The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 31, 1911, SECTION TWO, Page 9, Image 25

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M aera of da o... a.ightly rolltng; CO
acrea in cu.tlv;!oD. 10 ar Uir.Nr. r-ai.
pasture. (Kt boue and brn, 2o bear
in PP trwte, tunning airvarn. o mil
fTum Purtltnd, S mllea from R- R- :
Hon and wn. wnlrh r' r:e of the
ftseet ir.i.k confinMri In the state; pric
I"-1' 0. m ruth. ba'anc to u:t; you
can't aaVM to m. tr a.
52i Railway Ki'-nit-ti Bldg..
4th and Mar.
41 ACKE.i
f?M. (Wl bam. wo4h4 an4 hon.
funj'ih-4; well 4? f-t ! P that never
g-v-e dry; barb wire f'-nc ; about 10 acre
hu bva In cultivation; 3 m;lM from
Sort '.ami: half mil from itlUoB whin
there is a achool nod uwm'.li mat! rout
In front of houi. also t'?fior. Term
to su.u Call r phono ?1 Michigan. v.
i2 i ::h acre
720 ere on Kt.l City Lectrte. 4 ml'
frr.m Fa'.l Cltr: ratir-.d gne tnroutn
p:ace; peetof rico a etor on property :
thia 1 god and w-u'd be V'4 for plat
ting tn email tracts; $12 per acre.
o Fourth St.. Fosr-l of Trade BM.
KA1.T River Vallv. Anion. offer beat In
durtmrnt tn aoll. water, c.lmata and busi
ness open In re. farming ar round SIS
clear day in 7ar; a falfa. sugar beete,
Cltrua fruit, ai. grains. Writ
4Ariso&a Board of Trad.
FOR SALE or trade; 0 acres, 24 mllMon
fir timber, hous. barn and chlckr n-house ;
acres cleared and fenced, orchard aet
ir.nge on
By owner.
phon Woodlan Sid.
40 AKKs rod soil, all In cultivation; good
b-iiidtnga, rios to railroad station; prW
$i;' and trma J. . bin it h, 313
fh.jfn ber Com mere,
FARMS. Impmtid and nilraprom: acreage,
rlcae ta ror.d to n. EV terms. V ri'S
u your a ants, ttiackaiinburo, RidgcLeld.
w as ft.
40 Al'KES, f...r buildings, good soli, f-r.a
Trmtt close to "oiurr. Ola River; price
$---. J. E. remit h. Chamber Com
i:4-ACi:t: stocit ram-h. foi location. Byron
B. P.-iu.ic. fwner. laniniu. ur.
Ran h acrr. wita buiuiti.a. 19 miiaa
from Portland. Dtar aiec-.rlc lire; barf am
for ill ciin. ljt owner. Is2 Morrison st.
HF-fT farm In Washington County. 9110 por
MJeceUaoro aa.
fiE aTTL F'B rrowth will b aollpsed by
FLO ft K.fE. tItF.G'N". a vlllace seaport
n l'ifi'- Coast, at mouth of Sluslaw
Hivar Rival and )Urrlinan rail
rntnt via f.r tirt entrance and work
proar-!wlr. Covernn-ent con tract a fr
c-tmp.etim or jtt.ea to asaura prmQrni
harbor facltltlea J'jst aaBrd 1. Itaid tn
eresso la vtlues and population. Lot 1'0
eac h T erna . I cai . t a i noe .1 p-r
mnth. No lnt-erat. Klrenca I .and Co
ft"S Ys n buil llna. Portland. r.
sir r hi uniim n ovr buildtna to Fuaene,
if. For foil p irtirular and Kugin real
etata. write o' ivin .mii.t, r- es
tate, Eufene. ur. fe.tahlisned
V -TF tfc Tl M nr R t,A 1S-
AU IN the market f-r pin or Or timber
curtil. Will pay can. out to "
xd L iti. If yj want t sll. five exact
description and beet prlco In t:Bt letter.
H 7H. Urffnian.
X HAVC ready cash and property drawing
income to offer for filtx claim, if
bar m. u scribe; dun's Infiat price. Box
4. Moro. IT.
WA.M t' bu sawmlil and Iocs' tn outfit.
A V 7t. Uifon.u.
W 1 1.LA M ETT K Vali-y. four to seven acre
nrst-riaaa level garden land, cultated. on
county road, wltntn one mil of R. H. sta
tion; must make low price for casn. Ad
cress AV ureg-onlan.
WAN! El Small farm In Tualatin Valley;
w.ll not deai with agenta V 491. Ore
gor.tan. WASTt! Farm In Tlllsm.k. anything
ovrr lo acrs; must l cheap; oanete
only reply. V- Oregonian.
WANTED mall farm id !andy road. If
r-att-iin. from owner. W tiregonlan.
V AM fcU.
I Wtr.L lit: I.N K'KTUND
I.m; IN I.V'"11E I'll- KKT V.
VllK'NtA.N. AO toi. OK
C.uM AN.
They man businea. mean business,
and .f you have a good farm and the
price 1 rig Ut.
Toa wui do well 10 ante
Our Mr. lieck.
Msrfc S-t.
A bona flit customer
Improved 10 to iarro tract,
uwnera on y s- or writ
.Ir. Iira
S7i tar. t-
WANTED Uargaln. 4 or s-r.m modem
but -.". i)ut S:Too. near graaed school.
In r.kJ l.H-ahty. I'avntenta Hi to l-'U. in
c'u'li'ig ltite--si; first lmrnt fl-tf. r
partv who wi!i build Immediately on these
tern; J. C t'. Or g nin.
C A T V-1 T buy moitetn unincumbered
; - r.o:n rei!T e In g ! !. atioii. front
psr'y a no ail. litm casn and bal-
ance in ur.g or aard In Hood Kl"r dis
trict, owners only. AJ 61. Oreunlan.
WANTEt'J alfalfa or dairy ranch;
a ion to tre-le cty projertv for part or ati;
wtiat haa -u? Stata prK-e and full de-i,-r
piun. W isn to Ueai wita owner di
rect. A 73.1. uregontaa.
VANT"I To buy i"t In good residence
se .lon. w hero a amall piece of ti rfj i
tk.-t as p. irt payment. H....
phone A 1-4W. C1U Knginear. 7u Couch
1 AI in the market for W Hid property;
raire a pic t h a" h j s some lucorr.e . w i.l
g as t:b aa vi-O. AO Ort-
l W1LX. pay fiooo down, balance monthly,
for good un'ncumbore'i residenco of aine
around I1kh and wtii at or abov 44
per ir.'JiW. F aXl. Cregonlan.
WE hect:-nta fT on and t wo-acr tracts
clove t cij. What hae u 7
Wrs. N A Tltfi KKKi.SEN.
S,M ni lt.Trf i-hone Main 72-
WE h several c.nil that a Ish to trad
city p- 'tery for acr!t(e. cioe in.
W iT.'N a T HKXKE'-'KN.
8-M It. Ig Phone M.itn 7X
W AN I KLv Forty or l;;ty aorea. sight, y.
coe In; gie deec n t lo n. crisrsctr 'i..
e:c. No a rnts. nuuat b auaifc. VV
treg or.un.
heap .turns land, alghtly when
. ... A hut
quantity etump lacd If price riguL V
i . eron a .t.
k.7 it i i n't txt lanti. not al lm-
teo. q'i-:e tn:a prtc. etc., no ue
rin u..r-s b-irga.n. will hoi deal w.ta
WAN V K A ":i li rr to pur.-tia from
owner tract la: d su t-vble Jvr fru:t beteeo
Tre iai..-s and I .f S-'inet n : n g acceo
s:b.e but c;;eap. i v7. creaooiau.
WANTE1 Ftu'? rarch. am In the market
for f i utt ranc h . muat r ta-an. in
d-a! wuh ner on... ilv fj.l particu
la at d ;-j- e R Tt-"
WANT.- L W u d t-'.y ivo acrea cheap .ar.o.
siiiaf.- 'r (.v.i'O. m i te fcm.un;
i:-e-t fr-rn oan-r ou.r ? JjC. Oregomaa.
i-11 Ve aVu -urI note for f.ttO m
I it le t.nao year, that 1 wu.J trad
f -r real estate or for an ty. M
W AN'TF. D A dei-ai
tn Waverteigh
ntr car,
muel bo bargain.
WANTED To s'te for aaamiil. d
at a ;o.-i c- nen..nt for to ai lumber
maraeu E vfj'
WE have a
In Nob
AC!' 41'
:nt f r a residence bargain
.1 district. vioiviscuutldt a
t turner of Commerce.
W A N r - N m, m -lrn Peir.te. price
re.ontb ro r-st p t rr - u t. montn.y
iajnaen:a or o?r.eria H 7'.Oregonian
W ANTE fc Jo to H0 acre, th e M of th
Hindi Rlr: etare rlco and exact loc-ti-.n.
P 0fca47.
IXV la Xrr'.ngton; nam ow cash figareo.
g vlng locaT .on and full fartlcuiara. A
7. Tur:i
W A NT VI i-'t
t- aa f ftorrr a
W - . er
Vast Win at. tt
. tr" T-(V;stoa -.
ird I tr-C-lrt
W A N TED- or 5-room hoa-. c-ae In,
must, bo a trt. n. s'ata prtca and loca
tion. AO -r-g
tlAVc'lU V to laet in real estate, gtve
aac-iiM:oa guad prioo &rat letter. J
Oregon laa.
WE HAVE a number of lance and ama.l
trarts of plno and fir timber at bargain
prlcaa; lands cruised ana reliable eatl
mates f urn. shed at reasonable- prtre.
SJ0 Hitllaay t:i'-hatiit Ttiilg.
4..'" (H1) FEET timber on Coiumb.a, 5
in ilea from Portland; iA.'"O0.u- adjtn
Ing 45.voJ.Oyo tra t controls railroad sit
uation, river and railroad transportation,
P O Pog 14. .city.
2m ACRE. alKiut 1 1 ,tMo.mM ; the best A-X
eiiow f;r. worth fl on in stump; near
raiirvad. price f-",-''.
li E''K3H,
Phon Mar-inalJi"r.. 811 14th at.
t90 ACRES of fine fir and csiar near the) River and only 1 mlle from the
bay at S on the new railroad. eo
Attorney, 414 Spaldnig bldg.
C7. f.0 FEET f'r. Lane County, at
7.", teruis or trade far Portland tncom
p-rpertv. 4', Worcester b!dg.
AT MTlflc. timber elalm. yellow pine,
1 Sito 'Mmt fet : nne mtle to 1 k Chldn.
Mrs. W. H. Meyers, b her wood. or.. R, l.2-
C. J. M t HA K.KN. d'4 M- Kay BMg.
rfis KENT URMt
Fort KENT TO . " D. KE?PONriUi3
ae-ee. beaut!; ui. finely Improved
farm, tea ulful section of country, i miles
Aurora. 2 acres f.-ie hope, 3- acres tin
ter. 4J a r- s cultivation. 82 acr,s very
easily cleared, pay Utiant t do it; run
ning water. Kr-d orcnard. finw building
ail kinrts, all kinds machinery; m--re full
lnf.m;atlon he given; rent fSt-MJ. half now,
balauc In Fall.
PhonMarhaU Zk4. 831 14th t
JAN. 1. rice 10-arre farm near Courtr.eyj
ft- room cottage, stable, henhou, etc; F-o
mo. Phon Lflk ijrove Red 3
NEAR (;-! ton. .'v acres, good build;
rt-nt Jj.'.u. Room 301 Lewis bldg. phoc
A 711.
WANTED To rent, acre or more cultivated,
near city and carline. good to 8-room
house, barn, for garden, chicken-- Wood
lita n I--.1. B C-iT, uregonlan.
WANTED To rr.t 15 to US atrt-e lor -.r-den
and chlckona. ner good town. Mult
nomah, county. AH osS. OrcgoMaa.
WANTED To rent poultry ranch or truck
f:n ni la or near Portland. Answer by
Monday. p. J. WALK. lt-'.; E. Wash, st.
WILL pay cash rent for 40 acre potato
land. V 4S4. Oregonian.
WANTED To rent about 4rt acre of good
potato land. A 7-. Oreitonlan.
MY beautiful home to trade for apartment
house or site near In. East iue or West
Kid, or for sal: half casn. balance 1
ears. 7 per cent ; $ io Ovu; It a ill lease
f"r 73 per month; 4 lots and 2 oornere;
houf Is first -class, eur rounded by ve
randas and unobstructed view of city; hot
water system, hardwood floors, etc.; ev
eerything f.rst class Prf-r to deal only
with n.-rs and only on cash baa. a Ole
fu!l pirti.-u'ara first letter, owner. P. O.
bfg 4i.;.city.
7-ItXM modern house and 7oal)0 lot In
l;os citv A'ark: has ale bath and toilet.
pHd lor furna.-o. cement basement,
s ef ptng porch, f treplaca, tc. ; fine vlw ;
nrar finest a-hool In city; our equity la
Vl.'oO; price 4tKH; will exchnng lor lot.
auto. contract or mortgage. amlth
Wagoner. Sll-813 Lewis b.dg
WE wiil exchange 4o-roorn hotel, nearly
new brick bldg . on Washington at.; mod
ern in every way ; doing good business;
owner must maae change. What have
you to offer. clear of Incumbrance,
antountlrg to 330? (H )
3-'t2 Chamber of Commerce
MODERN 10-room reaiaenc. cost IAOOO to
build on year go. lot -'Xn. improve
ment, will eil on terma JfiooO. or trad
for busin sa not over J-'vvu ur amailer
place. What hare you? Thia nlaca i
aalking distanc Union ava M Ore
gonian. EXCHANGE.
W have d-slrab e property to xchang
for bouses, and lota for acreage and acre
age (or houses and lota if you want to
Achang on a cash Lasla, ao ua.
4-1-4- Chamber of Commerc.
Have 10 area on trie oa kamaa R!vr;
alo a lot In riouth Portland, clear of ail
Incumbrance, to trade on a bungalow.
211 Lewis PMg.
fuuLKook on test S:ae, doing, good busi
ness, w ith tables, clear stock, etc ; only
p.olrxoiti tn Una district ; will trade for
unincumbered realty. bee Foray: h. with
Jo-pn Graham, 1H7-G Board of Trad
For 10 daya only, will tako fia.000 In
trade on my Idv.uoO property ua Union
v., betwn 'rtk and I'm.
tltf Woo H.dg.
930.10 equity in a 06- room apartment
bouse, well furnished and equipped, t a o
ycara' lease, cheap rent. ill nt I--3
per month, for a farm worth up to 94-uo.
R 717. Oregonian.
We have a choice list, of Tualatin Vat
ley farm a and acrvag to exchange for
c.ty property. A. v . Smith Co.. 4lid
Chamber of Commerce, phon Main 6?
HAVE good suburban businesa property In
t he amount of 4lo.Oov to exchange or.
flrat-clas modern Lit: will assume up
to t6.'0 amlth-W agonar Co., 11-31 J
Lewis b.dg.
Oi.iK EK on East Side, good location,
cheap rent, now ilolng good business; ill
trail for unincumbered, real estiite. tfe
Forsvth. with Jo,vepa Graham. 1007-u)
1(. ard of Trail bkig
As first pa meni on nea modern 6-room
bungalow, r.ear Kl. lings worth and Denver
at, pru a -!'' v
i.all loth it. rear Stark.
W ANTED" Idaho Irrigated farm In general
Twin Falls district, in escnange ir gooo.
Portland cir property and orchard land
near. Answer with full particular, P.
o. bog 417, city.
7 la .0 vl huuii-. tiear. on Montavllla rar-
Hne. Will tr.kd lr amai.t-r nous tior
In, wl.l assume tuin ind utevlnesa; state
price and location, owncra only. AS
r-gni:.i n.
liiKl RIVER bearing orchard. ISj.OCO. and
another nrar rortunu orcnaru. j v.ww.
for sale, casn or tratie for downtown
apart:nnt property, vacant or otherwia.
O W N E R. P O. Bo X 417. CITY.
WHAT bv you to trad for first-class
lueho Irrigate! rarm. iwe acrea. aw acrea
ready for crop? My caa prlc la Una
than IK'4 per a era. GUe full partiouiara
In first letter unr. t) E. 4.'th North.
To ..1TE merthandiae atore, phon ex
change, posu rrtce. a line money-maaer to
exchange fir c.ty or suburban proierty In
port. and. Ful. oartlcutara by appu-g to
wner. Box 4l. city.
t WILL trade my equity In S lota, well lo
cated, lor auto, auiuona. email nous, or
what you he of eu,uaJ cash vaiuo, ownr,
K 714. oregonian.
1 HA E gili-ed Oregon Transportation $
pr cen I Doaai, tarin na e rwui
eachaug for city property. AJ) Tv. Or
Pt.K CENT first mtg. goid Oregon Trans-
.or:atloa dodji. traue tor luin.iure or v a
cant lot. Ah 7k. oregonian.
U.-o EcjCIVY tn i-ro-m bui.aio7 f.r eciulty
n tr.ia la oriv 4 oiocas 1 ro.a ii car.
hlill.KY A i;iHOP. 1 TiiIRD T.
io.via n ;; i I'owiil. exchange 7-paa-
-ner car. rt'aro. w tafimoa
dam 7774, A
AI'A KTUrl NT-H-l .E. cioarilig loO mo.,
wortn "o; alii trad for (arm propriy
ecjjuy $l'0. 8 t'.v. crffontAn.
EsjCITT In (-room house and $ lota
w he; you to iraue ior ta;a. v.
CNE-H l.-r.l'0 ER !:rect-urrent motor
to, exchange i.-r inn .re ; c crreni motor,
used onv n. 4w : .r.gtoa '..
70 4-ROOM huH and idxlvu lot to
tra.le rr innninc 01 vauue; morigag
$Wit or will c ear.
WILL trad mil. a-.d SVv.XKj.vOO fine timber
r r r-aJ atate ot any aiuo. a tv. ure-
o.-I VKKAl. lots to trade for ecjult y In cot
ta. East fride prsforred. A E b4, Ore-
EX 'HAN'i; f-r f irm. Ir.rom property. 4 5
e'iu;t by oa o
3r a, a. . n seas,
..isatt: n-J agents.
$t0 EwCITY in a ltH. lot; 4ith aud oandy
road. KSe Citv. to trade for a good a :tO
mobtle. 4-1 Hamilton bldg. Main 2273,
WHAT have you got to trade for 7-passenger
Lane steamer. 11 model, worth 31-uvT
4:1 Hamilton bUg- Mam 273.
TO THAPE It at Seas'de, 01 board
a!k. for plAyr-piano. give r take dU
frncc A R 7tN. Oregonian.
WANT gr -v n
1 rr-f. .
a atom .'.e r turn it ur fr
rr. 1 7 liailaay Eichang.
H VT have vou tu trade for $3o"0 eiuiiy In
l-vinton h"T, '.7 Chamber Commerce.
: all Ion and Sar.d Lak
M rii, Oreconlan.
1(1 ACRES la Red River Valley. N. D.. to
exchange for hwreea Thompaoa, vt Yeon.
A choir IS acre, only tnlleg
from Cnnby. Or., and only I'O miit'i
from Portland. Thia place la all
level and absolutely free from rock
or gravel; faces on the main county
road and la close to church and
school. There Is a fair 4-room house,
new barn, good chlckea-houses and
parka; IV, acres aet In atrawbor
ries, '2 ai r a In young; peaches. 1
acre of apples and of an acr
of ascorted berries that will bear
tine nest ye:ir; on home. h-w
wagon and harness, plow, narrow.
cu:t.vator and all necessary furm
I too. a. also some chickens go with
I the property. , w
This ta an except tonally good bay
I and will be worth your tlm to la-
, vestipat It. m
I Ground Floor. Lowla Bldg;.,
I , J7H Oak St.
J Firm DepL
Wadena Countv. Minn., to trad for Ore
gon or Washington farm or Portland prop-
rLo acrea. well Improved, in Clark Coun
ty. Wasninstoa. to trade for Portland
PrR.otnUng-houe. JO rooms, new furniture,
to trade for lota or house and lot, Port-
lalcreaff to trad for stock of merchan
dise, and wheat and alfalfa land In East
ern OrcKn and Waahlnajton to trade for
Clark County or WUlam-tt lal.ey land.
Hio acrea on the Cowlits River. Im
proved, good dalrv, to trad for am casn
and atofk of hardware or general mer
chandise. . .
J. 1? ATKINSON. Vancouver, Warh.
41 Washington wt.. o;ostte pnstofflc.
IS acres, m mile from a good town,
rood buildings. I acres cleared. An soil,
a.l fncd, running water. U, F. D. and
telephone, Prlo $2600. Want city prop
one 120 are. 10 acrea cleared. 40 acrea rm
oak timber, all fenced and croas-f enced.
new B-rom house, fair barn, good apring.
no rotk or gravel, young orchard. 1 hllpa
from goo-1 vall-y town. Price $d000; will
lak- a g.'od home up to 4w0.
1;0 acrea and 6 0H.U'0 feet of fin fir
timber: i, mil from river; $4500; want
horn. In Portland of equal value
Real Estate Department of th
Marshall 1479.
301-303 Lumbermen Bldf
Irtu acr'-e In C irkmni County within
2f mMe circle of Portland. 6 miles to elec
tric car. aoout 70 acrea in cultivation, bal
ance easy to put In cultivation; rV-ronm
house with fireplace, two never-f aldng
sprlnga and cre-k on place, an old fJ"'
y orchard, soil deep b!flck loam that
cannot he surpsssed in Oregon, on rural
route, telephone being Installed. Thia i
a farm that s idesj. price 16.tW0; mort-
' gage f.-ea.o. 6 per cent, with 2 years tj
run. V.iuity of Sll.OfU to trade for clear
Portland property. C. L. Tomllnron. owner,
SIS Henry bldg. rjione Mar. 63.
AN old-eatabllihed general" merchandise
buftnees In A-nmeda Co.. California, doing
a business of tk.0oh to 73.0oO. In a amall
country town of 10 population; atoek
wilt invoice about IIS.OUO; consist of all
good, carried In that state; a fin propo
sition for a g-"od mn; wl!l take Incom
Portland property aa part payment, or
will glv a discount for cash; alto a
retail !umbr and warehouse businesa. in
connection with thia business: proty
must be on cash l.aala. Th Webb Foot Co , Clear Lake. Wash. .
New ?-fami:y hous with gnrag built
f joncret block. 5 rooma with up-to-cat
bath, open p.umulng and furnace to
each auite; flrep'ace. electric and gaa fix
tures, lot fcOx loi); paved street. 1 block
to carl Ine; free from all Incumbrance;
price $10,000. terma, SlUVO caah, ua ance
to suit or will trade for a lot worth 310.
000 to $'0.ot0 and pay dlflereno la caah.
AH 4 1 9. O regoniaa.
TaoOO- VUITY 7 lota for stock of mer
chandise. , a , . .
i acrea. 4rt minutes out on lctrlc for
house and lots, or will sell, y terms.
House, fine location, in good suburb
$So0 down, 2 blocks from car.
Flats, ltelmont street, for good farm
or tjoon cah puta you In poeeession. In
come 70 p r month.
Call Hurlburt, ownir, 804-5 L wle bldg.
FOR farm or acreage, my 18700 equity in
Piedmont property, worth $."Vo0u. on a
strictly caeh basia; modern house with 5
large rooms, large pantry and attic, fur
nace, flreplac. sleeping porch, full cement
basement and located on a "SxloO corner
lot. Thia plac will atand clos Investi
gation; makes a beautiful home and a
tlrst-claa investment. M 64. Oregonian.
20 acres, all planted to commercial va
rieties of apples, mostly New towns and
Spltxenberge. part !n bearing; fin spring,
good house, beautiful view; near town of
Hood River, on main county road ; good
Income next year. Movin to Portland,
and will tak moderja 7-room hous aa
part pivment. AJ 6A. Oregonian.
12- ROOM modern hous and two Iota for
Improved farm.
m acrea Improved for houa and lot.
Hous and 4 lots for C. R. Orchard
W ran trad you anything; yon want
for what you nave.
10 acres, tood. level land, under culti
vation. 3 mliee from ci:y llmlta of Spo
kane 10 minutes' walk from electric line,
roar school and store; fi!WO; f.too cash
a ill handle; will trad for unincumbered
portlnr.d property. D 0:8. Oregonian.
WILL EXCHANGE my 400-acr stock and
grain ranch In Southern Oregon. h mil
f-cm R R. station. Pric KO.000; incum
brance iTiOQ. Wilt exchange for Portland
property or oloae-ln acreage. AP 691,
EXCELLENT 247-acr atock ranch, well lm
proveil, price $22,000. for acreage or Im
proved home, Q to 10 acrea, along Oregon
City carline.
211 Lew la Bldg.
gTlTEd7;E Portland property to trade for
Iota, acreage or lot and atore in amall
piece near Portland where there la an
opportunity to atari a atore. A. T. Wright.
Sod 1-arch St.. Portland. Or.
W ANTED Residence. East Side, In walking
dtstanc of huslnosa center, value up to
$oo; 10MX133 lot, Su Johns, valued at
tlT'.'O. as first payment, balanc mortgags.
phon CoL 2.
WANTED A modern cottage or bungalow
on the Eat Side, not too far out. in ex
chunse fr a firat-class grocery, from
oner only: b'st of reasona for aelltng. J
715, Oregonian.
WHITE SALMON cholo appl land for
sale, or will xchang for good proparty
near Portland or Vancouver. Homer G.
Day. White Salmon. Wash.
I HAVE $300 equity tn $ acre of exoellent
land, all cleared: adjoins R. R. Will
fade for anything of equal raiu. 412
Wilcox bldg.
WILL TRADE my 1950 equity la It acr8
of excellent land; adjoins R. R. Will ex
change for lot or as first payment on
house and lot. AP Oregonian.
Fair a-room noue( on Eaat 7th st.. to trad
for acreage within H'C carfare.
80 BtaidtPg Pidg. I'hone Main 7S9t.
I Jim) EwC 1TY tn fine corn r lot In Hyd
Park Will sell or trad for a diamond
or anything uaafui. Am leaving city. Call
East 2 4t.r
W ILL trad 48 acrea In Wisconsin at $700
and 23" acrea valued at $4rto0 for acre
aae n-ar Portland, a bungalow, lota, etc
Address K oo, oregonlaa.
IW1LL exchange foir lota tn Fan Dlego
which 1 value at $"v for piano player,
auto or diamonds. Address K V.s, Orego
man. jTtoo EoUITT in comer bungalow. B rooma,
to trad for aalea e mtrac:. cr what have
you T Owner, lot East H.s'.h it rifuta.
X HAVE ft lots la Astoria, Or. What will you
crfer In trad for them? Address K. 07.
To THAI1!! Ti;nhtr claim toward i or 4
roocn house, rr.uat He modern; will pay dif
ference In cjsh. H M. t'regonlan.
of $I,h In .1 lot In different parte
of city to ex hanjte aa first payment on
& or r. M'ira bunani"w. C 711. oregonian.
NOTlt INO TO SELL Cooa Bay, Nfarahfleld.
liand-n Information Hureau, FREE. Cavil
o- r!'r. H' 14 Chancer of Commerce.
WILL trade for anlhlng; ten acres raw
orchard land r.ear Ashland. Chaa K.
Hicks. Fo:et Grove. Or.
140 acres tstnoer near Astoria, for prop
erty In Port lard. AL S. Oregonian.
mT'DERN residence In Los Angeles for sa!e
vr trade f r sma'l farm near Portland. E.
Frar.k. ck. Or.
J7"VAN FRANCISCO flat residence,
mortgage $2000. cottages 145 00. X 7u2
Oregon ia&.
$30 0 SAN FRANCISCO new flats, tnort-
gag -iO, resldenc $t4u0. Y 71. Ore-
For SALE or exchanr for a cow. coal
stoves, household furnitur and books. AT
13v,ooo WORTH of real estate, mortgagee
and businesa chances for exchange. 11. O.
Krmp "... H3 4th at.
50.ortA Columbia River Orchard bonds at a
very low pric: Feb. laeue. ,immo Runey
A Co.. 4.4 Ham, ton b.dg.
$0".' w of giit-ede property to axe hang.
437 Chamber of Conunerc.
60 A., 1 H miles from a coll town, ZJ
A. hop. 4 A. Srlta and Baldwin applee.
A. hay. full 2-atorv 7-room hou?e, new
house, wired for electric litfht and plumo
lng for hot and cold water. A-l 1JfC'
fruit, walnuts and hops; will take JSi
clean atock of groce-Hs or groceries and
drvcnodn; balance time.
Call tn ai.d let me show you th ng
ures. ,
A-l wheat land on cmp-raymerit plan,
with ten years to pay for it; no crop no
V1(W wheat land. In Marlon County.
Or.. 120 A. ready for cmp thia year; will
take house and lot to 7j00 it right; price
carh or trade. $4 MO. A
320 A. !n Eureka Flats. Wash., over Z5
A. ready for crop thia year; will tae lana
in Allerta. Canada.
One In Linn County and S in, -n"
Countv. Or.; one of 21 A., one of SAO, on
of 6-0 and one of land pood, soil
adapted for fruits of all kinds, and mixea
farming; partly Improved and all within
S to 4 mllra of R. R. ,, -
Will excnanKB e.ther piec or all tot
Income property, stock of mdse. and buiia
lnga or hardware and butld'.npB.
W. A. Bartholomew. 2 Lumbermen bldg-.
Main 3712. .
fMVOO 7-room modern home; will ta
good Laurelhurst or other well-located lot
as part payment. .
$10,.VK) Fine dairy farm, 11 miles from
Vancouver, "a mile railway line; 74 rr's
about 60 cleared, mostly bottom lana.
good garden land, good house, water,
barns, pens, etc Wili accept clear Port
land property.
$.n.0u0 2-story brick building and
000 stock general merchandise to trade
for Portland property, upartroent-housea
or flats.
fS,-,.ooo 3-etorv brick building. Income
$400 monthly; will take Portland property
as part payment.
40 acres Idaho Irrigated land to trad
for house or lots.
400 acres wheat land, near Pendleton,
to trade for Portland property. Will con
sider Cat.
W have other good trades which wo
will be riad to submit.
211 Lewis Bldg.
We have a highly Improved nc. lo
cated close to a Valley town near Port
land. It consiste of 20 acrea. all In hith
.eiate of cultivation. The joil la a rich,
eendy loam, m acre in fruit; fenced and
ctoK fenced. Good 6 -room house, all nec
crrary outbuildings.
Team and harness, wagon, mowing ma
chine, plow, cultivator, harrow, two-seated
hack. 3 cowa. 3 doien chickens, luo bu.
pctatoea, 14 tone hHy. 7 cords wood. Thia
land la very productive and will ralFe
mot anvthlng. A good market at all
times. The choice location mnkea it a
tr opt desirable suburban home. Price
Owner wl!I exchange f"r small Improved
plac near Tillamook City.
41ft Henry bldg.. Portland. Oregon.
174 acres 8 miles west of town, S blocks
from electric station: 1 acres in cultla
tton. creek; will trads for house and
aom cash.
10 acres near Falls City, all In cultiva
tion, near car; pric $1&00; will tradfcfor
o,ual valua.
10 acres on X W. P. line; will trad
for house.
5 acres on Baa Ltn road, all In culti
vation; will trad for lota.
223 Board of Trade.
Ten acres lrriKtd land. 4 acres seeded
to alfalfa, balance In cultivation ready
for planting;. All under woven wire fence,
located in a nice, developed aection. most
lv lO-acre farms. On main county road.
cloe to school, church and ator and
three mile from ranroaa . "
three years at
.v , - f,e hotme
6 pr cent; win , , V, a
and lota or lots located in Portland, and
will assume gome.
Have good city property of all lod,sJ0i
exchange for farm property and farm
property to exchange for Eastern Income
property: have aom good hndJ"
stocks for rxefaang ranginr from $lo00
up to $30.00o.
0 4th st. Main 545.
IV KITSAP CO., Wasn., 17 mile of Seat
tle and near if. 8. Navy Yard; an B-room
modern house, cantry. bath and closets on
four lota. 40x1 ft; nn view of bay. rents
furnished for $30 per month; price $47.o.
two lota 414ln- ood fence, best of gar
den ground, fruit tree, henhouse, wood
ahed. 4-room houa, renta $6 per month,
nrlce $7S0: 2 lota. 40x110, 8-room house,
rood garden, fruit treea and amall fruits,
fenT $fl per month; pric $!W. Will put
all in $f00. mtg. $1375. Want land in
Douglass Co.. Or., in exchange. Th Web
Foot Lbr. Co., Clear Lake. Wash.
Til wnHANGE.
General mercantile buainesa In fin Wil
lamette Valley town; good clean stock
and doing a fine business; this la worth
investigating; will tak some good prop
erty in part payment, some cash, win m
vol'c about $23. 000. Look It up.
Suit 42d Yeon Bldg.
Main TB23. A 4-T4-
IdO acrea near Eugene, very fin land,
will take part property. ... .,
34 acre at North Yamhill, highly lm
n rowed, near the depoL
An excellent 40-acr farm near R1dg-
fKM. Vtnm A. BAKER.
212 Abinston bldg.
At Elfton, Wash., right on electric lln
from Vancouver, will trade for Portland
property or Anything of valu. Equity is
$2300. Right In town.
211 Lewis Bldg
TO any on contemplating returning to Chi
cago. 111.. 1 bave there. 0 miles S. W. of
the city limits. 17 acres un raproved
i"od early gardening truck land, valu
$;t.VK; will exchange for what hav you
here In W, Or.. In a reape or ranch land?
No agent. R. L. Wilson. Woodburn. Or.
" 46000 EXCHANGE $8000
Grand avenue property. BOxlAO. comer res
idence. $12,000. for good farm close to
Portland, or other property. What hav
you? Owner. F. B. Ly. 768 Johnson
street. .
IV you have closr-in vaacnt or Income prop
erty about I3.0O0 to $20,OOil. that is
Tno'rtgnged. and want to trade your equity
for good land clear of Incumbrance, thrtt
will stand investifiation. see Jordan, 610
Uumbermens bldg.
TO TRADE $20 equity In good, almost
new Eaat Side 7-room house, with 6x100
corner; for mor( ground and amailer house
in suburbs, cloa to rar, or acroag. aa
duyn A Walton. 615 Chamber of Com
roerca, -
FDR SALE or exchange. 20 acrea fine land
In Whit Salmon Valley; mile from post
office; no Incumbrance. Owner. 620 Lum
ber Exchange.
I HAVE 110 acres pine timber, Klamath
County value S4000. exchange for unin
cumbered Portland property. AS 48t, Or-
POi'NTRT newspaper and Job ahop, thre
platen preseea; will sell, trade or lea.e;
near Portland. Owner has other bualneaa.
Addresa w Q'
smo PROPERTY paying 10 per cent, on
Puaet Sound, and some money for Port
land property. Hilton R. Whit. $08 Hen
ry bldg.
I HAVE a lot that I want to hav a amall
4-room building or bungalow erected on;
will ex-hanre diamond for building on
s a m e. E WT. Oregonian.
I HAVE ready caah and property drawing
It(i0 income to offer for Hi let x claim
If bargain. Deecrlb. Don't Inflate pric.
Box 4. Moro. Or.
HOOD RIVER and Whit Salmon bearing
orcharvia for aal or trade for Portland
property. VanduyO A Walton. 313 Cham
ber of Commerce.
NFW 7-room modern bungalow, IK 8 Schuy-
fer st.. to exchange for vacant lota or lot
as part payment Phone C 817 or East
773. ,
FOR SALE or trade, building 25x50 and
stork of confectionery, cigars, tobacco;
will Invoice aoout $5250; IU-00 down. baL
In trade; good lease. Q 499. Oregonian.
FOR SALE or trade, $ equity in 7H acrea
2-year-old walnut and apple orchard, clo
to Yamhill, Oregon. C 7tX, Oregonian.
WILL trad H. P- motorcycle or $420
equity m lot for house, clos in. L u0,
i rjg o nla
EWllANCfE. clear lots, acrae and money
"or (Ire timber claim, fin houae. Write
Immediately. l.vj- Vadrona at.
FOR SALE or exchange, diamonds valued
at $lftoo for modern. 4-room hous or
bungalow. AO 6ott. Oregonian.
WHAT have you to exchange for $100 equity
In attractive Wavarlelgh Height lot? AR
erh oregonian.
FOR S ALE or exchange for acn-ap near
good town, well established plumhv.g; busi
ness. 1317 Haathorne. Tabor Hj3.
A ' 'CD fO-acre Karraa farm 'or Bale or
w.U trade for Portland real estate, O. H.
Patrick. i"S l enp nmg.
TO xchng for hora. harness ana ouyay
or cowa qulty in two beach lota fast
crowing in vaiue. ai 01. ' "i"'
OOOD flrwt mortgage curitiea for equity In
dome or cios sv i vs,--
Close-n flata; income $00; pric
iM-vO ; no mortgag.
$3000 lot and aome cash.
$14,500 Income property; lncom
$3000 lot and cash.
$21,000 Improved acreag in city.
Income property.
' 8 lot and 2 houses, $8900. .
40 to 60 acres, improved.
$3000 business property and $S"00
stock general merchandise, guaran
teed to be doing $2uo to $3000 per
Willamette Valley land.
BOx 100 Improved with new two
story business bids., $000 stock
groceries; $4&00,
10-acra tract, near cRy.
$7000 stock general merchandise.
$2000 bull-ling and lot; nets $8000
year; country town.
Valley farm to $10,000.
$30,000 worth of houses and lots.
Farm to same valu.
$"0O0 equity In $3S0O and $40O0
nouses in good locations.
Modern horn to valu of $o500.
Farms for city property and city
property for farms at cash vaiue
only. No padded value considered.
273 Stark Street.
We will exchange for Portland or Wil
lamette Valley property at a cash price
atock consisting of books, shoes, gents'
furnishings; a general stock except gro
ceries, on a goad corner; room 30xft0. in
a lively town in the best wheat district
In Eastern Oregon; owner died lately;
this is a good proposition. Call and see
us Hart.
332 Chamber of Commerce.
820 ACRES, 5 mlle rrom Wahlakus R, R.
station, all fenced, KM acres cultivated,
balance good apple land, uncleared ; will
take Portland or Vancouver property as
part payment: only purchasers need apply.
For further information address George A.
Sn tfler. owner, Ly)e. W'ash.
Horse. VeliU-ie. Etc.
PAIR low, blocky mares, heavy In foal by
Imported Shire horse, sound, weight 2850;
pair geldings, about sam weight, with
new harness, price $313; team Clyd
mares, weight 3o0. well mated, very
cheap; 240-pound team of chunks for
$235; white team, lu"o each, good for
ranch or light work, $115; bay team, 2600
pounds, $265; pair dark bay mares, well
mated, work single, double and ride,
weight 2400. price $223, also seven head
of mares, first-class workers In all har
ness; your choice for $05; all stock guar
anteed and four days' Ire trial allowed,
3o5 Alder St.
$125 TAKES span brown geldings, ages $
and 9. good order, good to work, with
their harness, complete. Nelson team. j
T A loir.. mnil ranch tonm m H rm an A
homo, weight 2000 lbs., mare sore for
ward. Span mares, weight 2400 lbs., true, sin
gle and double and city broke, with new
breeching harness complete $225. Top
rubber-tired bungy 3u; 2 single harness
$s ; set good work harness $20. 270 E.
7th st.
HAVING sold leas on my barn, I have
loft four bead of horses, on weighing
1483, 5 years old, sound and straight,
work anywhere, and true as steel; on
black mure, 1150, work anywhere, quick
and bright; 2 cheap, serviceable geld
ings weighing 1050 each; also 4 set light
harness, polestraps, blankets and other
incidentals; these horses sold under vet
erinarian's certificate. 131 Lownsdale st.,
between Washington and Alder.
FOR SALE 275-lb team black mares,
mated Ilka two peas; sound and true in
every way. Thia team would make any
rancher a pair of fine brood mares. Priced
for quick sal at $225. If you want a
bargain, look thia pair up, aa they will
bring $375 In the Spring and will not b
here long at thia pnoe. Portland Stables,
15th and Couch ats.
PAIR of black geldings, 4 years old, weight
3400 lbs. ; are perfectly matched, and I
think they are aa good a team aa In
Portland today; both feet and legs true
aa steel; drive right together and will
make a team that will weigh 3800; If
you are looking for the best at moderate
prices, come and see this pair. 834 Front.
FOR SALE Team of sorrell horses, weight
12oo lbs., age 6 and 7; 1 black mare, 8
ears old. weight 1300 lbs.; 1 fresh cow
and calf. Inquire 213 East Uth, tent on
IF you are Jn the market for cheap farm
mares or horses for city delivery, give
me a call, as I have ten head that must
be sold at once regardless of price. 351
2d St.
FOR SALE 6 good work horses, ranging
from 1000 to 1200; two acts heavy dou
ble harness; three heavy farm wagons and
one light spring wagon; one top buggy.
46B East Salmon.
WANTED To buy. for Ellers ranch, 6 heavy
tea ma of good, sound horses, mares pre
ferred, weighing from 1250 to l6tK pounds.
Apply Gus Smith. 313 fillers bldg.
BAY MARE, 5 years old, weighs 1725, with
foal by Percheron, weight 2270, low-set,
heavy-boned and nicest hltcher on earth;
guaranteed every way. 834 Front St.
BROWN MARE, blocky-built gray horse,
heavy-boned, welgha 2800, sound and
right, with nearly new harness, complete,
$:il0. 884 Front st.
A BARGAIN $150 buys good work team,
weight 23O0 lbs., harness and farm wagon;
also $25 buys 3 h -Inch wagon. Phon
I HAVE good pair of horses, sound and
good pullers, weight 2-J50; must sell at
once. Inquire 633 E. 28th St., Woodstock
car to Gladstone
HAVING disposed of my ran oh, will sell
my 2 pair of marea. Call and se them.
Mrs. Holding. Eaat 8th and Hawthorne
ave.. wood yard.
FOR HIRE Horsea and wagon, by the day.
week or month; apecfal rates to business
houses. Portland Stables, 15th and Couch
sts. Phone Main 120. A 1120.
LOW, chunky-built mare, 8 years old.
weighs 1420, sound and true, $150. 834
Front st.
FOR HALX Team weighing 2150 lbs.. 3000
lb. wagon, set new harness; price $275.
Call Sunday or evenings at 4S7 Beech st.
$75 FOR gentle, true horse, weight 1160
lba.. top buggy and harncsa. Phon Sell
wood 1545.
HIGH-CLASS alngle harness, also saddle,
bridle, etc., sacrifice. Call any time, cor
ner 26th and Wilson, old fire station.
FA RM WAGONS from $20 up. Come and
see what you can buy for your money.
334 Front st.
GoOD young dellver' team and harness,
$2ti.i; 3 good wagons cheap. Phon Sell
wood 166y. 602 East 6th South.
I POSITIVELY must sell my 2200-pound
team with new breeching barnesa, today
or Monday; outfit complete, $l5. 851 2d st,
$ Co BUYS choice of seven marea, weights
1050 and up. 351 2d.
WANTED Sound horse, about 1100 pounds;
price aout a k uo, oregonian.
HAY f'r sale; 50 tons very reasonable. Dan-
lel Gray. Lents.Or.
BARGAIN' Sound hore, wagon and har
ness. to. rnon asi 001.
ONE fine black horse weighing between 1500
and 1600 lbs.; a bargain. 226 Russell st.
BAY HORSE, sound and true; weigh
1260. $! 334 Front st.
Pianos. Or giina and Musical Instruments.
FOR SALE, cneap. one walnut case VYbeel
ock piano. In first-class condition. C. O.
Pick a warehouse. N. W. corner 2d and
pine sts.
WANTED An upright piano, good reliable
make, $50 down, balance time; must be a
bargain; give full particulars. U 698,
OWING to financial reversion, we must sell
our nice Kimball piano, used only a few
months; cost us $460; will sell for $200.
V 6e7, Qreconian.
FOR SALE Will sacrifice hlgh-grad piano,
almost new, for $-25 cash. Call Main 6957.
HOPERT M. Cab'e piano, sal cheap, terms.
235 Grant. Main 3431.
I AM compelled to sacrifice on of my two
lovely pianos. 15 E. 16rh st. North.
FIRST-CLASS violin, cost $75, will sell for
about haif. Phon B 2642.
FbRBALE-ElectTie piano. Ilk new, at a
bargain. AR 449, Oregonian.
Piano. Organs and Musical Instruments.
AS I am leaving" thec!ty. I shall dispose of
my three magnificent pianos, two Chlck
ering grands and one upright, for cash
or on time, very cheaplv. O'ga Steeb, room
612 Eliers budding. My studio furnitur
and carpets alao for Bale. Call between 2
and 5 or phon Main 6655.
THE Immanuel Church of Mosier wishes to
purchase a piano; must be of standard
make. In perfect condition, not have he
used more than aix or eight years, and
the ortce not to exceed $150. Address Mrs.
R. M. Rose. Mosier. Or.
A PIANO for rent. Main 7833.
Dog, Bird. Pet Stock.
HENS for sale; good layers; 11 Buff Leg
horns, $10; 7 White Leghorns, $5; 5
"White Minorca, $5; take all for $1S; also
S. S. Hamburgs; 6 hens. 1 cockerel. 4 pul
letB; a bargain at $10.50; must sell quick;
come and see them. y34 E. Gllsan st
Telephono B 1620.
FOR SALS 4-months-old male Boston ter
rier, dandv color and marking. 2 female.
10 weeks, all pedigreed. Lattle Prtsco Boy
at stud. Prisco Kennels, E. 14th and Mor
rison. - t
WANTED S. C. White Leghorn hena or
pullete; premium offered for superior
BROWN-ALE FARMS. Inc.. Aurora. Or.
FOR SALE cheap, laying hens. White and
Brown Leghorns, J'-arred Rocks. 43d and
Plymouth. W-W car. .
ENGLISH bull terrier puppies, thorough
bred registrable atock. very reasonable,
1320 Cleveland. Phone Woodlawn 1330.
MALE Irish setter, full grown, beautiful
specimen, trained, cheap. T 700, Orego
nian. FOR SALE St. Bernard-Newfoundland male
pup, 44 montha old. Phune EastOSS.
AIREDALES Imported stud Laddix Mon
arch. Laddlx Kcnneis. Eatacada. Or.
FOR SALE Boston terrier pups, pedigreed.
Phono Tabor 210 9.
FOR SALE Airedale terrier pups, male. H.
D. Burrows, Vancouver, Wash., R. D. 4.
WANTED A "female Russian wolfhound.
A d d re as 8 Havvtho me ave.
FOR SALE Imported St. Andrewsberg rol
ler canariew. 121) E. lioth, near Morrison.
BELGIAN hares for ?ale. Call Tabor g&30.
We have in stock over 7B cars to se
lect from. These cars are all high-grade,
in A-l condition, and guaranteed by ua
We have a number of these cars on
hand at real sacrificing prices from $400
Our five -passenger cars will b sold at
00 per cent and under of the original
cost- We have them all makes and
prices from $300 up.
We have a number of these cars, rang
ing in price from $150 to $1250. Please
bear In mind that we are the largest
dealers In slightly used automobiles In
the city, consequently, we are In a posi
tion to seH better cars for less money.
Why take a chanoe on buying an auto
mobile when w will sell you one for
less money and guarantee It?
21st and Washington Sts.
Main 6244. A 6218.
AUTOMOBILES; save, dealers' profits; buy
direct from owners; I have all makes on
my Hits; runabouts from $300 up; touring
cars from $600 up; get my prices before
purchasing. My fee for buying and sell
ing only $25 per car. I put you right In
touch with the owner and demonstrate.
G 694, oregonian.
IF you are looking for a snap and a guar
anteed car we have one 1911 demonstrat
ing car on hand; looks lik new; cash
with terms; no trades. Se sales maa-
690 Washington St. .
Live and dead storage cars cared for;
rates reasonable; open night and day;
fireproof garage; machine ahop In con-
18 10th St., Near Stark.
x r.nDanror White Steamer ana two
5-passenger Kchacht 40s. 1911 models, alt
in No. 1 condition. Inquire at Speedwell
Garage, 14th and coucn sts.
FOR SALE Elegant gasoline coupe, inside
drive, eiectnc iicmeu, 1.0 mwuuui-o
car in Portland will give liberal discount;
just the car for a physician: terms to re-
eponslble party. Q 695. Oregonian.
HUPMOBILE, 1911 touring car, In fine
condition and fully equipped; will bcII for
50 part cash to responsible party.
Phone East 3230 or address box AT 6&7
Oregon I an.
SECOND-HAND auto supplies, anything you
want- tires $3 to $20 each, all sixes, tubes
vulcanized 23c. Auto Supply Co, 233
Main st,
BUICK 1910 model 10, fully equipped and
In first-class condition; has Just been
overhauled and repainted; $550. Phone
Tabor 28b3 or address AS 695, Oregonian.
WELL-ESTABLISHED automobile business,
doing over $3000 per month, for "J. In
cluding; machinery, lease, etc AN 709,
Cost $4500,- now on rant and will sell
ene ir.5u. on term to auit. Call Main
7555, ask for driver of Franklin six.
I WANT to sell an interest in my eatab
Ilahed auto busineaa In order to enlarge and
put In a truck building department. L
700, uregomim.
i5 BUYS runabout, $350 4-paeaenger car
in flne condition. Howard, WS Sw.tland
xi 777ft A S027.
NEW garag Just mPi"-tlvfl"J,4
atorage. bpeeawell Motor Co.. 29, 91 A
3 im si.. -m
FOR SALE Packard auto truck, used only
43 days. Call F. L. Botaford Co.. 1321
Yeon Diag
MAXWELL JUNIOR, with rumble t:
fully equipped and in first-clasa condition.
vrinm S-umj. Telephone mornings, B 2314.
WILL put In up to $20,000 in the auto
mobile businesa with party who will put
in equal amount. AP 702. Oregonian
7-PASSENGER auto, A-l condition, cheap
for quicV buyer. 88 &th, room 401.
WANTED Automobile, not over $300; give
description and price. A 731, Oregonian.
GOOD automobile to trade for hoisting en
gine or Otner maciunci y. . f . .. .
SPOT cash for bargains in five-passenger
car; no Junk. AG 616. Oregonian.
WANTED A large city map of 1908. F.
Dubois, office 1203 Yeon bldg.
-passenger Flanders 20.
Tabor 15.
celiac eons.
MEDIUM size safe, showcases, filing cab.,
aix-drawer Nat'l cash register. S, W.
cor. 5th and Oak. 2d floor.
PRINTING press for sale, 8x12, rotary foot
or'power: does good work; less than half
price. AN 7s. Oreu-'n:an.
1.AP1IAL JtNK CO.. oeaiers In l.ou. metai.
rubbers sacks, machinery, pipe, tools and
Job lots. Marshall 3S.19. 67-60 N. 1st St.
CHRISTMAS bargain m all makes of type
writers. Come and aea them. Northwost-
rn Typewriter 10.. wu wa au
ANNUAL SALE of unredeemed pledge at
Unci Myer'. 71 6th t.. near Oak. 40
j ears In Portland.
FOR SLE 3 very fine milk goats, the
Toggenburg variety: one will be fresh in
March. Phone Milwaukie Black 462.
KITCHEN" range $20. 4 dining chairs and
parlor stand $10; new dresser $10. 902
Missouri ave. -
$400 BUYfl a gasoline traction wood saw. In
first-class condition; $240 cash, balance in
monthly payment. Owner, 671 E. Alder.
1 4-h. p. upright engine,
1 6-h. p. upright engine.
1 12-h. p. upright engine.
1 15-h. p. upright engine.
1 12-h. p. horizontal automatic
1 15-h. p. horizontal automatic.
1 25-h. p. horizontal automatic.
1 40-h. p. horizontal automatic
1 60-h. p. center crank Atlas.
1 5-h. p. upright boiler.
1 10-h. p. uprifrht boiler.
1 12-h. p. upright boiler.
1 15-h. p. upright boiler.
1 20-h. p. upright boiler.
1 25-h. p. uprtRht boiler.
1 So-h. p. upright holier.
1 30-h. p. .firebox boiler.
1 20-n. p. horizontal boiler.
1 &S-h. p. horizontal boiler.
100-h. p. horizontal boilers.
Numerous other boilers on hand. Write
for information.
1 modern tool grinder.
1 No. 14 double emery stand.
2 2-lnch centrifugal pumps. ,
1 2-Inch centrifugal pump.
! 6-inch centrifugal direct connectedj
with steam engine.
1 8-inch centrifugal pump.
1 6-lnch Fairbanks belted pump.
1 2-inch Fairbanks belted pump.
1 24-inch swing Ralm carpenter lathe.
1 30-lnch swing drill press, practically
1 Cider press.
8 sidewalk doors ("waterproof ).
10 tons 3-S-inch chain.
12 tons 5-S-inch chain.
3 tons 9-16-inch chain.
6 tons u-incri chain.
9 tons" -inch chain.
lo tons 7--lnch chain.
25 tons 1-inch chain.
25 tons li. lM-inch chain.
IS tons 14. 2-inch chain.
14 tons all kinds sprocket chain.
500 assorted sprocket wheels.
1500 assorted gears.
1250 assorted sheeves.
5000 assorted pulleys, wood and Iron.
60 tons assorted shafting.
tons flat bottom boxes.
65 'J assorted hangers.
2 2-ton chain blocks (Yale A Towtie).
1 10-ton chain block (Yale & Towne).
1 30-ton chain block.
2 35-ton Jacks.
46 8 to 24-Inch screw jacks.
1 carload assorted hinges, 5c pair.
We have belting enough to stretch 12
long miles, at prices that make the manu
facturers sigh. "Don't forgot to get our
prices when it comes to belting."
We very near give It away.
Real good plough steel and crucible ca
ble, any size.
20.000 Feet.
At prices of Raw Iron.
Small Handcar Wheels
By the Ton Lots.
All sires and any gauge, in either steel
or castlron.
Lumber Trucks, brand new. at reduc
tions. Brass valves, lubricators, gauges, pet
cocks, grease cups and anything made of
Thousands of
200 tons Bar Iron for blacksmith work
or Concrete Work.
600 tons steel I beams. We cut and
fit to order.
WTe have on hand at present about 15
water wheels complete, any size or atyle.
at less than H th original price and
practically as good as new.
1,000.000 feet of any size, either black
or galvanized, new or second-hand. If
you want to save money, writs or phone
for our prices.
For concrete or relaying purposes. Any
size or quantity.
We dismantle and wreck any kind o!
a plant.
We are continually buying complete
stock from Sheriffs' and receivers' sales.
We have the largest stock of second
hand machinery west of Chicago.
We defy competition because we have
the right stock at second-hand prices that
astonishes the dealers In new machinery.
Write us for anything you want to buy
or sell.
We handle anything from scrap Iron and
metal and rubber stock to a locomotive
or a busted $1,000,000 corporation. All
we ask Is to Inquire
Front and Main Sts.
The House of a Million Bargains in
Anything and Everything.
The largest and safest place to deal
west of Chicago.
20 Years in Portland.
If you are looking for some good bar
gains in iew or second-hand pipe, black or
galvanized, you can sa-e money right
here; all sizes from M l'.ch to 12 Inches;
we also sell
Call and see us and save money. Port
land Pipe Shop, 269 Front, between Mad
ison and Jefferson. Phone Main 6325.
Buffalo Pitts 10-ton steam road roller,
nearly new, cost $3250. Will sell for
$12. id.
Must be sold by Thursday.
The House of a Million Bargains.
240 J42 Front St., Cor.MaIn.
Machinery of all kinds.
Concrete mixers, steam and electric
hoists, derricks, rock drills, etc.
Standard Machinery Co., 46 2d St.
HOISTING ENGINES, locomoUvea, con
tractors' equipment
74 First Street.
SPECIAL sale on sewing machines; slightly,
used; Singer, Wheeler A Wilson, White,
Domestic and New Home; aome other new
140 machines now $27.50, while they last.
S. 6- Slgel, 333 Morrison at.
SAFESGenulne Hall safes, new and second
hand, low prices, easy terma Safes opened
and repaired. Purcel Safe Co. and Port
land Safe Co.. 85 5th St. Main 6309.
FOR SALE Baby buggy (Fulton make"),
crib and highchair, all good as new; all
for $10. Inquire 749 Grand ave., near
$100 WILLIAMS typewriter, $20; excellent
condition. 570 E. Madison, B 2S7L Call
Sunday. - .
FOR SALE cheap, good wood or coal range,
coils in. 2-burner gas plate attached, fine
baker. Phone Woodlawn 1192.
ACME range, reliable gas range and gaa
water heater, also good cookstove. Call
Monday. 380 Hawthorne ave.
13x6 SCREW CUTTING lathe. 4 horsepower.
Engine used two months; bargain. Hal-
verson. i-ast oti.
FOR SALE New dress suit, slight misfit,
very cheap. 625 Board of Trade bldg., be
tween 10 and 2 o'clock.
SHOWCASES and extension Iron gate for
sale, cheap, at souvenir store. 144 Second
st.. between Alder and Morrison.
SACRIFICE Indian motorcycle, twin-cylinder,
new, cheap; terms. AC 684, Ore
gonlan. SOME fine showcases for sale, cheap; also
D. H. Singer sewing machine. 251 Co
lu'mbla, between 2d and 3d. t
"STANDARD" sewing machine, drophead,
like new. cheap. 850 Morrison, room 42,
NEW, visible typewriter, latest model,
cheap; used short time. M 699, Oregonian.
MODERN typewriter stand and chair In
' fine condition, $3. Sll-312 Lewis bldg.
SEALSKIN long coat for sale cheap; make
offer. Address AT 704. Orernlan.
LINE SHAFT complete, motors, belts, pul-
CONCRETE MIXER, will sell or rent, X
707, Oregonian.
82D DEGREE Masonic ring, set with small
diamond, cheap, Marshall 399.
$1"5 ELK "CHARM.-2 teeth, 10 diamonds
FOR SALE A good rolltop office desk. In
quire at aiuci !
FOR SALE Fresh family and dairy cows.
., ;i . . . T an 1 . Vnt. mo rl.
A. Mess, 4 num ewi " ;
FOR SALE very cheap. Smith Premier type
writer. -p .
GOOD rotten manure for sale, Phon Easl
1 1 ii.
FOR SALE Upright folding-bed, with mir
ror. Jaii oa at.
NEW White sewing machine for aale at
fraction of cost. 652 East 58th at. North.
SAILBOAT," 80x10 w ith Bail for sal. B.
. 4510.
FOR SALE Standard folding bed.. Call at
barber fhop. 2lth and Clinton.
NEW furniture for sale, 531 Columbia, at
reasonable price,
BARGAIN The -New Idea gas rang for
sale reasonable. 83 Mill and West Park.
FOUR good freah cowa, cheap. 683 Xhaley
ave. beiiwooa car.
t. r.- DTII I'fP
Well rotted manure. Phon Eaat $$76.
LADY 3 Astrachan jacket, nearly new; cost
$70: size 36 to 8S. Phone East 3622.
150 NEW Edison records, any or all,, at
10 cents. X o-'. urfgonmu.
10 A-l FRESH cows, big milkers. Helman,
mile east ot qents junction.
DONKEY ENGINE cheap; might consider
trade. -orum, .-o Aiucr.
$100. AN 700. Oregonian.