. -r- n-nr-rTWT -V- TnPTT VTI "TTFPT'ATT? TT1 31. 1911. ' Tlliu SLA1FA1 miut.iit.'i mMma-w, " TWO GENT -SLUMP ) PRICE WILL BE HIGH m. . . v.... nttbu 11.10 per crate. AT CLOSE 7-nlon Pacific first 4s l'nlon Pacific conv 4s. ....... Union Pacific rf 4 t'nlted states Steel 8 r 5s... X'nlted States 2s registered... t'nlted Ststes Ss coupon I'nited States .Is registered. . . I'nire l States 8s coupon T'tilted States 4a registered I'nited Stales 4s coupon I'nited Kallwaj S F 4s t'nlted Ralleav St L. 4S Western l'nlon 4SS We-stinghouae conv os. ....... Western Pacific 5s Wisconsin Central 4s ........ West obore 4s .100S ll .102S l"1 .07 7S .lOlS K'l S .1(10 lOOVj .100 1M0S .li)lH 1"1!S .101 s .11CS 114 . 1 1 S S 1 1 4 POT A Tote Bavins prlcea: Boebanka Ocl.li per hundred; sweet potaloee. M.r'"- .. . of s Evening Up of December Shorts Causes Big Drop. Trading Is Brisk at Ris ing Prices. rs Onion Supply Not Sufficient for the Season. . PS . P2S . 7 . H2H .10t K7S mis K3 101 S BUOYANT V ' . J " i 1.1... -. - . I VEUtUW-LS Artichokes. He per dos- I so; btsns. i:-ilJhc: vssbae. 1SU V I pound, caulif.ower. Il.mil per crste; eel- ( ery S4 pr crate: cucumbers. si.-o I TS pr doen: emr.ent. ;o per pound: garlic, saioe r,r tour.d: lettuce. S1 par SlOCK erst.: ppp.ra. 8 1oo rr pound: pumrklna ' IglSo pr pound. rsd:kee. !- per dosen. sprouts. SaiOc: squash. ll P" pound; tomatoes. 11.14 per bos. X V CROP NOT KEEPING WELL Srrer Shrinkage la. Local Stocks aa Remit of We Weatber Id September Growers' Price Maintained at tl.lS. T!;er 1 sToioa; to b a irreat scar city of onion In tht part of th coun try before the ig l oor. Thi fact mas mad plain hy tha reports Nbmltlxl at yesterday moat In; of tha Confederated L'nlon Orowar- Asso. elation. Thera haa already been a good clearance of the Oregon crop and tha mix)rit supply that la left Is belns; depleted by tha apoillna; of a consid erable) percent. Flora tha on bes;an. 72 cara of m4 onlona have bean ehlpned and 91 rars of rnmmrrrlil stork disposed of. This leave SO1) cars In growers- hands. Tha rottlna- of the ontuns la aaid to ba dua to ma wet weather that pre vailed !n September. In aoma sections the troublo l Tare, a third of tha stock bain lost, arhlla elsewhere tha percentage Is lass. About s cars all told no far hava bn eliminated. It la not known haw lonar this rottinc will continue, but tr.a grower horva tl.at no more of tha onions will be affected. Onion grower bava not experienced this trouble for mary fear. It la ex ceedingly unfortunate at the present time, as tha market everywhere Is In a healthy condition and prospects point to higher prices durln the remainder of tha aaason. Tha shortening of tha local supply, of course, will add mora sirenath to the m.irket here. The ellln; price of the association Is maintained at SI-tS Pr sack. A hlsrher price mlcht he Justified, considering values elsewhere, but It has been necea. sary to crowd onlona on tha market because of their condition, and this has held tha pru-a down. inoiirt mo omr.vr ro n.om rtpcrM Imr Cvpaet Are Gradual ly lerailng. There la a continuance of Inquiry from tha Orient for flour, but the amount of new business belns; worked Is small. The prospects, however, are gradually Improving. Wheat buying yesterday was on a limited scale, at the prices that hava been current throughout the week. Oats and barley wera quiet and un changed. . Loval receipts, in cara. were r'i'' hv the Merchants Mcnsnit '"- lows: Wheat Barley Kiour Osts Hay Sf-rti and Tues. lR.tay rhur..y . Krl.t.v ... n a iti i j r. 4; 1169 tlurdsv V T V mr mtn . - a .i.l tlila week rr ago : m Iv dele . . rer ago . . . Tv,u Uvi MOP HOIJItM MOW .NO ALAR Mkri rasillaaea STras la MH af tlual IIJ. No business of Importance In Oregon h.is was transacted during the week, a block of 300 bales of low-grade goods changed handa between dealera at cents. Prima bops wera firmly held by growers, who showed no uneasiness because of the absenc of demand dur ing the holiday season. Conditions In the Kngllsh market are ahomn by tha lollowtn reporta from London bop (actors: Wild. Neame Co. The situation on our markt Is unaltered. Business I. quiet and tha few lota available held firmly at recent quotation. Manger A Henley A quieter tone haa prevailed during the past week. Tha extreme scarcity of slocks makes It dif ficult for buyers to do business. Price are very firm Indeed. W II. It LeMay The demand con tinues for all classes of hops, good ound old olds being particularly sought after. Arrt.K MAUKKT CAIN IX KTMrNGTII Itaulers rp I- Bcgla Handling Mere. Mark Wllbia Twa Weeks. As uijal on Saturday ti.ere was only a limited demand for vegetables and fruit. Celery was particularly scarce and waa firmly held at S a crate. The steamer brought a small shipment of truck, which waa held at prices show ing the firmne of the ran Kranctaco market. The apple market Is gradually gain ing In strrrgtu. The demand Is ell 11 lor the lower varieties, but these are (coming s.-arce. Iva.ere expert to oe-:n drawing on storage apples wit!. In t le next two weeks. rsallry Mtiwag at Ike I I-. Only a few siall shipments of poul try were received yesterday and they auick'.y cleaned up at firm prices. lressed turkeys were taken at : and :i rents and live chlckena of all kinds so'd at 14 cents. Tha rg market waa firm and fairly aclive. There were no new developments In tha butter or cheese markets. Raak rieartags. Pink rl'ertns ef Iti Nortbweeterv cltirs yesterday mere aa foi.ww. Osnnrs. Hslsni-ei. rr'od li.:s;.i ii:jiij H-atMe Tsooma f J 47 tip-.ksne alw.ea lot Js l.Arincs ef Pertlsnd. S(Ue and Te'onta tir iMe pet aeli aad correvpoedtng arrk la former Jer are. I'rt-i and. Seattle. Ts-"eTna. fin : :i si'"i7 ,; s .- i-.i., t' - i . i a i- :. i m v a';e-i i"i:ai' 4 t i :-.- ; sr.i.ii T-.t; - i'i.T" ai.J'4 4'iti;n I t'H .'.... - ; I -T 7 . 1 4 : . 4 ...., r.'4:: ' :.. I-.-4 . .. i'M.V-4 3 74 :rtT "77i:70 iw.i .... : -xm .a xzj;.t I'ortland s ran ciear!a In fWetnt'.r .. 4i Si 1 cn'ared S4.- . .e In lrfirhr llo. snd S II.44J. le . 7J tn recenihr I: I'.ir-Unii bank i-nns for the paet lhre .ar. wre aa follows. :i:.iiI7 i:.. :.i;.i7l.a7 ;T :.. J1."; mki l rOKTUtND XAKK.KT9. Carala. rWar. Feed. Kte. WHCT Trsck prices: lllueetem. 17 tf U: ciun. red Kuaa.aa. 74c; Valley, tve; furty-ro d. TJiW. rLOl R r n'. SI"1 Pr barrel. :.-a tt 4t6; eiioets. S.V40; valley. S4.JO; inhin, $4 wh.-tie wheat. S4 as. i'OHS nole. 137: cracked. tVls par toa. MIL-lTI lis brill. -J cer ton: m d ' "v shorts, t-4: rolled barley. SJ7 OATS Xa. 1 ahlte. 3J per too. RAT 1 Fae:ra reen umothy. SIS :ax: Na. 1 v.;iy. lusii: airaira. :1 SJlt: c!t. Sll)12: sraia. SUtyla. H4KUI-read, lot 0 1 r lea. Tegetablea and rralta. THOatCAt. rKflTS Oni us PT1SI: Japaaeea. S I 4U per bundle. Call ferala sr'rit. flivtfl; Florida grape fruit. affi3o: baaaaajc AdSc per pound; leeneaa. $4 0 4-SO per bos: pomecranatea. 91 AO pee bos: peeaimmoaa SI JO per bos. lKi-H rRl.TS Haaxa 4ocal 10 per bes. grapea. 7co)l sa per bo. Altaer'a arapaa. KICQl ft barrel; arasbarrlaa. S . n.lr. uul rawatrr Pradi BUTTER Oregoa creamery b""ar. solid pack. 3-.c; prln-.a estra; buttertat. 10 ls than oi:d pa. k prices. 1 ilLTRY-ll'i". He: fP-lr. lc. durka younc. 1"-: se. l;jllt. k-. H. 2"c: dre...d. choice. i4 0 -1c fci-.O; rr-.h l'r,wn rar.cn. .ndlo. ITSr t" dos-n: ee.-coont. 10c per d I-HKKSE Kreh Tillamook flats. 1 !; Tuunc AmtTlcas. Iv,c. I'nKX-1 inri, l'i - per ooond. Vtil, l uo. 14c per pound. klsple Craeerlea. gALJIOS Columbia Rler. S-""" 'alia, SliJ p-r dos-n: -pound talis SJ lV. -pound flats. Si40. A ia pink. 1-pooad ta SI i-V mm, m .rw rorrKK Roasted, la drums. StsaeOa per pound. . . HONEY Choice. ST 73 par case: strained borer, loc per pound. FAI.T flraaulaied. SIS per ton; na.t-gr-r.d 1 SsiO p.r ico: soa. S par too. Nl T Walnuts. Kllt Pr pound. Pr.nl null. 14,lr: a berts. 14lc: sl monua IT a Sic. pecana lac; eocoanuts. woo SI per dosen: chestnuts. liSC per pound. hir"ry nets Sfiloe per pound. HtANH Small white. 4it: larre wmie. ISr: Lima. 74,o; pink. tVc; alexlcana 4c; baton 6. RU E No J Japsn. SVie: cheaper grades. S4Sc: aouthe:n head. Sa7c: lm ported Imperial. Cttc; Imported estra N 1. ' ti 7 S c HI'ilAK rry rraoulited. S 4: fruit ana brrv. 4: bu -': estra C. S5 -SO; pedcred. barrel So 40: cuba. barrsla. S ". UK1KD VRrtT Apples. 1 4e per pound; apn-ots ISnle: peachca Hl4c; prunes Italian. lo-.wlne: ailver. lc; Ks. while and b.a.-k. ao7 4c: currants, loo) lie; ra'.:n. loose. Muscatel. HHl'lt; blearhrd Trompri. llc: unbleach.d Sul tanas. I,c: aeeded. TStf'Sc; datra Per sian. 8S0 per lb.; rard. SI 00 per box. rravUloaa. HAMS 10 to 1- pounda 1S01SH: S to 14 pounds 134 0 10'ic: 14 lo l pounds, US lti: 1 to 18 pounds. IJUjaionc; skinned. lc; picnics, llwc; eottsge roll 1 4c. LARD Kettle rendered. tierces. JSUje; tuba l.ISc: standard, tierces. llUjc; tuba lc; shortening, tierces. Ssjc; lule. c. Bil'iiX lasry. 5.c: staodard. e: choir.. e: Kncllin. 10 o 17c PUT HALT I LRKD Regular short eleara, dry salt. I-; .m.ik-d. 14c; ehort clear. ba kt. 13 to 1 lb.. dry salu Uc; smok-d. 14 4c; short clesr bicks le to ltd lbs., dry salt. Use: smoked 14c; Oregon exports, dry salt. 14 fcc: smoked, ldc Hope. Weol Bad Hldea. HOPS 1!I1 cp-p. 42 0 4c: olda aoml nal. 112 contracts. 2V-. MOHAIR Iholca. 9 37c per pound. WOol. Eastern Oresoo. lac per pound, according to shrinkage; Valley, let 17c rr pound. PEI.TS Dry. lie: lambs, salted. ajaSOe: short-wool plts. 5 7ic: butcher pelts. Nov. lsk..ofT. soo-itoc: pec. take-off. Puctffl. HIDE Salted hMee. lddlOHc Pr pound salted calf. lol7c: salted kip. 1 lie; green hldea ylse: dry ca.f. SOo: dry hld.s, I7u IV: salted stags. -w7c. green stsss. SSUoc. CAiCAKA Per pound. SHOad. Unseed Oil and Tnrpeatlaa. LINSEED OIL Pure raw. In barrels, T9c; boiled, tn barrels, sic: rsw. tn cases, S4o; bo! ; r,l. In caSee. kdc. Tt'Kl'ENTlNE Cases. TJc; srood barrals, 70 Sc. FLAXSEED oil. Jirit. Tr toa. $44. CATTLE FIRM AT CLOSE Tt LOADS HANDLED OS I-AST BCSINESS DAY OF YEA It. Best htecra Bring; $ and Cowl Soil for S5 Xo rtccrlil In Other Lines. The receipts at the stockyard on the last business day of the year were 1 loads of rattle, which were quickly disposed of In the forenoon. The yards, as usunl on Ssturday. closed at noon. .Nu further buslneaa will be transacted until Tuesday morning. Except for a small load of steers that brouKbl S5.S0. all of tho day s offerings, which were of choice quality, were sold at S. A load of top grade cows went at Si. The arrival were iti head of cattle, shipped In by Kldwrll at Caswell from Central Oregon. The sale In detail were a follow: Weicht. Price. , steers "3 O -ce 11 1 s.rs I' i : stir. ':' IS imta I"" a-" J4 st-rrs H44 24 cs -e 1 bull ' Prices quoted at the lortlaod Cnloa Stockyards fur tha various daises of stock were: Cho?Jes7eera S 9 1 J Uo.-t to choice steers J-V t holce cows 4..BB l.oo-l to vhotre cows 4 40 oj 4 no ,1,0... ... .1 h.tfrs . Co.! to 'tee r.lt.rs... w -y I aolce bu ., : .-d to rii ice bulls I'UOice M'l i..d to caolce caiea..... H-ss Choice to light boss Oood to choice hoes buvoth besvf bogs S h -c V " Choice ysrllng wether .. ChoH- k:ll.n ewes friotce IsniO t;.od to choke lembe ... Cu.ut 1 r7 4 i Ih j 4 .5 7.00 s.ow tils 1 11: a 54 mi it (.sot? S.7S 4 009 4 SO s.:j i;i (.' 1 so 4. ."" 4.75 J 0I4 4 t f-nlcags Ueeack Market. CHIOAOC. Dee. .to. Csttl' Ilecelpts stj- m-cd et '. m.irket :.ly: t-ec. S4 ii v.w: Tesss Sf-ra ttnyti t4 4044do. Ptokers and fecdea LlwSV. 'l snd h.lt.r S.'.40: T.w. .-..iW. Boo Receipt. e.um.-d .. i-.'..o. n..rket ow. l"c lower; light, I;, 7." lo: HUJ'U. St a. HO l hesy. S.V.1 !, -i roush. Si S o S : t d to choice it.?! J.: j.; ;S: piss. S7S a t TS: bulk of L ea S.- 9-...o lS Sh.-P Itecclrts estj l'7d s ..' m.rket steady: n.tlve. S-- . I ZXto wv'.-.ern. f M 4. : . ye.rtlhga 4 -a 4.;i'.i. 1A rBCltTO I-HUDICI atABBjn rrtcse quoted at the Bay City far Tege tablea. fruits. Etc. eA; fK N''I,''". tier. 3. The follow ing p-odoce prices were current hers today: Vrcctsa Cucunibcrs. VM.4MI: g.r.ic. ,.,1.. area peas. 7 ii 1 5c . siring b-ana. " .'utter "sncr crcsmery. S7c. f rg, ei. re. Jlc: feuo ranch. Se s '-.- l-- rtteeM Young Americas H lie t run API' '.. on- SI, co union. eSe; Mcucsa limes. SiiOll: Csllfornla lem ena choice. 17: eomajl SI IS. navel ir.os-e. Illigll); pme.ppUa S191. Potatoes ilregon Burbaak. ll;S1.7l; f.lna. Furb.nkt llalpln: river Bur h.nka i:oi.::. swe-t.. i:.cf m si., .tuns Bran. middling Ii.il.Wbeat. SIT i.;:: a heat and aata i? ;o. a t. ft III.ISM. Receipt! Klour. 744 quarter sacks: wh'.t. 4SS rentals: barlev. :o centals: ost. -;4w centals; poleloee. 4si sack, bran. iT3 Hcks: bay. 5"0 tons. wool. 14 ksiea Metal Marketa. SET YORK. tec. A The fnatal mar Kts w.ra du.l and nominal la tba absence ilka copper. 14ijrl4i,: electrolytic. 1414 4S14S. sod r.s'.lns. le4914. Tit-. 44.M4 111"'. Lead. 4 4" ep tcr. a.i.'Sa.s.v Ac.tiuion. i'.ioeli . 1 Iran, aacuang-d. Was4 at St. Levis. srT. X.OUI.5. Dec. S6. Wool stesdy. Ter-rit.'-v snd IVfCrm medMini". 14 arise; fine mediums. litfl'C t;"- 1 u lie SENTIMENT IS CHEERFUL AoUve lUilwaj IsnM and Many 8peclalUea llecord Subatantlal Gains Virginia Iron Jamps Elsht Points Bond Finn. NEW YORK. Dec. SO. The last day of the year on the Stock Exchange brought a brisk business at rising price. Speculative opinion eemed to be more cheerful. Croat Northern ore certificates and Interborough - Metropolitan preferred were anions the most prominent. The ore certificates rose 4H points and the traction share Virginia Iron jumped 8 point to 85. a rise of IS points In the lost two days. Buying; of thi stock was accompanied by the report that the company had aold coal lands to one of the Southern road for an amount euf fit-lent to cancel the out standing bonda In tne list of railroad stocks. Can adian Pacific. Northwestern. Delaware at Hudson, Baltimore at Ohio and Denver at Klo Grande preferred rose a point or more, tleveland. C. C. & St. Louis lost three point. The report of the Impending receiver ship -for Allts-Chalmer had no effect on the market, aside from the securi ties of the company Itself, as Its finan cial condition waa well known. The stocks and bond have been selling; at receivership price for some time. The & per cent bond dropped 2U and the preferred stock a point. Despite reports of a brisk holiday trade and better conditions In many lint of business, the fortnightly re port on Idle freight cars showed that the surplus had virtually doubled In number within the last period. The In crease extend over every section of the country. Another of the large Western road reported a decrease In earnings for No vember. Northern Pacific gross re turn fell off SUS.OOO. but a reduction In expense virtually balanced this de cline, leaving the net earning little changed. Heading and Erie made gams. The bond market wa firm and act ive. Total ales. par value, $2,450,000. United States 4. registered lost Vs and the coupon 4s on call on the week. CIOSINO STOCK QUOTATIONS. 'Open' High' Ixw jTloas A roe! Copper Co. I 4wl t V - Am -.r At V em -1 US IU 2w 4)Vs Am. Can. com, i 11 11 Si 11 do preferred Am. Cotton Oil, com.! Am. Leco.c eoru. ....j Am. 8ussr. com..... Arc. 6mslt., com..... do preferred ...... Am. woolen, oom..., Anaeonda aflnlug Oo. Sl4 1H 47 47 44 8114 UU S3 k 14 ,113 115w 11.11 721si TSw, Hl 102 it SS 87 K"4Uj 106 44 do preferred ;101 S '. ml S 101 :ll B. AO., com. . li3 Vll3S,103VluS lleet Sugar 66'.; 07-m Brooklvn Rsfld Tr.. 74V Tt, I 7JJ i Cansdlao Pacino. o.. . w r4 S ,14 1 V ,S4l C. a O. W.. com..... 18, 1SV., lw do prefarrsd -. . -I- c i Ta st. p . loss lo i,!" r. j. N. w com. 143 S, 144 .143 142s 7S1 sass 44 79 : 1014 7S 1S 19 40 w SI "4 42 PJU. Cheasresk Oh.o.. C010. Fuel a Iron, a. Col.. South., com.... 731. TS 73 do 1st preferred. . ( . . . Consolldstsd (las ....IBs 1 its Corn Products, com.. do preferred Delaware a Hudson.. Denver a Rls 0V. c . do preferred ...... Erie, common do 2d preferred.... do 1st preferred. . . General Eleotrlo Oraat Nortbara, pfd. Ice Securities Illinois central ..... Int. Harvester 1 1W IS 14 SIS, Hi iss"'li5si4' ISS1 1.-.3- 12714 127 w.UTT 127 i4 J 1404 140, 140 lo-y'os iioT 140 lot is, isos 27 S IS TS 19 SS 42S SI 1SH ass 154i 1S4S a 84 S guS 04 S ms tog st loss lnterurban klet Jul. II 1 ill I 61 I P4 01 I.eMsft Valle leOSl0 lbOS Ksnas rttr South... Allis-Cbalmsr. a ... do preferred Chicaso a Alton, a.. do preferred ...... Ore Lands rlBt!llers . Kir ConeoL Miami Copper IS TS .2 ! MS 4SS, S8S 18S us 4 1 ilk 1SSS11B3 MAT Jiuiivtlls a Nash.... M.. 8t. P. 8. U.. Mo.. K. T".. oom. do preferred ...... Mlseourt PaclflO .... National Lead ...... Nevada Coaa ....... New York Central... N. V, Or.l a W yrt. W.. com.... North Amertcan .... 1U ts 40 40S K4 SOS 64 S 1S 64 S IK". 2d lOSSiKXfH.lO SI e 3 lt'SS I"S'10SS 7& TA TS 70 il74.'ll8sai7S 117S Northern Pao., oom Pae. Mall B. Co... Penns Ivsula Br. . IU! 1S SISj 1S JlUVia 11'2S 122 p. u a c. Co Pressed Car, com.. do preferred ...... Reading, common .. do -1 preferred .. do 1st preferred .. Rep. I. a a, oom... do preferred Bock U.and. com ... do preferred iiutt r.. sd pfd. do 1st prfrrd .. Ii L a S. w.. com.. do preferred Southern Fu. com.. So. Railway, com.... do preferred ...... Tu a Paclflo .... Tel.. Bt. u a w. e. do preferred ...... Union Pacino. oom.. So preferred U. 0. Ruooer. com... do preferred - U. 0. Steel Co, oom. do preferred ...... fta Cepper Wabash, oommoa ... do praf erred ...... Wntero U. Tsl WeaUnghouee Else... W:a csnusJ. com... Big Four Ksi.way Spring .... do praferred Go'.dfleld Cona. lllS ,lo S ,1 W!"'-' 100 ISIS 11S 10 S IMS CIS SK 20S S4S 24". 43 S 40 S 64 f 24 S Sri' ' 4IIH 4S S ss s ats So 49 H OS so so 9 70 iiis iiis 111 S 111 H 2S, 2A MS 2S TOS jos aos tos 1SS 14 iss 14 S S4S S4 171S 1T1S.171S 0S 13S S4 171S B2S 47 S TS 'ii" 47 47S 47 S 1"JS T7S STS 7S lio 'a S B5SI SoS 1 73 S So H So So S S4) TSS T8S TSS 00 "is "is' ss 4S ssst i sas. 2s Cbin Copper .. BONDS. Furni.hed by Overbsck a Cooke Co., of loriiiao. Bid. Asked. Amer Tel a Tel cone 4s... American Tobacco 4s...... An-.rncan Tobacco es ..... 108 1"S IU lnt 14 17S I'lS lows .. vis ..liss Atchison general 4s .......... Aicluson conv 4s Atchltion sdj 4s stamped Aii-h.eon conv ol Atl.-ttitlc Coast 14ne cotis 4s.. t coast I.ine "I. a N coll" 4S. P.iinrtM.re t'l'lo 3-S Itaatlmore ,v i'hl.t 4 l:r.M.llu H.i;Md Tr.to.lt 4.... CsnaiU r-oulnern first .".s cti.alj-ko vihlo 4V: C. l: a J Joint 4 r. m g ms 4s H cl PmvT 4s Ceniral Pacific first 4a CMcaeo A tssl Ills 4 Chicago. R 1 P ref 4s t-hi.-aeo. R I a P Col trust 4s. ru;oiJo A Soulhern flrt 4.. Wner a Rio O'ende 4S 11 A llude -n c.nv 4s K1I4 first ens P L 4s lnt M-t 4 Ss Jspalicse 4s Japanese fliet 141 J.-:-ini!e second 4V-e T..u!ville A Nashville on 4.. X ooun, Kansas a Texas ( l:aaourt Pac.f-c 4S - - New York Central XHs Nw York Central L, S 2Ss Nw York Cltr 4 New York my 4Ss of IMi... Norfolk a Western 4s Norfolk a Weitera conv 4s... X Y tnt a W 4s Northern pacific T L. 4s Northern pacific as Oregon Short Une 4s 'rctf .u Ita- A Nac 4 I--PPS P.elleav 4e of 104 Phlliprlne Kaileay 4s VJ lutts BIS .lt" S HIS III '- ii j s lis a - IS 1"1 S I'll S !S llKI MIS l'JI s ot 71 3S 07 S 7 s l'i H 7. 0' 1V7 ' 07 S MS 71' S ims 70 7H ms (.' ' 17S SS H'l U"S Ml s 4' I S Ta lo.l S s lo.I MS I'll 71' S boS . . 14 . . I.-. . . ll'.t " as . .1"! .. m . . wis . . 7-4 .. bO Readme general Kepubllo of C'iba rVs Southern Pacific first ref 4s. eouthern pacific col 4a Southern Kir 4 bt L 'a S r ref 4s at Hoatoa. Closing Quotations: BOSTO.V. Deo. Allous 41 S Mohawk " S' Nevada Con .... 10S S Nip Mines es-div 6H S North Butte..... 2 'a 'North lake TS SOld nomlnion... 4.S 'Onceola es-div..lo, IPnrrott (SAC). US hulncy Vou Shannon I'S S Superior 30 S S Sup A Bos Mlo.. 3S ITsmsrsck "IS t: s a r A M x-d 3 Amalg Copper. . A Z I. a S ex-d Arizona Com . . 1 HACCASM. T Butte Coaiitlon. 22 Cal A Arli..na.. 2 Cal A Hecla 440 Centennial 77 Cop Ran Con Co M K Putte Cop M. 1 anklln 12 Olroiix Con .... 4 Granhy Con . . . Sd Greene Cananea. 8 I Hojralle (Cop I 2 Kerr Lake...... 2 Lake Copper.. . . S7 41 do pfd ex-dlv. 4.H rtah Con ITS S'T'tah Copper Co. SSS wmons " la Salle Cooper SI Wolverine . .102 S allaml Copper... 23 SI Money, Exchange, Kte. NEW YORK, Dec SO. Money on call, nominal. Time loans. ey: 60 days. 4 34S. ar.d !J dnys 4: six months. 4 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 4S6 4S Pr cent. Sterling exchange sitady. with actual hualness In bankers- bil.s at H 3 2i tot so days' bills and at S4l nr. for demand. Cornm.rcliU bills. S4.1-2S. It.ir silver. 4S. Mexltsn dollars. 46. llovernment bonds. steady; railroad bonds. Irregular. LONDON. Dec SO. Bar silver Quiet. 25 l-14d per ounce. Money JSjtS percent. The rate of discount In tha open market for short bills Is 15-14 per cent; three months' bills. 1 per cent. SV FRANCISCO. Dec. to. Sterling on London. CO days. S4.83S: sight. $4..S- MONEY MARKET EASY ABCXDAXCK OF FCXDS OX LOAX AT XEW VORK. Banks Add Nearly Elfflit MiUlon THtllar to Tlielp Kebt-rvcs De poults Heavily Increased. NEW TORK. Dec 20. The statement of clearing -house bsnks for ths week (five days), shows thst the banks hold SH.4ES. 2o reserve In excess of legal reaulrements. This Is an Increase of SS.9O5.OO0 in ths pro portlonate cssh reserve, as compared with last week. The statement follows: Dslly average Loans l.a'.4. 647.000. Increase S. BtS.OOO. Specie 43Jl.74S.uOO. Increase Sd.-43.000. Legal tenders Sil.4Kl.0uu. Increase Sl.- JNet deposits S1.72S.S62, 000. Increase S14.- 262 000. circulation S50.S07.000, decrease J2U.000. Bink.' cash reserve In vaults 1243.409.01.0. Trust companies' cash reserve In vaults S62.S31.00O. AKKrczate csh reserve $406. 240.000. AKreate null reserve 1 4U6. 240.00 0. Kxces lawful reserve 116.413.200, Increase S3 9"5.oO. Trust companies' reserve with clearing house memrM.rs rarrying 23 per cent cash reserve. SoT.271.000. Actual condition Loans $l.i7S.:t47.000. Increase S1S.00T.OO0. t-oecie S-t-7.9u.'MiO. Increase $12. 623.000. Legal tender Sk7.175.OUO, Increase S4,aOS.- 00. N'et deposits S1.752.40S.OOO. Increase S42,- 431.000. Clrculstlon S"O0,S5.000, decrease S62.000. Banks' cash reserve In vault S.150, 553,000. Truft coruianlca' cash reserve In vsult S64.S30.00O. Aggregate cash reser'e S415.0N3.000. Kxcess Iswful reserve S18. 906.850. Increase ST siS.iiO. Trust compsnles- reserve with clearing house members csrrylng 25 per cent cash reeerve. :.,6 1 2.000. Hummary of Mtnte banks snd trust com panies In Greater New York not reporting to the New York Cleerlng-House: Loans Srtl6.t21.7n'!. Increase $162,400. Specie S07.M6.5uo. Increase SI. 100. 700. Legsl tenders SU.2o5,2U0. decrease S223. 400. Total deposits $652.599. 700, Increase $3, S4 SOv. Tho year ended with the New York money market In extreme ease, the clearing-house banks for the last week having sn excess reserve shove the 23 per cent minimum of SIS.IWW.P.'.O. this surplus being bssed on the report of sctual conditions. The week's movement In banking circles was chsracterled by a heavy Influx of funds from the Interior, due. for the most part, to dividend requirements, the sctual receipt of snecle snd legal tenders having beeo S1T.131.0O0. I.OBHS evpanded S1S,007,OAA. and there was sn extraordinary Increase of $42. al.OOO In deposits. The latter Item neces sitated s heavier reserve requirement of snmethlnr over SI0.ooo.oim). but despite this, the banks added S7.S.',b.050 to their re serve. The statement of the clearing-house In stitutions for the next meek or two will be complicated by reason of dividend end In terest payments, etc., but the predominant fsct In the situation Is that the year will open with sn abumlance of loanable money st very moderate rates and with no strin gency In sight. t'ondltioa of the Treasury. WASHINGTON. lec. 20. At the nlng of business today the condition t rilled Htsies Treasury was: v ., . hi.., balance in Treasury of- becln of ths -es S I9. '.8H3.S7S In banks snd Philippine treasury 34 Total balance In general fund.. 12S, Ordlnsry receipts yesterday .... 1 Ordinary disbursements yest'day 2 Iiettett to date this fiscal yesr... 22, lieiieii hi tills time last year... 7. l.471 into. 249 S11.719 821. am niJi.ftiin 000.410 The flpures exclude Panama Can public debt transactiona al and Coffee and Sngar. NP1W YORK. Dec. 3o. Coffee futures closed steady st a net advance of 5tlS fointa Sales 4'MJO bass. January, 18.T"lc; ehruarv. 1J..V.C; Mart.. 13.42c: April, 111 :ioc: May. June aud July,' 12.12c; August snd September. 13 22c: October, 13.17c; November. 1.1. 12c: December. 13.10c Spot coffee Quiet, steady. Itlo No. T. HSc: Santo No T, 15SC. Mild coffee, dull: Cordovs. 1SlSc. nominal. Kaw sugar, holiday. Muscovado ,9 test, 4 11tf4.1oc: centrlfuual Wl test. 4.411 4j4. tiftc; molasses sugar Ml test. 3.8 tr 3.B0c : refined cubes. 4c; tine granulated, 5.7oc; powdered, o.boc. Dried rrnlt at ew York. NEW YORK. Dec 80. Evaporated ap ples Dull, steady. On the spot fancy are quoted at (.SSlOSo; choice, SSSc; prime. SSttbSc Prunes Firm, with a good demand. Quo tations: 5 a" 1.14c for California up to 80 408 aud lOSfclUc for oregona Peaches Inactive, steady. Choice, 11 S $11Sc: extra choice, HSQ12c; fancy, 12Sl-Sci Hone. K.le.. at New York. NEW YORK. Dec. 110. Hops Dull. State, common to choice 1011, 4oHc; lino, nom I11.1l: Paclilc Coaat lull. 4oi5tc; 1010. nom lnilidee Quiet. Central American, 22c; Bo gma. 22S il "Sc. petroleum r-tendy. Reflned, New York. barrels $7 .:"; do. bulk. s:t.s.i: pnnadelpnia, barrels. S7.2o; do. bulk. S11.S3. Wool 6-teady. Domestic fleece XX Ohio. 2bc. Chicago Produce Market. CHICAGO. Dec 30. Butter steady; creatierie. 2u:ioc: dairies. 2:1 4 31c. fTK Steady; receipts, 17til cases; st mark, chiks Included. !27c; llrsts. 2S 2Jc; prime tirsts. 24ti2c. ,-hr,!; Steady; daisies. lSSttlOSc; twins. 16ilSc; Young Amerlcss, ltiS9 lSc: Long Horns. IdSglOSc lrulnth Flax larkrt. DULl'TH. Dec 30. Flax In store. 2.14: on track to arrive, 2.14S: December. 2.14 bid; January. 2.12S asked: May. 2.12S bid. Elgla Butter Market. ELC.l.V. III.. Dec. SO. Buttei- Firm, S60: output. U-O. OSO pounds. No Naval Stores Market. ' SAVANNAH. Ga.. Dec 34). Naval stores market closed todsy. Fx! II or Bceson Disappear. BAKER. Or.. rec 30. (Special.) A L. Beeson. editor of the Huntinsrton Herald and leader In the recent moral wave there, ha disappeared. Creditors are earching for him. With his go ing it 1 probable that the reform ef forts be started will die- Sto MAY WHEAT CLOSES HIGHER Showery AVtratlitTT in Argentina Gives tho Market a Lift at the Open ing Traders Squealed in the Corn Pit. CHICAGO. Dec 30. Big changes In price today, out of all proportion to the small amount of business involved, marked the end of tho December de livery of wheat and corn. The wind-up of trade in that option resulted tn sending; the flrst-named cereal down for what remained of that month and hoistine the other grain, the extreme difference from last night being respec tively a decline of 2c and a rise of 3a. Otherwise fluctuations were of a modest sort. For the list taken a a whole, the finish left wheat lie up. to H4o oft. corn up a shade to Sc. oats. He lower to He higher; hog products slanting from unaltered figures to a gain of Sc. Showery weather in the Argentine helped give the wheat market today something of a lift- The severe cold In districts northwest of Chicago, un favorable for a free movement of the crop In that region, tended also to enhance values. Opening prices here were Uc oft to Ho up. When Decem ber shorts on wheat had evened up, that option suddenly dropped 2o under last night. May wheat ranged from SSC to 9Sc, closing steady lHo net higher at !'9c even. Corn ruled stronger on account or wet weather and of covering by be lated December short. The final squeeze for traders, who were forced to settle deals in the current delivery, forced the price up to the highest mark of the season, 68Hc, as against 64Ho last night. May fluctuated from 63o to 3-c. closing steady, a shade net higher, at 6.1c and 47ttc, with last sales 47Vic, exactly the same as last night. Scantiness of offerings had a greater effect on provisions than did the liberal hog receipts. In the end pork was unchanged to 60 up with other products also firm but showing a trifle less advance. The leading futures ranged a follow: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. Dec .4S K4 -li Il May S -S -OSS .SS July I: 1114 -4S S . CORX. Dec 4i -61S May 3S -'S -J' Jj July SS .3S -MS - OATS. Deo. 4S -47S . -" May 7S -47S -'S -J'S July 4SS -43 -43 .43 MESS PORK. Jan. 15.40 15.56 15.40 15.45 May .M..1S.S "OS 15-SO le.Se LARD. Tan S10 S.20 S.10 S.15 July ...... S.47S 8.52S S.47H 9.62S SHORT RIBS. Jan S.S7H 8.SS S.S7H S.H May 8 65 8 42S S.S5 8.60 July 8.62S 8.o7S 8.S3H S.6S 1 'ash quotations were aa follows: Fluur-Qulel, unchanged. Rye No. i, 82c ...... Barley Feed or mixing. SScSSH fair to choice malting. SL18j1.30. Timothy seed )1315. Clover SI. 60 4 20.50. Pork Mess, per barrel $15 for old. Sis for new. .... Lard Per 100 pounds, S8.15. Short ribs Bides (loose). S7-8TH. . Oraln statistics: Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 441,000 bushels. Primary receipts were 490.000 bushels, compared with 600. 000 bushels tha corresponding day a year ago. Estlmsted receipts for Monday: Wheat. 15 cars: corn. S42 cara; oats. cars; hogs, 63.000 head. Grain at Saa Franc! soa. 6AN FRANCISCO, Deo. 80. Wheat Steady. Barley Firm. Ppot quotations Wheat Shipping. S1.B0VX.SS per cental. Barley Feed. SI. 85 per cental; brewing, nornln al. Oats Red. S1.804J1.80 per cental; white. S1.7O01.72S per cental; black. tl.t6jU.80 per cental. - Call board sales Wheat No trading. Barley May, 51-84 bid. S1.9SS aaked. Fuget Bound Grain Markets. SEATTLE. Wash., Deo. SO. Wheat Blue stem. SISc: fortyfold, 79So; club, 78o; life, 78c; red Russisn, 77c Yeeterdsy's car receipts Corn, il hay, S; flour, 8; oats. 1. TACOMA. Wash.. Dec SO Wheat Blue stem, Sic; forty-fold. 7o; club. 7o; red Rus sian. 78c Receipts Wheat, 43; barley. S; corn. S; oata 3: hay. 2. European Oraln Market. LONDON. Pec SO. Cargoes firm; Walla try markets, firm; French country markets. firm. LIVERPOOL, Dec. 80. Wheat December, 7s 4Sd: March, 7s 4d; May. 7s JSd. Weath er cloudy. Minneapolis Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Dec SO. Wheat Decem ber, 11.03 S; May, 1.00S; July. S1.07S; cash. No. I hard, SI. 07 Si No. 1 Northern, 81 OSS. No. 2 Northern. 8 1-04 S; No. S wheat. L03T1.02S. MAUS QUOTEDON CANTEEN vVrlter Gets Opposing Data From Army Snrgeon. ABERDEEN. Wash., Dec. 28. (To the Editor.) The writer has always en Joyed reading The Oregonlan, especial ly the editorial page, and has looked upon it and the Boston Transcript as two of the greatest and best daily pa pers In our country. The editorials enow knowledge, conservatism and a breadth of view that give pleasure to note in these days of commercialism, when manv editorials are not the hon est and fearless comment of the editors. but a paio-ior proauciioii ana wruwu at behest of some special interest. ha editorial opinions In The Ore gonlan have not always coincided with tiiosa of the writer, but I believe they I have seldom claimed that opposite opinions were not intelligent, it was with regret, therefore, that I found in the editorial. "Restore the Canteen," In the lesue of December 19, such asser tion, because the writer believes there is intelligent opposition to the re-establishment of the Army canteen. Careful reading of an article about tire canteen by otjionei L. M. Mans, chief surgeon and chief medical In spector of the Central Division of Uni ted States Army, published in the Con tinent of December 17, 1911, a journal that is both conservative and accurate, la worth while.. To quote from your editorial: The Immediate consequence of closing the canteen haa been a terrible increase of drunkenness, and would that this were Its n-oret effect, but It Is not. Ths dens to which ths yonug enlisted men hava been Joseph G. Gillingham BUSINESS SYSTEMIZER AND ACCOUNTANT 41 1-412 Lewis BIdg. Having in use the only Tabulating Machine (commonly known as Census Bureau Machine) in Portland,, and giving the only service of this kind west of Chicago. Electrical classification of details; 18,000 items per hour, adding simultaneously FOUR columns, 9000 per hour. driven are ' of course haunted by women whose character cannot be described. As sociation with them has raised the propor tion of loatl.some diseases among the troops from a little more than 8 per cent to about 20 per cent. This frightful Increase has taken pleace since the canteen wan closed and In direct consequence of that foolish and wicked act. In contrast -with the foregoing, Colonel Maui states: Without any knowledge of the real facts the advocates of the restoration of beer to canteen tell us that since Its abolishment the health of the Army has been appalling. It will be noticed that the sickness from alcoholism decreased from 1901 to 1910 (the pertod during which the sale of Intoxicants ha been abolished). The venerial rate shows an Increase, but as Colonel Mans explains prior to this date, or before 1900, only voluntary cases were reported, whereas since that date a rigid examination of all the men is made weekly or twice monthly. Knowing how men are reti cent in reporting this disease and knowing the various stages up to the point where their condition compels them to admit it and report, the Colonel well says the voluntary cases as re ported prior to 1900 would be less since that date than before. True there has been en increase in ratio of sick admissions from 40 per 1000 in 1885-1898 to 48 per 1000 In 1901. 1910 (1S9S to 1901 omitted on account of abnormal war condition). It should be considered, however, in noting this Increase that from 1885 to 1898 the Army was stationed at home in excel lent quarters, whereas from 1901 to 1910 they were in Porto Rico, the Phil ippines, etc., and exposed to all manner of tropical diseases. E. B. CRART. RESERVATION NOT OPEN Tribal Delegates Deny Klamath Lands Are for Sale. BONANZA. Or., Dec. 19. (To the Edi tor.) An article has appeared in a number of newspapers quoting Super intendent Watson as saying that the Klamath Indian Reservation is now virtually open; that there are thous ands of acres of fine agricultural land that can be sold at public auction upon application: Now the facts are that this Reserva tion is not now open, and it will not be opened until matters that are before the Department are settled. TheBooth Kelly Company has through some scheme obtained a large va;uable piece of land, and the Government has also through their agents deprived us of large sums of money. This must be ad. justed before we can proceed to any final settlement of these and other matters. The allotment of cattle as per agreement about two years ago, has never been fulfilled nor satisfactorily consummated. The cash allotments have not been made as per agreement and we cannot understand why they are not so made. The tribal money due us from deceased Indians is also a mystery, can. not be located and while we are sure the same Is safe we would at least like to know just who is getting the interest on it. Our understanding is that Agent Watson is only a hired man on a stated salary, and not the Indian Department Itself. When these matters are all settled legally and through the courts, as that Is the only manner in which we desire to adjust these matters, then, and not until then, will the tribe be ready to have the reservation opened up. There are also about 29 of the Modoc Indians that have been allotted lands In the Indian Territory, and become citizens of the United States, that the Government has allowed (against our wishes) to come here and share our allotments and money. The white man has Just as good right to these privi leges as these Modocs, and we want an understanding as to what right the Government ha after taking away the tribal authority of them to "reim merse" them again and give them our money and land. The conditions of the treaty with the Government and the Klamath Indians have been violated and we feel that we have not been dealt with according to the laws and the provisions of said STOCKS and BONDS WE OFFER FOR SALE: BO United States Cashier bid 1,900 Auto. Call & Advt. Clock .27 Mi 8,700 Almeda Con. Mines Co bargain 100 United Wireless pfd 1.10 10 Coin Machine llfg cheap 1 Ilex. Rubber Cult., series A 135.00 60 Arnold's Economy Damper special J.000 East. Oregon Oil & Gas.. .11 hi 6,600 Metaline Con 07 2,600 Alaska Pet. & Coal 04H 120 Port. Concrete Pile & Eq. 10.50 100 Camp. Safety Gas Burner -5b 4 Amer. Life & Accident. .135.00 2,000 Comstock Golden Gate... .09 10 Americar Druggist Synd. 13.50 1,000 August Oil (Calif) 26 1 noo Calif. Con. Oil- (Evans).. .10 1,000 Pvramid Oil (Calif) "M 3,000 Interl. Asbestos (Wyo.).. .121 2.000 Northwestern A s b e tos (Wyo.) 11 100 American Telegraphone bid 60 Call Switch (Salt Lake).. 9.00 1,000 Doyle Con. (Colo.) 10 50 German-Amn. Coffee 9.40 1,000 Spring Tire (Los. A.) 17 000 Col. Riv. Orch. Bonds Febys. .. 3.10 3,000 Col. Riv. Orch. Bonds Junes 2.15 16 000 Col. Riv. Orch. Bonds Octs 11 Submit otfer for any part of above stocks. WE WANT TO BUY: 100 United States Cashier. 50 Port. Concrete Pile & Eq. 100 Canadian Marconi Wireless. 50 American Marconi Wireless. 100 English Marconi Wireless. 10 American Druggist Syndicate. 5 000 Tacoma Company (Steel). 100 People's Amusement Co. 100 American Telegraphone. 20 Chgo.-N. Y. Air Line Ry. 5 000 Omaha Ind. Telephone Co. bonds. ' 50 Port. Home Telephone Co. stock. 2 000 Port. Home Tel. bondsf ' AS omnlinf This Is a bona fide list and we will do business on any stock listed. DO VT BUY OR PELL ANY MTNING, OIL OR INDUSTRIAL stock until you communicate with or see us. It will pav you " All classes of stocks han dled no matter where located. Corres pondents In all leading cities. W.E. DAVIDSON & CO. 210 LEWIS BLDG, treaty. Now the thing to find out is "Who is who and why." We believe that these matters can and will be finally settled and the money and land fully restored to us that is legally due us SARGENT BROWN, HENRY JACKSON. Elected as delegates by the Klamath tribe in regular .council called Novem ber 12, 1910. Magazine Receiver Appointetl. NEW YORK. Dec 30. Albert B. Kerr was appointed today receiver for the National Post Company, publisher of the magazine Success and the Na tional Post. The assets are estimated at S10.000. ANNOUNCEMENT J. C WILSON & CO. Members New York Stock Exchange. New York Cotton Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade The Stock and Bond Exchange, San Kraneisco, With Offices at Mills Building. San Francisco: Pal ace Hotel, San Francisco: Alexan dria Hotel. Los Angeles: U. S. Grant Hotel, San Diego; Hotel Del Cor onado, Coronado Beach, desire to announce that on JAN. 15, 1912, THEY WILL OPEN OFFICES In the Lamb ermen's Bulldinar, Portland; Alaska Building, Seattle; Canada Life Ilnllding, Vancouver, for the handling of all orders for STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN AND COTTON At the Resralar w York and Chi cago Kate of Commission. All these offices will be con nected by private wire with our present complete private wire serv. ice from San Francisco and Lo Angeles to New York and Chicago, thus affording all our clients con tinuous quotations from all East ern markets and the advantage of direct and instantaneous private wire service in the execution of orders. J. C. WILSON & CO. MAIN OFFICE, MILLS BUILDING, San Francisco. Portland is to be congratulated upon her record this year in laying a largely increased number of yards of bitulithic pavement. We desire to announce that begin ning; with January 1, 1912, we shall do business in New York stocks, bonds and cotton and Chicago grain at the regular rate of commission. OVERBECK & COOKE CO. Members Chicago Board of .Trade, Correspuadentft of MeMi-ft. Logan ft Bryan. MEMBERS: Jiew York Stock Exchange Chicago Stock Exchange Boston Stock Exchange Chicago Board of Trade 'ew York Cotton Exchange New York Coffc Exchange New Y'ork Produce Exchange w Orleans Cotton Exchange Liverpool Cotton Association THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY Constructs Asphalt and Other Bitu minous Pavements. 08-008 Electrlo Bids., Portland, Or. Oalcar Huber, M smaer. TRAVELERS' GLIDE- STEAMERS YALE and HARVARD Portland to Los Angeles, tourist Portland to Los Angeles, tlrst ciass. ..28.J Portland to Los Angeles, round trip. tourist , V .'.' 4t7 Portland to Los Angeles, round trip, firsl class - 53-7r Portland to San Diego, tourist JS.OO Portland to San Diego, llrst class JO. 01) Portland to San Diego, round trip. first class 5 Railroad to San Francisco, the exposition city connecting with the famous new tur bine steel steamers, Yale and Harvard, larg est snd fastest strictly passenger ships on the Coast; average speed 28 miles per hour, yaks reservations early. Saa Francisco, Portland 4 L. A. SS. Ce., FBANK BOLLAM. Agent, ' A 45. 18S Third Bt. Main 28. COOS BAY LINE MEAMER BRKAKWATji. Eel's from Ainsworto Docks. Portlsnd. a p m every Tuesday. Freight received at Alasvartk Dock daily up to S P. M. Pas MIS fare, first-class, 10; second-class. IT. Includinr meais and berth. Hckot offlca A Ins worth Dock. Phones Main MU. Main 170 A 12:14. NEW YORK-PORTLAND BEGULAB FREIGHT SERVICE. Xov Pfltti, Schttdul Tim. AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN S. S. CO tlB Railway Exchange Bide, Portland. Or. Uala 3., sM