The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 17, 1911, Page 8, Image 8

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Convicts Make Getawatf After
Theft, Write Governor
and Cross Border.
Francisco Roberto and Lonls. Mar
tines Thank Oregon's Executive
for Pardon and WlLh Liberty
' Theirs Sing System' PrrnJse.
FALEM. Or, Iec. It- (Special.)
Thanking Governor West for a full
pardon. praising the state of Oregon for
a parole which allowed them liberty
enough to get Into Southern California,
pull off a wholesale shoplifting- same
and eroae the Mexico line where West's
pardon became effective. Francisco
Koberto and luls Martinea. recently
paroled prisoners, who wera assured
a full pardon bs. Governor West If they
crossed the Mexican Una, waited until
they reached 8a n IMesro, entered Into
a fiesta of theft and skipped over the
line. sinalnK hallelujah to the Oregon
prison system.
Roberto and Martinea were sentenced
to the penitentiary for shoplifting In
Balem. being convicted as members of
a gang which had "lifted" hundreds
of dollars' worth of goods In Salem
stores after operating here for sev
eral weeks.
Serving past their minimum sentence
they were paroled on condition they
would return to their Mexican homes.
On the bottom of the parole of each.
Governor West wrote that they would
be granted a full pardva If they could
reach Mexico.
Awaiting their opportunity the two
men entered into wholesale shoplifting
in San Ulefto, according to -word re
ceived here their peculations there run
ning In amount far above the amount
of goods taken In Salem.
They then wrote to the Salem au
thorities that they had made enough
money to live In Mexico, thanked them
for the full pardon, and started for
the Mexican line, which. It Is believed,
by the time the letter arrived, they
bad already crossed.
Central "Willamette- Association Is
Organized at Albany.
ALBANY. Or.. Dec 1. (Special.)
To hold an annual poultry fair at this
city the Central Willamette Poultry As
sociation was organised here this after
noon. The association will Include the
poultrymen of Linn. Benton and Lin
coln counties and possibly other ad
Joining counties.
Kd Schoel. of Albany, was elected
president of the new association and
other officers were chosen as follows:
Vice-presidents. Gene Simpson, of Cor
vallls; Roy Warneld. of Alsea; 8. M.
Northrup. of Lebanon: W. K. Baker, of
Albany, and L. J. Gray, of Albany:
secretary. F. F. Beavers, of Albany: as
sistant secretary. C W. Vunk. of
Albany: treasurer. A. 8. - Hart,
of Albany: executive committee, M. D.
Hammel. L. 8. Mochel. It. L Hutchlns
and F. C. Dannals. all of Albany: A. A.
Hulburt, r.f Corvallls. and Charles Col
lins and Harvey Walker, of North Al
bany. Benton County.
It was decided to hold the first show
in December. WIS. Ed Schoel, of
Albany, who Is superintendent of the
poultry department of the Oregon State
Fair, was chosen superintendent of the
show and committees were named to
arrange premium lists and organise the
advance work for the show. Some of
the best poultry shows ever held In
the state were held In Albany a few
years sgo and the large number of
poultrymen In this part of the state
propose to revive this custom.
Spokane Girls Admit 'Hoodwinking
Customers In Penny Arcade.
SPOKANE. Wash, Dec. Is. (Spe
cial.) Marjory Harkness and Margaret
Bhtll. girl cashiers at the Penny Ar
cade, were responsible today for Com
missioner Hayden recommending to the
Council the revocation of the license
held by the place, and Its closing till
a hearing on the charges brought by
the girls couM be had.
The girls allege a systematic short
change game, and mule statements be
fore Commissioner Hayden and police
officers to the effect that It was an
understood part of the employment
that they should make the greater part
of their salaries by giving wrong
charge to every customer who would
"stand for it." They said, according to
Hayden'a complaint to the Council, that
they received a fixed salary of t a
week, but short-changed patrons to
make up about IS more each per week,
and In addition enough to provide a
rakeoff for the house besides the le
gitimate receipts.
T. il. Cooper, the proprietor, denies
the charge.
Seattle "Men Who Promoted Alaska
Bubble to Be Retried.
SEATTLE. Dec. If The Jury dis
agreed and was discharged today In
the case of .Arthur H. and Clarence A.
Moore, ofneers of the Alaska Invest
ment d Development Company, charged
with using the malls to defraud. The
final vote was to 4 for aonvlctlon.
Th case was S't for retrial in March.
The company has agencies In various
cities, promising employment to pur
chasers of stock. A larga number of
stockholders were sent to Nome.
Alaska, in 10. to work on tha com
pany's Eldorado mining ditch, and.
being nnable to get pay from the com
pany, they were stranded In the Far
North, with Winter coming on. Urgent
appeals caused the Vnlted States to
send a revenue cutter to take the pe-
ple away.
Pendleton Man Probably "Will Not
Be Allowed to Serve.
PENDLETON". Or, Dec. It (Spe
cial John Slebert. recently elected a
member of the City Council, is not a
cltlsen of the Vnlted States and prob
ably will therefore not be allowed to
take his seat. The status of his citizen
ship became known today when he ap
oeaxed at the office of the County
Clerk to apply for his final naturaliza
tion papers.
He filed his declaration to become a
citizen In 1684. but as he never com
pleted his naturalization, even the orig
inal declaration has become void and
he will be compelled to begin over
Claultanie Parent and Daughter
Have Double W edding.
CLATSKANI E, Or.. Dec IS. ( Spe
cial.) When Mrs. Christine KJellberg
and her daughter. Ellen, became en
iraged about the same time in Clats
kante, the Idea struck them both simul
taneously that a double wedding would
be really unique.
And so It was. The two women
traveled to Portland last Sunday and
the knnta which Joined Mrs. KJellberg
to M. E. Erlckson and Miss KJellberg
to Magnus Westlund were tied simulta
neously that afternoon In the parlors
of the New Perkins Hotel. Rev. J.
Richard Olson officiated.
Lime and Gypsum Works Trans
ferred to Pacific Company.
The purchase
Dec It. T Special.)
of the Lime and
J . r - .' - s . ' A
- sf ' , " . :
J - V A V . . Y- - ,.: r 1
I I --j . , , ... IMS1I.S1.W
INDEPENDENCE, Or.. Dec 1. (SpeclaL) James E. Elklns of
this city Is one, of the oldest pioneer settlers of Oregon. Be wu
h in CuIidoW County, Vs., June 1, 122. and Is a second-cousin of
Bettor E,WwvirK.nia He cam. ..M.h year,
old and across the plains to Oregon In 1845. In 184 Mr.,ElKlns too
Z sutltter-s claim where the town of Monmouth now stands. In
1849 he. went to California but soon returned to- Polk County ana
took up I donation land claim two and one-half miles south of Mon
mouth He built a little house- on it. and in May. 1861. he was rna-rrled
Jo Lucy Q. Zumwalt. He retired from the farm 25 years ago and has
lived tl independence since. His wife died five years ago and be
makes his home with bis daughter here.
Gypsum works, near Huntington, was
consummated today when 17 Instru
ments were filed with the Baker Coun
ty Clerk, conveying the property from
Charles E. Ladd and General Charles
F. Beebe to the Pacific Lime and Gyp
sum Company.
The articles of conveyance set the
consideration at II. but at the same
time a first mortgage. per cent gold
bond for $200,000 was recorded In fa
vor of the Commonwealth Trust
Loan Company, of New York. The fil
ing fees of JS1 was one of the largest
ever received by the Clerk.
Mrs. Katherine Messenger
Across Plains In 18M.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. Dec 1. (Spe
cial.) Mrs. Katherine Messenger, a
resident of Clark County for 6 years,
died at the home of her granddaughter.
,. '
Kalheriae Mesalager, Pie-
Beer, Dead la Vaaevaver.
Mrs. C M- Allen, last flight. Bhe wss
tearly 71 years old. She is survived
by three children. Mrs. Clara Smith.
Mrs. A. E. Knight and Albert's. Mes
senger, all of this city. Her husband
died nearly IS years The funeral
will be held from the First Methodist
Church tomorrow.
Mrs. Messenger came across tne
plains to Clark County In 1802. They
landed on t-auvles - Island, and two
years later took up a donation land
claim near Brush Prairie, where Mr.
Messenger died. He was a veteran of
tha Indian Wars of 1S55 and 185a.
When he was away fighting Indians,
Mrs. Messenger sought safety in the
blockhouse at Vancouver Barracks.
Vancouver Rates May Be Reduced.
VANCOUVER, Wash, Dec 1. P
claL J. A. H. Balrd. T. J. Craig. C. B.
Leake and C. J. McKenzle. represent
ing the Washington Surveying and Rat
ing Bureau of Seattle, have almost com
pleted new survey and new book of
rate, for the entire city tor ". ben
efit of th. lnsuranc. firms working
fn the. tate. Mr. Balrd and Mr. Craig
left for Seattle today but Mr. Leak,
and Mr. McKenzie will remain a few
days longer to complet. their tas
which may mean a reduction of ' from
t to 20 per cent in risks. The city ha.
recently put into operation 100 hy
drants and has let a contract for the
installation of an auto fire truck.
Rent a used piano, Stelnway. Chlck
erlng. Mason Hamlin. tS Per month.
Kobier Chase. JS Washington C
jr,,-- ; -
- .nA
- U-;tT. . J
Republican Nomination May
Take New Turn Despite
Sentiment, Is Belief.
Friends of Young Man, Once Candi
date for Governor, : Bay If Ho
Makes Race He Will Be Free
From Entangling Alliances.
WALLACE, Idaho, Dec 16. (Spe
cial.) North Idaho has no cinch on the
Republican nomination for a Governor
next year, albeit the general sentiment
of the big men of th. party have con
ceded It to this section of the state.
As a result of the exchange of opin
ion among th. leaders In Boise on Sep
tember 22, Judge Dunn probably held
the trophy in the palm of his hand
for several weeks. But he refused to
cinch the tribute. He let It pass by,
and voluntarily so, for he did not
want It.
Immediately upon his refusal to
make the race, several North Idaho
ambitious Republicans cam. to the sur
face to swell the list of aspirants.
County Assessor Dlefenbaugh. of Sand
point, being among these, whose an
nouncement, coupled with that of Clag
ston. and Taylor, makes three from
Bonner. Dlefenbaugh has an extended
acquaintance over the state. He is
Just retiring as the grand master Ma
son of the jurisdiction of Idaho, In
which capacity he has visited all parts
of tha state during the past Summef.
Nea Perce Baa Ambitions Oae.
Nei Perce County Is not without Its
Is your Stomach
weak digestion
poor bowels con
stipatedthe liver
Try Hostetter's Stomach Bitters at once
It will restore the appetite-perfect the digestion and assimuation -stimulate
the bowels-in fact, make you well again. It only needs a trial to con
vince you of its great merit Get a bottle today from any Druggist or Dealer.
You will also find it excellent in cases of Malaria, Fever and Ague.
ambitions. In that Tweedy, the Mayor
of Lewlston. who became piqued and
resigned. Is out for the Governorship,
and George Crumm, former Mayor and
State Senator from Lewlston. has been
seen as to bis entering the struggle.
While the former Is not taken seriously,
the latter is likely to stand with Judge
Dunn In refusing the distinction at this
time. Either Crumm or Dunn are of
Gubernatorial stature. That each wish
to choose their own time to lay their
claims before the people Is a matter of
their own business, but that either one
might easily make a successful race,
free from the other, la a most reason
able conclusion. Both are eminently
qualified for the place and both ar.
men of ability worth space in mem
orandum books of the fellows who are
keeping tab on men who probably have
political futures.
State Auditor Taylor appear, to have
some trouble getting started In the
race. He has a host of friends, es
pecially among the newspaper men, but
there is a lurking suspicion that be
cause Taylor has failed thus far to
make positive announcement of his
candidacy, he has dreams of sliding out
of it and again making- the race for
State Auditor.
This position Mr. Taylor has held
twice, although the added duties, made
by a change of the state constitution
at the last general election making him
a member of the State Land Board has
served to give him but on. term in
which to make a record with this im
portant feature of the position.
Clagstone Seeks Toga.
Paul Clagstone, of Clagstone, wants
the toga. It Is asserted by .his friends,
however, that If he makes the race it
will be free from any combination with
anyone, not even with ' the Saints of
the southeast, which constitute such a
solid compact and which organization
Is presumed to be out for a deal to
make Judge Alfred Budge, of Poca
tello, the nominee for Supreme Court
Judge. Clagstone has made some warm
friends in the state. True, he is little
known, his public adventures being
confined to one term as Speaker and a
losing race for the Governorship nom
ination a year ago. It la quite fair to
state that Clagstone is a bright young
man, probably older In both years and
experience than he looks, with one ex
cellent quality too often remiss In poli
ticians, and that is a decided tendency
to keep his word.
With Dunn and Crumm out of the
way and no positive candidate with
prcaWjie chances to win appearing on
the political horizon, two things have
happened during the past week: First,
the Mormons have reached out to the
north for another candidate, and sec
ond, another man from the 'south has
been urged to shy his castor into the
arena. These men are Judge Steele,
of Latah, and Edward H. Dewey, of
Canyon, (the County of Governors).
Judge Steele has long been Judge of
the Second Judicial District. In recent
elections he has been chosen without
opposition. He has. as all men of pos
itive parts, his opponents; but he has
strong friends and numbers of them.
His colloquy with Governor Hawley
Over the killing of Peter Mallack by
mob. In Idaho County,- versus the Indis
criminate pardoning of convicts from
the penitentiary, gave him a recent
prominence of state-wide scope.
Sagebrush Folk: Busy.
His strength In the north as a can
didate, however, would not have to be
considerable to win. If he becomes the
north-end support of the Budge-Supreme
Court scheme, . so anxiously
sought by the brethren of th. sage
brush plains. Seriously, the two things
which appear to halt progress in this
deal In the north of Idaho is the fear,
on the one hand, that the Mormons of
Salt Lake may have the conviction that
the' country is going Democratic and
decide, as is their system for more than
50 years, to land in with the majority;
and on the other, the close alliance
throughout the state, for more than 25
years past of the Budge control of
It is well remembered that the
Judge's father was a- distinguished
member of the State Senate in 1899,
and that he had been active in so-called
church Influence in Idaho politics. It
has not been the desire of the Mormons
to test their strength with the people
of the state, until a time more distant
from the season of the late unpleasant
ness In politics in the state, wherein
the Domocratio party for two cam
paigns became a pur. and simple anti
Mormon party.
This suggestion of a righteous fear
of aspiring politicians has no sort of
personal bearing on Judge Steele. It is
a general feeling which may have Its
bearing on any or all who have or may
aspire for the race, through overtures
to enter the Budge combination.
Ed. Dewey, of Nam pa. Is thought a
great deal of at -home. H. has been
1 ----- "-
Guitars ..
Music Bolls
Violin Cases
Music Stands
Violin Bows
Conductors' Batons
Regular $4.00, $5.00, $6.00. $7.00.
Your choice this week... $3.00
usic Co.
Ill Fourth St., Portland, Or.
Phones : Home, A 1433 ; Pac, 1433
Mail Orders Promptly Filled.
elected and re-elected Mayor of his
home town, where he Is the president
of the so-called Dewey line of road
extending from Murphy, In Owyhee
County, through Nampa and on to Em
mett In Canyon County. It la now pro
jected on into Lrfng Valley, In Boise
County, presumably headed for Pay
ette Lakes. Borne years since Mayor
Dewey served a term In the State Sen
ate from Owyhee County. ' aAAmA
All In all. the last week haa added
some considerable Interest to this
phase of Idaho politics.
Hood Klver Ranch Owner Hurt.
Hurt. i
:. (Spe- j
claL) News haa been received here of
nn automobile accident in umana,
In which Helga Swanson. the owner of
a department store in that city, was
probably fatally Injured, Mr. Swanson
U the owner of a Hood River ranch
and has passed several summer here.
Spokane School District Healthy.
OLTMPIA, Wash.. Deo. peclJ.
Th report of the Bureau of Inspec
tions shows the school district which
embraces the city sPnlL ?6?
total assessed valuation of &1-J'
694. The asset, of the
gate $3,615,498.51 and the """le
fis 976 87. The bonds outstanding
SINCE 1853
Is your system
run-down and
debilitated and
in need of a real
nisi the Tlik
The question of what to give for a Xmas present is
solved when you see our large and complete stock of
Holton Band
Violins . :. S1.50 and
Violin Outfits. . . .S3.00 and
.$2.50 and
.$3.00 and
.$5.00 and
Drums, $2.50, $3, $4, $5, $8, $10
Blow Accordions
Cellos "
Your Children Have
Musical Talent. Start
to develop it now.
Send for
Special Xmas
against the district total $1,986,500 and
the warrants against the general fund
2o9,475.87. The district haa an en-
Trusses Like These Are A Crime
Get Rid of Elastic Bands. Bprtorand VK
straps. Such Harness Ha Force4
Thousands tc Undergo Dan
serous Operations.
Trusses like those shown above the belt
and lea-strap, elastic and sprm
tlons-eold by drugstores, suri'cal tostra
mnTnouses and many self-styled -"H
rp"lall.W-mak. Uf. miserable for every
fcodv who wean them. .
"Ha sven when drawn m T" "
scarcely stand to keep them on-thr do
no aood whatever.
Instead, they often do Immense harrn
tew sa the rupture, often u.ln
"ransolatlon dlr Into th. plvlo -.'.
Jront-pre.. against th. sensitive spinal col
umn at the pack. -
The Plata Truth Is This.
nntnre as explained In cor free book
JSTreved or curl-ean-t even be
from growing worse-unless constantly
S!K hTTlaee. Just as a broken bon. can t
-fS tie part. ar. held securely
way a broken bone can be held the
JEXt ISd'f tros. is tb. only thing In the
world teat can keep a rupture from eomta.
"n,, . dUTerenee It will make when yon
'y.u'can'r that kind ef tro.
without risking a cent of your money..
M-s the lsmou. Cluth. Truss or Clothe
rr tru-ar -or. thaa
merely a devtcs lor holding the rupture In
plc""jHffrent from everything else for rup-
ihii" has recslved IS separate patents,
'houland. . H U as comfortable as
SE b.U,&ti. belt or springs oond
. mt. and no leg-straps nothing to
Vurh wlf. YqUe or bind. Belt -regulat-C
..U?aaJu.t?ngV It is held In position br
1D;iiiI?an!t shift or sup the onir ""
SUeTto let the rupture come out.
Try It 0 Days at Our Bisk.
w. have so muct faith In the Clathe
we have seen It work wonder, for so
mny other thst we want to make on.
Specially xor your cas. and let you wear It
"win "give yon AO days' time to test It
If it doein't kep your rapture from coming
out. when you e!r. working and at all other
fimei-Sf It doeen't put an end to the troubl.
ioTh.r.tofor. had with, your rupture
Phone Main 1934, A 1934.
if V
Old Hohhy
Broadway AAA
Cream Rye
Old Jug
Lewis "66"
Jas. E. Pepper
T. X Monarch
Etc., Etc
Mouth Harps
rollment of 18.911 pupils and the aver
age cost of operating the schools li
$47.05 a pupil each year.
If you don't get better right away then tha
truss won't cost you a cent.
How It Strengthens and Heals.
In addition to holding the rupture, tha
Cluthe Truss or cluthe Automatic kuu la
constantly giving a soothing, strengtheamgj
massage to the weak ruptured parts.
All automatically the massage goes on
all day long, all without any attention what
ever from you. ' .
This massage which strengthens Just as
exercise strengthens a weak arm ts so .re
markably beneficial so remarkably eurmttve
that in 199 cane, out ot every 200 rupture
begins to get better from th. day a Cluthe
Truss is put on.
The World's Greatest Book on Rupture.
Don't go on letting your rupture get worse
-don't spend a cent on account of your rup
ture until you get our book of advice which
two centa tor a stamp or a penny for a
postal will bring you. ...
This remarkable book cloth-Donna, sa
pages, 21 separate articles, and 18 photo
grachlo plotures took us over 40 years to
write took us that long to and out all the
facts we've put In It.
It explains the dangers of operations ana
why they don't always cure to stay cured.
Tells why for the protection of the public
drugstores should not be allowed to sell
trusses. .
Explains why belt, spring and elastle
trusses can do no good. Exposes the hum
bug "methods," "appliances." "plsstars.'
"And tells absolutely without misrepresen
tation all about the Cluthe Truss Just how
It holds how it gives the curing massage
how It Is water-proof how " ends an ex
pensehow you can get It on 60 days' trial
and gives names and addresses of over
4000 people who have tried it and want you
to know about It.
Write tor it today don't pot it olf this
book may be the means ot adding many
yean to your life and of restoring you to lull
strength and usefulness.
Just use the coupon, or simply say tn a
letter or postal. "Send me your book." In
writing ns; please give our box number as
j Bor 49 Cluthe Company
1X5 East ZSd St.. Kew York City.
' Send m. your Free Book on The Cure
of Rupture.
Street ...
Family Trade Solicited.
Importer Wholesale and Retail.
Free Delivery.
D. Carnegie Porter
Swedish Pnnsch
Absolute Branvin -Falu
Pomerans Branvin
Swedish Glogg
Swedish Malort
Norwegian Aquavit
Norwegian Beers
Danish Beers
Danish Aquavit .
Etc., Etc.
Bartlett Mineral Water.