The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 31, 1911, SECTION TWO, Page 12, Image 28

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H.m-e k taping Hooin in I'rtTtt Family.
FOR RENT 3 hoaeakeoplng. privet bath.
gas, -as-mnt. yard, or i-rw.i Cat.
c-B-arit-nc, 15 m'.a. from F. O. Fhoc
teat 2 E- XI ill- Cil altar I K iL
Jea. 2.
NEW and weli-furnleheo1 sulto of threo or
five rooms; privet batn. wmplt for
fceiNkcp!r.r; sam bat. strleity.
both prone, walking dUUMt; sw buiid-
!r.g li4- iioi.aoaj
$31 FOUR eomp;ctr fum'-r,d houkw
Sng rooraa including gas rang, u.pftot
prVat bath, etc. waiaJBg diatace. io
giri rMxlocoo district. 1-8 E lth au.
-er Moleon PhoM East 6644. forenoon
$.21 A O new f urnUfc'-i bouM'?:''l
roorr.e and .810. two onfumiie houee rooma 71 E- -d biwn
S MCtLY furoUnad hou-kping roomi,
hot titr; every convenience,
rgi housekeeping room. $12 and II.
- N. 24 th,
1 AO ea we;i-f-rniahd houa-keaplrg
room. U ate. :octno light, bath and
t-phone. CaU 15 Morris at. Phono C
TWO e.ean furaih4 hokoping-rooina,
? entry. i!nk. statloaory tub. faot wtr,
ft. 743 Union avo. hi. Phons Woodwn
LITE of 1 front room, f ' mt floor com
pletely fir-hed rr housekeeping : 1
faa, oookatove. a-d roba. 33U Tey
or at.
CM 'or 3 nwly and completely furnished
fcaskp!:i room; sa and alootrlcliyl
prt-at be 3 Grand ave. A. a-, aor.
tTP-TO-DATE housekeeping rooms; 1. 9 and
4-rom su'-taa, gaa iectricity. phona, bath,
fimaes koai. 1-7 Mill at. Phone M-a
TWO fin;y (umiahtd connecting hou-kp-1
n roo ma, r i n r. i n a t r . a : 1 cgi vn
1-nee fro; prlco roasonsb Main 64J.
$33 l3ih .
IrrrT of -
pleasant houMktp!r
nfshed. 3 big front w:n-
wi front ad back parlor, ground floor.
gas. bath. 7.2 E. Taylor, rpooo o.
JT"TTrof 9 larr front room. B!y fur
Blahod; ra rant, runnlra oatar, froo fa,
bath, phona; 1 mtnute tiik to F. X;
rta pTao. Irk at.
nat. caa. ri'-';j'-furnlhd conaactlnf
beuao-kplnr rni; :er. a. pbona
a-:d barh; aiooa La. ooar stool brlu n
W'ba.r at.
: XCEPTINAL Bo:y fur!hd front
roma, alao hooa-kapin. alec . ulta.
tatfonary bo:. hot wator, baoU
ronts i l'i 1 1 -h.
At HEX em;.;l:r fumlhd houMkMpInl
room, wiih b:h. for o aduita; (fod
ne nborbood. waklr. dlataaca, t?ft aUwt
4 Fl'IlNIli Er houekapln room. low
floor. aa tr.d bath ana piaao. naar rr.
f'na -:hbrhoMl. a an p. $25. Fhoaa
K.tat A-1--. 747 K Main at.
A KUL.-FCRN'Tj:;!' roma frr houao
kaap'.n. 1 f 1 4. 1 tl. 1 Pr month;
l4 prion. ctric ilht. bath. Sll Mala
t. bt. 3:h anil h,
!JrOe! ra:i"-f jrn ahaU front room and
kltchaa; r rnr. tlact'lc Ilsnt. bath,
wittr. tptine. froo. M SO rk. 1T
month. 8d 4th at. Marahall 242.
, I' TI.T " furnlahM houakeplnc rooma:
- farnsco bt. iaa. phono, afcc laquira
41 t iintomr7 at.
rpl. a:o a!r.. houkpia.
w-k. 14" Lon-il at.
h RMSilED houakptnc rooma with all
Tr.oj'ra cinviaiacu, walkins diataaca.
rtat reaaonab.a. Ca-l unay. 490 Coium-
oia. .
aii i daady houaakoaplnc roa with kltch-
anrt. ra. aicir.o. bata. waah traya
IvI K.trk at
5rW"' lar. front. ronnctinc. houaakap!n
rooma; aa. pbvn. bath, all coovonlancoa.
JSI Kl.V fumiahd houak-rtn a; rooma,
n.arn ami convaalant. waiktac diataaca,
2.4 Larraoo at.
LaHE tT'ra; furnUhad. cVoaa keuakop
Inr room, bath, f-han. acar car; So
TWO Iimihod houaokaplnc rooma, la prl
v i f a mily. iU- V au cou var a a. Eaat
fl -t; prlvata ntranco. oain. roont Maui
4".l. lMnln. 1-S 13th at.
ti& bj lUKDT thrao-roota aulta; alnffia
buaaopui. tii arook. 141 l-ounda.a
at re-t.
H'XMS:u:u Maik-epml rooma, roaaon
ts rot and Baa a.aapUi room. 4t3
10to at. .
S FL RNIriH E D hou-kapnc rMma. mw1
ra. wakiu- Aia'.aaco. Cbarry. Fbo&a
K. 5TO.
FINi-: naw S-room aulta. arIlantly fur
Biahd. ait mo'-rn ratlanca, aopaxata
tntrinca. tO3 t" :c1ra.
TMKthi afiandM boukopInc rooma ainslo
or an eita. r rar e, not and cold a
tr. phon. Kth. Clay ac.
JiOfK K CkHiNiJ rooma prl-rato family.
frnt room, tor married poop to or baca-
ir; furnaca haat. phona. bath, 405 Btark.
O.N K or two frnt room. lit. aa tih.
phona. prtvat lamlly. w.kln; diataaca.
4 Won Wt.
Vuo ri) furri ahJ buukMplnf rooms,
hot wir. ran, b'h and laundry.
$150; irr htaal Hrlug. 8 H-aton.
It h.MjUKD ro:u. 10 lio.ispi:
room, cloao In; bath. taUphou. 4vl
Vrt rt.
.- to marrtad couple 3 hnukaptn
rooma nat! v f urniariaad. dis
tance 11 WV43.
i Ttl'0-ROM"Vit suit. romp'tt!7 fumlahad
fr huk't'tn Vary cooo in. -14
at., cornar Caiman.
fofniiTNT Thrao furn!hd ho ikpii-a
roimi 7aA lr ay Ba. laa bcllwood car.
t lO par mooia.
tAsf" portTLANL HKUJHTS Lad. alon.
wifkn to rout part of furntahad hau ta
rrf-atala party. Fkons Sa.lwoad
E ATi-T furniah'd houakapinc Sutra,
rath. r anl furrraro hc rvaaonablo.
proa Mm t: MO L jf r '-
S NK'tLY fu-aihd bouaakvap'r.c rooma.
a a haat. 64 istk aU . Phono Uat
iASPVTN'T rooma wrm. tirr. auttab'a for
w Tk n pfnp, $h, . :a par month.
t:3 Couch. N II r. lath.
llAEMEN T roiua warm. dry. ault-ablo for
wora na aoopi. $y l. sitf por nioath.
era t.ich. N K. cr. i " h.
TWO nir;y fumUhad front rooms. mItni;
w tlkinc dttnc-: rvaoonab:. 2 Lar
rt t -at -3Ta
.A U1 S f nt rvm. n!cL: t umlahad fr
h-ukpin. f'-luoV-ng; bath, talk
trc d-i'ir-r. 11 'lTmin, for, tat.
tic IT of utatda houkrrna; rooma
g ti bath. phn. J auaotikr au.lo
iliX 7 i North 14th-
1:al Ti' U front a.cova aulta for
houkitr.a;. bot and Ufbt frao. eloaa
In. 4"7 Oo itnMi atrrat.
fi.rnihd laxa front room ''ith
Ciny littia kitchoa, -'0 a month, 6oJ-a
: -'.n at.
.AT furtiiahad thr
koplcf room, alao
cennocilnc houao-
room au.iabta lor
TriKb.i cviinlius: nouakopln room.
w:i forn b J with piaaa, , bath,
prion. sA 11th.
C. 11 lr room, e-an. a:; r fxoiahad t r
houa-kap'aa. arartrta hht; $;3 por
tuaKh ii Pifk !.
TWO huakaatn raxma. ovarythlng a aw.
n-. i-n and v n-p. 4?i Stark.
t Ni7"tirT furtiiahod alccla bous-Vapina
rw-jni. r"t rAnjbt- L 711 1-f i.
H ITt: of too or tbro madam rooma.
i' Jin, aaar Slat at.
Foil' " RkUN'T Uauaokaoplas rooma. 273
lltb at. .
14 JafTKKaxi.S To larva, litfht. claaa.
wail fur BLaad rooma for houaa'PTig.
J lK kki-NT. 4 t-ifuraiahd houskilft' j
rvow a. i.i ra as. iv-m 9'.
N . TLY fmlahed fcouokp
l -! 1st. near otara streo,
r ft fAT 1 furnished rooeaa for light
butfiMpmff. st) r'airbanks ava
TWO modra bekep:rg rooms waxer,
often, bath. $1A eat a.4a A
CENT K LL Y located. eo-npUl4y furaished.
conTaei.L $3.1$ aj- 42 Mesa eU
FRONT and bar elte; raala watert rent
ra"ni 29 Celaa
CLEAN. Bir, wll-(ura-ahod heekopnc
r.Kira fcsft ftth at, heuokpisg roonva. s:r.g.a
aad aa eu:tejr r r x uIaLi J i. l;x
XC-, light fumbahed hoakepLnc room.
ty a-d prcoe.. J a -as oft- a a.-.
It AiTiFL L, suite of $ Uts bousaa4Uuf
rwa-a. sne-era. r ooat.a 441 3d st.
fwo eewly fwraiehod froal room, be-aao-kpiag.
gaa bath. pben. 33 Mootgonaary.
HOt Hr'KEEPl.VO ro
941 East ;ark st.
j M t.uM. let lou.l). ttv. tvruus. t.
Lord. Everreoa sLa, oregoa City
e Vain l"e
1 ir
IoL'k.KN B-raoon cottage ftd Madison.
cornar 54 h. rent $11. $ none bL o7.
S'C H hN I 3-roo--a aew cot '- do In.
ftl . Ha. bou oak aad Flo; reat $1
HorFfrs rcTR bent
rooma 770 Kearnay at.. $".7 B0.
9 rooms, K. th aid Broadway, IffAJ.
7 rcMTna, N. S3d St.. 143.
6 rooma " Front at., l"-d.
d rooma. Front at.,
T rooma. f Kaat Pth IU. ICS.
ft rooms. t" E. Mrrf!on. 317
rooma. 124 fc-ast lth it. J27.30.
11 room Kearney st.
8 rnorr.a. lul Shtr St.. $-1-
0 rooms. 3H North 24th St.. $45.
5 room. V M MUI St.. $3.
B rooma 3 tt 7th North, $W.
6 rooms. 7J Kaat Main.
5 rooms, f"3 EW Yamhill. ?33.
T rooms, 1 Eat lSlh St., 123.
6 rooma 77 10th North, fl
B rooms, 472 Hancock st., $30.
room. 4T2t Hun-'ock St.. $S.
ft rooma. 474 Hacco-k; St.. $30.
rooms. 4" Hancock St.. $3.
5 roorr.a 12 Grand avo. '3
ft rooms. ;;71S r'arlrt St.. $-3
ft room. l.' C!viland av., $23.
ft rooms, T54j Est WanMnrtan. $27. Ml.
7 rooma Park at., f:l7.3U.
6 rooms. 4!9 Harrison. 3.
9 rooma 0- Eila at.. 145.
0 rooma 6.'-3 Yarnhni it
ft rooma 43 Est JHh at tX
ft rooma 4- Ercventh al.. 2: M.
6 rooma i.Wh Klvcnth at.. 123.
23 AliJer St.
6- room honso, F. Vadlson st.. $30.
ft-rootn bout, C JJ:h sc. $4.
4-room tu, E. CUoton St., $2ft.
3 -room houaa. 40 E. 37th it., $16.
ft-rom bouso, N. E. cor. 3Tth and Jar
rstt at.. $13-
7- roorn houaa, furnlah"1. Olnn ava $30;
ft. room flat. E. Hurnrida s:.. $23.
B-room flu Union av., $13.
B-room Tat. E. Ankany at., t?l.
ft-room flat. Clran sL, Wat BMa, $7.W.
ft-rtom houa. Tarraoo drlra, 313.
-aootn furnifhed houaa, Wlllamtta
llouaes and Oars, fDmtihi and onfar
Ushsd. lor rant. East and Wast bid.
Main 3V 102 Fourth St. A 3.
Soma hun; -ra. vSalt ear up-to-dt rn
tal and Information departmant. 4th floor,
mala huiirtina. anj S- lha vieanrtn ws
kav tlattfd of dairatIa bouwi and ftata
YooU aav t!ma la iti proporly aad
camfoilaby located. Wi k"p in touch
with a'.l vacant boua. flata and apart
Binta in t-a city. Wa also kp a Hat of
Bw buHdinss In curaa of construction.
Th eombft-.a-l lists of -l ra! stat dl-
ra. ThU Uiforinatton tS alao'.uteir Ira
ft-ROc?A csodarn hona- on Vaufha a , Wll-
larntta uis;hta, fso.uu.
B-room mo. lorn houao, 30th wo East
TamiHU. $-0 0.
7 -room modern housa, 253 UcMl.lsa
"o-room houao. 1124. E. S3th f 0O.
-room inodara buna!ow. Kb acra
rf rround atl in suUlvatlon. H block
from car, $23.00.
Tl-i LAWrtttXCE CO,
24a AJdr ?t.
FINE ft-room bungalow, all thoroughly
modarn. nico yard, block from A i hart a
car. Thla la a snap at fJ-30.
Baanttful practically now 7 -room houaa.
on 1 o s. 1 ipQ lot. c ! oao to Roaa C l ty ear ;
Una aoctlon; hardwood floor, eonsoi-va-trtry,
all nnirncra. batutiful listuraa
If you want somathia nlco, so this. $40.
3.1 'i Chaanbor of Ccmmwca.
KICK now 4-room cortasra. $13.
Nlca bow B-room buncslow, $13.
Nlco nw 6-room bur.galow, $2.
Nli'S n 3-room furnlaktl. $13,
Nlca new ft room houao, 2V
Cloao la. East Side, pear 8- F. ahopa.
E. A. 3a" C RATH.
$31 Cham bar of Co mm ere a.
COt'PLK volna Eaat will rant for th Win
ter to roaptmaibla poslo. hortaa; bank
rfTsncaa, modern hem In restricted dis
trict, ft rooms and den, wall furnished;
furnace, ctr:citv. piano, office ticak;
close in. Phone East 2120 for fntervlaw.
HODERN new T-rom bouts, with flrp;co
and ranv. on W W car Una, $.t- per
month, or If ownr can make arrange
mnta aad reaarvo on room, $13.50; no
cnT.dren. Ca.l at Cl McKaybUc-
j 39bM0!ntT0MERT DRH'E, 4 roeni4.
!nwr Portlasd Heights, rardenf $'.). C43
alark-ot at, drive, a rooma rarnodeld;
butLf ul v1w. Tnqutro old Market St.
drive. Phone Main 4:3.
gW KT.L d-roona ouso, modem, eosy. oon
vnint. nor I'nion carpets, rugs,
ltnoieu n and rang a, rtrr'co. cr.mbina
tlon Mstorea. Phone WoodMawn lidl and
C 2i.'.T.
fEW. modern boraa an Waaco at.; aood
netchborhood; botwoea two canines; walk
tns; distance-
6 SO. D. 8 CHALK.
Vain 8'jJ. A 2Ja. Ptsrk St.
HOuM houao. bath. basement. wash
trt its. eleoirtctty. maiklna dUtance;
Fast B!de; 4-1 ban Rafael street: 1- ln
omr 43 E. 7th st. N cr Tillamook.
3-ROOM eottaga rnodm. ehlenhousej and
runa 4 -room cottage. 2 lots, fruit, chlken
bous. Call mo : th avo. ft. E - Mount
S'-ott car to Trtmort.
FoR R&.NT or leaao. completely furnished
-room modern noma, close In. E t bide
corner, ft carllaaa. 320 Tillamook. C
Fort KKNT 3-room houao, fruit, berries,
n'ro' lawn: 174-1S brhwood; $12. Call
Monday, BIT Lumbar Exchange, 2d and
-ROOM house, 904 Broadway, strictly mod
ern with good Btl rang sod gas heater,
connoted. Call W3$ l road -ray or phone
C 231.
FOR P.ENr Fine hau. 7 rooms, on Klll
in - worth v., furnished or unfnmlshf d.
$23 per month. Paimr A Hilt, 113 KVA
li:ga worth av. Weodiawn 12'.0.
FARTLT furnhed cttag. 3 ierg rooms
with hall, pantry and bath, eleotrlc llcM.
lrg lawn end garden. Phono Colombia
4--o or c:i 1700 Portsmouth ava.
FOR RENT 3-room madsrn cottaga, one
bvk from two crlina. East b.da; rent
r-u-sonab:. Pbona Eaat 22tf2 or Main
FT 7 I;.NTs-IlElS d-P.OOM lU'VS-:
I'lioNI TAHOrt 3;tw.
CHEAP rent In exchang for crpentr
work. ait-rln rona. on carlina. Williams
avo.. nr .-klt'.mor. Pbon E. 32. or
cll E. Morrison.
3 OH P. EN'T 8-room modern bo. 3 bed
rooma 3 toi:l. funic, reasonable rent.
West Bid, cor. 2Jd and Vaufchn gu; two
cariin. eV or 23d cars. ,
BEOIM th V"w Tear right $30 monthly
rant bul bom; no f:rt rymnt nc
airr Phong owner. E-ft ,741.
yoPKRN" B-room homo, on crnor. walking
Uleiance, ftimsco, lary porrh. plenty of
r.'-. ! lUimont St. M 4:4
II' k rO . for 8-roora bauso In good re
pn r at 343 Tacoma a. oollwood. Main
2 I.
$ '2 3 MO.. 3 -room, bico, tarice. modem cot
tif almost completely furrhed. near
'lppl and Alberta sts. Main 2301.
FIVE-ROOM cottng In Irvlngton. lrh St.,
b-t. Waoier and Broadway. Inquire 663
" :fl!er st.
7rtP it KENTON.
Cottagea fr s' or rant, stokes A Far
mer. Icrb7 st. Phona Woodiawn t99,
JxTh HEbiT Mdem ft-room housa corner
V harry end Larrsbae '-. Apply 393 East
11 N or
FO It n K N T 0od sis-room h o . Fart
Merrioa at., block to Surnyaida cr. Fur
niture fof sai. r o.
$-KCKM houao. furoUhd or unfum:hd. 24
t IlOIiO A p ' r-W mt.-m
MolWH N 3-room buna-s.ow, firvpoo. pan
eled dlH!Broera. wna.uni
and bath, ad a-1 flittnea Marsha. 1 S2,
TLS JuoAmrn ft-room ho-is. furnace, rent
rVbor 17.'
ft : Sth near tast Aniwy. rnons
MOPK R V 8-room haa; rent $-13 month I
. . m.m r- T !.-- -t Call Sail U .
IOCS " ,
r-trra St.
... a - S A ith antt rrathar
Ppc:al p-:ea to te-.ant for a year. Ed
ijr.1i Coaryany. 13 lat st.
MotFK2N T-roons heuae la Irvlngton; hard
head fioora, p.atd f.Aja, ti:e tath. Phoae
Fast 434, orclja,3 Thompson st. (
CTTr ITll-L 7-room modern bouse for rent,
ti3 Jeknsoe at. Ej at 721 Johuson eu
A j-pi mornrcga
7e WeTrom boas. 733 FJt etreet, Wst
S d. Marsha, 1 S'7.
ft.X Kuuk uil-ri. smai yard, good vu
rant rioctti a Main 1il.
ft-L-GM huee E. Fine, near 15 th. C 2230.
Eart 3t'3.
FOR RENT 7-room modern bouse
3 1st St. 323. Phoc East SXL
i . -..N i -roouj n j. a3 ha sw
$17 phone A81VJ.
ftTltOOM cottage. Cran-1 are. Bear Harrl-
aan. N F. News. 3-J3 S Grand sve.
ft-F eotteg. with bath.
i; i ti st-
CaW 42 Kaat
gift ft rooms; raorf-rn con v-n:enres; large
y a rd. 3i Fa t Ptark . n r . 7 :
125 7-room hour, porcelain plumbing fur-
(i. yaa. e.etrflty- rhons t?tlwood bV ,
M'-'-N" 6-room bouse. fcoO E- Tggart 1
Sioca grow rf n --
$n0, OA Strictly modem Irrlnrtea home
f 9 rooms. ftu2 E. 2olh St. N.
$30.0A Ftrlctly modsm T-room honso at
1021 Tillamook at
Suite 42ft Teon lildtf.
Ma!n 7323. A 4274
A bow, strictly modern, fine woodwork;
fumac. Eaat 43th aC North, only $J8
per month; year lease If desired. Phone
Tabor 2.134 Monday.
9 -room borne arranged for boardins;
Bouse, In good location: rent cheap; $2:23
win nan uie tnia. j. o.-a.
A NivW modern 6-roonx house In Rosa City
Park to rent or "'1 on easy terms. In
quire of owner, 423b Mill el Phone A
sV'.jd. .
ft-KOOM house, near Brooklyn school, two
carllne. Beacon and 10th sts., $ 1 3. ApplJ
Fishers, next door, or to E. Willis, 6C3
r-.t 0ti et. ftuth. phone Bfllwood B7S.
FmK $13 you can rent good 6-room house.
9M CerLott eu Fhona A 7273. 91S Teon
NEW modern bungalow, B rooma. No. 947
Endt 2th North, cor. Prescott.
6-R'-M modern cottage, 2 blocks Broadway
car. no chtldren. 404 Kait 11th St. N.
10-KOOM houae. 40th St.. block from Haw
thorne. AC orrgonian.
ft-R?OM house for rant. $lfl rar month. 321
FOR RENT Good honso, X lota nice place.
N.ep, 3iy 7th St.. 8. E.. Portland.
T-ROOM home, 70 Belmont, walking dla-tanc-.
Phor.e E oil wood 1.
l-JUhjW cottage, (i2'3 East "aimon, $1B. ln
cloding water. Phone Est 4440.
A MODERN B room bouse. 37 Ella St., $20.
Inquire en premisea
ftihi IRVrVo. e rooma yard. $15; rntr x
pected to purchase i art of furplshlnga
ft-KOOM eottaprt. attic, bath furnaca. Call
P3 E 17th. Phene ?:t 3.
Furnlabedr IIou
NEATLY furnished bungalow, B rooms end
bath. 1 block to car; gas and electricity,
laundry; 3 cords of wood in basement ;
owner, iromr East, will lease; snap al
$23. So owner at bungalow, 6J4 Tol
man av.
WELL-FURNISH ED 4-room eottase; large
rard, go-l Tlw; $20 month; furnished
houekrpins; rooms; Tory low prices. Ap
ply $H4 North 2dth. W car from depot.
3th west on 3rorrlson to gitn. block north,
A COMPLETEr.frurnlthed home In IrT
Ir.eton, situated at 6i2 Clackamas street.
337. CO per month, McOrrar. Bates ex
Lively, agents. 301 Teon b:g.
NICTTLTfurnIshed modern B-room bouse to
man and wife; owner wlenea the privilege
of reserving one bedroom. 367 Golnv st.
Call Funday and Monday. .
FOR KENT Six-room furnished house,
p:ano. walking- distance, good jr-ntleman
roomer If you wish him; rent $25. Call
374 Roaa. corner t roaaw ay.
CORNER of lth and East Market, furnished
ft-roeja euttage, rss and bath; rent $23 a
men to. Call J. &. Foss, Hawthorne
BEAUTIFt-'L home, Holladay Add., walk
ing ataunra. good prtlea. 9 months or
lonaer; will sell furniture. 1037 Chamber
or commerce.
LesIIABLE 6-room house, most select sec
tton Hawthorne-av. distri.; $40 unfr
nlahed. $43 nartlnlly furnished. Phone
ownec East G'"it or Marsh. ill 2S7.
6-HOOM cottaye, complete for housekeeping;,
gas. bsth, stel range, gas plate, cloao to
N Pink depot; tiO month; will eeU furnl
t'lre. 141 N. 13h sL
6-iOoM bungalow, completely furnished.
East etde; aH modern convanlencesi $23.
Phne M. 70J5.
i i (urniahed 9-room home, choice
iir,r district, walking distanoe. C74 &
Tivtor Phone c..
F; KNiSHED house for mnt, all modern;
2d a month; larre yard; cor. lftth and
Alberta st. Phone oodiawn 2&;i.
MOrtFTRN--room b un ca lo w, completely fur
ntfhed, 1 block from mr. Rose City Park
NICELY furnished ft-room house for rent;
pinano, bsth, etc.; 1 block from S carllnea.
rhene Main 3483.
$2l"8-ROOMflat and bath, completely
furntahed; attic room tf desired; ref-
MODERN ft-room bungalow, completely fur
nished 1 block from oar. Rose City Park
district. C 2224, Talor or Main Zm.
Folt RENT Modern 5-rwm Junalow,
hardwood floors, furnished, fireplace and
garage. i aw mi. . -
NICELY furnished modern 8-room bungalow-
piano, furnace; bitf bargain. Tabor
W LL-FUR N ISHED. B-room modern cot
tage. I blocks from car line. Phone
7-P. COM home, completely furnished, all
modem Improvements with piano; Tory
convenient. 427 3th.
MODERN 4-room cottaga nice yard. 10
minutes to business center; $J0 a month.
Inquire st 4'T7 7th.
10 -ROOM furnished house on E. 9th.
Hawthorne; cheap. Phone Eaat 3101A
ApC 22.
COUPLE to occupy convenient 6 -room
bunjralow on rrver while family la In Cali
fornia; normal rent. 14 1st st.
CTRICTLY modern 8-room bungalow, flre
place, well finished, $23. 343 Lombard t
Chautauqua station, St. Johns car.
vioDiN house, 4 roonia, only small fam
l.y ef aduiia. with no dot. need apply.
Call 403 18th su
yiva-KOOM house completely furnished;
neat and clean; one block to cer; $1 2t$
Lumber Kscnsnge sitcr w puuu-j.
.SiCi.iV furn.s!icl G-roojn fat for rent,
n.ceiy arranged for rentics; rooma 433 3d,
Flat C -
NICELY furnished 7-room house. $30. South
I rt rt i and. M. S. Rentery. Etearns bldg.
FOR RENT Furnished house, 7 -rooms. Ia-
lilr between iv f"" p
ft-l:ooM completely furnished cottage, $00.
$70 Belmont. Call Main 1161 or A 7o28.
lOKOOM moUtirn furnlahod house. Apply
35 ntn or ij'J w
DKSIKABLB B-room houia, completely fur
niabed; Apply at 341 thau
BRt tiM modem bungalow, completely fur-t,ih-.i
.ti vast 2bth st. er Marshall T713.
LAST BIPE ft-roera rot tax;, cemprately fur
nished. $A3. A 7o30.
3 AN U 3 room, strictly moarn, raaoo-
nhl-. Jil'l can tentxin, cor. Alberta.
COM PLKTEI-Y furnished six-room house In
Irvlrigton. $ Phone Main 2ul9.
HRMH;i a-reom flat, with piano, waik
ine distance. Inuuire 249 3th. A 4'JD.
pCK2SlHEi four-room houae, '&60 Eaat 4th
9-HOoM furnished house; walking distanoe;
jlooara fer Rrat. FBmlroro for eale.
pA kt of furniture of 12-room house cn
Nob Hill for sale, balance rented with
houae; at thla if you want something
good. Phone Marshall 13'20.
Family leaeing city will rent B-room cot
tir. walking dUtarxra, $12; sail furaKure
for $133. i Puaday, Montiay or evea of week daya b2 E. th st. North.
PIX-ROOM flat. 1323; $78
down; so trash; rent $22, tnoome $40;
rooms reserved. 45 1st, Fkt K.
FOR S.LK Will sscr.flce on account of
sickness, the furnishings of a 9-room res
idence for 1323 cash; fuil of good roomers.
Main 8M7.
FURNITURE of ft-rooms for sal very cheap;
hose for rent, st 124 E. Ivh st. ; must be
s-Kl. owner -"Ing East. Phone Mars hail
327. East 27S1.
MUST sell on account of sickness, furniture
f 13 rooman SuU, term a bee owner, AH
ttti. Oregon! an.
FU RN ITt T.C f-Z a 7-room h'-ue for sale,
hue rent 2.V Phone C 2304. 133 Haisey
fiOANTt.V furnished ft-room ho-isa; ax
cedent location; great bargain; $2.0 cash) eisy. 31 an hall 3173. .9 7th.
FU KN ITUR-! f S-room house for sale or
will trade for real estate- 2 rooms rented
pays rent. &33 East Couch.
Fl'KNITUKE of T rooms for sale; house
for rent; good Income from rooms; $4iK;
tarms If desired. 10 North 8th s
FURNITURE of a three-room modern Cat;
rent reasonable. Roosevelt su Take
23d -SL car to Roosevelt.
ft" HOOHi. nicely furnished, very central.
suiiabio for roomers; roaaonabie. Phono
Marshall SGfin.
Fl KM il KE of 7 -roam hovae f ot sale,
house for rent; $230 cash; tarma, 33 13 th
atrt- ?t-
ELEGANT brand bsw furniture, modern ft
room house. 4 bcls ol Washicgtoa ac
1 2 N. 17th st. A 7301.
8-ROOM flat, complete ay furnished, furni
ture for sale, flat for rent. Ill $th at.
f-ROOM house for rent. $23; furniture for
rale cheap. Phone fcllwood 47lt.
FU H Nil CHE for sale, house t rent; T
rooms; a bargain. 4S Humatde.
FURNITCRE of B-room cottage, $130; rent
reasonable. Tel. Marahall 3L
"titir rr '
Compiete furniture and outfit for three
or four-room apartment; everything solid
and modern; slightly used; owner leav
ing. Apply janitor. Trinity Place Apart
menta. Phone Marshall BOUv
FURNITURE oT ft-room fiat for aale at sac
rifice; must be sold before the ftd; the
best offer takes It, If you want a snap,
don't fall to see this; value 3400. 714
Kearney. Main StiO. .
FURNITURE for sale, houae for rent, six
rooms, complete. East Side, cloae In,
rooms full, clearing $30 a month; a bar
galn at $130. 4S Bu.-nalde.
BOARDING-HOUSE for sale; steady board
ers; income $10 per month; rent $25;
price $tk'i: cash $20Ok rest easy payments.
Owner, East 642b.
FL'KNITUKE of 8-room houe for sale, la
good condition; all or by the piece; also
house for rent; modern. 2152. 273 Mc
Mlllen. LOOK 7-room, finely furnished, rent $23.30;
modem, 8 cords wood in basement, fur
nace; aaerlf Icing to pay doctor's bills. 8S8i
4th st. price $330. Phone Main B333.
BEAUTIFUL home, fine location, walking
distance, to responsible people, six months
or longer, or will sell furniture. 473 Mala
street. .
ALMOST row furniture at a bargain; five
room flat, walking- distance, desirable lo
cation. 475 7th su. West Side. Call Sua
- day or evenings.
FOR SALE Furniture four rooms, $178; flat
Tor rent. 830. Si3 Montgomery.
Three Morrison afreet stores left. Large
well-lighted basement with Morrison and
Park street entrances. Second floor one
big room well lighted, commodious lobby
Oooortnnlty For Shoes Haberdashery.
Clothing, Drugs. Furs, Halrgooda, Ladle's
Tailors. Restaurant, Cafeteria, Candy, Cig
ars. Billiard A Pool, Barber Shop, Gen La
Inquire at 7 03 -ft Conch Building.
GRAND ava., one block from E. Morrison,
suitable for grocery or general store, rent
No. 170 TJnlon ave., one block south
ef E. Morrison. Hartman A Thompson
Chamber of Commerce bldg.
EXTIRE 2d floor of first-class garage. Bast
blue: suitable tor top roanuracturer, oooy
bu liner, repair man. etc Best location;
established business, rent reasonable.
Thone East 3230 or address AR Oro-
FULLY equipped East Bide garage, best lo
cation. Bowaer pump wash rack, electric
elevator, etc.; 8-year lease; rent reason
able. Phone Tabor 2S&3 or address A3
(W4, Oregonlan.
80x100 FOR lease for 10 years on eecend
Ieor, corner jat ana Morrison st. ; wou tu
be fine for doctor, photographer or restau
rant. O. H. Dammoier, 921 Board of
Trade bldg.
TWO small -lores, with living-rooms, op
posits the Arleta School; good stand for
shoe repairing or groceries or confection
ery; $& and $12 per month. Phone East
STORE, "fx7$ with part basement: good
West Side location, at car Intersection.
Particularly suitable for any wearing ap
parel, hardware, groceries, etc.; .113. 213
Third at Salmon. Inquire 314 3d.
ROOM, 23x23, sultsble for hall or sample
mom. also storage space in basement,
Howe-Davis Co., Ill 2d at. near Washing
t .n st.
MODERN store, with cement basement. 2 Ox
73 feet, good location, long lease, reason
able rent. 223 Front at. Levin Hdwr. Co.
Main 9072.
THREE new stors, corner Union ave. and
Graham. 3 blocks north Russell; separate
basements. toilets, sinks; reasonable.
Phone A 3947. Call 78 S Overton.
STORE for rent, 3d near Jefferson, lHxfl3,
$30, plate-glasa front ; also 18x43 adjoin
ing for $lo if desired. W. G. Cox. 20-3
McKay bldg.
$15 FOR rent store, good location, light
hardware, millinery, dressmaking, notions,
living-room connected. 12&3 Belmont.
Tabor 176.
SEVERAL stores at east end Madlson-st.
bridge, $24 to $40. according to six. In
quire 271 Hawthorne ave.
FOR RENT Basement, cor. lath and Wash
ington, 30x70, suitable for poolroom, eta.
Brink's Pharmacy.
DESIRABLB Washington St. stores for
loase for term of years. Inquire 901
Chamber of Commerce.
BEST location In city for coffee house or
restaurant. H. Martilrrff, Phone Main 7783.
FOR RENT .Store. 328 Washington etreet.
$40 a menth Phone Marshall 3481.
FOR RENT Large office rooms; good
light: suitable for architect; earn p. e
salesroom ; tailor shop or regular of floe
business. Stearns bldg., 6th and Morri
son. Inquire office, Sherman. Clay & Co.
WILCOX BLDG. Want desirable party to
share my suite of offices; nice outside
room, both telephones, stenographer; rent
reasonable; referencea exchanged. A 711,
Oregon tan,
6th. and Washington sts.; very boat lo
cation In the coty. Reasonable rents. In
quire In bank.
TO RENT Desk room In new modem build
ing, nicely furnished, stenographer to
answer phone, reasonable rent to man with
high-cuaes pnsinesa. AO Bow, oregonian,
All-night elevator service. Special in
ducements on yearly lease. 803 S wetland
bldg.. gth and Washington.
LlSKROOM in nicely furnished outside of
fice; light, heat and both phones. Inquire
Wm. C. Borchers. 207 Orgonian bldg.
OFFICB room, 1207 Wilcox bldg.. Wash
ington g treat si do. Call room 1206. G.
w oray.
DESK R COM. outside office, telephone, wifTt-lng-room,
etenoarrapher, $12.50 mo. Smith
Wagoner Co.. 311-312 Lewis bldg.
NEW furniture of 4-room cottage cheap. 413
Mill st.
DEPK room In new, light office. 811 North
west bldg.. 6th and Washington.
OFFICES, fireproof bid-.. $12.50 and up.
Apply te Supu Kothchlld bldg.
140 S ITH ST.. office en ground floor; de
strable for real estate,
CHOICE front desk room and phone with
attorney to right party. 904 Wilcox bldg.
DhSK room for rent in nicely furnished out
side office. 41$ Railway Exchange bldg.
FOR Sale: Office desk, chairs and rug.
61ft Henry bldg.
OFFICE or desk room on ground floor at
243 Alder, near 3d at.
M kscol I aneo sua.
FOR RUNT Stalls for one or two horses,
separate, $1.50 to $3 per stall. Apply
East llth near Slsklyoo sts,
FOR BENT fcpaee. with or without power,
for ltht manufacturing. Apply 713 Thur
miD st., corner 22 d.
Corner 8-story brick building, center of
business district, lot ftOxldO. Call Mon
433 Chamber Commerce Bldg.
WANTED Partner to work in th
r roc err
department of wholesale and retail store;
saiary $135 and large protita. 823 Lum
ber Exchange.
MILLINERY store in Hood River, Or., do
ing good business: will sacrifice; best rea
son for selling. Box 72. Seavlew, Wash.
Telephone aid other bonds bought and
sold. Fltch-r In v. Co., 225 A bin g ton.
I HAVE the best location in city for mov-tng-pictur
theater. Apply at jewelry
store, lui th st. North.
$1000 AND expenses given to lady or gen
tleman of ambition ; experience unneces
sary. B. Z.. B4S Flanders. Portland.
6NAP Stock and fixtures for sale; snap
at $230; rent $16. bSO Mllwaukle sU. cor.
Mall. Take Sellwood car.
FftoMOTER of ability to handle small, h
gUlmate propoanion- -" m-px
MEAT MARKET Salts $3t day; will sell
c atap. Call 24SH Stark st.
FOfTrENT Meat market, furnished, choice
1 oca t ton. rent 1 15 mo. Phone tost Bl-d.
liuy &artner to take Interest in good pay-
NICE, clean up-to-date restaurant for aale
er traae ior iuu - y
GROCERY confectionery for sale. Call
awn .vu.
STORE and B living-rooms, gooj location for
ary bmlneys. 33 Russell bldg.
FOR SALE Delicatessen and confection
ery lunchroom; price $225. 163 Grand ava
DENTAL offl for sale cheap, good live
town. AV b02, Oregon lan.
AUNDRY Have good opening; requires
ary little cash. Call 246 b btark su
We offer for sale:
50 United States Cashier, bid.
1000 Auto. Call A Advu Clock. 270
6000 CoU Riv. Orch bond, Febya,, big
bargain. 1
8ooo CoL r.iv. Orch bond, Junes, big
10.0'JO Col. Riv. Orch bond, Oeta., big
We Want and Will Buy
B0 United States Cashier.
100 Marconi Wireless tall companies).
Omaha Telephone bonds or certificates.
OIL or INDUSTRIAL stock, until you
communicate with or see us. It will pay
you. All classes of stocks handled every
where. W. E. Davidson A Co.. 216 Lewie
bldg. -
I have a well-established machine man
nfaoturtng business which I understand
from start to finish, Inoludlng designing,
drafting, manufacturing and selling; my
shop equipment la first-class; am now
building a number of specialties which
are good sellers at profitable prices; want
to add another, for which there will be
a good demand; 100 per cent profit and
practically no competition; lack working
capital; want" competent man to take
half interest and have charge of oflce
and finances; this will bear closest
scrutiny. L 70L Oregonian.
This is cash your price la mine.
Owner obliged to leave city Jan. 15 and
will aacrince. Newly equipped 6 months
ago, capuclty 100 bundles per day. all
new machinery, wagon, 20-H.P. boiler.
ing 123x23 ft, boiler-room 60x23 ft; now
doing $ 100 worth of business per week.
Thli la a nlra littia business that Is
growing fast. Phone X 1431 today, next
week Marshall lbbd. Call lor Mr. uurit.
11 ROOMS 11
and 8 kitchenettes at a real bargain, fur
niture cost moo last March, house good
and in Ideal location. 1 block north of
Washington, near 10th; good lease: own
er must leave city and will sacrifice for
$300, H cash. Call early Monday If you
are looking for a snap, at 1009 Board
or Trade blag.
MAGNETIC sands; are you Interested In
treatment to extent of furnishing capital
for experimental plant, dry treatment, for
half Interest In patents? On a small scale
my idea works perfectly; want larger
plant to demonstrate to a certainty; plant
to be built where you like. If you know
the value of a treatment for magnetic
sands and are willing to furnish the capi
tal I will furnish the brains to save the
valuta. AV 813. Ore gen lan.
WANTED An experienced business man as
general office manager at an average sal
ary of $ldo0 per year for ten years; one
able to invest ouuu. wnicn win e ampiy
secured, and pay 6 per cent interest semi
annually; $1000 Immediate cash in hand
secures the Dosttion. provided applicant
can qualify; balance quarterly for one
yfcar. 1 or run particulars can lor Air.
Hunt, 270 Stark St.. city.
Wanted Lady for trip to Callfornia,
good business proposition, $500 required,
which secures interest In the business;
you can clear over $200 per month; lib
eral salary to start ; all traveling ex
penses paid; security given for money
Invested ; must bo prepared to leave at
once; give phone number. AM 613, Ore
gonian, FOR SALE or trade, patent for ball-bearing
friction device for logging or hoisting en
gines; handles the question of frictions:
$30 to $33 can be made on each sale; value
$2300; auto or real estate considered; no
padding; best reason for selling, or wlil
sell you half Interest. AV 810, Oregonian.
NEWSPAPERMEN Newspaper and Job of
fice In prosperous Western Oregon town
of 2300 population: cyilnder press and 2
new jobbers, lots of new type and equip
ment; must sacrifice account of wifo a
health. Price $2830, $lio0 cash, balance
up to 8 yeara AV Si. Oregonian.
In 11 vest lumbering and mfg. town on
the Coast is for sale or trade; proprietor
must sell at once, other business; small
amount of capital will handle if taken at
once. Addrttsa L. D., box 006. Raymond,
Fully equipped yards, sheds, delivery
system, horses, wagons, good lease. New
cash contracts now being signed up. A
fine opening for $3600.
211 Lewis Bldg. -
corner. rent ?20, lease, opposite large
school; no competition, fine trade; clean
stock and good fixtures. This is nrst-class.
I will sell at invoice. 1 Woodiawn 3o,
Marshall 823. or call 1429 Union ave. N.
A PROFITABLE cash business, well-established
that needs only small capital to
handle; to bo sold this week. This la a
business conducted by mail order and
salesmen: will bear Investigation. A3 68,
WANTED In solid office business, old-es-tabliehed
partner to do collecting, as
owner has all he can attend to in the
office; will pay you no less than $150
month; $.00 required, fully secured. 323
Lumber Exchange .
Beats 60. does $60 a day, expenses light.
West Sde, good money-maker; $1600,
terms. . ...
WHEFLER A HALL, 511 Lumbermens bldg.
I WILL sell all or half Interest In a 19-room
house to lady or gentleman, very cheap,
and easy terms ; woman who could take
charge preferred. Phone A 6471. 213
FTon t.
40 rooms, good location, housekeeping,
modem, good lease, well furnished: $1000
will put you In possession. S 6U3, Ore
gonian. -
MEAT market, new brick bldg., metal racks,
glass counter, scales and register, rent $.0.
& years' lease; sell at Invoice, about $1200
Ideal location, $40 to $00 per day.
HIGLEY A BISHOP. 132 Third st.
ion A Co,, 216 Lewis bldg. STOCKS
In good town, near Portland; rent $25,
B yrs.' lease: trade $25; 4 tables and
WHEELER A HALL. 511 Lumbermens bldg.
SALOON fixtures, very large plate mirror,
. . j ,i i .... n a fnAt rail tl 4n
fine condition, for sale very cheap. Main
ington street. Price reasonable. Address
H 693. Oregonian.
WANTED Partner to manufacture auto
trucks. light delivery and 3 to B-ton
trucks; high-class design at moderate
p rices. AP 68 7. Oreg o n la ru
$3000 half cash, takes best little millinery
business down town. West Side; modern
front and fixtures; clean stock, good lease;
$17 000 annual sates. AL 6S3. Oregonian.
COUNTRY newspaper and Job shop, three
platen presses; win leu, uiuo ui tc.oc,
v near Portland. Owner has other business.
Address W 677. Oregonian.
Finest suburban location In city; doing
h.itin- investigate at once: $300.
WHEELER A HALL, 511 Lumbermens bldg.
Edison machine and double dissol-er
complete, $05; Edison machine complete.
All good; 2 on West Side and 1 on
c - nPirt rt.".0 and 1750.
WHEELER A- HALL, 511 Lumbermens bldg.
WE have a proposition for an osteopath
With some capiiiu w
opening; this is a new thing; nothing like
It on the Coast. A 738. Oregonian.
4 GOOD-FAITH homesteaders for claims
within mnes oa "iun
cruise from 8.000,000 to 20.0o0.000 timber.
Ask for Mr. Gothro, 902 Yeon bldg.
MAN of business ability with small capital
to take interest in established "business In
Portland, already doing business of $50,000
a year. Aoiress aji t-'. "
WANTED Lady or gentleman to invest $300
in theatrical s'ork company; Investigation
solicited. AK 702. Oregonian.
GOOD doctor and dentist wanted In new
town In old aettled country. AK 698, Ore
gonian. IF tou need moving-picmr- uunUCB, vui-
i.,tinr. s- fh-aters. see Laemmie. I
im'Oak. opp- Wells-Fargo. ; J
pci DANDY little restaurant. West Side.
HIGLEY A BISHOP. 132 Third St.
"WANTED Partv with sawmill to manufac
ture 45 000.000. excellent timber, main
line, railroad. AF 6?3. Oregonian.
CLEANING and pressing business wants
partner to anvs uswcij- . v-
you $33 week. 323 Lumber Exchange.
JlTtOO GIVE half interest In business that
la proving success; prefer a mechanic In
ventors' Mqei orna, -'' i-on.
a-.,,,, BUSINESS man with about $2000 can
buv Into a pnylng Insiallment business.
DVT wrks. pressins parlor fo- sale; busl
ne'ss five years. Phone E. 6243.
CLFANING. press! raj stand, plenty of bush
eiicg work; also S room. 843 Jefferson.
The largest in the city with 2
well furnished rooms. A well
equipped institution. Fine swimming
plunge In connection.
Splendid opportunity for physician
or expert masseur.
This is now clearing 3400 to $500
per month; $3000 wlil handle.
Will consider good real estate in
Investigation courted.
1007-1009 Board of Trade Bldg.
42 roomg in new fireproof building,
team heat, porcelain baths, every room
has hot and cold water, newly-furnished,
two entire floors, finely iacated, walking
distance to business center. For quick
sa'.e at $4500 spot cash. A respectable,
clean rooming-house, on a paying basis,
pnt.i la shout S3 ner room monthly.
Receipts average $15 per room. For full
particulars call. No phone Information
309 Yeon Bldg.. Portland, or.
WANTED The owner of a ranch, who
wishes a proposition to Improve and put
It to orchard, I have a plan that will
Interest you. If your place is good land
and would cut up to advantage after it
was pat to orchard, etc, the cost of im
proving and labor for same Is my ex-
fense and yon control the situation. This
s no shark's scheme, but a good business
proposition, I will go on the ranch my
self; only good responsible parties need
answer this. E 6U4, Oregonian.
And earn a large monthly income. We
teach you the real estate. Insurance and
general brokerage business by mall, fur
nish you with complete real estate equip
ment to actually start you in business and
co-operate with you in the selling and
exchanging of properties. Write- for our
free booklet today. n
8th floor Pacific Bldg., San Francisco, Cal.
EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for man of
ability to operate retail store In Port
land for sale of made-to-order clothes of
Lamm A Co., Chicago; entire display stock
and advertising furnished free: capital
necessary only for fixtures and operat
ing expenses; first-class references re
quired. Address J. P. Thompson. AH
FO R SALE: Racket store, in good live
town, doing "good business, $1500 'l
swing it. Good reason for selling. Deal
direct with owner and save agent's com
mission. Call at the office of the North
western Trust Co., cor. 6th and Washing
ton St., from 2 to 4 P- M., Sunday, Dec
81st. or address AV 808, Oregonian.
Here Is your chance, the only garage
In a town of 3000 inhabitants, is con
crete, has modem machinery and the
rent is only $25 per month; no other auto
salesman in the city. $2230 takes lease,
machinery and established business; some
terms. Call Main 7555. ask for Corser.
We desire to place a considerable
amount of Fire Insurance in responsible
Nen-Board Companies. Submit names of.
Non-Board Companies you represent and
after we have investigated their responsi
bility will take matter up direct with
you. j o.
LONDON financier and promoter with high
est European banking connections, at pres
ent in Portland, Or., Is open to receive
propositions suitable for foreign capital;
large bond Issues placed. Address by let
ter The Secretary, 4o9 Corbett bldg.,
Portland, Or. No agents.
YOUNG man of 25 desires connection with
thoroughly legitimate and substantial en
terprise in Portland or smaller city; could
Invest $5000 or more, preferably In es
tablished wholesale or Industrial propo
sition, - Address C. H. N-, care Coin
merclal Club. .
FOR SALE One of the best stationery, con
fectlonery, cigars, tobacco, phonographs,
kodaks, magazines and daily paper agency
stores, located in a good, substantial
town in Central Oregon; owner haa other
interests to look after. Address J. H.
Mendenhall. Redmond. Or.
BOND issues, $100,000 upwards, negotiated,
railroad, gas. streetcar, electrical, irriga
tion, banking, trust and general corpora
tions organized and directed; franchises
and trust deeds drawn. L. N. Rounbaum.
lawyer and financial agent. 214-220
Height bldg.. Seattle.
ABUNDANCE English capital seeking In
vestment In municipal Improvements, rail
ways, water, light, mining and conserva
tive enterprises (no loans). 1 rite in
closing reports. Secretary Franco-British
Financial Exchange, 409 Corbett bldg.,
Portland. Oregon, U. S. A.
FOR SALE Half Interest In a good paying
moving picture and vaudeville house, town
of 10,000; first-class house in every re
spect; well equipped and well established;
cause of selling disagreement. This will
bear Investigation. Further particulars,
address AV b!7, Oregonian.
Partner to take half interest In a light
manufacturing plant; a man who can
take charge of an office and manage men.
Salary $125 per month. Kinney ft
Stampher. &31-2 Lumber Exchange bldg..
etark ana aecona aia.
I HAVE 12 years' banking and manufactur
ing experience; will Invest capital and
services in conservative business proposi
tion; high-class references given; thor
ough Investigation required. T 605, Ore
gonlan. ,
MILLINERY business of long standing,
splendid order, trade; one of the finest
locations in the city; will sell for cash
or part payment; balance secured; owner
wishes to retire. For particulars, etc,
address O 6S4. Oregonian. .
WANTED To interest party who haa $12,
000 to invest In a ranch proposition; will
pay 10 per cent or give interest or both.
Property worth $30,000. Located In Snake
River canvon. Eastern Oregon. Address D.
J, V., Box 11, Huntington. Or.
WANTED Party to invest $2000 in a com
pany to be organized for the introduc
tion and manufacture of an educational
device. Best of Indorsements. U. S. and
Canadian patents. Nothing but success
awaits this enterprise. G 679. Oregonian.
8500, HALF cosh, profitable mfg. business,
partner or man and wife wanted for light
Inside work; gilt-edge, legitimate; no
competition; will clear each at a -very low
estimate $130 per month, AN 03, Ore
gonlan. .
Confectionery business, including s.ock
fixtures, house and lot. all for $3a00. Good
reason for selling. Business cleared $2100
In past year. National Realty A Trust Co.,
7z3 Unarauer pi iummci.
FINE opportunity for high-grade business
party OS DUSIIl-S- uiau6t. , -
ganlzation handling large tract of loeged
otf land prepared for aettlera. F oott.
-r. . --t-t r- i-n,n- n ascint m In CStab
iiahin- a business that will pay a profit
of TOO to 2O0 per cent; $800 to ioou re
1: neriectly safe, 'as you can handle
your own money. AiUu, uregonian.
INVENTIONS of merit should be manufac
tured properly. Our equipment is modern
and complete, backed up by ability and
good service; estimates and full informa
tion cheerfully furnished. The Metal
Specialty Co., Department H. Cincinnati. O.
sales; rent less than 8 per cent of sales;
splendid location; extensive modern win
dows; medium class trade. Established
for years; about $3000, half cash. S 687,
IF you have $250 and are willing to work
oa a guaranteed salary of $150 per month,
see me, I will give you iron-clad contract.
Mr. Wilson, 413 Biarn si.
t Oit ttt-. A, iXliv vv w wwwu.
BUSINESS opportunity guarantees $100 per
month on small investment; services re
quired: experience unnecessary. V 6S3.
FOR SALE Drug store, will consider good
real estate or farm land for part; give
list In first letter; thla Is something good.
B 6S3, Oregonian,
CASH GROCERY Want reliable partner;
$100 day sales now; nothing sold on
credit; long lease. Call 248 Stark at.
SCANDINAVIAN partner wanted in bakery
business, no experience necessary; must be
sober; $200 required. j l o?i, uregomau
UNITED States cashier stock, any part of
60 shares at a sacrifice. AM 6S9. Orego
nian. WISH partner, $700, secured, coffee roast
ing and tea business: big field, fine open
ing. John Walsh, Walla Walla, Wash.
BUTTER, EGGS, ETC Want reliable part
ner for cash store; $400 required; pay $100
month. Call 243 Stark st.
MOVING picture theater, nw, modem, and
best location in Portland; best reasons for
selling. Owner. Y 730. Oregonian.
A SNAP Poolroom 'and cigar store, four
tables, M0 rent, doing good business. In
quire 524 Wash. Bt. Main 8623.
RESTAURANT sacrificed to one-half Its
actual worth to sell at once; chance sel
dom offered Call 248 Stark st.
CHOICE 26x70 grocery site on Foster road
1 block east of Lents P. O.; $300 cash.
Call Tabor 3571.
FOR SALE Lease and furniture of one of
Oregon's best beach resorts. Phone East
609 during business hours.
10 SHARES United States cashier stock for
sale cheap. AO 661, Oregonian.
3000 Alaska Pet. & Coal ....85
2750 Almeda Con. tr,ns snap
All California Oil stocks. . . .bargain
4 Am. Lite A Acc bargain
60 Am, Telegraphone ...$1.76
1000 August Oil snap
lOOO Automatic Call (Plckell) cheap
6 Coin Machine (Potter) ....... .special
& Col. Riv. Orchard. Feb.. ...... special
B000 CoL Riv. Orchard, June snap
loOOO Col. Riv. Orchard, Oct cheap
, l'H'0 Comstock Golden Gate 10
iXHH) East. Or. O. A Q bid
loi'O Fidelity Copper very cheap
loo Gibson Mfg , bid
2402 Govt. Stand. Powder cheap
6 Hood River Orchard Land bid
85 Hudson Ice Mach $3.00
60 Laurelhurst Co
35 Malinda Heights Svnd bid
SOrtO Meader-Cochrane Press bid
BOO Necarney City Hydrocarbon snap
5(H) pac. Coal A Gas bid
20 Pac. Face Brick bid
5 Pac. States Fire bid
200 H. O. Peck Auto Wheel.. big bargain
. 25 Port. Con. Pi;e .Dlv.) bid
60 Red Ash Coal bid
50 Simonson Fix-It bargain
2000 Skamania G. & C big bargain
St. Johns Oil & Gas bargain
2M) United pac. Tire Cover .....snap
90 U. S. Cashier cheap
S3 U. F. Cashier (Pooled) bid
100 United Wireless, pfd bid
Almeda Consol. Portland Concrete.
Automatic Call. Rose Cltv. 1
Marconi Wireless. U. S. Cashier.
Metallne Con.
U n I v ersal W ren ch
Omaha TeL bonds.
Washo igal O A O.
225 Abington Bldg.
170 6th St. Mala Tlel.
100 rooma brick bldg., rent only $1. To
per room with 4-year lease, clearing 1250
to $500 month, located very close in. West
Side; the price has been reduced to $3500,
terma This Is a genuine snap.
33 rooms, brick bldg., rent $125 with
3 years' lease, located very close In, well
furnished, electric lights, clearing $130
month. ThU house Is Just as advertised.
There Is nothing wrong with It. But on
account of other business, the owner will
not refuse any reasonable offer. About
$600 cash required.
16 rooms, rent $75, located on Yamhill
St., well furnished, clearing $60 month.
This Is good at $000, easy terms,
10 rooms, rent $50, steam heat and
running water in rooms, well furnished,
clearing $50 month. This Is a first-class
small house with a lease and good in
come; price $030, terma
10 rooms, rent $5, located close In, all
housekeeping, nicely furnished, clearing
$40 month. This is a real snap at $550,
We have several good apartment and
rooming-houses to trade for real estate.
170 5th St. Opposite Postofflce.
Located on one of the best streets In
Portland; first-class fixtures; Ice cream
plant includes electric motor, power
freezer and separator, about 200 milk and
ice cans, candy manfg. tools and tray,
gas range, bread trays, tables and chairs
for Ice cream parlor, office desk and safe,
delivery automobile is also Included In
price: the business runs from $35 day in
Winter to $200 day in Summer; there Is
a good, clean stock of light groceries,
confectionery, eta.; stock and fixtures will
Invoice about $2500; but this must posi
tively bo sold at once, as we took It In
trade and have no one to run It; the first
, party with $1450 cash can buy It out
right. You bargain hunters will have to
come early.
170 5th St., Opposite P.. O.
Eureka, Humboldt County. Cal.. a city of
14,0u0 inhabitants, an old-established and
prosperous shoe business; store admirably
equipped; one of the best corners on the
principal street ' four show windows; 4
years' lease, rent $125 a month; stock
approximately $15,000; no old stock; terms
half cash, balance on reasonable deferred
payments ; liberal discount for all cash ;
present owners have interests elsewhere
' that require their personal attention;
strict Investigation expected- ratine first
ciass; references to wholesale houses In
Portland given; dealing direct with prin
cipals. Address R 711. Oregonian.
sites. What have you in VACANT
will give you free of charge full par
ticulars how to start the BUSINESS.
526 Wash. St., near 17th, Portland, Or.
I HAVE discovered 6000 acres valuable
mineralized lands; when proven up, in
groups of eight clalsas, a tremendous
profit can be netted from European and
American capitalists. Can you Join met
Large or small sums can be used. For
details, address Durnford, 64 Cameron L,
Ottawa, Can.
STORE. Will invoice $1200; owner going East,
so will sell for $375 cash; rent I So, with
4 -year tease; can sub-rent part for $50;
this is a big snap; act quick.
Must come well recommended to put
automatic airbrake and fish bar, also pneu
matic tire on the market. Inquire with
in 6 days, 722 Patton road. Phone A 353L
Theo. Shade.
PRACTICAL printer-editor, 15 years' ex
perience, wants to lease good plant In
Western Oregon; would establish paper in
new town or take management of a busi
ness and guarantee results. AV SOI, Ore
gonian. WOULD like to hear of a good location In
Oregon or Washington for a bank, capital
$25,000; would buy one already established
in satisfactory location. Address J. H.
Sayer, promotion dept., Commercial Club,
Portland, Or.
WILL invest about 1000 with services in
' good business. Am experienced credit
man, bookeeper, correspondent, sales and
general office manager. AP 608, Ore
gonian. $1000 RESTAURANT ONLY $325.
Biggest snap in city; former owner took
in as high as $90 day; equipment cost
$S00; yours for $175 cash down, terms.
Room 807 Spalding bldg.
RESTAURANT Best location In Portland,
rirtini? snlendid business but do not under
stand the restaurant business; will sac
rifice for $400. Jordan, 610 Lumbermen!
600 BUSINESS cards, $1.00; you must bring
this ad. Rose City Printery. 192 Third.
600 etter heads, Al stock, $-.25; 500
good envelopes, $2.00. A REAL BARGAIN
IF you are looking for a business opening,
call on us. we will see that you are lo
cated right; no charges for full Informa
tion. Kinney A Stampher, 531-2 Lumbet
Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark sts.
FOR SALE New "Dunbar" popcorn and pea
n ut machine, horse, wagon, been used 6
weeks; particulars and reasons for selling
given in first letter. Address R- Belzer,
box 761. Roseburg, Or. t
Make careful investigation at expenss
of seller before you invest money In any
proposition. . Advisory Department. Y. M,
c. A
FOR SALE: One of the best cigar and con
fectionery stands in the city, located at
best transfer point. Must sacrifice on
account other interests. Don't overlook
. 1. A vr itQl Drann tun
SALE OR TRADE Feed store in country
town doing good business, might trad
for vacant lots, acreage or equities In
same. AM 612 Oregonian.
HAVE cash buyer for stock of merchandise
from $5000 to $10,000; a quick buyer il
you have a bargain, Jordan, 610 Lumber-
mens bldg. ,
Wanted A man with $5000 to take In
terest in a good business; must be cap
able of taking full charge of office or
roaa taiemugu. j. v "1
FOR 6 ALE Grocery store; Invoice about
$4500- will consider small house and lot
near 80th and Belmont; no agents. Phone
GROCERY doing fine family trade; good lo
cation, low rent; stock and fixtures will
invoice about $2000; 10 per cent discount
BAKERY and lunchroom, doing good busi
ness, wholesale and retail; brick oven: 5
years' lease; price $800 cash. Take L
car. jfJ UI L o-'""-.
Interested help; will pay energetic man
$150 month. Particulars 248 Stark st.
PARTNER WANTED Experience not
necessary; will pay $4 day; requires very
littia money. Particulars 248 H Stark st.
FOR SALE Laundry route, new wagon
and harness, with one of the best laun
driesln the city; $250. C 709, Oregonian.
CAN invest $1000 with services. What have
you to UllCi " " "- "
COUNTRY STORE: Want sober partner; re
quires $900. Call 24S Stark st.
CONFECTIONERY, lunch, living-rooms, sale
or trade. Owner, 336 Russell st.
W A N TE D Party to take out patent for half
interest; give address. A 730, Oregonian.
MILLINERY stock and pictures for sale.
FOR SALE Motion-picture show. East
Side; Dargain; terma. aj do;, uregomau.
"GOOD quick repair shoeshop. Address P.
O. box 604. Kelso, Wash.