The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 17, 1911, SECTION FOUR, Page 9, Image 59

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Every street is hard-surfaced all sewer,
gas and water connections are made through
the curb. The carline is completed to the
heart of the tract and Beaumont cars are
now furnishing regular Berries via Sandy
Road to and from the city
.,-ytgv--i.-i.i-, . -T- - "' ' . . i i.n. 'it.n i 11 i
A Vmf a fpw -mnnths asro
Cluster lights and water hydrants will
soon be installed. Rose bushes and shade
trees will be planted at once all lots will be
leveled and seeded "EVERY LOT A
LAWN." , a
Over sixty substantial homes already
stand where stood but a few months ago
only charred fir stumps and rank hazel
That Beaumont has hit the bullseye of
public favor is manifest by the record of
sales from month to month.
To Reach Beaumont Take Car Beaumont Land Company, Owners
Marked "BEAUMONT" at
Third, Alder and Second Streets Columbia Trust Company, Ground Floor Board of Trade Building
Some of the finest lots can still be ob
tained at original prices. Many large sites
with an absolutely unobstructed and un
equaled view' can be purchased at prices
that will surprise you. Easiest terms pos
sible. Liberal discount offered to builders.
Phones: Main 8900, A 1163
Tract Office at End of Beaumont
Carline, East 41st and the Alameda
of residences I
Oregon Farms Continue to
Draw Outside Capital.
Peal tor 730 Acre I Closed for
$80.000 Dufar Farm Brings
SSl.tlS C. T. PnUl Buys
Arreaoe for $ 1 7,500.
rwmiiid for farm Ian da and acreac
tracts In Oron waa brisk laat waek.
The Investment of Eastern capital la
lands Is one of the notable features -of
tfc realty situation. Several sub
stitntial farm drais were closed, tha
ronaMt-rations ranging from JIO.000 to
T h Itursjee. J. H. Moores and aa
aiM'lates t-.nvt purchased a farm of 7d
tcrri. ruin mlls southwest of The
l'l ti. f..r f'-".ioo. The buyers are
tlsxtrn men and eapect to plant the
entire tract u fruit trees as soon as
they can prepare the srround. The
trat-i is comttired una of the choicest
l-i Va;o I'ounly and the sale la be
lieved to mi-an much for the develop
ment of that section.
C. T. Pra".;. president of the Oregon
Association (or Highway Improvement,
and Interested In the farmlns; develop
ment of the eta-e. has taken title to a
tract of IK acres Ave west of
Grants Pass. The land was purchased
from U. K. Moses for tlT.ivd. Tbss farm
has i acres In hops. Two residences
make up part of the Improvements.
Realty transfers In Yamhill County
for November were much larger than
for tbs corresponding month of last
year. for this month a'.so were
bis;. Amonr thelmportant transfers
filed for record during; the past few
days are those nouns; the sale of the
Uroadmead farm, southwest of this
city, containing Slui) acres, sold to
Xinaesota and Portland parties for
IJid.OiJO; the additional purcliaa hy the
Tamhlil Development I'omeany at st
Jos at an outlay of tltfU.Ovt); Bergman
to Teret Brothers, of tit acres near
Lafayette for JJJ.OOO, and J oil leases
given on lands in this section to A. D.
Lord, and assigned to the Western Gas
power Company, a Delaware .cor
poration. Official announcement has been mads
that the Irrigation project for the (Sil
ver Lake country, as outlined and pro
moted by Henry Hewett. Jr.. will cost
13.000.000. The water will be taken
from Seven Creeks. Work on the proj
ect will be started at once. It Is an
nounced. It Is estimated that 100.000
acres will be reclaimed under this proj
ect. The estate of the late R. D. Hume,
recently purchased by Portland capital
ists, has passed Into the hands of the
new ownera It Is the Intention to es
tablish a settlement and sell a large
part of the estate In small
tracts to homeseekers. The land Ilea
along the lower part of the Rogue
River Valley.
The Charles F.aston ranch of tit
acres In the Goose Lake Valley. In Lake
County, has been purchased tor S10.000.
The farm was bought a few years ago
by atr. Easton for iZOCO.
The Q. A. Ehlen farm near Aurora,
which was sold recently to C C. Rush
ing for $11,000. has again changed
hands. The new owner Is L. W. Kent,
who paid 117.000 for the place. The
farm contains SO acres of fine land, of
which to acres ars cleared. Twelve
acres are In growing bops.
Fleming A Hidden, of Portland, have
completed the sale of Jl acres of or
chard land near Dufnr. the considera
tion being til. Sit. The purchasers are
capitalists of Elkhart. Ind.. and Rock
Island. 11 . who plan to plant the tract
to apple trees next Spring. The pur
pose of the new owners Is to develop
the land In live and 10-acre tracts and
sell the property to Eastern people.
The farm Is one of the choice places
in Mount Hood Valley and la a part of
the Johnson A Vanderpool farm pur
chased by Fleming Hidden a few
months ago. This firm has sold about
4)0rt acres In ths Dufnr district this
w Orleans Man J3ue Home.
W. O. Irwin, a wealthy resident of
New Orleans, who recently cams to
Portland, bought laat week a beauti
ful home through Guy A Miller,
located at 45J East Twenty-third street.
North. In the Irvington district, from
C H. Pape. Ths purchase prtra was
ITJJtf. Sir. Erwln left for New Orleans
at once to close up his business to re
turn to Portland to make his home.
Mr. Irwin was so Impressed with
Portland while on a visit that he con
cluded to become a permanent resident.
eiG si
Annual Payroll In Columbia
County Is $2,000,000.
Distribution of Wage la Factor In
Development of District Settle
ment of Holbrook Hold
ing Is FYatare.
One of ths counties In Oregon that
has been making marked progress Is
Columbia County. It Is on of ths prin
cipal lumber manufacturing counties in
the state. In addition to the lumber
mills there are several large logging
plants which supply mills at Portland.
It Is estimated that with the ten go
ing aoncerna, nearly 12.000.000 Is paid
annually to wage earners In this
county. Among the concerns which are
operating extensively in Columbia
County are the St. Helens Mill Com
pany, the peninsula Lumber Company,
the Clark-Wllsun Company, the Benson
Company, the Chapman Timber Com
pany, the X K. Logging Company, the
Portland Lumber Company, the Rainier
Lumber Shingle Company, the Pat
terson Lumber Company, ths Columbia
River Door Company, the Preecott mill
and other smaller concerns. Over one
fourth of the total wage dividend is
paid by the mills In ths county.
With this Immense sum distributed
throughout the county every year by
ens industry alone, it is pointed out.
that there are few sections In ths stats
which havs greater possibilities for
growth and land development. Every
year large areas of land are being
logged off but until a comparative re
cent date no concerted efforts were
made to reclaim the logged-oft lands.
Ths pioneer land development company
In the stump land district Is F. B. Hol
brook Co.. of Portland, which during
the past year has Improved a large
tract for settlement. The property Is
known as Columbia Acres. Within the
past few weeks about 30 families have
taken up homes on the property and
are now getting their tracts ready for
The char-plttlng process of land
clearing Introduced by Mr. Holbrook
has proved to be an Important factor
In ths development of the district. By
this process It is possible for a settler
to clear his tract unassisted and at the
lowest minimum cost.
"By offering the tracts at low prices
and attractive terms, we have been ex
ceedingly successful in getting a good
and Industrious class of people to set
tle on our lands." said Mr. Holbrook.
"The property Is well located as to
transportation facilities. The soli Is
especially fertile and Is well adapted to
fruitgrowing and diversified farming.
With the quality of the land and the
prevailing low prices. Columbia County
offers as attractive opportunities to set
tlers and homebullders aa any section
in the state.
"One of the greatest boons to Colum
bia County and every section of the
timbered area of .Western Oregon Is the
char-plttlng method of land clearing
This has been demonstrated a practical
success and several times cheaper and
more satisfactory than the old methods
of land clearing. When ths advantages
of this process are better understood It
will not be many years before thou
sands of acres of rich land In the west
ern part of the state will have been re
claimed and placed In a high state of
cultivation at nominal expense.
Demand for Acreage and City Prop
erty Continues Brisk.
Deals Involving a total of more than
$75,000 were closed last week by Ward
A Tounger. The US-acre country place
of W. F. O. Thacher, six miles north
east of Vancouver, was purchased by
W. F. Scbiller Of Canby. for 125,000.
Mr. Thacher taking as part payment
Mr. 8chuller's gsneral merchandise
store at Can by.
The Peer Hotel Company sold its
leasehold and fixtures In the four-story
hotel at East Third and East Burnslde.
streets to W. F. G. Thacher. The com
pany took aa payment four five-acre
tracts in Sunset Acres, near Vancouver,
the total, consideration being $23,000.
W. H. Giles purchased a five-acre
tract in Sunset Acres, at $575 an acre.
J. Corl exchaged a garage building at
Forest Grove for two acres In Northup
Acres, near Capitol iiill, the consider
ation for the two properties being
Fred Lorenx purchased a well-improved
10-acre tract near Orchards,
Clark County, Wash, for $8500. and will
take possession at once. Mr. Lorenx
sold his home on East Twenty-sixth
street In Irvlngton, for $8500, to W. T.
G. Thacher.
Project of Improving; Vestover Ter
races Well Under Way.
Since work was started by ths Lewis.
Wylla Construction Company at West
over Terraces In April. 1910, the por
tion of the hills that has been removed
is represented by 1.750.000 cubic yards
of earth. This Is included In the first
section of T5 building sites, upon which
100 men have been employed the past
five weeks In adding the landscape
features, trimming the slopes and set
ting out shrubbery. Gravel driveways
have been formed and temporary side
walks laid In advance of the requlrj
ments of purchasers who are planning
to begin construction
early in the Spring.
Petitions have been filed with City
Council for the hard-surfacing of the
streets, laying of concrete sidewalks,
sewers, water and gas mains. Much of
the improvement work will be com.
pleted. It Is expected, this Winter.
Mil ankle Hotel to Rise.
Teller Ostbye were awarded the
contract for a two-story frame hotel
building to be erected in Mllwaukie On
the corner of Front and Mllwaukie
streets for Isaao Gratton. The hotel
will be 60x75 feet in slxe, with a ce
ment basement. The cost will be $15,
000. The first floor will contain a
large lobby, a bllllard-room, dining
room, barber shop, cafe and liquor
store. In the basement will be locat
ed the kitchen and heating plant Rob
ert Oilrtin was awarded the contract
for the heating plant and J. "W. Hart
the contract for the plumbing. It will
be the first modern hotel erected In
Mllwaukie. John G. 'Wilson, architect
drew the plans for the building.
Warehouse Site Brings $10,000.
George A. Brown yesterday purchased
from W. M. and H. L. Martxall the
northeast corner lot at Seventh and
Raleigh streets for $10,000 cash. The
lot Is 68 by 100 feet in size, and Is oc
cupied by three cottages. The buildings
will be removed after January 1 and
construction will be started sn a four
story fireproof warehouse. The sale of
the property was negotiated by D. Park
er Bryon. -
Rent a used piano, Stelnwar, Chick
erlng. Mason & Hamlin, $3 per month.
Kohler & Chase, 875 Washington st.
r S
Castiron, whitfe enamel. 3-inch roll
rim Bathtub, priced O CA
here only pis.OU
Castiron white
enamel Sink. . .
We are positively the only independent Plumping Supply House in Ssass3g0
Portland. We sell to all at wholesale prices and all our goods are .BOILER
guaranteed absolutely new. We can save you money and our prices
Positively defy competition. Contracts taken for all kinds of plumb- 5j5.&
fng work. All work and material guaranteed to pass city inspection. t
flOSO. Fighting the Trust
Buy yonr plumbing supplies from us, as
we positively can save you money.