v rnE srxPAt oitEGOXiAy. roitTLAyp, Drcrmrm si. 1911. " ' ; " j -KTXT TODAY NEW TOIAT. ' 1 REAL EST.4TK. 1 REAI. ESTATE. XTW TQ1T. f KEW TODAT. f XETT TOIAT. FoTl-L.t " Before yoa bny an T9 home U and get plats and prices of Sycamore Acres Too don't have to wait for a carllna to b built. Depot in . center ex tract. Xo tract over 5 minutes' walk from the depot. Take the Gresham or Cazadero car from First and AMer. Cars lave 15 minute to the hour. Get off at Sycamore. Sycamore Acres Is the best acreage bur in the finest part of Multnomah Coun tr; 40 minutes from the city by t"h O. W. P. electrie ear, fa.incr Johnon Crwk and the Foster road. Sycamore Acres We own Sycamore Acres, and are enabled to make easy terms and inducements to home buiMers. W. H. Grindstaff 1125 Yeon Baildinj. Main 875. A 7341 Geo. D. Schalk 228 Stark St. Main 392. A 2391 Water AND Harris ori STREETS A triangular corner lot, having 150 feet frontage on Water street, over CO feet frontage on Harrison street and the Orrpon F.Iectrie right of way on the east. $12,500 IMEFIELD, FRIES SCO. 85 Fourth St. North Portland Half Block Price $57,000 iroviK sse PER MOXTH. Thl prrpcrtv Is ettimtert on I'nlted It v. IrailKo. adjoining terminal du ll 1. 1. II. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 1200 Feet 7""'P"" a . South. Portland Union Ave. and Ash River Front lOOxlOO Average depth, approximately son feet. - ., . , - . I -i,. Factory site unoccupied, aa well lo- Jmpmremfnlj. J-story bnrk building, rated as this one, tn Portland, will soon cost $3.-1.000. Price $50,000. b tmny of ih put. t . r-u-nn Price. ITS per front foot. Income f JOO0. GODDARD & WTEDRICK The Shaw-Fear Company 243 Stark St. Maisa 10a F.anh st. A ssoo AN EXPORTING CITY win irav t rLCKENCIS HAKBPR. at Y1 ml of 1 1"V meota ..f f'Ulllw llmr. midway Otesra fj I UiWel nflfj I 1 0 171 C e.t. ornon Ka.t-rn Kllay from On- f I 1 1 I I 1 A I 1 1 I 1 11 V IN lr will run throush Eiimi dlractir doa XJe 1UUU IU1V1 .V U I 17 rir through loa.sl mountala pui and bi-inc produce of east area to seaport at CorneT. 100x100. Kloeen.-e. Jetttes and railroads bow build- av.j.v., n nveatt(aie. Foundations of a elty are Price S20.00O ., laid. Literature. loreace Land C. . 14 Teon bMg 7. 'T GODDARD & WH3DRICK Best New Year Investment 2,3 stark Best biy on I'nion avenue. 100 fet frnntjif i. ool corner. - rich! rH. m tncome. 1'rlce a ill advance $100 soon. 19 13 JOF.PII H. Jo7TV. Ower. TH? aV-'&rSi.Co" TS-J .apaldlaa: Blda. Unas, frlces sr. soma up. We are selling nd Uulk.ejr va.ley. Tort G.or,.. C, . . Kraaer Ve y country and the Nerhaco Val- nnffflfrnr Air nnrin I ley. for bmki.t on this ia and bt UlllIaCLUIS, iallIXLiUlI w'e, Adum. Ko.th -oavt Land Coinpany. 1 desire poUlon aa superintendent Ltd. lOK vbanber tf roiumcrce bid., port- o- altant or general foreman, thor- land. rhor. vim :ja:. Main office. Vaa- our'i fcn-w'e.la- ceneral t-onetructton coaver. W. C. Heid-uo eapiial. tl.aou.ooo. voit. bulldinx. bri.iicce. foundations. ' " - seeera. pavements, quarries. et Con- XT U .rete especially: fifteen years evpe- If Y Oil ri3.Vfi rien.-e; executive ability. AV SOT. Ore- A pontan. ready money to Invest In choice xnort- sisnes see our loan department. None but approved mornKes are allowed to P J.L Cf Cn- o throuh our office. r OUrtll Jl. Oliap i MABTMA thompsox. 1i1An. facinc east on 4th St.. near Baakera. Sheridan: o.h1 trai kase for warehoii-e. bassfcee af eaviaeree BnlMlac. laundry, jiiirttite or stores: worth $7o0u: toxiav !.. till, e-lne la bWlevlnaT- a m & I - X.T T1 W a KT IT! Eaet :Jd. Phone Kaat 4. MONEY TO LOAN I"'" TO I.Oa. CTTT MORTrlAGKt, If you ih to borrow on your real FARM MOHTtVabE. estate. csU upon our morts;ae loan LOIITtT K.tTEt, IkiHMS TO STIT. IIARTWtX a) TIIOVraON. A. He BIRRELL CO Baaher M3 M'K AT Rl ILDla. i baaaber off eweree Balldlasr. Tblrw aad stark. MOfV TO I OAT on approved real e- . . . . ,,.e. at lo-est ". of interest. Ask MORTGAGE LOANS for our loao deparunent. BBJa-M B( K1(,.nc. proparty. HIRTS T THQMPHOV, f fjf C V. KVtHKTT, J (Jf I Baakera. r" . I. MMOXD, lf gaaaaear ef laarce Ballaiaa. J J U al Beard ef Xraae Hid. 9 U Your Opportunity If M-4X4r? VoTaSp It llOW. $215 Cash And a monthly or quar terly savings will enable you to purchase one of i those choice lots in xne close-in, highly im proved exclusive resi dence district known as THINK OF IT Only $2150 for a lot, with an alley, 20 min utes' walk to business, on a paved street, and all improvements paid for, at an actual cash outlay less than the cost of the improvements. Nothing else like it in the city. BUY NOW For Particulars See STRONG & CO. 605 Concord Bldg. F. W. TORGLER 106 Sherlock Bldg. Grand Avenue tOxlOO. soothwest corner of Grand Ktnut and Eut Madison. If properly Improred will (how good investment. Grand Avenue tlx 100 on the northeast corner of Grand avenue and East Oiik. Thl 1 In the Central Kast Slda business, dis trict. Grand Avenue I5xn, next to the corner of Kast Iturnslde. Price of terms will Interest you. Grand Avenue AxtO on the northwest comer Grand avenue and East Hart. Price. 111.600. Tins Is one of the beat buys on the street. For properties In the East Side busi ness district, see me. EDW. P. MALL . 309 Chamber of Commerce Ladd s Addition WE HAVE IT! One of the finest little sub divisions offered for sale around Portland today. At the intersection of Base Line and eam roads, consisting of 40 acres. Mount Hood in terurban runs full length of property, with station on tract. Already subdivided , into 480 lots. Blueprints, etc., on band. Can be bandied on easy terms. Will show over ISO per cent net. For the speculator or real estate man wishing a subdivision, noth ing better on the market. No phone information on this. F.L TAYLOR CO. 404-5 LEWIS 8171X1)1X0 Members Portland .Bealty Board. We Have Bargains on Inside Property Also Warehouse and Apartment Sites Watson & Therkelsen tM SpoldJac BISK, rheme Mala 7S83. CALIFORNIA LANDS WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL. Live) In Callforala's Dedicbtful Climate. Uwi a .vioaey-.Tiawina i iuiwiai Faraa aad Eajoy It. Buy our cholce Irrlitated alfalfa, dairy and fruit farma. Leadlns; dairy center of state. Any size tract. Adapted to oranges, lemone. grapeiruii, olives, um, ... a V. anrlrou. almonda. walnuts. HU- pie. pears, etc All pay from 1100 to 1300 per acre. We have best land In Hate for sweet potatoes. First crop raya for land, ask lor prooi. mces, 73 to 1150 per acre. Small cash pay ment, long time on oaiance. Steels Raacbea aad SobdlvUloa Proposl- tlvas Kroaa 10OO to 100,000 Acres. Call or Write fox Literature. SMITH & SWEET, Inc. Mala Office, Modesto, California. Portland Brsses, SIO Board of Trade Hid a-, C". H. 7lmmermaa. Mar. Tie eee PEST nlaee In Portland It bBT. GKOCRAPHICAL, CENTER aad MOST DKsiKABl; residence property bl tue city. SEEIMO IS BELIieVI.TCi PETTEa CO and see the maay CatOICB rasl uacu andar conatruetlea aaa IM Ua. r(sDMU foins on. Tbe Oregoi Real Estate Company 6RAKD AVE. AXD M (JLTXOMAU if. , NOB HILL FLATS AlwaysRented iscomb iimo, prick stevteo. See Mr. Kupper. Chapin & Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce. Money to loan. 13th and Flanders 100x100 on the southeast corner of 13th and Flanders. Only a few proper ties so close In with trackage for sale. Price of terms will Interest you. Edw. P. Mall 300 C"imbfr mt (omnifrff. E. Ninth and Alder 100x100, good factory site Price S15.000 GODDARD iTwiEDRICK 213 Stark Street. Riverdale District OSFl ACRE. 3SOO. Fine Tlew of river and mountains, close to transportation; terms. CHAPIX at HERLOW, SS3 baatber of teaaere. Mortgage Loans On city property at reasonable rates. CLARK-CANNON COMPANY, 6 Board of Trade Bids- Holladay's Addition I- WILDER BROS. Successors to . RUSSELL ft BLYTH Real Estate Financial Agents Insurance Commonwealth Bldg., Sixth and Ankeny Streets. Phones, Main 13, A 1113. Buy This Seventh Street Corner Two blocks south of new "Journal" 11-story steel building, and 8-story SuLuvan Uonsidme Duiiaing one block south of Ileilig Theater. Great developments in immediate neighbor hood. Best buy in Portland. Few days only. $59,000 $19,000 cash handles the deal. Wake up, grab the opportunity as it comes along. E. J; DALY 222-223-224 Failing Buildingj Corner 10th and Everett 50x100 four houses. $1080: can be leased at $1500. Special low price on application. Goddard&Wiedrick 243 Stark St. INCOME PROPERTY IV have for sale two excellent in come propositions, both of which are comparatively new, double flat bulld Inirs on the West Sldo; one has IS rooms and large attic; 40x100 lot. The other 11 rooms, lame attlo and two sleeping porches: 60x100 lot. They are located on hard surfaced streets, well rented and earning a prof itable per cent on tne investment. I10.5U0 buys the flret. $13,500 takes ih, ,..nnil Terms will be ftranted In each case. These two propositions will bear Investigation The Shaw-Fear Company Mala 33 103 Fourth St. ASSOO Wanted! Loan of $5000 3 TO 5 YEARS o Will rav 8 per cent. Security, first mortgag-e on ten acres, adjoining city limits. Market value, $20,000. F.E. TAYLOR CO. 404-5 Lewis Building. Members Portland Realty Board. TO LEASE The new' 6 3-room fireproof tenement building, 208 Mar ket street, near First street. "Will lease for a term of rears. Investigate this. Parrish, Watkins & Co. 250 ALDER STREET We Waat Tare More A areata (or pi33 Lots at $100 easy terms, liberal com mission. Apply ones, BEND PARK CO., Perflasd Hotel Court. Loans Wanted A client wishes at once, loan of tIROO. 3 vrs.. T per cent. Security, S acres suburban land; modern bungalow; value $t000. HARTM. at THOMPSCJT, Baakera. Chsstber ef t'esnneree Balldlas;. MORTGAGE LOANS ear JOHN E. CRONAJJ, 7 J lO M3 SMldlasT Bids- V COLI.IS. BERRTUGB IHOMPSOH, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, S Wwcuiir ttioclk. r Mmim Ml. Investigate! For CLOSE-IN BUSINESS or Residence Property see us. Don't de lay buying now. Prices sure to ad vance. Vanduyn & Walton 515 Chamber of Commerce Railroad and Water Factory sites, about acre each, at Kenton Station, Portland. Prices from $1000 to $6000 on easy terms. If look ing for a location do not fall to look these over. Co-Operatlve Realty Com pany. 630 Railway Exchange. OXE-STORY XEW COXCItETB BLDG. 100194, with concrete floor; will rent at a bargain, situated at Albina avenue and Killlngsworth. Phone East 1187. V. KeidL REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Beck, William G., 3ir,-31S Falling- bide BRL'BAKER BENEDICT, 602 McKay bias. JJ. 549. Cbapln Herlow, 335 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. S. A Co.. 508 Corbett bids. Jennings & Co. Main 1S8. 20S Oreronian. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. P., 404-405-408 Wilcox bldg. The Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand ava. and Multnomah et. Holladay Addition) REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that tbe 10 per ent riiarmint now nrev&lliDS On Inside lots In tbe present plat of BEAUMONT will De removea Jan. z, iviz. BEAUMONT LAND CO., Board of Trade Bldg., M th bt. rv WEST ft 1 1 ) 13. a beautiful full lots, only 12 minutes out from center of city, 2 blocks from one carllne and only 100 feet from an other: east front and sightly. Price, tor a quick sale, only 30 for each, terms. Adjoining lots are -being sold at from 800 to $1000. For further particulars call on C. F. Pfluger & Co.. suite MulKey bldg.. cor. L-a ana jiomeon. LADD'3 ADDITION. $6030 Choice site. facing beautiful Central Park, with over 225 feet street frontage, all paved and improvements paid for: ofl cash, terms oi balance. STRONG! A CO., 05 Concord Bldg. $JoO PROFIT at once, a small sum to buy lott price $750; $150 cash; one of the best residence lots In splendid East Side dis trict, where property Is rapidly advanc ing. C 7U8. Oregonlan. r Fractional lot, near i2i; only $300: terms. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark Street. FOR SALE 50x100 lot; fruit, roses, lawn, si room tent house, with gas and running water: 04th and Pacllic ets., 3 blocks from MV car. Inquire 250 East 62d St. Tabor 2179. MT. TABOR-SIDE BARGAINS. 8 chofce lots, GOilOO each. Including corner lot: will sell 1 or all 3 on very easy terms: single lot $450; by owner. AR 607, Oregonlan. LADDS ADDITION. $'k3O0-45xl 19. east front, Hawthorne ave. or E. 12th at. carllne. $1000 cash; only a short time at this price. STRONG A CO., 005 Concord Bldg. BUILD your home In Laurelhnrst. the most desirable residence district In Portland; I will furnish 0 per cent of the amount required for your bouse and lot. giving you the full discount. 1195 Multnomahst " LADDS ADDITION. $2180 KIX12JJ. near Central Park. $215 cash, terms on balance, street Improve ments all paid. STRONG & CO.. 605 Concord Bldg. " SPECIAL BARGAIN. 100x100 corner, one block from street ear' water, sidewalks snd graded street in and paid for: $; $65 cash will handle. A F Ofto, jregonian ON Portland Heights, bungalow site close to the canine, wnn Price $1400, $300 down. AN ,14, Ore gon lan. 12500 Ladd ave., near Hawthorne ave., half cash, all improvements paid. KTPnvr. A CO.. 0O5 Concord Bldg. AN A-l APARTMENT BITE 100x100 feet. on aiaranaii ... ..... A location best tn the city; no promoters. C 705, Oregonlan. LADD'8 ADDITION. $3300 50x118. east front, half cash; terms on balance. STRONG A CO.. 605 Concord Bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Beautiful homes and homesltes. all views, locations and prices; can suit you. Main $161. BROOKE. A 3m. LADDS ADDITION. $2400 Nice lot, facing park, close to carllne. all street Improvements paid. wrc have several choice lots in Irvtngton, 7 . . CUM tn flnft WATSON A THERKELSEN. S06 Spalding Bldg. Phone Main 7592. KENTON snap for sale, lot 50x100, on car line; business property; Minnesota ave. and Lombard St.; price .-!50. $400 cash, balance terms. See owner. 247 Burnslde St. ' ALBERTADISTRICT, $525. ztth near Going, $50 down. $10 monthly. Can you beat U7 Tbeo W. Herman. Z29 Burnslde. M. or A 277U. LOT S block 1, Council Crest Park Addi tion 50x120 feet; a BARGAIN, $1500. ONE-HALF CASH or $1400 CASH. Mrs. J. St. Peter. 1821 S3d St.. Everett, Wash. SACRIFICE. $700 cash; 50HOO. 100 feet from Divi sion sr.. one block from car. Phone otvnor after 6 30 P. M... Tabor SS8. B 2620. KENTON Future business lot, cor. Patton i t,Cfi T 9-ft PORTLAND Heights, on carllne, 40x115, sac- fused. J 740. Oregonlan. LOTS 60x100. one btoek from electrlo car- line, S1UV to fiov, Tvrj bwj terms, . HefTerlln Realty Co.. 409 .Corbett bldg. LOT in center of business district at beach resort less tnan nair price. A tv vvt, u.B gonlan. $:I0 BELOW VALUE. Fine building lot on Vernon ave., two blocks from car, $073. AC 6S:J. Oregonlan. SKii La tir & Co.. for West Side property. Kxcluslva aeaiers in v esi aiao reaiiy. 635-7-9 Chamber of Commerce. Ml'PT HAVE SOME CASH. Will Bell my lot reganiles of value. C m5 or Tabor S02S. HAVE $100 equity lo attractive Waverlelsh, Heights lot for sale cheap, cash or ex' change. AR 6S. Oregonlan. BY owner, TTiK, comer Rodney ave. and Leombard St., good terms, no interest. AM 614, Oregonlan. ifY equity In residence lot at beach resort very reasonable; leaving city. At 6 SO, Or-icon lan $275 EQUITY In fine lot for $. or eavchungd. Main- 7773, A $07. Howard, 303 bivet- land Diag. IOT 3. block -48, Newhurst Park, 128x303 feet, $Gj0. Apply B. E. Jonea, 305 Whit ney bUlg.. Petroit. Mich. ROSS MERE Isot S 0x1 00, rear fcandy road; make me an offer. 10S0 Hancock st. IKV1NOTON HXAP beautiful lot, choice location, near Knott at.; terms. Phone Eaot HOSSMERE BARGAIN. EAST FRONT, close to car. Part caslj. price 60S Couch bldg. LiOT on hard-surface wtreet, oer Ladd Add., for $1250. You can't beat this for a, bar gain. Call 414 Spalding bldg. $10 DOWN. $j Pr month, pretty lot 30 minutes out on good carllne. only $35. HHIEY & BISHOP. l:$3 Third st. LOT for sale in Overlook; also lot in Capitol H1U, by ownei 221 Chaver st. BUSIVESS LOT for sal In E. Pt. Johns, on carilne. Call W. R. Munro, C 11S3. I HA VIS a lot In Roe riy will sell chtap U tAi-ea vl once. Ai VJ, Oreguclaii. AUTOMOBILE OWKER3, ATTENTION. Tor sale, splendid home building " on 82d t., Montavllla, Inside the city llmlia, six Sux-US fet; Bull Run water, hade trees at curb, restricted district, near new publio school. convenient to stores, trolley, etc; splendid soli: plenty of room for garage, garden, fruit trees, raise poultry, etc It will make an Ideal suburban home; a rare chance to get dandy, large home-building site for little money. Price only $375. JUST WHAT IT COST OWNER. Only $123 cash required, balance $ID monthly. No trades of any kind consid ered, gee this, you'll buv It. J. W. CROSSLEY. ' 619 Corbett Bldg. A STRICTLY hlph class residence site, cen trally located and exclusive, facing a beau tiful park, houses will never be built across the street ; cement walks, sewer, water and gas all In; single lots In this district sre selling for aa high aa $3000. These altes are 0xl80 feet, almost the size of three lots, and the price is only $5400; terms If desired. This is positively the only property of Its kind on the mar ket in the city of Portland; no steep hills to climb or heavy expense In shaping up your home site. Get further particulars. Let me show you this property. Phone Main 1593 or A 1515. Be sure to ask for Mr. Urdahl, or come to the office, 633 Corbett bldg. GENUINE SACRIFICE. Lot 150x100 feet; located In most rapidly growing section of Portland; close to one of the .main boulevards. The adjacent lots are eening for much higher prices, but I quote mine at $450 for quick sale. You can name your own terms. The water and graded streets, etc, are now in this lpt. It adjoins one of the most popular ear lines of the city with quick service. This la a real bargain. Address AB 6SL Ore gonlan. NEW and strictly modern 6-room house, hardwood floors, full fireplace, furnace, beamed celling. In a hiffh-class residence district, centrally located, good car ser vice. Will sell on easy terms. $350 cash, balance monthly. Price $4900. or will build to suit you. Get further particulars. Phone Main 1.10 S or A 1515. -Be sure and ak for aUr. Urdahl or call at 522 Corbett bldg. KENTON residence and business property: In a district that Is growing rapidly and has an assured future guaranteed by the factory district of which It Is the center. Can be purchased on easy terms. A few dollars Invested now will make you In dependent. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COM PANT, SOLE AGENTS, 520 Railway Exchange Bldg COUNCIL CREST PARK. Most beautiful building site of 4 lots, with unobstructed views of city and moun tains and of Tualatin Valley and Coast range; elevated situation with many fine native forest trees; bltulithlo paved streets, cement sidewalks. Bull Run water, gas. sewers, electric light, telephones and very near carllne; easy terms. Owner. 1008 Spalding bldg. Main S66. Main S4S6. SPLENDID tract consisting of 115 acres of suburban West Side acreage. Now Is the tlma to buy. Price $300 per acre. with terms that will appeal to the most exacting, xnis is strictly an investment; a carllne will make It Immediately a platting proposition for suburban homes. LE NOIR & CO., 835-7-9 Chamber of Commerce, LAST OPPORTUNITY. If you would take advantage of our extremely liberal building proposition there is no time to lose; 15 per cent dis count on lot and money furnished for building purposes. Start your home now. Phone me todav. East 989; evening C 2535. Ask for Mr. Deiahunty. BEAUTIFUL large lot, 50x100. well located In a strictly high class residence district, building restrictions, paved streets, cement walks, sewer, water and gas, good car service, genuine bargain. Price $1260, terms. - Phone Main 1503 or A 1515. Be sure to ask for Mr. Urdahl, or call $22 Corbett bldg. CAR LINE. BULL RUN WATER. $10 CASH. BALANCE! EASY". Will sell my lot, 50x100 feet, for $440. The streets are graded, the water Is In and schools and stores are convenient. Just the place for the man of moderate means. Address AB 662, Oregonlan. SPLENDIDLY located. 60xl00-foot lot, three blocks from car. Improvements in, one block from Division st.. one of the most popular auto streets In the city; paved all the way; In two-mile circle; price $680; terms to suit you for quick asle. AH 6&4, Oregonian. MUST LET GO. Take Beaumont car to Stanton St., go west to first house facing south; will sell you SO -ft. lot at exactly $200 less than other lots; very little cash, small monthly payments, 2d mortgage privilege; a chance for a builder. At home all day. ON the WEST SIDE near the City Park, residence lot la particularly choice re stricted district; size, 50 by 100. Price for immediate sale $750; street graded, cement sidewalk now in. AN 712, Ore gonlan. BUSINESS LOT, 3500. West Side, small lot suitable for stre and flat, will pay from start; large pay roll adjoining: price only 3500, $1jO cash, balance monthly. See Jas. C. Logan, 813 Spalding bldg. $10 DOWN, $10 PER MONTH. Fine view lot; matured fruit trees; re stricted district, near car; cement walks, Bull Run water, fruit cared for free of charae. 202 Board of Trade bldg. Phoae Marshall 473. A 1022. 60x100 ON East Burnslde sL. paved streets, cement walks, sewer, water and gas; this Is a bargain. Only $19S0; terms can be arranged. Phone Main 1503 or A 1515. Be sure to ask for Mr. Urdahl or call 522 Corbett bldg. $400 LOT 50x100, cement walk, curbs, graded streets, water; 3 blocks from Rose City car. $240 cash, balance 38 monthly, without interest. Taxes paid 2 years. Ad joining lots sold $600. No agents. V 686, Oregonlan. $10 DOWN, $10 PER MONTH. Big lot. 50x100 feet, near corner and carline; Bull Run water; streets graded; alleys; close to school and business sec tion ; all conveniences ; must be told at once. Phono Marshall 3S32. 50x100, ON Vernon ave., two blocks from Alberta car; stands 18 Inches above side walk; cement walks and curb In; street graded; for a quick sale. $700 cash. RABB & PATTON. 822 Lumbermcns bids., 5th and Stark. or bale -House. $.1300 SHINGLE BUNGALOW in Villain ead for $2300. Another one of those ood buys for homemakers; terraced lot 50x100. on street where everything is paid for in the way of improvements; pretty fireplace, every desirable convenience, 5 large, sunny rooms; $300 handles. See Mr. Bryant, with JOSEPH GRAHAM. 100T-OU Board of Trade bldg. . ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. 6 -room, story-and-half buuga-ow; re ception hall, bath, 2 toilets, fireplace, pied for furnace, cement basement, tioors all finished: double construction, built-in buffet and bookcases. Don't overlook this. Price today only $340O; any reasonable terms. Take Beaumont car to Stanton St., go west to first house facing south. At home an aay. xjoti 1 put, it u. ROSS ME RE ADD.. CLOSE TO CAR. New, modern, 5 -room bungalow; hard wood floors, fireplace, piped for furnace, cement basement, double constructed; con eider good lot as part payment; south of Killlngsworth, west of 00th st. Snap at $4000. or trmall payment down. Call 88 10th st., near Stark. FOR SALE New 5-room house, living-room With DUUl BOOKta-e, utmus-iuui" buffet, Dutch kiUhen. full cement base ment, two bedrooms with room for 8 more; bath and two toilets, cement sidewalks; terms. A. F. M'Kay, 20ti Rothchild bldg. 'nrTf'tfi-WT d f IiritTtiC" Fine 6-room house; 3 bedrooms, fur nace, fireplace, buffet, cement floor, laun dry trays, hard-surfaced street in and paid; lot 40x1 00 ; walking distance; a bar gain ?4ROo, 300 down and 3-5 per mo. 74ti Belmont, near 'J3d. Phone East 5943. IOO BUNGALOW 33200. New 5-room modern bungalow, fire place. ga and electric fixtures. etc. : stret Improvements paid, 1 block to car; a snap, little down, baL like rent; will take vacant lot- 850 Wasco st.. near 2th, UNION AVENUE. And Sacramento St., 50x100; two small bouses: price J T ."( K' . nous WJ01DARD & -vVTEDRICK. 243 Stark Street. E. 35TH AND MADISON. Comer, :-ttxlOO, with good residence; verv low price. y GODDARD & WTEDRICK. 243 Stark Street. JJ VNDY 5-room new bungalow, near 34th "and Hawthorne; owned by non-resident; $500 below actual cost; all modern con veniences; price $2S0i. See my agent k8 10th st.. near Stark. A SNAP. r S-room cottage, 40x100 lot. east front, . two porrhes. screens on windows. Phone j owner, oodiawn ii 1. $25 cash, $10 per month, 4-room cottage, blo-k car. $10)0. HIGLEY & BISHOP. 13? THIRD ST. EEE Le Noir & Co. for West Side homes. Exclusive dealers In West Side" property. feJ5-7-lf Chamber of Commerce. MODERN HOME, $3000. MUST B3 SOLD AT ONCE. Between Laurelhnrst and Rossmere, close to car. House completed In last 80 days. Has 8-foot porch the width of the house, vestibule, living- room with beauti ful fireplace, bookcases, panel dintng room with plate rail, and buffet, white enamel, Dutch kitchen, with Ironing board, etc ; 2 large sleeping rooms, tln lshed In white enamel, llnun closet In pass hall, large bathroom with high-grade fix tures, large basement with laundry trays. This house la of double construction, has double floors and built for a home. Single panel doors open from living and dining rooms. All rooms neatly decorated. Large lot, 50x100, This property can be pur chased at this price for a few days only. Address owner, AO 60s, Oregonlan. INDIVIDUALITY. THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT IN A HOUSE. IT DON'T COST ANY MORS TO HAVE WHAT TOU WANT. THAN SOMETHING THAT DON'T SUIT. WB SPECIALIZE ON THE ARTISTIC HOME. W ' KNOW WE CAN PLEASE YOU. BE-; CAUSE WE KNOW HOW. OUR GUAR ANTEE IS WORTH SOMETHING. IF WB BUILD FOR YOU. COME IN AND TALK IT OVER WITH OUR HEAD DRAUGHTS MAN. WE WILL, FINANCE IT AND BUILD IT FOR YOU. ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. BUTTERWORTH-STEPHENSON CO. In. 707 COUCH BLDG. FIFTEEN MINUTES FROM POSTOFFICB. $3500, INCLUDING STREET IMPROVH.- . MENTS. 4000 square feet of ground; 2 blocks from streetcar; pre-eminently located in the very best and most desirable district of the city, on the West Side, command ing a beautiful view of the rivers, moun tains and the city; lot Is Improved with 4 -room modern cottage. including new bathroom; owner is forced to sacrifice this property in order to save other in terests and will make you a very attrac tive proposition. T 6-46. Oregonlan. IRVTNGTON BARGAIN. TERMS TO SUIT. Owing to change of plans we offer a nice, modern, newly built residence at $1000 less than value, 7 rooms, bath, den. large attic fireplace, sleeping porch, full cement basement with large furnace, 5t xlOO lot. garage, cement drive, paved street, right on carllne. on 24th st. Price $650 0 ; terms not less than 3500 down, either In cash or securities. 418 Railway Exchange. Marshall 2763. . SMALL AMOUNT DOWN. 3S2.60 a month. Including Interest, buys new 5-room modern double-constructed bungalow; fireplace, built-in features, full, cement basement. I need cash to com plete my new home; must sacrifice. See today. Take Montavllla car to 64th, 1 block north. WEST SIDE. 8-ROOM MODERN RESIDENCB. -8 rooms and bath, 2 fireplaces and far nace heat, cement basement, wash trays,, eta Splendid residence section, sur rounded by beautiful homes, street paved, sidewalk, sewer, gas. etc A lovely home, can be purchased for -r,t $750 CASH. Balance In monthly or quarterly pay-! menta; will make very attractive terms to responsible party. Address V 682, Ore gonlan. '' SPECIAL SALE. In order that we may add a few raore to our many already satisfied home buyers., w will offer, until Jan. 1, 1012, five-room bungalows, essentially modern, equipped with furnace, hardwood floors, book case, buffet, etc., for 33200. They are in Rose City Park, easily accessible to the car line and have a beautiful view of city and mountains. Provident Investment & Trustee Co.. 201-2-3 Board of Trade bldg. Marshall 473; A 1022. BE SURE AND SEE THIS BEFORE YOU BUY. A strictly modern cottage. In a first class neighborhood; 5 large rooms, big bath, big veranda, cement basement. ga and electric fixtures; in fact, nothing, missing for comfortable housekeeping. Sue, this today (Sunday). Price is $J55o, $25. down and 325 a month. A. N. Searle, E. 7Gth and E. Glisan sts. M-V car. Member of Portland Realty Board. MUST SELL. This Is no fake and If you want a bar fain read this. My new home, 6 rooms, with reception-room, bathroom and sleep ing porch. 3 press brick mantels, nice fix tures, full basement, good, level lot, 50x -100. This Is decidedly the best buy io Portland and have put this price of $2000 for quick action; $1000 wIirTiandle; bal ance easy. 60 E. S7th st. South, WW car. Phone Sellwood 306. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME PROPERTY? IF YOU OWN A LOT WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY AND BUILD RESIDENCE OR FLATS. FLAN'S FREE IF WE BUILD. OUR REPUTATION YOUR PROTECT ION. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US. L, R. BAILEY CO., INC., CONTRA CT INQ ARCHITECTS, 324 ABINOTON BLD. MR. LOT OWNER. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO IMPROVT3 VOUtt PROPERY WITH A HOME. FLAT OR APARTMENT; WILL FINANCE IT AT A LOW RATE OF INTEREST; PL AN 3 FURNISHED FREE. IT WILL PAY TOO TO COME IN AND TALK THIS OVER, V J. S. ATKINS, ARCHITECT AND BUILDER, HENRY BLDG. ' BEAUTIFUL S-room house, In Laurelhnrst j 2 fireplaces, large sleeping-porch, built-la refrigerator, dupt and clothes chutes, fire less cooker, built-in wardrobes, eta,; cor ner lot 75x90, east front, beautiful view; $7500; 7500 cash, balance easy monthly payments. Provident Investment 4 Tms-, tee Co. 201-3U2-203 Board of Trade bldg.. Phone Marshall 473. A 1022. TWO SPECIAL BARGAINS. Elegant 8 large room modern bungalow, full lot, fine neighborhood, one block t car. East Flanders, only $3500, terms. Handsome 8-room modern home, cornet lot alone worth $500, with hard-surface street, improvement paid for; place worth $oo00, $5000 takes It. terms. T. DUBOIS. 1203 Yeon Bldg. MT. TABOR. New modern 6-room house, corner lot, with beautiful view, all streets paved, A 1 neighborhood, near 2 carlines; high-class in every respect and I have good reasons, for selling cheap. Price $3000, $05O cashr balance easy terms. Call Sunday or Mon-.. day at 1433 E. Salmon. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. $200 Cash. $20 per month. T rooms, vestibule, mirror doors,. oak floors, built-in bookcases, buffet, fur nace, xireplace, strictly modern in detail. National Realty & Trust Co., 72$ Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 5128. - BEAUTIFUL 7-room house, with large re ception hall, on East Couch st.: modern In every respect. This house has been held at $6500; can be bought if taken at once for $5500; terms if desired. 3 WATSON & THERKELSEN, 806 Ppaldintr Bldg. phone Main 7o92. TWITKT BE SOLD. Owner will Bell modern 6-room house, In fine location, close in on East Side, at two-thirds actual value. If taken at once. If you have 51000 cash to invest, see thi place Immediately and you will look no. further. AJ 682. Oregonian. ONE of our clients wants to leave the city at once and wants us to sell their 5-roon:. bungalow; therefore, the price of $2400. Call and have us show it to you. Terms. Johnson & Godson, 520-522 Board of Trad bldg. ; t'OO CASH, balance like rent, gets you a beautiful new home, fine location, on car-, line; all lauge rooms, bath, Dutch kitchen, wash trays, woodlift. etc.; good basement; large lot. Price only 3200O. See owner, J. A. Clock. 252 Alder. Main 8189. , ;ilO0 HOLLADAY ADDITION. ': 5 rooms, modern. 34 feet on Halsey. near 17th, hard-surface street, all paid. Owner, 014 Couch bldg.; $500 cash, bal ance to suit purchaser. FOR SALE A new, modern, 5-room bunga low, 15 minutes from the center of city; best of material and construction; every convenience. Easy terms. AK 695, Ore gonian. FOR SALE or exchange for a good mort gage, a beautiful H-room house, 75x100 grounds, with fine shade trees and plenty, of fruit. J. L. McCulIoch, . 317 Fenton bldg. . 2 BEAUTIFUL bungalows In Beaumont., with every modern improvement; reason able and on terms. "s WATSON & THERKELSEN. 30G Spalding Bldg.Phone Main 7r 92. xl ACRE and good 5-room house, close In ' on 5c carllne. Price only 32000; will give very easy terms. J. E. Smith, 513 Cham ber of Commerce. ' WILL BUILD TO SUIT YOUR PURSE and help finance your houfe if you own lot, A C Furlong, 517 Cham, of Com. Mam 1429.' ; FOR SALE Lot 40x120, 1 blocks of car, new 4-room cottage built on lot, plas tered. Call Main 1430 Monday. NICK 4-room house two blocks Rose City car, S-11O0; $200 down, balance like rent. Phone Marshall 2310. t