the guards.
Jl. II. Voun: conductor of I hp council.
H O Norton; Mewanl. Angus Fleming;
'ntlnel. Thomas II. Prl. kril. Wash
ington I.odo. No. 4-i. A. V. and A. M..
lrt-.! niJ injttallfd iho followlni;
namrd olt'i'-pr: Wurnhlpf ul niatr,
Jhn . .M'-k; nlr warden. Hoy
jtiarkrnhuh: Junior tt.irdn. J. K.
lartin: lraiiirtr. K. H. MiH'lnnc; aer
reiarv. J. II. IMi'hntond; nltr dacon.
11. II. Voun: Junior !'iiion. K. M.
rlirsnn; rhHi'laln. Kv. Hurry leod;
marshal. furl W. Frank: nenlor
irmard. Raymonl F. Ilurlhiirt: Junior
Mtnl. i'. I. tarponlor; tylrr. Thoniaa
II Itrlik-tl.
K-lv.RTt.A;r Fouitvax !row Rm-ii.
J M. Turk, formrrly a I'orilaml
I'olicrman and I-puty .Shrrlff In earlv
lays, of th Nhalim country, nan
hn Tiattlna old frlmla. Mr. Turk
traded a alnirltt Tortland lot for In)
art of unimproved land In Columbia
I'otintr 1 yearn ako. Sinro then ha
and hta aona hava acquired altogether
t"0 rnrfj hu-h hare a htith value. Mr.
Turk aaid yesterday that Ma land haa
Increased In value to atirh an extent
that now he Is Independent. Thera are
nalmon In lh rivera and deer In the
mountains near hia home, and the rail
road to Tillamook will aoon pasa hi
property. Ilia aons have Also acquired
firma neArby.
OwNKaa or AtTostonii.ra. Our ahopi
have been rornlid to handle
caneral repair work and overhauling
with dispatch. fur object Is to do
thorouch work at reasonable prices;
eiperienred and skilled mechanics In
rhari of modern equipped shop;
work, aruarantecd. Uet acquainted with
u. A a can sava you money and
trouble. Y. NT. O. A. automobile school
and repair drpit. L.n Tenth and
Mill suteta.
Bit Axn rSmu Await Anor-nox. The
Hoys" and OirlV Aid Society baa In Its
rare a desirable little buy and fclrl
aid R and lt year. respectively, for
v horn It is anxious to find a trood home
where they can be kept tog-cthcr. Any
rne rtenlnnc such A pair of children
should apply ! the Receiving Home,
at the corner of Fast Twenty-ninth and
Irvinir streets. I'hones: Kast 6. B 1104.
Ws Palo, balr mattresses retail At
wholesale prices, for ro-pound be As
from S?.te and up. Wa renovate mat
tresaes and return them thA aama day.
We also renovate feather. Portland
Curled Hair Factory. H Metxser. pro
rrtetor. M Front it. Mala lil.AIIll'
lars;r and better selected slock than
J. I'ollvka A Co. Durlnir sale SO per
cent rebate for casii payment on floods
made to ord-r. Beautiful Assortment
cf fancy vestv HiKh-aTade workman
ahip onlv. r' Corhett bldu.
Tuc Carls-tox IIotki. has a limited
pumber of el-Kantly -fnrnhed rooms,
ain-ele or rn suite; special rates made
to permanent quests, every room is an
utf-ide room and ran be had with or
without bath. Carleton Hotel. 14th and
Washinicton streets. e
First Axxt At. CuraAAXi-s Mali: or
Corskts. Kvrry corset In stock re
duced: tl'vo-.! i ii f ront-laccd. Kedfern
whalebined. Wade cornets. Mme. ZMt
fich. 312 Fliedner bMc. Tenlh and
Wash. I'hones; Main 541U. A 4H. Wtl.
vtli lat in !-.
Miii-s I'ot. near Oakland. Cal.
a -aoioans rnn-i,r. "prirff semester
opn January l I.uella t lay Carson,
I .L. D. president. For cataJoajue ad
uresa HeEistrar.
Nsrw Thoi-cimt Watch-Nioht Skrvu k.
Filers bid. P. M.. conslsttn-; of
lecture, music, recttatlona and free re
frehmenis. All welcome to a happy
oclsl time.
Visit this Ot cax tx Wixtrr. The cli
mate la very mild and the famous Hotel
t:arhart was never more attractive
Winter rlcs. ii per day. American
plan. a
Vailt-s for storing- trunks, silver
ware, etc.. a convenience to those leav
inc tha city for a period of time. Cham
ber of Commerce t-afe Deposit Co.
For Sal. Northeast corner Tenth
and Olisan ( lo iu . Inquire of frrtts
r-troebel. sec. of 8tnbel at Barenstecher
Land Company. 12 fixtn.
Pa. R- Wii.mam IIaxxcvax. dentin!,
formerly of v7- Marquam Mds;.. Is
now assoctat-d with Pr w. I. North
rup. l:i-l:i) Sellln bUlc;.
Lijurr Lxarx Ljr-Ktumxa Get In
touch with jour social and business
world a-raln; local reference. Katherine
Kir, sr. Main ;3. .
Cn-rsir office In Wilcox building to
rent; waitinr room, both phones; ref
erences nil'.amto. V OreKon'lan.
First - Ci-aes 8 h o m RxrAiRixo).
rrompt eervice. moderate prices. Jacob
frchwind. 167 tstark. bet. i'ark and sth.
New Year's table d'hote dinner at
Ittchardi". ft per cover; S to I.J.. t'lassio
music. Park and Alder. Main 2i20.
Sitf the coupons Inside sanltarv
wrappers. Good Health ilrrad. made by
Vraetarian Food Co. At croc era.
t.rar Yr I'Axrx. The Minuet
Sirls request the.r friends" patronaxe;
Ktnclers hall. New Years niKht-
Start t: e new Yenr rlnht by
tryinn a fancy dinner at Folts's Kestau
rant, 13 WachinsTton; Ti cents.
W'a.xtacv Reliable and permanent
party to share part of downtown office,
A B . treiton;an.
Movnr. IKjwxstair. 42-l Lea is bldar.
Kdward lOoudey. murtiaca loans.
M -ores' Rchtii raxt will serve a
Tic New Yesr s turkey dinner, lit ith
Mark U Xuu. has moved his law
fTica to room 34 Worceatcr bldjr.
Tti Jl.'r Brait Spec'al breakfast
aetve-a txom t It 11 A. 11. a
Storttu. to ijerTTRaV Mirs
r-lna Lyman, of Oak Park. III., haa
been enKaaed by the Library Associa
tion to rive A course of nve lectures
or. children's literature and story
tfllina in the auditorium of the Kast
I'-irtland Branch Library. January 13-2.
Miss I.yman is a professional story
teller and lecturer on children s litera
ture and the art of story-tellln-r. 8ha
la the author of "Storv Telilna;. What
to Tell and How to Tell It." a book
which Is In dally use In public li
braries, schools and homes, through
out the United mates. Her subjecta
will be announced later.
mtxim For m So.-ittt. At a
meeting of more than 2" clien-ifls In
the Portland territory Friday evnln.
at 310 Worcester buikllnit. the Portland
section of the American Chemical So
ciety wax org mixed. Arrangements
were made for holding monthly meet
ings during the coming year. The fol
lowing officers were elected; President.
A. U Knlnely. Chief I'nited States Food
and Drug Inspection Laboratory. Port
Isnd: vice-president. Professor V. I
Stafford. Iniverslty of Oregon: secre
tary and treasurer. R. A. olmstead
Willamette Pulp Paper Company
Oregon City.
ClTT Sltt.tal WRaVrttlD STEAM ROUJ5R.
Junk dealers, contractors and others
scrambled yesterday at the corner o
F-aat Fourteenth and Clinton streets to
purchase from the city a steam roller
which wall recently demolished by a
Southern Pacific passenger train and
which Is consld-red by the city to be
beyond repair. Bidding for the wrecked
machine was so lively that when
l'eputy Auditor Wlegand dropped the
hammer the price was $T5tf. It was
bought by M. Barde or Son. 1 ne ma
nine when new cost 2'. The city
a ill purchase a new roller.
Sn.v or Vetbraxs TO ORiiAXixr. More
than persons have applied for mem
bershtp In a new camp of the Sons o
Veterans, which Is to be organised a
a meeting In Alisky Hall, next Wednes
dav night. A charter was granted
alter a canvass had been made under
the auspices of the Grand Army of the
Republic, and John Huntington.
Lants. who is both a veteran and a
son of a veteran, was detailed to the
duty of Instituting the camp and In
stalling Ha officers. Communications
concerning Ihe new enmp arc being;
attended to by C. A. WHHams. in the
Lab he building in this city.
B. F. Walker's FvxrRAi. Hklp. Tlie
funeral services of Benjamin F. Walker
who died at his home at Ardcnwald
Thursday afternoon, were held yestcr
duy af:ernoon at the Portland t'rema
torlitm In the presence of relatives
and friends. Mr. Walker was 51 years
o! age. He had been a resilient of
Portland for ten years, a partner of
Oliver O. Walker, his son. the firm
name being Walker Walker. His
widow and two sons survive. Mr.
Walker was Sheriff of Siskiyou County.
California, for IS years before coming
to Portland.
Father O'Hara to Givr l.trrtus
Coi-rsk. Father O'Hura will give a
course of Illustrated lectures In the
auditorium of the Kast Portland Branch
Library Tuesday evenings at I o clock
beginning January 9. His subject will
be the "Critical Period or Roman His
torv During the Fifth and Sixth Cen
turles. Course tickets may be ob
tained at the Central Library or
OnirvTAt. Ri'o Sai.k Onr , annual
reduction si.le of Orlentsl rugs. Turkish
and Persian room-size carpets la now
on. Our entire stock Is reduced IS to
3a per cent. As our regular prices are
always the lowest In the city, this
great reduction means that you can
not afford to Ignore the opportunity
presented by this great annual sale.
You enjoy the advantage of a large
and rhotra collection and our positive
guarantee of the quality. Cartozian
Bros., importers. 4TJ Waeh.. near 13th.
rorxiirn. Investigation by the pollca)
yesterday showed to be unfounded the
report that a son of P. L. Bartholotny.
srt.lcted with smallpox, had been on the
streets. They discovered that tha boy
had been In bed at his home, 143
In purrhaMn; i'ip Now Year's
OrPC'iiian, wrapped for tnailinsr,
t ho public is raiilimipd that
liKEKX wrappers have boon used
exclti-ivc-ly. Yrap?d copies of
the Annual are on sale at Tlie
Oreironian business office, at all
news stands, and by newsboys at
." rents each. I'oslace in the
I'nited States. Canada. Mexico
and the insular possessions i 5
cents. Foreign post ace., 10 cents.
Rlandena avenue, for several weeks. The
family was greatly distressed at the
Implication that they had been disre
garding quarantine. Two cases in the
family are making satisfactory prog
Kaolxs Fnjot TAxrK. The annual
Christmas ball and entertainment of the
Fraternal Order of Kagles of the Port
land Aerie No. 4. was held in the hall
In the Marquam building Friday night.
The grand march was led by one of the
members Impersonating; Santa t lau.s,
alter which event a distribution of
Christmas presents among the guests
was enjoyed. Trie officers elected for
the year were formally Introduced be
tore the lodge members prior to the
bvgtnmug ui the entertainment.
Skwiso Cub MEarrs. The regular
semimonthly meettnR of the sewing
club of Lincoln-Garfield Woman's Relief
Corps took place at the home of Rev,
Mr. and Mrs. Camel in Brentwood.
December -n. Only a few of the mem
hers were present. The next meeting
will be Tuesday. January s.
'niRCM or ot'R Father (Unitarian)
Rev. T. L. Kllot. t. I. minister
emeritus; Rev. W. G. Eliot. Jr.. minister.
New Year's service at 11 A. M. Sermon
by the minister emeritus. Christening
service at 10:15; Communion service at
13. No evening service today.
Ji Liis Kraemer, the well-known old
resident, engaged In real estate, loaus
and insurance business, has removed
from 9rt Fifth st. to the Henry bldg.,
office 3v2. He will be pleased to wel
come his many friends and customers
at his new office.
44 Tears tx Portvajid
Axxvai, Sale or
uxrepbxmep plidoii
At 1'xct.b Mters"
71 Sixth Street. Near Oak.
40 Years ix Portuiid.
Not MgxrmxrD as Co-RFpoxrENsr.
An error wss made in stating that
Mrs. Nettle Williams was mentioned
as co-respondent in the Howard vs.
Howard divorce complaint, lira. Wil
liams waa not so mentioned.
Fi'RS. Closing out sets of finest
ermine and mink rapes, muffs, etc Sell
regardless of cast sealskin snd mink
garments: big bargains. Reiner, fur
rier. 404 Merchants Trust bide Taxi
dermy In all branches.
Yovoo man attending Holmes Busi
ness College desires a place to work
for his room snd board. Call Main
13. A liii. Tuesday.
Kai-Ntwl and -tutti fruttl Ice cream
for New Year's day. Phone Washing
ton Cream Company.
Team or Oxex a.vd Driver Wavrgrv
For hauling automobile around city.
M. 100. Oregonlan.
Axrtvjf" FvRxrrt-RB Bvtera. Read
Faker's auction adv. la section No. :
today's paper.
Dr. Pwaix. dentist, removed. North
west bldg.. cor. and Wash. E. C0S4.
Mrs. JcitrsJ Orax has few choice
ste;tmer rugs left. 73 Johnson.
fcaATto today all. day. Oaks Rink.
Savings on dependable
jewelry that will tempt
you to quirk buying.
Guaranteed time keeper
for every purpose. For the
office, home, or boudoir.
$ 5.00 Clocks $ 4.00
$ 6.00 Clocks $ 4.80
$ 7.50 Clocks $ 6.00
$15.00 Clocks $10.00
$30.00 Clocks $24.00"
Other clocks reduced in
tame proportion.
Sterling siler picture
frames reduced :
75c values at. .60c
$1.00 values at. .75c
$5.00 vals. at. $4.00
if. M'mrufi m., Bel. ad and 4Uh Mm.
Ti5tetts Will, Bk Chaibman. r-ChrIt
Dyi-tle will he the chairman f the 1h.v
at the Rotary Club I unchpou TueeKiHy.
when th club will relebrajte ith first
iCHtherfn? In the year The (?ueit
of honor and upea kr of fhe clay will
be KdwaH Cook In ii'. am. of tail &
Tilton'a Hank, who will give an aildrcxs
on "Vurrencv Reform."
Kvrry Car to Have "Portland" Safe
guard by .September I.
Aft ordlng: to rrrms of a contract en
tered Into yosteo-day between the port
land Railwav, Ught & Tower Company
and the Western Automatic Fender
Company every etreetrar In the city
will be equipped with a "Portland" fen
der, the type recommended by the City
Council, before September 1. 1912.
Thfi "Ptirtlanfr fender is said to b
an Improvement of the original "Nol
non' fender which the Council ordered
the cooipany to adopt, retaining all the
meritorious feature and eliminating
tho-tc point?, araint which the mom
werloua objection of the company was
rn.ule. The chana-en were denifrned by
F. V. lit Id. Keneral inanajrr of the
company. On account of hin activity
in the fender ease the manufacturers
liave decided to attach the name "Port
land to rvery fender of the kind made
in the future. It In ali-o announced that
an extensive cam pa tun for the Intro
duction of thete fendera In various
Kantern cttlea will be started at once,
thua giving Portland considerable pub.
licit y.
Equipment of the cars not already
supplied with this ntyle of fender will
bejzin ilarch 1. It In planned to Install
them at the rate of 100 a month.
. polal turkey And chicken dinner
and many delicacies at tha Faerless
t'afeterla. 84 And 8 Fifth street. Open
All day; music from 1 - to Z and from
6 to 7 o clock.
n . . - V X'aar tlnna I ' 1 1 . .( . ...........
Ally entertained from 6 o 8.
Seward Hotel t;rlll. 10thAnd Alder.
PpeclAl New Year's Table D'Hote Din
ner, tl. from 12 to :J0. Kvery Sunday.
Table D'Hote Dinner, tl, from S to
Watson's KestAurant will serve tur
key dinner today and tomorrow, 75
cents. 10S Fifth street.
Watson's Restaurant will serve New
Tear's turkey dinner complete. T.'ic.
1U8 5th street. .
Kor art lovera of rare pictures. Special
exhibition in art room of Wooriard,
Clarke & Co. Hare old English print,
by Arthur Ackcrmann Son, ilirect.
from Iinlon. tnKland. s?u. h wubjecta
Fox Hunting, Shooting and Steeple
ChnMrig. Also a beautiful collection of
Knelt nt water color and mezxo tints.
Kxhlblt open for Inspection all week.
beginning Tuenday. January 2d.
If vou are particular about your pre
scriptions let us do your work. "We
are particular, too. The best drugs and
.10 years' experience. Prompt delivery
day or night. Morrison -Grand Phar
macy, East Morrlaon and Grand ave.
Phones East 490, B 2ib2.
Reserved seat tickets for the bin
New Year's game will be on sals At
Schiller's th St. store Sunday. All day.
and Monday morning. Gen. admission.
$1: reserved seats. S1.S0; children under
13. 50 cents. Game called 1 P. M.
The Sisters of Mercv wish to return
their sincere -ratitu.!e ta their many
friends for their kindness to the old
peple durlnar the liolliisyi. In partic
ular Die following; kin.l benefactors:
Tlie Cathedral Aid Society. Dunning; A
Mclnti-e, Sliea Urns.. .Mrs. Devlin, of
Astoria: MMr ft rranK c ompany, tuns.
Wortman AY Klnsr. J N. Teal. I -a Oranrie
freainerv. J. P. O'Brien. M. O Hrlen. Al
bers Bros.. McXeff ro.. C. J. Alton, the
various banks. Henry L. Orbett, K. L.
Ttevereaiix. it. G. Munly. Portland Gas
sV Coke Company. Dr. A. K. Rockey, Bel
mont Market, l nion .mmi Aiarxct, jen
nltut & -Jon. Thomas Kindred. J. P.
rlnlev & S'in. Men reiiinK. 1 ates ft
Kavmond. William Landeur. Mia. J.
Hmirne. Jr.: Dr. Hettlt. All the commis
sion men on Front street nd many oth
ers. Also the Needlework l.ulld of
America for the numerous garments
ilvrn to St. Agnes Kaoy name ana
lome for the Ageii.
one of the pleaaant events of Christ.
nu eve was the Uistrlbutlns: of a-lfts
to the old people by Mrs. OS Ilea, Mrs.
Iitln. Miss Champion. Mrs. Baron-
strngcr of St. Ann s Society.
I desire to express my heartfelt
hanks and appreciation to the friends
who so kindly assisted me w-ith words
of sympathy and acts of kindness dur
ing; the Illness and death of my wife.
Lioulsa Campion.
t,aAtii.cj iv. .j ,n riu..
Wishes You and Yours a
Happy and Prosperous New Year
Portland's Fashion Center
Let this be your one real resolve
To wear
Suits, Overcoats, Furnishings and Hats for 1912
affords an
The prices
fied styles
opportunity to start the New Year right,
quoted here are within reach of all; digni-
to select from
All Blues and Blacks
Full Dress and Tuxedo
Suits Reduced.
House Coats and Bath
Robes 25 Off.
$15.00 Suits and Overcoats now $11.25
$20.00 Suits and Overcoats now $14.85
$25.00 Suits and Overcoats now $18.75
$27.50 Suits and Overcoats now $20.65
$30.00 Suits and Overcoats now $22.50
$35.00 Suits and Overcoats now $26.25
$40.00 Suits and Overcoats now $30.00
$45.00 Suits and Overcoats now $33.75
$50.00 Suits and Overcoats now $37.50
$14.00 Knicker Suits. . $10.50
$10.00 Knicker Suits... $ 7.50
$ 8.00 Knicker Suits... $ 6.00
$ 6.00 Knicker Suits... $ 4.50
Same Reductions on Overcoats.
' Basement Department
Boys' Suits and Overcoats,
$2.70 to $4.35
$8.50 Juvenile Suits now $6.35
$7.00 Juvenile Suits now $5.25
$5.00 Juvenile Suits now $3.75
$4.00 Juvenile Suits now $3.00
Same Reductions on Overcoats.
Plenty larre. Juicy Yam nlll crawfish.
Dlnlnc-room for ladles. ta and Stark.
A Stetnwny Piano
for rent or sale. Call at once. Sherman.
Clay Co., Morrison at Birth.
At the Imperial Hotel.
Special table d'hote dinner. H.50, will
be served from 6 to 9 P. M., January 1,
1912. Reserve your table now. Phone
Main 431 A 68H3.
All money paid as rent can apply on
purchase price if desired. Ask about
our drayage plan. Kohler & Chase, 375
Washington street.
Coal $S un. Edlefs-n Fuel Co. "
The largest stock In the city every
description from the cheapest to the
hlKhest-prlced ones all fine values
alBo all the staple llns including our
noted Rustproof Umbrellas The best
umbrellas In town at $1.00, $1.26, $1.50,
$2.00 and upwards.
Recovering In all (trades of silk and
plorta also repairing at lowest prices. us put a new umbrella on your
old handle or a new handle on your
old umbrella.
KM WaehlBKtoai -, Bet. ta and 7th.
Imperial Hotel Bnllrilna;.
0lEAT jt )
GOOD? Well! You
just ought to taste
some of those sea
food dishes in The
Savoy Cafe. You'll say we
have one of the best chefs in
the country. And we have!
He is certainly a past master
in the art of sea-food prep
aration. Always something
palatable to coax that jaded
appetite. Next time you're
in SeatUe don't forget.
5fyf Eastern funds on Best rfQf
Portland Fecurlties at O ,C
Uikcr Fiida for Rnalaeaa Properties
aad loae-la Kcaldeaaeea at
"Main or A 141$
U Anything In Prlnthig nprQQ
Froarand Stark 'J
Scientific Management
can be accomplished
only by the use of sys
tems and devices espe
cially designed to meet
every requirement pe
culiar to that particular
Office Filing Devices and
Supplies, plus the "know
how," are simply the tools
accomplishing the desired
We are prepared to render
service that will accomplish
the maximum results at the
minimum cost.
The Wabash Filing Cabinets
and Transfer Cases are the
basis for a proper system, -and
if you will let us we will
tell you how to make that
svstem successful.
Contents of Cabinet trans
ferred bodily into Transfer
Case without disturbing the
KILH AM!!1nt?iyc
Commercial Stationers, Office Outfitters, Printers,
Engravers, Booklet Makers and Bookbinders
Headquarters for Architects' and Engineers' Instruments
and Supplies.
Y. M. C. A.
Day and Night
New Term Opens January 2. 1912.
Iieslstratlon Open Now.
3 Mo.
Advertising. $15. OO
AlKehra 5.00
Assaying 15. OO
Apple Culture. No Fee
Architect. Draft. ; T.50
Arithmetic 2.00
Automobile (course) 50.00
Bookkeeping 3.00
Boys' School 4.00
Bricklaying: 15. OO
Business Eng. and Cor... 2.00
Business Law 2.00
Car'try and Woodturning 10.00
f'liemistry 10. OO
Klectri'y and Elec. Mach. 15. OO
Kngrllsh for Foreign Men ,'t.OO
Kne'ish Gram, and Head. 3.00
Kngiish Literature 3.00
Freehand Drawing. ...... T.OO
French 5.00
Forestry and Lumbering 10. OO
Geometry 5.00
German 5.00
Latin 5.00
Machine Desisn 7.50
Mechanical Dl't. T.50
Penmanship 2.00
Pharmacy (six months)... 25.00
Physical and Com. GeoR
Plan Reading and Estlm.
Plumbing Shop Practice
Poultry Raising
Public Speaking
Reinf. Concrete Const...
Salesmanship and Adv...
Sheet Aletal Drafting
Surveying and Mapping...
Show Card Writing
Telegraphy and Dlspat'h
Typewriting. .
Vocal Music.
. 7.00
No Fee
12. OO
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