THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 17, 1911. 9 Christmas Gifts HUNDREDS OF BEAUTIFUL AND OUT-OF-THE-ORDINARY PRESENTS H The rare beauty of some of our period furniture makes it ideal for gifts. Beautifully designed and fin ished chairs are shown in Colonial re pr o f uctions, and, in the styles of Charles II., William and Mary, Queen Anne, Chippen dale. Adams, IItppl?white and Sheraton. Many of onr finest pieces are in oak, in the beautiful old Cathedral finish. Sofas, Divans, Chaises, Lounges. Mirrors and Tables are also shorn in the Feriod styles, together with any number of small pieces. Til Iff 1 Wi Children's Children's Chairs and Rockers are shown in oak, . mahogany, w i 1 1 o w and rUrnitlire fibre-rush. Also Settees, Morris Chairs, Dolls' Sets, Dolls' Beds in the four-poster, Testes and Napoleon styles. Solid Mahogany Dressers, with drawers and mirror, larpe enough for little pirls, $15.00. Children's gifts from that price down to 75 Christmas Gifts SUITABLE FOR HUSBAND, WIFE, CHIL DREN OR FRIENDS Rugs Few presents arc more wel come than a well-selected Rug. We carry hundreds of distinct ive rugs in the large sizes, as well as a full line of Hearth RugS and Mats. Here are a few attractie values: plain crimson, Nile, Imported Mohair Plush Rugs, in blue, preen, cold and pink: Size lSx36-ineh $2.75 ?ize 24x48-inch $4.75 Size 30xK0-inch $7.75 Size 36x72-in. $10.00 Scotch Bugs, unusual patterns and color ings : Size 30x60-inch $5.00 Size 36x72-inch $6.00 Wilton Rugri All sizes, 5 qualities, all prices. Saxony Rugs, German and Aus trian Rugs. Axminster, Brussels aud Rag Rugs; sizes up to 11.3x15.0. lifiillHliP. "We offer dozens of beauti ful Cushions, size 24x2 J, for less than shop cost. They ar all of silk floss, covered with remnants of choice pat terns of drapery and upholstery fabrics. Prices ranga , from $1.50 to $5.00. See window display. Sofa Cushions Christmas Gifts THAT ARE ALWAYS USEFUL, ALWAYS HANDSOME, AND LAST A LIFETIME Little Things That Count Muffin Stands Solid mahogfany Nests of Tables... Doll Sets ?1.00 Leather Table Mats, $1.50 to $5 Mahogany Candlesticks, per pair $3.00 Mahogany Footstools $6.60 Mah'y Trays, $4.50, $5.50, $6.50 Book Blocks $5.00 to $15.00. Solid mahogany Rockers, at $10.00, $12.50, $17.00 $4.50 to $30.00 $25.00 to $50.00 Also Lamps, Jardinieres. Pedestals, Book Racks, Desks, Hall Clocks, Gold Jardinieres, Mirrors, Consoles, Lounges, Dinner Gongs, and occasional Tables of every sort. The handsome mahog any Sewing Table shown here sells regularly for $27.50. It is 15x16 in. and 15x32 in., when- the leaves Furniture Bargains are extended. The upper drawer is equipped with sliding traj's. PRICED UNTIL CHRISTMAS - -31 $20 w Another timely barpaiu this week is a beautiful Colonial Library Table, solid mahogany, size 26x40 inches, a regular $32.50 value, for S25.00 i Kit Christmas Gifts DISTINCTIVE PIECES THAT COST NO MORE THAN THE COMMONPLACE KIND Easy Chairs and Davenports Every man likes an Easy Chair; every wo man wants and is proud of a good . Davenport. The finest and most lux urious upholstered fur- mture in uie wuno. ao made by Wm. Birch, Ltd., of London, and sold by us exclusively in Oregon. Just now we show a large line of Birch Chairs, in every size and style, as well as an enormous selection of pieces made by other manu facturers. You are sure to find a chair of any size or shape or. price, either in denims or upholstered to match your other furnishings. Willow Chairs, comfortable and artistic shapes, stained any color $7.50 to $25.00 Morris Chairs, $12 to $60 Easy Chair sin oak frames, plain and carved $10 to $120 Mahogany ChBirs, plain and carved, $15 to $95 Overstuffed Chairs, for $35 to $110 Birch Chairs, $65 to $195 Overstuffed D a v enports, . oak and mahogany Daven- ports, all prices. Complete stocks of Tapes tries, Velvets, Kep, Leath ers and other upholstery fabrics. BO IS HOCKED Earthquake Shakes Country From Ocean to Ocean. POPULACE PANIC STRICKEN Woman Crushed by Falling Walls. Wife of American Iles of Fright. .Mailrro laughs at Sight -of Terror of His People. MEXICO CITr. Dec. 1. Mexico was rocked from ocean to ocean and from Guanajuala. on the north, and the lath mus of Tehuantepec. on the south, by an e.irthqunke today. An ol.l woman was caught between the walla of a falling; house and ao badly Injured that aha may die. Mrs. rora Chenoweth. wife of an American dentist, la dead aa an Indirect result, of the earthquake. Fright cauaed an attack of heart trouble. Tha disturbance wu moat serereljr felt In the Stat of Guerrero, especially In Chilpazanso. A few flimsy bulld Inirs were thrown down. Tba quake cauaed a panic here. Hun dreds of peraona ruahed to the Zoacalo. where they ran almleaaly about or fell on their kneea in prayer. This was wat-hed by President Mi dero with much apparent enjoyment, for he stood at a window In the Na tional I'ala-e. tautening. He waa con ferring with two of hla Cabinet mero bera when the first ahix k was felt and apparently without fear he walked to the window overlooking the Zoacalo. where he remained until the tremors bad ceased. Telegraph and telephone wlrea were anapped an. I for a time thla city waa without light and elfctrU power, but aatde from the throwing; down of a few a-lobe wa.le, no aerious damasje was don... The first shock was felt at 12:40 and was continued for four seconds more than two minutes. The Instru ments rextstere.1 an oscillatory moTe mer.t from southwest to northeast. Two etht tremors, with most Im perceptible n-.oirrments, were noticed 4fter the m.nn ah.-k. ne occurred at 1.1 ami the other at t il o'clock. EXPLOSIONS WERE TIMED whuh have occurred in their 1, cslitl. s and nkms whether the esidrnre now In the hands of the Government might be available for county grand Jury Investigations. "It Is the duty of different Jurisdic tions to nsaist rach other In prosecut inar offenders." said Assistant District Attorney C arenre Nichols. "County ; rnwi'ui t In any state will not have nnv A fflculty tn obtainlna; from the drMl authorttiea evidence desired In Tir.coverirg persons who may have been implicated locally, but the evidence will be held by the Federal courta until ail proceedlnca In thla and ether dis tricts have been completed." Miss Nora Ilalley. former private sec retary of John J. MrNamara. who waa under Federal aurvul.ance at her home In Chicago for several days, spent more than an hour before the grand Jury this afternoon. Little Is known of the nature of her testimony, but aa the Government la known to be delving Into the cor respondence of the former secretary of the Ironworkers It la supposed she waa queatloned regarding money which waa apent during the period when num erous exploaiona occurred. Before en tering the grand Juryroom. Miss Halley was closeted with United States Dis trict Attorney Miller nearly an hour. Arthur Meyers, formerly a book keeper In the Ironworkers office, but not employed by the Westlnghouse company at Pittsburg, also testified today. LABOR LEADERS ARE SCMMOXED TvcUnioe and Johannsen Declare Innocence of Wrong. SAN FRANCISCO. Deo. 16. Olaf Tveltmoe. secretary-treasurer of the Stafe Building Tradea Council, and An tone Johannsen. an organiser for that organization, arrived in San Francisco today from the East. Both were served In Sacramento with subpenaa direct ing them to appear before the Federal grand Jury In Los Angeles. Johannsen went Immediately to his home In Corte Madera, where his daughter died recently. He aald that he would attend the funeral and then go to Los Angeles, leaving probably to morrow night. Tveltmoe said that he had bualneaa affairs that would necessitate his pres ence here for two or three days and that then he would go to the southern city. Beth men went East to attend labor conventions before the McNamaraa con fessed. Tveltmoe and Johannsen talked freely and declared they had nothing to fear from the Federal or state Inves tigation of the relations of labor lead ers to the dynamiting of the Times, -We will go Into court or before any Jury. Federal or local, and tell all we knew about this or any other matter, diut we know nothing that would In the least throw any light on that sit uation er any other In which violence has played a part." said Tveltmoe. "I never knew the McNamaras at all well. I never met J. B. and. although I had met J. J. at labor conventions and had a high regard for him always. I never had any social or business Inter course with Tilra and never met htm elsewhere. I was the most shocked man at the convention at Atlanta, when 1 I read the confession. I always thought they were Innocent. Let thorn go as far aa they like." said Johannsen. "They have nothing on us. and I have nothing to fear. I know nothing about Uie McNamaraa or about anytntng else connected with this case. I never met J. B.. but I met J. J. In tne county Jan in ios Angeles, and I was greatly surprised that they were guilty. I shall be glad to go to Los Angeles as soon as I bury my little girl. 1 shall tell everything I know freely and fully." Several labor leaders. headed by j Mayor McCarthy. Andrew Uallaaher, secretary 'i ;1e Council, and Frio B. Morton, aa-ent of the Mi. linen a union, greeted Tveltmoe and Johannsen upon their arrival at the Ferry building. Morton la a friend of David Caplan. on of the men sought by the authorities In connection with the Los Anareles dynamiting, and was a friend of "Scummy." another of thoae asserted to have been an accomplice of J. J. McNamara. PERMIT NOT YET ASKED HEARING WTXIi BE GIVEN ON COOS BAT BRIDGE. Haw ley Informed That War Depart ment Will Not Act Without Notice to People. OREGON! AN NEWS BUREAU. Wash. Ington. Dec 16. Representative Hawley today Inquired of the War Department whether the Southern Pacific Railroad had applied for per. mission to brldn Cooa Bay from the north Into North Bend, on the line of Its proposed extension to Marshfleld. but was informed that no such appli cation la on file. Inasmuch as the people of Coos Bay are divided as to the advisability of permitting this bridge to be built, the Army engineers assured Mr. Hawley that no permit would be granted until after a hearing at Coos Bay. at which all Interested persons could be heard. Mr. Hawley also Inquired whether further authority from Congresa would be necessary to secure an appropriation for repairing and raising the north Jetty at Coos Bay that has materially deteriorated of late. The engineers be lieve this could be done under the ap propriation for maintenance, if In the opinion of the local engineer It la es sential that these repairs be made. Mr. Hawley Is Informing the people of Coos Bay that they must secure a recommendation from the local engi neer's office before the Department can recommend an appropriation for thla purpose. Pofrtofflces Grade Raised. OREGON1AN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington. Dec. 16. The following fourth- class postofflces In Oregon will become Presidential offices on January 1. the salary of the Postmasters being fixed as Indicated: Carlton, iizuu; uresweu, $1000; Harrlaburg, 11000; Nyssa. 1100; Stayton, 1000; YamhllL 11100. Grants Pass Men Robbed. GRANTS PASS. Or, Dec. 18. (Spe cial.) Two bold robberies occurred tq- nlght. Ira Blnns and Lloyd Dyer, two postofflce employes, were held up near their homes by different persons. Blnns lost 26 and Dyer $18. The police have rounded up all hobos and are keeping V 1 . " Rodcer Awarded Gold Medal. NEW YORK. Dee. is. The Aero Club of America has awarded Its gold medal to C. P. Rodgera, In recognition of his transcontinental flight. Rent a used piano, Stelnway. flick ering. Maaon tt Hamlin. 13 per month. Kohler Chase. T Washington at. HEILIG THEATER TONIGHT E li W "T TT AND HIS 13 I ) YT COMPANY & M .11 'OF MEDIU MEDIUMS RELIABILITY OUR SUCCESS mm YEARS of conscientious endeavor to supply only the purest and fully matured Wines and Liquors has brought our stock up to the highest standard. OUR immense and ever-increasing volume of business enables us to sell our goods at popular prices. WINES and Liquors for your Holiday spread at notable reductions. Buy at headquarters. We guarantee our goods to give satisfaction. f Ports, Sherries, Angelica, Muscatel Claret, Reisling, at 75c Per Gallon And Up We Guarantee Them Pure Imported and Domestic Champagnes, Sparkling Burgundies, Sauternes, Rhine Wines. California Champagne in handsome baskets, y2 doz. in basket, an appropriate gift. Per basket, $4.75. A CHOICE LINE OF CIGARS IN HOLIDAY BOXES ORDER A CASE OF DELICIOUS RAINIER BEER The best brands of all STANDARD WHISKIES and IMPORTED LIQUORS. Send your friend in the country a box of liquid refreshments. Mail us your orders. Phone your orders. Prompt attention. Each customer will be presented with a handsome and useful present for the Holidays. Spirit Power in the Light London Open Light Seance . A table rises from 4 to 5 feet and floats in mid-air. Spirit hands and faces are plainly seen and recopnized by friends. A jniitar is played and passed aronnd the room by an invisible power. Flowers are" brought and passed to the audience by hands and plainly seen, and belLt are rang, harps are played and other tests of startling nature take place in the presence of these wonderful mediums. A Small Admission Will Be Charged to Defray Expenses BRUNN GO FIRST AND ALDER STS. PHONES: MAIN 2958, A 2958 IKS See Our Other Advertisement on Page 5, Section 2