1911. 14 SUNDAY OREGONIAX. PORTLAND. DECEMBER 31. , T: : i SNOW DELAYS SHIP Rose City Held in Blizzard Thick as Heavy Fog. UP-RIVER TRIP IS SLOW Teaael Brine Ught Cargo From Cal ifornia Porta but Will Kcturn Heavily Laden Paen grr Travel Normal. Snow ao thick that it resembled a heavy mantle of foa; and mad head way ImpoMtbla only under a low belL waa what tha ateamer Hoe. City es prlencd comlD( up from Astoria Thursday eventna-. Captain Maaun aaya that tha uow continued with tha aama condition until SL Hrln an rtichfd. Tha Jtoea City eblfted from Alns worth dock yesterday to twain her morn of tha harbor, which la unusual, aa the vessela customarily remain at tha dork at leaat a day after arriving, but aha had a small cargo from Cali fornia porta, Tha ruah of freight outh bound ahnwa no material abate ment, aapaclally with otferlnga of grain, passenger travel baa dropped to a normal stas;. and tha nest ruah will ba from tha south, when steerage patroaa reauma their northward march In aeareh of employment. .NORTH PACIFIC LOSES NAME Ordrre Recrlved to Transact Biml nena, lor Mcrrrr IntrrrM. Formal notice haa been received at the Portland agency of the North Pa cific Kteamehlp Company k-at the cor poration will ceaee to have control of the ateamera Geo. W. Elder. Roanoke and Alliance after tomorrow, becauee they are to be merged with the fleeta or the Alaska Pacific and Alaaka Coaat eteamahip lines. The new corporation' name haa not been announced, but It la In proceaa of formation. Notice waa given that all accounta must ba segregated after January 1. ao tha bualneaa of the North Pacific and the succeeding company can b maintained on asperate ledgers. The learn.-r Oeo. W. KMer haa aalled from Kan Franclaco for Portland under the flag of the North Pacific, and on the outward voyage ahe will be in tha aervlre of the merger organisation. Aa to other changes no Intimation haa been given, but It la expected that In tha general reorganisation the prin cipal Influence on the Portland service will te a change of ateamera. the ICnanoke possibly being placed on the I'uget Sound-San Franclaco run and her place taken by one or two amaller carriers. BARGE 1XEET IS VNLIGIITED 4 olumbla Contract Company iRnore-s. fiovrrnmcnt Kulca. Five big rock barges, virtually moored abreaat In the harbor, on the Kaet fide between the Morrison and and Ilawthorne-avenue bridges, with but one of them lighted, were a menace to navigation dlacovered lata Thuraday night by Inapectora f the Cuatom Miuee. The fleet belonged to the Co lumbia Klver Contract Company, of which Ianlel ern la the head, and It waa reported to the Cuatom-Houae au thorltlea that the barges were swing ing wrll Into the stream. A line from the dock held the Bret barge about 0 feet off. while another line to the second barge waa alack and part of It submerged so that, had a amall boat attempt-d to paaa between. It probably would have been capsiied. Major llclhdoe. Corpa of Engineer. V. K A, waa Informed of the caee yea terday and a formal statement was filed with Collector of Cuatoma Mal colm. It waa not decided whether each unllghted barge would conatltute a aeparate otfenae. It la contended In marine circlea that there la no more reaaon why corporallona ahould uae .! hriwe for mooring barcea In auch manner than that a ahlp ahould be al lowed to awing from her berth into the channel and display no lights. Iamactd Craft Puts Into Harbor. SEATTLE. Wash.. Dec 10. The ftrltlah ateamer Henley of the Blue Funnel line, which left Tacoma for the Orient December 1 with a large cargo, much of It cotton, put Into Dutch Harbor. Alaska, today, short of coal and damaged by a storm. It 1 be lieved that the Injury to tne boat Is unimportant, and that she will coal, re pair ana proceeu. Marine Xotc. Captain Frank Stevens has resumed command of the ferry Vancouver, vice Captain Charlea Vailenga. Captain F. J Jim la again akipper of the tug Heaolute. aucceedlng Captain Koselie Co burn. W. A. Falrweather. Deputy Collector of Customs In charge of the Tacoma branch, ta visiting In the city. B. Adams, an Inspector retained by the Treaaury Department on construc tion work, haa arrived in Portland to pass on new floors and other repairs recently completed at the Custora Jiouse. He Is stationed at Belllngham. supervising the building of a post office. With 1.0:5.00 feet of lumber for San Pedro. the steamer Klamath cleared at the Cuatom-Honsa yester day. Steamboat masters arriving yester day reported that late Thursday night the home of Thomas Moore, a well known rancher residing on the head of Kauvle's Island, had been destroyed by lira. Work of loading the Norwegian ship Sierra Miranda with wheat will begin this week, as ahe yesterday shifted to Montgomery dock No. t from Linn ton, and her berth at the ballast dock taken by tha Las be k- Lumber laden for the south, the new McCormlck steamer Willamette Is scheduled to sail this afternoon, aiso the Klamath, of the same flag, which has been In commission two years. Captain Nolan, of tha tug Wallola, has reported by wireless that the Co lumbia River bell buoy haa con adrift. At 4 shillings 1 pence the British tramp Inverklp naa been taken under time charter by tha American Trading Company to load lumber at Portland for Port Ptiia. The vessel is now loading at Antwerp with general cargo for Henry Lund Co. Bringing Il tona of cargo from Bal boa, which originated en the Atlantlo Coast, tha ateamer Riverside, of the California at Atlsntlo Steamship Com pany line, reached the harbor last nuight and berthed at the North Bank dock. will load outward with lumber. Movements of Vesl. Srm-n-AKt. D-o- Arrive mr JUvarstJe. ra atalarsa. bated learner t.i my. ft San Fraix-laee: steamer Ta maipala. fnr eaa Franr-lso. v, anuria. pc a". onrllilor. at the merrta ef the river at t P. St.. smooth: wind "orth we.t. 12 miles: w-aiher. cloudy. Ealleo ai 7 A. M. rir-araer Yi:owf jn., fir Pan Fe .Iro; at 7:0 A. si. steamer Olrmpic lor an Pedro. Arrli.d at T:40 A. at and left ud at 12 SO P. M. Steamer K:vrld. from kiW bailed at S A British I'MM' Srmthearn. tor M.lhoorn. ; Btltlah bark Con ir faKle. for Uumbiiovi or Falmouto. Arrived down at I 13 p. S;--r er. and sailed at 4.J0 P. J, for Saa Fraa- C1hT'n Frnela. Tv.e. 0. Arrived at t A. M sieam.r Falcon: at A. -v7" MMiur Roanuke. from Portland. Arrlvea nl(hl Steamer Catania, from Port .ana Co. Ilav. I-r. SU. 9alla itteamer Br-.kw.-.r. for Purtland. failed yeaterUay .-t-.m-r Alliance, lor turfki. M.nt.r-T. Urc. Arrived Iteatner FlitriM. from Portland. ..- port Mn !.:. r.'. Arrived Steamer W. f. lt-rrln. from Jr-.'.r.d. Httnd". ic. r. .tid l-Doner t-. o-H..!m- for i-oluoiMa Rh". .,.. KrtPhane. le- ST. Arrived BarVeriUne Oe..relra. from Columbia River. Kan pe-lru. l-c. jut .-all steamer Bea ver, for Portland. . : Franco. tec. r.n. ArTlvrH gleam- ITE.IUI lXTT-I-lJOEXC. Oas ta Arrtva Fear . . . . J.n Franrl.'-O . . . . rmn Francl-o Varna. K ramath . . . "AMIa-netl. Norfhlantl. . city. . Anvil Br.akwatar AMianre. Data. In port . In port In port In port I"C. 1 . . !-u Fran, laco . .o pdn . .PantSn ..... ..cooa Hay ... . . fe.'irka !-. Si Sua H. I Tillarnooa . fia Ileo.... imn Pedre . . ran Franclaes Ban pwlre.... saa IJl.ca. ... Jan. Jan. J.... Jan. Jan. Falcoa. ...... Baaver. . .. . . P.oaaoke. .... B.ar Ceo W.Elder Scheduled ta Uepart. Nana For Wl'lamette.... Pan Pedro.... K .a math rian Pedro. . . . Date. Dee. 41 Pec. 11 Su. V.. LlfflOft. 1 ,:.am.-oa. .. . Ariril Tan Ion Northland 6an Pedro.. . . Bral,aier....loue Bar Rom City fan Pedro.... Alliance r-ureka Co. W. KidaSa Ui-o Faleoa hmn Frar.-laee B-a.vr. ....... San Pedro. . . . Roanoke. ..... -an ttt.so.... Bear Ban Pedre. ... Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. era Fnt'-on. from Portland: Thomas L. and. from illlr.rlam: sl-elcian. from Anl.rrp: O ) l.ln(1aur. J. li. Stton. from tlraj. Harbor: I'matllta. from Pu.et Sound, halird ,-t.amera N.-raeod. for Portland; K. S. IO'tu. for Portland. Honitkona. l-e. 30 Arrived previously Canada 11.ru. from Tacoma. battle. Lec i'A Arrived Steamers Orsy wood. fr.m Man Frsnrisro; Slrathlyon. from Vancouver; Uri Palmyra, from I'ort Or chard; l I- ImhtJiou. tender Heather, from cruiae. palled dteani.rs Curacao, tor hkas eray; G raj wood, for Tacoma; Lora. foi" Sew ard. Tides at Astoria Dandar. Uovr. H A. M ...a fe.ti-.rr A. M 32 feet lo ll) P. M . riof I 14" IV M feet MR. STRAINBACKS WORD nenry Georjre Quoted to Prove Single Tax Intent. PENDLETON. Dee. S9. (To the Edi tor.! Pnder the heading. "Is Strain bringing fr" Alfred l Cridge In sinuates In a Portland newspaper that I am flther the victim of some "Joaher" or that I am trying to deceive the peo ple, of Oregon. With your kind per mlsalon I will let Henry George In hla "I'rogreaa and Poverty." pages 43 and 404. state the poaltlon of slngle taxera Hero Is what Mr. George says: I do not propoae either to purchase or to conflerate prlata property In land. The first would ne unjust; the second, needle.a. It the Individual, who now hold It .till rvtaln. If they want to. poaeeelon of what tha vara pleaa.d to call their land. Let them continue to call It tlielr land. Let them buy and aell, and bequeath and de liver It. We may safely leave them th shell. If we take the kernel. It la not neceeeary to confiscate land. It la only nece..ary to eonflrata rent. . . . t hat I therefore ' propoee. aa the elrrple yet soverwicn remedy . . . Is to appropri ate rent by taaatlon. It will be aere-n from Mr. George's own worda. quoted above, that the primary object of alngle tax la to de atroy private property In land. The raising oi revenue ia nH-mrni. If the alngrotaxews have power to adopt their system, they will be strong enough to control the officials who ad minister It. Being opposed to private property in land, they will direct the nhole powor of taxation against it, for. if the landless majority can be Induced to ahlft the whole burden of taxation upon land with this object In view, they can by the same logic be ld to support one public extravagance after another until the full rental val ue of land haa been consumed by the Herein lie a rich field for explolta . , . w.e wh.n all nrooertv- owners were required to contrlmbute toward the eupport of Government. thelr united resistance to public appro priations neia ins coiiiuiutt . -.. . . , ..,., nf th ntate all tne i.i". " ' ' down to I1J.000.000. But the grrosa output or farms ana rancur.. -ceedod 1100.000.000. Wheat the rental Income of the lots, franchisee, fiaher- i. forests ana mines is sauou w mi . wr,1r, mlvht h. we nave a r : . expenderd by enterprising officials In a wide range or puduc impiurciiirii. . wneV fn. Oil .1 VOOd e WOUiix jia.w " ' -' - " wages. Everybody would be prosper . . . v, i . i w i . ous ana nappy rcr-rrKw ... landowner. Ewn he ought to be con soled by the knowledge that hi sub stance waa being ouandered In a good "Th 1 tha statement of Henry George, tha prophet of single tax. and a fair Interpretation of what It means. Tha stngletaxere and I have one point of agreement. They profess con cern for the common welfare of hu manity. So do L ra 7 C. P. 6TRATX. Assessor of I'matllla County. BOY GIVES HIMSELF UP William Merrill Wanted Here, Sur render at Sao Francisco. William Merritt, l-year-old ab sconder from this city, walked Into a police station at San Francisco yester day and surrendered himself, to answer to a chare of stealing 170 from hi '"IderrMt" was employed by Roberta Bros, and was entrusted with the money to carry to the bank. December t lie failed to appear at the bank and th case waa reported to the po- .... -- le.eneH later that the Ilea. i -' boy waa accused by another firm of a like act. Merritt Is the son of Jesse MeiTltt. a rockplle prisoner, who aroused some . v. - -vf.l months as-o bv scal ing the stockade to vlult the bedside of ir- -1 r t. a Multnomah Farm. nis eying 1 " . Later k was pardoned and went to live wltn a oromer at Aa no alarm was sent out In the . - i. i. Inferred that Merritt surrendered himself. It has not yet been decided wnemer ne win dlted. Monnioath Salt Filed. SVLE1T. Or, nee. 10. (Special) The . - , , i - ...i. a tha ft. proraisea irieuniy au - , . , , . HAnennm net It Inn direct - - -. r a n . ..nmnriitlan for a ra at i , - - girls' dormitory at Monmouth Normal m-hooL waa Blanco tonay m of H. H. Belt to enjoin Secretary Olcott from placing the petitions u r.u lot. The complaint states that thera were TOSS names on the petitions and of theae 3T were aacured by the es calators who were admitted to have forged and placed fraudulent namea on the rnlverelty of Oregon and refen dum patltlona MEDFORD TO BE SGENEI RETAIL MERCHANTS TO HAE TWO DATS COWEXTIOX. Delegation of 40 to Attend Sixth An nual State Gatherlnr Pro era mme Is Varied. A delegation of 40 member of the Portland Retail Merr-har.ts' Association ... -i k . .. n , , 1 eonventlon Will .lirnu 1 1 1 r, r-, . . . . . -- of the atate organisation at Medford. January 17-15. me ur.rn.it. Portland will leave here in a special car on the night of January 1. They will be headed by John Malley. presi dent of the Portland Retail Orocers' As sociation. The programme for tne convention will Include ailiireancg on live trade topics from prominent members of the retail trade from all parts of the state. The programme for tlio two days is as follows: Morning 10 A. M. convention cauro to order by It. C. Garnett. president Medford Merchants' Araoolation; Invo cation. Rev. . K. Shield. Medford: address of welcome. In behalf of City of Medford. TV. H. Cannon. Mayor of Medford; responae. p. L. Gilbert, Mayor of Albany: adareas of welcome. In be half of Medford Commercial Club. W. M. rolvig. prealdent: response. J. L. Ktockton. tJalem; Introduction of State President N. A. Perry: president's an nual address; secretary's annual report- appointment of committees on credentials, order of business, auditing and resolutions; lunch. Afternoon 1:0 P. M.. report of com mittee on order of business; reports of local associations; discussion. "Busi ness Leaks How to Stop Them," led by A. J. Henderson, Springfield; "Spec ulative Buying Advantages and Dis advantages." led by J. T. Ron, Astoria; "Best Kind of Advertising for the Re tailer," led by C. A. Murphey. Corval-11- Evening S P. M.. "How to Dlrpose of Unseasonable Gooda." led by Andrew Hrund. Cottage Grove; "Competin; With the Mall-Order Houses," led by H C. Garnett. Medford: "Securing New Bualneaa." led by M. O. Buren. Salem; "Beat May to do a Credit Business, led by G. A- Molden. Hood River. Morning A. M.. report of commit tees on credentials and auditing; dis cussions. "Do We Need New Legislation If so. What?" led by John Collier, La Grande; "Holding Trade." led by W. a Stumberg, Vancouver. Wash.; "Attract. Ing a Woman's Trade." led by J- C. Mann. Medford; address. "The Trade paper and You." Leo K. Merrick, as sistant secretary Portland association: address. "Relation of the Retailer to the producer." James Wlthycombe, Corrallla; luncheon. Afternoon 1 :30 P. M-. address. How to Avoid the Rocks." K. L. rjhull. city manager. Portland Flouring Mills Com pany; discussions. "Advertising Value of Market Day Programmes." led by F J. Fletcher. Albany; "Proper Buper vl'alon of Clerks." led by Henry W. Mevers. Salem: reports of resolution committee: miscellaneous business; election of officers; selecting place for next convention: adjournment. FORESTERS MEET TUESDAY Subordinate Court PacIHc 1247 and Companion Court Rose City Jolu. Subordinate Court Pacific, 124". and Companion Court Rose City, 159. of the Independent Order of Foresters, will hold a Joint meeting at Allsky Hall. Tuesday night, January 2. at which In stallation ceremonies for the newly elected officers of both courts will be held. C !L Iwlng, deputy supreme chief ranger, will preside over the meeting. The Installation will b fol- Inwe.t k a huiaust t ntiiMr. .re- Subordinate Court Pacific, 1247: Chief ranger, G. I Masten: vice-chief ranger. Ben Boamer; - -i . t. V VHnn' nhv.iclan. Dr. rum v ucfru.s. - . P. H. Rand; associate physician. Dr. W. A. Bhea; past cniei ranger, Caughcy; financial secretary, F. X. Let-rand: treasurer. C C Schoemacher; recording secretary, W. Adams, Jf.; orator, u. J. oaaier; organist, ugruuu Smith; woodwards, George West and a t n,i - hnarllea- Fred Sherry and Bert Boncourt: Companion Court Rose City, 16: cniei ranger, oteua iriiu, vice-chief ranger. Carrie Morrow; chief a ..... eerie (' Tnnaa nhvalclan. Dr. p. H. Rnnd: past chief ranger. Mary FREE TO THE A New Horn Cur That Anyena Can Use Without Operation. Pain, Danger or Loaa of Time. I have a new Method that cures rapture aad I want you to rue it at my expeuae. I am not trying to sell you a Truss, but otier you a cur that stays cured and ends all trusa-weanng and danger of atrangulauoo forever No matter whether you have a Dingle, double eranaval rupture or ooe lot lowing an operatioo. my Method at ao absolute cure. No matter what your ace nor how hard your wot It, my Method will certainly cure you. I especially want to send It free to those apparently hopeless case where all forme of trusses, treatments and opara Uooe have failed. I want to .how everyone .t my own expense, that my Method will end ail rupture euderwg and trues-wearlnc for all time. This means better health, increased physical ability aad loarar life. My free offer ia too important so neglect a single day. Virits now and begin your curs st once, bend no money. Simply mad coupon below. Do It toiay. FREE COUPON Mark loemtim of Rup ture oo Diacrmm mod mail to DR. W. S. MCE 729 Hain StAdaina. Ne X Ao Ttms Rupiurrd Can of Buprues DR.GREEN ADVICE TO MEN Ton do not car to rad lon-wind-1 boastful a6vr tiMtnanta. What you want ta curt. i'nmm to m and vt It. I cur all atlmonta of mn. pay whn utlaiV 4. ConrultaTatlon. exam ination and fliacao ia froo and prliaL Hours daily t to evening; 7 to S . SunUaja 1 to 1. DR. GREEN CO. ISt Wasblactea St, rertlaaas. Iv RIGHT j LETT I Yobm - Addrtm Mm Cored in No Detention From Occupation Family -ws.v ; L : :'V-j.aWiMeS-A5.ia, OIL A. C. SMITH. The Leadlsg !peclalUt. I am a registered and lleeaaed phrelclaa. conflolag my apeelal practice to the allmeata af MEN. f have more money Invested la my tatabllakaoent than all other Port ia Bd apedallats eorablned. and I will srtve VMO to Bay charity If eaanot shove tola Is trae. I publish my true photograph, eorrect name, personally conduct my office. I am the moat success ful and reliable, a medical cre dentials and prea records prove. I make this ataten-.ent so that you will know you consult a true spe cialist, who aaea and treat pa tient personally. I possess EX PERT ekiil and experience, ac quired In auch a way that no other can hare. A thorough Investigation should be made bv every ailing man as to the specialist he consulta. Duty and destiny to self and those who depend upon vou demand the best Radical attention. I have the abll y and I can give you this service. nave always charged a very rea sonable fee. so that my service may be obtained by any man who Incerely desire to be cured. I make no misleading statements or inbulnesllke propositions; neither do I desire to be particu larly independent, and I would like to have you for a patient. If you will come to me on a etrlctly pro fessional basis, and the Induce ments that I offer, which are my ability and twenty years' success ful experience, tlme-aavlng treat ment and guarantee of cure of cer tain ailments. To all men who are sick and In trouble: to the men who feel they have lost the energy of youth, and that the strength they ought to have has been sapped from them: to those who are not sick enough to be abed but feel they must ue all their will-power to force themselves even to their every-day tasks to all these I have a special message of hope and cheer. I can cure that lame and scning oaca. vail iran'i. ma tor to the dimmed eye; I can make f, rou reswiao m.i bun jvuwi j - erday has not been buried In an age of several decades and that your pitllUl connuiun IS noer uuw only to damaged health. This health can be restored If you will set now. Come today, or the stag nf nerleet mav get just past the . I.B O " . IB .wamv,. V J age that I curaoie. n run - usrnTV r.r mi ITFE Dr. Smith' written guarantee mean a cur; or no pay for service.. I guarantee to r ,r,al"fvalimVc".Jost ySS every dollar you have paid me for my services M "J. rvF.fuia. Blood nothing unless I cure your Varicose Veins. Hernia Piles. Fistula, biooo Disorder, or any ailment I guarantee to cure. My lermr are reasonaoi and no more than you are able and willing; to pay for benefit. Office ho in a A. M. ta 8 P. M. Sandays 10 A. M. te 1 P. M. j. Dr. A. G. Smith e A. Iwlng: financial secretary, Edna Munro; recording secretary. Martha Keller; treasurer, Emily Quappe; orator, Helen Hoel; organist, Cascla Lane; woodwards, Sadie Snyder and Margaret Pchmldt: beadles, Lucy Castle and Elisabeth FarrelL Loggers G1t Pastor Fine Present, ABERDEEN. Wash., Dec 80. (Spe- My One-Treatment Cures Honest Treatmeat. For . charge. could Dost waate time "tr inn" st.rr u , . . - OKEGOX .M KDICAXi I.NSTITLTH i 1 1 . Longest Established. rrv T JlVTTl WHO ARE GLOOMY 1 J lviiN THIS IS THE There W allr. your eyes, specks before your eyes. y"5 i .times wanders your memory la fn th. Wrnrng feeling fi-ed. your mind -t time, wanders y y poor, you f"7;Jiy'j'f f,,V,rnrr nervous, you start In your rTeandtfrom ra"arnver'y,Pmu-ch frightened; sUnging pain in th. breast, no appetite. If you hay. been nnfortu .t SiFStt Ir;tot,ngWourrSefea,?odwWOmrn: Tfi. are mortified d "harried of your josltiori fd not lve much to does not possess the pleasures for you It and a CLEAR BRAIN that possess that ROBL&T HEALTH, bP, t talked your system? If you hY, rested h'uSoVe'dof men In a much worse condition than you are. ...,. wrillO I cure this affliction without pain or knife. Soreness CONGESTED VEINS .X and congestion of the . dilated states, consult me and be ."h Verv imourity from the blood and eradicates every taint of P"n JJ7rige' jiVmoved. The taking system. All danger of transmission , ot recurrence t , a specific a the results are like magic. ... OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE ,H MORRiso rr nimx.t fovrth asd fifth, Portland, or. 5 Davs or Home NO 8 T V E R E OPERATIONS. MANY CASES PERMANENTLY CURED IN ONE TREATMENT. MOST TIME-SAVING. MOST NAT URAL, M08T SAFE. A RADICAL AND PERMANENT CURE. I OIVE MY WORD AND WILL CITE YOU TO OTHER MEDICAL AU THORITIES THAT THIS IS A FACT. AM CERTAINLY PRE PARED TO CURE BY EXPERI ENCE AND EQUIPMENT. WHICH ARE THE KEYSTONE TO SUC CESS. I HAVE THE BEST EQUIPPED MEDICAL OFFICE ON THE COAST. I Invite you to come to my of fice. I will explain to you my treatment for Varicoae Veins, Her nia, Nervou Debility. Blood Dis orders. Piles, Fistula, Bladder. Kid ney, and all Men s Ailment, and rive you FREE a phyalcal examln itlon; If necessary a microacopical and chemical analysl of secre tion to determine pathological and bacteriological conditions. Every person should take advan tage of thl opportunity to learn their true condition. A permanent cure 1 what you want. CONGESTED VEINS Impair vitality. I dally demonstrate that varicose veins can ba cured In nearly all cases by one treat ment. In suoh a satisfactory way that the vital parts are preserved and strengthened, pain ceases, welling subsides, a healthy clrcu- . latlon la rapidly re-eatabllshed. in stead of the depreaslng conditions. I guarantee .you a cure to stay cured or refund the money. KIDNEY AND BUDDEB AILMENTS. With theie ailments you may have more complications than are presented by any other ailing or rana By mv searching Illumina tion of the bladder I determine to eurstelr the ailment, and by mlcro coplcal examination and urinalysis I make doubly sure the condition of the kidney, thu laying foun dations for scientific treatment. "Off" FOR BLOOD DISORDERS. I use Professor Ehrlich' wonder ful new discovery. "60." in cases of Specific Blood Disorder. It cures, and I the greatest marvel of medical aclence. Thl new rem edy has been uccessfully ued in thousands of case. Let me explain it to you. NERVOUS DEBILITY. I have long been a close student of the condition known a Nervous Debility In men. Sufferer from this trouble are nearly always i told by their family physician that there Is no help; that it mean wornout nature, and that ome VOweTtxil stimulant for temporary ot 1 th only help. I go deeper Into the cauae of the trouble and usually find a deranged or damaged local condition responsible. As long as a man live he hould be as strong In every vital function a he l phystcslly constituted, I have a. ii-lentlflc, powerful and permanent treatment for you which I; as nat ural and direct as it Is efficient. Why treat with Irresponsible when you can secure the expert services of a responsible specialist! Bee me If you have any of the following ailments: Varicose Veins, Kerve. Blood aad klm Ailments, Bladder trouble. Eruptions. L leers. 234l Morriion Street Cor. 2nd Street . ORTLAND, OR expresslon of their esteem and appre ciation of the work done for them by Rev. J. W. Beard, of the Presbyterian Church of Hoqulam, the loggers of Pol son's camps attended Bervlces at the church last Sunday, and presented the pastor with a purse of $137 for an en cyclopedia. Since assuming the pastor, ate of tha church at Hoqulam, Mr. Beard has devoted much time to the needs of loggers, holding services In For Weak, Diseased men Cure, to Stay Cured 30 days I will heal and cure all Weak. . . . i l.i ...... nn,l mart it a Melt, uiseaaea anu iov.uu. " T r.H.iVari fee. This Is Just one-half my usual I give you the aame care and at- receive no better aervice for 11000. II full couia U u L taia - am dlsmlaslng; daily, you wuld refuse to suffer longer on the promise of other doctors Don't be a Weakling. & Failure, and your life a miserable existence. hy pay exorbitant fees when I offer you better curative treat ment for this low charge? I am a man of In dependent meane: the curing of n.P.8-"''"" Is my first and only thought. In this I differ widely from grasping doctors who think only oY their fee and &ra" little for tha welfare of their fellow men. Take advantage of th offer at once: don't wait till the last few days, when the crowded condition of my office may prevent you seeing me. DISEASED, NERVOUS WAY YOU FEEL a straight talk to men By C. K. Holsman, M.D., the Leading Specialist ' I am an expert apeclalist treatlnc all- p menu or. men exclusively. i w i own office and equipment, publish my true photograph, and personally super vt tha treatment of all patients from the time the come to me until they ara discharged as cured. Although my time is fully occupied from early morn until late at nlyht in looking after tha wants of my patients and in administering my special treatment for Blood Poison. Varl ensa Veins and other diseases. I always take pleasure, in consulting with new patients. In offering my services to the afflicted I am giving you th BEST that can ba had anywhere. My experience and repu tation for tha past 18 veara can leave do doubt as to my ability, honesty and Integrity and should btt sufficient to convince the most skeptical that I am tha FOREMOST and LEADING Special ist In Portland. I possess skill aud ex perience acquired In such a way that .no other can share It and should not bs classed with. Inexperienced doctors or specialists. A thorough Investigation should ba made by every ailing man aa to tha specialist he consults. Duty and destiny to self and thos who depend upon you demand tha best medical attention. I have tha ability and can give you this service. I have always charged a very reasonable fee. so that my services may fc nhlntnarl Kt in v man hd Blnr-aralv desires to be cured. I make no misleading statements, falsa promises or un businesslike propositions. I would like to hava you for a patient If come to me on a strictly professional basis, accepting inducements that OI1"; which ara my ability, is years' successful experience, time saving treatment and cure ot certain diseases. My Positive Cure for Weakness Every weak man Is eager to hava his strength and vitality restored. It's man's greatest pride to BE A MAN. Tar It la a scientific! fact that few men need be weak. In nearlr every case lost vigor can be easily and quickly overcome. Tbera are many distinct lo cal causes undermining man's vitality and these nerve-racking ailments can . not go on forever without producing serious or Irreparable damage. With strength and ambition sapped, happi ness and success are impossible. My accurate and successful methods Cl'RE ABSOLUTELY and PERMANENTLY every case of WEAKNESS I accept for treatment. I MAKE MEN STRONG. I find that as soon as the cause is corrected you act better, feel better, look better, and the rapidity with which vitality and strength are re stored under my treatment will please and surprise you. I offer you my serv ices for a reasonable fee. with an ab solute guarantee of honest treatment and permanent cure. SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON In lta varloua forms and complications is a treacherous disease. You must conquer It or it will conquer you. Old forma of treatment kept down symp toms, but rarely cured. The NEW GERMAN REMEDY "0S" gives you a new lease on life.- I waa the first apeclalist on the Coast to make use of this remedy and I believe I have had greater experience with It than all other specialists put together. The wonderful results I have obtained con vince me that it is the ONE ABSO LUTE and PERMANENT CURE for every atage of blood poison. I Intro I Treat All AOments of Men and Cure to Stay Cured I Offer Free Consultation and Advice I lnvita yon to come to my office. I will explain to you my treatment for Varicose Veins. Hernia, Nervous Debility. Blood Disorders, Pllos. Fistula. Blad der, Kidney and all Men's Disorders snd give you FREE a physical examination. Every person ahould take advantage of this opportunity to learn their true condition. A permanent cure is what you want. ... ' ,. If you are suffering from any of the above disorders and cannot call, writs to me Immediately, giving me a description of your case In your own worda. By return mall I will send you absolutely free a diagnosis of your case ana my beat professional advice aa to how to proceed in order to correct your trouble, My office la open all day from t A. M. to 8 P. M.; Sundays from 10 to If. Ail correspondence treated confi dently. Letters cheerfully answered. Dr. C, K, HOLSMAN 221Va Morrison Street Corner First Street PORTLAND, OREGON the camps, and striving to help them in every way. He has become Known "the lowers' sky-pliot ' ana many friends among them. MODERN METHODS I am positively iiiw yui? Dt. T in Portland that publishes his own photograph, personally conducts and manages his own office,, and con sults with and treats all his own natients. I have more qualifications and experience than any other spe cialist advertising in this city. Every man calling at my office Is assured of my personal and indi vidual treatment until a cure is ef fected. My fees are one-fourth that exacted by the various "medical "mpaStes." "Institutes" and "mu seums." Be sure to consult me be fore treating elsewhere. BLOOD FOISON 1ST I VY.V.. MY PROMISES, f ACCEPT NO IXXRABLB CASES. I iwrHOLD OUT FALSE HOPES. Why treat with Incompetents when you can secure the expert services of a competent specialist? Come to me if you have any of the following disorders: V aricoae Veins, Pimples, Kervoua Debility, Werve, B 3 d Skin niaorders. Bladder Troubles. Blood Poisons, Eruptions, f 5r., ' pcci.l -Ailment., Piles or Fistula. n to B T to S Dally! Sunday, Is) 1. Kaamlnatlon Advice Free. J.J.keefe,Ph.G.M.D. 8i3,TvTsVi4io,vTTt; .tm 8134 '"poKTlrAXD, OH. I Cure Men $10 IS MY FEE Pay When Cured U e n eral Debility, Weak Kervea, In- i R, an 1 ta f exposure, overwork, etc All menta of Bladder and Kidney a, Vsrlesss Veins, quickly nnd per manently earea nt amall expenae. I cure such ailments as Varicose Veins, Piles, Specific Blood Poison, etc.. c o m p 1 etely and permanently, often with only a single treatment. Offlce hours A. M. to P. M. Sundays. JO A. M. to 1 P. M. only. PACIFIC COAST MEDICAL CO 8344 Washington St-, Corner yirat. Portland, Oregon. F .... .l-w.! a., , - - ' " . t " ' mi-'-- f js ..v o 1 .J.. C. K. ROLSMAN. U. D. duce It directly Into the blood and in a few days you are completely cureo. My fee for the proper administration of thla remedy la lower than tne lowest. BE 'SURE YOU GET TH8 GENUINE. VARICOSE VEINS. Many an unfortunate man la rulnea by improper treatment of this disease. I cure varicose veins dally by a pain less and direct method without de tention from family or home. In iuj a satisfactory way that pain and swell ing ceases, healthy circulation Is re established and vigor restored. i GUARANTEE YOU A. RADICAL CURB. KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES. More complications and ayroP"";! arise from diseases of these organs Than from any other ailment of man kind. Most all kidney and b.adder troubles arise either from dissipation through Injury or strain may produce the same result. The cause must first be determined and until that is done no cure can be effected, l AB SOLUTELY and PfBMANETL, CURS these conditions in every case I accept for treatment. MY PROFESSIONAL FEES. Every ailing man would like the opinion of an experienced capable specialist and the best medical atten tion. Many hesitate to consult a spe cialist either through modesty of 'ear of high fees; others have no confidence In their doctor because he demands pay In advance, and others lose confidence through unsuccessful treatment and think there Is no cure .for them. TO ALL THESE I say. COME TO Mb. You may depend upon It that you will be restored to health and stre Igth for a fee you will be able and willing to ray. Health is capital at Interest, and , satisfied patients pay their doctor. SIGN THIS COCTOV FOB VALUA BLE INFORMATION" FREE. Please send me free your self-examination blank, "For Men," as I desire to describe my case to you for the purpose of taking; treatment If I decide you can cure me and your charge is low enough to suit me. Name Address Listen To I am a duly qualified phy sician and sur geon. I have had SO years' expo rienc. la my par tlcular specialty. Ailments of Men I do not care all ailments, but cure all I ta'te. There la no delay. Ton are benefited at once. Th; spark of life Is soon revived and quickened. Once mora hope is re kindled and life becomes bright again. I Cure Men Quickly with Blood Ailments. Nervous De cline, Varicose Veins, Piles, Rup ture, Kidney, Bladder and ail ail ments peculiar to men. Do not let money matters keep you away, as my charges are so low as to be within the reach of ail. GOOD HOXEST WORK and a SftUARB DEAL Is what you want. Consul tation and examination free. Call now or write. DR. LINDSAY The Old Reliable Specialist Corner Alder and Second streets. Entrance 128 Second street, Port land, Or. Office hours A. M. to t P. M. Sundays. 10 A. M. to I P. it. L. T, YEE & SONS The old eminent Chinese doctor cures any disease successfully, such aa eak nerves, constipation, asthma, catarrh, cancer, piles, nerv ousness, rheumatism, h'ood poison, lung, liver, kidney and stomach trouble; also ailments of men and women. No matter who ha. failed. I guarantee a cure If cur- aut iiJsaa! able. 1 ""i- ""Il atudy of herbs '"'".traduate courses ?n cnlna.1"! 2vJ "fhouaSndJ 'of testimonial. In Cnm- l , -.M-nti. I dm only the Cared without Knife, X Ray, Plaster, , Blood or Pain oth year in Loa Angeles. The scientific and effective treat ment of cancer, and tumora with the NEW GERMAN RE MEDIES. Any lump in the BREAST should be removed as Boon aa discovered. BRtA?' mtn.rtrje r HOC n. NO 1 L. v ...... - KNIFE. Our new metbod guaranteed. ""r references-cured patient YOUI Ministers. Tnonaands cured, w HY I-Ul 1 u u ' BaS SS wanted. Write today. Cut this out. B LOS ANGELES SANATORIUM 22 Su f trust BlUf. 4tt & Hall Sa.,LMACllS,Cai Me Wm m