The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 31, 1911, SECTION THREE, Page 2, Image 34

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tea table and Mrs. Wells Gilbert and
Mrs. Otis Wight assisted about the
room. Mr. and Mr. Adams will leave
Portland Sunday for New Y'ork. sailing
shortly after tlielr arrival In that city
for Kurope. Mrs. Coohrsn will occupy
the Adams' home while they are away.
Mrs. David C. Lewis entertained In
formally at luncheon on Friday. Be
sides the hostess cover were laid for
Mrs. John Kmerson Cronan, Mrs. Kllxa
beth Freeman. Miss Inox Barrett and
Miss Hazel Crocker.
Cantain and Mrs. William 8. Biddle
entertained the member of the Thurs
day -Night Riding Cla at supper
Ourselves and our employes wish
you a happy and prosperous New
Year. Past favors appreciated and
future ones solicited.
11 it
n - m
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S- B. tlvltim wrre more or
.l..rniHrt wk. owing to th
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:i .: .U M-n In l'irlaniL I'nrtng th
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niv r..,v, uiv n; l!nMr partl-.
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:.j.r.' jrf nlft nun) lnini"--i'ininp
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..t . In .. - : ili u." I!i? l.ior t
... i i,' l.'.ti (li- notlf for
n r -in-l of k l tir. hi A nil cull nJoy.
i : i w ti.'ti linn . !) u.ih-i'ins ji.J illatirr r
itir er.:.T t.f i t m.n Ujy. nl amonrf
i 'ir in. i y li at' riiiiifJ in tl mun-tii-r
. ir. II. l. :. Sr.. who fol
l'wj li-T uuI r-ist-'in ml ukcj her
!l!r-n jr. i p Hn!i'hllilrrn to dine trlth
hr. !'1.. - - nwkfl for 1r. nd
Mr.. a'Vi Irwit, Mr. :ii'l Mrs llt
lm:. Mr. Mr. I'.irl.l Chumlw r
Mr. .iii-I .Mr;. ;:- l-.i1 W. Il.
Mr. in-l Slr. Shfrn.: 11 Hall. Mr. and
Min. lortf" i-H-U'. -Mr. nl Mrs. A. t
Mill. 'r. Blrvham, Mus tllt Iwl
nnl John . Lr-wt.
.Mrs. H. l. ii l.;ill rirht ntcrt:ilne1
tn lik iiiain.rr t liritinii dinner
Mr. nnd Mr-. H'nrr Iji.ld t'orbett. Mr.
and lr. Kl'iol lu orl--li. Mr. nn-l Mrs.
William La.ld. r. nn-l tr. J. Wcaley
ldd. Mr. and Mr.. 1-iyd Smith. Mist
Hrlrn Ud-i. H.imilt- n l orbrtu Frrder
tck Forr. lilnke j;iOiln and Maater
Hnry Ladd.
Mr. and Mr. C. K. Wood dinner
ftaeata on Chrtatmaa day were Mr. and
Mra. Henry Utddie. Mr. and Mra. T.
t-tt Brooke. Mr. nd Mra. Victor John
on. Mr. and Mra. YV. K Ayer. Mr. and
.Mra. Jamr! Mil. Wood. Mr. and Mra.
Pevld T. Honrynmn. Mr. and Mra.
Krxklne Wo. 1. Mi Wood. Kirk
Smlih. W. P. Whrelvrrlsbt ami Maxwell
Mr. nr.rl Mrs. Wilttam MarMavter and
.V'.na Katherine Mm-Master entertained
wltrt an Informal dancing party Satur
day evening. l"ei oral ir. of holly am
evergreens were nd throughout th
loua'. Those re?-fnl were: Air. and
Mrs. r.l'lott It. Corbet t. Mr. and Mra.
Gerald Heene. Mr. an-l Mra. U!!bert Iur.
ham. Mr. and Mrs. T:.-mas Srarp. Mr.
ar.l Mrs. Kepnrtn Heehe. Mr. and Mra.
Walter Hon. Jr.: Mias Jean Me
kerxie. V- l!aram Markerxle.
JUrry lioffnian. Miss Jean ilrown
lie. li M.iry Hrown le. Mls Myrtl
l.rwti. Mis Jrsepl'lne Smith. Miss Anita
H-jrn. Mies I.oulse Hnrna. Miss Mt:ta
V. slrrr. Miss M.'.da Hurt. Miss Polly
1!-seu. Miss Maraaret liewett. M!ss
'iNe'la linuld. Miss Clare H-uthton.
' iiHal Dolph. ltaajCsrne!La Cook.
Ms l--roth M-rrlson. Mlsa Leslie
rid;-r. Miss FrancfS Wilson. Miss Kve.
In Wilson. M's Met Buehner. Miss
ivat'-enn.' H ;trook. Mlsa Clrr-ierttr.e
U?i (frt. Miss l.'-ra Cummins, Mlsa I.I fa
Wood. Jordsr '.sn. Kurt Koel ler. Rod
ney iilla.ui. Fie.lcrtck Korstor. Hsmll
t.n Corbtt. Seion Taylor. Arthur
Hrosrrlie. l:rhitrd Jones. Mr. Ftewart.
I'lulip fry. Piake Robhln. Irrlnc Web
ster Robert Noble. !.andon Mason. Hen
rr Wesinaer. MautIc Iwoley. 1'hlllp
Hart, tteorae Warren. Harold We!'.
Itoderlik M.irlesv. It-.naM Markerzle.
tarler Jewrtt. Cheater Murphy. Clif
ton McArthur. I.eoi MrArthur. Kirk
Smith. Carl Wernicke. Cuarles Hol
hrook. Mawell Wood. Ferdinand Smith.
" ' Wlic-r. Air. Farcuaon, John
aJassssasril a i ifn i i Mi ii iasasss.asisssBs.ssisssssssai ivwS7V
tJTx?jE-J XII c yutcn woo wiuu raoj...
Banks. Lester IloJson and Eugene
Fa lea.
Mra. Helen Larid Corbett antertalned
ahout 40 members of the younger aet at
an Informal danca at her home Christ
maa erenlnr. The bouse was decorated
with tolly and garland of everrreens.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry I.add Corbett
left Portland Tuesday evening for
New York, where they will be. puests
of Mrs. Corbett- mother. Mr. Henry
Krese Hoyt. for about six wt-eks.
Miss Winifred Jewett. who ha been
Tlsitlnir nss Islle Weldler. has re
turned to her timer In Marysville. Cal.
Mis Jrwett will return to Portland tn
the Sprlrg to attend the wedding of
her brother. Stanley Jewett ami Miss
Loll Weltller.
Mis Marajuerette Posrh. a portrait of
whom appears on today's society page.
Is to give a luncheon on Monday at
which her brother. Roswell tosch. will
be Joint host, to a number of the
younger set.
Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Burn. Mis Anita
and Miss 1-oulre Bums will keep open
house on 'ew Tears day.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Andre Fouilhoux
gave a reception on Christmas day
from 1 to o'clock. Kvergreens and
polncettias were used throughout the
house. Mrs. Fouilhoux received in a
Parisian creation of bronme rutin. Mrs.
Thomas Robertson. Mrs. Morrl H.
Whltehouse. Mrs, Thomas Pharp and
Miss France Wilson rresMed st the.
table and Miss Barbara Mackenzie.
Jails alaxgaxst lis watt. Utss avataarlaa
MacMaster. Miss Louise Burns and
Miss Marjorle Hoffman assisted about
the rooms.
Miss Helen Goode. daughter of Mrs.
H. V. Goode. of Tort land, who wss
married In New York December 18, to
I'ompeo M. Maresl. of Brooklyn. N. T.,
gave a luncheon to her brldeemald
and friends on Sxturduy at the Hotel
Wolrott. where she has been staying
for somo time, with her mother.
Miss Claire Wilcox and Mls Ruth
Teal, of Portland, who attend Mir
Spences' school In New York, are pass
ing the Christmas holidays at the Hotel
Wolcott. New York, with Mrs. J. N.
Society turned out en masse on Tues
day evenlntr to see Montgomery and
Htone In the "Old Town." Among those
occupying boxes were Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Hart, who had as their guests
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lewis, Miss Bally
Hart and Ashley J. Vantlne.
Mr. and Mrs. Thorn Scott Brooke
nd their guests. Mr. and Mr. Thomas
harp. of Prlneville. Mis Lis Wood
end Kirk Smith, occupied another box.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris H. Whltehouse
and Mr. and Mr. George Baker, of
Boston, made up a box party.
Another box was occupied by Mr. and
Mrs. George W. Boschke. Mr. and Mr.
J Horace Lurkett. Mr. and Mra. Guy
Mrnefee Standlfer. Miss Lillian Friend
ly and L. R. Flags.
Mrs. Clisrles F. Adam was hostess
at an Informal tea on Saturday, com
plimenting her sister. Mr. William S.
Cochran, of Fsn Francisco. Mr. A. A.
Morrison and Mrs. James F. Mclndoe,
wiia ef itaJor Mclndoe, presided at the
week after the ride, xne aecoranona
were all auggestlve of the Chrlstmus
season. Mrs. Biddle was assisted by
Mrs. Thomas Scott Brooke.
Miss Lisa Wood, whose marriage to
Kirk Bmtth will be an event of Janu
ary IS. was the honor guest at a tin
shower given Thursday by Miss Fran
ces Wilson and Mtss Josephine Smith
at the Wilson home.
Word has been received that Henry
Goode. son of Mrs. H. W. Goode, I 111
and will be unable to come to Portland
a the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley
Ladd as he had planned.
One of the prettiest weddings of th
holluar aeason was that of Mis Doro
thy Newhall and Kdwln Randolph
Pooley. which took place at All Saints'
Kplcopal Church Monday evening. The
ceremorv wa performed by Rev. Roy
Kdgar Remington at 8:30 o'clock. Dec
oration of white iillea against a back
ground of evergreens made an attract
ive setting for the bridal party.
The bride, who waa given In mar
riage by her father. Henry H. Newhall.
looked charming In her robe of Ivory
satin, elaborated with rose point lace
and finished with a court train. Her
tulle veil was caught with a wreath
of orange blossoms, and she carried
showed bouquet of lilies of the valley
and orchids. Miss Lillian Buehner. as
maid of honor, wore a dainty gown of
pink chiffon over same toned char
meurse. trimmed with embroidery, and
carried an arm bouquet of pink rose
buds. Albert Peters, of Hood River, acted
as groomsman, and the ushers were
Richard Pooley. the bridegroom's broth
er. Roger Newhall, tha bride's brother,
and Count de Reding and PMlip At
water. of Hood River. In the Nswhall
home, where a small reception was held
after the ceremony, decorations of pink
roses and palms were used. .
Receiving with the bride were Mr.
and Mrs. Edward V. Pooley. the bride
groom's mother and father, from New
York, and Mr. and Mrs. Newhall. Mrs.
Clifford Nichols and Mrs. A. E. Rogers
presided at the table In the dining
room, assisted by Miss Gretchen Klos
terman and Miss Margaret Bates.
Mr. and Mrs. Pooley will pass their
honeymoon at Coronado Beach. They
will return to Portland next month, on
their aay to Hood River.
Miss Gladys Lang, who has recently
returned from a visit to her sister. Mrs.
Dlttenhoffer. in St. Paul, was hostess
t a delightful card party on Wednes
day afternoon. Decorations of poln
setttss and Jholly were suggestive of
the Christmas season. Miss Ksther
Tucker end Miss Ruth Marvin cspturod
the prizes.
On Frldsy evening Miss Lang was
hostess at dinner party. Covers
were laid for Miss Helen Ladd.
Miss Mary Brownll. Miss VOna Guth
rie, Miss Katherlne Whltmer, Stuart
Freeman. Ferdinand Smith. William
Huesner, Kent Weaver and Harry
Mr. and Mrs. Morris W. Whltehouse
were hosts at an informal dinner on
Christmas even, complimenting Mr. and
Mrs. George Baker, of Boston, who are
at the Portland Hotel. Beside the
host and hostess and the honor guests,
covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert Wilson Forbes and Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Cooklngham.
Miss Henrietta and Miss May Failing
are at present at the St. Regis in New
York. They expect to return to Port
land next month.
Dr and Mrs. William Jones and the
Misses Esther and Elisabeth Jonea left
Portland Friday evening for California.
They expect to return shortly after the
New Year.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Buehner were
dinner hosts on ThursJav. compliment
ing Miss Mildred Slorgan and her
fiance, Owen Summers. Jr. Additional
guests were Mr. and Mrs. George Sailor.
Miss Porothv Bour. of Chicago: Miss
Mela Buehner. Hiss Lillian Buehner.
Robert Noble and Henry Buehner. The
table wa decorated with a email
Christmas tree and candelabra shaded
In red threw a glow over the ensemble.
Miss Hannah Lou Josephl left Port
laud Thursday for the East.
Mr and Mrs. Frederick F. Morey left
Saturday for California, where they
will remain for about three weeks.
Mrs. Banks Is risting her son. Jo'.in
Banks, at Alexsndra Court.
Mrs Jack Munger and small dsugii
. ... ..r Mr Munirer's mother.
ter are ... - - .vi
Thomas tongue,
for the holidays.
Mrs. Thomas Scott Brook has sent
out cards for a bridge party Thursday
January 5- . , .
Members of the Snowshoe Club left
Portland Saturday for their clubhouse
at the base of Mount Hood, where they
expect to remain until Tuesday or
Wednesday. They will take long jaunts
on snowshoes and skis, and will have a
Year s celenraxion wo -
The club members' are j. vc-
n . n-i.ii...ham unman
ley Laaa, rsrani --
L' u-kitn David T. Honey-
man Dr. Herbert Nichols. Elliott R.
Corb'ett, Henry Ladd Corbett. Rodney
Gllsan and Walter B. Honeyman. Henry
Ladd Corbett and Walter B. Honeyman.
who are both out of town, are the only
members of the club who will not make
the trip. 0 , .
Mr and Mrs. Thomas D. Honeyman.
of Portland, are at Hotel Astor In
Times Square, New York, where they
are passing a part of their honeymoon.
Mr and Mrs. Honeyman will visit
Washington. D. v.. and thence will go
to Florida and Cuba where they will
pass several weeks, returning home In
the lte Winter.
New cornea from New Tork that
Thomas Dobson. Is making a great sue.
res of his music He Is accompanist
for some of the singers of the Metropol
itan Opera-House. and Is a pupil of the
famous vocal teacher. Sanger. Thomas
Dobson. Emlllo Frances Bauer and Wil
liam Castleman. all of Portland, are
received In the highest musical circles
In New York.
Mrs. Frederick Leslie Warren will be
the guest of her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Milton W. Smith, for about a month.
Mrs George S. Whiteside entertained
13 four-year-old tots at a Christmas
tree party at which Santa Claus pre
sided. Christmas Eve.
Miss Margaret Webber, assisted by
Miss Haxel Crocker, entertained the
children of the Saturday Sewing llass
of the People's Institute, at a Christmas-tree
psrty Saturday afternoon.
Each child received a present.
Mr and Mrs. J. P. O'Brien were hosts
dinner at the Portland Hotel Christ
mas day. Seated about the table which j
was centered witn poinseiuas. were ,
Itf. and Vfi W. . Stanley. Mr. asA lira. I
Tuesday starts the 2d week of our 23d an
nual clearance sale and offers rare saving
opportunities; Everything reduced. Suits re
duced, Coats reduced, Furs reduced, Dresses
reduced, Skirts reduced, Waists reduced.
The great saving which this Clearance Sale offers you do
not, however, interfere with the liberal and unrestricted
credit privilege you usually enjoy at our store. You can
select vour garments and arrange to remit in weekly or
monthly payments, to suit your own convenience, so that
thev will amount to only a few cents a clay, wheih you
surely will not miss. No charge for credit, simply a courtesy.
Attend This Clearance Sale Note
the Merchandise PricesTerms
Big Credit
Robert Smith. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Cot
ton, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O'Brien (who
are passing the holidays In Portland).
Miss Cornelia Stanley. Miss Sarah Har
ris. Mlxs Lllliun O'Brien. Coe McKenna.
and George Hitchcock, who I visiting
the Sunleys. from Chippewa, Falls.
Mr and Mrs. Victor Johnson enter
tained Mr. and Mrs. David Taylor Hon
eyman. Miss Lisa Wood and Kirk Smith
at a theater party Wednesday evening.
Miss Katherlne MacMaster and the
Misses Jean and Barbara Mackenzie
were the guests of Mrs. Marion P. Maus
at the dance given by the officers and
women of Vancouver Barracks Friday
Rev. and Mrs. Henry Russell Tal
bott will hold a Twelfth-Xlght recep
tion. Saturday. January S, from 3 to 6
o'clock and from 8 to 11 o'clock. Rev.
and Mrs. Talbot are not sending out
cards but will be at home to all their
Rev. and Mrs. Thomas L. Eliot and
Mis Henrietta Eliot passed Christmas
day with Mrs. Gordon Scott (Grace
Eliot) at her home In Tualatin.
An entertainment of an unusual sort
was given for members of the younger
ret by Mr. and Mrs. William John
ir 1. 1 - - .1 tiiAir daue-htor. Miss
Margaret Hawkins,- on Wednesday
evening. When the guests assembled
thev were seated In a line about the
room. The orchestra played for a few
minutes and when it stopped a topic
of conversation was given out. When
the orchestra played, again the young
men progressed to the young woman
on the, right, so that all the guests
met before the dance. Miss Nellie
Bayley and Wayne Coe were voted
the most popular conversationalists.
A novel manner of selecting dancing
partners was introduced. The young
men were given numberea papers uni
told to write somo sort oi a proposal
and place, it on the Christmas tree.
Each girl took a proposal from the
tree and the young men had the first
dance with the girl who had received
his proposal. Mrs. D. 8. Rankin and
Miss Marguerite Rankin presided at
the supper table ' The guests were
Miss Alice Gram. Misses Myrtle Gram,
Constance Piper, Nellie Bayley. Angle
Owen. Ruth Plummer, Mary Btuart
Smith, Nancy Zan. Rhoda Rummelin.
Mildred Camp. Marjory Cameron,
Myrtle Brlx, Helen Wortman. Edith
Olds. Edna Stuart, Mary Warrark,
Save-H Touni. Winifred Blrrell. Esther
Birrell, Florence Johnson, Kathleen
Sealoy. Beulah Hayes, Harriet Harlow,
Augusta Macormic Helen Dunne, Clara
Hlrechberger. Ruth Frayley. Stella
Wolfe. Minnie Flelschn;r, Margaret
Montague, Delberta Stuart, Hazel
Watts, Marian Lawrence Laura Rand,
De Etta Ingham, Madeline Groh, Mil
dred - Broughton, Morlne Campbell, Katy
Schafer. Grace Mackenzie, Eola Rich
ards, Julie Whitman, Lloyd Bayley.
Lester Brix, Chester Stipe, Walter S.
Long. Edgar Piper, Eldon Furnish.
Cent Cobb, Ernest Crichton, Lloyd
Wells, Larry Mann, Frank Beach. Ev
erett Wortman, Paul Adams, Kenneth
Robinson, Howard Long, Herbert Hill,
Morris Jones, norsey Howard, Lewis
Freeman. Albert Kid well, Arthur Wood
cock, Waldo Hirschberger, George
Wolfe, Roscoe Ashley, Willis Ashley,
Edwin Jackson, Martin Schade. Lewis
Wanzer, Eugene McCIung, George Col
ton, Willis Hamlin, Herman Oberteuf
fer. Ted Puebble, William Johnson,
Allen Emery, Howard Stokes,, Harlen
Tucker, Xeil Malarkey, William Fen
ton, Afrolph Neu, George Schaffer,
David Henny. Jamison Parker, Wayne
Coe, Elmer Richards, Tracy Hasklns
and Edward Haskins.
Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Dickson, of Port
lend, Or., are at the Hotel Astor, Times
Square, where they will remain until
after the holidays. They will sail on
the Coronia. of the Cunard Line, Jan-
' uary S, for a year's visit to Europe. It
Is the intention of Dr. and Mrs. Dick
son to take the Mediterranean route to
Algeria, and visit Biskra, Egypt. Mid
other places pt Interest before going
on to Vienna, where they will remain
for several months. Later, Dr. and
Mrs. Dickson will visit Russia, Nor
wav, Sweden, England and Scotland,
In the latter country they will visit
relatives and friends. Dr. and Mrs.
Dickson will not return to this coun
try for a year.
Senator and Mrs. George IS. Cham
berlain have with them in Washington
for the holidays their son, George E.
Chamberlain. Jr., who Is a student at
the Tome School, Port Deposit, Md.
The patronesses for the third Scot
tish Rite at home, to be given January
11, are: Mrs. C. Mlnsinger, Mrs. O. M.
Clark. Mrs. W. D. Jellison. Mrs. George
W. Stapleton, Mrs. C. W. King, Mrs. AV.
J. Hoffman, Mrs. A. M. Brown, Mrs. C.
E. Fields. Mrs. A. C. Callan and Mrs.
Marlon Versteeg.
Mr. and Mrs Guy Menefee Standifer
returned to Marshall Wednesday eve
ning after passing several days in
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Thompson were
dinner hosts on Wednesday evening
complimenting Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Winkleman, of St. Louis, who are pass
ing a few days at the Portland Hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. Thompson will leave Port
land January 12 for an extended Euro
pean tour.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Cotton left Port
land Tuesday evening for the East,
where they will remain for a short
time before sailing for Europe.
The University of Oregon Chapter of
Gamma Phi Beta entertained Wednes
day with a luncheon at the Portland
Hotel, followed by a theater party at
the Orpheum. The guests were Miss
Grace Mackenzie, Miss Helen Ladd. Miss
Mary Brownlle, Miss Katherlne Graham,
Miss Mary Stewart Smith, Miss Susan
Stelner, Miss Beatrice Locke, Miss
201 OFF
Which means a saving of 50 to
60 per cent compared with so
called Eastern hurriedly-made
bargain furs. We are manufac
turers and sell direct to you.
J. P. Plagemann, Mgr.
Corbett Bldg., 2S8 Morrison St.
Raw Skins and Furs Wanted.
It Will Save You Money
If You Take Advantage of the Reduced Prices
on All Fur Garments,
G. P. Rummelin & Sons
124 Second Street. Between Washington and Alder.
Established 1870. Phones Main 491, A 7318.
Hair Goods of Quality
Annual Clearance Sale
All Goods Reduced. Wavy Switches from 95
up. Leading Hair Parlors In the city.
147 7th, near Morrison.
Hair Merchants. Wigmakera,