if) EDITORIAL AND SOCIETY SECTION THREE Pages 1 to 8 VOL. XXX. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 31, 1911. NO. 53. Manicuring and Hairdressing Parlors, 2d Floor Grocery, Delicatessen, Home BaKery and Tea Room on Fourth Floor Optical Department on the Main Floor Have Your Christmas .Pictures Framed Here-Expert FramemaKers, FotirtH Floor f Olds, Wortmami PORTLAND'S OLDEST. LARGEST AND BEST STORE'S 34TH sum Sale RE STOCK OF WOMEN'S APPAREL GREATLY REDUCED AiniirMEa! Clear ENTI Change of Business Hours For Saturdays Open at 9;30 A. M. Close at 9t30 P. M. Phone Order Dep'tm't Open at 8 A. M. In order better to serve our customers and to preserve the good health and add to the comfort of our women employes, we will not open our store until 9:30 A. M. on Saturdays hereafter. This rule will give us a full selling force through the busy part of the day, enabling us to handle our business more promptly and to better accommodate the public in every way. It will give additional rest to onr salespeople, enabling them to serve you more cheerfully and in a better way. HOURS FOR OTHER DAYS OF THE WEEK, 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. Vififf Women's Suits At V2 Price $15 Tailored Suits $7.50 $60 Tailored Suits $30 A splendid assortment of Women's Fine Tailored Suits, selected from 6ur regular stock and for Tuesday's selling a lot of new ones will be added. The assortment is so varied in style that description is impossible. Only one, two or three of a kind. Suffice to say they are the sea-1 son's best styles. For this sale we have marked the entire lot at $15.00 Suits S 7.50 $18.50 Suits S 9.25 $20.00 Suite S10.00 $22.50 Suits S11.25 $25.00 Suits S12.50 $35.00 Suits S17.50 $45 Suits S22.50 $50 Suits S25.00 $60 Suits S30.00 Women's Dress's At V2 Price $15.00 Dresses at $7.50 $85.00 Dresses $42.50 Clearance Sale of a big lot of Dresses in crepe meteor, crepe de chine, serge broadcloth, etc., in plain tailored effects or fancy trimmed Dresses, with large collars and revers, wide cuffs, Empire waists, etc. Some are trimmed in lace, velvet, side braid or fancy buttons ; also some Peter j A All have been marked for this Clearance Sale at & Thompson styles. $15.00 Dresses for only S 7.50 $20.00 Dresses for only S10.00 $25.00 Dresses for only S12.50 $32-50 Dresses for only $16.25 $45.00 Dresses for only $22.50 $85.00 Dresses for only $42.50 Entire StocK of Fine Furs Half Price $15 Raincoat $7.98 In the big Garment Store, second floor, a sale of AVomen's Rain coats, made up of wool serge with rubberized bank in tan, brown, gray, olive, black and navy, excellent models with mannish mili tary collars and straps on sleeves; all sizes from 34 dT AO to 44; regular stock values to $15.00; special price D sO Mail Orders Filled Send an Order Today Hair Switches $7.00 grades for only $4.98 $8.00 grades for only $5.98 $6.50 grades for only $4.59 $5.00 grades f'or only $3.89 All shades, first quality Hair Switches from 20 to 30 inches long, on sale on second floor. Petticoats $3.98 Petticoats 57.98 In this lot we croup a rood assortment of tat'feta and mescaline and plain or fancy silk and wool jersey tops, with messaline flounce, tucks and accordion-plaited; also tailored flounces in black and all wanted colors. Oar best values up to $12.50, spe- CjC ACk cial for this sale at only . f!lRrance snle of hifrh-crrmde Petti coats in taffetas, meRsalincs and jer sey tops, with deep flounces, trimmed in tailored bauds: others with tnessa line accordion-plaited flounces; jersey tons, with strined flounces. All col ors. Values up to $13.00, dJ'T QO special during this sale at V 0 $10 Silk $15 SilK In the big garment store, second floor, wa offer a salo of attractive Silk Pet ticoats in taft'ota and Tnessaline or jersey top.. -Kith tnewaline flounces. Some are trimmed with fringe; others have areorilion-plaited flounce. Every wanted shade; worth to fcO QO $10.00, on special sale for P-'0 Linen Waists $4.50 Grades $3.38 $10.00 Grades $7.50 A great clearance of all-linen Waists at prices that will ap'al to all thrifty women. The materials are the very brt Irih quality; are stvled with collars and cuffs, plain or emiiroulcreii in tne eveiei or .Mexican urawnwors; some have plaited fronts in the plain tailored effects. Prices: $ 5.00 Waists only $3.75 $ 6.50 Waists only SM.87 $ 7.50 Waists only 85.63 $10.00 Waists only 7.50 Great Clearance of .All Women's Evening Gowns Great Clearance of A.11 Women s Evening Coats Great Clearance Sale of All Women's Sweaters Great Clearance Sale of All Women's Petticoats Great Clearance Sale of All Women's Kimonos Great Clearance Sale of All Women's Dresses $4.50 Waists, only $3.38 yti.00 Waists, only J? 4.5() $(5.75 Waists, only o.O. $S.50 Waists, only $6.37 Children's Wool $10 Capes at $4.98 In the infante store, second floor, we offer a general clear ance sale of children's Capes of pood woolen material; dark blue cheviot, lined with red flannel; ages C to 12 CjA QQ years. Regular $10 values, clearance sale price JV.0 Dorothy FrocKs V4 Off Clearance sale of Dorothy Frocks in plain sizes and fancy plaid-;; ages 6 to 10 years: values from $19.50 l to $23.50. Our special clearance price, now A Clearance of infants' white lawn, nainsook and dimity Dresses and Skirts, short and long French styles. Sizes from 2 to 6 vears. We place them on sale at manufacturers' cost prices. , 4OOO Yards of Fancy SI1K.S $1.50 Grades 79c 4000 yards of Fancy Silks, purchased at a great sacrifice from one of the largest silk manufacturers in the East. The lot com prises stripes, checks, plaids and print warp Taffetas, plaid and Persian Messalines, etc. The best silk values we have ever been able to offer. Thrifty women will supply their present and future needs at fraction of the former prices. Silks actually pyQ worth $1.00 to $1.25 and $1.50 a yard. Clearance price C See Window Today and Tomorrow Great Jamiuiary "Sale of WlhdUe" I ! fir - 1- - 'x- ' WW j V li 5L?.! li sleeves A. Ft fitf I ,cienncs lace -vfi'T.'eEr regular $1. 4 '71 All Undermtisliris Sacrificed $1.75 Gown $1.29 LiKe Illustration Dept. Second Floor. of Women's Gowns in the slipover round, square or V necks, butterfly or trimmed in linen torchon or alen- and embroidery beading and ribbon; 50 and $1.75 values; spe- t i nn dully priced for Clearance Sale at OX.iZ $1.25 Gowns 89c Women's Initial Gowns in the slipover style, with round yokes, embroidered iu any initial in pink r blue and trimmed in linen laee; our Q f regular $1.25 values, priced for this sale OcC $1.25 Crepe Gowns at 95c rlearanee Sale of those very popular Crepe Gowns in the slipover styles, with kimono sleeves; very pood quality crepe, finished with pink or blue q iMn; our best regular $1.25 values; special Clearance Sale price tOC $1.75 Outing Gowns $1.25 $2 Outing' Gowns $1.50 Women's Outinc; Flannel Gowns in II Women's Outinpr Flannel Gowns in plain white or stripes of pink, blue ink and white or blue and white. with collar or kimono styles; trimmed in braids; $1.75 values, tf 1 Off i Clearance Sale at only ii and pray, with military collars, trimmed in braids; regu- I lar vaiues. pricea Women's $1.75 Crepe Comb'tion $1.49 Women's Crepe Combinations of. Corset Cover and Drawers, or Corset Cover and Skirt, trimmed in linen torchon lace, finished with 'beading and wash ribbon; our reg- d "I ACk ular $1.75 values at only p 1 tx7 "Women's Combinations of Corset Cover and Drawers, made of cross bar dimity or longcloth, with inlays of lace and embroidery insertion; our regular values to $1.50, priced for this sale $1.19 Sale Women's Drawers, Corset Covers and Combinations Our entire stock of Women's Drawers in crepe, longcloth, nainsook, fine muslin and cambric; opened or closed, circular or regular all are reduced for this great 34th Annual Clearance Sale at the prices quoted herewith: Women's 75c Drawers selling at only 59c Women's $1.00 Drawers selilng at only 79c? Women's $1.25 Drawers selling at only 98d Women's Corset Covers, made of crossbar dimity, longcloth and nainsook; all beauti fully trimmed. The prices range as follows : 40c Corset Covers, clearance price 29 50c Corset Covers, clearance priee 35 75c Corset Covers clearance price 49 85c Corset Covers, clearance price (i9& 1.00 Corset Covers, clearance price 79c $1.35 Corset Covers, clearance price 9S $1.50 Corset Covers, clearance at S1.29 $1.75 Corset Covers, clearance at S1.49 Women's $1.50 Drawers now only S1.29 Women's $1.75 Drawers now only SI. 49 Women's $2.00 Drawers now only SI. 79 Women's Combinations" of Skirt, Corset Cover and Drawers ; made of crepe and long cloth and fine nainsook; priced as follows: $1.00 Combinations priced now only 79 $1.25 Combinations priced now only 89 $1.35 Combinations priced now only 98 $1.50 Combinations priced now at SI. 29 $2.25 Combinations priced now at SI. 75 $2.50 Combinations priced now at S1.98 Others up to $25.00 are reduced accordingly. Economical women will take advantage. Women's Linen Mesh Underwear $6.00 Union Suits, Clearance $2.50 $2.00 Vests or Pants, at Each $1.00 $6.50 Knickerbockers Only S2.50 $14 Pajamas, for Clearance $5.00 $15 Kimonos, for Clearance $6.00 Clearance of women's Linen Mesh Underwear, Winter weight Union Suits, Vests, Drawers and Pajamas. Knickerbockers in white or black. The Union Suits in lace-trimmed or tight knee; well made and good-fitting, at the above great reductions. Take advantage. $7.50 Swiss Union Suits Only $2.98 Swiss ribbed silk and lisle Union Suits in pink or bine, J0 QO' Winter weight, good values to $7.50; clearance price p&0 Sheets and Pillow Slips at Clearance Sale Prices Rooming-houses, hotels, hospitals, etc., will profit by the clearance of Bedspreads, Pillow Cases and Towels. Here 's 50,000 hemmed Huck Tow els, divided into 4 lots, to effect a speedy clearance, ea., 7c, 10c, 11c, 13o Extra special price in dozen lots, at only 80c, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 Heavy Pillow Slips, dozen, $1.50 $2.00 Crochet Bedspreads, $1.65 Hemstitched Slips, ea., only 15 $1.75 Crochet Bedspreads, $1.45 65c Sheets, 2x2y2 yards, ea., 54? $1.25 Crochet Bedspreads, $1.05 70c Sheets, 212x2, yds., at 58 1212C India Linon, a yard, only 9 French Nainsook, in 12-yard pieces, regular $2.75 value, special, $2.18 Great Clearance of All Table Linens Fine Brocade Cloths and Napkins, the best European productions, from the best selected flax. Our regular stock patterns, exclusive with us. Beautiful 36-inch Tea Cloths, regular $3.50 j0 OQ values, for only $2.62, and regular $4.50 values, special yO.OO $10.00 Napkins, dozen, $7.50 $10.50 Napkins, dozen, $8.00 Table Cloths, 2x2-yard size, regular $3.50 values, special at 56.38 Table Cloths, 2a212-yard size, regular $9.50 values, only $7.15 Table Cloths, 2x3-yard size, regular $11.00 values, special, $8.25 Table Cloths, 214x2 J-yard size, regular $10.00 values, at $7.50 Table Cloths, 2Vx2y2-yard size, regular $12.00 values, at $9.00 Table Cloths, 2y2x3-yard size, regular $14.00 values, only $10.50 36-inch scalloped round $2.50 Cloths, special sale price, $1.90 45-inch scalloped round $4.00 Cloths, special sale price, $2.95 54-inch scalloped round $5.00 Cloths, special sale price, $3.75 60-inch scalloped round $6.00 Cloths, special sale price, $4.50 72-inch scalloped round $8.00 Cloths, special sale price, $5.95 81-inch scalloped round $10.00 Cloths, special sale priee, $7.50 $2.25 All-Over Lace at 98c 35c Linen Lace at Only 15c Clearance sale of 1000 yards of 18-inch allover Lace in Oriental, Tenise and novelty mesh ; cream and white, in many dainty designs, for QO yokes, sleeves, etc.; values to $2.25; special clearance price, yardOC Linen Lace Thousands of yards of all pure Linen Laces in widths to 5 inches; edges and insertions to match; our regular values to 35c "I C a yard, special clearance sale price buy all yon want at, a yard Our entire stock of Laces offered during this sale at clearance prices. $7-50 Portieres $4-75 $50 Portieres$32-5 In the drapery store, third floor, a sale of rich Tapestry Portieres, in all the latest styles, plain or fancy colors, fringed, cord or braid finish, for clearance as follows : Regular $12 values, lJOO Cf $6.75; regular $17.50 values, $10.79 pair; $50 vals., pr. PJAi.JV Lace Curtains $3.25 Grade $2.20 $40 Grade $22.35 Clearance sale of 2, 3 and 4-pair lots of Arabian and Cluny Lace Cnrtains, made on the best French nets. Priced as follows: $ 3.25 Lace Curtains, $ 2.20 $ 3.75 Lace Curtains, $ 2.50 $ 5.50 Lace Curtains, $ 3.65 $ 6.00 Lace Curtains, $ 4.00 $ 8.50 Lace Curtains, $ 5.65 $17.50 Laee Cnrtains, $11.65 $35.00 Lace Curtains, $21.90 Uie Lace Curtain Samples for 48c Clearance of 500 Curtain sam ples, 14 yards long, 40 to 50 inches wide, in a large variety of neat, attractive patterns, of Arabians, Renaissance and fancy scrims. Special clearance A price for this sale, at, ea. "OC Ufye Single Crash Portieres $1.00 Samples of Art Crash Portieres in many attractive patterns, lyo yards long and 50 inches t1 wide ; worth $7.50 pair, ea. P $1.25 Embroidery 48c $2.25 Embroidery 98c Clearance sale of 10,000 yards of all wanted patterns and styles in Swiss and Nainsook materials, in a wonderful selection of dainty designs, in small patterns or large floral effects. Widths up to 18 inches. A Q Regular values np to $1.25; special clearance sale price, the yard OC Flouncing 5000 yards of 27-inch Swiss and Nainsook Flouncings just received, in a vast assortment of beautiful designs; all crisp, new QQ patterns. Must be seen to be appreciated. Values up to $2.25 for OC Dinner Sets 50-pieee Austrian China $11.75 Dinner Set, special price, $6.25 60-piece Austrian China, $1450 Dinner Set, special price, $7.75 100-piece Austrian China $21.50 Dinner Set, special for $11.50 50-piece Semi-Porcelain $5.00 Dinner Set, special for only $3.50 100-piece Semi-Porcelain $9.95 Dinner Sets, special, only $6.90 50-piece Austrian China $13.15 Dinner Set, special, only $10.35 100-piece Austrian China $24.40 Dinner Set, special for $19.35